I have long believed that the anonymity of the net lends itself to speech and behavior that would be naturally curtailed in personal or social settings.
kathleenb1947 We only need to look at road rage to validate this. Anonymity in society is not a good thing. We need direct relationships with our peers.
@@civilityfirst7380 Excellent point. Have you read Alvin Toffler... Future Shock about overcrowding and the effect is has on any community. Overcrowding has been, IMHO, a dangerous preventable problem slipped under our field of vision. However, cynic that I am, I see the owners of the world wanting an ample cheap workforce so they can continue making the almighty. Cheery thought, huh? Sorry for the rant. Be well.
INSIGHTFUL INTERVIEW and explained simply enough that even an older woman like me understands. I'm ALREADY concerned by the way this country is moving towards authoritarianism, & this makes me downright fearful!
You are in education. So, let me impart a story. I spoke to a teenager, when Trump was running for office, about our political process. The teen was confused about our electoral process and what you need in a president and historical processesin our country. I asked him if he had an American History or Political Science teacher who had discussed the facts of our history, like the Civil War, WWII, or the process of elections, or allowed debate between students. His response, "No, he said he would get fired if he did that." Maybe we need to start with a national education system as opposed to putting our money into splintering the educational system.
Glenda Graves I couldn't agree more! Since the early 80s or sooner, our politicians, especially conservatives, have been pushing for deregulation and privatization. Privatization of healthcare, prisons, public schools. Little by little, ways to siphon funds from public education to support private or religious schools have been introduced at the same time as decreasing education budgets. There's also been a movement to prevent standards and testing in these schools. No corporation will ever care about employee/consumer/prisoner/student health and welfare above their own profits. It simply will not happen and America is now in the clutches of big business. All services or responsibilities of government dealing with the care, education or supervision of people has been put in the hands of an unfettered capitalist system which encourages competition, greed and hove all profits. "Socialism for the wealthy and cold, hard capitalism for the rest!" Robert Reich
From among other places, anger and outrage come from the perception that one's communications have been blocked. When someone speaks up and nothing happens, or when they intend to communicate and feel that there is no avenue and no path to do so - that is when no one seems to be listening - they experience blocked communication. In the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton left the impression amongst those who became Trump's base that they were not being heard in general and specifically that she was not hearing them. In campaigning, Donald Trump assumed the role that he was listening to the jobless white Christian conservative middle class - the white tribe. With a few exceptions, he had no intention to make things happen on the basis of what they were saying. In other words, he suckered them and sucked up to the wealthy, the powerful and the Russians. But since he left the white tribe feeling that he was listening to them, they will follow him to the ends of the Earth and overlook all his transgressions, crimes and outrages.
When nothing happens when you speak up? is the norm for human civilization. And it's a good thing to. Most of us do not understand the problems that plague us in any real way. I'd rather society make it hard to change things, because most changes are likely to be bad. It's a good that most things don't change simply because some group x or y is wingeing about it. And yet civilization managed to advance despite that tension. What's happening now isn't a lack of action on the part of authorities. IT's a will known psychological phenomenon on how agreement within a social bubble reinforces extreme behavior and drums out moderate behavior. The particular actors or circumstances of the culture war don't actually matter. This political cold war would have been triggered by any balance of grievances at all. What social media is doing is inflating real greivences into destined catastrophes. This is all lizard brain. It's not the plucky revolutionary against a corrupt system, though the system does indeed have corruption in it. Oh and when you drum out plain speaking, pragmatic moderates, who might not have the time or the energy to deal 'correctly' with all the new language your creating, you also drum out competence.
As an introvert when I first saw facebook and things like that, I thought that it would end up like the gossip you can read on the walls of public restrooms. To us introverts a lot of popular social gathering sites look like cults.
@@ramsal6013 a "lecture" on how to delete IG? You delete your account and take the app from your phone. Find more productive things to do like reading a good book, go hiking, join a club, anything.
@@mrsx7944 i guess sarcasm doesn't come out so great here in text lol but I know the recipe on how to get that done, was suggesting that for the sheep ppl
Social media, is one problem among many. There used to be an obligation on TV news, to actually be 'fair and balanced'., which meant everyone was exposed to ideas they didn't like, being argued for, not set up as straw men. The collapse of local newspapers is another cause, as they too tried to represent all their local points of view (as well as doing almost all the investigative journalism, exposing corruption.) Give people the choice of playing in an echo-chamber, where only 'their' side gets to speak, or having to listen to both sides, which causes unpleasant cognitive dissonance, they will choose the echo-chamber. Only legislation forcing any organisation to offer equal access to all and not then, algorithm-ing it, so you are only exposed to your own 'side', will halt this tendency. Oh! Buy your local newspaper!
I agree that the misuse of social media is only one part of the disease. There are many positive lifestyle choices that help a person thrive without any electronics: spending time in nature, some gardening, athletics, reading books that develop a complex idea over the course of 300-400 pages, taking walks in the neighborhood, revive the arts of small group-face to face communications ( maybe facilitated by a person liberated from social media ), worship-contemplation of Source...
Excellent concepts on the lack of filters in social media and the inability for individuals to filter information and develop a non injurious perspective. I'd like to hear more on this subject. Maybe some present solutions not just the problems
The issue is critical thinking in the context of freedom, academic freedom of professors for instance, and the practice of free speech which does not mean 'say anything you like!' Free speech is about the right to dissent, not the right to call names, order people about or use 'fighting words.' Critical thinking, logical argument, must be practiced on social media.
7 11 20 Hey Fred Welf, In a perfect world. The sites that do require a "real person" to post, are generally academic & have guidelines to weed out the bad actors. Stay safe, keep calm, & be well. v
It’s hard to arugula against anything Haidt is saying here. That’s why I took myself off of all social media last year. Having said that, I’m still hooked on RUclips, which has its problems too.
7 11 20 Hey vinainor, Agreed & guilty too. I've found with RUclips I can learn something & be informed. A lot of the time I don't get sucked into the comment section. The other social media sites seems they're just endless scrolling & silliness. Stay safe, keep calm, & be well. v
Madison did forewarn us about factions. And we as Americans I believe want trust and truth from all our politicians. To much money, corporate money also needs to be taken out of the process. No one, and I mean neither party represents the working class. This is not Democratic at all.
His observations are relevant regarding the psychological disconnect of media users. Further to that is the added component mentioned in " The Social Dilemma, " which is the monetization of information. The algorithms defining your personal use apply a dollar sign to your data, which entices the user to create more and more. The only cure for this proliferation of polarization is to stop using the platforms offered, i.e. Twitter, Facebook, etc.
He most certainly has a point. I had a friend with whom I disagreed about something. He threatened to “ruin me for saying what I said and told me he could do it with a click. Now I understand how that happened.
The fact that for decades Universities have been little more than daycare facilities, resulting in the coddling of the students. And in doing so have produced a spoiled generation where everyone gets a trophy. Without challenge people feel accomplished by being sensitive. And social media is a huge part of this.
Take this all with a grain of salt. By his own admission, this man had two failed theories and now this is the one he says is correct. The problem is, when you are someone of an older age group who did not use these services from their inception, you will always be outside looking in and will always have trouble understanding (you don't know what you don't know). The argument is that this began with the like button on Facebook, but that was actually preceded by individual people on Myspace who curated their pages to such an impressive degree that they collected thousands of 'friends.' Arguably, they were an early form of influencer because their pages featured music and other trends. That is as far back as I understand this topic, so I'm not going to be arrogant and incorrect by planting a flag that says 'this is how it all started,' but I can tell you for sure that it all predated the 'like' button.
7 11 20 Hey fitztastico, Ok. Since you hide behind anonymity, I should agree with your opinion or take what you write seriously? This person is pushing a book; it's his shtick. From my reading, a small percentage of people use Twitter, Instagram etc. & have the loudest voice. Facebook has billions worldwide. It's similar to gossip & it spreads like fire. Celebrity cultural is glorified & it's a money maker. The dumbing down of the electorate is helpful to the best government money has bought. Stay safe, keep calm, & be well. v
Read his books. They are life changing if you do. The fact that you are listening to him is clued up... But don't be so ready to discount him. The Righteous mind is one of the most important books ever written.
Every serious scientist, social scientist and even philosopher should challenge himself and change his or her mind about different issues. It's called intellectual honesty.
It isn’t just factions of passionate differences, it’s about the special interest factions. Madison thought they were so diverse that they wouldn’t collude to influence governance. That turned out wrong given the shared interests of moneyed entities. Both are dangerous. Both immoral.
I wonder if an independent verification organization could give everyone online a unique user identity number that would verify them as a real person, and at the same time give other users the capability of readily identifying toxic online personalities without exposing the actual identity of individuals.
7 11 20 Hey Big Stein, News flash: it's occurring as I write; IPL account #. They know who you are. Your phone, computer, cable connection (if you still have cable), & you're connected to some payment system. I would think companies won't do something like that because it'll cut into their profits. Stay safe, keep calm, & be well. v
Prior to election day, Floridians who were being interviewed about their why want to vote for Trump, some said it was due to socialism and communism take-over.
Yes! The USA is excellent at functioning and working problems out at the grass roots level. We are individualistic, and have a low power distance culture. This also enables free speech for those who hate the nation. So the same thing that makes you laugh makes you cry.
Being a horseman I don't spread anger because with horses emotional control is an imperative. Mostly I just watch RUclips rather than TV or trying to get likes on social media which are of no interest to me. I don't like the toxic atmosphere on Facebook or other similar platforms.
How arrogant to think traditional media is blameless. There is nothing magical about social media. If traditional media covered the issues that mattered to us.
The problem is anonymity. In real life, you are entitled to freedom of speech. Freedom of thought. But to express those ideas, there was no freedom from yourself owning the ideas you express. Now, you can express any idea you want and there is no societal consequence because you can remain hidden. Which I think is wrong. What you do inside your own home your own private life is your own business and no one elses. But if you are going to bring that out of your home and into the world, its not right to not be accountable. Online accounts, personalities, characters should have to be verified. You cant operate multiple human lives in the real world. You cant attend multiple schools simultaneously. You cant work separate jobs simultaneously. You cant break the law with one part of yourself and the other be exempt. I've never understood why this was allowed in the first place. You make every single online user be a verified actual human being, only allowed one existence, I think most of the rest solves itself
The real question is how is that problem addressed without sacrificing some of the core tenets of democracy - mainly freedom of speech and lack of censorship? I think we all know the causes of many of the issues, the question is how do we kind of put the horrible things back in Pandora's Box?
If you say online accounts and personalities should be verified, then that closes these crucial platforms off from countries where if you post something that exposes atrocities in your country, you and your family can be hauled off to death camps, tortured, and executed. You are only looking at these tools in terms of the effect they have on our country, but the way they are used in the countries that I just mentioned is completely different, and extremely important.
@@demetriusmiddleton1246 you just answered that in your post. That's exactly why they should be verified. They live where they live . Their laws are what their laws are. If they want not be subjugated to the laws of their land , they need leave it. If they can't they can't. Reality is reality , and if you allow it not to pertain to the internet, why aren't we doing the same thing in their newspapers, restaurants, any other public domain. It's a false reality existing along side a real one. It makes no sense. And honestly a case could be made that it furthers the oppression of other countries because yeah they can go speak on the web, hidden , that doesn't help them much once they log off. Now imagine them being exlcuded from the internet. Shut off from the world online same as in all other real things . Perhaps their would be more of a push for their freedom. Maybe. And you leave out the other part of multiple accounts. Which is basically just fake people expressing opinions who actually don't exist at all. These fake beings can influence massive companies, media , governments, etc. One person can voice 100 opinions and if 99 people don't, you've influenced life againt the actual will of the living. Even if they speak, it's only half represented. What if we voted that way? One person who may have an insane agenda could outweigh the entire majority. The internet is supposed to be the world. All information for all to have access to. But it's not the world. It's fake. It's not what is real because the information that exists there can be created by the uncreated. At no time ever in our known existence has this been the case. Everyone and everything existed and had ownership. Now alot of things don't. Namelss and faceless. How can a reality exist if it isn't real? It throws the natural order of all physical being out of whack. May as well just toss out the whole book and have no rules or anything. Why have them? They don't exist online ? Why have them anywhere. What's the point of truth ? Just have no truth at all. It would be utter chaos if the world existed in such a manner. And right now, it really isn't far off.
I'm not on social media sites because it has always appeared to me to be very toxic. I believe at least some kids can be taught to not allow themselves to be victims to the tyranny of the online craziness. They could just determine to ignore the chaos.
I click 'like' to keep track of what I've seen and NOT because I like something or not. I see everything as information. Grant it, I LIKE videos put up of late night monologues from comedians like Steph, Trevor, Steven and Jimmy. What I'm noticing is my 'like's are turned off and so I can't keep track anymore. 😑
7 11 20 Hey Salice Canady, When was the last time you had a hearing test or cleaned your ear canal. I clean my ear canals out once/month; H202. Hearing normally decreases as a person ages. Stay safe, keep calm, & be well. v
You know the conversation is for real when The Federalist Papers are brought up. The delay in information was weeks, maybe months back in the 1780s. Also, with electing the POTUS. Not many cared about what was going out of their sovereign state, hence the electoral college. Well done!
Polarization and divisions within society are explored these days as if it is something brand new. It is not. With or without the internet and social media, all nations and societies experience social conflicts, civil wars, unrest, class struggles, discrimination, and the history of the world, from the most advanced societies to backward indigenous native populations engaged and still engage in warfare in its most egregious as well as benign forms. The plain fact is that humanity is one fallen race with many tribal conflicts, and it will remain that way until the Lord returns. But the Lord said, "blessed are the peacemakers," and we need wisdom, maturity, tolerance, and stability to contain the beast. We need to pray often, and turn to the Lord.
I left my 4667 Facebook "friends" a week before I watched The Social Dilemma, then came back and begged them to watch it after I had. It was a voluntary coup d'é·tat, garnished with my own version of what Prof. Haidt's discussed here. I placed my daughter into a treatment center due to self-harm ideation a few days prior and I haven't been back. If that isn't enough synchronicity to prove he's right, I bet I could return and find at least a few folks who believe him to be a "libtard", or a "demonrat". There'd probably be some mention of how he looks a bit like Pres. Clinton, then some cigar jokes, then outrage toward Hillary. Maybe we could use a civil war, to cull the cretins.
I watched it happen and Russia know how to exploit it like experts to drive polarization. They find the fault lines and work hard with bots and trolls make them wider and deeper. It works all to well and drove myself mad trying to warn people that they were looking at was not real
lately, in the US people joining together to build a bridge or as in New Orleans building a levee is quickly called socialism..This due to the loss of community
The problem is not the mechanism, it's how it's used. PR, Sales, in short the profit motive and capitalism is the problem. Our regulatory process can't catch up with the bad actors who worship greed.
This is literally what CGP Grey's mind virus said. I'm now wondering how this fits in with the postmodernist/critical theory view of the woke movement.
Excellent, but the part (at about 12,30 to 15,00) that he wants to indirectly legitimize the surveillance state, and the abolishment of the privacy and anonymity in the name of democracy is extremely fishy... (despite the plausability of his arguments)
You are right. What you are saying makes lot of sense. I think the derailing, the disease started long ago. It started on many plans. First , in education. The teachers in schools were themselves the disciples of marxist and anarchist professors ,,who indoctrinated , inoculated with the revolution virus, and ideas which seem good, at first sight, like equality , social justice, but , were taken out of context, and magnified, and applied too often for trivial matters. That ,s where the boil , started to form puss. Over the years , started to collect pus, deep in the tissues of society, unseen almost on the surface. Was almost like a volcano. starts. And after a period of years, that pus ,like magma in a volcano, started to come out, to discharge. Of course , were some other factors who facilitated the process, the main one , was media., Television, newspapers, threw rocks and mud and ashes in the air, poisoning the air of society, and spewing fire and brimstone. I think media was mostly responsible for all the negative changes which appeared, of course aided by the social media. These twin evil sisters , started to exploit any occasion , to transform it, to ferment it, and magnify it to epic proportions.They manipulated and carried away public opinion , making and transforming a little spring of water , into a huge river. We know from history , that it is not hard to make masses to react, to infuriate them, when certain events are happening, and produce a spark , which can easily become a huge fire , engulfing the whole society, and devouring , the whole structure.It is common knowledge, that big changes in society do not happen peacefully, but with huge commotions, are earthquakes which leave behind rubbles , and transform the cities and towns, or whole countries , beyond recognition. Of course certain factions of society,who gave birth and nourished these movements,took advantage , and became the leaders , and carried the society where they wanted, became repressive, controlling , coercive.. , totalitarian. If their ideology was Marxist, the whole movement will bring Communism. And here we are , prepared for disaster, . The picture will not be complete , if we won, t aknowledge the role played by the Chinese or other Communist countries, using their propaganda machine. , subversion, spying, etc. What it is troubling, is the fact that Lenin said that it is impossible to produce a successful revolution, without the destroying of the economy first, in that country. We are at that moment, when they want to destroy the economy. In a country with a flourishing economy, when people live well, are satisfied, the spark will not spread, to produce a huge fire. But if a crisis is created, if there are food shortages, and people become dissatisfied, the spark will be successful and devour the older structures, and they can start building a new society, which , most likely will be worse than the one they replaced. Depends on us, to wake up, and do not allow this to happen.
One thing I don't seem to hear much about in these situations is the outsized role of older people, and the way THEY have turned against millennials and GenZ. It is like we are eating our own young. It seems to me that cross generational attacts also started picking up speed during the window of time Mr Haidt outlined. There are plenty of older people online and they are especially brutal and particularly cruel.
I try not to be too sensitive, not take things personally. But also, American culture doesn't give much respect to elders the way other nations do...( can be both a blessing and a curse)
yeah, the internet is a faboulous thing. but don't kid yourself. The trolls and bots are really causing damage. And then there are the lairs, slanderers, and Hackers who can make false pictures of you or take "soundbites" of what you said or wrote ( a much bigger statement you wrote is ignored; or a much longer speech you gave is taken out of context ) and misrepresent it. AND MOST OF the posters commenters anywhere, EVEN ME, maybe don't necessarily reflect most of the american people!
I think we have to go beyond social media. . . Maybe global warming frying our brains. Jokes aside, is there anyone studying the affect of climate change on emotional and physical changes possibly driving some of these interactions?
7 11 20 Hey Glenda Graves, Yes, there are people studying the effects of global warming with indigenous people in Alaska & beyond. Suggestion: Google the topic & read. Stay safe, keep calm, & be well. v
I have long believed that the anonymity of the net lends itself to speech and behavior that would be naturally curtailed in personal or social settings.
kathleenb1947 of course, there’s no consequences for anything you say. Social Consequences are important for maintaining what we call civil behavior.
Yes...it seems rather obvious. Anyone not being aware of this is questionable.
kathleenb1947 We only need to look at road rage to validate this. Anonymity in society is not a good thing. We need direct relationships with our peers.
@@civilityfirst7380 Excellent point. Have you read Alvin Toffler... Future Shock about overcrowding and the effect is has on any community. Overcrowding has been, IMHO, a dangerous preventable problem slipped under our field of vision. However, cynic that I am, I see the owners of the world wanting an ample cheap workforce so they can continue making the almighty. Cheery thought, huh? Sorry for the rant. Be well.
...and you would be right.
INSIGHTFUL INTERVIEW and explained simply enough that even an older woman like me understands. I'm ALREADY concerned by the way this country is moving towards authoritarianism, & this makes me downright fearful!
You are in education. So, let me impart a story. I spoke to a teenager, when Trump was running for office, about our political process. The teen was confused about our electoral process and what you need in a president and historical processesin our country. I asked him if he had an American History or Political Science teacher who had discussed the facts of our history, like the Civil War, WWII, or the process of elections, or allowed debate between students. His response, "No, he said he would get fired if he did that." Maybe we need to start with a national education system as opposed to putting our money into splintering the educational system.
Glenda Graves I couldn't agree more! Since the early 80s or sooner, our politicians, especially conservatives, have been pushing for deregulation and privatization. Privatization of healthcare, prisons, public schools. Little by little, ways to siphon funds from public education to support private or religious schools have been introduced at the same time as decreasing education budgets. There's also been a movement to prevent standards and testing in these schools.
No corporation will ever care about employee/consumer/prisoner/student health and welfare above their own profits. It simply will not happen and America is now in the clutches of big business. All services or responsibilities of government dealing with the care, education or supervision of people has been put in the hands of an unfettered capitalist system which encourages competition, greed and hove all profits. "Socialism for the wealthy and cold, hard capitalism for the rest!" Robert Reich
Facts of our history? You know got dam well that won’t ever happen. Rockefeller’s still control education system in America
when nothing happens from speaking up, it tends to cause anger and outrage.
From among other places, anger and outrage come from the perception that one's communications have been blocked. When someone speaks up and nothing happens, or when they intend to communicate and feel that there is no avenue and no path to do so - that is when no one seems to be listening - they experience blocked communication.
In the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton left the impression amongst those who became Trump's base that they were not being heard in general and specifically that she was not hearing them.
In campaigning, Donald Trump assumed the role that he was listening to the jobless white Christian conservative middle class - the white tribe. With a few exceptions, he had no intention to make things happen on the basis of what they were saying. In other words, he suckered them and sucked up to the wealthy, the powerful and the Russians. But since he left the white tribe feeling that he was listening to them, they will follow him to the ends of the Earth and overlook all his transgressions, crimes and outrages.
When nothing happens when you speak up? is the norm for human civilization. And it's a good thing to. Most of us do not understand the problems that plague us in any real way. I'd rather society make it hard to change things, because most changes are likely to be bad. It's a good that most things don't change simply because some group x or y is wingeing about it.
And yet civilization managed to advance despite that tension. What's happening now isn't a lack of action on the part of authorities. IT's a will known psychological phenomenon on how agreement within a social bubble reinforces extreme behavior and drums out moderate behavior. The particular actors or circumstances of the culture war don't actually matter. This political cold war would have been triggered by any balance of grievances at all. What social media is doing is inflating real greivences into destined catastrophes. This is all lizard brain. It's not the plucky revolutionary against a corrupt system, though the system does indeed have corruption in it.
Oh and when you drum out plain speaking, pragmatic moderates, who might not have the time or the energy to deal 'correctly' with all the new language your creating, you also drum out competence.
Jonathan Haidt is a gift to our society!
Revise public education from an incubator for workers into an academy for self-governance and critical thinking.
kusheran - yes.
How would you suggest to make that happen especially we might not go back to school in the fall?
Best understanding I've had so far. Thank you very much for this.
Haidt is a brilliant man. People should listen to what he has to say.
The world's most sensible person.
I am glad I found this channel. Great interviews. Very thoughtful.
Totally agree
keep in mind the GREAT MAJORITY of people are not crazy, ignorant and narcissistic like most internet trolls, bots, and youtube bullies
The negative impacts of social media has devastating effects on minds. Develop critical thinking. Assess things.
Mainstream media is no better... Only polarizing propaganda without any objectivity sprinkled with a little celebrity gossip.
They make things worse as well @@a64738
As an introvert when I first saw facebook and things like that, I thought that it would end up like the gossip you can read on the walls of public restrooms. To us introverts a lot of popular social gathering sites look like cults.
I deleted my ig account and I feel so much better. It was so much unnecessary stress also very addictive
Same. It's all toxic.
You should tour and give lectures on how you did it and what it takes. I know it's easy but seems like crack to most ppl
@@ramsal6013 a "lecture" on how to delete IG? You delete your account and take the app from your phone. Find more productive things to do like reading a good book, go hiking, join a club, anything.
@@mrsx7944 i guess sarcasm doesn't come out so great here in text lol but I know the recipe on how to get that done, was suggesting that for the sheep ppl
@@ramsal6013 oh 🤣.
"Call out culture" he predicted cancel culture
I love the Professor. He tells it like it is.🐈
What everyone must simply do is continually fight to be truth tellers in every social media platform.
This interview was very enlightening and awakening in the nice and simple way the topic was presented and unpacked. Thanks!
I understand his point, but there’s no mention of policing accuracy or the limits of free speech.
As Miller says in The Crucible about factions and that “the children are clutching the keys to the Kingdom”
Social media, is one problem among many. There used to be an obligation on TV news, to actually be 'fair and balanced'., which meant everyone was exposed to ideas they didn't like, being argued for, not set up as straw men. The collapse of local newspapers is another cause, as they too tried to represent all their local points of view (as well as doing almost all the investigative journalism, exposing corruption.) Give people the choice of playing in an echo-chamber, where only 'their' side gets to speak, or having to listen to both sides, which causes unpleasant cognitive dissonance, they will choose the echo-chamber. Only legislation forcing any organisation to offer equal access to all and not then, algorithm-ing it, so you are only exposed to your own 'side', will halt this tendency. Oh! Buy your local newspaper!
I agree that the misuse of social media is only one part of the disease. There are many positive lifestyle choices that help a person thrive without any electronics: spending time in nature, some gardening, athletics, reading books that develop a complex idea over the course of 300-400 pages, taking walks in the neighborhood, revive the arts of small group-face to face communications ( maybe facilitated by a person liberated from social media ), worship-contemplation of Source...
Excellent concepts on the lack of filters in social media and the inability for individuals to filter information and develop a non injurious perspective. I'd like to hear more on this subject. Maybe some present solutions not just the problems
Yes I agree with Prof Haidt And I shared this video w a friend. Enough said.
"The medium is the message." Now, just as when McLuhan first said it.
"Your people, sir, is a great beast." Now we know why Hamilton is on Broadway.
Algorithmicizes it. It has paradigmatically changed us.
The issue is critical thinking in the context of freedom, academic freedom of professors for instance, and the practice of free speech which does not mean 'say anything you like!' Free speech is about the right to dissent, not the right to call names, order people about or use 'fighting words.' Critical thinking, logical argument, must be practiced on social media.
7 11 20 Hey Fred Welf, In a perfect world. The sites that do require a "real person" to post, are generally academic & have guidelines to weed out the bad actors. Stay safe, keep calm, & be well. v
Freedom speech ..doesn't matter ..who like or doesn't
Social Media: The whole world as high school.
Dropped my Facebook account in 2016, never indulged in Twitter, never will own a "smart-phone".
Keys to happiness :)
Simpatico - we should start a club :)
ok, boomer.
"The glare of social media" is America's macrocosm on display....
It’s hard to arugula against anything Haidt is saying here. That’s why I took myself off of all social media last year. Having said that, I’m still hooked on RUclips, which has its problems too.
vinainor someone usually looks for food on the internet. Same here!
7 11 20 Hey vinainor, Agreed & guilty too. I've found with RUclips I can learn something & be informed. A lot of the time I don't get sucked into the comment section. The other social media sites seems they're just endless scrolling & silliness. Stay safe, keep calm, & be well. v
I am compelled to share this widely. Important discussion.
Very enlightening conversation...
Madison did forewarn us about factions. And we as Americans I believe want trust and truth from all our politicians. To much money, corporate money also needs to be taken out of the process. No one, and I mean neither party represents the working class. This is not Democratic at all.
Very Interesting and informative!
Very good interview. thanks!
His observations are relevant regarding the psychological disconnect of media users. Further to that is the added component mentioned in " The Social Dilemma, " which is the monetization of information. The algorithms defining your personal use apply a dollar sign to your data, which entices the user to create more and more. The only cure for this proliferation of polarization is to stop using the platforms offered, i.e. Twitter, Facebook, etc.
He makes a lot of sense.
This should have a lot more views
RUclips probably reduced it lol
He most certainly has a point. I had a friend with whom I disagreed about something. He threatened to “ruin me for saying what I said and told me he could do it with a click. Now I understand how that happened.
The fact that for decades Universities have been little more than daycare facilities, resulting in the coddling of the students. And in doing so have produced a spoiled generation where everyone gets a trophy. Without challenge people feel accomplished by being sensitive. And social media is a huge part of this.
Take this all with a grain of salt. By his own admission, this man had two failed theories and now this is the one he says is correct. The problem is, when you are someone of an older age group who did not use these services from their inception, you will always be outside looking in and will always have trouble understanding (you don't know what you don't know). The argument is that this began with the like button on Facebook, but that was actually preceded by individual people on Myspace who curated their pages to such an impressive degree that they collected thousands of 'friends.' Arguably, they were an early form of influencer because their pages featured music and other trends. That is as far back as I understand this topic, so I'm not going to be arrogant and incorrect by planting a flag that says 'this is how it all started,' but I can tell you for sure that it all predated the 'like' button.
7 11 20 Hey fitztastico, Ok. Since you hide behind anonymity, I should agree with your opinion or take what you write seriously? This person is pushing a book; it's his shtick. From my reading, a small percentage of people use Twitter, Instagram etc. & have the loudest voice. Facebook has billions worldwide. It's similar to gossip & it spreads like fire. Celebrity cultural is glorified & it's a money maker. The dumbing down of the electorate is helpful to the best government money has bought. Stay safe, keep calm, & be well. v
Read his books. They are life changing if you do. The fact that you are listening to him is clued up... But don't be so ready to discount him. The Righteous mind is one of the most important books ever written.
Every serious scientist, social scientist and even philosopher should challenge himself and change his or her mind about different issues. It's called intellectual honesty.
Videos of violence and death have created awareness.
A very serious problem is that Americans think that they are in a movie...
And if my movie is being directed by Christopher Nolan, and yours is being directed by Michael Bay, that makes you evil.
7:17 Dr. Haidt just summarized the whole plot of Star Wars 1, 2, and 3.
LOOOOL hahahah thank you
It isn’t just factions of passionate differences, it’s about the special interest factions. Madison thought they were so diverse that they wouldn’t collude to influence governance. That turned out wrong given the shared interests of moneyed entities. Both are dangerous. Both immoral.
We’re locked in a perpetual popularity contest. It’s like being in an eternal middle school.
I said high school earlier, but you have the right idea...
That’s EXACTLY what it feels like….smh!
Apparently, "hate" gets a lot more attention than love & truth. I dont go into those sites.
I wonder if an independent verification organization could give everyone online a unique user identity number that would verify them as a real person, and at the same time give other users the capability of readily identifying toxic online personalities without exposing the actual identity of individuals.
7 11 20 Hey Big Stein, News flash: it's occurring as I write; IPL account #. They know who you are. Your phone, computer, cable connection (if you still have cable), & you're connected to some payment system. I would think companies won't do something like that because it'll cut into their profits. Stay safe, keep calm, & be well. v
How to detect a fake account.
Prior to election day, Floridians who were being interviewed about their why want to vote for Trump, some said it was due to socialism and communism take-over.
The art of association in the US is really amazing and is well depicted in South Park - with all the current problems this art is facing.
I just hit the like button for this video 😎
Social media has turned 'road rage' into 'internet rage'.
Cuz of what people are posting
Required viewing for civilization!
Funny. Kind of ironic even commenting on this video.
My comment is better than yours.
We are so phucked...
Very good!!
The USA is excellent at functioning and working problems out at the grass roots level.
We are individualistic, and have a low power distance culture.
This also enables free speech for those who hate the nation. So the same thing that makes you laugh makes you cry.
The media is the message☝️
Being a horseman I don't spread anger because with horses emotional control is an imperative. Mostly I just watch RUclips rather than TV or trying to get likes on social media which are of no interest to me. I don't like the toxic atmosphere on Facebook or other similar platforms.
How arrogant to think traditional media is blameless. There is nothing magical about social media. If traditional media covered the issues that mattered to us.
The problem is anonymity. In real life, you are entitled to freedom of speech. Freedom of thought. But to express those ideas, there was no freedom from yourself owning the ideas you express. Now, you can express any idea you want and there is no societal consequence because you can remain hidden. Which I think is wrong. What you do inside your own home your own private life is your own business and no one elses. But if you are going to bring that out of your home and into the world, its not right to not be accountable. Online accounts, personalities, characters should have to be verified. You cant operate multiple human lives in the real world. You cant attend multiple schools simultaneously. You cant work separate jobs simultaneously. You cant break the law with one part of yourself and the other be exempt. I've never understood why this was allowed in the first place. You make every single online user be a verified actual human being, only allowed one existence, I think most of the rest solves itself
The real question is how is that problem addressed without sacrificing some of the core tenets of democracy - mainly freedom of speech and lack of censorship? I think we all know the causes of many of the issues, the question is how do we kind of put the horrible things back in Pandora's Box?
If you say online accounts and personalities should be verified, then that closes these crucial platforms off from countries where if you post something that exposes atrocities in your country, you and your family can be hauled off to death camps, tortured, and executed.
You are only looking at these tools in terms of the effect they have on our country, but the way they are used in the countries that I just mentioned is completely different, and extremely important.
@@demetriusmiddleton1246 you just answered that in your post. That's exactly why they should be verified. They live where they live . Their laws are what their laws are. If they want not be subjugated to the laws of their land , they need leave it. If they can't they can't. Reality is reality , and if you allow it not to pertain to the internet, why aren't we doing the same thing in their newspapers, restaurants, any other public domain. It's a false reality existing along side a real one. It makes no sense. And honestly a case could be made that it furthers the oppression of other countries because yeah they can go speak on the web, hidden , that doesn't help them much once they log off. Now imagine them being exlcuded from the internet. Shut off from the world online same as in all other real things . Perhaps their would be more of a push for their freedom. Maybe. And you leave out the other part of multiple accounts. Which is basically just fake people expressing opinions who actually don't exist at all. These fake beings can influence massive companies, media , governments, etc. One person can voice 100 opinions and if 99 people don't, you've influenced life againt the actual will of the living. Even if they speak, it's only half represented. What if we voted that way? One person who may have an insane agenda could outweigh the entire majority. The internet is supposed to be the world. All information for all to have access to. But it's not the world. It's fake. It's not what is real because the information that exists there can be created by the uncreated. At no time ever in our known existence has this been the case. Everyone and everything existed and had ownership. Now alot of things don't. Namelss and faceless. How can a reality exist if it isn't real? It throws the natural order of all physical being out of whack. May as well just toss out the whole book and have no rules or anything. Why have them? They don't exist online ? Why have them anywhere. What's the point of truth ? Just have no truth at all. It would be utter chaos if the world existed in such a manner. And right now, it really isn't far off.
@@noahkb80 you're extremely long and wordy reply doesn't address either of my comments
@@demetriusmiddleton1246 I didn't intend to. Dont mean it to sound rude. I'm just speaking on the point I raised
there is no real conversations. no real face to face consequences for what you say.
I'm not on social media sites because it has always appeared to me to be very toxic. I believe at least some kids can be taught to not allow themselves to be victims to the tyranny of the online craziness. They could just determine to ignore the chaos.
Some do ignore the chaos, but they are a vast minority.
I click 'like' to keep track of what I've seen and NOT because I like something or not. I see everything as information. Grant it, I LIKE videos put up of late night monologues from comedians like Steph, Trevor, Steven and Jimmy. What I'm noticing is my 'like's are turned off and so I can't keep track anymore. 😑
Why is the audio so muted on this video? I have my speakers up but can barely hear this.
7 11 20 Hey Salice Canady, When was the last time you had a hearing test or cleaned your ear canal. I clean my ear canals out once/month; H202. Hearing normally decreases as a person ages. Stay safe, keep calm, & be well. v
Polarization discussion by media businesses that make bank doing it
How does this only have 1k likes
You know the conversation is for real when The Federalist Papers are brought up.
The delay in information was weeks, maybe months back in the 1780s.
Also, with electing the POTUS. Not many cared about what was going out of their sovereign state, hence the electoral college.
Well done!
All true, but he was pretty slow to spot this as the problem.
Democracies must also protect the minorities - that's why we have a Bill of Rights.
The irony is that I like this conversation but it is telling me not to press the 👍 button. What do I do?
Good to see Eric Coston have a flourishing career after skateboarding
Why I don’t use fake book or Twitter
This show is for people with intelligence.
Polarization and divisions within society are explored these days as if it is something brand new. It is not. With or without the internet and social media, all nations and societies experience social conflicts, civil wars, unrest, class struggles, discrimination, and the history of the world, from the most advanced societies to backward indigenous native populations engaged and still engage in warfare in its most egregious as well as benign forms. The plain fact is that humanity is one fallen race with many tribal conflicts, and it will remain that way until the Lord returns. But the Lord said, "blessed are the peacemakers," and we need wisdom, maturity, tolerance, and stability to contain the beast. We need to pray often, and turn to the Lord.
4 links in the description, ZERO links ti his actual article 🙄🙄
I left my 4667 Facebook "friends" a week before I watched The Social Dilemma, then came back and begged them to watch it after I had. It was a voluntary coup d'é·tat, garnished with my own version of what Prof. Haidt's discussed here. I placed my daughter into a treatment center due to self-harm ideation a few days prior and I haven't been back. If that isn't enough synchronicity to prove he's right, I bet I could return and find at least a few folks who believe him to be a "libtard", or a "demonrat". There'd probably be some mention of how he looks a bit like Pres. Clinton, then some cigar jokes, then outrage toward Hillary. Maybe we could use a civil war, to cull the cretins.
great information. but kids can't do for themselves if the system is rigged for the powerful.
Deep, the Fn “like” button. Always said FB is evil.
This polarization with only black and white and no middle ground is going to be the downfall of the entire modern world...
I watched it happen and Russia know how to exploit it like experts to drive polarization. They find the fault lines and work hard with bots and trolls make them wider and deeper. It works all to well and drove myself mad trying to warn people that they were looking at was not real
lately, in the US people joining together to build a bridge or as in New Orleans building a levee is quickly called socialism..This due to the loss of community
Who heightens the polarisation? This woman and others
Midnight Rambler no look to Fox !
Someone explain how Russia China North Korea are our enemies when all my classmates are from those places lol
The problem is not the mechanism, it's how it's used. PR, Sales, in short the profit motive and capitalism is the problem. Our regulatory process can't catch up with the bad actors who worship greed.
This is literally what CGP Grey's mind virus said. I'm now wondering how this fits in with the postmodernist/critical theory view of the woke movement.
I like this host cut the BS and get to it!
Smartphones are ruining in-person social relationships.
Social Media drives polarization?
Excellent, but the part (at about 12,30 to 15,00) that he wants to indirectly legitimize the surveillance state,
and the abolishment of the privacy and anonymity in the name of democracy
is extremely fishy... (despite the plausability of his arguments)
You are right. What you are saying makes lot of sense. I think the derailing, the disease started long ago. It started on many plans. First , in education. The teachers in schools were themselves the disciples of marxist and anarchist professors ,,who indoctrinated , inoculated with the revolution virus, and ideas which seem good, at first sight, like equality , social justice, but , were taken out of context, and magnified, and applied too often for trivial matters. That ,s where the boil , started to form puss. Over the years , started to collect pus, deep in the tissues of society, unseen almost on the surface. Was almost like a volcano. starts. And after a period of years, that pus ,like magma in a volcano, started to come out, to discharge. Of course , were some other factors who facilitated the process, the main one , was media., Television, newspapers, threw rocks and mud and ashes in the air, poisoning the air of society, and spewing fire and brimstone. I think media was mostly responsible for all the negative changes which appeared, of course aided by the social media. These twin evil sisters , started to exploit any occasion , to transform it, to ferment it, and magnify it to epic proportions.They manipulated and carried away public opinion , making and transforming a little spring of water , into a huge river. We know from history , that it is not hard to make masses to react, to infuriate them, when certain events are happening, and produce a spark , which can easily become a huge fire , engulfing the whole society, and devouring , the whole structure.It is common knowledge, that big changes in society do not happen peacefully, but with huge commotions, are earthquakes which leave behind rubbles , and transform the cities and towns, or whole countries , beyond recognition. Of course certain factions of society,who gave birth and nourished these movements,took advantage , and became the leaders , and carried the society where they wanted, became repressive, controlling , coercive.. , totalitarian. If their ideology was Marxist, the whole movement will bring Communism. And here we are , prepared for disaster, . The picture will not be complete , if we won, t aknowledge the role played by the Chinese or other Communist countries, using their propaganda machine. , subversion, spying, etc. What it is troubling, is the fact that Lenin said that it is impossible to produce a successful revolution, without the destroying of the economy first, in that country. We are at that moment, when they want to destroy the economy. In a country with a flourishing economy, when people live well, are satisfied, the spark will not spread, to produce a huge fire. But if a crisis is created, if there are food shortages, and people become dissatisfied, the spark will be successful and devour the older structures, and they can start building a new society, which , most likely will be worse than the one they replaced. Depends on us, to wake up, and do not allow this to happen.
One thing I don't seem to hear much about in these situations is the outsized role of older people, and the way THEY have turned against millennials and GenZ. It is like we are eating our own young.
It seems to me that cross generational attacts also started picking up speed during the window of time Mr Haidt outlined.
There are plenty of older people online and they are especially brutal and particularly cruel.
I am 62, and know my peers. Your question is important.
I try not to be too sensitive, not take things personally. But also, American culture doesn't give much respect to elders the way other nations do...( can be both a blessing and a curse)
Tower Of Babel
True that
@7:00 He describes Trump to a tee.
yeah, the internet is a faboulous thing. but don't kid yourself. The trolls and bots are really causing damage. And then there are the lairs, slanderers, and Hackers who can make false pictures of you or take "soundbites" of what you said or wrote ( a much bigger statement you wrote is ignored; or a much longer speech you gave is taken out of context ) and misrepresent it. AND MOST OF the posters commenters anywhere, EVEN ME, maybe don't necessarily reflect most of the american people!
I think we have to go beyond social media. . . Maybe global warming frying our brains. Jokes aside, is there anyone studying the affect of climate change on emotional and physical changes possibly driving some of these interactions?
7 11 20 Hey Glenda Graves, Yes, there are people studying the effects of global warming with indigenous people in Alaska & beyond. Suggestion: Google the topic & read. Stay safe, keep calm, & be well. v
Take away the like button and remove the comments section.
Excellent point. And I say that knowing my comment is self defeating.
Funny how going back to Standard Television where you can’t comment is a potential solution 😆
Money doesn't have culture morality.
Nothing to do with inequality????