Kirari Momobami Season 1-2 Scenes || Logoless, 1080p + Mega link

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 598

  • @fvscenes
    @fvscenes  3 года назад +595

    There's a part cut off and the video is flipped because of copyright. The full, original video is in the link! :)

    • @ilysebastian
      @ilysebastian 3 года назад +3


    • @佐々木頼方
      @佐々木頼方 3 года назад

      @@ilysebastian 羽田は七、八手たびたび手な旅な羽田日田平田はと下手はチビな花は知多はな花畑比奈は旅な花花はチビな羽田比奈はたびたびな日な旗は花畑ひた日な花花日田畑雛花畑日田花畑は下手な羽田比奈花花花花はたびには足りないなはなはなはたははたひたふたはなはなはなひたはたひなはたふたはなはへちははなひなはたはへつははたひなへつほはたひなはなはなほたはたはなたあはにひたはなたたとははなはちなはへたなはなひなひなへちはなはなはへたなたなはたたひなはなちはたなはなはたちへたはなははちはなへたてへなひなははなたちはたたたつへなたたへたはなたたへちなはちひにはなひなはへつへたちへたなひなはへたなひちひなはなたなはなひなひなへつはなひたたたへなたてはなひたたはなひちへたはにははなひなへちはなへたはなははなひなはなひなへたはなはなひなひなひなへつへたなひなはひなひなひなへちなへちはなはなひなはなはへなちへたはなはなふなはなふなへつへちはなひなへつへたはなはなはなふなはなへつはなひなはなははなへなちひにははちはなはなはにははなはへたなはひなひなはなひなはなひなへつはなひたはなはなはなはへつはなひなひはなへつはなひなはなはなはへつひなたたへたはなたたたひちはなひはなはなひなへつへたなひなへつはなはなひなひちはなはへなちへたはなはなはちなははなひなはなひなひなひなへちたひなちひにはなふなたなへつひにははなはへたなへちはたへたなひなはなひなひちはなひはなはなはなひなへたなひなはへたはなはちはなへたなひなひなひなはへつはなひなひなははたはなへつはなひはにたはなひなひななへちなひはなへたなはへつひにはひなへちはなはなふなひなひなへたなひなはへたはなはなはへつはなはなたなははなはへつはなひなひなふなへつへたはにひなひちはなひなひなはなへたはなへたはなはなひなはなふなはなちはなひはにははつはなひなはなはなはへつひなはなはなひなはなひなはへたなへちてはなひはなはなはへつひにひはなははなひなへつへちなはひなはなひなへつひにひはなひなひなへつへちはなひなひなひなひなへちたひにひなはへたはなはなはへつはなひなひなふなひなちはなひたはなはなたはなへたはなへたはなひなひなひなひなひなへつへたにはひなひなはなはへちたへたなはへたなふなはなはなへちはなへたなははなひなひなひなはへちなはひなはなふなはなはなひなひなへなちへなはなはなへちたひなたなひなへたはなはなへつはなひはなへたはなへたなへつはなはなはなはへたなははつはなひはなへつはなひなははつへたなひはなはなふなひなへつひなははなはなへなひなはなひなひなはなははなへたなひつはなひなひたたはなひなひなははなへつひにへつひにひなははたなへたなひなふなひなへつひにひはなへたなへたはなははなひなはなふなへちなふなはなひなはへつへにひはにはひなへつひなはなはなひなへつへたはなはなははなひなへつひにひなふなへちなへちはにひなひはなははなはなはへちなひなひなひなふなへつひなはなたはなはちはなはなふなへつへつひなはなはなへたなはへちはなはなはなふなひなへつひなはなはなはなひなはへつへたなひたはなはなひなふなへつひなはなはなはちはなははなひなはなはなふなはなはへちなふなはなひはなはなひなへつはなひはなはなはたなへちはなはなはなふなはなはへつへたはに花ひなひなは初花雛は花火な初花ひなひなは初花ひなには花ふなはつひにひなは鉢花花火な花火な初花日花花は鼻へ地なふな花花ひなへつヘナ下手なひなひなはなはへつひなはにははなふなへつはなひたてへちはなはなはへちなひなはへたなはなはなふなはなはへつはなひなひなふなひなはなひなはへたなへつはなひなひはなははなはなひなへたなへつはなひなひはなはなはへたなへたなはなはなひなひなふにひなひなはなふなひなへつひなはななひなひなへたなはへたなふなへたはなひなはなははなはへたなたへなへたはなへちたへたなはなひなひなはへちなへつひなたなはなひなひなふなへつへちなはひなはなひなふなへつへたはなはなはなはなふなはなふなへたなへなちへなはなひなひはなはなひなひなひなふなへつへたなひはなひなひなはなひなひなはなはへちたたへたな8手にはなたねはニナは七下手な名は七鍋にて花立鉢多発は花は知多はにに花谷花谷はな棚離れた慣れたなへなたたはになはなななはぬへたなたはちてはななへあ

    • @ilysebastian
      @ilysebastian 3 года назад +3

      @@佐々木頼方 what-

  • @saemm__
    @saemm__ 3 года назад +3263


  • @snowkittten
    @snowkittten 3 года назад +729

    She is so powerful. She alone has convinced me to purchase every blue lipgloss I come across.

  • @undeadbygordon
    @undeadbygordon 3 года назад +1090

    kirari momobami is the most unique antagonist i have ever watched. to call her perfect is an understatement.

    • @loverainbow2109
      @loverainbow2109 2 года назад +128

      To me, she isn’t even an antagonist. She is just a woman who likes to have fun, and who perfectly calculates everything. She is just so charming and wonderful 🥹

    • @el.c.8858
      @el.c.8858 2 года назад +47

      @@loverainbow2109 although i understand it is your take, i can’t help but sincerely question how you don’t deem her an antagonist but simply calculating/fun given for starters she literally attributes no value to others’ lives expect her own i.e creating a sex-trafficking circuit or encouraging sayaka who’s obviously obsessed w/ her to jump off a tower lol

    • @fionamolina1324
      @fionamolina1324 Год назад +17

      i can’t even call her an antagonist bc she’s my favorite. i want her to win every time

    • @tothebeyond6318
      @tothebeyond6318 Год назад +7

      @@loverainbow2109 while you're half-true, she sort-off is an antagonist who seeks entertainment of people's suffering for being at the bottom

    • @Uhm...no444
      @Uhm...no444 Год назад

      @@tothebeyond6318 Not "sort off" she's a complete antagonist,there are a list of reasons why and how.I could explain if your willing to listen?

  • @Steve-mg9qz
    @Steve-mg9qz 3 года назад +1616

    she can insult my whole self and i still thank her.

    • @luciamunoz5723
      @luciamunoz5723 3 года назад +98

      If she step on me I Will be sorry

    • @tialapioneer7604
      @tialapioneer7604 3 года назад +13

      We're all an M.

    • @szymanowski7
      @szymanowski7 3 года назад

      @@luciamunoz5723 😭😭😭💀💀💀

    • @Zrlen
      @Zrlen 3 года назад +17

      She will kill me and i’ll still love her

    • @szymanowski7
      @szymanowski7 3 года назад +6

      @@tialapioneer7604 M for Masochist (in Masochist - Sadist) or M for Master (in Master - Slave) 😂

  • @bergamot5348
    @bergamot5348 3 года назад +921

    4:33 the way she took the time to have her gf braid her hair and apply a fresh coat of polish to her nails in the middle of a high tension moment.....she is an icon, a legend, and she is the moment

    • @Rama_Verma_
      @Rama_Verma_ 2 года назад +52

      I mean she is overall PRESIDENT of the schl

    • @35mmonrose
      @35mmonrose 2 года назад +14

      this 100% this

    • @reevil402
      @reevil402 Год назад +17

      It's because her Self-Confidence has reached a level, nobody thought be possible. Literally. It has to do something with her being an extrem narcissist, that's why she needs to put other people down to feel good. Doesn't change the fact, that her self-confidence overshadows everything, which is said in the room where she is in.

  • @saturnvoyages
    @saturnvoyages 3 года назад +2206

    the part where she takes off her mask gets me everytime

    • @shinepark5166
      @shinepark5166 3 года назад +23


    • @reginapuso9112
      @reginapuso9112 3 года назад +24

      My fav. Part

    • @Mayada2585
      @Mayada2585 3 года назад +3

      Where is it

    • @Mayada2585
      @Mayada2585 3 года назад +2

      Where is it

    • @aaron_guzman
      @aaron_guzman 3 года назад +38

      After I saw that part, I'm wondering who is behind the mask Kirari or Ririka?? Marrying one of them will be the biggest gamble of a lifetime..

  • @Quadraxis
    @Quadraxis Год назад +180

    This woman just radiates confidence and alpha energy. Absolutely love her character.

  • @_.-Lily-._
    @_.-Lily-._ 3 года назад +573

    Her hairstyle is so pretty

    • @lynxwhite_sw7055
      @lynxwhite_sw7055 3 года назад +34

      Ikr so original

    • @愛-m8l6l
      @愛-m8l6l 3 года назад +27

      That's the hairstyle which is compulsory in most of the schools where I live :D

    • @jvsse2925
      @jvsse2925 3 года назад +4

      @@愛-m8l6l ooh same here too! but mainly in elementary 🤧

    • @szymanowski7
      @szymanowski7 3 года назад +3

      Loopy hair

    • @愛-m8l6l
      @愛-m8l6l 3 года назад +4

      @@jvsse2925 we either live in the same country or in the same continent 😂

  • @shaded_scars8223
    @shaded_scars8223 3 года назад +917

    Sayaka really blushed when the mask came off

    • @luciamunoz5723
      @luciamunoz5723 3 года назад +102

      Everyone blushed

    • @luciamunoz5723
      @luciamunoz5723 3 года назад +82

      @@senazri I mean, everyone that was watching the anime

    • @sxgarfairy
      @sxgarfairy 3 года назад +43

      @@luciamunoz5723 we believe in kirari supremacy 🙏

    • @Michelle-gz1sm
      @Michelle-gz1sm 3 года назад +1

      @@fiszylll what? Hahaha

  • @ThranduilGala
    @ThranduilGala 3 года назад +497

    Loving her voice, It's so soothing and husky, I just love it.

  • @n0aah_
    @n0aah_ 3 года назад +828

    17:34 her first real laugh of the anime

    • @laura-jl3kj
      @laura-jl3kj 3 года назад +120

      I ship it so badly man

    • @Lala-xk8xm
      @Lala-xk8xm 3 года назад +131

      Ikr 😩😩😩 she really likes sayaka 🥺

    • @kaori7472
      @kaori7472 3 года назад +44

      @@Lala-xk8xm this anime need another season

    • @pendragonhoe1810
      @pendragonhoe1810 3 года назад +21

      @@kaori7472 season 3 is confirmed and most likely coming the end of 2021

    • @insanity3246
      @insanity3246 3 года назад +2

      @@pendragonhoe1810 fr🤨

  • @boredindeed9685
    @boredindeed9685 3 года назад +556

    I can listen to her insult me 24 hrs every day. That voice ughhh❤️

    • @blahblahblahblah3295
      @blahblahblahblah3295 3 года назад +4


    • @MrXela9
      @MrXela9 3 года назад +9

      Power of Sawashiro Miyuki's voice. Count me in.. XD

  • @mrcalmyourself5405
    @mrcalmyourself5405 3 года назад +792

    Ain't gonna lie her voice got deep in 4:24 kinda dope

    • @szymanowski7
      @szymanowski7 3 года назад +10

      I chuckled to that part 😂

    • @kikyozoldyck7872
      @kikyozoldyck7872 3 года назад +20

      she kinda sounded like kurapika, just a bit

    • @faithannetua6409
      @faithannetua6409 3 года назад +19

      @@kikyozoldyck7872 she is the voice of kurapikaaa

    • @buraksezer2179
      @buraksezer2179 3 года назад +1

      she’s also Bishamon from noragami, which makes her thousand times more epic

  • @jackandthebeanstalk4253
    @jackandthebeanstalk4253 Год назад +69

    Kirari is one of the best characters I’ve ever seen from any piece of media. She’s especially great in the manga!

  • @KarenEstepa
    @KarenEstepa 3 года назад +442

    This woman and her sister are pure perfection. Mary is a lucky woman, arousing the attention of both women.... And Yumeko, fucking wonderful.

    • @iriu2403
      @iriu2403 3 года назад +45

      Mary is a simp magnet

    • @yacine774
      @yacine774 3 года назад +21

      But she is an antagonist 😭

    • @bergamot5348
      @bergamot5348 3 года назад +41

      @@yacine774 if evil why hot

  • @killdracula526
    @killdracula526 3 года назад +452

    I can't tell if her voice is deep or high pitched honestly

    • @tokiyo2928
      @tokiyo2928 3 года назад +31

      can say every curse word in every language

    • @bun37yearsago61
      @bun37yearsago61 3 года назад +36

      It’s very unique, her VA is so amazing o be able to maintain a intimidating tone with the voice whilst at the same time a calming and soft vibe to it. It’s leans more to the high side at times, goes to the middles sometimes, and when kirari is saying something significant it becomes deep

  • @alicetiziana
    @alicetiziana 3 года назад +315

    She is the best girl in the anime in my opinion, but she is so underrated!
    I honestly love her very much both for her appearance, for her power, and for her elegance and grace. But at the same time, I'm incredibly curious to see her laugh more, maybe even cry or get angry. Kirari is lovely to me, but she doesn't even look human. She is perfect but she would be cool to see her humanity, the only time she actually looks like herself was that time with Sayaka, when they practically confessed the first time. She's always so cold and I find that adorable too, but I'd like to see other sides of her.
    I haven't read the manga because I don't know if it exists in my country, but I'm following the anime and if there is a third season I would love to see Kirari's humanity.

    • @comrade_lenin4820
      @comrade_lenin4820 2 года назад +7

      Hey! I don't know if you're still interested or not, but you can read the manga online (the Japanese and English ver for free). I have a few links to websites I use to read it, I can comment them (if you want) :D

    • @esiselli
      @esiselli 2 года назад +3

      @@comrade_lenin4820 hi:)
      I just want to ask if the manga is still on going?and where in the manga chapter did the kakegurui xx anime end??I mean which chapter will i start when i finish s1 and s2 of the anime??
      there is a possibility that you will not see my comment but still thanks in advance😊...

    • @ladyja1086
      @ladyja1086 2 года назад +3

      @@comrade_lenin4820 e

    • @elusive7244
      @elusive7244 2 года назад +2

      she's a psychopath. she lacks emotion, remorse, she feels superiority, when midari took her eye out everyone were shocked but she was drawn to it. she didnt flinch at all.
      they say psychopaths make strong leaders which she is. she's incredibly intelligent and just Ethereal. which is why they depicted her as if she isn't human.

    • @adrianoreyes1734
      @adrianoreyes1734 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@comrade_lenin4820 pls comment the links

  • @thisissara5465
    @thisissara5465 3 года назад +138

    10:16 her voice is just 😩✋🏼

  • @hnycholee
    @hnycholee 3 года назад +352

    Who else agrees this is the Anime with the best eyes ever!? 💗💗💗💗😍

  • @Tazurc_yuna
    @Tazurc_yuna 2 года назад +141

    I really love how most of the time whenever she makes an entrance, there's this cool-ass EDM or violin solo on the background as her ost

  • @Zee_Is_A_Weirdo
    @Zee_Is_A_Weirdo 3 года назад +1102

    50% of us here to watch
    other 50 % here to do edits

    • @00imz
      @00imz 3 года назад +19

      Lol Yh I’m here to make an edit

    • @shinepark5166
      @shinepark5166 3 года назад +7

      I'm here for both lol

    • @rurue-hf6nu
      @rurue-hf6nu 3 года назад +21

      Nah, I'm here to simp for her

    • @_zreyziz_
      @_zreyziz_ 3 года назад +2

      You goddamn right

    • @kaya9127
      @kaya9127 3 года назад

      Lmao yes

  • @plumily9690
    @plumily9690 3 года назад +436

    4:17 when she saw her senpai- her face was fucking priceless lmao

    • @cindyaholpedo1644
      @cindyaholpedo1644 3 года назад +11

      IKR I was gonna point it out but whatever

    • @n0aah_
      @n0aah_ 3 года назад +14

      and the "OH- HUG!"

  • @ちぇるる-h6e
    @ちぇるる-h6e 2 года назад +63

    4:39 BGMも相まって、優雅に足を組みながら改めて堂々とディーラー席に座るこのシーン、何気にめちゃくちゃ好きなとこだ…。

  • @hteteaindraykyaw996
    @hteteaindraykyaw996 2 года назад +89

    She is probably only antagonist l have never felt any negative feelings in her character for her actions among antagonists l have ever watch (despite some antagonists more favorable than protagonists while l also agree but find few dislike at some factors about them as a character like putting MCs in pinch or other). Even though she didn't do anything much but that is the point l like about her, a chilling antagonist who enjoys watching people struggling to beat her waiting for someone amusing to beat her giving her enjoyment.

  • @szymanowski7
    @szymanowski7 3 года назад +143

    4:17 sayaka shocked and blushed gets me everytime 💀

  • @user-iz4me5ph9l
    @user-iz4me5ph9l 3 года назад +403

    sore ga i na

  • @leviosa7773
    @leviosa7773 3 года назад +143

    just wanna tell everyone *Kirari & Kurapika’s (2011) VA was the same* it’s Miyuki Sawashiro that’s why she can sound really deep at some point 😌 like in 4:08 & 4:25 (you can faintly hear kurapika’s voice ☺️)

  • @mirandastube6193
    @mirandastube6193 2 года назад +52

    She's my favorite she's just too perfect and I could listen to her voice for hours 🥵👑💅🖤

  • @agustdstudent6452
    @agustdstudent6452 Год назад +93

    Kirari doesn’t even feel like a villain. She’s a freakin teenager who has to make everyone’s lives about fishes.
    Like girl can you just let me admire your fish in peace-

  • @allan6678
    @allan6678 3 года назад +136

    this could fit as an entire episode of kakegurui and i wouldnt complain about it

  • @mattib43
    @mattib43 3 года назад +48

    0:05 slow mo scenes like this are my fav

  • @auramilkovich2467
    @auramilkovich2467 3 года назад +67

    Sawashiro Miyuki is always the best when it comes to voicing sassy character. My first favourite female VA after I search who voice Ultear Milkovich. She also voi e Awashima Seri

    • @ddc_3337
      @ddc_3337 2 года назад +1

      I LOVED ultear milkovich. Her character, her powers, her voice!
      And i always recognized her voice as it always stands out so much.

    • @auramilkovich2467
      @auramilkovich2467 2 года назад

      @@ddc_3337 I can listen to her voice all day long! With how much fight scene in fairy tail I love Ultear cause she prefer to use her head. The way she use possession Magic, pretend to be Lion's underling during galuna arc, and pretend to be Siegrain underling during ToH arc. Also turn back time is not a simple thing. It's absolutely incredible. Magic that can cause lots of damage like erza and mira is cool and all. But the ability to use time magic will always be the coolest to me

    • @ddc_3337
      @ddc_3337 2 года назад +1

      @@auramilkovich2467 exactly!!! AND she was one of the best written characters in the whole series aswell.
      She was not evil just for the sake of being evil like most of the characters. She had flaws, she had goodness. She also redeemed herself by saving the whole world.
      Right from the 1st time in galuna island where she 1st came, i was a fan. Remember she fixed the whole galuna village using her time magic restore when it was evaporated by acid? AND when she re-grew the entire tenroujima tree using 3 magic circles. She had SOO MUCH MAGIC POWER!!! I wish she was shown in more fights. Her magic was the only magic that shocked even zeref.

    • @auramilkovich2467
      @auramilkovich2467 2 года назад

      @@ddc_3337 @Manaswin Sah Ikr? Even if they said zeref is not fighting in full power, she managed to made Zeref unconscious even tho with all that black fog zeref emit (from the curse) could've kill her. The only one who's shown to fight Zeref who's a legendary black wizard and so powerful are literally only 3 people Ultear, Gray, and Natsu. Had it been other people who fight him, even if they are powerful like the Wizard Saint, or having lots of magic like Hades and Jellal, they could've been killed unless they have magic items that can protect them from that ansekhram fog thingy and using her arc of time to trap him with tree then attack with luminous minutes when he's vulnerable. I would say rather than a fighter type she's more of an assassin type of person. Which is why she stood our among lots of fighter type characters in FT.
      She think fast by using her lacrima to absorb it. When she restore the tenrou 🌳, that thing is literally HUNDRED YEARS old and trees are actually a living beings too. If I were in FT world, she would be the one I fear the most cause her arc of time doesn't seems to have any range limit. She can use her lacrima as a medium and cast that spell from far place, using the same principle of Etherion Canon Satellite. Unlike most magic that use nature's element, we can't see any form from her magic. All we can see is how the things was affected by her magic. Like how her arc of time was shown to be able to cause destruction of the Magic Council building.
      And yeahI feel not many people talked about how crazy her Last Ages spell is. Technically it's like reviving someone from the dead at that point. If we assume that in their time there are 4 billion people alive, 4, 000 000 000 minutes = 75,528 years worth of her magic power + lifespan. and that's not even with the amount of animals.
      Also the way Ultear is actually learn such an old Mildean Language just to learn last ages. Mildean is also where the academy Zeref went to in the past.

  • @mayamayang6051
    @mayamayang6051 3 года назад +57

    her being voiced by miyuki sawashiro is just perfection

  • @0.muna_
    @0.muna_ 3 года назад +212

    Love this scene 😭🤍

  • @抹茶ちゃん-m2g
    @抹茶ちゃん-m2g 3 года назад +66


  • @rrulakkuma
    @rrulakkuma 3 года назад +82

    Thanks for this! She is my fav character

  • @legendary_snoo7748
    @legendary_snoo7748 3 года назад +76

    I think it’s amazing how her voice actress is the same as Ririka.

  • @chloeah101
    @chloeah101 2 года назад +28

    Sayaka seems more happy and confident after the love confession from Kirari

  • @RealRosieLol
    @RealRosieLol 3 года назад +211


  • @AlizO.
    @AlizO. 3 года назад +109

    11:37 is my favorite part

  • @Dream-kg8yf
    @Dream-kg8yf 3 года назад +55

    4:30 I really love her voice

  • @kyleoliver5783
    @kyleoliver5783 2 года назад +20

    She’s so alluring with her silky and sultry voice and icy blue eyes and lips and pale features.

  • @user-wd6ow6xc5r
    @user-wd6ow6xc5r 2 года назад +52


  • @hwangsieunlove
    @hwangsieunlove 3 года назад +83

    0:35 suzui be like : 🥴 + 😮

    • @lynxwhite_sw7055
      @lynxwhite_sw7055 3 года назад +9

      HIS EYES-

    • @SakuraKinomoto11
      @SakuraKinomoto11 3 года назад

      LMAO If it weren't for this, I had never realized how little attention I give to suzui, well, I include the animators xD

  • @-kaichan-5574
    @-kaichan-5574 3 года назад +82

    1:31 lets enjoy that moment

  • @lilpobeeb8532
    @lilpobeeb8532 3 года назад +369

    is it weird that i know the words and i’m not japanese...

  • @AxellMorren
    @AxellMorren 3 года назад +37

    I just realized Kirari's and Yumeko's color of hair eyes and lips are different. Black-white and red-blue

    • @Pix256
      @Pix256 Год назад +1

      Ah, yeah. Black and white are not colours. Then it's violet.

  • @Rathian03
    @Rathian03 Год назад +6

    Her and Yumeko are one of the best antagonist - protagonist pairs I've ever seen

  • @lamasmejor123
    @lamasmejor123 3 года назад +62

    just a reminder that life is worthy for me

  • @RedAmalgam2000
    @RedAmalgam2000 3 года назад +69

    I love that Yumeko was the only one who wasn't surprised when she took off the mask Lmao

  • @dontperceiveme3025
    @dontperceiveme3025 2 года назад +16

    Love how there are some shots of her like "👁️" just in case you forgot that Kirari has really blue eyes

  • @sulligngn122
    @sulligngn122 3 года назад +41

    I get goosebumps whenever SHE CROSSES HER LEGS WHILE SEATING

  • @Imblue25
    @Imblue25 3 года назад +23

    Everything about her is perfect

  • @cindyaholpedo1644
    @cindyaholpedo1644 3 года назад +51

    Does anyone else love sayaka like she is best girl she’s so adorable especially when she found out that the president was the Vice President in disguise like look at her face

  • @lucyavigale6615
    @lucyavigale6615 Год назад +10

    I love her personality and confidence❤

  • @Zrlen
    @Zrlen 3 года назад +21

    I just realised this is the most famous video on this channel

  • @madzia.a
    @madzia.a 3 года назад +93

    this is heaven for my edits 🛐

  • @Renishypnotized
    @Renishypnotized 2 года назад +18

    She's like the shogun of the whole school, which is the fact she is the same jp va for shogun raiden

  • @n0aah_
    @n0aah_ 3 года назад +21

    i put the sound of this video to sleep... i love the voice of kirari 💙

  • @re.liable
    @re.liable Год назад +8

    Sawashiro Miyuki, her voice is soooo nice

  • @まふゆ推し-g1f
    @まふゆ推し-g1f 3 года назад +36


    • @ZANABAH1010
      @ZANABAH1010 Год назад


  • @jacquelinelee7921
    @jacquelinelee7921 3 года назад +131

    Kirari has me questioning my sexuality 💀

  • @yuuko0104
    @yuuko0104 3 года назад +25

    Totally in love with Sawashiro Miyuki's voice T_T

  • @mariaeduardada3268
    @mariaeduardada3268 Год назад +11

    One of my favorite characters 💙

  • @angelamariatrentadue8832
    @angelamariatrentadue8832 3 года назад +23

    Yes finally a good one with good quality thanks✨❤️👄❤️

  • @ruthleeesss
    @ruthleeesss 3 года назад +15

    i could listen to her talk all day

  • @hbreeze686
    @hbreeze686 3 года назад +70


  • @qaz3761
    @qaz3761 Год назад +7

    Kirari is the reason why I am planning to get a bunch of fish and build an aquarium.

  • @agustdstudent6452
    @agustdstudent6452 Год назад +27

    If she offers to read me the encyclopedia, I shall listen to her.

  • @gutierrezleannr.5685
    @gutierrezleannr.5685 3 года назад +27

    Finally! You're a life saver dude!

  • @lifeofhenry6474
    @lifeofhenry6474 3 года назад +12

    For some reason I'm in love with this woman

  • @emiset7034
    @emiset7034 3 года назад +48

    Yumeko face at 8:50 make me die ahahah she looks like an old woman

    • @lynxwhite_sw7055
      @lynxwhite_sw7055 3 года назад +5

      Sometimes animators are dumb

    • @beachvibez4214
      @beachvibez4214 2 года назад +3

      @@lynxwhite_sw7055 as an animator I can confirm yes we are

  • @furuisakana
    @furuisakana 3 года назад +66


  • @kyosuvi.mp4
    @kyosuvi.mp4 3 года назад +48

    *me looking for the clip where kirari drinks tea*
    Edit: oml ty I have been looking it for a while tyvm!

  • @yaminoma
    @yaminoma Год назад +2


  • @蒼井澪-t9q
    @蒼井澪-t9q 3 года назад +21


  • @minako-chan1420
    @minako-chan1420 2 года назад +8

    Sawashiro Miyuki's voice is my drug.

  • @alfaelwafa4969
    @alfaelwafa4969 Год назад +4

    after reading the latest manga chapter, she is truly the last boss that yumeko must defeat

  • @elisaarauz6019
    @elisaarauz6019 3 года назад +15

    She is perfect:(💗

  • @sollenesuscano1151
    @sollenesuscano1151 3 года назад +4

    The holding hands for meeeeee ahhhhhhh I ship these two talagaaaa.. sayaka and kirari🥺💞

  • @user-ut1bv1kz2m
    @user-ut1bv1kz2m Год назад +2


  • @yutonakashita7098
    @yutonakashita7098 Год назад +5


  • @sweetrain9482
    @sweetrain9482 2 года назад +5

    Her voice is too good.

  • @JustABubbleTea
    @JustABubbleTea 2 года назад +18

    even though in the episode 10 of the second season Kirari only asked Sayaka to be her secretary, for me it was a way of her to asking Sayaka to become her girlfriend

  • @Endeavor_02
    @Endeavor_02 3 года назад +9

    4:40 さっ がモンストのアルセーヌの一致。流石や

  • @hayato.-7253
    @hayato.-7253 3 года назад +8

    When I first saw her surprised face and her shock voice. Dam right you knew i found that cute and made me have a war of my heterosexual and my bisexual

  • @sirayuki2179
    @sirayuki2179 3 года назад +10


  • @RedAmalgam2000
    @RedAmalgam2000 3 года назад +21


  • @藤本菜々美-u7v
    @藤本菜々美-u7v 8 месяцев назад +1


  • @Maki_Monkeydinosaur
    @Maki_Monkeydinosaur 3 года назад +26

    Whem u realized u understand them without the sub

  • @IloveMadohomu
    @IloveMadohomu 2 года назад +8

    Sayaka looks dead inside whenever shes in a gambling situation-
    Probably because shes used to it

  • @beatricemussoo
    @beatricemussoo 3 года назад +76

    kirari >yumeko change my mind

  • @Yuqwpt
    @Yuqwpt 3 месяца назад +3


  • @xourlovingbeautifulsoulx8165
    @xourlovingbeautifulsoulx8165 2 года назад +7

    I don't know why but she reminds me so much of Makima

  • @himlerhshwbs
    @himlerhshwbs 3 года назад +22


  • @roicastro7154
    @roicastro7154 3 года назад +16

    The duality of me is wanting to get it on with Kirari and Ririka

  • @briish4378
    @briish4378 3 года назад +26

    Asmr material 👌😩

  • @lexiqueen4969
    @lexiqueen4969 3 года назад +3

    I love her so much!

  • @peppercorns4272
    @peppercorns4272 2 года назад +10

    omg i am now officially a "sawashiro miyukisexual"