Congrats on graduating!! I recently graduated for animation and I like your version much more than the one I would have had lol. Love your videos and how you show your thought process, super inspiring! Cant wait to see what else you come up with!
It really bothers me , when other dumb videos getting millions of views but pure creativity and content videos like this got ok 20k views. YT show label and promote creative content videos like this a boost up. bucz this is what keeps the community fresh and energetic.
hey didn't know you were studying architecture! I'm an architect (almost) myself!! congrats on graduating! are you going to work in the architecture field or game?
I wante to watch something fun, but turns out this made me super depressed, I always wanted to go to Uni, but I just wasn't good enough, I didn't deserve, and now I'm here... fuck me man. congratulation for grauating, you're cool, keep up the good work, keep making us happy. This one's just tied to ba memories, 1 out of 420's not a big deal. Wait, 420 views? Stop being so cool... I mean keep being so cool.
Can you make a open world ragdoll game on mobile pls pls because mobile game are sooooooooo booooooooring pls because you make good games bit icant play it because i dont have pc i have vivo51 phone pls make pls
Jelle Vermandere also make a horror game But dont make it obvious that it is rather introduce it very creepily because I can imagine you being unnervingly
Imagine someone is giving a very good heartfelt speech then some dude just shouts
Canon, I needed 1 more
i would love to see a multiplayer version, if possible maybe you could even send it( a multiplayer version) to your fellow graduates at you university
My friends are aware! I don’t have much experience with multiplayer, I am looking into it!
@@JelleVermandere wait you have friends?
@@tas0s that's rude
@@tas0s not cool
@@tas0s that's a no cool comment
Ahh this is so cool!! Such an awesome idea and took a lot of effort. The generic speech is so funny haha. Congrats on graduating!
Wannibe Manisha thanks! Another milestone behind me 😁
You mean congatulations, like he in the end? Lol
"Congatulations", I kindda expected them to start dancing in a conga line, but then I found out it was just a typo :(
Yes my graduation did get cancelled but now thanks to you I get to live my dream of graduating in pajamas, so I see this as a win
Haha, glad I could fulfil that dream of yours 😅
wow this is so cool .. I wish you could have invited your friends, and made it into a multiplayer game
Yeah, you’re right, that would have been cool, but multiplayer takes quite a while to implement..
@@JelleVermandere are you planning to make it multiplayer?
My god you're games are incredible! I wish I was half the game designer you are! You're 3D art is amazing and so attractive!
Well, I’ve been making 3D models for quite a while now, give it some time and you’ll see yourself getting better every day!
Can you please do a tutorial on how you create your materials, they look so smooth, cool and just SATISFIENG!
Congrats on graduating!! I recently graduated for animation and I like your version much more than the one I would have had lol. Love your videos and how you show your thought process, super inspiring! Cant wait to see what else you come up with!
Brawlasaur thank u!
Loved the high school musical reference 😂 Congrats!
That was amazing. Congrats Jelle!!!!!
Congrats! Now I know why you're so good at modeling :O
Haha, well...All those buildings later, and I am making astronauts and racecars 😅
Congratulations 👏🎈 🎆🎉🎊
Ghent? I am from Ghent to!
Hang on, something seems a little fishy here...
@@Brick_Eater_ it is true though
Congratulation Jelle! u did it!
Thank you! Hey, we could be family 😅
@@JelleVermandere hahaha that's true, we have the best last name in the world. Hugs from Argentina!. we could be friends :)
"Okay, with a lot of imagination, but you get the point"
You, sir, just got a new subscriber :)
How do you not have more subscribers? I love your videos so much! ❤️
Haha, thanks!
Congratulations Jelle!
Forgot to add that I have featured your channel to mine. Cheers.
It really bothers me , when other dumb videos getting millions of views but pure creativity and content videos like this got ok 20k views. YT show label and promote creative content videos like this a boost up. bucz this is what keeps the community fresh and energetic.
I'm almost amazed by how lowthe views of this video is
Congrats Jelle! :D
Haha, thanks, I worked so hard for more than 5 years, it took me blood sweat and tears, but after many sleepless nights, I made my game 😆
@@JelleVermandere Haha I'm glad to hear it provided you with some content in the end ^^ xD
Yet another amazing game and video! Hope many people will play it to compensate the lack of the graduation cerimony!
The people deserve their party!
Beautiful and Congratulations!
sadicus thanks!
Congrats buddy ☺
Thank you!
lol really late but still
mind blowing dude....
Other RUclipsrs are dumb. You: A coder and so am I.
You: That which I look up to.
This is adorable
You inspire me so much
I couldn't have ever imagined ur an Architect.
Haha, yeah, I don’t do that much building nowadays ;)
Hey Jelle! Congrats from Australia
Amazing idea! Whoa!
Desperate times require desperate solutions ;)
My sub PE teacher kept telling us that first quote yesterday XD
You are EPIC!
"I went to the" 😅
Again, great video. 👍
Gent 🔥🔥
hey didn't know you were studying architecture! I'm an architect (almost) myself!! congrats on graduating! are you going to work in the architecture field or game?
I am doing some freelancework in games and interactive architectural visualisations, so a bit of both 😁
@@JelleVermandere ahh nice. I was going to say that your talent would be wasted working at a traditional architecture firm!
Ha ha i found out you're dutch just like me
EDIT: oh shit ur from belgium
You should make the picture printable
“This is a secret.” -The Big Screen
Jelle:*can't gratuet from universty*
Jelle:fine, I'll do it myself
Congrats! I'm an architect student too
How is it going?
Wait what, i Think theres a problem here, this man deserves Way more attention!
That's so col Jelle! Impressive! For the wheels of the car did u animate them or use wheel collider? And seriously that's so awesome!
Thanks! They’re animated, it was easier that way, and you didn’t need to control it anyways ;)
@@JelleVermandere Thank you!
"It matches perfectly with your eyes"
*he has no eyes*
So you took the contract to make Bully 2..
8:26 - 8:32 = very emotional
dus hij komt uit belgie!!
wow, you seems quite experienced with modeling
I breath 3D modelling 🕶
I wante to watch something fun, but turns out this made me super depressed, I always wanted to go to Uni, but I just wasn't good enough, I didn't deserve, and now I'm here... fuck me man. congratulation for grauating, you're cool, keep up the good work, keep making us happy. This one's just tied to ba memories, 1 out of 420's not a big deal. Wait, 420 views? Stop being so cool... I mean keep being so cool.
Thanks man, I will make it my life goal to make you guys happy!
I love this
Kan je een video maken in het Nederlands?
Brilliant! XD
OMG He noticed me!
ok, ¿everyone in the graduation has explosives in their hats? ¿that is not a bit DANGERUS?
I went to the Library... website 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I see architecture and 3d so that's the game Dev link but how did you learn to program?
In my dark basement at night on youtube ;)
I almost misread the title as "They Canceled my Grandson... so I Made my Own!" which wouldn't have made much sense.
Imagine if he got networking to to work with 400clienyso that he could make a real ceremony lmao
He chose the cybertruck cuz it was the lowest low-poly car out there
the typo at the end "Congatulations".....
it's all about the rhythm of the beat ;) Conga!
next video: the earth died, and i made it into a game 😛
HypehexTech life simulator 2020: hard mode
@@JelleVermandere xD
EYO U from gent NICEEE you can speak the same lenguege as me
this is coot
Thank u, I had to do something alright ;)
een student.... uit gent..... zou die het ervoor doen?
Wait he has unreal engine???
It’s all Unity!
In 1:41
i died, and couldn't get the graduation
Ah so you live in france
Congrats. Very late though.
Make a new video 😂😂📹
don't worry, more is on the way!
I Will graduate in like 10 yrs lol
Are you belgian?
@@JelleVermandere ik ook Oost-Vlaanderen Aalst
Bruh i was the exact 2000 like
And shall I help you?
Can you make a open world ragdoll game on mobile pls pls because mobile game are sooooooooo booooooooring pls because you make good games bit icant play it because i dont have pc i have vivo51 phone pls make pls
Stay tuned!
thank you soo much bro
One subscribe
Your name means hurry up in arabic
Cool, I am always in a hurry to finish my stuff 😂
Jelle Vermandere also make a horror game But dont make it obvious that it is rather introduce it very creepily because I can imagine you being unnervingly
Haha, good idea!
dude its not congatulations xD
Anyone here in 2053?