Queer As Folk - 20 years later it's still a controversial show

  • Опубликовано: 27 окт 2024
  • Join me as a take a dive into Queer As Folk, one of the most beloved and most controversial gay television series. It was released in the year 2000, so now we're 20 years later taking a look back at the story.
    If you don't still have the entire series on DVD box set like me (haha so old!) then you can watch this show on Amazon Prime or Hulu, depending on where you are.
    If you want to support me in creating more content like this, please subscribe to me on Patreon! / lillybirdsong

Комментарии • 36

  • @dramonmaster222
    @dramonmaster222 2 года назад +25

    The fact that the US QAF aired on cable and late at night definitely helped with it came to the sex scenes. As a young man in his 20s, it was definitely a sight to behold.
    Queer as Folk (UK and American) definitely made TV history and is a series worth watching.

  • @MrsP121515
    @MrsP121515 3 года назад +29

    I miss this show so much. I think we got screwed for the ending. Thats why he need a season 6. So they can finish all their stories...so much more they can do. Dang it Brian needs to know he can b loved.

    • @strafrag1
      @strafrag1 11 месяцев назад +3

      Yes, definitely, but here we wait. Cheers.

  • @solidsnakemgs2180
    @solidsnakemgs2180 Год назад +5

    The personality representation was SO here!! I immediately identified with Brian. I watched in 2022, accidentally watching the 2022 version first …. No thanks. The 2000 version blew me away took me back to the year 2000!!!! That survival feel so in your face so lovable so relatable.

  • @rainbowbunniie
    @rainbowbunniie 2 года назад +11

    The show is set in a pittsburgh where the legal age of consent is 16. So no it wouldn’t be considered statutory rape. I’m not saying that I agree with Justin and Brian having sex when Justin was that young but it was legal. The thing people don’t seem to understand is the people who made this show were trying to show a somewhat realistic depiction of queer life that had never been seen on tv before. Teenagers were going to clubs and hooking up with older men. This is especially true with gay teens back then when it was much harder to be out and when the internet was still pretty new. So the only way someone like Justin would have felt he could explore his sexuality is to go to a club. Again I’m not saying it’s right for someone Brian’s age to sleep with a minor but I just think all this stuff should be considered when looking back on the show.

  • @FredFahrquart
    @FredFahrquart 6 месяцев назад +3

    So sorry, late to the party. Just saw this vid. I am very impressed with your analysis. I recently completed watching the series. Your reaction to the characters pretty much echoes mine., I love Em. I just want to give him a big bear hug. Michael and Ben and their adopting was a great story line. An undercurrent in the series is that Brian and Michael never had sex. Michael kept his torch for Brian long after he should have, but fortunately for his character, Ben came along and loved him. I did not like the Ted character. I am happy that he found someone, but I just couldn't click with him. Debby and her loves was stellar. I was shocked when I realized this was the same Sharon Gless from Cagney and Lacy. The depth of her character was outstanding. Her eventual acceptance of Ben as a SIL was some real drama. The ladies were both excellent, although I can't speak to their realistic performances, their trials and bumps in the road were well portrayed. And finally, Brian and Justin. Initially, for Brian, Justin was just another notch on his gun, but Justin's persistence and then eventual acceptance of Brian's unwillingness to engage in a LTR, and the circumstances surrounding Justin's injuries brought them together. Did they end up where I wanted them to? No, but then again Brian caving to Justin's desires for a home, tennis court, swimming pool and stables was not gonna be them. Though I do see them retreating to Britin on the weekends. Some of the best sex I have ever seen represented on television was their many couplings/ The look in Randy's eyes when looking at Gale is a picture I will carry forever. Will Babylon exist anywhere else, some have tried, not too successfully, so I don't think so. Oh, as to your comment on how well the program has aged, and did it cover the entire spectrum of LGBTQ+1, I think the themes did age well. And the inclusivity hadn't been defined 20+ years ago as it has now.

  • @williamsnyder5616
    @williamsnyder5616 3 года назад +14

    Very great analysis if a very great show. One thing about the commentary concerning "age of consent," executve producers Ron Cowen and Daniel Lipman pointed out in a book about the show that the age of consent in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is, indeed, 17. Thus, the sex between Brian and Justin was perfectly legal.

  • @brandoncorona9312
    @brandoncorona9312 2 года назад +7

    I watched this at 10, still one of my favorite shows, and despite the mature content not being the most appropriate for my then young innocent brain, it opened my eyes to my sexuality and how it was ok to be gay

  • @thevanishingman
    @thevanishingman 2 года назад +5

    I THINK WE SHOULD KEEP TALKING ABOUT THIS SHOW BECAUSE THERE HASN'T BEEN MUCH OF ANYTHING LIKE IT SINCE--AND IT'S BEEN 17 YEARS. I definitely would love to see a relaunch. When I was a young, self-loathing queer, I hated it, which is to say, it was way too realistic a portrayal of a community and lifestyle I had learned to hate. Happy to say I embraced my homosexuality and the community it came with later, and rewatched this show around that time and was shocked at how good it was, and how relevant it still is today. The critique regarding the extreme whiteness of the cast was something they talked about in the show, but obviously that's the biggest flaw and the largest barrier to its modern relevance. At the time, gay people were so marginalized that it was still seen as progressive despite the glaring absence of POC main characters. I'd sure love to see that rectified in a remake, if for no other reason than to shore up the many, many missed opportunities for plot that would instantly be available in a multi-racial cast.

  • @rosetiger7268
    @rosetiger7268 2 года назад +7

    Straight people can have fast relationships too. I love the scene where Emmett meets and breaks up in the same night. (And that's the king of babylon episode:) )
    Also for an unapologetic show, you shouldn't apologize so much for the show :p

  • @matthewtheriaque4413
    @matthewtheriaque4413 5 месяцев назад +2


  • @thuanyxxcoratticoelho4739
    @thuanyxxcoratticoelho4739 4 года назад +2

    I haven't watched this series yet, but I loved the recommendation!
    I was upset that youtube removed the subtitles, as english is not my mother tongue and my level of learning is intermediate, I depended on them to understand what is said in the videos, since normally people speak very quickly, but thank God you is one of the few who speaks so calmly that I was capable of understand perfectly!

  • @DaddyOfTheSugarVariety
    @DaddyOfTheSugarVariety 5 месяцев назад +1

    I love Queer As Folk and its characters so much!

  • @Pulsar-1919
    @Pulsar-1919 3 года назад +3

    I went and watched both versions of Queer As Folk recently, starting with the UK one. Both shows started airing before I was born, so I most likely have a different viewpoint to the people who watched them as they came out. Queer experiences have changed quite a lot since then, and especially so recently - I for one have never been to a gay club, despite being of legal age, because covid shut them all down!
    I quite liked the UK one, as it was a bit closer to home (I'm from Ireland). However, the age gap between Stuart and Nathan was definitely disturbing. While the US version attempted to improve this somewhat, I think they backtracked in terms of how things turned out. In the UK one, Stuart and Nathan didn't end up having a relationship, while in the US version (though I haven't finished it) they are each other's 'endgame' relationship. I quite liked how Stuart and Vince ended up together in the UK show, so it was disappointing. Still, I appreciate that it's an experience many people relate to, especially before we could so easily talk to other queer people online. After all, who was going to teach you about gay sex other than an older gay person?
    Seeing such explicit sex scenes, and gay ones at that, in a show that's 20 years old was astounding. Despite their issues, both were incredibly ahead of their time. The characters were complex and dealing with multiple issues other than their sexualitu, be it problems at school, at work or at home. The characters don't all fit into one stereotypical box, which was nice to see, even if they were overwhelmingly white and cisgender. I hear a remake is being done, and I hope they include more poc, bisexual, trans and non-binary experiences (as well as properly addressing the age gap. I think Stuart and Brian should have been reprimanded a lot more, especially when they had sex with Nathan/Justin more than once).

    • @vanyadolly
      @vanyadolly 2 года назад +4

      What I liked the most about the US version was that it didn't copy the original. It allowed the characters to be different and set the course the story took, and that's why there's room for both shows. In the US version Justin is quite independent and assertive. From s2 onward he's primarily the one directing the relationship he and Brian have. Michael was the one who needed to get out from under Brian's thumb.

    @JASONMCDONALD2 8 месяцев назад +1

    When this show was on I was newly out to my parents. My dad ended up watching this show to better understand queer/gayness. He didn't even flinch at the more racy scenes. He did, however, start calling me Emmett FOR YEARS, haha. My dad was a blue-collar/truck driver, so I am glad this show was able to wade into aspects of my life.

  • @user-nm4o1sn4L
    @user-nm4o1sn4L 4 месяца назад +2

    Дважды прочла все комменты...
    Некоторые хотели бы видеть связь между Майклом и Брайаном.
    Может я не права, и вы меня поправите.
    Но вот, что я поняла.
    Брайан был не любим даже своими родителями. Отец не хотел, чтобы Брайан родился, и он это узнал.
    А это психологическая травма на всю жизнь.
    С Майклом Брайан дружил с детства. И только от него чувствовал любовь, в которой очень нуждался. Ну хоть от кого то....
    Но эти двое совершенно разные по характеру, и Майкл не сексуальный объект для Брайана,
    хоть и чувствовал к себе от Майкла
    уже не только дружескую любовь, и прекрасно понимал, что хочет Майкл. Вы думаете Брайан не воспользовался бы этим, если бы чувствовал то же самое???
    Брайан действительно любил Майкла, но как друга, как единственного человека от которого он чувствовал любовь.
    И поэтому проявлял ревность к любой ситуации которая касалась Майкла.
    Брайан собственник и не хотел чтобы Майкл ещё кому то уделял внимание.
    Это было подпиткой для душевного состояния Брайана, так как в другую любовь он не верил.
    Что касается Джастина....
    Да, согласна, он не так красив, да и ростом не вышел по сравнению с Брайаном. Но этот мальчик настолько сильный характером, своей преданностью верностью,порядочностью ,...в нём
    много сильных сторон.
    Даже Брайан сказал что Джастин гений.
    Так что учитывая что Брайан очень умный человек, и не смотря на напускной пофигизм и отрицание любви, понял, что Джастин любит его по настоящему.
    И это та любовь, которая растопила сердце Брайана.
    И его поступок (с болью в сердце ) отпустить Джастина в Нью Йорк говорит насколько для Брайана, Джастин стал дорогим человеком.
    Вспомните как они объявили всем на помолвке, что свадьбы не будет,причем отнюдь не с грустью на лице, а спокойно без трагизма.
    Как Джастин сказал.....
    ,,Нам не нужны кольца и клятвы, потому что знаем что любим друг друга.!!!! "
    Они были уверены что не потеряют друг друга.
    И всё выдержат.
    PS. Где то читала, что 6 сезон предполагалось снять.
    Да это видно по последней серии.
    Брайан не сдал кольца, вспомните, в последней сцене
    как держался Брайан..., это сплошной комок нервов, еле сдерживал слёзы...
    Брайан понимал, ЧТО он может потерять, и думаю он на многое решится что-бы не потерять Джастина.
    Вспомните, как Брайан хотел сделать сюрприз для него , который был в другом городе на сьемках.
    Уже купил билет и собирался к нему лететь, потому что любил и скучал...
    Брайану сильно не хватало Джастина.
    Думаю в 6 сезоне
    предполагалось, что они всё таки будут вместе.
    Незаконченность в последней серии чувствовалась. И это не только из за колец. Это любовь, которая выдержит всё.
    Причина что не был снят 6 сезон ???
    Где то читала, что якобы
    финансирование на продолжение было прекращено. И ещё что Рэнди Харрисон (Джастин) сказал, что если будет 6 сезон , то откажется сниматься .
    Насколько верна информация.... Незнаю.

  • @asherjames5435
    @asherjames5435 3 года назад +6

    I miss this show greatly. Although, I can definitely agree with you, not a whole lot of diversity. Would be nice to see more. In shows today, transgender men and women, bisexualality and race is definitely getting their spotlight right now, which is great because the earlier shows it seemed so benign. It was just common, gay gay and more gay rather than, questioning, liking both, and transitioning on the gender spectrum. As a transgender female to male, I definitely would love to see the creator of this show, do another series on issues today as far as LGBT

  • @angelaholmes8888
    @angelaholmes8888 3 года назад +3

    I loved the show I watched it when I was teenager my mom also loved it even though I do love the series I prefer to rewatch the early seasons of the series this show helped me when I was growing up 🌈😍🥰🤩

  • @The_Laser_Channel
    @The_Laser_Channel 4 месяца назад

    Queer as Folk was definitely a ground breaking series...they showed more on there than anyone would dare try to show....you might would have a gay character on the show but that's it...just a gay character...or they might show two guys (or girls) kiss..that's as far as it went back then for most shows. But for Queer as Folk to show extended sex scenes of gay and lesbians having sex, that was unheard of. I remember my mom finding one of my VHS tapes that had Queer as Folk recorded on it and she saw Brian and Justin having sex and she thought it was gay porn due to how long the sex scene lasted. She tried to ground me for having porn in her house...I had to explain to her that she saw a sex scene that lasted a minute or so out of an hour long show....I had to sit her down and put that tape in so she could see it was a TV show and not a porn. Granted my parents are anti-gay, southern Baptist, republican, etc...my mom will send me scriptures from the bible randomly via text...Queer as Folk was an adult show that broke grounds about homosexual lifestyles while at the same time Degrassi was breaking grounds as a kids/teenager show about coming out, being gay in school, and they even had a trans character on Degrassi. If you have not seen the Degrassi series, you really should watch it despite it being aimed at teens...they have episodes about coming out, being openly gay, teachers molesting students (gay and straight), school shootings, rape, drugs, bullying, dangers of meeting strangers online, etc....

  • @june1935
    @june1935 4 месяца назад

    i did wonder about the bisexuality and why it was not shown. one of the things i did love about the acting choices is the fact that some of the cast are part of the LGBT communite. and i really liked that. thanks for this video. question have you ever watched the UK and what did you think of that.

  • @MelanyBlackDH
    @MelanyBlackDH 2 месяца назад

    I've watched the series way too many times to count, one thing I would like to point out about the spectrum is that there are actually two Bi characters, though it's not spelled out, one of the lesbian characters has a thrist with a man and a kid who's a sex worker who does end up with a girl. They don't spell it out but it is hinted at. Also, it was waaay ahead on its time speaking of queer people in general, and Trans people weren't really talked about at the time, so they probably didn't touch on that in order to not overwhelm people. They have a show about gay people in the 2000s, let's not go too far.
    Another thing they do touch on is the different parents reactions. We have Debbie who is the most accepting, proudest parent ever, you have the parent who at first doesn't understand but tries, the one who completely shuns their child, the ones who know and ignore it pretend it's not a thing, and the relationship with the queer child, which does show how different people can be and the different dephts of acceptance

  • @dehende07
    @dehende07 9 месяцев назад

    I love your analysis on the show however Ted never came across as somebody that was in the closet He just was a very conservative person, maybe because of him going to business school or his family background he couldn't be a flaming queen like Emmett... One thing I liked about QAF is that they showed different types of gay men

  • @gipsy9129
    @gipsy9129 Год назад

    Team Brian-Michael. I get the impression that the series on our theme have devolved. How you miss QAF!

  • @shannonalver7728
    @shannonalver7728 3 месяца назад

    I loved when brian is with justine.

  • @DaddyOfTheSugarVariety
    @DaddyOfTheSugarVariety 5 месяцев назад

    It would've been nice if they had addressed the trans community.

  • @TothanCrawk
    @TothanCrawk 4 месяца назад

    Kinda thought the representation was pretty trash. I mean if y'all are okay with homophobic people being justified in thinking we're all toxic, over sexualized narcissists from this kind of toxic representation, thats fine but don't complain about it.

    • @problematique9389
      @problematique9389 Месяц назад

      I think that you're talking about the trashy woke 2020 version.

  • @PanSnovydinnia
    @PanSnovydinnia 8 месяцев назад

    this video is 3 years old, yeah, but...
    i remember watching QAF, it was couple of years ago, and i was (and i am now) in shipping that time. after watching some time i went straight (pfff) to the ao3 and understood how the fuck i hate justin taylor. he's so awful. a literal kid, not even interesting or unique. i was robbed. he stole my Brian x Michal content and i still so not like him at all. i dropped the show only because of him. yeah...

  • @eliselianaboyd2547
    @eliselianaboyd2547 3 года назад +7

    I was trying to say 10 Year older not 20. But either way. Older gay men should not be having sex with someone that young. And gladly today most young gay men would not put up with this one sided type of relationship. Also very happy no show would ever try to put a relationship like this on air today. Because it wasn't right then and it's not right now.

    • @trupti.marolia
      @trupti.marolia 3 года назад

      I agree about the age difference. It was slightly disturbing.

    • @nicolemayer618
      @nicolemayer618 2 года назад +1

      @@trupti.marolia But it's not only the age difference, it's the kind of relationship, because Brian is adult, has a lot of life experience and
      has power and influence to the young Justin, wo is in a dependent life situation, because he loves Brian but Brian loves more power and independence. I mean, I love this both characters, I'm really a fan of 'queer as folk' but I feel so sorry all the time for
      Justin, because he is the weeker part in this relationship.

    • @aboyonfiree
      @aboyonfiree 10 месяцев назад +2

      i honestly find the series finale basically summed up how the relationship was going to end. it was never good for either of them.