I have a voltage regulator question My generator has D+ hooked to D+ on the voltage regulator DF from the generator to DF on the voltage regulator My number 61 wasn't hooked up to anything but I ran a positive wire from the coil to an inline fuse and then to a light and then to the number 61 on the voltage regulator. Now isn't the B+ which connects to either the starter or directly to the battery ( depending on the year ) Doesn't the B+ send the regulated power back to the battery to recharge it ? Shouldn't I have 12+ volts coming out from the B+ if I hook a volt meter to it ?
www.jbugs.com/store/graphics/00000001/23/300019-VW-12-Volt-Voltage-Regulator-Wiring-Diagram.gif Doesn't the B+ send the regulated power back to the battery to recharge it? Shouldn't I have 12+ volts coming out from the B+ if I hook a volt meter to it? These are essentially the same question and the answer is yes, as long as the generator is charging.
Hey Sam, is there a video where you cover how to connect the two red wires you snipped and connected to 3 connector? I'm having trouble finishing this part on my 73 beetle
The wires we cut and connect in this video, are covered in this video, so I'm not following what your question is. These wires are all the main battery power and connect to the battery, the alternator and the fuse box or headlight switch at the front of the car.
@Sam_Mebane I guess my confusion is coming from how the 2 red wires are going from the fuse holder to the battery. From my understanding, it's 2 red wires > 3 prong connector > fuse holder > battery?
@@taylorfrisby9890 in a nutshell, yes. The wiring in this car isn't 100% typical to most applications, nor is the fuse box and battery cable setup I did in this video - ruclips.net/video/36Ln4BU3gIM/видео.html but yes. From the 3 prong connection, run a wire to a 50 amp fuse (or higher depending on what accessories are running off the main power wire) to the battery positive cable or terminal or power block, depending on how your battery is connected.
In which case it would just be a stock diagram - www.thesamba.com/vw/archives/info/wiring/bug_super_8_70.jpg - as this fuse box was set up just like stock. It has the same inputs and outputs as the original fuse box.
@@Sam_Mebane Thanks but I already have the book. I was looking for a one page diagram I could bring in the trunk with me to easily plug and verify. I have a wiring nightmare and nothing seems to want to go right.
Great video series! I'm really interested in the Aftermarket VDO Speedometer & LED Indicator Lights setup you are showing in this video. Please provide more information as to which model number & where we can obtain the whole setup?
Another great video! Thanks for your time on putting together the content for your videos.
It is our pleasure, we enjoy it. Well, most of it anyway!
I have a voltage regulator question
My generator has D+ hooked to D+ on the voltage regulator
DF from the generator to DF on the voltage regulator
My number 61 wasn't hooked up to anything but I ran a positive wire from the coil to an inline fuse and then to a light and then to the number 61 on the voltage regulator. Now isn't the B+ which connects to either the starter or directly to the battery ( depending on the year )
Doesn't the B+ send the regulated power back to the battery to recharge it ?
Shouldn't I have 12+ volts coming out from the B+ if I hook a volt meter to it ?
Doesn't the B+ send the regulated power back to the battery to recharge it?
Shouldn't I have 12+ volts coming out from the B+ if I hook a volt meter to it?
These are essentially the same question and the answer is yes, as long as the generator is charging.
Hey Sam, is there a video where you cover how to connect the two red wires you snipped and connected to 3 connector? I'm having trouble finishing this part on my 73 beetle
The wires we cut and connect in this video, are covered in this video, so I'm not following what your question is. These wires are all the main battery power and connect to the battery, the alternator and the fuse box or headlight switch at the front of the car.
@Sam_Mebane I guess my confusion is coming from how the 2 red wires are going from the fuse holder to the battery. From my understanding, it's 2 red wires > 3 prong connector > fuse holder > battery?
@@taylorfrisby9890 in a nutshell, yes.
The wiring in this car isn't 100% typical to most applications, nor is the fuse box and battery cable setup I did in this video - ruclips.net/video/36Ln4BU3gIM/видео.html but yes.
From the 3 prong connection, run a wire to a 50 amp fuse (or higher depending on what accessories are running off the main power wire) to the battery positive cable or terminal or power block, depending on how your battery is connected.
what is the small in-line resistor for. Do you have to have it if you are not using led lights for the generator?
The resistor is there to provide resistance for the LED indicator, yes. It is not needed if you're using an incandescent (regular) light bulb.
Thanks for the video's!! What size fuse do you use in the fuse block under the back seat?
The small amp used a 20 amp fuse, the large amp ran a 60 amp fuse, and a 70 amp fuse was used to power the rest of the car.
A wiring diagram using this fuse panel on an unmodified gauge setup would be helpful.
In which case it would just be a stock diagram - www.thesamba.com/vw/archives/info/wiring/bug_super_8_70.jpg - as this fuse box was set up just like stock. It has the same inputs and outputs as the original fuse box.
@@Sam_Mebane Thanks but I already have the book. I was looking for a one page diagram I could bring in the trunk with me to easily plug and verify. I have a wiring nightmare and nothing seems to want to go right.
@@duanevince5273 That diagram is all one page, but OK. Hopefully you get it figured out.
@Sam what size resistor did you use for the LED knockdown
This was awhile ago now but I think it was a 1/2 W 2k ohm resistor.
Great video series! I'm really interested in the Aftermarket VDO Speedometer & LED Indicator Lights setup you are showing in this video. Please provide more information as to which model number & where we can obtain the whole setup?
The speedometer is just a 3 1/8" VDO speedometer. The rest of the stuff I custom made.
video about wiring main power connection?
They are covered early in the video starting at 1:40 and up to 3:00.
Did you ever show those indicator lights in any other video? Those look awesome
They first debuted in the dashboard installation video.
Buen video. Saludos
What meter is that. Looks cool
The speedometer is just a 3 1/8" VDO speedometer. The rest of the stuff I custom made.
good vid