The Case Against Michael Knowles

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  • @Sam-iu8nb
    @Sam-iu8nb Год назад +1369

    On the topic of intersex people. These legislations to criminalise gender affirming surgery taking place on children (a thing that does not happen), very often contain an exception to make sure surgery can still be performed on non-consenting intersex babies. Hope this helps us understand what these people's real goal is.

    • @FuzzyKittenBoots
      @FuzzyKittenBoots Год назад +239

      And most of those surgeries are not medically necessary. 🙃

    • @bubby632
      @bubby632 Год назад

      "These people want to mutilate children with surgeries that they cannot consent to . . . Without us"

    • @suzbone
      @suzbone Год назад +228

      This is an excellent observation. They're *horrified* at the idea of leaving things alone until the child can lead the decision. Anything that breaches their dogma that children are property is a total no-go for them.

    • @gwit4051
      @gwit4051 Год назад +148

      and a lot of them are probably also fine with babies getting circumsized

    • @Shield-Theyden
      @Shield-Theyden Год назад +83

      Yup. Absolutely disgusting. Every conservative accusation is a confession.

  • @silspyro_5774
    @silspyro_5774 Год назад +947

    Hes the type of creep to justify murder of trans as not being murder because murder applies to killing humans

    • @juniperrodley9843
      @juniperrodley9843 Год назад +128

      He comes within literally one singular word of saying that

    • @albeon_draken
      @albeon_draken Год назад +76

      He's the only person alive who played through Final Fantasy XIV and heard the "I don't see you as real people, so killing you isn't wrong" argument and thought that was a valid point that he should use in real life.

    • @yoursinisterdoge2785
      @yoursinisterdoge2785 Год назад

      Hitler on his way to argue that he didn't kill any real "people."

    • @storytimewithunclekumaran5004
      @storytimewithunclekumaran5004 Год назад

      Whos murDerinG trans people other than other trans people ?

    • @stevenboelke6661
      @stevenboelke6661 Год назад +44

      What a coincidence, that`s what the Nazis did.

  • @TurnipTheBee
    @TurnipTheBee 4 месяца назад +111

    > says he didn't call for a genocide
    > defends a genocide he definitely didn't call for

  • @cassandrawasright1481
    @cassandrawasright1481 Год назад +216

    If someone said "Judaism must be eradicated from public life entirely," we'd know what they meant, even if they later covered their ass with some nonsense about how they're only talking about some sort of international Jewish ideology. As a Jew, I don't see why it should be any different when they're talking about transgender people.

    • @isaiahrowley9830
      @isaiahrowley9830 Год назад

      Drawing a false equivalence between wanting to eradicate Judaism and wanting to eradicate transgender people from public life is harmful because it equates a person's religious identity with their gender identity, which are two fundamentally different things. It suggests that being transgender is a choice or an ideology that can be eradicated like a religion, which is not the case. This type of comparison can lead to discrimination, harassment, and even violence against transgender individuals. It can also contribute to a larger culture of transphobia and misunderstanding. While you may not have intended as much, your words can still cause harm and have an impact on transgender people.

    • @coasterblocks3420
      @coasterblocks3420 Год назад +32

      Yep. Just replace “transgenderism” with Jew or black and you know exactly what that RWNJ is saying.

    • @S.D.323
      @S.D.323 Год назад

      Well with Judaism it's technically a religion not a race but yeah that statement would probably be genocidal in either sense of the word jew

    • @ytsm
      @ytsm 6 месяцев назад +5

      I love that Jews are the biggest advocates and defenders of trans folk. I mean, they pretty much pioneered the phenomena.
      Jews Rock!

    • @cassandrawasright1481
      @cassandrawasright1481 6 месяцев назад

      @@ytsm I wouldn't give us too much credit. Magnus Hirschfeld was absolutely a pioneer in transgender medicine, but trans people existed long before him. And to excessively credit Jews with "pioneering the phenomena" of trans folk plays into transphobic and antisemetic narratives that trans people are some sort of dastardly Jewish plot to undermine the West or whatever.

  • @carolinemaybe
    @carolinemaybe Год назад +494

    As an elderly cis woman he infuriates me. I will NOT allow these grifters who have arrested development to drag us back to the last century. I will not.

    • @akedi2734
      @akedi2734 Год назад +33

      your voice is important! my grandmother is elderly cis and she tells me about how she was forced to be married at 17 and was expected to just take care of the house etc, so happy she broke free and started her own career bc she was really successful. guys like knowles want to go back to this time and probably the next step would be to change womens rights and immigrants bc they view all of these a naturally less valuable to their society.

    • @refundreplay
      @refundreplay Год назад

      Sorry, grandma. You're too old to do anything about it.

    • @kallistax
      @kallistax Год назад +16

      When I first read the comment I thought you were calling Mike Knowles the elderly cis woman and I chortled in response, it might have even been a guffaw

    • @carolinemaybe
      @carolinemaybe Год назад +11

      @@akedi2734 love your grandmother. We fought so hard and I’m not giving up. I will be fighting with my dying breath.

    • @carolinemaybe
      @carolinemaybe Год назад +7

      @@kallistax haha thank you. I really needed the chortle you gave me back.

  • @hopeatkinson4790
    @hopeatkinson4790 Год назад +268

    This means that women could no longer have short hair and wear suits, and that would be a huge goddamn shame, because that look is a banger.

    • @zephyr8072
      @zephyr8072 Год назад +56

      That's unironically true though, and many women like that get policed and bullied by twits who think only they get to decide what men and women get to look like.

    • @skeetsmcgrew3282
      @skeetsmcgrew3282 Год назад

      I don't think they consider the issue that far. Because once the mind worm gets into people's thoughts, they will go along with whatever. Men can't have long hair now? Even though rock and rollers are often seen as some of the most masculine men on earth? Well, ok, it's for the greater cause I suppose.
      The devil is in the details. They don't want the devil on display. They have to Trojan horse their way into your mind until you are willing to accept anything

    • @miiimuu622
      @miiimuu622 Год назад +19

      Kristen Stewart lookin so fly these days.. That met gala look 👀❤️

    • @Rampala
      @Rampala Год назад +18

      And men look better in skirts, you can't convince me otherwise

    • @hana-a-cha
      @hana-a-cha Год назад +4

      ​@@miiimuu622Ikr, she looked like a goddess - and I'm asexual lol

  • @jonathancangelosi2439
    @jonathancangelosi2439 Год назад +414

    “Michael doesn’t have to say out loud that he wants to violently eliminate anyone who refuses to conform to his preferred gender norms. He simply constructs a hypothetical where that is the only reasonable conclusion, and then purposefully leaves it unsaid.”
    This is a perfect summary of how these disingenuous fascists argue. Could not have said it better myself. They weasel around the implications of their own words because they can’t say the quiet part out loud, so they have to imply it with just enough plausible deniability to backpedal if they get called on it. Of course, this “plausible deniability” requires an infinitely charitable interpretation of their words, a grace I’m not willing to give them.

    • @loganleroy8622
      @loganleroy8622 Год назад

      How is that the only reasonable conclusion? It's an ideology that isn't based in reality. Communism is an ideology that should be eradicated, that doesn't mean we go about slaughtering communists. It means we continually point out why the ideology is wrong and ultimately fails, because it isn't true and is based on a false reality.

    • @ononono7016
      @ononono7016 Год назад +18

      This barely even counts as a dog whistle, when it's this clear

    • @maudley
      @maudley Год назад +26

      Shh guys, no, subtext isn't real! Everyone speaks in absolutes and you can only criticize them for their exact words
      /s if it wasn't clear

    • @jonathancangelosi2439
      @jonathancangelosi2439 Год назад +30

      ​@@ononono7016 I've heard it described as “horsewatering.” Derived from the expression “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.” Basically, you state every premise you need to conclude some abhorrent belief, without explicitly endorsing the belief itself. Then when people call you on it, you claim you weren’t trying to endorse the abhorrent belief, but some other, less abhorrent belief, then accuse your opposition of being crazy for suggesting that you’re arguing for the abhorrent belief. Kinda similar to the motte and bailey fallacy. Another tactic is to claim that you’re just being “ironic” and that your opposition is crazy for taking you seriously.
      Or, if you’re Michael Knowles, you simply use pseudointellectual gaslighting tactics like claiming trans people aren’t a “legitimate ontological category” so you can’t commit genocide against them. Not only is this false, it's nonsense. There is no such thing as an "illegitimate ontological category." He simply pulled out some philosophy terms he read on wikipedia to make himself sound smarter. But to people who are actually smart, this is a completely stupid phrase that shows he has an extremely superficial understanding (if you can call it that) of philosophy.
      If I'm being charitable to Knowles (and heaven knows he doesn't deserve charity), the steelman version of his "argument" is that being trans isn't a legitimate way of being. But this is patently false; trans people have existed throughout history across many cultures. Trans people do, in fact, exist. Who is Knowles to claim otherwise? I might as well claim that people named Michael Knowles don't actually exist.
      What’s really telling is that not once does Knowles say he doesn’t want to commit genocide against trans people, just that he couldn’t *even if he wanted to,* because it wouldn't technically be a genocide by his extremely warped definitions. Of course, there is no morally relevant difference between this mythical "non-genocide" and actual genocide, as the end result is the deaths of a group of people of a particular identity (whether that identity is "legitimate" or not). It would be equally genocidal to round up people who believe they are dragons (which is not to say that's analogous to trans people, but rather it's a hyperbolic example of an identity that most people would not recognize as legitimate).
      You can tell their true intentions by the fact that they will never actually condemn the abhorrent beliefs they are accused of; they will simply disown those beliefs temporarily when they get called out. Because they're weaselly little cowards who don't actually stand for anything.

    • @InsufficientGravitas
      @InsufficientGravitas 11 месяцев назад

      Even the most charitable interpretation, that he was suggesting a "dont ask, dont tell" style law that restricts people from acting in ways not alligned with thier assigned gender, or ya know talking about/advocating for trans people at all. After all, the second amendment can't be changed because you can't change the constitution, but first amendment freedoms can be restricted as long as people can still be bigoted. That being said, just because it would merely be a law that locks up trans people, that doesn't mean the cops won't have their whole "well i had to shoot him sir, he was resisting" shtick at the same rate as with other minority groups.
      As for his they aren't a recognised group so no genocide, firstly the CPPCG ruled that "if a victim was perceived by a perpetrator as belonging to a protected group, the victim could be considered by the Chamber as a member of the protected group" with stigmatization of the group by the perpetrators through legal measures, such as withholding citizenship, requiring the group to be identified, or isolating them from the whole could show that the perpetrators viewed the victims as a protected group. (all from wikipedia but hey) either way however it would still count as Democide.

  • @nerddowellanderson8982
    @nerddowellanderson8982 Год назад +1177

    So Knowles called for a genocide and then his rebuttal was "no thats not right I don't view trans people as people you see so how can I possibly be in the wrong here" cool stuff Mikey

    • @loganleroy8622
      @loganleroy8622 Год назад

      Huh? Of course he views them as people, he just says that what they say about their identity is a false ideology. Because it's not actually true. He never called for a genocide. When you try to eradicate poverty, does that mean you go murder all of the impoverished people to accomplish that?

    • @jayplay8869
      @jayplay8869 Год назад +24

      @John-Paul Hunt you wish you had a cool name John. But you don’t.

    • @VannywiththeFanny
      @VannywiththeFanny Год назад +11

      @John-Paul Hunt Are you ok?

    • @VannywiththeFanny
      @VannywiththeFanny Год назад +19

      @John-Paul Hunt In that case, therapy can help.

    • @VannywiththeFanny
      @VannywiththeFanny Год назад +21

      @John-Paul Hunt If you're going to put a period, capitalize the sentence as well; atleast TRY to seem smart. You don't have to make it easy.

  • @atomatopia1
    @atomatopia1 Год назад +765

    Police officer: “Hey there little girl who are you for Halloween?”
    Little girl: “I’m Spider-Man!”
    Police officer: “Oh ho, I think you mean Spider-Girl!”
    Little girl: “Nope.”
    Police officer: “Well alright then, get down on the ground, your under arrest. We’ll turn this felony criminal into a productive member of society in no time.“

    • @loganleroy8622
      @loganleroy8622 Год назад +8

      Well, no. Because normal people would recognize a Halloween costume as a costume. If in March the girl continued to wear the Spider-man costume and insist that actually she was Spider-man and continue to live her life out as Spider-man, it would be wrong at a certain point to not inform the girl that she was merely wearing a costume and was not actually Spider-man.

    • @M_M_ODonnell
      @M_M_ODonnell Год назад

      Congratulations, you got this video's token lying pro-terrorism genocide enthusiast offended enough to reply to you!

    • @bluester7177
      @bluester7177 Год назад +161

      @@loganleroy8622 Yeah, and it would be right for her to ignore you and keep thinking she is spider man because it's her life and she is not hurting anybody.

    • @Arrakiz666
      @Arrakiz666 Год назад +179

      @@loganleroy8622 Oh, so we get a special provision on Halloween? The one day of the year we can be trans?

    • @foca7550
      @foca7550 Год назад +138

      @@Arrakiz666 Night of the Transgenders 😱😱 Coming to a theater near you !

  • @jeremygregorio7472
    @jeremygregorio7472 Год назад +658

    The word fascist is overused because there are so many damned fascists.

    • @gene8447
      @gene8447 Год назад +58

      This. Yeah, I am indeed tired of calling people fascists. But I could stop. I'd gladly stop. I beg you to let me stop. But you gotta stop BEING one first.

    • @victory7763
      @victory7763 Год назад +1

      23:01 Slime is 100% correct. Rachel Dolezal is not delusional. It's how she sees herself and there's nothing wrong with that.

    • @sarafontanini7051
      @sarafontanini7051 Год назад

      indeed. its not overused because people are misusing the word. its misused because, surprise surprise, fascists are, like, actively a thing right NOW. and we know they're fascists because they do and say the exact same things as the most famous fascists of all, the nazis.

    • @skyclaw
      @skyclaw Год назад +6

      @@victory7763 Honestly, if she were legitimately suffering from a delusion I would be a lot less critical of her.

    • @victory7763
      @victory7763 Год назад

      @@skyclaw It's how she sees herself. How dare you judge how she identifies. You can't police how someone sees themselves, didn't you understand that message from the video?

  • @sharkofjoy
    @sharkofjoy Год назад +707

    "What are the Piss Rules in your gender dystopia?" is a phrase I will be struggling not to casually ask my family over potato salad this weekend.

    • @peppermorrison
      @peppermorrison Год назад +20

      What's your spaghetti policy

    • @julesmasseffectmusic
      @julesmasseffectmusic Год назад +2

      To communicate in English the words must be in an order that makes sense. Nice attempt though perhaps a Mexican can help you learn English, they have a better educati9n after all.

    • @shadowcween7890
      @shadowcween7890 Год назад +13

      ​@@julesmasseffectmusic As they are, they need no order specifically. Quite easily change, can you, the OSV of most sentences.

    • @waffles3629
      @waffles3629 Год назад +11

      ​@@shadowcween7890 I totally read this in a Yoda voice without even realizing I was doing it

    • @kquinnvandevelde1384
      @kquinnvandevelde1384 Год назад +9

      Honestly, any time someone tries to say trans people aren't real I just want to ask them this

  • @chainswordcs
    @chainswordcs Год назад +2271

    i love when people say "the word 'fascism' is overused" like, maybe the problem is that fascism is on the rise and fascist ideas have been more common and popular in the past 10-15 years.

    • @jeffengel2607
      @jeffengel2607 Год назад +197

      It's much more that fascism - the actual thing - is overused. The word is used about the right amount given the thing's use. We could appreciate much less fascism, even none!

    • @Noname72105
      @Noname72105 Год назад +59

      But it's so much more convenient if you call it something nicer.

    • @FrancisR420
      @FrancisR420 Год назад +18

      *Cough cough* gaslighting *cough cough*

    • @Rampala
      @Rampala Год назад +99

      That's... That's like saying the phrase "mass shooting" is overused in the USA when it's that freakin' guns are overused. 😵‍💫

    • @kiltedcripple
      @kiltedcripple Год назад +91

      The complaint being "overused" should be very telling, because they're not calling it "inappropriately used" or "inaccurate" if you'd like me to stop calling you a fascist, first you must cease doing fascist things.

  • @MiriamClairify
    @MiriamClairify Год назад +305

    "that's not even a real group" should so obviously read as doubling down on genocidal rhetoric ahhh

    • @loganleroy8622
      @loganleroy8622 Год назад

      Why is it that you think he wants to kill transgender people. What do you think people mean when they say that they want to eradicate poverty?

    • @Arrakiz666
      @Arrakiz666 Год назад +38

      @@loganleroy8622 Do you understand the difference between the state of being poor, and the state of being trans? A good analogy would be, say, eradicating blackness. Or eradicating masculinity. Or eradicating Judaism.
      Clicking yet?

    • @loganleroy8622
      @loganleroy8622 Год назад

      @@Arrakiz666 Well, no because blackness is innate, Being trans is not innate because it's not real. If there were a group of people that were born white but felt that they were actually black and wanted to identify as transracial, then someone came along and said they wanted to eradicate transracialism that wouldn't mean they wanted to kill people who were white but claimed to be that they were actually black and never felt comfortable being white.

    • @Aarenby
      @Aarenby Год назад

      @@loganleroy8622 gender identity is inmate- we know this

    • @Arrakiz666
      @Arrakiz666 Год назад

      @@loganleroy8622 Being trans is innate, sorry. You denying that doesn't say anything except that you're uneducated on the subject.
      But think about this for a second. If you try to "eradicate transgenderism", what happens to already living trans people? What do you do with them? Forcefully de-transition them? Expel them from society? That's starting to sound an awful lot like genocide, my guy.

  • @camclemons
    @camclemons Год назад +289

    I suffer from schizoaffective disorder and most commonly experience persecutory delusions. Michael Knowles is more than welcome to come correct my delusions, but I have not, as of yet, lost any freedoms due to my condition, despite being somewhat more dangerous to myself and others during a psychotic episode than any person is just by being trans.

    • @meltedWax169
      @meltedWax169 Год назад +8

      That's not their main focus. You're not prevelant in society.. also i'm.. something.. i hallucinate, hear shit, talk to 'nothing' and shit but idk what i am. My mother isnt schizophrenic, but i feel like i'm schizoaffective. Its fucking weird.

    • @lem860
      @lem860 Год назад +18

      ​@@meltedWax169trans people, and trans women who they focus the most attention on arent exactly prevalent either, it's just disgust of others they've been taught to since birth.
      They see another way of being as an attack on themselves, because they assume their way of being to be the only correct one.

    • @ivandankob7112
      @ivandankob7112 10 месяцев назад +1

      Dunno mate, those m2f trans who insist there should be allowed to compete against biological women in combat sports seem more dangerous than you

    • @camclemons
      @camclemons 10 месяцев назад +15

      1. Cis women. Trans women are also biological women
      2. Why is it always the trans women that shouldn't be competing against other women and not, say, trans men who are taking hormones. Nobody cares about women's sports before trans women became a talking point
      3. Athletes inherently have genetic advantages over each other, that's the conceit of competitive sports
      4. There is zero evidence for (and only evidence to the contrary) that trans women have no inherent advantages over cis women in sports

    • @ivandankob7112
      @ivandankob7112 10 месяцев назад

      @@camclemons 1. M2f trans women are not biological women
      2. Because f2m trans men are not causing competitive imbalances and are just incapable of raising to pro levels in sports where physique matters
      3. If sexual dimorphism did not matter we would not have gender split in competition to begin with, your argument is invalid
      4. Therese zero evidence you’re saying this while having a degree or at least credible understanding of human biology

  • @Aarenby
    @Aarenby Год назад +68

    Also- his "be normal" isn't just supremely homophobic/transphobia/queerphobic and racist But also supremely abelist

    • @user-DeLorean-Dude2024
      @user-DeLorean-Dude2024 6 месяцев назад +10

      Thank you! I wanted to point out how the "be normal" part can be used as a loophole for ableism.

  • @gabby3036
    @gabby3036 Год назад +627

    So his argument is basically, "Nuh uh, it doesn't *count* as a genocide cause they're not people."

    • @CRSB00
      @CRSB00 Год назад +35


    • @ms-abominable
      @ms-abominable Год назад +65

      So glad he cleared that up! It's still fucking disgusting.

    • @icedirt9658
      @icedirt9658 Год назад +3


    • @ursawendal498
      @ursawendal498 Год назад +14

      and this is why he's gross

    • @gabby3036
      @gabby3036 Год назад +48

      Yeah, it's like: If you find yourself litigating the semantics of what does and does not constitute calling for a genocide, you're already on the wrong side of history...and society, morality, humanity - the list goes on. He's twisting himself in and out of knots arguing what constitutes, essentially, personhood and all the while doing his level best to disqualify himself from the category.

  • @JeanRain17
    @JeanRain17 Год назад +196

    I remember seeing this on Twitter and i felt like i was taking crazy pills with how many people couldn't define genocide

    • @willowarkan2263
      @willowarkan2263 Год назад

      it's not that weird, considering how many western governments have been involved/are involved in a genocide of one sort or another, usually for some economic reason or as an easy way to power. Patriotism is hard when you think your government is committing or has recently committed genocide.

    • @MrMan-dd4hi
      @MrMan-dd4hi Год назад

      That parts probably because Elon Fucksk has melted the site’s moderation software, giving it an illusion of being more laissez-faire (the uptick in euphemisms and just outright hate speech and slurs) while still being anchored to Apartheid-emerald boy’s echo chamber. Seriously, just look at the replies section on one of Musk’s posts and tell me that’s something normal and that users should have to tolerate.

    • @zed739
      @zed739 Год назад +70

      I got banned from one of the Seattle subreddits when I pointed out that rounding up homeless people and executing them (the topic of the thread) is the literal definition of genocide. Apparently I was stoking hate?

    • @KlausJLinke
      @KlausJLinke Год назад

      For f*cks sake ... There's UN conventions defining the term.

    • @grmpEqweer
      @grmpEqweer Год назад +41

      ​​@@zed739 Thank you for your service. Edit: that subreddit ought to be shut down for that, that's stochastic terrorism.

  • @Mondomeyer
    @Mondomeyer Год назад +344

    "Be normal" is another way of saying "Throw away your individually and be the way I want you to be." Never listen to anyone who tells you to be normal. No one that has said that has ever had your best interest in mind.

    • @bluester7177
      @bluester7177 Год назад +54

      Also, what's normal? I bet if all this conservatives got together to define what's normal to them they probably wouldn't agree in a lot of things, I sometimes wish these guys got their ethno theocracy because they would be at war with each other in no time.

    • @Mondomeyer
      @Mondomeyer Год назад +33

      @@bluester7177 Damn right. Though I would add that this fetishization of normality is not solely a republican trait. There are many on the left also demanding ant-like social conformity. In fairness none have advocated genocide (to my knowledge), but the general idea is the same. Overall it's more of a human problem than a political one.

    • @Aarenby
      @Aarenby Год назад +20

      Yeah as someone who by no measure can be normal .
      Left handed, gay, nb, autistic- that makes me rage

    • @Aarenby
      @Aarenby Год назад +8

      ​@@bluester7177 normal can only be objectively defined via statstisics and even then its misleading.

    • @totorod
      @totorod Год назад +14

      Be normal means be like me.

  • @StealthMarmot_
    @StealthMarmot_ Год назад +54

    I think it's pretty safe to say that if you have to bring up the technical definition to explain why your suggested action isn't genocide, your suggested action isn't a good one.

    • @elegantoddity8609
      @elegantoddity8609 Год назад +7

      Queue what if Thanos: "Not a genocide, it's completely random".

  • @TNGMug
    @TNGMug 8 месяцев назад +20

    "It's not genocide of they don't deserve to live in the first place"..... It would be face-palming if it wasn't so terrifying.

  • @SnakeMan448
    @SnakeMan448 Год назад +476

    It's so freaking creepy how he boldface lies that he wasn't using genocidal rhetoric, even when it's clear cut that he did.

    • @hitthegoat
      @hitthegoat Год назад +48

      Literal video evidence is no longer enough evidence

    • @NotoriousSRG
      @NotoriousSRG Год назад

      Looks like someone is new to the functioning of fascist clowns

    • @hitoshura2800
      @hitoshura2800 Год назад +2

      What did he lie about exactly? I'm not a supporter of his just curious

    • @darkshadowrule2952
      @darkshadowrule2952 Год назад +45

      @@hitoshura2800 the definition of genocide and his denial that he was calling for it by obfuscating the meaning of the word 🤨

    • @AndromedaD
      @AndromedaD Год назад +21

      The dogwhistle was too audible, now he's just putting his viewers back to sleep.

  • @gabby3036
    @gabby3036 Год назад +111

    "Material reality does not conform itself to the language we use to describe it."
    I don't even have to be high to think that's a damn good quote.

    • @skyinou
      @skyinou Год назад +4

      The issue is defining "material reality" when we're talking about people's feelings, and now that some politicians have openly said that they are okay with an "alternative reality" instead, when it fits their narrative better.

    • @gabby3036
      @gabby3036 Год назад +5

      @@skyinou Yeah, denying objective reality has kinda become something of a brand for a worrying number of politicians.

    • @ince55ant
      @ince55ant Год назад

      @@gabby3036 yeah there is a shocking amount of election campaigns that could be summed up by "vote for me, i deny reality" followed by them shooting a picture of something woke

    • @xnflg3074
      @xnflg3074 Год назад +3

      @@gabby3036 a worrying number of a very specific party of politicians. republicans.

    • @thesteelsquid863
      @thesteelsquid863 Год назад

      THANK YOU! Ever since I was a damn kid- not even in regards to lgbt matters, but just in general- I've felt that people are so.. fucking arrogant. We treat our systems and language as if it's not a creation of our own, like our understanding of the universe is some immutable thing. If there is an objective reality, we won't know about it for centuries from now. We know so fucking little in the grand scheme of things that our science is bound to change constantly. I don't know how anyone can think the days of people seeing the earth as flat or whatever are over. Hundreds of years from now there will probably be a lot of things we now hold as "immutable facts" reduced to jokes. I'm not saying we should throw away our understanding of the world, but we shouldn't try and bend the world to our understanding. Science isn't doctrine. Our perception of the world isn't set in stone.

  • @FooneTuring
    @FooneTuring Год назад +429

    Yeah, I do need to "go to the doctor to get my gender fixed". And I did! And they prescribed me hormones and told me where I can sign up for hair removal. It helps a lot, actually.

    • @grmpEqweer
      @grmpEqweer Год назад +16


    • @bluester7177
      @bluester7177 Год назад +28

      As someone with PCOS, same.

    • @malloryworlton6359
      @malloryworlton6359 Год назад +1

      Didn't expect to find you here :D

    • @intellectually_lazy
      @intellectually_lazy Год назад +23

      i wanted to get my tits off but they said i need to do gender counciling first. still waiting for the referral, and my primary care doctor stopped seeing me for asking medical questions. she said that i'm out there, i think she meant crazy. now i'm just scared because i can't get my thyroid medicine and being off the same med causesd my 25 yo son to have organ failure. i'm insured and live in nys. i can't even imagine what the rest of the country is like anymore

    • @electronics-girl
      @electronics-girl Год назад +4

      @@intellectually_lazy California is fine. (Well, parts of it. LA and SF.)

  • @GambeTama
    @GambeTama Год назад +88

    My favorite response to this was when the Rolling Stone wrote an article titled "CPAC Leader Calls for Transgender People to be 'Eradicated'." Knowles declared libel and demanded a name change, which they acquiesced to, rewriting the title as "CPAC Leader Calls for the Eradication of 'Transgenderism' - and Somehow Claims that he is not Calling for Elimination of Transgender People." This just wasn't even a debate.

    • @dillonpierce3537
      @dillonpierce3537 Год назад +19

      That is unfathomable based and good for Rolling Stone for mocking evil and choosing not to respect it

    • @cericat
      @cericat 8 месяцев назад +6

      @@dillonpierce3537they've been on a pretty decent roll the past year for calling a spade a spade and standing their ground. Their response to the much belated demise of Kissinger did not miss either for instance.

    • @ytsm
      @ytsm 6 месяцев назад +1

      If one said, "we should eradicate National Socialism", what would they be recommending?

    • @GenesisTheKitty
      @GenesisTheKitty Месяц назад

      ​@@ytsm that's dumb lol, Nazis and trans people are not comparable groups

  • @Lexaprostrats
    @Lexaprostrats Год назад +32

    His gross little smile after he said "be normal" sent a chill down my spine. I know Mildred said that we shouldn't just write him off as a weird little goblin man, which I agree, but I do want to add that he is indeed a freakish little goblin man. Also, love the new glasses, Mildo!!

  • @kevinroscom
    @kevinroscom Год назад +440

    "be normal" Michael says as he produces the most terrifying smile I've ever seen

    • @falconeshield
      @falconeshield Год назад +32

      Be like me or die face

    • @nektariosorfanoudakis2270
      @nektariosorfanoudakis2270 Год назад +35

      By the way, "Normalcy" of this type is a Nazi dogwhistle or something, I don't remember the German term.

    • @Julian-jj1wc
      @Julian-jj1wc Год назад +15

      holy hell its like something from a Dr seuss story

    • @EpicEverz
      @EpicEverz Год назад +21

      Michael should try being normal himself. Normal people don't go around calling for the eradication of other people.

    • @thesteelsquid863
      @thesteelsquid863 Год назад +15

      God, I just.. I used to be a lot more relaxed and live and let live. I'm 20 now. I have an autism spectrum disorder, and while I can function socially very well, I'm not normal. I have friends. They like me for who I am. Seeing this... THING say shit like this. This person who's only in a position of power because he drags everyone who isn't like him down. I don't think I've ever felt this amount of disgust before. I wish hell was real.

  • @oonamorrioghanblackthorne
    @oonamorrioghanblackthorne Год назад +408

    Look up the ten steps to genocide. It explains how genocide is not just step 10.

    • @ItRemindMeOfHome
      @ItRemindMeOfHome Год назад +61

      Step 9 is mass killing, 10 is denial

    • @zephyr8072
      @zephyr8072 Год назад

      "Hey let's go out and do a genocide." - said no Nazi ever.

    • @hungrywallaby
      @hungrywallaby Год назад +26

      I see a lot of step 4 (dehumanization) coming from Knowles.

    • @randomtinypotatocried
      @randomtinypotatocried Год назад +35

      @@ItRemindMeOfHome With the violent attacks on the lgbtqia+ community I think we're starting to cover step 9. Also, if you read about the steps of genocide, they're not a set order so it's common for genocides to step around on the steps

    • @FrozEnbyWolf150
      @FrozEnbyWolf150 Год назад +22

      I would also point people to the UN definition of genocide. All of those things have been done so far, just not on a state sanctioned level yet. Republican legislators have been trying to make it legal.

  • @gabby3036
    @gabby3036 Год назад +203

    Oh boy, "men don't have a right to *present* themselves as women" and vice versa is one helluva minefield, huh? I'm sure I'm not the only one who's ever been accidentally mistaken for another gender without any attempt made on my part to "present" myself that way. Or how about the guy with long hair who gets mistaken for a woman when his back is turned? (I mean, everybody knows a heavy metal fan.) Are we in danger of being arrested for "reckless presenting in public"?

    • @skeetsmcgrew3282
      @skeetsmcgrew3282 Год назад +2

      I never considered the scenario where a man wears a dress, high heels, and makeup but says he is a man and wants to use the men's room. To stop that, you literally have to codify styles like a private school. Something republicans have been trying to do since the dawn of the party. And this pathetic Trojan horse is their next ticket to that goal

    • @bluester7177
      @bluester7177 Год назад +59

      Their goal is for the guy with long hair to also not exist, they want everyone to look the same without any major variation, so anything that can make someone be confused for the opposite gender, in their perfect world, even harmless things like pants would not be available to women, for example, because they often think that's masculine.

    • @rinsuu9848
      @rinsuu9848 Год назад +45

      Yeah I dunno what I'd do. I'm AFAB but bigger than nearly every cis man I've ever met and no amount of dresses and makeup could make me 'pass' to their standards. I suppose people like us wouldn't last long in this gender dystopia 🥲

    • @gabby3036
      @gabby3036 Год назад +36

      @@rinsuu9848 So then maybe they'd have to implement some kind of mandatory piece of clothing for us to wear as a signifier...

    • @ahouyearno
      @ahouyearno Год назад +47

      As a man with long hair the amount of times old people tell me I shouldn’t do that is depressingly high.
      In the gender dystopia, I don’t get to grow my hair the way I prefer, I’m certain of that. Despite being a cis white straight man, they’ll still find a way to hurt me. Nobody is safe

  • @erisonline921
    @erisonline921 Год назад +188

    You clown on yourself for being a silly goofer tackling ultra serious topics, but I really really want to say, as a trans woman, I find what you do to be really good for my blood pressure. Seriously, thank you for this

    • @SMPKarma
      @SMPKarma Год назад +6

      as an enby, I second this. I keep rewatching TS's videos because the silly goofer humour while tackling serious topics is just my style. And like, TS's takes are always based. Can't name anything I'd majorly disagree with. Really underrated channel tbh

    • @AviaBomber
      @AviaBomber Год назад +5

      @@SMPKarma Trans man here to third this. TS's humor is the spoonful of sugar to help the medicine (keeping up with current events) go down.

    • @waffles3629
      @waffles3629 Год назад +3

      Same, I don't always have the mental energy to watch these types of videos, but TS does an amazing job.

    • @sillyd0g
      @sillyd0g Год назад +6

      yeah as a trans person who often finds the onslaught of transphobia these days fucking miserable to deal with, people like mildred who talk about that stuff in a way that isn't just a depressing nightmare slog are my favorite.

    • @Hamantha
      @Hamantha Год назад +2

      As a fellow transes I do agree

  • @ONE-vt1fz
    @ONE-vt1fz Год назад +31

    Note for prospective public speakers: if your argument begins with “it’s not technically genocide” or some equivalent, your argument is not a good one

  • @Shield-Theyden
    @Shield-Theyden Год назад +518

    We are all currently suffering from Michael Knowles' delusion that he could have had a successful career as an actor.

    • @idontknoq4813
      @idontknoq4813 Год назад +7

      How did you leave a comment eight days ago? This video was released like half an hour ago, and it was not streamed, was this video unlisted or something?

    • @lillianward2810
      @lillianward2810 Год назад +26

      @@idontknoq4813 probably available on patreon or something

    • @nickdavidurban
      @nickdavidurban Год назад +24

      This accurately describes every single right-wing celebrity.

    • @Shield-Theyden
      @Shield-Theyden Год назад +21

      ​@@idontknoq4813Patreon. You too can leave early comments disparaging Michael Knowles' pathetic life arc!

    • @ryancagerbaker
      @ryancagerbaker Год назад +9

      Wasn’t Hitler rejected by an art school?

  • @timothycarroll3835
    @timothycarroll3835 Год назад +64

    You'd think a "normal" guy might reflect on his words if they were interpreted as being genocidal

  • @JothanGurr
    @JothanGurr Год назад +78

    Dollar store Matt Walsh is big mad trans folks exist. His remedy to that imagined problem is chilling though.

    • @falconeshield
      @falconeshield Год назад

      It's okay Matt hides his tiny pp boner for Fascism with blatant homeless murder instead

    • @falconeshield
      @falconeshield Год назад +5

      Also if a woman was really good in different sports and was cis, would Matt be pissed at her too?

    • @emilyrln
      @emilyrln Год назад

      @@falconeshield yup. His kind think women are supposed to pop out babies and make sandwiches for their husband. Fuck, a few years back Stefan Molyneux was tweeting about how Taylor Swift's eggs would be getting old and wasn't it a shame that she might not be able to have kids. This while Swift continued to be one of the femmest femmes that ever femmed lmao. But she wasn't putting her precious uterus to its divine purpose, so suddenly there's a problem in his book.

    • @electronics-girl
      @electronics-girl Год назад +13

      @@falconeshield Conservatives always hated women's sports, until trans people showed up on their radar.

  • @flask223
    @flask223 Год назад +40

    Remember when we used to be told to be ourselves and now we're being told to be normal. They took it back

    • @coasterblocks3420
      @coasterblocks3420 Год назад +10

      You can be yourself, just so long as you’re indistinguishable from everyone else.

  • @benphillips66
    @benphillips66 Год назад +103

    In a world where trans people exist, he expressed his goal to bring in a world where where trans people are unable to express themselves or not exist. I’m wondering where the grey area is here.

    • @coasterblocks3420
      @coasterblocks3420 Год назад

      Not only a world where trans people don’t exist but also no gays and no atheists. Their agenda is religious indoctrination from cradle to grave and societal takeover.

  • @vengerofthelight
    @vengerofthelight Год назад +478

    This is quite possibly the best summary of fascist ideology I've ever heard. Kudos.

    • @skeetsmcgrew3282
      @skeetsmcgrew3282 Год назад +17

      Fucking chills. Ive never been able to boil down facism anywhere close to this perfectly

    • @kittycatpilot
      @kittycatpilot Год назад +18

      If you haven't read it already, Ur-Fascism by Umberto Eco (as quoted in the vid) is excellent. A lot of leftist content creators I follow use, or use among others', Eco's definition of fascism. It's only like a dozen page essay and you can pretty easily find a pdf.

    • @kostajovanovic3711
      @kostajovanovic3711 Год назад +5

      yet streamers hate Mildred, so they must be bad

    • @aratosm
      @aratosm Год назад

      You do realize he's a conservative, fascism is a leftist ideology build on socialism.

  • @TheUglyAnswers
    @TheUglyAnswers Год назад +506

    Imagine being Michael Knowles: the OFF-BRAND Matt Walsh.

    • @stewblare2190
      @stewblare2190 Год назад +35

      we got matt walsh at home.

    • @kevinlawrence1582
      @kevinlawrence1582 Год назад +39

      That's horrible since Matt Walsh is already the off-brand Ben Shapiro

    • @GiggaGMikeE
      @GiggaGMikeE Год назад +13

      Family Dollar Brand Fascism

    • @zhhsshhhd5949
      @zhhsshhhd5949 Год назад

      Replying to a comment

    • @grmpEqweer
      @grmpEqweer Год назад +6

      They have better fascism at Wal-Mart!

  • @GKCanman
    @GKCanman Год назад +48

    The idea isn't just of a fascist police but a fashion police. "Oh sweety you can't pull off that look we're going to have to take you to jail." *Snap Snap*

    • @skeetsmcgrew3282
      @skeetsmcgrew3282 Год назад +12

      "I know you aren't trying to wear white after labor day you tacky peasant. Off to jail with you!"

    • @falconeshield
      @falconeshield Год назад

      ​@@skeetsmcgrew3282 "But I'm a foreigner!"

    • @waffles3629
      @waffles3629 Год назад +4

      Yep. Like will women wearing shoes from the men's department be arrested, despite them being nearly identical in many cases?

    • @skeetsmcgrew3282
      @skeetsmcgrew3282 Год назад +5

      @@waffles3629 You know, I've spent the last few weeks thinking about this off and on. And I've come to the realization that they never had any intention of codifying the clothing men and women should wear. They just want unchecked power to make a judgement on the fly. In much the same way that they want the power to shoot first and ask questions later. They don't want someone to tell them what the appropriate use of force is. In their mind, whatever they deem appropriate IS appropriate. Like calling the Gestapo on someone because they "look Jewish," they would use a similar method of selection.

    • @waffles3629
      @waffles3629 Год назад +2

      @@skeetsmcgrew3282 oh for sure, it'd only be enforced when it was convenient to them.

  • @shizuwolf
    @shizuwolf Год назад +37

    This kinda explains why this anti-trans ideology scares me. I’m not trans, but I am physically disabled. I can’t walk and I’ve come to terms with that. But what’s going to stop these people from aiming this ideology at people with disabilities? “Just be normal”. And what if someone doesn’t fit YOUR definition of “normal” Michael? Are you going to force them to go through a special surgery like that Twilight Zone episode, “just like you”?

  • @surewhynotiguess22
    @surewhynotiguess22 Год назад +110

    Thank you, I'm so tired of people treating the argument that trans people shouldn't have the right to exist as a legit argument

  • @angesystem23
    @angesystem23 Год назад +87

    "Be normal" i refuse i will become even weirder out of spite

    • @chainswordcs
      @chainswordcs Год назад +8

      be weird! be strange! be yourself and do what makes you happy 😊

  • @kacektv9405
    @kacektv9405 Год назад +110

    The most 48 year old looking 33 year old I have EVER seen. Michael Knowles is proof that hate ages you like a slice of Kraft singles left in a cd player.

    • @kylewilliams8114
      @kylewilliams8114 Год назад +12

      God damn, he's like 2 years older than me? Hate really does age you

    • @klisterklister2367
      @klisterklister2367 Год назад +20

      Hes that young and that boring already?

    • @clubafterlife
      @clubafterlife Год назад +1

      cursed knowledge

    • @skeetsmcgrew3282
      @skeetsmcgrew3282 Год назад +4

      Kraft single? Singles? If the product is called "Singles," I guess you are forced to have the plural and the singular be the same, huh? Stupid English, this is why people can avoid being a racist based on a technicality

    • @kacektv9405
      @kacektv9405 Год назад +15

      @@skeetsmcgrew3282 Wow that is some very weird energy to bring near the end there but I think its called Kraft SIngles because its a pack of cheese but filled with like 24 individually wrapped slices of cheese so its a multitude of single packets to be referred to as Singles

  • @WyrmsOfWonder
    @WyrmsOfWonder Год назад +48

    "men shall wear pants, women shall wear dresses, and never the two shall meet." *nervous skort energy*

    • @skeetsmcgrew3282
      @skeetsmcgrew3282 Год назад +12

      Not me quivering in my kilt with boxers underneath

    • @loganleroy8622
      @loganleroy8622 Год назад

      That's not what he's saying. He's saying that a man can wear pants or a dress, but that putting on the dress doesn't make you a woman. You are merely putting on a stereotype and caricature of what a woman is. It's just a guy in a dress.

    • @WyrmsOfWonder
      @WyrmsOfWonder Год назад +16

      @@loganleroy8622 sounds like someone's afraid of skorts

    • @loganleroy8622
      @loganleroy8622 Год назад

      @@WyrmsOfWonder No, you can wear a skirt, shorts, jeans, jorts, skorts, I don't care.

    • @M_M_ODonnell
      @M_M_ODonnell Год назад +17

      @@loganleroy8622 ...but you're willing to encourage violent policing of the thing you don't care about, and willing to lie to encourage more violence on the subject.

  • @curvilinearcube8716
    @curvilinearcube8716 Год назад +99

    I think Michael-Knowlesism should be eliminated from public life so that we can have a safer more normal world.

    • @electronics-girl
      @electronics-girl Год назад +20

      Just for fun, I copied his whole speech, and replaced every occurrence of "transgenderism" with "conservatism". It actually made a lot more sense that way.

  • @alanfike
    @alanfike Год назад +38

    Darwin taught us that an inability to adapt is an inability to survive. Fascists insist that reality should adapt to them, with predictable results.

  • @mgiantpurplepanda
    @mgiantpurplepanda Год назад +33

    As somebody who was wrong about the definition of genocide. The definition posed by the man who pioneered the concept would absolutely cover Knowles speech. The version of it adopted by the un also covers his speech.

  • @elizabethsaltmarsh8306
    @elizabethsaltmarsh8306 Год назад +37

    Did Michael Knowles really pull the "I'm just a little baby guy" thing about being a fascist?!?

    • @S.D.323
      @S.D.323 Год назад +4

      I mean one of the most famous pictures of an infant is literally of hitler

    • @Old_Turtle
      @Old_Turtle Месяц назад +1

      @@S.D.323 I don't think that's true.

  • @something1600
    @something1600 Год назад +45

    Here we see a librarian from the 90s expose a guy who's basically Joseph Goebbels' ghost.

    • @TheDanishGuyReviews
      @TheDanishGuyReviews Год назад +9

      Thank you! I was thinking who they reminded me of, and it's Janine from The Real Ghostbusters.

  • @OstrichRidingCowboy
    @OstrichRidingCowboy Год назад +30

    That Sartre quote on antisemitism is all ways useful against disinformation because somehow all disinformation is always ALSO antisemitism.

    • @Nagoragama
      @Nagoragama Год назад +6

      I'm always saying this to myself whenever I find myself getting wound up about someone saying bigoted shit on Twitter. Before I respond, I say to myself, "they are not engaging in good faith, they do not care what words mean, they are just toying with you." and I delete my reply.

    • @iamnohere
      @iamnohere Год назад +2

      @@Nagoragama I: Correcting bigoted s*** and other misinformation is still a good thing. It's just less about convincing the bigot, and more so the onlooking fence-sitters

    • @HungerGamesFan88
      @HungerGamesFan88 Год назад

      @@Nagoragama the best response to a fascist online is a supremely low-res .jpg of a penis

    • @sillyd0g
      @sillyd0g Год назад +1

      it's because we jews are too sexy and everyone's so jealous of us

    • @tomisaacson2762
      @tomisaacson2762 Год назад

      Fascists are not very smart or creative.

  • @Dis_Dis
    @Dis_Dis Год назад +83

    "Genocide refers to genetics and transgenderism has nothing to do with genetics so trans genocide cannot be a thing" Bruh. This man is literally a meme. He really pulled a "The card says Moops" and actually got away with calling for genocide in public.

    • @julianaragan7955
      @julianaragan7955 Год назад

      Also fun fact, Harvard is now finding potential genes that cause someone to be transgender. So the "it's not genetic" is now being discovered to be false.

  • @bradypustridactylus488
    @bradypustridactylus488 Год назад +32

    Michael Knowles has learned well from Jordan Peterson. Say something outrageous and stoke the hatred; then when the flak comes, claim that the interpretation is so ridiculous that you couldn't have meant to say what your critics accuse you of saying, all the time, in fact, defending the disgusting thing you said. "I am 100% in line with what I said, but you're the one whose at fault for calling me out."

    • @ince55ant
      @ince55ant Год назад +6

      Mot and Bailey. not just a form of ancient castle

  • @ts4743
    @ts4743 Год назад +84

    You did a great job at breaking down the inconsistency of anti trans rhetoric. Great video

  • @cmmosher8035
    @cmmosher8035 Год назад +78

    Its occurs to me that i haveen confusing Knowles with Nick Fuetes for the longest time.
    It really hasnt affected the conversations i have had.

    • @sebastienvondoom8615
      @sebastienvondoom8615 Год назад +9

      It's Knowles and Walsh for me.

    • @klisterklister2367
      @klisterklister2367 Год назад


    • @missgreen101
      @missgreen101 Год назад +8

      Their all basic palette swap white men with the same smug exspression

    • @emilyrln
      @emilyrln Год назад +3

      Someone ordered the fascist value pack 😂

    • @XSRVX_01
      @XSRVX_01 7 месяцев назад +2

      Knowles is just diet fuentes in terms of content. Ideologically they're the same

  • @realMacMadame
    @realMacMadame Год назад +55

    The argument that he didn't advocate for a genocide reminds me of the stupid argument that "I'm not transphobic because phobia means fear and I don't fear trans people." Setting aside, that they seem pretty afraid of trans people, that's not what "phobia" means.

    • @S.D.323
      @S.D.323 Год назад +2

      It is what phobia usually means but the thing is words don't really have meanings they have usages

    • @f1mbultyr
      @f1mbultyr Год назад +6

      @@S.D.323 It's not what phobia "usually" means, it's one of multiple meanings. But in this usage, it means "adversary".

    • @rainbowrotcod
      @rainbowrotcod 10 месяцев назад

      I wouldn't say it's an argument, more like a distraction. they know it doesn't mean that.

    • @MrMarinus18
      @MrMarinus18 10 месяцев назад +2

      I can't speak for others but my main reason for being transphobe in the past is that I have very weak social skills and often say the wrong thing and hurt others. So I resented the "leftists" for making my situation even harder cause it felt they were adding even more social rules that I was already struggling with.
      Like I said I can't speak for everyone but I also have a friend who is the same way and from the way the far right is talking it does seem they are trying to appeal to that. That they are speaking to people who feel very insecure about their social skills and are trying to direct that insecurity towards the left.

  • @taylor6528
    @taylor6528 Год назад +16

    people in the comments keep being like 'no its not calling for genocide he's calling for the IDEOLOGY to be eradicated' alright guys explain to me what trans ideology/"transgenderism" is . bc from my perspective "trans ideology" is in essence one thing: trans people exist, and deserve basic respect. now how do you go about eliminating the "ideology" of trans people existing? what does that materially look like?

  • @meganvincent5381
    @meganvincent5381 Год назад +40

    Also its so refreshing to just hear you conclude a video with "fuck off?" Its so just honest like I wanna say that all the time. Just fuck off???

    • @electronics-girl
      @electronics-girl Год назад +5

      One time, I got tired of arguing with a transphobe, so my final reply was just "bite me". That was actually much more satisfying than all of the logical arguments I'd been making.

    • @meganvincent5381
      @meganvincent5381 Год назад +1

      @@electronics-girl it do be like that alot of the time

  • @andrewenderfrost8161
    @andrewenderfrost8161 11 месяцев назад +16

    Please don’t compare him to a squid. Squids are openly LGBTQ+ friendly and many of them are transgender! Heck even the pop idol group Deep Cut is super lesbian and they’re some of the most popular squids in all of Inkopolis!

  • @sideways5153
    @sideways5153 Год назад +48

    Mildred hitting us with hot librarian/teacher energy today 😮‍💨

    • @sideways5153
      @sideways5153 Год назад +11

      Cannot engage any less superficially, subject matter makes me too angry ugh

  • @PocketDeerBoy
    @PocketDeerBoy Год назад +19

    I think this is just confirming my idea that normalcy isn't passive but rather enforced by people who desperately want to be normal

  • @BustyCatbot
    @BustyCatbot 8 месяцев назад +9

    "Be normal" he says, as he calls for a minority of people to be eradicated, very normal behavior.

  • @ケイリakaケモイ
    @ケイリakaケモイ Год назад +63

    It's so refreshing to see someone talk about this horrendous thing in a way that makes me laugh and smile. But yeah this guy is terrible and frightening.

  • @WeirdNekoGirl
    @WeirdNekoGirl Год назад +32

    I was not expecting Alberta Health Services to pop up at the 7 minute mark and have actual comments on anti-trans slang, so happy for my home province!

    • @jamesphillips2285
      @jamesphillips2285 Год назад +5

      Yeah. I definitely paused and did a double-take.

    • @lark613
      @lark613 Год назад +4

      Lmao we're the last province I expected to see as a source of accurate info

    • @julianaragan7955
      @julianaragan7955 Год назад +1

      Come to BC! We're no less literally on fire, but at least we do more to help minorities. Even my conservative hometown has a strong queer community.

  • @cupcakeordeath
    @cupcakeordeath Год назад +58

    I honestly didn’t know that the geno- wasn’t specifically “genetics” and I am glad for the clarification.

    • @cupcakeordeath
      @cupcakeordeath Год назад +9

      I thought we were using the wrong word intentionally because we had no other word to convey the evil of anti-trans genocide.

    • @angela_merkeI
      @angela_merkeI Год назад

      You are though. The UN defines genocide as "any of acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group". Trans people are not a γενος (race/tribe/kin) and the definition of "group, sort of things" Mildred pulled out to gotcha was a very rare and specific one I had to even look up because I never encountered any instance of genos meaning group/sort of. This rare and minor sub-meaning of genos was never of importance when the term was coined and it was always about cultures/ethnic groups and a term for "killing trans people on a big scale" should be invented (i.e. trans + o + cide or something similar) since most people just throw this word around to mean "the worst thing someone can do".
      And no Mildred, I am not a shitlib, I am a linguist (sort of).

    • @warai8580
      @warai8580 Год назад +9

      @@angela_merkeI Genos for type, kind, element, etc. is the usage in Aristotelian metaphysics apparently (not my field of knowledge at all), so that's probably had some outsized influence on how the word is used in modern Greek coinages

    • @dominicparker6124
      @dominicparker6124 Год назад +14

      ​@@angela_merkeI genos, from greek meaning race / people. People is all you need to know. In group vs out group.
      The definition you're looking at is from thr 1940s. The definition has been broadened to mean people's and culture eradication because more recent genocides have been committed by people from the same ethnic group as the victims. So yeah, no. It wasnt an obscure gotcha.

    • @andrewgreen5574
      @andrewgreen5574 Год назад +6

      @@angela_merkeI I mean queer nationalism is a thing, and specifically informed groups like the Pink Panthers.
      Since the LGBTQ community has common struggles, I think it's fair to say that they see themselves within a community with similar cultural traits and identities, thus giving a national identity.
      And yes, LGBT culture is a thing.
      So even by your basic definition it fulfills the definition of genocide.

  • @LiarJudas666
    @LiarJudas666 Год назад +16

    it's just so ridiculous on the face of it. im nonbinary but basically present and behave as a guy, a "man". however i have very long, beautiful hair. would i be forced to cut it in Knowles' world? ive threatened to quit jobs for mentioning it.

    • @lukkamr
      @lukkamr Год назад +8

      Legit 💀How am I supposed to "detransition" as a someone who doesnt identify as anything really, but still look masculine... Are they gonna voodoo my gender non comfortmity out of me? 😂

  • @benjaminfirth2890
    @benjaminfirth2890 Год назад +17

    It's very clear that the wording is carefully chosen to avoid liability and leave an opening for him to duck and weave out of. I do get sincere vibes from him though. He really wants to remove some people from existence. He's just too cowardly to say so.

  • @PumkRock
    @PumkRock Год назад +19

    The stuff about policing gender expression just nakedly shows how juvenile and cruel right wing politics are.
    When Mildred (sp?) asks "how would this be enforced, the totalitarian overreach necessary for enforcing this is impossible" the correct answer is "it will be selectively enforced on people who don't perfectly pass- because they are gross- and it will force people who do pass to live in fear of being discovered, because they are gross".
    There is no way to enforce this kind of thing in any coherent manner. It's just about having some vague legal power to ruin the lives of anyone remotely, "visibly", queer on a whim. Would a man with long hair and nail polish be punished under these rules?- the answer depends entirely on his vibes!
    Is he kinda cute and fruity looking?- then yeah he's going to prison.
    Does he look like Mr- not important, from the (s)hit 2015 video game "Hatred" only wearing a maga hat?- nah this is just a dude!
    They could find the most masculine presenting gay man possible, I mean an absolute hunk of a man, untamed body hair, beard, muscles, boring gym clothes- and then nit-pick an earring as being illegal gender bending.
    They want to extend the power of state violence to what amounts to a nostalgic longing for the days of playground bullying directed at anyone a little bit "different" in any possible capacity.

    • @chainswordcs
      @chainswordcs Год назад +3

      spot on

    • @johanneseure6761
      @johanneseure6761 Год назад

      You could label Trans surgeries as self harm (which they are) and then make them illegal. No genocide needed, not that Michael wants that anyway. Just watch all of his responses to his own claims.

    • @PumkRock
      @PumkRock Год назад +10

      @@johanneseure6761 Hahahaha.
      "I want to eradicate this group of people *on every level*"
      "n-no you don't get it! you took him out of context!!!!"
      I'd actually respect you people more if you just admitted that you wanted us dead because you think we are gross.

    • @dankswank9088
      @dankswank9088 Год назад +3

      A more perfect summery of right-wing reactionary politics has never been made... thank you

    • @johanneseure6761
      @johanneseure6761 Год назад

      @@PumkRock The only gross thing is what you do to your bodies. self mutilation at its finest.

  • @VannMunson
    @VannMunson Год назад +26

    Every time I watch a Thought Slime video, I think about how well it would serve as a good entry point into leftist ideology. And then another one comes and I think "okay no, THIS is the BETTER entry point into leftist ideology". While not every single video needs to serve that purpose, that's basically the best measure I can come up with to say that the content has been steadily improving.
    So basically Mildred keeps on winning. Fucking slay.

  • @agiar2000
    @agiar2000 Год назад +14

    I think that conservatism, fascism, and bigotry should be completely ERADICATED from public life. Perhaps society as a whole, and even they, themselves, would greatly benefit from being compelled into specialized re-education facilities.

  • @ironcladshade1
    @ironcladshade1 Год назад +18

    His argument really, really kind of boils down to "you're wrong because I don't believe trans people are people"

  • @Marlodrama
    @Marlodrama Год назад +26

    I’ve tried watching this video a couple times. I’m liking and commenting because the engagement is important and I already know this topic is even moreso, but I am just so tired. As a trans person, as a queer person, as a black person, as a working class, disabled, canadian, I am just so very exhausted by the blatant fascism quickly working its way through our society. I value this channel and your work here so much so I trust you’ve done the topic justice and thank you for doing so. I just… have to sit this one out I think. Jesus, I’m tired.

    • @elegantoddity8609
      @elegantoddity8609 Год назад +3

      try skipping to about the 30 minute mark. it's prety fun to watch from there. At least to me.

    • @sonicobolt
      @sonicobolt 11 месяцев назад +1

      It's okay, you don't have to watch. And it's okay to be tired. I wish you all the best. Sending some love!

  • @socksclub9103
    @socksclub9103 Год назад +208

    I'm trans and I don't hate myself nearly enough to watch through this entire video, but I'm muting the tab and playing it in the background for you. Also, here's a like and a comment for the eldritch algorithm. Love all you do, take care.

    • @ince55ant
      @ince55ant Год назад +40

      here's a reply to indicate *discourse*

    • @ittixen
      @ittixen Год назад +25

      I do that too when I'm too exhausted haha... I hope the Goog doesn't make their analytics ignore background tabs or something (it's programmatically possible) but for now that's the least I can do.
      Although, Mildred is remarkably good at making me laugh overwhelmingly harder than the subject matter upsets me (which is truly an amazing feat). I'm nearly halfway through and still don't wanna punch the screen...

    • @nefariousyawn
      @nefariousyawn Год назад +7

      ​@@ittixen I have also wondered if the algorithm's data points distinguish between focused and unfocused tabs. I often listen to videos while doing other stuff.

    • @ittixen
      @ittixen Год назад +10

      Maybe I'm overthinking but I always try to do it in the hardest-to-track way, e.g. mute the browser tab itself instead of the video, never press the keyboard mute button when the tab is in focus, etc... lol I'm a freak

    • @Capybarrrraaaa
      @Capybarrrraaaa Год назад +2

      @@ince55ant Adding discourse to your discourse

  • @lorynw2744
    @lorynw2744 Год назад +31

    When I said I wanted to eradicate spiders from public life, I meant just the ones I can see! Duh! - an Orkin employee, probably

    • @michimatsch5862
      @michimatsch5862 Год назад

      So, I don't use google (except for google scholar) but is it really that bad?

    • @melissawickersham9912
      @melissawickersham9912 Год назад

      Most spiders are not harmful to humans. In fact, spiders are helpful to humans because spiders eat harmful insects. Spiders are great for protecting gardens and crops from harmful herbivorous insects. Spiders also eat houseflies, moths and other insect pests that get into our houses.
      There are a few spiders that have venomous bites that can harm or kill humans. As a necessary part of their job, Pest Control workers and professional exterminators are trained to be able to recognize those species and to differentiate the dangerous species from the more benign ones. A professional exterminator would need to be able to identify the presence of a black widow spider or a brown recluse spider in a client’s house to prevent the possibility of accidentally stumbling on one unprotected and getting bitten as a consequence.

    • @emilyrln
      @emilyrln Год назад

      I mean, it's either wholesale eradication or we have to burn down the world… there's literally no other option.

    • @kai_fatallysapphic
      @kai_fatallysapphic Год назад

      ​@BanquetOfTheLeviathan IKR!! oh my fucking god I never thought I'd find someone else saying this! I love bugs, my favorites are wasps so naturally it can be hard to learn about them because the only thing people care about is killing them. articles can't even get basic facts right like what genus it is, or that adults aren't the ones eating solid foods like meat.
      I've bought 2 thick scientific books about wasps so I can actually get good info, and one is written by a queer woman so that's awesome :)

  • @nilspochat8665
    @nilspochat8665 Год назад +15

    _"no no you guys, i did not say that bigoted thing, i said that other bigoted thing"_ -Micheal Knowles

  • @kookyzebra6550
    @kookyzebra6550 Год назад +10

    ”Be normal” 🤮 How about be kind? Or if that's too much to ask, just don't spread your hate around and encourage others to do harm?

  • @sillyd0g
    @sillyd0g Год назад +7

    the whole "trans people are delusional" argument pisses me off on a personal level as a trans person who does actually legitimately experience delusions as a result of ocd. like i might be delusional but me being nonbinary has nothing to do with that.

  • @bvthebalkananarchistmapper5642
    @bvthebalkananarchistmapper5642 Год назад +57

    only a quarter into the video, and Knowles has already afflicted me with substantial brain damage

  • @SaintHanger
    @SaintHanger Год назад +14

    Somebody please tighten Michael’s chastity belt. He’s starting to get uppity

  • @wineoneone
    @wineoneone Год назад +16

    The evolution of your eyeliner wings has been INCREDIBLE.

  • @GaryDunion
    @GaryDunion Год назад +10

    I'm not saying toddler Michael Knowles was a fascist but he didn't exactly look like not a fascist

  • @skyclaw
    @skyclaw Год назад +17

    Speaking of the dangerous transes coming to steal your dick, yesterday I saw a sign advertising (among other services) ‘junk removal’, which I found extremely funny.

    • @mellow_mallow
      @mellow_mallow 9 месяцев назад

      Was this like a moving service?? Or like just straight up gender therapy

    • @kirbyknife5885
      @kirbyknife5885 9 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@mellow_mallowi think it means removing trash from your property

  • @1chiTheKiller
    @1chiTheKiller Год назад +10

    I think it's hilarious in that Preggers U clip, dude says "it's complicated" with regards to Christopher Columbus. No it's not. You just want to act like he's a hero, so that you don't have to acknowledge how horrifically wrong it is to like a genocidal maniac.

  • @annaalessandrini9965
    @annaalessandrini9965 Год назад +50

    I’m not in a mental state to listen all the video honestly, thank you for doing this emotional draining work and engaging with this hateful topic and speak out❤️ very very difficult.
    By the way, I stop whatching but the glasses scream MILDRED, look so good on you

  • @adammarrow5980
    @adammarrow5980 Год назад +16

    I cannot, and probably will never, understand the right-wing obsession with other people’s genitalia and what they are doing with them and who they are doing it with (as long as everyone involved is an enthusiastically consenting adult).

    • @albeon_draken
      @albeon_draken Год назад +8

      It's tied to the religion. The Abrahamic religions in particular have always had an extremely unhealthy preoccupation with acts and expressions of sex, sexuality, and gender differences. If you actually read through the Bible and the Qur'an, they're both strangely obsessive over things like that. Since the majority of the right wing demagogues today are theocratic christofascists, it's unsurprising that they're equally fixated.

    • @iamnohere
      @iamnohere Год назад +1

      @@albeon_draken I: Yep. And the reason they're so obsessed with those things is the desire to enforce hierarchies

    • @S.D.323
      @S.D.323 Год назад

      ​@@albeon_drakenyep meanwhile the bible records lot as being righteous despite offering up his own daughters to be gang raped 🤦‍♂️

  • @jordanwill7233
    @jordanwill7233 Год назад +10

    At best these word play games add up to akin to saying “my aim isn’t to cut the grass, I just wanted to start the mower and move it across the yard” even if you grant that idiocy, it doesn’t matter if you think it’s collateral damage, not the intent, it’s still genocide.

    • @eyesofthecervino3366
      @eyesofthecervino3366 2 месяца назад

      It's not cutting the lawn, because lawns are just a made up thing. This is just a bunch of individual grasses which shouldn't be so tall.

  • @beybladebaby
    @beybladebaby Год назад +12

    Strange, because "be normal and get spiritual help" is the advice I'd give to transphobes and psycho right wingers

  • @michaelwebster8389
    @michaelwebster8389 Год назад +8

    Claims he never promoted genocide against transgender people, and then shows that he doesn't have a clue about the meaning of the term genocide, or even the way's it's now defined by international agreement.

    • @michaelwebster8389
      @michaelwebster8389 Год назад +5

      Oh, so he hates transgender people, but simultaneously states there is no such category of people. He's really showing his incredible brilliance in these arguments.

    • @michaelwebster8389
      @michaelwebster8389 Год назад +3

      Very bizarre seeing this loony weirdo saying he wants people to be normal? He, and the rest of the lunatic right wing are extremely weird and abnormal.

    • @itskrystal1102
      @itskrystal1102 2 месяца назад

      ​@@michaelwebster8389 Nobody is truly trans though. You can never transition away from being a woman or a man

  • @shroomer8294
    @shroomer8294 Год назад +8

    “Poverty of thought” has to be one of the best roast I’ve heard in a while.

  • @phoneheaded
    @phoneheaded Год назад +9

    As someone who lives in a Southern state, i often worry about a Tennessee-style anti-drag bill coming to my state. What complicates this more is that i have no idea what clothes are "masculine/feminine," with many of my clothes being seen differently in various circumstances. As a transmasc can i wear leggings? Fish nets? Sweaters? Are my jeans masc or fem, what about my unisex t-shirts? I have no idea how to dress and whether i pass at any given moment. Are we leaving it up to dumbass cops to determine which clothes are made for whatever gender?
    Edit: i just finished this video and wow. That was the best explanation of fascism and how fascists operate in the modern day since Innuendo Studio's Alt Right Playbook.

  • @theunloadedrpg1376
    @theunloadedrpg1376 Год назад +13

    Man, somebody sure should [REDACTED] Michael Knowles, for the good of society

    • @bigkerzo3483
      @bigkerzo3483 Год назад

      very accepting and tolerent of you

    • @theunloadedrpg1376
      @theunloadedrpg1376 Год назад +17

      @@bigkerzo3483 tolerating intolerance makes society less tolerant overall. Man is calling for genocide tolerating his ideas is dangerous

    • @bigkerzo3483
      @bigkerzo3483 Год назад

      @@theunloadedrpg1376 he called for the eradication of the idea that man can somehow be woman and vice versa, he said TrangenderISM not transgenger people. love how being sane and thinking what everyone throughout history has always thought makes some one deserving of harm or death.

    • @Cieln0va
      @Cieln0va Год назад +18

      @@bigkerzo3483 Finally someone reasonable in this shitshow of a comment section. It's no different to when everyone's favourite austrian painter said he wanted to eradicate judaism, not jewish people! Eradicating an idea is completely different to eradicating a group of people who's identities are intrinsically linked to said ideas.

    • @bazz931
      @bazz931 11 месяцев назад +3

      @@bigkerzo3483 Would you be accepting and tolerating if it was your own race or gender?
      What if a funny German man from the 1930s said something similar, should we just ignore him? Tolerate or even accept him?

  • @csharp48
    @csharp48 Год назад +9

    One of my favorite Ben Shapiro quotes is "sex is a binary, except..." and then goes on to explain excemptions, denying his own premise in the exact same sentence.

  • @juniperrodley9843
    @juniperrodley9843 Год назад +14

    Mildred you can't hit us with that level of drip without warning us beforehand. Those glasses go so hard.

  • @Alex-cw3rz
    @Alex-cw3rz Год назад +22

    Imagine micheal Knowles telling other people to act normal

  • @iferlyf8172
    @iferlyf8172 Год назад +4

    If man meant having a penis and woman meant having a vagina, then a person with a penis pretending to have a vagina would be the only real transgenderism.
    Wanting to be called another name and go with she/her pronouns and wearing a dress wouldn't be "transgenderism", because none of these things are "claiming to have a vagina when you don't"

  • @thoughtman
    @thoughtman Год назад +13

    michael knowles is under the delusion that he is an intellectual. what do we do now? oh, the agony.

    • @oculttheexegaming2509
      @oculttheexegaming2509 Год назад +2

      Or that he deserved the fame and recognition of a movie star.

    • @thoughtman
      @thoughtman Год назад +4

      @@oculttheexegaming2509 i just checked out his IMDB page (yes, he has one). now i understand why he's so bitter.

    • @Patrick-Phelan
      @Patrick-Phelan Год назад +2

      @@thoughtman It's amazing how often it's just "spite".

    • @thoughtman
      @thoughtman Год назад +3

      @@Patrick-Phelan and look-now we are talking about him, too. if we ignore these anal fistulas will they go away? no, i guess that's impossible. mr. slime is correct-i lived through the limbaugh years (R.I.-- oh, who am i kidding) and every time he faded from view he would say or do some rotten limbaugh thing and everybody would talk about it and he and his sponsors would make more money. it's frustrating.

  • @billyweed835
    @billyweed835 Год назад +10

    I was hoping this video would just be playing the clip, and then Mildred saying "yes", then 42 minutes of credits.

  • @Broeckchen
    @Broeckchen Год назад +22

    Thank you so much for easing me into this with puppies and fart sound effects

  • @xtlsvideopodthelaststate1843
    @xtlsvideopodthelaststate1843 Год назад +9

    I'd rather be a transgenderist than a theist, because I've seen far more transgender people than gods. Like, not one god, but plenty of transgender folks, occasionally even in person. They exist; I'm still waiting on a deity to drop by. Even a demigod would do it, if they had a photo of their parents.

  • @ArcadeJackson-us7mq
    @ArcadeJackson-us7mq Год назад +9

    “It can’t be a genocide to eradicate trans people so it’s ok.” What!?😂

  • @matthiasschauer3451
    @matthiasschauer3451 Год назад +5

    "Genocide refers to genes"
    my fucking god

    • @Arrakiz666
      @Arrakiz666 Год назад +1

      Literally manipulating the language to pretend that only white people can be a subject to genocide.

  • @TylersTrying
    @TylersTrying Год назад +6

    "Be normal" is such a hideously gross position to take. Like, has he ever read a novel? Like, any novel?