  • Опубликовано: 20 сен 2024

Комментарии • 94

  • @teddiallen978
    @teddiallen978 2 года назад +109

    Thank you so much for your videos! I’m a L&D nurse and pregnant with my first baby…everyone assumed I’m well prepared for birth based on my career but your birth class and videos have helped me feel so much more secure in my ability to birth and given me so many tools that unfortunately many hospitals in my area don’t focus on.

  • @daughter_of_yeshua
    @daughter_of_yeshua 2 года назад +163

    Pain management tips
    1. De stresser breath
    2. Movement
    3. Affirmation meditation
    4. Comforting touch
    5. Hydrotherapy
    6. Squeezing a comb

  • @TiffNicole
    @TiffNicole 2 года назад +221

    Bridget! I gave birth to my first baby 4 weeks ago and it was the dream birth I prayed for! I know you hear this a lot, but your videos really helped me put fear aside and mentally and physically prepare myself for labor and delivery. I got the natural, unmedicated birth that I wanted and it was so empowering! Thank you for your videos and continuing to encourage mamas through this beautiful time. We were made for this and we CAN. God bless you!

    • @bladynebula346
      @bladynebula346 2 года назад +4

      Thank you for sharing ! So inspirational!

    • @MetalHeadSkull2082
      @MetalHeadSkull2082 2 года назад +5

      That is amazing! I am 6 months pregnant and I have been terrified to give birth but I’m really hoping to have an unmediated birth I always hear how much stronger it makes people feel going all natural

    • @jesystar
      @jesystar 2 года назад

      Can you please give the tips you did that she gave... if it's not too much to ask. (I want to be as prepared as I can)

    • @TiffNicole
      @TiffNicole 2 года назад

      @@MetalHeadSkull2082 how did your birth go??

    • @TiffNicole
      @TiffNicole 2 года назад +22

      @@jesystar the first thing is educating yourself on the process of birth. I found that knowing what to expect was helpful and made going into it less scary. Breathing is key, and focusing your breath on “breathing baby down” with each surge so that you’re working with each contraction instead of tensing up and working against your body. Preparing your body ahead of time worked for me: evening primrose oil suppository vaginally before bed, eating dates, drinking red raspberry leaf tea, perineal stretching, using a birthing ball to stretch, roll my hips, lounge/sit on, staying hydrated, praying for peace. (Started all this around 37 weeks) Obviously check with your healthcare provider before doing anything to make sure it’s all safe for you. Think about pain management, I brought combs to help divert the pain away from contractions(didn’t end up using them), I had the lights in my room off or dimmed and brought battery-powered candles for ambiance, I made a worship music playlist to have playing in the background during labor and delivery, I labored in the tub and highly recommend it if available for you, but if not, use a warm shower, have your husband/partner apply counter pressure on your hips, consider delivering in an upright position or alternative to delivering on your back(gravity is your friend!), use relaxing essential oils if that’s your thing, don’t be afraid to make noise and groan during labor and delivery. I sounded like a cow and was totally okay with it! Also, they don’t care if you poop, I was fully aware that I was 💩 and they just wipe it away and don’t say anything. There is no shame, only a miracle happening, maybe a messy one but it’s the freaking greatest thing I’ve ever done and it gave me a new respect for women and mamas! That’s all I can think of for now, sorry it’s a bit sloppy! You’ve got this! God bless you!!

  • @ladylight007
    @ladylight007 2 года назад +151

    Ladies its definitely mind over matter. You can do it. TRUST ME. It gets uncomfortable but it's not impossible at all. Its actually quite cool how your body helps you. When women said breathing is KEY; its all true lol. Im glad I took advice from mommas who went natural too because I knew what to expect.
    Happy for all you ladies. Blessed Birth!

    • @chibichan1802
      @chibichan1802 2 года назад +3

      This is a very inspiring comment, thank you for the level headed and loving advice!!

    • @nicolepereira3750
      @nicolepereira3750 2 года назад +2

      thank you for this reassuring comment 🤍 i’m so excited to go through the birthing process very soon (with a tinge of anxiety😂)

  • @okubomoi7969
    @okubomoi7969 2 года назад +71

    I followed your breathing techniques that you mentioned here and your other video. I gave birth to my beautiful daughter 4 months ago without any medication. My labor was 23 hours long but l got alot of breaks in between. I didn’t panic nor screamed. I actually smiled and was able to push with no difficulty whatsoever. This is my first baby and my birth story was so positive that l’m willing to have another baby again soon. Due to the pandemic, my husband wasn’t allowed in my labor room. I was so stressed before l went into labor but it went so well. You’re the best!

  • @meliamedaverman3558
    @meliamedaverman3558 2 года назад +20

    am due in March 2022 with my first baby and planning to have unmedicated birth. I'm goin to pray for strength and endurance during labor pains and also taking your advice. I am low tolerance to pain but I believe with the Living God's Grace and Power and taking your advice I can do it.

  • @folaigh4209
    @folaigh4209 2 года назад +62

    I would have never ever believed you beforehand, but YES the breathing techniques helped me immensely!! I was in too much pain and too much in my zone to do anything else or move, but counting my breath 4 in 8 out got me through an unmedicated labour. Make sure you have it in your toolkit, mamas!

    • @maryamshahryar2553
      @maryamshahryar2553 Год назад

      Hello, i need to ask something. Do i need to do "destresser breathing technique" even during labor ? Or just until before labor ? I am 36 week pregnant and doing this breathing technique these days

  • @devsaki
    @devsaki 9 месяцев назад +8

    I've tried many techniques during my labor recently. During initial labor, pain was too little. Any distraction worked. Midway, for about 10 hours: birthing ball bouncing, walking, exercises, breathing - all worked. During active labor, despite being in pool, the only and only thing that worked for me were my husband massaging my hips while we hugged skin to skin. It's very strange how this helped even until 10 cm dilation. This significantly helped in both coping with pain and to speed up labor too. During pushing, nothing really worked but just pushing. Each one is different, and this is how it went for me.

    • @matejapenava4098
      @matejapenava4098 5 месяцев назад

      Makes sense, I imagine skin to skin with your husband got more oxytocin flowing

  • @ZoeSetToKill
    @ZoeSetToKill 2 года назад +27

    Thank you Bridget! I am 31 weeks tomorrow and I am so excited to bring our little girl into this world. I do not fear labor but instead am welcoming it!! I will be sure to use these tools when it happens.

  • @KadabraCasey
    @KadabraCasey Год назад +5

    I gave birth to my first baby 2 weeks ago and I wish I’d watched your videos and started preparing sooner! I really wanted an all natural, unmedicated, birth.
    I ended up going into labor at 10pm on a Wednesday and not sleeping at all, then going to the hospital at 7am the next morning when contractions were 1-3 minutes apart. I labored in the hospital for 12 hours without much progression and finally decided to break my water to speed up dilation, which helped a little, but after 22 hours of labor and no sleep I was exhausted and my body couldn’t relax enough to dilate the last 2 1/2 centimeters. I really didn’t want a c-section so I finally opted for an epidural and was able to get 2 hours of sleep and dilate the rest of the way to start pushing. After 27 hours of labor and an hour and a half of pushing I had my baby girl.
    Not quite what I’d hoped for, but I know next time I’ll be better prepared and able to have the birth experience I want.

  • @kvv90
    @kvv90 Год назад +13

    I watched so many of your videos leading up to the birth of my daughter 6 weeks ago, and they were so helpful! We had a successful home water birth after 12 hours of active labour. I felt so strong and focused during my labour. Naturally nearing the end I was feeling pretty 'over it' and got a little discouraged thinking she'd never come out, but this is why having supportive midwives and my husband was so important. I used deep breathing and of course the warm water and had my husband push on my lower back and I coped really well during my contractions. I absolutely plan to have home water births for all my babies.

  • @margothserrano-alecio4389
    @margothserrano-alecio4389 2 года назад +14

    So i had my baby 6 months ago. And i just want to say, because seeing this reminded me of it, i watched SOOOO many of your videos throughout my pregnancy. And i will have to say that you really really prepared me for when it came time to have my son. THANK YOU! You're breathing techniques and your videos of affirmations are brilliant just like you and your light that shines in this platform!
    Again thank you. I feel like thanks to you and your videos i wasn't afraid of giving birth, I was more excited 😊 you are amazing! Thank you!

  • @aricarosi
    @aricarosi 2 года назад +48

    Today is my due date and baby is not giving much signs of wanting to get out any time this week😅 I'll take this video as a sign of the universe that everything will be great and that she is in fact very close to being born. Thank you for your awesome tips❤ I've binge watched all of your videos!

    • @kikyallen
      @kikyallen 2 года назад +1

      Good luck hunny, remember:you can do this xx

    • @ZoeSetToKill
      @ZoeSetToKill 2 года назад +1

      Good luck!! 🍀👍🏻😊

    • @elizabethj6534
      @elizabethj6534 2 года назад +2

      She’ll come out when she’s ready, I know it’s hard to wait but baby knows when she’s had enough! Nothing wrong with going past the due date. You’ll do amazing! 😄

    • @Maria.J
      @Maria.J 2 года назад +2

      Wish you a peacefull birth with a lot of strenght!
      I am now 8 days over mye due date with baby nr 3, and can't wait! :D
      We just have to take it slow and easy, and realax as much as we can until the labor starts :)

    • @juliequates9529
      @juliequates9529 2 года назад +1

      @@Maria.J praying for a smooth delivery soon! Congrats!

  • @bri220
    @bri220 Год назад +6

    I just had my second unmedicated birth. Husband pressed on my back which helped take my mind off my contractions. And then I made the decision to take a quick nap instead of walking around. The nap must have relaxed me enough because I woke up after only a few minutes ready to push.

  • @ashleychavez9817
    @ashleychavez9817 2 года назад +6

    I am so thankful for your videos! I'm 33 weeks today with my 4th baby, and Lord willing this will be my 4th natural labor. I am more nervous with this one than I was the others. I studied like crazy preparing for the first 2 births but with the third I just didn't even want to think about the pain of labor. That was such a mistake! I was miserable and if she hadn't been a quick delivery I wouldn't have been able to do it. Your videos have encouraged me so much and I'm starting to feel excited about birthing again! They have certainly all been worth it!! 🥰🥰

  • @monaghanfan18
    @monaghanfan18 2 года назад +18

    Dude, I am not pregnant, but wanting to be, and I am dealing with heavy menstrual cramps right now and I did the destressor breaths in the beginning of the video and my cramp pain went away! LOL I don't know if it's all in my head or what, but I'm going to keep doing these for periods too! xD

    • @meliamedaverman3558
      @meliamedaverman3558 2 года назад +1

      Proper breathing actually help ease pain. I breath in and out when I have pain and it help.

  • @charo8518
    @charo8518 2 года назад +7

    Thanks for all your helpful tools! I was listening to your positive birth affirmations while I went into labor with my first (just 2 weeks ago!) and was so wrapped up in the meditation that we got to the birth center and I was 10 cm + 3 cm descending! I didn’t even know what that meant I was so shocked!

  • @sarahe397
    @sarahe397 2 года назад +7

    Really wish I had more confidence going into my unmedicated hospital birth. My L&D nurse forced me to be in the bed on my back and I could hardly lay on my sides without pulling on the painful IV in my hand.. while I was in other positions/on the birth ball I was much more comfortable and I wish I had told the nurse to just leave me alone. Tbh would’ve been better if I had just had the baby at home.

  • @Amy-oz1mn
    @Amy-oz1mn 3 месяца назад +1

    I just has my baby two days ago. Had an induction. I went from being too early for an epidural to too late to epidural. Haven't experienced so much pain in my life. But seeing her beautiful face I forgot all the pains

  • @threearrows2248
    @threearrows2248 2 года назад +5

    Due in 14 days with #3, first homebirth... Thanks for this upload today!

  • @paijelopez6570
    @paijelopez6570 2 года назад +5

    Im 38 weeks and am showing signs labor is near . This will be my third baby but first attempt at unmedicated . Your videos are really helping to relieve alot of the fears and anxiety I have been having! Thank you 💙💙

    • @jules11yates
      @jules11yates 2 года назад

      This will be my first unmedicated too. 5th baby. Would you mind sharing how your experience went?

  • @jamaicarich4673
    @jamaicarich4673 2 года назад +10

    Exactly one week past my due date today 😅 and never heard about the comb technique! Definitely going to add it to the bag. Thanks for the video 😊

  • @Kasumistern
    @Kasumistern 2 года назад +3

    I love how you are so calm and informative. It really takes away a lot of the anxiety.

  • @ShadesofSage
    @ShadesofSage 2 года назад +10

    Love this! I’m a momma of 3 and a birth doula also🤗! Never had an epidural and so far none of my clients🤞🏿! I also share motherhood/doula tips on my channel 😀! Hoping I can do the same with baby #4🙏🏿! Thanks for sharing ❤️!

  • @thestroners6140
    @thestroners6140 2 года назад +6

    This has me so excited for having a VBAC (hopefully) this pregnancy. With my first pregnancy, I was terrified of birth whether it be vaginal or c-section (I'm a high risk due to my type 1 diabetes so I knew from the beginning that a c-section may come up and unfortunately it was what we had to do). This time around, I've been assured by my awesome MFM doctors that a VBAC seems within reach this time and I could not be more excited! I'm not sure why I am excited but I just feel ready for it and empowered just thinking about it! I really want to do it naturally and not have an epidural, and your videos make me feel like I can! I'm currently 24 weeks and 3 days (early to be thinking about birth but I'm just so excited this go round, not in fear like last time).

    • @cherrypie7861
      @cherrypie7861 Год назад

      Did you end up having your VBAC?

    • @thestroners6140
      @thestroners6140 Год назад

      @cherrypie7861 unfortunately I did not. I went into spontaneous labor at 34 weeks and during a contraction I had a placental abruption and had to have an emergency c-section

  • @threearrows2248
    @threearrows2248 2 года назад +18

    I told my husband that I'm going to need him to massage and touch my pressure points during labor, and he reminded me that during both my previous labors, I was totally in my own world and never wanted him to touch me once 😬

    • @rawrnkitty
      @rawrnkitty 2 года назад +1

      Haha, same thing happened with my first labor. I had told my husband about some pressure points. When strong contractions started, I had really bad back labor and was puking from the pain.
      He was trying to comfort me with touch and the pressure points but the last thing I wanted was to be touched during that time. I’m due with #2 next week and hoping this time will be different and we can utilize those pressure points now.

    • @threearrows2248
      @threearrows2248 2 года назад

      @@rawrnkitty I had my 3rd 7 weeks ago and my husband almost sprained a wrist rubbing my back during every contraction. It helped so much! This was also my first home and water birth. Amazing how different every labor is. Best of luck to you!

  • @GracefullyGracious
    @GracefullyGracious 2 года назад +1

    Omgosh you are sent from heaven 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I thank God for your life. This is amazing information thank you sooooo much

  • @priyankaapari
    @priyankaapari 4 месяца назад

    I am in 35 weeks birthing terrifies me don’t know if i can do this but trying my best☺️ hopefully i go through this smoothly

  • @tripleS1906
    @tripleS1906 2 года назад +3

    Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge! A friend directed me to your videos early on in my pregnancy and I've learned so much from you! Baby boy still isn't here and I'm 4 days over his due date but your videos help remind me what my "whys" are for this birth!

    • @juliequates9529
      @juliequates9529 2 года назад

      Praying you have an amazing birth soon! Congrats!

  • @neetikavats3026
    @neetikavats3026 2 года назад +1

    Your videos have been absolute bliss 😁 Thank you so much for sharing the information and helping us get through all this naturally !!!
    Keep up the excellent stuff

  • @BabySleepTeam
    @BabySleepTeam 2 года назад +2

    Thanks so much for your great tips! Love your tip on movement as it's definitely a great reminder for how this can help with the birth :)

  • @Maria.J
    @Maria.J 2 года назад +2

    Thank you! I needed this summeray of the other videos I have watched by you of how to have a natural birth.
    I am now waiting on my 3th baby and I am 8 days over my due date. Can't wait for this baby to come haha!

  • @jules11yates
    @jules11yates 2 года назад

    I am preggo with baby #5 (36 weeks) and hoping for a natural and non-medicated birth this time. 3 others were with epidurals and one was without, but I was induced, so it was really painful and traumatic, and I couldn’t move around on or off the bed at the hospital. This time, I plan on talking to my OB (ahead of time) about my birth plan and speaking up for myself with the nurses. I have not heard of the comb technique so I’m really excited about that! Distraction is a great tool!

  • @Nique1920
    @Nique1920 2 года назад

    I’m getting induced due to controlled chronic hypertension in 5 - 6 weeks. Thank you so much!!

  • @EnixQueen
    @EnixQueen 2 года назад +7

    Am I the only one who doesn't like to be spoken to or touched while in labor? 😂

    • @rawrnkitty
      @rawrnkitty 2 года назад +1

      I know for sure in my first labor I just wanted to concentrate and was in too much pain with back labor so I didn’t want my husband to touch or talk to me, I felt bad after bc he was trying to comfort me 😂
      I’m due with #2 next week and have wondered if I’ll want him to be quiet and not touch me this time around as well

  • @kenyiata2
    @kenyiata2 8 месяцев назад

    This is so helpful! Thank you so much

  • @chiiquiis22
    @chiiquiis22 2 года назад +1

    Love the video, I would like to see a video how to induce your labor naturally, I have a friend who is 40 weeks and still is 0 cm, she wants to start her own labor, any tips, or video

  • @DreamingTeen
    @DreamingTeen 2 года назад +1

    38 weeks today and have some combs packed in my hospital bag!

  • @Lh02208
    @Lh02208 Год назад

    Question! How do I know my water has broken if I am doing hydrotherapy? I would love to use this method, but I am afraid I won’t notice when it does because I’ll already be soaked in water.

  • @ramonanaidoo3824
    @ramonanaidoo3824 Год назад +1

    Im having my first baby alone unmediated im abit scared moms please keep me in your prayers

    • @lnajjemba
      @lnajjemba Год назад

      Hope everything went well!

  • @allisonowens8127
    @allisonowens8127 2 года назад +3

    Hello! I’m currently 38weeks and found out baby is sunny side up!😕 I couldn’t find a video from you on how I can flip him in time for labor. I’d love your advice!!

    • @maggieparr2744
      @maggieparr2744 2 года назад +1

      She has an older video I used over a year ago for my first baby on inducing labor or progressing labor I can’t remember exactly the title but using the yoga ball to do figure 8 circles and walking are two key things to help baby rotate. Her video really helped me have a 4 hour labor on my first child. Definitely worth checking out

    • @SafaRaghib
      @SafaRaghib 2 года назад

      Go to her pregnancy playlist, i think the video is called engaging baby in pelvis

    • @threearrows2248
      @threearrows2248 2 года назад +1

      She talks a lot about leaning forward while sitting, getting on all 4s, leaning forward and resting on a yoga ball or something else and moving your hips left to right and in a figure 8. Just think to lean forward!

    • @ShadesofSage
      @ShadesofSage 2 года назад +2

      @ Allison Owens Hi 👋🏿! My last baby was breech too and I was able to flip him naturally in time for birth🙌🏿! I made a video on my channel if you’re interested. All the best momma 🙏🏿!

  • @amirahabdi
    @amirahabdi 5 месяцев назад

    I gave birth 2 weeks ago trust me when the contractions get intense everything you have learned goes out the window, and you find yourself screaming in pain and wanting it to just STOP

  • @MsMeg1012
    @MsMeg1012 7 месяцев назад

    Hey Bridget! :) Is the course in USD?

  • @naturallymemarie9650
    @naturallymemarie9650 2 года назад

    I'm currently 36 weeks and I want to have a natural birth but im scared. This is my second baby. My first son, I was in labor for 28 hours and I felt like it was too unbearable to not have an epidural especially because they gave me pitocin which made everything worse. I had a medicated vaginal delivery. Now that im on baby number 2 I want to have a natural water birth but I'm so afraid I will chicken out and opt for the epidural.

  • @Bornman86
    @Bornman86 2 года назад +1

    Hi Bridget, have been enjoying your videos and very helpful. I am expecting my second after have my first born 10 years ago. I had a horrible experience the first time, my birthplan was was decided by Dr without telling me anything. So being worried about all things that comes with a newborn, how do you deal with Covid in hospitals, if you know you are going to have a newborn in 8 weeks?

    • @jaquirox6579
      @jaquirox6579 2 года назад

      How was your birth mama?

    • @Bornman86
      @Bornman86 2 года назад +1

      @@jaquirox6579 This round I made my Birth Plan clear wanted Normal but then decided to go with C-Section. My body was just too tired just as well because little one had his cord wrapped twice around his neck. He was bit blue but not long and he gave his first cry in the world. It’s been 7 months and still recovering from surgery. But I think plans played out as best as it could. Day to day challenges are there trying to protect our kids from the world.

    • @jaquirox6579
      @jaquirox6579 2 года назад

      @@Bornman86 I’m so glad to hear that you and baby are doing well!! ♥️🙏🏽 So with your making your birth plan very clear, and the education around, did you feel more in control and good about the birth overall? My fist was also very thematic, which was 6 years ago now. I’m glad that your physicians saw the cord being wrapped, and were able to intervene and make sure you and baby were ok. You sound like you feel completely at ease about the csection delivery, so do you still feel that way postpartum? And did all of that emotional acceptance just come because you were so educated this time, and actually in control of it? I’m telling myself that that’s the truth, and working on my education now actively, but I just wonder if when rubber meets the road and you have an unexpected labor decision to make, postpartum do you really still feel ok about it all?
      I was just so very severely traumatized with what happened with my first. I still don’t even have the answers and explanations for what they did to me. But that’s what I’m working on uncovering now, so I can replace education with the fear. Was there anything specific that you really needed to find out for your own personal healing? Thank you sis for talking with me btw. ♥️🙏🏽♥️

    • @Bornman86
      @Bornman86 2 года назад +1

      @@jaquirox6579 Physician was planning on normal birth plan, he had no idea that the cord was wrapped around little one, but as mention my body was tired and couldn’t wait. Maybe education, experience, Guardian Angel and/or mommy instinct made me change my birth plan that possibly saved my second born’s life. You are older, educated and experienced mom now and believe me - your heart, your body just knows you made the best decision at that moment making emotional acceptance a given! When that little human takes his first breathe that is the moment you should accept! That is when I did. Best of luck! Much love!

    • @jaquirox6579
      @jaquirox6579 2 года назад

      @@Bornman86 What beautiful words!! Thank you so much for saying all of that to me. I really am a completely different person now, being a mother for so many years, living and learning. Thank you for pointing that out. I haven’t ever had anyone to talk about the traumatic birth with, so this…. This was everything.
      I’m so glad that your caretakers in birth were much better, and that together you guys chose the best possible decisions for what was needed. Even without knowing consciously about the cord. God is always good, and I’m so glad that your baby came into this world healthy and whole and breathing. That really is everything. But also look how great you did with labor this time too!!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
      Hearing your story really is an inspiring one. You went into the labor so prepared and equipped, and even though you ended up needing a C-section, you literally did everything so very well. I’m really glad that you have emotional peace over the csection, and that you gave informed consent for it, and that it all worked out perfectly for God’s will. And for me, it’s good to hear that a C-section can happen, and it not be a terror and trauma. Thank you sis for chatting. ♥️🙏🏽♥️

  • @101AstyMasty
    @101AstyMasty 2 года назад +3

    My due date is today, November 14. Baby is still snuggled up in my belly.
    Where I live, we are not given an option to change positions, in fact, almost all women I know are induced, laid on their back and forced to push that way. When I asked my OB is it possible to ask for a different position, he said - not likely, especially since this is my first pregnancy. It's easier for them to handle us if something goes wrong.
    I really resent that and I wish there were more options ... We don't even have doulas and no support. Oh, and if you scream, you might get scolded for that.
    There's only one hospital in my vicinity where I can have my baby and it's not my hometown, it's 30 kilometers away ... Sucks ...
    With all of that, I'll do my best to use at least some of the techniques you provided.

    • @Glamrock-fw3so
      @Glamrock-fw3so 2 года назад +7

      Hospital policies are not law. You can push in any position you want! Don’t let them bully you. It’ll be a lawsuit if they do 👍🏾

    • @meliamedaverman3558
      @meliamedaverman3558 2 года назад

      Girl I have already made my mind up that nobody telling me I can't do different positions. Imma get up if I feel the need and give birth on a different positions. I will just ignore them If they say I can't. I am planning to have most of my labor at home and If I give birth at home so be it.

    • @bananasmatter1321
      @bananasmatter1321 Год назад

      Cite the WHO policies next time you have an appointment. A lot of Bridget's ideas and suggestions are also the WHO's recommendations. They'll be scared to deny them if you bring them up 😎
      Be strong and know what you want. They can't force you to do anything you don't want to. You might be a force of change :)

  • @popchinesemusic2023
    @popchinesemusic2023 2 года назад

    Whoever is reading this I just want to say that hey you're not alone. Stay connected 😜😘😍😜

  • @matildanelbosco7471
    @matildanelbosco7471 2 года назад
