someone commented on the meaning of this beautiful nasheed... and first...let me say that currently i'm not muslim ....'s how i see it... we have too much going on around us.... too much noise ...too much clutter... too much technology even maybe.... if we can't hear the drums.... how can we hear whats really important.... how can we feel God's miracles around us ... how can we even know whats still important. to me a beautiful nasheed and one i listen to often.
May your bright eyes see the flash of light n truth...Allah bless you... P.s as to ur last question....we can still know as a muslim speaking by reminding ourselves five times minimum a day of our purpose n humans we are apt to forget....try dedicating time to remember x 5 a day in ur own time n see the tranquillity n recharge of batteries u get...only if u wish to that is... Peace
I think about my sisters who are oppressed and so pressured by society while they already have their own struggle! 'Why can't we hear the rythm, what's wrong with you and I.'
Masha Allah Akhi! ..why indeed! Isn't that the cause of our humiliation??? May Allah t'allah reward you abundanltly. Most nasheeds these days (in my view) are ridicilus. Keep up ur good work akhi! Jazakalla khair!!!
@changedmyself ASSALAM ALAIKUM WARAHMATUALLAH! i needed a favour from you.....i would be glad if you help me.....its like i wanted to remove music from one of my favourite if you could tell me that.......thnx n ALLAH HAFIZ!!
someone commented on the meaning of this beautiful nasheed... and first...let me say that currently i'm not muslim ....'s how i see it...
we have too much going on around us.... too much noise ...too much clutter... too much technology even maybe.... if we can't hear the drums.... how can we hear whats really important.... how can we feel God's miracles around us ... how can we even know whats still important.
to me a beautiful nasheed and one i listen to often.
briteyyez is
May your bright eyes see the flash of light n truth...Allah bless you...
P.s as to ur last question....we can still know as a muslim speaking by reminding ourselves five times minimum a day of our purpose n humans we are apt to forget....try dedicating time to remember x 5 a day in ur own time n see the tranquillity n recharge of batteries u get...only if u wish to that is...
I think about my sisters who are oppressed and so pressured by society while they already have their own struggle! 'Why can't we hear the rythm, what's wrong with you and I.'
lol,thank you. Yes this is a great nasheed. Dawud is a very good singer mashallah.
wa lihi i have love his voice and i love the drums i love the favourite nasheed singer
mashallah i always listen to ur nasheed i just got my account and before this i favourited all ur videos that i know!!!!!!!
it's REALLY good!! thnx!
Masha Allah Akhi! ..why indeed! Isn't that the cause of our humiliation??? May Allah t'allah reward you abundanltly. Most nasheeds these days (in my view) are ridicilus. Keep up ur good work akhi! Jazakalla khair!!!
Thanks sister, you encourage me to make more videos. =D
YAAAAAAA its soo nice
Jazaka Allahu Khair for watching!
By the way, I'm a girl =P
No problem, Thx for commenting.
thx for watching + leaving a comment.
@changedmyself JAZAKALLAH for the advice! lets just hope so for beatbox and accapella revolution!
No problem, Thx for leaving a comment.
@changedmyself where does it say music is haraam?
@shiaislam24434 I agree
I don't think there is any instrument in this nasheed. I just hear the daf.
@changedmyself seriously? you're gonna ignore the message and declare it haram because of potential background music?:S
lol, I know the sounds are prolly for making the song longer. Also the same train coming back over the screen. :D
This nasheed Is good but its got beats :(
Yes. Just drums... the singer wants to reach more Muslims, hence he just used drums, no strings
ASSALAM ALAIKUM WARAHMATUALLAH! i needed a favour from you.....i would be glad if you help me.....its like i wanted to remove music from one of my favourite if you could tell me that.......thnx n ALLAH HAFIZ!!
Whhhhhhy are the cooooooomments sooooo weeeeird?
a nasheed is supposed to be "every song"
Rose MyHoney of
We are currently beating the drum of the worldly things. Meaning that our focus and efforts are on worldly things.
The drums of prayer are silent.
Rose MyHoney in