It is natural for a liberal to speak of “democracy” in general; but a Marxist will never forget to ask: “for what class?” --Vladimir Lenin, The Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky
@@throwfascistsintopits3062 By the time that Sablin was in service, the USSR had turned revisionist and was under a corrupt leadership. Fighting against revisionism is not a betrayal.
@@throwfascistsintopits3062 I disagree. The USSR under its current leadership at the time (Brezhnev and later Gorbachev) was doomed by revisionists and liberalism.
It was actually quite popular during the 70s. Played for the closing of the congress of Komsomol (the young communist league), but then it was banned for being influenced by rock music. It was unbanned however and that's when it became popular.
Ты оцениваешь это Произведение просто как музыку. Не делай этого. Потому что ты не понимаешь Цены. Ты там не жил. Не живёшь . И жить не будешь. ЗАТКНИСЬ!!!!
@给我一百 Каждый сознательный рабочий понимает, что нельзя задавать вопрос, ответ на который знать нельзя. Социальный взрыв, на волне которого произойдёт социалистическая революция, зависит от сотен факторов.
Good riddance, man supported the annexation of Crimea which led us right up to the situation that we have currently with Russian citizens being mobilized to fight a losing battle over land that was and IS historically Ukrainian. Glad that his name is now being besmirched and transformed into a phrase denoting soldiers coming to meet a quick death.
Вечно? Тогда отдай на благо социализма и коммунизма веру, национализм, культуру нации, дом телефон, ведь при социализме все должны быть равны, а также устройся на завод как все как предполагает социализм. Ты вспомни что было в революцию: кулаков(хозяином деревни) раскулачили, теперь у нас нет фермеров,их засылают фиг пойми от куда. Раздали золотой запас империи который копили годами. САМАЯ БОГАТАЯ ИМПЕРИЯ БЫЛА. Перестреляли учёных, богачей, умных людей. Для чего? Если ты скажешь что при царе условия для рабочих были не очень, тогда вспомни слова американского президента: ваш царь создал рабочим такие условия, которыми не может похвастаться ни одно демократическое государство. И 8 часового рабочего дня НИГДЕ не было на тот момент. После прихода коммунизма подписали брестский мир с Германией в ПМВ. Предательство, позор. Чьи это ценности? Готовилось наступление русской армии и разделили бы Германию с другими странами Антанты. А знаешь как армию революционеров воспитывали если она отступала? Децемация. Расстрел каждого 10-го. Чтоб в атаку лучше шли. И самое главное что коммунизм- утопия. Не сможет существовать в мире одного государства. Другие нации не позволят чтобы к ним пришли красные, отобрали имущество, национальное самосознание и родину.
Happy birthday Lenin, Although the world is in a cruel and horrible state, you showed us that, although very hard, it is not impossible to unite against the Bourgeoisie and build a better world. I hope that one day the workers one and all will rise once more, I hope that we can follow your example, and more importantly learn from the mistakes you (and those after) made. I hope that you will be young again.
@@chadofsvitjod A capitalist product? Did a capitalist build this computer with his own two hands? Did a capitalist mine and refine the materials to make this computer? Was it even a capitalist who designed such a machine? No, capitalism does not create, it only commodifies products.
@@chadofsvitjod What are we supposed to use? The only entities that make electronic tablets and the such are capitalist. Where are we supposed to go? Thousands of people cannot all immigrate to Cuba. There’d be a mass food crisis. North Korea is a Kingdom pretending to be a socialist state. Also, would never have enough food. China has a literal genocide of the Uyghur people going on. This time, they are dealing with a ginormous population. All we can do is stay where we’ve been put and cause change. Red change. (Sorry for not typing in Russian, I don’t know the language.)
Did you know, every russian song in existence was made just for TNO? Totally not like masterpieces like this existed before. Honestly tho, the story of Sablin, in TNO and real life, is beautiful. A true revolutionary, one that saw through the failing bureaucracy, who wanted freedom, socialism and liberty for all. In fact, this song was made 1 year before his actual failed mutiny irl
@@zeeshanasif476 I can't believe Soviets made so many songs because of TNO. They even used time machine in order to learn about TNO. Hell, even Sablin was so inspired by the character with his name that he launched a rebellion against Brezhnev's government.
I was kinda a commie when younger, now older more like paleolibertarian. Anyway people need to keep dreaming and singing "Lenin" is young again forever no matter the color.
An interesting fact is that in Sablin's super event, his last words (That is, "Revolution always wins.")to his son were exposed before being shot after he raised a riot on one of the ships, his demands were that the USSR become more open. And in reality he was a positive gnome (In the Russian community TNO, Sablin is called a positive gnome, because his events and tricks are all so POSITIVE!)
The sky of the morning banner The first step in life is important. Hear: hovering over the country Winds of Furious Attacks! Chorus: And the fight goes on again And the heart is anxious in the chest. And Lenin is so young And young October is ahead! The message flies in all directions: You believe us, fathers, - There will be new victories New fighters will rise! Chorus Do not expect mercy from heaven! Life for the truth do not spare. Us guys in this life Only with the truth along the way! Chorus In the world - heat and snowfall The world is both poor and rich With us is the youth of the whole planet - Our worldwide construction team! Chorus Romanized: Neba utrennego stiag V zhizni vazhen pervyj shag. Slyshish: reiut nad stranoiu Vetry iarostnykh attack! Pripev (chorus): I vnov prodolzhaetsia boj, I serdtsu trevozhno v grudi. I Lenin - takoj molodoj, I iunyj Oktiabr vperedi! Vest letit vo vse kontsy: Vy poverte nam, ottsy, - Budut novye victory, Vstanut novye boytsy! Pripev S neba milostej ne zhdi! Zhizn dlia pravdy ne shchadi. Nam, rebiata, v ehtoj zhizni Tolko s pravdoj po puti! Pripev V mire - znoj i snowpad Mir i poor i rich S nami iunost vsej planety - Nash vsemirnyj strojotriad! Pripev
Mistake, the chorus sounds like this: And the fight goes on again And the heart is anxious in the chest. And Lenin is so young And young October is ahead And Lenin is so young And young October is ahead!
@@laraik1198 Буржуи первыми предадут свой народ. Это было во Франции и это было в России, и Ленин был прав, когда предсказал это на основе опыта Франции.
This song has inspired generations, as has Lenin's work, and will continue to do so forever. The USSR immortalized itself, among many other things, with this BANGER 🚩🚩🚩
В.И. Ленин будет велик и в третьем тысячелетии. Многие из капиталистических стран даже не подозревает роль СССР в темпах технического прогресса в 20 веке. Даже в постсоветских республиках находятся дегенераты, которые считают, что интернет - это заслуга капитализма, они не достаточно развиты понимать, что компьютеростроение финансировалось государством в капстранах с помощью грантов и конкурсов, путем сосредоточения капитала в одних руках, чтобы не отстать от СССР.
Ленин жил! Ленин жив! Ленин будет жить! Все что написал Маркс, Энгельс, Ленин и Сталин актуально по сегодняшний день, поскольку продолжается последняя стадия капитализма- империализм. Война нас ожидает, если мировой пролетариат будет и дальше как овцы наблюдать за действиями собственной буржуазии без вооруженного восстания и установления диктатуры пролетариата. Это единственное спасение планеты. В отличии от индивидуалистов буржуев, пролетариату нечего делить, мы хотим жить счастливо вместе со всеми народами и в будущем создать один народ - человек.
Люди всегда были и всегда будут глупенькими жертвами обмана и самообмана в политике, пока они не научатся за любыми нравственными, религиозными, политическими, социальными фразами, заявлениями, обещаниями разыскивать интересы тех или иных классов. - Владимир Ильич Ленин, 52 цитаты
Неба утреннего стяг В жизни важен первый шаг. Слышишь: реют над страною Ветры яростных атак! Припев: И вновь продолжается бой, И сердцу тревожно в груди. И Ленин - такой молодой, И юный Октябрь впереди! Весть летит во все концы: Вы поверьте нам, отцы, - Будут новые победы, Встанут новые бойцы! Припев С неба милостей не жди! Жизнь для правды не щади. Нам, ребята, в этой жизни Только с правдой по пути! Припев В мире - зной и снегопад Мир и беден и богат С нами юность всей планеты - Наш всемирный стройотряд! Припев Romanized: Neba utrennego stiag V zhizni vazhen pervyj shag. Slyshish: reiut nad stranoiu Vetry iarostnykh atak! Pripev (chorus): I vnov prodolzhaetsia boj, I serdtsu trevozhno v grudi. I Lenin - takoj molodoj, I iunyj Oktiabr vperedi! Vest letit vo vse kontsy: Vy poverte nam, ottsy, - Budut novye pobedy, Vstanut novye bojtsy! Pripev S neba milostej ne zhdi! Zhizn dlia pravdy ne shchadi. Nam, rebiata, v ehtoj zhizni Tolko s pravdoj po puti! Pripev V mire - znoj i snegopad Mir i beden i bogat S nami iunost vsej planety - Nash vsemirnyj strojotriad! Pripev
@@Goulash23 Я бы перевёл «Lenin is forever young». Понятно, что никто из исполнителей Ленина не застал, тем более молодым. Речь о его мысли и идее, которая не стареет
Со знаменем Ленина победили мы в боях за Октябрьскую революцию. Со знаменем Ленина добились мы решаю щих успехов в борьбе за победу социалисти чесного строительства. С этим же знаменем победим в пролетарской революции во всем мире. (Сталин)
@@8-bitfox716 Homosexuality was decriminalized under Lenin, and this stance was re-affirmed by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1926. One of the few mistakes Stalin made was the re-criminalization of homosexuality in 1934. There is no irony if you have read the relevant history.
A morning sky is overhead Taking first step does matter in life Do you hear them? It's all over the country The shifting winds, the mood is changing Chorus (Prequel Arc): The fight keeps going on And heart feels anxious inside And Lenin is still so young, so innocent The October yet to happen And Lenin is still so young, so innocent The October yet to happen The Message spreads across all places: "Have trust, have confidence There will be new victories A new fighters will join" Don't just sit and wait for mercy Use your life to fight for truth Because in this life we have Only the truth does really matter The World has heat and also snow The World is rich and also poor We have youngs from all over the planet Our worldwide followers, our construction team
One of the greatest people of 20th century, definetly the greatest revolutionary. Thank you Lenin for everything you have done for the mankind, I wish we could have kept the spirit of revolution alive.
The spirit of revolution never dies. Every act of supporting the oppressed, and every act against exploitation, brings that spirit back. May we see revolution in our lifetimes
@@manweyggdrasill7190 a simple man in this age have more "dictatorial" characteristics than Lenin. It is an irony this mass are calling Lenin a dictator. If they did live in another age probably they would call Hitler the "führer" like they are calling Lenin a dictator now. Same mass.
@@manweyggdrasill7190 I support Lenin no matter what he is called. Lenin led the revolution that freed millions of Russians from the starvation and poverty caused by the Russian monarchy. Lenin started a revolutionary tradition that has freed hundreds of millions under both feudal and capitalist rule. I am with Lenin who fed the children and educated the illiterate. You can call him what you like
@@hieronymusbosch8831 you cannot ask kindly anymore. canada invited a literal n*zi into their parliament. shameless and evil. we must fight, we will not be ignored any longer.
@@ravecrab23 Brain dead argument, we have yet another Marxaphone. Socialism is blatantly unrealistic as the power does not rest with the individual worker, but with the government, which encompasses every aspect of life, leading to more bureaucracy, more taxes, and more surveillance. A government where everyone has the same share of power is impossible as humans will always think of self-gain instead of the bigger picture case in point: U.S.S.R. But dream on!
RUclips just put this in my recommendations and labeled it as "Mix - Music of Japan". Literally all other videos in this playlist also does not match this proclaimed category. Wtf youtube?
I am sure. My dad have seen USSR,and he says “It was the damn best childhood I can imagine.” I agree with him. And I agree with you. Capital system wouldn’t last long in our society. As rich guys would begin to make subscription system popular and destroying our,nowadays systems,people’d rebel and Communism would do EPIC comeback.
Defend yourself from the american imperialists with all your strength, sacred Motherland. Today again the people stand up. Russians will never be slaves!
Putin is nothing more than a bourgeois tyrant who uses nationalism to blind the working class. Lenin would be disgusted with the current Russian Federation
Как по мне именно из за этой песни у большевиков было преимущество, это очень духоподъемная песня, у бойцов из за этого очень поднимался боевой дух, особенно припев вообще кайф, у меня у самого появился дикий патриотизм, даже мурашки по коже
Being a terrorist isn’t necessarily always a bad thing, terrorism has historically been most common among anarchists and leftists so it can be used for good against oppressive power structures.
This, along with Red Sun in the Sky (especially this version:видео.html) and Freie Deutsche Jugend must be one of the hardest hitting communist songs. Long live Marx, long live Engels, long live Lenin and long live Mao! ☭
V.I. Lenin died. God and the Devil discussed where to send him, to heaven or to hell, and decided to go to hell. Comes in a month The devil to God and says: - Take Lenin to yourself. My little devils have raised an uprising , they demand heavenly living conditions for their hellish work. Everything is fine with you in paradise and he will have no social conditions to promote his ideas. God agreed. A month later the Devil comes to God again and asks: - Well, God, how is Lenin living with you? God answers: - Firstly, not God, but comrade God, and secondly, there is no God.
@@rajmundseidel6035 If you kid haven't figured i am not a capitalist. If you found this "funny and a joke" we can debate. Unless that time is reserved for your fathers rape lessons
"Sometimes, history needs a little push." - Vladimir Lenin
Quien dice un pequeño empujón dice una revolución 🚩✊⚒
И мы, товарищи, его сделаем снова
Yeah. A push alright. Lenin's pushing of the Mennonite Germans is the only reason I'm alive today 🤪
So he executed the Romanovs 🤣
@@starksvensk yeah, screw the monarchy, screw the crown. power to the people
It is natural for a liberal to speak of “democracy” in general; but a Marxist will never forget to ask: “for what class?”
--Vladimir Lenin, The Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky
no democratic rights to those who oppress!
long live the workers' councils!
@@ArnWuhridenn (Laughs in minimum wage teenage capitalist, the most exploitable of classes, yet doesn't complain)
@@theroundtable6371 You're a capitalist? What capital do you own?
-Valdimir Lenin, Slavemaster of the Proletariat
@@NapoleonPicard ???
I listen to this when I feel hopeless, it always lights up my mood.
same, he is the man of all hope for me
Comrade, same here. We, working people, all are together around the globe, no matter the country. Good luck bro! ;)
Same here.
ikr its just diffrent
Be strong in the belief that life is wonderful. Be positive and believe that the Revolution will always win.
- Valery Sablin.
The revolution he himself betrayed.
@@throwfascistsintopits3062 By the time that Sablin was in service, the USSR had turned revisionist and was under a corrupt leadership. Fighting against revisionism is not a betrayal.
No? He himself was a revisionist lol.
@@throwfascistsintopits3062 I disagree. The USSR under its current leadership at the time (Brezhnev and later Gorbachev) was doomed by revisionists and liberalism.
Oh, my bad, i was talking about a wrong person. Please disregard my words.
“Sometimes there are decades where nothing happens, and weeks where decades happen.” -Vladimir Lenin
"sometimes shit happens and sometime shit doesn't happen"
- vlad l.
"sometimes there are decades where nothing happens and weeks where nothing happens" - Nothing ever happens
@marceldavis5600 Chudlimir Soylen
Sometimes there are decades where nothing happens, and weeks where nothing happens.
Hakim wasn't lying, this goes hard af
In which video did Hakim talk about this song?
Hakim is the number one source for cool soviet songs
what was the video where he talked about this?
@@kyzyl-bas I wanna say episode 56 of the deprogram but I could be wrong
@@ghostmobiil I think you are wrong
Obviously not a believer of great-man-theory, but barely 100 years without Lenin and look where the fuck we are
Sounds like the anime opening for communism
Along with red sun in the sky and Look at the Owl
Ахаххаха, да!
F* anime
Be strong in the belief that life is wonderful. Be positive and believe that the Revolution will always win. - Valery Sablin
PC volume: 100%
Headphone volume: 100%
Valery Sablin: ꝏ%
the music just sounds also really cool, why is it not more popular? the melodie and the contrast of voices, and its nice and fast rythm.
It was actually quite popular during the 70s. Played for the closing of the congress of Komsomol (the young communist league), but then it was banned for being influenced by rock music. It was unbanned however and that's when it became popular.
@@wedgeworks unfortunately if i am USSR Leader i would encourage this song
Ты оцениваешь это Произведение просто как музыку. Не делай этого. Потому что ты не понимаешь Цены. Ты там не жил. Не живёшь . И жить не будешь. ЗАТКНИСЬ!!!!
your logic is inherently bastard. Machiavelli Divide and conquer. It won't lead to anything good.
@@Пашаапек what?
If you play this 1917 times Lenin will rise from the mausoleum
Time to begin the ritual.
Lets make communism great again
fin, I know what we are going to do today
Ooh, Patient Zero! You go, i'l guard the rear.
You also need to do this on his birthday I heard
Unfathomably wholesome
Terrorist Guy ! +1
wholesome 1 0 0 time
Long live Muntiny!
RIP Valery sablini
@@semyonbudyonny1895 ВСЯ ВЛАСТЬ СОВЕТАМ! 🚩✊🏻
We will rise like a phoenix from the ashes comrades
That sounds like a fascist rhetoric comrade, report to your local political commissar immediately!
@@GrimmaStadguard As a comrade, he's not saying fascist rhetoric, even though it may sound like it.
@@GrimmaStadguard what is this, the combine from hl2? "pick up the can" type shit
@@Smallsilk me when i see an example of paranoia borne out of totalitarianism (it's a reference to my favourite video game)
I personally don’t agree with Lenin I think the Mensheviks are better
My uncle from Moscow says that this is a certified hood classic and banger
This is just beautiful and uplifting.....
And the battle is going again
And the heart is uneasy in the chest
And Lenin is young once again
And the young October is ahead
why do i see you everywhere?
Great adaptation, comrade!
Духоподъемная песня. Крепкий дух нам пригодиться, ведь впереди новые бои за мировую социалистическую революцию.
За власть Советов, смыкаем ряды!
@给我一百 Каждый сознательный рабочий понимает, что нельзя задавать вопрос, ответ на который знать нельзя. Социальный взрыв, на волне которого произойдёт социалистическая революция, зависит от сотен факторов.
@给我一百 завтра в обед
@CUBE.content а всё уже
Socialist revolution is coming!
What really gets me in a song is many people singing at once. The chorus second time round was really good!
It is sung by Joseph Kobzon. A popular singer in the Soviet Union. Unfortunately, he died a couple of years ago.
Good riddance, man supported the annexation of Crimea which led us right up to the situation that we have currently with Russian citizens being mobilized to fight a losing battle over land that was and IS historically Ukrainian. Glad that his name is now being besmirched and transformed into a phrase denoting soldiers coming to meet a quick death.
@@idolaudah2053 take your hryvna and go buy smth, bot
@@maksimpobedinsky5458 Slava Ukraini!!! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
@@idolaudah2053 комментарии вроде этого заставляют меня с теплотой знать, что 250к гарних хлопчіков никогда не вернутся домой.
@@bogdanzolotukhin6876 go to the frontline, patriot. Let my people go
但凡看过列宁逻辑缜密无懈可击的书 都不会怀疑列宁主义有没有问题
苏联解体正是因为完全脱离了马列主义 而不是因为用了马列主义
L'union soviétique devait s'étendre vers l'ouest industriel ou périr, elle à faillit . Que le combat continue,rien n'est finit !!!
Здравствуйте , вы сделали очень проницательный вывод , я с вами согласен
Очень мудро
Слава великому Ленину и его товарищам! Социализм - будущее человечества.👍👍👍☮☮☮🚩🚩🚩
I always listen to this in gym 😂😂
😀Me to in last few minutes
@@honzajan8108 ya
Training both the body AND the mind to become a more effective comrade are you? Unfathomably based.
Make those gains to break those chains.
@@nguyentrunghoai8028 Good motto, don't mind me if I steal it haha 😁
listening to this song made me win 3 games of War Thunder got me to the TU-4. This song makes want to fight for the motherland
hows going with tu4 against jets?
Same today with M2W :))
Wholesome, Epic, and Powerful in one time
Partia , Socjalizm , Równość!!!
Ultra based
в наших сердцах будет жить вечно товарищ Ленин
И товарищ Сталин, как практик а не теоретик диалектического Марсксизма.
@@ildart8738 согласно, хотя он тоже много писал
Слава Советской Армии ☭︎видео.html
Вечно? Тогда отдай на благо социализма и коммунизма веру, национализм, культуру нации, дом телефон, ведь при социализме все должны быть равны, а также устройся на завод как все как предполагает социализм. Ты вспомни что было в революцию: кулаков(хозяином деревни) раскулачили, теперь у нас нет фермеров,их засылают фиг пойми от куда. Раздали золотой запас империи который копили годами. САМАЯ БОГАТАЯ ИМПЕРИЯ БЫЛА. Перестреляли учёных, богачей, умных людей. Для чего? Если ты скажешь что при царе условия для рабочих были не очень, тогда вспомни слова американского президента: ваш царь создал рабочим такие условия, которыми не может похвастаться ни одно демократическое государство. И 8 часового рабочего дня НИГДЕ не было на тот момент. После прихода коммунизма подписали брестский мир с Германией в ПМВ. Предательство, позор. Чьи это ценности? Готовилось наступление русской армии и разделили бы Германию с другими странами Антанты. А знаешь как армию революционеров воспитывали если она отступала? Децемация. Расстрел каждого 10-го. Чтоб в атаку лучше шли. И самое главное что коммунизм- утопия. Не сможет существовать в мире одного государства. Другие нации не позволят чтобы к ним пришли красные, отобрали имущество, национальное самосознание и родину.
Оба практиковали
Happy birthday Lenin,
Although the world is in a cruel and horrible state, you showed us that, although very hard, it is not impossible to unite against the Bourgeoisie and build a better world.
I hope that one day the workers one and all will rise once more, I hope that we can follow your example, and more importantly learn from the mistakes you (and those after) made.
I hope that you will be young again.
@@chadofsvitjod A capitalist product? Did a capitalist build this computer with his own two hands? Did a capitalist mine and refine the materials to make this computer? Was it even a capitalist who designed such a machine? No, capitalism does not create, it only commodifies products.
What are we supposed to use? The only entities that make electronic tablets and the such are capitalist.
Where are we supposed to go? Thousands of people cannot all immigrate to Cuba. There’d be a mass food crisis. North Korea is a Kingdom pretending to be a socialist state. Also, would never have enough food. China has a literal genocide of the Uyghur people going on. This time, they are dealing with a ginormous population. All we can do is stay where we’ve been put and cause change. Red change.
(Sorry for not typing in Russian, I don’t know the language.)
@@chadofsvitjodкапиталисты не имеют никакого отношения к его созданию. Его создавали трудяги программисты.
@@glen6523 Которым за это заплатили те самые капиталисты... Что бы у них была мотивация это сделать.
@@boxoffun2148it could be built without them, bet the programers would cry of happiness, capitalism ruins work's dinamic
Wholesome sablin moment
Terrorist Guy ! +1
0 само
Did you know, every russian song in existence was made just for TNO? Totally not like masterpieces like this existed before.
Honestly tho, the story of Sablin, in TNO and real life, is beautiful. A true revolutionary, one that saw through the failing bureaucracy, who wanted freedom, socialism and liberty for all. In fact, this song was made 1 year before his actual failed mutiny irl
@@zeeshanasif476 I can't believe Soviets made so many songs because of TNO. They even used time machine in order to learn about TNO. Hell, even Sablin was so inspired by the character with his name that he launched a rebellion against Brezhnev's government.
Give me just one generation of youth and ill transform this world! -Vladimir Lenin
I'm not communist but I can't lie.
This song is fucking awesome.
I can't stop of listen it.
You don't have to be a metalhead to enjoy metal, that's we call freedom of thought.
_"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine."_
~ Che Guevara.
I was kinda a commie when younger, now older more like paleolibertarian.
Anyway people need to keep dreaming and singing "Lenin" is young again forever no matter the color.
Propaganda music in general is amazing, I recently got into that rabbithole and they have bangers, left and right
Priviet comrade
incredibly based
Based on what?
@@mumblingBRAMT its not based off of anything it means they agree
indeed based, viva USSR, viva RSFSR
Valery Sablin's house at 3:00AM:
An interesting fact is that in Sablin's super event, his last words (That is, "Revolution always wins.")to his son were exposed before being shot after he raised a riot on one of the ships, his demands were that the USSR become more open. And in reality he was a positive gnome (In the Russian community TNO, Sablin is called a positive gnome, because his events and tricks are all so POSITIVE!)
The sky of the morning banner
The first step in life is important.
Hear: hovering over the country
Winds of Furious Attacks!
And the fight goes on again
And the heart is anxious in the chest.
And Lenin is so young
And young October is ahead!
The message flies in all directions:
You believe us, fathers, -
There will be new victories
New fighters will rise!
Do not expect mercy from heaven!
Life for the truth do not spare.
Us guys in this life
Only with the truth along the way!
In the world - heat and snowfall
The world is both poor and rich
With us is the youth of the whole planet -
Our worldwide construction team!
Neba utrennego stiag
V zhizni vazhen pervyj shag.
Slyshish: reiut nad stranoiu
Vetry iarostnykh attack!
Pripev (chorus):
I vnov prodolzhaetsia boj,
I serdtsu trevozhno v grudi.
I Lenin - takoj molodoj,
I iunyj Oktiabr vperedi!
Vest letit vo vse kontsy:
Vy poverte nam, ottsy, -
Budut novye victory,
Vstanut novye boytsy!
S neba milostej ne zhdi!
Zhizn dlia pravdy ne shchadi.
Nam, rebiata, v ehtoj zhizni
Tolko s pravdoj po puti!
V mire - znoj i snowpad
Mir i poor i rich
S nami iunost vsej planety -
Nash vsemirnyj strojotriad!
Mistake, the chorus sounds like this:
And the fight goes on again
And the heart is anxious in the chest.
And Lenin is so young
And young October is ahead
And Lenin is so young
And young October is ahead!
A la gloire du grand lénine !!! (On ferme les yeux sur les crimes de guerre PS : La Tchéka )
@@laraik1198 Буржуи первыми предадут свой народ. Это было во Франции и это было в России, и Ленин был прав, когда предсказал это на основе опыта Франции.
This song has inspired generations, as has Lenin's work, and will continue to do so forever. The USSR immortalized itself, among many other things, with this BANGER 🚩🚩🚩
Aleksandra Pakhmutova and Nikolai Dobronravov created this masterpiece
Eternal Lenin
Eternal Revolution
Terrorist Guy ! +1
no trot shit
surprisingly goes hard asf as workout music, would recommend 👍
Communism gives you muscles haven’t you seen the Soviet posters
Не забывайте главный ленинский лозунг - "Учиться, учиться и еще раз учиться". Изучайте, товарищи, классиков марксизма!
Где же сегодня современный Ленин? Как надоело жить при капитализме
Сильная песня!!!! 👍👍👍👍
Будут новые победы, встанут новые бойцы!
В.И. Ленин будет велик и в третьем тысячелетии. Многие из капиталистических стран даже не подозревает роль СССР в темпах технического прогресса в 20 веке. Даже в постсоветских республиках находятся дегенераты, которые считают, что интернет - это заслуга капитализма, они не достаточно развиты понимать, что компьютеростроение финансировалось государством в капстранах с помощью грантов и конкурсов, путем сосредоточения капитала в одних руках, чтобы не отстать от СССР.
Rest in the workers hands comrade Lenin! Your memory and thought is not forgotten!
Ленин жил! Ленин жив! Ленин будет жить! Все что написал Маркс, Энгельс, Ленин и Сталин актуально по сегодняшний день, поскольку продолжается последняя стадия капитализма- империализм. Война нас ожидает, если мировой пролетариат будет и дальше как овцы наблюдать за действиями собственной буржуазии без вооруженного восстания и установления диктатуры пролетариата. Это единственное спасение планеты. В отличии от индивидуалистов буржуев, пролетариату нечего делить, мы хотим жить счастливо вместе со всеми народами и в будущем создать один народ - человек.
Happy birthday comrade
Люди всегда были и всегда будут глупенькими жертвами обмана и самообмана в политике, пока они не научатся за любыми нравственными, религиозными, политическими, социальными фразами, заявлениями, обещаниями разыскивать интересы тех или иных классов.
- Владимир Ильич Ленин, 52 цитаты
Неба утреннего стяг
В жизни важен первый шаг.
Слышишь: реют над страною
Ветры яростных атак!
И вновь продолжается бой,
И сердцу тревожно в груди.
И Ленин - такой молодой,
И юный Октябрь впереди!
Весть летит во все концы:
Вы поверьте нам, отцы, -
Будут новые победы,
Встанут новые бойцы!
С неба милостей не жди!
Жизнь для правды не щади.
Нам, ребята, в этой жизни
Только с правдой по пути!
В мире - зной и снегопад
Мир и беден и богат
С нами юность всей планеты -
Наш всемирный стройотряд!
Neba utrennego stiag
V zhizni vazhen pervyj shag.
Slyshish: reiut nad stranoiu
Vetry iarostnykh atak!
Pripev (chorus):
I vnov prodolzhaetsia boj,
I serdtsu trevozhno v grudi.
I Lenin - takoj molodoj,
I iunyj Oktiabr vperedi!
Vest letit vo vse kontsy:
Vy poverte nam, ottsy, -
Budut novye pobedy,
Vstanut novye bojtsy!
S neba milostej ne zhdi!
Zhizn dlia pravdy ne shchadi.
Nam, rebiata, v ehtoj zhizni
Tolko s pravdoj po puti!
V mire - znoj i snegopad
Mir i beden i bogat
S nami iunost vsej planety -
Nash vsemirnyj strojotriad!
Слава Советской Армии ☭︎видео.html
Для кого транслитом вы пишите?
@@darling_heart Так они транслит не понимают,в чем проблема просто перевод написать?
Lenin is like GIGACHAD for the humanity!
he aint, but SURE was responsible for the Russia we know today, strong (though they're failing)
@@chingqing0504bro what the fuck are you talking about
@@chingqing0504he is, capitalist scam
@@chingqing0504 if given more time before WW2, they would have been way more op
russia is failing because of stalin and putin @@chingqing0504
All power to the Soviets.🚩🚩🚩🚩.
All power to the Soviets! For Makhno's Free Soviets!
Lenin is not Young , Old or Dead
LENIN lives in OUR hearts ♥️
Слава ЛЕНИНА! ✊🫡🚩🚩🚩
Lenin lives in Hell, where he should be
Iraqi flag and Bulgarian flag yo what,
@@abdxfrycsylol5648 im half Bulgarian And half Iraqi yo What ?
@@StayBasedJesus New ideology just dropped
И Ленин такой молодой
translates as "And Lenin is so young"
нет, по смыслу правильно всё переведено
@@anaut1coo" и ленин снова молодой?"💀
@@Goulash23 Я бы перевёл «Lenin is forever young». Понятно, что никто из исполнителей Ленина не застал, тем более молодым. Речь о его мысли и идее, которая не стареет
@@Goulash23 да, смысл такой, ленин со своим учением ещё будут в будущем молодыми
No shit.
Со знаменем Ленина победили мы в боях за Октябрьскую революцию. Со знаменем Ленина добились мы решаю щих успехов в борьбе за победу социалисти чесного строительства. С этим же знаменем победим в пролетарской революции во всем мире.
Ленин хура, Ленин хара, Ленин хурахара!
And lose war with Poland in 1918 - 1921
@@ПИТСЫХАЧУ Cry about it
The battle has only just started! Forward to final victory! Long live marxism-leninism! ✊
Yes, the revanchist, cultural-genociding russians will carry the torch for marxist-leninism. keep dreaming.
contradicting profile picture, clown colors lmfao, watch out kids this mf got monkeypox ^
Irony has spared you
@@8-bitfox716 Homosexuality was decriminalized under Lenin, and this stance was re-affirmed by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1926. One of the few mistakes Stalin made was the re-criminalization of homosexuality in 1934. There is no irony if you have read the relevant history.
@@jokerwickwrong person then
@@jokerwick "few mistakes of Stalin" LMAO
My political phase is being reborn by this song
Умер мужик
quickly call ringo and paul
Happy October Revolution Day, my dear Comrades!
My favorite song)
The most energetic of all proletarian songs I've heard!
A morning sky is overhead
Taking first step does matter in life
Do you hear them? It's all over the country
The shifting winds, the mood is changing
Chorus (Prequel Arc):
The fight keeps going on
And heart feels anxious inside
And Lenin is still so young, so innocent
The October yet to happen
And Lenin is still so young, so innocent
The October yet to happen
The Message spreads across all places:
"Have trust, have confidence
There will be new victories
A new fighters will join"
Don't just sit and wait for mercy
Use your life to fight for truth
Because in this life we have
Only the truth does really matter
The World has heat and also snow
The World is rich and also poor
We have youngs from all over the planet
Our worldwide followers, our construction team
Do Brasil vindo dizer que nosso outubro está próximo!
Avante, camaradas! ✊✊✊
Este próximo ano será fundamental para o movimento socialista/comunista no Brasil, tem crescido.
Надеюсь, что Почётный караул мавзолея не забыл купить тортик и шарики к этому дню.
Это база
One of the greatest people of 20th century, definetly the greatest revolutionary. Thank you Lenin for everything you have done for the mankind, I wish we could have kept the spirit of revolution alive.
The spirit of revolution never dies. Every act of supporting the oppressed, and every act against exploitation, brings that spirit back. May we see revolution in our lifetimes
May we see it brother!
One of the greatest sanguinary dictator yeah... like Mao Staline and Hitler.
@@manweyggdrasill7190 a simple man in this age have more "dictatorial" characteristics than Lenin. It is an irony this mass are calling Lenin a dictator. If they did live in another age probably they would call Hitler the "führer" like they are calling Lenin a dictator now. Same mass.
@@manweyggdrasill7190 I support Lenin no matter what he is called. Lenin led the revolution that freed millions of Russians from the starvation and poverty caused by the Russian monarchy. Lenin started a revolutionary tradition that has freed hundreds of millions under both feudal and capitalist rule. I am with Lenin who fed the children and educated the illiterate. You can call him what you like
Terrorist Guy ! +1
Valeriy Sablin moment:
I always blast this song into my earbuds so when I listen so when it’s quiet it just feels wrong
i have never been more proud to be soviet even thought im a czech
Warsaw Pact, comrade!
@@yumallah6984 yes soudruhu
@@domcza49cz68 based soudruzi
Hm, just means the songs fulfill their purpose well.
Being a Soviet is an international term.
That ending is amazing
Let's fight for a world in which this is sung as an anthem of liberation
In your world it is always about fighting, isn't it?
@@hieronymusbosch8831 you cannot ask kindly anymore. canada invited a literal n*zi into their parliament. shameless and evil. we must fight, we will not be ignored any longer.
@@ravecrab23And you think it’ll be better under socialism?
(bad to the bone riff)
@@ravecrab23 Brain dead argument, we have yet another Marxaphone. Socialism is blatantly unrealistic as the power does not rest with the individual worker, but with the government, which encompasses every aspect of life, leading to more bureaucracy, more taxes, and more surveillance. A government where everyone has the same share of power is impossible as humans will always think of self-gain instead of the bigger picture case in point: U.S.S.R. But dream on!
RUclips just put this in my recommendations and labeled it as "Mix - Music of Japan". Literally all other videos in this playlist also does not match this proclaimed category. Wtf youtube?
Fall of "Communism" in 1989 was just prelude to fall of Capitalism, and then yes, indeed, Lenin (and World Socialist Revolution) will be young again!
Sure buddy. Cope
I am sure. My dad have seen USSR,and he says “It was the damn best childhood I can imagine.” I agree with him.
And I agree with you. Capital system wouldn’t last long in our society. As rich guys would begin to make subscription system popular and destroying our,nowadays systems,people’d rebel and Communism would do EPIC comeback.
Одна из моих любимых советских песен
Defend yourself from the american imperialists with all your strength, sacred Motherland. Today again the people stand up. Russians will never be slaves!
Russians should also rise up agaisnt the tzar of today like they once did!
Slava Ukraini!
Putin is nothing more than a bourgeois tyrant who uses nationalism to blind the working class. Lenin would be disgusted with the current Russian Federation
@@johndanes2294 Lenin would fight on the side of Ukraine!
Lenin would definitely be on the side of the defenders, as a staunch anti-imperialist…
@@peltimies2469 Ah yes, Vladimir Lenin, famous for his support of imperialist puppet dictatorships.
this is so me when famous russian revolutionary, vladimir illych lenin is young.
My dream is to see workers singing this in front of the main government building.
The singer is Joseph Kobzon
02:53 damn that is powerfull
The liberals are shaking right now
C r u s h t h e l i b s 🚩
Liberal socialists:
Как по мне именно из за этой песни у большевиков было преимущество, это очень духоподъемная песня, у бойцов из за этого очень поднимался боевой дух, особенно припев вообще кайф, у меня у самого появился дикий патриотизм, даже мурашки по коже
Песню Пахмутова написала в 1974...какой боевой дух.чувак!"
иза рабочей марсельезы и интернационала поднимался боевой дух
Feliz cumpleaños al liberador de pueblos
Larga vida la inmortal fuerza de lucha del marxismo leninismo
ira lo que le hicieron a cuba y venezuela we
Soviet music is actually so much better than modern
This is good.
P.S I don't want to be called a Terrorist. I would Prefer being called an Leninist
Being a communist is not terrorism
Da Tovarish
@@Theredcarolinian dunno russian, and I particularly don't like communism, but at least I can tell the difference between the two
What I said was "Yes Comrade" I also don't know Russian. May I ask what you have Against Communism?
Being a terrorist isn’t necessarily always a bad thing, terrorism has historically been most common among anarchists and leftists so it can be used for good against oppressive power structures.
Lenin showed us the way, what are we waiting for?
Lenin lived! Lenin lives! Lenin will live!
I'm in tears
chwała Leninowi, wielki człowieku!
Lance do boju, szable w dłoń, Bolszewika goń goń goń!
@@polishspy8778 based
@@polishspy8778rigcz totalny
Sadly Lenin quickly past away when taking in charge of the country. I think he could have done some great changes to the country.
I believe that there is an inner rebel deep within all of our hearts,
So let the revolution live on until the Red Star rises once more!
A song that makes you want to make a revolution, even though in my country it has been dead for just under a century.
"The old world is dying, the new world struggles to be born". May that revolution come within our lifetimes, comrade
Нет - идея революции бессмертна!.
Она - не мертва, она ждет своего часа✌✊🔥🌟
This, along with Red Sun in the Sky (especially this version:видео.html) and Freie Deutsche Jugend must be one of the hardest hitting communist songs. Long live Marx, long live Engels, long live Lenin and long live Mao! ☭
i will be putting this in a playlist called "gym music to prepare to the revolution"
V.I. Lenin died. God and the Devil discussed where to send him,
to heaven or to hell, and decided to go to hell. Comes in a month
The devil to God and says:
- Take Lenin to yourself. My little devils have raised an uprising
, they demand heavenly living conditions for their hellish work. Everything is fine with you in paradise
and he will have
no social conditions to promote his ideas.
God agreed. A month later the Devil comes to God again and
- Well, God, how is Lenin living with you?
God answers:
- Firstly, not God, but comrade God, and secondly, there is no God.
How old are you again?
@@jorgosgustavus3183 no stop is is actully a funny joke,
plz don't ruin it with your capitalist politics.
we're trying to have a good time.
@@rajmundseidel6035 If you kid haven't figured i am not a capitalist. If you found this "funny and a joke" we can debate. Unless that time is reserved for your fathers rape lessons
О да - браво! 😁😁👆👍Многослойный анекдот 😛
One for all the comrades. ✊🚩
I really like the beat of this song and I'm not even a communist lol.
you should be!
I remember seeing this song in a video of USSR military years ago back in 2017 I lost that video but I found the music in it
Только с ПРАВДОЙ по пути..
В чём сила, брат? Брат я думаю сила в силе, брат, у кого больше силы, тот сильней.
RIP Valery Sablin
1 January 1939 - 3 August 1976
Long Live His Legend even in TNO Long Live Our Wholesome XD
Yesterday was his birthday, also with Bary Goldwater.
Thinking it is over just makes the comeback that grater, soon we will be back!