I had a leghorn . Best chicken I ever had. A raccoon broke into my coop and it sacrificed itself to save the flock. It went at the raccoon to block the other hens (caught on camera ) . The raccoon ended up killing it . It was one of the friendliest hens I’ve ever had too.
Leghorns are great birds but are known for being flighty, give her that. As a fellow chicken owner and the owner of 2 pet coons I'm sorry. My RIR hates my 2 girls and they are scared to death of him. He respects me because I hand raised him. He has 2 inch spurs and I leave them on him because he is the last defense of my flock.
I have one 7 hens and one rooster. The 1 leghorn hen that we have is our favorite. She started laying first and is very consistent. She is also the friendliest of all our birds. I'm not meaning to be contrary, it's just that my experience is different.
God it's so bittersweet when the good ones go like that 🥺 proud of them for being a hero but wishing they weren't gone. sorry you lost a good hen that way.
I had 12 I went on a business trip and came back and everyone plus several more of my flock were killed. I'm so depressed. Hubby took me out to buy more but I didn't get more Rhode Islands. I'll be getting some in a bit from a neighbor.
Thought I'd share a cute story about my Rhode Island Red roo named Cluckles. This was back around 2014-2016, but it feels just like yesterday and I hold a lot of fond memories of him. Cluckles was a beefy tank of a roo, but very gentle at heart. It was my first time raising a flock, but he was the absolute sweetest roo I could have ever asked for. He would accompany me when I sat and read books, he'd come when I called him, and he never crowed. (Goodness I miss him a lot) What made Cluckles quirky though was that sometimes I'd find him in the brooder box caring for the eggs, I'd never seen a roo be so much more caring about the eggs than our hens! The other quirk was that he was a bit of a messy pooper, so I'd have to bathe him once a week. Cluckles would know it was bath time, we'd wash him and he'd just sit in the warm water till we were done. We'd pick him up and bring him inside and use a hair dryer, but even though it was quite loud he'd just stand there till we finished and then he'd walk out the door to wander about. My sister would paint his nails bright pink, he's walk around the house in a diaper and bowtie, it was quite a site to see! He was even leash trained and we'd take walks to a near by park. Hope this brings a bit of a smile! - Cluckles, his hen Betty(RIR also), and another hen named Peep (a leghorn) passed away due to a predator attack during the summer of '16 and were buried under a lemon tree.
WarHawk this was so sweet, i love my hen Halo. She’s also a leghorn.. Very fun to watch comes inside sometimes to get cheese, responds by a snap and lets my pet her sometimes my other to chickens are very sweet (Spring and Beauty) Spring a Silver laced Wyandotte Beauty Australorp i love them no matter the timidity I’m sorry for your loss, i hope to keep my friend chickens for a long while and have a nice resting place for my companions, Very sweet, I attempted to walk halo but ill wait til my others grow more considering she doesnt like the lead. Thanks for reading! ~J
I have a cute hen named Wafers and she is verry sweet and gentle. Wafers doesnt scream when i catch her like others and I can command her to stay in every coop i want. And she is 2 years old. Red with some black ornaments and a black tail. Common hen. The sweetest
I love my RIR as well. She has this glamour feather and friendly to human. She always comes to me when I call her, when I sitting down, she walks around me. And she is very quiet, does not make noise at all. And she is very fun to watch as she likes to play with the pigeons and other birds. She has not start to lay yet, but I heard she is a very good egg layer too. So hopefully my message also brings some smiles to this breed.
I took care of a friend's flock of chickens a few times - a mixed flock of Barred Rock, Coronation Sussex, Ameraucana, Olive Eggers and one Buff Orpington...the Buff Orpington was the only one that had any real personality. She would come up to me, look me in the eyes and step up onto my feet and let me pick her up. She was so, so sweet... I definitely want a few in my flock once I have one.🥰🐔
I have three Buff Orpingtons, just came in from visiting them. I also have three Light Brahmas. They are also sweet. I've had mean girls but love these, they are never mean to each other. They love to chat. LOL
I have a buff brahma and shes my baby. Shes bigger than any of my chickens, but shes my little baby. Shes scared of pretty much everything, and her sister who is smaller than her will peck on her, but she will panic when shes not with her. She likes to sit in my hammock and snuggle with me. Actually, her sister is half brahma half black australorp, and shes more aggressive to the other chickens. Shes been more cuddly lately, and she hasnt been as good as an egg layer as my buff brahma. 🤷🏻♀️
Aw, I used to have a barred rock called Oreo and she was the friendliest in my flock. She wasn’t scared to put up a fight though with other animals that she wasn’t used to but last year she was killed trying to fight off a mink to protect her flock. I was devastated she used to eat out of my hands and she was very smart, friendly and brave, rest in peace Oreo 🤍🖤
My family has been raising australorps for over 30 years and I've been showing poultry for over a decade. I whole heartedly agree with everything you've said about all of those breeds. I always bring an australorp as an ambassador to the fairs, one of my hen has had thousands of people pet her. I appreciate this video!
I had an australorp hen and a white rock banty hen.they were best friends and sat nests together raised many many chicks that way and four ducklings! LOL!
We have one Australorp hen and she is by far them family favorite!! She’s friendly, calm, and a great layer!! I hope to have a flock of them when I need to retire my current girls. Shes 5 and still a laying champ!
My barred rock is my top bird. She is so sweet and my baby. Juat thought id give a little good note on them. I hand raised her though so she got a lot of one on one time.
I raised Leghornes and I agree however, a few of my hens became “house trained” and were able to come inside and perch and watched TV with us LOL. I guess I was lucky.
I bought a Buff Orpington last Spring. I regret it every day. It forced me to buy another 4 this season because it was so "cute." Now I have 11 chickens, 6 from other breeds. I really just don't have the time but I make it work.
@Anonymous I asked my pitbull to save me from him she just looked at me like 'what?' stood between me and him ,he respected her but not me, nope, nope, nope.
I haven’t had my Rhode Island Reds for very long but I absolutely love their personalities! They love to be carried around. They’re still babies so I’m hoping that they don’t become egg bound and die...
I really think it depends on the bird and how it was raised. The sweetest rooster i've ever owned was a white leghorn. He would follow you around everywhere and loved to be pet. On the other hand, i've had a really nasty cochin rooster. I've had overall good experiences with barred rocks, and bad experiences with rhode islands. It's really difficult to pinpoint a specific trait on a chicken breed in my opinion, but there are certainly general traits that can apply to the breed.
Might also depends on what lines are available in your region, some areas may have better lines of certain breeds than others. Would partially explain why some people consistently have better luck with some breeds than others
I agree with the Rhode Island Reds being aggressive, but my experience with the Barred Rocks differs from yours. My Barred Rocks are the most easy going Hens and Roosters, My cats often get in the pen and sleep with them. Of all the chickens I have raised they have been my all time favorites
Same here , never a problem with my roosters or hens , in fact i have 2 young cockerels now and another one coming next month , the one's iv'e had in the past were even friendly with roosters of other breeds , iv'e had up too 6 roosters at a time and they all got along fine , but as soon as i got a RIR roo he became aggressive and nearly killed my barred rock , so i had to get rid of him fast....
Any Rhode island I've ever owned was mean hen and roo. I own barred rocks and they are 1 of my most favored breed. I don't like the look of white leghorn but I'm ok with brown
The barred rock is one of the friendliest breeds. Mine love being petted and held. They follow you like a dog. I have never heard or read anything different about there behavior from how mine are. My buff Orpingtons are major bullies in the flock, but are beautiful.
Half my hen flock are Barred Rocks (the other half are Easter Eggers). Their personalities range from gentle to mean. Omelette eats from my hand, Rocky used to love her evening pettings, and now Rock wants evening pettings. Rocky broke her foot last year and I had to isolate her because the other Rocks were trying to murder her by pecking a hole in her head (I was able to see her skull). Everything else she says is spot on. My sole Rhode Island Red rooster is as mean as a junkyard dog and about as smart as a doorknob.
@@WanderingYankee we had a mean RIR rooster. Then hens were sweet but that rooster eventually met his match with a 12 gauge shotgun cause he got so mean.
my white leghorn rooster is a nasty mean guy, when you bring the food to him he waits for you to put your hand down and then bites you. he loves biting people. but he's really scared. He's gigantic and always towering over my hens. (my hens are rhode island reds) He's a great protector though. Once, a bobcat was climbing our fence and he started making these noises and alerted us. (he was protecting the hens also) All of them were safe :) Still love him though ❤️
Thanks for the tips, but in my experience, I find that if you spend enough time with your flock and pick them up here and there , they trust you and create that bond, with any breed. But I know that all breeds have different personalities.
I think that a flock with plenty of room to run around and an abundance of food/water don't usually bully. Happy tummies don't fight unless it's Roos at mating time.
Hello Becky , I live in AZ I am thinking about maybe ? getting chickens I have a few questions , first I have about 96 SQ ft plus I can make a small run how many chickens will work and not be crowed if you do not know about it's gets 110 -- 120 in summer the coop will be covered not the run I was told I need a small pool so they can get it to cool off , those 3 bags of mix you put in that barrel and mix up dose that go in that feeder that's hangs with the water, I like brown eggs other than the Road Island Reds is there a other breed that gives you brown eggs, do you just throw those oysters shells in there run area and if so if there's to much of that will it hurt them ? , how many nesting box's do I need for the amount of checkens, thank for you thoughts on this Gary from AZ. P. S. we do have a tractor supply by us here
We started out with 5 Rhode Island Reds 5 Buff Orrington 5 Barred Rock 5 Silver Laced Wyandotte We decided we wanted a bit more variety and have since added: 3 Black Australorp 3 White Leghorn 3 Black Jersey Giants 2 Ducks 3 Americanas 2 Starlight Green Layers 2 Golden Commets 4 Easter Eggers 2 Columbian Wyandotte 2 Blue Australorp One of my favorites is a Rhode Island Red she will come right up to you. The only one we know is a rooster is a Silver Laced Wyandotte and he seems nice enough so far but he's still young.
Also wanted to add my #1 best overall pick is the Austrolorp. Sturdy, good natured, and consistent layers have been my experience through the years and buying through 2 different feed stores.
My Black Australorp was amazing as well. I only had one in the flock, but she was a great egg layer, and had an easy going personality. I lost her after a coyote attack yesterday and this video made me want to praise the australorp as an amazing breed. One of the best hens I've ever had for sure.
I had 7 leghorns and I couldn't keep them in the run. 40 birds in a fenced run about 1/5 of an acre. Always over the fence and over 2 years every single one of them got taken by foxes and coyotes. Never lost a bird since and my barred rocks keep in the run. Leghorns are spunky little hens and I always enjoyed watching them and they loved people but have no common sense.
My family raised Rhode Island Reds when my brother took them on as a 4H project and we had them for many years and they were very sweet and we had one rooster and my mama named him Harvey. The chickens were great egg layers and we never had any aggression from any of them.
Funny how different everyone’s experiences are. My barred rocks are so sweet and timid but my orpingtons are on my sh*t list. They are so mean and dominate! My favorite are hands down my ameraucana’s. They have the funniest personalities and act more like dogs than chickens. They’re also very beautiful!
They’re all individuals, aren’t they? I have one Orpington hen called Brenda who is so friendly and talkative she’s almost human (but way better!) and another called Bobby who is a really feisty prima Donna but still adorable.
I agree with you about Barred Rocks and RI Reds, same problems and With the Rocks the hens I have had turn out always to be egg eaters, now I won't have them either breed and any other color of those breeds.
I have to agree with you 100% but I'd like to add the Brahma breed I absolutely love my buff Brahma "Hiedi" she has been the best egg layer sweetest temperament and the best mama hen ever and bonus she's so quiet as is her mate he's not much of a crower lol he never attacks he is a light Brahma his name is chantecler!
Yes it is!!! It makes life that much easier lol love you by the way big fan you And your family have inspired me and my folks so much!!! Were getting ready to move outta state of California and into Idaho in the rural area! Can't wait!!! Tell your son hi!!!!!
I had a black austrlope chicken and it died from a dust storm and having her was the best decision of my life she was so soft and sweet and cute and not loud, to bad I can’t get another one her name was Oreo 🥺💙
We have a barred rock rooster who showed up (either wandered in from the woods or was dropped off at our driveway by someone) and he's literally the sweetest rooster towards our hens I've ever had. I wouldn't necessarily have chosen this breed to accompany our mixed flock but we hope his kids take after him in temperament. Its amazing how even though there are noticeable trends in behavior from one breed or line to the next, all these little dinosaurs are individuals!
I have a Barred Rock named Artemis and she does nothing but care for the others. When one of our other chickens had a broken leg she would help her scratch dirt for insects. I do not agree with that placement.
I just bought a baby black austalorp, buff orp, and RIR so I’m looking forward to watching them grow. The meanest chickens that I ever owned were Cuckoo Marans…they were friendly as pullets but once they started laying they were constantly broody, growled at me and my family and pecked at the rest of our flock continuously to the point of needing a day of the bully blinders . We ended up rehoming them with neighbors who free ranged with a larger flock and one of the Maran hens beat up their rooster😳
My road island red rooster is so tame. I love on him constantly and he loves to be carried around while I work in the yard. But I have encountered some that are really really mean.
I have all 5 breeds that she talked about. My barred rocks are awesome and friendly girls. Also, my leghorns will allow me to pick them up, but they are a higher energy breed than some others for sure. I’ve raised them all from chicks so maybe that’s why they are more friendly to me.
My Rhode Island Reds were so sweet! They loved being held but were constantly picked on by our Buff Orpingtons… We named our RIR rooster Banjo and he would run up to people and try to get attention. He used to fly up onto my sister’s chest because she was his favorite person lol
We had Australorps, Wyandottes and Sussex when I was a kid. I now have chickens myself and went with the Sussex because they are wonderfully calm, excellent at foraging and handle Norwegian winters very well. They also lay throughout the colder months which is a huge plus.
I have one Rhode Island red she's the sweetest of all my chickens and the tamest I love her Soo much my best chicken she runs up to me and follows me ...
Wow...everyone's experience with these breeds are sooooo different. My RR Rooster is so friendly and even follows me around. My Barred rocks are sweeties, they are calm and very friendly.
Mine too , iv'e had several BR roos's and never had one problem with aggression towards the hens or my kids , like any animal you have too handle them when they're young and you won't have a problem..
@@carmenpeters728 All the one's I've had are , I actually have another one coming on June 1rst , along with a salmon faverolle rooster because I've heard they are very timid and friendly and don't crow a lot. But like I've said about the barred roosters , as long as you handle them when their chicks they are very friendly , and they are also pretty quiet. I just had 2 that I got as backups from TSC because I ordered a bunch from Murray Mc Murray and didn't know if they were still shipping because of the virus , so I ended up placing them to a new home , they were a couple months old and already were coming up to me and acting friendly. My personal experience has always been positive with the barred rock roo's....
Our barred rock hens absolutely hated the long tail feathers of my Yokohama roosters. While they liked the roo’s services and made unique offspring the roo’s were always walking around with a bloody stump for a tail. It was kinda funny hearing them yelp and jump when the rocks plucked their feathers though.
Hi Becky! Currently a have in my flock 1 year old chickens; 1 Leghorn, 1 year old Rhode island red, and my new chickens ; 2 black australorps (8 month old). My 4 birds are in my cottage. Do you think it’s a good match? it's about 1 week that i have my australorps. It was crazy for the first 3 days and now it look ok but my 2 australorps seems to stay up and my 2 old hens stay down.
I just raised baby buffs so we will see how they turn out. I have 2 gold laced Wyandottes that are more curious than friendly. The other two new ones for this year are called mystic onyx. So far they don't seem to be the smartest.
I had a barred rock and she was the sweetest hen in the flock, got along great with other hens and people. We kept her as a companion chicken long after she started laying since she was so sweet. I think in some cases it comes down to the individual's personality and how much human interaction they get growing up.
I do not like leghorns, never had barred rock, I am not a fan of Rhode Island Reds, and I was spurred by a red rooster.Buff Orpinton Roosters are very large and very gentle.
what we describe as flighty may well just be scared, not confident intheir enviroment their handler, just handle them get around them feed them treats give them a chance to calm dow and they do.
My oldest hen is a black australorp...shes my absolute favorite. I cant really hold her unless I catch her but man...shes clever and I dont even care if she lays eggs!! I just love her.
I’ve had all these breeds and have never had any problems with them. My experience with Black Australorps has been very different though. The hens are o.k., but the two most aggressive roosters I’ve ever had were both Black Australorps. One would make a point of running out to attack anything and anyone that moved. The other was much sneakier - he’d come out of nowhere and next thing you knew you were bleeding profusely. I agree that the Buff Orps are a nice bird, and leghorns are flighty little things. I like also like Wyandottes, Amercaunas, RI Reds, and just got my first Light Brahmas. The Brahmas are only @ month old, but so far they seem to be very friendly.
Isn’t that funny? I had the worst experience ever with Speckled Sussexes - mean, broody and egg bound. I would never get them again. But I’m sure everyone’s experience is different.
@@romanceontherocks I agree with you, all breeds that have a strong broody instinct can be very mean. I had good luck with mine, but the Sussex Rooster was awful! However, at the time I had him I was a nubie and was nervous around him. Today I have several Sussex Roosters and other breed Roosters and I don't have a problem with them at all.
I was about to say she’s starting drama when she talked about my darling RIRs. Our girls will sit when they see us walking towards them to wait on us to pick them up. When she kicked over to say it’s health problems I calmed down a bit.
I love buff Orpingtons! I'm going to get a bunch more next year, I bought austrawhite this year, cross of a black australorp and a white leg horn, curious to see how to mature. But next year I'm going to get buff orpingtons and locally a place sells lavender orpingtons, so I think I'll have to get probably 2 of those just to have em!
It's been my experience that animals adapt to their environment. Barred Rock are a favorite of mine. My number one on my NO list is the Rhode Island Reds which seems to be a favorite for many folks. My favorite breed are the Light Brahma. Great conversation.
I dont understand barred rock are known for being a good tempered friendly chickens they've been around for a good while. Its a breed standard for them to be good natured. Barred rock makes up half of my flock super sweet hens with people and each other and my big barred rock roo is a gentle giant. My cookoo marans are very mean to each other tho and my lavender Orpington rooster on the other hand is very aggressive also
I agree that leghorhorns are flighty but I absolutely love my Rhode Island reds and my bar rocks that I've had over the years. But I have also noticed over the years that it totally depends on where you get your chickens as to what the personality is like. Do an experiment, get yourself the same breed but from different hatchery's. And see what you think. Their personalities will all be different I bet. I've learned which store in my town has the best chickens of the different breeds.
I love my leghorn, shes one of my best friends i taught her to come by a snap shes sweet and lays an egg a day and i personally think that she can be bite but shes very funny to watch very smart and loves cheese .. Love Halo the Leghorn,
As a kid we were allowed to have pet chickens from a local hatchery..they would give us free babies, which were always leghorn roosters! they followed us kids around and would sit on our laps anytime we sat down we had a chicken in our laps! wonderful wonderful friends they were! would even follow us down the road if allowed to!
My Rhode Island Red hen, Foxy, just passed a few weeks ago. She took a while to accept new chickens, and was definitely top chicken, but she turned out to be wonderful. She came from a place where she didn't have a name and she wasn't loved. She was very flighty at first, but I worked with her every day and eventually, she trusted me enough to become a lap chicken.
I’d say that the Rhode Island Reds getting egg bound just depends on the strain that you buy them from. I had some from cackle hatchery that did great for many years
@Hope I agree... I do change my mind from day to day with mine! I have a variety of breeds and sizes. My "Roo Paul" { Sebright Bantam } is by far my meanest and feistiest chicken I have. He looks to be a little wimp but he gets the bigger roosters running..
One thing I've heard is the temperaments of chickens breeds can vary from hatchery to hatchery, It is helpful to go read reviews when purchasing types of chicks based on their general personality.
Thank you for explaining this. I am getting my kids chickens. I researched friendly breeds of chickens and the 3 your mention have a bad rep. I think it also depends on how you raise them when they are little. But the nice chickens you mention I've never known that and will be our next picks. Thank you for teaching us.
I had five roosters at one time: 1 Rhode Island, 3 Black Australorps, 1 Ancona, and not one was mean. They all knew their pecking order in the pen and were kind to people. My sweet heart was a Barred Rock hen, who was like a pet dog. Great animals.
I have 3 White Leghorns and adore them. They are so curious and the 1st hens to come and sit with me, they love being hand fed and come running across every time I to out. They are great at gardening too and will but don't be right in there with every turn of the soil. 1 even sits on my shoulder! Totally appreciate my girls are spoiled rotten, are part of a small flock so are very much individual personalities - they do like attention. Love your videos Becky.
My buff Orpington, Blondie, is so amazing!! She is a model for my photo shoots and loves to inspect me like a policeman haha. My barred rock is everything you said: mean mean mean!
OK, makes sense, mine are skiddish and think I'm trying to kill them all (They do like the hawaiian rolls I give as a treat though). They're at 12 weeks.
I have 10 barred rocks they follow me around everywhere and are so friendly. My grandkids play with them and just pick them up and walk around with them. I also get alot of eggs a day from them.
When you own all 3 of her worst breeds lmao
@@MDT7280 you should be happy with the comets. Good layers
At least I ain't the only one except the one red is the sweetest girl I have shes like a neighbor hood cat goes and sees all the neighbors
@@alexwasko8069 that's so sweet ☺
That’s Me too 😂😂😂
I had a leghorn . Best chicken I ever had. A raccoon broke into my coop and it sacrificed itself to save the flock. It went at the raccoon to block the other hens (caught on camera ) . The raccoon ended up killing it . It was one of the friendliest hens I’ve ever had too.
Aww what a sweetheart
Leghorns are great birds but are known for being flighty, give her that.
As a fellow chicken owner and the owner of 2 pet coons I'm sorry. My RIR hates my 2 girls and they are scared to death of him. He respects me because I hand raised him. He has 2 inch spurs and I leave them on him because he is the last defense of my flock.
I have one 7 hens and one rooster. The 1 leghorn hen that we have is our favorite. She started laying first and is very consistent. She is also the friendliest of all our birds. I'm not meaning to be contrary, it's just that my experience is different.
God it's so bittersweet when the good ones go like that 🥺 proud of them for being a hero but wishing they weren't gone. sorry you lost a good hen that way.
Not all heroes wear capes!
I loved my black Australorp. She outlived all my other chickens and became my best friend. She was the sweetest thing ever and she lived for 7 years.
I have two blue ones and I love them
Then u ate it?
My son adores our Australorps.. always holding them and petting them. Super beautiful and splendid chickens
We have a black austrolorp named Bertha
My favorite hen was a Rhode island Red, she was so curious, and smart and followed me all over the place. I really miss her.
My favorite too
our Reds are also most friendly, followed by the rocks lol
Our red ones are very friendly and followed me and waiting for us when we are coming home
I had 12 I went on a business trip and came back and everyone plus several more of my flock were killed. I'm so depressed.
Hubby took me out to buy more but I didn't get more Rhode Islands. I'll be getting some in a bit from a neighbor.
Honestly this was the silliest video i have ever seen in my life
Thought I'd share a cute story about my Rhode Island Red roo named Cluckles. This was back around 2014-2016, but it feels just like yesterday and I hold a lot of fond memories of him. Cluckles was a beefy tank of a roo, but very gentle at heart. It was my first time raising a flock, but he was the absolute sweetest roo I could have ever asked for. He would accompany me when I sat and read books, he'd come when I called him, and he never crowed. (Goodness I miss him a lot) What made Cluckles quirky though was that sometimes I'd find him in the brooder box caring for the eggs, I'd never seen a roo be so much more caring about the eggs than our hens! The other quirk was that he was a bit of a messy pooper, so I'd have to bathe him once a week. Cluckles would know it was bath time, we'd wash him and he'd just sit in the warm water till we were done. We'd pick him up and bring him inside and use a hair dryer, but even though it was quite loud he'd just stand there till we finished and then he'd walk out the door to wander about. My sister would paint his nails bright pink, he's walk around the house in a diaper and bowtie, it was quite a site to see! He was even leash trained and we'd take walks to a near by park.
Hope this brings a bit of a smile!
- Cluckles, his hen Betty(RIR also), and another hen named Peep (a leghorn) passed away due to a predator attack during the summer of '16 and were buried under a lemon tree.
WarHawk this was so sweet, i love my hen Halo. She’s also a leghorn.. Very fun to watch comes inside sometimes to get cheese, responds by a snap and lets my pet her sometimes my other to chickens are very sweet (Spring and Beauty) Spring a Silver laced Wyandotte Beauty Australorp i love them no matter the timidity I’m sorry for your loss, i hope to keep my friend chickens for a long while and have a nice resting place for my companions, Very sweet, I attempted to walk halo but ill wait til my others grow more considering she doesnt like the lead. Thanks for reading! ~J
Thank you for that wonderful story. you are giving me hope to get a RIR roo...we love our RIR very much.
I have a cute hen named Wafers and she is verry sweet and gentle. Wafers doesnt scream when i catch her like others and I can command her to stay in every coop i want. And she is 2 years old. Red with some black ornaments and a black tail. Common hen. The sweetest
I love my RIR as well. She has this glamour feather and friendly to human. She always comes to me when I call her, when I sitting down, she walks around me. And she is very quiet, does not make noise at all. And she is very fun to watch as she likes to play with the pigeons and other birds. She has not start to lay yet, but I heard she is a very good egg layer too. So hopefully my message also brings some smiles to this breed.
Very nice
What? My barred rocks are the nicest chickens I have!!🤷♀️
They are nice to people, not other chickens☀️❤️☀️
They are nice
They do taste better than many other breeds.
@@teddyrobert2016 hahahahah
My barred rock hen is the best and the calmest in the flock very gentle
I just watch a video this guy said the bard rock was the most dossil bird
@@widdledd5948 lol
Same the roosters or hens don't hate any other chickens
I named my barred rock ‘bully’ hahahaha
Dont lie
I took care of a friend's flock of chickens a few times - a mixed flock of Barred Rock, Coronation Sussex, Ameraucana, Olive Eggers and one Buff Orpington...the Buff Orpington was the only one that had any real personality. She would come up to me, look me in the eyes and step up onto my feet and let me pick her up. She was so, so sweet... I definitely want a few in my flock once I have one.🥰🐔
I loved my Buff Orpington! They would sit in my shoulder, my arm, they would talk to me. The sweetest chicken ever!
I had red link layers......sit on your head, stubborn ly sit at your feet staring up at you looking for attention
Could also take naps out in the shed with them.....they curled up my back and sleped
I have three Buff Orpingtons, just came in from visiting them. I also have three Light Brahmas. They are also sweet. I've had mean girls but love these, they are never mean to each other. They love to chat. LOL
I have a buff brahma and shes my baby. Shes bigger than any of my chickens, but shes my little baby. Shes scared of pretty much everything, and her sister who is smaller than her will peck on her, but she will panic when shes not with her. She likes to sit in my hammock and snuggle with me. Actually, her sister is half brahma half black australorp, and shes more aggressive to the other chickens. Shes been more cuddly lately, and she hasnt been as good as an egg layer as my buff brahma. 🤷🏻♀️
Aw, I used to have a barred rock called Oreo and she was the friendliest in my flock. She wasn’t scared to put up a fight though with other animals that she wasn’t used to but last year she was killed trying to fight off a mink to protect her flock. I was devastated she used to eat out of my hands and she was very smart, friendly and brave, rest in peace Oreo 🤍🖤
R.I.P Oreo
Omg I’m so sorry for you!
I have a chicken called Oreo too. She is a Green Queen Easter Egger and she is also very very sweet.
i don’t know this chicken or her life but
R.I.P Oreo the chicken
whoa that's scary my family had a barred rock too and we named it oreo and it was the friendliest of all of our other chickens
My family has been raising australorps for over 30 years and I've been showing poultry for over a decade. I whole heartedly agree with everything you've said about all of those breeds. I always bring an australorp as an ambassador to the fairs, one of my hen has had thousands of people pet her. I appreciate this video!
Australorps are the most awesome cluckers, their just the right size, simple to manage, and have great personalities.
I had an australorp hen and a white rock banty hen.they were best friends and sat nests together raised many many chicks that way and four ducklings! LOL!
A little broody
We have one Australorp hen and she is by far them family favorite!! She’s friendly, calm, and a great layer!! I hope to have a flock of them when I need to retire my current girls. Shes 5 and still a laying champ!
My australorps are not nice, they had tons of hands on time as chicks. They are not super mean but not nice 😥
My barred rock is my top bird. She is so sweet and my baby. Juat thought id give a little good note on them. I hand raised her though so she got a lot of one on one time.
Of corse there are exceptions. I am talking overall☀️❤️☀️
@@BeckysHomestead of course ;)
Sweetest in my cop
Sorry i cant get it to let me fix the typos.
Tracy S. Yeah I have a barred rock and she is so sweet she’s one of the only ones that will come up to me and let me pet!
I raised Leghornes and I agree however, a few of my hens became “house trained” and were able to come inside and perch and watched TV with us LOL. I guess I was lucky.
You taught them not to poop inside?
They were lucky to be in such a good place
I love Leghorns
@Karen Ranahan i think they are verry sweet and smart
I have one that I named Taki because she was a bit spicy. She makes the craziest sound ever when she's broody.
I bought a Buff Orpington last Spring. I regret it every day. It forced me to buy another 4 this season because it was so "cute." Now I have 11 chickens, 6 from other breeds. I really just don't have the time but I make it work.
I had a Barred Rock Rooster meanest thing on two legs, savage, he snuck up on me one day and knocked me down from behind ,We called him Veloci Rooster
Holly Burke we called ours Gigantor, lol 😂
@Anonymous I asked my pitbull to save me from him she just looked at me like 'what?' stood between me and him ,he respected her but not me, nope, nope, nope.
Ssooooo a small rooster knocked down a person? I think you might be making this up
@@davidferguson8183 it was big rooster and I was walking up my porch steps and he took me out at the back of my knee
Mine was the worst rooster ever! It was mean as a snake!
I had a road island red for 8 years and she just died from natural causes
I'm sorry eesh
I have 4 Rhode island red chooks 8 Plymouth Rock chickens and 6 Australorp's and 1Maran chook
I haven’t had my Rhode Island Reds for very long but I absolutely love their personalities! They love to be carried around. They’re still babies so I’m hoping that they don’t become egg bound and die...
This should be called "The three worst breeds based off of my pettiness"! The only fact was the rose island red roosters can be mean.
Not really, anyway I love an aggressive🐓
I really think it depends on the bird and how it was raised. The sweetest rooster i've ever owned was a white leghorn. He would follow you around everywhere and loved to be pet. On the other hand, i've had a really nasty cochin rooster. I've had overall good experiences with barred rocks, and bad experiences with rhode islands. It's really difficult to pinpoint a specific trait on a chicken breed in my opinion, but there are certainly general traits that can apply to the breed.
Might also depends on what lines are available in your region, some areas may have better lines of certain breeds than others. Would partially explain why some people consistently have better luck with some breeds than others
I agree with the Rhode Island Reds being aggressive, but my experience with the Barred Rocks differs from yours. My Barred Rocks are the most easy going Hens and Roosters, My cats often get in the pen and sleep with them. Of all the chickens I have raised they have been my all time favorites
Same here , never a problem with my roosters or hens , in fact i have 2 young cockerels now and another one coming next month , the one's iv'e had in the past were even friendly with roosters of other breeds , iv'e had up too 6 roosters at a time and they all got along fine , but as soon as i got a RIR roo he became aggressive and nearly killed my barred rock , so i had to get rid of him fast....
My Rhode island red rooster is the most nicest rooster we ever had and it's really nice to our barred Rock hens
@@gunnerherrmann4188 same and much better than poland bantams we have now never stop screaming😂
Rode island reds are very child friendly
Any Rhode island I've ever owned was mean hen and roo. I own barred rocks and they are 1 of my most favored breed. I don't like the look of white leghorn but I'm ok with brown
Buffs are the absolute sweetest hens!!!❤️
I love Buffy my Buff Sussex, she has the sweetest voice.
I had a Rhode Island Red rooster who was pure evil we named him Lucifer.
we have two rhode iland red hens i luv em
We had a Leghorn Rooster and he was EVIL
@@lilyballard7430 get a Kelso gamefowl, he will destroy and of those chubby roosters 😂
@@lilyballard7430 we have a Spanish rooster i think , but he was and still is a big jerk attacks people
I also had one who was mean. He knocked my then four year old over and pecked her face. He did not live to see sunset.
The barred rock is one of the friendliest breeds. Mine love being petted and held. They follow you like a dog. I have never heard or read anything different about there behavior from how mine are. My buff Orpingtons are major bullies in the flock, but are beautiful.
You can't judge a whole breed its usually the strain that's different.
Our barred rock was one of the sweetest birds ever. Calm, gentle and nurturing to the smaller, more timid hens. Perhaps you got a bad egg....
Half my hen flock are Barred Rocks (the other half are Easter Eggers). Their personalities range from gentle to mean. Omelette eats from my hand, Rocky used to love her evening pettings, and now Rock wants evening pettings. Rocky broke her foot last year and I had to isolate her because the other Rocks were trying to murder her by pecking a hole in her head (I was able to see her skull). Everything else she says is spot on. My sole Rhode Island Red rooster is as mean as a junkyard dog and about as smart as a doorknob.
I have also had very good barred rocks. They are calm, and friendly. I guess there is variations in personality.
I see what you did there 😏
Ha ha
@@WanderingYankee we had a mean RIR rooster. Then hens were sweet but that rooster eventually met his match with a 12 gauge shotgun cause he got so mean.
my white leghorn rooster is a nasty mean guy, when you bring the food to him he waits for you to put your hand down and then bites you. he loves biting people. but he's really scared. He's gigantic and always towering over my hens. (my hens are rhode island reds) He's a great protector though. Once, a bobcat was climbing our fence and he started making these noises and alerted us. (he was protecting the hens also) All of them were safe :) Still love him though ❤️
Thanks for the tips, but in my experience, I find that if you spend enough time with your flock and pick them up here and there , they trust you and create that bond, with any breed. But I know that all breeds have different personalities.
I'm talking they are mean to other chickens. ☀️❤️☀️
I think that a flock with plenty of room to run around and an abundance of food/water don't usually bully. Happy tummies don't fight unless it's Roos at mating time.
Hello Becky , I live in AZ I am thinking about maybe ? getting chickens I have a few questions , first I have about 96 SQ ft plus I can make a small run how many chickens will work and not be crowed if you do not know about it's gets 110 -- 120 in summer the coop will be covered not the run I was told I need a small pool so they can get it to cool off , those 3 bags of mix you put in that barrel and mix up dose that go in that feeder that's hangs with the water, I like brown eggs other than the Road Island Reds is there a other breed that gives you brown eggs, do you just throw those oysters shells in there run area and if so if there's to much of that will it hurt them ? , how many nesting box's do I need for the amount of checkens, thank for you thoughts on this Gary from AZ. P. S. we do have a tractor supply by us here
We started out with
5 Rhode Island Reds
5 Buff Orrington
5 Barred Rock
5 Silver Laced Wyandotte
We decided we wanted a bit more variety and have since added:
3 Black Australorp
3 White Leghorn
3 Black Jersey Giants
2 Ducks
3 Americanas
2 Starlight Green Layers
2 Golden Commets
4 Easter Eggers
2 Columbian Wyandotte
2 Blue Australorp
One of my favorites is a Rhode Island Red she will come right up to you. The only one we know is a rooster is a Silver Laced Wyandotte and he seems nice enough so far but he's still young.
My leghorn is the sweetest hen. She loves being with people. She's always the first to come running to see what your doing. Love her
Also wanted to add my #1 best overall pick is the Austrolorp. Sturdy, good natured, and consistent layers have been my experience through the years and buying through 2 different feed stores.
My Black Australorp was amazing as well. I only had one in the flock, but she was a great egg layer, and had an easy going personality. I lost her after a coyote attack yesterday and this video made me want to praise the australorp as an amazing breed. One of the best hens I've ever had for sure.
I deeply disagree with you about the barred rock. My barred rocks tend to be docile. It's the white Brahma that Is more fierce and aggressive.
I had 7 leghorns and I couldn't keep them in the run. 40 birds in a fenced run about 1/5 of an acre. Always over the fence and over 2 years every single one of them got taken by foxes and coyotes. Never lost a bird since and my barred rocks keep in the run. Leghorns are spunky little hens and I always enjoyed watching them and they loved people but have no common sense.
My family raised Rhode Island Reds when my brother took them on as a 4H project and we had them for many years and they were very sweet and we had one rooster and my mama named him Harvey. The chickens were great egg layers and we never had any aggression from any of them.
Funny how different everyone’s experiences are. My barred rocks are so sweet and timid but my orpingtons are on my sh*t list. They are so mean and dominate! My favorite are hands down my ameraucana’s. They have the funniest personalities and act more like dogs than chickens. They’re also very beautiful!
Mine too. My Rhode island reds are the bully. I had a big issue with the sexlinks and getting eggs bound. All 6 died withing a couple years.
I agree that Ameraucanas and Easter Eggers are the best!
I know write?
They’re all individuals, aren’t they? I have one Orpington hen called Brenda who is so friendly and talkative she’s almost human (but way better!) and another called Bobby who is a really feisty prima Donna but still adorable.
They do have personality! Probably the easiest bird to carry around - they just seem to relax in your arms lol
Her: three chicken breeds I don't like
The three chickens:😔😭
Teech mee how
I have rhode island reds and my rooster is a lap dog. Loves pats and cuddles and is especially good with kids
I agree with you about Barred Rocks and RI Reds, same problems and With the Rocks the hens I have had turn out always to be egg eaters, now I won't have them either breed and any other color of those breeds.
I have to agree with you 100% but I'd like to add the Brahma breed I absolutely love my buff Brahma "Hiedi" she has been the best egg layer sweetest temperament and the best mama hen ever and bonus she's so quiet as is her mate he's not much of a crower lol he never attacks he is a light Brahma his name is chantecler!
It is so nice when you get a good hen☀️❤️☀️
Yes it is!!! It makes life that much easier lol love you by the way big fan you And your family have inspired me and my folks so much!!! Were getting ready to move outta state of California and into Idaho in the rural area! Can't wait!!! Tell your son hi!!!!!
I had a black austrlope chicken and it died from a dust storm and having her was the best decision of my life she was so soft and sweet and cute and not loud, to bad I can’t get another one her name was Oreo 🥺💙
I bought both the australorps & the orphingtons based on your videos and i am very happy with them. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! 🌺
We have a barred rock rooster who showed up (either wandered in from the woods or was dropped off at our driveway by someone) and he's literally the sweetest rooster towards our hens I've ever had. I wouldn't necessarily have chosen this breed to accompany our mixed flock but we hope his kids take after him in temperament. Its amazing how even though there are noticeable trends in behavior from one breed or line to the next, all these little dinosaurs are individuals!
That's funny some one probably did drop him off
I have a Barred Rock named Artemis and she does nothing but care for the others. When one of our other chickens had a broken leg she would help her scratch dirt for insects. I do not agree with that placement.
I love my buff Orpingtons their so sweet!
i have a lavender Orpington and she literally the calmest - she comes into my home and sits on the sofa ;)
Me too! Orpingtons are my favorite
There really pretty chickens!
Same I love my orpingtons
OMG lol I have a tiny buff orpington about 1 pound LOL
Barred rocks are so sweet, as long as they’re raised right.
So far my babies are sweet too.
I just bought a baby black austalorp, buff orp, and RIR so I’m looking forward to watching them grow. The meanest chickens that I ever owned were Cuckoo Marans…they were friendly as pullets but once they started laying they were constantly broody, growled at me and my family and pecked at the rest of our flock continuously to the point of needing a day of the bully blinders . We ended up rehoming them with neighbors who free ranged with a larger flock and one of the Maran hens beat up their rooster😳
Uh-oh… we got 3 Cuckoo Marans & if they get like that I might have to eat them… lol
Oh wow we have had nothing but precious experiences with Barred Rocks. Gentle and friendly and get attached to my kids.
She's like the government. Saying opposite pretty much
My road island red rooster is so tame. I love on him constantly and he loves to be carried around while I work in the yard. But I have encountered some that are really really mean.
I have all 5 breeds that she talked about. My barred rocks are awesome and friendly girls. Also, my leghorns will allow me to pick them up, but they are a higher energy breed than some others for sure. I’ve raised them all from chicks so maybe that’s why they are more friendly to me.
Our Rhode Island Red is super calm and awesome.
Mine were violent aggressive roosters
The RIR hens are smart and lovely but they are prone to getting egg bound.
@Pinkprincess Wood Yes.
I have three and they all love me
My Rhode Island Reds were so sweet! They loved being held but were constantly picked on by our Buff Orpingtons… We named our RIR rooster Banjo and he would run up to people and try to get attention. He used to fly up onto my sister’s chest because she was his favorite person lol
We had Australorps, Wyandottes and Sussex when I was a kid. I now have chickens myself and went with the Sussex because they are wonderfully calm, excellent at foraging and handle Norwegian winters very well. They also lay throughout the colder months which is a huge plus.
I have one Rhode Island red she's the sweetest of all my chickens and the tamest I love her Soo much my best chicken she runs up to me and follows me ...
Wow...everyone's experience with these breeds are sooooo different. My RR Rooster is so friendly and even follows me around. My Barred rocks are sweeties, they are calm and very friendly.
Mine too , iv'e had several BR roos's and never had one problem with aggression towards the hens or my kids , like any animal you have too handle them when they're young and you won't have a problem..
@@mikeg.9238 are they all barred rocks?
@@carmenpeters728 All the one's I've had are , I actually have another one coming on June 1rst , along with a salmon faverolle rooster because I've heard they are very timid and friendly and don't crow a lot. But like I've said about the barred roosters , as long as you handle them when their chicks they are very friendly , and they are also pretty quiet. I just had 2 that I got as backups from TSC because I ordered a bunch from Murray Mc Murray and didn't know if they were still shipping because of the virus , so I ended up placing them to a new home , they were a couple months old and already were coming up to me and acting friendly. My personal experience has always been positive with the barred rock roo's....
Mine to! My RR chickens and rooster are friendly because I earned there trust.
I have a barred rock hen among several other breeds and I love her. She's not mean at all. She's like the mother hen of all of them.
Our barred rock hens absolutely hated the long tail feathers of my Yokohama roosters. While they liked the roo’s services and made unique offspring the roo’s were always walking around with a bloody stump for a tail. It was kinda funny hearing them yelp and jump when the rocks plucked their feathers though.
Hi Becky! Currently a have in my flock 1 year old chickens; 1 Leghorn, 1 year old Rhode island red, and my new chickens ; 2 black australorps (8 month old). My 4 birds are in my cottage. Do you think it’s a good match? it's about 1 week that i have my australorps. It was crazy for the first 3 days and now it look ok but my 2 australorps seems to stay up and my 2 old hens stay down.
I just raised baby buffs so we will see how they turn out. I have 2 gold laced Wyandottes that are more curious than friendly. The other two new ones for this year are called mystic onyx. So far they don't seem to be the smartest.
I had a barred rock and she was the sweetest hen in the flock, got along great with other hens and people. We kept her as a companion chicken long after she started laying since she was so sweet. I think in some cases it comes down to the individual's personality and how much human interaction they get growing up.
Never had any issues with these 3 kind always have good egg production. They been great overall
Never had an Issue with my Rhode Island Red hens either.
i have one and shes soo peaceful and friendly
I have 6 so this is worrying
me either! she is so quiet and peaceful, and an excellent egg layer.
Neither my Rhode Island Red hens nor roosters. They never abused anybody ever. Real calm breed.
I do not like leghorns, never had barred rock, I am not a fan of Rhode Island Reds, and I was spurred by a red rooster.Buff Orpinton Roosters are very large and very gentle.
My Barred Rocks are soo sweet,even around my tiny banties and eat out of my hand.I think it depends on breeding.
Oh Yes, the Black Australorp is one of my favorites too.
mine died in a duststorm and omg I was devastated their my fav breeds ever !
I have 3 of them there chicks
My barred rocks and Rhode island reds have always been some of the nicest hens I've had. I do agree that leghorns are pretty timid and flighty.
We have both of those as well (27 in total) and not one is mean!
My leghorn is cuddle friendly
@@ashtherealqueen mine too
what we describe as flighty may well just be scared, not confident intheir enviroment their handler, just handle them get around them feed them treats give them a chance to calm dow and they do.
My blue cochins over the last 20 years, have been the most calm, considerate birds :)
Cochin's are my favorite birds
@@Jenny-bc5kz mine too they are so sweet and nice to other chicken breeds and people
Hens can be considerate?? Then I'm going to run to my Feed & Seed store to buy a whole flock of them ASAP!!!
What do you think about the New Hampshires? I’m thinking of getting a couple to go with my Austalorps, Orpingtons, Speckled Sussex and Easter Eggers.
My oldest hen is a black australorp...shes my absolute favorite. I cant really hold her unless I catch her but man...shes clever and I dont even care if she lays eggs!! I just love her.
I’ve had all these breeds and have never had any problems with them. My experience with Black Australorps has been very different though. The hens are o.k., but the two most aggressive roosters I’ve ever had were both Black Australorps. One would make a point of running out to attack anything and anyone that moved. The other was much sneakier - he’d come out of nowhere and next thing you knew you were bleeding profusely. I agree that the Buff Orps are a nice bird, and leghorns are flighty little things. I like also like Wyandottes, Amercaunas, RI Reds, and just got my first Light Brahmas. The Brahmas are only @ month old, but so far they seem to be very friendly.
My leghorn is the best in my flock...so sweet and friendly.
Silkie roosters are obnoxious for their size
I love the speckled Sussex breed! They are gentle, curious and quirky personality!
Those breeds are very gentle and I love them as well.
Isn’t that funny? I had the worst experience ever with Speckled Sussexes - mean, broody and egg bound. I would never get them again. But I’m sure everyone’s experience is different.
@@romanceontherocks I agree with you, all breeds that have a strong broody instinct can be very mean. I had good luck with mine, but the Sussex Rooster was awful! However, at the time I had him I was a nubie and was nervous around him. Today I have several Sussex Roosters and other breed Roosters and I don't have a problem with them at all.
@@brandyrock2837 I can't get enough of them! I have other breeds that I just adore, but the Sussex is at the top of my list. :)
I have 2 of these hens and they're really sweet and great layers
I was about to say she’s starting drama when she talked about my darling RIRs. Our girls will sit when they see us walking towards them to wait on us to pick them up. When she kicked over to say it’s health problems I calmed down a bit.
My barred rock knows her name and comes to us when we call her. She is very sweet and tame with us
I love buff Orpingtons! I'm going to get a bunch more next year, I bought austrawhite this year, cross of a black australorp and a white leg horn, curious to see how to mature. But next year I'm going to get buff orpingtons and locally a place sells lavender orpingtons, so I think I'll have to get probably 2 of those just to have em!
It's been my experience that animals adapt to their environment.
Barred Rock are a favorite of mine.
My number one on my NO list is the Rhode Island Reds which seems to be a favorite for many folks.
My favorite breed are the Light Brahma.
Great conversation.
We love our brahmas as well. Very beautiful to look at and friendly as can be
we have some leg horns lol, we held them as babies and they are so tame. you have to hold all of them as babies and they will grow up and be tame.
My leghorns are the sweetest chicken. They are very calm. I absolutely love them
What are you feeding them lol?
Mine too
I wouldn’t call mine calm lol but they are definitely the friendliest of our flock. They are constantly trying to come inside the house with us
I dont understand barred rock are known for being a good tempered friendly chickens they've been around for a good while. Its a breed standard for them to be good natured. Barred rock makes up half of my flock super sweet hens with people and each other and my big barred rock roo is a gentle giant. My cookoo marans are very mean to each other tho and my lavender Orpington rooster on the other hand is very aggressive also
I started with ten black Astros and I have 3 kids ages 2-6. They have been such good chickens I love them!
I agree that leghorhorns are flighty but I absolutely love my Rhode Island reds and my bar rocks that I've had over the years. But I have also noticed over the years that it totally depends on where you get your chickens as to what the personality is like. Do an experiment, get yourself the same breed but from different hatchery's. And see what you think. Their personalities will all be different I bet. I've learned which store in my town has the best chickens of the different breeds.
Could you please make a video on Silkie chickens? Love your channel!
Mikayla Fl silkies and Cochins are my favs! I breed them.
They are very soft!!
blake Bower I know. They’re so cute!
Mustiboi Salman is he eating and drinking normally? It might be a good idea to take him to the vet.
I love my leghorn, shes one of my best friends i taught her to come by a snap shes sweet and lays an egg a day and i personally think that she can be bite but shes very funny to watch very smart and loves cheese .. Love Halo the Leghorn,
As a kid we were allowed to have pet chickens from a local hatchery..they would give us free babies, which were always leghorn roosters! they followed us kids around and would sit on our laps anytime we sat down we had a chicken in our laps! wonderful wonderful friends they were! would even follow us down the road if allowed to!
i appreciate your input about the different breeds. Thank you so much. Best regards Greg
My Rhode Island Red hen, Foxy, just passed a few weeks ago. She took a while to accept new chickens, and was definitely top chicken, but she turned out to be wonderful. She came from a place where she didn't have a name and she wasn't loved. She was very flighty at first, but I worked with her every day and eventually, she trusted me enough to become a lap chicken.
Rhode Island needs some respect!
I love my RIR but she is sassy for sure. We’re a lot alike in that way ☺️
My RIR are like puppies so calm and wonderful as a “first” chicken!!
I’d say that the Rhode Island Reds getting egg bound just depends on the strain that you buy them from. I had some from cackle hatchery that did great for many years
She’s got a different video where she says the Barred Rock is her third favorite chicken but now it’s the worst?🙄
Welp that’s none ya concern @none ya
@@kareemselu6079 it is is you want to take her advise
@Hope I agree... I do change my mind from day to day with mine! I have a variety of breeds and sizes. My "Roo Paul" { Sebright Bantam } is by far my meanest and feistiest chicken I have. He looks to be a little wimp but he gets the bigger roosters running..
@@georgia-b2d People be keeping receipts! The internet is a dangerous place. We must thread with caution...
One thing I've heard is the temperaments of chickens breeds can vary from hatchery to hatchery, It is helpful to go read reviews when purchasing types of chicks based on their general personality.
Thank you for explaining this. I am getting my kids chickens. I researched friendly breeds of chickens and the 3 your mention have a bad rep. I think it also depends on how you raise them when they are little. But the nice chickens you mention I've never known that and will be our next picks. Thank you for teaching us.
Why is not your channel not up to 5m subs yet??? You have such a good content!
Share, share, share☀️❤️☀️
@@BeckysHomestead I can share my friends! And others to sub. And you will be pewdiepie soon
I love barred rocks, have never had a bad one yet. They are always friendly. Maybe it it isn't the bird, but you?
All my favorite birds I have are the 3 she recommended to not have! Lol
I had five roosters at one time: 1 Rhode Island, 3 Black Australorps, 1 Ancona, and not one was mean. They all knew their pecking order in the pen and were kind to people. My sweet heart was a Barred Rock hen, who was like a pet dog. Great animals.
Thank you ! Very good information!! Helpful!! Yes I’ve dealt with RI reds egg bound too
I have 3 White Leghorns and adore them. They are so curious and the 1st hens to come and sit with me, they love being hand fed and come running across every time I to out. They are great at gardening too and will but don't be right in there with every turn of the soil. 1 even sits on my shoulder! Totally appreciate my girls are spoiled rotten, are part of a small flock so are very much individual personalities - they do like attention. Love your videos Becky.
My buff Orpington, Blondie, is so amazing!! She is a model for my photo shoots and loves to inspect me like a policeman haha. My barred rock is everything you said: mean mean mean!
Hi Becky, I just love your channel. I had a question - why do you not have copper marans, americanas, easter eggers or olive layers?
My black australorp only got sweet when she started laying. Now she's extra sweet. Jumps on my lap
OK, makes sense, mine are skiddish and think I'm trying to kill them all (They do like the hawaiian rolls I give as a treat though). They're at 12 weeks.
All chickens temperament depends on how they are raised as well
I have 10 barred rocks they follow me around everywhere and are so friendly. My grandkids play with them and just pick them up and walk around with them. I also get alot of eggs a day from them.