Why Dan Inosanto is Right
- Опубликовано: 9 фев 2025
- A few years ago we did a video that angered a good many people. Well, we're back at it except this time we're probably going to irritate the opposite side as we detail an area in which Dan Inosanto has been spot-on: weapons. You see, most Original JKD folks out there, us included, consider ourselves self-defenders...not sport fighters and all that. But a self-defender who doesn't train with and know how to use weapons, especially blades, isn't hitting on all cylinders. In fact, in some ways he hasn't even gotten the proverbial car out of the driveway.
Well, in this video we detail all that and more. We give credit where it's undeniably due. Sifu Dan Inosanto has always been at the forefront of weapons' training and for that, despite our other disagreements with him and the JKD Concepts approach overall, he deserves considerable credit. This is especially true since many Original JKD schools literally never touch a weapon. Oh, and just in case you think we've lost our minds over here, the second half of the video details how the Concepts movement, rooted in the philosophy of relativism, is yet wrong in theory but - as in this case - often right in practice. All of us have much to learn. Maybe even me.
But seriously, in summary, we're all in this together - training and trying to get better. A robust debate on the ideas should be had...and certainly should be respectful and logical. Hopefully this video achieves that. Thanks for watching.
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Great video.
One thing I have learned,in my being involved with the Vunak PFS, training with weapons builds quicker reflexes. No doubt about it. I personally believe there are many pieces to the modern JKD puzzle. Without the founder here with us to speak on JKD in this time,in fact, we are all guessing. This being said,we know for a fact there are "core" elements to JKD ie, intercepting,straight lead,trapping,boxing . Without those,it's not JKD.
I personally think the last part of your statement contradicts Bruce Lee's evolutionary teaching. Within his statements and writings he talks about not getting hung up on a name. Who cares whether you're sticking to the core of JKD. What matters is are you training for effectiveness and reality. So many people are stuck in his 70's concepts and have not evolved. Drop the term JKD and just focus on building a personally effective approach that addresses today's violence.
Late stage JKD is based on western fencing.
So the weapons system I practice is the sword.
I study HEMA to improve my JKD.
And, as you say - there’s no JKD without the Jeet.
The Jeet is the stop thrust in western fencing
What are your favorites? Small Sword? Rapier? Rapier and dagger? Long sword? Staff? Sword and shield? Etc?
When I first started training in JKD Concepts back in '92 in Brooklyn at Universal Defense Systems, we trained with the knife and doce pares or the two sticks.
Thank you for giving a balanced assessment, you content has improved my WC & JKD
From what I underhand, when Bruce was given a kali stick, bo staff or a bladed weapon, he just applied JKD principles and could effectively use a weapon better than even Inosanto at that point. That’s what Dan said about when he showed Bruce the nunchucks I think. It was one of the weapons anyway.
instead of correcting your misconception of the story you heard, may I suggest you find Dan's book titled Jeet Kune Do. In it, you'll find that the full story is much better and more amazing.
@@da.reverend Dan is not a good representation of Bruce Lee’s JKD and never was. It’s irrelevant anyway. Dan went his own way. Bruce Lee did NOT like unnecessary movement to get the job done. Kali contains many movements that are indirect and overly complex.
@@axelstone3131 Ah, man. You spoiled the surprise I was hoping the original writer of this sub-thread would discover by reading Dan’s book about Bruce’s disdain of the FMA. But that’s okay. Now I can suggest that both of you find that book. It’s been out of print for years, now, but I’m sure both of you can find a copy somewhere.
For you, in particular, you’ll discover that your misconception of Dan never being a good representative of JKD is faulty. I’ll also suggest you find Dan’s two books on JKD training. You will be surprised what you find.
As for what Dan does these days, and how and why he got there, you’ll need to understand the nuances of the promise he made the JKD not to
commercialize it. Whether you agree with his decision or not, you will definitely have a much better understanding.
@@da.reverend I’m good thanks, I pay attention to what the founder himself DID not what one of his long terms students who has never demonstrated JKD principles, fencing footwork, simplicity or directness. You sound lost.
According to Jesse Glover, who I’m sure you’re aware of. Someone who arguably understood Bruce’s direction and mindset more than anyone, especially the direction he was going with JKD, has himself said, Tommy Carruthers is the only person he’s ever encountered who is able to perform and apply Bruce Lee’s JKD as Bruce Lee himself did. He has all the core attributes the make JKD work. Because he follows the Pringles and training methodology as Bruce Lee himself did.
Not some bastardised watered down interpretation of things Bruce himself moved away from.
JKD is not about your “interpretation” it’s a simple, direct and refined martial art with efficient body mechanics and movement. I am not interested in other peoples interpretation of Bruce Lee’s martial art when it looked nothing like Bruce’s art in either function or form.
Good luck with the classical mess though 👍🏻
@@axelstone3131 Dear God, you’re not even trying to listen. A bit of info about me. Chris Kent and Steve Golden - the former trained under Dan when Bruce was alive, the latter trained directly under Bruce. - are two of my teachers. So believe me when I say, I know whereof I speak. If you take the time to find the two books I suggested, you’ll see that Dan actually did do what’s now called OJKD, before he went his own way. To say he never did means you haven’t enough knowledge of the history JKD. Especially the fact that Bruce made Dan the head instructor of the original Los Angeles school where Chris trained. (Notice, I don’t mention Dan as my instructor although I’ve taken many of his seminars in the past.)
As for Jesse and Tommy, I have nothing but the highest respect for both of them. They, like my teachers, are wonders to behold.
Try not to let your emotions get in the way of learning more of the history of JKD before you outright dismiss it.
Great video Jason, many points to ponder and study! Thanks!
Glad it was helpful!
"ok my mother in law". Ok, that made me laugh out loud! 🤣🤣🤣
Like the blade with the finger ring ,keeps it from slipping your hand!!
...some countries make it very difficult to train with weapons (and definately difficult to carry any around). Guess Americans should be thankful they still have as much wiggle room as they still, in the main, have.
Good point…you’re quite right there. Those who don’t trust others with freedom will always work to restrict access to self-defense tools. Thanks for the input.
Sifu Jason, enjoyed the video and the information / insights that you provided. Just had a question regarding the idea of researching into multiple arts to then refine and reduce. Other than wing Chun, do you know if the late Sifu Ted Wong studied additionally throughout his life after learning JKD from Sigung Bruce or did he continue to refine what he had learned ?
@@jeffwelsh9264 Ted refined what he had learned from Bruce, from what I’ve read, and the very little he said during the one time I met him.
Is Filipino martial arts simple direct effective? Also if you cant obtain a gun legally pepper spray and bear spray is legal and has gotten much cheaper. BTW I think I remember you had video about you asking Ted Wong about knives and he said something about using the JKD footwork with the knife since its fencing footwork.
Can you make a video on takedown/ throws
Identity politics in martial arts has always haunted me. Karate in the early 90s had a bunch of flag waving...who had legit lineage, who was doing "real karate" and other were doing it for sport. I appreciate hearing your thoughts on these matters. Maybe one day, I get the stones to start a channel of my own?
Well this turned out more philosophical than expected. Love it!
"Concepts" or "Originals" doesn't matter. Honestly, I don't get the whole feud. Because in the end, what Bruce talked about was nothing unique, he was just really good at it. It's what I call, "being a martial artist".
A fighter will learn a style, apply it and win. A martial artist will learn from multiple sources, and develop a style of their own. A great martial artist will do that, and use their style as a way of training the next generation.
That's it. If you're learning, you're good.
Well Sifu Jason, this can only be settled !!THE ANCIENT WAY!!!!😂😂😂
Guro Dan Inosanto is absolutely amazing.
Good points :)
This guy looks like the Gordon Ramsey of the fight game.
He looks more like Gordon Ramsey than the real Gordon Ramsey.
🤘 I love your videos
Empty hands and weapons should all be trained.
Bruce Lee practiced and absorbed western fencing into JKD Im sure he used it in his mind with or without a weapon in his hand.
Why not just still move like a fencer, like Ted Wong would but instead with a stick in your hand, and going straight instead of all those kali patterns that come from the concept guys? You can still use a stick but keep it simple and direct.
if look straight ahead and see a hanging punching big, to me, that's jkd, an art with its own muscle memory. nothing more.
What do you mean by this?
think of boxing, savate, Thai boxing, these arts are of basics and muscle memory, if add more techniques to it, you remove something away from it for something else, that removel also can remove its muscle memory. in order to deeped muscle memory, sparring and training equipments such as punching the heavy bags is the way and the spirit of these arts, and no matter how many techniques we add into these art, they are always going to end up with their own stuck up sideway fighting styles. please don't tell me jkd is not a style, heard it all. remember that in the beginning jkd was a style, a style with a blueprint to follow. and since it has been taught for 55 years, the damage is done, is a sideway stuck up style.
I agree indeed that weapons training is beneficial to general skills , learning to defend against it etc. but it is not part of Jeet Kune Do, which is an art based on unarmed combat. So yes, it's good training, but the issue is that it is passed off as JKD, which is not correct. Beneficial , yes, but not JKD.
And . . . . the JKD wars continue in the comments . . .
Dan Inosanto is one of the big gest frau dst ers in martial arts. His "as many arts as possible" (his words). Was designed to keep students coming in paying him money. Sc s ammer.
@@dagaffer2269 while I have serious philosophical disagreements with Mr. Inosanto and his followers, some of which I’ve articulated on this channel, I try and refrain from any and all ad hominem attacks. I don’t know for certain Mr. Inosanto’s motives but take at face value that his relativism has led him to teach as he does. I truly appreciate your watching the channel and taking the time to comment. I truly do. But I also hope that all of us work hard to keep our pursuit of the truth disciplined and respectful. I will add, of course, that in my other video wherein I explain why he’s wrong about JKD Concepts, his followers exposed themselves as astonishingly irrational and even hateful. All of their replies were either illogical ad hominem or fallacious appeals to authority. As always, watch out for the self-proclaimed beacons of tolerance and open-mindedness, because they prove to be neither when you disagree with them. To that end, I like to think we’re different over here. Anyway, thanks again for watching.
Bruce Lee said the stick is an extension of your arm. Why do you need all the stylized movements? . Dan never liked to spar , never learned to kick . Strait trash using Bruce’s name to promote that stick trash . The lowest low level fencer will kill 99% of Kali practitioners
P r o m o S M
There is no such thing as original JKD. There is Jun Fan Gung Fu and JKD.
There’s Inosanto JKD
@@robertvondarth1730Dan Inosanto is one of the biggest fraudsters in martial arts. His "as many arts as possible" ( his words). Was designed to keep students coming in paying him money. Scammer.
There is Bruce Lee and Dan Inosanto JKD@@robertvondarth1730
Jun fan is Bruce Lee understanding and interpretation of wing chun and other arts. Jkd is mma. The former is foundation and the latter is pre or post graduates education
Jun Fan Gung Fu is literally Bruce Lee's hard work. He wasn't qualified to teach Wing Chun as he hadn't studied the whole system. I would agree with the rest of your statement, apart from the MMA bit. There is much more intelligence behind JKD in my opinion.@@jacobharris954
The reason you made this video is because you got backlash from Dan's fans! Cleaning it up helps keep the channel relevant. Stand up dude!
or it could be that we believe the truth (in this case, weapons' training) is important. And on that note we suggest that, in the future, martial arts students study not just weapons but also basic logic too. Doing that would help us avoid knee-jerk ad hominem arguments. Oh, and as an educational aid here's the basic operating definition of an ad hominem: "...attacking an opponent's character or HIS MOTIVES for believing something instead of disproving his argument." Thanks for watching and hopefully in the future you'll apply sound reasoning to your opinions before stating them. If you'd like more resources in your study we suggest "Logical Fallacies" by Connor Boyack. That's an easy place to start.
Well here in the UK knives and guns are illegal……I would imagine that in weapons one would apply economics as surely as you would to open hand ….What would be interesting would be to see whether reps and reflex training works across disciplines like training open hand reps would develop it for weaponry and vice versa. The issue of absolutisms vs relativism, well, the philosopher Karl Popper once claimed than the most foolish criticism of any philosophical idea is to claim it is self refuting, whether it is relativism, post modernism, falsifiability, verification or anything else because if one invalidates an argument by its own ideas one first has to commit oneself to the concept being valid before self refutation can be exacted upon it. One also has to differentiate between the epistemology of a philosophical idea and practical applications of it…I mean it’s possibly a false dichotomy to say we are all absolutists or all relativists when we could believe in the epistemology of one while doubting the applications of the other. Being too fixed and absolute can also run into conflicts and problems just as believing there is no truth with a capital T can also lead to absolute calamities (like believing mud pies are as valid a Ritz cuisine) And applying relativism to MORALITY is an ABSOLUTE DISASTER in practical terms because it could lead humans into an abyss of total moral nihilism. Regardless of the limits and circularities of logic and mathematics I would also sign up to the Platonic idea and beauty being truth and truth beauty on purist ARTISTIC grounds ONTOLOGICALLY (not solipsism) ….and now I’m off to feed the CATS…..
Of course, Popper dashed himself to pieces on the law of contradiction (the intercepting straight lead of philosophy) in that when he asserted something is foolish he claimed an absolute standard. No way around that one, Karl. We're all stuck with it. As for me, I don't have a cat so I'll see if I can go find my neighbor's to play with...he's often in my yard lounging in the sun and hunting birds. LOL. Thanks for watching.
@@JKDandWingChun I think Popper was just exploring the self reference paradoxes rather than dashing himself to pieces on the rocks with ‘laws of contradictions’ I don’t think it’s as simple as you are making it….Actually I have lots of cats , some are ‘refugee’ cats from relatives, others are homeless ones off my housing estate who don’t get enough food so I go up and feed them….The trouble is , they follow me back home , they cross over into each other’s territory and then the bloody CAT JKD starts up with me trying to divert them to the bemusement of passers by…The other thing they do is nibble Guitar cases and pee on furniture upholstery…If I’m giving one a bit of ham he does a Bruce Lee leap and literally tries to use his paw to knock it out of my hand..Daft cat.
I fell for the clickbait.😂
Funny I know who Dan is, never heard of you. Who are you again?
Clout chasing. Dan is still alive AND accessible. These are such moot comments because the rest of us have evolved. I trained weapons with Jerry Poteet using JKD principles this whole concept vs core is such a dead argument.