HOA Karen Calls 911 On My Disabled Son & TOWS My Car! I Evict Her By Buying Her House!

  • Опубликовано: 20 сен 2024

Комментарии • 338

  • @kimberleylorente5173
    @kimberleylorente5173 Год назад +88

    My favourite mailbox story. We had a street mailbox and in the 80’s, guys would drive around in trucks with baseball bats. One day my friend found out exactly who…the mailbox had a delivery of craft glitter. Anyone who’s had a six year old girl knows how impossible it is to get rid of glitter. She went to the high school and looked for the cutest truck in town. One of the guys still had glitter in his hair. She never had another box get hit. 😂😂😂

    • @JohnH20111
      @JohnH20111 Год назад +18

      the best story i heard about the mailbox is the one where they filled the mailbox with concrete and it was on a steel pipe
      the next time the vandals attempted to smash the mailbox, they got a rude awakening and one of the vandals ended up with a broken arm

    • @janetpaden8878
      @janetpaden8878 Год назад +3


    • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
      @HappilyHomicidalHooligan Год назад +1

      Ahhh Glitter...
      The Love Child of Ebola, Monkey Pox and Bubonic Plague of the Crafting world...
      It's the Demonic "Gift" from HELL that just WILL NOT STOP GIVING...
      It's not allowed on my Property upon Threat of EXTREME Torture - I don't Threaten Death because Death is NOT SADISTIC OR NASTY ENOUGH to inflict on anyone that tries bringing Glitter onto my Property...
      You try to bring Glitter onto my Property and the NICEST thing I will do is skin you alive with a sand blaster loaded with table salt...
      THEN I get Psychotically Sadistic...
      But don't worry, I won't Kill you...
      I won't be NEARLY that nice to you...
      No matter HOW much you beg for Death, the answer is always NO!!!

    • @hvymax
      @hvymax Год назад +7

      I'm a welder and I've been waiting for such an opportunity my whole life!!!

    • @Justin-A-Carter
      @Justin-A-Carter Год назад +4

      A mailbox story for you. I was a very unpopular kid in school and everybody bullied me. And they would always drive by cuz we lived in a rural community and smack her mailbox to death jump back in the car or do a drive-by with a baseball bat and kill the mailbox.
      My cousin was awesome my friend and they would do it to his mailbox too. Well we found out who did it and we decided to get revenge by getting a bunch of fireworks together and stuffing them in a pop bottle, late at night we went to their mailbox quietly opened it put the bottle full of fireworks and lit it and ran across the road and jumped into the ditch. Their mailbox exploded and went twirling right up in the air and we jumped in our off roader truck and drove off.....
      Nobody knew what happened and who did it. But we kept it to ourselves and had a good laugh. We were about 16 years old when this happened

  • @meredithwhidden8712
    @meredithwhidden8712 Год назад +28

    When I was a teenager there was someone vandalising mailboxes on my street. My brother was in shop class and made a mailbox from 1/4 " diamond plate steel. He and my father mounted it on the post and about a month later someone hit our mailbox and took it out. We had mounted it on a wooden post so it was broken, but what else was broken was the window, there was glass all over the street. Sadly the mailbox was missing, we think it ended up in the front seat of the car that hit our mailbox but suddenly mailbox vandalism in our area stopped. We think that it was a local delinquent joy riding in his father's car and suddenly he had to explain to daddy how his windshield got broken

  • @TheRealMrBibbs
    @TheRealMrBibbs Год назад +63

    Ripe can use this story:
    We use to have a crazy neighbor always came over asking to borrow things. This went on for years and finally came to a head after she wanted a ride two States away to pick up her jailhouse boyfriend. After saying no she tried to steal my car after taking my spare key. I sat there laughing as I had a deadman switch. Without stepping on the brake and deadman switch car wouldn't start. She got out threw my key at me and said HA! Your car is broke. I got in started it up and then went to her landlords house who was a good friend. Informed him of her always wanting to borrow stuff and then tried to steal my car. Well couple of months later she was gone. Later learned landlord had kicked her out.

    • @lightsidesoul
      @lightsidesoul Год назад +4

      And you didn't report the attempted GTA because?

    • @TheRealMrBibbs
      @TheRealMrBibbs Год назад +5

      @@lightsidesoul you know I didn't think of it back then.

    • @megandavis3372
      @megandavis3372 Год назад +4


  • @kevinnaranek6649
    @kevinnaranek6649 Год назад +20

    Last Story: Reminds me of an older large bully who rode on my school bus when I was in the first grade six decades plus ago. One day after school while we were waiting for the buses to return for their next load of kids to take home he decided to line up younger kids against a tree and then run up and butt them in the stomach with his head. Finally he tried it on me. I moved aside at the last second and down he went for a while. He never messed with me after that or tried that trick on anyone else. His family must have moved before the next school year started. I never saw him after that year.

  • @joshuaciresoli2927
    @joshuaciresoli2927 Год назад +2

    That first story had me cheering for the family. Good for them!

  • @Sight-Beyond-Sight
    @Sight-Beyond-Sight Год назад +26

    Mailbox story: I watched someone attempt to mow down a mailbox that was perched on a railroad tie. I think 3 feet above ground, 5 feet below. Messed their car up GOOD!! I informed the owners what just happened and it seems like they were happy it did (I never got the full story though).

    • @toysruskid5074
      @toysruskid5074 Год назад +1

      Thanks for the reminder. Now that I have my own pickup I can get a free road tie. Just 1. They won't help you lift more than that and I don't want to destroy my truck.

    • @toysruskid5074
      @toysruskid5074 Год назад +1

      My mailbox is crooked from car damage too....

  • @heididietrich9800
    @heididietrich9800 Год назад +18

    Op, I am so sorry that you had to deal with an ignorant neighbor. I would have welcomed you with open arms. I love people from other cultures. I like learning about them.

  • @ArcaneNim
    @ArcaneNim Год назад +40

    Story 1- When Karen called the son a "little idiot" I wasn't looking at the screen, but thought "she called him an ableist slur, didn't she? *Heavy sigh*" Bigotry is disgusting. Ableism, racism, etc. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

  • @randystegemann9990
    @randystegemann9990 Год назад +46

    I grew up in the 1960's and can tell you that bullying was a real thing then, with the bullies right there in your face. Much of the time now it's just people hiding behind a keyboard. Great stories, Ripe.

    • @atex6175
      @atex6175 Год назад +7

      That was all before antisocial media. 80s/90s kid myself back then we had the option to punch the bully in the teeth

    • @randystegemann9990
      @randystegemann9990 Год назад +3

      @@atex6175 Many people today will cringe at that thought, but that was often the most effective way to deal with it. No smell phone cameras around either to try to get you in trouble at school.

    • @gwanael34
      @gwanael34 Год назад +3

      It's still bullying it's just a different form of it. It can be even worse tbh.
      Now there are still beatings and such it's just that everyone will film it and post it on fb to laugh at you.

    • @atex6175
      @atex6175 Год назад +2

      @@randystegemann9990 that’s why I told my kid idc if they get in a fight at school if they were defending themselves. I the kid deal with the bully and me and the wife would deal with the administration

    • @robinburk9901
      @robinburk9901 Год назад

      I believe they call bullying with a keyboard as being a troll?

  • @ProudAuntieEST2016
    @ProudAuntieEST2016 Год назад +12

    My bully from kindergarten to 5th grade would stand behind me in line and kick the back of my shins. His Aunt and cousins were my neighbors so his family would hear about it not only from my teacher but also his family. The oldest of the cousins was also my babysitter. This was back in the early 2000s. One time in 3rd grade he left his little sister on the bus, and I used it to my advantage. He had gotten off the school bus to go to his friend's house but his little sister who was a 1st grader didn't realize it and started crying. I got the bus driver to let me take her with me since the driver knew my intentions. (I was a teacher's pet even with our bus drivers) My bully was grounded as well as his friend. The friend was well aware of why the bully needed to stay on the bus and deserved the punishment even if he stopped talking to me for a while. (He was a mutual friend and really my protector from other kids.) In 5th grade the bullying stopped because of something the teacher said and I've never forgotten it, even after almost 15 years! The teacher said, "You only hurt her because you like her." My bully apologized years later. He was bullied as well and had a lot of family issues going on that were similar to my own. We actually started to talk a bit after that, and he has changed for the better and became a very wonderful person. He will be 29 soon so I wish him a very happy birthday!

  • @Secondhandlegs
    @Secondhandlegs Год назад +8

    Normalize starting to press charges on Karens

  • @royalibis42
    @royalibis42 Год назад +8

    When I was younger we had a drug abusing 40 year old alcoholic man for a neighbor who threw broken bottles over the fence and threatened to bash me and my sister numerous times (we were little kids at the time) and when we called the police they did nothing because he was friends with the police chief, we ended up moving out of that house because my mum feared for our safety

    • @bergmanoswell879
      @bergmanoswell879 Год назад

      US police have no duty to protect you from anyone. That’s why we have a right to own guns in the USA.

  • @ant-1382
    @ant-1382 Год назад +6

    Thankfully never had to live next to someone like this. However I did have customer who had an unreasonable neighbor. Didn't like anyone parking in front of her house. So when I did she came out and put the lawn sprinkler out to get my truck with open windows wet inside. So when I noticed this, I took the sprinkler and placed it next to her open living room window. This same bag also used to throw stones and sticks over the fence at the back, I would just throw them back ensuring they would land on her lawn where the mower blades could strike them.

  • @garysprandel1817
    @garysprandel1817 Год назад +13

    Last story: the reply story is actually awesome on a couple levels. Yes OP is by far the better person but on another level the bully has to be going nuts trying to figure out what OP's angle is and when and from what direction the sword will eventually drop.

    • @eileenkelleghan680
      @eileenkelleghan680 Год назад +2

      it will get better and better because unless he does a terribly bad job and doesn't adhere to the disciplinary actions or notes, or starts embezzling funds, it will NEVER come. So he will grow more and more paranoid until he quits because self-inflicted stress WILL get him and make the sword come from his own hands.

    • @garysprandel1817
      @garysprandel1817 Год назад

      @@eileenkelleghan680 the old "love thine enemies, it confuses the s**t out of them"

  • @Silverstar98121
    @Silverstar98121 Год назад +1

    Lived next door to a drug dealer. Took us two years to get them evicted. They used/sold meth. About the time I was ready to go to bed, they would start yelling and fighting. And keep me awake. So glad they're gone.

  • @LegendStormcrow
    @LegendStormcrow Год назад +1

    In case anyone's wondering, Ripe used the word "ironically" correctly. It basically means "despite what's expected" not "coincidentally."

  • @martinwalker9386
    @martinwalker9386 Год назад +5

    My family was in a duplex in navy housing some 40 years ago. The husband on the other side threatened to set his dog on our 2 year old boy.
    I told him that the dog was dead if he did and I would file charges through the navy.
    We were both there for maybe 2.5 more years and then I transferred.

  • @hvymax
    @hvymax Год назад +1

    Anyone who accepts the HOA conditions deserve anything that happens to them.

  • @TriXJester
    @TriXJester Год назад +21

    Last Story: I applaud that OP, clearly a better person than I cause I would never of given one of my old harassers that job

    • @sassbrat
      @sassbrat Год назад +4

      Yeah big time the better person for giving their school bully a job. I don;t thing i could do that without making their life hell at the work place. also think about it as the bully didn't even stay for the interview knowing that he wasn't going to get the job but did.

    • @92camarodragcar73
      @92camarodragcar73 Год назад +2

      No he's playing head games

  • @adriannecote5319
    @adriannecote5319 Год назад +1

    We had a renter next door who was universally disliked by everyone living on our court. She was constantly calling code enforcement about something she didn't like. She tried to get the daycare on our court closed down. Reported that the employees were illegal. They were not. She called the state on the same daycare, stating that the daycare didn't meet standards and was unlicensed. Wrong! She reported that bushes and trees were too tall. People were parked illegally...ect.

  • @aaronmurphy9353
    @aaronmurphy9353 Год назад +2

    My Great Uncle on my Mom's side lived out in Jerome's outskirts in Idaho. He was a farmer... and Ripe knows you DON'T mess with a farmer. He got annoyed replacing his mailbox because Teens would drive along at night and hit mailboxes with bats or run them over.
    Great Uncle dig a pit of the side of the road on his property, 15' deep, 15' wide and long... took a 6" diameter metal pipe with 1" thick walls, 20' long and put it in the hole filled with concrete. Pured concrete into the pipe to fill it up. Put a small mailbox into a much larger one and filled the space in the larger with concrete as well. Mounted it to the top of the 5' pole. Anyone who hit it with a bat was guaranteed to have a VERY bad day. Anyone who hit it with their vehicle would be equally unhappy. Trucks would get a concrete box in their radiator and cars would get one in their laps.
    Ripe, if you want to repost this on your RUclips, I'd love to hear it.
    🌟 🤩 ⭐️ 🌠 💫 🌟 🌟⭐️💫🌟⭐️💫🌠

  • @charlenevarada--Stargazer
    @charlenevarada--Stargazer Год назад +6

    What that road grader did with the mailbox is illegal as it's a felonious act. Where are the cops!

  • @erichanastacio9695
    @erichanastacio9695 Год назад +1

    Last story: it's the BEST WAY to let the bully knows you got him spinning on top of your hands.
    He knows who's the boss; he knows who pays his salary; and he knows he'd be in too much trouble if he messed things up. And that's rubbing it in every day he went to work.

  • @Sunriru
    @Sunriru Год назад +4

    first story, that lady is insane

  • @wesleythomas7125
    @wesleythomas7125 Год назад +4

    Mailbox of Doom is always a good story...

  • @Blaque_Dahlya
    @Blaque_Dahlya Год назад

    OPs revenge on the racists Karen was PERFECT!! Buying her place and removing her from OPs sons life is amazing!!

  • @CasperDunning
    @CasperDunning Год назад +6

    Watching a few of the 1A audit videos I learned that you don't own your mailbox, the USPS owns it (meaning it belongs to the Federal government), any destruction/damage to your mailbox can be charged as a federal crime for destroying federal property, meaning heft fines and jailtime. The postmaster could have taken the township and driver to court for destruction of federal property.

  • @bookvee
    @bookvee Год назад +12

    With the puppet shows, I had a moment like this. Sort of. Guy who was well known in the area for being the VERY worst possible human was applying for a temporary position in the group in the electrical crew and was apparently lying on his cv to hide his work history. I invited him to the interveiw because I was on an ethics phase that day and decided to give the jerk a chance, even if it was a tiny one. Also, I REALY needed that electrician.
    This was NOT him, it was his son. He was named after his father and had inherited the house. Noone would hire him because jerk dad. I hired him on the spot. He wasnt terrible, but not the absolute best either. All my interactions with him consisted of buying him lunch occasionally, helping change his name legally and driving him home one night. He still claims I was more of a father figure than his real father.

  • @beccabella
    @beccabella Год назад +2

    Our neighbors allowed their children to run around after midnight throwing rocks at signs and peoples homes. Our car was actually broken into at one point during that time line. My dad ran outside yelling. There was a threat of a gun and cops being called. The cops never showed though. I guess the parents realized that letting their children run around after midnight was a bad idea to begin with? Not long after they thankfully moved. Eventually we cleaned out the weeds in front of our house and discovered there was a hole in our house..

  • @debbiekerr3989
    @debbiekerr3989 Год назад +2

    The mailbox story was hilarious, and amazing revenge!! Perfect revenge on the road grader.

  • @BikerDash
    @BikerDash Год назад

    The last one... HUGE respect for the guy for being the better man when he had EVERY right to tell the former bully to pound sand.
    I just now realized that I had yet to subscribe to this channel. That has been corrected, and I look forward to many more of these great stories!

  • @jerrykinnin7941
    @jerrykinnin7941 Год назад +1

    Got to love 4" well casing pipe. That's what that mail box pipe was it's DOM (Drawn Over Mandrel)
    Which means it starts out as a steel billet
    They hear it to red hot then force it over a die that makes the hole. So it's basically a seamless forged piece of pipe. Makes excellent bumpers for cars and trucks because of this.

  • @ekramer2478
    @ekramer2478 Год назад +8

    Still wants to pet the kitty.

  • @alexius23
    @alexius23 Год назад +6

    To make a very long story short. A friend from from college told me this. His father was a World War 2 military construction engineer (Sea Bee). He frequently served under fire. He was tough, smart & forged in combat
    He was building a country property when local teens trashed his mailbox. This was part of a general pattern of events. The second mail box looked normal but it was reinforced military grade. The kids ruined their truck & ended up being caught Their angry parents cracked down & all damages were repaid.

  • @davidhansen2155
    @davidhansen2155 Год назад +2

    Back before I moved, we used to have this neighbor who would constantly be in our business, and in 2016, my mom and dad had enough and decided to move out of there, the rest of the neighbors were great from what my dad told me, but it was just the one neighbor. 6 years later, we no longer have to deal with any neighbors like that. Also, I was 8 at the time so not everything will be 100% accurate.

  • @ThomasKent1346
    @ThomasKent1346 Год назад +1

    Rural mailbox placement (also applies to city boxes at the curb):
    "Here are some helpful guidelines to follow when placing your mailbox: Position your mailbox 41″ to 45″ from the road surface to the bottom of the mailbox or point of mail entry. Place your mailbox 6″ to 8″ back from the curb. If you do not have a raised curb, contact your local postmaster for guidance."

  • @hvymax
    @hvymax Год назад +2

    Call the police and report the car stolen. The tow company is liable. Sue them and her personally.

    • @KameraShy
      @KameraShy Год назад

      In these stories, I cannot imagine why the OP's don't call police first. Especially for a missing car. Instead they go visit their tormentor.

  • @BIGBLOCK5022006
    @BIGBLOCK5022006 Год назад +2

    Ripe, here in Michigan, the folks that live in the rural areas have to mainly worry about MDOT or the county road commission plow trucks damaging their mail boxes during the winter months because the boxes are close to the roads and some of them will take some stakes for stop signs and bury them in the ground with a section of plywood bolted onto the stakes that face the direction of the plow as a shield to keep the box from getting hit with high speed snow.

  • @murraystewartj
    @murraystewartj Год назад +3

    I loved the mailbox story just because of how the postmaster came into it - the very model of the small town bureaucrat who will defend their molehill of authority to the death. It reminded me of an old stort story about how one such officious agent gets his comeuppance by strictly enforcing the rules - "Pigs is Pigs" by Ellis Parker Butler. Worth a quick read.

  • @merlinathrawes746
    @merlinathrawes746 Год назад +1

    Mailbox story: Something to keep in mind is that even though a homeowner may purchase and install a mailbox and the post it is on, it's technically the property of the post office, i.e., the federal government. And there are some pretty stiff federal fines for deliberately damaging one (i.e., the idiots who like to drive around and smash them with their truck or even with just a baseball bat).
    Just for fun, I once saw a mailbox post made out of a small ship's ANCHOR CHAIN, about 5 or 6 links worth above the ground, no idea how many or how deep below ground.

  • @srephenlucietto5114
    @srephenlucietto5114 Год назад +5

    Yes you came out on top and did the best revenge by giving him the job knowing it would eat at him every day he works and cash the pay check loving it

  • @protoborg
    @protoborg Год назад +1

    My immediate neighbor seems to have several of the nearby neighbors on her side. Now I should mention "her side" is not a good thing as she doesn't like me. She has in the past called the city on me several times; too tall grass, dog crap, etc. The woman had agreed when I moved in to park in a particular spot so I could park in front of my house. From time to time she seems to "forget" that I live here as she doesn't follow the agreement. She is definitely the neighbor from hell. Though, she has been far less hellish in the past few years.

  • @jeannettethorsby7085
    @jeannettethorsby7085 Год назад +4

    I love the op! ❤️ He did something similar to what my husband did with our mailbox many years ago. LMAO 😄 I think op and my husband would have gotten along very well.

  • @lewisjohnson8006
    @lewisjohnson8006 Год назад +2

    When I was in grade school I was bullied by several and wound up being the bully to two others . Unfortunately, I didn't see what I was doing, only what was being done to me. Several years later I became friends with one of them and was informed of my actions, fortunately I given the opportunity to apologize for my actions, to grow and become a better man. If I were able to give advice, I would like to say that I admire op's ability to let the bully work for you, and that you will probably never find another that will be as loyal to you as your reformed bully. But! There's always the chance that they will never be.... let them prove who they are now, they might surprise you.
    Let's hope.

  • @Doug4422
    @Doug4422 Год назад +8

    Comment to last story, I had that problem, until I my father started teaching me self defense martial arts (my father served in the USMC), the first person that crossed me afterward got a proper ass kicking, of course, the principal knew what was going on, and refused to do anything to me, as it was basically revenge for what had happened six months earlier, when the same person put me on my ass for literally nothing. Nobody messed with me again after that.
    Well, the principal knew, because my dad told the guy straight to his face what was going to happen, and it did. 😁😁😁

  • @kerryday
    @kerryday Год назад +6

    It was just pure chance that The Last Story turned out the way it did. It's good evidence that we should always wait before doing something when we're really upset

  • @barbararose88
    @barbararose88 Год назад +2

    The story about the ahole boss reminds me of another saying: "be careful, because the toes you step on when you are on the way up might belong to the asses you might have to kiss on the way down."

  • @johnramirez5996
    @johnramirez5996 Год назад +1

    Me and my friends built a mailbox out of steel plate. Lots of baseball bats later. It was inviting. Looked like a really nice farm barn. We also welded it to a car coil spring. After finishing painting it we put it in ground with 2 bags of concrete. Needless to say. It was only hit 1x after that. When we checked it out next day had chipped paint but still standing. It was never hit again.

  • @mikerowan6237
    @mikerowan6237 Год назад +1

    I have a mailbox story for you.
    I live on a main road where the snow gets plowed every time it is more than an inch deep. When I first installed my mailbox I made sure it was right at the edge of the cement curb so cars would be sure to not hit it. that first big snow came and the plow throwing a plume of snow blasted my box right off the post. I remounted the box setting the wooden pad aa few inches back from the road. It lasted 2 weeks before I found my box halfway across the neighbors yard, rippe3d clean off the post. The next week we had a bit of a thaw. I bought a 5 foot section of 3 inch schedule 80 (very thick walled) plastic pipe and a 3 foot section of 4 inch schedule 40 (standard waste pipe). I mounted a 'toilet flange' to the 4 inch pipe and a sturdy wood shelf on top. I slid the 4 inch pipe over the 3 inch pipe with my box fastened to the wood with extra screws. The box now swivels if it is touched. This is also convenient as I do not have to step out into the street to get my mail, just spin the box around so the door faces the back. The next snow I hear the plow truck grinding up the street and look out to see as it goes by my box does a nice full spin and is not knocked off the post. this box has been replaced with a sturdier box due to some how being smashed from the top. Neighbor teens with a ball bat maybe? It has been 4 years now since the new swivel post and the only time there was any damage from the plow was when the postman didn't have the door tight shut and it fall open and the plow bent the door.

  • @samuelvincent557
    @samuelvincent557 Год назад +2

    It's odd, I was really on OP's side for most of the story there. I was, similarly, bullied constantly as a kid. I graduated high school in 1993, so most of this was in the 80's and very similar to how he described. Teachers didn't really intervene in bullying unless blood was drawn, and it had to be in front of them. I had about five main bullies that made my life a torment. I had managed to stand up to several of then, and found ways to avoid the others. But there were two that, years later, I ran into on the street. And both of them went out of their ways to talk to me and apologize for their actions. Both had, really, messed up home lives. Very abusive, physically, mentally, and emotionally. And they replicated that abuse on others. But these two had gotten out of their situations and gotten help. And I was, genuinely, touched that they recognized me, and remembered what they did and wanted to make amends. We were never friends after that, and I never saw them again, but it made me realize that, "Once a bully, always a bully" isn't true.
    If that applicant had the awareness to apologize and leave, maybe he regretted his behavior and changed. While I don't blame the OP for still being mad and enjoying the situation reversal, I hope he takes the time to see if he is a different person.

  • @Michael_Brock
    @Michael_Brock Год назад +4

    Heared it before, but it's a classic mail box of doom!
    Ripe I think you do your excellent reading on the original mail box of doom story, and perhaps any other similar stories.

  • @FozzyZ28
    @FozzyZ28 Год назад +2

    How to really torment your bully, give them a job at your company........ Perfect! 👌

  • @theherrdark4834
    @theherrdark4834 Год назад +1

    There was this guy who lived in the rural area and got tired of whoever it was smashing his mailbox for mailbox baseball (I'm sure you can call that) which is done from a car as it drives past(20-30MPH). Well the last one got smashed and he had enough so he bought the biggest mailbox available and did a modification since he was a welder and a machinist and had his own business, he built an internal structure out of 1/4" plate steel, he even overbuilt the mount to his post which was very durable as well. One night he was in his home when he heard a big metal twang at the same time a guy screaming my effing arm. The guy went out to check his mailbox and found an aluminum bat with a dent in it a few feet away.
    After this incident, no more mailboxes were getting smashed, outside of accidental occurrences.

  • @grannydyess
    @grannydyess Год назад

    Good that you got revenge on HOA Karen for getting your car illegally towed and bothering your disabled son

  • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
    @HappilyHomicidalHooligan Год назад +1

    My Grandparents were friends with someone that had a similar Mailbox problem, but where they were living, a Mailbox could not Legally be mounted on a steel pipe like OP's Parent's did, nor could you make it out of plate steel (as other Poster's have done). It had to be plastic, sheet metal or wood on a wood post. The way they Legally solved their problem was to place a 14 foot length of 6" dia. steel pipe (with 1/2" thick walls, so 6" Outside Diameter, 5" Inside Diameter x 14' long) buried 8' deep and both the hole and pipe were filled with concrete. There was one of these monsters on either side of the Mailbox's wood post with a 6' gap between post and Mailbox and he painted the visible section in bright, Construction Orange using a reflective paint so it really glowed/lit up when car headlights hit it at night - there was no possible way you could NOT see these things at night unless you were driving without your lights on, were asleep at the wheel or Legally Blind...
    One night everyone was woken up by an Unholy CLANG and when they got to the road (it was out in the Country), there was the side blade of a County Snowplow wrapped around the post, they had to send out a maintenance team to take the side blade off the truck before it could be driven again and because of the damage to the mounting frame, it had to be cut off with an Oxy-Acetalyne cutting torch...Like OP's Parent's the County tried to Sue them for the many 10's of thousands of dollars in damage to the plow truck but they got Royally Screwed when their Lawyer asked the County just why was their truck plowing 8 feet off the edge of the road? Judge ruled against the County and the County Insurance refused to cover the Claim...
    Plow Truck Driver was Charged in Federal Court for Malicious Destruction of Mailboxes (he nailed 20-30 before getting to the Post Protected one) from that night as well as the MANY dozens of ones he'd destroyed in previous snow storms, this happened in Rural Northern Ontario in the mid 80's so I have no clue what Penalties he suffered as I was still a kid at the time...

  • @Radix.Strategy
    @Radix.Strategy Год назад +1

    Major respect - last story. The empath actually wins this round. wow

  • @joebufford2972
    @joebufford2972 Год назад +3

    Opie is the stronger and smarter person and hopefully the bully sounds like he's made amends with his past

  • @joetisdale30
    @joetisdale30 Год назад +1

    I live next door this old lady who did not like kids and she had a mean dog that she would threaten to let out and attack us. Her backyard was fenced in where she would let the dog out. My dad was an Army dog trainer he told me to feed the dog every chance I could so I did through the fence. One day after school she went through with her threat and let the dog out on us in the front yard but instead of the dog attacking us he come up to me wagging his tail and wanting to play. She was so mad.

  • @markedwards3647
    @markedwards3647 Год назад +1

    Years ago I had a next door neighbor who, for some reason, disliked my 4 foot chainlink fence on the boundary of my property. We also have a 6 ft wall separating our back yards- wall is on my property. So he decided to construct a 6 ft gate of 4X4s next to the wall and next to the fence, opening against the fence. Nothing wrong with that, except he slammed several hundred pounds of gate open several times a day against my fence. I notified my neighbor, and he gave me the finger, so I started hunting (stalking) him. Of course, his actions eventually broke the fenceposts. I was in process of arranging to replace the posts with 8 foot sections of railroad steel, when he did me a favor: He cut corners in his job, which had rather unforgiving, but easily avoidable risks. After his death, his estate sold the house, and my new neighbor is congenial. I cancelled the plan to put in a fence of railroad steel. While I was researching fencing contractors, a microburst tore a tree out of the ground and crushed about 20 feet of my previously undamaged fence. So I replaced all of my fencing with standard 4 ft fencing. Thanks, Jerad. By dying, you saved me a lot of money, and the risks inherent in revenge.

  • @randywarren7101
    @randywarren7101 Год назад +1

    That Karen can be charged with GTA for illegally towing the car! Also discrimination against the disabled is against the ADA violating federal law!

  • @marcthompson2027
    @marcthompson2027 Год назад +2

    I 100% agree about the mailbox stories. Always make me laugh.

  • @TrimutiusToo
    @TrimutiusToo Год назад +2

    I didn't have a bad neighbor but my sister does... She had property line staked out to build a fence, but that neighbor doesn't agree with surveyors (who are by te way doing everything according to government records and law) and neighbor just took out the stakes the very next day after they got put in... So next time when my sister got it restaked she had to also put temporary fence right away (luckily my sister has easy access to those as she and her husband are running a construction company, but still kinda crazy they had to do it)

  • @cindyeisenberg8367
    @cindyeisenberg8367 Год назад +1

    When I lived in the rental, there were criminals and Karens. The worst thing was seeing Karens in action. Me, having issues have given a couple of them problems. One was an ex friend who was prejudiced against us with mental disorders. Chalk comes off. People are still very racist and believes in mental disorder stigmas. I’m glad you got the Karen out of the neighborhood. I did live with a neighbor that had 2 dogs and was wealthy. She became a Karen when I was upset over her 2 poodles barking. They bothered me immensely and nobody would have me. Then she became mean. I had to go to another apartment. Even though I lived there for 9 years and she only lived there for 2 months. Eventually a Ken moved in and got the Karen with the dogs out. People listened to men more than women, apparently. It didn’t help that I had a severe depressive episode. I also dealt with 2 parking Karens. But, my mom being a paralegal shut them down. I had many Karens for bosses. That was the worst time in my life. Then, got a severe depression. They had me feeling suicidal. I have also had wonderful bosses. Then, I had a Ken for a boss. But, when he got used to me and my idiosyncrasies, he was nice. I have a severe mental situation and can’t work, anymore. I have been bullied my whole life. Having a mental disorder, it has caused me a lot of problems. I suffer from a severe emotional/mental disorder that has gotten so bad, that I cannot make proper decisions. I just get very paranoid. My loved ones are keeping me from getting into problems.

  • @tammyderusha6354
    @tammyderusha6354 Год назад +5

    Been dealing with a whole neighbor for 44 years and yes he still lives there

  • @kevinkocher9347
    @kevinkocher9347 Год назад +1

    I am surprised that in front of the police she got away with using slurs without a fine

    • @paul16451
      @paul16451 Год назад

      Don't know about other countries but in the US you can't be punished for speech like this unless it is an actual threat (direct or implied). The mere use of racial slurs that say, "These people shouldn't be allowed to walk around" is an opinion, not a threat. If she had said something to them like, "you just wait, you'll be sorry", or even "I think all people like her should be shot/killed", then yes she could be arrested.

    • @kevinkocher9347
      @kevinkocher9347 Год назад

      @@paul16451 then how are cops issuing fines then

    • @paul16451
      @paul16451 Год назад

      @@kevinkocher9347 not sure what you mean. Cops don't issue fines for speech. They can't. They either do nothing due to free speech or they arrest you for threatening someone. There is no in between.

  • @jemcraftscreations
    @jemcraftscreations Год назад +2

    🌟⭐🌟⭐🤩 Thanks Ripe! Loved the stories!⭐🌟⭐And seeing Disney. LOL😸🥰

  • @laurabenevelli6783
    @laurabenevelli6783 Год назад +3

    Last story: OP is an awesome person. It would have been SO much easier for him to send HR his first message telling the childhood bully to F off but he was unquestionably the bigger and better man for hiring him. Yes, he can fire him for the slightest infraction. He could have done that anytime within the first 6 months but he didn’t. He proved he is an incredible person even though he went through hell growing up.

  • @michaeltelson9798
    @michaeltelson9798 Год назад +1

    I wonder if the first Karen lost a friend of the tow company owner over the fine for “doing a favor”.
    I am thinking that licensing authorities may take a dim view of dealing with him in the future as well as authorizing his licenses.

  • @black-wizard-zeref
    @black-wizard-zeref Год назад +6

    Story 1; loved it kinda would go a brutal path of annoying her and making her life hell since I wouldn't be able just go buy someone's house like OP did lol 😆 🙃 but moment u show ur new landowners was fun

  • @Tammohawk1
    @Tammohawk1 Год назад +4

    In Calif. when you sell your rental property you have to give your tenant 60 days notice of sale. Once you buy the property, you can evict that person. What you choose to do with the home does not effect the current tenancy. Good for OP and her husband.
    I remember as a kid when my mom moved us out to the middle of nowhere. The mail wasn't delivered to your home. We had to go into the small "town" and get our mail from the post office. I put town in parenthesis because there was a small general store, the post office and then the school. A few miles further was the church. There are homes there, but that's it.
    I was bullied back in middle school. I'd give one of them a job. Why? Because I went on to live a happy life and most of them haven't. I don't feel a need to lord it over them either. Karma gets you every time.

  • @haleymathers2707
    @haleymathers2707 Год назад +2

    My neighbor from hell literally killed my dog because she would sometimes walk through his yard. Didn’t destroy anything just passed through. (Dirt road no one has fences or ties up their dogs) this is the same neighbor who has stolen from us multiple times even stealing our vehicles and stealing a previous dog I had. Karma came and his house burned down a year or so later after he killed her and now he lives in a rotten looking camper.

  • @kitkatmccabe
    @kitkatmccabe Год назад +1

    I had neighbours who would keep their curtains shut, never open windows and always wore black. They spoke to no one in the village no one even visited they never made a noise no telly radio heard. Till one day my family and I started hearing weird noises that sounded like small pops or something banging on the walls next to my mums room. Then one day my sister came to tell us that there was someone with a gun outside we thought she was making it up because we live in Scotland where guns are band. I checked it was a police officer it turns out the neighbours son had some how bought guns and was shooting them into boxes that he had lined up on the wall that was next to my mums room. Somehow none of the bullets came through the wall killing my mum or younger siblings.

  • @paulready8897
    @paulready8897 Год назад +1

    Loved the revenge in the first story. I feel bad for what the family had to go through, but the way they handled the issue was priceless. Bet that Karen is even more racist now.

  • @vincentender1486
    @vincentender1486 Год назад +3

    My cat uses washing her face to get attention, she will reach out with her paw then pretend nothing happened while cleaning herself. Disney is a very clean white puff ball.

  • @minemoore697
    @minemoore697 Год назад

    I have always believed the best revenge is no revenge. People are always waiting on thin ice waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  • @Essence2004
    @Essence2004 Год назад +5

    And also because I'm mildly autistic with ADHD and a dash of tourettes, I've been told by Karens that I should be in a mental ward. Like ??????

    • @WolfgangDoW
      @WolfgangDoW Год назад

      Karens need mental wards more tbh lol

    • @claytonpeterson468
      @claytonpeterson468 Год назад

      Jerks like Karen's are part of the reason the Brownshirts got away with stuff in Nazi Germany.

  • @robinrobinson4457
    @robinrobinson4457 Год назад +5

    Another awesome video brother stay strong and God bless

    • @Essence2004
      @Essence2004 Год назад

      Instead of worrying about weather someone is part of the LGBTQ community? Definitely.

    • @RipeStories
      @RipeStories  Год назад

      You too man, god bless!

  • @hvymax
    @hvymax Год назад +3

    Even if they sell the house at a loss it's worth it. Especially if they find another "Minority" to sell to.

  • @fatherandson1001
    @fatherandson1001 Год назад +3

    i enjoy watching these

  • @Wolfie713
    @Wolfie713 Год назад +1

    Mailbox revenge: Why would the city/township be covering the cost of a vehicle that a postal delivery worker is using when the postal worker and vehicle are part of the federal government?

  • @kaelanirevyruun1676
    @kaelanirevyruun1676 Год назад

    Lol for the final story, I'd most likely drop in beside the former bully one day while he's working and have a quiet chat with him, and at the end of the chat, I'd say something along the lines of "I've got my revenge on you now; I became more successful than you, and I won't rub it in beyond my parking space and the name on your pay checks. Furthermore, if you do well here on your merits, I can guarantee that you will go far; I'm amenable to leaving our past in our shared dust." And then offer my hand for him to shake it, and then walk away afterwards hoping that he can follow my example and make himself a better person than his high school self.

  • @saxmusicmail
    @saxmusicmail Год назад +1

    Pipe for mailbox post... sounds like a piece of oilfield casing.

  • @bearprower
    @bearprower Год назад +2

    First story other than being temporary in some areas 'graffiti' can be considered vandalism though it doesn't actually destroy the property not that I've ever heard of any place enforcing it over chalk art most you could say is OPs son was blocking the sidewalk,
    Story two local government versus federal government at least in the US while you install a mailbox especially in rural areas its consider property of the postal service

  • @thesaltyspacecowboy8531
    @thesaltyspacecowboy8531 Год назад +5

    4 inch pipe with 3/4 inch walls is Fraking pipe, Used to Case Gas Wells. It is designed to hold 60 thousand plus pounds of pressure per square inch, very heavy Pipe

    • @jimbojimbo8
      @jimbojimbo8 Год назад +1

      Thanks that makes me laugh even harder

  • @Kiddly3000
    @Kiddly3000 Год назад +1

    the people living next to me took 6 feet of the yard i rent when I let them know that it was my yard the guy from over there chose to pee on my tree and show his male body parts then laughed about it then him and his teen son throw paint on the house and put trashed all over my yard, they still live next to me but they seem to have stopped their behavior for now

  • @Arkryal
    @Arkryal Год назад +2

    Those mailboxes will get you in a lot of trouble. They're supposed to break away so it doesn't kill anyone if a car runs off the road. That's why street signs have such flimsy posts. If it's within 20 feet of the road, it's supposed to be an impermanent structure. That's why newer telephone poles etc are set so far back, and why many municipalities have ordinances preventing tree planting that close to any street without a curb. People have actually been convicted of 3rd-degree manslaughter for reinforced mailboxes.
    But there are other means of dealing with these issues.
    Personally, my mailbox is a 4x4 post, sawn off at ground level and attached with a wooden dowel. If someone hits it, the dowel break, and the mailbox goes flying, but nobody is hurt, and I just change out the dowl and set the mailbox post back on its foundation, like snapping together oversized lego bricks, lol.
    A guy a few miles down from me has his mailbox mounted on a steel spring (from the suspension of some piece of farm equipment, I believe) If you run over it, it just pops right back up. It would still damage a car badly, but not stop a car so quickly as to eject anyone. It would just tear up the underside.
    Another neighbor has his box on a long arm, with the post back about 10' from the road. If you hit that at 60mph, it'll just swing around and bust out the back window of your car, lol. But you'd have to be trying to hit it.
    My favorite however was some dude on the internet. He used thin aluminum piping as the post, capped at both ends. He then used a vacuum pump to suck out the air and filled it with about 30 cans of pressurized expanding foam insulation. I don't know the legality of that, but I do know I'll never forget the pictures of the snow plow that hit it. It was like that scene from "Demolition Man", but with the foam on the outside of the vehicle.
    However, plows, graders, and sweepers are the biggest issues with mailboxes and it's not typically intentional. You can get some bamboo gardening stakes and reflective tape, and just put them every 10 feet along the side of the road. If they hit those, they'll usually notice and move over before they get to the mailbox. Or, considering most snow plows will run early in the morning before the rush-hour commute begins, visibility can be an issue. But a solar battery bank and some LED lighting will only set you back about $30, and can increase the visibility of the mailbox. Use it to light up the house number and your pizzas will usually get to you faster too.
    And most plows these days have proximity sensors to alert them to obstacles along the side of the road. the same way newer cars beep if you get too close to something while backing up. If your town contracts out plowing, make that a requirement in the contract. They have to have the proper safety equipment installed if their bid is to be considered. And if the city has its own fleet, it's worth bringing to their attention. It's not that expensive to buy and install such a sensor. I'm sure the majority of taxpayers would gladly pay a few pennies to prevent plows from hitting their mailboxes, cars, fire hydrants, trees, trash cans, etc. I'm all for some good 'ol Redneck engineering, but actual engineers have actually solved a lot of these problems.

  • @gabrielledormuth4634
    @gabrielledormuth4634 Год назад +2

    I had this one neighbor who everyone else told me to avoid cause he's an a-hole but believe it or not I got along better with him than the other neighbors

  • @kswck
    @kswck Год назад

    And the main problem is that people are Not inherently Racist-it is a Taught behavior.

  • @meganveal4677
    @meganveal4677 Год назад +1

    My dad lost many mail boxes when we lived across from the baseball field. No, it wasn't a baseball bat. It was a red truck. The guy would knock over our mail every time backed up to leave the baseball field. My dad tried to have a nice calm talk, but the guy was rude. He said he wasn't responsibly and to go fu yourself. My dad decided he would have his revenge. So he got a 6 foot poll. He also bought some cement. He set to the right height. He filled the hole with cement. After the cement was set. He did one more thing to make it idiot proof. He filled the poll with cement. The next few days, nothing happened, but when the weekend came, my dad got the red truck drive. We all heard a bang, then curse words I was to younge to hear. My dad smiled and walked outside. The man was passed and called the cops. When the cops arrived, my dad explained everything. The cops laughed and told the red truck driver he was responsible for the damage to his damage to the truck. Then they told my dad he had to take it down and put a wood poll. My dad said a simple okay my dad is an engineer. He got the wood poll and cement. Then he drilled a wood from top to bottom. He filled it with cement and put it on the ground. He filled the hole with cement. Stopping it 6 inches from the top of the hole. He filled rest with dirt. He picked up a cool mail. They came to my dad and told him he did a good job at putting up the new mailbox. Then they turned to the truck drive and said the mailbox and the poll were legal. Now he was in trouble. The guy had to pay for the damage he caused. After all was said and done, our mailbox never got hit again.

  • @Nick-zd5ci
    @Nick-zd5ci Год назад +1

    I wouldn't say that the mailbox post wrecked two cars and a truck. I would rather say that the mailbox post prevented three reckless drivers from harming any other citizens

  • @ChakatNightspark
    @ChakatNightspark Год назад +4

    I Have a Mail box that is attached to a pretty thick piece of beam. Think Commercial Grade I beam. Was Here before I moved in, well I planned on moving my Mailbox at one point after I moved in, as I was going to widen my Driveway abit more. Started Digging at 4 feet and it not moving a inch at all. Had a friend with excavator come in and he started to dig it up, At 10 FEET down, the furthest he could reach with the excavator reach. it would still not budge even a inch even pushing at it with the Excavator. Well, we protected the area for the Night, next day me and friend started to work at it again. That afternoon a Neighbor that was on vacation came back and saw what we were doing and ended up coming over. nice Neighbor in his 70s. Lived next door for 50ish years. Well he explained to me and my friend that unless planned on cutting or torching it, we wouldnt reach the bottom for awhile. the Ibeam was a 30 foot steel I beam. we could have about another 16 feet to go to reach the bottom. It was driven into the ground by heavy machinery and Machinery Ram. The Neighbor actually had the same thing done for his Mailbox, but also decorated his with bricks to make it look nicer then just the Bare metal showing. Both of the I beams were installed back in the Mid 80s. He never Mentioned Why they were installed or why so long. So just had the hole filled back in. I Do have it Decorated now. I made it as part of the start of my Driveway Entrance wall.

    • @Roadburner4
      @Roadburner4 2 месяца назад

      Holy shit that thing it’s going NOWHERE!!

  • @DreAmeoba1
    @DreAmeoba1 Год назад

    I love stories like the last one…⭐️💫⭐️💫⭐️

  • @joewoodchuck3824
    @joewoodchuck3824 Год назад +1

    All HOAs should be abolished. The officers are usually detached from reality (like politicians are) and do more harm than good. It doesn't help matters any that there appears to be zero government oversight of them.

  • @Essence2004
    @Essence2004 Год назад +2

    Yeah first. First story is a lil relatable

  • @whatwhat9519
    @whatwhat9519 Год назад +2

    Could have a town ritual of driving junk cars into the mailbox

    • @kirktennyson612
      @kirktennyson612 Год назад +1

      I love how people forget that messing with mail box''s in the US at least is federal crime with a very hefty fine and possibly prison time possible

    • @whatwhat9519
      @whatwhat9519 Год назад

      Nothing better then a felony for breakfast

  • @BodhiCalypso
    @BodhiCalypso Год назад +1

    There is a maxim in the American corporate culture reminding people to be decent to each other:
    “The ass you kick today might me the ass you kiss tomorrow.”
    Proof of karma.

  • @xalvador2823
    @xalvador2823 Год назад +3

    I was called every word for gay growing up and alot of other things but when I tried to tell a teacher every one lied and said I was the problem even though I tried to keep to myself and even if any of the teachers believed me there advice was to ignore it they will stop I still tried to be nice to them but I eventually just had to do as the teachers said and just ignore it but they kept going I had to ignore alot of idiots that just wanted to troll me at every school I went to

    • @Essence2004
      @Essence2004 Год назад

      Honestly same. And much, much worse as well.

  • @kitemaywilder1792
    @kitemaywilder1792 Год назад

    i live in an apartment and got neighbors who fight over dumb stuff like pudding cups, out in the lobby/porch, both of which are riiight next to my department, but of course i'm in the wrong for "eavesdropping" on them. as if i can avoid hearing them >.>

  • @Beefyshield
    @Beefyshield Год назад +1

    I used to live next to a Karen who tried to kill my dog (several times) because he barked during the day. My revenge was on move day I played a yt video of dogs barking on my stereo system at max volume. My cop buddy showed up and laughed with me.

  • @garyhynes8098
    @garyhynes8098 Год назад +1

    I put in a new sod lawn , which you have to water for 3 weeks to take root before you cut it well karen next door thought it was too long , she took my lawn mower and attempted to cut my lawn (to soon) she did 1 1/2 strips scalping the new sod then just left my lawn mower in the middle of the lawn , she didn't check the oil n seized my lawn mower I took her to court she had to pay $2500 for the sod repair n $800 for a new toro lawn mower