Fantastic content, Agna! You've chosen a great topic, and your presentation is excellent. This is valuable information that everyone needs to know. Well done!
What i understand is that when one marries his or her close blood relatives he is becoming more of an animal and more than physical there are social implications of it. Humans are already so sexually violent just imagine the plight of women in society if marrying blood relation was so common.
Fantastic content, Agna! You've chosen a great topic, and your presentation is excellent. This is valuable information that everyone needs to know. Well done!
Thank you so much!
Nice one!!
Amazing content
Thank you ☺️
Gud...waooo..i feel proud when you mention haryana ...3 to 4 gotra ko chorkr ..hi marriage hote h hamare yaha...
Same here✌️
Good explanation about endogenous vs exogamous marriage 🎉
Thank you 🙂
What i understand is that when one marries his or her close blood relatives he is becoming more of an animal and more than physical there are social implications of it. Humans are already so sexually violent just imagine the plight of women in society if marrying blood relation was so common.
Ethics gone down the drain.