Caesar's REAL Goal Will Blow Your Mind

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • It's easy to see the Roman influence in Caesar's Legion, but there's a lesser-known philosophy underpinning Caesar's goals. His justifications may sound good at first, but let's dig into his flawed use of the Hegelian Dialectic. Don't worry, I'll explain.
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Комментарии • 282

  • @FalloutLorecast
    @FalloutLorecast  7 месяцев назад +1

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    • @guytech7310
      @guytech7310 4 месяца назад

      All three factions: NCR, House & Legion are autocratic, NCR has essentially a hereditary monarchy as the First & second presidents father & daughter (selected for life), and Joanna Tibbett was Tandi VP.
      Caesar legion was doomed from the start as it need to expand by conquest & enslavement to function. Sooner or later it would run out solders & able slaves need to sustain itself. Like yeast when it consumes all of the sugar in a brew leading to its demise, & poisoning itself with alcohol as the waste product. Rome collapses when it expanded beyond the point slavery & conquest could sustain it, and corruption grew like cancer.
      The NCR tax rate increase with every expansion which would crush economic growth and lead to rebellion. House was depended on his ability to live, being 261 years old, its unlikely he would survive to make much of a improvement to the Moave region.
      The Brotherhood was obviously autocratic, leaning to a feudalistic type economy & depend on Old world supplies (weapons, energy) that it would eventual deplete.
      The new Fallout TV show also indicates second collapse began after vault tec nuked both the NCR (Shady Sands & probably other parts of the NCR) and New Vegas (ending scene shows a large crator near the location of camp golf.

  • @chainreaction8977
    @chainreaction8977 7 месяцев назад +147

    "The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools." ~ Thucydides

    • @jp9403
      @jp9403 7 месяцев назад +16

      In reality the people who we let think for us are cowards and fools, and we are cowards and fools for letting them.

    • @elmo1639
      @elmo1639 7 месяцев назад +5

      LOL. This Thucydides must have been a master of
      insightful burns.

    • @jimjam5570
      @jimjam5570 2 месяца назад +1

      America was predicted that long ago, eh?

  • @westdakota9180
    @westdakota9180 6 месяцев назад +29

    "We learn from history that we do not learn from history"
    "War, war never changes"

  • @MK_ULTRA420
    @MK_ULTRA420 7 месяцев назад +157

    Here's my real problem with Caesar: His Legion acts more like the barbarians that Julius Caesar's Legions had slaughtered. If Rome had Hunting Rifles then they would have given one to every Legionary past recruit, and would have likely reinvented mortar teams as well. I say this knowing that the recruit training is basically a detox workout and fealty test for tribals.

    • @zondazerda2230
      @zondazerda2230 7 месяцев назад +24

      Caesar didn't issue guns to recruits because he did not want them to over rely on them. I agree with him, those guns are hundred of years old means they are very likely to jam in the wrong time and over relying on them will make you weak over all, just look the NCR in the first battle of hoover dam, they got their asses handed to them by a bunch skirt boys with machetes. The elite forces of Caesar uses high grade weapons such as the Marksman carbine and the Brush gun and even have an artillery piece so I don't think he has issues with weapons, it is just that he likes you to earn the right to use it. It would be better if the Legions designed their own guns and make them as simple and durable as possible, or at least adopt a reliable, easy to make, easy to maintain, powerful and cheap guns like the AK platform of the FN FAL.

    • @MK_ULTRA420
      @MK_ULTRA420 7 месяцев назад +8

      ​@@zondazerda2230 It's because the recruitment process also doubles as a detox regiment for tribals who can't be trusted with guns yet. The real Romans would have provided every Legionnaire with a gun if they had guns.
      Also, if you're bragging about how the full might of the Legion still managed to lose to NCR's border patrol then the only response I need for you is "lol".

    • @zondazerda2230
      @zondazerda2230 7 месяцев назад +14

      @@MK_ULTRA420 "Detox regiment" and "Tribals who can't be trusted with guns yet" is not mentioned anywhere in the game. What I told you was pure lore. Caesar did say that he simply did not want them to over rely on guns. The real Romans probably would do exactly like Caesar, especially early Romans, however, that's just a speculation from my part and you as well.
      What border patrol? The NCR almost lost the first battle of Hoover dam, didn't they? What makes you think they are strong? The only reason why NV did not end in the Legion's hands is because there is a single competent person and that guy is Chief Hanlon and even him thinks that the Mojave is a lost cause. Have you played the game? The NCR is a joke, seriously.

    • @MK_ULTRA420
      @MK_ULTRA420 7 месяцев назад +10

      @@zondazerda2230 The NCR is a joke but the Legion is the whole circus. You really like supporting the losers, huh?

    • @zondazerda2230
      @zondazerda2230 7 месяцев назад +11

      @@MK_ULTRA420 Yeah sure bruh, all those shiny guns and almost got wrecked by a bunch of machete wielding skirtboys. I actually support Mr House, by the way. You assumed that I support the Legion just because said the truth that butthurts you : ), maybe you should think through before stating anything, hmm? Even Bethesda agrees with me apparently.

  • @Toomuchaaaron
    @Toomuchaaaron 7 месяцев назад +32

    Fine I’ll play New Vegas again solely from a philosophy perspective

    • @MK_ULTRA420
      @MK_ULTRA420 7 месяцев назад

      5/5/9/1/4/8/8 for best SPECIAL, pick Logan's Loophole and Skilled (with x2 exploit) for Traits, swap with Fast Shot and Built to Destroy at the Old World Blues Sink Auto-Doc. You can use Low Intelligence dialogue options like recruiting Arcade Gannon using Dixon's Whiskey, and 4 INT provides enough skill points if you picked Skilled twice with Doc Mitchell and when rebuilding your character before leaving Goodsprings. I pick Guns, Speech and Repair for Tags, but it's otherwise up to you. With implants (pick Spineless, not Reinforced Spine) and buffs you can have 10 in any SPECIAL when you need it.
      For Perks: Light Touch (You can get Rapid Reload too if you get Light Touch before rebuilding your character when you leave Goodsprings), Travel Light, Shotgun Surgeon, Super Slam!, And Stay Back, Piercing Strike, Grunt, Better Criticals, Meltdown, Chemist, Laser Commander, Slayer, Nerves of Steel, Finesse, Implant GRX.
      Then do whatever you want after level 30 unless you'd rather keep Logan's Loophole, which is understandable when enemy power levels scale against your favor past level 30. Logan's Loophole + Fast Shot in that case. :)

    • @DeathclawJedi
      @DeathclawJedi 3 месяца назад

      Me thinks he didn't have to twist yer arm very much. 🤣

  • @SethNemah
    @SethNemah 7 месяцев назад +25

    There is no such thing as a "perfect" democracy.

    • @feliciaf8
      @feliciaf8 3 месяца назад +1

      this, democracy is the god that fail

    • @jimjam5570
      @jimjam5570 2 месяца назад

      Democracy is literally mob rule. A horrible idea. ironically, in America at least, what idiot leftists/democrats usually actually believe they are asking for when they advocate democracy, is what we already have... a representative republic. Unfortunately it doesn't function as such, due to corruption and diversity. 🤷 the leaders are mostly bribed or coerced by a foreign ethnoreligious group, into destroying itself to prevent us from opposing the dystopian future of global enslavement and extermination of the 2nd class...

  • @BSideWasTaken
    @BSideWasTaken 7 месяцев назад +69

    "If you want to see the fate of democracies, look out the window"

  • @blah204
    @blah204 7 месяцев назад +23

    I always found that ceasers interpretation of Hegel is the exact same as Mao Zedongs as he outlines in his essay “on contradiction”

    • @barneystinson4289
      @barneystinson4289 7 месяцев назад +3


    • @barneystinson4289
      @barneystinson4289 7 месяцев назад +5

      Although no not really Caesar isn't a dialectical materialist, he's an idealist. The man is quite literally a fascist

    • @blah204
      @blah204 7 месяцев назад +11

      @@barneystinson4289 the whole red brown divide can be quite silly when the practical outcomes are analyzed. One could easily argue that Mao was an idealist. Guiding China in a perpetual revolution looking for the outcome of true Maoism.

    • @barneystinson4289
      @barneystinson4289 7 месяцев назад +9

      @@blah204 "Looking for the outcome of true Maoism" was not Mao's goal. Mao's goal was Communism and what he was doing was applying marxism-leninism to China's conditions at the time. Maoism as we know it today was compiled by Gonzalo in Peru and in Mao's time was not called Maoism, it was just called Marxism-Leninism.
      "The red brown divide" are you implying that Fascists and Marxists are the same? Horseshoe theory is seen as nonsense for a reason. The practical outcome of Fascism was mass genocide, meanwhile the anti-fascist resistance movements were mainly ran by Communists. The worst thing that happened under any sort of Worker State was the continued use of elements within the state that were previously used under the regime prior, such as the Gulags in the USSR. Only a liberal with a severe misunderstanding of both Fascism and Communism would think they're even remotely similar movements. The only thing they have in common whatsoever is neither blatant European fascism nor Communism are in line with the current status quo of Neoliberalism

    • @zandrus9191
      @zandrus9191 7 месяцев назад +7

      @@barneystinson4289 Fascism is inherently the post Marxist, revolutionary developmental nationalism, breed from heterodox and sometimes orthodox Marxism for the material conditions of industrially retrograde nations (National Socialism doesn't count as Fascism, although it does share similiairties).
      The fight of the proletariat nation against the plutocracies, the organization of classes to their revolutionary goals. Maos thought ironically is Fascist, a revolutionary nationalist vanguard that leads China to industrialization, an unoriginal idea proposed by Sun Yat Sen and Lenin, even Mussolini when he was still a dialectical materialist.
      I believe the ignorance belies on you friend, Fascism and Marxism, despite the de jure theoretical differences, act the same, de facto.
      One example of what Fascism and Marxism do similarly is the destruction of the status quo and replacing it with a new society.
      (Mussolini for a Fascist state, whose end goal was like the Italian social Republic in practice and the formation of a European Union of Socialist States, against America and the USSR.)
      (Hitlers Volkstaat was unironically a Volkisch Sozialismus version of the Soviet Politburo, a Pan Germanic state from the Volga to the Alsance, again, to compete against the "final capitalist state" across the Atlantic.)
      Again, you'd have to read actual scholars and not smoke and mirrors "scholars" like Michael Parenti, Ishai Landa or David Irving's later books

  • @HerrFenrisWolf
    @HerrFenrisWolf 7 месяцев назад +25

    Historian here: although your argument is sound that Caesars reasoning here is very flawed and self biased, you repeat an old and wrong talking point: the Renaissance as the "return" to the Antike. Thats more a kind of Neuzeit branding, calling the "time before" dark ages and ignoring the progress that happened from the Antike to their present (to make the present even possible), to paint some sort of especially enlightened picture of themselves. They hightend the Antike and their own present, by mispresenting their own more recent past. Which is also a very European not to say Rome (city) centric narrative.
    Caesar (Fallout) is a great character, in a way by (how you pointed out) beeing a true believer in his ideal. He, as a bad guy, is refreshing, by not beeing cynic about the thing he himself created and truely thinking, his way will pay of. He is the bad guy nevertheless due to his doings. His misinterpretation of history and philosphy is the icing on the cake. In my first playtrough I thought the Legion is ridiculous, meeting him showd me there is a (beautifully) twisted logic to the Legion, which hightend the expierence sooo much. Not agreeing with him, doesn't make any other faction in the game "the real good" guy, but the Legion aren't the good guys for certain. The player can only stick to themself (or the role they chose to play).

    • @BarryKennedy
      @BarryKennedy 4 месяца назад +1

      @HerrFenrisWolf I agree - the "Dark" ages weren't really as dark as we think, the foundations of the Enlightenment and Renaissance - but the Dark Ages do illustrate how progress is slowed when society is dominated by religion.

    • @davidburnett5049
      @davidburnett5049 3 месяца назад

      Really agree that their logic doesnt make them at all good or worthwhile.

    • @feliciaf8
      @feliciaf8 3 месяца назад

      @@BarryKennedy isnt it mostly slowed because constant warfare and invasion from the north and south? and also ERE (dominated by orthodoxy) still progressing smoothly except their land got conquered by the muslims

    • @danielpalama3700
      @danielpalama3700 3 месяца назад +2

      Caesar Baronius coined the term back in the 1600's
      It was a comment on the seemingly lack of historical sources after the fall of the Roman Empire. Baronius was writing a history of the Church (his Annales Ecclesiastici) and he came to a period where there were few records. He called this a dark age, or a closer translation might be obscured age (saeculum obscurum).
      His characterization of the time period stuck and later historians & writers used it to compare & contrast the nostalgic view of the Classical Age, the "Fallen Dark Ages" and the rising "Enlightenment"
      More recently the term has fallen out of favor by historians & scholar, largely because the decline of the Roman Empire was slow and by the time of its so called fall in the West, the Germanic tribes that took control were in fact in almost every cultural way already Roman. The study of science still occuring and international trade still happened between various kingdoms and the new and upcoming Islamic Empires.

    • @user-un5xj1wl6p
      @user-un5xj1wl6p 2 месяца назад

      ​@@BarryKennedyReligion? I am not a schooled historian, but wasn't the carolingian court reliant on monks and priests for basic literacy teaching and recordkeeping? Most pre 12th century kingdoms here in east europe were extremely reliant on western roman or eastern greek church representatives for literacy and basic science teachings. For example, witouth religion eastern europe and the balkans would be even more like a bunch of illiterate raider tribes instead of the somewhat civilised countries they were, as the church was the only schooling option for non nobles untill the 18-19th century.

  • @georgeoldsterd8994
    @georgeoldsterd8994 4 месяца назад +5

    Just to note that originally a dictator was a political leader entrusted with absolute authority in the state during a period of strife. After crisis was averted, dictators would resign the extra power. At least, that's how it was envisioned, because we know how crisis can be continuously maintained artificially through various means, keeping the dictator in power. In Caesar's case, one can say that it's what he's doing, but if you consider that post-apoc society still has a long way to rebuild, maybe him being a dictator is not as selfish?

  • @SahilHossain-ff4if
    @SahilHossain-ff4if 7 месяцев назад +15

    Lore of Ceaser's REAL Goal will Blow Your Mind momentum 100

    • @MK_ULTRA420
      @MK_ULTRA420 7 месяцев назад +6

      Monkey's Paw: The NCR is more like Rome than Caesar could ever imagine.

  • @zekromfan1
    @zekromfan1 7 месяцев назад +10

    Caesar in New Vegas seems to me to be a sort of return to form for Fallout. The Master in the original game was in essence what Caesar is in FNV. The two of them hold similar principles and ideals, and in the end their desires are flawed to the point of ruination.
    It’s almost ironic that many remnants of The Master’s army appear in New Vegas and are at odds with both the NCR and the Legion. Both of them are looking at what lies in their future if they don’t change course, or mend their problems. Caesar can’t see the flaw, not because he doesn’t know about it, he’s far too intelligent not to know about Rome’s history. No it’s a combination of arrogance, and the belief that he won’t make the same mistake as his predecessor. Ultimately the exact same belief the NCR holds themselves.
    I believe Caesar has the ability to see to his ambition, but if he can maintain the synthesis he desires is up in the air. The second battle of Hoover Dam is ultimately just the first step in his war, this isn’t the front lines of the war, we’re fighting in the area between the two of them, before the true war can commence.
    It always struck me as interesting the many parallels New Vegas shares with the original Fallout, and knowing the game’s rushed development, I can’t help but wonder if the option existed at one point to bring this up with Caesar, like how it’s done with Lanius, or The Master before him.

    • @davidburnett5049
      @davidburnett5049 3 месяца назад

      Just gonna say intelligence and knowledge arent the same. Guy might smartest innyge world but that doesnt mean has access to every bit of a dead empires history. As a general rule, try not to conflate things you know with youe ability to reason.

  • @DuskyPredator
    @DuskyPredator 7 месяцев назад +47

    I always thought that the worst parts was that he clearly could have put so much into his antithesis, and chose to bring in actual random killing, slavery including pretty much every woman and girl. And the biggest hole is that no one that follows him actually agrees with his philosophy.
    It is very likely whoever comes after him will make the Legion even worse. He spent so much codifying his Legion that there is little there to actually make a better future.

    • @jackalsmalls4995
      @jackalsmalls4995 7 месяцев назад +3

      He has a non military, Non slavery base, Farmers and Settlements....who have subjects under him that produce food or other things. Its true slavery is an evil thing but you act as if every single woman is enslaved, in reality its the tribal woman that suffer this fate...not to justify it but yea.

    • @DuskyPredator
      @DuskyPredator 7 месяцев назад +17

      @jackalsmalls4995 If I recall, dialogue regarding some Legionaries and a female trader sort of imply the only reason she isn't being enslaved is because she is just useful enough as an outsider. That for now the Legion has to rely on some outsiders, but once they have enough power these independent traders would be treated all the same, and that is as a slave.
      The Legion treats all women inside of it as property, slaves, you cannot fine any women who are a part of it who are not. The only exception really are contractors who would lose that benefit as soon as the Legion has more power.

    • @MK_ULTRA420
      @MK_ULTRA420 7 месяцев назад

      @@jackalsmalls4995 >Symbol is a bull
      >Use women as pack mules

    • @dickonmanwoody7599
      @dickonmanwoody7599 7 месяцев назад

      Women shouldn't have freedom anyway. So I'm down regardless.

    • @UnhingedJessie
      @UnhingedJessie 7 месяцев назад

      I have a feeling much of the barbaric behavior that doest seem to fit with the dialogue and philosophy sometimes was added after the fact to make the legion more of a satisfying designated bad guy faction for the player.

  • @Wesleym134
    @Wesleym134 4 месяца назад +9

    And here I'm reminded of that meme where Courier Six goes a rant on how Caesar got Hegel and Dialectics completely wrong.

    • @zipzapper0
      @zipzapper0 2 месяца назад +2

      That's because he did. Caesar is that guy that uses complex philosophical terms because he knows the people he's talking to can't call him on being wrong

  • @johnriverstone
    @johnriverstone 7 месяцев назад +38

    his philosophy is flawed but the idea is honorable, i love the lorecast, amazing job on this episode in particular, keep up the good work

    • @FalloutLorecast
      @FalloutLorecast  7 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks, John. I really appreciate the kind words. - Tom

  • @thelegate8636
    @thelegate8636 7 месяцев назад +35

    Viewing the Roman Empire only through the lens of it's collapse is a pretty flawed and dated way of looking at it. If we only consider the Western Empire, it lasted for a little over 500 years and managed to claw its way back from disaster several times. Of course the Eastern Romans continued on after that for nearly 1000 years, going through similar ups and downs. In the West, the ideals of Rome stood so strongly that everyone who was anyone tried their hardest to emulate them. Collapse is not the Roman Empire's legacy.
    The idea that progress ended after the fall of Rome is wrong as well. Cultural and technological developments didn't just stop for 1000 years, it continued on. The Renaissance is more a culmination of the medieval era rather than some great revival of the Classical world. Let's say that progress did end after 476 though. How do we explain the Eastern Roman Empire? Sure they lost (and regained) some territory over the centuries, but culturally they continued to produce great thinkers, builders, and leaders in much the same way that the Romans always had. The great Classical works of literature were still preserved and read in Constantinople, just as they had been in Rome. Art was still produced there, and in my opinion at just as high a caliber as it had been in Rome.
    "But again, when the world moves on. When the vultures are picking at the bones of his carcass, things will be different. And he has no plan for that."
    In my view I think he does know this and and is in fact banking on it. Look at Alexander the Great, not the man himself but his aftermath. His empire didn't last long at all, but the effect he had on the areas he conquered could still be felt for many centuries afterwards. Art, philosophy, and methods of governance all changed drastically after his death, even in places that he didn't directly conquer, simply because he opened the East up to the West (and the West to the East) in a way that it never had been before. Win or lose, Caesar will have a similar effect on the wasteland and I think in some way he understands that.

    • @UnhingedJessie
      @UnhingedJessie 7 месяцев назад +9

      It's all based on the player which a lot of people forget.
      The NCR literally need to be saved by the courier to survive and Caesar is clearly grooming a Legion affiliated courier to be his successor imo.

    • @ranfan1820
      @ranfan1820 3 месяца назад

      Progress didn't end but there was a lot of regression and later progress was painfully slow. Who would have thought that the greatest empire the west had seen up to that point collapsing would have terrible, long lasting consequences on just about everything? They don't call it the dark ages for nothing.

    • @feliciaf8
      @feliciaf8 3 месяца назад +1

      finally someone knows history lol

    • @feliciaf8
      @feliciaf8 3 месяца назад +1

      @@ranfan1820 well yeah where you got constants warfare and invasion from the north and the south. also barbarians that don't assimilate, progress was tough, but the monks at that time still persevere through hundreds of years. and that dark age was only on that particular area of the west, and the east was till going strongly

    • @elliotkane4443
      @elliotkane4443 2 месяца назад

      Rome created a distinct and superior legacy in every way, its hard to say how the descendents of Alexander did anything more than rule from the leftovers of the cultures they dominated.
      But how does the Legion in Fallout represent Rome? Other than being cosplayers and not doing drugs they don't particularly represent any of the things that Rome 'idealized' (whether or not Rome fulfilled its ideals).
      Are they building architectural marvels, are they masterful engineers, do they have wise scholars and careful judges?
      No they run around with machetes, enslave everyone both combatant and not and summarily execute anyone they please.
      The real Roman Legion of the early empire was fundamentally Italian (Roman) with large contingents of allied natives from various incorporated territories who were culturally distinct and were not legionaries.
      Contrast this with the Fallout Legion that basically deletes any distinctions between conquered tribes and makes them all a single seamless mass.
      The only thing Roman about the Fallout Legion is Caesar as a charismatic dictator, but Rome was Rome before the Empire and the institutions of Rome from Republican times is what made them great and the vestiges continued and evolved into medieval Christian Europe.

  • @porkers7792
    @porkers7792 7 месяцев назад +35

    Real quick note - Caesar's Legion is not a fascist state, but an autocracy. All fascist states are autocracies, but not all autocracies are fascist states.

    • @ibrahimkuyumcu2649
      @ibrahimkuyumcu2649 7 месяцев назад +4

      Keep deluding yourself.

    • @alexanderthegreat2678
      @alexanderthegreat2678 7 месяцев назад +9

      @@ibrahimkuyumcu2649 Fascism is a fairly new ideology based on an interpretation of old or even ancient ideas that have been long shunned. The roman republic, the roman empire and Catholic medieval monarchies/autocracies were not Fascism, rather Fascism interpreted these societies and tried to reconcile them with the modern world and "progress", viewing them as reactionary (counterrevolutionary) and stagnant. Caesars legion isn't Fascism as it isnt following the methodology of trying to reconcile these ancient ideas with the contemporary circumstances society finds itself in, it's literally just a reactionary autocracy trying to obliterate the flaws in both the NCR and his system and achieve a synthesis of what's good in both societies in order to create a civilization that will thrive in the wasteland

    • @deletedaccount175
      @deletedaccount175 7 месяцев назад +5

      @@ibrahimkuyumcu2649 you actively enjoy Disney Star Wars so much you post an OST from it
      Nobody here is delusional but you

  • @cry.skull745
    @cry.skull745 4 месяца назад +5

    Humor me for a moment. What was the Legions end goal/ideology? I doubt that Caesar ever explained his reasoning or logic behind the legion to anyone, especially in this much depth. No matter the outcome Caesar was going to die (whether by the NCR or his tumor) well before he'd see synthesis in motion, as such that'd leave the legion without a philosophical leader. So what would be their plan? Just conquer until there was nothing left, completely missing the point of why they were the legion?

    • @soyhugo390
      @soyhugo390 3 месяца назад

      His goal was to mix the best of both the ncr and the legion, basically the infraestructure and knowllege of ncr and the anti corrupt, anti drug martial might of the legion, the problem the ncr has its his corruption, heavy use of drugs and that is struck in the past, we can see this in new reno were the families of mobsters drug the miners of redding in order to have them working for them almost as slaves and wanting to do the same with vault city and them the rest of the ncr

    • @user-un5xj1wl6p
      @user-un5xj1wl6p 2 месяца назад +1

      This is the part what everyone forgets, the courier the deus ex machina is the only reason any of these bumbling idiots get to go anywhere, look at house being a hogtied mummy, the ncr being closer to a bureocratic miatake than the relublic it was, and well you cleared up why caesar is also missing the piece.

  • @danielsurvivor1372
    @danielsurvivor1372 5 месяцев назад +2

    0:30 If you do NCR only playthrough you can literally avoid going to Fort. Which is cool incase you dont want to get platinum chip or chase benny, you can just go to ncr embassy after visiting House for first time. So not everyone does things for Caesar, only 3/4 playthroughs do something for him

  • @sunsolar2138
    @sunsolar2138 2 месяца назад +1

    It must be said here that we have the entire internet to dispute Caesar and argue our points. Caesar has only a handful of extant books and his life experiences to go by

  • @svon1
    @svon1 4 месяца назад +2

    Absolute Monarchy + Republic = Constitutional Parliament Monarchy -Hegel, bonus point the Western Roman Empire lasted 1,5 America's

    • @BarryKennedy
      @BarryKennedy 4 месяца назад +1

      @svon1 Absolute Monarchy precludes a Republic, and Constitutional Parliamentary Monarchies are not absolute. But I get where you're going with this.

  • @martinhahn22
    @martinhahn22 7 месяцев назад +8

    Only part of the Roman empire fell, the eastern half lasted until the 1400's. Just shy of a thousand years passed.

    • @FalloutLorecast
      @FalloutLorecast  7 месяцев назад +4

      Yes, but it too went through its own rise and fall. It just took longer. :D

    • @loopyloon5401
      @loopyloon5401 7 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@FalloutLorecastYet even the western empire outlasted the republic.

    • @saxogrammatikus4195
      @saxogrammatikus4195 7 месяцев назад +1

      Greeks are not romans, they had no Senate, they don't honor Mars and Jupiter, there imbraced Christ-Cuckery and they not spoke Latin.
      So to call the barbarians of Thrace roman is to call a human a federless chicken. Who would come to such a dumb conclusion?

    • @loopyloon5401
      @loopyloon5401 7 месяцев назад

      @@saxogrammatikus4195 Someone who can read & spell.

    • @FalloutLorecast
      @FalloutLorecast  7 месяцев назад +4

      @@saxogrammatikus4195 Just FYI. I'm pretty sure they were referencing the Byzantine Empire, not the Greeks.

  • @Xezian
    @Xezian 7 месяцев назад +12

    He is attempting to build his empire by basing it off a 2000 year old empire, and justifying this using 400 year old philosophy, to counter a faction replicating the mistakes of a 200 year old nation

  • @josephswaney6420
    @josephswaney6420 7 месяцев назад +11

    I've always seen his future plans as more Starship Troopers than a dictatorship as it stands now.

    • @Sumoniggro
      @Sumoniggro 7 месяцев назад

      Starship troopers depicted a democratic state but required service in the government to obtain the right to vote.

    • @barneystinson4289
      @barneystinson4289 7 месяцев назад

      Well, starship troopers IS supposed to represent a fascist society and is an expose on fascist propaganda

    • @Sumoniggro
      @Sumoniggro 7 месяцев назад +13

      @@barneystinson4289 Well Heinlein didn't write it as an expose of fascist propaganda, the movie was supposed to be such though because the director didn't understand Heinlein's work nor did he understand facism.

    • @robertmartin6800
      @robertmartin6800 7 месяцев назад +4

      ​@@barneystinson4289Neither the books, nor the films, had anything to do with fascism.

    • @barneystinson4289
      @barneystinson4289 7 месяцев назад

      @@Sumoniggro You're right, Heinlein himself was basically a Fascist who used the book to describe his own political views of an autocratic, social darwinist militarist society that has faux democracy by limiting the rights of certain people to vote and the direct parallel from the Arachnids to communists and how they must be exterminated. Totally not Fascism trust me bro

  • @TourFaint
    @TourFaint 7 месяцев назад +5

    An important fact to notice is that ceasar's legion i small compared to the ncr. The mojave war is almost 100% of the legions might vs underfunded dregs of ncr troopers, only right before the second battle does the ncr slowly start to take things seriously, and even still they can't send everyone to some backwater distand campaign. And it's still an even fight. Caesar knows that taking vegas is possible, but any other hostilities with NCR after that end with the legion glassed from the sky. The only way the continue to exist is that NCR doesn't want mojave back (and they quite probably don't, it cost so much and given so little) and the legion has time to civilize itself (or arm up on such a massive scale the fight becomes even again, but how would you do that in a reasonable timeframe?). By all logic, the hoover dam is the "barbaric" Legion's last hurrah, before they no longer make sense and have to change. Unless Caesar is a complete idiot and literally can't count troop numbers, he has to have some concrete plans for creating of this 'synthesis' he wants to see.

  • @jimjam5570
    @jimjam5570 2 месяца назад

    THIS is why House is the best option: HE IS capable of longevity. His autocracy can be maintained nearly indefinitely, allowing his plans to be seen through to the end.

  •  7 месяцев назад +4

    Hi dude, wonderful video! You have perfectly explained Hegelian dialectic. I would love to see the Synthesis of Enclave and Caesar's ideologies. Whenever I play the game I feel like NCR is drowning themselves, and in extend the wastelanders, in old world bureaucracy; whereas Caesar is trying to create a new way of living with utilising one of the oldest ways of living. Not that I'm a fan of how Caesar is operating stuff, but when you read between the lines you understand the problems and self-centricism in the ways of NCR. So none of the ways are actually good for the individual, that is the wastelander. They need a 'synthesis' of old and new; a new way of life suited for the post-war nuclear world.
    Keep up the amazing job!

    • @ibrahimkuyumcu2649
      @ibrahimkuyumcu2649 7 месяцев назад

      "Hegel couldn't do it! Kant couldn't do it!"

    • @Elyseon
      @Elyseon 7 месяцев назад

      So you want the Legion's slavery and brutality, with the Enclave's technology and genocidal plots? Wolfenstein called, it wants its nazis back.

  • @Loreweavver
    @Loreweavver 5 месяцев назад +2

    I may be forgetting something but I don't recall there being any democracy with the NCR.
    At the best they were a loose knit Republic with the head of each city state making the choices for the citizens.
    It isn't democracy v fascism. You have to forget about the other factions to even begin to make that dualistic comparison.
    Hegelian dialect is talked about every day in the modern world it has just been rebranded as possession by a cult of personality.
    Wokeness is hegelian dialect.
    All that being said, you are on your way to understanding why Joshua Graham was such a threat to Caesar.

  • @robertmartin6800
    @robertmartin6800 7 месяцев назад +8

    Caesar isn't a fascist, his philosophy is just deeply Hegelian, like fascism. He's a realist, a materialist, and a progressive, but his philosophy doesn't embody the Marxist class analysis or any humanist egalitarianism, so it's definitely not fascism.

    • @KS-PNW
      @KS-PNW 4 месяца назад +1

      Since when does facism require humanist equalitarianism?
      If anything the opposite has historically been true..

    • @robertmartin6800
      @robertmartin6800 4 месяца назад +1

      @@KS-PNW Sure it does. Fascism was an enlightenment philosophy, and a direct descendant of old French syndicalism, they were deeply parochial in their own way, but they were also deeply rational and materialistic, and among their ultimate goals were the deliberate recreation of men into new, better men, and the erosion of the social and economic stratification present in their societies, for the sake of making men more equal and materially prosperous. That nonsense was all reflected in their doctrine and policymaking, but it's _not_ reflected, at least nowhere near to the same degree, in Caesar's.

  • @emikke
    @emikke 2 месяца назад

    Caesar is talking about Hegelian dialectics as it was further developed by Fichte.

  • @Zhohan-
    @Zhohan- 4 месяца назад +1

    There is no such thing as a ruler having ultimate power. It's a shared consensus among the group (or groups) either through some sort of agreement or coercion. Caesar had the loyalty of his legionaries because their conquest of Gaul greatly enriched them. And he wished to address the rising economic woes of the common people that the Roman aristocracy failed to address. However, as the empire progressed, a new problem would arise. Whoever had the loyalty of the legions held power. This is even stated by Septimius Severus, "Be harmonious, enrich the soldiers, scorn everybody else."
    My point is: the authority of a Roman emperor came from the military. The soldiers were motivated by loot, pay raises, and service providing upward mobility. By the confines of the system of dictatorship, they are not motivated to benefit the people and the state. The most calamitous periods in Roman history were its many civil wars. That is when they were weakened most. As dilution and hyperinflation ruined the Roman economy (as well as citizenship no longer having much value once everyone had it), there was no longer an incentive to be a soldier in the legions. Diocletian tried to remedy this by making service a hereditary position. In the late empire as it was collapsing, some men resorted to mutilating themselves to avoid service.
    That's not to say Caesar's Legion is an exact replica of that system, but I think its future Caesars would just be decided by whoever could enrich the legionaries most. It seems doomed to civil war just like the Roman Empire, leaving it weak to rival powers. The only good thing I can see from Caesar's Legion is securing its territory against raiders.

  • @imreloadin
    @imreloadin Месяц назад +1

    That's not Hegelian Dialectics though... There is no "synthesis", just destruction and replacement.

  • @piratavorak
    @piratavorak 7 месяцев назад +2

    I saw the legion as something to test the ncr while playing lonesome road, this test would make the ncr stronger, if not, the world would burn before things got better

  • @capesword111
    @capesword111 Месяц назад

    Very impressed. I find it interesting that you found such a good defense of democracy in the philosophy of a dictator.

  • @taylorbeckett9686
    @taylorbeckett9686 3 месяца назад +2

    Ironically (while his interpretation itself is wrong) I believe his motivation is correct and will have an outcome - though one not like the one he fortold.
    While he may want a military dictatorship based on security, expansion, etc - the synthesis would likely turn out differently and the proof is in the game.
    Caesar dies and with him goes his entire life's work. The legion will not become a dictatorship of glory under Lanius. It will not transform from a nomadic army. Furthermore we can see similarities that the NCR has with the legion: its expansion, imperialism, and military leaning.
    The real synthesis will likely be one where the NCR is the ultinate victor. Changed by hardships in the Mohave it'll be a nation that focuses on security, drops expansion, creates a more unified culture, is more efficient with its internal security and affairs.
    The synthesis strips away the weaknesses of both sides and the main weakness of the Legion is that it's essentially ruled by a dictator and will fall apart after he dies. Caesar's idea is that the new nation will be an autocratic state underneath the Legion's control - well what happens once that dictator dies?
    Ironically, the House ending most relates to Caesar's ideal synthesis.

  • @crazando
    @crazando 3 месяца назад +1

    actually at the end of the Roman Empire was a great synthesis with a republic. It became a continent of decentralized autocracy. And despite what modern centralized democracy fans say, it wasn't a dark age. It was really fulfilling

    • @feliciaf8
      @feliciaf8 3 месяца назад

      this! even tho ERE still lives on for thousand years longer

  • @PiR8Rob
    @PiR8Rob 4 месяца назад

    Caesar is literally a madman. As you mentioned, the dialectic of the Roman Republic vs the Roman Empire didn't lead to a synthesis. It lead to a total collapse. You could also view the pre-war world of Fallout as a dialectic between Capitalism and Communism. Which again leads to a total collapse. Caesar knows this, yet he deliberately chooses to repeat history again, but expecting different results. That's the definition of insanity.

  • @andreasamardzija1496
    @andreasamardzija1496 Месяц назад

    Never talked to Caesar much, but I'm sad I never learned about his views on philosophy before offing him. I've always gotten Legate Lanius to see reason at the battle of Hoover Dam so there's that.

  • @AC-TheDarkWolfoftheNorth
    @AC-TheDarkWolfoftheNorth 6 месяцев назад +1

    "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." - Lord Acton
    BTW new subscriber. I really like your videos and how you explain in a way that even the youngsters should understand. I am very glad I founds this channel. 😎

    • @phyrr2
      @phyrr2 4 месяца назад +1

      More truthfully, power tends to lure the corrupt while the absolutely corrupt tend to be in power.

    • @BarryKennedy
      @BarryKennedy 4 месяца назад

      Power attracts the corruptible.

  • @WallNutBreaker524
    @WallNutBreaker524 5 месяцев назад +1

    If only Obsidian had more time to expand on the Legions Lore, heck, i heared we'd be shown what it's like to live in Legion Lands as an example.
    Edit: My God, the comment sections are filled with Armchair Politician's and Historian's, and Idiots talking shit about The Legion without even knowing the Lore of New Vegas. 😂 Some dude named "MK Ultra" got Obliterated in an debate by someone else named Zonda about the Legion. 🤣

  • @feliciaf8
    @feliciaf8 3 месяца назад

    oh also in terms of the collapse, it didnt basically ended the "world", its just only the western roman empire, basically europe. but the eastern counterpart still ongoing, and other nations too. the world didnt revolve around WRE tho

  • @ICHBinCOOLERalsJeman
    @ICHBinCOOLERalsJeman 7 месяцев назад +5

    First let me congratulate you on a great video.
    I think one thing that isn't brought up in these discussions is that the NCR isn't trying to model itself after our timelines United States, as flawed as that would be, but fallouts united states, which was objectively terrible, one only needs to look at the big empty. Thats even without going into all the horrible projects they didn't cause themselves, merely orchestrates through companies like Vault Tec, but the most damning part about this united states is that they did lead the world into ww3, almost leading to mankinds destruction. Now the NCR is nowhere near on that level, but it doesn't exactly try to seperate itself from this past either, likely due to being founded by the decendants of vault dwellers.
    On if Caesars philosophy does actually work, I think it does. If Caesar is successful in conquering the Mojave (which in his mind he is assured to do, tumour and potentialy angry mailman aside) , then his legion is going to march on California after which regardless of who ends up victorious their society will be transformed. After all the NCR in it current state is going to fail, which means they will come under pressure to adapt to the outside pressure, again if we take Caesars favourite subject ancient rome as an example, they adapted constantly to meet outside threats like the Carthaginians under Hannibal for example. Now some of these reforms were what ultimately allowed Caeasar to put an end to the republic, but in themselvey they were neither good or bad, just necessary. If the NCR is victorious in this existential struggle its going to be different, again I wouldn't call these good or bad changes, but they would change the NCR, likely away from trying to be a rebirth of pre war goverment and more into its own thing. Alternatively the Legion wins, maybe becasue the NCR was to slow to adapt, in which case the old world gets largely stomped out and the Legion would now have to adapt away from being a mere warband, good historical comparison could be the mongols in china. Either way we would end up with a new entity, which all bravado and roman larp aside is what Caesar claims his war will bring. Now this isn't me justifying facism or warmongering or any of the acts the legion commits, only that waht Caesar thinks he is doing isn't unprecedented and if you view the old world institutions negatively like me, you might even feel it is necessary to avoid another fallout. I think one only needs to look at factions close to pre war to find merrit in Caesars argument, the enclave, the insitute, the brotherhood of steel, in many ways the best parts of the NCR are the parts that have nothing in common with pre war america, while many of its flaws could be considered indicative of clinging on to an already failed system.
    On an unrelated note, as has already been pointed out, the dark age that supposedly followed the collapse of the roman republic is a fabrication.
    Popularized in the time of the rennaisance and really taking up steam during the enlightenment. Now there are a lot of reasons why they did this,
    like the fact that the middle ages were a time of catholic hegemony, which was of course untollerable to protestant thinkers or the fact the rennaisance era thought of itself as the great rebirth after the collapse, the attempt to model this new enlightented goverment by modelling after an imagined past etc.
    Most notably this bias is even in the term "middle ages" itself as that sad period of ignorance in between the glorious ancient past and the enlightened new age.
    In truth human development tends to be a lot more continious, evolutionary if you will and this is just as much true for the middle ages as it is for the industrial revolution, true breaks in development are incredibly rare, at least in the broader scheme of things.

    • @MK_ULTRA420
      @MK_ULTRA420 7 месяцев назад

      The irony is that the NCR is more like Rome than Caesar's Legion, which acts more like the barbarian tribes that Julius Caesar's legions had slaughtered with the help of German horses (traded) and French lumber (stolen). Caesar is only a threat because of Vulpes and Lanius. Ulysses is literally the wild card.

    • @feliciaf8
      @feliciaf8 3 месяца назад

      Collapse of the roman empire*

  • @thestrangechannelofjeff7426
    @thestrangechannelofjeff7426 7 месяцев назад +12

    Ceaser obviously Interpreted the book the wrong way because his character only has intelligence 4

    • @delroku
      @delroku 7 месяцев назад +4

      Considering Hegel had intelligence 4 as well I'd say they're both at fault here

  • @MyViolador
    @MyViolador 7 месяцев назад +3

    I follow caesar because the ncr want to tax me,

  • @NJHProductions512
    @NJHProductions512 Месяц назад

    Basically he thinks the ends justify the means. Interesting character either way.

  • @idontuploadanym0re
    @idontuploadanym0re 3 месяца назад

    8:13 funnily enough, as of a little over a week ago, i do as well!

  • @Huy-G-Le
    @Huy-G-Le 7 месяцев назад +3

    The guy read and learn Hagel dialectic, which is an updates on Adam Smith dialectic and labors theory.
    American are educated to hard Marx, but most of what Marx and Engel did are updates on Hagel Dialectic to form their owns Dialectic, called Dialectic Materialism which came from studying how Capitalism works, and explains how the ownerships of productions, and productions process itself have impact on the lives of the economic classes of society.

  • @andreasamardzija1496
    @andreasamardzija1496 Месяц назад

    Let's play over simplification of philosophy though Fallout! Searching for water chips, water purification, etc? WELL THALES MUST BE RIGHT ABOUT WATER BEING THE SOURCE OF EVERYTHING. A Fallout Protagonist from a Vault goes above ground, sees light? IT'S JUST LIKE PLATOS CAVE IF YOU IGNORE EVERYTHING.

  • @afz902k
    @afz902k 2 месяца назад

    Absolute banger of a video

  • @IxodesPersulcatus
    @IxodesPersulcatus 3 месяца назад

    Unfortunately for Caesar, "Nothing is more permanent than a temporary solution."

  • @darthkillhoon
    @darthkillhoon 3 месяца назад +2

    No, you had me until you said that the time between the fall of the Western Roman Empire wouldn't see a revival in European civilization to the same level until the Renaissance. That is blatantly wrong historiography. The Coming of the Emperor Charlemagne ended the Dark Ages and brought about the middle Ages, the Summer of Christendom which revived the civilization back to and exceeding Rome. The Middle Ages saw the restoration of Civilization to a level of grandeur of Rome. So don't give me that modernist BS about the Middle Ages being a dark peroidt

    • @feliciaf8
      @feliciaf8 3 месяца назад

      this! thank you, the middle ages still suffer from the modern BS ignorance

  • @palmpalm7633
    @palmpalm7633 3 месяца назад

    Legion's best quality its civilizing power, ability to make society out of tribes. Caesar's goal is to create a foundation for a nation that would not die without prewar technologies or any other singular thing. Surviveabilty and staying power over making electorat happy and following prewar moral code. Reality is that life sucks in the wastes, there aren't enough resources to go around and NCR expands just to have the taken manpower and natural resources of taken lands, which isn't sustainable in the long run. NCR faces crisis and it shows in its citizens and Caesar himself, so he desires for a long term solution, that would ensure order and actual possibility for growth that wouldn't be at risk of being lost. But what NCR managed to achieve wouldn't be lost, and it achieved some great things, culturally and so on. So having NCR lands taken would mean spread and preservation of its best qualities in the mind of Caesar. Having an autocrat as leader would make consolidated efforts easier, make achieving goals easier, and will make instating Pax Romana possible. Ultimate goal is to bring relative peace, make wars on grounds of diametrically opposed views impossible, insuring the way forward, instead of wars over what direction is the right one.
    Real question is if you think that we should go as far as Roman Empire, and ancient societies were quite resilient, or that we don't need to go that deep to make future brighter, since Legion methods are quite barbaric and seem backwards for most, making you think - would Legion rule cause more harm by sticking to old ways than letting whatever wasteland has cooked to stay and develop. Maybe a making for a better future is here and lies not in Legion or NCR, and picking any of them would trample that potential.
    To simplify it to - I WANNA BE THE KING OF THE WORLD is kinda meh. It is about autocracy, and it is about why it has to exist today, well, in the future today. And to counter it with - "Well, democracy isn't perfect but slavery is kinda uncool, so NCR it is" feels shallow. Wasteland is vastly different to what we have today, and to measure it from our day to day perspective is a mistake. Founding fathers lived in a completely different world to a post nuclear wastes, where everything was for the taking and abundant. In short my mind wasn't blown, but its more of a matter of perspective, we can't know this things for sure ofc, so it could be me who's in the wrong lol.

  • @sheepyCBT
    @sheepyCBT 7 месяцев назад +8

    How do you make a fucking 27 minute essay about Caesar, and mispell it in both the title and the thumbnail lmao

    • @FalloutLorecast
      @FalloutLorecast  7 месяцев назад +5

      Thanks for pointing it out so politely. Just a human making human mistakes. Everything alright at home?

    • @sheepyCBT
      @sheepyCBT 7 месяцев назад +10

      @@FalloutLorecast Apologies Sire! I will be less blunt with my choice of words and address you with more civility!
      Forgive me for saying this, but it is difficult to overlook this error. Caesar is the focal point and subject material of your video; his name is plastered everywhere in the game's writing, it should also have come up multiple times during the research and production of your script.
      Despite this, you mispelled his name in the title and thumbnail, which tells me that:
      1) You did not proof-read your work.
      2) English might not be your first language.
      3) Your mother spends a significant amount of time at Dwarven brothels.
      Since you couldn't be bothered enough to make a good first impression, I will also assume that the production value for the rest of the video is as equally shoddy (and not watch it)
      Everything is going well in my domicile. I thank thee for asking!

    • @HYDEinallcaps
      @HYDEinallcaps 7 месяцев назад +2

      @@sheepyCBT This comment left me in fucking tears from laughter, you're a hero.

    • @joelcastillo5828
      @joelcastillo5828 2 месяца назад

      ​@@sheepyCBT Unfathomably based.
      You were right, it really was nothing but bad takes all video.

  • @shadowpoet4398
    @shadowpoet4398 5 месяцев назад

    Interesting Hegel quote... Id imagine such simplistic zero-sum drivel from the creator of the Hegelian Dialectic.
    I prefer Blue Oyster Cult:
    "History shows again and again how nature points out the folly of men.... *_GODZILLA!!!"_*

  • @shanehunt3019
    @shanehunt3019 3 месяца назад

    You're telling me I wished a nuclear winter on the Mojave because some philosophy dork got uppity?

  • @ansonpiper9660
    @ansonpiper9660 4 месяца назад +2

    Profligates.........Hail caesar

    • @DROGOC0P
      @DROGOC0P 3 месяца назад

      kekistani citizen, I knvvl

    • @joelcastillo5828
      @joelcastillo5828 2 месяца назад

      It's good to see you, fren.
      True to pepe!

  • @wafflegoat
    @wafflegoat 7 месяцев назад

    great video, i've never seen you before but i will def be checking out more vids of yours now

  • @saxogrammatikus4195
    @saxogrammatikus4195 7 месяцев назад +9

    If you think the middle ages wear inferior to the antiquity in technology and culture you are dead wrong. It was always a evolutionary progress of society and culture and without it we would not have the renaissance.
    The real answer for a perfect society is that its models his morals and needs on circumstances it found itself in. There is no right and wrong. Sometimes you need autocracy sometimes more of laissez-faire approach. Facism had work fine almost 20 years in Italy and then it don't. Maybe now its a solution or not. Time would tell. Humanity should not have a bias in ideology, it should transcend above that. Ideologies are tools and subjective not objective. We must live with the fact that we never will have a solution that works every time for every problem. The wisdom is in the use of the right tools for the right problem.
    So Caesar is not really wrong in his approach to have the monopoly of violence. It works perfect for Arizona. Slavery in this socioeconomic circumstances of the wasteland, is maybe the best approach to revive the agrarian sector and have stable food source. You are right he does this for himself but who doesn't act out of for himself? He is hypocrite for that sure but I and you also profit from a stable economy like everybody else. If the economy is bad everybody suffers in some regard.
    I personally more on Mr.Houses side, then Yes-Man, then Legion and in the last place for the NCR. Because the form of government doesn't matter its the competency of it. I rather have incompetent autocracy then a incompetent democracy because you get faster and better rid of it. Yeah you can vote them out but the opposition is also mostly more incompetent, because they don't have won in the first place and mostly they have the same ideology with different stripes. So no real change whatsoever in the domestic policy. The mostly finish the work from the previous administration and begin new projects, they don't finish there term and need the second term to have even a effect.
    If you read my short rant about this, I thank you for your time. Have a nice day.

    • @ICHBinCOOLERalsJeman
      @ICHBinCOOLERalsJeman 7 месяцев назад +2

      thank you for pointing this out, middle ages still suffer from a bad repuation, which is undeserved.

    • @MK_ULTRA420
      @MK_ULTRA420 7 месяцев назад +2

      You said what I was thinking, thank you.

    • @feliciaf8
      @feliciaf8 3 месяца назад

      finally i agree with you only on this

    • @saxogrammatikus4195
      @saxogrammatikus4195 3 месяца назад

      @@feliciaf8 I don't know you. What topics you disagree with me?

    • @joelcastillo5828
      @joelcastillo5828 2 месяца назад

      ​@@saxogrammatikus4195 Never thought I'd say this, but I finally agree with you on something.

  • @czar6203
    @czar6203 26 дней назад +1

    Dialectic's bullcrap.

  • @wesleyharris5332
    @wesleyharris5332 7 месяцев назад +7

    Authoritarianism is not fascism.

    • @JokerDoom
      @JokerDoom 3 месяца назад

      Yes but all fascism is authoritarian

  • @drackestalentorgen166
    @drackestalentorgen166 5 месяцев назад +1

    The problem with your argument is threefold, two about Roman History :
    1)The Republic turning into the Empire was inevitable ...mandates could be bought, corruption was rampant and so on, the Republic was falling cause its political class was unconnected from the world, just like the NCR and our current world that is edging toward totalitarism by by governance of both the left and the right...thst leads to Revolution...and that was what Cesar did
    2) Rome regardles of if you consider its fall to be when the Italian capital failed to barbarian kings (even though many of them took roman structures into their governments and that led to the romance Nations of today including modern Democracy being based on the Roman Empire , not Republic Codexes...Or if you consider the Fall of Bysantium in 1453 , something you should as there was no stop gubernamentales chain unlike countries that even today argue they are the same...cough couch stil lasted a millenia, two if you are cultured and include Bysantium, more in any case than any other any other other civilisation regardles of what the young 74 year old China Republic says. (Their argumen is like counting all stages of the Greek periods and later all the nations that were birth from Rome as one Civilisation...though some call that "the west".
    Regardles the point is that even with their crisis and all it lasted way longer than the Neo Democratic experiment the USA started a system that is strained to no end, filled with corruption has lead to the fall of several nations and honestly might break (and should)apart with the combination of extreme Partisanism and totalitarian Rulling
    (Though unlike comunism it has lasted more than a couple decades)
    Remembering that Romes ending its expansion and the Emperors becoming politicians was what led to the weakening of Italian Rome and later on fighting other autocratic empires was what killed Bysantine Rome
    3) While a philosopher might come up with a concept interpretation is key for all and while Cesar might be wrong about synthesis, specially in how his legion strips that uniqueness from those they conquer...that might have been cause they were tribals not civilisations like Vegas or the NCR are...but thats relative and depends on believing Cesars word....
    4) However my last point is. Ot relative at all, he is Right about the NCR and democracy in the Fallout universe...the old world failed, they are lucky there are humans at all, the USA destroyed the world along with the Reds, and it was for a resource that was not going to last more than a couple decades.
    Corruption and corporative cronyism ran rampant. The possibility Vault Tech and the Enclave might have detonated the war is damming
    And the ncr reflects the usa fails to a te thought they might be more openly incompetent

    • @drackestalentorgen166
      @drackestalentorgen166 5 месяцев назад

      And I dont think it would work but the ncr won't work and free Vegas has all the same flaws as it depends on your life

  • @xwing2417
    @xwing2417 2 месяца назад

    Caesar is so smart he's stupid.

  • @aaronboyd1388
    @aaronboyd1388 7 месяцев назад +1

    I like this but the Roman empires collapse took 400 years, then they technically still had the Roman catholic church and the western roman empire until the crusades caused a religious shift there, plus Caesar had no family so something meritocracy like could have been formed not likely in the fallout universe but maby

    • @Sumoniggro
      @Sumoniggro 7 месяцев назад +2

      The Eastern Roman empire existed until the 1500's, we call it Byzantine but they called themselves Romans, it's why Romania is called such and why Romanian is a latin based language.

    • @drkinferno72
      @drkinferno72 7 месяцев назад

      My head canon is that caesar adopts the legion aligned courier as his son and heir

    • @feliciaf8
      @feliciaf8 3 месяца назад

      u forgot the ERE that still ongoing for a thousand year

    • @joelcastillo5828
      @joelcastillo5828 2 месяца назад

      ​@@drkinferno72 it is hinted in game that the courier is named the successor to Caesar in the Legion ending, by minting a coin in his image. The coin was used as a propaganda tool in Rome, and was also used to announce the next emperor.
      Only Caesar is on Legion money, by minting a coin in the courier's image, he enters the Legion's mythos on the same level as Caesar himself.

  • @Ancient_Wisdom4
    @Ancient_Wisdom4 Месяц назад

    Wow Good video open my eyes

  • @ZoranZoltanous
    @ZoranZoltanous 4 месяца назад

    I don't exactly think the Legion is "fascist," but there's definitely a philosophical overlap there. Giovanni Gentile, the philosopher of Fascism who generally justified Mussolini's actions, was a staunch Hegelian.

    • @Sumoniggro
      @Sumoniggro 3 месяца назад

      That's because they were former marxists, fascism is rooted in the exact same philosophical underpinnings that Marxism is, neohegalian gnostic gobbledygook.

  • @stelscarrot
    @stelscarrot 4 месяца назад

    Your video mostly sound, but you missed one thing - the dictator or ruling elite is not all the power, not all of the state, even in absolutist era. Your concepts of democracy and separation of power built on flawed US-centric ideal, and even when you agree it's not perfect, you are missing that democracy and decentralization is not inseparable. I am not claiming to have better understanding, but there are thing or two to learn in USSR and modern Iran, in terms of lower governing stages, at least from what I was able to understand.
    Edit: although, in context of the game I don't know if there are examples of it, and strictly speaking at that stage there can't be that much of decentralization. Argument could be made it would come eventually as Legion would grow, could be both from understanding of the leader, or forced by situation, but that's looking too far.

  • @Sumoniggro
    @Sumoniggro 7 месяцев назад +1

    I would argue that the positions of power don't corrupt people, they naturally attract corrupt people to seek those positions especially if it isn't based on bloodlines. Uncorrupted and uncorruptible people tend to avoid seeking power because they just want to live and let live.

    • @phyrr2
      @phyrr2 2 месяца назад

      100% on this. Additionally more research shows that it's psychopaths and narcissists that make up most of the "elite" positions. They have less distractions and less empathy (which prevents one from being pragmatic and ambitious 100%). In the end, these sub-humans rule over the rest of the more evolved ones.m

  • @OnCydig
    @OnCydig 7 месяцев назад +1

    I think it's definitely more complex than "muh democracy muh dictatorship" and most certainly more complex than a simple 30 minute video can do for it. But still an interesting video nonetheless.
    People should be thinking about these sorts of things more and apply that knowledge to our modern world.

  • @CesarHILL
    @CesarHILL 3 месяца назад

    RUclips is a fertile ground for contemporary philosophers ;)
    Thats a good thing. Id rather do philosophy than conspirations. 😅

  • @lefdee
    @lefdee 7 месяцев назад +1

    The NCR and all manner of factions wish to pick up the pieces and start where the world left off. Caesar wants to restart it from the beginning with himself at the top

  • @AskTorin
    @AskTorin 7 месяцев назад

    Amazing insights

  • @Tzeench429
    @Tzeench429 7 месяцев назад +1

    Yooo this is some good shit right hear, gotta comment for the Cult of The Algorithm

  • @ricgillingham8056
    @ricgillingham8056 4 месяца назад

    But didn't Rome falk because of the same issues 😕

    • @feliciaf8
      @feliciaf8 3 месяца назад

      Many factors: internal instability, migration, no assamilation, degeneracy, etc

  • @CaesarSonOfMars
    @CaesarSonOfMars 7 месяцев назад +2

    Fascism will work if I'm in charge trust me bro

  • @basedvorenus7497
    @basedvorenus7497 4 месяца назад +1

    Ave, true to Caesar

  • @Powersnufkin
    @Powersnufkin 7 месяцев назад +3

    Ever thought that Ceasers interpretation of dialectics were intentional by the game designers?
    Yes Man is the only real solution. Lets cook some jet! Go Khans!

    • @FalloutLorecast
      @FalloutLorecast  7 месяцев назад

      Yes, you're exactly right. His interpretation was 100% intentional by the game designers. He's a fictional character.

  • @balanoidik
    @balanoidik 7 месяцев назад +8

    Uhhh, you're just repeating the same things Caesar does, and almost everyone will hear it in the game... Cringe clickbait.

  • @Sumoniggro
    @Sumoniggro 3 месяца назад

    The third way... aka fascism

  • @judsongaiden9878
    @judsongaiden9878 4 месяца назад

    Order is oppression. Chaos is freedom. Ackchyually, Neutral Good is the way to go. Like the small town communities in the Falloutverse.
    1:00 Well, which is it? A republic or a democracy?
    1:40 More like 2,200-ish.
    3:07 That has got to be the most soyboy-looking fascist of all time! 🤣
    4:18 / 8:45 Every collectivist spews that same hogwash.
    6:33 Succeed at what, though? Being obedient minions of the state with no sense of individuality?
    6:48 Constitutional republicanism didn't fail, though. The dual leviathans of international socialism and corporate globalism were what drove the world into desolation.
    7:25 A mixed system. Like having a mixed economy that's both socialist and corporate, but in the sociopolitical domain, and it's a mix of autocratic fascism and mobocratic democracy (both of which are hostile toward constitutional republicanism).
    8:35 How can culture be both "nationalist" and "imperialist?" That's a contradiction, yo! Only leftists use those words interchangeably. So either Caesar is a leftist or his dialogue was written by a leftist.
    8:45 He'd get the same results if he modeled his society on the Soviet Union.
    11:14 Proof of the NCR's incompetence: They refer to their ideal as "democracy" on their own posters despite "Republic" being in their name.
    11:44 Unless you're a Taoist. Or if you study psychology (especially of the Jungian school of thought).
    12:34 Constitutional republicanism is the most highly evolved form of civic nationalism. Change my mind. Also, notice how I specify "civic" nationalism rather than "ethnic" nationalism. Another distinction leftists neglect. They don't realize that one is either a nationalist OR an imperialist. They don't realize that "globalism" and "internationalism" are just alternate words for "imperialism."
    12:42 If he'd read enough books, he might have realized that Rome was a republic before it was an empire. "SPQR" represents the NCR's ideals. How's that for irony, Morpheus? Or rather, juxtaposition (which is the physical result of irony). [ 18:18 ] Never mind.
    13:35 You can't fuse republicanism together with fascism. You can't be both nationalist and imperialist. You can, however, fuse republicanism together with democracy, hence the term "democratic republic." Btw, "democracy" doesn't really mean "rule of the people." It originally meant something more to the effect of "rule of the landed gentry" or "rule of the monied aristocracy."
    14:41 From Caesar's perspective, the Legion would be the thesis. Right?
    16:11 You can't fire a double-shot one-handed with full-power loads without the gun jumping out yer hand (unless you have a cybernetic arm and/or bionic enhancements). I know Mad Max appears to do that in 'The Road Warrior', but that's movie magic.
    16:29 Why do right-handed people in video games and movies always hold right-handed chainsaws left-handed?! That's so insulting! It's not that hard to understand. ALL chainsaws are right-handed, but that's not a big deal for left-handers since most "westpaws" have a stronger left arm, and the left arm bears most of the chainsaw's weight. Buzzsaw from 'The Running Man' wielded a chainsaw in his left hand because he was also riding a motorcycle at the same time, and the vast majority of motorcycles have right-handed controls (this is also why Arnie fired guns left-handed while riding motorcycles in the Terminator movies).
    16:41 Villains are always the ones squealing about "the greater good." Ayn Rand was right. "Altruism" is the root of all evil. Why? Because according to altruism, we're all expendable commodities of "the state."
    17:14 See also Unit 731. See also the lenient treatment of the government-loving collectivists that committed those atrocities.
    17:45 Or you can do the Jungian thing and reconcile your own duality. Bob Ross figured that out.
    18:18 All those same problems exist under autocracy and/or oligarchy.
    19:26 "KAI-sar" is also closer to the correct Classical Latin pronunciation ("YULE-ee-us KAI-sar"). See also "PON-tee-oos PEE-lah-teh," not "PON-chus PIE-luht."
    20:49 What's the point of "protecting citizens" if they're nothing more than expendable commodities of the state? Why should the collectivist state, or its military machine, care what happens to the lowly peons if their lives don't matter?
    21:52 "Perfect republic," you mean. Some might say that its strength lies in its imperfection, its chaos. Can't have freedom without chaos, even in a Lawful Good society. That's the beauty of the Neutral Good alignment. Best of both worlds: Chaotic Good liberty and Lawful Good justice. How's that for a Hegelian Dialectic?! That's a synthesis that actually works!
    22:28 That's collectivism, yo! That whole "altruism" and "sacrifice" malarkey. The imperialist philosophy already has that. "The individual has no value, save for his utility to the state." That's "altruism" and "sacrifice" in a nutshell.
    22:33 Mobocracy is no better than autocracy, as proven by Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge. They were too collectivist even for the Soviet Union! And they were backed by the CIA (as was Ho Chi Minh).
    22:37 In FNV, in third person, we typically see right-handed characters slinging long guns on their back in the correct right-handed configuration. Grip over right shoulder, trigger group facing in. This is because you don't draw a gun off yer back underhand like we see in so many third-person games nowadays. We even see that in 'The Mandalorian'! You don't draw a long gun off yer back underhand whether yer grasping the grip or the forearm. Also, it's dumb to grasp the forearm with the shooting hand while drawing a long gun off yer back, because you then have to take the extra time to reposition yer hands. I'd like to think that Cooper Howard would back me up on all this, but even he gets some things wrong, namely the way he slings his "Mare's Leg Deluxe" with the trigger group and lever facing out. At least he slings it in the correct direction for a right-hander. Ash Williams gets it more correct, though.
    22:53 [cue Megadeth's 'Symphony of Destruction']
    23:31 That's an insult to vultures. At least vultures are beneficial to the ecosystem. The parasite class are more comparable to ticks, fleas, or mosquitoes.
    23:44 That's why they crafted a constitutional republic. Imperialism and democracy are both hostile toward republicanism because they're hostile to toward the individual.
    25:08 Making a case against his own ideology right there. Textbook hypocrite. Also notice how he's using the terms "republic" and "democracy" interchangeably.
    25:26 If he was coming from an anarchist perspective, at least he'd be less of a hypocrite.
    26:26 Except when they equate "nationalism" with "imperialism" and when they use the terms "republic" and "democracy" interchangeably.

  • @sagitarriulus9773
    @sagitarriulus9773 4 месяца назад

    The irony is Caesar literally knows nothing about Rome because that’s not how Rome worked at all.

  • @UnhingedJessie
    @UnhingedJessie 7 месяцев назад +1

    Even as a female courier Caesar is fine with you if you're useful as a loyal agent. If you're tough and badass enough you can earn your way into a good position within the legion. I appreciate that level of brutal, survival-of-the-fittest necessity.
    The real world has made me despise the NCR more than I should from in-game lore. But politics, philosophy, history aside... All I need to side with the Legion is to see the cringe reddit NCR stans.

  • @lordbelou7279
    @lordbelou7279 Месяц назад

    Alright, just one thing please, no more of "Oh, it took a hundred years to have a decent society again", the middle ages were NOT some dark age filled with stupid people.

    • @FalloutLorecast
      @FalloutLorecast  Месяц назад

      You're right. It wasn't as bad as all that. There was still a bit of a setback in some ways, and changes in other, however.
      Political power shifted and it definitely had it's effects. In many places public services were reduced, education became less of a focus until the time of Charlemagne (at least among the Franks and the areas he claimed.
      Across Europe, the church became the focus for education and either intentionally or accidentally lost classical works that didn't agree with their world view, including classical Greek philosophies.
      Sure, it wasn't filled with stupid people. That's clearly going too far. But it would be naive to say that society didn't take a hit and, in some ways, society and culture didn't return to classical ideals for at least a few centuries.

  • @SahilHossain-ff4if
    @SahilHossain-ff4if 7 месяцев назад +1

    How about momentum 100

  • @GrimSower
    @GrimSower 7 месяцев назад +1

    Prophet Muhammad pbuh would have been a more ideal role model for the character... Though maybe not very helpful for the life expectancy of the devs 😂

    • @feliciaf8
      @feliciaf8 3 месяца назад

      LMAOO would love to see that if they actually confident to put it in the game

    • @Spocker93
      @Spocker93 3 месяца назад

      A character having a 6 year old wife would never get past ESRB, let alone Moh's other atrocities.

  • @DarkOmegaMK2
    @DarkOmegaMK2 7 месяцев назад +2

    Caesar is so full of shit. He's too engrossed in how own perfect world to understand that his actions are causing loads of pain and suffering. Sure, the trading routes in Legion territory are safe due from raiders but keep in mind this idea is standing on a HUGE pile of bodies, entire tribes gone, many unique ideals gone, people ripped apart both literally and figuratively, is it all worth it just for a little comfort? Is it right that blood is being spilled as long as it's not your own?
    I may not be educated enough to understand his philosophical view, but i do understand when a man professes an ideal and then the same man fails to follow through:
    >Caesar speaks of honor and direct combat, but is is often you see in game that a lot of his attempts at sabotage done via espionage and backstabbing. I understand it is a war and this covert operations are part of it, but this is the same man that says that implicitly says that these are the actions of cowards, the actions that he himself is commanding to do.
    >The Legion prides itself in it's non reliance on technology and how that makes them stronger, Legionnaires are to be treated with ancient medicine for their injuries, but Caesar? That dude has an auto-doc on his tent.
    Someone with a basis that is so fickle and who's so egotistical to view itself in the mirror properly is certainly unfit to rule the Mojave. Not even House is that egotistical and petty.

  • @PhilthAdelphiA
    @PhilthAdelphiA 7 месяцев назад +3

    A rat has higher intelligence

    • @jackalsmalls4995
      @jackalsmalls4995 7 месяцев назад +2

      SPECIAL doesn't factor in outside of gameplay

  • @palmpalm7633
    @palmpalm7633 3 месяца назад

    Legion's best quality its civilizing power, ability to make society out of tribes. Caesar's goal is to create a foundation for a nation that would not die without prewar technologies or any other singular thing. Surviveabilty and staying power over making electorat happy and following prewar moral code. Reality is that life sucks in the wastes, there aren't enough resources to go around and NCR expands just to have the taken manpower and natural resources of taken lands, which isn't sustainable in the long run. NCR faces crisis and it shows in its citizens and Caesar himself, so he desires for a long term solution, that would ensure order and actual possibility for growth that wouldn't be at risk of being lost. But what NCR managed to achieve wouldn't be lost, and it achieved some great things, culturally and so on. So having NCR lands taken would mean spread and preservation of its best qualities in the mind of Caesar. Having an autocrat as leader would make consolidated efforts easier, make achieving goals easier, and will make instating Pax Romana possible. Ultimate goal is to bring relative peace, make wars on grounds of diametrically opposed views impossible, insuring the way forward, instead of wars over what direction is the right one.
    Real question is if you think that we should go as far as Roman Empire, and ancient societies were quite resilient, or that we don't need to go that deep to make future brighter, since Legion methods are quite barbaric and seem backwards for most, making you think - would Legion rule cause more harm by sticking to old ways than letting whatever wasteland has cooked to stay and develop. Maybe a making for a better future is here and lies not in Legion or NCR, and picking any of them would trample that potential.
    To simplify it to - I WANNA BE THE KING OF THE WORLD is kinda meh. It is about autocracy, and it is about why it has to exist today, well, in the future today. And to counter it with - "Well, democracy isn't perfect but slavery is kinda uncool, so NCR it is" feels shallow. Wasteland is vastly different to what we have today, and to measure it from our day to day perspective is a mistake. Founding fathers lived in a completely different world to a post nuclear wastes, where everything was for the taking and abundant. In short my mind wasn't blown, but its more of a matter of perspective, we can't know this things for sure ofc, so it could be me who's in the wrong lol.