I don't comment very often on your stuff but I just wanted to let you know that I can tell you're putting a lot of work into your XCOM 2 stuff and I appreciate it--it's really well edited and it shows.
+ChristopherOdd As Adrianna on - Steam Xcom 2 discussion - pointed out, at 7:45 the Specialist's Gremlin gets destroyed! Chris, darling, would it be possible for you to comment on this :D
I just want to say that I'm incredibly impressed by everything that you guys have done with XCOM 2 since it was first announced. It looks like every single facet of EU/EW has been improved and the game looks absolutely phenomenal! I never thought I would see an XCOM that looked this good. I can barely wait the month until release!
+Vorfelan Rhinata Morie Agreed. The variety in tactics available to yourself and the aliens was already good in Enemy Within, but all the new options they added in X-Com 2 just blows my mind.
+AleӿX Nah, to be Ethereals they'd need to give us the Psi Shield, Psi Reflection and take that stupid limit off dominate. Last XCOM Dominate could be used regularly and made enemy units into sacrificial units.
Devon Stark Last X-COM dominate (mind control) had a 3 turn cooldown, so it also had a limit. And the Stasis life saving thing is basically like a reflect.
My B-team Ranger is Sektor. - actually named him "Takeda Hashashi" just to give him a name. My A-team PsiOp is Smoke. - Thomas Vrbada. My B-team PsiOp is Noob Saibot. - Bi-Han. My C-team PsiOp is Sub-Zero. - Kuai Liang. My C-team Ranger is Scorpion. - Hanzo Hashashi. My B-team Specialist is Cyrax. My B-team Sharpshooter is Rain. My C-team Specialist is Reptile. I also have an assortment of unused Squaddies: Oniro, Tremor, ErMac.
I loved using the Psi Operatives on the final XCOM 2 vanilla mission. I had 2 operatives completely trained up with the alien psi amps to boost. The Solace ability ensured that the Avatars ability to affect the minds of my squad was completely nullified.
Lol on the final mission theyre so broken because you can easily snag some early gatekeepers or archemedons to carry you through everything + Yeah they also hard counter the avatars too
This preview series is one of your best work by far, Chris. I love that you are giving us all the basic information we need to know before going into the game and all of it is really well edited. I wasn't that big into EU/EW until recently (been obsessed with those games since mid december) and now im super hyped for XCOM 2. CANT... WAIT!!!
I love the showmanship of each effect. Only thing I would like to see in the future of these videos, is to have a little tooltip of said skill in the corner of the video when it is in action, so you can also read the effect as well. But other than that, I really enjoyed this video.
+TheRedAzuki That's good advice, that I can implement for sure. How did you feel about the zoom level in the videos? I wanted to keep it as clean as possible.
+ChristopherOdd I found the zoom to be completely fine. The Xcom 2 camera seems to be really good by itself to showing off the skills properly anyways.
+ChristopherOdd One thought about the zoom level is that since you were zooming in on the screen itself (instead of changing the zoom level in game) there was some lost content at the borders (sometimes quite a bit). But it didn't miss much, nothing critical for sure.
Awesome video! Like everyone else I really appreciate the work you're putting into doing these videos for those of us who are really excited for the game but aren't able to get an early access demo. Keep up the good work and thanks again for doing what you do! One small thing though, the skill tree in the description at the time of writing is the Ranger's list.
As always Commander Odd, you do a VERY thorough job on your videos! You always put the most time and attention to making the videos run well and chock full of accessible content (LOVE the "jump to" buttons for each ability!). You may not always be Commander Smooth, but you take great care of your viewers. Thanks!
I don't like the amplificator. It looks fragile, and placed on the back that way it's exposed. It's silly. Also, it looks that the powers come from the psi gun, and not the soldier. it's a design thing, but I prefer how psi was treated in the first game.
+Damx3 I had the exact same thought! Even though I highly doubt there will be any in-game impact (like enemies being able to damage the Psi Amp), I just prefer the idea that it's done by the soldier only. Add an amp as a secondary item for a boost maybe, but not such an obvious focus. This will sound REALLY geeky, but that always bothered me about the wands in Harry Potter as well. Before he found out he was a wizard, and on his summer's off, Harry did some pretty cool shit sans wand (like blowing up his aunt and talking to snakes). But once he had his wand, he couldn't do squat without it. It was never much of an issue, but it took away from the badassness of the characters. Same thing here.
I have a question. You know how in Enemy Within how there were the EXALT group, an organization that was sympathetic to the aliens? In XCOM 2, is there anything like aliens that are sympathetic to the humans? Because that would be really neat if there was something like you have an alien defect to the human's side that you could play as, or they could smuggle you resources and intel or something.
+TheValiantBob I thought about that to VB! We've already seen citizens blowing concealment when you get too close. Taking it a step further and having active sympathizers work against you in the field -- or have Dark Events of their own -- would add some nice extra layers. Perhaps we'll discover that the citizens who turn into Faceless were actually VOLUNTEERS...
+TheValiantBob The Outsiders (not those Radios who can shoot) from The Bureau: XCOM declassified could make a return, taking revenge upon the Etheral for enslaving them 60 years earlier
+HoodedDude Not all of them are mind-controlled. beside, we have got an Etheral on our side, we are that Etheral (if you don't understand this, The commander from XCOM Enemy Unknown is implied to be possessed by the Etheral from The Bureau)
Love these videos, and your lets play vids. Small problem with the skill tree videos though because it tells me there is a private video! I was very excited to see a new vid and got fooled lol. Keep up the good work
I got Scism before Insanity. B) I also got Soulfire as my first Psi ability, which ultimately made my Psi a sort of "mind fighter", as opposed to a buffer/debuffer. I honestly love how the Psi Op works. The RNG in the abilities allows for some truly unique units.
Please note that Stasis also breaks mind control (at least in wotc). Meaning that you can use it to stop sectoids and avatars from mind controlling your squad. But this also means that in wotc, priests can nullify your dominations because they also have stasis.
They should make a independent character creation program that allow people to customize characters so we can just send the completed characters to Odd. They can even tie it in to the lore like hacked file on the xcom2 website for people to download. Perhaps for xcom3.
+Gitami In the main menu, you can customise soldiers, give them names, nationality, voice, outfit, etc... and then check whether they can appear as soldiers, VIP or DARK VIP (or all of them) in the game. You can also import soldier files others have made. TotalBiscuit shows this in his latest XCOM 2 vid.
+Gitami Well, you can access the character pool in the main menu, but I think you mean a completely separate thing. I would love this. I can't even express in a real number how many hours I've spent in the character screen. It's amazing. I want more though. I'm hoping cosmetic mods become a thing.
I CALLED IT, not on this video and I'm sure someone else did as well, but in a discussion about the 5th mystery class I always thought it would be some form of Psi Opp, cannot wait for this game 2K and Firaxsis really look like they've put their all into this
I've noticed a lot of "I don't like the Psi Amplifier" comments. I feel that it may have been necessary, because the aliens in this game are much more advanced, so an Amplifier of sorts is basically required. Just a theory, but it seems that the Amp can't be armored because direct interface with the human mind is required. Besides, it's just aesthetics. Also, this was a very helpful video all around. Thanks!
I had 4 operatives learn the ENTIRE psi tech tree. While it took an immense amount of time it was worth it as anytime one of those operatives entered battle it reduced casualties and injuries by a huge amount.
Just fyi, stasis is also useful on your own troops, especially if they're in a very precarious situation that you can't get them out of. Remember, it makes them immune to all forms of attack for one turn.
found your channel about an hour ago and im loving it and loving your presentation, i got a question is there an explanation for why psi ops now use a "weapon" to perform their abilities, i think its cool and just wanna know why they have to use it.
Great video, thank you for the time and effort this one required to showcase the skills. Honestly i would have bought the game anyhow, but it's still nice to see lol. One question, As you are training a psi, are you saying that you have no choice as to what skill pops up for your character to learn? Can you at least choose which tree/path the psi will follow OR is it totally random?
Whoa, nice video! Amazing how they packed so many skills for the PSI-operative. Also, if I got this correctly, basically any new rookie can be trained as a psionic from the get go? And does a soldiers will stat have an effect in the offensive capabilities of their psi-abilities like in XCOM: EU/EW?
Can I just point out that the official Xcom folks giving you the nod on this one!?! That's awesome. Maybe I'm new to the party but do you usually get that recognition from game developers? Were you tied in on the Xcom: EU/EW prerelease as well?
Come on Odd. The trainning time is from Long War. Something you would have known a bit better if you played the Long War more. But looks cool so far. Keep up the good work
+Serah Wint From what I can see though they take a lot of resources to actually develop. You probably get a trade off of focusing on psi ops or making your standard troops more effective.
Id like to note that xcom is making the psi energys look like they are supposed to be visible i bring this up because of an issue in the roleplay a while ago with this and it just seems silly how obvious they made it visible in xcom one and now two and people think it is ONLY a visual representation for the gameplay when they showed it plenty of times in the story for 1 as well and if it wasnt supposed to be visible then why do we know what sectoids are connected to each other in number 1?
he's what i want to know, im guessing that psi troupers are like in the first game where you augment people you already have so, what happens if you augment someone with a class, do they get any bonuses that carry over or do you lose all that effort.
Mmmm I know it is outdated but didn't seem right to ask in a random video of your (awesome) playthrough.. Is there any way to retrain troops that are already on a career path to be psychics? Or get rookies past the mid-game so you can make them psychics? *hopeful*
I wasn't sold on the Psi Op until Solace and Schism and even then, knowing that there's a chance I'll just never get the abilities I need sounds frustrating.
Null lance seems interesting. Though realistically in most cases you'll probably only be able to hit 1 or 2 enemies with it, so I'll be curious to see whether the damage is high enough to make it worth spending your turn on in those situations or not.
DerLoladin Well we don't know how much late game damage is. In EW for example, most weapons late game could deal that much damage, or more, each turn, while this has a 5 turn cooldown between uses. So its efficiency early and mid might be high, but it's strength later might become significantly less impressive. We just don't know right now.
i can already see my future squads, i was watching a stream for this yesterday on squad comps and this one guy from IGN was doing a ranger build with 3 rangers that seemed really potent, it even surprised the game devs, since the EU/EW psi troops have always been my fave even more so than the OP mech troopers, i feel like i want to do 3 Psi troops and name em all after sith lords! its going to be so hard to think of a comp! 3 psi, 2 rangers, 1 specialist and grenadier, or maybe 2 psi so i can at least get a sniper AHHHH the decisions! i don't even have my gaming pc built yet but i'm buying this in all its glory today anyway!
Nice! I do have a question thought. It's really important. Is that tetris in the top right corner behind the psi operative when he's on the Avenger? 8P
so question. you mention soulfire doesn't show up in the tree...does that mean it's basically a freebie? like it unlocks at some point and you don't have to choose between it and a different skill in the tree?
So will the Psi Op get their own special Armor like in the first Firaxis XCOM? If so, I hope it has something that replaces the Amp. While I actually like the Amp (it makes me think of a portable version of the Ethereal Device from the first game, so it's like each Psi Op has the potential of becoming an Ethereal), it'll show some nice progression if the Armor has a different means of amplifying Psi attacks. Also, what happens to aliens under the effect of Domination when a mission ends? In the first XCOM, when you kill all the aliens except for the one still under Mind Control, you had to kill that particular alien, but that made sense because Mind Control was a temporary effect. So will the alien become a captive for interrogation, or do we assume that the squad executed the alien off-screen? I'll be disappointed if it's the latter.
Is it worth rushing Psionics at all, or they not a priority early in the game. I do have some ideas for names, Aflred Bester, Lyta Alexander, Talia Winters, Darryl Revok, Jon 'Dr Manhattan' Osterman, Charles 'The Professor' Xavier, Carrie White, and Jean Grey.
No. 48: Psi Operatives are not allowed to yell "Kamehameha" when using Null Lance.
No. 48b: "IMMA FIRING MAH LASOR" is not acceptable either.
+StrikeNoir105E How about "Shoryuken!!"
+StrikeNoir105E What are the first 47 rules?
+DBfan and critic here you go
+Wind Wind Wouldn't this be rule No. 172? Btw that list is HILARIOUS.
Vavakx Nonexus yes it was :D still remember reading that first time!
I don't comment very often on your stuff but I just wanted to let you know that I can tell you're putting a lot of work into your XCOM 2 stuff and I appreciate it--it's really well edited and it shows.
+throwscats Thanks cats. I got great feedback for the preview videos in December and I'm enjoying the work.
As Adrianna on - Steam Xcom 2 discussion - pointed out, at 7:45
the Specialist's Gremlin gets destroyed!
Chris, darling, would it be possible for you to comment on this :D
+ChristopherOdd hey just wanna thank you! I saw granadier, ranger and psi op. is there lot of classes left in xcom2?
I just want to say that I'm incredibly impressed by everything that you guys have done with XCOM 2 since it was first announced. It looks like every single facet of EU/EW has been improved and the game looks absolutely phenomenal! I never thought I would see an XCOM that looked this good. I can barely wait the month until release!
+DirkAustin agreed. I can't tell the difference between graphics after a certain point.
+Vorfelan Rhinata Morie Agreed. The variety in tactics available to yourself and the aliens was already good in Enemy Within, but all the new options they added in X-Com 2 just blows my mind.
The Null Lance is badass... our soldiers are basically Ethereals!
+AleӿX the null lance is basically a purple Lux ultimate
+AleӿX Ethereals haven't even been mentioned, as the alien's leaders, I wonder how ridiculously powerful they'll going to be.
LeBronze James I'm imagining a gigantic emperor-looking cthulhu ethereal that rains down psi meteors and squad wipes you.
+AleӿX Nah, to be Ethereals they'd need to give us the Psi Shield, Psi Reflection and take that stupid limit off dominate. Last XCOM Dominate could be used regularly and made enemy units into sacrificial units.
Devon Stark Last X-COM dominate (mind control) had a 3 turn cooldown, so it also had a limit. And the Stasis life saving thing is basically like a reflect.
Totally naming my first psi trooper Shang Tsung. Your soul is mine!
Awesome job with the vids! Thanks!
+Kwijibo That's perfect! lol
Kwijibo I'm naming my Gandalf lol
My B-team Ranger is Sektor. - actually named him "Takeda Hashashi" just to give him a name.
My A-team PsiOp is Smoke. - Thomas Vrbada.
My B-team PsiOp is Noob Saibot. - Bi-Han.
My C-team PsiOp is Sub-Zero. - Kuai Liang.
My C-team Ranger is Scorpion. - Hanzo Hashashi.
My B-team Specialist is Cyrax.
My B-team Sharpshooter is Rain.
My C-team Specialist is Reptile.
I also have an assortment of unused Squaddies: Oniro, Tremor, ErMac.
Ironically, I've just been sent to a mission called "Ruins of KANO"! :D
I loved using the Psi Operatives on the final XCOM 2 vanilla mission. I had 2 operatives completely trained up with the alien psi amps to boost. The Solace ability ensured that the Avatars ability to affect the minds of my squad was completely nullified.
Lol on the final mission theyre so broken because you can easily snag some early gatekeepers or archemedons to carry you through everything
+ Yeah they also hard counter the avatars too
@@stivaoblonskystan Avatars need those buff mods.
Awesome, it's basically having a biotic from the Mass Effect games in XCOM2.
This preview series is one of your best work by far, Chris. I love that you are giving us all the basic information we need to know before going into the game and all of it is really well edited. I wasn't that big into EU/EW until recently (been obsessed with those games since mid december) and now im super hyped for XCOM 2. CANT... WAIT!!!
I love the showmanship of each effect. Only thing I would like to see in the future of these videos, is to have a little tooltip of said skill in the corner of the video when it is in action, so you can also read the effect as well. But other than that, I really enjoyed this video.
+TheRedAzuki That's good advice, that I can implement for sure. How did you feel about the zoom level in the videos? I wanted to keep it as clean as possible.
+ChristopherOdd I found the zoom to be completely fine. The Xcom 2 camera seems to be really good by itself to showing off the skills properly anyways.
+ChristopherOdd One thought about the zoom level is that since you were zooming in on the screen itself (instead of changing the zoom level in game) there was some lost content at the borders (sometimes quite a bit). But it didn't miss much, nothing critical for sure.
lol Adpt. Charles Xavier. I love it!
+Vorfelan Rhinata Morie And now he's got the Kamehameha!
+Elyseon And he can walk/run too
They forgot to put him in a wheelchair/hoverchair
Guess he fixed himself with the power of his mind. Or he was faking it the whole time and just liked going around on a fancy flying chair.
+Jaime Teng hopefully you can add that while customizing
Damn good video, mate. Informative, to the point, well spoken. Great.
Awesome video! Like everyone else I really appreciate the work you're putting into doing these videos for those of us who are really excited for the game but aren't able to get an early access demo. Keep up the good work and thanks again for doing what you do!
One small thing though, the skill tree in the description at the time of writing is the Ranger's list.
As always Commander Odd, you do a VERY thorough job on your videos! You always put the most time and attention to making the videos run well and chock full of accessible content (LOVE the "jump to" buttons for each ability!). You may not always be Commander Smooth, but you take great care of your viewers. Thanks!
I just want to say, I appreciate all the extra effort you put into these preview videos, Chris.
This is a very well made and informative video. Subscribed.
I don't like the amplificator. It looks fragile, and placed on the back that way it's exposed. It's silly. Also, it looks that the powers come from the psi gun, and not the soldier. it's a design thing, but I prefer how psi was treated in the first game.
+Damx3 I had the exact same thought! Even though I highly doubt there will be any in-game impact (like enemies being able to damage the Psi Amp), I just prefer the idea that it's done by the soldier only. Add an amp as a secondary item for a boost maybe, but not such an obvious focus. This will sound REALLY geeky, but that always bothered me about the wands in Harry Potter as well. Before he found out he was a wizard, and on his summer's off, Harry did some pretty cool shit sans wand (like blowing up his aunt and talking to snakes). But once he had his wand, he couldn't do squat without it. It was never much of an issue, but it took away from the badassness of the characters. Same thing here.
+Andrew Elder cry about it?
+Dranex11 "oh noes, they are criticizing the game I am a fanboy of! i must post a random comment, that will show them"
+Damx3, I think I detect a whiff of pathetic troll stank, don't you?
Andrew Elder "someone has a good point and disagrees with me he must be a troll" nice defense buddy whats it like being a beta loser?
I have a question. You know how in Enemy Within how there were the EXALT group, an organization that was sympathetic to the aliens? In XCOM 2, is there anything like aliens that are sympathetic to the humans? Because that would be really neat if there was something like you have an alien defect to the human's side that you could play as, or they could smuggle you resources and intel or something.
+TheValiantBob I thought about that to VB! We've already seen citizens blowing concealment when you get too close. Taking it a step further and having active sympathizers work against you in the field -- or have Dark Events of their own -- would add some nice extra layers. Perhaps we'll discover that the citizens who turn into Faceless were actually VOLUNTEERS...
+TheValiantBob The Outsiders (not those Radios who can shoot) from The Bureau: XCOM declassified could make a return, taking revenge upon the Etheral for enslaving them 60 years earlier
+TheValiantBob That would be awesome. But I think the Ethereals are controlling their minds, it would be difficult.
+HoodedDude Not all of them are mind-controlled. beside, we have got an Etheral on our side, we are that Etheral (if you don't understand this, The commander from XCOM Enemy Unknown is implied to be possessed by the Etheral from The Bureau)
Sergesh Dimitri What, never heard of it
Good job on the skill descriptions and accompanying clips.
HOLY! That Nullance beam seems super awesome like the operative should go "Ka-me-ka-me-ha" every time they use it. LOL!
Love these videos, and your lets play vids. Small problem with the skill tree videos though because it tells me there is a private video! I was very excited to see a new vid and got fooled lol. Keep up the good work
I got Scism before Insanity. B)
I also got Soulfire as my first Psi ability, which ultimately made my Psi a sort of "mind fighter", as opposed to a buffer/debuffer.
I honestly love how the Psi Op works. The RNG in the abilities allows for some truly unique units.
Wow, lots of effort here, thanks
Thanks for the in-depth info! This was awesome!
Great video, tons of detail and great interface. Thanks!
Wow, way to put in the work annotating all those skills! Nice!
Of all the classes revealed so far, I think my favorite is the Specialist so far.
A drone that's follows you around? That's very hard to resist!
Impressive video! Keep it up!
i can't stop watching this stuff. keep up the good work
Excellent vid bud. All that effort is both noticed and appreciated. Keep up the good work. Can't wait to get my greedy little hands on Xcom2 :)
9:48 Dam it Firaxis you could have made the null lance into a Kamehameha wave.
Project Stardust.
That was a good fanfic
Thank you very much for doing this i look forward to seeing the others.
Woot!! Thank you so much! :D And well-done, very well put togetehr :)
3:08 ... did we all make our psy op speak german? xDDD
Your naming of soldiers is fantastic.
Your videos have me so hyped for this game.
Loved the Nuke Lance
Nicely done!
Hey remember Chris wants xcom2 to be his youtube game and I think that's a good idea so smash that like button
+Aj Koorstra Thanks AJ
Can't wait for the mod allowing for Psi Ops to have a sword in their secondary weapon slot. I -will- have my Jedi!
Please note that Stasis also breaks mind control (at least in wotc). Meaning that you can use it to stop sectoids and avatars from mind controlling your squad. But this also means that in wotc, priests can nullify your dominations because they also have stasis.
My first Psi Op got Soulfire and Null Lance as their first skills. Dominate followed soon after.
Nice to see the Psy Amps in action and updated!
Awesome vid, thanks a lot for it :D
shouldn xaviers nickname be "professor" instead of "doctor"
They should make a independent character creation program that allow people to customize characters so we can just send the completed characters to Odd. They can even tie it in to the lore like hacked file on the xcom2 website for people to download. Perhaps for xcom3.
+Gitami In the main menu, you can customise soldiers, give them names, nationality, voice, outfit, etc... and then check whether they can appear as soldiers, VIP or DARK VIP (or all of them) in the game. You can also import soldier files others have made. TotalBiscuit shows this in his latest XCOM 2 vid.
+Gitami Well, you can access the character pool in the main menu, but I think you mean a completely separate thing. I would love this. I can't even express in a real number how many hours I've spent in the character screen. It's amazing. I want more though. I'm hoping cosmetic mods become a thing.
+Gitami That's what the Character Pool option is for, which can be accessed from the main menu without entering a campaign.
Great vid, hope you do some for the other classes
I CALLED IT, not on this video and I'm sure someone else did as well, but in a discussion about the 5th mystery class I always thought it would be some form of Psi Opp, cannot wait for this game 2K and Firaxsis really look like they've put their all into this
Looks great! Thanks for review
Thanks for all the cool info! Do you have a schedule for the upcoming character videos? sorry if i missed it...
I just wanted to mention that you have the wrong skills set in the description, Sweet vid though, can't wait for next month
+Nicholas Cordero Fixed! Thanks for letting me know!
you speak spanish??
+Диас Темрбаев Бывает
Wow seems like Psi-soldiers has more diverse array of abilities & much more effective
So many cool skills :D This looks really great. I was already looking forward to this game. But dayum!!!
I. Can't. Wait. Until. XCOM 2. Comes. Out.
And great job with the vids! :D
awesome video thankyou
Very helpful.. Thanks
Great vid, thank you:)
The Null lance is Vegetas Galick gun, dont @me
Fuse looks like it will be fun... mainly in PvP just sending in grunts and blowing the enemy up when the advance
I've noticed a lot of "I don't like the Psi Amplifier" comments. I feel that it may have been necessary, because the aliens in this game are much more advanced, so an Amplifier of sorts is basically required. Just a theory, but it seems that the Amp can't be armored because direct interface with the human mind is required. Besides, it's just aesthetics. Also, this was a very helpful video all around. Thanks!
Damn, this is way better and more fleshed out than the Psionics in XCOM: EW.
+Soaphist probably why they got their own class.
I had 4 operatives learn the ENTIRE psi tech tree. While it took an immense amount of time it was worth it as anytime one of those operatives entered battle it reduced casualties and injuries by a huge amount.
any chance you can do the skill tree on the new faction classes? your commentary explaining these skills are great.
Wow, it looks like Psi skills are going to be much more varied and useful than they were in Xcom. I love all those skills.
Honestly man, Charles Xavier should be a scientist and Jeane Grey a psi op ;]
Seriously tho, great vid, thanx!
Just fyi, stasis is also useful on your own troops, especially if they're in a very precarious situation that you can't get them out of. Remember, it makes them immune to all forms of attack for one turn.
found your channel about an hour ago and im loving it and loving your presentation, i got a question is there an explanation for why psi ops now use a "weapon" to perform their abilities, i think its cool and just wanna know why they have to use it.
Oh man this is gonna be AWESOME.
I am very happy the Psi Amp is making a return.
Very interesting mix of CC, support and AoE. Me likey.
Great video, thank you for the time and effort this one required to showcase the skills. Honestly i would have bought the game anyhow, but it's still nice to see lol.
One question, As you are training a psi, are you saying that you have no choice as to what skill pops up for your character to learn? Can you at least choose which tree/path the psi will follow OR is it totally random?
i love they introduce new classes, they do it so well, i don't know it just makes me happy LOL
Whoa, nice video! Amazing how they packed so many skills for the PSI-operative. Also, if I got this correctly, basically any new rookie can be trained as a psionic from the get go? And does a soldiers will stat have an effect in the offensive capabilities of their psi-abilities like in XCOM: EU/EW?
Can I just point out that the official Xcom folks giving you the nod on this one!?! That's awesome. Maybe I'm new to the party but do you usually get that recognition from game developers? Were you tied in on the Xcom: EU/EW prerelease as well?
Come on Odd. The trainning time is from Long War. Something you would have known a bit better if you played the Long War more. But looks cool so far. Keep up the good work
10:30 this one little scull in the middle is like: "day 12, they still think I'm a human scull...'"
From the looks at it it almost feels like one or two psychers are a must in your squad, considering what they can do..
+Serah Wint From what I can see though they take a lot of resources to actually develop. You probably get a trade off of focusing on psi ops or making your standard troops more effective.
Id like to note that xcom is making the psi energys look like they are supposed to be visible i bring this up because of an issue in the roleplay a while ago with this and it just seems silly how obvious they made it visible in xcom one and now two and people think it is ONLY a visual representation for the gameplay when they showed it plenty of times in the story for 1 as well and if it wasnt supposed to be visible then why do we know what sectoids are connected to each other in number 1?
So far I have two Psi Ops with all skills unlocked, they are gods basically.
he's what i want to know, im guessing that psi troupers are like in the first game where you augment people you already have so, what happens if you augment someone with a class, do they get any bonuses that carry over or do you lose all that effort.
Mmmm I know it is outdated but didn't seem right to ask in a random video of your (awesome) playthrough.. Is there any way to retrain troops that are already on a career path to be psychics? Or get rookies past the mid-game so you can make them psychics? *hopeful*
great vid
I see this video pop up again and it made me want to start again.... Again.... Again.. I mean again.
I wasn't sold on the Psi Op until Solace and Schism and even then, knowing that there's a chance I'll just never get the abilities I need sounds frustrating.
Null lance seems interesting. Though realistically in most cases you'll probably only be able to hit 1 or 2 enemies with it, so I'll be curious to see whether the damage is high enough to make it worth spending your turn on in those situations or not.
+Abyssionknight Did you see the damage that it dealt? 8 Damage. Hell, it's worth it against even just 1 Target!
DerLoladin Well we don't know how much late game damage is. In EW for example, most weapons late game could deal that much damage, or more, each turn, while this has a 5 turn cooldown between uses. So its efficiency early and mid might be high, but it's strength later might become significantly less impressive. We just don't know right now.
+Abyssionknight the fact it probably ignores armor and cover is a good thing though.
with alien psi amp it does garenteed 14 to 15 damage so it is pretty powerful
i can already see my future squads, i was watching a stream for this yesterday on squad comps and this one guy from IGN was doing a ranger build with 3 rangers that seemed really potent, it even surprised the game devs, since the EU/EW psi troops have always been my fave even more so than the OP mech troopers, i feel like i want to do 3 Psi troops and name em all after sith lords! its going to be so hard to think of a comp! 3 psi, 2 rangers, 1 specialist and grenadier, or maybe 2 psi so i can at least get a sniper AHHHH the decisions! i don't even have my gaming pc built yet but i'm buying this in all its glory today anyway!
I do have a question thought. It's really important. Is that tetris in the top right corner behind the psi operative when he's on the Avenger? 8P
so question. you mention soulfire doesn't show up in the tree...does that mean it's basically a freebie? like it unlocks at some point and you don't have to choose between it and a different skill in the tree?
So, will we be able to get Psi Operatives from the beginning of the game, or will we have to get some alien resource or something first?
So will the Psi Op get their own special Armor like in the first Firaxis XCOM? If so, I hope it has something that replaces the Amp. While I actually like the Amp (it makes me think of a portable version of the Ethereal Device from the first game, so it's like each Psi Op has the potential of becoming an Ethereal), it'll show some nice progression if the Armor has a different means of amplifying Psi attacks. Also, what happens to aliens under the effect of Domination when a mission ends? In the first XCOM, when you kill all the aliens except for the one still under Mind Control, you had to kill that particular alien, but that made sense because Mind Control was a temporary effect. So will the alien become a captive for interrogation, or do we assume that the squad executed the alien off-screen? I'll be disappointed if it's the latter.
Solace sounds amazing for rookie training
wish they still had the gene mods, combine some of those with the psi op and they become practically invincible.
Someone is going to mod the Null Lance to look like the Kamehameha.
So, psy-opp is not a build-on for another classes, but a different class? Can't say i'm excited of that permutation...
Went through two campaigns without knowing how to get psi operatives or the purpose of the psi lab. Just hire a rookie and I could have seen it
My basic build:
1 ranger, 1 sharpshooter, 2 specialists, 2 grenadiers (trade 1 grenadier OR specialist for psi ops)
Sound pretty OP but i guess we will see when we get to try it
+Dean Wilkinson given some of the crap we're going to have to fight, i'll take any advatage i can get. Gatekeepers scare the crap out of me.
Is it worth rushing Psionics at all, or they not a priority early in the game. I do have some ideas for names, Aflred Bester, Lyta Alexander, Talia Winters, Darryl Revok, Jon 'Dr Manhattan' Osterman, Charles 'The Professor' Xavier, Carrie White, and Jean Grey.