Overwatch Guides - How to Position (Things to Consider)

  • Опубликовано: 17 фев 2024
  • Hey guys, it's Tomato here (or Mato for short). It's finally time. After all the times I've spoken poorly about positioning, it's my turn to make a positioning guide. To me, it feels likes it has turned into a meme with how often players/streamers/social media'ers will say you need to work on your positioning. It's almost like a cop out for when someone doesn't know what to tell you. So here's my take on positioning. I tried to cover each role, but as the heroes in Overwatch have very diverse playstyles it's very hard to do that without going into specifics for each hero. So instead I decided to create general rules to follow when deciding where or how to position. I hope this helps and doesn't come across as too obvious! Positioning as a topic is very hard to describe and there's no doubt I missed something...
    #overwatch2 #overwatch2gameplay #overwatch #howto #positioning #position #support #dps #tank #guide #tutorial #ashe #ana #junkerqueen #ow #ow2 #potg
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Комментарии • 90

  • @frosty4894
    @frosty4894 3 месяца назад +175

    This is one of the best explanations for positioning I've ever heard. It's short yet has every key point to take in and it's easy to understand. Well done man.

  • @ownphantomandtoy
    @ownphantomandtoy 3 месяца назад +74

    Incredible an overwatch guide that teaches you how to think for yourself instead of just giving you all the answers

  • @RaidenKunii
    @RaidenKunii 3 месяца назад +63

    One thing I’ve heard from someone else about positioning is imagine if a DVA bomb just fell near you. If you are not near good cover you will die, which means your positioning was likely bad.

  • @kregman6928
    @kregman6928 2 месяца назад +59

    classic bad position check for me is "will I be able to hide from a dva bomb?" if the answer is no, then the position is most likely bad (because there is no cover near me) I think this is a simple way to get the "always be near cover" point drilled into your head.

    • @Install312
      @Install312 2 месяца назад +3

      I like this, thanks for sharing. Basically forces you to think about how much natural cover is readily available and what your potential escape route should be.

  • @nraosec
    @nraosec 2 месяца назад +13

    One thing I contend with in masters is when you prioritize survival vs "going all in" -- i can go through an entire game without a death but playing somewhat passively, or i can try and compensate for team weaknesses by playing more riskily and dying more as a result. Finding that balance between safety and risk is what i struggle with.

  • @jokered1133
    @jokered1133 3 месяца назад +47

    The thing is that positioning comes packaged with timing, the struggle is 'where to position and when?', and that is what I struggle with mostly, being in a 'bad position' can sometimes not be so bad for wining the fight, it just comes down to the resources you have vs the resources they have, this is the question that I struggle with during games, by taking an aggressive position sometimes, and I find that this usually not at the beginning of a fight, either early after first trade, mid, or even late in a team fight, pushing in helps. I think most players know these fundamentals but struggle with timing their positions.

    • @MatoTM
      @MatoTM  3 месяца назад +13

      I hear you on that. It's tough to explain timing to be honest because there's a lot to take into consideration.

    • @jokered1133
      @jokered1133 3 месяца назад +3

      @@MatoTM I'm not trying to knock your video, in fact I think that it is a great video for anyone starting out, but I wish you could've mentioned that timing where you position is crucial, especially the higher you go up the ladder, but nevertheless I digress, I love to see guide content from smaller creators and creating discussion, civil discussion that is ;)

    • @cjerp
      @cjerp 3 месяца назад

      There's a certain flow to battle, if they push you back out a bit and when they back out you push, but can't push too far or get baited into pushing either😅.

    • @jokered1133
      @jokered1133 3 месяца назад

      @@cjerp yes, you are correct, but this is considered a looking at it from a very macro level, once you go into your role, the resources you have, and the resources available to the enemy team, things start getting complicated real quick, your best judgement has to kick in, and Ik for sure many players don’t always make the correct, semi-correct, or even the best decision during a lot of moments in a game.
      Cooldowns matter a lot for how you position, most guides I find are VOD reviews, detailed VOD reviews from coaches are amazing info dumps, but you can’t just sit back and watch to gain from them, you have to sit and listen, then keep the information in mind to try and implement these fundamentals in game.

    • @Kimshu6
      @Kimshu6 2 месяца назад

      Yeah, I think I struggle with positioning in general but also actively changing my positioning depending on what's happening. Sometimes I push up way too much on Ashe or Hanzo to try to get value because just waiting for someone to appear in a spot doesn't feel like I'm getting any value but then because I push up, I die and lose all potential value. Or sometimes in the middle of a fight my team is doing well but the fight goes on too long and suddenly I'm surrounded by enemies as Cass and just have to accept I'm going to die because Cass doesn't have a way to get out of that.

  • @l0ker507
    @l0ker507 3 месяца назад +8

    The most difficult thing about good positioning is that it not only does it depend on the map and heroes played, but it also changes moment to moment in each fight

  • @ForceofNature99
    @ForceofNature99 3 месяца назад +3

    This is an excellent video. Really solid explanation on positioning! Thank you Mato!

  • @stimpicus
    @stimpicus 3 месяца назад +11

    Definitely saving and sharing this. It all makes sense - there are no pro secrets, there is no one correct answer. The basics are the basics because they work.
    Also take high ground

  • @businesscat7833
    @businesscat7833 2 месяца назад +1

    This is very good information. The more I play, the more I realize that I have to think / have situational awareness about my team, my position, and the other team, in order to progress in the game. Thank you for the vid!

  • @antimah4707
    @antimah4707 3 месяца назад +7

    Thank you man for this video, the best explanation I ever heard

  • @darkspace4530
    @darkspace4530 3 месяца назад +2

    Perfect timing, was just looking for something like this!

  • @OnewingseraphimOfficial
    @OnewingseraphimOfficial 5 дней назад

    Great video keep up the good work, you deserve more subs for these kinds of videos short and sweet but very informative!

  • @swordpunk
    @swordpunk 3 месяца назад

    Quickly becoming one of my favorite overwatch creators

  • @imjustken1
    @imjustken1 Месяц назад

    What a lad making this masterpiece

  • @yourfriendlyneighborhoodjinx
    @yourfriendlyneighborhoodjinx 2 месяца назад

    This is a pretty good explanation. A lot of my gameplay would have some coaches throwing fits at my terrible positioning, but often it's because I don't get shot in those positions or get ridiculous value from it, described best here. If you're in the middle of the open, that's only a good position if you are currently deleting the enemy faster than they can touch you, but the second they gain that ability to kill you, you better have relocated otherwise you're in spawn. Kill value is extremely important, because someone who gets 4 kills a minute on a flank is useless sitting in your backline not dying or flanking.

  • @yiftahbt
    @yiftahbt 3 месяца назад +2

    great video

  • @sowhatsupeirik
    @sowhatsupeirik 3 месяца назад

    fantastic vid

  • @Niko-hy4so
    @Niko-hy4so 2 месяца назад

    very very good guide

  • @breese50
    @breese50 3 месяца назад

    Great guide, perfect length of video. It was like gud OW play in a pill. Keep up the videos! Subscribed!
    One thing to work on: more dynamic speaking voice. You sound like this topic is boring to you (which it's obviously not). Ben Stein was funny in Ferris Bueller, but a bit more energy would be great. You don't have to go full Critical Drinker or Pitch Meeting (compare their oldest videos with their newest ones, they're like Looney Tunes now lol) but it might give you an idea of vocal range and energy.

  • @whambulance8607
    @whambulance8607 2 месяца назад

    5 and 6 i definitely got to work on

  • @heavenheathern
    @heavenheathern 3 месяца назад +1

    Thanks. Not dumbed down but actual educational video

  • @dyllanwhitney4388
    @dyllanwhitney4388 3 месяца назад

    thanks bro keep makin these vids and i advise people to listen to them maybe then moiras and baps will stop frontlining and it helped me realise im too eager and need to be patient

  • @djwnegima
    @djwnegima 2 месяца назад

    theory is great, now we need examples !

  • @1Novoline1
    @1Novoline1 3 месяца назад

    Great video.

  • @addanashraf7567
    @addanashraf7567 3 месяца назад +2


  • @bejeko923
    @bejeko923 25 дней назад +1

    It's so nice for new player to have such quality guide. I suffer by having to experience it by myself for in the past

  • @koen5396
    @koen5396 26 дней назад

    6:10 that mcree definitely got an earful from the friendly rein after waking the enemy rein

  • @fractalelf7760
    @fractalelf7760 2 месяца назад

    Good video. I get tired of hearing people deride OW and a good part of it is as you said they come from other games with high or no respawns and die then blame the game for not playing like Counterstrike.

  • @rmcooktails
    @rmcooktails 3 месяца назад

    I often find going for dps first is easier since they don't have self heal and most of the time are closer to the fights than supports who do have self heal. Then once th dps are dead it becomes a shootfest for the tank and then the supports since they can only heal so much before the tank falls due to sheer dps.

  • @2ndCityGamer
    @2ndCityGamer 3 месяца назад

    Quality video

  • @mberry1199
    @mberry1199 3 месяца назад +2

    one small thing that's missing from this is to keep in mind a way to retreat at all times, other than that, this video is pretty good for anyone wanting to improve in the game

    • @UncleJemima
      @UncleJemima 3 месяца назад +2

      looks like you didn't watch till point 6

  • @wingsofwinter2600
    @wingsofwinter2600 3 месяца назад +1

    Numbers 5 and 6 is what a lot of players lack, it's exhausting to have to play with a tank that doesn't know when or how to properly pull back when they make a misplay and cost us the team fight

  • @savinglee.
    @savinglee. 2 месяца назад

    Im gonna simplify everything he said in this video: Effective range with cover. What makes good positioning comes down to effective range.
    If you're roadhog, you want to play corners, and not be out in the open, but play as close to the enemy team as possible without putting your self in excessive risk. And generally, every heroes effective is different. It also depends on other heroes. But for a simple formula to find what you want to do is to ask yourself, where your hero is strongest, and just play cover as best as possible in that area while considering what poses risk to you, and adjust your positioning based on that.

  • @pepsiman2
    @pepsiman2 2 месяца назад +1

    Thank u but ill stick to going all in on genji, might not always work but 60% wr in gm is good enough imo

  • @troyheymanwhatsup2996
    @troyheymanwhatsup2996 3 месяца назад

    Somehow, Palpatine has returned

  • @TheSoprah
    @TheSoprah 3 дня назад

    I played WoW arena. Positioning and remembering cooldowns is KEY. I am close to diamond. Let's go :)

  • @grangergonzalez9821
    @grangergonzalez9821 3 месяца назад

    Tbh you should explain this to Blizz Devs because Reaper usually positions more Tank-like which means he takes all the pain just like a Tank does, and they should actually buff characters of the more Tanky positioning to have a significant amount of Sustainability, Reaper, despite being a tanky positioner, is less sustainable than a Cass in most cases because of the sheer low stats he has other than his health.
    Mei is completely fine since she does have a tank-like kit which helps zone out enemies.
    A lot of the Brawlier tanks are also on the short end of the stick, Reinhardt being a perfect example too, he needs significant buffs that help him become more of a tanky brawler while Reaper gets buffs towards being a more High damage brawler.
    Ridding the game of oneshots is unhealthy to characters that oneshot at high risk, Reaper used to have combat agency at high risk positioning which made the game rewarding for being the one to take the initiative, now it's just shoot em and pray they aren't fast enough to look in your general direction or else you're wiped out from the match's history.

  • @sirbam4435
    @sirbam4435 15 дней назад

    Take space and hold space is valuable for positioning. It's an objective based game

  • @hypnolobster
    @hypnolobster 2 месяца назад

    3:31 Buttpoops, the Hanzo.

  • @HEXAN-tv9eu
    @HEXAN-tv9eu 2 месяца назад

    Finishing enemies off is what makes you rank up, as someone who’s had to have next to zero kills and ten deaths every match as Ashe and get bullied on ranked. Doesn’t help that the skill floor for silver is like 1000 hours never missing your shots and getting 20+ kill to tie a match

  • @COW879
    @COW879 Месяц назад

    you could be the voice actor for Bob of Bob's Burgers next kid 💯

  • @bakedbeings
    @bakedbeings 2 месяца назад

    Hot take: 100m+ is too far to be walking back from spawn.
    Context: Players already have a spawn delay, and - in metal tiers, where players don't suicide or disengage when outbumbered - already have to wait 10-20 seconds for their 3 remaining team mates to die before walking in.
    Anecdotal bit: It increases trickle factor in the flashpoint and robot-pushy modes, and Blizzard's dead keen on those.

  • @RivalPrey
    @RivalPrey 3 месяца назад +2

    The only position I know is first 😎

  • @AC_Milan1899
    @AC_Milan1899 Месяц назад

    The number one difference between lower ranked feeders and players in decent elos is positioning. Lower ranked players are so easy to hit taking massive damage. Standing in the open etc

  • @bri......
    @bri...... 3 месяца назад


  • @Bluemansonic
    @Bluemansonic 3 месяца назад +4

    1:19 ok so if being by Enemy Spawn is bad then why does everybody do it while i stay on point alone and usually last playet alive?

    • @addanashraf7567
      @addanashraf7567 3 месяца назад +8

      To take space while one person pushes point but they must slowly come back cause its a 4v5 if they overstay they'll die and that's what usually happens

    • @cagxplays9602
      @cagxplays9602 3 месяца назад +1

      Spawn trapping can actually be good, it's just very situational and also map and comp/character dependant. As a general rule, avoid it until you are a high enough rank to better understand why it can be effective. Also, watch high level players and analyse why they very occasionally spawn trap the enemy.

    • @Bluemansonic
      @Bluemansonic 3 месяца назад +1

      @@cagxplays9602 bruh, I've been playing and watching OW videos since OW1 Beta, I was talking about my terrible teammates while I stay on point

    • @i.r.weasel7042
      @i.r.weasel7042 3 месяца назад

      Staying on point can be pointless (depending on the map), You don't just stand on the point and wait for a fight, you want to take a position against the enemy's spawn and their paths to point, usually at or around a choke, or on some high-ground. Force them to fight their way in through all the chokepoints.

    • @Bluemansonic
      @Bluemansonic 3 месяца назад

      @@i.r.weasel7042 I agree, except you can't do any of that if your team is dead at enemy spawn doors

  • @theannouncer5538
    @theannouncer5538 10 дней назад

    Tanks take note. Before you start crying about not being healed, ask yourself “am I not being healed? Or is it that I’m standing out in the wide open and getting focus fired?”

  • @SunnyExMusic
    @SunnyExMusic 2 месяца назад +1

    Ow2 makes it hard for new players to position because one its a role based game, no comms, theres no minimap, constantly fast pace movement and visual clutter. Even as a d2 dps i find myself moving out of a good position because i have no idea what my team is doing and theres like 50 ults and abilities going on so i cant see shit
    We need a minimap
    ally healthbars on the hud
    Or those situational text like “Need healing” or group up to be in a different color like bright red or some so it stands out. That way people can peel. Since playing ow2 i put this on my life every game either me or a teammate is asking wheres my team not knowing a supp died, a dps is flanking, one supp probably with that dps or tryna heal bot tank and im peeling to not die

    • @JordanTan-nn6nb
      @JordanTan-nn6nb 2 месяца назад

      I guess ow is for people who play with instincts. No minimap, visual clutter, etc.

  • @reverendnon5959
    @reverendnon5959 2 месяца назад

    When I pointed this out to my teammates, politely, all I heard was accusing me of not contesting, bruh.

  • @grildrago
    @grildrago 2 месяца назад

    I got too many unlucky shot from hanzo (literally stand next to team) and die. Idk how to survive that anymore.

  • @JonezBBQ
    @JonezBBQ Месяц назад

    Tanking is just incredibly different in this game compared to OW1. I was 3900 in OW1, but now I'm literally struggling to get out of plat because I simply do not know what to do anymore. I push forward to take space and create an off angle, and their team just runs at mine and picks us off. If I try to stay safe and peel for my team, the other team just gets free space and wins the positional fight. I used to consider myself a good player, but now I'm literally at a f***ing loss because I feel helpless no matter what I do. On top of that, tank just feels MISERABLE anymore. Super 1 dimensional.

  • @mattevans4377
    @mattevans4377 3 месяца назад

    I realize this is a gross oversimplification, but what I tend to find works best, is to have as few enemies within your line of sight as possible, while attacking someone. If everyone can somehow do that, that's a 5v1 and you start picking people off one by one.

  • @Jyeoi
    @Jyeoi 2 месяца назад

    Question - if u have good positioning and the rest of yr team has shit positioning will u win? (if the other team has better positioning than yrs)

  • @JoeDhirk
    @JoeDhirk 3 месяца назад

    great, now do second part with few examples to each point like a footbal trainer

  • @kenngermy9846
    @kenngermy9846 3 месяца назад

    Use high ground = play Pharah 👍🏼

  • @OO-il6sl
    @OO-il6sl 3 месяца назад +1

    Didnt mention timing engages

  • @ChannelName3230
    @ChannelName3230 3 месяца назад

    Wdym enemy spawn is bad positioning?! You have any idea how long i can hold the other team at theyre spawn? Like 2 min!

    • @MatoTM
      @MatoTM  3 месяца назад

      Some say you haven't truly won until you've touched the enemy spawn door

  • @TheShapingSickness
    @TheShapingSickness 3 месяца назад

    If people followed up on 7 they would blame less their supports.
    When I play dps I rarely ask for heals.

  • @christofro661
    @christofro661 2 месяца назад

    And if you queue on role play as a healer, heal 😊

  • @rage_tv4493
    @rage_tv4493 Месяц назад

    “just don’t die” got that part down now why do my dps have 25 deaths, less damage, and less kills than i do. i go on losing streaks so often bcz of DPS players not fucking doing the bare minimum of their job. APPLY THE PASSIVE! like bro i get pressured so hard as the tank and i live through it all but the enemy tank also gets out scot free bcz my dps cant aim for shit.

  • @engineergaming3830
    @engineergaming3830 3 месяца назад

    points 1,3,4,5,6 and 7 mean the same thing on bad positioning good video tho

  • @dyowe518
    @dyowe518 2 месяца назад

    Do public healthcare next

  • @kyanasoto9466
    @kyanasoto9466 3 месяца назад +4

    Do you like tomatoes

  • @thedude0000
    @thedude0000 2 месяца назад

    Appreciate the video, but positioning isn't a new thing people are talking about in OW. When the game came out in 2016....aim & positioning were the two most important things.

  • @j.w.213
    @j.w.213 3 месяца назад


  • @nicotine_dream
    @nicotine_dream 2 месяца назад

    excellent. a rhetoric, not a "best spots to be in 2024" video.

  • @cagxplays9602
    @cagxplays9602 3 месяца назад +4

    I actually completely disagree with this take at 3:55. You should not be learning to weave in damage during your healing downtime, you should be learning to weave in healing during your damage. Damage is infinitely more valuable than healing and applying pressure in the form of damage will actually cause the enemies to have to utilize cover more (or die), therefore outputting less damage onto your team, therefore causing you to have to heal less. Not only will you be supporting your tank by taking some pressure off of him and allowing him to take space better, you'll also be supporting your dps by helping them get kills, this is what it means to be a support, you are not a healbot, you are a support. If your teammates are standing out in the open, taking too much damage and dying, they will quickly learn to start positioning better.
    This is even more true this season with the dps passive as the healing you are doing while teammates are standing in the open is 20% less effective, but you know what isn't 20% less effective?

  • @amon5094
    @amon5094 2 месяца назад

    No. I'm going to stand in the middle of all the crossfire and expect my healer to heal me through everything. Positioning is for chums.