Should Christians Deconstruct their Faith?

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024

Комментарии • 168

  • @christopherflux6254
    @christopherflux6254 2 года назад +11

    I’ve been through deconstruction, but the healthy kind. My faith is stronger than before.

  • @lsredden1
    @lsredden1 2 года назад +10

    “Feelings come and feelings go,
    And feelings are deceiving;
    My warrant is the Word of God--
    Naught else is worth believing.
    Though all my heart should feel condemned
    For want of some sweet token,
    There is One greater than my heart
    Whose Word cannot be broken.
    I'll trust in God's unchanging Word
    Till soul and body sever,
    For, though all things shall pass away,
    ― Martin Luther

  • @rethinkingjesus
    @rethinkingjesus 2 года назад +14

    I accepted my beliefs about Jesus from my parents along with the belief that the Bible was the inerrant Word of God in early childhood. I didn't realize it till I was nearly 50 but along with these beliefs I was also accepting a very real fear of questioning these beliefs I had accepted before I even had my reasoning faculties developed. If instead of being born into a devout Christian family I would have been born into a devout Muslim, Jewish, or Mormon family I would have lived my life believing the Muslim, Jewish, or Mormon doctrines and along with my accepting those different beliefs would have come the very real fear of questioning those beliefs also. I am so glad I had the courage to question my adopted beliefs because I found a Jesus who is not a list of doctrines to believe in. When I stripped all the doctrines Christianity had Him wrapped up in I found someone I want to be like and follow for the rest of my life. Also there is no more of the fear that I didn't even know I had because it had become so much a part of me that I didn't recognize it. Thank you for this video.🙏

    • @whychristianity8388
      @whychristianity8388 8 месяцев назад +1

      Nothing quite like the doctrine of denying doctrines

    • @rethinkingjesus
      @rethinkingjesus 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@whychristianity8388 May I ask you a question? Is the most important thing to Jesus that we believe and defend all the Orthodox Christian doctrines or that we love God and our neighbor as ourselves? I would wager that not a single doctrine that we are told we must believe to be ”saved”can be empirically proven. For example how, except for Genesis 3 and four passages from Paul, can we prove that there was a real Garden of Eden or a talking serpent? Jesus never said one word about the “fall of mankind in the Garden” even though it is the very foundation all Christianity rests on because it was the cause that made the effect of Jesus dying a blood sacrifice necessary.
      What did Jesus mean when he taught that if we follow the greatest commandment of loving God and our neighbor as ourselves we have fulfilled all the law and the prophets? (Matthew 5:8-12, 5:43-48, 7:12, 22:34-40, Mark 12:28-34, Luke 6:32-35, 10: 25-37, John 13:34) Even Paul agrees with Jesus by saying “Love does no harm to a neighbor THEREFORE Love fulfills the Law”!!! (Galatians 5:14 & Romans 13:8-10)
      Today I Love Jesus Christ with all my heart and follow His teachings. I grew up in evangelical Christianity where I remained for nearly half a century until I honestly questioned the doctrines I had accepted as truth in early childhood. My emphasis was focused on Jesus' birth and death and emphasis on the rest of the bible but I ignored all the parts between His birth and death which is the message Jesus gave His life to bring us. Today I place virtually no importance on believing the un-provable doctrines of orthodox Christianity but place great importance on following the provable words of Jesus spoken from his own lips between his birth and death.
      I sadly watch the many Christian denominations accusing each other of being false teachers, heretics as they accuse and fight over doctrines. It is like Jesus rebuking the Priests and the Pharisees saying you blind guides, hypocrites, you keep people from finding the kingdom of God by loading heavy burdens of doctrines on them and are unwilling to lift a finger to help. You keep the law and doctrines to the letter tithing mint and straining your tea lest you swallow a gnat and break the law but you are spiritually choking on a camel. Learn what this means; I desire mercy and not sacrifice, love rather than fighting over doctrine.(Matthew 5: 6-7, 5:20, 9:10-13, 9:32-34, 12:22-24, 23: 1-39, Mark 2:15-17, 2:25-28, 3:5, 3:22. 7:6-7, 7,20, 12:38-40, Luke 11: 37- 54, 12:1, Luke 18:9-14, Luke 20:20, 20:45-4
      I would love to sit down and have coffee with Alisa or a zoom call, not to be divisive, but to ponder how to heal the civil war in the Body of Christ and heal from all the scandals. Having gone through the frightening and painful process of deconstructing my adopted beliefs and through the bliss of reconstructing my relationship with Jesus Christ I see things in a way I was blinded to when I pledged my strict allegiance to defending the doctrines of the faith. Blessings to you my friend in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • @aaronlincoln89
    @aaronlincoln89 2 года назад +27

    Man my experience with deconstruction was something like your own Alisa. I certainly did not choose or understand deconstruction, but after all was said and done I realized my faith had taken a nuclear missile. I didn't even know the word deconstruction until years later. Having gone thru that I would not recommend anyone just voluntarily initiate that deconstruction process. It's dark and scary out there, I felt like I was alone floating on a glacier into infinity... But by the grace of God I am thru it and my faith is stronger than its ever been.

    • @christophekeating21
      @christophekeating21 2 года назад +1

      Ignorance is bliss, don't pursue truth, stick your head in the sand. Is that what Jesus taught? No!

  • @dre_nature7626
    @dre_nature7626 2 года назад +11

    Deconstruction involves leaving religion. If your planning on staying religious and only questioning your “beliefs? That is called re-examination. Two different things

  • @liljenborg2517
    @liljenborg2517 2 года назад +18

    "Deconstruction" is not synonymous with "thinking critically" or even "thinking clearly". Deconstruction involves BY DEFINITION the idea that what my religion teaches is fundamentally propagandist and political. Deconstruction is inherently tied to the idea that there is no capital-T Truth and you're tearing what you believe down to analyze the various "truths" you're you've unconsciously bought into to pick out the things you don't like.
    Analyzing your faith to figure out where you've turned Christianity into a tool for your political or cultural preferences, into a means to achieve some political ends isn't "deconstruction". Following the advice of Paul in Romans 12 "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will" is NOT "deconstruction". Deconstruction is taking apart. We are called to transformation and renewal, we are called to test and approve.
    One of the inherent problems in "deconstruction" is that the "reconstruction" part is sneaky, subversive, and barely analyzed by the person who was conned into deconstructing their faith. After being convinced to think so skeptically about the dual nature of Christ, and the historicity of the resurrection, the problem of Sin, and the authority of scripture, their teacher/mentor/guide gets them to easily swallow all kinds of bilge about sexual immorality not being immoral or Marxist oppressor/oppressed "social" justice categories that three minutes of clear thinking would blow away like smoke.

    • @sethr1758
      @sethr1758 2 года назад +3

      Thanks for this reply. This is a really good analysis. One of the biggest problems is that the whole process relies on enlightened ideas of self and authenticity and is iconoclastic by nature. Most of this movement relies on the reactions of millennials and rejects historic and generational wisdom.

    • @defenestratefalsehoods
      @defenestratefalsehoods 2 года назад +1

      @@sethr1758 the problem is that the bible does name historical places and people but you cant prove most of what happened in the stories. Like Noah's flood story where 3x the amount of water just appear and disappeared in 1 year or in Matthew where the dead saints got out of their graves and marched on the city. All of the things the make people question their faith. From forcing a raped woman to merry her rapist, all the threats of the loving god in deuteronomy 28, or god killing kids by 2 bears for making fun of a man's boldness.

    • @WDBsirLocksight
      @WDBsirLocksight 2 года назад

      I respectfully agree to disagree on the point you said that "you can't prove most of the Biblical stories".
      Lots of the Bible has been proven through archaeology. The stories that don't have an empirical nature to there proof are supernatural evidence.
      If you've already decided that supernatural is impossible then you've successfully joined with a religious structure and elevated your lowly human mind to supernatural heights.

    • @defenestratefalsehoods
      @defenestratefalsehoods 2 года назад

      @@WDBsirLocksight you can only prove some of the people and some of the places in the bible. That dont make the supernatural claims true. Outside of the bible there is no evidence of none of the Moses story, the zombie apocalypse, people walking on water, the sun stopping in the sky, or the Noah flood story. If you have proof let me know. Like i said, some of the people and places in the bible are real but just like Forrest Gump visiting Nixon in the white house, they are part of a story.

    • @danielclingen34
      @danielclingen34 2 года назад

      You are strawmaning us and being extremely tone deaf. Your attitude shows that you don’t care to listen or to find truth of what people are feeling or doing. Your response shows a complete rejection of Christ command to love. Your entire attitude is one of many reasons why deconstructing exists. Do you like to throw out a whole bunch of terms at the end of your little rant that you show me you have no clue what they mean. If Christians active bus like you and decided to actually listen to a lot more and do some actual research then deconstruction wouldn’t be so prevalent.

  • @markshaneh
    @markshaneh 2 года назад +2

    Thank you Alisa , your commitment and obedience to your calling certainly is a valued weapon in the fight against our enemy. Bless you and your family, and your looking and sounding charged .

  • @scottbrandon6244
    @scottbrandon6244 2 года назад +3

    Christians are not talking about the same form of deconstructionism held by Derrida and Lyotard.

  • @michaelstrauss6587
    @michaelstrauss6587 2 года назад +10

    we are to build up: our faith, each other, our knowledge of God and His Word, etc.

    • @Masonman928
      @Masonman928 2 года назад +1

      Good point. Amen.

    • @defenestratefalsehoods
      @defenestratefalsehoods 2 года назад

      How do you build your faith when you realize what you was told was the truth is just fictional stories that people just believed 2000 years ago?

    • @michaelstrauss6587
      @michaelstrauss6587 2 года назад +2

      For starters; the Gospel, and all the Word of God is not fiction, but really the only truth there is to be found in this fallen, dark and sinful world.
      I, and others, can testify to this truth.
      It is sort of like me telling you (or anyone) that you don't have a mother.
      Though you know you have (or possibly had) a mother.
      (for the sake of reason, don't argue you own particulars, ex. adoption etc.)
      You experience her, know her, talk to her, she talks to you, you know her likes and dislikes, etc.
      That is how it is for us who KNOW the Lord Jesus.
      We know Him and experience Him.
      As to Your question: faith comes by hearing (listening and hearing and discovering and preserving with your heart) the Word of God.
      Then after trials, the trials of this life, one finds that He was there all the time, and still is.
      His desire is for you to know Him.
      Truly, to know Him IS to love Him.
      That is the beginning of a marvelous journey my friend.
      In all of this is your own freedom to choose.
      He loves YOU and considers YOU His precious, precious treasure.
      If you truly ask Him to reveal Himself to you, He will.
      Blessings and love.

    • @defenestratefalsehoods
      @defenestratefalsehoods 2 года назад

      @@michaelstrauss6587 i have to say that is a lie. The bible dosen't give accurate history. For example the noah flood would ha e destroyed all plant life but somehow a dove found an olive branch after the flood. The sun cant stop in the sky. There is no evidence of Israel being slaves in Egypt or a mass exodus out of Egypt around 1450 bce. There is no evidence of most of the bible as the books was written years or even centuries after the fact. Mark 16:9-20 is not original to the bible so where did it come from and who wrote it in? Can you provide proof of any of it outside of the bible? Right now you have a book that man put together to paint their narrative for a religion.

    • @defenestratefalsehoods
      @defenestratefalsehoods 2 года назад +1

      @@michaelstrauss6587 having faith doesn't prove what is true. I can have faith that it will rain tomorrow but until i can prove it to be raining my words have no truth just i think it will. How do you prove the authors of most of the stories knew personal word for word conversations of people who was alone or with another person and wrote it down correctly word for word 50 years later?

  • @wisdomforwellness5509
    @wisdomforwellness5509 2 года назад +4

    I am deconstructing because I have seen so many bad thing in the church. Not disagreements but seriously bad things (moral corruption, abuse etc). There are some people like myself that are not necassarily deconstructing our faith but deconstructing the man made systems? So maybe this is a different type of deconstructing all together?

    • @leenbee17
      @leenbee17 2 года назад +1

      @@hhstark8663 Sadly, it's the beliefs themselves that cause the most harm. I work with Brigid. 😊

    • @hhstark8663
      @hhstark8663 2 года назад +3

      I can recommend the following video on Alisa´s channel:
      *"Spiritual Abuse and the Church: Why Should We Listen? with Teasi Cannon"*
      Her friend Teasi Cannon experienced severe abuse and hurt as well. What kept her anchored to her faith was the historical evidence of the resurrection. Teasi realized that Jesus has still risen from the dead historically and is the only one without sin.
      It is important to differentiate between the church and Jesus. The church is fallible and consists of sinful human beings. Jesus is NOT fallible and is WITHOUT sin.
      I can also recommend reading the church fathers, such as Augustine and Anselm, and the scholastic tradition, such as Thomas of Aquinas, and reading about the saints, such as Saint Bridget and Saint Faustina.
      Kind regards,
      Edit: I recommend the channel *"A devotional heart"* . I also recommend the channels *"Doreen Virtue"* and *"Steven Banzartz"* and *"Melissa Dougherty"* and *"Jac Marino"* . They illustrate how demonic the occult/new age really is, and anyone who gets into it will lose their soul.
      (This is a re-posted comment.)

    • @wisdomforwellness5509
      @wisdomforwellness5509 2 года назад

      @@hhstark8663 thanks I will watch x

  • @jeremiahcoles2378
    @jeremiahcoles2378 2 года назад +3

    Thanks for your ministry. It has been encouraging and enjoyable to hear what you and your guests have been sharing.

  • @bradharford6052
    @bradharford6052 2 года назад +2

    Maybe we should all quit using labels and just say what we believe.

  • @wjameswright
    @wjameswright Год назад +1

    Faith Deconstruction should never mean the destruction of your faith. It is healthy to question what you believe but you should do it in light of Scripture and History of our faith.

  • @NewEarthWellness
    @NewEarthWellness 2 года назад +4

    When you have a close loving relationship with your God and Lord the very thought of deconstructing that.
    Faith in God isn't some mental view of the world but a close loving relationship with your very best friend that is closer than any human relationship. Jesus died for each one of us as if we were the only one needing to be saved. How could anyone even consider that?

  • @janetbradbury5021
    @janetbradbury5021 2 года назад +1

    Thank you for standing on the truth in the scriptures.

  • @revolutionofordinaries
    @revolutionofordinaries 2 года назад +2

    I was just working on this today and was wondering what videos you might have on it...then I looked over and saw this. Thanks!

  • @AP-Design
    @AP-Design 2 года назад +2

    Deconstruction used to mean taking something apart to see some hidden spaces, then putting it back together to gain a better understanding of what it always was. Nowadays, deconstruction means taking something apart so that we can be “convinced” it should be reassembled into something it never was.
    This is why I find the term unhelpful in the modern age. We should always use terms that add clarity, not confusion, to what we mean.

  • @littlebitsofbliss
    @littlebitsofbliss 2 года назад +1

    New to your channel! Thanks for this explanation! The concept of deconstruction was new to me but I was hearing it a lot. From the testimonies I was hearing, it did seem not to be neutral at all, but more often negative. I totally agree that the right word to use here is Reformation!

  • @Gospelogian
    @Gospelogian Год назад +1

    I totally get what you’re saying and agree with the principles, but because of the culture of deconstruction equaling falling away or leaving the Christian faith, I believe we should use better terms than “deconstructing”! We should absolutely examine our faith and hold it up to scripture and beef up on apologetics so we don’t believe what we believe just because our parents did or we “always have” etc- we can even lean into our doubts and take those doubts to God and deal with them in a healthy way- but that’s not deconstruction. It gets to be semantics I know but I think there are better ways of expressing this concept.

  • @NewCreationInChrist896
    @NewCreationInChrist896 2 года назад +4

    2 Corinthians 13:5
    “Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Can’t you see for yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you unless you actually fail the test?”

  • @tiffanierrodas-zc9et
    @tiffanierrodas-zc9et Год назад

    This is the best thing on the internet for this. I love apologetics and so I looked this up because I was hearing Christians leave the church because of this, so proceeding with caution because I’m a new Christian… I don’t want to be sucked into it. This was the first video I clicked on because it said “good vs bad” so I know I would still be encouraged. Thanks for this. I have no need to watch any other video

  • @alfonsoreynosa8143
    @alfonsoreynosa8143 2 года назад +1

    This has to be one of the best videos I have seen in a long time thank you for your insight your wisdom and your ministry my God prevail in your life

  • @ByGraceThroughFaith777
    @ByGraceThroughFaith777 9 месяцев назад +1

    It is IMPOSIBLE for a born-again Christian to walk away from the faith. If it was possible, it means that not every sin is covered by the Blood of Christ after we get saved.

  • @chrisbroussard4951
    @chrisbroussard4951 2 года назад +12

    This is the first I've heard of "deconstruction". It sounds to me that deconstruction is a pick-and-choose method of faith. That doesn't sound like Christianity to me. It sounds like creating your own God in your own ungodly eyes. Deconstruction is definitely an evil, deceptive concept (from what I'm hearing). It sounds a lot like Satan.
    It's not real rocket science to figure out who might be pushing "deconstruction". It is those whose beliefs are directly contrary to what the Bible says ... maybe someone whose lifestyle is called an abomination in the bible.

    • @scottbrandon6244
      @scottbrandon6244 2 года назад +3

      It is similar to progressive Christianity.

    • @danielclingen34
      @danielclingen34 2 года назад +3

      It is not at all a pick and choose method of faith. Please listen to us in our stories and what our values actually are and our reason for deconstructing instead of just strawman us. An important part of discussion is to listen to the person you are discussing with. Strawmanning us like bad faith actors like her, Will never entice people and will only continue to push people away. I challenge you to actually practice Christ command of love and show some empathy and actually listen to people in the deconstructing community and listen to what we have to say about what our beliefs actually are and why we hold sad beliefs. Conservative individuals like this lady are extremely cruel in many ways including strawmanning us, that cruelty is the exact opposite of the love that Christ showed and commanded. God bless

    • @RealEstateInsider247
      @RealEstateInsider247 2 года назад +1

      ​@@danielclingen34 I did listen to the video. I did not use a strawman argument. The conclusion i drew was that "deconstruction", as it was discussed, sounds like a pick and choose approach to faith. I believe the bible to be true from beginning to end. We don't get to pick and choose (according to the actual scripture). We can go back and discuss the original intent of the original language and dialog the nuances of the meaning behind the original text. But we don't get to pick and choose what we want to believe (if you are a bible believing Christian). Jesus certainly was empathetic but he also wouldn't waste a moment to rebuke someone for twisting scripture. If Jesus witnessed someone misinterpreting scripture and misleading people, Jesus wouldn't coddle them and say, "That's okay, precious one." He would not hesitate to sharply disapprove (rebuke).

    • @butterbeanqueen8148
      @butterbeanqueen8148 2 года назад +1

      I just can’t believe in a god that claims that everything that happens that is good in my life and everything that happens that is bad is just a test of my faith. That I didn’t do enough or pray enough so that bad things wouldn’t happen to me. It’s just not believable.

    • @chrisbroussard4951
      @chrisbroussard4951 2 года назад +2

      @@butterbeanqueen8148 That is not what God says at all.

  • @revolutionofordinaries
    @revolutionofordinaries 2 года назад +10

    The problem now is when people say "deconstruction" they really mean "deconversion" because some or even many already know there is no way back. To me that isn't exactly deconstruction but it illustrates that words have a range of meaning and so it is very important to define our terms on the front end so we all know if we are on the same page and don't make too many assumptions.

    • @revolutionofordinaries
      @revolutionofordinaries 2 года назад

      @Michael Ward hey Michael. I express my views and interpretations on the channel. I am not pushing for a appeals churches to use instruments, especially if that violates their conscience. I am showing how the Bible isn’t saying what the traditional CofC view on instruments has said for generations. I am also not trying to get anyone to leave churches of Christ. I have never asked for that or pushed for that. I hope that clears some things up that have been misunderstood. You are making inferences from my points to reach conclusions you assume about my intention that are not accurate. His bless.

    • @revolutionofordinaries
      @revolutionofordinaries 2 года назад

      @Michael Ward I am happy to say you are mistaken about me. You might go back and review the last few dozen videos.
      Bible study
      Lessons on prayer
      History of the Restoration Movement
      This is not an overwhelming critique of Churches of Christ...pretty balanced as far as I can tell.

    • @revolutionofordinaries
      @revolutionofordinaries 2 года назад

      @Michael Ward I grew up hearing all the complaints about the Baptists and the Catholics...I cannot imagine you are suggesting that I move back to bashing everyone I have little association with. There is a big difference between offering critique from the outside and offering critique from the makes no sense to critique groups I am not connected with. It makes a whole lot of sense to offer thoughts on those I have spent my entire life around and who I care about immensely. I hear people say what you said with some frequency and it always leaves me scratching my head. Why would a Baptist make sure to critique Catholics and the Church of Christ in order to not appear to be just going against the Baptists? That's odd to me...instead we offer critique from the inside in hope for those who want some encouragement to keep making progress and think through things together. Maybe you can help me understand why my time would be better spent talking about the Baptists or the Catholics...I am at a loss there.

    • @revolutionofordinaries
      @revolutionofordinaries 2 года назад

      @Michael Ward thanks for your patience. It helps to hear how people experience what is communicated. Very helpful.

    • @revolutionofordinaries
      @revolutionofordinaries 2 года назад

      @Michael Ward sorry I misread you. I see what you were saying now on going back and reading it again.

  • @michaelgiffin2621
    @michaelgiffin2621 2 года назад +2

    In seminary in the 1980s I was introduced to Fowler's Stages of Faith. I found that study helpful.

  • @SeanFromTX
    @SeanFromTX 2 года назад +3

    Genesis 3:1-7 is literally a “fruits of deconstruction” example of its purpose in action.

  • @melissabuhlermusic4701
    @melissabuhlermusic4701 2 года назад

    Alisa! Your channel has been such a blessing to me! Storytime! I am from rural Canada. Zoegirl was my pre-game warmup tunes when I played basketball as a high-school and college student. Loved the poppy second album with Even If. And then your dad came up to our little country church to sing for us and I was totally geeking out when I found out his daughter was in Zoegirl! 😂 He told me about your hopes of doing more solo work and that you wrote the song Scream (I think it's called) on the Different Kind of Free album. So cool!
    I had a deconstruction experience a while back which totally freaked me out but I am happy to say that it more firmly planted my feet in the Jesus soil. And now here you are putting out this great content and I am eating it up! Please continue this great work and thank you for it!

  • @robertdouglas8895
    @robertdouglas8895 2 года назад +3

    "Our moral compass is broken." " We are fallen." "The hearts of men are evil."
    With these attitudes of being evil and wrong we cannot know truth. It's impossible to be kind and know truth if you are guided by evil thoughts.
    But that is not what Jesus said. He said we are innocent but we can only know that through forgiveness of ourselves and others. That is metanoia, changing our minds from thinking we are sinners to knowing we are as God created us.
    Matt 12.7 If you had known what these words mean, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice,' you would not have condemned the innocent
    Matt 6.14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

  • @andrewlim9345
    @andrewlim9345 5 месяцев назад

    Thanks for your thoughts on deconstruction. Wasnt aware of its postmodernist roots. Deconstruction as an idea has surfaced in academia.

  • @tamararoberson6482
    @tamararoberson6482 2 года назад +1

    Listening to this video has given me a better understanding on what "deconstruction" is. MY personal and (current) state I guess wouldn't be deconstruction. As someone who has always searched for Truth, in a world where there is much misinformation it is hard to think critically about the Bible using the Bible. I wanted to know is there and real evidence outside of scripture that the things in the Bible actually occurred like questioning the true inerrancy of the scriptures. Judging by my research it seems like there is no neutral parties, when I look for "evidence" for the Bible such as archeological or historical data it seems to be over exaggerated in one or the other direction such as there being an inscription on a stone saying "house of David" meaning the entire Old Testament to be true or there being no archeological evidence for the flood or the exodus meaning that the entirety of the Old Testament to be false. The hard part about this is that Im not seeking to see if what ppl have told me is true according to the scriptures, I'm seeking to find if the scriptures are true. Its very frustrating because the end point is that if I choose to believe the wrong thing this could mean essentially losing my life whether its my eternal life or my current human existence following the wrong set of beliefs.

  • @GR65330
    @GR65330 2 года назад +2

    Deconstruction is just another term for modernism. People make the mistake of trusting their own opinion of the truth instead of abiding by the objective, absolute truth.

  • @jennifera777
    @jennifera777 2 года назад +1

    Deconstruction is a misuse of words for someone that is reforming or assessing their faith. Deconstruction means just what it is says, to undo what was constructed period. Do not be confused and wind up walking awat from Jesus because someone started this deconstruction movement and redifined it's meaning.

  • @timothystewart738
    @timothystewart738 11 месяцев назад

    When I was 19 I actually found myself questioning many things and went down the rabbit hole and in the end deconstructing my faith actually allowed me to discover what I honestly did believe and made my faith so much stronger its important for life long Christians to actually ask do I believe this because I believe this or do I believe because I was raised too the reconstruction was when I really felt a closeness to God I can't describe and experienced things I never had before its more between you and God but we are taught to be like children always asking questions also seeking more

  • @larrys9879
    @larrys9879 9 месяцев назад +1

    Ultimately people will choose to believe whatever appeals to them the most. When Christian beliefs are challenged they often attempt to “prove the Bible is literally true and historically accurate” which is somewhat puzzling to nonbelievers.
    All religions are based on some element of “faith” not facts, logic, science, or history. Therefore, why would a believer ignore their faiths teachings and engage nonbelievers in debates focused on everything but faith? That tactic results in an intellectual debate and religion doesn’t fair very well when it comes to debates based on actual evidence, logic, reason, history, and science.
    Institutions of higher education teach subjects based on science, history, and math. Physics isn’t based on faith and beliefs, it’s based on scientific principles that have been validated by rigorous study and research.
    Religion is based on “stories” that cannot be validated as actual historical events. In fact, actual scholars have proven these stories are ancient myths that often conflict with actual documentation.
    Religion doesn’t disseminate their “stories” based on evidence that has been validated by scholars, they use the tried and true technique of continuous and relentless indoctrination with threats of eternal torture by being burned alive as the supposed punishment for not believing their “story”.
    The fact that so many versions of Christianity exist as well as numerous other religion that all claim to be the one and only “true” religion that is worshipping the one and only “real” deity.
    Religion doesn’t do well when it’s examined logically, rationally, historically, and scientifically. Unfortunately, for organized religion the truth about the origins and evolution about all of the various religions and their “Holy” scriptures is now easily accessible on the internet. And that is why religions are in steady decline all over the world. And why so many “Christians” like me, have and are “deconstructing “ their religious beliefs. It isn’t likely this trend is going to slow down or go away.

  • @christincommon5496
    @christincommon5496 2 года назад +1

    All Those who believe the gospel must be baptized in the Holy Spirit. Jesus came to baptize in the Holy Spirit. If we have Holy Spirt inside us, He begins transforming us from the inside out. Those who have Him indwelling do not “deconstruct”, they grow in faith and holiness through the power of the Holy Spirit.
    I was a false convert in a church for many years, thinking I was “saved” and constantly reassured by my pastor and the worldly people around me that I was saved.
    It wasn’t until I truly cried out to Jesus and surrendered my life that I felt new life enter me. Literally the sky is bluer and the grass greener. I have been on fire for God since then.
    I have a heart for the lost in the church-I believe there are more lost than saved.
    Please examine yourself to see if you are in the faith! Do you have a desire for His Word? A desire to praise and worship? A desire to pray and seek God more and more?
    God begins a good work to transform us into the likeness of Christ. If no transformation is happening (not talking about do’s and don’ts, but heart/attitude transformation) then seek God with a humble heart and follow Him.
    Peace to all.

  • @Dancer1292
    @Dancer1292 2 года назад +2

    Deconstruction????What are we deconstructing when a True Believer is in the word. As you already know, you can't deconstruct the word of God. You can misinterpret it but the Holy Spirit within will correct), be fed the wrong stuff , but it's our responsibility to know the word of God for ourselves, not any pastor or teacher . We will be held responsible for what we consume and apply to our lives... God will hold us responsible. No need for big discussions, you either do the word of God or you don't, you either obey or you don't simple as that.

  • @jerrygillespie2464
    @jerrygillespie2464 2 года назад +1

    I don't know of anyone who asks if they should deconstruct. They just simply DO deconstruct because what they read in the Bible isn't lining up with what they see and hear from the evangelical agenda. It's, therefore, a healthy thing.

    • @christincommon5496
      @christincommon5496 2 года назад

      …so we should be tossing the Bible because their is deception in some pulpits?
      Might as well cancel parents, teachers, cops, doctors, and everyone else on the planet, because there are inconsistencies everywhere.
      Satan has done a good job of deceiving many.
      It is our responsibility to seek Truth, and according to scripture if we seek, we will find, if we are sincerely seeking.

    • @jerrygillespie2464
      @jerrygillespie2464 2 года назад

      @Christ In Common Who say anything about tossing the Bible? I think you commented on the wrong response.

    • @christincommon5496
      @christincommon5496 2 года назад

      @@jerrygillespie2464 why would you deconstruct from the faith unless you are tossing the Bible? Seriously asking. If the Bible is true, you don’t deconstruct from the faith because you know it’s real.

    • @jerrygillespie2464
      @jerrygillespie2464 2 года назад +1

      @Christ In Common I think that's part of the misunderstanding of what deconstruction is. Sure, for some, that process may mean revising what their faith looks like, but for others, like myself, it simply means reevaluating what you've been taught to see if it's the best understanding of things. You don't have to lose your faith when deconstructing. It's all part of a refining process. Basically, deconstruction will look very different for each person. It's a very broad thing.

  • @michaelshelton7761
    @michaelshelton7761 2 года назад +2

    Excellent!! Deconstruction is new in my lexicon tool box. Alisa did an admirable job of breaking things down correctly. "Deconstruction does not equal Reformation." I concur. To shift a bit, a great tool is Critical Thinking, not to be confused with CRT or other nonBiblical argle bargle. Critical Thinking Skills are part of a mature adult and mature Christian. Read the Book - don't wait for the Movie (White Heart). Spend time daily in God's Word and allow the Holy Spirit cultivate your heart and mold you uniquely for His service. I forget who says this -- hear him on Effect Radio, but he says, "Two things we know for sure -- there is a God, and you're not Him." I am reminded daily that God doesn't ask for my guidance.

  • @cirdan4170
    @cirdan4170 2 года назад +1

    I agree with your definition, when looked at in the light of culture and what many people use it for. However, I think we need to keep in mind, that there is a normal process of detaching from the original beliefs that nurtured us into the faith that should lead us to stand on our own two feet and to have our own convictions that are tested and proven. That has to mean that we find out for ourselves that the word of God is reliable and trustworthy, and that we then test everything with the word. This, however, means that many people feel the need to test their own beliefs and then find out about deconstruction and embrace the term without embracing the concept you describe. I just think we need to be careful how we talk about it because I think a lot of people will be alienated who just understand deconstruction as this detaching (I would differentiate it from reformation with reformation as a continual process and the detaching as a distinct step in our walk with God).
    I for myself talk about "deconstruction" as I left a cult-like environment. The process was distinct, not gradual and quite brutal, actually. Due to the discovery that I had believed lies, I started to question everything but found that I couldn't doubt the existence of the God of the bible, so I reconstructed. Now my faith is stronger than ever and I believe in the inerrancy of scripture and the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ with all that that entails. But for the background I came from I needed a "reconstruction" and I think so do many people coming from cult like or heretical groups. Either we need to coin a new term for it (like "reconstruct") or embrace "deconstruction" as a term meaning more that the postmodern deconstruction of the bible.

    • @cirdan4170
      @cirdan4170 2 года назад +1

      I think the problem with deconstruction is far more about our maturity in faith. I think this detachment (and I have no problems calling it a deconstruction) is necessary in some capacity in order to come to maturity, but it has to happen when a person is already mature enough to undergo the process without falling from faith.

    @NIMM_VOID 4 месяца назад

    the idea that deconstruction is a rejection of truth or requires the belief that truth is relative is incorrect. for most people deconstruction occurs with the realization that what we believed wasn't true in the classic sense of truth as reality. your augments will be stronger when based on actual experiences and reasons people do it

  • @hughjanus2781
    @hughjanus2781 2 года назад +1

    You should question anything that requires you believe based on faith.

  • @desertsinger72
    @desertsinger72 Год назад

    Thank you!

  • @judithkillingsworth2965
    @judithkillingsworth2965 2 года назад

    The Bible talks about this in I John 2:19. If we are true believers, we will not turn away. We may have experiences of doubt at times, but we never turn away from the faith. I feel like the term deconstruction is a fancy word for turning away from God. And it is becoming terribly over used in too many conversations. We cannot rely on our feelings or our emotional highs and lows. The Bible says that the heart is deceitful and cannot be trusted. We must realize that we all have sinned and confess to God that we are sinners and trust in Jesus and what He did for us on Calvary. The agony He suffered for us. We must look away from ourselves and look up to the Savior. We cannot rely on our own understanding. We rely on Jesus. And realize that we are nothing. Jesus is all we need. Our only hope is in Him. True belief is turning TO God, not away from Him.

  • @randomworkings3600
    @randomworkings3600 3 месяца назад

    I certainly deconstructed my Presbyterianism and felt completely removed from it. I got really into a lot of occult philosophy and thought. Especially the gnostics and Christian mystics. I never practiced any of these things, and landed in the Catholic Church and believe the Orthodox Church has similar merits. It’s healthy to explore your ideas, but so many start with the idea that they would like to stray from God and their whole process is dishonest.

  • @Lbvg
    @Lbvg Год назад +1

    this is very useful, but do you also have a video where you actually define/explain what deconstruction is?

  • @aaronharlow2137
    @aaronharlow2137 3 месяца назад +1

    Deconstructing your faith is only good if it's part of reconstructing your faith.

  • @allanvanderley193
    @allanvanderley193 2 года назад

    Hi ALISA;
    Happy new year. You are looking well and sounding refreshed. I hope you and family had a pleasant holiday,and that all are well and safe.
    Your argumentation has grown to develop a vigorous clarity it did not have prior. It seems,in my view,you have sharpened the metal of your sword to match the mettle of your spirit - bravo. Your level of discernment is becoming more focused it seems,and your rhetorical argumentation more nuanced in semantic usage. ‘Deconstruction’ still seems like a trigger word in your polemics. You also seem to draw a tighter meaning to its potential use.
    I commend your continued broadening of the use of semantics and overcoming the propensity from constructing biblical argumentation on worn-out 16-th.century constructs based on the Fifth-century manuscripts and framing of First-century Christendom - the actual Life,Morals,Teachings, and Philosophy of Jesus-of-Nazareth.
    We have not had any direct correspondence and dialogue directly or virtually; and yet I’ll be happy to resign our communications tangentially one-off from your online podcasts.
    Love in His Name always.

  • @rogerdee.926
    @rogerdee.926 Год назад +1

    Loads of "Christians" deconstruct their belief system in the process of aligning their theology closer to the Mind of God. This is a process that is of, and will lead to the 'latter rain.'

  • @vikinglobo2415
    @vikinglobo2415 9 месяцев назад

    I repented of the wrong theology I had once believed, when I let the truth of God’s word be my guide and not some “pastor” who was preaching his denomination view and not scriptural teaching.

  • @sorrowinchrist3387
    @sorrowinchrist3387 Год назад +1

    Alisha can you list books that debunk deconstruction books?

  • @GratiaPrima_
    @GratiaPrima_ 2 года назад +2

    I went from Baptist to Catholic. Evaluating things and changing your mind (or not) is fine. But true, it’s got to be all about objective truth. Agreeing with God about what he says is good and true.

    • @jamesb6818
      @jamesb6818 2 года назад

      This is something I’ve been wrestling with for sometime now. The more I’ve learnt the more I’m start to lean that way.

    • @GratiaPrima_
      @GratiaPrima_ 2 года назад +1

      @@jamesb6818 Deconstruction? Or Catholicism?

    • @freshliving4199
      @freshliving4199 2 года назад +1

      No such thing as objective truth.
      There is only the Truth.
      You are of the Truth or you are of the lie.
      End of story.

    • @GratiaPrima_
      @GratiaPrima_ 2 года назад +4

      @@freshliving4199 that’s what objective means… not subjective.

    • @jamiethayer4733
      @jamiethayer4733 2 года назад +5

      @@GratiaPrima_ We need to examine the doctrines of whichever denomination one might switch to. Hold it up to God's word. Jesus warned the Pharisees that they were practicing 'the traditions of Men' (religion), rather than making their relationship with Him their priority. Ask yourself, Is praying to someone other than God the Father or Jesus biblical? No, clearly not once we examine the scriptures.

  • @NewEarthWellness
    @NewEarthWellness 2 года назад +1

    The Bible is Gods love letter to us. It gives our history our future our hope of eternal life. God says that he doesn't want us to die, he doesn't want us to do what is self destructive and he wants us to live with him.

  • @willeton
    @willeton Год назад

    Not so fast. I have stopped the christian journey because I firmly believe something is seriously wrong here. I have experienced supernatural phenomon, I prayed for a bride and two narcisstic women turned up, who caused all sorts of troubles. I desired to become a priest from a very young age and yet have been under satanic attack ever since. Now I am in my late 50s I am seriously reconsidering where I am at in life. There has to be an answer better than the world, but what and where is it?

  • @michaelx5070
    @michaelx5070 2 года назад +4

    The important thing is that if one cares about the truth of their beliefs, they compare the best arguments for their belief with the best arguments against the belief, seeking to make as reasonable inferences as they can from such comparison. That includes the belief that Christianity is true. Sometimes Alisa says that we should think critically about our beliefs, suggesting that she would approve of what I just said. Other times she says we should discard what is contrary to Scripture, suggesting that she is not interested in critically examining the truth of Christianity, and weighing the best evidence for it against the best evidence against it (how can you properly weigh evidence for a belief if anything against the belief gets thrown out?) I don’t know what her position is because she says different things at different times. The important thing is that the comparison of the best evidence happens for all important beliefs, no exceptions just because it makes us feel uncomfortable or because we’re scared that we might have to change our mind. It should be at least theoretically possible to deconvert prior to weighing the evidence for Christianity, even if that doesn’t happen in the end. It’s about where the evidence points, and following in that direction.

  • @MichaelKMorris
    @MichaelKMorris 2 года назад +1

    I have no idea what deconstruction is, how to do it, or why you would.
    I was born again 43 years ago and have followed Him since. Read your Bible, pray, serve in church, choose good over evil and you will grow in Christ. Leave worldly philosophy, like what liberals teach, far behind. Sounds like this is that sort of thing.

  • @davyboone1794
    @davyboone1794 Год назад

    Deconstruction is one more ism trying to have eternal life and be at peace with God while still being waist-deep in the world's values.

  • @HS-ml8dx
    @HS-ml8dx 2 года назад +1

    I prefer a faith like that of Smith Wigglesworth and the spiritual giants of old _ people who didn't even know a word like "deconstruction".

  • @nelidascott6917
    @nelidascott6917 2 года назад

    Very well explained, Alisa !

  • @jamessheffield4173
    @jamessheffield4173 2 года назад

    Let's be practical. What happens when you walk into a church for the first time?

  • @ByGraceThroughFaith777
    @ByGraceThroughFaith777 9 месяцев назад +1

    Jesus paid for ALL of our sins, past, resent, and future. He did it all, there's absolutely NOTHING required of us that we should do to be saved, or to keep our salvation. This whole thing about how we believe is nonsense. All we have to is believe that Jesus is the saviour, 100%, and if we put anything in our to-do list that we think can help Jesus, you are essentially saying that Jesus isn't enough, and something is expected of us to maintain the Grace of God.

  • @ronwalker8863
    @ronwalker8863 2 года назад +2

    The basis and foundation of Christian faith is not a fragile thing, and any believer facing doubts should face them with unrelenting courage and honesty. That means going way beyond just weighing the vain babblings of some communist professor who's pursued a life of deception, against an ignorant believer who only has their own personal experience to offer. Science, from the cosmos, to biology, to the fossil record, to DNA ancestry, to the history of Israel, etc. all shouts loud and clear of the existence of the Creator and the authentic truthfulness of the Bible. Of course, one's own personal experience is still the most powerful thing. "Steady On" brothers and sisters.

  • @traceyburroughs1111
    @traceyburroughs1111 2 года назад

    Tracey Burroughs from South Africa watching your episode.

  • @joshuamartinpryce8424
    @joshuamartinpryce8424 Год назад

    Deconstruction is never fruitful and healthy because its walking away with regret. Jesus spoke about a man in the bible who walking away from becoming a follower of Jesus by suggestion of Jesus because he was rich and had wealth. This speaks volumes on deconstruction. What it says is either we are either for Christ or not for Christ. Its either God or not God. When we choose God we have to abandon the thoughts and ways of the world. When we choose the world we reject God, and that feeling and thought process is heavy on a good deconstruction and bad deconstruction. True faith is based on rejecting the world and demanding a spiritual outlook which grows over time. Everyone suffers some form of religious trauma. We can only confront it and make the right decision, Jesus.

  • @markshaneh
    @markshaneh 2 года назад +1

    Deconstruction also is a core tenant of progressive theology, universalism is behind most of progressive theology.

  • @fundamentalescapepodcast8859
    @fundamentalescapepodcast8859 2 года назад +1

    The fundamental flaw you have is treating this like it’s a choice

  • @Eyesofmars2040
    @Eyesofmars2040 2 года назад

    The issue here is words mean nothing today. Everyone has their own meaning for everything, so deception can get its foot in the door.

  • @mythographer
    @mythographer 2 года назад

    It’s not a neutral tool. Its literary-critical form practices a “hermeneutics of suspicion” based on nominalism. Specifically it is suspicious of all transcendent signified and signifier terms. It finds hidden social agendas in those terms-a manipulative use of language to gain or maintain power over others. Christianity by definition signifies transcendence, so deconstructing one’s faith can only result in its destruction. Deconstruction’s fatal flaw is that it can’t withstand turning back on itself: You can always deconstruct the deconstructer. Doubt your doubts and confess your faith.

  • @davidferreira1977
    @davidferreira1977 Год назад

    I'm for deconstructing from religion and some beliefs and doctrines of the so called Christian church that don't even really follow God's word but there own biases.

  • @thecatalysm5658
    @thecatalysm5658 8 месяцев назад

    Read The Catalysm of the Kingdom of Heaven. It deconstructs institutional Christianity, but reconstructs and reinforces the Priesthood of all Believers but isn't progressive in the sense that it establishes a new sense of morality.
    But what it is is orthodox essentialist Christianity that is a breath of fresh air.

  • @denisemaxwell51
    @denisemaxwell51 2 года назад

    If it doesn't line up with the word of God, toss it out. Period.

  • @Idela905
    @Idela905 2 года назад

    But if we trust the Holy Spirit he’ll guide us. Jesus said in John 16:13 “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. “ If we really depend on the Spirit we’ll be ok.

  • @Mojo4884
    @Mojo4884 2 года назад

    Job's wife told him to curse God and die, if anyone had cause to deconstruct his faith it might have been Job, but I think his perseverance . . . well read it and see. Keep in mind that some folks have claimed that the book of was Job the reason they lost faith or rejected it all together. I say it is because they either never had, or they blind to the truth.

  • @shonsam5162
    @shonsam5162 2 года назад

    I think i have fallen into this trap unknowingly, I’ve been a believer for 4 years and since the last 1-2 years I’ve been feeling hopeless and depressed. I think i somehow had came to believe that every little thing about the Christian faith has to make sense to me, or else i wont believe that particular truth. I made myself the arbitrator of truth, rather than just saying this is what the Bible says and I’m gonna believe it. Could u help me out here Alisa Childers, was I unknowingly or knowingly deconstructing??

  • @paulsevers7740
    @paulsevers7740 10 месяцев назад

    When one truly repents of sin and trusts in Christ for forgiveness and reconciliation with a holy God, and is truly 'born of the Spirit', that is only the beginning of a life-long process of learning and character development. During that process we may come to believe certain ideas - interpretations of Scripture - which we later find are not correct, and so the content of one's 'faith' gradually evolves. In my teens I was a Charismatic, Arminian Premilennialist but through reading and Bible study and good teaching, one by one the false ideas gave way to the truth, so I am now generally a cessationist, and a Calvinist and amillenialist, to highlight just three areas. My own belief is that those who feel the need to 'deconstruct' their 'faith' and particularly those who 'walk away' were most likely only nominal Christians, not truly converted and born again - stony or weedy soil in the parable - and see John's comment in 1 John 2v19.

  • @lynnadams9478
    @lynnadams9478 2 года назад

    Thank you Alisa! Yes we need to grow and go, I'm saying this includes me too ! Love for each other is the Big one Faith, Hope, & Love, ❤️. Yes some of those ideas from men like Hegil & Bernoulli, or more up to date Joseph Fletcher with his situation Ethics, or in even more up to date language, what ever floats your boat, sounds good, but it does work. The advantage Christians have is after Jesus Reserection we were given the Holy Spirit, we can know the Truth. See 1John 2:20 & 1Cor. 2:16. You are completely correct, we can't trust our flesh on this, only the BIBLE. Just like a Airplane pilot flying in the Fog @ night has to trust, ( Have faith in ) his instraments, because he can Not trust his feelings. Thank you for all that you do A light !!

  • @TheGuiltsOfUs
    @TheGuiltsOfUs 2 года назад

    What can be deconstructed should be deconstructed!

  • @miketaylor9969
    @miketaylor9969 2 года назад

    Sounds like reformation to me,but deconstruction sounds intellectual and new so I’ll go back to reformation 👍

  • @chachachachan
    @chachachachan 2 года назад

    More content on this please.

  • @labandonaldhock80
    @labandonaldhock80 Год назад

    We were not born fallen.

  • @relationshiprx6820
    @relationshiprx6820 Год назад

    With all due respect, I think you’ve missed the entire point of deconstruction and what the movement is about. And BTW quoting cherry picked scripture at your audience is part of the problem that IMO people have wised up to and are tired of - this approach is more likely to push people away towards deconstruction.
    Many people who deconstruct, were honestly seeking God in the process. They were seeking to know and love him more deeply by going deeper into the scriptures, studying the original language, history etc etc. But in doing so they discovered more and more issues that simply don’t align with what they have been taught.
    The lens through which you are looking and speaking to your audience is “I know the truth …” a very distorted lens indeed - a lens distorted by fear and arrogance that will never allow you to see things for what they are, ie reality.

  • @skydivingcomrade1648
    @skydivingcomrade1648 2 года назад

    Clarification of truth.

  • @scottbrandon6244
    @scottbrandon6244 2 года назад

    Postmodernism at 3:14. Postmodernism may see some forms of objective reality. However they would also say you can't separate the subjective reality from it. The problem with postmodernism is its rejection of uniform truth and acceptance of multiple realities. I think when we are talking about the gospel of Jesus Christ there is a special need to have objective universal truths. Thinks of what we learn just in the first five books of the Old Testament. The secular results of postmodernism are evident in modern societies. These cultures become more secularized and have lower levels of church attendance. Gen-Z and Millennials are rejecting many facets of traditional Christianity, partly due to the influence of postmodernism. Progressive Christianity is one result, where people pick and choose what thy will accept. Other reactions are just to become atheists and have no God for direction. Both reactions are dangerous. God wants us to accept all of His teachings and follow his son Jesus Christ.

  • @mikei7444
    @mikei7444 9 месяцев назад

    Deconstruction is something you have no idea about.

  • @mikeljones4673
    @mikeljones4673 2 года назад

    Deconstruction is very good if it leads to one walking away from this fairy tale religion. What I would like is some actual information on deconstructing that's useful, not Christians warning other Christians about it

  • @robertchalmers1963
    @robertchalmers1963 2 года назад +4

    How to know the Christian god does not exist:
    There are over 100 eschatological time statements in the New Testament that all say the second coming of Jesus is “near, at hand, at the doors, will happen shortly” etc. Here’s just a few: 1 John 2:18, 1 Peter 4:7, James 5:8, Heb 10:37, Rev 1:1&3, Rev 22:6,7,10,12,20.
    Seven of these time statements (Matt 10:23, Matt 16:27-28, Matt 24:34, Mark 8:38-9:1, Mark 13:30, Luke 9:26-27, Luke 21:32) state Jesus’ second coming will occur before all his disciples die and in the same generation that sees the Jewish temple destroyed.
    The Jewish temple was destroyed in 70 CE by the Romans. It is one of the most well attested historical events in all of human history.
    What did Paul believe would happen at the second coming of Jesus? Paul believed that flesh and blood physical bodies would not enter the kingdom of god when it arrived. (1 Cor 15:50, Rom 8:18-23). Nor would the unrighteous (1 Cor 6:9-10, Gal 5:19-21). We know Paul believed this from verses like these as well: Rom 7:18,23-25, 1 Thess 4:15-17, 1 Cor 15:50-53, Rom 8:23, Phil 3:20-21.
    Paul also believed that the curse of Gen 3:16-19 would be lifted at the second coming of Jesus. Paul states this in Rom 8:18-23. This would result in a universe that had no more suffering, death or decay (Rev 21:4). Paul was the earliest Christian writer and wrote before the temple’s destruction in 70 CE.
    The gospel writers wrote after 70 CE. We can know this by using simple logic that I will demonstrate a little later. But first, what did the gospel writers think would happen at the second coming of Jesus?
    All the wicked would be judged and destroyed and all the righteous would be delivered and rewarded. (Matt 13:36-43, Matt 13:47-50, Matt 24:45-51, Matt 25:31-46, Luke 12:46-48, Luke 17:24-30 etc.) The rest of the NT writers believed the same (James 5:1-8, Heb 10:25-39, Rev 20:11-15 etc.)
    So Paul believed flesh and blood physical bodies, as well as the unrighteous, could not inherit the kingdom of god when it arrived at the second coming of Jesus.
    And the gospel writers believed all the wicked would be destroyed and cast out of the kingdom at the second coming of Jesus and that this must occur before all the disciples died and during the generation that saw the Jewish temple destroyed. Therefore...
    The fact that you and I are walking around in flesh and blood, physical bodies 2,000 years later is certain proof that Paul and the other NT writers were not telling the truth.
    Paul thought the physical body was corrupt and in bondage to sin because of Adam’s sin in the garden. It needed to be replaced in Paul’s mind. Paul says this many times throughout Romans and his other writings.
    Paul was either deliberately lying (which I think is unlikely) or suffering from hallucinations. Paul thought these hallucinations were “revelations” and “visions” from his messiah Jesus. We can see clues about this in some of his writings (Gal 1:11-12, 1 Cor 14:2, 1 Cor 14:14, 1 Cor 14:18).
    In 2 Cor 12:1-7 Paul boasts about his “visions” using the third person. We know he is doing this from the immediate context of 2 Cor 11. Paul was hallucinating.
    The gospel writers wrote after 70 CE. They had seen the temple destroyed. They brilliantly used this to market their Jesus. The gospels revolve around the tension between Jesus and the Pharisees and Sadducee’s.
    The gospel writers used this to win new converts. They “remembered” Jesus predicting the destruction of the temple. Many passages in the gospels are conveniently about the destruction of the Jews and their temple (Matt 21:33-46, Matt 23, Matt 24, Mark 12:1-12, Luke 13:34-35, Luke 20:9-19). To top it off, the gospel writers added miracles to their gospels and grew the legend of Jesus.
    How do I know this is true? Because Paul and the other NT writers promised that perfect bodies and a perfect universe would be all that remained after the second coming and this obviously did not occur in the first century generation.
    The first century Christians were an apocalyptic cult and their predictions failed.
    Please remember that the Bible claims it is the “word of God” (2 Tim 3:16, Heb 4:12, Isa 40:8, Psalm 119:105, Matt 24:35 etc.) and that God cannot lie (Exo 20:16, Num 23:19, Pro 12:22, Titus 1:2, Heb 6:18 etc.) yet this god lied over 100 times about his imminent return that would make everything perfect.
    This was probably the most important promise in the entire New Testament. It certainly was to Paul. And this promise was broken. Paul considered the new body he would receive “salvation” (Rom 7:23-25, Rom 8:23, Phil 3:20-21, 1 Cor 15:50-55).
    I was a Christian for 32 years. I wrote this because I want to help people escape a religion and a god that I am convinced does not exist. I hope you will consider these arguments and look into them. Thank you for reading and I wish you well.

    • @christincommon5496
      @christincommon5496 2 года назад

      You didn’t have Holy Spirit. You were a fake Christian. I know because I used to be one before Jesus radically saved and transformed me. Huge difference.
      Truth does not need your permission to be true. That is the case here. You are judging the Bible, friend, but in reality the Bible judges you.
      If you are nearly as intelligent as you give yourself credit for being, you will humble yourself before God (with sincerity) and seek answers. He is faithful.
      Now is not the time to fall apart. It’s going to get real here very soon.
      If you don’t understand we are in a spiritual battle I feel sorry for you. You just picked the wrong side. And you don’t have to take my word for it .you will soon see.

    • @aaronharlow2137
      @aaronharlow2137 3 месяца назад

      God never lied. He never clearly stated when the return would be. And many prophecies did come true, such as the destruction and restoration of Israel, as well as current events pointing to end times.
      Nobody said the second coming would occur in the first century. They said it was "near" so that everyone up until the day would be ready. What, were they supposed to write down it wouldn't happen for a very long time? It clearly says no one knows the day or the hour. No one gave an idea of what year it was. But they did give indications of the events that precede the second coming. Some of which are currently happening (you posted this 2 years ago, before the events with Hamas, so hopefullly you've seen that your claim was incorrect.
      You are factually incorrect about the writing of the Gospels. They did NOT write after the temple was destroyed.
      Luke died in 64 AD.
      Mark died in 68 AD
      Matthew's death details are unclear.
      John was the only one known to have lived after the destruction of the temple.
      Jesus's prediction of the temple being destroyed was written in the book of Luke, who died before it was destroyed.
      The book of Acts, which is a sequel to Luke, was written while Paul was still alive (obviously, because Paul died 2 years after Luke). Paul's death is not part of the book of Acts.
      Also, if the Gospels wanted to build credibility on their account of the resurrection, why would they say the witnesses were women? Women were, at the time, considered to be unreliable witnesses. The claim that the resurrection was fabricated is laughable at best. The Apostles insisted the resurrection happened and suffered imprisonment and execution for it. None of them got any money, fame, or respect. It's one thing to die for something you believe in. But this wasn't belief. They were there. To suggest that 12 people unanimously agreed to cling to something they unequivocally KNEW was false takes away a lot of credibility of your claim. And the theory that they all had some halloucination has been refuted to the ground. Modern Atheists don't even use that anymore. They all claim they don't beleive the resurrection didn't happen, but don't offer an alternative explanation, because they don't have one.
      You're forgetting that Paul was struck blind for 3 days, had the vision of Jesus, (whether you want to call it halloucination or not) and regained his eyesight. Also, the things that Paul claims to have heard from Jesus are actually very consistent with things that Jesus Himself had said. Keep in mind, Paul never met Jesus while He was alive.

  • @elikittim7971
    @elikittim7971 2 года назад

    A lot of people claim to leave the faith. But these people were never in the faith. People in the faith, who have experienced God, never leave. It’s only those who think that being Christian is an intellectual or a behavioral issue that walk out. But claiming allegiance to Christianity intellectually, or making professions of faith, is not salvation. Salvation is when you descend into the hell of your being and find God existentially. It’s when you lose your identity to gain God’s. That type of Christian neither deconstructs nor leaves the faith! It’s only those who never became Christians that quit and mistakenly call it “leaving the faith.” They were never part of it…

  • @labandonaldhock80
    @labandonaldhock80 Год назад

    There is a verse in the Bible to support every angle you take. The Bible is not God’s word read it, it is self evident, read all of it over and over and you will know

  • @johnpaulyates1655
    @johnpaulyates1655 Год назад

    Deconstruction is a very healthy thing to do. You simply start w/ the premise that what you believe is neither true, nor false, then compare those beliefs to reality. Truth is defined as “The extent to which a proposition conforms to reality, as adjudicated by predictive power”. Deconstruction simply asks you to be honest w/ YOURSELF.
    Food for Thought: Nowhere in the New Testament does anyone ever claim to see, or speak, to the risen Jesus. He only exists in the inked words of the Greek speaking, gospel writers, 40 to 70 yrs. after Jesus is crucified by the Romans. None of these men actually knew Jesus.

  • @dabbler1166
    @dabbler1166 2 года назад

    Yes. I think people Should deconstruct their Faith.
    If they don't, I wonder how honest they are being with themselves.
    If they dont, then can they really "give a reason for the hope that is in you"?
    Ask if there might be a comeback to what the criticism is. Skeptics can also be biased, like politicians. Ask questions. And then question the answers.
    Find answers that really make sense and stand up. But work toward ARRIVING at a definite answer, for your own peace of mind, if you really are looking for truth.
    This whole "deconstruction" thing is already getting unnecessarily too complex.
    And its our fault. We "add 53 ingredients" as to what deconstruction supposedly means and what is involved in it.
    It isn't ending poverty.
    Or "understanding the Black experience (or white, for that matter)
    or the Enneagram
    or LGBTQ
    or social justice.
    The Church is not your state capitol!!
    Many of these "issues" aren't, and never were, the churches "job".
    Ask your questions. But also be willing to question the critics.

  • @st.christopher1155
    @st.christopher1155 2 года назад

    Sounds like a religious mind game and a colossal waste of time. So I would say avoid it at all cost.

  • @elizaf.9040
    @elizaf.9040 2 года назад +1

    People should not judge the Bible, they should allow the Bible to judge them.

  • @oxiosophy
    @oxiosophy 2 года назад

    Onee big haystack