Hips, Hamstrings & Calves: Yogalates with Erin

  • Опубликовано: 9 июл 2024
  • Hips, Hamstrings & Calves: Yogalates with Erin
    Erin Menut, MA, E-RYT 500, Wellness Coach, Yoga & Pilates Instructor
    Full length workout
    Focus: Hips, Hamstrings, Calves, Hip Openers, Core, Glutes, Back, Shoulders
    Key Poses, Muscles Worked, and Benefits
    1. *Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)*
    - *Muscles Worked:* Hamstrings, calves, shoulders, arms, and back.
    - *Benefits:* Strengthens the arms and legs, stretches the hamstrings, calves, and shoulders, improves flexibility, and relieves tension in the spine.
    2. *Forward Fold (Uttanasana)*
    - *Muscles Worked:* Hamstrings, calves, lower back.
    - *Benefits:* Stretches the hamstrings, calves, and lower back, calms the mind, and helps relieve stress.
    3. *Figure Eight Hip Movement*
    - *Muscles Worked:* Hips, lower back.
    - *Benefits:* Increases hip mobility, massages the lower back, and improves coordination and balance.
    4. *Plank Pose*
    - *Muscles Worked:* Core, shoulders, arms, back, legs.
    - *Benefits:* Strengthens the core, shoulders, and arms, improves balance and endurance, and tones the body.
    5. *Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)*
    - *Muscles Worked:* Back, shoulders, arms, chest.
    - *Benefits:* Strengthens the spine, stretches the chest, shoulders, and abdomen, and improves posture.
    6. *Child’s Pose (Balasana)*
    - *Muscles Worked:* Back, hips, thighs.
    - *Benefits:* Gently stretches the hips, thighs, and ankles, relaxes the back and shoulders, and calms the mind.
    7. *Side-Lying Bridge Pose*
    - *Muscles Worked:* Glutes, obliques, shoulders.
    - *Benefits:* Strengthens the glutes and obliques, improves stability and balance, and opens the chest and shoulders.
    8. *Leg Lifts (Side Lying)*
    - *Muscles Worked:* Glutes, hips, thighs.
    - *Benefits:* Strengthens the glutes and thighs, improves hip mobility, and enhances balance.
    9. *Sphinx Pose Variation*
    - *Muscles Worked:* Lower back, glutes, shoulders.
    - *Benefits:* Strengthens the lower back and glutes, stretches the chest and shoulders, and improves posture.
    10. *Child’s Pose with Hip Circles*
    - *Muscles Worked:* Hips, lower back.
    - *Benefits:* Increases hip mobility, massages the lower back, and provides gentle relaxation for the spine.
    11. *Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)*
    - *Muscles Worked:* Glutes, hamstrings, lower back.
    - *Benefits:* Strengthens the glutes and hamstrings, stretches the chest and spine, and improves hip mobility.
    12. *V-Sit*
    - *Muscles Worked:* Core, hip flexors, back.
    - *Benefits:* Strengthens the core and hip flexors, improves balance and coordination, and enhances overall body control.
    13. *Saw (Seated Forward Fold with Twist)*
    - *Muscles Worked:* Hamstrings, back, shoulders.
    - *Benefits:* Stretches the hamstrings and back, improves spinal mobility, and enhances digestion and circulation.
    Summary of Main Body Parts Worked
    The class primarily focuses on the following areas:
    - *Core:* Various plank variations, leg lifts, and seated core exercises target the abdominals and obliques.
    - *Hips:* Movements like figure eights, hip circles, and side-lying leg lifts work on hip mobility and strength.
    - *Hamstrings and Calves:* Downward Facing Dog and Forward Fold emphasize stretching and strengthening the back of the legs.
    - *Back and Shoulders:* Cobra Pose, Plank Pose, and various reaching and lifting movements strengthen and stretch the back and shoulders.
    - *Glutes:* Side-lying bridge poses and leg lifts engage and strengthen the glute muscles.
    This comprehensive routine ensures a balanced workout, promoting flexibility, strength, and relaxation.
    Originally recorded July 3, 2024

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    Erin Menut, MA, E-RYT 500, Wellness Coach
    Follow me on:
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    Website: radiantenergyforlife.com/
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