Sister's Profession of Vows 2014

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • On September 8th, 2014, Sister Mary Imelda, novice, the former Mary-Kate Duffy of Shirley, Massachusetts, made her vows to Our Lord, Jesus Christ, as His bride. The touching ceremony began when she walked down the aisle in her bridal gown on the arm of her father, and followed by her flower girls, her two younger twin sisters.

Комментарии • 926

  • @purpleviolet207
    @purpleviolet207 4 года назад +12

    That was very beautiful! God bless Sister Mary!! May God bless and be with all of the nuns and priests!!!🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @annfinley5839
    @annfinley5839 10 месяцев назад +8

    I love being Catholic. The traditions are like no other

  • @prarthanaperera1997
    @prarthanaperera1997 4 года назад +37

    Thank you so much for sharing this moment. I'm a Buddhist so I dont really know abt becoming a nun but this is beautiful❤❤🙏

    • @IrishAnnie
      @IrishAnnie 4 года назад +2

      Prarthana Perera Faith is a mystery of your heart. You feel it there. It’s a miracle.

    • @prarthanaperera1997
      @prarthanaperera1997 4 года назад +1

      @rach d you can always talk with the monks. Is there a Buddhist temple where you live?

    • @prarthanaperera1997
      @prarthanaperera1997 4 года назад

      @rach d well if you have any questions I'll try my best to answer

    • @prarthanaperera1997
      @prarthanaperera1997 4 года назад

      @rach d thank you very much. May the triple gem bless you🙏❤

    • @prarthanaperera1997
      @prarthanaperera1997 4 года назад +1

      @rach d the first gem is Lord Buddha, the second gem is the Dhamma: the theory part , and the third the Sangha which is the clergy.
      You say God bless you while we Buddhists say may the triple Gem Bless You.

  • @deteacher2b
    @deteacher2b 4 года назад +1

    Absolutely beautiful! May God bless her and keep her in his care.

  • @margaretinsley2484
    @margaretinsley2484 4 года назад +9

    Jesus said, Go out into all the world and preach the Gospel ., Not lock yourselves away from your family and the rest of the world. This is ERROR

    • @karennanni2845
      @karennanni2845 4 года назад +6

      What is wrong about dedicating one's life to Jesus? To God? To serve God, to pray for the people of the world and the world itself? How do you know that they will not spread the Word of God? There are many kinds of sisters and priests, with different Orders. If there is something that you would like to ask because you don't understand, please ask. We are happy to explain the rites and importance of people in the religious life to the Church. But please do not judge if you don't know anything about the religious life in the Catholic Church. Not all people are called to the religious life. God bless you and keep you.

    • @reflexionesdelabiblia6711
      @reflexionesdelabiblia6711 4 года назад

      Yes. It is disgusting how they shun their families in the process. So evil and sad.

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад

      Margaret Insley Sister. Please dont Judge the Nuns maybe you dont know because No ones teach you. and if someone teach you maybe they are just brainwashing you to put calumnies, attacking judging the NUNS. Off course They are preaching, teaching the Gospels of the Lord to the whole world.
      In Convents they are loving taking care of the poor, the orphanage, of course they are doing Gods Will They are NOT just sitting down on the convents doing nothing they are NOT sitting down doing nothing, off course, they do services to the Lord Praying to the whole world and taking the poor.

    • @rosew7962
      @rosew7962 4 года назад +1

      She isn't locked away, she is a school teacher

    • @rosew7962
      @rosew7962 4 года назад +1

      @@reflexionesdelabiblia6711 who shuns their family? She can still see them.

  • @alohalivin556
    @alohalivin556 4 года назад +118

    I learned a lot today. I had no idea it was sincerely exactly like any other wedding. So interesting. I only imagine the mixture of feelings inside the hearts and minds of her parents and grandparents.

    • @cassandrajordan2820
      @cassandrajordan2820 4 года назад +5

      I don't think they all are.

    • @sheenawinfrey3133
      @sheenawinfrey3133 3 года назад +2

      Yep, because her life will not be her own in many respects... no children for her or grandchildren for them. I'm sure proud in some respects but sad in others

    • @ourcreativebeehive
      @ourcreativebeehive 3 года назад +6

      @@sheenawinfrey3133 I hope they aren't that selfish.

    • @sheenawinfrey3133
      @sheenawinfrey3133 2 года назад +2

      @@ourcreativebeehive i would think if they grieve those things to a point that it would be totally normal. It don't mean they're not proud of her or supportive of her, but many times parents have dreams for their kids and such and things they would look forward to in terms of seeing milestones (it would only be natural). As a result of this, some of those milestones will be missing. Personally, I believe in giving everyone a little elbow room to sort through their feelings...feelings are a normal response

    • @krystaldispatchbetttymcgin7702
      @krystaldispatchbetttymcgin7702 Год назад +2

      It depends on the order but as nuns are considered the brides of christ, its common to hold a "wedding" for her. They also hold a wedding like ceremony for consecrated virgins. These are ladies who "live in the world" outside of the protection of the convent, but have also devoted themselves to be a bride of Christ, choosing to remain chaste, unwed, and without children in this life so they can serve and be devoted to Christ in the next. The main difference between a Nun and a consecrated virgin is that the Nuns renounce the world, while a consecrated virgin remains in it, which I think is harder. Also, nuns dont have to be virgins. They can be divorced, widowed, they may or may not have had children. Consecrated virgins must be virgins and can never have been married.

  • @kristoa.5317
    @kristoa.5317 4 года назад +418

    I can't wait and see myself one day in veil.. I will be a nun God's willing. This is my daily dream. I love Mother Mary more than I can express.

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад +3

      WINFRED MWENDE Jesus Speaks : Have you not heard, delightful child, that I, Yahweh, your Creator, am wedded to My CREATION and am EVERYONE'S SPIRITUAL SPOUSE?5 day and night you stumble along, creation, chasing the shadows, and not even once have you ever tried to penetrate into this mystery; if so many of you are perishing, it is because hordes of you have rejected My Knowledge;
      I looked at My seeds and asked Myself: “what am I to do with them? they are entrenched in their deceitfulness; how am I to make this lot, who cannot tell their right hand from their left hand, understand that I am their Bridegroom and all I want from them is love, not sacrifice; knowledge of My Heart, not holocausts nor solemn festivals;”
      O royal household of Mine, you have bartered your glory for shame! have you not heard that I can lower the heavens to come down to you? have I not lifted up My Voice enough for your ear, creation? for how long are you going to chase the wind? for how long am I to see you pursuing shadows? come to Me! My Heart is like a Lamp to your feet and from My Lips moistened with grace and with the dew of divinity on them, flow rivers of grace and boundless calls of Mercy;
      day and night, My loved ones, you stumble along the shadows; come to Me, and I will touch your heart so that your perversity melts away; then in the immensity of My Love I have for you, I will fall like dew upon you and My Divinity will overwhelm your misery, encompassing it to dwell permanently in My brightness, making out of you a vessel of light and one spirit with Mine;
      ah, (Your name), 6 you whom I blessed with the unction of My Name, jealousy inflames My Heart every time your heart acts like dame folly and flutters away from Mine, pursuing frills and not My Divine power; I tell you, My loved one, keep your Bridegroom’s principles and bind them to your heart; these will warm your heart and will avert you from becoming distracted from the Presence of your Bridegroom who is only waiting to be gracious to you, Ever-so-loved-by-Me; and if I have asked you to disclose My wedding song7 by writing, it was because of My zealous love I have for each soul and because I wanted that My loved ones have enough nourishment while they are crossing this desert …. I have entrusted you with one talent, to procure for Us, 8 the equivalent amount; you have done well, because you have shown to Us, in your ardour to please Us, your faithfulness;
      so now have your retreat in Us; have your retreat in My Heart, and taste, like in former times, the intimate delights of My Heart; may the essence of My Love flow like a river into your heart so that all your tiny infidelities by which they raised My Eyebrow, be washed away;
      behold, now I am imprinting My words on you, for the salvation of so many sinners; I have come to you with gentleness, My bride, for the renewal of the mystical Body of My Son;
      behold now I, your Creator, am calling you, for I have espoused you to Myself, so that in Our union I would have the pleasure to adorn you with faithfulness and with ardour; yes, on this fragile clay, I have imprinted My Name all over you since that day when your soul called out to Me: “Abba!” and from thereon I have straightened your path on earth and taught you how to delight in Me by being ever at play in My Presence;
      know, My Vassula, how I desired that you love Me with all your heart and how I longed to turn your whole life into a permanent longing and thirsting for Me, your God; I wanted to show you My Kingdom and My nuptial chamber where, in privacy, we could delight one another; I, your Bridegroom, aflame with love, would converse intimately with you, teaching you the knowledge of holy things; and you, cleaving yourself firmly to My Heart, would be aspiring grace from the breath of Omnipotence, so that you would not cease to be;
      no, My chosen one, our intimate union is not like the memory of a one-day guest; I will not cause you to trouble your heart by withdrawing My intimate union from you; I will take care of your frailty, My (Your name); see, My beloved one, how I desired to draw you to Me as a lover who draws his loved one in privacy;
      I, who am the Lover of mankind, Spouse of My creation, wish to Spiritual draw you now to Me …. take a retreat in Me9 …. why, you must have heard sometimes how the bridegroom longs to be alone with his bride after the wedding? I am offering you this favour as a prelude to our feast; 10 yes, on that day when you responded to My Divine Will …. and by opening your heart to My Call, I enriched it from Mine so that later on you would grain everywhere those treasures; those treasures are seeds11you are obtaining from Me, whereby you were to sow them in the countries I would be sending you;
      that day when you submitted to My Divine Will, allowing Me to govern your life, I stood affectionately in front of you, inviting you with these words: “it is impossible for a soul to love Me, the way I want her to love Me were she to keep her distance from Me; approach Me and taste My delights; I wish you to become intimate with Me; if you remain far from My embrace, you will be unable to get to know Me;” 12 I have, in our intimate union and the unction of My Love adorned you with Knowledge: Knowledge of how to find Me and get to know Me;
      since I have chosen you amongst thousands, you should not doubt any more; act in humility so that I continue to raise you up to Me …. I have washed your hands and your mouth, so that by your hands, cleansed, they would write My Words and keep My books, and by your mouth I would fragrance every nation; through My grace, I adorn13 your soul with the garment of My strength but above all I, My (Your name), adorned you with My magnificent Works of Wisdom so that from My beloved’s lips, anointed by My Sovereignty, We14 would hear praise and honour for Our Trinitarian Holiness; 15
      continue to proclaim a Resurrected Christ and fill the whole world with fruit; tell them that Christ in His Divine Love is bending down from Heaven to revive by His Presence the work of My Hands; 16 with this encouraging news, hordes of nations will come to know Us in an intimate union; tell them, daughter, how We delight when We are also treated as your Holy Companion in your daily life ….
      speak as My envoy and remind My people that I, Yahweh, am alive and active, then, go to those17 sacerdotals who do not seek Me anymore and ask them: “why are you never asking: where is God?” in My Day I will pronounce My judgment against these shepherds, who have no knowledge of Me and who have never tasted interiorly My sweetness; today these shepherds have exchanged Me for something that has no value nor any power in it; to remember My Presence is what they should observe; I am not observed …. how can I say: “they are My Son’s incense;” when their only fragrance is the smell of death?
      I have given you, creation, twelve years18 of ineffable favour and I did not want to act with speed in My wrath; to comfort you in these years of favour I have spoken, I have bound up hearts that were broken and have put Peace in those hearts; My Own Heart is a Fountain of Living Water immersing, in these years of favour, this dry land, giving growth where dross was only to be found;
      - I always wished to rank you as My Own; in these days, I tell you, I who am the Bridegroom of My creation, call each one of you: My wedded one; why those frowns and menaces on the sweetness of My Mouth? 19unhappy little creature, remote from knowing Me, come! I invite you to fall into your Bridegroom’s embrace and I will show you how I, Yahweh, can adorn your spirit, lavishly offering you a flow of My Divine Love so that you, in your turn return to Me this flow of Love;
      then, wait and see, the day I will draw you into the nuptial chamber of My Heart, like a rose that grows on the bank of a watercourse, you will blossom to declare the greatness of My Name, calling Me: “my Father”; in the nuptial chamber of My Heart, your heart will spring up with praises and as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so will I rejoice in you and you in Me; My mighty Hand will uphold you and you would never want to part with Me again; indeed, your spirit, enriched by My sweetness and fullness of My Spirit, will cry out to all nations: “beauty and glory is to be found in our Creator! our Hope and our Lord!”
      sons,daughters-of-My-choice, hear and write: I wish you to bear witness to My Holiness and My Divine Sweetness, be like a loud book, a book written by the Triune God; but for now, I want you for Myself alone; I want to be with My chosen one and ride the skies with you, lifting you from the hardships of those who hail your death daily; I wish now to lift you from turmoil and unrest, rivalry, jealousy and lack-of-love; then, in your contemplation while you will be reposing your head on My Bosom, I will be augmenting in your heart My Divine teachings

    • @divinelotus19
      @divinelotus19 4 года назад +7

      That's nice.

    • @judyfloy3704
      @judyfloy3704 4 года назад +5

      WINFRED MWENDE why they dress way to dress up a wedding I don't understand who they supposed to marry Jesus Christ please explain to me

    • @annetteococi1321
      @annetteococi1321 4 года назад +3

      God Bless you. I tie you onto the Mantle of the of the Word, Mother Mary Herself. In Jesus Name!🌹🌹🌹

    • @annetteococi1321
      @annetteococi1321 4 года назад +14

      She is a bride of the Lamb. Of course she is giving her life to Christ.

  • @bernadettehayes5486
    @bernadettehayes5486 5 лет назад +89

    Each Nun that comes to live for the life of Jesus...Notice their radiant faces, with happiness and love. God Bless you and every Novice who takes their vows to become a Nun.🙏🏽✝✝🙏🏽❤️

  • @tinamarie0701
    @tinamarie0701 3 года назад +45

    51 years a Catholic! My uncle was a priest and my great aunt a nun and I've never seen this until now! Thanks for sharing!

  • @MegaBpop
    @MegaBpop 4 года назад +38

    Never had seen this type of ceremony in all my years. It was beautiful. Thank You for sharing.

  • @marionmoskalyk3756
    @marionmoskalyk3756 4 года назад +77

    Wow I knew they had a profession of vows but I had no idea it was such an elaborate ceremony. That was beautiful. May God bless her 🙏

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад +1

      Marion Moskalyk Jesus Speaks : Have you not heard, delightful child, that I, Yahweh, your Creator, am wedded to My CREATION and am EVERYONE'S SPIRITUAL SPOUSE?5 day and night you stumble along, creation, chasing the shadows, and not even once have you ever tried to penetrate into this mystery; if so many of you are perishing, it is because hordes of you have rejected My Knowledge; you have forgotten My teachings;
      today, many of you scrutinise My Love and My sweetness, modelling Me according to the SEXUAL, LUSTFUL Passions of your flesh; I tell you: they who know Me observe holy things holily; these will be adjudged one day, holy; but as for those who do not know Me and do not observe holy things holily, they will be adjudged as they merit it; you will realise how you belittled Me all your life, how you belittled My Magnificence by your very weak nature and your lustful worldly inclinations and by having believed that your exterior lustful sex pleasures and delights, desired by your flesh, were lordly and great; these delights and pleasures of your flesh can NEVER NEVER be measured with My Divinity and Spiritual sweetness; your delights to Mine are like a grain of sand in the universe when compared to the bliss you can obtain from My sweetness that would lead you to eternal joy;
      I looked at My seeds and asked Myself: “what am I to do with them? they are entrenched in their deceitfulness; how am I to make this lot, who cannot tell their right hand from their left hand, understand that I am their Bridegroom and all I want from them is love, not sacrifice; knowledge of My Heart, not holocausts nor solemn festivals;”
      O royal household of Mine, you have bartered your glory for shame! have you not heard that I can lower the heavens to come down to you? have I not lifted up My Voice enough for your ear, creation? for how long are you going to chase the wind? for how long am I to see you pursuing shadows? come to Me! My Heart is like a Lamp to your feet and from My Lips moistened with grace and with the dew of divinity on them, flow rivers of grace and boundless calls of Mercy;
      day and night, My loved ones, you stumble along the shadows; come to Me, and I will touch your heart so that your perversity melts away; then in the immensity of My Love I have for you, I will fall like dew upon you and My Divinity will overwhelm your misery, encompassing it to dwell permanently in My brightness, making out of you a vessel of light and one spirit with Mine;
      ah, (Your name), 6 you whom I blessed with the unction of My Name, jealousy inflames My Heart every time your heart acts like dame folly and flutters away from Mine, pursuing frills and not My Divine power; I tell you, My loved one, keep your Bridegroom’s principles and bind them to your heart; these will warm your heart and will avert you from becoming distracted from the Presence of your Bridegroom who is only waiting to be gracious to you, Ever-so-loved-by-Me; and if I have asked you to disclose My wedding song7 by writing, it was because of My zealous love I have for each soul and because I wanted that My loved ones have enough nourishment while they are crossing this desert …. I have entrusted you with one talent, to procure for Us, 8 the equivalent amount; you have done well, because you have shown to Us, in your ardour to please Us, your faithfulness;
      so now have your retreat in Us; have your retreat in My Heart, and taste, like in former times, the intimate delights of My Heart; may the essence of My Love flow like a river into your heart so that all your tiny infidelities by which they raised My Eyebrow, be washed away;
      behold, now I am imprinting My words on you, for the salvation of so many sinners; I have come to you with gentleness, My bride, for the renewal of the mystical Body of My Son;
      behold now I, your Creator, am calling you, for I have espoused you to Myself, so that in Our union I would have the pleasure to adorn you with faithfulness and with ardour; yes, on this fragile clay, I have imprinted My Name all over you since that day when your soul called out to Me: “Abba!” and from thereon I have straightened your path on earth and taught you how to delight in Me by being ever at play in My Presence;
      know, My Vassula, how I desired that you love Me with all your heart and how I longed to turn your whole life into a permanent longing and thirsting for Me, your God; I wanted to show you My Kingdom and My nuptial chamber where, in privacy, we could delight one another; I, your Bridegroom, aflame with love, would converse intimately with you, teaching you the knowledge of holy things; and you, cleaving yourself firmly to My Heart, would be aspiring grace from the breath of Omnipotence, so that you would not cease to be;
      no, My chosen one, our intimate union is not like the memory of a one-day guest; I will not cause you to trouble your heart by withdrawing My intimate union from you; I will take care of your frailty, My (Your name); see, My beloved one, how I desired to draw you to Me as a lover who draws his loved one in privacy;
      I, who am the Lover of mankind, Spouse of My creation, wish to Spiritual draw you now to Me …. take a retreat in Me9 …. why, you must have heard sometimes how the bridegroom longs to be alone with his bride after the wedding? I am offering you this favour as a prelude to our feast; 10 yes, on that day when you responded to My Divine Will …. and by opening your heart to My Call, I enriched it from Mine so that later on you would grain everywhere those treasures; those treasures are seeds11you are obtaining from Me, whereby you were to sow them in the countries I would be sending you;
      that day when you submitted to My Divine Will, allowing Me to govern your life, I stood affectionately in front of you, inviting you with these words: “it is impossible for a soul to love Me, the way I want her to love Me were she to keep her distance from Me; approach Me and taste My delights; I wish you to become intimate with Me; if you remain far from My embrace, you will be unable to get to know Me;” 12 I have, in our intimate union and the unction of My Love adorned you with Knowledge: Knowledge of how to find Me and get to know Me;
      since I have chosen you amongst thousands, you should not doubt any more; act in humility so that I continue to raise you up to Me …. I have washed your hands and your mouth, so that by your hands, cleansed, they would write My Words and keep My books, and by your mouth I would fragrance every nation; through My grace, I adorn13 your soul with the garment of My strength but above all I, My (Your name), adorned you with My magnificent Works of Wisdom so that from My beloved’s lips, anointed by My Sovereignty, We14 would hear praise and honour for Our Trinitarian Holiness; 15
      continue to proclaim a Resurrected Christ and fill the whole world with fruit; tell them that Christ in His Divine Love is bending down from Heaven to revive by His Presence the work of My Hands; 16 with this encouraging news, hordes of nations will come to know Us in an intimate union; tell them, daughter, how We delight when We are also treated as your Holy Companion in your daily life ….
      speak as My envoy and remind My people that I, Yahweh, am alive and active, then, go to those17 sacerdotals who do not seek Me anymore and ask them: “why are you never asking: where is God?” in My Day I will pronounce My judgment against these shepherds, who have no knowledge of Me and who have never tasted interiorly My sweetness; today these shepherds have exchanged Me for something that has no value nor any power in it; to remember My Presence is what they should observe; I am not observed …. how can I say: “they are My Son’s incense;” when their only fragrance is the smell of death?
      I have given you, creation, twelve years18 of ineffable favour and I did not want to act with speed in My wrath; to comfort you in these years of favour I have spoken, I have bound up hearts that were broken and have put Peace in those hearts; My Own Heart is a Fountain of Living Water immersing, in these years of favour, this dry land, giving growth where dross was only to be found;
      - I always wished to rank you as My Own; in these days, I tell you, I who am the Bridegroom of My creation, call each one of you: My wedded one; why those frowns and menaces on the sweetness of My Mouth? 19unhappy little creature, remote from knowing Me, come! I invite you to fall into your Bridegroom’s embrace and I will show you how I, Yahweh, can adorn your spirit, lavishly offering you a flow of My Divine Love so that you, in your turn return to Me this flow of Love;
      then, wait and see, the day I will draw you into the nuptial chamber of My Heart, like a rose that grows on the bank of a watercourse, you will blossom to declare the greatness of My Name, calling Me: “my Father”; in the nuptial chamber of My Heart, your heart will spring up with praises and as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so will I rejoice in you and you in Me; My mighty Hand will uphold you and you would never want to part with Me again; indeed, your spirit, enriched by My sweetness and fullness of My Spirit, will cry out to all nations: “beauty and glory is to be found in our Creator! our Hope and our Lord!”
      sons,daughters-of-My-choice, hear and write: I wish you to bear witness to My Holiness and My Divine Sweetness, be like a loud book, a book written by the Triune God; but for now, I want you for Myself alone; I want to be with My chosen one and ride the skies with you, lifting you from the hardships of those who hail your death daily; I wish now to lift you from turmoil and unrest, rivalry, jealousy and lack-of-love; then, in your contemplation while you will be reposing your head on My Bosom, I will be augmenting in your heart My Divine teachings

    • @robertandhollyscorpiofan2697
      @robertandhollyscorpiofan2697 2 года назад

      It depends on the order the nun enters, and as i understand it, this wasn’t the final profession of vows.

  • @maddiewhatever441
    @maddiewhatever441 4 года назад +8

    I can't believe how hateful some people in the comments are. To insinuate a woman is being brainwashed when she does something YOU don't like is disgusting and frankly misogynistic. I am a woman, I will never be a nun, but I grew up around nuns and know how they work. This lady is marrying the Lord in the same way any woman would marry a man. She is going to dedicate her life to helping people, which yes, she could do without becoming a nun, but she wants to. So let her! Seriously. She isn't harming anyone or herself. She can leave the church if she wants too. She isn't bothering you, so leave her alone. But no, you must come in here and spread hate and disgusting messages because you disagree. Get over yourself. The world does not revolve around your opinion. I'm not saying you can't disagree, go right ahead, but being an ass is just unnecessary. I'm fucking 18 and I understand that.

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад

      Maddie whatever Amen Amen Some people are Judging the Nuns and Jealous they dont have to be Jealous because we are all married to him Spiritually.
      GOD TEACH US AND SHOWED HIS LOVED TO US ALL, SO WERE ALL THE BRIDE OF CHRIST SPIRITUALLY OUR SOULS IS MARRIED TO HIS DIVINITY. GOD TEACH US IN THE BIBLE WE ARE ALL MARRIED TO CHRIST ALL MEN AND WOMAN, NUNS PRIEST PASTORS ALL OF US MARRIED TO CHRIST WE ARE THE BRIDE, ALL OF US BRIDE OF CHRIST THEY SHOULD STOP THEIR JEALOUSY ENVY BECAUSE NUNS AND ALL OF US THE CHURCH ARE BRIDE OF CHRIST. Who told THEM that They are the Not the Bride of Christ? Who told THEM that THEY are not Part of the Church Bride? Its Satan who told THEM the Father of lies, Stop listening to Satan!! Nuns is bride of Christ BUT they are not the only One. Did you Not know that We Are ALL his Church Bride? Yes its the Truth that were All Bride of Christ called Church it is God's teachings Its in Bible, and Sacred Tradition, Catholic Cathechism that We are all Bride of Christ, Men and woman, single or marriage status, Nuns, and priests All Religion, all races around the world and islands are ALL BRIDE OF CHRIST THE CHURCH.
      You dont have to JEALOUS envy or worried cuz You know Now the Truth.
      Do we think God is playing Favoritism Predilection? NEVER HE IS NOT PREDILECTION, PREJUDICE HE IS ALL LOVE UNCONDITIONAL, INFINITE, ETERNAL LOVE AND MERCY TO US ALL HIS BRIDE. He Love us all EQUALLY He is not Predilection.
      If we are called by God to become a Nun then Go whos stopping you? but if you dont like to be a Nun dont worry as God teached us whether We become Nun or Earthly marriage status We are All Bride of Christ. Earthly mariage between husbands and wife are also married to Christ. Do you think husbands and wives invented Marriage? of course NOT it Come from God Marriage life is symbol of God's love to us all, like husbands and wives. WE DONT HAVE TO BE JEALOUS TO THE NUNS BECAUSE THEIRS NOTHING TO BE JEALOUS OF, BECAUSE WE ARE ALL ALSO THE BRIDE OF CHRIST ALL OF US BRIDE OF CHRIST. IF THEY JEALOUS, THEN I PRAY TO GOD THAT THEY WILL START LEARN HOW TO BE INTIMATE TO OUR BRIDEGROOM START FEELING HIS LOVE FEEL HIS LOVE MORE , AS A BRIDEGROOM TO YOUR SOUL AS STAIGHTFORWED, TO BLUNT KISS HIM SPIRITUALLY, HUG HIM SPIRITUALLY WITH DIVINE KISSES AND HUGS HIM TO YOUR HEART SOUL.

  • @samtukidia7173
    @samtukidia7173 9 лет назад +90

    Beautiful!.......May God bless you and your vocation journey Sister....

  • @yolandears7942
    @yolandears7942 4 года назад +56

    She chose the real true love.Jesus.
    Congratulations to you and all your family,

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад Jesus Speaks : Have you not heard, delightful child, that I, Yahweh, your Creator, am wedded to My CREATION and am EVERYONE'S SPIRITUAL SPOUSE?5 day and night you stumble along, creation, chasing the shadows, and not even once have you ever tried to penetrate into this mystery; if so many of you are perishing, it is because hordes of you have rejected My Knowledge;
      I looked at My seeds and asked Myself: “what am I to do with them? they are entrenched in their deceitfulness; how am I to make this lot, who cannot tell their right hand from their left hand, understand that I am their Bridegroom and all I want from them is love, not sacrifice; knowledge of My Heart, not holocausts nor solemn festivals;”
      O royal household of Mine, you have bartered your glory for shame! have you not heard that I can lower the heavens to come down to you? have I not lifted up My Voice enough for your ear, creation? for how long are you going to chase the wind? for how long am I to see you pursuing shadows? come to Me! My Heart is like a Lamp to your feet and from My Lips moistened with grace and with the dew of divinity on them, flow rivers of grace and boundless calls of Mercy;
      day and night, My loved ones, you stumble along the shadows; come to Me, and I will touch your heart so that your perversity melts away; then in the immensity of My Love I have for you, I will fall like dew upon you and My Divinity will overwhelm your misery, encompassing it to dwell permanently in My brightness, making out of you a vessel of light and one spirit with Mine;
      ah, (Your name), 6 you whom I blessed with the unction of My Name, jealousy inflames My Heart every time your heart acts like dame folly and flutters away from Mine, pursuing frills and not My Divine power; I tell you, My loved one, keep your Bridegroom’s principles and bind them to your heart; these will warm your heart and will avert you from becoming distracted from the Presence of your Bridegroom who is only waiting to be gracious to you, Ever-so-loved-by-Me; and if I have asked you to disclose My wedding song7 by writing, it was because of My zealous love I have for each soul and because I wanted that My loved ones have enough nourishment while they are crossing this desert …. I have entrusted you with one talent, to procure for Us, 8 the equivalent amount; you have done well, because you have shown to Us, in your ardour to please Us, your faithfulness;
      so now have your retreat in Us; have your retreat in My Heart, and taste, like in former times, the intimate delights of My Heart; may the essence of My Love flow like a river into your heart so that all your tiny infidelities by which they raised My Eyebrow, be washed away;
      behold, now I am imprinting My words on you, for the salvation of so many sinners; I have come to you with gentleness, My bride, for the renewal of the mystical Body of My Son;
      behold now I, your Creator, am calling you, for I have espoused you to Myself, so that in Our union I would have the pleasure to adorn you with faithfulness and with ardour; yes, on this fragile clay, I have imprinted My Name all over you since that day when your soul called out to Me: “Abba!” and from thereon I have straightened your path on earth and taught you how to delight in Me by being ever at play in My Presence;
      know, My Vassula, how I desired that you love Me with all your heart and how I longed to turn your whole life into a permanent longing and thirsting for Me, your God; I wanted to show you My Kingdom and My nuptial chamber where, in privacy, we could delight one another; I, your Bridegroom, aflame with love, would converse intimately with you, teaching you the knowledge of holy things; and you, cleaving yourself firmly to My Heart, would be aspiring grace from the breath of Omnipotence, so that you would not cease to be;
      no, My chosen one, our intimate union is not like the memory of a one-day guest; I will not cause you to trouble your heart by withdrawing My intimate union from you; I will take care of your frailty, My (Your name); see, My beloved one, how I desired to draw you to Me as a lover who draws his loved one in privacy;
      I, who am the Lover of mankind, Spouse of My creation, wish to Spiritual draw you now to Me …. take a retreat in Me9 …. why, you must have heard sometimes how the bridegroom longs to be alone with his bride after the wedding? I am offering you this favour as a prelude to our feast; 10 yes, on that day when you responded to My Divine Will …. and by opening your heart to My Call, I enriched it from Mine so that later on you would grain everywhere those treasures; those treasures are seeds11you are obtaining from Me, whereby you were to sow them in the countries I would be sending you;
      that day when you submitted to My Divine Will, allowing Me to govern your life, I stood affectionately in front of you, inviting you with these words: “it is impossible for a soul to love Me, the way I want her to love Me were she to keep her distance from Me; approach Me and taste My delights; I wish you to become intimate with Me; if you remain far from My embrace, you will be unable to get to know Me;” 12 I have, in our intimate union and the unction of My Love adorned you with Knowledge: Knowledge of how to find Me and get to know Me;
      since I have chosen you amongst thousands, you should not doubt any more; act in humility so that I continue to raise you up to Me …. I have washed your hands and your mouth, so that by your hands, cleansed, they would write My Words and keep My books, and by your mouth I would fragrance every nation; through My grace, I adorn13 your soul with the garment of My strength but above all I, My (Your name), adorned you with My magnificent Works of Wisdom so that from My beloved’s lips, anointed by My Sovereignty, We14 would hear praise and honour for Our Trinitarian Holiness; 15
      continue to proclaim a Resurrected Christ and fill the whole world with fruit; tell them that Christ in His Divine Love is bending down from Heaven to revive by His Presence the work of My Hands; 16 with this encouraging news, hordes of nations will come to know Us in an intimate union; tell them, daughter, how We delight when We are also treated as your Holy Companion in your daily life ….
      speak as My envoy and remind My people that I, Yahweh, am alive and active, then, go to those17 sacerdotals who do not seek Me anymore and ask them: “why are you never asking: where is God?” in My Day I will pronounce My judgment against these shepherds, who have no knowledge of Me and who have never tasted interiorly My sweetness; today these shepherds have exchanged Me for something that has no value nor any power in it; to remember My Presence is what they should observe; I am not observed …. how can I say: “they are My Son’s incense;” when their only fragrance is the smell of death?
      I have given you, creation, twelve years18 of ineffable favour and I did not want to act with speed in My wrath; to comfort you in these years of favour I have spoken, I have bound up hearts that were broken and have put Peace in those hearts; My Own Heart is a Fountain of Living Water immersing, in these years of favour, this dry land, giving growth where dross was only to be found;
      - I always wished to rank you as My Own; in these days, I tell you, I who am the Bridegroom of My creation, call each one of you: My wedded one; why those frowns and menaces on the sweetness of My Mouth? 19unhappy little creature, remote from knowing Me, come! I invite you to fall into your Bridegroom’s embrace and I will show you how I, Yahweh, can adorn your spirit, lavishly offering you a flow of My Divine Love so that you, in your turn return to Me this flow of Love;
      then, wait and see, the day I will draw you into the nuptial chamber of My Heart, like a rose that grows on the bank of a watercourse, you will blossom to declare the greatness of My Name, calling Me: “my Father”; in the nuptial chamber of My Heart, your heart will spring up with praises and as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so will I rejoice in you and you in Me; My mighty Hand will uphold you and you would never want to part with Me again; indeed, your spirit, enriched by My sweetness and fullness of My Spirit, will cry out to all nations: “beauty and glory is to be found in our Creator! our Hope and our Lord!”
      sons,daughters-of-My-choice, hear and write: I wish you to bear witness to My Holiness and My Divine Sweetness, be like a loud book, a book written by the Triune God; but for now, I want you for Myself alone; I want to be with My chosen one and ride the skies with you, lifting you from the hardships of those who hail your death daily; I wish now to lift you from turmoil and unrest, rivalry, jealousy and lack-of-love; then, in your contemplation while you will be reposing your head on My Bosom, I will be augmenting in your heart My Divine teachings

  • @kathleennicoloro1910
    @kathleennicoloro1910 3 года назад +13

    Sr.Mary Imelda, you are so beautiful. I’m so blessed that you are teaching my son. You are always in our family Rosary. I’m so glad we came across your vows .

  • @inobongemely4859
    @inobongemely4859 4 года назад +46

    Proud of this young woman. Choose this part of life to have peace with God Always.

  • @trecec3541
    @trecec3541 4 года назад +126

    Woooow... I never seen a ceremony like this one until now... so beautiful...sooo breathtaking! May God continue to bless them all!🕊❤️🙏🏾

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад

      Trece C Jesus Speaks : Have you not heard, delightful child, that I, Yahweh, your Creator, am wedded to My CREATION and am EVERYONE'S SPIRITUAL SPOUSE?5 day and night you stumble along, creation, chasing the shadows, and not even once have you ever tried to penetrate into this mystery; if so many of you are perishing, it is because hordes of you have rejected My Knowledge; you have forgotten My teachings;
      today, many of you scrutinise My Love and My sweetness, modelling Me according to the SEXUAL, LUSTFUL Passions of your flesh; I tell you: they who know Me observe holy things holily; these will be adjudged one day, holy; but as for those who do not know Me and do not observe holy things holily, they will be adjudged as they merit it; you will realise how you belittled Me all your life, how you belittled My Magnificence by your very weak nature and your lustful worldly inclinations and by having believed that your exterior lustful sex pleasures and delights, desired by your flesh, were lordly and great; these delights and pleasures of your flesh can NEVER NEVER be measured with My Divinity and Spiritual sweetness; your delights to Mine are like a grain of sand in the universe when compared to the bliss you can obtain from My sweetness that would lead you to eternal joy;
      I looked at My seeds and asked Myself: “what am I to do with them? they are entrenched in their deceitfulness; how am I to make this lot, who cannot tell their right hand from their left hand, understand that I am their Bridegroom and all I want from them is love, not sacrifice; knowledge of My Heart, not holocausts nor solemn festivals;”
      O royal household of Mine, you have bartered your glory for shame! have you not heard that I can lower the heavens to come down to you? have I not lifted up My Voice enough for your ear, creation? for how long are you going to chase the wind? for how long am I to see you pursuing shadows? come to Me! My Heart is like a Lamp to your feet and from My Lips moistened with grace and with the dew of divinity on them, flow rivers of grace and boundless calls of Mercy;
      day and night, My loved ones, you stumble along the shadows; come to Me, and I will touch your heart so that your perversity melts away; then in the immensity of My Love I have for you, I will fall like dew upon you and My Divinity will overwhelm your misery, encompassing it to dwell permanently in My brightness, making out of you a vessel of light and one spirit with Mine;
      ah, (Your name), 6 you whom I blessed with the unction of My Name, jealousy inflames My Heart every time your heart acts like dame folly and flutters away from Mine, pursuing frills and not My Divine power; I tell you, My loved one, keep your Bridegroom’s principles and bind them to your heart; these will warm your heart and will avert you from becoming distracted from the Presence of your Bridegroom who is only waiting to be gracious to you, Ever-so-loved-by-Me; and if I have asked you to disclose My wedding song7 by writing, it was because of My zealous love I have for each soul and because I wanted that My loved ones have enough nourishment while they are crossing this desert …. I have entrusted you with one talent, to procure for Us, 8 the equivalent amount; you have done well, because you have shown to Us, in your ardour to please Us, your faithfulness;
      so now have your retreat in Us; have your retreat in My Heart, and taste, like in former times, the intimate delights of My Heart; may the essence of My Love flow like a river into your heart so that all your tiny infidelities by which they raised My Eyebrow, be washed away;
      behold, now I am imprinting My words on you, for the salvation of so many sinners; I have come to you with gentleness, My bride, for the renewal of the mystical Body of My Son;
      behold now I, your Creator, am calling you, for I have espoused you to Myself, so that in Our union I would have the pleasure to adorn you with faithfulness and with ardour; yes, on this fragile clay, I have imprinted My Name all over you since that day when your soul called out to Me: “Abba!” and from thereon I have straightened your path on earth and taught you how to delight in Me by being ever at play in My Presence;
      know, My Vassula, how I desired that you love Me with all your heart and how I longed to turn your whole life into a permanent longing and thirsting for Me, your God; I wanted to show you My Kingdom and My nuptial chamber where, in privacy, we could delight one another; I, your Bridegroom, aflame with love, would converse intimately with you, teaching you the knowledge of holy things; and you, cleaving yourself firmly to My Heart, would be aspiring grace from the breath of Omnipotence, so that you would not cease to be;
      no, My chosen one, our intimate union is not like the memory of a one-day guest; I will not cause you to trouble your heart by withdrawing My intimate union from you; I will take care of your frailty, My (Your name); see, My beloved one, how I desired to draw you to Me as a lover who draws his loved one in privacy;
      I, who am the Lover of mankind, Spouse of My creation, wish to Spiritual draw you now to Me …. take a retreat in Me9 …. why, you must have heard sometimes how the bridegroom longs to be alone with his bride after the wedding? I am offering you this favour as a prelude to our feast; 10 yes, on that day when you responded to My Divine Will …. and by opening your heart to My Call, I enriched it from Mine so that later on you would grain everywhere those treasures; those treasures are seeds11you are obtaining from Me, whereby you were to sow them in the countries I would be sending you;
      that day when you submitted to My Divine Will, allowing Me to govern your life, I stood affectionately in front of you, inviting you with these words: “it is impossible for a soul to love Me, the way I want her to love Me were she to keep her distance from Me; approach Me and taste My delights; I wish you to become intimate with Me; if you remain far from My embrace, you will be unable to get to know Me;” 12 I have, in our intimate union and the unction of My Love adorned you with Knowledge: Knowledge of how to find Me and get to know Me;
      since I have chosen you amongst thousands, you should not doubt any more; act in humility so that I continue to raise you up to Me …. I have washed your hands and your mouth, so that by your hands, cleansed, they would write My Words and keep My books, and by your mouth I would fragrance every nation; through My grace, I adorn13 your soul with the garment of My strength but above all I, My (Your name), adorned you with My magnificent Works of Wisdom so that from My beloved’s lips, anointed by My Sovereignty, We14 would hear praise and honour for Our Trinitarian Holiness; 15
      continue to proclaim a Resurrected Christ and fill the whole world with fruit; tell them that Christ in His Divine Love is bending down from Heaven to revive by His Presence the work of My Hands; 16 with this encouraging news, hordes of nations will come to know Us in an intimate union; tell them, daughter, how We delight when We are also treated as your Holy Companion in your daily life ….
      speak as My envoy and remind My people that I, Yahweh, am alive and active, then, go to those17 sacerdotals who do not seek Me anymore and ask them: “why are you never asking: where is God?” in My Day I will pronounce My judgment against these shepherds, who have no knowledge of Me and who have never tasted interiorly My sweetness; today these shepherds have exchanged Me for something that has no value nor any power in it; to remember My Presence is what they should observe; I am not observed …. how can I say: “they are My Son’s incense;” when their only fragrance is the smell of death?
      I have given you, creation, twelve years18 of ineffable favour and I did not want to act with speed in My wrath; to comfort you in these years of favour I have spoken, I have bound up hearts that were broken and have put Peace in those hearts; My Own Heart is a Fountain of Living Water immersing, in these years of favour, this dry land, giving growth where dross was only to be found;
      - I always wished to rank you as My Own; in these days, I tell you, I who am the Bridegroom of My creation, call each one of you: My wedded one; why those frowns and menaces on the sweetness of My Mouth? 19unhappy little creature, remote from knowing Me, come! I invite you to fall into your Bridegroom’s embrace and I will show you how I, Yahweh, can adorn your spirit, lavishly offering you a flow of My Divine Love so that you, in your turn return to Me this flow of Love;
      then, wait and see, the day I will draw you into the nuptial chamber of My Heart, like a rose that grows on the bank of a watercourse, you will blossom to declare the greatness of My Name, calling Me: “my Father”; in the nuptial chamber of My Heart, your heart will spring up with praises and as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so will I rejoice in you and you in Me; My mighty Hand will uphold you and you would never want to part with Me again; indeed, your spirit, enriched by My sweetness and fullness of My Spirit, will cry out to all nations: “beauty and glory is to be found in our Creator! our Hope and our Lord!”
      sons,daughters-of-My-choice, hear and write: I wish you to bear witness to My Holiness and My Divine Sweetness, be like a loud book, a book written by the Triune God; but for now, I want you for Myself alone; I want to be with My chosen one and ride the skies with you, lifting you from the hardships of those who hail your death daily; I wish now to lift you from turmoil and unrest, rivalry, jealousy and lack-of-love; then, in your contemplation while you will be reposing your head on My Bosom, I will be augmenting in your heart My Divine teachings

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 3 года назад

      @rach d I FORGIVE YOU for Judging, insulting, me I forgive you. The more YOU Judge me, insult me the more I will Love, worship, thank God for that to offer this to God to make Reparations of MY sins, sins of yourself, and the sins of all people. May God Jesus Embrace you and Divine Holy Kiss you on your forehead and may you enjoy his sweetness, Love and Mercy. May God bring you to his Divine nuptial Chamber of his Sacred Heart.

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 3 года назад

      @rach d May God Jesus Embrace you and Divine Holy Kiss you on your forehead and may you enjoy his sweetness, Love and Mercy. May God bring you to his Divine nuptial Chamber of his Sacred Heart.

  • @elizabethcox4695
    @elizabethcox4695 4 года назад +76

    I wanted to be a Nun when I was a teenager.i picked out the order of Little Sisters of the Poor, their Mother House is located in Paris France. I didn't tell my Mother until I was much older. Mainly because my parents couldn't pay for me to go and study in France.Nowcim to old in 67 and married. But Sister Elizabeth Seaton was a widow when she started the Carmelite Order. So who's to say that maybe one day when I'm widowed I can go and live the life I had always wanted. God loves us and he would accept anyone that wanted to follow him.

    • @msjo9649
      @msjo9649 4 года назад +1

      They aren't going to take on an old lady. The Church is struggling with the upkeep of those already in the order who joined at a young age. Doesn't mean you can't serve God though it may not be the way you dreamed.

    • @gloriamariadc7757
      @gloriamariadc7757 4 года назад +3

      Amen Dear one.🙏🏻✨ Hopefully we’r guided to live a devout live from exactly where we find ourselves until further opportunities present themselves.✨ May we live as consecrated ones from th present moment, expounding in our perfection & resoluteness thru daily prayer, fasting & almsgiving. Living our spiritual vocation w/ immediacy where we find ourselves now.✨🙏🏻✨🙏🏻

    • @septiawoman2911
      @septiawoman2911 4 года назад +3

      Blessings to you. The final affirmation of your willingness to serve God comes from HIM and not MAN and obviously God will not turn you away. Do a search to find out in what capacity you can serve him for it is he that has the final word.

    • @michellelowe7127
      @michellelowe7127 4 года назад +7

      There is always room for women who are older in the convents. There is the Eudist of The Eleventh Hour Order whose Saints are over 60. There is a woman in my hometown of Halifax who became a nun at 76, and I imagine that is just the tip of the iceberg. If you were to Google older women who have gone into the convent I know you would find many, very inspiring stories. Don't let any persons words discourage you. Your desire to serve in this way comes from God. Praying you find what you are looking for. 🙏❤️

    • @sandraatkins2539
      @sandraatkins2539 3 года назад

      Some orders do not have an age limit. You just have to seek them out. Bless you.

  • @hiyathere599
    @hiyathere599 4 года назад +162

    Proud of this young woman to choose a path that will bring her peace. I pray that I will find peace one day soon. Lord Jesus help me🙏🏻

    • @rebeccadiaz822
      @rebeccadiaz822 4 года назад +1

      Hiya There Aqnm

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад +1

      Hiya There Jesus Speaks : Have you not heard, delightful child, that I, Yahweh, your Creator, am wedded to My CREATION and am EVERYONE'S SPIRITUAL SPOUSE?5 day and night you stumble along, creation, chasing the shadows, and not even once have you ever tried to penetrate into this mystery; if so many of you are perishing, it is because hordes of you have rejected My Knowledge; you have forgotten My teachings;
      today, many of you scrutinise My Love and My sweetness, modelling Me according to the SEXUAL, LUSTFUL Passions of your flesh; I tell you: they who know Me observe holy things holily; these will be adjudged one day, holy; but as for those who do not know Me and do not observe holy things holily, they will be adjudged as they merit it; you will realise how you belittled Me all your life, how you belittled My Magnificence by your very weak nature and your lustful worldly inclinations and by having believed that your exterior lustful sex pleasures and delights, desired by your flesh, were lordly and great; these delights and pleasures of your flesh can NEVER NEVER be measured with My Divinity and Spiritual sweetness; your delights to Mine are like a grain of sand in the universe when compared to the bliss you can obtain from My sweetness that would lead you to eternal joy;
      I looked at My seeds and asked Myself: “what am I to do with them? they are entrenched in their deceitfulness; how am I to make this lot, who cannot tell their right hand from their left hand, understand that I am their Bridegroom and all I want from them is love, not sacrifice; knowledge of My Heart, not holocausts nor solemn festivals;”
      O royal household of Mine, you have bartered your glory for shame! have you not heard that I can lower the heavens to come down to you? have I not lifted up My Voice enough for your ear, creation? for how long are you going to chase the wind? for how long am I to see you pursuing shadows? come to Me! My Heart is like a Lamp to your feet and from My Lips moistened with grace and with the dew of divinity on them, flow rivers of grace and boundless calls of Mercy;
      day and night, My loved ones, you stumble along the shadows; come to Me, and I will touch your heart so that your perversity melts away; then in the immensity of My Love I have for you, I will fall like dew upon you and My Divinity will overwhelm your misery, encompassing it to dwell permanently in My brightness, making out of you a vessel of light and one spirit with Mine;
      ah, (Your name), 6 you whom I blessed with the unction of My Name, jealousy inflames My Heart every time your heart acts like dame folly and flutters away from Mine, pursuing frills and not My Divine power; I tell you, My loved one, keep your Bridegroom’s principles and bind them to your heart; these will warm your heart and will avert you from becoming distracted from the Presence of your Bridegroom who is only waiting to be gracious to you, Ever-so-loved-by-Me; and if I have asked you to disclose My wedding song7 by writing, it was because of My zealous love I have for each soul and because I wanted that My loved ones have enough nourishment while they are crossing this desert …. I have entrusted you with one talent, to procure for Us, 8 the equivalent amount; you have done well, because you have shown to Us, in your ardour to please Us, your faithfulness;
      so now have your retreat in Us; have your retreat in My Heart, and taste, like in former times, the intimate delights of My Heart; may the essence of My Love flow like a river into your heart so that all your tiny infidelities by which they raised My Eyebrow, be washed away;
      behold, now I am imprinting My words on you, for the salvation of so many sinners; I have come to you with gentleness, My bride, for the renewal of the mystical Body of My Son;
      behold now I, your Creator, am calling you, for I have espoused you to Myself, so that in Our union I would have the pleasure to adorn you with faithfulness and with ardour; yes, on this fragile clay, I have imprinted My Name all over you since that day when your soul called out to Me: “Abba!” and from thereon I have straightened your path on earth and taught you how to delight in Me by being ever at play in My Presence;
      know, My Vassula, how I desired that you love Me with all your heart and how I longed to turn your whole life into a permanent longing and thirsting for Me, your God; I wanted to show you My Kingdom and My nuptial chamber where, in privacy, we could delight one another; I, your Bridegroom, aflame with love, would converse intimately with you, teaching you the knowledge of holy things; and you, cleaving yourself firmly to My Heart, would be aspiring grace from the breath of Omnipotence, so that you would not cease to be;
      no, My chosen one, our intimate union is not like the memory of a one-day guest; I will not cause you to trouble your heart by withdrawing My intimate union from you; I will take care of your frailty, My (Your name); see, My beloved one, how I desired to draw you to Me as a lover who draws his loved one in privacy;
      I, who am the Lover of mankind, Spouse of My creation, wish to Spiritual draw you now to Me …. take a retreat in Me9 …. why, you must have heard sometimes how the bridegroom longs to be alone with his bride after the wedding? I am offering you this favour as a prelude to our feast; 10 yes, on that day when you responded to My Divine Will …. and by opening your heart to My Call, I enriched it from Mine so that later on you would grain everywhere those treasures; those treasures are seeds11you are obtaining from Me, whereby you were to sow them in the countries I would be sending you;
      that day when you submitted to My Divine Will, allowing Me to govern your life, I stood affectionately in front of you, inviting you with these words: “it is impossible for a soul to love Me, the way I want her to love Me were she to keep her distance from Me; approach Me and taste My delights; I wish you to become intimate with Me; if you remain far from My embrace, you will be unable to get to know Me;” 12 I have, in our intimate union and the unction of My Love adorned you with Knowledge: Knowledge of how to find Me and get to know Me;
      since I have chosen you amongst thousands, you should not doubt any more; act in humility so that I continue to raise you up to Me …. I have washed your hands and your mouth, so that by your hands, cleansed, they would write My Words and keep My books, and by your mouth I would fragrance every nation; through My grace, I adorn13 your soul with the garment of My strength but above all I, My (Your name), adorned you with My magnificent Works of Wisdom so that from My beloved’s lips, anointed by My Sovereignty, We14 would hear praise and honour for Our Trinitarian Holiness; 15
      continue to proclaim a Resurrected Christ and fill the whole world with fruit; tell them that Christ in His Divine Love is bending down from Heaven to revive by His Presence the work of My Hands; 16 with this encouraging news, hordes of nations will come to know Us in an intimate union; tell them, daughter, how We delight when We are also treated as your Holy Companion in your daily life ….
      speak as My envoy and remind My people that I, Yahweh, am alive and active, then, go to those17 sacerdotals who do not seek Me anymore and ask them: “why are you never asking: where is God?” in My Day I will pronounce My judgment against these shepherds, who have no knowledge of Me and who have never tasted interiorly My sweetness; today these shepherds have exchanged Me for something that has no value nor any power in it; to remember My Presence is what they should observe; I am not observed …. how can I say: “they are My Son’s incense;” when their only fragrance is the smell of death?
      I have given you, creation, twelve years18 of ineffable favour and I did not want to act with speed in My wrath; to comfort you in these years of favour I have spoken, I have bound up hearts that were broken and have put Peace in those hearts; My Own Heart is a Fountain of Living Water immersing, in these years of favour, this dry land, giving growth where dross was only to be found;
      - I always wished to rank you as My Own; in these days, I tell you, I who am the Bridegroom of My creation, call each one of you: My wedded one; why those frowns and menaces on the sweetness of My Mouth? 19unhappy little creature, remote from knowing Me, come! I invite you to fall into your Bridegroom’s embrace and I will show you how I, Yahweh, can adorn your spirit, lavishly offering you a flow of My Divine Love so that you, in your turn return to Me this flow of Love;
      then, wait and see, the day I will draw you into the nuptial chamber of My Heart, like a rose that grows on the bank of a watercourse, you will blossom to declare the greatness of My Name, calling Me: “my Father”; in the nuptial chamber of My Heart, your heart will spring up with praises and as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so will I rejoice in you and you in Me; My mighty Hand will uphold you and you would never want to part with Me again; indeed, your spirit, enriched by My sweetness and fullness of My Spirit, will cry out to all nations: “beauty and glory is to be found in our Creator! our Hope and our Lord!”
      sons,daughters-of-My-choice, hear and write: I wish you to bear witness to My Holiness and My Divine Sweetness, be like a loud book, a book written by the Triune God; but for now, I want you for Myself alone; I want to be with My chosen one and ride the skies with you, lifting you from the hardships of those who hail your death daily; I wish now to lift you from turmoil and unrest, rivalry, jealousy and lack-of-love; then, in your contemplation while you will be reposing your head on My Bosom, I will be augmenting in your heart My Divine teachings

    • @scootergreen3
      @scootergreen3 4 года назад

      Waste of life. We all, that is all Christians will be the bride of Christ including men. Look it up in the Bible. This is unscriptural.

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад +5

      MICHAEL DAVIS Yes BOTH Nuns and Church, Church means ALL of us Bride of Christ Everytime WE go to Confession, Mass and eat and drink the body and blood, soul, and divinity of Christ WE are one with OUR Spiritual husband Jesus, We renew our Spiritual marriage vows our consecration to him during Prayer, Bible reading, Confession, Mass and Our entire life cuz we are ALL bride of Christ called Church. Nuns are just representative, models for us layman the Church to imitate them, to follow them to be more in love to OUR Bridegroom Jesus. Nuns are just teaching us to loved God first above all else and second the neighbors. Nuns are just teaching us to be intimate to OUR Bridegroom and kneel, worship yourself to Our Bridegroom Jesus and draw, embrace to his Nuptial Chamber his Sacred heart and enjoy Yourselves and Everyone else in Gods sweet, NO malice, divine, spiritual embrace, divine kisses to his Forehead, cheeks and wounds and Jesus will kiss you back to your foreheadd, cheeks, and he will kiss your soul, heart. Church Bride means of all men and women including Nuns and Priest Whether were married to Earthly marriage or Priest or Nuns Were All His Church Bride. Both being Nuns and Church Bride of Christ are biblical. We are all married to Christ Spiritually.Here is the Biblical passage pertaining to Nuns married to Christ Spiritually Read
      Matthew Chapter 19:12 Jesus said to them Some are incapable of marriage because they were born so; some, because they were made so by others; some, because they have renounced marriage* for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Whoever can accept this ought to accept it.”
      1 Corinthians 7: 8 Now to the unmarried and to widows, I say: it is a good thing for them to remain as they are, as I do,
      26 So this is what I think best because of the present distress: that it is a good thing for a person to remain as he is.i
      32 I should like you to be free of anxieties. An unmarried man is anxious about the things of the Lord, how he may please the Lord.33But a married man is anxious about the things of the world, how he may please his wife,k34and he is divided. An unmarried woman or a virgin is anxious about the things of the Lord, so that she may be holy in both body and spirit. A married woman, on the other hand, is anxious about the things of the world, how she may please her husband.l35I am telling you this for your own benefit, not to impose a restraint upon you, but for the sake of propriety and adherence to the Lord without distraction

    • @ingweyrauch8851
      @ingweyrauch8851 4 года назад

      @@rebeccadiaz822 Qv0

  • @renamassey8506
    @renamassey8506 4 года назад +28

    It is beautiful to see a young person so loving and unselfish. She is dedicating herself to something beyond herself.

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад

      Rena Massey Jesus Speaks : Have you not heard, delightful child, that I, Yahweh, your Creator, am wedded to My CREATION and am EVERYONE'S SPIRITUAL SPOUSE?5 day and night you stumble along, creation, chasing the shadows, and not even once have you ever tried to penetrate into this mystery; if so many of you are perishing, it is because hordes of you have rejected My Knowledge; you have forgotten My teachings;
      today, many of you scrutinise My Love and My sweetness, modelling Me according to the SEXUAL, LUSTFUL Passions of your flesh; I tell you: they who know Me observe holy things holily; these will be adjudged one day, holy; but as for those who do not know Me and do not observe holy things holily, they will be adjudged as they merit it; you will realise how you belittled Me all your life, how you belittled My Magnificence by your very weak nature and your lustful worldly inclinations and by having believed that your exterior lustful sex pleasures and delights, desired by your flesh, were lordly and great; these delights and pleasures of your flesh can NEVER NEVER be measured with My Divinity and Spiritual sweetness; your delights to Mine are like a grain of sand in the universe when compared to the bliss you can obtain from My sweetness that would lead you to eternal joy;
      I looked at My seeds and asked Myself: “what am I to do with them? they are entrenched in their deceitfulness; how am I to make this lot, who cannot tell their right hand from their left hand, understand that I am their Bridegroom and all I want from them is love, not sacrifice; knowledge of My Heart, not holocausts nor solemn festivals;”
      O royal household of Mine, you have bartered your glory for shame! have you not heard that I can lower the heavens to come down to you? have I not lifted up My Voice enough for your ear, creation? for how long are you going to chase the wind? for how long am I to see you pursuing shadows? come to Me! My Heart is like a Lamp to your feet and from My Lips moistened with grace and with the dew of divinity on them, flow rivers of grace and boundless calls of Mercy;
      day and night, My loved ones, you stumble along the shadows; come to Me, and I will touch your heart so that your perversity melts away; then in the immensity of My Love I have for you, I will fall like dew upon you and My Divinity will overwhelm your misery, encompassing it to dwell permanently in My brightness, making out of you a vessel of light and one spirit with Mine;
      ah, (Your name), 6 you whom I blessed with the unction of My Name, jealousy inflames My Heart every time your heart acts like dame folly and flutters away from Mine, pursuing frills and not My Divine power; I tell you, My loved one, keep your Bridegroom’s principles and bind them to your heart; these will warm your heart and will avert you from becoming distracted from the Presence of your Bridegroom who is only waiting to be gracious to you, Ever-so-loved-by-Me; and if I have asked you to disclose My wedding song7 by writing, it was because of My zealous love I have for each soul and because I wanted that My loved ones have enough nourishment while they are crossing this desert …. I have entrusted you with one talent, to procure for Us, 8 the equivalent amount; you have done well, because you have shown to Us, in your ardour to please Us, your faithfulness;
      so now have your retreat in Us; have your retreat in My Heart, and taste, like in former times, the intimate delights of My Heart; may the essence of My Love flow like a river into your heart so that all your tiny infidelities by which they raised My Eyebrow, be washed away;
      behold, now I am imprinting My words on you, for the salvation of so many sinners; I have come to you with gentleness, My bride, for the renewal of the mystical Body of My Son;
      behold now I, your Creator, am calling you, for I have espoused you to Myself, so that in Our union I would have the pleasure to adorn you with faithfulness and with ardour; yes, on this fragile clay, I have imprinted My Name all over you since that day when your soul called out to Me: “Abba!” and from thereon I have straightened your path on earth and taught you how to delight in Me by being ever at play in My Presence;
      know, My Vassula, how I desired that you love Me with all your heart and how I longed to turn your whole life into a permanent longing and thirsting for Me, your God; I wanted to show you My Kingdom and My nuptial chamber where, in privacy, we could delight one another; I, your Bridegroom, aflame with love, would converse intimately with you, teaching you the knowledge of holy things; and you, cleaving yourself firmly to My Heart, would be aspiring grace from the breath of Omnipotence, so that you would not cease to be;
      no, My chosen one, our intimate union is not like the memory of a one-day guest; I will not cause you to trouble your heart by withdrawing My intimate union from you; I will take care of your frailty, My (Your name); see, My beloved one, how I desired to draw you to Me as a lover who draws his loved one in privacy;
      I, who am the Lover of mankind, Spouse of My creation, wish to Spiritual draw you now to Me …. take a retreat in Me9 …. why, you must have heard sometimes how the bridegroom longs to be alone with his bride after the wedding? I am offering you this favour as a prelude to our feast; 10 yes, on that day when you responded to My Divine Will …. and by opening your heart to My Call, I enriched it from Mine so that later on you would grain everywhere those treasures; those treasures are seeds11you are obtaining from Me, whereby you were to sow them in the countries I would be sending you;
      that day when you submitted to My Divine Will, allowing Me to govern your life, I stood affectionately in front of you, inviting you with these words: “it is impossible for a soul to love Me, the way I want her to love Me were she to keep her distance from Me; approach Me and taste My delights; I wish you to become intimate with Me; if you remain far from My embrace, you will be unable to get to know Me;” 12 I have, in our intimate union and the unction of My Love adorned you with Knowledge: Knowledge of how to find Me and get to know Me;
      since I have chosen you amongst thousands, you should not doubt any more; act in humility so that I continue to raise you up to Me …. I have washed your hands and your mouth, so that by your hands, cleansed, they would write My Words and keep My books, and by your mouth I would fragrance every nation; through My grace, I adorn13 your soul with the garment of My strength but above all I, My (Your name), adorned you with My magnificent Works of Wisdom so that from My beloved’s lips, anointed by My Sovereignty, We14 would hear praise and honour for Our Trinitarian Holiness; 15
      continue to proclaim a Resurrected Christ and fill the whole world with fruit; tell them that Christ in His Divine Love is bending down from Heaven to revive by His Presence the work of My Hands; 16 with this encouraging news, hordes of nations will come to know Us in an intimate union; tell them, daughter, how We delight when We are also treated as your Holy Companion in your daily life ….
      speak as My envoy and remind My people that I, Yahweh, am alive and active, then, go to those17 sacerdotals who do not seek Me anymore and ask them: “why are you never asking: where is God?” in My Day I will pronounce My judgment against these shepherds, who have no knowledge of Me and who have never tasted interiorly My sweetness; today these shepherds have exchanged Me for something that has no value nor any power in it; to remember My Presence is what they should observe; I am not observed …. how can I say: “they are My Son’s incense;” when their only fragrance is the smell of death?
      I have given you, creation, twelve years18 of ineffable favour and I did not want to act with speed in My wrath; to comfort you in these years of favour I have spoken, I have bound up hearts that were broken and have put Peace in those hearts; My Own Heart is a Fountain of Living Water immersing, in these years of favour, this dry land, giving growth where dross was only to be found;
      - I always wished to rank you as My Own; in these days, I tell you, I who am the Bridegroom of My creation, call each one of you: My wedded one; why those frowns and menaces on the sweetness of My Mouth? 19unhappy little creature, remote from knowing Me, come! I invite you to fall into your Bridegroom’s embrace and I will show you how I, Yahweh, can adorn your spirit, lavishly offering you a flow of My Divine Love so that you, in your turn return to Me this flow of Love;
      then, wait and see, the day I will draw you into the nuptial chamber of My Heart, like a rose that grows on the bank of a watercourse, you will blossom to declare the greatness of My Name, calling Me: “my Father”; in the nuptial chamber of My Heart, your heart will spring up with praises and as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so will I rejoice in you and you in Me; My mighty Hand will uphold you and you would never want to part with Me again; indeed, your spirit, enriched by My sweetness and fullness of My Spirit, will cry out to all nations: “beauty and glory is to be found in our Creator! our Hope and our Lord!”
      sons,daughters-of-My-choice, hear and write: I wish you to bear witness to My Holiness and My Divine Sweetness, be like a loud book, a book written by the Triune God; but for now, I want you for Myself alone; I want to be with My chosen one and ride the skies with you, lifting you from the hardships of those who hail your death daily; I wish now to lift you from turmoil and unrest, rivalry, jealousy and lack-of-love; then, in your contemplation while you will be reposing your head on My Bosom, I will be augmenting in your heart My Divine teachings;

  • @CarlaMcCarthyPomegranate96
    @CarlaMcCarthyPomegranate96 4 года назад +52

    Love this! If being a firefighter wasn't my life's dream, my other choice would've been to be a Nun/Sister. God bless you ladies!

    • @CarlaMcCarthyPomegranate96
      @CarlaMcCarthyPomegranate96 4 года назад +3

      rach d Father Mychal Judge is one of my heroes! I’d love to be a chaplain. But I don’t know how I’d go about it though.

    • @hiyathere599
      @hiyathere599 4 года назад +6

      Carla McCarthy God Bless you for taking a dangerous job and to know you have this mindset makes me know people will be in good hands with you at their worst moments, you’ll be able to pray for their souls in the line of duty. God Bless you🙏🏻

    • @CarlaMcCarthyPomegranate96
      @CarlaMcCarthyPomegranate96 4 года назад +3

      rach d I’d probably have to talk to both priest and chief to do that. Plus, my department and pd are looking for a new chaplain anyway since our last one just retired.

    • @CarlaMcCarthyPomegranate96
      @CarlaMcCarthyPomegranate96 4 года назад +3

      Gods warrior Rapture thank you so much! It’s been my dream job since 9/11/01. I was 8 years old at the time. I will always pray for the people my crew and I help! They’re God’s children like you and I. Even if they don’t believe in Him!

    • @CarlaMcCarthyPomegranate96
      @CarlaMcCarthyPomegranate96 4 года назад +2

      Gods warrior Rapture and God bless you too! 🙏

  • @julieandrews7696
    @julieandrews7696 2 года назад +9

    It's truely joyful to be a bride of Jesus and to be the daughter of Mama Mary, forever 😀God bless us

  • @bgcs6275
    @bgcs6275 2 года назад +15

    I am just captivated by the beauty of this event. It was wonderful to see the absolute satisfied smile on this young ladies face. I googled her and found out that the two little girls following her or her little twin sisters. She has two brothers that have both entered religious life at Saint Benedict’s & one was an alter server for this ceremony. 💙

  • @dr.krisrizzotto9225
    @dr.krisrizzotto9225 4 года назад +18

    This was so beautiful it made me cry. What a wonderful vocation. God bless her.

  • @beegee22
    @beegee22 4 года назад +47

    A beautiful, simple and solemn ceremony. Pray for us Sister Mary Imelda.

  • @museluvr
    @museluvr 2 года назад +11

    What a beautiful ceremony, with the bridegroom and the bride. Blessings to you, Sr. Mary. Had to not cry as you came down the aisle in your habit, more beautiful than ever! I don't know why, but when a nun or sister attends the mass I go to, I am amazed and a bit in awe of them.

  • @KG-xr5no
    @KG-xr5no 4 года назад +136

    Wow I’m Catholic and I’ve never seen this before.

    • @candacecassidy9673
      @candacecassidy9673 4 года назад +2

      I'm not Catholic but I still cross myself.

    • @dewiwedewi
      @dewiwedewi 4 года назад

      K G me too

    • @fairlyvague82
      @fairlyvague82 4 года назад +4

      Me too. I find it rather creepy if I’m honest

    • @monicacousin2494
      @monicacousin2494 4 года назад +5

      Neither have I and I thought it was done only in convenient and not in a wedding gown but in all white nun clothing

    • @monicacousin2494
      @monicacousin2494 4 года назад +10

      I find it to be very beautiful

  • @oiseaux3000
    @oiseaux3000 4 года назад +40

    This is most pleasing to God. God bless all those who choose the consecrated life.

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад Jesus Speaks : Have you not heard, delightful child, that I, Yahweh, your Creator, am wedded to My CREATION and am EVERYONE'S SPIRITUAL SPOUSE?5 day and night you stumble along, creation, chasing the shadows, and not even once have you ever tried to penetrate into this mystery; if so many of you are perishing, it is because hordes of you have rejected My Knowledge;
      I looked at My seeds and asked Myself: “what am I to do with them? they are entrenched in their deceitfulness; how am I to make this lot, who cannot tell their right hand from their left hand, understand that I am their Bridegroom and all I want from them is love, not sacrifice; knowledge of My Heart, not holocausts nor solemn festivals;”
      O royal household of Mine, you have bartered your glory for shame! have you not heard that I can lower the heavens to come down to you? have I not lifted up My Voice enough for your ear, creation? for how long are you going to chase the wind? for how long am I to see you pursuing shadows? come to Me! My Heart is like a Lamp to your feet and from My Lips moistened with grace and with the dew of divinity on them, flow rivers of grace and boundless calls of Mercy;
      day and night, My loved ones, you stumble along the shadows; come to Me, and I will touch your heart so that your perversity melts away; then in the immensity of My Love I have for you, I will fall like dew upon you and My Divinity will overwhelm your misery, encompassing it to dwell permanently in My brightness, making out of you a vessel of light and one spirit with Mine;
      ah, (Your name), 6 you whom I blessed with the unction of My Name, jealousy inflames My Heart every time your heart acts like dame folly and flutters away from Mine, pursuing frills and not My Divine power; I tell you, My loved one, keep your Bridegroom’s principles and bind them to your heart; these will warm your heart and will avert you from becoming distracted from the Presence of your Bridegroom who is only waiting to be gracious to you, Ever-so-loved-by-Me; and if I have asked you to disclose My wedding song7 by writing, it was because of My zealous love I have for each soul and because I wanted that My loved ones have enough nourishment while they are crossing this desert …. I have entrusted you with one talent, to procure for Us, 8 the equivalent amount; you have done well, because you have shown to Us, in your ardour to please Us, your faithfulness;
      so now have your retreat in Us; have your retreat in My Heart, and taste, like in former times, the intimate delights of My Heart; may the essence of My Love flow like a river into your heart so that all your tiny infidelities by which they raised My Eyebrow, be washed away;
      behold, now I am imprinting My words on you, for the salvation of so many sinners; I have come to you with gentleness, My bride, for the renewal of the mystical Body of My Son;
      behold now I, your Creator, am calling you, for I have espoused you to Myself, so that in Our union I would have the pleasure to adorn you with faithfulness and with ardour; yes, on this fragile clay, I have imprinted My Name all over you since that day when your soul called out to Me: “Abba!” and from thereon I have straightened your path on earth and taught you how to delight in Me by being ever at play in My Presence;
      know, My Vassula, how I desired that you love Me with all your heart and how I longed to turn your whole life into a permanent longing and thirsting for Me, your God; I wanted to show you My Kingdom and My nuptial chamber where, in privacy, we could delight one another; I, your Bridegroom, aflame with love, would converse intimately with you, teaching you the knowledge of holy things; and you, cleaving yourself firmly to My Heart, would be aspiring grace from the breath of Omnipotence, so that you would not cease to be;
      no, My chosen one, our intimate union is not like the memory of a one-day guest; I will not cause you to trouble your heart by withdrawing My intimate union from you; I will take care of your frailty, My (Your name); see, My beloved one, how I desired to draw you to Me as a lover who draws his loved one in privacy;
      I, who am the Lover of mankind, Spouse of My creation, wish to Spiritual draw you now to Me …. take a retreat in Me9 …. why, you must have heard sometimes how the bridegroom longs to be alone with his bride after the wedding? I am offering you this favour as a prelude to our feast; 10 yes, on that day when you responded to My Divine Will …. and by opening your heart to My Call, I enriched it from Mine so that later on you would grain everywhere those treasures; those treasures are seeds11you are obtaining from Me, whereby you were to sow them in the countries I would be sending you;
      that day when you submitted to My Divine Will, allowing Me to govern your life, I stood affectionately in front of you, inviting you with these words: “it is impossible for a soul to love Me, the way I want her to love Me were she to keep her distance from Me; approach Me and taste My delights; I wish you to become intimate with Me; if you remain far from My embrace, you will be unable to get to know Me;” 12 I have, in our intimate union and the unction of My Love adorned you with Knowledge: Knowledge of how to find Me and get to know Me;
      since I have chosen you amongst thousands, you should not doubt any more; act in humility so that I continue to raise you up to Me …. I have washed your hands and your mouth, so that by your hands, cleansed, they would write My Words and keep My books, and by your mouth I would fragrance every nation; through My grace, I adorn13 your soul with the garment of My strength but above all I, My (Your name), adorned you with My magnificent Works of Wisdom so that from My beloved’s lips, anointed by My Sovereignty, We14 would hear praise and honour for Our Trinitarian Holiness; 15
      continue to proclaim a Resurrected Christ and fill the whole world with fruit; tell them that Christ in His Divine Love is bending down from Heaven to revive by His Presence the work of My Hands; 16 with this encouraging news, hordes of nations will come to know Us in an intimate union; tell them, daughter, how We delight when We are also treated as your Holy Companion in your daily life ….
      speak as My envoy and remind My people that I, Yahweh, am alive and active, then, go to those17 sacerdotals who do not seek Me anymore and ask them: “why are you never asking: where is God?” in My Day I will pronounce My judgment against these shepherds, who have no knowledge of Me and who have never tasted interiorly My sweetness; today these shepherds have exchanged Me for something that has no value nor any power in it; to remember My Presence is what they should observe; I am not observed …. how can I say: “they are My Son’s incense;” when their only fragrance is the smell of death?
      I have given you, creation, twelve years18 of ineffable favour and I did not want to act with speed in My wrath; to comfort you in these years of favour I have spoken, I have bound up hearts that were broken and have put Peace in those hearts; My Own Heart is a Fountain of Living Water immersing, in these years of favour, this dry land, giving growth where dross was only to be found;
      - I always wished to rank you as My Own; in these days, I tell you, I who am the Bridegroom of My creation, call each one of you: My wedded one; why those frowns and menaces on the sweetness of My Mouth? 19unhappy little creature, remote from knowing Me, come! I invite you to fall into your Bridegroom’s embrace and I will show you how I, Yahweh, can adorn your spirit, lavishly offering you a flow of My Divine Love so that you, in your turn return to Me this flow of Love;
      then, wait and see, the day I will draw you into the nuptial chamber of My Heart, like a rose that grows on the bank of a watercourse, you will blossom to declare the greatness of My Name, calling Me: “my Father”; in the nuptial chamber of My Heart, your heart will spring up with praises and as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so will I rejoice in you and you in Me; My mighty Hand will uphold you and you would never want to part with Me again; indeed, your spirit, enriched by My sweetness and fullness of My Spirit, will cry out to all nations: “beauty and glory is to be found in our Creator! our Hope and our Lord!”
      sons,daughters-of-My-choice, hear and write: I wish you to bear witness to My Holiness and My Divine Sweetness, be like a loud book, a book written by the Triune God; but for now, I want you for Myself alone; I want to be with My chosen one and ride the skies with you, lifting you from the hardships of those who hail your death daily; I wish now to lift you from turmoil and unrest, rivalry, jealousy and lack-of-love; then, in your contemplation while you will be reposing your head on My Bosom, I will be augmenting in your heart My Divine teachings

  • @pibly7784
    @pibly7784 4 года назад +84

    Too many lame comments on here from atheists and ignorant ones . This woman is doing such a noble thing: giving her life to a God, yet people still make negative and disrespectful statements. Come on !!

    • @scootergreen3
      @scootergreen3 4 года назад +3

      Waste of life. We all, that is all Christians will be the bride of Christ including men. Look it up in the Bible. This is unscriptural.

    • @ifechinwadi9418
      @ifechinwadi9418 4 года назад +15

      I wonder. There is no point replying to those ignorant comments. All I know is that being a Nun is a great and noble choice. I am proudly a Catholic. God bless you.

    • @scootergreen3
      @scootergreen3 4 года назад

      That's because you don't have the bible knowledge to explain it.

    • @candacecassidy7443
      @candacecassidy7443 4 года назад

      I know they're doing such a noble thing. I wish a person could do it even if they aren't Catholic.

    • @scootergreen3
      @scootergreen3 4 года назад +1

      Candace Cassidy, we can, the Bible says we are all married to Christ even men. All Christians are the bride of Christ including men. It's not a relationship like on the Earth it's a spiritual relationship. The Bride of Christ is a metaphor for the whole church who are married to Christ however Catholics are Not Christians. The catholic church is a facade, behind the facade is a huge money making business. The C church is about control and fear.

  • @debonisasarab5567
    @debonisasarab5567 4 года назад +39

    This is so beautiful!😢
    May God bless her always.

  • @blevinsmarym
    @blevinsmarym 8 лет назад +71

    This was beautiful. It inspires me as I prepare to go to my first visit to the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites. Prayers lifted for you Sister. - Also, as another viewer stated, the chapel veils were beautiful among those that attended. I wear one anytime I am near our Lord Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Peace of Christ to you. +JMJ+

    • @jensmom604
      @jensmom604 7 лет назад +3

      Mary Monroe For heavens sake, get out before it's too late.

    • @ElizaDolittle
      @ElizaDolittle 4 года назад +1

      Mary Monroe So happy for you

    • @floralmist6824
      @floralmist6824 4 года назад +1

      I hope all is well with you! God bless!!

    • @NurseSue425
      @NurseSue425 4 года назад

      Mary Monroe would that be in Loretta Pa? I went to college there in early 80’s. A beautiful place.

    • @phatnguyen-wz7bk
      @phatnguyen-wz7bk 4 года назад

      Bong bong bang

  • @annetteococi1321
    @annetteococi1321 4 года назад +14

    Wow! I love my catholic Faith!

  • @chaschk2
    @chaschk2 4 года назад +72

    A beautiful bride of Christ!

    • @samuelajgaonkar2860
      @samuelajgaonkar2860 4 года назад

      If she is bride of Christ
      How about priests ?
      Confusing I thought they were disciples of Christ and not a bride of Christ

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад +3

      Samuel Ajgaonkar The CHURCH is the Bride means ALL OF US ALL MEN and WOMEN including PRIEST NUNS. Whether were married to Earthly marriage status or being Priest or Nuns. Were ALL His Church Bride. Both being Priest, Nuns and ALL of Us Bride of Christ are biblical. We are all married to Christ Spiritually. Please seperate the body from the soul so that you would understand. Our souls is married to Christ Soul!!! WE ARE NOT MARRIED TO HIM SEXUALLY. WE ARE JUST MARRIED TO HIM SPIRITUALLY OUR SOULS IS MARRIED TO HIS SOULS.
      do you understand now?

    • @samuelajgaonkar2860
      @samuelajgaonkar2860 4 года назад +1

      Mary Raynah Cagulada
      I would still call them as disciples or followers of Christ

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад +1

      Samuel Ajgaonkar Yes its true Priest Nuns are also followers of Christ and Bride of Christ and so are We. We are ALL Bride, disciplies, followers of Christ called Church. Its not just the job of priest or nuns to be followers of Christ Its also for us all people. We should work together, Both Priest,and ALL People must work together in order to Evangelize the Word of God and loving God and loving neighbor. BOTH Priest and People must cooperate, participate, collaborate in doing God's WILL.

    • @ovni778
      @ovni778 Год назад

      No había visto que entrarán con vestido de no via, velo largo, así mejor salgo a buscar novio.

  • @mab2184
    @mab2184 9 лет назад +62

    this is beautiful! :)

    • @kathyheitchue6069
      @kathyheitchue6069 5 лет назад +1

      Why is the father walking the sister down the aisle as if this is a woman marrying a husband. Seems a bit weird,just saying😯

    • @548Aisha
      @548Aisha 4 года назад +7

      @@kathyheitchue6069 Because she IS marrying a husband. When a nun takes her vows, she becomes a Bride of Christ, and dedicates the rest of her life to Him, for Him, and with Him. The ceremony, except for the change into her new Habit, is exactly like a wedding ceremony and is followed by a reception for her family members to celebrate her new life. In fact, at the table, a place-setting is put right next to hers for the unseen groom.

    • @cercarechercejoanaferreira8435
      @cercarechercejoanaferreira8435 3 года назад

      Cacao nova e testemunho de Gaston hurtubise e outros

  • @ladygossamer5957
    @ladygossamer5957 4 года назад +14

    Most beautiful thing I’ve seen. Thank you

  • @tylerrico4651
    @tylerrico4651 3 года назад +7

    Beautiful Traditional Latin Mass. Love the Benedictines. Congratulations!

  • @mariagemmagoreti6857
    @mariagemmagoreti6857 4 года назад +27

    Thank you Sisters for consecrate your life for God and us🙏💕🌷

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад

      M Goreti Jesus Speaks : Have you not heard, delightful child, that I, Yahweh, your Creator, am wedded to My CREATION and am EVERYONE'S SPIRITUAL SPOUSE?5 day and night you stumble along, creation, chasing the shadows, and not even once have you ever tried to penetrate into this mystery; if so many of you are perishing, it is because hordes of you have rejected My Knowledge; you have forgotten My teachings;
      today, many of you scrutinise My Love and My sweetness, modelling Me according to the SEXUAL, LUSTFUL Passions of your flesh; I tell you: they who know Me observe holy things holily; these will be adjudged one day, holy; but as for those who do not know Me and do not observe holy things holily, they will be adjudged as they merit it; you will realise how you belittled Me all your life, how you belittled My Magnificence by your very weak nature and your lustful worldly inclinations and by having believed that your exterior lustful sex pleasures and delights, desired by your flesh, were lordly and great; these delights and pleasures of your flesh can NEVER NEVER be measured with My Divinity and Spiritual sweetness; your delights to Mine are like a grain of sand in the universe when compared to the bliss you can obtain from My sweetness that would lead you to eternal joy;
      I looked at My seeds and asked Myself: “what am I to do with them? they are entrenched in their deceitfulness; how am I to make this lot, who cannot tell their right hand from their left hand, understand that I am their Bridegroom and all I want from them is love, not sacrifice; knowledge of My Heart, not holocausts nor solemn festivals;”
      O royal household of Mine, you have bartered your glory for shame! have you not heard that I can lower the heavens to come down to you? have I not lifted up My Voice enough for your ear, creation? for how long are you going to chase the wind? for how long am I to see you pursuing shadows? come to Me! My Heart is like a Lamp to your feet and from My Lips moistened with grace and with the dew of divinity on them, flow rivers of grace and boundless calls of Mercy;
      day and night, My loved ones, you stumble along the shadows; come to Me, and I will touch your heart so that your perversity melts away; then in the immensity of My Love I have for you, I will fall like dew upon you and My Divinity will overwhelm your misery, encompassing it to dwell permanently in My brightness, making out of you a vessel of light and one spirit with Mine;
      ah, (Your name), 6 you whom I blessed with the unction of My Name, jealousy inflames My Heart every time your heart acts like dame folly and flutters away from Mine, pursuing frills and not My Divine power; I tell you, My loved one, keep your Bridegroom’s principles and bind them to your heart; these will warm your heart and will avert you from becoming distracted from the Presence of your Bridegroom who is only waiting to be gracious to you, Ever-so-loved-by-Me; and if I have asked you to disclose My wedding song7 by writing, it was because of My zealous love I have for each soul and because I wanted that My loved ones have enough nourishment while they are crossing this desert …. I have entrusted you with one talent, to procure for Us, 8 the equivalent amount; you have done well, because you have shown to Us, in your ardour to please Us, your faithfulness;
      so now have your retreat in Us; have your retreat in My Heart, and taste, like in former times, the intimate delights of My Heart; may the essence of My Love flow like a river into your heart so that all your tiny infidelities by which they raised My Eyebrow, be washed away;
      behold, now I am imprinting My words on you, for the salvation of so many sinners; I have come to you with gentleness, My bride, for the renewal of the mystical Body of My Son;
      behold now I, your Creator, am calling you, for I have espoused you to Myself, so that in Our union I would have the pleasure to adorn you with faithfulness and with ardour; yes, on this fragile clay, I have imprinted My Name all over you since that day when your soul called out to Me: “Abba!” and from thereon I have straightened your path on earth and taught you how to delight in Me by being ever at play in My Presence;
      know, My Vassula, how I desired that you love Me with all your heart and how I longed to turn your whole life into a permanent longing and thirsting for Me, your God; I wanted to show you My Kingdom and My nuptial chamber where, in privacy, we could delight one another; I, your Bridegroom, aflame with love, would converse intimately with you, teaching you the knowledge of holy things; and you, cleaving yourself firmly to My Heart, would be aspiring grace from the breath of Omnipotence, so that you would not cease to be;
      no, My chosen one, our intimate union is not like the memory of a one-day guest; I will not cause you to trouble your heart by withdrawing My intimate union from you; I will take care of your frailty, My (Your name); see, My beloved one, how I desired to draw you to Me as a lover who draws his loved one in privacy;
      I, who am the Lover of mankind, Spouse of My creation, wish to Spiritual draw you now to Me …. take a retreat in Me9 …. why, you must have heard sometimes how the bridegroom longs to be alone with his bride after the wedding? I am offering you this favour as a prelude to our feast; 10 yes, on that day when you responded to My Divine Will …. and by opening your heart to My Call, I enriched it from Mine so that later on you would grain everywhere those treasures; those treasures are seeds11you are obtaining from Me, whereby you were to sow them in the countries I would be sending you;
      that day when you submitted to My Divine Will, allowing Me to govern your life, I stood affectionately in front of you, inviting you with these words: “it is impossible for a soul to love Me, the way I want her to love Me were she to keep her distance from Me; approach Me and taste My delights; I wish you to become intimate with Me; if you remain far from My embrace, you will be unable to get to know Me;” 12 I have, in our intimate union and the unction of My Love adorned you with Knowledge: Knowledge of how to find Me and get to know Me;
      since I have chosen you amongst thousands, you should not doubt any more; act in humility so that I continue to raise you up to Me …. I have washed your hands and your mouth, so that by your hands, cleansed, they would write My Words and keep My books, and by your mouth I would fragrance every nation; through My grace, I adorn13 your soul with the garment of My strength but above all I, My (Your name), adorned you with My magnificent Works of Wisdom so that from My beloved’s lips, anointed by My Sovereignty, We14 would hear praise and honour for Our Trinitarian Holiness; 15
      continue to proclaim a Resurrected Christ and fill the whole world with fruit; tell them that Christ in His Divine Love is bending down from Heaven to revive by His Presence the work of My Hands; 16 with this encouraging news, hordes of nations will come to know Us in an intimate union; tell them, daughter, how We delight when We are also treated as your Holy Companion in your daily life ….
      speak as My envoy and remind My people that I, Yahweh, am alive and active, then, go to those17 sacerdotals who do not seek Me anymore and ask them: “why are you never asking: where is God?” in My Day I will pronounce My judgment against these shepherds, who have no knowledge of Me and who have never tasted interiorly My sweetness; today these shepherds have exchanged Me for something that has no value nor any power in it; to remember My Presence is what they should observe; I am not observed …. how can I say: “they are My Son’s incense;” when their only fragrance is the smell of death?
      I have given you, creation, twelve years18 of ineffable favour and I did not want to act with speed in My wrath; to comfort you in these years of favour I have spoken, I have bound up hearts that were broken and have put Peace in those hearts; My Own Heart is a Fountain of Living Water immersing, in these years of favour, this dry land, giving growth where dross was only to be found;
      - I always wished to rank you as My Own; in these days, I tell you, I who am the Bridegroom of My creation, call each one of you: My wedded one; why those frowns and menaces on the sweetness of My Mouth? 19unhappy little creature, remote from knowing Me, come! I invite you to fall into your Bridegroom’s embrace and I will show you how I, Yahweh, can adorn your spirit, lavishly offering you a flow of My Divine Love so that you, in your turn return to Me this flow of Love;
      then, wait and see, the day I will draw you into the nuptial chamber of My Heart, like a rose that grows on the bank of a watercourse, you will blossom to declare the greatness of My Name, calling Me: “my Father”; in the nuptial chamber of My Heart, your heart will spring up with praises and as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so will I rejoice in you and you in Me; My mighty Hand will uphold you and you would never want to part with Me again; indeed, your spirit, enriched by My sweetness and fullness of My Spirit, will cry out to all nations: “beauty and glory is to be found in our Creator! our Hope and our Lord!”
      sons,daughters-of-My-choice, hear and write: I wish you to bear witness to My Holiness and My Divine Sweetness, be like a loud book, a book written by the Triune God; but for now, I want you for Myself alone; I want to be with My chosen one and ride the skies with you, lifting you from the hardships of those who hail your death daily; I wish now to lift you from turmoil and unrest, rivalry, jealousy and lack-of-love; then, in your contemplation while you will be reposing your head on My Bosom, I will be augmenting in your heart My Divine teachings

  • @theskyisonfire
    @theskyisonfire 4 года назад +24

    I'm not Catholic but this is beautiful

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад Jesus SPEAKS: have you not heard, delightful child, that I, Yahweh, your Creator, am wedded to My creation and am everyone’s Spouse?5 day and night you stumble along, creation, chasing the shadows, and not even once have you ever tried to penetrate into this mystery; if so many of you are perishing, it is because hordes of you have rejected My Knowledge; you have forgotten My teachings;
      I looked at My seeds and asked Myself: “what am I to do with them? they are entrenched in their deceitfulness; how am I to make this lot, who cannot tell their right hand from their left hand, understand that I am their Bridegroom and all I want from them is love, not sacrifice; knowledge of My Heart, not holocausts nor solemn festivals;”
      O royal household of Mine, you have bartered your glory for shame! have you not heard that I can lower the heavens to come down to you? have I not lifted up My Voice enough for your ear, creation? for how long are you going to chase the wind? for how long am I to see you pursuing shadows? come to Me! My Heart is like a Lamp to your feet and from My Lips moistened with grace and with the dew of divinity on them, flow rivers of grace and boundless calls of Mercy;
      day and night, My loved ones, you stumble along the shadows; come to Me, and I will touch your heart so that your perversity melts away; then in the immensity of My Love I have for you, I will fall like dew upon you and My Divinity will overwhelm your misery, encompassing it to dwell permanently in My brightness, making out of you a vessel of light and one spirit with Mine;
      ah, (Your name), 6 you whom I blessed with the unction of My Name, jealousy inflames My Heart every time your heart acts like dame folly and flutters away from Mine, pursuing frills and not My Divine power; I tell you, My loved one, keep your Bridegroom’s principles and bind them to your heart; these will warm your heart and will avert you from becoming distracted from the Presence of your Bridegroom who is only waiting to be gracious to you, Ever-so-loved-by-Me; and if I have asked you to disclose My wedding song7 by writing, it was because of My zealous love I have for each soul and because I wanted that My loved ones have enough nourishment while they are crossing this desert …. I have entrusted you with one talent, to procure for Us, 8 the equivalent amount; you have done well, because you have shown to Us, in your ardour to please Us, your faithfulness;
      so now have your retreat in Us; have your retreat in My Heart, and taste, like in former times, the intimate delights of My Heart; may the essence of My Love flow like a river into your heart so that all your tiny infidelities by which they raised My Eyebrow, be washed away;
      behold, now I am imprinting My words on you, for the salvation of so many sinners; I have come to you with gentleness, My bride, for the renewal of the mystical Body of My Son;
      behold now I, your Creator, am calling you, for I have espoused you to Myself, so that in Our union I would have the pleasure to adorn you with faithfulness and with ardour; yes, on this fragile clay, I have imprinted My Name all over you since that day when your soul called out to Me: “Abba!” and from thereon I have straightened your path on earth and taught you how to delight in Me by being ever at play in My Presence;
      know, My (Your name), how I desired that you love Me with all your heart and how I longed to turn your whole life into a permanent longing and thirsting for Me, your God; I wanted to show you My Kingdom and My nuptial chamber where, in privacy, we could delight one another; I, your Bridegroom, aflame with love, would converse intimately with you, teaching you the knowledge of holy things; and you, cleaving yourself firmly to My Heart, would be aspiring grace from the breath of Omnipotence, so that you would not cease to be;
      no, My chosen one, our intimate union is not like the memory of a one-day guest; I will not cause you to trouble your heart by withdrawing My intimate union from you; I will take care of your frailty, My Vassula; see, My beloved one, how I desired to draw you to Me as a lover who draws his loved one in privacy;
      I, who am the Lover of mankind, Spouse of My creation, wish to draw you now to Me …. take a retreat in Me9 …. why, you must have heard sometimes how the bridegroom longs to be alone with his bride after the wedding? I am offering you this favour as a prelude to our feast; 10 yes, on that day when you responded to My Divine Will …. and by opening your heart to My Call, I enriched it from Mine so that later on you would grain everywhere those treasures; those treasures are seeds11you are obtaining from Me, whereby you were to sow them in the countries I would be sending you;
      that day when you submitted to My Divine Will, allowing Me to govern your life, I stood affectionately in front of you, inviting you with these words: “it is impossible for a soul to love Me, the way I want her to love Me were she to keep her distance from Me; approach Me and taste My delights; I wish you to become intimate with Me; if you remain far from My embrace, you will be unable to get to know Me;” 12 I have, in our intimate union and the unction of My Love adorned you with Knowledge: Knowledge of how to find Me and get to know Me;
      since I have chosen you amongst thousands, you should not doubt any more; act in humility so that I continue to raise you up to Me …. I have washed your hands and your mouth, so that by your hands, cleansed, they would write My Words and keep My books, and by your mouth I would fragrance every nation; through My grace, I adorn13 your soul with the garment of My strength but above all I, My Vassula, adorned you with My magnificent Works of Wisdom so that from My beloved’s lips, anointed by My Sovereignty, We14 would hear praise and honour for Our Trinitarian Holiness; 15
      continue to proclaim a Resurrected Christ and fill the whole world with fruit; tell them that Christ in His Divine Love is bending down from Heaven to revive by His Presence the work of My Hands; 16 with this encouraging news, hordes of nations will come to know Us in an intimate union; tell them, daughter, how We delight when We are also treated as your Holy Companion in your daily life ….
      speak as My envoy and remind My people that I, Yahweh, am alive and active, then, go to those17 sacerdotals who do not seek Me anymore and ask them: “why are you never asking: where is God?” in My Day I will pronounce My judgment against these shepherds, who have no knowledge of Me and who have never tasted interiorly My sweetness; today these shepherds have exchanged Me for something that has no value nor any power in it; to remember My Presence is what they should observe; I am not observed …. how can I say: “they are My Son’s incense;” when their only fragrance is the smell of death?
      I have given you, creation, twelve years18 of ineffable favour and I did not want to act with speed in My wrath; to comfort you in these years of favour I have spoken, I have bound up hearts that were broken and have put Peace in those hearts; My Own Heart is a Fountain of Living Water immersing, in these years of favour, this dry land, giving growth where dross was only to be found;
      - I always wished to rank you as My Own; in these days, I tell you, I who am the Bridegroom of My creation, call each one of you: My wedded one; why those frowns and menaces on the sweetness of My Mouth? 19unhappy little creature, remote from knowing Me, come! I invite you to fall into your Bridegroom’s embrace and I will show you how I, Yahweh, can adorn your spirit, lavishly offering you a flow of My Divine Love so that you, in your turn return to Me this flow of Love;
      then, wait and see, the day I will draw you into the nuptial chamber of My Heart, like a rose that grows on the bank of a watercourse, you will blossom to declare the greatness of My Name, calling Me: “my Father”; in the nuptial chamber of My Heart, your heart will spring up with praises and as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so will I rejoice in you and you in Me; My mighty Hand will uphold you and you would never want to part with Me again; indeed, your spirit, enriched by My sweetness and fullness of My Spirit, will cry out to all nations: “beauty and glory is to be found in our Creator! our Hope and our Lord!”
      daughter-of-My-choice, hear and write: I wish you to bear witness to My Holiness and My Divine Sweetness, be like a loud book, a book written by the Triune God; but for now, I want you for Myself alone; I want to be with My chosen one and ride the skies with you, lifting you from the hardships of those who hail your death daily; I wish now to lift you from turmoil and unrest, rivalry, jealousy and lack-of-love; then, in your contemplation while you will be reposing your head on My Bosom, I will be augmenting in your heart My Divine teachings;

    • @lauramaldonado1412
      @lauramaldonado1412 Год назад +1

      Gracias por tu comentario, particularmente me llena bastante

  • @madelinaramamuruthan6565
    @madelinaramamuruthan6565 4 года назад +9

    This young lady chose to be the bride of the Lord. Bless her parents for generously accepting her wishes.

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад +1

      Yes YOU are also Bride of Christ BOTH Nuns and Church, Church means ALL of us Bride of Christ. His Loved is Infinite, Equal means We are ALL Loved by God remember his loved on us All, by suffering dying on his cross for Everyone so We Are All Bride of Christ. including Nuns, Priest, All Man Woman, Married couple or Single is called members of the Church Bride and Body of Christ. Everytime WE Lay People live and we love God go to Pray, Confession, Mass and eat and drink the body and blood, soul, and divinity of Christ WE are one Now We are One Spirit to OUR Spiritual husband Jesus, We renew our Spiritual marriage vows our consecration to him during existence, Prayer, Confession, Mass and Our entire life cuz we are ALL bride of Christ called Church. Jesus alreday married us ALL when he created us bfore we exist, he married us when he is born on Earth through Virgin Mother Mary, He married us by his greatest proof of love of us all, his suffering dying on cross, resurrection just for us ALL. Nuns are just representative, models for us layman the Church to imitate them, to follow them to be more in love to OUR Bridegroom Jesus. Nuns are just teaching us to loved God first above all else and second the neighbors. Nuns are just teaching us to be intimate to OUR Bridegroom and kneel, worship yourself to Our Bridegroom Jesus and draw, embrace to his Nuptial Chamber his Sacred heart and enjoy Yourselves and Everyone else in Gods sweet, NO malice, divine, spiritual embrace, divine kisses to his Forehead, cheeks and wounds and Jesus will kiss you back to your foreheadd, cheeks, and he will kiss your soul, heart.

  • @ruthgoebel723
    @ruthgoebel723 4 года назад +8

    So nice to see the women with head coverings!

  • @suziedoubtfire5726
    @suziedoubtfire5726 4 года назад +35

    How beautiful that this young woman is dedicating her life to our Lord and His Church.

  • @aprilianpaskahoey6912
    @aprilianpaskahoey6912 4 года назад +15

    I am Catholic before be a Buddhist, but Im still love Jesus and Marry so much.

    • @yolandears7942
      @yolandears7942 4 года назад +3

      Dear, a real Christian can't turn to another religion, Jesus is unique.
      Please come back to your origin,Gods love you,Jesus and mother Marry are waiting you don't be late

    • @SDubThe-illis
      @SDubThe-illis 4 года назад

      Proud of you choosing a path you feel is right for you. Everyone thinks they have the correct god, but at the eod thousands of gods have been created and no one really knows if they have the right one. We must follow what feels right.

    • @mascara1777
      @mascara1777 4 года назад +2

      @@SDubThe-illis Jesus is Lord. Don't be deceived into believing in other gods.

    • @jasonsmith7416
      @jasonsmith7416 4 года назад +3

      The Buddha isn’t a god.

    • @mattydelfin
      @mattydelfin 3 года назад

      You can't serve two masters, brother. Come back.

  • @lucyterrier7905
    @lucyterrier7905 4 года назад +10

    Where in the Bible does it say for women to marry Jesus? Where in the Bible does this type of ceremony ?

    • @marybryant8492
      @marybryant8492 4 года назад +9

      It's unfortunate there are people who do not understand, Purity, Chastity, Celibacy. Who do not understand love for Our Lord Jesus Christ and turning away from the World to Worship and Love Our Lord Jesus Christ. Marriage is in the Bible, and to want to be a Bride of Christ is the most beautiful and wondrous thing a young woman can do.

    • @WinglessAngel11
      @WinglessAngel11 4 года назад +10

      I believe you have come to the wrong video if you were looking for Protestantism.

    • @stephaniemc9948
      @stephaniemc9948 4 года назад +2

      Lucy Terrier Ok, Protty.😂

    • @XenobiaWinterWolfMoon
      @XenobiaWinterWolfMoon 4 года назад +4

      Well it might not be in the Bible but neither is the blue prints for building an arc.......

    • @reflexionesdelabiblia6711
      @reflexionesdelabiblia6711 4 года назад


  • @silvestromedia
    @silvestromedia 4 года назад +24

    May God Bless you Sister Mary Imelda,-

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад

      silvestromedia Jesus Speaks : Have you not heard, delightful child, that I, Yahweh, your Creator, am wedded to My CREATION and am EVERYONE'S SPIRITUAL SPOUSE?5 day and night you stumble along, creation, chasing the shadows, and not even once have you ever tried to penetrate into this mystery; if so many of you are perishing, it is because hordes of you have rejected My Knowledge; you have forgotten My teachings;
      today, many of you scrutinise My Love and My sweetness, modelling Me according to the SEXUAL, LUSTFUL Passions of your flesh; I tell you: they who know Me observe holy things holily; these will be adjudged one day, holy; but as for those who do not know Me and do not observe holy things holily, they will be adjudged as they merit it; you will realise how you belittled Me all your life, how you belittled My Magnificence by your very weak nature and your lustful worldly inclinations and by having believed that your exterior lustful sex pleasures and delights, desired by your flesh, were lordly and great; these delights and pleasures of your flesh can NEVER NEVER be measured with My Divinity and Spiritual sweetness; your delights to Mine are like a grain of sand in the universe when compared to the bliss you can obtain from My sweetness that would lead you to eternal joy;
      I looked at My seeds and asked Myself: “what am I to do with them? they are entrenched in their deceitfulness; how am I to make this lot, who cannot tell their right hand from their left hand, understand that I am their Bridegroom and all I want from them is love, not sacrifice; knowledge of My Heart, not holocausts nor solemn festivals;”
      O royal household of Mine, you have bartered your glory for shame! have you not heard that I can lower the heavens to come down to you? have I not lifted up My Voice enough for your ear, creation? for how long are you going to chase the wind? for how long am I to see you pursuing shadows? come to Me! My Heart is like a Lamp to your feet and from My Lips moistened with grace and with the dew of divinity on them, flow rivers of grace and boundless calls of Mercy;
      day and night, My loved ones, you stumble along the shadows; come to Me, and I will touch your heart so that your perversity melts away; then in the immensity of My Love I have for you, I will fall like dew upon you and My Divinity will overwhelm your misery, encompassing it to dwell permanently in My brightness, making out of you a vessel of light and one spirit with Mine;
      ah, (Your name), 6 you whom I blessed with the unction of My Name, jealousy inflames My Heart every time your heart acts like dame folly and flutters away from Mine, pursuing frills and not My Divine power; I tell you, My loved one, keep your Bridegroom’s principles and bind them to your heart; these will warm your heart and will avert you from becoming distracted from the Presence of your Bridegroom who is only waiting to be gracious to you, Ever-so-loved-by-Me; and if I have asked you to disclose My wedding song7 by writing, it was because of My zealous love I have for each soul and because I wanted that My loved ones have enough nourishment while they are crossing this desert …. I have entrusted you with one talent, to procure for Us, 8 the equivalent amount; you have done well, because you have shown to Us, in your ardour to please Us, your faithfulness;
      so now have your retreat in Us; have your retreat in My Heart, and taste, like in former times, the intimate delights of My Heart; may the essence of My Love flow like a river into your heart so that all your tiny infidelities by which they raised My Eyebrow, be washed away;
      behold, now I am imprinting My words on you, for the salvation of so many sinners; I have come to you with gentleness, My bride, for the renewal of the mystical Body of My Son;
      behold now I, your Creator, am calling you, for I have espoused you to Myself, so that in Our union I would have the pleasure to adorn you with faithfulness and with ardour; yes, on this fragile clay, I have imprinted My Name all over you since that day when your soul called out to Me: “Abba!” and from thereon I have straightened your path on earth and taught you how to delight in Me by being ever at play in My Presence;
      know, My Vassula, how I desired that you love Me with all your heart and how I longed to turn your whole life into a permanent longing and thirsting for Me, your God; I wanted to show you My Kingdom and My nuptial chamber where, in privacy, we could delight one another; I, your Bridegroom, aflame with love, would converse intimately with you, teaching you the knowledge of holy things; and you, cleaving yourself firmly to My Heart, would be aspiring grace from the breath of Omnipotence, so that you would not cease to be;
      no, My chosen one, our intimate union is not like the memory of a one-day guest; I will not cause you to trouble your heart by withdrawing My intimate union from you; I will take care of your frailty, My (Your name); see, My beloved one, how I desired to draw you to Me as a lover who draws his loved one in privacy;
      I, who am the Lover of mankind, Spouse of My creation, wish to Spiritual draw you now to Me …. take a retreat in Me9 …. why, you must have heard sometimes how the bridegroom longs to be alone with his bride after the wedding? I am offering you this favour as a prelude to our feast; 10 yes, on that day when you responded to My Divine Will …. and by opening your heart to My Call, I enriched it from Mine so that later on you would grain everywhere those treasures; those treasures are seeds11you are obtaining from Me, whereby you were to sow them in the countries I would be sending you;
      that day when you submitted to My Divine Will, allowing Me to govern your life, I stood affectionately in front of you, inviting you with these words: “it is impossible for a soul to love Me, the way I want her to love Me were she to keep her distance from Me; approach Me and taste My delights; I wish you to become intimate with Me; if you remain far from My embrace, you will be unable to get to know Me;” 12 I have, in our intimate union and the unction of My Love adorned you with Knowledge: Knowledge of how to find Me and get to know Me;
      since I have chosen you amongst thousands, you should not doubt any more; act in humility so that I continue to raise you up to Me …. I have washed your hands and your mouth, so that by your hands, cleansed, they would write My Words and keep My books, and by your mouth I would fragrance every nation; through My grace, I adorn13 your soul with the garment of My strength but above all I, My (Your name), adorned you with My magnificent Works of Wisdom so that from My beloved’s lips, anointed by My Sovereignty, We14 would hear praise and honour for Our Trinitarian Holiness; 15
      continue to proclaim a Resurrected Christ and fill the whole world with fruit; tell them that Christ in His Divine Love is bending down from Heaven to revive by His Presence the work of My Hands; 16 with this encouraging news, hordes of nations will come to know Us in an intimate union; tell them, daughter, how We delight when We are also treated as your Holy Companion in your daily life ….
      speak as My envoy and remind My people that I, Yahweh, am alive and active, then, go to those17 sacerdotals who do not seek Me anymore and ask them: “why are you never asking: where is God?” in My Day I will pronounce My judgment against these shepherds, who have no knowledge of Me and who have never tasted interiorly My sweetness; today these shepherds have exchanged Me for something that has no value nor any power in it; to remember My Presence is what they should observe; I am not observed …. how can I say: “they are My Son’s incense;” when their only fragrance is the smell of death?
      I have given you, creation, twelve years18 of ineffable favour and I did not want to act with speed in My wrath; to comfort you in these years of favour I have spoken, I have bound up hearts that were broken and have put Peace in those hearts; My Own Heart is a Fountain of Living Water immersing, in these years of favour, this dry land, giving growth where dross was only to be found;
      - I always wished to rank you as My Own; in these days, I tell you, I who am the Bridegroom of My creation, call each one of you: My wedded one; why those frowns and menaces on the sweetness of My Mouth? 19unhappy little creature, remote from knowing Me, come! I invite you to fall into your Bridegroom’s embrace and I will show you how I, Yahweh, can adorn your spirit, lavishly offering you a flow of My Divine Love so that you, in your turn return to Me this flow of Love;
      then, wait and see, the day I will draw you into the nuptial chamber of My Heart, like a rose that grows on the bank of a watercourse, you will blossom to declare the greatness of My Name, calling Me: “my Father”; in the nuptial chamber of My Heart, your heart will spring up with praises and as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so will I rejoice in you and you in Me; My mighty Hand will uphold you and you would never want to part with Me again; indeed, your spirit, enriched by My sweetness and fullness of My Spirit, will cry out to all nations: “beauty and glory is to be found in our Creator! our Hope and our Lord!”
      sons,daughters-of-My-choice, hear and write: I wish you to bear witness to My Holiness and My Divine Sweetness, be like a loud book, a book written by the Triune God; but for now, I want you for Myself alone; I want to be with My chosen one and ride the skies with you, lifting you from the hardships of those who hail your death daily; I wish now to lift you from turmoil and unrest, rivalry, jealousy and lack-of-love; then, in your contemplation while you will be reposing your head on My Bosom, I will be augmenting in your heart My Divine teachings

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад

      rach d Jesus Speaks : Have you not heard, delightful child, that I, Yahweh, your Creator, am wedded to My CREATION and am EVERYONE'S SPIRITUAL SPOUSE?5 day and night you stumble along, creation, chasing the shadows, and not even once have you ever tried to penetrate into this mystery; if so many of you are perishing, it is because hordes of you have rejected My Knowledge; you have forgotten My teachings;
      today, many of you scrutinise My Love and My sweetness, modelling Me according to the SEXUAL, LUSTFUL Passions of your flesh; I tell you: they who know Me observe holy things holily; these will be adjudged one day, holy; but as for those who do not know Me and do not observe holy things holily, they will be adjudged as they merit it; you will realise how you belittled Me all your life, how you belittled My Magnificence by your very weak nature and your lustful worldly inclinations and by having believed that your exterior lustful sex pleasures and delights, desired by your flesh, were lordly and great; these delights and pleasures of your flesh can NEVER NEVER be measured with My Divinity and Spiritual sweetness; your delights to Mine are like a grain of sand in the universe when compared to the bliss you can obtain from My sweetness that would lead you to eternal joy;
      I looked at My seeds and asked Myself: “what am I to do with them? they are entrenched in their deceitfulness; how am I to make this lot, who cannot tell their right hand from their left hand, understand that I am their Bridegroom and all I want from them is love, not sacrifice; knowledge of My Heart, not holocausts nor solemn festivals;”
      O royal household of Mine, you have bartered your glory for shame! have you not heard that I can lower the heavens to come down to you? have I not lifted up My Voice enough for your ear, creation? for how long are you going to chase the wind? for how long am I to see you pursuing shadows? come to Me! My Heart is like a Lamp to your feet and from My Lips moistened with grace and with the dew of divinity on them, flow rivers of grace and boundless calls of Mercy;
      day and night, My loved ones, you stumble along the shadows; come to Me, and I will touch your heart so that your perversity melts away; then in the immensity of My Love I have for you, I will fall like dew upon you and My Divinity will overwhelm your misery, encompassing it to dwell permanently in My brightness, making out of you a vessel of light and one spirit with Mine;
      ah, (Your name), 6 you whom I blessed with the unction of My Name, jealousy inflames My Heart every time your heart acts like dame folly and flutters away from Mine, pursuing frills and not My Divine power; I tell you, My loved one, keep your Bridegroom’s principles and bind them to your heart; these will warm your heart and will avert you from becoming distracted from the Presence of your Bridegroom who is only waiting to be gracious to you, Ever-so-loved-by-Me; and if I have asked you to disclose My wedding song7 by writing, it was because of My zealous love I have for each soul and because I wanted that My loved ones have enough nourishment while they are crossing this desert …. I have entrusted you with one talent, to procure for Us, 8 the equivalent amount; you have done well, because you have shown to Us, in your ardour to please Us, your faithfulness;
      so now have your retreat in Us; have your retreat in My Heart, and taste, like in former times, the intimate delights of My Heart; may the essence of My Love flow like a river into your heart so that all your tiny infidelities by which they raised My Eyebrow, be washed away;
      behold, now I am imprinting My words on you, for the salvation of so many sinners; I have come to you with gentleness, My bride, for the renewal of the mystical Body of My Son;
      behold now I, your Creator, am calling you, for I have espoused you to Myself, so that in Our union I would have the pleasure to adorn you with faithfulness and with ardour; yes, on this fragile clay, I have imprinted My Name all over you since that day when your soul called out to Me: “Abba!” and from thereon I have straightened your path on earth and taught you how to delight in Me by being ever at play in My Presence;
      know, My Vassula, how I desired that you love Me with all your heart and how I longed to turn your whole life into a permanent longing and thirsting for Me, your God; I wanted to show you My Kingdom and My nuptial chamber where, in privacy, we could delight one another; I, your Bridegroom, aflame with love, would converse intimately with you, teaching you the knowledge of holy things; and you, cleaving yourself firmly to My Heart, would be aspiring grace from the breath of Omnipotence, so that you would not cease to be;
      no, My chosen one, our intimate union is not like the memory of a one-day guest; I will not cause you to trouble your heart by withdrawing My intimate union from you; I will take care of your frailty, My (Your name); see, My beloved one, how I desired to draw you to Me as a lover who draws his loved one in privacy;
      I, who am the Lover of mankind, Spouse of My creation, wish to Spiritual draw you now to Me …. take a retreat in Me9 …. why, you must have heard sometimes how the bridegroom longs to be alone with his bride after the wedding? I am offering you this favour as a prelude to our feast; 10 yes, on that day when you responded to My Divine Will …. and by opening your heart to My Call, I enriched it from Mine so that later on you would grain everywhere those treasures; those treasures are seeds11you are obtaining from Me, whereby you were to sow them in the countries I would be sending you;
      that day when you submitted to My Divine Will, allowing Me to govern your life, I stood affectionately in front of you, inviting you with these words: “it is impossible for a soul to love Me, the way I want her to love Me were she to keep her distance from Me; approach Me and taste My delights; I wish you to become intimate with Me; if you remain far from My embrace, you will be unable to get to know Me;” 12 I have, in our intimate union and the unction of My Love adorned you with Knowledge: Knowledge of how to find Me and get to know Me;
      since I have chosen you amongst thousands, you should not doubt any more; act in humility so that I continue to raise you up to Me …. I have washed your hands and your mouth, so that by your hands, cleansed, they would write My Words and keep My books, and by your mouth I would fragrance every nation; through My grace, I adorn13 your soul with the garment of My strength but above all I, My (Your name), adorned you with My magnificent Works of Wisdom so that from My beloved’s lips, anointed by My Sovereignty, We14 would hear praise and honour for Our Trinitarian Holiness; 15
      continue to proclaim a Resurrected Christ and fill the whole world with fruit; tell them that Christ in His Divine Love is bending down from Heaven to revive by His Presence the work of My Hands; 16 with this encouraging news, hordes of nations will come to know Us in an intimate union; tell them, daughter, how We delight when We are also treated as your Holy Companion in your daily life ….
      speak as My envoy and remind My people that I, Yahweh, am alive and active, then, go to those17 sacerdotals who do not seek Me anymore and ask them: “why are you never asking: where is God?” in My Day I will pronounce My judgment against these shepherds, who have no knowledge of Me and who have never tasted interiorly My sweetness; today these shepherds have exchanged Me for something that has no value nor any power in it; to remember My Presence is what they should observe; I am not observed …. how can I say: “they are My Son’s incense;” when their only fragrance is the smell of death?
      I have given you, creation, twelve years18 of ineffable favour and I did not want to act with speed in My wrath; to comfort you in these years of favour I have spoken, I have bound up hearts that were broken and have put Peace in those hearts; My Own Heart is a Fountain of Living Water immersing, in these years of favour, this dry land, giving growth where dross was only to be found;
      - I always wished to rank you as My Own; in these days, I tell you, I who am the Bridegroom of My creation, call each one of you: My wedded one; why those frowns and menaces on the sweetness of My Mouth? 19unhappy little creature, remote from knowing Me, come! I invite you to fall into your Bridegroom’s embrace and I will show you how I, Yahweh, can adorn your spirit, lavishly offering you a flow of My Divine Love so that you, in your turn return to Me this flow of Love;
      then, wait and see, the day I will draw you into the nuptial chamber of My Heart, like a rose that grows on the bank of a watercourse, you will blossom to declare the greatness of My Name, calling Me: “my Father”; in the nuptial chamber of My Heart, your heart will spring up with praises and as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so will I rejoice in you and you in Me; My mighty Hand will uphold you and you would never want to part with Me again; indeed, your spirit, enriched by My sweetness and fullness of My Spirit, will cry out to all nations: “beauty and glory is to be found in our Creator! our Hope and our Lord!”
      sons,daughters-of-My-choice, hear and write: I wish you to bear witness to My Holiness and My Divine Sweetness, be like a loud book, a book written by the Triune God; but for now, I want you for Myself alone; I want to be with My chosen one and ride the skies with you, lifting you from the hardships of those who hail your death daily; I wish now to lift you from turmoil and unrest, rivalry, jealousy and lack-of-love; then, in your contemplation while you will be reposing your head on My Bosom, I will be augmenting in your heart My Divine teachings

  • @nicobeing
    @nicobeing 8 лет назад +94

    Love seeing all those chapel veils! God bless!

    • @bobbettedavis9168
      @bobbettedavis9168 4 года назад +1

      Nicole Marie
      You read my mind!❤️🙏🏼❤️

    • @michaelforshaw7095
      @michaelforshaw7095 4 года назад


    • @lindathrall5133
      @lindathrall5133 4 года назад


    • @bobbettedavis9168
      @bobbettedavis9168 4 года назад +6

      Linda Thrall
      You can purchase a mantilla from Mantilla Catholic at Amazon. The Catholic Co. also sells mantillas. They are reasonably priced. If you do not shop online you could browse a Catholic gift shop and book store in your community. I live near 2. I’m so very blessed.
      Hope this helps you.
      GOD bless!❤️🙏🏼❤️

    • @Kanal7Indonesia
      @Kanal7Indonesia 4 года назад +1

      Maybe because this is a latin mass

  • @stevehofmaster7489
    @stevehofmaster7489 3 года назад +6

    Very beautiful ceremony and wish the Sister every happiness in her life.Wonderful calling and I know she will help so many people!

  • @devongaynor5019
    @devongaynor5019 3 года назад +2

    Why not named Servants instead of slaves. That word sends a nagative chill in humanity. We all are children and servants of God, not slaves.
    We can only be slaves of sin and Satan , but not of God.
    Change the name of the order , please.

  • @marieomahoney365
    @marieomahoney365 4 года назад +7

    I am not a catholic and I don’t want to upset anybody but how is it a bride without a groom plus a wedding ring be married to someone she can’t see plus a wedding reception. To me it is a complete farce . Explanation please.

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад +1

      Marie O'Mahoney Jesus Speaks : Have you not heard, delightful child, that I, Yahweh, your Creator, am wedded to My CREATION and am EVERYONE'S SPIRITUAL SPOUSE?5 day and night you stumble along, creation, chasing the shadows, and not even once have you ever tried to penetrate into this mystery; if so many of you are perishing, it is because hordes of you have rejected My Knowledge; you have forgotten My teachings;
      today, many of you scrutinise My Love and My sweetness, modelling Me according to the SEXUAL, LUSTFUL Passions of your flesh; I tell you: they who know Me observe holy things holily; these will be adjudged one day, holy; but as for those who do not know Me and do not observe holy things holily, they will be adjudged as they merit it; you will realise how you belittled Me all your life, how you belittled My Magnificence by your very weak nature and your lustful worldly inclinations and by having believed that your exterior lustful sex pleasures and delights, desired by your flesh, were lordly and great; these delights and pleasures of your flesh can NEVER NEVER be measured with My Divinity and Spiritual sweetness; your delights to Mine are like a grain of sand in the universe when compared to the bliss you can obtain from My sweetness that would lead you to eternal joy;
      I looked at My seeds and asked Myself: “what am I to do with them? they are entrenched in their deceitfulness; how am I to make this lot, who cannot tell their right hand from their left hand, understand that I am their Bridegroom and all I want from them is love, not sacrifice; knowledge of My Heart, not holocausts nor solemn festivals;”
      O royal household of Mine, you have bartered your glory for shame! have you not heard that I can lower the heavens to come down to you? have I not lifted up My Voice enough for your ear, creation? for how long are you going to chase the wind? for how long am I to see you pursuing shadows? come to Me! My Heart is like a Lamp to your feet and from My Lips moistened with grace and with the dew of divinity on them, flow rivers of grace and boundless calls of Mercy;
      day and night, My loved ones, you stumble along the shadows; come to Me, and I will touch your heart so that your perversity melts away; then in the immensity of My Love I have for you, I will fall like dew upon you and My Divinity will overwhelm your misery, encompassing it to dwell permanently in My brightness, making out of you a vessel of light and one spirit with Mine;
      ah, (Your name), 6 you whom I blessed with the unction of My Name, jealousy inflames My Heart every time your heart acts like dame folly and flutters away from Mine, pursuing frills and not My Divine power; I tell you, My loved one, keep your Bridegroom’s principles and bind them to your heart; these will warm your heart and will avert you from becoming distracted from the Presence of your Bridegroom who is only waiting to be gracious to you, Ever-so-loved-by-Me; and if I have asked you to disclose My wedding song7 by writing, it was because of My zealous love I have for each soul and because I wanted that My loved ones have enough nourishment while they are crossing this desert …. I have entrusted you with one talent, to procure for Us, 8 the equivalent amount; you have done well, because you have shown to Us, in your ardour to please Us, your faithfulness;
      so now have your retreat in Us; have your retreat in My Heart, and taste, like in former times, the intimate delights of My Heart; may the essence of My Love flow like a river into your heart so that all your tiny infidelities by which they raised My Eyebrow, be washed away;
      behold, now I am imprinting My words on you, for the salvation of so many sinners; I have come to you with gentleness, My bride, for the renewal of the mystical Body of My Son;
      behold now I, your Creator, am calling you, for I have espoused you to Myself, so that in Our union I would have the pleasure to adorn you with faithfulness and with ardour; yes, on this fragile clay, I have imprinted My Name all over you since that day when your soul called out to Me: “Abba!” and from thereon I have straightened your path on earth and taught you how to delight in Me by being ever at play in My Presence;
      know, My Vassula, how I desired that you love Me with all your heart and how I longed to turn your whole life into a permanent longing and thirsting for Me, your God; I wanted to show you My Kingdom and My nuptial chamber where, in privacy, we could delight one another; I, your Bridegroom, aflame with love, would converse intimately with you, teaching you the knowledge of holy things; and you, cleaving yourself firmly to My Heart, would be aspiring grace from the breath of Omnipotence, so that you would not cease to be;
      no, My chosen one, our intimate union is not like the memory of a one-day guest; I will not cause you to trouble your heart by withdrawing My intimate union from you; I will take care of your frailty, My (Your name); see, My beloved one, how I desired to draw you to Me as a lover who draws his loved one in privacy;
      I, who am the Lover of mankind, Spouse of My creation, wish to Spiritual draw you now to Me …. take a retreat in Me9 …. why, you must have heard sometimes how the bridegroom longs to be alone with his bride after the wedding? I am offering you this favour as a prelude to our feast; 10 yes, on that day when you responded to My Divine Will …. and by opening your heart to My Call, I enriched it from Mine so that later on you would grain everywhere those treasures; those treasures are seeds11you are obtaining from Me, whereby you were to sow them in the countries I would be sending you;
      that day when you submitted to My Divine Will, allowing Me to govern your life, I stood affectionately in front of you, inviting you with these words: “it is impossible for a soul to love Me, the way I want her to love Me were she to keep her distance from Me; approach Me and taste My delights; I wish you to become intimate with Me; if you remain far from My embrace, you will be unable to get to know Me;” 12 I have, in our intimate union and the unction of My Love adorned you with Knowledge: Knowledge of how to find Me and get to know Me;
      since I have chosen you amongst thousands, you should not doubt any more; act in humility so that I continue to raise you up to Me …. I have washed your hands and your mouth, so that by your hands, cleansed, they would write My Words and keep My books, and by your mouth I would fragrance every nation; through My grace, I adorn13 your soul with the garment of My strength but above all I, My (Your name), adorned you with My magnificent Works of Wisdom so that from My beloved’s lips, anointed by My Sovereignty, We14 would hear praise and honour for Our Trinitarian Holiness; 15
      continue to proclaim a Resurrected Christ and fill the whole world with fruit; tell them that Christ in His Divine Love is bending down from Heaven to revive by His Presence the work of My Hands; 16 with this encouraging news, hordes of nations will come to know Us in an intimate union; tell them, daughter, how We delight when We are also treated as your Holy Companion in your daily life ….
      speak as My envoy and remind My people that I, Yahweh, am alive and active, then, go to those17 sacerdotals who do not seek Me anymore and ask them: “why are you never asking: where is God?” in My Day I will pronounce My judgment against these shepherds, who have no knowledge of Me and who have never tasted interiorly My sweetness; today these shepherds have exchanged Me for something that has no value nor any power in it; to remember My Presence is what they should observe; I am not observed …. how can I say: “they are My Son’s incense;” when their only fragrance is the smell of death?
      I have given you, creation, twelve years18 of ineffable favour and I did not want to act with speed in My wrath; to comfort you in these years of favour I have spoken, I have bound up hearts that were broken and have put Peace in those hearts; My Own Heart is a Fountain of Living Water immersing, in these years of favour, this dry land, giving growth where dross was only to be found;
      - I always wished to rank you as My Own; in these days, I tell you, I who am the Bridegroom of My creation, call each one of you: My wedded one; why those frowns and menaces on the sweetness of My Mouth? 19unhappy little creature, remote from knowing Me, come! I invite you to fall into your Bridegroom’s embrace and I will show you how I, Yahweh, can adorn your spirit, lavishly offering you a flow of My Divine Love so that you, in your turn return to Me this flow of Love;
      then, wait and see, the day I will draw you into the nuptial chamber of My Heart, like a rose that grows on the bank of a watercourse, you will blossom to declare the greatness of My Name, calling Me: “my Father”; in the nuptial chamber of My Heart, your heart will spring up with praises and as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so will I rejoice in you and you in Me; My mighty Hand will uphold you and you would never want to part with Me again; indeed, your spirit, enriched by My sweetness and fullness of My Spirit, will cry out to all nations: “beauty and glory is to be found in our Creator! our Hope and our Lord!”
      sons,daughters-of-My-choice, hear and write: I wish you to bear witness to My Holiness and My Divine Sweetness, be like a loud book, a book written by the Triune God; but for now, I want you for Myself alone; I want to be with My chosen one and ride the skies with you, lifting you from the hardships of those who hail your death daily; I wish now to lift you from turmoil and unrest, rivalry, jealousy and lack-of-love; then, in your contemplation while you will be reposing your head on My Bosom, I will be augmenting in your heart My Divine teachings

    • @annetteococi1321
      @annetteococi1321 4 года назад +8

      No dear. She is giving herself to Christ. Bride of the Lamb.

    • @josekollamula487
      @josekollamula487 4 года назад +6

      Only one who could renounce the worldly possessions and accept Jesus Christ as the saviour, would understand the meaning of this commitment.

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 3 года назад

      @Catholic Bride of Christ Yes AMEN
      Yes YOU and ALL OF US Bride of Christ. BOTH Nuns and Church, Church means ALL of us Bride of Christ. His Loved is Infinite, Equal means We are ALL Loved by God remember his loved on us All, by suffering dying on his cross for Everyone so We Are ALL Bride of Christ. INCLUDING Nuns, Priest, All Man Woman, Married couple or Single is called members of the Church Bride and Body of Christ. Everytime WE Lay People go to Pray, Confession, Mass and eat and drink the body and blood, soul, and divinity of Christ WE are one Now We are One Spirit to OUR Spiritual husband Jesus, We renew our Spiritual marriage vows our consecration to him during existence, Prayer, Confession, Mass and Our entire life cuz we are ALL bride of Christ called Church. Jesus alreday married us ALL when he created us bfore we exist, he married us when he is born on Earth through Virgin Mother Mary, He married us by his greatest proof of love of us all, his suffering dying on cross, resurrection just for us ALL. Nuns are just representative, models for us layman the Church to imitate them, to follow them to be more in love to OUR Bridegroom Jesus. Nuns are just teaching us to loved God first above all else and second the neighbors. Nuns are just teaching us to be intimate to OUR Bridegroom and kneel, worship yourself to Our Bridegroom Jesus and draw, embrace to his Nuptial Chamber his Sacred heart and enjoy Yourselves and Everyone else in Gods sweet, NO malice, divine, spiritual embrace, divine kisses to his Forehead, cheeks and wounds and Jesus will kiss you back to your foreheadd, cheeks, and he will kiss your soul, heart.

  • @Aford-db9ml
    @Aford-db9ml 4 года назад +15

    I see spirit lights at various times thoughout the video.Cool!

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад

      A. ford Jesus Speaks : Have you not heard, delightful child, that I, Yahweh, your Creator, am wedded to My CREATION and am EVERYONE'S SPIRITUAL SPOUSE?5 day and night you stumble along, creation, chasing the shadows, and not even once have you ever tried to penetrate into this mystery; if so many of you are perishing, it is because hordes of you have rejected My Knowledge; you have forgotten My teachings;
      today, many of you scrutinise My Love and My sweetness, modelling Me according to the SEXUAL, LUSTFUL Passions of your flesh; I tell you: they who know Me observe holy things holily; these will be adjudged one day, holy; but as for those who do not know Me and do not observe holy things holily, they will be adjudged as they merit it; you will realise how you belittled Me all your life, how you belittled My Magnificence by your very weak nature and your lustful worldly inclinations and by having believed that your exterior lustful sex pleasures and delights, desired by your flesh, were lordly and great; these delights and pleasures of your flesh can NEVER NEVER be measured with My Divinity and Spiritual sweetness; your delights to Mine are like a grain of sand in the universe when compared to the bliss you can obtain from My sweetness that would lead you to eternal joy;
      I looked at My seeds and asked Myself: “what am I to do with them? they are entrenched in their deceitfulness; how am I to make this lot, who cannot tell their right hand from their left hand, understand that I am their Bridegroom and all I want from them is love, not sacrifice; knowledge of My Heart, not holocausts nor solemn festivals;”
      O royal household of Mine, you have bartered your glory for shame! have you not heard that I can lower the heavens to come down to you? have I not lifted up My Voice enough for your ear, creation? for how long are you going to chase the wind? for how long am I to see you pursuing shadows? come to Me! My Heart is like a Lamp to your feet and from My Lips moistened with grace and with the dew of divinity on them, flow rivers of grace and boundless calls of Mercy;
      day and night, My loved ones, you stumble along the shadows; come to Me, and I will touch your heart so that your perversity melts away; then in the immensity of My Love I have for you, I will fall like dew upon you and My Divinity will overwhelm your misery, encompassing it to dwell permanently in My brightness, making out of you a vessel of light and one spirit with Mine;
      ah, (Your name), 6 you whom I blessed with the unction of My Name, jealousy inflames My Heart every time your heart acts like dame folly and flutters away from Mine, pursuing frills and not My Divine power; I tell you, My loved one, keep your Bridegroom’s principles and bind them to your heart; these will warm your heart and will avert you from becoming distracted from the Presence of your Bridegroom who is only waiting to be gracious to you, Ever-so-loved-by-Me; and if I have asked you to disclose My wedding song7 by writing, it was because of My zealous love I have for each soul and because I wanted that My loved ones have enough nourishment while they are crossing this desert …. I have entrusted you with one talent, to procure for Us, 8 the equivalent amount; you have done well, because you have shown to Us, in your ardour to please Us, your faithfulness;
      so now have your retreat in Us; have your retreat in My Heart, and taste, like in former times, the intimate delights of My Heart; may the essence of My Love flow like a river into your heart so that all your tiny infidelities by which they raised My Eyebrow, be washed away;
      behold, now I am imprinting My words on you, for the salvation of so many sinners; I have come to you with gentleness, My bride, for the renewal of the mystical Body of My Son;
      behold now I, your Creator, am calling you, for I have espoused you to Myself, so that in Our union I would have the pleasure to adorn you with faithfulness and with ardour; yes, on this fragile clay, I have imprinted My Name all over you since that day when your soul called out to Me: “Abba!” and from thereon I have straightened your path on earth and taught you how to delight in Me by being ever at play in My Presence;
      know, My Vassula, how I desired that you love Me with all your heart and how I longed to turn your whole life into a permanent longing and thirsting for Me, your God; I wanted to show you My Kingdom and My nuptial chamber where, in privacy, we could delight one another; I, your Bridegroom, aflame with love, would converse intimately with you, teaching you the knowledge of holy things; and you, cleaving yourself firmly to My Heart, would be aspiring grace from the breath of Omnipotence, so that you would not cease to be;
      no, My chosen one, our intimate union is not like the memory of a one-day guest; I will not cause you to trouble your heart by withdrawing My intimate union from you; I will take care of your frailty, My (Your name); see, My beloved one, how I desired to draw you to Me as a lover who draws his loved one in privacy;
      I, who am the Lover of mankind, Spouse of My creation, wish to Spiritual draw you now to Me …. take a retreat in Me9 …. why, you must have heard sometimes how the bridegroom longs to be alone with his bride after the wedding? I am offering you this favour as a prelude to our feast; 10 yes, on that day when you responded to My Divine Will …. and by opening your heart to My Call, I enriched it from Mine so that later on you would grain everywhere those treasures; those treasures are seeds11you are obtaining from Me, whereby you were to sow them in the countries I would be sending you;
      that day when you submitted to My Divine Will, allowing Me to govern your life, I stood affectionately in front of you, inviting you with these words: “it is impossible for a soul to love Me, the way I want her to love Me were she to keep her distance from Me; approach Me and taste My delights; I wish you to become intimate with Me; if you remain far from My embrace, you will be unable to get to know Me;” 12 I have, in our intimate union and the unction of My Love adorned you with Knowledge: Knowledge of how to find Me and get to know Me;
      since I have chosen you amongst thousands, you should not doubt any more; act in humility so that I continue to raise you up to Me …. I have washed your hands and your mouth, so that by your hands, cleansed, they would write My Words and keep My books, and by your mouth I would fragrance every nation; through My grace, I adorn13 your soul with the garment of My strength but above all I, My (Your name), adorned you with My magnificent Works of Wisdom so that from My beloved’s lips, anointed by My Sovereignty, We14 would hear praise and honour for Our Trinitarian Holiness; 15
      continue to proclaim a Resurrected Christ and fill the whole world with fruit; tell them that Christ in His Divine Love is bending down from Heaven to revive by His Presence the work of My Hands; 16 with this encouraging news, hordes of nations will come to know Us in an intimate union; tell them, daughter, how We delight when We are also treated as your Holy Companion in your daily life ….
      speak as My envoy and remind My people that I, Yahweh, am alive and active, then, go to those17 sacerdotals who do not seek Me anymore and ask them: “why are you never asking: where is God?” in My Day I will pronounce My judgment against these shepherds, who have no knowledge of Me and who have never tasted interiorly My sweetness; today these shepherds have exchanged Me for something that has no value nor any power in it; to remember My Presence is what they should observe; I am not observed …. how can I say: “they are My Son’s incense;” when their only fragrance is the smell of death?
      I have given you, creation, twelve years18 of ineffable favour and I did not want to act with speed in My wrath; to comfort you in these years of favour I have spoken, I have bound up hearts that were broken and have put Peace in those hearts; My Own Heart is a Fountain of Living Water immersing, in these years of favour, this dry land, giving growth where dross was only to be found;
      - I always wished to rank you as My Own; in these days, I tell you, I who am the Bridegroom of My creation, call each one of you: My wedded one; why those frowns and menaces on the sweetness of My Mouth? 19unhappy little creature, remote from knowing Me, come! I invite you to fall into your Bridegroom’s embrace and I will show you how I, Yahweh, can adorn your spirit, lavishly offering you a flow of My Divine Love so that you, in your turn return to Me this flow of Love;
      then, wait and see, the day I will draw you into the nuptial chamber of My Heart, like a rose that grows on the bank of a watercourse, you will blossom to declare the greatness of My Name, calling Me: “my Father”; in the nuptial chamber of My Heart, your heart will spring up with praises and as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so will I rejoice in you and you in Me; My mighty Hand will uphold you and you would never want to part with Me again; indeed, your spirit, enriched by My sweetness and fullness of My Spirit, will cry out to all nations: “beauty and glory is to be found in our Creator! our Hope and our Lord!”
      sons,daughters-of-My-choice, hear and write: I wish you to bear witness to My Holiness and My Divine Sweetness, be like a loud book, a book written by the Triune God; but for now, I want you for Myself alone; I want to be with My chosen one and ride the skies with you, lifting you from the hardships of those who hail your death daily; I wish now to lift you from turmoil and unrest, rivalry, jealousy and lack-of-love; then, in your contemplation while you will be reposing your head on My Bosom, I will be augmenting in your heart My Divine teachings

  • @kerrypinette8111
    @kerrypinette8111 4 года назад +9

    Beautiful ceremony ... thanks for sharing.

  • @margemiller8017
    @margemiller8017 4 года назад +28

    I could never imagine how proud her parents and the rest of her family may be. May the Lord and the guidance of our Holy Mother be with her throughout all her days to come.
    God bless her, her family and all those entering the life of the Lord. Praise God. JMJ. Pray for me

    • @maryricketts7337
      @maryricketts7337 4 года назад

      Marge Miller yes, their ticket

    • @jensmom604
      @jensmom604 4 года назад

      Catholics are not Christians.

    • @bennjanja2382
      @bennjanja2382 3 года назад +3

      @@jensmom604 NONESENSE

    • @mistybustamante8906
      @mistybustamante8906 2 года назад +3

      @jensmom604 yes I am. I love Jesus and share the gospel all the time and obey Jesus. I never truly knew Jesus in a protestant concert church. I feel closer to Jesus as a catholic. Protestant churches broke away from the catholic church in 1500. I still love you my sister in Christ. 🥰

    • @robertandhollyscorpiofan2697
      @robertandhollyscorpiofan2697 2 года назад

      @@jensmom604 you know NOTHING.

  • @estherjurado7351
    @estherjurado7351 4 года назад +11

    I'm chocked up. May the Blessed Virgin Mary mother of Jesus guide your path always. I will keep you in my prayers and all "Madresitas" all over the world. You rock!

  • @tesfayemarimadlen4506
    @tesfayemarimadlen4506 4 года назад +13

    Congratulations God Bless You🙏You are Chosen by Almighty God🙏⛪ The Power and the Grase Of God Be With You Al🙏🌞👍💐🎂🙏l

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад

      Tesfaye Marimadlen Jesus Speaks : Have you not heard, delightful child, that I, Yahweh, your Creator, am wedded to My CREATION and am EVERYONE'S SPIRITUAL SPOUSE?5 day and night you stumble along, creation, chasing the shadows, and not even once have you ever tried to penetrate into this mystery; if so many of you are perishing, it is because hordes of you have rejected My Knowledge; you have forgotten My teachings;
      today, many of you scrutinise My Love and My sweetness, modelling Me according to the SEXUAL, LUSTFUL Passions of your flesh; I tell you: they who know Me observe holy things holily; these will be adjudged one day, holy; but as for those who do not know Me and do not observe holy things holily, they will be adjudged as they merit it; you will realise how you belittled Me all your life, how you belittled My Magnificence by your very weak nature and your lustful worldly inclinations and by having believed that your exterior lustful sex pleasures and delights, desired by your flesh, were lordly and great; these delights and pleasures of your flesh can NEVER NEVER be measured with My Divinity and Spiritual sweetness; your delights to Mine are like a grain of sand in the universe when compared to the bliss you can obtain from My sweetness that would lead you to eternal joy;
      I looked at My seeds and asked Myself: “what am I to do with them? they are entrenched in their deceitfulness; how am I to make this lot, who cannot tell their right hand from their left hand, understand that I am their Bridegroom and all I want from them is love, not sacrifice; knowledge of My Heart, not holocausts nor solemn festivals;”
      O royal household of Mine, you have bartered your glory for shame! have you not heard that I can lower the heavens to come down to you? have I not lifted up My Voice enough for your ear, creation? for how long are you going to chase the wind? for how long am I to see you pursuing shadows? come to Me! My Heart is like a Lamp to your feet and from My Lips moistened with grace and with the dew of divinity on them, flow rivers of grace and boundless calls of Mercy;
      day and night, My loved ones, you stumble along the shadows; come to Me, and I will touch your heart so that your perversity melts away; then in the immensity of My Love I have for you, I will fall like dew upon you and My Divinity will overwhelm your misery, encompassing it to dwell permanently in My brightness, making out of you a vessel of light and one spirit with Mine;
      ah, (Your name), 6 you whom I blessed with the unction of My Name, jealousy inflames My Heart every time your heart acts like dame folly and flutters away from Mine, pursuing frills and not My Divine power; I tell you, My loved one, keep your Bridegroom’s principles and bind them to your heart; these will warm your heart and will avert you from becoming distracted from the Presence of your Bridegroom who is only waiting to be gracious to you, Ever-so-loved-by-Me; and if I have asked you to disclose My wedding song7 by writing, it was because of My zealous love I have for each soul and because I wanted that My loved ones have enough nourishment while they are crossing this desert …. I have entrusted you with one talent, to procure for Us, 8 the equivalent amount; you have done well, because you have shown to Us, in your ardour to please Us, your faithfulness;
      so now have your retreat in Us; have your retreat in My Heart, and taste, like in former times, the intimate delights of My Heart; may the essence of My Love flow like a river into your heart so that all your tiny infidelities by which they raised My Eyebrow, be washed away;
      behold, now I am imprinting My words on you, for the salvation of so many sinners; I have come to you with gentleness, My bride, for the renewal of the mystical Body of My Son;
      behold now I, your Creator, am calling you, for I have espoused you to Myself, so that in Our union I would have the pleasure to adorn you with faithfulness and with ardour; yes, on this fragile clay, I have imprinted My Name all over you since that day when your soul called out to Me: “Abba!” and from thereon I have straightened your path on earth and taught you how to delight in Me by being ever at play in My Presence;
      know, My Vassula, how I desired that you love Me with all your heart and how I longed to turn your whole life into a permanent longing and thirsting for Me, your God; I wanted to show you My Kingdom and My nuptial chamber where, in privacy, we could delight one another; I, your Bridegroom, aflame with love, would converse intimately with you, teaching you the knowledge of holy things; and you, cleaving yourself firmly to My Heart, would be aspiring grace from the breath of Omnipotence, so that you would not cease to be;
      no, My chosen one, our intimate union is not like the memory of a one-day guest; I will not cause you to trouble your heart by withdrawing My intimate union from you; I will take care of your frailty, My (Your name); see, My beloved one, how I desired to draw you to Me as a lover who draws his loved one in privacy;
      I, who am the Lover of mankind, Spouse of My creation, wish to Spiritual draw you now to Me …. take a retreat in Me9 …. why, you must have heard sometimes how the bridegroom longs to be alone with his bride after the wedding? I am offering you this favour as a prelude to our feast; 10 yes, on that day when you responded to My Divine Will …. and by opening your heart to My Call, I enriched it from Mine so that later on you would grain everywhere those treasures; those treasures are seeds11you are obtaining from Me, whereby you were to sow them in the countries I would be sending you;
      that day when you submitted to My Divine Will, allowing Me to govern your life, I stood affectionately in front of you, inviting you with these words: “it is impossible for a soul to love Me, the way I want her to love Me were she to keep her distance from Me; approach Me and taste My delights; I wish you to become intimate with Me; if you remain far from My embrace, you will be unable to get to know Me;” 12 I have, in our intimate union and the unction of My Love adorned you with Knowledge: Knowledge of how to find Me and get to know Me;
      since I have chosen you amongst thousands, you should not doubt any more; act in humility so that I continue to raise you up to Me …. I have washed your hands and your mouth, so that by your hands, cleansed, they would write My Words and keep My books, and by your mouth I would fragrance every nation; through My grace, I adorn13 your soul with the garment of My strength but above all I, My (Your name), adorned you with My magnificent Works of Wisdom so that from My beloved’s lips, anointed by My Sovereignty, We14 would hear praise and honour for Our Trinitarian Holiness; 15
      continue to proclaim a Resurrected Christ and fill the whole world with fruit; tell them that Christ in His Divine Love is bending down from Heaven to revive by His Presence the work of My Hands; 16 with this encouraging news, hordes of nations will come to know Us in an intimate union; tell them, daughter, how We delight when We are also treated as your Holy Companion in your daily life ….
      speak as My envoy and remind My people that I, Yahweh, am alive and active, then, go to those17 sacerdotals who do not seek Me anymore and ask them: “why are you never asking: where is God?” in My Day I will pronounce My judgment against these shepherds, who have no knowledge of Me and who have never tasted interiorly My sweetness; today these shepherds have exchanged Me for something that has no value nor any power in it; to remember My Presence is what they should observe; I am not observed …. how can I say: “they are My Son’s incense;” when their only fragrance is the smell of death?
      I have given you, creation, twelve years18 of ineffable favour and I did not want to act with speed in My wrath; to comfort you in these years of favour I have spoken, I have bound up hearts that were broken and have put Peace in those hearts; My Own Heart is a Fountain of Living Water immersing, in these years of favour, this dry land, giving growth where dross was only to be found;
      - I always wished to rank you as My Own; in these days, I tell you, I who am the Bridegroom of My creation, call each one of you: My wedded one; why those frowns and menaces on the sweetness of My Mouth? 19unhappy little creature, remote from knowing Me, come! I invite you to fall into your Bridegroom’s embrace and I will show you how I, Yahweh, can adorn your spirit, lavishly offering you a flow of My Divine Love so that you, in your turn return to Me this flow of Love;
      then, wait and see, the day I will draw you into the nuptial chamber of My Heart, like a rose that grows on the bank of a watercourse, you will blossom to declare the greatness of My Name, calling Me: “my Father”; in the nuptial chamber of My Heart, your heart will spring up with praises and as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so will I rejoice in you and you in Me; My mighty Hand will uphold you and you would never want to part with Me again; indeed, your spirit, enriched by My sweetness and fullness of My Spirit, will cry out to all nations: “beauty and glory is to be found in our Creator! our Hope and our Lord!”
      sons,daughters-of-My-choice, hear and write: I wish you to bear witness to My Holiness and My Divine Sweetness, be like a loud book, a book written by the Triune God; but for now, I want you for Myself alone; I want to be with My chosen one and ride the skies with you, lifting you from the hardships of those who hail your death daily; I wish now to lift you from turmoil and unrest, rivalry, jealousy and lack-of-love; then, in your contemplation while you will be reposing your head on My Bosom, I will be augmenting in your heart My Divine teachings

  • @SheltonDCruz
    @SheltonDCruz 4 года назад +25

    Amazing women - all the nuns and sisters of the world to be Brides of Christ!

  • @rosew7962
    @rosew7962 4 года назад +9

    There are tiny white lights moving around her as,she says her vows

    • @tamigreytak8622
      @tamigreytak8622 4 года назад +2

      I saw the same thing

    • @dandansoysauce8762
      @dandansoysauce8762 4 года назад +2

      I think it's just dust, but I don't recall seeing dust glimmer like that with a low res camera before. Still very beautiful and spiritual anyway

  • @ShoJ369
    @ShoJ369 4 года назад +7

    Simply beautiful !
    May God bless and protect all the Bride's of Christ. 🙏

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 3 года назад

      Don't you not know that You are also Bride of Christ? Yes YOU are also Bride of Christ BOTH Nuns and Church, Church means ALL of us Bride of Christ. His Loved is Infinite, Equal means We are ALL Loved by God remember his loved on us All, by suffering dying on his cross for Everyone so We Are ALL Bride of Christ. INCLUDING Nuns, Priest, All Man Woman, Married couple or Single is called members of the Church Bride and Body of Christ. Everytime WE Lay People live and we love God go to Pray, Confession, Mass and eat and drink the body and blood, soul, and divinity of Christ WE are one Now We are One Spirit to OUR Spiritual husband Jesus, We renew our Spiritual marriage vows our consecration to him during existence, Prayer, Confession, Mass and Our entire life cuz we are ALL bride of Christ called Church. Jesus alreday married us ALL when he created us bfore we exist, he married us when he is born on Earth through Virgin Mother Mary, He married us by his greatest proof of love of us all, his suffering dying on cross, resurrection just for us ALL. Nuns are just representative, models for us layman the Church to imitate them, to follow them to be more in love to OUR Bridegroom Jesus. Nuns are just teaching us to loved God first above all else and second the neighbors. Nuns are just teaching us to be intimate to OUR Bridegroom and kneel, worship yourself to Our Bridegroom Jesus and draw, embrace to his Nuptial Chamber his Sacred heart and enjoy Yourselves and Everyone else in Gods sweet, NO malice, divine, spiritual embrace, divine kisses to his Forehead, cheeks and wounds and Jesus will kiss you back to your foreheadd, cheeks, and he will kiss your soul, heart

  • @hallymariah45
    @hallymariah45 4 года назад +8

    So Beautiful!!! Here is a poem I wrote a while ago..even though I'm a mother and and grand mother I'm 74 ..I live now, alone and with out a partner for many years...and chose to wait till I go to heaven to be with Jesus to enter into any other relationship again...WEDDING GOWN
    June 28th, 2011
    Mary Ciraso
    Spilling His Blood upon
    my dress
    I washed it much with much
    He was always protecting
    behind the veil
    He was what rose me up each
    time I would fail
    When the shades were pulled
    with in my poor soul
    He forgave with mercy and
    filled the hole
    He made me want only
    to be with HIM
    His love INFINITE, where
    mine was dim
    Stretching out His Hand
    it was HIM I chose
    As He extended the thorns
    and His ROSE
    I took it, and am now
    cleaning my gown
    Although a bit tattered from
    the ground
    I’ll clean till this dress Is white
    Yearning for our WEDDING NIght
    When heaven’s door will open up to me
    And I'll be with Jesus for eternity....

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад +1

      Mary Ciraso Jesus SPEAKS: have you not heard, delightful child, that I, Yahweh, your Creator, am wedded to My creation and am everyone’s Spouse?5 day and night you stumble along, creation, chasing the shadows, and not even once have you ever tried to penetrate into this mystery; if so many of you are perishing, it is because hordes of you have rejected My Knowledge; you have forgotten My teachings;
      I looked at My seeds and asked Myself: “what am I to do with them? they are entrenched in their deceitfulness; how am I to make this lot, who cannot tell their right hand from their left hand, understand that I am their Bridegroom and all I want from them is love, not sacrifice; knowledge of My Heart, not holocausts nor solemn festivals;”
      O royal household of Mine, you have bartered your glory for shame! have you not heard that I can lower the heavens to come down to you? have I not lifted up My Voice enough for your ear, creation? for how long are you going to chase the wind? for how long am I to see you pursuing shadows? come to Me! My Heart is like a Lamp to your feet and from My Lips moistened with grace and with the dew of divinity on them, flow rivers of grace and boundless calls of Mercy;
      day and night, My loved ones, you stumble along the shadows; come to Me, and I will touch your heart so that your perversity melts away; then in the immensity of My Love I have for you, I will fall like dew upon you and My Divinity will overwhelm your misery, encompassing it to dwell permanently in My brightness, making out of you a vessel of light and one spirit with Mine;
      ah, (Your name), 6 you whom I blessed with the unction of My Name, jealousy inflames My Heart every time your heart acts like dame folly and flutters away from Mine, pursuing frills and not My Divine power; I tell you, My loved one, keep your Bridegroom’s principles and bind them to your heart; these will warm your heart and will avert you from becoming distracted from the Presence of your Bridegroom who is only waiting to be gracious to you, Ever-so-loved-by-Me; and if I have asked you to disclose My wedding song7 by writing, it was because of My zealous love I have for each soul and because I wanted that My loved ones have enough nourishment while they are crossing this desert …. I have entrusted you with one talent, to procure for Us, 8 the equivalent amount; you have done well, because you have shown to Us, in your ardour to please Us, your faithfulness;
      so now have your retreat in Us; have your retreat in My Heart, and taste, like in former times, the intimate delights of My Heart; may the essence of My Love flow like a river into your heart so that all your tiny infidelities by which they raised My Eyebrow, be washed away;
      behold, now I am imprinting My words on you, for the salvation of so many sinners; I have come to you with gentleness, My bride, for the renewal of the mystical Body of My Son;
      behold now I, your Creator, am calling you, for I have espoused you to Myself, so that in Our union I would have the pleasure to adorn you with faithfulness and with ardour; yes, on this fragile clay, I have imprinted My Name all over you since that day when your soul called out to Me: “Abba!” and from thereon I have straightened your path on earth and taught you how to delight in Me by being ever at play in My Presence;
      know, My (Your name), how I desired that you love Me with all your heart and how I longed to turn your whole life into a permanent longing and thirsting for Me, your God; I wanted to show you My Kingdom and My nuptial chamber where, in privacy, we could delight one another; I, your Bridegroom, aflame with love, would converse intimately with you, teaching you the knowledge of holy things; and you, cleaving yourself firmly to My Heart, would be aspiring grace from the breath of Omnipotence, so that you would not cease to be;
      no, My chosen one, our intimate union is not like the memory of a one-day guest; I will not cause you to trouble your heart by withdrawing My intimate union from you; I will take care of your frailty, My Vassula; see, My beloved one, how I desired to draw you to Me as a lover who draws his loved one in privacy;
      I, who am the Lover of mankind, Spouse of My creation, wish to draw you now to Me …. take a retreat in Me9 …. why, you must have heard sometimes how the bridegroom longs to be alone with his bride after the wedding? I am offering you this favour as a prelude to our feast; 10 yes, on that day when you responded to My Divine Will …. and by opening your heart to My Call, I enriched it from Mine so that later on you would grain everywhere those treasures; those treasures are seeds11you are obtaining from Me, whereby you were to sow them in the countries I would be sending you;
      that day when you submitted to My Divine Will, allowing Me to govern your life, I stood affectionately in front of you, inviting you with these words: “it is impossible for a soul to love Me, the way I want her to love Me were she to keep her distance from Me; approach Me and taste My delights; I wish you to become intimate with Me; if you remain far from My embrace, you will be unable to get to know Me;” 12 I have, in our intimate union and the unction of My Love adorned you with Knowledge: Knowledge of how to find Me and get to know Me;
      since I have chosen you amongst thousands, you should not doubt any more; act in humility so that I continue to raise you up to Me …. I have washed your hands and your mouth, so that by your hands, cleansed, they would write My Words and keep My books, and by your mouth I would fragrance every nation; through My grace, I adorn13 your soul with the garment of My strength but above all I, My Vassula, adorned you with My magnificent Works of Wisdom so that from My beloved’s lips, anointed by My Sovereignty, We14 would hear praise and honour for Our Trinitarian Holiness; 15
      continue to proclaim a Resurrected Christ and fill the whole world with fruit; tell them that Christ in His Divine Love is bending down from Heaven to revive by His Presence the work of My Hands; 16 with this encouraging news, hordes of nations will come to know Us in an intimate union; tell them, daughter, how We delight when We are also treated as your Holy Companion in your daily life ….
      speak as My envoy and remind My people that I, Yahweh, am alive and active, then, go to those17 sacerdotals who do not seek Me anymore and ask them: “why are you never asking: where is God?” in My Day I will pronounce My judgment against these shepherds, who have no knowledge of Me and who have never tasted interiorly My sweetness; today these shepherds have exchanged Me for something that has no value nor any power in it; to remember My Presence is what they should observe; I am not observed …. how can I say: “they are My Son’s incense;” when their only fragrance is the smell of death?
      I have given you, creation, twelve years18 of ineffable favour and I did not want to act with speed in My wrath; to comfort you in these years of favour I have spoken, I have bound up hearts that were broken and have put Peace in those hearts; My Own Heart is a Fountain of Living Water immersing, in these years of favour, this dry land, giving growth where dross was only to be found;
      - I always wished to rank you as My Own; in these days, I tell you, I who am the Bridegroom of My creation, call each one of you: My wedded one; why those frowns and menaces on the sweetness of My Mouth? 19unhappy little creature, remote from knowing Me, come! I invite you to fall into your Bridegroom’s embrace and I will show you how I, Yahweh, can adorn your spirit, lavishly offering you a flow of My Divine Love so that you, in your turn return to Me this flow of Love;
      then, wait and see, the day I will draw you into the nuptial chamber of My Heart, like a rose that grows on the bank of a watercourse, you will blossom to declare the greatness of My Name, calling Me: “my Father”; in the nuptial chamber of My Heart, your heart will spring up with praises and as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so will I rejoice in you and you in Me; My mighty Hand will uphold you and you would never want to part with Me again; indeed, your spirit, enriched by My sweetness and fullness of My Spirit, will cry out to all nations: “beauty and glory is to be found in our Creator! our Hope and our Lord!”
      daughter-of-My-choice, hear and write: I wish you to bear witness to My Holiness and My Divine Sweetness, be like a loud book, a book written by the Triune God; but for now, I want you for Myself alone; I want to be with My chosen one and ride the skies with you, lifting you from the hardships of those who hail your death daily; I wish now to lift you from turmoil and unrest, rivalry, jealousy and lack-of-love; then, in your contemplation while you will be reposing your head on My Bosom, I will be augmenting in your heart My Divine teachings;

    • @hallymariah45
      @hallymariah45 4 года назад +2

      This writing is so beautiful. I is beyond words and goes to the spirit! Thank you 🙏

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад

      Mary Ciraso this LITERALLY REAL come from GOD. This not my own writing Its Literally come From God its for YOU, TO ALL OF US. God himself appeared to a woman named Vassula Ryden and God dictates this messages to Vassula Ryden and wrote it down into a notebook called True Life in God Messages and God said to Vassula to Evangelize share it to the whole world. If you like to know more How it began pls click
      Continuation of I Yahweh am Everyone's Spouse
      Jesus Speaks;. you will learn to do good all the days of your life, and you will grow thus in My Heart, giving a sweet smell like the lilies; and when I would be sending you abroad to different nations you will spread your fragrance on them and it will be received like a blessing because you would be growing in My Heart;
      behold, I have been clothing you with My Son, Jesus Christ’s Countenance, 20 so that they understand that you are My Work, granted to them by My Grace to be echoing Me; so continue to be My Echo, let My Words be flowing like wine from your lips, inebriating the hearts of My sons and daughters;
      I am and remain still full of wonderment, on Your Beauty;
      in the night of my soul You appeared, a figure of wonder,
      like the Son of Man in His Transfiguration,
      O Triune Bridegroom, full of grace and sovereignty,
      fairer than all the angels put together,
      what does all of this signify?
      By what inspiration Your Heart made You look at me?
      But I will dare say what I wanted:
      By what folly of Your Love
      Your Heart made You look at my wretchedness?
      Most unworthy as I am,
      here You are, reminding me of our matrimonial bonds,
      drawing me even deeper now in Your Heart
      to savour the delights that lie within It
      so that I can obtain the flow of Your Divinity
      and keep me alive;
      Sons, daughters, if I have poured and am continuing to pour out My grace on you it is because I want your soul to be fairer and brighter every day that passes by until it reaches the perfection desired by Me; I can then say, “this heart has given Me back all that I required and I have obtained great victories from it; I have obtained at the same time great pleasure from it and through My grace, I will continue to multiply on this heart My favours and My gifts so that it can continue to sing My Hymn of Love to every nation;” I will continue to pour out in your heart My delights and consolations, like someone pouring water from a jug into a glass, so will I fill your heart with My Love; 21
      A shadow passed my thoughts, and I was thinking again of those who, my Lord, calumniate Your message, with frenzy; especially Your language of love.
      pray for those, and bless your persecutors to be able to obtain Mercy in the day of Judgement; flesh and blood will always brood evil and take pleasure in doing evil; these same souls do not talk about My sweetness nor of My Divinity because their minds do not know how to separate My Divine sweetness from their own flesh and blood’s desires; no, they do not see that there is a difference; when I speak, My dove, with My Lips that are moist with grace, holiness and sweetness, they do not understand My sayings and cannot fathom My purity in My Magnificence; their hearts are so hard that it becomes impossible for them to fathom the brightness and the Divinity of My Heart; this is why these hearts are eclipsed from My Light, and in their perishable body and thought they accuse Me that My Words are excessive and sentimental; these are of whom I say: “they are strangers to Me and they do not know Me …”
      ah, My delicate soul, you have tasted My sweetness in My Divinity and I have procured for your soul the taste of My Magnificence and now look at you, look at the immensity of your thirst for Me; I have, My bride, as a Bridegroom newly married, shown you how to be intimate and at ease with Me, for nothing is dark in My company; and so many have learnt from you and I have obtained great triumphs from the grace I have given you; when your heart is bound to Mine, there is no darkness, but delight and joy all the days of your life;
      You who stepped out of Heaven,
      like a bridegroom coming out of his pavilion,
      have shown me Your Face,
      to enjoy Your sweetness; 22
      Let the gossip of the wicked
      hear and learn from David’s psalms
      that their hostility against the sweetness of Your Language
      is groundless;
      Let them learn by reading Your psalms
      that You are the Psalm of Your psalms,
      and that Your Words, Lover of mankind,
      are sweeter than honey,
      even than honey that drips from the comb; 23
      For this,
      by the mere memory of the vision given to me
      in Your immense graciousness,
      my soul melts and is swept away, once more, to the ground;
      What shall I add to this?
      What can one add to such a sublime vision?
      But Your generosity deigned to reveal Yourself
      to someone as unworthy as myself;
      this was a free gift of Your great love;
      You did not need to take permission from anyone;
      You wanted to show Yourself,
      Your blessedness, Your charm, Your radiance,
      Your perfect beauty and Your sweetness;
      Great is Your Greatness
      and I shall not ever forget this sweet vision
      that has been imprinted in my memory.

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад

      Mary Ciraso Continuation
      Jesus Speaks;. you will learn to do good all the days of your life, and you will grow thus in My Heart, giving a sweet smell like the lilies; and when I would be sending you abroad to different nations you will spread your fragrance on them and it will be received like a blessing because you would be growing in My Heart;
      behold, I have been clothing you with My Son, Jesus Christ’s Countenance, 20 so that they understand that you are My Work, granted to them by My Grace to be echoing Me; so continue to be My Echo, let My Words be flowing like wine from your lips, inebriating the hearts of My sons and daughters;
      I am and remain still full of wonderment, on Your Beauty;
      in the night of my soul You appeared, a figure of wonder,
      like the Son of Man in His Transfiguration,
      O Triune Bridegroom, full of grace and sovereignty,
      fairer than all the angels put together,
      what does all of this signify?
      By what inspiration Your Heart made You look at me?
      But I will dare say what I wanted:
      By what folly of Your Love
      Your Heart made You look at my wretchedness?
      Most unworthy as I am,
      here You are, reminding me of our matrimonial bonds,
      drawing me even deeper now in Your Heart
      to savour the delights that lie within It
      so that I can obtain the flow of Your Divinity
      and keep me alive;
      Sons, daughters, if I have poured and am continuing to pour out My grace on you it is because I want your soul to be fairer and brighter every day that passes by until it reaches the perfection desired by Me; I can then say, “this heart has given Me back all that I required and I have obtained great victories from it; I have obtained at the same time great pleasure from it and through My grace, I will continue to multiply on this heart My favours and My gifts so that it can continue to sing My Hymn of Love to every nation;” I will continue to pour out in your heart My delights and consolations, like someone pouring water from a jug into a glass, so will I fill your heart with My Love; 21
      A shadow passed my thoughts, and I was thinking again of those who, my Lord, calumniate Your message, with frenzy; especially Your language of love.
      pray for those, and bless your persecutors to be able to obtain Mercy in the day of Judgement; flesh and blood will always brood evil and take pleasure in doing evil; these same souls do not talk about My sweetness nor of My Divinity because their minds do not know how to separate My Divine sweetness from their own flesh and blood’s desires; no, they do not see that there is a difference; when I speak, My dove, with My Lips that are moist with grace, holiness and sweetness, they do not understand My sayings and cannot fathom My purity in My Magnificence; their hearts are so hard that it becomes impossible for them to fathom the brightness and the Divinity of My Heart; this is why these hearts are eclipsed from My Light, and in their perishable body and thought they accuse Me that My Words are excessive and sentimental; these are of whom I say: “they are strangers to Me and they do not know Me …”
      ah, My delicate soul, you have tasted My sweetness in My Divinity and I have procured for your soul the taste of My Magnificence and now look at you, look at the immensity of your thirst for Me; I have, My bride, as a Bridegroom newly married, shown you how to be intimate and at ease with Me, for nothing is dark in My company; and so many have learnt from you and I have obtained great triumphs from the grace I have given you; when your heart is bound to Mine, there is no darkness, but delight and joy all the days of your life;
      You who stepped out of Heaven,
      like a bridegroom coming out of his pavilion,
      have shown me Your Face,
      to enjoy Your sweetness; 22
      Let the gossip of the wicked
      hear and learn from David’s psalms
      that their hostility against the sweetness of Your Language
      is groundless;
      Let them learn by reading Your psalms
      that You are the Psalm of Your psalms,
      and that Your Words, Lover of mankind,
      are sweeter than honey,
      even than honey that drips from the comb; 23
      For this,
      by the mere memory of the vision given to me
      in Your immense graciousness,
      my soul melts and is swept away, once more, to the ground;
      What shall I add to this?
      What can one add to such a sublime vision?
      But Your generosity deigned to reveal Yourself
      to someone as unworthy as myself;
      this was a free gift of Your great love;
      You did not need to take permission from anyone;
      You wanted to show Yourself,
      Your blessedness, Your charm, Your radiance,
      Your perfect beauty and Your sweetness;
      Great is Your Greatness
      and I shall not ever forget this sweet vision
      that has been imprinted in my memory. U

    • @ydkme3926
      @ydkme3926 4 года назад

      That is so beautiful you're a great poet

  • @hamtanongsiej2612
    @hamtanongsiej2612 4 года назад +20

    Jesus bless our Catholic church n all the believers especially this sister and her family...

  • @lindathrall5133
    @lindathrall5133 5 лет назад +15

    Yes it's very beautiful to see all the prayer caps

  • @ifechinwadi9418
    @ifechinwadi9418 4 года назад +21

    May God Almighty keep being with His people, all believers in the Catholic Church, His servants ; the Priests, the Nuns, the Bishops and our Holy Father, the Pope. God bless us all. 💐

  • @stevensonrf
    @stevensonrf 3 года назад +14

    How can there be any thumbs down on this beautiful video!

    • @igreels_poster
      @igreels_poster 2 года назад +4

      Anti-religion people is how. I may not be a catholic or wanting to be one but i absolutely respect them. I just have adhd and have been hyperfixating on learning about and researching catholicism.

  • @UsernameSaraWithNoH
    @UsernameSaraWithNoH 3 года назад +4

    She looks beautiful and beaming with joy! What an amazing thing to witness I’m sure.

  • @XMzfr3ak
    @XMzfr3ak 9 лет назад +90

    God bless her and all women who are doing this!

    • @marybryant8492
      @marybryant8492 4 года назад +3

      I soooo envy them!!!

    • @bobbettedavis9168
      @bobbettedavis9168 4 года назад +3

      Marta Reyes
      Amen 🙏🏼
      I am very good friends with the nuns of the Benedictine, St. Scholastica Priory in Petersham MA. They are wonderful. GOD bless them all! Isn’t so very nice 👍 to have good and holy friends in “high places?!🙏🏼😊

    • @hugoguedesxmkammzqfzzzmpqm4093
      @hugoguedesxmkammzqfzzzmpqm4093 4 года назад

      Hnsgs gastronomia questionamento quero ser assim meu nome é o cara pra feira

    • @EmmieTuesday
      @EmmieTuesday 4 года назад

      I wanted to commit when I was a girl but being Protestant did not know quite what to do.there are Anglican nuns also.

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад

      Mary Bryant Why? Why are YOU ENVY? Who told you that your Not the Bride of Christ? Who told you that you are not Part of the Church Bride? Its Satan who told you that, Stop listening to Satan!! Nuns is bride of Christ BUT they are not the only One. Did you Not know that We Are ALL his Church Bride? Yes its the Truth that were All Bride of Christ called Church it is God's teachings Its in Bible, and Sacred Tradition, Catholic Cathechism that We are all Bride of Christ, Men and woman, single or marriage status, Nuns, and priests All Religion, all races around the world and islands are ALL BRIDE OF CHRIST THE CHURCH.
      You dont have to envy or worried cuz You know Now the Truth. Nuns is not the only Bride of Christ Do you think God is playing Favoritism Predilection? NEVER HE IS NOT PREDILECTION, PREJUDICE HE IS ALL LOVE UNCONDITIONAL, INFINITE, ETERNAL LOVE AND MERCY TO US ALL HIS BRIDE. He Love us all EQUALLY He is not Predilection.
      If you are called by God to become a Nun then Go whos stopping you? but if you dont like to be a Nun dont worry as God teached us whether We become Nun or priest or Earthly marriage status We are All Bride of Christ. Earthly mariage between husbands and wife are also married to Christ. Do you think husbands and wives invented Marriage? of course NOT it Come from God Marriage life is symbol of God's love to us all, like husbands and wives.

  • @HopeNazir
    @HopeNazir 4 года назад +13

    I love how this is like a wedding to Christ as opposed to others.

    • @kathyheitchue6069
      @kathyheitchue6069 4 года назад

      Why is her father walking her down the aisle as if this were real wedding to a man? That seems me in a way .

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад +1

      kathy heitchue Stop your jealousy envy. Its because both the Father of the Nun are both BriDes of Christ thats why they are walking down the aisle as a family. Why are YOU Jealous? Who told you that your Not the Bride of Christ? Who told you that you are not Part of the Church Bride? Its Satan who told you that, Stop listening to Satan!! Nuns are bride of Christ BUT they are not the only One. Did you Not know that We Are ALL his Church Bride? Yes its the Truth that were All Bride of Christ called Church it is God's teachings Its in Bible, and Sacred Tradition, Catholic Cathechism that We are all Bride of Christ, Men and woman, single or marriage status, Nuns, and priests All Religion, all races around the world and islands are ALL BRIDE OF CHRIST THE CHURCH.
      You dont have to envy or worried cuz You know Now the Truth. Nuns is not the only Bride of Christ Do you think God is playing Favoritism Predilection? NEVER HE IS NOT PREDILECTION, PREJUDICE HE IS ALL LOVE UNCONDITIONAL, INFINITE, ETERNAL LOVE AND MERCY TO US ALL HIS BRIDE. He Love us all EQUALLY He is not Predilection.
      If you are called by God to become a Nun then Go whos stopping you? but if you dont like to be a Nun dont worry as God teached us whether We become Nun or priest or Earthly marriage status We are All Bride of Christ. Earthly mariage between husbands and wife are also married to Christ. Do you think husbands and wives invented Marriage? of course NOT it Come from God Marriage life is symbol of God's love to us all, like husbands and wives.

  • @margaretglenn
    @margaretglenn 4 года назад +30

    Just beautiful! Thank you for sharing this precious and sacred event in your life. May Jesus give you the desires of your heart.

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад

      Suzie Doubtfire Jesus Speaks : Have you not heard, delightful child, that I, Yahweh, your Creator, am wedded to My CREATION and am EVERYONE'S SPIRITUAL SPOUSE?5 day and night you stumble along, creation, chasing the shadows, and not even once have you ever tried to penetrate into this mystery; if so many of you are perishing, it is because hordes of you have rejected My Knowledge; you have forgotten My teachings;
      today, many of you scrutinise My Love and My sweetness, modelling Me according to the SEXUAL, LUSTFUL Passions of your flesh; I tell you: they who know Me observe holy things holily; these will be adjudged one day, holy; but as for those who do not know Me and do not observe holy things holily, they will be adjudged as they merit it; you will realise how you belittled Me all your life, how you belittled My Magnificence by your very weak nature and your lustful worldly inclinations and by having believed that your exterior lustful sex pleasures and delights, desired by your flesh, were lordly and great; these delights and pleasures of your flesh can NEVER NEVER be measured with My Divinity and Spiritual sweetness; your delights to Mine are like a grain of sand in the universe when compared to the bliss you can obtain from My sweetness that would lead you to eternal joy;
      I looked at My seeds and asked Myself: “what am I to do with them? they are entrenched in their deceitfulness; how am I to make this lot, who cannot tell their right hand from their left hand, understand that I am their Bridegroom and all I want from them is love, not sacrifice; knowledge of My Heart, not holocausts nor solemn festivals;”
      O royal household of Mine, you have bartered your glory for shame! have you not heard that I can lower the heavens to come down to you? have I not lifted up My Voice enough for your ear, creation? for how long are you going to chase the wind? for how long am I to see you pursuing shadows? come to Me! My Heart is like a Lamp to your feet and from My Lips moistened with grace and with the dew of divinity on them, flow rivers of grace and boundless calls of Mercy;
      day and night, My loved ones, you stumble along the shadows; come to Me, and I will touch your heart so that your perversity melts away; then in the immensity of My Love I have for you, I will fall like dew upon you and My Divinity will overwhelm your misery, encompassing it to dwell permanently in My brightness, making out of you a vessel of light and one spirit with Mine;
      ah, (Your name), 6 you whom I blessed with the unction of My Name, jealousy inflames My Heart every time your heart acts like dame folly and flutters away from Mine, pursuing frills and not My Divine power; I tell you, My loved one, keep your Bridegroom’s principles and bind them to your heart; these will warm your heart and will avert you from becoming distracted from the Presence of your Bridegroom who is only waiting to be gracious to you, Ever-so-loved-by-Me; and if I have asked you to disclose My wedding song7 by writing, it was because of My zealous love I have for each soul and because I wanted that My loved ones have enough nourishment while they are crossing this desert …. I have entrusted you with one talent, to procure for Us, 8 the equivalent amount; you have done well, because you have shown to Us, in your ardour to please Us, your faithfulness;
      so now have your retreat in Us; have your retreat in My Heart, and taste, like in former times, the intimate delights of My Heart; may the essence of My Love flow like a river into your heart so that all your tiny infidelities by which they raised My Eyebrow, be washed away;
      behold, now I am imprinting My words on you, for the salvation of so many sinners; I have come to you with gentleness, My bride, for the renewal of the mystical Body of My Son;
      behold now I, your Creator, am calling you, for I have espoused you to Myself, so that in Our union I would have the pleasure to adorn you with faithfulness and with ardour; yes, on this fragile clay, I have imprinted My Name all over you since that day when your soul called out to Me: “Abba!” and from thereon I have straightened your path on earth and taught you how to delight in Me by being ever at play in My Presence;
      know, My Vassula, how I desired that you love Me with all your heart and how I longed to turn your whole life into a permanent longing and thirsting for Me, your God; I wanted to show you My Kingdom and My nuptial chamber where, in privacy, we could delight one another; I, your Bridegroom, aflame with love, would converse intimately with you, teaching you the knowledge of holy things; and you, cleaving yourself firmly to My Heart, would be aspiring grace from the breath of Omnipotence, so that you would not cease to be;
      no, My chosen one, our intimate union is not like the memory of a one-day guest; I will not cause you to trouble your heart by withdrawing My intimate union from you; I will take care of your frailty, My (Your name); see, My beloved one, how I desired to draw you to Me as a lover who draws his loved one in privacy;
      I, who am the Lover of mankind, Spouse of My creation, wish to Spiritual draw you now to Me …. take a retreat in Me9 …. why, you must have heard sometimes how the bridegroom longs to be alone with his bride after the wedding? I am offering you this favour as a prelude to our feast; 10 yes, on that day when you responded to My Divine Will …. and by opening your heart to My Call, I enriched it from Mine so that later on you would grain everywhere those treasures; those treasures are seeds11you are obtaining from Me, whereby you were to sow them in the countries I would be sending you;
      that day when you submitted to My Divine Will, allowing Me to govern your life, I stood affectionately in front of you, inviting you with these words: “it is impossible for a soul to love Me, the way I want her to love Me were she to keep her distance from Me; approach Me and taste My delights; I wish you to become intimate with Me; if you remain far from My embrace, you will be unable to get to know Me;” 12 I have, in our intimate union and the unction of My Love adorned you with Knowledge: Knowledge of how to find Me and get to know Me;
      since I have chosen you amongst thousands, you should not doubt any more; act in humility so that I continue to raise you up to Me …. I have washed your hands and your mouth, so that by your hands, cleansed, they would write My Words and keep My books, and by your mouth I would fragrance every nation; through My grace, I adorn13 your soul with the garment of My strength but above all I, My (Your name), adorned you with My magnificent Works of Wisdom so that from My beloved’s lips, anointed by My Sovereignty, We14 would hear praise and honour for Our Trinitarian Holiness; 15
      continue to proclaim a Resurrected Christ and fill the whole world with fruit; tell them that Christ in His Divine Love is bending down from Heaven to revive by His Presence the work of My Hands; 16 with this encouraging news, hordes of nations will come to know Us in an intimate union; tell them, daughter, how We delight when We are also treated as your Holy Companion in your daily life ….
      speak as My envoy and remind My people that I, Yahweh, am alive and active, then, go to those17 sacerdotals who do not seek Me anymore and ask them: “why are you never asking: where is God?” in My Day I will pronounce My judgment against these shepherds, who have no knowledge of Me and who have never tasted interiorly My sweetness; today these shepherds have exchanged Me for something that has no value nor any power in it; to remember My Presence is what they should observe; I am not observed …. how can I say: “they are My Son’s incense;” when their only fragrance is the smell of death?
      I have given you, creation, twelve years18 of ineffable favour and I did not want to act with speed in My wrath; to comfort you in these years of favour I have spoken, I have bound up hearts that were broken and have put Peace in those hearts; My Own Heart is a Fountain of Living Water immersing, in these years of favour, this dry land, giving growth where dross was only to be found;
      - I always wished to rank you as My Own; in these days, I tell you, I who am the Bridegroom of My creation, call each one of you: My wedded one; why those frowns and menaces on the sweetness of My Mouth? 19unhappy little creature, remote from knowing Me, come! I invite you to fall into your Bridegroom’s embrace and I will show you how I, Yahweh, can adorn your spirit, lavishly offering you a flow of My Divine Love so that you, in your turn return to Me this flow of Love;
      then, wait and see, the day I will draw you into the nuptial chamber of My Heart, like a rose that grows on the bank of a watercourse, you will blossom to declare the greatness of My Name, calling Me: “my Father”; in the nuptial chamber of My Heart, your heart will spring up with praises and as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so will I rejoice in you and you in Me; My mighty Hand will uphold you and you would never want to part with Me again; indeed, your spirit, enriched by My sweetness and fullness of My Spirit, will cry out to all nations: “beauty and glory is to be found in our Creator! our Hope and our Lord!”
      sons,daughters-of-My-choice, hear and write: I wish you to bear witness to My Holiness and My Divine Sweetness, be like a loud book, a book written by the Triune God; but for now, I want you for Myself alone; I want to be with My chosen one and ride the skies with you, lifting you from the hardships of those who hail your death daily; I wish now to lift you from turmoil and unrest, rivalry, jealousy and lack-of-love; then, in your contemplation while you will be reposing your head on My Bosom, I will be augmenting in your heart My Divine teachings;

  • @angelomitchell31
    @angelomitchell31 4 года назад +11

    It warms why heart to see people crying

  • @theresapiatt9980
    @theresapiatt9980 4 года назад +7

    Beautiful your love for God, Mary, as you vow your life as follower in your life in Christ. May God bless you always.

  • @marciaborg77
    @marciaborg77 4 года назад +7

    What a very beautiful service for her to becoming a nun.

  • @brittanysellars5267
    @brittanysellars5267 3 года назад +1

    I don't believe Mary is our mother because Jesus never said that she was this is weird

  • @skyliner7333
    @skyliner7333 4 года назад +44

    How wonderful that such a beautiful thing is still happening in the midst of a Church in chaos.

    • @margemiller8017
      @margemiller8017 4 года назад +9

      Our church is not in chaos. There are people in the church who's lives are in chaos, but our church is strong. Let us pray for those who are not and that they receive healing and forgiveness. JMJ. Pray for us.

    • @rosetuds6380
      @rosetuds6380 4 года назад +2

      What do you mean by 'a church in chaos"?

  • @anonnymowse
    @anonnymowse 2 года назад +1

    This is not an order in communion with the Roman Catholic Church. They seem to have their own rules. In RC orders where they wear wedding dresses, it is done when they become novices, not when they take their final vows. I'm not sure her father was so happy. She had to pry herself away from him.

  • @josekollamula487
    @josekollamula487 4 года назад +6

    Great congrats sister, for embracing the consecrated life in this modern times from the first world. You are a model for many youngsters to follow Jesus Christ more closely. It must be a rear insident in Europe. But in our India, often we see the vestition of young nuns from different congrigations. Thanku ones again for giving us a model and a challenge.

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад Jesus Speaks : Have you not heard, delightful child, that I, Yahweh, your Creator, am wedded to My CREATION and am EVERYONE'S SPIRITUAL SPOUSE?5 day and night you stumble along, creation, chasing the shadows, and not even once have you ever tried to penetrate into this mystery; if so many of you are perishing, it is because hordes of you have rejected My Knowledge;
      I looked at My seeds and asked Myself: “what am I to do with them? they are entrenched in their deceitfulness; how am I to make this lot, who cannot tell their right hand from their left hand, understand that I am their Bridegroom and all I want from them is love, not sacrifice; knowledge of My Heart, not holocausts nor solemn festivals;”
      O royal household of Mine, you have bartered your glory for shame! have you not heard that I can lower the heavens to come down to you? have I not lifted up My Voice enough for your ear, creation? for how long are you going to chase the wind? for how long am I to see you pursuing shadows? come to Me! My Heart is like a Lamp to your feet and from My Lips moistened with grace and with the dew of divinity on them, flow rivers of grace and boundless calls of Mercy;
      day and night, My loved ones, you stumble along the shadows; come to Me, and I will touch your heart so that your perversity melts away; then in the immensity of My Love I have for you, I will fall like dew upon you and My Divinity will overwhelm your misery, encompassing it to dwell permanently in My brightness, making out of you a vessel of light and one spirit with Mine;
      ah, (Your name), 6 you whom I blessed with the unction of My Name, jealousy inflames My Heart every time your heart acts like dame folly and flutters away from Mine, pursuing frills and not My Divine power; I tell you, My loved one, keep your Bridegroom’s principles and bind them to your heart; these will warm your heart and will avert you from becoming distracted from the Presence of your Bridegroom who is only waiting to be gracious to you, Ever-so-loved-by-Me; and if I have asked you to disclose My wedding song7 by writing, it was because of My zealous love I have for each soul and because I wanted that My loved ones have enough nourishment while they are crossing this desert …. I have entrusted you with one talent, to procure for Us, 8 the equivalent amount; you have done well, because you have shown to Us, in your ardour to please Us, your faithfulness;
      so now have your retreat in Us; have your retreat in My Heart, and taste, like in former times, the intimate delights of My Heart; may the essence of My Love flow like a river into your heart so that all your tiny infidelities by which they raised My Eyebrow, be washed away;
      behold, now I am imprinting My words on you, for the salvation of so many sinners; I have come to you with gentleness, My bride, for the renewal of the mystical Body of My Son;
      behold now I, your Creator, am calling you, for I have espoused you to Myself, so that in Our union I would have the pleasure to adorn you with faithfulness and with ardour; yes, on this fragile clay, I have imprinted My Name all over you since that day when your soul called out to Me: “Abba!” and from thereon I have straightened your path on earth and taught you how to delight in Me by being ever at play in My Presence;
      know, My Vassula, how I desired that you love Me with all your heart and how I longed to turn your whole life into a permanent longing and thirsting for Me, your God; I wanted to show you My Kingdom and My nuptial chamber where, in privacy, we could delight one another; I, your Bridegroom, aflame with love, would converse intimately with you, teaching you the knowledge of holy things; and you, cleaving yourself firmly to My Heart, would be aspiring grace from the breath of Omnipotence, so that you would not cease to be;
      no, My chosen one, our intimate union is not like the memory of a one-day guest; I will not cause you to trouble your heart by withdrawing My intimate union from you; I will take care of your frailty, My (Your name); see, My beloved one, how I desired to draw you to Me as a lover who draws his loved one in privacy;
      I, who am the Lover of mankind, Spouse of My creation, wish to Spiritual draw you now to Me …. take a retreat in Me9 …. why, you must have heard sometimes how the bridegroom longs to be alone with his bride after the wedding? I am offering you this favour as a prelude to our feast; 10 yes, on that day when you responded to My Divine Will …. and by opening your heart to My Call, I enriched it from Mine so that later on you would grain everywhere those treasures; those treasures are seeds11you are obtaining from Me, whereby you were to sow them in the countries I would be sending you;
      that day when you submitted to My Divine Will, allowing Me to govern your life, I stood affectionately in front of you, inviting you with these words: “it is impossible for a soul to love Me, the way I want her to love Me were she to keep her distance from Me; approach Me and taste My delights; I wish you to become intimate with Me; if you remain far from My embrace, you will be unable to get to know Me;” 12 I have, in our intimate union and the unction of My Love adorned you with Knowledge: Knowledge of how to find Me and get to know Me;
      since I have chosen you amongst thousands, you should not doubt any more; act in humility so that I continue to raise you up to Me …. I have washed your hands and your mouth, so that by your hands, cleansed, they would write My Words and keep My books, and by your mouth I would fragrance every nation; through My grace, I adorn13 your soul with the garment of My strength but above all I, My (Your name), adorned you with My magnificent Works of Wisdom so that from My beloved’s lips, anointed by My Sovereignty, We14 would hear praise and honour for Our Trinitarian Holiness; 15
      continue to proclaim a Resurrected Christ and fill the whole world with fruit; tell them that Christ in His Divine Love is bending down from Heaven to revive by His Presence the work of My Hands; 16 with this encouraging news, hordes of nations will come to know Us in an intimate union; tell them, daughter, how We delight when We are also treated as your Holy Companion in your daily life ….
      speak as My envoy and remind My people that I, Yahweh, am alive and active, then, go to those17 sacerdotals who do not seek Me anymore and ask them: “why are you never asking: where is God?” in My Day I will pronounce My judgment against these shepherds, who have no knowledge of Me and who have never tasted interiorly My sweetness; today these shepherds have exchanged Me for something that has no value nor any power in it; to remember My Presence is what they should observe; I am not observed …. how can I say: “they are My Son’s incense;” when their only fragrance is the smell of death?
      I have given you, creation, twelve years18 of ineffable favour and I did not want to act with speed in My wrath; to comfort you in these years of favour I have spoken, I have bound up hearts that were broken and have put Peace in those hearts; My Own Heart is a Fountain of Living Water immersing, in these years of favour, this dry land, giving growth where dross was only to be found;
      - I always wished to rank you as My Own; in these days, I tell you, I who am the Bridegroom of My creation, call each one of you: My wedded one; why those frowns and menaces on the sweetness of My Mouth? 19unhappy little creature, remote from knowing Me, come! I invite you to fall into your Bridegroom’s embrace and I will show you how I, Yahweh, can adorn your spirit, lavishly offering you a flow of My Divine Love so that you, in your turn return to Me this flow of Love;
      then, wait and see, the day I will draw you into the nuptial chamber of My Heart, like a rose that grows on the bank of a watercourse, you will blossom to declare the greatness of My Name, calling Me: “my Father”; in the nuptial chamber of My Heart, your heart will spring up with praises and as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so will I rejoice in you and you in Me; My mighty Hand will uphold you and you would never want to part with Me again; indeed, your spirit, enriched by My sweetness and fullness of My Spirit, will cry out to all nations: “beauty and glory is to be found in our Creator! our Hope and our Lord!”
      sons,daughters-of-My-choice, hear and write: I wish you to bear witness to My Holiness and My Divine Sweetness, be like a loud book, a book written by the Triune God; but for now, I want you for Myself alone; I want to be with My chosen one and ride the skies with you, lifting you from the hardships of those who hail your death daily; I wish now to lift you from turmoil and unrest, rivalry, jealousy and lack-of-love; then, in your contemplation while you will be reposing your head on My Bosom, I will be augmenting in your heart My Divine teachings

  • @kathyheitchue2022
    @kathyheitchue2022 4 месяца назад +1

    Only one question why is her Dad walking her down the isle as of this was a marraige to a lay person just asking

  • @AnilGupta-pd7hk
    @AnilGupta-pd7hk 4 года назад +7

    May Jesus bless you

  • @HarvestMoon2049
    @HarvestMoon2049 4 года назад +26

    I wish I believed in anything as ardently as this new nun does. Cheers.

    • @sarahekegbu4675
      @sarahekegbu4675 4 года назад +4

      Pray for the grace then, God will definitely show Himself to u

  • @jenn2809
    @jenn2809 4 года назад +15

    i hope ,one day .. my daughter open her heart ,to become a sister or nun.

    • @xoxothx
      @xoxothx 2 месяца назад

      i’m scared to tell my Mother its something i think about. i don’t know what she will say.

  • @krystaldispatchbetttymcgin7702
    @krystaldispatchbetttymcgin7702 6 лет назад +12

    Anyone else see the little orbs of light surrounding her?

    • @lindasanderson1699
      @lindasanderson1699 4 года назад

      Yes I did see them

    • @18Capri19
      @18Capri19 4 года назад +3

      Yeah.. me.. too 😲😲 Amazing Really.. I know Angels are flower girls.. for this Jesus' beautiful Bride☺️☺️ God Bless You Sister.. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

    • @lashawnablanton4649
      @lashawnablanton4649 4 года назад


    • @lornachartrand8419
      @lornachartrand8419 4 года назад

      At 9:00

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад

      Sparkle 21 Jesus Speaks : Have you not heard, delightful child, that I, Yahweh, your Creator, am wedded to My CREATION and am EVERYONE'S SPIRITUAL SPOUSE?5 day and night you stumble along, creation, chasing the shadows, and not even once have you ever tried to penetrate into this mystery; if so many of you are perishing, it is because hordes of you have rejected My Knowledge; you have forgotten My teachings;
      today, many of you scrutinise My Love and My sweetness, modelling Me according to the SEXUAL, LUSTFUL Passions of your flesh; I tell you: they who know Me observe holy things holily; these will be adjudged one day, holy; but as for those who do not know Me and do not observe holy things holily, they will be adjudged as they merit it; you will realise how you belittled Me all your life, how you belittled My Magnificence by your very weak nature and your lustful worldly inclinations and by having believed that your exterior lustful sex pleasures and delights, desired by your flesh, were lordly and great; these delights and pleasures of your flesh can NEVER NEVER be measured with My Divinity and Spiritual sweetness; your delights to Mine are like a grain of sand in the universe when compared to the bliss you can obtain from My sweetness that would lead you to eternal joy;
      I looked at My seeds and asked Myself: “what am I to do with them? they are entrenched in their deceitfulness; how am I to make this lot, who cannot tell their right hand from their left hand, understand that I am their Bridegroom and all I want from them is love, not sacrifice; knowledge of My Heart, not holocausts nor solemn festivals;”
      O royal household of Mine, you have bartered your glory for shame! have you not heard that I can lower the heavens to come down to you? have I not lifted up My Voice enough for your ear, creation? for how long are you going to chase the wind? for how long am I to see you pursuing shadows? come to Me! My Heart is like a Lamp to your feet and from My Lips moistened with grace and with the dew of divinity on them, flow rivers of grace and boundless calls of Mercy;
      day and night, My loved ones, you stumble along the shadows; come to Me, and I will touch your heart so that your perversity melts away; then in the immensity of My Love I have for you, I will fall like dew upon you and My Divinity will overwhelm your misery, encompassing it to dwell permanently in My brightness, making out of you a vessel of light and one spirit with Mine;
      ah, (Your name), 6 you whom I blessed with the unction of My Name, jealousy inflames My Heart every time your heart acts like dame folly and flutters away from Mine, pursuing frills and not My Divine power; I tell you, My loved one, keep your Bridegroom’s principles and bind them to your heart; these will warm your heart and will avert you from becoming distracted from the Presence of your Bridegroom who is only waiting to be gracious to you, Ever-so-loved-by-Me; and if I have asked you to disclose My wedding song7 by writing, it was because of My zealous love I have for each soul and because I wanted that My loved ones have enough nourishment while they are crossing this desert …. I have entrusted you with one talent, to procure for Us, 8 the equivalent amount; you have done well, because you have shown to Us, in your ardour to please Us, your faithfulness;
      so now have your retreat in Us; have your retreat in My Heart, and taste, like in former times, the intimate delights of My Heart; may the essence of My Love flow like a river into your heart so that all your tiny infidelities by which they raised My Eyebrow, be washed away;
      behold, now I am imprinting My words on you, for the salvation of so many sinners; I have come to you with gentleness, My bride, for the renewal of the mystical Body of My Son;
      behold now I, your Creator, am calling you, for I have espoused you to Myself, so that in Our union I would have the pleasure to adorn you with faithfulness and with ardour; yes, on this fragile clay, I have imprinted My Name all over you since that day when your soul called out to Me: “Abba!” and from thereon I have straightened your path on earth and taught you how to delight in Me by being ever at play in My Presence;
      know, My Vassula, how I desired that you love Me with all your heart and how I longed to turn your whole life into a permanent longing and thirsting for Me, your God; I wanted to show you My Kingdom and My nuptial chamber where, in privacy, we could delight one another; I, your Bridegroom, aflame with love, would converse intimately with you, teaching you the knowledge of holy things; and you, cleaving yourself firmly to My Heart, would be aspiring grace from the breath of Omnipotence, so that you would not cease to be;
      no, My chosen one, our intimate union is not like the memory of a one-day guest; I will not cause you to trouble your heart by withdrawing My intimate union from you; I will take care of your frailty, My (Your name); see, My beloved one, how I desired to draw you to Me as a lover who draws his loved one in privacy;
      I, who am the Lover of mankind, Spouse of My creation, wish to Spiritual draw you now to Me …. take a retreat in Me9 …. why, you must have heard sometimes how the bridegroom longs to be alone with his bride after the wedding? I am offering you this favour as a prelude to our feast; 10 yes, on that day when you responded to My Divine Will …. and by opening your heart to My Call, I enriched it from Mine so that later on you would grain everywhere those treasures; those treasures are seeds11you are obtaining from Me, whereby you were to sow them in the countries I would be sending you;
      that day when you submitted to My Divine Will, allowing Me to govern your life, I stood affectionately in front of you, inviting you with these words: “it is impossible for a soul to love Me, the way I want her to love Me were she to keep her distance from Me; approach Me and taste My delights; I wish you to become intimate with Me; if you remain far from My embrace, you will be unable to get to know Me;” 12 I have, in our intimate union and the unction of My Love adorned you with Knowledge: Knowledge of how to find Me and get to know Me;
      since I have chosen you amongst thousands, you should not doubt any more; act in humility so that I continue to raise you up to Me …. I have washed your hands and your mouth, so that by your hands, cleansed, they would write My Words and keep My books, and by your mouth I would fragrance every nation; through My grace, I adorn13 your soul with the garment of My strength but above all I, My (Your name), adorned you with My magnificent Works of Wisdom so that from My beloved’s lips, anointed by My Sovereignty, We14 would hear praise and honour for Our Trinitarian Holiness; 15
      continue to proclaim a Resurrected Christ and fill the whole world with fruit; tell them that Christ in His Divine Love is bending down from Heaven to revive by His Presence the work of My Hands; 16 with this encouraging news, hordes of nations will come to know Us in an intimate union; tell them, daughter, how We delight when We are also treated as your Holy Companion in your daily life ….
      speak as My envoy and remind My people that I, Yahweh, am alive and active, then, go to those17 sacerdotals who do not seek Me anymore and ask them: “why are you never asking: where is God?” in My Day I will pronounce My judgment against these shepherds, who have no knowledge of Me and who have never tasted interiorly My sweetness; today these shepherds have exchanged Me for something that has no value nor any power in it; to remember My Presence is what they should observe; I am not observed …. how can I say: “they are My Son’s incense;” when their only fragrance is the smell of death?
      I have given you, creation, twelve years18 of ineffable favour and I did not want to act with speed in My wrath; to comfort you in these years of favour I have spoken, I have bound up hearts that were broken and have put Peace in those hearts; My Own Heart is a Fountain of Living Water immersing, in these years of favour, this dry land, giving growth where dross was only to be found;
      - I always wished to rank you as My Own; in these days, I tell you, I who am the Bridegroom of My creation, call each one of you: My wedded one; why those frowns and menaces on the sweetness of My Mouth? 19unhappy little creature, remote from knowing Me, come! I invite you to fall into your Bridegroom’s embrace and I will show you how I, Yahweh, can adorn your spirit, lavishly offering you a flow of My Divine Love so that you, in your turn return to Me this flow of Love;
      then, wait and see, the day I will draw you into the nuptial chamber of My Heart, like a rose that grows on the bank of a watercourse, you will blossom to declare the greatness of My Name, calling Me: “my Father”; in the nuptial chamber of My Heart, your heart will spring up with praises and as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so will I rejoice in you and you in Me; My mighty Hand will uphold you and you would never want to part with Me again; indeed, your spirit, enriched by My sweetness and fullness of My Spirit, will cry out to all nations: “beauty and glory is to be found in our Creator! our Hope and our Lord!”
      sons,daughters-of-My-choice, hear and write: I wish you to bear witness to My Holiness and My Divine Sweetness, be like a loud book, a book written by the Triune God; but for now, I want you for Myself alone; I want to be with My chosen one and ride the skies with you, lifting you from the hardships of those who hail your death daily; I wish now to lift you from turmoil and unrest, rivalry, jealousy and lack-of-love; then, in your contemplation while you will be reposing your head on My Bosom, I will be augmenting in your heart My Divine teachings;

  • @EmmieTuesday
    @EmmieTuesday 4 года назад +9

    I am overwhelmed every time I see this.

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад Jesus Speaks : Have you not heard, delightful child, that I, Yahweh, your Creator, am wedded to My CREATION and am EVERYONE'S SPIRITUAL SPOUSE?5 day and night you stumble along, creation, chasing the shadows, and not even once have you ever tried to penetrate into this mystery; if so many of you are perishing, it is because hordes of you have rejected My Knowledge;
      I looked at My seeds and asked Myself: “what am I to do with them? they are entrenched in their deceitfulness; how am I to make this lot, who cannot tell their right hand from their left hand, understand that I am their Bridegroom and all I want from them is love, not sacrifice; knowledge of My Heart, not holocausts nor solemn festivals;”
      O royal household of Mine, you have bartered your glory for shame! have you not heard that I can lower the heavens to come down to you? have I not lifted up My Voice enough for your ear, creation? for how long are you going to chase the wind? for how long am I to see you pursuing shadows? come to Me! My Heart is like a Lamp to your feet and from My Lips moistened with grace and with the dew of divinity on them, flow rivers of grace and boundless calls of Mercy;
      day and night, My loved ones, you stumble along the shadows; come to Me, and I will touch your heart so that your perversity melts away; then in the immensity of My Love I have for you, I will fall like dew upon you and My Divinity will overwhelm your misery, encompassing it to dwell permanently in My brightness, making out of you a vessel of light and one spirit with Mine;
      ah, (Your name), 6 you whom I blessed with the unction of My Name, jealousy inflames My Heart every time your heart acts like dame folly and flutters away from Mine, pursuing frills and not My Divine power; I tell you, My loved one, keep your Bridegroom’s principles and bind them to your heart; these will warm your heart and will avert you from becoming distracted from the Presence of your Bridegroom who is only waiting to be gracious to you, Ever-so-loved-by-Me; and if I have asked you to disclose My wedding song7 by writing, it was because of My zealous love I have for each soul and because I wanted that My loved ones have enough nourishment while they are crossing this desert …. I have entrusted you with one talent, to procure for Us, 8 the equivalent amount; you have done well, because you have shown to Us, in your ardour to please Us, your faithfulness;
      so now have your retreat in Us; have your retreat in My Heart, and taste, like in former times, the intimate delights of My Heart; may the essence of My Love flow like a river into your heart so that all your tiny infidelities by which they raised My Eyebrow, be washed away;
      behold, now I am imprinting My words on you, for the salvation of so many sinners; I have come to you with gentleness, My bride, for the renewal of the mystical Body of My Son;
      behold now I, your Creator, am calling you, for I have espoused you to Myself, so that in Our union I would have the pleasure to adorn you with faithfulness and with ardour; yes, on this fragile clay, I have imprinted My Name all over you since that day when your soul called out to Me: “Abba!” and from thereon I have straightened your path on earth and taught you how to delight in Me by being ever at play in My Presence;
      know, My Vassula, how I desired that you love Me with all your heart and how I longed to turn your whole life into a permanent longing and thirsting for Me, your God; I wanted to show you My Kingdom and My nuptial chamber where, in privacy, we could delight one another; I, your Bridegroom, aflame with love, would converse intimately with you, teaching you the knowledge of holy things; and you, cleaving yourself firmly to My Heart, would be aspiring grace from the breath of Omnipotence, so that you would not cease to be;
      no, My chosen one, our intimate union is not like the memory of a one-day guest; I will not cause you to trouble your heart by withdrawing My intimate union from you; I will take care of your frailty, My (Your name); see, My beloved one, how I desired to draw you to Me as a lover who draws his loved one in privacy;
      I, who am the Lover of mankind, Spouse of My creation, wish to Spiritual draw you now to Me …. take a retreat in Me9 …. why, you must have heard sometimes how the bridegroom longs to be alone with his bride after the wedding? I am offering you this favour as a prelude to our feast; 10 yes, on that day when you responded to My Divine Will …. and by opening your heart to My Call, I enriched it from Mine so that later on you would grain everywhere those treasures; those treasures are seeds11you are obtaining from Me, whereby you were to sow them in the countries I would be sending you;
      that day when you submitted to My Divine Will, allowing Me to govern your life, I stood affectionately in front of you, inviting you with these words: “it is impossible for a soul to love Me, the way I want her to love Me were she to keep her distance from Me; approach Me and taste My delights; I wish you to become intimate with Me; if you remain far from My embrace, you will be unable to get to know Me;” 12 I have, in our intimate union and the unction of My Love adorned you with Knowledge: Knowledge of how to find Me and get to know Me;
      since I have chosen you amongst thousands, you should not doubt any more; act in humility so that I continue to raise you up to Me …. I have washed your hands and your mouth, so that by your hands, cleansed, they would write My Words and keep My books, and by your mouth I would fragrance every nation; through My grace, I adorn13 your soul with the garment of My strength but above all I, My (Your name), adorned you with My magnificent Works of Wisdom so that from My beloved’s lips, anointed by My Sovereignty, We14 would hear praise and honour for Our Trinitarian Holiness; 15
      continue to proclaim a Resurrected Christ and fill the whole world with fruit; tell them that Christ in His Divine Love is bending down from Heaven to revive by His Presence the work of My Hands; 16 with this encouraging news, hordes of nations will come to know Us in an intimate union; tell them, daughter, how We delight when We are also treated as your Holy Companion in your daily life ….
      speak as My envoy and remind My people that I, Yahweh, am alive and active, then, go to those17 sacerdotals who do not seek Me anymore and ask them: “why are you never asking: where is God?” in My Day I will pronounce My judgment against these shepherds, who have no knowledge of Me and who have never tasted interiorly My sweetness; today these shepherds have exchanged Me for something that has no value nor any power in it; to remember My Presence is what they should observe; I am not observed …. how can I say: “they are My Son’s incense;” when their only fragrance is the smell of death?
      I have given you, creation, twelve years18 of ineffable favour and I did not want to act with speed in My wrath; to comfort you in these years of favour I have spoken, I have bound up hearts that were broken and have put Peace in those hearts; My Own Heart is a Fountain of Living Water immersing, in these years of favour, this dry land, giving growth where dross was only to be found;
      - I always wished to rank you as My Own; in these days, I tell you, I who am the Bridegroom of My creation, call each one of you: My wedded one; why those frowns and menaces on the sweetness of My Mouth? 19unhappy little creature, remote from knowing Me, come! I invite you to fall into your Bridegroom’s embrace and I will show you how I, Yahweh, can adorn your spirit, lavishly offering you a flow of My Divine Love so that you, in your turn return to Me this flow of Love;
      then, wait and see, the day I will draw you into the nuptial chamber of My Heart, like a rose that grows on the bank of a watercourse, you will blossom to declare the greatness of My Name, calling Me: “my Father”; in the nuptial chamber of My Heart, your heart will spring up with praises and as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride, so will I rejoice in you and you in Me; My mighty Hand will uphold you and you would never want to part with Me again; indeed, your spirit, enriched by My sweetness and fullness of My Spirit, will cry out to all nations: “beauty and glory is to be found in our Creator! our Hope and our Lord!”
      sons,daughters-of-My-choice, hear and write: I wish you to bear witness to My Holiness and My Divine Sweetness, be like a loud book, a book written by the Triune God; but for now, I want you for Myself alone; I want to be with My chosen one and ride the skies with you, lifting you from the hardships of those who hail your death daily; I wish now to lift you from turmoil and unrest, rivalry, jealousy and lack-of-love; then, in your contemplation while you will be reposing your head on My Bosom, I will be augmenting in your heart My Divine teachings

  • @michaelriordan8265
    @michaelriordan8265 3 года назад +1

    Hope she has a happy life, giving herself as a bride to a God who doesn't exist, what about the Covid virus, what about the murders, cancers, and all the other illnesses in the world, and the priests who abused children

  • @camiloparra8431
    @camiloparra8431 3 года назад +5

    Six years ago, now she is very happy in the Lord'shouse. Amen

  • @evacostandi293
    @evacostandi293 4 года назад +4


  • @michaelsarfraz830
    @michaelsarfraz830 4 года назад +6

    God bless you dear sister
    Michael Sarfraz

  • @earthexplorer579
    @earthexplorer579 Год назад +1

    in the bible its says every man should have a wife and every woman should have a husband.

  • @carmenperez9193
    @carmenperez9193 4 года назад +4

    Oh how beatiful May god bless you journey and your vocation 💞

  • @zainnuri6560
    @zainnuri6560 6 месяцев назад +1

    Yesus Yesus Yesus Yesus Yesus Yesus Yesus Yesus Yesus

  • @saishete8649
    @saishete8649 4 года назад +13

    God allways bless all the wonderful souls,who r serving God with all there heart&soul🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @s.b.8258
    @s.b.8258 3 года назад +2

    To be honest some early
    Earthly husbands make one think we married the devil. So better to be married to Christ.

  • @hannamgeorge
    @hannamgeorge 4 года назад +4

    this was an incredibly beautiful video! Thank you for sharing! Blessings and peace!

  • @MaryJo18
    @MaryJo18 Месяц назад +1

    She is a blessed soul ❤

  • @robertmartinjr8910
    @robertmartinjr8910 4 года назад +24

    A beautiful ceremony. However I, as a Roman Catholic, still think it strange that sisters and nuns are referred to as “married” to Christ. We don’t consider priests as “married “ so why is it that way for women? Also why are ordained men called father but ordained women are just called sister not mother?

    • @cheetahinireland18
      @cheetahinireland18 4 года назад +15

      Robert Martin Jr Priests are supposed to be a reflection of Christ on Earth, so I believe they are considered to be married to the Church, not Christ. When they perform sacraments they are in the person of Christ. If they are in the person of Christ, they can’t also be married to Christ. Consecrated women (who do not perform sacraments and do not act in the person of Christ) are then considered married to Christ, not the Church. And there ARE religious brothers. And superiors of a convent are called “Mother” just as a priest is called “Father”. But a brother’s function is different from a priest’s and they clearly aren’t as common.

    • @gwenobrien5748
      @gwenobrien5748 4 года назад

      @@cheetahinireland18 l

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад +1

      Robert Martin Jr Pls listen carefully to God. God teaches is that the Church is his Spiritual bride Church Bride means of all men and women including Nuns and Priest Whether were married to Earthly marriage or Priest or Nuns Were All His Church Bride. Nothings chnge. Even if the priest is persona Christ represents Christ here on earth that doesnt make chnge that they are also Bride of Christ. This is NOT about gender that only nuns, and women are Bride of Christ its Our souls is married to Christ soul. Its all about Spirituallity soul is married to Christ NOT Gender nor earthly marriage status can make us changed the fact that were all bride of Christ. If you are uncomfortable on the Truth that ALL of us is married to Christ then Pray pray to our Bridegroom that you will open your heart and be intimate but never that to Our Lord. Read the Bible Song of songs Read Isaiah 54:5
      The love of Yahweh
      5For now your creator will be your husband,
      his name, Yahweh Sabaoth;
      your redeemer will be the Holy One of Israel,
      he is called the God of the whole earth.

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 4 года назад +1

      cheetahinireland18 Yes your correct the Catholic theology term that Priest persona represents Christ here on earth and they are also married to Church and also that truth Priest Souls are married to Christ. God teaches is that the Church is his Spiritual bride Church Bride means all men and women including Nuns and Priest Whether were married to Earthly marriage or Priest, Nuns Were All His Church Bride. Nothings chnge. Even if the priest is persona Christ represents Christ here on earth that doesnt make change that they are also Bride of Christ. This is NOT about gender that only nuns, and women are Bride of Christ its Our souls is married to Christ soul. Its all about Spirituallity soul is married to Christ NOT Gender nor earthly marriage status can make us changed the fact that were ALL Bride of Christ. Im NOT here for debate or Im just here to helped you to be intimate to our Lord to have sweetness on him will make you love him totally.
      If you are uncomfortable on the Truth that ALL of us is married to Christ then Pray pray to our Bridegroom that you will open your heart and be intimate to him. God is NOT Predilect favoritism that only Nuns and all women are his bride and not All man or priest this is not our God who is favoritism Predilection. Yes the Theology is correct about Priest married to Church but God teaches also that they are married to Christ also. Priest are both married to Church and Jesus Christ Again this is not about gender. Im not also saying that they are not married to Church Yes they are married to Church but also to Jesus. Im not contradicting our Catholic teachings but rather Im helping my brothers and sisters to LOVED GOD MORE.
      Our God is so Infinite Love that no man could grasp.
      Read the Bible Song of songs Read Isaiah 54:5
      The love of Yahweh
      5For now your creator will be your husband,
      his name, Yahweh Sabaoth;
      your redeemer will be the Holy One of Israel,
      he is called the God of the whole earth.
      Read Hosea, Ezekiel,

    • @susanfuerte7844
      @susanfuerte7844 4 года назад

      Because the priest is Christ’s vicar. He is married to the Church...mother Church.

  • @sienashawver6511
    @sienashawver6511 Год назад +1

    I was taught in a Protestant church but I never could shake the nagging feeling of being a nun. My parents would freak out if I were to become one so I have no idea what to do.

  • @mariazapata5064
    @mariazapata5064 4 года назад +4

    Now that’s a REAL! Wedding! The husband that never fails! The spouse who’s face is the same as yesterday is the same as the present. Now this love ❤️ will truly last a lifetime! Many blessings to you! Child!😂👏🏻 I am so happy for you! I share your joy!🤗

    • @d0n0mar55
      @d0n0mar55 4 года назад +1

      Is like a real wedding but with out a present husband and the "party" after the ceremony, no honey moon eather!.

    • @mariazapata5064
      @mariazapata5064 4 года назад

      @@d0n0mar55 EXCATLY! That’s the best wedding ever!!!! I love ❤️ it!!!

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 3 года назад

      Don't you not know that You are also Bride of Christ? Yes YOU are also Bride of Christ BOTH Nuns and Church, Church means ALL of us Bride of Christ. His Loved is Infinite, Equal means We are ALL Loved by God remember his loved on us All, by suffering dying on his cross for Everyone so We Are All Bride of Christ. Including Nuns, Priest, All Man Woman, Married couple or Single is called members of the Church Bride and Body of Christ. Everytime WE Lay People live and we love God go to Pray, Confession, Mass and eat and drink the body and blood, soul, and divinity of Christ WE are one Now We are One Spirit to OUR Spiritual husband Jesus, We renew our Spiritual marriage vows our consecration to him during existence, Prayer, Confession, Mass and Our entire life cuz we are ALL bride of Christ called Church. Jesus alreday married us ALL when he created us bfore we exist, he married us when he is born on Earth through Virgin Mother Mary, He married us by his greatest proof of love of us all, his suffering dying on cross, resurrection just for us ALL. Nuns are just representative, models for us layman the Church to imitate them, to follow them to be more in love to OUR Bridegroom Jesus. Nuns are just teaching us to loved God first above all else and second the neighbors. Nuns are just teaching us to be intimate to OUR Bridegroom and kneel, worship yourself to Our Bridegroom Jesus and draw, embrace to his Nuptial Chamber his Sacred heart and enjoy Yourselves and Everyone else in Gods sweet, NO malice, divine, spiritual embrace, divine kisses to his Forehead, cheeks and wounds and Jesus will kiss you back to your foreheadd, cheeks, and he will kiss your soul, heart

    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 3 года назад

      @@d0n0mar55 Don't you not know that You are also Bride of Christ? Yes YOU are also Bride of Christ BOTH Nuns and Church, Church means ALL of us Bride of Christ. His Loved is Infinite, Equal means We are ALL Loved by God remember his loved on us All, by suffering dying on his cross for Everyone so We Are All Bride of Christ. Including Nuns, Priest, All Man Woman, Married couple or Single is called members of the Church Bride and Body of Christ. Everytime WE Lay People live and we love God go to Pray, Confession, Mass and eat and drink the body and blood, soul, and divinity of Christ WE are one Now We are One Spirit to OUR Spiritual husband Jesus, We renew our Spiritual marriage vows our consecration to him during existence, Prayer, Confession, Mass and Our entire life cuz we are ALL bride of Christ called Church. Jesus alreday married us ALL when he created us bfore we exist, he married us when he is born on Earth through Virgin Mother Mary, He married us by his greatest proof of love of us all, his suffering dying on cross, resurrection just for us ALL. Nuns are just representative, models for us layman the Church to imitate them, to follow them to be more in love to OUR Bridegroom Jesus. Nuns are just teaching us to loved God first above all else and second the neighbors. Nuns are just teaching us to be intimate to OUR Bridegroom and kneel, worship yourself to Our Bridegroom Jesus and draw, embrace to his Nuptial Chamber his Sacred heart and enjoy Yourselves and Everyone else in Gods sweet, NO malice, divine, spiritual embrace, divine kisses to his Forehead, cheeks and wounds and Jesus will kiss you back to your foreheadd, cheeks, and he will kiss your soul, heart.

  • @katc2354
    @katc2354 4 года назад +4


    • @lavander961
      @lavander961 3 года назад

      Yes YOU are also Bride of Christ BOTH Nuns and Church, Church means ALL of us Bride of Christ. His Loved is Infinite, Equal means We are ALL Loved by God remember his loved on us All, by suffering dying on his cross for Everyone so We Are All Bride of Christ. including Nuns, Priest, All Man Woman, Married couple or Single is called members of the Church Bride and Body of Christ. Everytime WE Lay People live and we love God go to Pray, Confession, Mass and eat and drink the body and blood, soul, and divinity of Christ WE are one Now We are One Spirit to OUR Spiritual husband Jesus, We renew our Spiritual marriage vows our consecration to him during existence, Prayer, Confession, Mass and Our entire life cuz we are ALL bride of Christ called Church. Jesus alreday married us ALL when he created us bfore we exist, he married us when he is born on Earth through Virgin Mother Mary, He married us by his greatest proof of love of us all, his suffering dying on cross, resurrection just for us ALL. Nuns are just representative, models for us layman the Church to imitate them, to follow them to be more in love to OUR Bridegroom Jesus. Nuns are just teaching us to loved God first above all else and second the neighbors. Nuns are just teaching us to be intimate to OUR Bridegroom and kneel, worship yourself to Our Bridegroom Jesus and draw, embrace to his Nuptial Chamber his Sacred heart and enjoy Yourselves and Everyone else in Gods sweet, NO malice, divine, spiritual embrace, divine kisses to his Forehead, cheeks and wounds and Jesus will kiss you back to your foreheadd, cheeks, and he will kiss your soul, heart

  • @lonelywolf7706
    @lonelywolf7706 4 года назад +3

    I hope that she will find peace in a world full of hate. My God lead here on the way she must go.

  • @effooo2000
    @effooo2000 Год назад +2

    What a lovely ceremony

  • @cliffordlewis2206
    @cliffordlewis2206 4 года назад +4

    INSPIRING .... May the Almighty n all people ever bless and support you.

  • @bullirish
    @bullirish 4 года назад +5

    God Bless you, Mary-Kate Duffy.

  • @mariagemmagoreti6857
    @mariagemmagoreti6857 4 года назад +17

    I am crying to watch this😓. Too beautiful❤️

  • @Bjwings02
    @Bjwings02 4 года назад +6


  • @aparecidadelourdesmarques2238
    @aparecidadelourdesmarques2238 Год назад +3

    Esposa de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo ❤