This here is a short version of this video, here isnt every information included but very much. If u want spare time just read this. 1 - Clear 1st minion wave before 2nd arrives. 2 - Watch exp bar, engage as lvl up (Powerspike, lvl advantage). 3 - Ward the bush as you run back (before u getting pushed in). 4 - Focusing supports can stop them engaging (Free dmg, only when they got cd). 5 - Warlords Bloodlust=More aggro,heal back after. 6 - Fevor of Battle=Extended fights,bit more careful. 7 - Play vs support ignite = Kill pressure + Have to heal earlier. 8 - Play vs support exhaust = bait it, run back, go again in after. 9 - Watch when botlane arrives, so you know where jungler is (Gank prediction). 10 - Stand above/left of the tower, not below it (No space to dodge). 11 - Warding / Pushing = Ward closer to their tower. Left/right river, tribush. Being pushed = Ward closest to your tower. Left = Tribush , Right = River bush. 12 - Enemy recall = Try to push wave into tower (They miss cs, but care ganks). 13 - If you recall first, try to do it on a cannon wave (Absorbs more dmg, more exp). 14 - Stand behind or the side of your support (Absorb some dmg). 15 - Watch their behaviour to know when ganked (Enemy playstyle, deep ward when stealth junglers like evelyn or high mobilty junglers like zac, watch buff timer). 16 - Stand behind minions to dodge/reduce dmg of skillshots (Caitlyn, Ezreal). More advanced: (More thinking things, either higher elo). 1 - Them taking bad trades could mean being ganked. 2 - Stand bottom side of the lane so have more time to react to ganks. 3 - Watch how you other lanes are doing (aware ganks) 4 - Ideal lane is pushing moste of the time (pressure,miss cs). 5 - Earlier roams are good if mid has no wave clear (Kills, objectives). 6 - With a lead, invade enemy jungler with yours (3 camps = kill). 7 - Before (All in ) fight know = Jungler, tp cd + Mid position. Like this comment so others see it to !
I just was wondering I am a vayne main and now its rarly to see her not banned so I played with jhin and ezreal alot but when I look at ez he has diffrent play style he is alot safyer than vayne and his lane is better and he dosent suck with assasins but when I look at jhin he suck vs assasins his auto range not so good and he slow to do damage vs tanks so what makes jhin better than vayne or any other adc or what situations make him a good choice please answer
Depends, if they cannot outrange your poke from q as soraka it is easy trading from you as your effective area is bigger than theirs. If they have more range or can get to you easily it is better to stay behind your adc and heal them up after a trade. Ofcourse participating in trades as well. As Janna you can pressure hard with a shield then trading the enemy AD or support. The main role of a Janna is to kite but she can trade in lane easily as she gets bonus AD and health from her shield. Don't shield the ADC before a trade and tell them to go in tho. As this usually leaves 50% of the shield duration useless and its better to shield onde your ADc starts taking damage or is about to get hit.
You saw what kind of picks they are playing? And the Top 10 dont make the meta. They are there for a reason. The common player is just not able to play adc on the same level.
Epicorax normal adc picks the top 10 shows that u can pick adc if u are good. if the common adc is worse than the others roles at the moment, then the top 10 adc player should be also worse than the other role top 10 players. But they are not. So adc is playable like every other role
I just realized you used a game I was in. This is the MF chroma skin I always use and the Karma support I got versus the exact same botlane and skins. Is this a random replay or one of yours ?
Would also add to the reading your enemy part. If your enemy laners and have been keeping the lane even, but then suddenly are letting you push them in, they are trying to set up a gank.
Very informative, I've been applying your tips and tricks to my play style with a few tweaks here and there. I thank you good sir, you're a saint. Keep 'em coming.
Wow awesome tips man! I'm just getting back into LoL after being away for about 4 seasons and this was just such great tips. I actually really like your logic woth pushing the lane, I always thought I was smart not pushing and keeping it in the middle or close middle to my tower but slamming it into theirs and really watching their jungler makes a ton of sense
"Adc in 2017 LUL" Yes, in lower elos it's stil retardedly op when a fed Jhin 1 shots you with 4th shot or when a jinx gets spoonfed 10/0 early game thanks to shit bot lane, or when late game kicks in and the enemy has a vayne... There's always 1 fed bot lane and 1 bad bot lane.
How to turn everything against zed..? Okay. I can tilt you with every single adc go all in with mechanical w+w+r+e+q but before you can hit me with the full combo ,immediately after zeds ult,i use my flash infront ..What do you do next ?? Your q and e can't harm me and you are in the middle of my team with no spells left and im alive on 50+% health...insta dead zed!even if you try "w/r" you are still pretty much useless and dead
+StikI I agree a good zed player knows or at least have a knowledge when to burst and how to burst adc actually zed doesn't need his ult 1 shotting the adc if he has duskblade and dirk all you need to do is his normal combo w+e+q+w+aa then electrocute procs done
So sometime towards the end of S6 i decided to become an ADC main instead of a sup. I thought at the time it'd be easier to climb as ADC. Well everyone knows what a great decision that was now... but I'm not ready to throw in the gauntlet yet. Phy, thank you for giving ADC mains a hope. This was some really helpful stuff. Honestly I would have never thought of the whole 'don't kill canon minion' wave before B-ing.
Hey Phy, I think you missed out on one more tip: - When you get the first tower bot try to roam mid and seige the mid tower. You don't even know how many games you win by doing this.
Well look at that! Content that actually justifies the +10 minute mark :) not like some other youtubers who just talk slower and explain every sentence twice just to hit it *cough*gamingcurios*cough* Keep it up!
As an ADC main too, i'm giving you 5 tips how to be a better ADC player 1. Learn to freeze a lane. 2. Every 3 minion kill look to the map, trust me by doing this you'll save your life including your support, and ward some bushes especially the dead bush. 3. Harass the enemy ADC at level 4, why? because at level 4 you and your support have the 2 points at your harassing skill, don't go aggro at the enemy at level 1,2,3 just go farming some creeps and at level go harass the enemy carry. 4. If you can't harass the enemy carry then focus on the enemy support, because of that it would take time for the enemy to set or engage giving time for you to harass the enemy carry while you can farm. 5. Pushing the enemy tower at level 5 or 6, why? because at level 4 you would start harassing the enemy bot lane, and after that you still freeze the lane and wait for level 5 then you will push the whole minion wave to the tower, and don't worry about ganks, because the enemy jungler is still farming just dont forget to ward in the bushes. IF you keep this tips in your mind, trust me you'll be a better ADC
Hey Phy, support main here. I do agree with your example regarding Sona/Ezreal vs Caitlyn/Karma, however, Sona's better at 'attacking' then defending, play with her like you've got a permanent 45% cdr Janna shield. Sona blocks more damage then she heals. She also heals 2 people. She turns uncoordinated scuffles and brawls into a victory. The best way to beat Sona is single target focused damage. Sona's W costs a ridiculous amount of mana for the amount healed. So forcing her to use all her mana up on healing 1 person. That's how you beat Sona.
Talking about Sona and Karma.. My top 2 supports :') Lmao I found so many mistakes there.. But I'm not bothered by it since I never expect any adc to know what my champ is best at.
very good video, altough I don't agree with statement "if Ezreal can't hit you with Q he basically has no damage", even early on, if Ezreal can stack 8 fervor stacks through autoattacks, he actually deals suprising amount of damage
can you do one of these for supp as well? I know a lot of the tips will be the same but there are a few unique ones that i can think of for the supp, and as i play both adc and supp a lot, it would be very useful. Also the link to pro-guides appears to be missing in the description.
Another tip for my fellow adc mains, if your economy is enough, get last whisper after core build. It allows you to do damage to tanks and to mages with zhongyas as most tanks and brutes would probably have a completed tank item and it's hard to do damage to them. Then you can rush bloodthirster because enemy adc will be probably building it as you are building it too.
I like to call Dominik the "God AD item", why? It's like Vayne's bolts, always does a % of dmg ajusted to the target, which mean that it doesn't matters if you use it against Tanks or Mages, it always do a % of dmg ajusted to it, being a pain in the ass. Obviously, it works more on tanks cuz a lot of HP goes down, but bro, is just the top tier item.
Real quick correction. You said to stay behind minions when against a caitlyn, this is wrong. The whole point of cait is she wants to push in the wave, and harass under turret. So she wants to q the wave. So by standing behind minions she can not only benefit from hitting you, but she maintains her goal and pushes the wave. If you stand away from minions, yes, you take more damage, but she can't push you in as easily.
haha, I've watched this video before. now that I'm watching it again I can see that I'm doing almost all the things you mentioned since then, and it helped me play bot-lane better as a support or adc. thnx man.
"and you probably should have expected it." Basically how i'm learning today lol. Every time I die i'm asking myself if I had enough info to not die, or was bad play from me/good from them. Fixing next one.
also; when yer jungler tells you to come dragon and your support already left to help him, make sure that u have pushed the lane before moving into the river-jungle so the enemy teams minions cant give them vision on where you are going; they will prob think you are recalling; but when the lane isnt pushed and you walk to the jungle its obvious that you are doing dragon
I started playing ADC this year and I'm loving it. All this ADC in 2017 meme are just shitters/bad players that don't know how to position themselves or have a support that doesn't ward efficiently.
As someone who doesn't have the comparison, it's really hard to judge. It's just like people who only started playing league in S5 who don't get why S1 people are complaining about the game becoming more and more unreliable. Ofc you can still do amazing things with ADCs. But it's simply true that by now other roles are in general stronger than ADCs (there are always exceptions) and Riot prefers to work on them. It's ridiculous, that team comps that don't have an ADC are even viable. I've been an ADC main for years and there is a pattern observable. So, yeah. The memes are obviously exaggerated, but there is some truth to them.
Yeah, even as a Bronze ADC main, i know that warding is extremely important and helps out a ton, but it kills me when my ADC/Supp partner(depending on which i queue up as) doesnt ward and then blames me when we get ganked even though ive placed 4 out of our 5 total wards xD
This here is a short version of this video, here isnt every information included but very much. If u want spare time just read this.
1 - Clear 1st minion wave before 2nd arrives.
2 - Watch exp bar, engage as lvl up (Powerspike, lvl advantage).
3 - Ward the bush as you run back (before u getting pushed in).
4 - Focusing supports can stop them engaging (Free dmg, only when they got cd).
5 - Warlords Bloodlust=More aggro,heal back after.
6 - Fevor of Battle=Extended fights,bit more careful.
7 - Play vs support ignite = Kill pressure + Have to heal earlier.
8 - Play vs support exhaust = bait it, run back, go again in after.
9 - Watch when botlane arrives, so you know where jungler is (Gank prediction).
10 - Stand above/left of the tower, not below it (No space to dodge).
11 - Warding / Pushing = Ward closer to their tower. Left/right river, tribush.
Being pushed = Ward closest to your tower. Left = Tribush , Right = River bush.
12 - Enemy recall = Try to push wave into tower (They miss cs, but care ganks).
13 - If you recall first, try to do it on a cannon wave (Absorbs more dmg, more exp).
14 - Stand behind or the side of your support (Absorb some dmg).
15 - Watch their behaviour to know when ganked (Enemy playstyle, deep ward when stealth junglers like evelyn or high mobilty junglers like zac, watch buff timer).
16 - Stand behind minions to dodge/reduce dmg of skillshots (Caitlyn, Ezreal).
More advanced: (More thinking things, either higher elo).
1 - Them taking bad trades could mean being ganked.
2 - Stand bottom side of the lane so have more time to react to ganks.
3 - Watch how you other lanes are doing (aware ganks)
4 - Ideal lane is pushing moste of the time (pressure,miss cs).
5 - Earlier roams are good if mid has no wave clear (Kills, objectives).
6 - With a lead, invade enemy jungler with yours (3 camps = kill).
7 - Before (All in ) fight know = Jungler, tp cd + Mid position.
Like this comment so others see it to !
This was just what I was going to suggest. With the play minutes added for each topic would be much easier to get into the info!
you're a fcking hero
7 - Before (All in ) fight know = Jungler, tp cd + Mid position. best tip ever :P i need to practice this
takes as much time to read as watch the video tho
I feel sorry for you, if you need 12 minutes to read and understand that.
Tried to go over stuff that is just not as obvious, more "advanced ones" at the end that I don't think you need until plat or diamond+!
Kennen I try looking for them but they disappear instantly
Legend says that long time ago botlane was dominated by auto-attack based champions, which main task was to carry the teams lategame with AD damage.
Phylol have been struggling to keep onto my adc as main role in season 7. Interesting video and should keep me in check. Keep up the good work man
I just was wondering I am a vayne main and now its rarly to see her not banned so I played with jhin and ezreal alot but when I look at ez he has diffrent play style he is alot safyer than vayne and his lane is better and he dosent suck with assasins but when I look at jhin he suck vs assasins his auto range not so good and he slow to do damage vs tanks so what makes jhin better than vayne or any other adc or what situations make him a good choice please answer
they are minions that worth more gold XD
In silver/ gold, braum, thresh and blitz supports hide behind me for some idiotic reason
yeah i get so annoyed when my supp doesnt preasure. you just play 1v2
As a Janna/Soraka player...I figured me hiding behind my ADC was sorta a good thing.
Depends, if they cannot outrange your poke from q as soraka it is easy trading from you as your effective area is bigger than theirs. If they have more range or can get to you easily it is better to stay behind your adc and heal them up after a trade. Ofcourse participating in trades as well. As Janna you can pressure hard with a shield then trading the enemy AD or support. The main role of a Janna is to kite but she can trade in lane easily as she gets bonus AD and health from her shield. Don't shield the ADC before a trade and tell them to go in tho. As this usually leaves 50% of the shield duration useless and its better to shield onde your ADc starts taking damage or is about to get hit.
There's nothing more annoying to fight as an ADC than a Soraka who walks up and Q's you all the time.
Love these thresh and also karma players who just stay afk behind you and eat pizza
I feel like i'm going to be Plat just after watching this video haha
Chill Nation you play league bro!! Add me
Chill Nation wat o.o
on which server do you play bro
i'm dia 3 🤗
wtf chill nation is playing league of legends? on which server are you playin?
5:58 LOL it looked like janna push jhin back like everyone else
Jim Petrakis LOL that Lulu got rekt by caster minion.
MrSenpaiHD omg. I never realize. Lmao
Jim Petrakis No. It was actually Lee Sin that kicked back Jhin. If you know how to read the skills then.....
He said it looked like, jesus why lol community is so bad ?
as a novice at this game, this was extremely helpful. toy make great content and I hope you continue making great stuff man
I mean if Gosu is also switching to jungle role, then you know.. Riot really fucked up..
Agreed but now even biggest ADC haters see how week bot lane is!
Fred Who? or gosu has been stuck for months
Ahahhah ADC is powerfull thats why they buff it and nerf jungle now...
Nice logic!
21. Tip: Dont pick ADC in S7 lul
thats why so many adc player in top 10 right?
22. Tip: Adc= ziggs
You saw what kind of picks they are playing?
And the Top 10 dont make the meta. They are there for a reason. The common player is just not able to play adc on the same level.
normal adc picks
the top 10 shows that u can pick adc if u are good.
if the common adc is worse than the others roles at the moment, then the top 10 adc player should be also worse than the other role top 10 players. But they are not.
So adc is playable like every other role
That feeling when you don't actually learn anything
Great vid Phy, this is the first youtube vid I've seen in a while that's actually given me a couple of new tips I haven't used before. Keep it up!
I just realized you used a game I was in. This is the MF chroma skin I always use and the Karma support I got versus the exact same botlane and skins. Is this a random replay or one of yours ?
Would also add to the reading your enemy part. If your enemy laners and have been keeping the lane even, but then suddenly are letting you push them in, they are trying to set up a gank.
Very informative, I've been applying your tips and tricks to my play style with a few tweaks here and there. I thank you good sir, you're a saint. Keep 'em coming.
Wow awesome tips man! I'm just getting back into LoL after being away for about 4 seasons and this was just such great tips. I actually really like your logic woth pushing the lane, I always thought I was smart not pushing and keeping it in the middle or close middle to my tower but slamming it into theirs and really watching their jungler makes a ton of sense
Can someone tell me who did the thumbnail art? It looks amazing!
"Adc in 2017 LUL" Yes, in lower elos it's stil retardedly op when a fed Jhin 1 shots you with 4th shot or when a jinx gets spoonfed 10/0 early game thanks to shit bot lane, or when late game kicks in and the enemy has a vayne...
There's always 1 fed bot lane and 1 bad bot lane.
learn zed
pick zed
kill the adc
ow and the rest of the team there you go enjoy your climb
How to turn everything against zed..? Okay. I can tilt you with every single adc go all in with mechanical w+w+r+e+q but before you can hit me with the full combo ,immediately after zeds ult,i use my flash infront ..What do you do next ?? Your q and e can't harm me and you are in the middle of my team with no spells left and im alive on 50+% health...insta dead zed!even if you try "w/r" you are still pretty much useless and dead
Good zed doesnt work like that bruh :)
+StikI I agree a good zed player knows or at least have a knowledge when to burst and how to burst adc actually zed doesn't need his ult 1 shotting the adc if he has duskblade and dirk all you need to do is his normal combo w+e+q+w+aa then electrocute procs done
Love these tips videos Phy, great job.
Wait wat is fervor and warlords I’m using hail rn
This video was awesome very helpful! Keep up the good work Phylol!!!
Amazing content Phy! Keep it up!
Very well made video. Lots of advice i'd never heard. Answered a lot of my questions.
So sometime towards the end of S6 i decided to become an ADC main instead of a sup. I thought at the time it'd be easier to climb as ADC. Well everyone knows what a great decision that was now... but I'm not ready to throw in the gauntlet yet. Phy, thank you for giving ADC mains a hope. This was some really helpful stuff. Honestly I would have never thought of the whole 'don't kill canon minion' wave before B-ing.
Hey Phy, I think you missed out on one more tip:
- When you get the first tower bot try to roam mid and seige the mid tower.
You don't even know how many games you win by doing this.
amazing tips phy.. it realty helped me a lot.
Well look at that! Content that actually justifies the +10 minute mark :)
not like some other youtubers who just talk slower and explain every sentence twice just to hit it *cough*gamingcurios*cough*
Keep it up!
Honestly that's a really good video, so useful, one of the best videos lately. Thank you for the hard work, keep it up man😊♥
Thank you very much for this video! It helped me overthinking my playstyle as and ADC main inlane :D Great job!
good work phy.....always enjoy your videos
As an ADC main too, i'm giving you 5 tips how to be a better ADC player
1. Learn to freeze a lane.
2. Every 3 minion kill look to the map, trust me by doing this you'll save your life including your support, and ward some bushes especially the dead bush.
3. Harass the enemy ADC at level 4, why? because at level 4 you and your support have the 2 points at your harassing skill, don't go aggro at the enemy at level 1,2,3 just go farming some creeps and at level go harass the enemy carry.
4. If you can't harass the enemy carry then focus on the enemy support, because of that it would take time for the enemy to set or engage giving time for you to harass the enemy carry while you can farm.
5. Pushing the enemy tower at level 5 or 6, why? because at level 4 you would start harassing the enemy bot lane, and after that you still freeze the lane and wait for level 5 then you will push the whole minion wave to the tower, and don't worry about ganks, because the enemy jungler is still farming just dont forget to ward in the bushes.
IF you keep this tips in your mind, trust me you'll be a better ADC
Good video, some pretty useful tactics! thanks!
That's my favorite video of all. Impressive tricks.
Very interesting topic Phy, Well done! :)
Thanks for the video, you basically made me win multiple internet arguments in the comment section of one of your last videos with this one xD
Very good video man, plus make 1 for mid game and 1 for late game 2
Really helpful video phy..i mean ur all vids are like that so ty >~
that Vayne drawing from the thumbnail is beautifull. We're did you get that from???
i have never been so early so ill just use this moment to say THANK YOU PHY I LOVE YOU
Thanks for the vid, you have some excellent tips :D
Thanks for the nice video.Keep up the good work! :)
This was a really well done video. Im currently Silver 1 trying to go for gold as a support/ mid. This was really helpful. Cheers.
this was really helpful! thanks
I'm a support main; are these tips are something I could still aply to my gameplay? If not could you make a video on it?
Use the healing plants at the river when wave is pushed in to heal up more
Hey Phy, support main here. I do agree with your example regarding Sona/Ezreal vs Caitlyn/Karma, however, Sona's better at 'attacking' then defending, play with her like you've got a permanent 45% cdr Janna shield. Sona blocks more damage then she heals. She also heals 2 people. She turns uncoordinated scuffles and brawls into a victory. The best way to beat Sona is single target focused damage. Sona's W costs a ridiculous amount of mana for the amount healed. So forcing her to use all her mana up on healing 1 person. That's how you beat Sona.
This is always a good video to rewatch even in season 8
I really like your tip videos :)
wow, amazing video thank you phy
Hey Phy! What is that music at the start of your video this time? Would make good background music for League.
5:59 LULU literally died to a caster minion HAHAHAH
Very helpful, thank you!
Very nice vid, made me better in lol. Thank you
8:33 what was that auto atacks sona??
I am french so some time i didnt understand but this vidéo is Just insane ! Loved it, i Will get out of my elo now !
Love the Videos Phy!!!!!
Talking about Sona and Karma.. My top 2 supports :') Lmao I found so many mistakes there.. But I'm not bothered by it since I never expect any adc to know what my champ is best at.
I did not know ANY of these tips except for all the ganking tips... Good for me to finally learn.
this tips help! thanks for the vid =)
may i ask where u get that thumbnail from :)
I want to know that too no problem
thank you, id like to see some more lucian tactics in the bot lane tho :)
Miss fortune is a pretty good adc this season w/ the new items such as lethality
could you leave a link for the vayne art used in the thumbnail? thank you
2 years later and he still hasn't credited
very good video, altough I don't agree with statement "if Ezreal can't hit you with Q he basically has no damage", even early on, if Ezreal can stack 8 fervor stacks through autoattacks, he actually deals suprising amount of damage
Good stuff!!! Ty!!
Very cool tips Phy ! Informative and shit ! You should do coaching VODs
That's such a cool video!!
can you do one of these for supp as well? I know a lot of the tips will be the same but there are a few unique ones that i can think of for the supp, and as i play both adc and supp a lot, it would be very useful. Also the link to pro-guides appears to be missing in the description.
new here. good info thanks mate keep up good the good work
"we have a sightstone" oh i wish that was true in bronze
4:25 forgot to add in "and if your name is Phy, don't ward anything. Ever."
Best tip for ADCs
Stop playing ADCs in S7
can you make a video for minion/wave control. from basics to advanced, terminology, definitions, executions.
The Level Two tip is actually really helpful.
Another tip for my fellow adc mains, if your economy is enough, get last whisper after core build. It allows you to do damage to tanks and to mages with zhongyas as most tanks and brutes would probably have a completed tank item and it's hard to do damage to them. Then you can rush bloodthirster because enemy adc will be probably building it as you are building it too.
I like to call Dominik the "God AD item", why? It's like Vayne's bolts, always does a % of dmg ajusted to the target, which mean that it doesn't matters if you use it against Tanks or Mages, it always do a % of dmg ajusted to it, being a pain in the ass. Obviously, it works more on tanks cuz a lot of HP goes down, but bro, is just the top tier item.
Did thresh smite at 2.05?
Real quick correction. You said to stay behind minions when against a caitlyn, this is wrong.
The whole point of cait is she wants to push in the wave, and harass under turret. So she wants to q the wave. So by standing behind minions she can not only benefit from hitting you, but she maintains her goal and pushes the wave. If you stand away from minions, yes, you take more damage, but she can't push you in as easily.
haha, I've watched this video before. now that I'm watching it again I can see that I'm doing almost all the things you mentioned since then, and it helped me play bot-lane better as a support or adc. thnx man.
I didn't have to watch an ad for one of your vids? Christmas came extra early this year.
"and you probably should have expected it." Basically how i'm learning today lol. Every time I die i'm asking myself if I had enough info to not die, or was bad play from me/good from them. Fixing next one.
Thanks man , I play at BR server and I rush Diamond V in 3 days with your tips !! PS: I was at platinum III
also; when yer jungler tells you to come dragon and your support already left to help him, make sure that u have pushed the lane before moving into the river-jungle so the enemy teams minions cant give them vision on where you are going; they will prob think you are recalling; but when the lane isnt pushed and you walk to the jungle its obvious that you are doing dragon
Sneaky needs to hear about this!
On 2:00, tristana is using her W 2 times in row without the normal cool-down? Is that training-game or did i miss something oO
Fenris8800 reset after u get a kill come on g
I started playing ADC this year and I'm loving it. All this ADC in 2017 meme are just shitters/bad players that don't know how to position themselves or have a support that doesn't ward efficiently.
xSean0607 not like riot admitted that they need to buff em but I also think its not that bad haha
exactly I've played support almost everygame this season and I played several ad games and I can carry harder and easier as an ad then with support.
As someone who doesn't have the comparison, it's really hard to judge. It's just like people who only started playing league in S5 who don't get why S1 people are complaining about the game becoming more and more unreliable.
Ofc you can still do amazing things with ADCs. But it's simply true that by now other roles are in general stronger than ADCs (there are always exceptions) and Riot prefers to work on them. It's ridiculous, that team comps that don't have an ADC are even viable. I've been an ADC main for years and there is a pattern observable. So, yeah. The memes are obviously exaggerated, but there is some truth to them.
Yeah, even as a Bronze ADC main, i know that warding is extremely important and helps out a ton, but it kills me when my ADC/Supp partner(depending on which i queue up as) doesnt ward and then blames me when we get ganked even though ive placed 4 out of our 5 total wards xD
Blâme it on support here we go
where is the link in the description for your ad......... i wanna visit
Can you tell me the name of the soundtrack in the intro plz ?
2:05 katarina jungle cant watch map xd
where do you got this beautiful Art of vayne?
How did Trist rocket jump twice? 2:02
PairedSoulWolf when tris got a kill or a assist you wil get a reset on W :D
Good info!
I don't know if it's just me, but it seems like when you talk really fast sometimes the words don't get fully said and it's kind of hard to follow.
@10:08 - We have a SightStone. Good one. Welcome to BronzeLife.
Im early
but you're playing minecraft
can you make a video about midlane tips?
excellent tips
damn i can't believe how much i learned!! thank you... :)
Vayne image on the thumbnail?
(Could someone link me it?)
2:00 Katarina cosplaying my Janna supports
this helped me a lit
thanks :)
You made a break through in my bronze mind, so much i never realized.
2:05 Kata jungle?