
  • Опубликовано: 2 окт 2024

Комментарии • 98

  • @I_belong_to_Jesus_Christ
    @I_belong_to_Jesus_Christ 4 месяца назад

    ❤ thank you for this

  • @MarsalisWilson-zt1ug
    @MarsalisWilson-zt1ug 5 месяцев назад +31

    I came to know Christ in jail in 2013 by reading a book, "Overcoming spiritual blindness" by James P. Gills MD. The veil was taken off my eyes. Heaven came through for me in my finances too, getting $25,000 monthly. I can support God's work and give back to my community. God is absolutely more than enough!

    • @MarsalisWilson-zt1ug
      @MarsalisWilson-zt1ug 5 месяцев назад

      God will surely keep her saved ok. i wish I could send you some funds but don't know to connect with you!!

    • @MarsalisWilson-zt1ug
      @MarsalisWilson-zt1ug 5 месяцев назад

      ​@TilerPeck-xb2iv Thanks to Elizabeth Marie Hawley.

    • @CristianAlvarez-fk8nn
      @CristianAlvarez-fk8nn 5 месяцев назад

      I have heard a lot of wonderful things about Elizabeth Maria Hawley on the news but didn't believe it until now. I'm definitely trying her out

    • @YangonChang
      @YangonChang 5 месяцев назад

      I've always wanted to trade Crypto for a long time but the volatility in the price has been very confusing to me although I have watched a lot of RUclips videos about it but I still find it hard to understand.

    • @anwaDioha
      @anwaDioha 5 месяцев назад

      So nice to see Elizabeth Marie Hawley talked about here, her good works are speaking already, and like wide fire she's spreading.

  • @lumix2477
    @lumix2477 5 месяцев назад +5

    Amen 👍🔥

  • @eddyswiderczuk7340
    @eddyswiderczuk7340 5 месяцев назад

    Thank you Pastor Justin,an all those Born of God.
    For it is Written !
    I Believe ! Therefore
    I have Spoken!
    2 Corth :4 : 13- 18 ;
    To the LOVE of God !
    For while we are in this
    TENT ⛺
    2 Corth : 5 : 4-5;
    He Forgives Us !
    For this Reason I
    Sent you this Letter
    2Corth : 2 :9-11 ;
    TO the Glory of God,
    In Christ Jesus Name Amen.
    God Blessed us all in his
    Love for us in Christ Jesus Amen !

  • @marvinembry7041
    @marvinembry7041 5 месяцев назад

    Amen , Good Teachings Brother Justin Love Been Inseparable From The Love OF GOD , THE LOVE OF CHRIST 🙏😃

  • @Corinna_Schuett_GER
    @Corinna_Schuett_GER 5 месяцев назад +1

    John 10:14-16 "I am the good shepherd, and know MY SHEEP, and am known of mine. As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep. AND *OTHER SHEEP* I HAVE (= NON ISRAEL, GENTILES!), WHICH ARE *NOT OF THIS FOLD:* THEM ALSO I *MUST BRING,* and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be ONE FOLD, and ONE SHEPHERD." 🙏

    • @tuipearson5673
      @tuipearson5673 5 месяцев назад +2

      Those who believe 1Corinthians15:3-4 for their salvation are NOT sheep.
      We are NEW CREATURES in Christ, not sheep.

    • @Corinna_Schuett_GER
      @Corinna_Schuett_GER 5 месяцев назад

      @@tuipearson5673 So then all the imagery of 1 Corinthians 5:6-8 (leaven, lump, passover and unleavened bread) is NOT addressed to the Corinth Greek saints but to "Israel" only? How THAT? Should this imagery be known by them?

    • @Corinna_Schuett_GER
      @Corinna_Schuett_GER 5 месяцев назад

      @pamshope Dear friend Thank you for your input, I'm a learner too. Nevertheless, my approach to "Israel" is NOT the traditional Zionist teaching but the biblical teaching of the scattered 'House of Israel' which technically are the 11 out of 13 tribes (including Levi without inheritance) that are mixed among the Gentiles historically since the Assyrian exile at least, if not even earlier. Most of them don't even know their true ancestry today after thousands of years as their spiritual heritage got lost in history. These people are NOT Talmudists or traditional "Judaists"!
      This perspective is not found in GA teachings although I do appreciate the Pauline doctrine and learning more in-depth about it. Thus, it becomes rather confusing if there's "rightly dividing" but without considering the TRUE ancestry of the original 'House of Israel' throughout history. Blessings your way, MARANATHA! 🙏❤️

    • @Corinna_Schuett_GER
      @Corinna_Schuett_GER 5 месяцев назад

      @pamshope I don't seek "contention" but proper understanding of terms used. You mentioned the Samaritan woman, a good example for "Jewish mixture" with Gentiles. She was only despised by the haughty religious but NOT by Christ. That's also the reason why with Paul there's NO difference of ethnics in approach to salvation under grace. Yet there was the same grace already with the woman at the well you see. She was from the "other sheep" too. Do YOU exactly know your own ancestry if there's perhaps a Jew in between along the line? If we do "hyper-dividing" scripture like that at the end of the day nobody will understand it any longer. Blessings your way, MARANATHA! 🙏❤️

    • @sandrajarboe7542
      @sandrajarboe7542 5 месяцев назад +1

      I would carefully and prayerfully read the following verses.
      Ezekiel 34, 37:16-28
      Jer 50:6
      Heb 13:20
      Mat 15:24

  • @oralialandreth6136
    @oralialandreth6136 5 месяцев назад +1

    AMEN ❤

  • @Corinna_Schuett_GER
    @Corinna_Schuett_GER 5 месяцев назад +1

    How does that "Israel covenant teaching" from Hebrews then correspond to Colossians 3:11 "Where there is NEITHER GREEK NOR JEW, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: BUT CHRIST IS ALL, AND IN ALL."
    1Cor 12:13-14: "For by ONE SPIRIT are WE ALL baptized into ONE BODY, whether we be JEWS or GENTILE S, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into ONE SPIRIT. For the body is not one member, but many."

    • @sirpaul5054
      @sirpaul5054 5 месяцев назад +4

      It doesn't. Hebrews is not written to the same audience as Colossians and 1 Corinthians. Paul's 13 epistles were written to the church the body of Christ. The new covenant is with believing Israel. This is one of the basics that Mid-Acts Pauline Dispensationalism shows from the scripture. GA have talked about this very often. There is OT Israel, NT Israel and the Church the BOC. Mixing NT Israel's doctrine and the church the BOC's doctrine creates doctrinal confusion and contradictions. Context reveals the distinctions that show difference in the two. Rightly dividing the differences to know what is for Israel and what is for the body is paramount. Mystery and Prophecy are not the same.

    • @Corinna_Schuett_GER
      @Corinna_Schuett_GER 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@sirpaul5054 So... Do I understand it right that NT saints are NOT the same altogether? (= "different audience" meaning will God be a respecter of persons during the same era since Pentecost?) Isn't THAT even the core of Pauls gospel that there is "no Jew nor Gentile"?

    • @sirpaul5054
      @sirpaul5054 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@Corinna_Schuett_GER Something happened after Acts 2. Christ appeared to Paul and gave him revelatory mystery information and made him the apostle of the gentiles. Paul preached about salvation in Christ now even though Israel as a nation had fallen and rejected their king.
      Paul says in Galatians 1 that the gospel which was preached of him was not after man. Paul says he didn't received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. Paul was persecuting the believers in Jesus as messiah so he knew what they believed to know what to fight against. Christ appeared and gave him what Paul calls the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began. Contrast that with Peters preaching in Acts 3 saying which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.
      The book of Acts is about the fall of Israel rejecting the Spirit through the believing remnants ministry and the introduction of the grace saved chief rebel that is sent to gentiles by Christ in Acts 26 which is Acts 9s testimony. The 12 were sent preaching to the lost sheep of the house of Israel talking about the prophetic kingdom with Christ on David's throne ruling on the earth. Paul says For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect. For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. Later in 1 Corinthians 15 he reiterates the gospel to the Corinthians in verses 3 and 4.
      Believers in Paul's gospel are baptized by one Spirit into the body of Christ where there is no Jew/gentile distinction. Peters ministry was still going to the Jew only in Act 11 about Acts 7 and 8. Also in Galatians 2:7 Paul explains that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto him and the gospel of the circumcision was committed unto peter. The Church, the body of Christ is what is going on right now in the depensation of the grace of God given to Paul and in the future NT Israel will return.

    • @PsalmChapter117
      @PsalmChapter117 5 месяцев назад

      @@sirpaul5054 Israel(as a nation) rejected the Messiah (Matt 21:43). The apostle didn't rejected Jesus (Luk 12:31-32 --> Acts 1:1-3). Notice the difference compared with (Acts 1:6-7) that's the nation of Israel, not the apostles, and that's the kingdom of heaven, not the kingdom of God there.
      The apostles are baptized by the Spirit (Acts 1:5, Acts 2:1-4) which puts them into the ONE body (1Cor 12:13). The revelation of the mystery is just that, no difference between Jew and gentile into one body. Paul was the minister of the mystery (Eph 3:8-9) but the mystery was also revealed to Peter and the others (Eph 3:5).
      All Bible doctrines must harmonized in perfectly. Just because Peter in Acts 2 was preaching a kingdom message, does not mean he didn't understood the mystery later, read Acts 15:7-11. Pay close attention to this verse:
      Acts 15:11 But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they.
      The "they" are the gentiles, but read the context.
      What you see in Gal 2:8 is the explanation of Gal 2:7, which was at the time of Acts 15.

    • @sirpaul5054
      @sirpaul5054 5 месяцев назад

      @@PsalmChapter117 I agree with the first point but later after that you claimed the baptism in Acts 2 is the holy Spirit putting the 12 in the body of Christ. The acts 2 baptism was prophesied. Peter even says this was spoken of by the prophet Joel in the chapter. It's the remnant of believing Israel about to go through the last days and Daniels 70 week because of Israel's national rejection but the remnant will be preserved.
      However Christ appeared to Paul to reveal revelatory mystery information about the dispensation of the grace of God. Paul was the first member of the church the body of Christ. Members hear and believe the gospel and are sealed with the holy Spirit. They don't wait in an upper room for what is prophesied in Joel to Israel. There were other apostles in the church body of Christ. Timothy, Silvanus, and Epaphroditus are all called apostles by Paul in his letters.
      That's my whole point about Peter not knowing the mystery. You even admitted it. Peter didn't know it till he perceived the grace given to Paul. Even then in 2 Peter he says Paul's epistles have some things hard to understand but are profitable. Paul is the apostle of the gentiles and he preached the unsearchable riches of Christ to the gentiles. Peter and the 12 didn't know it because it was hid in God until Christ appeared to Paul. Peter and the 12 in Acts 15 are looking forward to salvation at the revelation of Jesus Christ. That's why he says it like that in 1 Peter 1

  • @kenricgarrison5046
    @kenricgarrison5046 5 месяцев назад


  • @lagg-alot8308
    @lagg-alot8308 5 месяцев назад

    I knew the love of Christ the second He gave me the Holy Spirit. You do not need to study the bible to get saved. Simply believing Christ died as payment for my sins and asking him to forgive me was what it took. Some people do get a strong feeling when the Holy spirit Comes into them.

    • @Corinna_Schuett_GER
      @Corinna_Schuett_GER 5 месяцев назад

      I didn't even know much about Christ when I was saved but I knew something in my worldview had drastically changed. That was in 2005 related to a personal experience and didn't "switch back" until today. I later read through the book of Job and understood much for the first time ever. Reading the gospel of John, I found myself and the way of spiritual salvation described in chapter 9. Spiritual eyes opened, just like that.

    • @turkwelsch
      @turkwelsch 5 месяцев назад +1

      Studying the Bible is the second part of your salvation, which is known as your sanctification and you do need for that

    • @Corinna_Schuett_GER
      @Corinna_Schuett_GER 5 месяцев назад

      @@turkwelsch Yet you "don't need to study the Bible TO GET SAVED" that's the point. Everything comes AFTER that.

    • @turkwelsch
      @turkwelsch 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@Corinna_Schuett_GER Yet many have been saved as they study the Bible don’t you agree? And if that’s the case, why discourage Bible study for the unsaved?

    • @Corinna_Schuett_GER
      @Corinna_Schuett_GER 5 месяцев назад

      @@turkwelsch I do agree reading the Bible was involved in the salvation of MANY but we cannot make it into a rule for ALL. It's not to discourage but just a FACT how God works individually to save a person to draw them near Christ. In my own case, there were some Christian sermons and texts involved but NOT the Bible at first. Also my personal sin was not involved, at all. I learned to know Jesus and His finished work but later in the process.

  • @Corinna_Schuett_GER
    @Corinna_Schuett_GER 5 месяцев назад

    "Principalities and Powers" such as the "Rulers of this world" in each CONTEXT talk of the hierarchy and influence of *FALLEN ANGELS the minions of SATAN their leader.* This is important to understand! If there's a teaching on reading OT quotes in their proper CONTEXT then read the first book of Henoch as well as it is quoted in the book of Jude. That's where these "principalities and powers" come from! 🙏❤️

    • @cynthiamurphy3669
      @cynthiamurphy3669 5 месяцев назад +4

      You surely know Enoch is NOT inspired scripture. I'm amazed how many people actually want to refer to that book and believe they then can know more than what the 66 books teach. You cannot count on the book of Enoch.

    • @Corinna_Schuett_GER
      @Corinna_Schuett_GER 5 месяцев назад

      @@cynthiamurphy3669 Well, the early church saints knew about that book and cherished it more than the latter church does, obviously. Even if it might not be inspired there's information that explains the context of Jude 1:14-15 "And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, *prophesied of these, saying,* Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him."

    • @cynthiamurphy3669
      @cynthiamurphy3669 5 месяцев назад +5

      Not interested in the "early church saints," sorry. I was raised catholic, and anything that even smells of catholicism is a solid no for me. I know for certain that I dare not rely on an any uninspired writings to help explain something in Jude, a book that is inspired.

    • @Corinna_Schuett_GER
      @Corinna_Schuett_GER 5 месяцев назад

      @@cynthiamurphy3669 Oh I see, that's how Satan succeeded to shut down valid information for "allergic" anti-Catholics like you because they use to now throw the baby with the bathwater altogether. Perfect! 😅👍

    • @eth39232
      @eth39232 5 месяцев назад +3

      @@cynthiamurphy3669 Paul was already warning about grievous wolves in Acts 20:28, so we know that the so-called church fathers are no authority. Already within 100 years after the Lord's return to heaven, the so-called church fathers were already promoting many heresies that are the foundation of Catholic doctrine. We know from II Timothy 1:15 that all those in Asia had turned away from Paul, which would include the Ephesians and Laodiceans (though I believe John wrote Revelation before Paul wrote II Timothy, as Colossians 1:25 tells that Paul's writings fulfilled the word of God).