The Book of Romans affirms LGBTQ people

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024
  • The Book of Romans affirms LGBTQ people #bible #biblestudy #romans #evangelicalchurchproblems #decomstruction #religioustrauma #religioustrauma #biblicaltruth #lgbtq #religioustraumahealing #lgbtqchristians #progressiveclergy #progressivechristian #progressivechristianity

Комментарии • 22

  • @tommacdonald6070
    @tommacdonald6070 2 месяца назад +7

    Romans 1:26-27
    26 For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature;
    27 and the MEN likewise gave up natural relations with WOMEN and were consumed with passion for one another, MEN COMMITTING SHAMELESS ACTS WITH MEN and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.

    • @godgetti
      @godgetti 2 месяца назад

      Jesus spoke quite clearly, "It is not that which goes into the mouth that defilith, but that which go out." Jesus said sucking Peter was OK. Here's the exact verse:
      Matthew 15:11 "it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person".

    • @tommacdonald6070
      @tommacdonald6070 2 месяца назад

      What about what enters into the cornhole?

    • @godgetti
      @godgetti 2 месяца назад

      @@tommacdonald6070 I am unaware of any scripture dealing with that. I only shared what I knew of the mouth. Are you aware of any scripture that deals with the cornhole?

  • @samuelbarns118
    @samuelbarns118 2 месяца назад +6

    This is really sad to see.
    That is a clearly unbiblical view, and is twisting the words of scripture to fit your desires.
    I've no hate towards you or your friends at all, but it pains me to see someone using God's word to lead people further from Him.
    Sure, it'll make things easy, and it'll feel "freeing".
    Broad roads have a habit of doing that.
    But they only lead to destruction.
    Whatever love or satisfaction or comfort or peace the devil offers you, it will never be the truest version of that thing, which only God can provide.
    Sometimes trusting in Him means huge sacrifice, it means giving up how we want to do life.
    But no matter how hard the fight, it's always worth it.

    • @PossumsDont69
      @PossumsDont69 2 месяца назад

      How do you know if it is gods will or your will?
      If God will need to be straight, but I’m gay does that mean I’m more powerful than God?

    • @godgetti
      @godgetti 2 месяца назад

      How would Jesus treat a beat up man He found by the roadside? Even if he were wearing a coat of many colors?

    • @samuelbarns118
      @samuelbarns118 2 месяца назад

      @@godgetti I'm not sure what the colour of his coat would have to do with anything.
      Perhaps you could elaborate?

    • @godgetti
      @godgetti 2 месяца назад

      @@samuelbarns118 I believe that if Jesus passed a beaten man with a rainbow pride flag, Jesus would spend his last penny to put that gay dude up in a hotel and be cared for.
      I don't think Jesus would prioritize the dude's bedroom life, probably wouldn't even mention it.
      I'm no expert, that's just what I got from the Good Samaritan parable.

    • @samuelbarns118
      @samuelbarns118 2 месяца назад +2

      @@godgetti I see.
      There are actually some really applicable stories in the Bible which speak to this.
      When Jesus encountered someone in need, he healed them, but told them to stop sinning, lest something worse happen to them.
      Yes, Jesus would (I'm sure) help the man in your scenario, as should any Christian.
      However Jesus also calls us to repent, and to go and sin no more.
      Jesus is forgiving, so whatever you've done, and whatever sins you've struggled with, if you turn from them, to him (that's what repentance is) then he'll welcome you and forgive you.
      Hopefully that makes sense.

  • @WWZenaDo
    @WWZenaDo 2 месяца назад +2

    I suspect that beimg celibate would also have been considered unnatural by the Romans. If I recall correctly, there was conflict between Paul with his anti-marriage sentiment, and Peter stating that there were those who 'listened to demons, forbidding to marry'...

  • @userJohnSmith
    @userJohnSmith Месяц назад

    This prohibition is mirrored across multiple books and quite explicit. So no, as much as I would like to open up gay marriage for religious acceptance in Christianity there is no crack in that door. We can accept the attraction as a call to celibacy but nothing more. There is tradition, Tradition, complex and thorough biblically explicit prohibition, and a need for logical consistency regarding sex and the morals surrounding it.

  • @44ARISEandSHINE44
    @44ARISEandSHINE44 2 месяца назад +2

    So basically you decided to create your own god in your head rather than ASK God what he thinks? You know you can just ask him, right? I was confused on this issue but rather than descending into delusion I ASKED God. He answered me.
    You might be able to deceive people who are merely reading a book... but not people who already discovered God is very real, and he answers genuine questions for people who genuinely want to know truth.

    • @godgetti
      @godgetti 2 месяца назад

      In what ways is God the Father male?

    • @44ARISEandSHINE44
      @44ARISEandSHINE44 2 месяца назад +1

      @@godgetti Jesus said: "I and the father are one" and he came to the earth as male. He refers to himself this way in the Bible, and if you ever have a dream where he speaks to you: you will hear a male voice. I imagine it is the same for everyone in their own language.... just a normal, perfect, male voice. Not too low, not too high, just right lol.
      I would advise you to search by asking him. I guess it can be fun to use his interesting stories and lessons for your own agenda but if finding is truth is what you want, just ask him. Everyone has an opinion, but his is the only one that matters.

    • @godgetti
      @godgetti 2 месяца назад

      @@44ARISEandSHINE44 Maybe it's just me, but I've been encountering MORE people like you (kind +thoughtful) and LESS hateful/dim trolls. It's kinda giving me hope 💛