Why not women priests?

  • Опубликовано: 21 сен 2024
  • Read related article: tinyurl.com/asz...
    Dominican Father Wojciech Giertych, theologian of the papal household, explains church doctrine reserving ordination to the priesthood to men.

Комментарии • 437

  • @apoc9ify
    @apoc9ify 10 лет назад +58

    The first line says it all. The church is not driven by human expectations.

  • @aibelzoe
    @aibelzoe 9 лет назад +39

    It's so interesting,see how many non Catholics are interested in coming to see a Catholic videos and give it their opinions, even those opinions are all wrong, we Catholics appreciate that you take your time and see it.

    • @Rickyrab
      @Rickyrab 9 лет назад +1

      +aibelzoe perhaps because Catholicism is such an extroverted religion and the Church likes its opinions, oops, "teachings", to be widely known.

    • @aibelzoe
      @aibelzoe 9 лет назад +5

      +Richard Rabinowitz
      It's Catholics, Catholic Church,or Catholic way of life ,not "Catholicism".
      Just ,teaching you the correct pronunciation with no intention of offending you . By you saying "Catholicism" I fell offended.

    • @RevDanNC
      @RevDanNC 7 лет назад

      then why do you have a pope....nonebiblical

    • @itsnando20
      @itsnando20 4 года назад +6

      Daniel Coffey St. Peter was the first Pope . Lizziesanswers has a reason for that

  • @elishem8533
    @elishem8533 9 лет назад +37

    The Church has never had women priests.

    • @anonim0022
      @anonim0022 6 лет назад +6

      TJ Kacer and it should Never have

    • @anonim0022
      @anonim0022 6 лет назад +1

      TJ Kacer It only shows how much post-Vatican 2 theological liberalism harms the church, because who needs theology anyways, let's just hold hands and preach about the TOTALLY Biblical dogma of "universal salvation" that's TOTALLY legit and TOTALLY not a lie ;-)

    • @benedictchinweuba5820
      @benedictchinweuba5820 5 лет назад +2

      And it never will

  • @MarkHowellPaulAgain
    @MarkHowellPaulAgain 5 лет назад +14

    Why can't women become priests?
    Why can't men become pregnant?

    • @ceciliawragg2217
      @ceciliawragg2217 3 года назад +3

      men cant become pregnant because of biology... not beliefs thats the worst analogy

  • @spasjt
    @spasjt 10 лет назад +16

    0:15 - 1:30 really says it all. I really don't understand why women think getting a false blasphemous 'ordination' in international waters by heretical male priests or even false blasphemous and heretical female priestesses changes theological fact.

    • @angelinawhite7
      @angelinawhite7 10 лет назад +1

      Don't be sexist. I know this isn't tradition but maybe god thinks man has gone too far in sexism. There is a group of women priest. They were excommunicated but they still love Him. So don't be a hater on women. You wouldn't believe how long it took men to be able to go shirtless in public. Or how long it took for women to sing in choir.

    • @spasjt
      @spasjt 10 лет назад +6

      Awesome Angel W.
      I will try to respond in an orderly fashion, have some patience and read.
      Sexism has nothing to do with anything. Listen again to 0:15 - 1:30 and understand that NOTHING is mentioned about why women are inferior or why men are more persuasive or why the Church thinks priestesses are an evil notion. NOTHING along those lines is brought up. What IS explained is that Christ chose men for priesthood. The Church didn't pick men only, it was God who chose men. And while we can go into why or why nots about God's plan, what is most ultimately important is acceptance of God's will with humility and He who made us, knows what is best for us.
      Think of this: when have you EVER heard of a man who wants to be a NUN???
      NEVER, and why? Not because of a silly belief that its some kind of 'women's only club' and men aren't into living a humble life. Not because of a silly belief that priesthood is a 'men's only club' and women don't have the guts to live a tough life in today's world. Rather it is because men and women alike throughout history have come to acceptance of who they are AS MEN AND WOMEN. There are differences between us and THAT is precisely why each man and woman is unique and special. Why women are Mothers and men are Fathers. God designed each person just as he designed our sexes to fulfill specific roles in natural creation. Homosexuality IS NOT unique to today's political (yes political) movement. Homosexuality has occurred throughout history even back to the time of the Minoan civilization.
      And yet even in the cultures that have excepted homosexuality, it was ALWAYS frowned upon when it came to family relations because the ancients knew something was fundamentally wrong about it.
      Today's movement of homosexual marriage would have everyone believe that since the dawn of time, family does not have to mean one mother and one father but that two men or just two women (Canada actually had a court case in which 2 men and 2 women both tried to get custody or at least visitation right for one child) can raise a child by themselves.
      But it is a matter of decades of study and fact that a single mother or father has a constant struggle because of the absence of the other parent of the opposite sex. Daughters and sons who grew up without the balance of two parents of the opposite sex with all the emotional and psychological pros and cons between them to create a balance. Consider boys who grow up without their fathers, they are heavily tempted to join gangs or other nefarious organizations because they see the order and authority figure that leads them and they need that connection in their lives. Girls who grow up without their fathers are prone to not accepting their own identity as a beautiful person, and thus they are tempted to go to those who tell them they are: abusive boyfriends, strip clubs, drugs and/or prostitution.
      Yet people ignore these things because of the fear of oppression and all past and present studies are ignored by excuses of people who see restrictions for this or that organization and in response to their own hurts they cast their anger and distrust upon it. Conceiving of a good reason, even after one is presented, or even consider that such restriction are FOR THEIR OWN GOOD is looked upon as offensive, absurd that someone knows better than they do lest of all God (if they believe in God to begin with) who is supposed to be loving and open to all of His creation. BUT GOD MADE US DIFFERENT AND CALLED US GOOD IN OUR DIFFERENCES.
      Yet the acceptance of a God who made creation WITH RESTRICTIONS on who and what we are supposed to be is deemed as hypocritical and counter to the kumbayah attitude of who and what God is by today's standards. And hence the reason why a 'men only' organization is looked upon as chauvinistic, backward and 'behind the times'.

    • @canuck21
      @canuck21 10 лет назад +5

      Awesome Angel W. Stop being brainwashed by the extreme left.

    • @raphaellemalakout4950
      @raphaellemalakout4950 10 лет назад

      Awesome Angel W. Ordination' in international waters... hhhhhhhh

    • @canuck21
      @canuck21 10 лет назад +2

      Awesome Angel W. Boys choirs are much more beautiful than choirs with women. Thank goodness some places still have tradition.

  • @thomashogan16
    @thomashogan16 7 лет назад +6

    There is EVERY reason theologically. historically and reasonably that women can not be "priests". Show me ONE authentic reference to a woman in the earth Catholic Church who said Mass, heard confession or anointed the sick. I'm waiting. There are none. Mr. Jayguess, by the way, is married to an Anglican "priestess" so you know from where he comes.

  • @Dernykammer
    @Dernykammer 11 лет назад +7

    Love my Catholic church

  • @maryannemeilak262
    @maryannemeilak262 5 лет назад +3

    Jesus ordained the apostles as priests. They were all male. He could have chosen women if He wanted to, but He didn't. The Holy Church must follow what Jesus did, and ordain males only.

  • @katolika9357
    @katolika9357 7 лет назад +8

    If you don't like this, I suggest going to the Anglican church, everything is fair game there, you just need a majority vote. It's incredible really. You can change anything. They've got gay marriage, women priests and bishops even. And openly gay bishops too. And the people can vote. That's right you don't need a degree in theology or whatever. They call it the house of laity. It's.marvellous really, marvellous.

    • @Joleyn-Joy
      @Joleyn-Joy 5 лет назад

      Actually the house of laity went against female ordination. There are 2 clerical houses as well.

  • @campion04
    @campion04 5 лет назад +1

    If you look at feminism and what women do with power, it is very clear why all the disciples were men. There’s a reason why Christianity has survived as long as it did.

  • @ryan82scott
    @ryan82scott 11 лет назад +2

    A challenge I wish to issue- I would like to know of just one group-just one- that is proposing *only* female ordination. You see, these groups show their malice toward the Church when they also support a number of other falsehoods- changing the definition of marriage, using New Age philosophies in the context of Catholic religion, etc. It is not just female ordination they want, but to destroy the Church with a variety of profane innovations.

  • @ThanksStJoseph
    @ThanksStJoseph 11 лет назад +2

    In the case of the female deaconate, the ceremony for "ordination/consecration" was very different than that for men. It is clear that female deacons did not share in holy orders as men did.

  • @shronemor
    @shronemor 11 лет назад +1

    Amen to that The Catholic Church is not just a club with rules that can be changed. Her rules are for our salvation, not to make people feel good about themselves. If they want the traditions of men, let them follow their own path
    1 John 2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us. For if they had been of us, they would no doubt have remained with us; but that they may be manifest, that they are not all of us.
    It's not the Church that needs changing but the dark heart of man
    Ave Maria

  • @Edom35
    @Edom35 11 лет назад +1

    Amen Fr. Giertych....This is the truth of our Church. Live it, Love it, or Leave it and be damned.

  • @feaokautai7354
    @feaokautai7354 6 лет назад +1


  • @harmonygordon6901
    @harmonygordon6901 4 года назад

    Mother Mary was NOT a priest.
    If she wasn't made a priest, no woman should be.
    I'm sure her feelings weren't hurt.
    She was only interested in God's will being done.
    She is the most blessed among women.
    She had humility.
    Catholic women best emulate her and seek to please God, not seek to agrandize themselves.
    Men and women are equal but DIFFERENT.
    Now, in 2020 more than ever, we need to acknowledge that God made humans male & female. Who would have ever guessed that we would need to defend that basic truth ?
    The family is under attack.
    Men, women and children make up the family.

  • @robertlight5227
    @robertlight5227 4 года назад +1

    Where in the Gospels does it say women can't be priests?

    • @user-ez4mg6gx6c
      @user-ez4mg6gx6c 4 года назад +2

      Not everything is written in The Bible so you can't find what you're finding word per word. BUT, in the Last Supper where Jesus (a male) instituted The Eucharist and established the Priesthood, He ordained the Apostles which are all male.
      Have you watched the whole video? Seems to me thay you hadn't, so go watch it and understand the priests explanation.

  • @kensanders1584
    @kensanders1584 11 лет назад +1

    A woman can give the gift of life ... so its man who can be a preist

  • @marcuslex8654
    @marcuslex8654 9 лет назад +19

    Why not male NUN's?

    • @louier66061879
      @louier66061879 9 лет назад +9

      They have them. They're called religious brothers.

    • @Rickyrab
      @Rickyrab 9 лет назад +3

      +Louie H. That's my point: if there are monks, then there ought to be priestesses, or a similarly elevated role for the women. See, if there are priests and nuns....

    • @aibelzoe
      @aibelzoe 9 лет назад

      +Richard Rabinowitz
      Let me share this information with you,the Vatican never want's to have a Nuns. Woman impose her self and the society was pushing hard,just like today. The Pope aloud the convents but it give the Nuns free will over their convents, he don't want to be involve with them,and it's a long history.

    • @Rickyrab
      @Rickyrab 9 лет назад +5

      +aibelzoe Well, the Church has nuns now. And the women were right to be assertive and get the men's attention. If a religion is merely a boy's club, why should women care about it at all? Why should the women teach it to their children? It would just wind up being a fraternal organization.

    • @elishem8533
      @elishem8533 9 лет назад +3

      +Richard Rabinowitz That is kind of like comparing apples to oranges. A monk can be a priest, or laity (brother). Whats the matter with a Mother Superior. Men and women are not exactly equal in every aspect.

  • @psallen5099
    @psallen5099 4 года назад +1

    Protestantism which instituted women clergy saw a large decline from 51% of the USA population to 43% in the last decade, while Catholicism fell from 23% to 20% of the population. Women clergy has not helped Protestantism, in fact you could argue that it has worsened its decline.

  • @0276boy
    @0276boy 11 лет назад

    Excuse me, 1Direction. My arguments against the impossible concept of women "priests" is very well thought out, calm and direct. I am not hateful, ignorant nor an "idiot." Women DO NOT have the same motives as males who seek the priesthood. Males CAN be ordained, as the Church has for 2000 years practiced and taught. Women CAN NOT. Thus this vain, willful, anti-male, feminist lunacy is not the motive of any priest I have ever known, know, or will know. Impossible and sinful.

  • @mugasofer
    @mugasofer 11 лет назад

    "The Apostles were not elected, they were not designated by the crowds, they did not propose themselves; they were chosen by Christ, and he chose Jews as priests. And the Incarnation, the Son of God became flesh, but became flesh not in a raceless humanity, but as a Jew. And this is the fundamental reason why the Church cannot change the Priesthood, the understanding of the Priesthood, allowing for the Ordination of Gentiles."

  • @KnowledgeInTruth
    @KnowledgeInTruth 11 лет назад

    Well done! I'm a Catholic women, and think women should not be Priests. This is the decision, shown by the actions of our G-d- we have NO right to change this. This said, women can, & do, do many great things in the church &/or home. We have great responsibility.

  • @matijustus4774
    @matijustus4774 5 лет назад +1

    I think women should know how God loves them by the virtue of being mothers like mother Mary bringing new life into the world it's very important, truly what matters is not being a priest but Holy.in judgement day God will not say you were a priest enter but you did this and that to the least of my brothers and sisters enter into the kingdom prepared for you. we have to work for the salvation of our souls, not our position here on earth.

  • @darlenegarza527
    @darlenegarza527 11 лет назад +1

    In 1Tim.5:1,2 is showing that within the class of Eldership, you have young& old both MALES&FEMALES ! This chapter was butchered up, these two scriptures moved out of sequence to corrupt the meaning. Then the commentary tried to say it meant older saints, no it didn't ! In Titus2:1-3 is showing the classes of regular saints, young& old both MALES&FEMALES ! In Titus1:5 the Disciples were commanded to appoint& ordain Elders in every city.

  • @drdst17
    @drdst17 11 лет назад

    The Priesthood is not a job. It is an indelible character of a MAN. A woman can no more be a priest than a man be a nun, or a mother for that matter.
    Women have their own roles in the Church, as do men.

  • @tedgrant2
    @tedgrant2 10 лет назад +5

    The Bible is called the Word of God and says: "Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church". The author is quite clear and requires no "interpretation", so it seems to me that the book should not be treated as the Word of God. Instead, if you're interested (most people aren't), research it's history and the way it's been used, assembled and edited. I used to believe, but having done some research, I am now saved from the tyranny of faith.

  • @colinmccarthy7921
    @colinmccarthy7921 4 года назад

    Men are Priests and Members of Religious Orders.Women are Members of Religious Orders,ie.Nuns
    and Sisters.They are the Brides of Christ.I know all about it.

  • @Nicodermus4Life
    @Nicodermus4Life 11 лет назад

    Further more, a Women begins physical life without the need for an ordination (it's built into all women), and the man (only through ordination) begins that physical life's spiritual life. They are both necessary and each must do their job for harmony...

  • @Anglikitty
    @Anglikitty 11 лет назад

    So this guy believes that women have "special access to Christ...in a very vivid way...and in this are more apt to draw from the mystery of Christ by their prayer life...'" Excellent qualities for priesthood!

  • @Rickyrab
    @Rickyrab 11 лет назад

    I'm pretty sure where this is going, in either case: there will be a Church, calling itself Catholic, that ordains women, and another Church, also calling itself Catholic, that does not. This will happen regardless of whether the Pope supports women's ordination or not. I suppose that the non-ordainers will be the larger organization, but that does not change the fact that there will be at least two organizations.

  • @dennisstewart7135
    @dennisstewart7135 11 лет назад +1

    Jesus established HIS church on earth, and the gates of hell(feminism) will not prevail against it. No women priests.

  • @Rickyrab
    @Rickyrab 11 лет назад

    And, come on, now. I'm a son of a Jewish mother. So was Jesus. And anyone's probably heard of the stereotype of Jewish mothers. They want kids that they can be proud of. And many Jewish women are essentially Jewish mothers-in-training. So, of course, you're probably going to get a lot of feedback from Jewish women. The guys in Jesus's camp may have been more easy-going.

  • @0276boy
    @0276boy 11 лет назад

    It's really quite simple. If one believes in God, and that Christ was (and is) God, and that Christ intended to found, and did found, a church, and that he promised that that church would prevail until the end of time, then that reality is The Roman Catholic Church, who sees herself as the living reality of God's Spirit, and His constant love. All sins aside, that's what our Divine founder promised. If this is not true, then there is no God.

  • @markp2023
    @markp2023 6 месяцев назад

    Marion aperations at Bayside New York for two and a half decades starting in 1970, Mary said no woman is to vie or compete for rulership in my son's house...

  • @JuanCastro-fr3bu
    @JuanCastro-fr3bu 5 лет назад

    The same reason why God has an only-begoten Son and not a daughter. The same reason why all Angels are male and in more than 4,000 years has never been a revelation of a female Angel. The same reason why Jesus chose 12 male Apostles and no female ones. Can you read between the lines???

  • @ianwilson3488
    @ianwilson3488 11 лет назад

    The female diaconate is historic, however the same is not true for a female priesthood or bishopic. And with a strong reverence of Mary in the early Church if a female priesthood was possible it would have occurred. As far as sexism the female monastic orders gave women roles in society that were not otherwise possible at the time. I am not even Catholic, or for that matter support a male only priesthood, but you cannot appeal to this on the basis of History.

  • @Rickyrab
    @Rickyrab 9 лет назад +3

    There are Catholics that ordain women. The Old Catholic Church and one of the two Churches named the "Liberal Catholic Church", for example, ordain women. There is also the Universal Catholic Church.

    • @aibelzoe
      @aibelzoe 9 лет назад +6

      +Richard Rabinowitz
      Don't confuse fake catholic churches with Jesus Catholic Church,
      where the Pope is sitting on Peter's chair, that's the one ,the only church of Christ.
      And we don't have a women as a priest,not long ago about 100 women when to the Vatican and tell the Pope that they was ordain as a priest by Catholic bishop,then the Pope excommunicate all of them.

    • @Rickyrab
      @Rickyrab 9 лет назад +2

      +aibelzoe Of course, adherents to Christian denominations like to think "their" denomination was the one that Jesus founded and built, particularly if the adherents are some variety of Catholic and/or Orthodox.

    • @elishem8533
      @elishem8533 9 лет назад +4

      +Richard Rabinowitz The above mentioned are heretics. Broken away from the original Church.

    • @jurisprudens
      @jurisprudens 8 лет назад

      +Richard Rabinowitz Of course, every denomination has own opinions. Nevertheless, you mentioned that "catholics ordain women". So, we are explaining that those are not Catholics, in the Catholic Church's opinion. And the word "ordain" here may be only in quote marks.

    • @hackman669
      @hackman669 8 лет назад

      So how many sects are there in the Catholic religion besides the Orthodox Roman Catholics? any information would be helpful thanks?

  • @darlenegarza527
    @darlenegarza527 11 лет назад +1

    Deborah, a leader over God's congregation , Huldah in 2Kings22:14, is a teacher in the college of prophets , whose teaching the Priests God's laws! Then Miriam a leader over God's people! Queen Esther, a leader over God's people, wrote decrees! Queen of Sheba ruled her Kingdom, in Acts8:26, Queen Candace in authority over great men,

  • @xanh01
    @xanh01 9 лет назад +5

    Well spoken Father.

  • @marknowak
    @marknowak 6 лет назад +1

    What effect do you think growing up without ever hearing a homily from a woman has on girls?

  • @brattyyoung1917
    @brattyyoung1917 6 лет назад +1

    2 Thessalonians 2."Hold on to your traditions". NO WOMEN PRIESTS!!!!

  • @Nicodermus4Life
    @Nicodermus4Life 11 лет назад

    You're one to talk! Who's being dishonest when they say they are a Catholic who professes to follow the Church endowed with Apostolic infallibility and then slaps the promise Jesus made to Peter in the face when they dare question a central tenet of our faith and one of our very sacraments. Who's being dishonest when at their confirmation they said "I believe and profess" everything the Church teaches to be true and then be a Judas Iscariot to that same Truth.

  • @jnuval
    @jnuval 11 лет назад

    Interestingly, there have been women deacons, and abbesses were ordained as bishops in the 11th century to minister to women.

  • @yohanwickramasekara5888
    @yohanwickramasekara5888 6 лет назад

    it is great.. I want to contact you dear father

  • @haminworks4998
    @haminworks4998 3 года назад


  • @Rickyrab
    @Rickyrab 11 лет назад

    ...keep in mind that this is a STEREOTYPE, and I do not mean to imply that all (or even most) Jewish women are like that!

  • @antonyxavierpawath5418
    @antonyxavierpawath5418 5 лет назад

    Well said father Priest hood is for male..while faith starts from a womens womb which represents the baptismal pound that is the true teaching of the church .. it is the women who give faith to the next generation because a mother can only teach her child faith as she is the provider, St Mary mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, St Monica mother of St Augustine prayer for us. Protect our holy church.

  • @karmasand8630
    @karmasand8630 Год назад

    Rev, Father. I know most of the people will not going to like my comment, however I am writing my opinion.
    Yes Father, twelve disciples are men no body ask Lord Jesus why didn't you have least one woman disciple, because all are dot educated, was obedient to God, now education is becoming greater then God.
    God's foolishness is greater then mere human knowledge.

  • @brodocbetty4856
    @brodocbetty4856 Год назад

    The Bible doesn't ordained women as Ministers or Elders or priest only man does and it's out of order.

  • @0276boy
    @0276boy 11 лет назад

    That's it vita9n (?) when cornered, attack ad hominum...throw mud and "cute" replies at the guy who disagrees with you. Do something for your soul's sake. READ HISTORY. Read the Fathers of the Church up to AD350. Everything the RCC teaches can be found in those saints closest to the early Church as Christ founded her.

  • @ginterka381996
    @ginterka381996 11 лет назад +1

    Women priests-Nooooooooo!

  • @0276boy
    @0276boy 11 лет назад

    The definition of a "priest" is one who offers a sacrifice. Since Jayguess does not believe in the Sacrifice of the Mass, or the Real Presence in the Eucharist, or that the Mass is the Sacrifice of the New Law, why argue about women "priests"? Pointless male-hating anti_Catholic crap. No woman ever celebrated Mass. Impossible.

  • @0276boy
    @0276boy 11 лет назад

    God Almighty, when he was personally present here on earth in the person of Christ, decided upon the matter and form of the Sacraments. The matter for Orders in a vir...a male. The mater for the Eucharist is bread and wine. The matter for marriage is a male and a female. The Catholic Church has NO POWER to change this. I learned this is grade school! Whence these "theologians" ? Heresy and damnation!

  • @memodavid8216
    @memodavid8216 11 лет назад

    we must look at countries where there is persecution of christians,those people realize that they must return to the 1st church. every thing on earth is 3d,god is a trinity and also the church is 3 dimentional. it mustn't be orthodox,catholic or protestant, it must be CHRISTIAN as the 1st church was.god will get people back to him through males & females and we have to accept this & accept the 3 churches to be true christians.

  • @vita9n
    @vita9n 11 лет назад +1

    Tom Hogan; how long have you been practicing the Sacrament of Misogyny?

  • @0276boy
    @0276boy 11 лет назад

    Joseph needs a good confessor and a chill pill. Sin had been a part of the Catholic Church from day one. Does Judas ring a bell? Sin is a part of human nature and Christ promised that sin would never prevail against His Church. Period. READ BROTHER!

  • @archsword2446
    @archsword2446 6 лет назад

    St. Dismas, Pray for more priest

  • @michaelclarke2658
    @michaelclarke2658 7 лет назад

    Logically, then, priests should only be Jewish men with beards.

  • @Rickyrab
    @Rickyrab 11 лет назад

    ....it's like calling Chinese a single language or something.

  • @darlenegarza527
    @darlenegarza527 11 лет назад +1

    My comments exactly! Just mouthing off, don't bother me with ignorance !!

  • @Rickyrab
    @Rickyrab 11 лет назад

    *guy starts church*
    *sees his mom butting in*
    *considers his mom to be a bit of a nudnik*
    *ask girlfriend what she thinks*
    *She says, "Clean up, be neat, do the dishes, this and that looks prettier, and go ask the guys that question"*
    *Guys say "ok, maybe we should be doing it, because your mom is being a nudnik and your girlfriend is, well, your girlfriend"
    *Founder of church says "Ok, I'll hang around with the boys because the girls are nagging too much!"
    *Girls say "but don't ignore us"*

  • @thomashogan16
    @thomashogan16 11 лет назад

    Jesse, seek help. You need it brother.

  • @robertlight6905
    @robertlight6905 6 лет назад +1


  • @francisxcc
    @francisxcc 11 лет назад

    "Change happens". So does sh*t.
    Thank goodness the one true God is eternal and unchanging, and the works of His hands (read: the true faith of His cherished Catholic Church) aren't influenced by the trendy winds of time. As for "progressive" Judaism, it is reeking with the many new fangled propositions and practices of unlearned and wayward apostates. Hardly a shining light for authentic Christians to follow. It is only the authentic Jews who we consider our elder brothers in the faith.

  • @americanman81
    @americanman81 11 лет назад +2

    The church is dying? Sorry I can't hear you over 1.2 Billion Catholics.

  • @JenniferWilliams-jy7rz
    @JenniferWilliams-jy7rz 6 лет назад

    Because who wants to go to confession to a woman.

  • @ricolib6867
    @ricolib6867 10 лет назад +2

    God cannot be female nor can females ever be valid priests. No where in history does it indicate God ever asked the question: "How do I look?"...no where in history does it ever indicate God sat on the Heavenly Throne... which had all about it a most splendid vanity mirror surrounded by dazzling lights... and that something from which God just could not be removed! ... the unending gaze at oneself and primping and tossing about the divinely teased hairdo !! All adorned in pink with luscious lip plump.... Wow.. is this the very fact of the matter or what? Each women in this audience does exactly that... and so too did each women ever born from the beginning of time... so isn't it logical that their goddess, whomever she may be... would and should be exactly the same? After all, just who created this attribute shared by every single woman in existence?... well almost every women.

    • @mrjayguess6895
      @mrjayguess6895 10 лет назад +1

      What utter sexist garbage.
      1. "God cannot be female"
      Well, considering the Hebrew AND Aramaic (the language Jesus spoke) for Holy Spirit is FEMALE, this first sentence of yours is bullcrap.
      2. "No where in history does it indicate God ever asked the question: "How do I look?"..."
      I won't even honour this sexist trash with a comment
      3. The fact is that women presided at the eucharist, the defining priestly function, in the Church that CHRIST founded, before men ousted them from their positions. Transcripts from the 4th and 5th Century councils and the Church's OWN records, confirms this.
      Stand corrected you offensive misogynist.

    • @elishem8533
      @elishem8533 10 лет назад +1

      The nature of God is Spirit, and.....lets just say, God can be whatever he wants to be.

    • @mrjayguess6895
      @mrjayguess6895 10 лет назад +1

      Beney Elohim I'll ask again,,,
      You now claim that "God can be whatever he wants to be" so *why insist on a male celebrating the mass?*
      Simple question?
      Or is it yet another simple point that proves how absurd you have been?

    • @elishem8533
      @elishem8533 10 лет назад

      ***** Because I'm not God

    • @mrjayguess6895
      @mrjayguess6895 10 лет назад

      Beney Elohim "Because I'm not God "
      Oh I think I have worked out what you are already.

  • @0276boy
    @0276boy 11 лет назад

    Laila I assume the sixth because the first five are matters of Faith which PROVE the sixth. History and reason join hands here. Read and consider facts. Sin and evil are everywhere, including the Church. Yet the Church (the RCC) has remained. At Mass today the priest said the exact same words Christ did 2000 years ago and the people did the same things they have always done. Read and prove me wrong.

  • @thomashogan16
    @thomashogan16 11 лет назад +1

    I am the most un-vile man you could choose to meet Jayguess. This very day I helped a lesbian student write a sonnet to her lover, I asked a Mormon student exactly what a Patriarchal Blessing was as I saw a card for it on her binder, and I helped a Catholic student explain himself in a Confirmation essay. If the rock of my Catholicism makes me a vile person so be it. God will judge me, not you. But fools I will not tolerate. Neither did My Lord.

  • @dan-ho1zz
    @dan-ho1zz 4 года назад

    Short answer: because they are meant to be dishwashers instead

    • @trixieleys8398
      @trixieleys8398 4 года назад

      What makes you think women are meant to be dishwashers? Back it up with some hard evidence, I dare you. Some solid SCIENTIFIC evidence. Oh yeah- there isn't any.

    • @dan-ho1zz
      @dan-ho1zz 4 года назад

      Beatrix Leys because I am a woman 🧼👩🏿‍🍳

  • @darlenegarza527
    @darlenegarza527 11 лет назад

    Then in Luke11:31 God will use a woman again to Judge His People! There's was in Acts9:36 a female Disciple name Tabitha , Junia a apostle, and another three women living in the Temple working!

  • @0276boy
    @0276boy 11 лет назад

    Joseph confess your sins to a priest and return to the picture you so weirdly use as a function. That is really a mystery. Sin exists, but Truth shall overcome it. READ!

  • @PR-bl5jy
    @PR-bl5jy 5 лет назад +1

    As a female I agree 100%.

  • @0276boy
    @0276boy 11 лет назад

    Memo to David: The early Christian Church WAS Catholic. Check out a volume of writings of the Early Fathers of the Church. Every doctrine, all the Sacraments, the male priesthood. the Mass, EVERYTHING that defines the Roman Catholic Church today was understood and practiced by the early Church. Prove me wrong. PS: Women can never be priests.

  • @Rickyrab
    @Rickyrab 11 лет назад

    Okay, so by today's traditional Catholic logic, the Church should be choosing only Jewish men to be Catholic priests! Jewish men from Israel itself!
    **yeah, I think traditional Catholic logic is a bit silly**

  • @canuck21
    @canuck21 11 лет назад +1

    I cannot take anyone's words seriously when one doesn't know the difference between "you're" and "your".

    • @nenabunena
      @nenabunena 2 года назад

      A lot of people use their phones and tablets and autocorrect is expected. The fact that you are so ignorant and critical of it says more about you. 2nd many online are not from english speaking countries, leave your own little world and realize the world doesn't revolve around little you. You are not God.

    • @canuck21
      @canuck21 2 года назад

      @@nenabunena Excuses, excuses. Typing mistakes I can understand, but this isn't it. I didn`t know only God is allowed to get annoyed at common spelling or grammar mistakes. Do you have spelling mistakes in your resume? This is not Tumblr where immature people talk about silly things. With adult subjects, I expect a minimum of general knowledge. If one makes such mistakes, I have to wonder if the person is knowledgeable in general.

  • @mrjayguess6895
    @mrjayguess6895 9 лет назад +3

    Ill repeat a comment I made last year as it hasn't seemed to have sunken into the heds of some here.
    There is absolutely NO reason, scripturally nor theologically nor historically why women should not return to the priesthood.
    I say 'should not return' because historically in the early Church women presided at the Eucharist as well as men - the defining priestly function, until ousted by men in the 4th Century. The proceedings of the various councils can still be read as proof that women were no longer welcome at the Eucharist as presidents, nor even as deacons, like Phoebe, a deacon cited by Paul.
    This corruption in the Church has now been accepted as 'dogma' but was NEVER the intention of the Early Church, nor Christ, its founder.
    If some hard-line, hard-nosed Pharisaic Catholics here disagree then maybe they could expiain why, in Colossians 4:15, Paul goes out of his way to greet "Nympha and the Church in her house", but shuns the "priest" there ann the "real" church leaderin favour of, presumably, the woman that makes the coffee after the service?

    • @mrjayguess6895
      @mrjayguess6895 8 лет назад

      I'm sorry, but did you ASK for it?

    • @mrjayguess6895
      @mrjayguess6895 8 лет назад

      Tell me, exactly what is it that you want?

    • @mrjayguess6895
      @mrjayguess6895 8 лет назад

      Just tell me what you want me to "prove" or I will remove you from this thread. I've better things to do than play games.

    • @mrjayguess6895
      @mrjayguess6895 8 лет назад

      Well, as a start, you can read the transcripts of the Church Councils themselves, during the period of time when the ousting of women took place.
      Some people, notably hard-line Roman Catholics, often claim that the Church Fathers rejected women's ordination, not because it was incompatible with Christian culture, but because it was incompatible with Christian faith. This is hardly true. If this were so, they would have removed women way before the 4th and 5th Centuries when most of the oppression took place. If what they state is true, what was the Holy Spirit in the Church doing up until then?
      During the 4th and 5th century and beyond, the Christian church gradually extinguished women's access to positions of power in the church. There are many citations from the Church's OWN records- some that the Roma Cathlic Church has tried to suppress (or at least do not publicise, for obvious reasons), but these will be sufficient, I think, to make the point:
      (a) Council of Laodicea (352 CE): Women were forbidden from then on from the priesthood. They also were prohibited from presiding over churches any more. They decided that "One ought not to establish in the church the women called overseers (presbutidas)....women must no longer approach the altar."
      _This, of course, confirms that BEFORE this decision, women DID "approach the altar" as "presbutidas"_
      (b) Fourth Synod of Carthage (398 CE) "A woman, however learned and holy, may not presume any more to teach men in an assembly...A woman may no longer baptize."
      _This confirms that women DID once both preach/teach and baptise._
      (c) Council of Chalcedon (451 CE). Canon #15 of the Council states: 7 "No woman under 40 years of age is to be ordained a deacon, and then only after close scrutiny."
      _Apparently, after the removal of women acting in a priestly role (presbutidas). the council then wanted to start restricting the ordination of women deacons, which must have been a common practice at the time. And, of course, anyone ordained to the Holy Order of Deacon would be eligible for later ordination to the priesthood as well._
      Those are just three examples.
      If you disagree that before this women had priestly roles, you need to explain why Paul greeted the Laodician woman Nympha (reiterating her femininity THREE times in the Greek) at the end of the letter to the Colossians and "the church that meets in HER house" and yet completely shunned not only the "real" (male, of course...) Church leader there, but also the priest who presided at services, and also went totally against early Church culture where the house-owner ALWAYS acted as Church leader, presiding at the Eucharists in his/her house, thus fulfilling the definitive priestly function.
      Why would Paul, a stickler for instructing the early Christians on just HOW to behave in worship, greet a woman who, according to some, did little but make the coffee after the service, while simultaneously shunning the (male) people who mattered?
      Answer: Nympha was the house-owner, and, true to the culture of the Greco-Roman world, led the worship in Laodicia in her own home, presiding at the Eucharist and therefore fulfilling the defining priestly role.

    • @mrjayguess6895
      @mrjayguess6895 8 лет назад

      "Thanks for your reply. Will be researching this."
      Are you here to try and prove otherwise or condone the misogyny of the Roman Catholic Church?

  • @peterpiper4242
    @peterpiper4242 6 лет назад +1

    Woman can be my priest any day

  • @pd7608
    @pd7608 5 лет назад

    Let them marry

  • @PInk77W1
    @PInk77W1 6 лет назад

    Why not men giving birth

  • @Rickyrab
    @Rickyrab 11 лет назад

    There are already women clergy in Judaism. Change happens.

  • @LoveJesusGod
    @LoveJesusGod 10 лет назад +1

    He look like he is crying LOL

    • @leifewald5117
      @leifewald5117 4 года назад

      LoveJesusGod he’s passionate about the Catholic Church.

  • @darlenegarza527
    @darlenegarza527 11 лет назад

    There were five women who had churches within their own homes. If these women weren't considered the Elders, and the Disciples never addressed a need to appoint male pastors within these churches . This would mean the Disciples disobeyed God's commands! In 1Tim.5:21 said show no partiality between one and the other! They want to use the scripture Paul said women can't teach nor usurp authority over a man! Well, God had already allowed this, so it didn't mean women but wife!

  • @johannesnicolaas
    @johannesnicolaas 10 лет назад +3

    In the early church some women were called apostles (!) like Junia in Romans 17:7, some were deacons. But after a few generations the revolutionary attitude of Jesus was lost and the church accepted the masculine preoccupations of the greek/roman culture... So when these brainwashed priests, like this one here, start babbling away about tradition, they are only repeating what other priests were saying in the past. Often it is not based on independent study which is quiet sad actually....

    • @johannesnicolaas
      @johannesnicolaas 9 лет назад

      You are right, in the Celtic church they held high positions till the 8th (!) century, only when the Roman Catholic church took over, the women started to be repressed, As I am sad to say as a catholic.

    • @reviewreviewer1
      @reviewreviewer1 8 лет назад +3

      If you read Irenaeus or Tertullian you will see that women`s ordination was condemned in the early church. Jesus was not a revolutionary. He was faithful to the law and the prophets. Jesus believed in the Mosaic priesthood. Jesus only called men to be his apostles.

    • @reviewreviewer1
      @reviewreviewer1 8 лет назад +2

      The Celtic church was always loyal to the church of Rome, and nuns are by definition consecrated virgins. Both nuns and monks cannot marry. Women were treated far better by the Catholic Church than by the Romans and Greeks. The church allowed women to own their own property, banned the raping of female slaves, forbade infanticide, forced marriages, and increased the penalties for rape. The early church was very popular amongst women, who preferred it over Roman society. Even so, women`s ordination was always condemned. There were female saints, and nuns, even non-ordained deacons, but the priesthood was always all male.

  • @markanthonyninoquinto7201
    @markanthonyninoquinto7201 7 лет назад

    destroy the heretics and apostate

  • @thomashogan16
    @thomashogan16 11 лет назад

    Joseph you're raving. Stop it and pray. Really. PRAY! PS Who abused you brother?

  • @butterflybeatles
    @butterflybeatles 7 лет назад

    Could you ever say confession to a woman priest knowing that she would not repeat it? A woman's nature is to gossip.

  • @marknowak
    @marknowak 6 лет назад

    If Jesus, as radical as He was on other issues, never made a point of condemning slavery, does that mean slavery is okay?

  • @kennyinliverpool
    @kennyinliverpool 5 лет назад

    If NOTHING is changed the entire Catholic Church is about to collapse because of a lack of vocations --

    • @jacksonrodrigues7533
      @jacksonrodrigues7533 5 лет назад +1

      michael kenny the Church will never be destroyed. “ I will build my Church, even gates of hell shall not prevail over it”

  • @tomgreene8480
    @tomgreene8480 9 лет назад

    The first Pope was married...this is not a sustainable tradition I presume? The early priests were married. A woman brings about the first sacrament...Christ...with the work of the Spirit...

    • @aibelzoe
      @aibelzoe 9 лет назад +1

      +Tom Greene
      Not true,Peter was a widow and never remarried.
      Even Jesus adopt the celibate.

    • @tomgreene8480
      @tomgreene8480 9 лет назад

      Ah I see

    • @jurisprudens
      @jurisprudens 8 лет назад +2

      +Tom Greene 1. Mary brought Jesus in a natural way, although conceived him in a supernatural way. Nevertheless, Jesus called only the 12 chosen men for the Last Supper. 2. Marriage/celibacy of the priesthood is an absolutely different question, unrelated to the priest's gender.

    • @tomgreene8480
      @tomgreene8480 8 лет назад

      +jurisprudens Indeed !

    • @topherodesk
      @topherodesk 8 лет назад

      St. John, St. Luke, St. Mark , St. Paul, St. Timothy never married...

  • @Rickyrab
    @Rickyrab 11 лет назад

    Thank goodness this is the 21st century and not the 13th!

  • @martinmurray5521
    @martinmurray5521 7 лет назад +1

    As a practicing Catholic male I wish to disassociate myself from this theolgian's view with its back-handed compliment to women. If I had any doubts about the rightness of ordaining women priests they have been shattered after listening to this harmful, patronising and just BAD theology.

  • @mrjayguess6895
    @mrjayguess6895 10 лет назад +8

    There is absolutely NO reason, scripturally nor theologically nor historically why women should not return to the priesthood.
    I say 'should not return' because historically in the early Church women presided at the Eucharist as well as men - the defining priestly function, until ousted by men in the 4th Century. The proceedings of the various councils can still be read as proof that women were no longer welcome at the Eucharist as presidents, nor even as deacons, like Phoebe, a deacon cited by Paul.
    This corruption in the Church has now been accepted as 'dogma' but was NEVER the intention of the Early Church, nor Christ, its founder.

    • @mrjayguess6895
      @mrjayguess6895 10 лет назад

      Francis Billyeald Your vile message has been flagged for abuse, reported to RUclips, and removed from my post.

    • @mrjayguess6895
      @mrjayguess6895 10 лет назад

      Francis Billyeald Free speech does not include abuse. You have had this message removed and you will be blocked from this post

    • @mrjayguess6895
      @mrjayguess6895 10 лет назад

      blablabubles "Infalible Dogma of the Church "
      Ahhh club rules....
      That is exactly why I said "There is absolutely NO reason, *scripturally nor theologically nor historically* why women should not return to the priesthood.
      Now, whether your club wants to adhere to this is another question, but the Church that CHRIST founded thought in a very different way.
      I assume these club rules also condoned the priestly rape of children by its covering up of their heinous crimes?
      Isn't it about time these club rules were revisited???

    • @mrjayguess6895
      @mrjayguess6895 10 лет назад

      ***** Hello, Please drop an email to my private message service and we can take it from there. John

    • @aibelzoe
      @aibelzoe 10 лет назад +2

      There is every reason. Starting with the Magisterium.

  • @outinsider
    @outinsider 9 лет назад +2

    Father, explain Junia, Phoebe, Priscilla? Wouldn't Mary be considered the first priest? Mary the Mother of course. Jesus appeared to women before men. He told them to spread the news, they did. Don't justify your sin of sexism with agenda'd theology.

    • @jurisprudens
      @jurisprudens 8 лет назад +3

      +outinsider Yes, in many respect women are closer to God. However, some jobs and vocations are for women only, and some, like priesthood, are for men only. Men and women are different, it's natural and simple.

    • @outinsider
      @outinsider 8 лет назад

      "Whether man or woman, Jewish or Gentle, slave or free, all are equal in the eyes of our God."-Paul

    • @jurisprudens
      @jurisprudens 8 лет назад +4

      So, what? Equal does not mean the same. Equal in various special gifts God bestows on people depending on gender, origin, culture, etc.

    • @outinsider
      @outinsider 8 лет назад

      The sin is in the sexism, and God is not sexist, let alone through Jesus.

    • @jurisprudens
      @jurisprudens 8 лет назад +4

      outinsider I don't remember the "sin of sexism" mentioned in the Bible.

  • @angelinawhite7
    @angelinawhite7 10 лет назад +1

    Women deserve rights to the priesthood. But I guess the Catholic Church can be sexist if they want.

    • @ThomWillis
      @ThomWillis 8 лет назад +1

      +Awesome Angel W. Priesthood isn't a right, it's a vocation from God. Priesthood is inherently masculine, paternal. It's metaphysically impossible to ordain a woman. It has nothing to do with sexism. The greatest member of the Church was a woman, Mary. And she was never a priest.

    • @angelinawhite7
      @angelinawhite7 8 лет назад +1

      +T. J. Willis Well, no actually.... God can give vocations to anyone. It's the institution that has the views about women priest. The church came from a time of men having the dominant roles. If you read Ephesians there's like a section on that. I respect your opinion. But, if the church allowed certain things like women priests, married priests... there wouldn't be such a dwindling population of priests here in the US. Just an opinion.

    • @ThomWillis
      @ThomWillis 8 лет назад +1

      Awesome Angel W. So for 2,000 years God has been calling women to the priesthood but has not leading the Church, by the Holy Spirit, to ordain the women he has been calling? God sounds like a real trickster then - sort of like Lucy van Pelt, holding out a football to Charlie Brown and snatching it away at the last second. If God is really a celestial troublemaker I don't want anything to do with him.
      The Church's theology - liturgical and sacramental - shows that priesthood is a necessarily paternal ministry. Again, theology shows that priesthood is a vocation and not a right. No sacrament is ever a 'right,' it is only a gift. Men don't have a right to maternity. Women don't have a right to paternity. If someone things paternity is more important than maternity, then he or she is the sexist, not the Church.