How Hungary Finally Crushed The Mongols

  • Опубликовано: 3 дек 2024

Комментарии • 52

  • @jozsinagy9833
    @jozsinagy9833 Месяц назад +9

    Thanks for the video. The video does not focus on the first Mongol invasion, but let me note that the battle of Muhi was not so one-sided. According to Mongolian sources, it was one of their toughest battles, Batu considered retreating after his own bodyguards fell, Subotai saved him at the last moment with the encircling maneuver. After that, the Hungarians were indeed defeated, but the Mongol defeats played a major role in the withdrawal of the Mongols in 1242. The sources also mention that the Mongols maintained two cemeteries at that time, and only those who perished in Hungary in 1241-42 were buried in one. So the first campaign was not a complete success, and the second was a complete failure for them.

    • @auntiesemite9295
      @auntiesemite9295 Месяц назад

      Ironically, the Mongols matured and reverted to Islam while the hungarians sought depravity and followed the dev IL.

    • @HistoricalVeils
      @HistoricalVeils  Месяц назад

      Good point! The battle of Muhi was indeed challenging for both sides.

  • @Erkele
    @Erkele Месяц назад +1

    Good job Unkari

  • @joecoxy2
    @joecoxy2 Месяц назад +3

    Hungary had one of the largest armies in Europe at that time with 100 000.

    • @HistoricalVeils
      @HistoricalVeils  Месяц назад

      Indeed, Hungary fielded one of the largest armies of the time.

  • @briztrav3071
    @briztrav3071 Месяц назад +2

    I’m sorry but Hungary was not a small country in the Middle Ages. In fact it was one of the great powerhouses of Europe that time.

    • @HistoricalVeils
      @HistoricalVeils  Месяц назад +1

      Exactly, Hungary was one of the major powers during that era.

  • @persimmontea6383
    @persimmontea6383 Месяц назад +9

    Text seems ok. But what is with the utterly wrong uniforms and wacky images? Really, how hard is it to edit AI?

    • @HistoricalVeils
      @HistoricalVeils  Месяц назад +3

      Thank you for pointing that out! We're constantly working to improve the accuracy of our visuals. AI-generated images sometimes miss the mark, but we'll make sure to review and refine them for future videos. Your feedback is really appreciated!

  • @hunguy3280
    @hunguy3280 Месяц назад +2

    We have to learn from this History, from loosing to achieving final to victory. We have to reach Economic and Political stability for the present and plan for the future successes.

    • @HistoricalVeils
      @HistoricalVeils  Месяц назад

      Absolutely! History teaches us valuable lessons about perseverance and planning for future success. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

    • @hunguy3280
      @hunguy3280 Месяц назад +2

      @@HistoricalVeils We have a lot to catch up. We lost 75% of our land mass and 60% of our population after World War 1. Some 40% was returned prior to World War2 but the Anglo-Saxon powers with the assistance of the Soviets, they again stole back these territories under the Paris Peace Treaty, signed in February 1947, territories that we have managed to regain and subsequently lost again. As a result, our ethnic brother Hungarians are once again are in captivity, as second class citizens in the captured lands of the Carpathian Basin, which for 1,000 years was the Kingdom of Hungary. This is one reason why we must learn about our past history, in order to learn about the injustices of today and the past. Unfortunately for some people such response will be treated as a laughing matter.

    • @alanclark4722
      @alanclark4722 Месяц назад

      @@hunguy3280 Anglo saxon powers lol

    • @hunguy3280
      @hunguy3280 Месяц назад

      @@alanclark4722 Yes the Anglo - Saxon powers, consisting in the main as Major Decision Powers of the World, this being the USA and UK. What is funny about that? Would you be prepared to discuss this further? I presume you are British and for that reason you are in a laughing fit like your friend Kamala Harris?

    • @attilatasciko4817
      @attilatasciko4817 Месяц назад

      ​@@alanclark4722< jee , the vatikan - jahusalem - washington triangel . 😌😏

  • @ijbalazs
    @ijbalazs Месяц назад +1

    The king was not "Bella" but Béla. "Béla knew what was at stake."

    • @HistoricalVeils
      @HistoricalVeils  29 дней назад

      Thank you for correcting that! Yes, King Béla made difficult choices in a very challenging time. I appreciate your insight!

  • @ReynashBehnchod69
    @ReynashBehnchod69 Месяц назад +4

    why the American no helping them?

    • @DelapazTotong
      @DelapazTotong Месяц назад +2

      US doesn't exist that time.

    • @ReynashBehnchod69
      @ReynashBehnchod69 Месяц назад

      @@DelapazTotong false

    • @HistoricalVeils
      @HistoricalVeils  Месяц назад

      The U.S. didn't exist back then. The Mongol invasions happened centuries earlier.

  • @latakicsi2183
    @latakicsi2183 Месяц назад +2

    The 1st mongol invasion lasted 8 months or longer and mongols suffered heavy loses too... hence their retreatment, and Hungary did defeat the mongols with the polish kings but later /the 2nd and 3rd mongol invasion/ ....hungarian archeologists recently excaveted about a dozen of massgraves on Alfold/Plain with only women and children skeletons.... complet villages and towns were wiped out that area suffered 70-80% population loss and Julianus was a hungarian monks

    • @HistoricalVeils
      @HistoricalVeils  29 дней назад

      This is an excellent summary! The archaeological findings reveal a tragic part of history. Thank you for sharing these important details!

  • @bjrnolavbirkeland1455
    @bjrnolavbirkeland1455 Месяц назад +1

    AI illustrasjonene er en smule kunstige, og helt unødvendige

    • @HistoricalVeils
      @HistoricalVeils  29 дней назад +1

      Thank you for your feedback. I'll keep that in mind as I work to improve the visuals in future videos.

  • @attilatasciko4817
    @attilatasciko4817 Месяц назад +5

    " Small country " = In 1242 hungary was reduced ready its territory , but in europian continent size countries hungary was not small . The world leaders made todays border in 1920 in Trianon - Paris . Until that June 04 , 1920 was a major influancer country in everything . Etc...

    • @HistoricalVeils
      @HistoricalVeils  Месяц назад +1

      Thank you for pointing that out! Hungary's territorial changes over the centuries are definitely a significant part of its history.

    • @latakicsi2183
      @latakicsi2183 Месяц назад +1

      @@HistoricalVeils actually that time hungary was 3times bigger than today and richer than england or the majority of other european countries

  • @balintmaller6375
    @balintmaller6375 Месяц назад +3

    Juliánus magyar szerzetes volt, aki a testvéreink keresésére indult, ekkor értesült a mongol veszedelemről. (Magna Hungária) Ez állam két évig állt ellen a mongoloknak. Tehát J. nem mongol követ volt. Ezt javítani szükséges!

    • @HistoricalVeils
      @HistoricalVeils  Месяц назад

      Thank you for your correction! I will look into that detail and ensure that the information is accurate.

    • @balintmaller6375
      @balintmaller6375 Месяц назад

      @@HistoricalVeils Keresd a Wikipedi azövegében.
      "Julianus barát magyar Domonkos-rendi szerzetes volt, aki Gerhardusszal és még néhány szerzetestársával két utazást tett, hogy megkeresse a magyarok őshazáját Keleten.
      A Julianus barát két útjáról készült feljegyzéseket a vatikáni levéltár őrzi."

  • @PeterMaXXHorvath
    @PeterMaXXHorvath Месяц назад +3

    Nice to hear. But you know, Hungary did not defeat the mongols and they exterminated about 2/3 of the population. :-( They have also played a role in the disappearance of the traditional Hungarian royal family (House of Arpad) in 1301.

    • @HistoricalVeils
      @HistoricalVeils  Месяц назад +1

      You raise a valid point. While Hungary did not defeat the Mongols in the traditional sense, the video focuses on the eventual end of the Mongol invasions. We appreciate your historical insights!

    • @latakicsi2183
      @latakicsi2183 Месяц назад

      wrong, Hungary did defeat the mongols with the polish but later /the 2nd and 3rd mongol invasion/

  • @manichaean1888
    @manichaean1888 Месяц назад +4

    Hungary didn't crush the Mongols. They had to withdraw because of the theath of the Great Khan and also due to overstretched communication lines.

    • @latakicsi2183
      @latakicsi2183 Месяц назад +4

      partly true , the 1st mongol invasion lasted 6-8 months and mongols suffered heavy loses too hence their retreatment, and Hungary did defeat the mongols with the polish kings but later /the 2nd and 3rd mongol invasion/

    • @szaboattila844
      @szaboattila844 Месяц назад +2

      Do not comment if you are not informed. You are confusing the invasions (or you think there was only one) There were 2 major attacks by the Mongols against the Kingdom of Hungary: the first in 1241, by Batu-khan, when Hungary was devastated (Battle of Mohi), and was saved by the death of the Great Khan, which made the Mongol army return to Asia (that's what you're referring to) The second major invasion was in 1285 (that's what the title refers to) when the Kingdom of Hungary successfully and decisively rejected the Mongol invasion led by Talabuga - khan.

    • @HistoricalVeils
      @HistoricalVeils  Месяц назад

      Correct, the Mongols had to withdraw due to leadership issues and logistical challenges.

  • @MartinH52
    @MartinH52 Месяц назад +2

    left after 10 seconds, because of the disturbing subtitles

    • @HistoricalVeils
      @HistoricalVeils  Месяц назад

      Thank you for your feedback. We will review the subtitles and make necessary improvements to enhance your viewing experience.

  • @attilatasciko4817
    @attilatasciko4817 Месяц назад +3

    Psst = The mongol + tatars + other , came to hungary to push out the judeochristian leadership , to free up hungarians , and establish the old hungarian system . The united forces failed , because they forces attacked poland , hungary and the southern europian countries , instead of one by one ! They didn't came to central europe to conquer , but free up them from vatikan . Etc..

    • @HistoricalVeils
      @HistoricalVeils  Месяц назад

      Interesting perspective! The focus of this video is mainly on the military conflict, but the broader political and religious motivations are also worth exploring. Thank you for sharing!

    • @bodgan8800
      @bodgan8800 Месяц назад

      ​@@HistoricalVeils, attila "the hun" is just eating sh**t 😂

    • @datasilv
      @datasilv Месяц назад

      És úgy jöttek ide, a "Magyaroknak segíteni", hogy helyenként kiirtották a szín magyar lakosság felét, 2/3-át? --- Ekkora baromságot írsz? --- a magyarok genetikailag Ős-Európai népesség, 35 ezer éve itt élünk. A "Hunok" 1%-ban hordoznak Ázsiai géneket, mindösszesen ennyit vettek magukhoz. Ide nem Hódítóként érkeztek, hanem vissza érkeztek a Kárpát-medencébe, az Ős hazájukba. - Gondolod, hogy a Mongólok az oroszoknak, Lengyeleknek, a Törököknek-Araboknak is felszabadulást akartak hozni? - mert mindenütt felfoghatatlan gyalázatos népírtást csináltak... A tatár betörések egyébként évszázadokig folytak. Pl. 1658, 1661, 1662, és lerombolták Gyulafehérvárt, a Magyar Fejedelemség központját, kb. 1,5 millió írásos emléket, okleveleket, tekercseket égettek el. Elégették a Múltunk jelentős részét! Itt is minket akartak kiszabadítani??? --- Európában vagyunk, ez az otthonunk.

  • @johnester11
    @johnester11 Месяц назад +2

    The birth of the Hussars. BTW, there was no such thing as "ruSSia " in this time period.

    • @HistoricalVeils
      @HistoricalVeils  Месяц назад

      Absolutely, Hussars were born in Hungary, and Russia as we know it didn’t exist.