I'm not Catholic, but I don't see the idolatry in the way Catholics treat art and relics. The paintings, statues, architecture serve the same purpose as the series does. People a 1000 years ago didn't have video to personalize the stories and the people like we do. These representations help bring to life the stories and concepts. There should be things that are sacred. If nothing is sacred, nothing is profane.
That's what I like to think about the art - however, some devotees make it different when they're literally bowing down to it or crying when touching it. That's just me though in a Catholic-filled Asian country
@@Murk.mp4 its important to look at what the church teaches and what the saints have to say about it before assuming every one is a well catechized catholic - there are many things catholics do that aren't catholic (usually they aren't well catechized)
I, as a Catholic, am so grateful for this interaction between two denominations. The time has come that we understand how we all practice our faith no matter what it may be. Thank you Dallas and Jonathan for showing how it's done💕
@lydiareid3689: I am a cradle Catholic and attended Catholic schools from k-University. Just a heads up, Cathollism is not a demination. We are a direct line to Jesus. A denomination is a branch, we are the trunk itself.
As a practicing Catholic, the reverence I feel for places is NOTHING compared to my love for Christ. But I get a very special feeling when I see what faith has created in sites such as St. Peter’s Bacilica.
Icons, places, relics-they all point toward the glory of God. Shunning them would be like shunning the ocean or the sky, as these are also a reflection of the glory.
You my friend need to repent mary is not seated on the right hand of power and given all Authority only one way jesus if your praying to anyone els thats idolatry and your prayers aren’t reaching no higher than the roof
I dunno about you guys but I feel something amazing happening in the world at the moment, even among the heavy burden of evil all around. People from all faiths are finding Christ. They are uniting across cultural and faith barriers. Praise be to Jesus.
Knowing Jonathan's heart for all of this, I give him a solid 10 out of 10. He has not missed a beat in any episode. Not over-done, not aloof, just ... right.
He's missed EVERY single beat. They will all be judged for this show. Not one of them actually believe in the true Jesus. This show is tied mostly to Mormons, as well as occultists, LGBTQ, Jesuits, etc. Watch the 5 hr long video that exposes it. It's not opinion, it's from THEIR own mouths.
As a devout Catholic, I'm totally OK with Johnathan speaking up for the Catholic Church anytime! 😊 that was a very simple, beautiful, humble explanation.
@TheSongOfNoOne Of course we are saved by God's grace alone, Catholics and Orthodox also believe this to be true but we have to understand the entirety of the teachings of the Church and scripture. James writes in his epistle, "just as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead." so it is clear that faith, if alone, is not sufficient. For even the demons believe and they tremble, so a true and saving faith is perfected or made complete through our works. Yes Abraham believed but did his belief alone save him? No it was his faith being fleshed out in his works that saved him. Noah believed but did his belief suspend him over the tides until they subsided? No his building of the ark was the actualization and completion of his faith. How can we say that we have faith and not be faithful? So I am basically paraphrasing James' epistle here but I think it is clear that faith alone does not save, nor is it taught in scripture. However God's grace alone is the only thing that can save us, our own works are for naught if we are not found in God's grace. So how do we enter into God's grace? By faith. What does that faith look like, is it merely belief? No it is a living faith that is perfected in our works. Now go and research Church history and see what the Church taught for the first 1500 years of its life.
This is a great and respectful exchange between a catholic and an evangelical on their differences in worship and how they view holy places. Thank you for giving us this conversation.
The sorrows [pain and suffering] of those who have chosen another god will be multiplied [because of their idolatry]; I will not pour out their drink offerings of blood, Nor will I take their names upon my lips.
@@SM-wv7iu well , maybe its time for enlightenment and education? I see obviously his heart is in the right place and what hes attempting to do is noble however there's an issue with being deceived and deceiving others unknowingly. Catholics Do Not know Jesus, nor do most of the Jews. Then there's those who follow the Talmud, Who HATE Christ! Yes serious ERROR. Speak the Truth if you see it and understand. I do this not out of condemnation, but from a place of Love and Concern for those out there who are supposed to be one body in Darkness and blindness following another god. They're salvation is in question. There is ONLY ONE who stands at the door! Thankyou for responding!
My husband is from Italy , he converted me to the catholic. My first time in the Vatican, I didn’t realized that was the main headquarters and center of the church and home for the pope. I went to my first confession there at Saint Peter while I was still in RCIA, I didn’t know then. After my visit there, I started to learn how to pray the Rosary, Chaplet and my love for the faith grew. I am so in-love with the Catholic. I didn’t know how much Jesus suffered for us and how much our Mother Mary love us so much. I realized I don’t deserve all of these gifts that I found in the catholic faith because I am a sinner 😢but I thank you Jesus and Mama Mary for giving me so much and have me as part of the Catholic family. ❤
I took my wife and 19 year old son to Rome in 2007. When we walked into St. Peter's I was overwhelmed at the size, the history and especially the art. There was a mass that was going to held (in Latin) and my wife and son elected not to attend. I went though. Listening to the mass in Latin moved me literally to tears. I wept. And any time I would open my eyes all I could see was Bernini's stained glass window of the Dove of the Holy Spirit. It's a moment that I'll never forget. Btw, I started watching The Chosen this week and every episode there are moments where I cry. Such a beautiful series.
Me too I went to St Peters in 2008 but I didn't realise it's significance. Im Sikh and a person in our group organised it, I thought it was beautiful inside and I sat and listened to the prayer. I'm watching the chosen now , and I only realised now where I had visited and it's significance I feel like I was meant to have visited it. I love God, and Jesus they are loving. I have always wondered about Jesus even though I'm from a different faith, and I love the positive teachings of my faith too, and I always felt Jesus was peaceful and loving. I also respect that many popes are buried there. God bless 🙏
It doesn't bother you that your church butchered, stole an killed to build this monstrosity?? That Jesus never worshipped in such a thing. Read the scriptures. Convert to Orthodoxy!
Thank you two wonderful godly men for so respectfully and opening sharing your different approaches/beliefs as brothers. It’s beautiful to see an evangelical and a Catholic so aware of their differences yet so united in Christ and bonded in love. As an evangelical, I have truly appreciated learning more about Catholic beliefs through dearly respected brother Jonathan. I agree with you Dallas, we’ve gone too far the other way. Thank you for doing this video. Bringing the two together is beautiful. Love you guys!
As a Catholic who watches and follows evangelical and to an extent baptist services and sermons, the thing I take the most out of the diversity of experiencing both denominations is a truly enlightening connection with God. Evangelicals focus a lot about helping each other and the messages focus on pulling scriptures that can relate to our circumstantial lives and draw us nearer to God. Much of the Catholic church is based on the Gospels and the history of the church and Jesus's timeline. It is very structured. It also seems at times like God gave the catholic church instructions about how things should appear or be done, to the degree He gave Noah specific instructions with building the ark. It's all very detail oriented and specific across the congregations.
Religion is a scam! Denominations have severed the body into peices and made the church weaker! Jesus is the way the truth and the life none will make it except thru him!
I was born into a fundamental, legalistic protestant home. It was soul crushing. I converted to Catholicism 25 years ago and never looked back. Now I experience total freedom. Every holy relic, ever statue, every painting now enhances the worship experience for me.
@@elisazanelli2004 Respectfully, I don't think you know a whole lot about the Pharisees. Christ stated "“The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses' seat, so do and observe whatever they tell you, but not the works they do". And what were their actions, Christ held them accountable to? They're adding to His Word with their own tradition, their own interpretations. And this is the very thing Biblical Christians like myself are holding the Chosen and many of their viewers accountable for. Again, respectfully, if you knew the Word of God, you would not be venerating trespassing of God's Commandments. You wouldn't yoke yourself to these unbelievers and heretics, who have routinely lied, mislead, and disrespected Christ, the Holy Spirit, and their viewers.
@@YaakovBuchner The Catholic Church was the first and is the only true Christian church. They wrote the Bible and was the only Christian church for 800 years. Simple history could even tell an atheist if they had to choose between any Christian denomination, they would choose Catholicism.
Lol - I’m Catholic and my bestie is a Protestant - we never argue anything but just share a passion and love of Jesus and The Chosen. Great interview! All love there ❤️🕊🙏🏼
LauraMarie Taylor I no longer call my self catholic I am a a Christian since I became born again , as a Catholics I knew about Jesus but don’t know him personally , now I know him, now I know he hears all my prayers and I can say I know he is right beside me now.. The Catholic Church made a lot of money from the poor people and the rich that salvation is from the Catholic Church that’s a lie! They deceived the people saying their love ones are in Purgatory And they must pay to get them out to go to heaven , many rich people left all there riches to the church many left the church In their will. Jonathan does not know he is clueless but the Holy Spirit will open his eyes . It was Martin Luther who after trying to reach God he was always confessing his sins because he was afraid of going to hell then one day he came across Romans 1:16 it is by faith we are save ! He got angry and all the people who were being deceived believing they must Earn their salvation by doing good works to gain indulgences that does not exists i the Bible , Eph 2:8-9 it is by grace the cross and faith we are saved not of works so no one can boast , it’s a gift from God. I’m so glad I could not understand indulgences. Martin Luther nailed his 95 thesis to the church door and the Bible Gods word was set free , . Only the Catholic Church had the Bible and it was In Latin so very few people read it , but God use Martin Luther In a profound way. Martin Luther wrote books against the Jews saying God did not love the Jews his people , so when the printing press went mad the Bible was printed In several languages and people read for the first time How much God loves his people.and saw Martin Luther lied. Gods word was set free this was the work of God.. Martin Luther wrote books that Hitler used to persecute the Jews. And it was the Catholic Church that cause the persecution against the Jews around the world. The early church father did that to . When I read the bible for the first time , my first thoughts , lord! what book did the Catholic Church teach from because the Bible and the teaching of the Catholic Church are miles apart , it came to me they have a catechism that’s different from the Bible, that why they all pray to Mary that is idolatry against God , it’s difficult to get Catholics to read the Bible they believe taking communion they are eating his flesh of Jesus but they failed to know he said we are to do this till he returns The Bible is the living word of God, by reading the Bible God increases your faith if you really want to know Jesus it’s not head knowledge it’s heart knowledge that when you understand you must love God with all our heart all our mind and with all your soul and with all your strength.only then you can love your unlovely neighbour because it Gods love in you by his Holy Spirit The Catholic Church and some other religion believes God have forgotten his people the Jews if that’s so why is it, the Jewish feast day we will be celebrating when Jesus returns? , the feast of the tabernacle? It not a catholic feast day I can see Dallas searching for words to say to Jonathan . I still attend mass and I pray for people to experience the Holy Spirit and tell them to read the Bible . The Bible changes lives it did mine and the Holy Spirit led me to Church of England, to experience his love it there is became Born Again and he radicalise my life. God has a sense of humour ! and I attend Church of England I get the word of God, that’s food for my soul when I go there. God is great!
@@amoyjoyce1117 you are ill informed, you better watch those brilliant protestant theologian who are now in the Catholic church like Steve Ray, Dr Scott Hahn, Dr David Anders, and all those people who appeared at Journey Home program with Marcus Grodi.
@@amoyjoyce1117 Je suis évangélique mais j'en ai tellement marre des donneurs de leçons comme vous!!! Aimez-vous les uns les autres et laissez les gens en paix. Shalom
@@amoyjoyce1117 I can honestly say that you must have been deprived of intelligent faith leadership while you were in the Catholic Church. I am Catholic though I have attended many Protestant Christian Churches. I have never found anything that would be called born again. I have found the term born again is very loose in the Protestant Churches. Because in scripture being born again happens at baptism what you experienced is what we as Catholics call confirmation where one receives The Holy Spirit and we confirm our faith in Jesus. We receive the Holy Spirit and through actual conversion and purification we become born again. The born again does not magically go to heaven. You must turn fully from sin and convert which means turn fully away from all evil. I am born again through my baptism and I received the Holy Spirit at confirmation. Since then all aspects of my life changed, my strong faith lead me to pray to God to give my sister another chance to convert and bring her back to life. She died during brain surgery and was declared dead by the doctors and as she was being transferred to the hospital morgue she came back to life and it was the Lord Jesus who gave her a second chance at life. Do you continue to sin? Has calling yourself Born Again stoped you from committing sins. Remember death is the punishment for sin. Are you born again, truly born again, remember the baptism of Fire is to die martyr. Truly born again people suffer more on account of the name of Jesus. Stop with your lies saying that Catholics are not Born again.we are and our magisterium teaches that we are Born again. Church should never change it should remain faithful to the instruction handed down throughout the centuries. Jesus said preach to the sinners and make converts, where in scripture does it say slice up Christ Jesus upon the cross and part your ways creating many churches.
Art was a medium of catechesis for the common illiterate people in olden times. It is also a medium of expression. People who experience Christ want to express themselves. They can never be silent. Thus, those talented with language write books, others write songs, others make films, create sculptures, etc. We who enjoy the works of their hands are led to catechesis. Just like the Chosen gives us a catechesis, a deeper understanding into Jesus' life and the others surrounding him, the works of art, sculptures, paintings, etc. did the same. I can say that people like Michaelangelo were the Dallases of their times. Dallas now is actually paining portraits of say, Peter, his wife, Mary the Mother of God, Mary Magdalene etc. in our minds.
This gave me a better understanding of art from the eyes of the illerarate and a challenge to keep our eyes on the Savior as we enjoy the beauty of these amazing artists. I can't look into the heart of men to see if it becomes idolitry but God can and does even today. As the contemporary song says. "clear the stage set the sound and sights a blaze if that's the measure you must take to crush the idols"
This was a very healing video for me. I am a Catholic and a convert so I have been on “both sides of the fence” as it were. The love, respect and sincere friendship exhibited and honest.exploration of both men of each other’s views again makes me love God and my Faith more and is giving me the tools to talk about it.
I am Lutheran and was raised in the church. As such, we were taught that the Catholic church is wrong. As I age and my faith grows, I am seeing more that we worship the same God. We are seeking basically the same things and anyone who seeks Jesus as the Christ and sole source and arbitor of our salvation. These people are my brother or sister and we will all be seated at the same table in heaven. Glory to God.
I have cried so many times watching The Chosen (tears of joy, sometimes, and of sadness, in others)...and thank my heavenly father, first and foremost for this beautifully done production, and then all the people who made this possible. Thank you guys for launching this amazing project. Has been a life-changing one for me.
Answering the question, why Peter's bones are considered holy, the answer lies in an understanding of varying degrees of holiness. I think for Protestants there are only two degrees of holiness. Something is "holy" or "not holy", no more no less. But for Catholics and Orthodox, there is a whole range of "Holiness". God is the Most Holy... HOLY HOLY HOLY. Mary and the saints share in the holiness, in as much as they lived their lives based on His Word, and in constant "communion" with God. They are not holy by themselves, but the holiness of God radiates in them. In venerating their lives and memories, we are only venerating the holiness of God revealed through them. Again, God is the subject of "worship", "adoration". Mary and the Saints are never "worshipped". They are "venerated" in as much as their "memories are respected", their examples are followed, because their lives inspire us to lead better Christian lives. The lives of the Saints remind us that Christian perfection is not impossible. If they can do it, so can we.... Back to the bones... well, they are considered sacred... but to what degree? Are they as Holy as God? Certainly not... The degree of holiness certainly matters. Can a person be saved if he/she does not venerate the bones/relics of Peter, well certainly yes...
To be near this bones made me feel so intense comotion...the real and sure presence of the body of someone so close to JESUS is the most incredible chalenge to my septicism!
@@brendanworley1659 Scripture is interpreted differently ways nowadays, but the original way of interpreting Scripture was by the original Church which was the now Catholics and Orthodox Church, that being said we do grow up into certain churches that all Praise Christ our Saviour, but we should not condemn each other Christians because of how we worship him, and what differences that we have, we leave the judgement to God and we do what he called us to do and in this case it starts with loving one another and not being in any form of hatred, especially of differences on how to worship Christ, May God bless us my brother
@@brendanworley1659 All heretics use the scriptures when validating their false doctrines. So using scriptures does not prove anything. I was only trying to explain something, not validate anything.
This is one of the best respectful exchanges I have witnessed thus far, as a Catholic. It's great to appreciate how they listen attentively to one another.
Seems like Dallas talked more and Jonathan mostly listened. Why was 3:33 edited? I was cringing along with Jonathan. Catholics don't worship idols. Dallas is the boss and Jonathan is the employee - I bet Jonathan was holding back and biting his tongue.
@@bibleman7757 What idols? Mary is not an idol; she is the Mother of Jesus. Without her cooperation, how would salvation have come to man. She teaches everyone to worship God and considers the people of earth (all, regardless of religion or beliefs) to be her children.
@@bibleman7757 Do you have pictures of your loved ones in your house? Are you idolizing them? Hardly not. Just like Catholics have pictures or statues of those who have come before us. We do Not idolize them.❤🙏
@@michelleflick1937 Are you seriously implying without Mary the saviour would have never been born?? She was human, merely an obedient human and nothing more. God found her, he could have also used someone else
As a Protestant myself that's one thing I admire much more about Catholics then us. They have extremely high honor and respect for our Christian ancestors who went before us and laid the ground work for where we are today. Like, think about it. If your a Christian you are apart of the spiritual family with the richest historical back ground in the world. And it's mostly all well documented and recorded. I can look back at a man from 1800 years ago and read his work and get all teary eyed cuz I can tell he's living the same kind of life I'm living and walking it out with the same God I'm walking it out with. It's absolutely incredible being a devout Christian and having such a rich spiritual heritage to look back on. It's great to feel that you are apart of something much, much greater then yourself.
You're talking of someone from 1800 ---well, I happen to study Church Fathers and I can tell you that as early as the first century, I have someone to look up to. St Irenaeus, St Polycarp --he's even a disciple of St John the Evangelist, the one who is given the credit for the Gispel of John, Revelation and the John epistles.
We need to keep these testimonies (Lives of the Saints) alive. There is grace in remembrance of them. Hebrews, “remember those who have led you, taught the word of Faith to you, consider the outcome of their way of life, imitate them”
As an atheist, I walked through the Basilica and was in awe of the art. I saw a strong sense of reverence and humility from both the people and the structures around me. A very incredible place. There were so many churches in Rome! It was like the whole city was a church.
As a Catholic artist who grew up in a Catholic/Protestant household, this articulate dialogue literally gives me chills. Thanks guys! I’m praying for you! God bless you and your Holy work 😭🥰
A very good exchange. As a devout Catholic, it is interesting to hear Dallas' perspective. I love how respectful you are of one another's beliefs. Having also been to the place where Peter's relics were found, what moved me seeing those bones was the fact that Jesus' arms were around the shoulders of Peter. They walked together, talked together, ate meals, cracked jokes, and had friendship that will never end. Those were the very bones that ached when he betrayed Jesus. Those bones were the rock on which He built His Church.
@Sharon Delaney, love @"They had a friendship that will NEVER end!" I can't even say how beautiful that is and how deeply it has struck my spirit!" TY for blessing my spirit with that gem of wisdom and blessings to you and those you love too💖💖💖🙏🙏🙏✝️✝️✝️
Beautifully said. Those are the bones of the man who wept broken-heartedly after he denied his Lord. That kind of love must leave a mark even on the man's remains.
Catholic churches all over the world are holy no matter how grand. It is because Jesus, body blood soul and divinity, is there in the tabernacle waiting for us. True story...We were at a protestant church wedding. My then 7 year old son turned to me with a puzzled look and said. "Mommy, it doesn't feel like Jesus is here." That is the power of Catholic faith in a child of God.
Not to disparage your faith and experience, as the same argument can be applied to many different churches and denominations as you can agree. This to say, as beautiful as Catholic churches are, I haven't felt the holy spirit there as I have in a small church of 50-100. Of course the point of faith and love for and in Christ transcends all denominations, thus I have no denomination.
Yea not to deminish your faith either, but I felt that way as a kid I was brought up Catholic and being in that Church made me feel like God wasn’t in there. Plus i remember the Priest being aggressive with me. But I’m not going to use that to say that’s what makes the church less authentic or true.
Really? It doesn't bother you that your church butchered, stole an killed to build this monstrosity?? That Jesus never worshipped in such a thing. Read the scriptures. Convert to Orthodoxy!
This video's existence would not have been possible a generation ago. I'm tearing up over here. The fact that we can SHARE our faith...I'm beyond words.
That's because a generation ago, people were more concerned with following the Word of God than they were rejecting His Commandments for the sake of Unity. Now it's about excepting everything, the band, waving flags, doing cartwheels, and searching for the supernatural.
@@YaakovBuchner what you say is important in terms of following his word, but we cannot undermine unity in the Church, theres forms of hatred between both Churches that I see and this conversation can help diminish that, now following God’s word is the most important thing and that’s where CIVILIZED and legit conversation about indifferences come and we kind of saw it here but not that much, the thing about the internet is that it gives us a certain amount of adrenaline and pride in the way we speak and it doesn’t help that a lot of people have this mindset, I truly don’t know if Johnathan and Dallas didn’t know each other and were speaking through the internet that the conversation would’ve been this peaceful, what I can say is that before conversing, we can all try to remember Christ’s words, that should help us become more willing to listen and peaceful in our dialogue, God bless you brother❤️
My experience as a small child living in a very broken home was having a beautiful precious priest come into our home and lives. He ministered compassion to my parents and took my small little hands in his, gazed into my scared little eyes and speaking softly, he said, "How are you Michelle?" This precious man caused me to believe there was a kind wonderful God and even though it took me a while to find Him, this Catholic priest planted the seed in my heart. So many ideas are clanging gongs but love is the most excellent way! Let us all walk as Jesus walked.
Catholic convert here. I remember feeling exactly the way Dallas feels when I went to these sites as a protestant. I couldn't connect that kind of reverence for the physical with my personal relationship with Jesus. Now that I am Catholic, I can see the greater connection to an even deeper sense of worship that I believe joins the physical and metaphysical. My personal relationship with Jesus is fulfilled in an unspeakable way through belonging to the Church founded by Jesus and in the sacraments. Dallas seems to be on track with the idea of it's not one extreme or the other. It will be interesting to see where that leads him. Catholicism is "both/and" when it comes to beauty like this and also a personal relationship with Jesus. I think Jonathan did a great job explaining his perspective. Conversations like this in places like this are great to see.
There's an excellent article by Chad Bird, "Christianity Is Not About a Personal Relationship with Jesus". In it he states, "Here’s the thing: Christianity is not about a personal relationship with Jesus. The phrase is never found in the Bible. And the whole biblical witness runs contrary to it. Our life with Christ is communal, not personal or private or individual. When the Scriptures speak of believers, they are part of a community, a fellowship of other believers. Christianity is about a church relationship with Jesus." He goes on to explain why the "Our Father" isn't "My Father". I think he may be a Lutheran and is or was a pastor. It's on the 1517 website. Anyway, this cradle Catholic really enjoyed the article.
@@brucebarber4104 I am also a cradle Catholic and traditional also. I can understand how Keith can speak about a personal relationship with God as I believe this is very common in the Protestant Churches and he is a convert. I have never been able to do that because I see it more as an act of pride. That must have been instilled in us as cradle catholics. I am comfortable with it and it feels right not to be.
You were never born again to begin with. That's why you never felt personal connection to the Lord. We are saved by works and not by faith. Remember that
@@jesuslovesyou1921 what a rude, ignorant and judgmental comment. You just proved not only ignorance of the teaching of the Catholic faith but also incredible arrogance.
I saw this video a couple months ago because it popped in my "recommended" section on youtube. Since then, I started watching the show and binge-watched the entire 3 seasons of The Chosen. As an already born-again Christian, this show changed my life and relationship with the Lord. Thank you, Dallas and Jonathan, for portraying Jesus as so human. Forever grateful.
Really enjoyed this conversation, as a former evangelical who entered the Catholic Church as an adult, and who loves the show. Dallas, your approach totally picks up on an instinct of Ignatian spirituality of the sixteenth century, fyi. Just to fill in some gaps for Jonathan (as a scholar, but admittedly not a theologian): the veneration of relics and holy sights also connects to an understanding of the human person as body and soul. We are not only spiritual persons, anymore than we are not only physical persons. So the physical bones of Peter who is now in heaven are not divorced from the body he walked around in during his life (and the same applies to my body). As he mentioned, our respect for graveyards across cultures demonstrates that this awareness is somewhat instinctual. We see seeds of this connection between the physical and spiritual throughout scripture: the Israelites’ “translation” of the bones of Joseph out of Egypt (Exodus 13:19, Joshua 24:32), Elisha’s parting of the Jordan with the cloak of the recently assumed Elijah (2 Kings 2:13-14), the dead man who was raised to life upon contact with Elisha’s bones (2 Kings 13:20-21), and healings that resulted from a touch of Christ’s garment (Mark 5:25-34), Peter’s shadow (Acts 5:15), and Paul’s handkerchiefs and aprons (Acts 19:11-12). There’s a bigger can of worms I could mention: that, until around the Age of Enlightenment, Christians (Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant) were always anticipating a future resurrection of our physical bodies. So they didn’t imagine Peter’s soul in heaven as the end game: they anticipated that one day it would be reunited to those very bones you were looking at. This is a bigger can of worms, but if you’re interested, N. T. Wright is a great (Protestant) theologian to read more up on the resurrection of the body-The Challenge of Jesus, published by IVP, is a great introduction. Actually, now that I mention it, it’s all about the historical Jesus, so it’d probably be a great one for you to read as you continue this great work. Thanks for all you’re doing! Each episode continues to make me cry, no matter how many times I watch them.
Thank you for this reply. Another very important factor that.protestants do no.understand are the sacraments....and if we talk about the Eucharist sacrament....Jesus is there in soul body and divinity.....and the Catholic church is the temple of God God is there present. I think protestant need to learn about the Eucharistic miracles in the Catholic church...the only church founded by Jesus Christ.
I made a similar comment but also pointed out that that this place is where Peter laid down his life in exchange for lives of Christians in Rome, following Christ’s example of laying down his life for his friends. The beauty of this place is in the foundation of that reality. The self-sacrificial love exemplified by Christ and Peter.
@@MariadeJesus-dt4ql You are quite wrong as it is the born again believer who is the temple of God, not the catholic church. 1 Corinthians 3:16 know ye not that ye are the temple of God and the the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? Neither did Jesus found the Catholic church but rather He founded the Christian church.
@@thankfulchildofgod273 You didn't understand what she wrote. Yes, it's true each baptised Christian is a temple of God and the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit as it is written. This is precisely why we receive the Eucharist. Read John 6 and the Last Supper discourses. Jesus commanded us to break bread together in commemoration of Him, and as He said and re-iterated when some of His disciples found it a "hard teaching" and walked away (John 6:66). He restated His command, "Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no life within you." Amen! This teaching is why Catholic Christians as temples of God receive Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist.
@@thankfulchildofgod273 Also, Jesus built "His Church" on the rock of Peter and gave His binding and loosing authority to St. Peter (the 1st Pope) as He stated in Matthew 16:18.
When I saw such a kind and understanding conversation between a Catholic and an evangelical I screamed for joy! I am Catholic and it’s pretty hard for me to find media or modern worship music with Catholics involved and Im typically the only Catholic in non-denominational groups. I loved y’all’s discussion and thank both of you for sponsoring respect and giving an example of faithful living and friendships between different denominations. Also, my name is Abigail and so I’ve researched St. Abigail and she was very devoted to bodily resurrection and sharing her beliefs about that and I think that bodily resurrection at the end times we’re all waiting for is where a lot of this reverence comes in :)
Watch the videos of Steve Ray, footprints of God, you will love it. He recorded and explains the Bible from the places where it happens he is a convert Catholic and I am so amazed with his videos, I am Catholic, I watch the Chosen but if you want to understand more the footprints of God, is a have to watch. See the New Testament wasn’t “put together” until almost the year 400. And Steve Ray explains all how did the Apostles pass all scriptures to us and got into the Bible (New Testament)
Hello Abby, non denominational here I guess you could say, but more than that, just a fellow Christian. I love you in Christ my sister, and I jumped for joy as well :)
I'm catholic and I really love this show. I think giving mary such a big role is a nice touch. I think this is one show every Christian will love no matter your denomination
Please pray for me: waiting on law school acceptances, and I have been praying that God use me as a vessel to help others through the law. (PS. Thank you for the “Miracle of the Fish” scene. I cried tears of faith) 🙏🏾
I appreciate the fact that Dallas said “Peter is alive. He is in Heaven” because I’ve seen so many other Protestants on RUclips talk about how the saints aren’t alive and they’re dead and why bother talking/praying to them. God is the God of the living and not the dead.
Exactly, we are all members of the Body of Christ, whether on Earth or in Heaven. "Dying He destroyed our death, rising He restored our life, Lord Jesus come in glory!"
They are alive in heaven in their spirit, but our spirit AND body were redeemed so at the resurrection the spirits of the passed return to their bodies to be judged
@Martin Luther, The Catechism of the Catholic Church says: 997 What is "rising"? In death, the separation of the soul from the body, the human body decays and the soul goes to meet God, while awaiting its reunion with its glorified body. God, in his almighty power, will definitively grant incorruptible life to our bodies by reuniting them with our souls, through the power of Jesus' Resurrection. 998 Who will rise? All the dead will rise, "those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of judgment." 999 How? Christ is raised with his own body: "See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself"; but he did not return to an earthly life. So, in him, "all of them will rise again with their own bodies which they now bear," but Christ "will change our lowly body to be like his glorious body," into a "spiritual body": But someone will ask, "How are the dead raised? With what kind of body do they come?" You foolish man! What you sow does not come to life unless it dies. and what you sow is not the body which is to be, but a bare kernel ....What is sown is perishable, what is raised is imperishable.... the dead will be raised imperishable.... For this perishable nature must put on the imperishable, and this mortal nature must put on immortality.(1 Cor 15:35-37. 42. 53). 1001 When? Definitively "at the last day," "at the end of the world." Indeed, the resurrection of the dead is closely associated with Christ's Parousia: For the Lord himself will descend from heaven, with a cry of command, with the archangel's call, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. and the dead in Christ will rise first. (1 Thess 4:16)[48] 1038 The resurrection of all the dead, "of both the just and the unjust" (Acts 24:15), will precede the Last Judgment. This will be "the hour when all who are in the tombs will hear [the Son of man's] voice and come forth, those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of judgment" (Jn 5:28-29).
@Martin Luther, from Wikipedia: "In Lutheranism, Martin Luther personally believed and taught resurrection of the dead in combination with soul sleep. However, this is not a mainstream teaching of Lutheranism and most Lutherans traditionally believe in resurrection of the body in combination with the immortal soul.[53] According to the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS), on the last day all the dead will be resurrected. Their souls will then be reunited with the same bodies they had before dying. The bodies will then be changed, those of the wicked to a state of everlasting shame and torment, those of the righteous to an everlasting state of celestial glory." Actually, my reply with the citation from the Catechism of the Catholic Church also came from the Wikipedia article, "Universal Resurrection."
@Martin Luther, you're welcome. If I find out anything else, I'll let you know. BTW, that Wikipedia article on Universal Resurrection is quite interesting. It covers many belief systems and includes citations.
As a Catholic, not sure how much more of a personal relationship you can have with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, than receiving His body, blood, soul and divinity in Holy Communion.
To have more personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ: personal prayer (preferably than the memorized or recited prayers), regular personal reading of the Scripture, and obeying the Lord's commandments that you've read from His Word. Hope this helps in the growth of your relationship with Him, God bless.
@@irishgab04took the bread made the blessings and said take this all of you and eat of it for this is my body that was given up for you. Do this in memory of me.
@@Karlieanne12 yes and that falls within obeying the Lord's commandments. But having a genuine relationship with the Lord is not only about taking the bread in remembrance of Him. How does a relationship work? By getting to know the person and communicating with the person you have a relationship with. So to have a relationship with the Lord, get to know Him through His Word and communicate to Him with your personal prayers instead of just repeating the same memorized prayer again and again. A genuine Christian with a relationship with the Lord makes it his or her business to get to really, really know Him and make Him known to others (for this is the reason we are saved).
@@irishgab04 It's not bread. It's his flesh and there's nothing closer than consuming his flesh and blood in your own body: you become one, which is why it's called communion! As Jesus himself said, if you don't eat his flesh or drink his blood, you have no life in you.
@@AuthenticityVeritas yes I know. In Luke 22:19 "And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” We do this in remembrance of Him. That's why I said that this falls under obedience to the Lord's command. In 1 Corinthians 11:26 "For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes." We do this in proclamation of the Lord's death. But is that all there is to having a relationship with the Lord? You do not agree that getting to know the Lord through the Scriptures is not a huge part of your personal relationship with Him? You do not agree that having a real conversation with the Lord through personal prayer is majorly essential to your personal relationship with Him? Are you just going to limit your relationship with the Lord to conformance to tradition?
Thank you so much Dallas and Jonathan! I am catholic. All of us Christians and Jews need to unite and support each other in this world that no longer believes in God.
I think Dallas was a little divisive towards Catholics - saying false things about us like the whole "idolatry" thing - complete lie. A few comments on here are anti-Catholic. I can see Dallas is evolving in what he thinks about Catholics. He is, and may bring other non-Catholics around to not hating us Catholics, and seeing us Catholics as Christians too.
@@LoantakaBrook when you have been taught your whole life a certain set of beliefs, it takes a lot to grow past them. Protestants are taught lies about Catholics form birth. I think he did a very good job respectfully voicing his concerns
Dallas you often say you include lines or dialogue in TC to represent the audience’s perspective or questions. This exchange between you and Jonathan helps all of us have that hard but very needed conversation within the body of Christ. As a Protestant who has visited dozens of cathedrals in the world and known many faith filled Catholics, I welcome the opportunity the Lord is providing us all to seek unity that pleases Him. I’m grateful the Chosen team is boldly fostering this interaction. Doing so prompts me to re-examine scripture and my own heart’s attitude toward others whose worship and relationship with Jesus differs from my own.
Jonathan, I went to see “The Promise” in Branson, and the man playing Jesus did a phenomenal job. When I talked to him afterward and told him what a great job he had done, his response was “ I hope He was pleased.” It was a perfect response.
Loved this. I was loving the whole interaction between Dallas and Jonathan and I couldn’t help but burst out laughing when Jonathan pulled his phone and said we just got disinvited by the Pope was so great! Jon is too humble but gets put on the spot by Dallas and it’s so funny to see them interact with each other this way. God bless the Idea of Chosen and what it represents. Please keep guiding these men to do your will and work
This what I love about the Chosen and your work. Keeping things personal, respectful, and balanced. I can only pray and hope that all different Christians realize how we have the same goal and need for each other....especially with the growing divisions
Why does Jonathan feel he deserves a 5 or 6? He gets a straight up 10 out of 10 without a doubt for his “A” class performance 👏👏👏I also love what Dallas said at the end “I want that the personal relationship we have with Jesus and the connection we have with the people who walked with Him to result in worship and not the other way around”. Deep and worth pondering over!
@@anavaleriaferreiralima153Amen-- he really does seem to be walking in humility. God is Definitely Being Glorified in His portrayal of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ!
I grew up Baptist and I never thought much about how the church looked as it was all I ever knew. In college a dated a man who was Catholic. He took me to a Mass and it felt different and looked different. Then, I kept going to understand his faith once we got engaged because we intended to raise our kids in both Churches. Well while learning about his faith and gaining a better understanding of the Mass I came to love it. I converted 12 years ago this April. Now, I see protestant Churches as being cold and aloof from God. Catholic churches have warmth, a continuity with the services, and a peace that comes from just walking into the Church.
@Kiss Gábor I follow my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who through His life, death and resurrection has set me free as taught to me by His one true, holy Catholic and apostolic church through Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition and its teaching authority. And you?
Convert too, from very anti-Catholicism Presbyterianism. I spent a whole lot of time trying to pull Catholics out of “the whore of Babylon” only to have one Catholic friend say, “Why don’t you join RCIA and ask all the questions you want?” I couldn’t believe a thing like RCIA existed. I thought Catholic’s left the Church and Protestants didn’t convert. Boy, did God prove me wrong! After two years of prayer and study, I came to believe what the great St. John Henry Newman (a convert himself) said, “To become immersed in history is to cease to be Protestant.” Catholicism is the full deposit of Christianity. I was never as close to Christ as an Evangelical as I am now. I love my Protestant relatives and friends, I just wish they knew what they were missing.
I understand both angles, but lean more towards Jonathan's reverence for holy places, even though I'm not Catholic. I don't think it's possible to downplay the significance of such places, especially as I am now walking with the Father and learning so much more about Him through His Word, through The Chosen and other mediums. I believe we are so blessed to have such a wonderful production and to have so much access to the people involved ... I'm just so grateful.
Truly thankful for how you’re living your mission, Jonathan and Dallas 🙏🏻 Praying for your continued strength to fulfill the task of these impactful depictions.
Jonathan. You just had a chat with Scott Hahn in October. It would behoove both of you to introduce Dallas to Dr. Hahn! He was a former Pastor who tried to dispprove the Catholic Church. In doing so, he (along with millions of others in his shoes) ended up converting. I think Dallas would enjoy a convo with him about saints, worship, veneration, idolitry, supplication. transubstantiation! Re: Transubstantiation, especially when he shoots the Last Supper scene. God bless. Loving the show!
@@MsLisaLor Hi Lisa. Where did I ever imply Dallas should convert? Read it again. I said Dallas would find it very enlightening to talk to Scott who used to possess his same understanding so Scott could articulate better those elements of transubstantiation etc. You're projecting an issue I never suggested. Also, whatever Dallas does in his life is his choice. Free Will.
In 2019 I went to a Latin mass inside of the Notre Dame Basilica in Canada. And although I don't understand Latin, I tried my best to follow along with the English text. Regardless that I couldn't understand the language it was powerful and impactful. And the inside was absolutely incredible.
That’s the wonderful thing about the Latin rite mass. No matter where in the world you go to mass it would be exactly the same as in your hometown. The vernacular has taken away a lot of the mystique & reverence. Vatican II has done a lot of damage.
I was raised both Catholic and Baptist. It wasn't until my relationship with Jesus Christ, and Mary that I could fully understand the teachings of the Catholic Church. ❤ the stigma that people have against the catholic church really hurts my heart, but it's conversations like this that will unite us. Love the Chosen! Great job guys! ❤
@@sandyp4192 Why do you feel compelled to insult others in this way? This is not the act of a true Christian. There is no empathy or love in what you said. As a Catholic, I have some strong contrasting opinions on the 'sola scriptura' theory that Protestantism is built upon, but I understand that a comments section for Chosen fans of all different denominations and faiths is not the appropriate place to express them.
@@yes2day100 ??? What? stop yapping and playing victim, if you're offended by the truth just say so, I said nothing insulting I literally was speaking biblical truth. 👋
@@yes2day100 I'm not a Protestant? If you deny God's only means of salvation and authority over your life that's on you but don't enforce your heretical satanic dogmas and traditions on others who identify in Christ Jesus alone and not man and the world like you do 👍
This was a lovely and respectful exchange of thoughts from two brothers on opposite sides of the same coin. Having been raised Protestant and converted to Catholicism, I really appreciate where they are both coming from. I think one of the things Protestants miss, or at least in my case, are just not taught, is that the art is how historically many illiterate people came to know the biblical accounts. For the vast majority of Christian history there was not ready access to the scriptures like we have today and many people could not have read them even if they saw them. It was through the Church, the Mass, Tradition and sacred art that people learned about Christ. Throughout history it has been common to feel a sense of reverence for the burial sites and relics of holy men and women; our protestant brothers and sisters often misunderstand reverence as worship. There is a huge difference but to someone outside looking in I can see where the misunderstanding comes in. Its all perspective and an understanding of history. This conversation was beautiful to watch and I am thankful these two men are able to use their love of Christ to create something so wonderful for the world.
Dallas is blessed to have an honest, humble actor who loves Christ and represents him so well in The Chosen. Jonathan you’re exactly what we need when watching you bring Jesus to life through your work on The Chosen!
This was a beautiful discourse. I love the conversation and the respect. Don't forget, it is holy because Jesus is there in the Eucharist ❤️ What a cool friendship. Like it says in the gospels, we all belong to Jesus. Not to Peter or to Paul, but to Jesus.
Plz don’t try to convert me in the comment section 😊 I love being Catholic, it’s not Satanic, and I have no intention of leaving my Church. Just enjoy the show like everyone else plz and thank u.
When I walk into beautiful cathedrals, it draws out reverence for our Lord. The incredible artistry reminds me that gifts and talents are given to us by our Lord in so many different ways. People who lived fully for the Lord are honored and revered...more reminders of the intangible aspects of our life that are important to retain, which we then use for worship of our Lord. Sometimes we make God too small or put Him into our personal box. God dwells within us, but visual reminders brings me to worship our all powerful and loving Lord & Savior---the Most High God. ❤
I'm sure God is far more wondrous and loving and far "bigger" than any of us can possibly conceive... And I am grateful for that. Way beyond our comprehension ... yet very present with us, within us. How amazing!!! This is what St Peter's represents to me ... the grandeur and the intimacy of our Great I AM. 🙏🕊️💖🎶
Having watched this, I can't help but keep reflecting on the point Dallas made about Peter's bones. It got me thinking about things I always took for granted. My ancestors have been buried in the same New Orleans tomb for 170 years, a tomb that my aunt (now resting peacefully within) used to visit every year on All Souls' Day. Catholic graves and graveyards are consecrated, as the resting places of those whose bodies were washed in Baptism, anointed in the Holy Spirit through Confirmation, fed with the Body of Christ countless times in Holy Communion. When it comes to the saints (and the martyrs), then, we really pull out all the stops. And St Peter? Peter stood straight and tall, supported by those strong bones, to proclaim Christ Jesus on the day of Pentecost, with the fire of the Holy Spirit filling him, body and soul: flesh and blood and bone, all on fire with the Holy Spirit. I never thought of it this way before, but in life, those bones enabled Peter to travel from Jerusalem to Samaria to Antioch to Rome. Those bones kept him nailed (or perhaps tied) upside down to a Roman cross roughly where the obelisk now stands in St Peter's Square. And one day, as the song declares, "Dem bones are gonna rise again!"
Hi Sister, thank you for the witness of your life experience and God's revelation to your heart. When I left the evangelical church in 2001, many felt that I had "backslidden" and no longer embraced Christ ... yet the truth couldn't be more different. Your post doesn't indicate what religious community you are with, however I am your Franciscan Brother in the Community of Francis and Clare. Blessings!
The simple explanation for why it is considered a holy place is that we believe in the resurrection of the body. Many protestants don't believe that. That body one day will be raised into heaven! It is holy!
Oh my gosh, this is almost the exact conversation I envision having with you both -- the overlap of faith and art and all the nuances of faith that people have in Christ. I was raised by a Catholic father and Protestant mother and I'm so grateful for that because it gave me a rounded experience of God without squeezing me into any corners. I wasn't raised in the Evangelical world, but have spent a lot of time in it, yet most of my favourite artists, writers, etc. happen to be Catholic. I agree with Dallas that there has been a serious lack in the evangelical world regarding the value of art and beauty. On the other hand, it seems a given for Catholics that beauty, truth and goodness are attributes of God and therefore should flow through his followers. These cathedrals are glorious works of devotion to God made by serious artisans of the times and whether one believes they are holy or not is in the beholder. God is everywhere, yes, but I believe there is something about sacred sites where so many have come in devotion to God and prayed, that those dedicated spaces have a definite holiness to them for that very reason -- because they are dedicated to God. You two are great and God is great in your lives. Forever grateful for your faithfulness and surrender and all that God has done through The Chosen because of it. Continued abundant blessings on you both and all cast & crew (& viewers) of the show. Much love, Monique
Amen! However, I don't believe in relativism - holiness is not "in the beholder". Holiness is not from us! First and foremost St. Peter's Basilica and every Catholic and Orthodox Church is holy because Jesus Christ is Truly Present, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in every Tabernacle and on the altar at every Mass or Divine Liturgy. Furthermore, the relics, art, etc. that remind us of Him and those who have imitated His holiness are worthy of reverence.
@@MPFXT I was waiting for someone to say/write this! Yes, Jesus is in the Tabernacle, through the Eucharist, which undoubtedly makes this place holy. As a cradle Catholic, I had glossed over this as a child. Now as an adult, I'm finally understanding the scope of how important this is🙏🏽
Hi Monique! I was also raised by a Catholic father and Protestant mother and feel that it gave me a very similar experience! I’ve never met anyone outside my family with this upbringing so I had to reach out! Have a blessed day!
Hey Dallas! Your last comment was exactly what I experienced the first time I went to a Mass (I was raised Batptist) at a beautiful Catholic church in my city. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!! Thank you for what you are doing! All of you! I own season 1 and 2 of The Chosen and watch them over and over. Can't wait for the next season. What a grand job you all are doing. Brought me closer to Jesus; I talk to HIm about what a great thing I think it is you are doing:)....Teresa......Prodigal of a sort.....
When I was 8 our family converted to Catholicism. Everything changed. None of my siblings or I have ever missed Mass on Sunday or Holy Days. It is hard to explain. I am encouraged by the mutual respect seen here; even when there is disagreement.
This is a miracle of construction. I’m a mechanical engineer and have spent over 40 years working, building every type of construction, using every tool and every type of equipment, the largest cranes, the largest bulldozers, every tool know to man and I fully believe this church could only have been built with God’s heavenly power and direction. Along with perfect accuracy and precision and no knowledge or tools to use to build it, only Gods working miracle and direction with generations of talent people of the times built this work of art. Not to forget the beautiful statues and art work and other miracles on display…..
Yes, they are both blessed To see the Vatican it is Scared grounds...where Pope's are buried.and the Piata of blessed Mary holding Jesus after he Died on the cross..for all Our sins...in college I spent a year studying Renaissance art in Italy. And spent weeks on my back studying the Sistine Chapel..it is breathtaking Beautiful❤.Jonathan You are so humble in your Spirit and are a 10.. The steps on the stations Of the cross are amazing. And mass being celebrated was a blessing. It is a very special scared Place ,Roma...wish I was Still there...ciao..
@@maryannguess7115 you have written "scared" instead of "sacred" twice. "Scared grounds" and " . . a very special scared place . " Did you know that you can edit and correct a post by clicking on the three vertical dots alongside the top of your post and edit in the corrections? God bless
I love Jonathan's comment on the grave-site. It really brought home my feelings of how I feel about these treasured sites. I know that not everyone feels that way, but it struck home for me.
I served for over 25 years in the military and the respect they give to human remains is unbelievable. It took me a while to understand and appreciate this.
@@nenabunena The Protestants have respect for the dead but not in the same way as Catholics. I think part of this is because they don't have the books of Maccabee in their Bible so beliefs in veneration are not the same. I say they have profound respect for the body because I was in the military for over 30 years and the treatment of humans remains was performed with the utmost dignity. Even in wartime a Soldier has to accompanied the body of a Soldier killed in actions on the airplane back to the States. I worked in this area and it blew me away with the respect given to the body even in wartime. Getting the body off the battlefield even in face of danger was important. As Catholics vary as individuals, Protestants vary by individuals and significantly by denomination. Sometimes we are too hasty in thought and we lump everyone together.
Thank you Jonathan…as a Catholic I have always struggled with the “materialism” of the Vatican…especially with all the starving people in the world!!!! I now have a better understanding of how sacred this land is and we need to protect the place where Jesus walked and buried those amazing saints. God Bless you both!!!
Yes, even most poor people want a glorious place to escape the world and give glory to God. There is beauty in a simple, humble Church too, but why not also have splendor that merely points at the beauty of heaven.
Thats exactly the same thing we struggle that US Government are wasting tons Billions and Billiond that are close to Trillions yearly in unaudited Military Budget yet a lot of people across the world including millions of US Americans are starving
Awesome dialogue. Praying for massive conversions to the One, Holy, Catholic and apostolic church that Jesus Christ instituted thru St. Peter!!!! ⚔️✝️🙏🏼 ⛪️
Through Peter? No. And even if that were true, why did the Roman’s leave the church of Peter? Peter was the bishop of Antioch for nearly a decade. Come back to the seat of Peter 🤣 which is only in communion with other orthodox churches
There is only one holy catholic and apostolic church. The church that Jesus Christ helped his apostles build...the Orthodox church. Your church split from this tradition in 1054AD and the rest is nothing but a sordid history. Ask yourself, what did the original fathers establish the 1000 years before Catholocism even started.
My experience at St Peter’s Basilica was of awe, reverence, spiritual growth & understanding of our Savior & those who spent their lives to honor & love Him. I am not a Catholic, a Christian who loves our Lord. Every artist should be inspired by the grandeur & artistry, which allows a spiritual experience.
What a great conversation! I am an evangelical who can relate to the Holiness. Why???? Probably because I simply long for Jesus in a reverential way because of my Catholic upbringing. We could not even say His name, Jesus without bowing our heads as little kids. I get you Jonathan! Dallas I love that you want to explore the ideas of why so many of us think so differently. My first protestant pastor had a deep reverence for the Lord , he also was committed to Biblical Truth, which is why I could convert. He was an intellectual,.... without that reverence though I could not have converted. I revere my Lord .
Same story with me. As an evangelical, half of the Christian RUclipsrs I follow are Catholic not because they are Catholic, but because I find their discipleship and love of Jesus above many evangelicals.
@@christianamericandominican2470 That says more about evangelicalism than it does about you. Reverence is a necessity -- He is GOD of everything in human flesh, and the vapid, sappy, irreverence of many modern churches is no less than sacrilege.
Those that walk away from the Catholic Faith will face a heavier chastisement because they knew the truth and left it for their own thoughts or beliefs.
I think therein lies the problem, making Jesus nearly unapproachable. At the same time, making Mary, His earthly mother into the object of approachable prayer, and supposed answer to prayer, causing her to take preeminence in the heart and the mind, which becomes tantamount to worship and idolatry.
The Catholic Church has built amazing cathedrals and churches all to the glory of God. They are precious because they are gifts to God from man. How wonderful, right and just that every talent and detail that could be given to God was given to Him through all these generations of men's dedication and love for Him. I am always shocked if people are offended by it or say it is unnecessary. In addition to that, they have preserved the very history of the new testament in word and artifacts. The real question to ask is where would all Christian churches be without these magnificent treasures? Like other Protestant churches, Evangelism did not start until the 1700s. One can only wonder where Christianity would be today if the Catholic Church had not been meticulous in its protection of all of this history.
The Stunning Catholic and Orthodox Churches are not just built to glorify God, they are also where Christ is, body, blood, soul, and divinity in the form of the Eucharist. Christ is there!
Thank you my dear friend for understanding coz we believe in the one true lord God like other Christians do we believe in the holy trinity ❤ my Catholic faith
As a Protestant, I am always amazed at the beauty of many Catholic Churches I go into for weddings, funerals, etc… However, while really nice, they are unnecessary as it relates to your faith in Jesus. What if you live in a place where there are no cathedrals, monuments, etc…think missionaries in Africa and other places in the world. The is a great scene in the Chosen with the woman at the well…Jesus says I just need your heart, and worship wherever you are… So, rather than being in awe about what man has created, be in awe of what God has created….see the difference?
@@Twil64 - the art in Catholic Churches and it’s beauty is not at all unnecessary, it is all meant to give glory to almighty God and elevate and engage all the senses in order to worship God. Furthermore, Christ is present body blood soul and divinity in the Tabernacle and those churches reflect the beauty and reverence for Our Lord. Catholic missionaries the world over celebrate the Mass with no adornment but a tiny crucifix. I am always struck at the plain, bland, unadorned, or the comical strip mall, or movie set appearance of protestant churches; little separates them from a meeting hall or a movie set. Jesus does indeed want our hearts but He also wants our best.
@@ragnardanneskajold1880 You are so incorrect about this…again, while I admire the man made structures, if that is important and at the center, then it is closer to pagan worship than it is to worship Jesus himself. Every Protestant Church you see had been purchased or built and is maintained through the members themselves via tithes and offerings. And part of offerings go to missions outside of the church. By the way, there are huge Protestant churches that have some pretty elaborate buildings and sanctuaries if that is what their members agree to afford to build and pay for. How many Catholics have to worry about financing the building they are in? There was a Catholic Church that closed near me where the members were outside protesting about it. I asked them why they just don’t start their own Catholic Church with their own funds…they looked at me like what? Why would we do that? If I am on a deserted island, yes, I can build a grass hut as my church and adorn it with whatever I can find…but if I can’t build statues and make stained glass windows…am I ok? Please don’t get caught away from all that is needed is Jesus in your heart with daily prayers to Him, wherever and whenever you are. Remember the verse where two or more are gathered? Matthew 18:20….It doesn’t say where two or more are gathered in a miraculous building. Catholics exclude so many people with this idea…. I assume Catholics wouldn’t approve of a person in church if not dressed up in a suit and tie? What if all a person has is an old pair of pants, tshirt and ripped up shoes? The fact that you look down on a strip mall church or any gathering in lesser of a building than yours is prideful and very disturbing. Man, you gotta get away from the materialistic symbolism… and the idea that Catholics are the one true church Sheesh 🙄
Good Lord Jonathan, God has truly blessed you with a beautiful smile. God Bless you for all you do . I have been where you are now in Rome and I went up those steps on my knees also. I didn’t think I was gonna make it but I did and when I got to the top and looked up and saw Jesus on the cross I experienced emotions I can’t even describe. Rome is beautiful and God blessed me with the trip to Rome. It was a pilgrimage offered by my church and I’m so thankful I was able to go. My Dad was born in Italy and came here on a boat. He always wanted to go back for a visit but never made it and I know God gave the opportunity to me, the one my Dad should have had. So, I am still thanking God for that opportunity, one I will never forget and am very grateful for . It was 2 + years ago but still so vivid in my heart and my mind. I also want to thank you and Dallas, “The Chosen” has brought me closer to my Jesus and embrace my faith so much more. So, again I thank you from the bottom of my heart and hope God Blesses you and all the actors and associates who make this show possible.
Jesus is truly present body, blood, soul and divinity in every Catholic Church. As a Baptist convert, everything I thought I “knew” about Catholics just wasn’t true. I wanted to be in the Church Christ started in 33AD. It doesn’t get anymore personal than the Eucharist. Read the church fathers and see how they worshipped.
@@brucebarber4104 Catholicism in anyway goes against TMH, YHWH, God of Israel, Creator of Heaven and earth and all things there-in. Only a pompous fool would believe such regurgitated garbage. Catholic Church was Romes invention to control the masses and commingle their pagan worship of sun deities (like JC) and Babylonian queen of Heaven (mother Mary). If your pubescent brain tells you otherwise, you’re living under the illusion
As a Latter-Day Saint I love The Chosen and tell everyone I can about it. I feel that if something is dedicated to God it is Holy, especially to those for whom it was created. Our job as Christians is to appreciate all the art work, the music, just everything created to worship The Lord. One of my favorite pieces of music is Mozart's Requiem Mass. I cry everything I here it, it speaks to me. Also, my oldest daughter is Catholic and I adore her, though our modes of worship are different. I would hope all Christians would just love each other and respect each other's faith. God Bless!
Kimberly Olsen but we must share the message of salvation if you are not born again, you won’t see the face of Jesus it’s all about his sacrifice on the cross for our sins to receive Jesus as our lord and saviour, it’s receiving the Holy Spirit and him living in us make us holy that is Gods gift us to those who believe , that’s our salvation
@@amoyjoyce1117 true. And I am born again and share the message of Salvation whenever I can. All Christians who accept the Savior, participate in the saving ordinances are heirs of Salvation. Our job as Christians is to accept everyone and love them.
We are only together in Christ if you are a born again Bible believing Christian. Any other religion is a false one and of Satan so while I don’t think you meant any harm in your comment not everyone with “differences” is the true body of Christ.
Yeah but what matters is obedience to the word of God. Catholics DO NOT do that. It’s all structured religion and practices including praying to idols, practically worshipping the pope when it says strictly in the Bible not to.. dead bodies of man regardless of what position they had in the Bible, should NEVER be glorified… He needs to speak up and be bold and stop candy coating his opposition to Catholicism..
@@DandZee89 the idols spoken against in the bible were considered to be gods. when catholics pray in front of statues and paintings, they know full well that those things are not God. oh and we don't even come close to worshipping the pope. his role is the head of the church on earth, that is all.
Referencing the holiness of Peter's bones - Consider Acts 19:12 - "so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and the diseases and evil spirits left them." I am a Catholic convert from Protestantism and loved learning how biblically based the Catholic faith is. Also, consider researching the many miracles God has worked though both people's prayers and physical relics. Lastly, the incorruptibles, many followers of Jesus have bodies that simply haven't decayed. Our family LOVES the Chosen and are so thankful to you both! AWESOME work for Christ!! We keep you both in our prayers 💜🙏🙂
Really? It doesn't bother you that your church butchered, stole an killed to build this monstrosity full of stolen artefacts and gold that cost a fortune?? That Jesus never worshipped in such a thing. Read the scriptures. Convert to Orthodoxy!
When I visited the Basilica of San Marco in Venice's Square of Saint Mark, my first thought was how people chose to create the most beautiful and extraordinary churches as God's houses. I'm not Catholic, and I've heard the arguments that such churches only represent the power and wealth of the Catholic faith, but I see inspired beauty--no doubt in line with the biblical descriptions of God's house in Jerusalem and His temple in heaven. God is the definition of the inspired entity, and we are made in his image and carry within us His Holy Spirit. As such, people throughout history have also created beauty on extraordinary magnitudes, such as the Basilica of San Marco and St. Peter's Basilica, and all to the glory of God, giving glory to God through their inspired spirits.
Yes! This is exactly so. As a Catholic I wish more people could understand this. The Catholic Church actually has very little of it's own money. Most of the amazing church decorations were donated for the glory of God or fundraised by the community that church building is intended for. And as far as power goes... only the power God gives His Church... they just have a more centralized and much more public hierarchy for the media to point to and make a fuss about than other denominations. As such there is an established respect for the positions in that hierarchy, especially the Pope. (Much like the Dalai Lama) If you are curious about the money of the Catholic Church, check out "How Much Money Does the Catholic Church Have?" By The Catholic Talk Show These guys can be a hoot, but also very informative. God bless!
We are drawn to the transcendentals -- Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. The goal of building a church is to draw us God. I wonder what the church built by King Solomon looked like.
Amen, sister! Where I come from we have a saying that the houses are built of wood and the parishes of stone. This is because they were built when small, Catholic towns took most pride in our churches - many look like Cathedrals! - and the center of the town. Why not become Catholic, Nancy? You're always welcome! "Beauty will save the world." - Dostoevsky
I was baptized Catholic, then raised in the Pentecostal church for many years, in 2007 I returned to my home did my 1st communion and was confirmed at 58 yrs, it was the most beautiful experience for me, I love my spiritual up bringing in the Christian church and my Catholic faith, when we all get to heaven, we are the gentiles dressed in white robes, no name/title of religion, one in Christ Jesus because our relationship with him. And us Catholics do not worship the saints, we respect them just like we respect Billy Graham. God bless you all, and love you all. Amen
Love the unity of Christians. I am Catholic and I LOVE my evangelical brothers and sisters. And I LOVE all people! We need to unite in JESUS. YES! ✝️🙏❤️
Unless you are a born-again Bible believing follower of Jesus Christ that is the only true faith. The Catholic Church Buddhism Jehovah witness etc. are all false faiths and doctrines and are from Satan. There is no Broadway to the true faith it’s a very narrow path and even Jesus said few people will go to heaven because people believe good works or accepting all faiths and this jolly outlook will make a difference. It doesn’t get you to heaven and I don’t think you meant any harm with your comment but the truth is the truth.
In this talk of art reverence, I think of The Chosen because of what it is currently doing, which art did back then. On a tour of The Vatican, I was told the story of when the Sistine Chapel was complete and the pope was moved saying something like “I’ve known God and I’ve known the scriptures, but this is the first time I feel I am SEEING God.” The art was made as a way for people to get a visualization of these stories and that can be so powerful. Respectfully, I think The Chosen is a true piece of art that has given me the chance to see these stories by the true talent of everyone involved in making this cinematic art. It may not spark a whole renaissance, but I know it moves me in every episode.
When The Chosen first came out my family was unsure of what church we belonged to. I will be baptized into the Orthodox Church in 4 months and I am so excited to see how far I’ve come.
I am a Huge Chosen fan and a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I love to see members of different faiths coming together to celebrate their love for God and their love and respect for each other. Thank you for showing us this beautiful cathedral! ❤️
I’m also Catholic and this was such a beautiful and fun video to watch! Both guys were so charitable and respectful of one another. God bless you all 🙏💕
We need more meaningful discussions like these to begin to understand and value one another. I love that the discussion is friendly, nonjudgmental, and deep into the theology. I think this is a great model to us how to do this properly at a time in the world where I believe we need to begin to understand one another on that deeper level. Thank you.
Interesting to hear Jonathan speak about the reverence for the bones of Peter in his Catholic culture. It seems genuinely out of respect for all that God has done through him and for him, and it brings honour to God. It reminds me of this passage: Which is greater: the gold, or the temple that makes the gold sacred? Matt 23:17 In Jonathan's case, it seems he has recognised that it is God that makes someone holy or special. ❤️👍
When he was talking about the bones it reminded me of a lie just bones and when he was in the grave they had power someone fell in the grave on them and came alive again. That makes a statement
@@marshastrub155 Elishua's bones 😋 🙏 The one Elijah gave his mantel to. I actually think Elijah and Elishua relationship was prophetically related to the father and Christ. Elijah in Hebrew means "MyGodYahew". Elishua means the exact same thing as Yeshua (Jesus name). "God's Salvation". There interaction and the transfer of power and Elishua bones restoring to life after he died I think was all kind of prophetic sign acts pointing to Christs role with the father and how his death would bring life. Always loved that story and have been reading a lot about the two prophets recently🙏
You guys are wonderful! If we of other faiths will just come together and find unity in Christ instead of division due to our differences we could rid this world of evil through Our Christ that we all love. I am for anything that draws man to Christ!
Very nice to get to see Jonathan within his spiritual context. Though am not Catholic, I have come to appreciate Catholicism and its preservation of the sacred texts, sacraments, arts, and dogged devotion. And the saints, those ordinary people who transcended flawed human character to become holy. You are doing very well Jonathan. Have confidence in yourself. No actor can ever really play Jesus but we get that. You are giving flesh, blood, bone, human emotion to him here and now so we can enjoy retelling the stories.
@@suem6004 I am sure that early Aramaic and Greek speaking Christians 1700 years ago also fought with teeth and nails when the Church decreed to use the language spoken by Pagan vile emperors in all Christian liturgy instead of the language spoken by Jesus or the language in which the New Testament had been written.
The Catholic Church is of the devil. Period. Nothing is holy about it. If you are not a Christian/Bible believing born again Christian then you are following a false religion which is in its context of Satan. I don’t think you meant any harm in your comment at all but the truth of the gospel and of Jesus is cut and dry. There is no wiggle room or any obligation to respect Catholicism, Buddhism, Jehovah witness, etc
@@PoweredbyJESUS7 if you truly believe so then the first thing you must do is burn your Bible. You cannot trust anything that came from the Catholic Church starting with the cannon of the Bible. It was the Catholic Church Bishops about 1700 years ago the ones who settled with authority what early Christian writings were to be be included or excluded from the Bible. You cannot trust they did not leave other God inspired Gospels, epistles and writings out of the Bible nor that all of the ones in it are indeed inspired. Maybe Luther was right and Revelations and James should not be part of it. After all he had 95 other reasons to disobey them, why trust them then with what the Bible is made of then? Maybe the Didache, Shepherd of Hermas, Clement Epistle to the Corinthians, the Gospels of Thomas, Barnabas should actually be part of it because if was the Catholic Church the one who took them out. Hey, the book of Enoch should be part of it as well right? After all he was a righteous man in the eyes of God to the point of being taken to Heaven. After you burn that demonic Bible in your hands, pray, pray a lot and go shopping among all the early Christian writings to make your own Bible without any input from the demonic Catholic Church. You know better than Jesus who entrusted his Church to them and gave them full authority. You know better than Christians all over the world for centuries that obeyed and trusted the authority of that Church without question since the time of the Apostles all the way to the Reformation when reformers appeared claiming they knew better God's will than His Church. How can you trust and obey the Catholic Church? Who gave them such authority? It is clear you don't care or believe Jesus' words when he gave them the power to bind and loose on Heaven and Earth. It is clear that you also don't believe his promises that He would be with his Church always. What a missed opportunity that young King David did not have an adviser like you, who knows better about God appointed ones, when he had the opportunity to kill King Saul because of his disobedience to God. Jesus himself would have benefited from your Wisdom when he called Judas to be one of his 12 apostles and might have thought otherwise if he had had someone like you to warn Him
I always thought the beautiful bacilicas, cathedrals, missions and churches of the Catholics were made to honor God. I personally feel great gratitude for God's creation and love when I see such places.
Are you serious? It doesn't bother you that your church butchered, stole an killed to build this monstrosity full of stolen artefacts and gold that cost a fortune?? That Jesus never worshipped in such a thing. Read the scriptures. Convert to Orthodoxy!
As Catholics, we believe these relics are holy because God sanctifies them. You're right, Dallas, the history of every one of us is holy and we're all temples of the Holy Spirit. But, at the same time, there have been miraculous events or healings related to some of the holy relics (if not all). Some of the bodies of the people we believe are saints have never decayed, also. It's not that we see them as idols and worship them instead of God. We simply believe that those are remnants of people who have managed to grow more in sanctity. And, for some reason, God uses them even after their passing away - perhaps to remind us that we never die, that He concurred the death. (I mean the fact that some of the corps are intact long after they passed away.) We celebrate God's presence in the people's lives. There is also a whole theology about the sanctity of the human body in the Catholic Church... The Church teaches that the human body is holy because we're vessels of the Holy Spirit, and in Baptism we become unified with Christ's body. The reverence towards corps comes also from this realization, I believe.
Saint Peter’s relics are holy, because like Jonathan said, “it came from” A Holy Man. I pray the series will in future years show the life & martyrdom of Saint Peter after Christ’s death & resurrection.
@@mistyviolet3825 Add to the mix that the relics are proof of their existence here on earth. As we get hundreds to thousands of years away from that, people tend to forget and put them in the myth category without some proof.
@@aerochicc Many relics, not all, were fake. You may believe the stories behind them, but it is a matter of your belief, not proof. That being said, the actual studies of the shroud of Turin, if an honest person, offer amazing proofs of what overriding evidence says is Jesus's burial shroud.
Great dialogue! I love how respectful you both are to each other's faith. I love that Dallas asked these questions about the Vatican or churches. As a Catholic I will tell you this is not how most Catholic churches look or operate. That would be a very distracting place to worship regularly, but it has it's importance to us. This would be a great regular video series or podcast you two could add to your busy schedules. As a Catholic I appreciate the respectful questioning of Dallas, who has a genuine curiosity, and Jonathan who is doing a great job answering hard questions without acting like he has all the answers, if that makes sense.
I find interesting that both my favorite Jesuses, one from The Pashion and this one from The Chosen, are played by actors who are catholic. ❤️🔥🙏 Duše Sveti napuni srce povjerenjem, gdje god zoveš daj da krenem! Oče hvala Ti!
I personally feel that it doesn’t matter which building, what matters is the relationship with Jesus. A lot comes from how you were raised, who Wes there to teach and who you followed. I am So very grateful for the Chosen. Every time I watch, I am moved to tears and am closer to our Lord , like I was when I first chose to follow Him! Thank You All !
@@jhails112 Joyce, but God dwells in the Church. Remember King David who wanted to build a magnificent temple for God. "King David said to Nathan the prophet, “Look, I am living in a fancy house made of cedar wood, but God's Holy Box is still kept in a tent! (2 Sam 7). But because of his grave sin, God did not let him build it. He let his son, King Solomon, build a glorious temple for God to dwell in.
Church is God’s people. “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?”- 1 Corinthians 6:19 Our relationship with Jesus is the most important.
Love this interaction between Dallas and Jonathan. Such a wonderful example of how our ultimate goal to draw nearer to Jesus is what binds us together as members of the body of Christ.
Interesting and Insightful.. As I was watching it came into my mind about the story by Jesus of the two people praying inside and outside of the temple. The one who humbles himself and pray is the one whose prayer is pleasing to God.. It's all about our heart and personal relationship as Dallas said at the end. The ways of worship may differ, but let's worship him in Truth with humbleness in heart.. I always admire those creations by human hands and praise God for the wisdom He has given to accomplish such great things.. God wanted us to be intelligent, artful, loving, holy as like Him when He made us in His image.. Let's as Christians be united and branch out from the one and only Jesus and bear fruits of the Holy Spirit to Glorify our Father in Heaven..
Catholic and orthodox bibles have the apocrypha books added to them and they are contradictory, have false teachings and go against Jesus's sacrifice in Tobit 4: 10 (catholic translation). The icons are inaccurate representations of Jesus and why kiss them? That's idolatry behavior to me and also blasphmeous
I'm not Catholic, but I don't see the idolatry in the way Catholics treat art and relics. The paintings, statues, architecture serve the same purpose as the series does. People a 1000 years ago didn't have video to personalize the stories and the people like we do. These representations help bring to life the stories and concepts. There should be things that are sacred. If nothing is sacred, nothing is profane.
Thanks for the charity. People seem to actively feed themselves misinformation about what we believe ;p
You understood it quite well. Thank you. We Catholics worship God alone, nothing else. People like to put words into what we believe and do.
That's what I like to think about the art - however, some devotees make it different when they're literally bowing down to it or crying when touching it. That's just me though in a Catholic-filled Asian country
Catholics built Eastern culture
@@Murk.mp4 its important to look at what the church teaches and what the saints have to say about it before assuming every one is a well catechized catholic - there are many things catholics do that aren't catholic (usually they aren't well catechized)
I, as a Catholic, am so grateful for this interaction between two denominations. The time has come that we understand how we all practice our faith no matter what it may be. Thank you Dallas and Jonathan for showing how it's done💕
Salvation by grace through faith alone
@lydiareid3689: I am a cradle Catholic and attended Catholic schools from k-University. Just a heads up, Cathollism is not a demination. We are a direct line to Jesus. A denomination is a branch, we are the trunk itself.
@@edwardanugent you could say we are the Rock
Catholicism isn’t a denomination, it is the original Christianity. Evangelicals are a part of a denomination
@edwardanugent Lord Jesus is the trunk. We are the branches
As a practicing Catholic, the reverence I feel for places is NOTHING compared to my love for Christ. But I get a very special feeling when I see what faith has created in sites such as St. Peter’s Bacilica.
As a former protestant, the reverence I learned to have for sacred places actually made my reverence for God grow.
God Bless you!!!
Icons, places, relics-they all point toward the glory of God. Shunning them would be like shunning the ocean or the sky, as these are also a reflection of the glory.
You my friend need to repent mary is not seated on the right hand of power and given all Authority only one way jesus if your praying to anyone els thats idolatry and your prayers aren’t reaching no higher than the roof
I dunno about you guys but I feel something amazing happening in the world at the moment, even among the heavy burden of evil all around. People from all faiths are finding Christ. They are uniting across cultural and faith barriers. Praise be to Jesus.
Praise be to Jesus!
Yes omg!! I’m feeling the exact same way I’m so glad I’m not alone
Amen. One day we will all be united in one tongue praising one God.
Knowing Jonathan's heart for all of this, I give him a solid 10 out of 10. He has not missed a beat in any episode. Not over-done, not aloof, just ... right.
Amen and amen ✨ ✅
He's missed EVERY single beat. They will all be judged for this show. Not one of them actually believe in the true Jesus. This show is tied mostly to Mormons, as well as occultists, LGBTQ, Jesuits, etc. Watch the 5 hr long video that exposes it. It's not opinion, it's from THEIR own mouths.
He seems to be a good man Pray for Holy Purity.
Praise the Lord for what He's done through this.
As a devout Catholic, I'm totally OK with Johnathan speaking up for the Catholic Church anytime! 😊 that was a very simple, beautiful, humble explanation.
I mean he is a devout Catholic himself so i trust him lol
ah yes, the church jesus himself founded is "evil" 😂
@TheSongOfNoOne Of course we are saved by God's grace alone, Catholics and Orthodox also believe this to be true but we have to understand the entirety of the teachings of the Church and scripture. James writes in his epistle, "just as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead." so it is clear that faith, if alone, is not sufficient. For even the demons believe and they tremble, so a true and saving faith is perfected or made complete through our works. Yes Abraham believed but did his belief alone save him? No it was his faith being fleshed out in his works that saved him. Noah believed but did his belief suspend him over the tides until they subsided? No his building of the ark was the actualization and completion of his faith. How can we say that we have faith and not be faithful?
So I am basically paraphrasing James' epistle here but I think it is clear that faith alone does not save, nor is it taught in scripture. However God's grace alone is the only thing that can save us, our own works are for naught if we are not found in God's grace. So how do we enter into God's grace? By faith. What does that faith look like, is it merely belief? No it is a living faith that is perfected in our works.
Now go and research Church history and see what the Church taught for the first 1500 years of its life.
This is a great and respectful exchange between a catholic and an evangelical on their differences in worship and how they view holy places. Thank you for giving us this conversation.
Amen! Much love!
The sorrows [pain and suffering] of those who have chosen another god will be multiplied [because of their idolatry];
I will not pour out their drink offerings of blood,
Nor will I take their names upon my lips.
@@SM-wv7iu well , maybe its time for enlightenment and education? I see obviously his heart is in the right place and what hes attempting to do is noble however there's an issue with being deceived and deceiving others unknowingly.
Catholics Do Not know Jesus, nor do most of the Jews. Then there's those who follow the Talmud, Who HATE Christ! Yes serious ERROR. Speak the Truth if you see it and understand. I do this not out of condemnation, but from a place of Love and Concern for those out there who are supposed to be one body in Darkness and blindness following another god. They're salvation is in question. There is ONLY ONE who stands at the door! Thankyou for responding!
@@SM-wv7iu Stop bearing false witness against other Christians.
My husband is from Italy , he converted me to the catholic. My first time in the Vatican, I didn’t realized that was the main headquarters and center of the church and home for the pope. I went to my first confession there at Saint Peter while I was still in RCIA, I didn’t know then.
After my visit there, I started to learn how to pray the Rosary, Chaplet and my love for the faith grew. I am so in-love with the Catholic. I didn’t know how much Jesus suffered for us and how much our Mother Mary love us so much. I realized I don’t deserve all of these gifts that I found in the catholic faith because I am a sinner 😢but I thank you Jesus and Mama Mary for giving me so much and have me as part of the Catholic family.
You deserve your blessings and more. Jesus died so that we could be forgiven, your sins are forgiven
Jesus is the only way. don't praise anything else as equal.
I'm late to reply for certain, but yours is perhaps the most beautiful comment I've ever read on youtube.
@@ArtByAhrishe doesn't praise anything equal as Jesus
Her life is for Christ and by Christ
Amem 🙏
I took my wife and 19 year old son to Rome in 2007. When we walked into St. Peter's I was overwhelmed at the size, the history and especially the art. There was a mass that was going to held (in Latin) and my wife and son elected not to attend. I went though. Listening to the mass in Latin moved me literally to tears. I wept. And any time I would open my eyes all I could see was Bernini's stained glass window of the Dove of the Holy Spirit. It's a moment that I'll never forget. Btw, I started watching The Chosen this week and every episode there are moments where I cry. Such a beautiful series.
Me too I went to St Peters in 2008 but I didn't realise it's significance. Im Sikh and a person in our group organised it, I thought it was beautiful inside and I sat and listened to the prayer. I'm watching the chosen now , and I only realised now where I had visited and it's significance I feel like I was meant to have visited it. I love God, and Jesus they are loving. I have always wondered about Jesus even though I'm from a different faith, and I love the positive teachings of my faith too, and I always felt Jesus was peaceful and loving. I also respect that many popes are buried there. God bless 🙏
Es como la conversion de san agustin que fue conmovido su corazon por una misa
Sempre quis ir ao vaticano e ver a basílica que Bernini fez. Meu sobrenome é Bernini e sou católica tradicional.
It doesn't bother you that your church butchered, stole an killed to build this monstrosity?? That Jesus never worshipped in such a thing. Read the scriptures. Convert to Orthodoxy!
I love Jonathan’s humility “there are theologians who can answer better than I can”
Thank you two wonderful godly men for so respectfully and opening sharing your different approaches/beliefs as brothers. It’s beautiful to see an evangelical and a Catholic so aware of their differences yet so united in Christ and bonded in love. As an evangelical, I have truly appreciated learning more about Catholic beliefs through dearly respected brother Jonathan. I agree with you Dallas, we’ve gone too far the other way. Thank you for doing this video. Bringing the two together is beautiful. Love you guys!
@KYZOJEN Oh, another Protestant extremist. Zero research too. Comments like yours make me want to become more Catholic. Praying for you🙏
@KYZOJEN Why don’t you stop bearing false witness against your catholic brothers and sisters in Christ? You know it is wrong.
As a Catholic who watches and follows evangelical and to an extent baptist services and sermons, the thing I take the most out of the diversity of experiencing both denominations is a truly enlightening connection with God. Evangelicals focus a lot about helping each other and the messages focus on pulling scriptures that can relate to our circumstantial lives and draw us nearer to God. Much of the Catholic church is based on the Gospels and the history of the church and Jesus's timeline. It is very structured. It also seems at times like God gave the catholic church instructions about how things should appear or be done, to the degree He gave Noah specific instructions with building the ark. It's all very detail oriented and specific across the congregations.
Religion is a scam! Denominations have severed the body into peices and made the church weaker! Jesus is the way the truth and the life none will make it except thru him!
Bottom line we can come together to glorify him. We are brothers and sisters in christ!
I was born into a fundamental, legalistic protestant home. It was soul crushing. I converted to Catholicism 25 years ago and never looked back. Now I experience total freedom. Every holy relic, ever statue, every painting now enhances the worship experience for me.
What was legalistic about it?
And in doing so, you yoked yourself to traditions of men, idolatry, and a theology of "Works" that cannot save.
@@YaakovBuchner please, don't be that rude. Hopefully you're not a Pharisee... But in this moment you really seem to be one..
@@elisazanelli2004 Respectfully, I don't think you know a whole lot about the Pharisees. Christ stated "“The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses' seat, so do and observe whatever they tell you, but not the works they do". And what were their actions, Christ held them accountable to? They're adding to His Word with their own tradition, their own interpretations. And this is the very thing Biblical Christians like myself are holding the Chosen and many of their viewers accountable for. Again, respectfully, if you knew the Word of God, you would not be venerating trespassing of God's Commandments. You wouldn't yoke yourself to these unbelievers and heretics, who have routinely lied, mislead, and disrespected Christ, the Holy Spirit, and their viewers.
@@YaakovBuchner The Catholic Church was the first and is the only true Christian church. They wrote the Bible and was the only Christian church for 800 years. Simple history could even tell an atheist if they had to choose between any Christian denomination, they would choose Catholicism.
Lol - I’m Catholic and my bestie is a Protestant - we never argue anything but just share a passion and love of Jesus and The Chosen. Great interview! All love there ❤️🕊🙏🏼
Same thing in my life too ❤❤❤
LauraMarie Taylor I no longer call my self catholic I am a a Christian since I became born again , as a Catholics I knew about Jesus but don’t know him personally , now I know him, now I know he hears all my prayers and I can say I know he is right beside me now..
The Catholic Church made a lot of money from the poor people and the rich that salvation is from the Catholic Church that’s a lie! They deceived the people saying their love ones are in Purgatory And they must pay to get them out to go to heaven , many rich people left all there riches to the church many left the church
In their will.
Jonathan does not know he is clueless but the Holy Spirit will open his eyes . It was Martin Luther who after trying to reach God he was always confessing his sins because he was afraid of going to hell then one day he came across Romans 1:16 it is by faith we are save ! He got angry and all the people who were being deceived believing they must
Earn their salvation by doing good works to gain indulgences that does not exists i the Bible , Eph 2:8-9 it is by grace the cross and faith we are saved not of works so no one can boast , it’s a gift from God.
I’m so glad I could not understand indulgences. Martin Luther nailed his 95 thesis to the church door and the Bible Gods word was set free , . Only the Catholic Church had the Bible and it was In Latin so very few people read it , but God use Martin Luther In a profound way. Martin Luther wrote books against the Jews saying God did not love the Jews his people , so when the printing press went mad the Bible was printed In several languages and people read for the first time How much God loves his people.and saw Martin Luther lied. Gods word was set free this was the work of God..
Martin Luther wrote books that Hitler used to persecute the Jews. And it was the Catholic Church that cause the persecution against the Jews around the world. The early church father did that to .
When I read the bible for the first time , my first thoughts , lord! what book did the Catholic Church teach from because the Bible and the teaching of the Catholic Church are miles apart , it came to me they have a catechism that’s different from the Bible, that why they all pray to Mary that is idolatry against God , it’s difficult to get Catholics to read the Bible they believe taking communion they are eating his flesh of Jesus but they failed to know he said we are to do this till he returns
The Bible is the living word of God, by reading the Bible God increases your faith if you really want to know Jesus it’s not head knowledge it’s heart knowledge that when you understand you must love God with all our heart all our mind and with all your soul and with all your strength.only then you can love your unlovely neighbour because it Gods love in you by his Holy Spirit
The Catholic Church and some other religion believes God have forgotten his people the Jews if that’s so why is it, the Jewish feast day we will be celebrating when Jesus returns? , the feast of the tabernacle? It not a catholic feast day
I can see Dallas searching for words to say to Jonathan . I still attend mass and I pray for people to experience the Holy Spirit and tell them to read the Bible .
The Bible changes lives it did mine and the Holy Spirit led me to Church of England, to experience his love it there is became Born Again and he radicalise my life. God has a sense of humour ! and I attend Church of England I get the word of God, that’s food for my soul when I go there. God is great!
@@amoyjoyce1117 you are ill informed, you better watch those brilliant protestant theologian who are now in the Catholic church like Steve Ray, Dr Scott Hahn, Dr David Anders, and all those people who appeared at Journey Home program with Marcus Grodi.
@@amoyjoyce1117 Je suis évangélique mais j'en ai tellement marre des donneurs de leçons comme vous!!! Aimez-vous les uns les autres et laissez les gens en paix. Shalom
@@amoyjoyce1117 I can honestly say that you must have been deprived of intelligent faith leadership while you were in the Catholic Church.
I am Catholic though I have attended many Protestant Christian Churches.
I have never found anything that would be called born again.
I have found the term born again is very loose in the Protestant Churches.
Because in scripture being born again happens at baptism what you experienced is what we as Catholics call confirmation where one receives The Holy Spirit and we confirm our faith in Jesus.
We receive the Holy Spirit and through actual conversion and purification we become born again.
The born again does not magically go to heaven.
You must turn fully from sin and convert which means turn fully away from all evil.
I am born again through my baptism and I received the Holy Spirit at confirmation.
Since then all aspects of my life changed, my strong faith lead me to pray to God to give my sister another chance to convert and bring her back to life.
She died during brain surgery and was declared dead by the doctors and as she was being transferred to the hospital morgue she came back to life and it was the Lord Jesus who gave her a second chance at life.
Do you continue to sin?
Has calling yourself Born Again stoped you from committing sins.
Remember death is the punishment for sin.
Are you born again, truly born again, remember the baptism of Fire is to die martyr.
Truly born again people suffer more on account of the name of Jesus.
Stop with your lies saying that Catholics are not Born again.we are and our magisterium teaches that we are Born again.
Church should never change it should remain faithful to the instruction handed down throughout the centuries.
Jesus said preach to the sinners and make converts, where in scripture does it say slice up Christ Jesus upon the cross and part your ways creating many churches.
Art was a medium of catechesis for the common illiterate people in olden times. It is also a medium of expression. People who experience Christ want to express themselves. They can never be silent. Thus, those talented with language write books, others write songs, others make films, create sculptures, etc. We who enjoy the works of their hands are led to catechesis. Just like the Chosen gives us a catechesis, a deeper understanding into Jesus' life and the others surrounding him, the works of art, sculptures, paintings, etc. did the same. I can say that people like Michaelangelo were the Dallases of their times. Dallas now is actually paining portraits of say, Peter, his wife, Mary the Mother of God, Mary Magdalene etc. in our minds.
You make interesting points not easily seen 🕯👍🏼🕯
This gave me a better understanding of art from the eyes of the illerarate and a challenge to keep our eyes on the Savior as we enjoy the beauty of these amazing artists. I can't look into the heart of men to see if it becomes idolitry but God can and does even today. As the contemporary song says. "clear the stage set the sound and sights a blaze if that's the measure you must take to crush the idols"
Very well said!!!
Beautifully said, George, thank you!
This was a very healing video for me. I am a Catholic and a convert so I have been on “both sides of the fence” as it were. The love, respect and sincere friendship exhibited and honest.exploration of both men of each other’s views again makes me love God and my Faith more and is giving me the tools to talk about it.
I love it as well!
I am Lutheran and was raised in the church. As such, we were taught that the Catholic church is wrong. As I age and my faith grows, I am seeing more that we worship the same God. We are seeking basically the same things and anyone who seeks Jesus as the Christ and sole source and arbitor of our salvation. These people are my brother or sister and we will all be seated at the same table in heaven. Glory to God.
I have cried so many times watching The Chosen (tears of joy, sometimes, and of sadness, in others)...and thank my heavenly father, first and foremost for this beautifully done production, and then all the people who made this possible. Thank you guys for launching this amazing project. Has been a life-changing one for me.
Praise the Lord. It will be so wonderful to see the Lord face to face!
@@jamesd39145 couldn't agree more!
Answering the question, why Peter's bones are considered holy, the answer lies in an understanding of varying degrees of holiness. I think for Protestants there are only two degrees of holiness. Something is "holy" or "not holy", no more no less. But for Catholics and Orthodox, there is a whole range of "Holiness". God is the Most Holy... HOLY HOLY HOLY. Mary and the saints share in the holiness, in as much as they lived their lives based on His Word, and in constant "communion" with God. They are not holy by themselves, but the holiness of God radiates in them. In venerating their lives and memories, we are only venerating the holiness of God revealed through them. Again, God is the subject of "worship", "adoration". Mary and the Saints are never "worshipped". They are "venerated" in as much as their "memories are respected", their examples are followed, because their lives inspire us to lead better Christian lives. The lives of the Saints remind us that Christian perfection is not impossible. If they can do it, so can we.... Back to the bones... well, they are considered sacred... but to what degree? Are they as Holy as God? Certainly not... The degree of holiness certainly matters. Can a person be saved if he/she does not venerate the bones/relics of Peter, well certainly yes...
Reminds you of what St Paul wrote ---seventh heaven ---there are degrees of holiness, of glory, even in Heaven.
To be near this bones made me feel so intense comotion...the real and sure presence of the body of someone so close to JESUS is the most incredible chalenge to my septicism!
The best thing about Catholics is there non use of scripture when speaking about why their false doctrine is true
@@brendanworley1659 Scripture is interpreted differently ways nowadays, but the original way of interpreting Scripture was by the original Church which was the now Catholics and Orthodox Church, that being said we do grow up into certain churches that all Praise Christ our Saviour, but we should not condemn each other Christians because of how we worship him, and what differences that we have, we leave the judgement to God and we do what he called us to do and in this case it starts with loving one another and not being in any form of hatred, especially of differences on how to worship Christ, May God bless us my brother
@@brendanworley1659 All heretics use the scriptures when validating their false doctrines. So using scriptures does not prove anything. I was only trying to explain something, not validate anything.
This is one of the best respectful exchanges I have witnessed thus far, as a Catholic. It's great to appreciate how they listen attentively to one another.
Seems like Dallas talked more and Jonathan mostly listened. Why was 3:33 edited? I was cringing along with Jonathan. Catholics don't worship idols. Dallas is the boss and Jonathan is the employee - I bet Jonathan was holding back and biting his tongue.
@@LoantakaBrook catholics do worship idols
@@bibleman7757 What idols? Mary is not an idol; she is the Mother of Jesus. Without her cooperation, how would salvation have come to man. She teaches everyone to worship God and considers the people of earth (all, regardless of religion or beliefs) to be her children.
@@bibleman7757 Do you have pictures of your loved ones in your house? Are you idolizing them? Hardly not. Just like Catholics have pictures or statues of those who have come before us. We do Not idolize them.❤🙏
@@michelleflick1937 Are you seriously implying without Mary the saviour would have never been born?? She was human, merely an obedient human and nothing more. God found her, he could have also used someone else
As a Protestant myself that's one thing I admire much more about Catholics then us. They have extremely high honor and respect for our Christian ancestors who went before us and laid the ground work for where we are today. Like, think about it. If your a Christian you are apart of the spiritual family with the richest historical back ground in the world. And it's mostly all well documented and recorded. I can look back at a man from 1800 years ago and read his work and get all teary eyed cuz I can tell he's living the same kind of life I'm living and walking it out with the same God I'm walking it out with. It's absolutely incredible being a devout Christian and having such a rich spiritual heritage to look back on. It's great to feel that you are apart of something much, much greater then yourself.
You're talking of someone from 1800 ---well, I happen to study Church Fathers and I can tell you that as early as the first century, I have someone to look up to. St Irenaeus, St Polycarp --he's even a disciple of St John the Evangelist, the one who is given the credit for the Gispel of John, Revelation and the John epistles.
Come Home soon, brother.
We, your Catholic family are waiting for you.
We need to keep these testimonies (Lives of the Saints) alive. There is grace in remembrance of them. Hebrews, “remember those who have led you, taught the word of Faith to you, consider the outcome of their way of life, imitate them”
@@blessthelordomysoul746 he said 1800 years ago, not 1800.
As an atheist, I walked through the Basilica and was in awe of the art. I saw a strong sense of reverence and humility from both the people and the structures around me. A very incredible place. There were so many churches in Rome! It was like the whole city was a church.
Hi Ron,
Why are you an atheist ?
So well said! The whole city a church! You have keen eyes and a seeing heart!
Did you convert
@@PrOtaku123 I was born a Baptist and walked away from the faith for 40 years. Last year, I returned to the church.
@@ronchief56 wonderful! The Lord loves one lost sheep saved greater than the ninety nine who did not become lost.
As a Catholic artist who grew up in a Catholic/Protestant household, this articulate dialogue literally gives me chills. Thanks guys! I’m praying for you! God bless you and your Holy work 😭🥰
@Kel Rowland How do you know. You’re being rude.
Finally! A good conversation without arguing or throwing insults between different forms of worship. God bless you all!
I agree, too.
A very good exchange. As a devout Catholic, it is interesting to hear Dallas' perspective. I love how respectful you are of one another's beliefs. Having also been to the place where Peter's relics were found, what moved me seeing those bones was the fact that Jesus' arms were around the shoulders of Peter. They walked together, talked together, ate meals, cracked jokes, and had friendship that will never end. Those were the very bones that ached when he betrayed Jesus. Those bones were the rock on which He built His Church.
@Sharon Delaney, love @"They had a friendship that will NEVER end!" I can't even say how beautiful that is and how deeply it has struck my spirit!"
TY for blessing my spirit with that gem of wisdom and blessings to you and those you love too💖💖💖🙏🙏🙏✝️✝️✝️
Beautifully said. Those are the bones of the man who wept broken-heartedly after he denied his Lord. That kind of love must leave a mark even on the man's remains.
Beautifully said.
Que lindo! Amazing!
Yes Amen 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Catholic churches all over the world are holy no matter how grand. It is because Jesus, body blood soul and divinity, is there in the tabernacle waiting for us.
True story...We were at a protestant church wedding. My then 7 year old son turned to me with a puzzled look and said. "Mommy, it doesn't feel like Jesus is here." That is the power of Catholic faith in a child of God.
Not to disparage your faith and experience, as the same argument can be applied to many different churches and denominations as you can agree. This to say, as beautiful as Catholic churches are, I haven't felt the holy spirit there as I have in a small church of 50-100. Of course the point of faith and love for and in Christ transcends all denominations, thus I have no denomination.
Un dicho dice los borrachos y los niños no mienten
Yea not to deminish your faith either, but I felt that way as a kid I was brought up Catholic and being in that Church made me feel like God wasn’t in there. Plus i remember the Priest being aggressive with me. But I’m not going to use that to say that’s what makes the church less authentic or true.
@@TPFB129Catholicism is pre denominational brother
Really? It doesn't bother you that your church butchered, stole an killed to build this monstrosity?? That Jesus never worshipped in such a thing. Read the scriptures. Convert to Orthodoxy!
This video's existence would not have been possible a generation ago.
I'm tearing up over here. The fact that we can SHARE our faith...I'm beyond words.
I feel the same way. A other blessing of The Chosen
That's because a generation ago, people were more concerned with following the Word of God than they were rejecting His Commandments for the sake of Unity. Now it's about excepting everything, the band, waving flags, doing cartwheels, and searching for the supernatural.
@@YaakovBuchner what you say is important in terms of following his word, but we cannot undermine unity in the Church, theres forms of hatred between both Churches that I see and this conversation can help diminish that, now following God’s word is the most important thing and that’s where CIVILIZED and legit conversation about indifferences come and we kind of saw it here but not that much, the thing about the internet is that it gives us a certain amount of adrenaline and pride in the way we speak and it doesn’t help that a lot of people have this mindset, I truly don’t know if Johnathan and Dallas didn’t know each other and were speaking through the internet that the conversation would’ve been this peaceful, what I can say is that before conversing, we can all try to remember Christ’s words, that should help us become more willing to listen and peaceful in our dialogue, God bless you brother❤️
Who are "we" that share faith?
My experience as a small child living in a very broken home was having a beautiful precious priest come into our home and lives. He ministered compassion to my parents and took my small little hands in his, gazed into my scared little eyes and speaking softly, he said, "How are you Michelle?" This precious man caused me to believe there was a kind wonderful God and even though it took me a while to find Him, this Catholic priest planted the seed in my heart. So many ideas are clanging gongs but love is the most excellent way! Let us all walk as Jesus walked.
That’s really beautiful. Thank you for sharing ❤
Catholic convert here. I remember feeling exactly the way Dallas feels when I went to these sites as a protestant. I couldn't connect that kind of reverence for the physical with my personal relationship with Jesus. Now that I am Catholic, I can see the greater connection to an even deeper sense of worship that I believe joins the physical and metaphysical. My personal relationship with Jesus is fulfilled in an unspeakable way through belonging to the Church founded by Jesus and in the sacraments. Dallas seems to be on track with the idea of it's not one extreme or the other. It will be interesting to see where that leads him. Catholicism is "both/and" when it comes to beauty like this and also a personal relationship with Jesus. I think Jonathan did a great job explaining his perspective. Conversations like this in places like this are great to see.
There's an excellent article by Chad Bird, "Christianity Is Not About a Personal Relationship with Jesus". In it he states, "Here’s the thing: Christianity is not about a personal relationship with Jesus. The phrase is never found in the Bible. And the whole biblical witness runs contrary to it.
Our life with Christ is communal, not personal or private or individual. When the Scriptures speak of believers, they are part of a community, a fellowship of other believers.
Christianity is about a church relationship with Jesus."
He goes on to explain why the "Our Father" isn't "My Father".
I think he may be a Lutheran and is or was a pastor. It's on the 1517 website. Anyway, this cradle Catholic really enjoyed the article.
Keith you are the man, I am glad you are bringing many back to Catholicism through your videos. Keep it up Keith you are an inspiration to Catholics.
@@brucebarber4104 I am also a cradle Catholic and traditional also. I can understand how Keith can speak about a personal relationship with God as I believe this is very common in the Protestant Churches and he is a convert. I have never been able to do that because I see it more as an act of pride. That must have been instilled in us as cradle catholics. I am comfortable with it and it feels right not to be.
You were never born again to begin with. That's why you never felt personal connection to the Lord. We are saved by works and not by faith. Remember that
@@jesuslovesyou1921 what a rude, ignorant and judgmental comment. You just proved not only ignorance of the teaching of the Catholic faith but also incredible arrogance.
I saw this video a couple months ago because it popped in my "recommended" section on youtube. Since then, I started watching the show and binge-watched the entire 3 seasons of The Chosen. As an already born-again Christian, this show changed my life and relationship with the Lord. Thank you, Dallas and Jonathan, for portraying Jesus as so human. Forever grateful.
Really enjoyed this conversation, as a former evangelical who entered the Catholic Church as an adult, and who loves the show. Dallas, your approach totally picks up on an instinct of Ignatian spirituality of the sixteenth century, fyi.
Just to fill in some gaps for Jonathan (as a scholar, but admittedly not a theologian): the veneration of relics and holy sights also connects to an understanding of the human person as body and soul. We are not only spiritual persons, anymore than we are not only physical persons. So the physical bones of Peter who is now in heaven are not divorced from the body he walked around in during his life (and the same applies to my body). As he mentioned, our respect for graveyards across cultures demonstrates that this awareness is somewhat instinctual.
We see seeds of this connection between the physical and spiritual throughout scripture: the Israelites’ “translation” of the bones of Joseph out of Egypt (Exodus 13:19, Joshua 24:32), Elisha’s parting of the Jordan with the cloak of the recently assumed Elijah (2 Kings 2:13-14), the dead man who was raised to life upon contact with Elisha’s bones (2 Kings 13:20-21), and healings that resulted from a touch of Christ’s garment (Mark 5:25-34), Peter’s shadow (Acts 5:15), and Paul’s handkerchiefs and aprons (Acts 19:11-12).
There’s a bigger can of worms I could mention: that, until around the Age of Enlightenment, Christians (Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant) were always anticipating a future resurrection of our physical bodies. So they didn’t imagine Peter’s soul in heaven as the end game: they anticipated that one day it would be reunited to those very bones you were looking at. This is a bigger can of worms, but if you’re interested, N. T. Wright is a great (Protestant) theologian to read more up on the resurrection of the body-The Challenge of Jesus, published by IVP, is a great introduction. Actually, now that I mention it, it’s all about the historical Jesus, so it’d probably be a great one for you to read as you continue this great work.
Thanks for all you’re doing! Each episode continues to make me cry, no matter how many times I watch them.
Thank you for this reply. Another very important factor that.protestants do no.understand are the sacraments....and if we talk about the Eucharist sacrament....Jesus is there in soul body and divinity.....and the Catholic church is the temple of God
God is there present. I think protestant need to learn about the Eucharistic miracles in the Catholic church...the only church founded by Jesus Christ.
I made a similar comment but also pointed out that that this place is where Peter laid down his life in exchange for lives of Christians in Rome, following Christ’s example of laying down his life for his friends. The beauty of this place is in the foundation of that reality. The self-sacrificial love exemplified by Christ and Peter.
@@MariadeJesus-dt4ql You are quite wrong as it is the born again believer who is the temple of God, not the catholic church. 1 Corinthians 3:16 know ye not that ye are the temple of God and the the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
Neither did Jesus found the Catholic church but rather He founded the Christian church.
@@thankfulchildofgod273 You didn't understand what she wrote. Yes, it's true each baptised Christian is a temple of God and the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit as it is written. This is precisely why we receive the Eucharist. Read John 6 and the Last Supper discourses. Jesus commanded us to break bread together in commemoration of Him, and as He said and re-iterated when some of His disciples found it a "hard teaching" and walked away (John 6:66). He restated His command, "Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no life within you."
Amen! This teaching is why Catholic Christians as temples of God receive Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist.
@@thankfulchildofgod273 Also, Jesus built "His Church" on the rock of Peter and gave His binding and loosing authority to St. Peter (the 1st Pope) as He stated in Matthew 16:18.
I love "The Chosen" and how it is helping to bring so very many people closer to Jesus. Great job you guys!
When I saw such a kind and understanding conversation between a Catholic and an evangelical I screamed for joy! I am Catholic and it’s pretty hard for me to find media or modern worship music with Catholics involved and Im typically the only Catholic in non-denominational groups. I loved y’all’s discussion and thank both of you for sponsoring respect and giving an example of faithful living and friendships between different denominations.
Also, my name is Abigail and so I’ve researched St. Abigail and she was very devoted to bodily resurrection and sharing her beliefs about that and I think that bodily resurrection at the end times we’re all waiting for is where a lot of this reverence comes in :)
Watch the videos of Steve Ray, footprints of God, you will love it. He recorded and explains the Bible from the places where it happens he is a convert Catholic and I am so amazed with his videos, I am Catholic, I watch the Chosen but if you want to understand more the footprints of God, is a have to watch. See the New Testament wasn’t “put together” until almost the year 400. And Steve Ray explains all how did the Apostles pass all scriptures to us and got into the Bible (New Testament)
Hello Abby, non denominational here I guess you could say, but more than that, just a fellow Christian. I love you in Christ my sister, and I jumped for joy as well :)
I'm catholic and I really love this show. I think giving mary such a big role is a nice touch. I think this is one show every Christian will love no matter your denomination
pray like Jesus said!
I love his face and his eyes he is really the face of Christ love him
@milagrosnagallo1784 yeah I totally agree. I always picture jesus more reserved and reverent. I like to think he's more like how roomier plays him.
@@timboslice980 jesus was hilarious no doubt
Thank you Jonathon R for your reverence for the faith! You have touched so many through your faithfulness in playing Jesus
Please pray for me: waiting on law school acceptances, and I have been praying that God use me as a vessel to help others through the law. (PS. Thank you for the “Miracle of the Fish” scene. I cried tears of faith) 🙏🏾
Standing in faith with you Louis, may God's will be done in your life!
In similar boat bro, applying to loads of tech degree apprenticeships and waiting for answers. Wanna do what glorifies God. Praying x
We need more Christian lawyers proclaiming God's truth and working for His kingdom! I pray the Lord guides your path🙏
I appreciate the fact that Dallas said “Peter is alive. He is in Heaven” because I’ve seen so many other Protestants on RUclips talk about how the saints aren’t alive and they’re dead and why bother talking/praying to them. God is the God of the living and not the dead.
Exactly, we are all members of the Body of Christ, whether on Earth or in Heaven. "Dying He destroyed our death, rising He restored our life, Lord Jesus come in glory!"
They are alive in heaven in their spirit, but our spirit AND body were redeemed so at the resurrection the spirits of the passed return to their bodies to be judged
@Martin Luther, The Catechism of the Catholic Church says:
997 What is "rising"? In death, the separation of the soul from the body, the human body decays and the soul goes to meet God, while awaiting its reunion with its glorified body. God, in his almighty power, will definitively grant incorruptible life to our bodies by reuniting them with our souls, through the power of Jesus' Resurrection.
998 Who will rise? All the dead will rise, "those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of judgment."
999 How? Christ is raised with his own body: "See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself"; but he did not return to an earthly life. So, in him, "all of them will rise again with their own bodies which they now bear," but Christ "will change our lowly body to be like his glorious body," into a "spiritual body":
But someone will ask, "How are the dead raised? With what kind of body do they come?" You foolish man! What you sow does not come to life unless it dies. and what you sow is not the body which is to be, but a bare kernel ....What is sown is perishable, what is raised is imperishable.... the dead will be raised imperishable.... For this perishable nature must put on the imperishable, and this mortal nature must put on immortality.(1 Cor 15:35-37. 42. 53).
1001 When? Definitively "at the last day," "at the end of the world." Indeed, the resurrection of the dead is closely associated with Christ's Parousia:
For the Lord himself will descend from heaven, with a cry of command, with the archangel's call, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. and the dead in Christ will rise first. (1 Thess 4:16)[48]
1038 The resurrection of all the dead, "of both the just and the unjust" (Acts 24:15), will precede the Last Judgment. This will be "the hour when all who are in the tombs will hear [the Son of man's] voice and come forth, those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of judgment" (Jn 5:28-29).
@Martin Luther, from Wikipedia:
"In Lutheranism, Martin Luther personally believed and taught resurrection of the dead in combination with soul sleep. However, this is not a mainstream teaching of Lutheranism and most Lutherans traditionally believe in resurrection of the body in combination with the immortal soul.[53] According to the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS), on the last day all the dead will be resurrected. Their souls will then be reunited with the same bodies they had before dying. The bodies will then be changed, those of the wicked to a state of everlasting shame and torment, those of the righteous to an everlasting state of celestial glory."
Actually, my reply with the citation from the Catechism of the Catholic Church also came from the Wikipedia article, "Universal Resurrection."
@Martin Luther, you're welcome. If I find out anything else, I'll let you know.
BTW, that Wikipedia article on Universal Resurrection is quite interesting. It covers many belief systems and includes citations.
As a Catholic, not sure how much more of a personal relationship you can have with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, than receiving His body, blood, soul and divinity in Holy Communion.
To have more personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ: personal prayer (preferably than the memorized or recited prayers), regular personal reading of the Scripture, and obeying the Lord's commandments that you've read from His Word. Hope this helps in the growth of your relationship with Him, God bless.
@@irishgab04took the bread made the blessings and said take this all of you and eat of it for this is my body that was given up for you. Do this in memory of me.
@@Karlieanne12 yes and that falls within obeying the Lord's commandments. But having a genuine relationship with the Lord is not only about taking the bread in remembrance of Him. How does a relationship work? By getting to know the person and communicating with the person you have a relationship with. So to have a relationship with the Lord, get to know Him through His Word and communicate to Him with your personal prayers instead of just repeating the same memorized prayer again and again. A genuine Christian with a relationship with the Lord makes it his or her business to get to really, really know Him and make Him known to others (for this is the reason we are saved).
@@irishgab04 It's not bread. It's his flesh and there's nothing closer than consuming his flesh and blood in your own body: you become one, which is why it's called communion! As Jesus himself said, if you don't eat his flesh or drink his blood, you have no life in you.
@@AuthenticityVeritas yes I know. In Luke 22:19 "And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.”
We do this in remembrance of Him. That's why I said that this falls under obedience to the Lord's command.
In 1 Corinthians 11:26 "For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes."
We do this in proclamation of the Lord's death. But is that all there is to having a relationship with the Lord? You do not agree that getting to know the Lord through the Scriptures is not a huge part of your personal relationship with Him? You do not agree that having a real conversation with the Lord through personal prayer is majorly essential to your personal relationship with Him? Are you just going to limit your relationship with the Lord to conformance to tradition?
Thank you so much Dallas and Jonathan! I am catholic. All of us Christians and Jews need to unite and support each other in this world that no longer believes in God.
I think Dallas was a little divisive towards Catholics - saying false things about us like the whole "idolatry" thing - complete lie. A few comments on here are anti-Catholic. I can see Dallas is evolving in what he thinks about Catholics. He is, and may bring other non-Catholics around to not hating us Catholics, and seeing us Catholics as Christians too.
@@LoantakaBrook when you have been taught your whole life a certain set of beliefs, it takes a lot to grow past them. Protestants are taught lies about Catholics form birth. I think he did a very good job respectfully voicing his concerns
Dallas you often say you include lines or dialogue in TC to represent the audience’s perspective or questions. This exchange between you and Jonathan helps all of us have that hard but very needed conversation within the body of Christ. As a Protestant who has visited dozens of cathedrals in the world and known many faith filled Catholics, I welcome the opportunity the Lord is providing us all to seek unity that pleases Him. I’m grateful the Chosen team is boldly fostering this interaction. Doing so prompts me to re-examine scripture and my own heart’s attitude toward others whose worship and relationship with Jesus differs from my own.
Catholics never worshipped idols/statues. Catholics see statues and art like you might see photos of your family.
Jonathan, I went to see “The Promise” in Branson, and the man playing Jesus did a phenomenal job. When I talked to him afterward and told him what a great job he had done, his response was “ I hope He was pleased.” It was a perfect response.
That was lovely Elaine.
I went to see Jonah in Sight & Sound the summer before my dad died and it was phenomenal.
Loved this. I was loving the whole interaction between Dallas and Jonathan and I couldn’t help but burst out laughing when Jonathan pulled his phone and said we just got disinvited by the Pope was so great! Jon is too humble but gets put on the spot by Dallas and it’s so funny to see them interact with each other this way. God bless the Idea of Chosen and what it represents. Please keep guiding these men to do your will and work
This what I love about the Chosen and your work. Keeping things personal, respectful, and balanced. I can only pray and hope that all different Christians realize how we have the same goal and need for each other....especially with the growing divisions
Why does Jonathan feel he deserves a 5 or 6? He gets a straight up 10 out of 10 without a doubt for his “A” class performance 👏👏👏I also love what Dallas said at the end “I want that the personal relationship we have with Jesus and the connection we have with the people who walked with Him to result in worship and not the other way around”. Deep and worth pondering over!
Because he is humble!
@@anavaleriaferreiralima153Amen-- he really does seem to be walking in humility. God is Definitely Being Glorified in His portrayal of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ!
I grew up Baptist and I never thought much about how the church looked as it was all I ever knew. In college a dated a man who was Catholic. He took me to a Mass and it felt different and looked different. Then, I kept going to understand his faith once we got engaged because we intended to raise our kids in both Churches.
Well while learning about his faith and gaining a better understanding of the Mass I came to love it. I converted 12 years ago this April. Now, I see protestant Churches as being cold and aloof from God. Catholic churches have warmth, a continuity with the services, and a peace that comes from just walking into the Church.
Welcome home!! ❤️
@Kiss Gábor That passage is applying to you, it seems to me.
@Kiss Gábor I follow my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who through His life, death and resurrection has set me free as taught to me by His one true, holy Catholic and apostolic church through Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition and its teaching authority.
And you?
Convert too, from very anti-Catholicism Presbyterianism. I spent a whole lot of time trying to pull Catholics out of “the whore of Babylon” only to have one Catholic friend say, “Why don’t you join RCIA and ask all the questions you want?” I couldn’t believe a thing like RCIA existed. I thought Catholic’s left the Church and Protestants didn’t convert. Boy, did God prove me wrong! After two years of prayer and study, I came to believe what the great St. John Henry Newman (a convert himself) said, “To become immersed in history is to cease to be Protestant.” Catholicism is the full deposit of Christianity. I was never as close to Christ as an Evangelical as I am now. I love my Protestant relatives and friends, I just wish they knew what they were missing.
For me it is the contrary. Grew up catholic, but at the age of 15 I encounter salvation of Christ. Now I am a christian.
I understand both angles, but lean more towards Jonathan's reverence for holy places, even though I'm not Catholic. I don't think it's possible to downplay the significance of such places, especially as I am now walking with the Father and learning so much more about Him through His Word, through The Chosen and other mediums. I believe we are so blessed to have such a wonderful production and to have so much access to the people involved ... I'm just so grateful.
Truly thankful for how you’re living your mission, Jonathan and Dallas 🙏🏻 Praying for your continued strength to fulfill the task of these impactful depictions.
@KYZOJEN You continue over and over to bear false witness against your brothers and sisters in Christ. Repent
@KYZOJEN May the Holy Spirit open your heart and fill it with peace and understanding.
Jonathan. You just had a chat with Scott Hahn in October. It would behoove both of you to introduce Dallas to Dr. Hahn! He was a former Pastor who tried to dispprove the Catholic Church. In doing so, he (along with millions of others in his shoes) ended up converting. I think Dallas would enjoy a convo with him about saints, worship, veneration, idolitry, supplication. transubstantiation! Re: Transubstantiation, especially when he shoots the Last Supper scene. God bless. Loving the show!
Dallas is not going to become Catholic. He has already stated that.
@@MsLisaLor Hi Lisa. Where did I ever imply Dallas should convert? Read it again. I said Dallas would find it very enlightening to talk to Scott who used to possess his same understanding so Scott could articulate better those elements of transubstantiation etc. You're projecting an issue I never suggested. Also, whatever Dallas does in his life is his choice. Free Will.
In 2019 I went to a Latin mass inside of the Notre Dame Basilica in Canada. And although I don't understand Latin, I tried my best to follow along with the English text. Regardless that I couldn't understand the language it was powerful and impactful. And the inside was absolutely incredible.
Try an Orthodox Church. They’re largely in english
That’s the wonderful thing about the Latin rite mass. No matter where in the world you go to mass it would be exactly the same as in your hometown. The vernacular has taken away a lot of the mystique & reverence. Vatican II has done a lot of damage.
I was raised both Catholic and Baptist. It wasn't until my relationship with Jesus Christ, and Mary that I could fully understand the teachings of the Catholic Church. ❤ the stigma that people have against the catholic church really hurts my heart, but it's conversations like this that will unite us. Love the Chosen! Great job guys! ❤
You cant have a relationship with Mary... she doesn't see you or hear you... Lord have mercy... Jesus is your ONLY mediator.
Very confused and heretical statement.
@@sandyp4192 Why do you feel compelled to insult others in this way? This is not the act of a true Christian. There is no empathy or love in what you said. As a Catholic, I have some strong contrasting opinions on the 'sola scriptura' theory that Protestantism is built upon, but I understand that a comments section for Chosen fans of all different denominations and faiths is not the appropriate place to express them.
@@yes2day100 ??? What? stop yapping and playing victim, if you're offended by the truth just say so, I said nothing insulting I literally was speaking biblical truth. 👋
@@yes2day100 I'm not a Protestant? If you deny God's only means of salvation and authority over your life that's on you but don't enforce your heretical satanic dogmas and traditions on others who identify in Christ Jesus alone and not man and the world like you do 👍
I like that Dallas tries to keep a balanced picture without compromising his opinions. God bless this work.
This was a lovely and respectful exchange of thoughts from two brothers on opposite sides of the same coin. Having been raised Protestant and converted to Catholicism, I really appreciate where they are both coming from. I think one of the things Protestants miss, or at least in my case, are just not taught, is that the art is how historically many illiterate people came to know the biblical accounts. For the vast majority of Christian history there was not ready access to the scriptures like we have today and many people could not have read them even if they saw them. It was through the Church, the Mass, Tradition and sacred art that people learned about Christ. Throughout history it has been common to feel a sense of reverence for the burial sites and relics of holy men and women; our protestant brothers and sisters often misunderstand reverence as worship. There is a huge difference but to someone outside looking in I can see where the misunderstanding comes in. Its all perspective and an understanding of history. This conversation was beautiful to watch and I am thankful these two men are able to use their love of Christ to create something so wonderful for the world.
it is a shame your Christian religion is taring itself apart this does not happen in Islam.
Thank you, Jonathan, for your faith-filled, respectful responses.
Dallas is blessed to have an honest, humble actor who loves Christ and represents him so well in The Chosen. Jonathan you’re exactly what we need when watching you bring Jesus to life through your work on The Chosen!
This was a beautiful discourse. I love the conversation and the respect. Don't forget, it is holy because Jesus is there in the Eucharist ❤️ What a cool friendship. Like it says in the gospels, we all belong to Jesus. Not to Peter or to Paul, but to Jesus.
So glad to see my Faith involved in such a beautiful show like the Chosen!
@KYZOJEN Stop and Repent.
Plz don’t try to convert me in the comment section 😊 I love being Catholic, it’s not Satanic, and I have no intention of leaving my Church. Just enjoy the show like everyone else plz and thank u.
When I walk into beautiful cathedrals, it draws out reverence for our Lord. The incredible artistry reminds me that gifts and talents are given to us by our Lord in so many different ways. People who lived fully for the Lord are honored and revered...more reminders of the intangible aspects of our life that are important to retain, which we then use for worship of our Lord. Sometimes we make God too small or put Him into our personal box. God dwells within us, but visual reminders brings me to worship our all powerful and loving Lord & Savior---the Most High God. ❤
I'm sure God is far more wondrous and loving and far "bigger" than any of us can possibly conceive... And I am grateful for that. Way beyond our comprehension ... yet very present with us, within us. How amazing!!! This is what St Peter's represents to me ... the grandeur and the intimacy of our Great I AM. 🙏🕊️💖🎶
@@lynnea286 Yes! Beautiful.
@@phillipleboa5251 We are the church instituted by Christ in the begginong
Wonderful dialogue. I'm Protestant so it's interesting learning about the Catholic community and their worship. God bless you both.
Orthodoxy is better.
Having watched this, I can't help but keep reflecting on the point Dallas made about Peter's bones. It got me thinking about things I always took for granted. My ancestors have been buried in the same New Orleans tomb for 170 years, a tomb that my aunt (now resting peacefully within) used to visit every year on All Souls' Day. Catholic graves and graveyards are consecrated, as the resting places of those whose bodies were washed in Baptism, anointed in the Holy Spirit through Confirmation, fed with the Body of Christ countless times in Holy Communion. When it comes to the saints (and the martyrs), then, we really pull out all the stops. And St Peter? Peter stood straight and tall, supported by those strong bones, to proclaim Christ Jesus on the day of Pentecost, with the fire of the Holy Spirit filling him, body and soul: flesh and blood and bone, all on fire with the Holy Spirit. I never thought of it this way before, but in life, those bones enabled Peter to travel from Jerusalem to Samaria to Antioch to Rome. Those bones kept him nailed (or perhaps tied) upside down to a Roman cross roughly where the obelisk now stands in St Peter's Square. And one day, as the song declares, "Dem bones are gonna rise again!"
Amen, sister!
Hi Sister, thank you for the witness of your life experience and God's revelation to your heart. When I left the evangelical church in 2001, many felt that I had "backslidden" and no longer embraced Christ ... yet the truth couldn't be more different. Your post doesn't indicate what religious community you are with, however I am your Franciscan Brother in the Community of Francis and Clare. Blessings!
The simple explanation for why it is considered a holy place is that we believe in the resurrection of the body. Many protestants don't believe that. That body one day will be raised into heaven! It is holy!
I like Jonathan's answer..."our spirtual ancestors", like a family, we feel and think like that when you are catholic
@@makikoba Amen
Oh my gosh, this is almost the exact conversation I envision having with you both -- the overlap of faith and art and all the nuances of faith that people have in Christ. I was raised by a Catholic father and Protestant mother and I'm so grateful for that because it gave me a rounded experience of God without squeezing me into any corners. I wasn't raised in the Evangelical world, but have spent a lot of time in it, yet most of my favourite artists, writers, etc. happen to be Catholic. I agree with Dallas that there has been a serious lack in the evangelical world regarding the value of art and beauty. On the other hand, it seems a given for Catholics that beauty, truth and goodness are attributes of God and therefore should flow through his followers. These cathedrals are glorious works of devotion to God made by serious artisans of the times and whether one believes they are holy or not is in the beholder. God is everywhere, yes, but I believe there is something about sacred sites where so many have come in devotion to God and prayed, that those dedicated spaces have a definite holiness to them for that very reason -- because they are dedicated to God. You two are great and God is great in your lives. Forever grateful for your faithfulness and surrender and all that God has done through The Chosen because of it. Continued abundant blessings on you both and all cast & crew (& viewers) of the show. Much love, Monique
Very good comments!
Amen! However, I don't believe in relativism - holiness is not "in the beholder". Holiness is not from us! First and foremost St. Peter's Basilica and every Catholic and Orthodox Church is holy because Jesus Christ is Truly Present, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in every Tabernacle and on the altar at every Mass or Divine Liturgy. Furthermore, the relics, art, etc. that remind us of Him and those who have imitated His holiness are worthy of reverence.
@@MPFXT I was waiting for someone to say/write this! Yes, Jesus is in the Tabernacle, through the Eucharist, which undoubtedly makes this place holy. As a cradle Catholic, I had glossed over this as a child. Now as an adult, I'm finally understanding the scope of how important this is🙏🏽
Hi Monique! I was also raised by a Catholic father and Protestant mother and feel that it gave me a very similar experience! I’ve never met anyone outside my family with this upbringing so I had to reach out! Have a blessed day!
@@MPFXT Jesus is really present! nicely said
Hey Dallas! Your last comment was exactly what I experienced the first time I went to a Mass (I was raised Batptist) at a beautiful Catholic church in my city. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!! Thank you for what you are doing! All of you! I own season 1 and 2 of The Chosen and watch them over and over. Can't wait for the next season. What a grand job you all are doing. Brought me closer to Jesus; I talk to HIm about what a great thing I think it is you are doing:)....Teresa......Prodigal of a sort.....
When I was 8 our family converted to Catholicism. Everything changed. None of my siblings or I have ever missed Mass on Sunday or Holy Days. It is hard to explain.
I am encouraged by the mutual respect seen here; even when there is disagreement.
This is a miracle of construction. I’m a mechanical engineer and have spent over 40 years working, building every type of construction, using every tool and every type of equipment, the largest cranes, the largest bulldozers, every tool know to man and I fully believe this church could only have been built with God’s heavenly power and direction. Along with perfect accuracy and precision and no knowledge or tools to use to build it, only Gods working miracle and direction with generations of talent people of the times built this work of art. Not to forget the beautiful statues and art work and other miracles on display…..
Very interesting take from a mechanical engineer.
Yes, they are both blessed
To see the Vatican it is
Scared grounds...where
Pope's are buried.and the
Piata of blessed Mary holding Jesus after he
Died on the cross..for all
Our sins...in college I spent a year studying
Renaissance art in Italy.
And spent weeks on my back studying the Sistine
Chapel..it is breathtaking
You are so humble in your
Spirit and are a 10..
The steps on the stations
Of the cross are amazing.
And mass being celebrated was a blessing.
It is a very special scared
Place ,Roma...wish I was
Still there...ciao..
@@maryannguess7115 you have written "scared" instead of "sacred" twice. "Scared grounds" and " . . a very special scared place . "
Did you know that you can edit and correct a post by clicking on the three vertical dots alongside the top of your post and edit in the corrections?
God bless
@@maryannguess7115 please edit words " scared"
I love Jonathan's comment on the grave-site. It really brought home my feelings of how I feel about these treasured sites. I know that not everyone feels that way, but it struck home for me.
I served for over 25 years in the military and the respect they give to human remains is unbelievable. It took me a while to understand and appreciate this.
I didn't know protestants didn't have much respect for the dead and gravesites. Wow. You learn something new everyday
@@nenabunena The Protestants have respect for the dead but not in the same way as Catholics. I think part of this is because they don't have the books of Maccabee in their Bible so beliefs in veneration are not the same. I say they have profound respect for the body because I was in the military for over 30 years and the treatment of humans remains was performed with the utmost dignity. Even in wartime a Soldier has to accompanied the body of a Soldier killed in actions on the airplane back to the States. I worked in this area and it blew me away with the respect given to the body even in wartime. Getting the body off the battlefield even in face of danger was important. As Catholics vary as individuals, Protestants vary by individuals and significantly by denomination. Sometimes we are too hasty in thought and we lump everyone together.
Thank you Jonathan…as a Catholic I have always struggled with the “materialism” of the Vatican…especially with all the starving people in the world!!!! I now have a better understanding of how sacred this land is and we need to protect the place where Jesus walked and buried those amazing saints.
God Bless you both!!!
What happens when there's a new heaven and new earth then? These "holy" places will be no more.
Yes, even most poor people want a glorious place to escape the world and give glory to God. There is beauty in a simple, humble Church too, but why not also have splendor that merely points at the beauty of heaven.
Just think of the temple that Solomon built and how the Jews made an effort to sacrifice so much for God.
Charlene, just a reminder...the Catholic Church is the largest charity organization world-wide.
Thats exactly the same thing we struggle that US Government are wasting tons Billions and Billiond that are close to Trillions yearly in unaudited Military Budget yet a lot of people across the world including millions of US Americans are starving
Awesome dialogue. Praying for massive conversions to the One, Holy, Catholic and apostolic church that Jesus Christ instituted thru St. Peter!!!! ⚔️✝️🙏🏼 ⛪️
Through Peter? No. And even if that were true, why did the Roman’s leave the church of Peter? Peter was the bishop of Antioch for nearly a decade. Come back to the seat of Peter 🤣 which is only in communion with other orthodox churches
There is only one holy catholic and apostolic church. The church that Jesus Christ helped his apostles build...the Orthodox church. Your church split from this tradition in 1054AD and the rest is nothing but a sordid history. Ask yourself, what did the original fathers establish the 1000 years before Catholocism even started.
My experience at St Peter’s Basilica was of awe, reverence, spiritual growth & understanding of our Savior & those who spent their lives to honor & love Him. I am not a Catholic, a Christian who loves our Lord. Every artist should be inspired by the grandeur & artistry, which allows a spiritual experience.
What a great conversation! I am an evangelical who can relate to the Holiness. Why???? Probably because I simply long for Jesus in a reverential way because of my Catholic upbringing. We could not even say His name, Jesus without bowing our heads as little kids. I get you Jonathan! Dallas I love that you want to explore the ideas of why so many of us think so differently. My first protestant pastor had a deep reverence for the Lord , he also was committed to Biblical Truth, which is why I could convert. He was an intellectual,.... without that reverence though I could not have converted. I revere my Lord .
Same story with me. As an evangelical, half of the Christian RUclipsrs I follow are Catholic not because they are Catholic, but because I find their discipleship and love of Jesus above many evangelicals.
Hi Beverly, what's stopping you coming back to your Catholic roots? ...Come HOME! God bless you
@@christianamericandominican2470 That says more about evangelicalism than it does about you. Reverence is a necessity -- He is GOD of everything in human flesh, and the vapid, sappy, irreverence of many modern churches is no less than sacrilege.
Those that walk away from the Catholic Faith will face a heavier chastisement because they knew the truth and left it for their own thoughts or beliefs.
I think therein lies the problem, making Jesus nearly unapproachable.
At the same time, making Mary, His earthly mother into the object of approachable prayer, and supposed answer to prayer, causing her to take preeminence in the heart and the mind, which becomes tantamount to worship and idolatry.
This actor ( Jonathan ) is so inspirational, committed to his faith and yet respectful to all parties involved . I think he is beautiful inside out .
Listen Catholics Don’t Idolize Mary, We Are Just Thanking Her For Jesus And How Pure She is
Amen! No created human like Mother Mary!!!!
Exactly. Of all the questions , always about Mary.
The art really is an expression of worship when directed to God.
@KYZOJEN I never know God hated beautiful art.
Yes, it reminds me of the scene with Nathaniel under the fig tree as he offers the Lord his blueprints.
@KYZOJEN Why do you think that?
Mimi J amen!
@KYZOJEN Speaking for God is blasphemy. Repent.
Catholic here! Just want to say I love watching you guys have beautiful open dialogue!
The Catholic Church has built amazing cathedrals and churches all to the glory of God. They are precious because they are gifts to God from man. How wonderful, right and just that every talent and detail that could be given to God was given to Him through all these generations of men's dedication and love for Him. I am always shocked if people are offended by it or say it is unnecessary.
In addition to that, they have preserved the very history of the new testament in word and artifacts. The real question to ask is where would all Christian churches be without these magnificent treasures? Like other Protestant churches, Evangelism did not start until the 1700s. One can only wonder where Christianity would be today if the Catholic Church had not been meticulous in its protection of all of this history.
The Stunning Catholic and Orthodox Churches are not just built to glorify God, they are also where Christ is, body, blood, soul, and divinity in the form of the Eucharist. Christ is there!
Thank you my dear friend for understanding coz we believe in the one true lord God like other Christians do we believe in the holy trinity ❤ my Catholic faith
As a Protestant, I am always amazed at the beauty of many Catholic Churches I go into for weddings, funerals, etc…
However, while really nice, they are unnecessary as it relates to your faith in Jesus.
What if you live in a place where there are no cathedrals, monuments, etc…think missionaries in Africa and other places in the world. The is a great scene in the Chosen with the woman at the well…Jesus says I just need your heart, and worship wherever you are…
So, rather than being in awe about what man has created, be in awe of what God has created….see the difference?
@@Twil64 - the art in Catholic Churches and it’s beauty is not at all unnecessary, it is all meant to give glory to almighty God and elevate and engage all the senses in order to worship God. Furthermore, Christ is present body blood soul and divinity in the Tabernacle and those churches reflect the beauty and reverence for Our Lord. Catholic missionaries the world over celebrate the Mass with no adornment but a tiny crucifix.
I am always struck at the plain, bland, unadorned, or the comical strip mall, or movie set appearance of protestant churches; little separates them from a meeting hall or a movie set. Jesus does indeed want our hearts but He also wants our best.
You are so incorrect about this…again, while I admire the man made structures, if that is important and at the center, then it is closer to pagan worship than it is to worship Jesus himself. Every Protestant Church you see had been purchased or built and is maintained through the members themselves via tithes and offerings. And part of offerings go to missions outside of the church. By the way, there are huge Protestant churches that have some pretty elaborate buildings and sanctuaries if that is what their members agree to afford to build and pay for. How many Catholics have to worry about financing the building they are in?
There was a Catholic Church that closed near me where the members were outside protesting about it. I asked them why they just don’t start their own Catholic Church with their own funds…they looked at me like what? Why would we do that?
If I am on a deserted island, yes, I can build a grass hut as my church and adorn it with whatever I can find…but if I can’t build statues and make stained glass windows…am I ok?
Please don’t get caught away from all that is needed is Jesus in your heart with daily prayers to Him, wherever and whenever you are.
Remember the verse where two or more are gathered? Matthew 18:20….It doesn’t say where two or more are gathered in a miraculous building.
Catholics exclude so many people with this idea…. I assume Catholics wouldn’t approve of a person in church if not dressed up in a suit and tie? What if all a person has is an old pair of pants, tshirt and ripped up shoes? The fact that you look down on a strip mall church or any gathering in lesser of a building than yours is prideful and very disturbing.
Man, you gotta get away from the materialistic symbolism…
and the idea that Catholics are the one true church
Sheesh 🙄
Good Lord Jonathan, God has truly blessed you with a beautiful smile. God Bless you for all you do . I have been where you are now in Rome and I went up those steps on my knees also. I didn’t think I was gonna make it but I did and when I got to the top and looked up and saw Jesus on the cross I experienced emotions I can’t even describe. Rome is beautiful and God blessed me with the trip to Rome. It was a pilgrimage offered by my church and I’m so thankful I was able to go. My Dad was born in Italy and came here on a boat. He always wanted to go back for a visit but never made it and I know God gave the opportunity to me, the one my Dad should have had. So, I am still thanking God for that opportunity, one I will never forget and am very grateful for . It was 2 + years ago but still so vivid in my heart and my mind. I also want to thank you and Dallas, “The Chosen” has brought me closer to my Jesus and embrace my faith so much more. So, again I thank you from the bottom of my heart and hope God Blesses you and all the actors and associates who make this show possible.
Jesus is truly present body, blood, soul and divinity in every Catholic Church. As a Baptist convert, everything I thought I “knew” about Catholics just wasn’t true. I wanted to be in the Church Christ started in 33AD. It doesn’t get anymore personal than the Eucharist. Read the church fathers and see how they worshipped.
So you indoctrinated yourself into a church of satan
Amen Amanda. The relics are small potatoes! The real miracle is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
@@sharondelaney8572 have you read what happens to idolaters, diviner’s and pagan heathens?
"Judaism is pre-Messianic Catholicism and Catholicism is post-Messianic Judaism."
-Roy Schoeman
@@brucebarber4104 Catholicism in anyway goes against TMH, YHWH, God of Israel, Creator of Heaven and earth and all things there-in. Only a pompous fool would believe such regurgitated garbage. Catholic Church was Romes invention to control the masses and commingle their pagan worship of sun deities (like JC) and Babylonian queen of Heaven (mother Mary). If your pubescent brain tells you otherwise, you’re living under the illusion
As a Latter-Day Saint I love The Chosen and tell everyone I can about it. I feel that if something is dedicated to God it is Holy, especially to those for whom it was created. Our job as Christians is to appreciate all the art work, the music, just everything created to worship The Lord. One of my favorite pieces of music is Mozart's Requiem Mass. I cry everything I here it, it speaks to me. Also, my oldest daughter is Catholic and I adore her, though our modes of worship are different. I would hope all Christians would just love each other and respect each other's faith. God Bless!
Kimberly Olsen but we must share the message of salvation if you are not born again, you won’t see the face of Jesus it’s all about his sacrifice on the cross for our sins to receive Jesus as our lord and saviour, it’s receiving the Holy Spirit and him living in us make us holy that is Gods gift us to those who believe , that’s our salvation
@@amoyjoyce1117 true. And I am born again and share the message of Salvation whenever I can. All Christians who accept the Savior, participate in the saving ordinances are heirs of Salvation. Our job as Christians is to accept everyone and love them.
@@amoyjoyce1117 There was an original message of Christianity before all the confusion protestantism brought to earth with all its denominations.
@@meusisto lol
@@land2097 Forget protestantism, it's just 5 centuries old. Christianism has 2 thousand years.
There are a lot of differences but the most important is that we are together in Christ! ❤️
We are only together in Christ if you are a born again Bible believing Christian. Any other religion is a false one and of Satan so while I don’t think you meant any harm in your comment not everyone with “differences” is the true body of Christ.
Yeah but what matters is obedience to the word of God. Catholics DO NOT do that. It’s all structured religion and practices including praying to idols, practically worshipping the pope when it says strictly in the Bible not to.. dead bodies of man regardless of what position they had in the Bible, should NEVER be glorified… He needs to speak up and be bold and stop candy coating his opposition to Catholicism..
@@DandZee89 the idols spoken against in the bible were considered to be gods. when catholics pray in front of statues and paintings, they know full well that those things are not God. oh and we don't even come close to worshipping the pope. his role is the head of the church on earth, that is all.
Referencing the holiness of Peter's bones -
Consider Acts 19:12 - "so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and the diseases and evil spirits left them." I am a Catholic convert from Protestantism and loved learning how biblically based the Catholic faith is. Also, consider researching the many miracles God has worked though both people's prayers and physical relics. Lastly, the incorruptibles, many followers of Jesus have bodies that simply haven't decayed.
Our family LOVES the Chosen and are so thankful to you both! AWESOME work for Christ!! We keep you both in our prayers 💜🙏🙂
Awesome response better than Jonathan
Really? It doesn't bother you that your church butchered, stole an killed to build this monstrosity full of stolen artefacts and gold that cost a fortune?? That Jesus never worshipped in such a thing. Read the scriptures. Convert to Orthodoxy!
When I visited the Basilica of San Marco in Venice's Square of Saint Mark, my first thought was how people chose to create the most beautiful and extraordinary churches as God's houses. I'm not Catholic, and I've heard the arguments that such churches only represent the power and wealth of the Catholic faith, but I see inspired beauty--no doubt in line with the biblical descriptions of God's house in Jerusalem and His temple in heaven. God is the definition of the inspired entity, and we are made in his image and carry within us His Holy Spirit. As such, people throughout history have also created beauty on extraordinary magnitudes, such as the Basilica of San Marco and St. Peter's Basilica, and all to the glory of God, giving glory to God through their inspired spirits.
Yes! This is exactly so. As a Catholic I wish more people could understand this. The Catholic Church actually has very little of it's own money. Most of the amazing church decorations were donated for the glory of God or fundraised by the community that church building is intended for. And as far as power goes... only the power God gives His Church... they just have a more centralized and much more public hierarchy for the media to point to and make a fuss about than other denominations. As such there is an established respect for the positions in that hierarchy, especially the Pope. (Much like the Dalai Lama)
If you are curious about the money of the Catholic Church, check out "How Much Money Does the Catholic Church Have?" By The Catholic Talk Show
These guys can be a hoot, but also very informative.
God bless!
We are drawn to the transcendentals -- Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. The goal of building a church is to draw us God. I wonder what the church built by King Solomon looked like.
Amen, sister! Where I come from we have a saying that the houses are built of wood and the parishes of stone. This is because they were built when small, Catholic towns took most pride in our churches - many look like Cathedrals! - and the center of the town.
Why not become Catholic, Nancy? You're always welcome!
"Beauty will save the world."
- Dostoevsky
I was baptized Catholic, then raised in the Pentecostal church for many years, in 2007 I returned to my home did my 1st communion and was confirmed at 58 yrs, it was the most beautiful experience for me, I love my spiritual up bringing in the Christian church and my Catholic faith, when we all get to heaven, we are the gentiles dressed in white robes, no name/title of religion, one in Christ Jesus because our relationship with him. And us Catholics do not worship the saints, we respect them just like we respect Billy Graham. God bless you all, and love you all. Amen
Love the unity of Christians. I am Catholic and I LOVE my evangelical brothers and sisters. And I LOVE all people! We need to unite in JESUS. YES! ✝️🙏❤️
Unless you are a born-again Bible believing follower of Jesus Christ that is the only true faith. The Catholic Church Buddhism Jehovah witness etc. are all false faiths and doctrines and are from Satan. There is no Broadway to the true faith it’s a very narrow path and even Jesus said few people will go to heaven because people believe good works or accepting all faiths and this jolly outlook will make a difference. It doesn’t get you to heaven and I don’t think you meant any harm with your comment but the truth is the truth.
@@PoweredbyJESUS7 🤦The Catholic Church compiled the Bible...
@@inmyhead6206 are you A Catholic yourself or are you speaking on behalf of them.
@@PoweredbyJESUS7 Does it matter? It's a fact, historical fact.
@@inmyhead6206 thanks for your reply. Answer the simple question then we can proceed.
In this talk of art reverence, I think of The Chosen because of what it is currently doing, which art did back then. On a tour of The Vatican, I was told the story of when the Sistine Chapel was complete and the pope was moved saying something like “I’ve known God and I’ve known the scriptures, but this is the first time I feel I am SEEING God.” The art was made as a way for people to get a visualization of these stories and that can be so powerful. Respectfully, I think The Chosen is a true piece of art that has given me the chance to see these stories by the true talent of everyone involved in making this cinematic art. It may not spark a whole renaissance, but I know it moves me in every episode.
When The Chosen first came out my family was unsure of what church we belonged to. I will be baptized into the Orthodox Church in 4 months and I am so excited to see how far I’ve come.
The rest of your family too?
@@meusisto Hello! Me and my parents got baptized this past Holy Saturday, my brother is still unsure but goes to church with us 😊
@@acupajo This is great! What was your family before?
The honesty of this conversation is touching. We may disagree, we may worship in different manners, but we are still brothers in Christ.
No they are not. They have different gospels
I can’t imagine when Jonathan walked up the steps, I would have weep my way up as well! What an experience.
I am a Huge Chosen fan and a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I love to see members of different faiths coming together to celebrate their love for God and their love and respect for each other. Thank you for showing us this beautiful cathedral! ❤️
I’m also Catholic and this was such a beautiful and fun video to watch! Both guys were so charitable and respectful of one another. God bless you all 🙏💕
We need more meaningful discussions like these to begin to understand and value one another. I love that the discussion is friendly, nonjudgmental, and deep into the theology. I think this is a great model to us how to do this properly at a time in the world where I believe we need to begin to understand one another on that deeper level. Thank you.
Interesting to hear Jonathan speak about the reverence for the bones of Peter in his Catholic culture. It seems genuinely out of respect for all that God has done through him and for him, and it brings honour to God. It reminds me of this passage: Which is greater: the gold, or the temple that makes the gold sacred? Matt 23:17 In Jonathan's case, it seems he has recognised that it is God that makes someone holy or special. ❤️👍
When he was talking about the bones it reminded me of a lie just bones and when he was in the grave they had power someone fell in the grave on them and came alive again. That makes a statement
Elijah’s bones
@@marshastrub155 Elishua's bones 😋 🙏 The one Elijah gave his mantel to. I actually think Elijah and Elishua relationship was prophetically related to the father and Christ. Elijah in Hebrew means "MyGodYahew". Elishua means the exact same thing as Yeshua (Jesus name). "God's Salvation". There interaction and the transfer of power and Elishua bones restoring to life after he died I think was all kind of prophetic sign acts pointing to Christs role with the father and how his death would bring life. Always loved that story and have been reading a lot about the two prophets recently🙏
Yes!! I felt the same.
I'm catholic I love all people from different churches and backgrounds we can come together and break bread.. such a powerful moment
You guys are wonderful! If we of other faiths will just come together and find unity in Christ instead of division due to our differences we could rid this world of evil through Our Christ that we all love.
I am for anything that draws man to Christ!
Love you all so much! Thank you for bringing Jesus to the world! ❤️❤️❤️
Very nice to get to see Jonathan within his spiritual context. Though am not Catholic, I have come to appreciate Catholicism and its preservation of the sacred texts, sacraments, arts, and dogged devotion. And the saints, those ordinary people who transcended flawed human character to become holy.
You are doing very well Jonathan. Have confidence in yourself. No actor can ever really play Jesus but we get that. You are giving flesh, blood, bone, human emotion to him here and now so we can enjoy retelling the stories.
You're always invited :)
@@MiguelArcangel12 I have visited. The TLM to me is a part that beauty but Pope Francis has really vilified it. Too bad.
@@suem6004 I am sure that early Aramaic and Greek speaking Christians 1700 years ago also fought with teeth and nails when the Church decreed to use the language spoken by Pagan vile emperors in all Christian liturgy instead of the language spoken by Jesus or the language in which the New Testament had been written.
The Catholic Church is of the devil. Period. Nothing is holy about it. If you are not a Christian/Bible believing born again Christian then you are following a false religion which is in its context of Satan. I don’t think you meant any harm in your comment at all but the truth of the gospel and of Jesus is cut and dry. There is no wiggle room or any obligation to respect Catholicism, Buddhism, Jehovah witness, etc
@@PoweredbyJESUS7 if you truly believe so then the first thing you must do is burn your Bible. You cannot trust anything that came from the Catholic Church starting with the cannon of the Bible. It was the Catholic Church Bishops about 1700 years ago the ones who settled with authority what early Christian writings were to be be included or excluded from the Bible. You cannot trust they did not leave other God inspired Gospels, epistles and writings out of the Bible nor that all of the ones in it are indeed inspired. Maybe Luther was right and Revelations and James should not be part of it. After all he had 95 other reasons to disobey them, why trust them then with what the Bible is made of then? Maybe the Didache, Shepherd of Hermas, Clement Epistle to the Corinthians, the Gospels of Thomas, Barnabas should actually be part of it because if was the Catholic Church the one who took them out. Hey, the book of Enoch should be part of it as well right? After all he was a righteous man in the eyes of God to the point of being taken to Heaven. After you burn that demonic Bible in your hands, pray, pray a lot and go shopping among all the early Christian writings to make your own Bible without any input from the demonic Catholic Church. You know better than Jesus who entrusted his Church to them and gave them full authority. You know better than Christians all over the world for centuries that obeyed and trusted the authority of that Church without question since the time of the Apostles all the way to the Reformation when reformers appeared claiming they knew better God's will than His Church. How can you trust and obey the Catholic Church? Who gave them such authority? It is clear you don't care or believe Jesus' words when he gave them the power to bind and loose on Heaven and Earth. It is clear that you also don't believe his promises that He would be with his Church always. What a missed opportunity that young King David did not have an adviser like you, who knows better about God appointed ones, when he had the opportunity to kill King Saul because of his disobedience to God. Jesus himself would have benefited from your Wisdom when he called Judas to be one of his 12 apostles and might have thought otherwise if he had had someone like you to warn Him
I always thought the beautiful bacilicas, cathedrals, missions and churches of the Catholics were made to honor God. I personally feel great gratitude for God's creation and love when I see such places.
Are you serious? It doesn't bother you that your church butchered, stole an killed to build this monstrosity full of stolen artefacts and gold that cost a fortune?? That Jesus never worshipped in such a thing. Read the scriptures. Convert to Orthodoxy!
As Catholics, we believe these relics are holy because God sanctifies them. You're right, Dallas, the history of every one of us is holy and we're all temples of the Holy Spirit. But, at the same time, there have been miraculous events or healings related to some of the holy relics (if not all). Some of the bodies of the people we believe are saints have never decayed, also. It's not that we see them as idols and worship them instead of God. We simply believe that those are remnants of people who have managed to grow more in sanctity. And, for some reason, God uses them even after their passing away - perhaps to remind us that we never die, that He concurred the death. (I mean the fact that some of the corps are intact long after they passed away.) We celebrate God's presence in the people's lives. There is also a whole theology about the sanctity of the human body in the Catholic Church... The Church teaches that the human body is holy because we're vessels of the Holy Spirit, and in Baptism we become unified with Christ's body. The reverence towards corps comes also from this realization, I believe.
Saint Peter’s relics are holy, because like Jonathan said, “it came from” A Holy Man. I pray the series will in future years show the life & martyrdom of Saint Peter after Christ’s death & resurrection.
And also the first Christians used the coffins of the martyrs and saints as the altar. That’s why under every altar there is a little part of a saint.
@@mistyviolet3825 Add to the mix that the relics are proof of their existence here on earth. As we get hundreds to thousands of years away from that, people tend to forget and put them in the myth category without some proof.
@@aerochicc Many relics, not all, were fake. You may believe the stories behind them, but it is a matter of your belief, not proof.
That being said, the actual studies of the shroud of Turin, if an honest person, offer amazing proofs of what overriding evidence says is Jesus's burial shroud.
Great dialogue! I love how respectful you both are to each other's faith. I love that Dallas asked these questions about the Vatican or churches. As a Catholic I will tell you this is not how most Catholic churches look or operate. That would be a very distracting place to worship regularly, but it has it's importance to us. This would be a great regular video series or podcast you two could add to your busy schedules. As a Catholic I appreciate the respectful questioning of Dallas, who has a genuine curiosity, and Jonathan who is doing a great job answering hard questions without acting like he has all the answers, if that makes sense.
I find interesting that both my favorite Jesuses, one from The Pashion and this one from The Chosen, are played by actors who are catholic. ❤️🔥🙏
Duše Sveti napuni srce povjerenjem, gdje god zoveš daj da krenem! Oče hvala Ti!
God's probably trying tell us something! 😉
@@josieposie9969 I think so too 😊🔥🙏 God bless you!
Yes always found it interesting how both are Catholic !
It is not coincidence.
he has such a meek heart, it is so beautiful to see
Best portrayal of Jesus yet! Jim Caviezel was great, too, but the series is just extra! It really is enriching my faith!!!
I personally feel that it doesn’t matter which building, what matters is the relationship with Jesus. A lot comes from how you were raised, who Wes there to teach and who you followed. I am So very grateful for the Chosen. Every time I watch, I am moved to tears and am closer to our Lord , like I was when I first chose to follow Him! Thank You All !
Acts 17:24 the Lord does not live in temples made by human hands. Yes, they're beautiful but not holy. GOD alone is holy.
@@marym.338 amen!!!
Joyce, but God dwells in the Church. Remember King David who wanted to build a magnificent temple for God. "King David said to Nathan the prophet, “Look, I am living in a fancy house made of cedar wood, but God's Holy Box is still kept in a tent! (2 Sam 7). But because of his grave sin, God did not let him build it. He let his son, King Solomon, build a glorious temple for God to dwell in.
Church is God’s people.
“Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?”- 1 Corinthians 6:19
Our relationship with Jesus is the most important.
Love this interaction between Dallas and Jonathan. Such a wonderful example of how our ultimate goal to draw nearer to Jesus is what binds us together as members of the body of Christ.
I agree, very natural.
Interesting and Insightful.. As I was watching it came into my mind about the story by Jesus of the two people praying inside and outside of the temple. The one who humbles himself and pray is the one whose prayer is pleasing to God..
It's all about our heart and personal relationship as Dallas said at the end. The ways of worship may differ, but let's worship him in Truth with humbleness in heart..
I always admire those creations by human hands and praise God for the wisdom He has given to accomplish such great things..
God wanted us to be intelligent, artful, loving, holy as like Him when He made us in His image..
Let's as Christians be united and branch out from the one and only Jesus and bear fruits of the Holy Spirit to Glorify our Father in Heaven..
Well said 😊
Catholic and orthodox bibles have the apocrypha books added to them and they are contradictory, have false teachings and go against Jesus's sacrifice in Tobit 4: 10 (catholic translation). The icons are inaccurate representations of Jesus and why kiss them? That's idolatry behavior to me and also blasphmeous