Adding another big thank you for this incredible game. I ran it twice before lockdown, and even as a new gm had such an amazing time that I was actually tearing up remembering the stories we told. That being said, has there been any thought to a new edition? I sincerely can't think of anything I'd change, but is there anything you have wanted to change or elaborate on since publishing? Maybe clarifying questions that get asked a lot from fans?
Whoa…Mr. Coville…this was an intense selection for this series. Well done. Ten Candles is intense, and I hope this share will inspire more to stare into the dark and fight. And Ms. Kretchmer’s delivery is profound. Thank you
I run this game once a month for the last two years. Holy shit I can’t believe this is on your channel. We’ve played on the ISS, super sci fi, western, zombies, Cthulhu, kids on bikes in the 80s, every game is a freaking home run.
ISS? As in the International Space Station? As in people have played RPGs IN SPACE???? I treasure this knowledge so very much. Unless you mean your GAME took place on the ISS, then it is still cool but I'd be less happy lol.
We defiantly need more guest appearances like this, especially for Games you Might Like. It always at the very least fun to hear about a new game but when presented clearly and with such enthusiasm is genuinely a delight.
I love this concept of exposing us to new RPGs. I just recently branched out of the 5E system and it's going well so far. Ten candles sounds great and I'd love to hear more opinions about other great RPGs!
I just want to actually say thanks for playing things that aren't 5e. I know a lot of people get pretty bullheaded about asking others to try anything but d&d, but not enough people appreciate it when they actually do.
@@BigRatNate Thanks! I appreciate that. I've only gone so far as to run low fantasy gaming but I'm also interested in trying out the new Dune RPG. But now I kind of want to get my hands on this one... Im big into telling a narrative and have aspirations in writing so this RPG sounds perfect
@@grimmftw3439 Welcome to the wider world of TTRPGs! Take care to watch your wallet though as money tends to vanish being replaced by another amazing game! ;)
I have heard about this game before, and it seems quite an experience, but I have to say, the pitch was equaly impressive. I'm blown away by her skills to emotionally engage us and explain the game at the same time. Great job Jennifer!
Ten Candles is such an awesome game, easily in my top 3 favourite (and most played) RPG ever. I hope this will help it to get the attention it deserves. Also, about managing smoke indoors (23:00) I prefer to use standard sheets of paper (cut in 4 or 8 pieces) instead of index cards: it greatly reduce the amount of smoke produced by burning traits.
I love ten candles. feels emotionally impactful in a dark room with only candle light. When that last light goes out and the room dark i always get chills. Then the lights come on and everyone looks like it really effected them.
10 candles is really amazing! If you can get everyone invested into it, it can make for a really powerful story. Does require everyone to be on the same page tonally though.
Dropping a comment to confirm that ten candles was, indeed, a game I liked. Playing at the evening, blinds closed, was incredible. I throughly recomend it
Never heard of this game, but listening to Jennifer had me sold. I didn't even realize games existed that could do that... Thank you for this video Jennifer (and the others involved). It turns out I am the audience that the series tries to reach (I bought a copy just now).
Starting last year I agreed with my friend group to do a 10 Candles game every Halloweenmas in honor of the spooky month. It's not always on halloween, but we make sure to at some point during spooky month do a 10 candles game.
This video was so fantastic. Just watching it was enough to put me in the frame of mind for running this game. Looking forward to playing this on next thursday night!
I absolutely love Ten Candles! I've run it twice, and it was perfect mix of somber and scary! I'm so glad it's getting a spotlight! At the very end, when you say that mantra, "The world is dark." and no on repeats "and we are alive", it send chills down your spine. You can hear a pin drop in the darkness.
There is an outtake from filming of me saying “I literally cannot say those words without getting goosebumps” and showing the camera my arm. It 100% becomes a Pavlovian reaction.
Ye gods this was a powerful video. I've been looking at my copy of Ten Candles just chilling on my desk for months. I am now nova inspired to pick it up and run it.
That...just blew me away, thanks so much for the suggestion. I think I want to incorporate a session of Ten Candles into my upcoming D&D campaign, as a sort of a...reflection of the past, to set the tone. Can't wait to see how that turns out.
I really like the idea of showing systems and roleplay that are very distinctly different from DnD. Personally I would like there to later come a video where you (meaning MCDM and friends like Jennifer) play the game, with prep and all from the GM side. It does not have to be a full 4 hour video of the game, just an edited down version showing: - how it is played - what the GM does for prep - how the character creation goes - how each "round"/candle scene goes - how the last scene plays out. Since this type of game is quite alien to many DnD players, I think it would help people GM'ing this game for the first time, how to approach it.
Matt, these videos are wonderful; please, keep 'em coming! Every new game presented expands my idea of how TTRPGs can work, and makes me want to expand into new games. Thanks!
Checked out the shop in the description and I have to say $10 for a digital copy is a very reasonable price, happy to see that a game that sounds like fun is so accessible.
This was just amazing... Half an hour ago I didn't know this game existed, and now it's a candidate to be my favourite game... Already excited to play with my friends!
Jennifer's sincerity and heart felt delivery sold me right away. I immediately ordered a copy then watched 6 hours of live play. Can't wait to share this with my group. THANK YOU, Jennifer! (and Matt too I guess. ;) ).
The first time one of these came out, I was a little skeptical at their success. This time, blew it out of the water. A+. Proved the entire concept for me. I'm going to watch every single video in this series now as they release _just_ in case any of them could ever be at this quality again, or even hit within the same range.
A friend already recommended this game to me last year but this video completely sold me on it, incredible presentation!! Although it feels like one of those games that only works if everyone is fully committed/bought in, hope I can find such a group ;u;
HOLY S**T! That Video was awesome! That was the horror game, that I wanted to play in dnd, but without knowing, that it isn't for dnd. Thank you SO much for enlighten me, and let my light last long...
I'm not even done watching this and I'm absolutely STUNNED. This game seems incredible, normally I don't comment on YT videos but this definitely deserves it. Thanks Matt for this series and PLEASE keep it going
I played my very first game of 10 Candles a week or so ago online and it was an experience. The GM didn't tell us the messages were going to be recorded. When the last candle was extinguished and we suddenly heard the recording being played, we all started laughing just before the message of the last character (played by my husband) began. Because my husband, ever the lovable goofball, decided that his character's favorite movie was "The Room" and chose to use a quote from the movie as his character's message. Specifically the "I did not hit her. I did naaaaaaaaht! Oh hai Mark," line with the specific intonation and inflection Tommy Wiseau used. You'd think it would ruin the scene but after we discovered what his character's "Brink" was, it was still perfectly appropriate to his character and his backstory. It actually made our laughter less goofy and more bittersweet. I honestly don't know how we could top this experience but I'm more than willing to try.
OMG, I love this video. I've never gm'd before but this makes me want to run 10 Candles so badly. I've got my kit built, I just need to find people to play with...
This was actually the first game I was a GM for. I had a lot of fun playing it, but as a newbie I had trouble keeping it from going off the rails. Nonetheless, I have some great memories from that game, and I really liked the ritual with the candles. I think I might play it again some time, now that I am a little more seasoned in the task of running games.
You may be interested by Ivan van Norman's Ten Candle Eclipse series:видео.html I haven't found a lot of streamed Ten Candles out there, but these are great.
I streamed one on Halloween with D4! I do think that there is a big difference between streamed/online games and in-person play for this one. There are certain aspects that, no matter how great the stream is, just don’t translate as well. for something similar to play online, I really recommend Alice is Missing by Renegade, which has a similar feel and some similar mechanics.
@@Dreamwisp Thank-you. I agree that the direct, visceral experience of a TTRPG can’t be easily replicated by watching a streamed online session, but it may help model how a group could approach playing when they lack direct experience with the system. Thank-you again for your enthusiastic presentation, and I will check out the resource you noted.
Damn. Well, I guess I have a PDF to purchase now... This was an awesome video. The game seems awesome to me just from the passionate way Jennifer tells about it and I really like that it's a pretty low-tech and low-cost way to play a game with friends. Thank you very much for the tip!
I’m so happy more people are going to find out about this game! It’s truly an amazing experience. When i found out about it, i ran it for my players on Halloween of all nights! It was a truly legendary game.
This video and game is legit fascinating, I'm definitely going to try this with my friends once lockdown is over. The use of physical props and unconventional rpg gaming is going to leave a mark on my players for sure.
If I run this i fully intend to snuff the candles with my fingertips. Nothing to strike the fear of "them" into your players like casually pinching their valuable light away.
Curious: I was thinking about writing a series of one-shot adventures where the players are supposed to die by the end of the adventure itself; the generating idea was "what will the players do when the fear of characters dying is removed from the table? If the memory of their death is more important of their lives?"
This game sounds absolutely awesome. I am running it in a month for the first in-person session in my group for years. Thanks for this great introduction and gm tips!
Hey, thanks for uploading an official transcript for the CC! Its a massive quality boost from YT's auto-generated closed captioning. Not at all surprised that its on a video Kretchmer worked on tho. Keep it up please!
@@Dreamwisp It was incredible, ran it twice more since then(a little less tense and more comedic🙄) but thank you so much for sharing it, I’m looking forward to playing.
1. If this is a new series for the channel then I very much look forward to see more 2. I have the sudden need for a Death Stranding themed 10 Candles game for some reason
My initial thought is I'm not a fan of a series where my character will die regardless of what I do. Not really my speed. It feels like the brinks are purposely made to kill the character. Especially since you can't use it until the end.
It’s definitely not for everyone. The fact that every character dies by the end is incredibly important for anyone going in to understand, and that needs to be something that the players are ok with. The conceit is that it isn’t about making the characters survive, but making their final hours worthwhile.
I want to see Jenn produce a streamed game of 10 Candles. It's so difficult to both create the darkness necessary for the mood of the game and to provide sufficient lighting for the cameras to allow the audience to see what's going on. If anyone could do it well, I bet it would be Jenn.
I'd had my eye on 10 candles for a while when I bought the PDF for the game in early 2020, and I was excited to run it... But then... Yeah. I haven't felt like inviting my friends to play it with me, with everything 2020 and 2021 has been for all of us. Seems too much of a downer in a time where we don't need more of those. I still hope to play it someday though. Maybe this video will help me gather the courage.
I wish Ten Candles came with a minuscule chance of success. It sounds like a fun game, but when there's absolutely no chance to win, I get discouraged. Slight tweaks to it's mechanics, I think, would make it even better and make even more epic tales. I don't mean "win" like a handful of people stopping an Alien Invasion, ala Independence Day, though I guess that could work too. Maybe victory is just closing an interdimensional portal that thousands of monsters have invaded through. The portal is closed! For now. But perhaps They could reopen it. They're certainly still a threat to the world. The danger is not over, the players may yet die, but this chapter of their tale is a success. Assuming, of course, the players live long enough to succeed. Maybe not everyone makes it. Maybe their victory comes at the cost of every player's life.
Your idea reminds me of the "Dread" RPG system which has players essentially play Jenga to progress and succeed in actions. Still horror themed, still hard to win without sacrifices and the falling Jenga tower signifying a pcs death is pretty fitting.
I LOVE 10 candles. Only thing I change is that I allow the character to use their moment of hope at any time they wish, rather than trying to shoe-horn it in when it comes to the top of the stack. Sadly, now that I live in an apartment that doesn't allow candles, I can't play it. :(
I love love LOVE Ten Candles. Sadly, my gaming group refuses to 'buy in' on horror games, so the time I ran it (on Halloween, of course) wasn't as satisfying as I can see that it could be. But still: an amazing piece of game design.
I've played Ten Candles, but I have to say my experience is entirely different. Our GM is a great GM, he's improved greatly over the years and in turn we as players have improved as well. However, Ten Candles - to our group - was an intensely frustrating experience. While we were fully aware of our inevitable demise, the problem arose when we tried to do literally anything and it resulted in backlash. Trying to find food during the Zombie apocalypse? Great, you found food. But the next scene have 5 other problems and at least three of them invalidated the food we just aquired. I'd personally describe Ten Candles as "Waiting for death and swatting away inconveniences until you can't read your notes anymore." I'm a player that like tragic stories and struggle, but the mechanics of the game are centered around fabricating the tragedy and of what I've experienced - it feels very fabricated indeed.
I’ve run Ten Candles for two groups now. While I love it, it can be a hard sell especially after the first time. It’s intense, heavy, and introspective. Not always what a group is in the mood for. I’ve taken inspiration from it and applied things to my regular D&D game. You might be surprised by your players, get to see another side of their role play chops.
Oh, chills from this video! Thank you Matt for giving this platform, and thank you Jennifer for sharing this awesome game. I'll have to keep it in mind for a spooky summer night or maybe Halloween :)
Pro Tip: to get the more hesitant players (the sorts who love their D&D combat-heavy) to buy in, consider running Ten Candles as a prologue to a D&D one-shot; in Ten Candles They are going to win, but in the following one-shot, you get to avenge the townsfolk you just bid farewell.
this is one of my favourite RPGs. we play it every hallowe'en. one major tip we've found when playing in person (we have played over VTTs and it works ok as well), don't use tea lights as they don't last long enough, get the 2" tall votive candles instead as they will last the 3-4hr session. I find letting players know in advance they have to come up with a trait and vice makes things go smoother as some people freeze up in the moment and can't think under pressure.
The Geek and Sundry series of 10 Candles GM'ed by Ivan Van Norman is incredible!! I highly recommend Chapter 3 as it exemplifies the horror and surprise and storytelling that makes this game special.
I highly recommend a game called Alice is Missing by Renegade Studios. It’s not quite the same, but it uses a lot of similar mechanics and emotional drive and has a version designed specifically to be used with Discord/Zoom. It’s also brilliant.
Ran this game for my D&D group two Halloweens ago. It was quite the emotional experience. It’s really easy for it to get into some heavy topics, so it’s important going in to set up some boundaries and understand where people are and aren’t comfortable going. Still, there’s nothing out there quite like it.
HEY IS THIS REAL LIFE IM FREAKING OUT! I'm so glad you enjoyed the game! This video is incredible. Thank you!!! 💜
Thank YOU for making such a spectacular game!!!
Adding another big thank you for this incredible game. I ran it twice before lockdown, and even as a new gm had such an amazing time that I was actually tearing up remembering the stories we told.
That being said, has there been any thought to a new edition? I sincerely can't think of anything I'd change, but is there anything you have wanted to change or elaborate on since publishing? Maybe clarifying questions that get asked a lot from fans?
Was this video is the reason for the "unusually high traffic" of your web store? If yes I am very happy for you.
And waiting patiently. ._.
Just bought the game today and my group is trying it soon.I'll be sure to report on my other channel!
Just bought your game. I cannot wait to play it.
"My candle burns at both ends;
It will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends-
It gives a lovely light!"
Insanely good 🩵💙🩵
"My candle burned away from me;
It gave a lovely light;
But all the foes took all my friends-
We did not last the night."
@@BlueReadSomeCreepyPastaLongAgo it's "First Fig" by Edna St. Vincent Millay
Whoa…Mr. Coville…this was an intense selection for this series. Well done. Ten Candles is intense, and I hope this share will inspire more to stare into the dark and fight. And Ms. Kretchmer’s delivery is profound. Thank you
Ten Candles:Eclipse series by Ivan Norman is an excellent set of play examples…and some of the darkest, juiciest RP moments I have ever witnessed.
I run this game once a month for the last two years. Holy shit I can’t believe this is on your channel. We’ve played on the ISS, super sci fi, western, zombies, Cthulhu, kids on bikes in the 80s, every game is a freaking home run.
ISS? As in the International Space Station? As in people have played RPGs IN SPACE???? I treasure this knowledge so very much.
Unless you mean your GAME took place on the ISS, then it is still cool but I'd be less happy lol.
I did Moonbase Alpha, I don't remember what They were on that playthrough.
An RPG introduction video that is secretly like three Running The Game videos! Love it!
We defiantly need more guest appearances like this, especially for Games you Might Like. It always at the very least fun to hear about a new game but when presented clearly and with such enthusiasm is genuinely a delight.
I love this concept of exposing us to new RPGs. I just recently branched out of the 5E system and it's going well so far. Ten candles sounds great and I'd love to hear more opinions about other great RPGs!
I just want to actually say thanks for playing things that aren't 5e. I know a lot of people get pretty bullheaded about asking others to try anything but d&d, but not enough people appreciate it when they actually do.
@@BigRatNate Thanks! I appreciate that. I've only gone so far as to run low fantasy gaming but I'm also interested in trying out the new Dune RPG. But now I kind of want to get my hands on this one...
Im big into telling a narrative and have aspirations in writing so this RPG sounds perfect
@@grimmftw3439 Welcome to the wider world of TTRPGs! Take care to watch your wallet though as money tends to vanish being replaced by another amazing game! ;)
Welcome to the hobby
I have heard about this game before, and it seems quite an experience, but I have to say, the pitch was equaly impressive. I'm blown away by her skills to emotionally engage us and explain the game at the same time. Great job Jennifer!
Thank you so much!
@@Dreamwisp I thank you!
Ten Candles is such an awesome game, easily in my top 3 favourite (and most played) RPG ever. I hope this will help it to get the attention it deserves.
Also, about managing smoke indoors (23:00) I prefer to use standard sheets of paper (cut in 4 or 8 pieces) instead of index cards: it greatly reduce the amount of smoke produced by burning traits.
Great tip!!!
I love ten candles. feels emotionally impactful in a dark room with only candle light. When that last light goes out and the room dark i always get chills. Then the lights come on and everyone looks like it really effected them.
The best pitch for a game I've heard in years.
This video worked exactly as intended because after watching Ms. Kretchmer's fine presentation, I desperately want to give this game a try!
I LOVE Ten Candles. I run it several times a year. The best part for me is that it's completely improvised. Forces me to think on my feet
I played this game once and cried for 2 hours after. This game is so wonderful and amazing. I cannot wait to run it
10 candles is really amazing! If you can get everyone invested into it, it can make for a really powerful story. Does require everyone to be on the same page tonally though.
This is a good tool to build your skills as a role player too!
Dropping a comment to confirm that ten candles was, indeed, a game I liked. Playing at the evening, blinds closed, was incredible. I throughly recomend it
Holy shit. This is beautiful. I just bought the PDF and plan to run it for my main group once I finish up our current game.
Never heard of this game, but listening to Jennifer had me sold. I didn't even realize games existed that could do that...
Thank you for this video Jennifer (and the others involved). It turns out I am the audience that the series tries to reach (I bought a copy just now).
Starting last year I agreed with my friend group to do a 10 Candles game every Halloweenmas in honor of the spooky month. It's not always on halloween, but we make sure to at some point during spooky month do a 10 candles game.
I love Ten Candles so much, but Jennifer sold it in a way that made me fall in love all over again.
This video was so fantastic. Just watching it was enough to put me in the frame of mind for running this game. Looking forward to playing this on next thursday night!
I absolutely love Ten Candles! I've run it twice, and it was perfect mix of somber and scary! I'm so glad it's getting a spotlight!
At the very end, when you say that mantra, "The world is dark." and no on repeats "and we are alive", it send chills down your spine. You can hear a pin drop in the darkness.
There is an outtake from filming of me saying “I literally cannot say those words without getting goosebumps” and showing the camera my arm. It 100% becomes a Pavlovian reaction.
Just bought the softcover and PDF! Thank you for pointing out a lesser known work.
Wow! I was close to tears as Jennifer described the story and the togetherness of the players. Now to find some people who will do this!
10 candles is so cool because it emphasizes the idea that the STORY is more than the ending or trying to "win".
Ye gods this was a powerful video. I've been looking at my copy of Ten Candles just chilling on my desk for months. I am now nova inspired to pick it up and run it.
That...just blew me away, thanks so much for the suggestion.
I think I want to incorporate a session of Ten Candles into my upcoming D&D campaign, as a sort of a...reflection of the past, to set the tone. Can't wait to see how that turns out.
I really like the idea of showing systems and roleplay that are very distinctly different from DnD.
Personally I would like there to later come a video where you (meaning MCDM and friends like Jennifer) play the game, with prep and all from the GM side. It does not have to be a full 4 hour video of the game, just an edited down version showing:
- how it is played
- what the GM does for prep
- how the character creation goes
- how each "round"/candle scene goes
- how the last scene plays out.
Since this type of game is quite alien to many DnD players, I think it would help people GM'ing this game for the first time, how to approach it.
Geek and Sundry has a series on 10 candles.
Matt, these videos are wonderful; please, keep 'em coming! Every new game presented expands my idea of how TTRPGs can work, and makes me want to expand into new games. Thanks!
Ten candle is such a masterpiece on every page.
Also I want to join Kretchers group now. Her passion just shines through this video.
Checked out the shop in the description and I have to say $10 for a digital copy is a very reasonable price, happy to see that a game that sounds like fun is so accessible.
Well this got me to buy it outright. Amazing explanation of the systems and setting. Well done all around!
This was just amazing... Half an hour ago I didn't know this game existed, and now it's a candidate to be my favourite game... Already excited to play with my friends!
Jennifer's sincerity and heart felt delivery sold me right away. I immediately ordered a copy then watched 6 hours of live play. Can't wait to share this with my group. THANK YOU, Jennifer! (and Matt too I guess. ;) ).
The first time one of these came out, I was a little skeptical at their success. This time, blew it out of the water. A+. Proved the entire concept for me. I'm going to watch every single video in this series now as they release _just_ in case any of them could ever be at this quality again, or even hit within the same range.
A friend already recommended this game to me last year but this video completely sold me on it, incredible presentation!! Although it feels like one of those games that only works if everyone is fully committed/bought in, hope I can find such a group ;u;
HOLY S**T! That Video was awesome! That was the horror game, that I wanted to play in dnd, but without knowing, that it isn't for dnd. Thank you SO much for enlighten me, and let my light last long...
The long anticipated release... Happy New year everyone, now you know exactly what to do with all those gift cards you just got for Christmas!
I'm not even done watching this and I'm absolutely STUNNED. This game seems incredible, normally I don't comment on YT videos but this definitely deserves it. Thanks Matt for this series and PLEASE keep it going
Thank you so much, Jeff! I’m so glad it resonated for you, and I hope you enjoy the game!
I played my very first game of 10 Candles a week or so ago online and it was an experience. The GM didn't tell us the messages were going to be recorded. When the last candle was extinguished and we suddenly heard the recording being played, we all started laughing just before the message of the last character (played by my husband) began. Because my husband, ever the lovable goofball, decided that his character's favorite movie was "The Room" and chose to use a quote from the movie as his character's message. Specifically the "I did not hit her. I did naaaaaaaaht! Oh hai Mark," line with the specific intonation and inflection Tommy Wiseau used.
You'd think it would ruin the scene but after we discovered what his character's "Brink" was, it was still perfectly appropriate to his character and his backstory. It actually made our laughter less goofy and more bittersweet. I honestly don't know how we could top this experience but I'm more than willing to try.
OMG, I love this video. I've never gm'd before but this makes me want to run 10 Candles so badly. I've got my kit built, I just need to find people to play with...
I love everything about this game already. Thanks Jen!
This was actually the first game I was a GM for. I had a lot of fun playing it, but as a newbie I had trouble keeping it from going off the rails. Nonetheless, I have some great memories from that game, and I really liked the ritual with the candles. I think I might play it again some time, now that I am a little more seasoned in the task of running games.
I would like more of this in my life thank you Jen and Matt!
I absolutely adore this game. I was first introduced by a friend and have loved it.
Sounds intriguing... I’d love to see her stream a TC session to see this system in action.
You may be interested by Ivan van Norman's Ten Candle Eclipse series:видео.html
I haven't found a lot of streamed Ten Candles out there, but these are great.
I streamed one on Halloween with D4! I do think that there is a big difference between streamed/online games and in-person play for this one. There are certain aspects that, no matter how great the stream is, just don’t translate as well. for something similar to play online, I really recommend Alice is Missing by Renegade, which has a similar feel and some similar mechanics.
@@Dreamwisp Thank-you. I agree that the direct, visceral experience of a TTRPG can’t be easily replicated by watching a streamed online session, but it may help model how a group could approach playing when they lack direct experience with the system. Thank-you again for your enthusiastic presentation, and I will check out the resource you noted.
Well, I guess I have a PDF to purchase now...
This was an awesome video. The game seems awesome to me just from the passionate way Jennifer tells about it and I really like that it's a pretty low-tech and low-cost way to play a game with friends. Thank you very much for the tip!
I’m so happy more people are going to find out about this game! It’s truly an amazing experience. When i found out about it, i ran it for my players on Halloween of all nights! It was a truly legendary game.
Amazing return of the series! Amazing to see other people on the channel!
I have watched this video a dozen times. Bought the PDF and cannot wait to run this game.
I absolutely adored this video style. More please!
I'm about 9 minutes in and I'm already sold.
Sounds interesting! I'll have to pick this up. Thanks Matt for arranging for this to be shown! Thank you!
Jennifer is amazzzzingggg in this! thank yoU!
Thank you so much!
Jennifer Kretchmer did a pretty incredible job selling this game
Thanks so much!!!
This video and game is legit fascinating, I'm definitely going to try this with my friends once lockdown is over. The use of physical props and unconventional rpg gaming is going to leave a mark on my players for sure.
Man, I got emotional just watching this video much less playing the game. Thanks so much for the highlight!
If I run this i fully intend to snuff the candles with my fingertips. Nothing to strike the fear of "them" into your players like casually pinching their valuable light away.
While looking at them directly into their souls.
That was such a great amazing video!
Thank you so much Jennifer for this.
Yes! Keep these videos coming, I love them! Brb, buying Ten Candles...
Curious: I was thinking about writing a series of one-shot adventures where the players are supposed to die by the end of the adventure itself; the generating idea was "what will the players do when the fear of characters dying is removed from the table? If the memory of their death is more important of their lives?"
This game sounds absolutely awesome. I am running it in a month for the first in-person session in my group for years.
Thanks for this great introduction and gm tips!
Hey, thanks for uploading an official transcript for the CC! Its a massive quality boost from YT's auto-generated closed captioning. Not at all surprised that its on a video Kretchmer worked on tho. Keep it up please!
Played this for the first time yesterday, the whole group was blown away!
That's awesome! I'm so excited it went well!
@@Dreamwisp It was incredible, ran it twice more since then(a little less tense and more comedic🙄) but thank you so much for sharing it, I’m looking forward to playing.
1. If this is a new series for the channel then I very much look forward to see more
2. I have the sudden need for a Death Stranding themed 10 Candles game for some reason
This is incredible. I'll definitely run at least one of these.
I had the opportunity to play this last year, and it was one of the coolest experiences I've had
This sounds awesome if you can get people on board. On the other hand, I just realized how much I want to say "link is in the doobley doo"!
I cannot tell you how excited I was to get to say that.
My initial thought is I'm not a fan of a series where my character will die regardless of what I do. Not really my speed. It feels like the brinks are purposely made to kill the character. Especially since you can't use it until the end.
Because it's not about winning, it's about how you play and how you lose.
@@malkav_ils something about that just feels weird in my stomach. But some of the ideas presented here are interesting
@Paul Gauthier oh wow. And I never played that game lol
It’s definitely not for everyone. The fact that every character dies by the end is incredibly important for anyone going in to understand, and that needs to be something that the players are ok with.
The conceit is that it isn’t about making the characters survive, but making their final hours worthwhile.
@@RalinaPerene that is a very good way of framing that for me
10 Candles is a masterpiece, such an original game!
I saw Ten Candles played by another group and it was AMAZING!!! I so badly want to find a group of good players to play this game with!
I want to play this game soooooo BAD! Ms. Kretchmer did SUCH a great job selling this. Well done. (Slow clap). Also, I'm really enjoying this series.
I want to see Jenn produce a streamed game of 10 Candles. It's so difficult to both create the darkness necessary for the mood of the game and to provide sufficient lighting for the cameras to allow the audience to see what's going on. If anyone could do it well, I bet it would be Jenn.
I was just wondering yesterday when we'd see another one of these. Excellent!
I'd had my eye on 10 candles for a while when I bought the PDF for the game in early 2020, and I was excited to run it... But then... Yeah.
I haven't felt like inviting my friends to play it with me, with everything 2020 and 2021 has been for all of us. Seems too much of a downer in a time where we don't need more of those.
I still hope to play it someday though. Maybe this video will help me gather the courage.
I wish Ten Candles came with a minuscule chance of success. It sounds like a fun game, but when there's absolutely no chance to win, I get discouraged. Slight tweaks to it's mechanics, I think, would make it even better and make even more epic tales.
I don't mean "win" like a handful of people stopping an Alien Invasion, ala Independence Day, though I guess that could work too.
Maybe victory is just closing an interdimensional portal that thousands of monsters have invaded through. The portal is closed! For now. But perhaps They could reopen it. They're certainly still a threat to the world. The danger is not over, the players may yet die, but this chapter of their tale is a success. Assuming, of course, the players live long enough to succeed. Maybe not everyone makes it. Maybe their victory comes at the cost of every player's life.
The mechanics definitely allow for that to happen. The last PC closing the portal before getting overwhelmed by the swarm coming from below
Your idea reminds me of the "Dread" RPG system which has players essentially play Jenga to progress and succeed in actions. Still horror themed, still hard to win without sacrifices and the falling Jenga tower signifying a pcs death is pretty fitting.
I LOVE 10 candles. Only thing I change is that I allow the character to use their moment of hope at any time they wish, rather than trying to shoe-horn it in when it comes to the top of the stack.
Sadly, now that I live in an apartment that doesn't allow candles, I can't play it. :(
10 Candles is a really quality game, glad to see it getting some love!
I love love LOVE Ten Candles. Sadly, my gaming group refuses to 'buy in' on horror games, so the time I ran it (on Halloween, of course) wasn't as satisfying as I can see that it could be. But still: an amazing piece of game design.
I´m already crying, just with your discription of the game!
oh jen love youuuuu. your streams on twitch are always so much fun!
Thanks, Aleph! Nice to see you here!
My favorite content on the internet.
Just picked this up and super excited to run this for my friends while we are camping this weekend.
I've played Ten Candles, but I have to say my experience is entirely different.
Our GM is a great GM, he's improved greatly over the years and in turn we as players have improved as well.
However, Ten Candles - to our group - was an intensely frustrating experience.
While we were fully aware of our inevitable demise, the problem arose when we tried to do literally anything and it resulted in backlash.
Trying to find food during the Zombie apocalypse? Great, you found food. But the next scene have 5 other problems and at least three of them invalidated the food we just aquired.
I'd personally describe Ten Candles as "Waiting for death and swatting away inconveniences until you can't read your notes anymore."
I'm a player that like tragic stories and struggle, but the mechanics of the game are centered around fabricating the tragedy and of what I've experienced - it feels very fabricated indeed.
I’ve run Ten Candles for two groups now. While I love it, it can be a hard sell especially after the first time. It’s intense, heavy, and introspective. Not always what a group is in the mood for. I’ve taken inspiration from it and applied things to my regular D&D game. You might be surprised by your players, get to see another side of their role play chops.
Oh, chills from this video! Thank you Matt for giving this platform, and thank you Jennifer for sharing this awesome game. I'll have to keep it in mind for a spooky summer night or maybe Halloween :)
Pro Tip: to get the more hesitant players (the sorts who love their D&D combat-heavy) to buy in, consider running Ten Candles as a prologue to a D&D one-shot; in Ten Candles They are going to win, but in the following one-shot, you get to avenge the townsfolk you just bid farewell.
What a presentation! Damn! I don't know if horror is for me but this has definitely peaked my interest
The end of our first game pretty much reduced the entire table to tears...
this is one of my favourite RPGs. we play it every hallowe'en. one major tip we've found when playing in person (we have played over VTTs and it works ok as well), don't use tea lights as they don't last long enough, get the 2" tall votive candles instead as they will last the 3-4hr session. I find letting players know in advance they have to come up with a trait and vice makes things go smoother as some people freeze up in the moment and can't think under pressure.
I am HOOKED! Please please please make more of these!
Love this game! One of my favourite TTRPGs!
Having seen Ten Candles run, it seems very fun and intense. But would require a proper group for me. But thank you for show-casing this Jennifer. :)
Niiiiiiice! Great introduction to another rpg. Thanks Gen and Matt!
The Geek and Sundry series of 10 Candles GM'ed by Ivan Van Norman is incredible!! I highly recommend Chapter 3 as it exemplifies the horror and surprise and storytelling that makes this game special.
I have been racking my brain for a year or more now trying to think of a way to play this with my online group and get that same sense of dread.
I highly recommend a game called Alice is Missing by Renegade Studios. It’s not quite the same, but it uses a lot of similar mechanics and emotional drive and has a version designed specifically to be used with Discord/Zoom. It’s also brilliant.
@@Dreamwisp TY I will look into it!
HIIIIII!!!! I miss you!!!! (And fancy meeting you here…😉)
Wow so well explained, please make more videos!
Thank you! I stream on twitch as dreamwispjen, and I may start making some more RUclips content, as well!
@@Dreamwisp thx i subbed to your youtube and twitch, thx again for the passion you put in the video, it realy shows :)
This was a great video! Super excited to try Ten Candles!
Ran this game for my D&D group two Halloweens ago. It was quite the emotional experience. It’s really easy for it to get into some heavy topics, so it’s important going in to set up some boundaries and understand where people are and aren’t comfortable going. Still, there’s nothing out there quite like it.