Google's New $1 Billion UK Headquarters
- Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024
- This long and low Leviathan is Google’s glossy new London headquarters. So lengthy it’s been dubbed ‘the landscraper’ by locals, over one million square feet of floorspace it accommodates basketball courts, a theatre, massage parlors, and nap pods shared between some 4,500 staff.
So what’s up with that unusual design? How’s the neighborhood? And, um, aren’t office blocks a bit 2019?
Join us now for a grand tour around Google’s new UK headquarters.
Imagery supplied via Getty Images
Google's New $1 Billion UK Headquarters
Amazing how much money you have for this sort of project when you only pay £44m in corporation tax.
@Rohith Avinash "I'm not paying taxes because you'll only waste it" has got to be an excuse someone has tried at least once, though.
@Rohith Avinash one of the worst arguments on the RUclips platform. Congratulations, your parents must be proud
Pretty sure google has done more favor to the world than your average govts
@@90AlmostFamous maybe, maybe not. Still, companies profiteering of a nation should be paying in. That's the social contract we all enter into.
@@SlothrockGaming This building is a perfect example of WHY they pay low corporate income tax. By building, and then depreciating physical assets, they're able to legally offset reduce their net taxable income. I agree they should be paying more in taxes, but the problem here is tax laws, not Google. It's no different than you claiming every exemption you possibly can when you file your taxes.
Today's modern office are built such a way that employees spend more time at offices.
Perks are designed to get people to work more than they need to. Companies gotta pay for and justify all of that wasted commerical real estate somehow! Even though almost everyone in tech can literally just work from home more effectively.
@@theoreticalphysics3644 💯
Historically speaking, when industries first started up they had their employees live in the workplace to increase productivity.
1:15 Sounded so normal that I didn’t realize it for 3seconds
It’s funny because you can actually go to Hogwarts from there. Every year on 1st September there’s a huge event and announcements through all kings cross station announcing the departure of the Hogwarts Express at 11.00am. Usually even actors from the films are present!!!
@@Jeanalexandre_ glad to here, this might be so fascinating in itself 😃😃
Realize what?
World: "Skyscrapers are so past decade"
Google: | __
But building higher would give affordable housing
@@kv4648 not realy, the higher you build, the more expensive it gets
@@official.albert the problem with London and any expensive city is the expensive land space, not the materials used for building skyscrapers
@@SKAOG21 this
i love the microsoft, google, facebook,.... offices!! they look modern and chill to work at
If I were younger today, I would try to do anything to move into the states that have those electronic technology offices. I probably would not want to work for any other firm, because I would not stand being laid off.
Ever saw Apple's 5 billion infinite loop HQ ?
@@TurboAutist-sg7lo Not if you are in logistics lol.
Amazon building n ambience is also equally good
Well I'd be angry if they got a worn down office for their employees, considering the amount of profit they get
I like the idea of going to Harry Potter’s school from there😂
Yes, platform 9¾ is just next door
@@mostlymessingabout ROTFFLMAO dude you're hilarious as fuck! Brilliant comment BTW! Wonder why the hell your comment doesn't have like a freakin million likes and a thousand replies already!!!!
@赵启超 Do you have Oxford in your world ?
@赵启超 兄弟,这就是主播的幽默感呀。
That's about all to take from this video
I work in King's Cross and have watched this impressive structure being built over the last few years. You can genuinely feel that this building, along with the other developments in the area, are already having a positive effect on London. So many other parts of the city are being plastered in unimaginative fake brick tower blocks, but this feels like something special.
Yes it’s being built for one of the wealthiest companies in the world and it’s American, they do it different over there. Big and bold is evident throughout American architecture.
Will Google employees be there everyday though? Probably 2 days in this office
BIG is one of the least boring practices out there making commercial offices, so this is one of the least boring results
sure.. having a limitless budget helps!
When its done right, the whole environment become a creativity, productivity and social hub. Given the commute is not too much of a problem, its much better than working at home.
*better THAN, not 'better then'
Not the same thing...
@@Penguin_of_Death hmmmm 👀
@@Penguin_of_Death Thank you for the correction :)
yes, a hub of censorship, monopoly, oligarchy, you know all the good things humanity has to offer.
@@mofungo8882 I was speaking of a nice well designed workplace, NOT of google and what it does in their workplace.
This is what u build for ur employees when u avoid taxes
No one should be paying taxes.
I was working last year at King's Cross and saw everyday this building being built, amazed how cool looked but no idea was gonna be Google's new HQ!!!
I really think work from office offers a different perspective and dynamic that you just can't get from home. But work from home really allows you to be more flexible with your time and also allows you to fully focus when you need to
Well said
Looks amazing, great to see the big tech companies investing in London.
Hi big Ben.
@Aldari Lmao you sound like a bitter old loser pal.
@Aldari But how would you feel if every corporation started to leave London? You can’t have it both ways.
@Dootie I thoroughly agree with every sentiment you've expressed here. Rather than build strong communities and economies, these useless sheeple would rather cling to the idea that these soulless cheating corporations add value when all the evidence proves otherwise.
@Dootie I hope you are too lazy to ever vote. Your opinion is like cancer to our country, Jesus Christ…
1:11 Fast connection to Hogwarts 😂
Caught me of guard laugh out loud
I think all companies should strive to have high end facilities for their workers. A combination of working from home and in the office is the best in my experience.
Mon to thu in office.
Fri, sat work from home.
You can't fight poverty by just printing more
fiat into the circulation. If you mean well for the people, embrace a transparent financial system.
Great content. Everyone needs more than their basic salary to be financially secured
Money left in savings always end up used with no returns.
The best to do with your money is to invest
True though, unfortunately mine always end up with losses 🙄🙄
I started investing in bitcoin mid November 2019 with the help of a well known professional, Mis josie wallace and the profits almost entirely funded my recent duplex.
Truly the UK and the US have talents and zeal for augmenting science and technology research, which, I think, no other country can match. This is the example Google has shown.
That’s a big investment💰 but I think the work environment that building creates will make it worth it🔥
Is a great job and nice investment
Is almost more than 1000 of btc
@@manaragajegedeaf1331 It is a nice investment People will be kicking themselves in few weeks if they misss the opportunity to buy and invest in cryptocurrency
@@ellagold6138 Investing in cryptocurrency is one of the best chance of making money 💸i think is that UK government should look in it
@@tonynelson541 Stocks are good crypto is better
@@tonynelson541 I wanted to trade crypto but got confused by the fluctuation in price
I see Google is getting in as the golden age of post Brexit is still fresh.
Golden age??? More like stone age
Brexit!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻❤️
Running down your own country is not golden age 🤣.
Love the greenery design of the roof😍
Those that determine to be wealthy plays the money game to win while the poor people plays the money game to lose.
The goal of wealthy people is to have massive wealth and the poor sees surplus as an opportunity for consumption instead of investing it
The rich get Richer because the poor thinks that every opportunity is a scam Especially investing in stock exchange, real estate, gold, crude oil ,cryptocurrency etc. This has been able to represents legion of adventures and entrepreneur.
Change your mindset and do what the rich does, which is investing a motivational speaker ones told me this.
In recent years many have benefited from investing in stock marketing, cryptos that's why it's best investment anyone can do this season, because it changes numerous of people lifes to millionaires
forex and cryptocurrency investment requires some skills and training to help manage the business risk and to have a good profits turn out
this video is so good, with the research and editing.
I would love a office like that
The topic says one billion dollars while the video say one billion pounds 🤦♂️
They forgot to mention King's Cross is also packed with Homeless people, Homeless hostels and people on drugs ...
Not anymore, it's a cool area now with loads of bars,cool restaurants and shops ,the UK's premier fashion and design college, Central St Martins, expensive flats and of course the crown jewel, Google's European HQ.
Its been gentrified, all the scum and poor people have been moved out so that the wealthy middle class kids don't have to look at them.
New cities might resemble chip architecture in form and function.
Well, new office and more staffs.... But google now has more issues, more frequent and longer time to solve, compare smaller office and lesser staffs time...
London is so perfectly beautiful city
According to this video !!! If you don't have money, everywhere will be hell for you.
@@yorumcuturk yes even public toilets have a price tag
@@kawa69 old phone boxes make a good free substitute lavatory ;P
@@yorumcuturk including KINGS CROSS which is full on homeless people 🤔
they literally sleep outside the sgation
No, Munich is
When more people are working from home more often, the idea of some 'super duper' shiny new office block in central London seems...... well a little dated. Maybe it's just me, but then....
Especially considering London is a shithole.
@Rob Tyman - Good luck competing for jobs with workers living in low-wage countries because that's where you're job will be heading. LOL
@@willardchi2571 ...not if you work for yourself 🤔🤨
Anywhere in London on the tube in a matter of minutes? Be nice if that was the case 😂
@ASL 72 😂 No it's not - King's Cross to Covent Garden takes 10 to 15 minutes (including getting down to / up from the platforms), and there's only 2km / 2 stops between them
@ASL 72 Didn't even consider that 😂 I chose King's Cross because of where the Google offices are going up, and Covent Garden because I used to work there... but 13 minutes to travel 2 stations, it's not exactly quick or "minutes", as the video said.
@@marktaylor2087 😂 I do, but a "matter of minutes" insinuates two or three, not ten to fifteen!
it's bollocks lmao. you're not getting to Croydon in "minutes"
@@Bayo106 kings cross to croydon is less than 30 minutes
Amazing... as the world goes "Shall we just stay working from home?"...
Kings Cross was Prozzie central in the 1990's.
The nearby Coal Drops Yard is one of my favorite social places in London. Great for dates too :D
@@ahmednisar2359 🤡
@@ahmednisar2359 How is going on a date creepy?
The UK just isn't viable outside of London. Very sad, but it's true. If you are based in London - even for just a few years - you have life absolutely made in one way or another. You can make a fortune, find your life partner, have all the fun you can handle... perhaps all three. It only happens in London.
I've lived all around the UK and nowhere else compares. Don't listen to the propaganda about Manchester because it's properly shit.
PSA: there are no trains from Kings Cross to Oxford, you need Paddington or Marylebone.
I saw this (half finished) building the other day, the sheer scale of it really had me wondering what it was - now I know.
Same! I saw the lift shaft and thought "oh, another block of luxury flats" (this was last year before much of it had been built).
Walked past yesterday, I noticed that one of the cranes was lit up and kept changing between blue, red, yellow and green; google colours!
When he said Hogwarts, Harry Potter popped into my head
Wow I cant imagine why
@@wantedparts8256 Neither can I! ROTFFLMAO
They are built, so that you never want to leave. By adding amenities, and fun activities, but when you go to these campuses, the staff are so busy working on work, that they never use the stuff.
Everybody want to work in a company like that but me, i want to create the whole company
me too, wish you good luck
@@startup1156 You too my dear
Overly verbose and lapidary prose - it's basically a Nerd ghetto. I would be surprised if they didn't build the shops into it as well thereby hemetically sealing all their employees inside lest they should encounter any local residents by mistake. Just so long as they don't infest the British Library reading rooms, which is a haven of peace and quiet.
Google be like: I wish we could've built this in Ireland because Brexit, but since it's here might as well enjoy it
The G7 corporate tax agreement?
Cope more celtoid
@@Simpaulme this was most likely planned months ago
I have never quite understood why engineering offices of product based tech companies have to be there at many different locations. Just one or two big campuses can do the job.
I've worked for companies like that. The "one or two big campuses" are basically self-sufficient bubbles (mine had its own emergency services including volunteer police) where you are surrounded by the same people all day, every day, and you find that they're all techies. The 'normal' people including marketing etc. are at some shiny, sexy office in the middle of London and we felt forgotten about. We were never given much nice by company management and they didn't invest much in sprucing up our offices while they opened sparkling new ones in major cities.
These campuses are also quite often in the middle of nowhere and not very accessible. I eventually noticed that the company wasn't advertising any new roles on the campus and was hiring in new tech talent at the sexy London offices, hence there was no reason for me to stay. So I didn't.
yeah let's make everyone commute long distances into big cities they can't afford to live in!
Just wait till Ally Law sees this
it's Madness. 🍁
You missed out on the British Library which is literally next door to the station!
Not like every company has 1B£ laying around
lots of companies do. Google has a > $1Trillion laying around.
Not only King's Cross Square fell into vice and squalor in the late 20th Century, but it was also the site of the infamous subway station escalator fire in 1987.
Ok now I wanna work for google
@@silver47official the building…
@@silver47official I also know how to code
@@abthegoat11 Don’t sell your soul to those evil corporate bastards.
@@silver47official haha wtf are you talking about? I'm just guessing that you're a communist who is jealous of all the succesfull people who are behind Google, get a life
Lots of the images in this video have nothing to do with the new building in Kings Cross
Remote work is the way forward 🌍
Not at all true.
@@neeljavia2965 Very true
Agree. But one should have right to choose to be happy. Some are much happier from working at home.
@@lubo8607 Nope.
Remote working is not suitable for many situations.
Mixed system is best.
@@navaneethagastya And some are from office.
"Create variety and fascination at a human scale"
"A single confident volume"
It seems tech talk states the obvious in 'sweeping effervescent strokes' 😆
i really want to work there 😔
@@silver47official why not?
@@613will Because they are an evil, disgusting corporation who infringe on everyone’s privacy and human rights. What’s wrong with you sheep? Why aren’t you all bothered by what’s going on?!
The office is fun but the work is boring.
@@silver47official then don't use their Plattform dumbass
This vedio is really amazing. And more information submitted in this vedio.❤️
Kindly Do a tour of Google Headquarters too, apart from storytelling plz. 😑👍
Great video very informative and good graphics
As a rule of thumb if your offices have nap pods, you’re expected to work until you drop
Yes. Well said
BS. Have you seen the hours at these tech firms? No other job in the world pays this well while offering such hours. Just ask the bankers and consultants a few metro stations away.
Working from home is here and nothing will change it in foreseeable future. No rooftop gardens, swimming pools or sleeping pods will challenge the luxury and freedom of working in a sweet home environment. However, I have no doubt there is an army of young and ambitious volunteers who would love to work in such a diverse environment.
Nice, but a year late. In a few years most employees will be working from home most of the time.
probably not
3:47 paji rocked
Commandment #1: Once employed hence forth the employee may never leave the office compound under penalty of death...
in a mater of minets? (1:08) let's not forget that minutes can turn very easy to hours if u travel in London
the building is different from everyone else. this is a plus
This more an advert than a proper real description of the investment. It isn't easy at all to get to King's Cross from SW, S, SE London.
Depending on one stream of income had never made any millionaire and earning check doesn't put you in Forbes
Then what to do Ma'm
I thought the whole idea of huge offices with large CO2 emissions and high running costs was pre pandemic.
Predicted your channel would be at 1 million by end of 2021. Looks like you will be there. Congrats 🎊 keep it going!
Love the Kings X area,the next Canary wharf, but more centrally located.
The undisputed king of search engines.
Corporations will own everything
And then,.... it is isolated by a ‘new’ political border ... shame.
its a wonderful building. People respond to the environments they live and work in. I'm sick of the cram em in battery hen offices.
Unless you work in a creative capacity as in coming up with the next phone or designing a video game or something, there really is no need to work in an office environment. Routine office work with defined parameters can be managed remotely thanks to modern technology
unfortunately RUclips banner ads keep getting in the way. I wish RUclips only stuck with the real ads breaks rather than those pesky ads banner ads at bottom which block lower part of videos
use adblock
Still cheaper than antillia 😂
But better
How do you create this create this expensive quarters without consideration of accommodation for staffs?
looks nice just next to deepmind, the AI power house
that biophilic design tho... so beautifuyl
It looks more like a kindergarten than a office
"Fast rail services to Oxford" Think you have Kings Cross confused for Paddington here
Wait, he said Hogwarts?
it promotes staying within the google ecosystem but ideas and collabs also happen outside (maybe indirectly adding to the bottom line of google)
it's in London so only idiots would be fooled into staying in King's Cross all day
This was entertaining but felt like an advertisement. Some statements made were significantly over-generalised and the stock footage used did not always accurately reflect this project.
Actually I feel like the future will be big corporation based communities, homes shops etc all feeding and catering to the workers. Like the small industrial towns of the 50s etc
That's a really really amazing
00:21 - ya got me
As great as this is I’d rather be working at home in my pajamas on the couch
All this space and yet they still opted for depressing open-space work environments rather than cool offices
So cool to see this. I made a video walking around the work in progress site
Wow $1b could do sooo much. Can’t wait to get that amount of money 🥰🥰
A well spent money by Google in an already beautiful city.
hope to visit it one day! 😃
looks beautiful, but that's a lot of money for an office that can only serve the UK market.
I wish I could work there! Jealous of the UK.
kings Cross is pretty shit tbh
When you actually wake up excited to go to work, that's when you know productivity, creativity and enthusiasm will increase.
Hang on ! I thought no one would want to invest in the UK if we voted to leave the EU.
Google doesn't have to move goods or materials across borders, so Brexit doesn't inconvenience them as much. They're probably banking on the UK becoming a tax haven.
@@HeadsFullOfEyeballs Tax Haven ? If that was the case, they would have gone to Ireland . 5% lower corporation tax there.
Google’s European headquarters are in Dublin , this is only the UK’s hq. Better to buy a building than pay Uk taxes.
@@kevt3318 They already route their finances through Ireland, but they will hire in UK probably because it has an educated and productive workforce. They also own subsidiaries in the UK such as Deepmind. I don't think this has much to do with brexit, it has more to do with UK's tech scene.
@@findingatlantis2352 so when it's bad " it's Brexits fault. '' .
When it's good " it's make it up " lol
Was watching this while looking at the building being built
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Why are the moving only a couple of minutes across the road?
An American spy base in London.
5:12 lol no chance any of these employees patronize the local restaurants. Google office that large will have many different cafes inside for their employees
I have been in the building in front of it (current Google offices) quite impressive and comfortable. 🤔
You‘ll live in a shoe box unless you earn north of 80K. Or people commute for + 1hr ... they could easily turn half of that building into an employee hotel for a few days of on location work... so it’s more like a Google convention center ... but for Google to expect people to commute and meet at such a giant office complex seems a bit outdated. It’s not like the public transport systems in London had any further room to spare... it‘s a weird move to be honest.
Please who knows the title of the background music used here? Please
Nap pods? where do i apply