All of a sudden, your Moira has no fade, your Ana has no sleep dart, and your junk and soldier are just exploring the map or something. All of them are neatly stacked together. And this repeats 4 times in a row.
My toxic trait is watching all of Emongg’s spectating vids and thinking I could apply what he said even tho I’ve never touched the hero/character before 😭
The mindset is really what matter because recognizing what you need to be doing will help you eventually improve over time. Though some people learn and apply information faster than others
Good job man :3 honestly this game isn’t your fault and if you practice your movement and mechanics are little more I can definitely see you getting to plat in like 1 season ^w^ but your ball is good definitely got all the basics down
You were much better than your teammates in this game, similarly to how the Reaper player was a lot better (when on Reaper) then most of their team too. You can definitely get to Plat just playing like this, but with better timings in a few situations so you don't instantly get rolled lol. GL man!
I had a game of mystery heroes where my team was flaming a ball who "was doing nothing" but like, nobody was helping him do anything. I rolled sombra and decided to just follow him around following up on his piledrives and we won without him dying once. After the game ended, the enemy team was complaining that nobody could kill him. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't, lmao.
@@DustinEG6 its always the same people too, complaining about feeding or being bad but they play so scared they never die or do anything. without fail everytime
From their team perspective: "Ball is throwing!" From Reaper's perspective: "Wow, these four must be really heavy for Ball to carry." EDIT: Ball played perfectly for a gold player. Their team on the other hand was... Something.
@nathanrobb4373 nah. People are always shit like this with ball and excuse themselves for Bad games. As i said He played good for Gold, but as someone who is Master with ball only and 500h of playtime, i noticed mistakes 90% of the Time. You cant call this perfect and maybe its a Server Thing, but in Europe i've seen games in Gold, where he'd be the worst Player in the lobby.
Not done with the video but the team has no right to complain about their tank when EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM are dying to a reaper. This has been a 1v4 for the ball the entire time because his team can’t handle one reaper and honestly they should be very embarrassed that they had the audacity to blame the ball.
@soufiane7195 He isz the only struggle in my opinion is when my teammates are idiots and don't like when I have 3 people chasing me for 15 seconds but they can't kill 2 people
@@BLACKOUTSSBU in plat and below that annoying aspect of your dps not getting any kills while you’re fighting and distracting the enemy team is every game
6 minutes in this is a perfect example of a dps diff being blamed on the tank. Happens all the time when I play ball. You go in 1v4 stall kart for minutes at a time while everyone else can’t deal with 1 enemy dps that chases them back to spawn. I always tell my team, run towards me if you need help. They run in the opposite direction then blame me for not baby sitting them. In these cases it's definitely most likely a GG. So I just swap to whatever tank they "demand" I play, and babysit them. They stop dying, but now the cart remains uncontested and gets capped freely because everyone is too afraid to walk forward. Then at the end of the game is "tank canyon ggs"
Yeeaa. Aside from the ball, this was actually a team diff. That mercy was just as daft as the dps(healing full hp ball instead of dmg boosting someone)
Now thinking if all the Times someone was asking for heal meanwhile they running away from me or going left and right on a Pillar meanwhile am a LW i just need to see a leg to heal basically
Because like Doom, people assume if the team is losing, it's their fault. Same for Zen on support - oh, we're losing? We must need more healing! I've literally had games where I'm leading the lobby in healing and damage on Zen and had teammates tell me I need to swap "so we can get some heals."
That said, one of the reasons that heroes like Doom and Ball have the reputation they do is because SOOOOOOO many people get zero value from them. They're not like Soldier where you can plink away and get moderate value even when not good. Bad Balls are BAAAAAD - and 98% of gold Ball players are not this guy.
@@RLplusabunchofdumbnumbersyet, the only reason this guy is in gold rank is because of teammates like these(how do they even made it to gold?) I have no doubt that he would be carrying a plat lobby playing like this, or even reach diamond
That's the problem with most players in the metal ranks. They want the tank to make space but they want the tank to be directly in front of them (to shield them or mitigate the damages). I can understand peeling for a 1 teammate who's constantly being dived. But peeling for 4 teammates against 1 enemy? Skill issue. Also, this is gold? I've seen silver players better than this ball's teammates. Wonder how his teammates got to to gold.
it's pretty frustrating how people will make bad plays or have bad positioning that results in them dying, so they then are like "wtf my team is supposed to keep me alive" even though it is 100% your job to keep yourself alive
It's like, they found each other. There is actually a fair to good chance that the Reaper was getting flamed by their own team for not dealing enough with the ball, before he swapped to Junk and later Mei, and that he was in the same situation where him carrying went unnoticed. I could almost hear them go "Reaper stop chasing kills ffs and come help with this ball".
People in our rank (gold) really struggle to play with a ball. I have been maining Tracer the past few seasons and ball has become one of my favourite tanks to play with as a Tracer. He just has a different ebb and flow than other dive tanks, you have to be more ready to dive quick and get out fast when playing with a ball. That and so many supports see you get low hp and don't trust that the ball player will play the health pack, so they desperately chase the ball to try heal them, get killed, and then get mad. When in reality the ball was in no danger. This was good, I'd be happy to work with this guy in my gold games. P.S. leave text chat. Take a look at how you played before you stopped to type for the first time and compare it to after. You went from a near flawless game to making mistakes here and there.
This Ball did amazingly?? Like at the beginning of third point they held the cart alone against most of the enemy team. Like the rest of the team were being spawn held by a single Reaper. That Reaper seemed insane though
This is literally almost all my games on ball. I'll A. Get a team good enough that I can play against hard counters (and there's ALWAYS hard counters) B. Trade fights with the enemy tank for 2 4v1s where I'll stall and get away and my whole team dies C. Get hard countered into oblivion and forced to swap Wrecking ball is so fun but so conditional for me to be able to play the game on him
Tbf ball is so badly fundamentally designed you either hard counter or you literally can’t kill him because he has 1500 hp+no headshots + insane mobility
@@thesalad943 its not that ball is badly designed as he is hero that requires some very decent skill to be effective with. But simply the format change among other things have made it less fun to play as. The CC creep is one thing that is to be aware of and the loss of another tank. This isn't because of hero design specifically but simply how the game has changed
@@Strongclaw47There's less CC in OW2, but I do understand your point since CC is often more focused towards the individual tank or anyone who has extreme mobility. I don't usually have to swap to strong counters to actually cause a Ball issues, and I think it's much more of a playstyle issue for a lot of people when playing with and against a Ball.
Cass getting heavily pocketed by mercy so there's really no excuse for this comp to be getting spawn camped like this by a reaper. It's impressive how bad they played.
all the people saying ball should peel to help lol. what do you thinks gonna happen with the other 4 enemies if they peel for 1 reaper? the whole teams gonna slam your backline instead of 1 reaper.
do you also think that you shouldn't peel against a Bob ult because you're too busy tickling a kiriko? man i would hate to have you guys as tank on my team lol
@@neilmallick20 Considering that you compared an ult to a single Reaper diffing your backline you means you're one of those dipshit DPS that would blame the Ball. Also, Bob is stationary - go behind cover. When you're turning on the computer, turn on your brain too. Trust me, it'll help.
@@neilmallick20 if the bob is in the backline in the middle of a team fight, the tank looking away from the enemy team just to peel something thats counterable by playing cover is more beneficial to Ashe and her team to take space and this is coming from a ashe main lmao
Good rollouts, good pathing, good tracking and aim, good ults, good distracting and escaping on time, coulda prioritized squishies more, coulda had more up-time of shooting or booping singular targets if necessary. I find learning what’s happening outside where I’m looking, and even seeing the kill feed, is really hard, so I had to learn from you saying that reaper was the problem. This ball player may have had the same tunnel vision issue. Letting the car go a bit to peel was an option we’re seeing in hindsight. Absolutely carried overall. A few times of low APM, a few times of shooting tank over squishies, ignored reap, and one feed, otherwise popped off! Definitely earned that win, W Ball, boon for team
I genuinely cannot believe that the team blamed the wrecking ball. Like dear lord. I am bronze and i throw games hard most of the time. This man hard carried this game. If i, a bronze player can realize this. Then what does that make his team. Mad respect to you wrecking ball.😂
You are stuck in bronze because you think this is a carry. Individually, his skill is fine. Even better than gold tbh. But that's not the point of a TEAM game. His team sucks. But changing playstyle could've helped. 4 man cant kill reaper. Neither could he. Absolutely ignored the biggest problem AND he can't kill the other 4. He played in his own world by himself waiting for his team. That's not carrying. That's "I do my job and everything else is not my problem". Don't get me wrong, he IS good. I don't deny it. But if you play with this mindset, you'll be stuck. (i climbed from B5 to D4 so i know how low elos play) too
@@keikeikeisno this was a carry for the rank they are at. 4 people couldnt kill a reaper and he literally played near perfectly for his rank (the ball). You wanna why you ranked up because you got better, not the mindset of thinking a game was carried or not. You wanna know who also thinks he was carrying emogg, the whole video hes saying the ball is doing the RIGHT thing and saying its the team fault they keep dying The only mindset a player is "how do i improve" you. If you carried you say what did i do right? If you got carried you go what did i do wrong? If nobody carried you can still apply what you did right or wrong. You whole comment feels like 1 person has to do everything. Its up to them to change their playstyle, its up to them to kill the reaper, its their job to stay on cart and its their job to distrupt the backline, its also their to protect their teammates and create space. 1 person physically cant do that, it think its funny you say its a team game but no its his fault. Anyway they should of gone ana and slept the reaper so they can dogpile him or something This comment is kinda messy structurally but i think my point stands
@keikeikeis Plat 1 tank here. The main issue with what you’re saying is that the entire Team is struggling to put down a single, isolated Reaper. Reaper isn’t even that good on Midtown, and yet none of these incompetent morons can put a dent in him. If Ball swapped, the only thing preventing Reaper’s team from joining him is gone. If the inept idiots on Ball’s Team could barely handle a Reaper, how can they handle a Ramattra with two supports pumping him and Reaper up?
Theres always people in chat asking what rank it is, it could help in the stream to have the icons of the rank emongg is watching for when he forgets and chat to not have to wonder what rank is beimg spectated! Could be placed in a corner or next to his cam!
Reaper kept those bots trapped in the spawn room but Ball played the objective really well for the most part especially on defense. If I could give them a tip, I'd say improve their timing. They need to be more patient (i know its hard with people flaming you for no reason in chat, consider turn off the chat), and "scout, setup and strike" as Yeatle says. On attack, the moments their team won the fight were usually the moments when Ball actually engaged on the right time. But other than that Ball literally carried this game. Nicely done 👍
when this person said their team was losing 1v4 to a reaper i thought they were exaggerating bc it felt like that in the game, but no, their team literally was just incapable of beating a single reaper. clear DPS canyon here
A battle of two 1-man teams: One is standing against the brink, averting defeat through proper play and movement. The other is Anakin Skywalker massacring younglings.
Love how there’s people in chat trying to say wrecking ball needs to get off cart to help 1 enemy in the back line. He stalled point 1v4, is self sufficient and gave them a chance. Also how do 4 people(2 healers & DPS) lose to a single unhealed dps. DELUSIONAL
This video was hilarious. It reminded me of a game I had earlier this week where I was on Mauga getting flamed by my Lifeweaver because a KIRIKO was terrorizing our backline. The Kiriko was cracked, finished with no deaths and did a ton of damage but if my four teammates can't kill a 225 HP support even one time...but maybe they could have if my supports didn't insist on staying on Mercy and Lifeweaver for the whole game.
i love these ball videos so much as a ball main, i think its great being able to share other peoples experience on such a unique character so us ball mains and non ballmains can learn. This makes me want to submit my own ball gameplay xD
4:15 oml THIS! I've recently gotten to play tank, all rolea are platinum and support is diamond, and wow, the amount of times a Bastion or Soldier just walks in front of everybody when Im taking cover with Orisa is crazy, I can't imagine playing ball were you depend completely on your team being self-sufficient.
Same it’s hard to fathom this as a normal tank, I don’t understand how this tank expects to get value out of his teammates. A good tank protects the full team whilst dealing most of the damage, I didn’t see him so far do significant damage to any player at all
Even though this seems like an ego vod 11 minutes in, I'm HAPPY a vod like this has been uploaded for once! As a ball main myself I'm happy that people gets to see a ball's POV while all that stuff is happening in the backline!
Most people do not know how to play if they can’t hide behind a shield or a slow tank. Healers get frustrated chasing ball to heal him which is a cardinal sin. Don’t chase ball to heal him. If he is a good ball he will survive from his shields and health packs or he will come back to the supports. I can’t say I totally blame people because he is such an unorthodox tank, it really throws people off.
As a long-time Ball player, this was a great video and a literal carbon copy of so many games I play in Silver where you end up 1v4 and get hosed because the rest of your team is being zoned. Love playing him though. Using Lifeweaver's platform as a grapple point, great idea. had not through to that. I will do that. But yeah, the team losing 4v1 against Reaper is a reflection on them being a$$. I think about Eichenwalde, where I up-and-over to point A and draw in 2-3 of their players, leaving the team 4 against 3 or 4 against 2, and they cannot push because they are dumb. The only recommendations I'd have to this player would be to use rollouts and geometry to get more slams, spread the minefield wider by dropping it higher in the air (all the time), or drop the minefield behind the opposing team, loop around and boop them into mines. So satisfying.
@24:34 imagine you defending yourself from your 2-13 dps flaming u and and you go to make a play and immediately die before the team fight starts. Bruh unlucky💀
Most validating video. I play a lot of doom and lately some ball, and sometimes I get flamed by teammates who have no idea what I’m even doing on point because they’re busy dying and running back, and/or just have no idea how to play with a tank who doesn’t stand in front of them. One time the kept flaming me in match chat after the game, and the enemy team flamed them for not knowing what they were talking about. This was obviously that kinda game. The ball absolutely carried and everyone knew it except his own teammates.
as a ball main who climbed from silver to plat this reminds me of my silver gameplay. I didn't have the mechanical skill to get many solo kills, my backline couldn't stay alive without a shield, the enemy lacks the mechanical skills to punish me for stalling point so I end up stalling for minutes while my team feeds. There is a lot to be improved with pathing, timing, cooldown/ult usage, but my advice for this ball to climb is to improve their mechanics. in this game you got a lot of value and carried because they were focusing you and didn't have the aim or cc to punish you. in higher ranks they will force you out in a few seconds and then push your team. you need to go for combos to threaten a solo kill or get them low for your team. When they are grouped up you need to hit and run, only stop to shoot when you can get a kill, use cover and move a lot. Go into VAXTA and practice combos and aim. start with the "scoop and poop" grapple high boop then slam and shoot. then rebound tech, then double boop. Ideally when you ult you would use retract to save your grapple to boop them in, also look down so that you can see who you are ulting. also try to hold grapple longer and hit many boops.
This is my experience every time I play ball with randoms. I have about 550 hours on ball right now, and objectively, I'd say I have slightly better mechanics and health pack awareness than this guy, I hover around plat 4-5, but my games play out exactly the same way more often than not. I can have 4/5 of the enemy chasing me to the ends of the earth and never killing me, playing the best game of my life, meanwhile my dps and supports will trickle and get spawn camped or refuse to walk through the choke and die 4v1 to the remaining guy and then tell me to switch. It sucks because ball is really, really fun to play if the team is even remotely aware of how to play without a shield; but it's absolutely miserable if even 1 or 2 people don't understand positioning and cover because they will die constantly and then spend half the match smashing their keyboard telling me how trash I am. I have a 5 stack I play with and we win like 80% with me onetricking ball; meanwhile with randoms I'm losing 3/4 of the games and being accused of throwing in exactly this kind of scenario.
Watching this ball is the most entertaining gameplay ive watched in a hot second, that whole match was super well played from them and so funny to watch, well played!
I think the problem with Wrecking Ball is that casuals have no idea how to play around Ball. They just feel like they have no Tank to keep flankers/divers off of them. Brawl is so prevalent in casual ranks that no one really understand how to play with Ball. Meanwhile if you're a good Tracer/Genji/Kiriko etc you can play with Ball and take out any and all backliners. Enemies are all getting kicked around by Ball and become easy pickings for dive heroes. But if you're Ana/Soldier/Junkrat etc and getting rolled because you don't have a face Tank or Peel you're not going to do well. He's by far the hardest Tank to play with. He's built for disruption, but doesn't do much damage and has no shield like Winston or D Vas Defense Matrix to help out. Especially in OW2 with one Tank he can feel like he's throwing.
In lower ranks people often don’t know how to play with any tank other than a bullet sponge. I used to use play doom fist and got to platinum with a 80% win rate but although I would play great, the matches that I lost (and some that were close wins) there were always people complaining about who im playing as rather than adapting to my play style.
This right here is why I quit playing ball :') Impossible to maintain a good mental when your entire team is flaming you just for the character you main. He was my best tank as well
Honestly a good ball is like a lucio. Its that fing mosquito that buzzes around and bites you but cant kill it. Had a game (gold) where there was this god like lucio just controling the whole game for some reason no one could really kill him
people need to learn playing with a ball, you need to survive without your tank especially if that tank already got the enemies' attention most of the time
Genuinely impressed by the ball, this doesn’t look like gold material at all. I’d hate to face him, that’s the kind of ball you gotta swallow up your pride and bring out hog for. Genuinely carried that game so hard it’s insane
14:50 i think he proposed was holding to contests the overtime dive, thats why he let reaper go, he was waiting the hole team arive first to combo his knock up and ult from a blind spot. If he was on frontline, his ult would be more predictable and could have being flanked, maybe? Also that previous play where he used liveweaver flower twice as a pendulum to ult the payload and kill LW show His capability to adapt and fast thinking are very good. Edit: on 2:50 he gave up the payload after ana death to save echoos instead of insisting on being disruptive on it, he failed more because of echoos fault. Just reforce how much spacial awarness he has, and if the team was playing with him, he was ready to help them. maybe if he had take leadership and asked them to pick bridge to counter reaper, thingscould be more easy, (for me if he is playing well is not her responsibility to counter pick to save the team lossing 4x1 fights but his team). Sometimes, they were just in a tunnel vision situation, and weren't thinking rationally. Small tips and ignoring the blame can make them chill out some times.
Funny part of that video, is that both teams were "struggling" against a one man army. Reaper and wrecking ball were solo playing the hole fist part of the game. And enemys reaper probably were being blamed for not helping them deal with the cart as well. On the second half, the hole team seams to change picks to hard counter ball. Like, imagine being so disruptive you make everyone play against you, and still being blamed by your team.
@emongg thank you for showing the backline experience.. there's been a few videos where we don't do that and you just hard focus on who is to blame and who isn't. Say the Reaper was a Smurf. Or even if he wasn't and is still dominating your team... At some point you have to start thinking about strategy and holding the cart for an extra minute for a team that's never going to arrive isn't going to win you the game. I would argue that this ball who is amazing and kind of suspiciously good to be honest actually started to pay a little more attention to his team and stay closer at least returning sooner because bad things always happen when the tank like ball or doom goes off for too long if the team isn't strong. You have to play to your own team strengths, so you need to help them out if they need it. It's just unfortunate that ao many don't know how to ask nicely.
ball played absolutely fantastic! I can safely say before I really understood game mechanics in OW when I would see someone lock in as ball my instant thought was "GG, we got no tank" but the more I learnt and the better I got at the game I came to REALLY appreciate any ball player, especially one with this much self sustain. This is coming from a one trick support (Kiri)... Just needed to learn to play in a way that compliments a ball and ggez. Gz ball
This is a good video showing why lower ranks want only certain characters chosen. And really shows why certain ones are used all the time while others are never touched as if they aren't blocking dmg or front lines 24/7 it's "Your fault" or your "Throwing". Since they can't use cover or area advantages correctly and die easily by one dps just flanking or using advantages correctly
"You are so bad they don't see you as an enemy" This statement kinda just says it all. They can't 4v1 a reaper so they blame the only guy surviving the bad one. Wrecking Ball got plenty of attention from the enemy team, it's that the other's didn't need much attention to just start falling over.
I had a winston tank game today where the literal worst player said to report me 2 min into the game for "throwing", luckily I was in a good mood and didn't say anything the whole game. I also watched replay and it was crazy that this person was not happy with not taking any damage the entire game because he gets to sit on cart while I put in all the work with my widow and mercy. At some point he became real quiet and the enemies just rage quit. It was fun for me and I could tell that the guy was embarrassed, but players that are toxic for no reason just make me stop playing. OW is just a mental game, good mental gives better performance imo.
This is like therapy for wrecking ball mains. I have played wrecking ball from bronze up until masters, and no matter how much value you are getting, at all those ranks you will get teams who have no mental and have such a strong wrecking ball bias it borders on bigotry. They can't fathom that them losing a 4v1 could possibly be the issue, and that the people getting rolled should swap and not the only person getting value. "There is zero percentage chance this is your fault" - Emongg's best good will hunting impression
Finally, my boi Hammond, the most fun hero in the game, who becomes not fun when you are distracting 4 enemy heroes while 4 of your teammates die to 1 enemy hero and then blame you, ah, ball experience. No one can play properly with him, everyone needs a tank in front of their face to take damage for them. P.S Oh wait, that's literally what's happening in the video, I guess my point is proven, In ma case it just happens in high Diamond-Low Masters, so don't think anything will change with the rank going up
the most important thing to understand when playing ball is just...ignore your team chat/voice(non com's) until you hit diamond. ball is NOTORIOUS for being considered "bad" even if you play him properly, one mistake and people will blame you. he's a EXTREMELY hard hero to play, highest skill floor out of all heros imho. so people will assume if your not winning its because "someone is playing a difficult hero to play"
This is every game of WB ever. You spend 2 minutes stalling cart, and your team dies 3 times because they can't group up and overcome 1 or 2 players. Getting out of Gold / Plat is the hardest thing on WB.
Team keeps losing 4v1s against a single Reaper and it's somehow the Tank's fault. That is the peak Tank experience
Peak ball experience
All of a sudden, your Moira has no fade, your Ana has no sleep dart, and your junk and soldier are just exploring the map or something. All of them are neatly stacked together. And this repeats 4 times in a row.
Yea like idk HOW they can be so bad and am silver on console and i can sence when theres a reaper like it ain't hard
Tank experience? That sounds exactly like the league of legends experience.
Literally happened to me yesterday, a reaper wiped all of them and then they said this tank is ass.
Conspiracy theory, the ball didnt submit this vod it was the reaper and an ego vod lmao
Honestly, I would pay to see that ego VOD lol
I got a similar vibe except I was thinking wrecking ball never got flamed by his team
Ball, fighting for his life defending cart: HELP ME...HELP MEEEEE
Team dying to solitary reaper constantly: THIS IS ALL YOUR FAAAAULT!
OW competitive in a nutshell 😂
QP and Comp experience. I'll give them a shield and they'll still die 🤷♀️ supports usually get it, but dps can have an ego problem
It has to be a 4 stack lol.
The lived wrecking ball experience
Funniest part is, the other team is probably flaming the reaper for not helping with ball
true lul. you can see later he switched from reaper to junkrat, might actually be the case here.
now imagine a world where with reaper and ball on the same team 🤔
My toxic trait is watching all of Emongg’s spectating vids and thinking I could apply what he said even tho I’ve never touched the hero/character before 😭
i always play mystery heros and try to remember and apply, its helped a lot lol
My toxic trait is thinking the commenters don't know what they are talking about, when i'm bronze 5.
I think ya can though! Its important to focus on one thing at a time and to forgive yourself if you make mistakes.
@@dan.delion9157bronze games are another beast so fair enough
The mindset is really what matter because recognizing what you need to be doing will help you eventually improve over time. Though some people learn and apply information faster than others
This is ball! Thanks so much for the spectate! Thank you for your perspective!
Good job man :3 honestly this game isn’t your fault and if you practice your movement and mechanics are little more I can definitely see you getting to plat in like 1 season ^w^ but your ball is good definitely got all the basics down
You were much better than your teammates in this game, similarly to how the Reaper player was a lot better (when on Reaper) then most of their team too. You can definitely get to Plat just playing like this, but with better timings in a few situations so you don't instantly get rolled lol. GL man!
Good job man, If you need help from low masters ball, I can provide some, such as analysing replays
Good luck on your climb bro, you're gonna go far. Map knowledge is on point
rule #1 of playing ball: never listen to your teammates
I had a game of mystery heroes where my team was flaming a ball who "was doing nothing" but like, nobody was helping him do anything. I rolled sombra and decided to just follow him around following up on his piledrives and we won without him dying once. After the game ended, the enemy team was complaining that nobody could kill him. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't, lmao.
As someone who plays mystery heros religiously I can't stand the people who complain in that mode. Like some people take it SO serious.
Flaming in mystery heroes is CRAZY
@@DustinEG6 its always the same people too, complaining about feeding or being bad but they play so scared they never die or do anything. without fail everytime
@@DustinEG6 yeah, like, it's just weird. The mode couldn't be more casual. I guess the real mysteries are the heroes we play along the way
You aren't playing ball correctly if all 9 people in the lobby dont hate you by the ned of the game
From their team perspective: "Ball is throwing!"
From Reaper's perspective: "Wow, these four must be really heavy for Ball to carry."
EDIT: Ball played perfectly for a gold player. Their team on the other hand was... Something.
I aggree on everything but the Ball playing perfect
@@eggwaldschechemie6937bruh he said perfect for a gold. He played exceptionally above what you could expect from a gold ball
@nathanrobb4373 nah. People are always shit like this with ball and excuse themselves for Bad games. As i said He played good for Gold, but as someone who is Master with ball only and 500h of playtime, i noticed mistakes 90% of the Time. You cant call this perfect and maybe its a Server Thing, but in Europe i've seen games in Gold, where he'd be the worst Player in the lobby.
@eggwaldschechemie6937 ok buddy
@@eggwaldschechemie6937That's why he's gold and you're not
If I was that reaper I would be devastated. He was popping off all game but he still lost.
but why he swapped off reaper lmao
@@INTlyoshik to help with the ball as junkrat
One thing that is always true.
The whole team is going to counter swap to deal with ball.
@@INTlyoshik His team probably flamed him for not helping with Ball while he was off 1v4'ing the team.
@@Druidlover now imagine a world where with reaper and ball on the same team 🤔
LMFAO some1 said the Reaper's POV is Anakin killing the younglings
Oh my god 😂
Not done with the video but the team has no right to complain about their tank when EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM are dying to a reaper. This has been a 1v4 for the ball the entire time because his team can’t handle one reaper and honestly they should be very embarrassed that they had the audacity to blame the ball.
I agree and said basically the same thing
Reaper 1v4'd ball 1v4'd.. The most effective players on each team with time shutdowns.. Ball was just more effective at stopping actual progression.
Ball is sometimes seriously underestimated. It can be such a nuisance that it becomes impossible to progress without hard focusing on it.
Its sad that unless you have a really good team to capitalize on ball, you literally need to learn EVERYTHING about the character.
@hooparainbowbraceypkmonand7862 As a new ball main. I'm in diamond and ball seems easy
@soufiane7195 He isz the only struggle in my opinion is when my teammates are idiots and don't like when I have 3 people chasing me for 15 seconds but they can't kill 2 people
@@BLACKOUTSSBU in plat and below that annoying aspect of your dps not getting any kills while you’re fighting and distracting the enemy team is every game
This is video, we see ball overcoming his greatest counter.
This own team.
6 minutes in this is a perfect example of a dps diff being blamed on the tank. Happens all the time when I play ball. You go in 1v4 stall kart for minutes at a time while everyone else can’t deal with 1 enemy dps that chases them back to spawn. I always tell my team, run towards me if you need help. They run in the opposite direction then blame me for not baby sitting them. In these cases it's definitely most likely a GG. So I just swap to whatever tank they "demand" I play, and babysit them. They stop dying, but now the cart remains uncontested and gets capped freely because everyone is too afraid to walk forward. Then at the end of the game is "tank canyon ggs"
Yeeaa. Aside from the ball, this was actually a team diff. That mercy was just as daft as the dps(healing full hp ball instead of dmg boosting someone)
UPDATE:: I just watched about 30 more seconds, and the mercy actually ignored the 50hp ball.
@@curliousoakshielddon't forget the multiple suicidal resurrections
Don’t swap brother.
Make them learn.
There are more dive tanks than any other type,, they need to learn.
And remember our words, brother.
Now thinking if all the Times someone was asking for heal meanwhile they running away from me or going left and right on a Pillar meanwhile am a LW i just need to see a leg to heal basically
I’m in awe of how many ults this reaper has farmed off these players
The couple minutes of the Reaper POV at the end really put the cherry on top of this video, well done.
I was checking comments during the video and was excited to see this comment
Literally HOW do this ball’s teammates blame this on him???? Bro couldn’t carry them any harder lmao
There is a reason Hammond’s victory reel intro is him lifting his entire mech on his back.
Because like Doom, people assume if the team is losing, it's their fault. Same for Zen on support - oh, we're losing? We must need more healing!
I've literally had games where I'm leading the lobby in healing and damage on Zen and had teammates tell me I need to swap "so we can get some heals."
That said, one of the reasons that heroes like Doom and Ball have the reputation they do is because SOOOOOOO many people get zero value from them. They're not like Soldier where you can plink away and get moderate value even when not good. Bad Balls are BAAAAAD - and 98% of gold Ball players are not this guy.
@@RLplusabunchofdumbnumbersyet, the only reason this guy is in gold rank is because of teammates like these(how do they even made it to gold?)
I have no doubt that he would be carrying a plat lobby playing like this, or even reach diamond
@@The_Top99 he's in gold because it's where he belongs.
as a Ball main i always love when you spectate Hampter connoisseurs
I love watching hamster gameplay
@@SMILE-h3same. It’s not as mindless as other characters and I learn where the health packs are on each map 😭
@@aymanzayed198 I swear Ball gamesense is like +7 divisions compared to relative teammates from Silver to IDK, Diamond.
@@Snarethedrummer has to be for the character to work. he’s playing a completely different game from most other characters.
That's the problem with most players in the metal ranks. They want the tank to make space but they want the tank to be directly in front of them (to shield them or mitigate the damages). I can understand peeling for a 1 teammate who's constantly being dived. But peeling for 4 teammates against 1 enemy? Skill issue. Also, this is gold? I've seen silver players better than this ball's teammates. Wonder how his teammates got to to gold.
it's pretty frustrating how people will make bad plays or have bad positioning that results in them dying, so they then are like "wtf my team is supposed to keep me alive" even though it is 100% your job to keep yourself alive
Dang, that Ram tbag was so not necessary~ 8:03
Probably Ram was trying to get in Ball's head since Ball was basically the only threat their team had to deal with for that entire round.
Just shows how annoying the ball actually was for the enemy team
This is an entirely new level of team diff 🤣💀
It's like, they found each other. There is actually a fair to good chance that the Reaper was getting flamed by their own team for not dealing enough with the ball, before he swapped to Junk and later Mei, and that he was in the same situation where him carrying went unnoticed. I could almost hear them go "Reaper stop chasing kills ffs and come help with this ball".
People in our rank (gold) really struggle to play with a ball. I have been maining Tracer the past few seasons and ball has become one of my favourite tanks to play with as a Tracer. He just has a different ebb and flow than other dive tanks, you have to be more ready to dive quick and get out fast when playing with a ball. That and so many supports see you get low hp and don't trust that the ball player will play the health pack, so they desperately chase the ball to try heal them, get killed, and then get mad. When in reality the ball was in no danger. This was good, I'd be happy to work with this guy in my gold games.
P.S. leave text chat. Take a look at how you played before you stopped to type for the first time and compare it to after. You went from a near flawless game to making mistakes here and there.
It is very good that you understand that, keep improving!
@@mattbvii even without the pulse, a lot of times it's a free follow up kill for me with little to no mechanical skill required. I like it.
This Ball did amazingly?? Like at the beginning of third point they held the cart alone against most of the enemy team. Like the rest of the team were being spawn held by a single Reaper.
That Reaper seemed insane though
Struggling against a Reaper as Echo is honestly embarrassing
Also, this dude is WAYYY better than Gold
27:30 'Reapers POV is anakin skywalker killing younglings" LMFAO
This is literally almost all my games on ball.
A. Get a team good enough that I can play against hard counters (and there's ALWAYS hard counters)
B. Trade fights with the enemy tank for 2 4v1s where I'll stall and get away and my whole team dies
C. Get hard countered into oblivion and forced to swap
Wrecking ball is so fun but so conditional for me to be able to play the game on him
Tbf ball is so badly fundamentally designed you either hard counter or you literally can’t kill him because he has 1500 hp+no headshots + insane mobility
@@thesalad943 its not that ball is badly designed as he is hero that requires some very decent skill to be effective with. But simply the format change among other things have made it less fun to play as. The CC creep is one thing that is to be aware of and the loss of another tank.
This isn't because of hero design specifically but simply how the game has changed
@@Strongclaw47There's less CC in OW2, but I do understand your point since CC is often more focused towards the individual tank or anyone who has extreme mobility. I don't usually have to swap to strong counters to actually cause a Ball issues, and I think it's much more of a playstyle issue for a lot of people when playing with and against a Ball.
Ball only has 1500 HO is your dumb and stand in a group.
@kommandantkillcode thares a lot of slows and hinders and lock outs still it's not a stun but it's still a lot of soft cc
Two separate games of 1v4 OW was played there with occasional crossover episodes.
*gets spawn camped by a reaper on moira, mercy, cas, echo* "how could our tank do this"
Cass getting heavily pocketed by mercy so there's really no excuse for this comp to be getting spawn camped like this by a reaper. It's impressive how bad they played.
@@moleethedonif we want to be generous we could say that the reaper was godly, but why would we be generous when they aren't
all the people saying ball should peel to help lol. what do you thinks gonna happen with the other 4 enemies if they peel for 1 reaper? the whole teams gonna slam your backline instead of 1 reaper.
Yep. If your team can't 1v4 a Reaper, you're just cooked. No amount of "peeling" can bridge a DPS Grand Canyon.
Well if they would get out of spawn and on point, ball would peel.
do you also think that you shouldn't peel against a Bob ult because you're too busy tickling a kiriko? man i would hate to have you guys as tank on my team lol
@@neilmallick20 Considering that you compared an ult to a single Reaper diffing your backline you means you're one of those dipshit DPS that would blame the Ball. Also, Bob is stationary - go behind cover.
When you're turning on the computer, turn on your brain too. Trust me, it'll help.
@@neilmallick20 if the bob is in the backline in the middle of a team fight, the tank looking away from the enemy team just to peel something thats counterable by playing cover is more beneficial to Ashe and her team to take space and this is coming from a ashe main lmao
The ball is in his own world man, he is in the ZONE
Some of these players forget that "contest time" is part of a tank's stats, ball played the objective, the other four played TDM
This is why I believe OW2 needs a obj timer on the score board.
It does, for the tank only. They should show every stats of everyone of that match to every participant.
Good rollouts, good pathing, good tracking and aim, good ults, good distracting and escaping on time, coulda prioritized squishies more, coulda had more up-time of shooting or booping singular targets if necessary. I find learning what’s happening outside where I’m looking, and even seeing the kill feed, is really hard, so I had to learn from you saying that reaper was the problem. This ball player may have had the same tunnel vision issue. Letting the car go a bit to peel was an option we’re seeing in hindsight. Absolutely carried overall. A few times of low APM, a few times of shooting tank over squishies, ignored reap, and one feed, otherwise popped off! Definitely earned that win, W Ball, boon for team
I genuinely cannot believe that the team blamed the wrecking ball. Like dear lord. I am bronze and i throw games hard most of the time. This man hard carried this game. If i, a bronze player can realize this. Then what does that make his team. Mad respect to you wrecking ball.😂
Bro it is like every other game when you’re a Ball main.
You are stuck in bronze because you think this is a carry. Individually, his skill is fine. Even better than gold tbh.
But that's not the point of a TEAM game. His team sucks. But changing playstyle could've helped. 4 man cant kill reaper. Neither could he. Absolutely ignored the biggest problem AND he can't kill the other 4. He played in his own world by himself waiting for his team.
That's not carrying. That's "I do my job and everything else is not my problem".
Don't get me wrong, he IS good. I don't deny it. But if you play with this mindset, you'll be stuck. (i climbed from B5 to D4 so i know how low elos play) too
@@keikeikeisno this was a carry for the rank they are at. 4 people couldnt kill a reaper and he literally played near perfectly for his rank (the ball). You wanna why you ranked up because you got better, not the mindset of thinking a game was carried or not. You wanna know who also thinks he was carrying emogg, the whole video hes saying the ball is doing the RIGHT thing and saying its the team fault they keep dying
The only mindset a player is "how do i improve" you. If you carried you say what did i do right? If you got carried you go what did i do wrong? If nobody carried you can still apply what you did right or wrong.
You whole comment feels like 1 person has to do everything. Its up to them to change their playstyle, its up to them to kill the reaper, its their job to stay on cart and its their job to distrupt the backline, its also their to protect their teammates and create space. 1 person physically cant do that, it think its funny you say its a team game but no its his fault.
Anyway they should of gone ana and slept the reaper so they can dogpile him or something
This comment is kinda messy structurally but i think my point stands
@keikeikeis Plat 1 tank here. The main issue with what you’re saying is that the entire Team is struggling to put down a single, isolated Reaper. Reaper isn’t even that good on Midtown, and yet none of these incompetent morons can put a dent in him. If Ball swapped, the only thing preventing Reaper’s team from joining him is gone. If the inept idiots on Ball’s Team could barely handle a Reaper, how can they handle a Ramattra with two supports pumping him and Reaper up?
Theres always people in chat asking what rank it is, it could help in the stream to have the icons of the rank emongg is watching for when he forgets and chat to not have to wonder what rank is beimg spectated! Could be placed in a corner or next to his cam!
This comment needs more attention. Guess we have to keep echoing this until he hears.
Imagine that Ball constantly getting teams like this. Never climb with how the system is set up
Reaper kept those bots trapped in the spawn room but Ball played the objective really well for the most part especially on defense. If I could give them a tip, I'd say improve their timing. They need to be more patient (i know its hard with people flaming you for no reason in chat, consider turn off the chat), and "scout, setup and strike" as Yeatle says. On attack, the moments their team won the fight were usually the moments when Ball actually engaged on the right time. But other than that Ball literally carried this game. Nicely done 👍
when this person said their team was losing 1v4 to a reaper i thought they were exaggerating bc it felt like that in the game, but no, their team literally was just incapable of beating a single reaper. clear DPS canyon here
😂 😂
A battle of two 1-man teams:
One is standing against the brink, averting defeat through proper play and movement.
The other is Anakin Skywalker massacring younglings.
Love how there’s people in chat trying to say wrecking ball needs to get off cart to help 1 enemy in the back line. He stalled point 1v4, is self sufficient and gave them a chance. Also how do 4 people(2 healers & DPS) lose to a single unhealed dps. DELUSIONAL
This video was hilarious. It reminded me of a game I had earlier this week where I was on Mauga getting flamed by my Lifeweaver because a KIRIKO was terrorizing our backline. The Kiriko was cracked, finished with no deaths and did a ton of damage but if my four teammates can't kill a 225 HP support even one time...but maybe they could have if my supports didn't insist on staying on Mercy and Lifeweaver for the whole game.
i love these ball videos so much as a ball main, i think its great being able to share other peoples experience on such a unique character so us ball mains and non ballmains can learn. This makes me want to submit my own ball gameplay xD
4:15 oml THIS! I've recently gotten to play tank, all rolea are platinum and support is diamond, and wow, the amount of times a Bastion or Soldier just walks in front of everybody when Im taking cover with Orisa is crazy, I can't imagine playing ball were you depend completely on your team being self-sufficient.
Same it’s hard to fathom this as a normal tank, I don’t understand how this tank expects to get value out of his teammates. A good tank protects the full team whilst dealing most of the damage, I didn’t see him so far do significant damage to any player at all
Even though this seems like an ego vod 11 minutes in, I'm HAPPY a vod like this has been uploaded for once! As a ball main myself I'm happy that people gets to see a ball's POV while all that stuff is happening in the backline!
Most people do not know how to play if they can’t hide behind a shield or a slow tank. Healers get frustrated chasing ball to heal him which is a cardinal sin. Don’t chase ball to heal him. If he is a good ball he will survive from his shields and health packs or he will come back to the supports. I can’t say I totally blame people because he is such an unorthodox tank, it really throws people off.
As a long-time Ball player, this was a great video and a literal carbon copy of so many games I play in Silver where you end up 1v4 and get hosed because the rest of your team is being zoned. Love playing him though. Using Lifeweaver's platform as a grapple point, great idea. had not through to that. I will do that. But yeah, the team losing 4v1 against Reaper is a reflection on them being a$$. I think about Eichenwalde, where I up-and-over to point A and draw in 2-3 of their players, leaving the team 4 against 3 or 4 against 2, and they cannot push because they are dumb. The only recommendations I'd have to this player would be to use rollouts and geometry to get more slams, spread the minefield wider by dropping it higher in the air (all the time), or drop the minefield behind the opposing team, loop around and boop them into mines. So satisfying.
@24:34 imagine you defending yourself from your 2-13 dps flaming u and and you go to make a play and immediately die before the team fight starts. Bruh unlucky💀
Most validating video. I play a lot of doom and lately some ball, and sometimes I get flamed by teammates who have no idea what I’m even doing on point because they’re busy dying and running back, and/or just have no idea how to play with a tank who doesn’t stand in front of them.
One time the kept flaming me in match chat after the game, and the enemy team flamed them for not knowing what they were talking about. This was obviously that kinda game. The ball absolutely carried and everyone knew it except his own teammates.
as a ball main who climbed from silver to plat this reminds me of my silver gameplay. I didn't have the mechanical skill to get many solo kills, my backline couldn't stay alive without a shield, the enemy lacks the mechanical skills to punish me for stalling point so I end up stalling for minutes while my team feeds. There is a lot to be improved with pathing, timing, cooldown/ult usage, but my advice for this ball to climb is to improve their mechanics. in this game you got a lot of value and carried because they were focusing you and didn't have the aim or cc to punish you. in higher ranks they will force you out in a few seconds and then push your team. you need to go for combos to threaten a solo kill or get them low for your team. When they are grouped up you need to hit and run, only stop to shoot when you can get a kill, use cover and move a lot. Go into VAXTA and practice combos and aim. start with the "scoop and poop" grapple high boop then slam and shoot. then rebound tech, then double boop. Ideally when you ult you would use retract to save your grapple to boop them in, also look down so that you can see who you are ulting. also try to hold grapple longer and hit many boops.
Nah this reaper going coo coo in the backline
how can a team lose so many 4v1’s and still somehow blame tank. How many Death Blossoms did this Reaper farm off them?? 😭
3:36 i didnt know emongg was the next eminem
Wubededubeday Winston!
This is my experience every time I play ball with randoms. I have about 550 hours on ball right now, and objectively, I'd say I have slightly better mechanics and health pack awareness than this guy, I hover around plat 4-5, but my games play out exactly the same way more often than not. I can have 4/5 of the enemy chasing me to the ends of the earth and never killing me, playing the best game of my life, meanwhile my dps and supports will trickle and get spawn camped or refuse to walk through the choke and die 4v1 to the remaining guy and then tell me to switch. It sucks because ball is really, really fun to play if the team is even remotely aware of how to play without a shield; but it's absolutely miserable if even 1 or 2 people don't understand positioning and cover because they will die constantly and then spend half the match smashing their keyboard telling me how trash I am. I have a 5 stack I play with and we win like 80% with me onetricking ball; meanwhile with randoms I'm losing 3/4 of the games and being accused of throwing in exactly this kind of scenario.
Watching this ball is the most entertaining gameplay ive watched in a hot second, that whole match was super well played from them and so funny to watch, well played!
Thank you for doing this void review.
As a low play wrecking ball main, this happens every 2 or 3 games.
Team feeds, it is somehow my fault.
I think the problem with Wrecking Ball is that casuals have no idea how to play around Ball. They just feel like they have no Tank to keep flankers/divers off of them. Brawl is so prevalent in casual ranks that no one really understand how to play with Ball. Meanwhile if you're a good Tracer/Genji/Kiriko etc you can play with Ball and take out any and all backliners. Enemies are all getting kicked around by Ball and become easy pickings for dive heroes. But if you're Ana/Soldier/Junkrat etc and getting rolled because you don't have a face Tank or Peel you're not going to do well.
He's by far the hardest Tank to play with. He's built for disruption, but doesn't do much damage and has no shield like Winston or D Vas Defense Matrix to help out. Especially in OW2 with one Tank he can feel like he's throwing.
All that and they won in the end. Never in my life would I willingly say this, but GG Wrecking Ball carried.
In lower ranks people often don’t know how to play with any tank other than a bullet sponge.
I used to use play doom fist and got to platinum with a 80% win rate but although I would play great, the matches that I lost (and some that were close wins) there were always people complaining about who im playing as rather than adapting to my play style.
This right here is why I quit playing ball :') Impossible to maintain a good mental when your entire team is flaming you just for the character you main. He was my best tank as well
play what u enjoy!!!! it may be hard to constantly be flamed but its someone u enjoy playing, thats what matters the most !! ^^
Honestly a good ball is like a lucio. Its that fing mosquito that buzzes around and bites you but cant kill it. Had a game (gold) where there was this god like lucio just controling the whole game for some reason no one could really kill him
people need to learn playing with a ball, you need to survive without your tank especially if that tank already got the enemies' attention most of the time
honestly like he was in a 4v1 against the enemy and holding and they were loosing a 1v4
@@Bad3abdul I agree, their team is really bad at the game. But i'm talking about having a ball tank in general in lower elo
Watching this video actually helped me play with a Wrecking Ball in one of my competitive games.
Peak tank experience is when they expect you to drop the 4v1 you're on pace to take a w on to come back and fight a tank buster as ball
Genuinely impressed by the ball, this doesn’t look like gold material at all. I’d hate to face him, that’s the kind of ball you gotta swallow up your pride and bring out hog for. Genuinely carried that game so hard it’s insane
This is EXACTLY MY EXPERIENCE IN GOLD AND PLAT!!! It's insane, drives me crazy. Feels so gratifying to watch this video.
14:50 i think he proposed was holding to contests the overtime dive, thats why he let reaper go, he was waiting the hole team arive first to combo his knock up and ult from a blind spot. If he was on frontline, his ult would be more predictable and could have being flanked, maybe?
Also that previous play where he used liveweaver flower twice as a pendulum to ult the payload and kill LW show
His capability to adapt and fast thinking are very good.
Edit: on 2:50 he gave up the payload after ana death to save echoos instead of insisting on being disruptive on it, he failed more because of echoos fault. Just reforce how much spacial awarness he has, and if the team was playing with him, he was ready to help them.
maybe if he had take leadership and asked them to pick bridge to counter reaper, thingscould be more easy, (for me if he is playing well is not her responsibility to counter pick to save the team lossing 4x1 fights but his team). Sometimes, they were just in a tunnel vision situation, and weren't thinking rationally. Small tips and ignoring the blame can make them chill out some times.
Funny part of that video, is that both teams were "struggling" against a one man army.
Reaper and wrecking ball were solo playing the hole fist part of the game. And enemys reaper probably were being blamed for not helping them deal with the cart as well.
On the second half, the hole team seams to change picks to hard counter ball. Like, imagine being so disruptive you make everyone play against you, and still being blamed by your team.
@emongg thank you for showing the backline experience.. there's been a few videos where we don't do that and you just hard focus on who is to blame and who isn't. Say the Reaper was a Smurf. Or even if he wasn't and is still dominating your team... At some point you have to start thinking about strategy and holding the cart for an extra minute for a team that's never going to arrive isn't going to win you the game. I would argue that this ball who is amazing and kind of suspiciously good to be honest actually started to pay a little more attention to his team and stay closer at least returning sooner because bad things always happen when the tank like ball or doom goes off for too long if the team isn't strong. You have to play to your own team strengths, so you need to help them out if they need it. It's just unfortunate that ao many don't know how to ask nicely.
Everyone knows if you play Wrecking Ball or Doomfist, every single thing is your fault. Regardless of how well you do.
Mathematically speaking, that ball and reaper are each 8x better than everyone else in that match 😂
ball played absolutely fantastic! I can safely say before I really understood game mechanics in OW when I would see someone lock in as ball my instant thought was "GG, we got no tank" but the more I learnt and the better I got at the game I came to REALLY appreciate any ball player, especially one with this much self sustain. This is coming from a one trick support (Kiri)... Just needed to learn to play in a way that compliments a ball and ggez. Gz ball
bro not create space, he create the whole universe.
This is a good video showing why lower ranks want only certain characters chosen. And really shows why certain ones are used all the time while others are never touched as if they aren't blocking dmg or front lines 24/7 it's "Your fault" or your "Throwing". Since they can't use cover or area advantages correctly and die easily by one dps just flanking or using advantages correctly
"You are so bad they don't see you as an enemy"
This statement kinda just says it all. They can't 4v1 a reaper so they blame the only guy surviving the bad one.
Wrecking Ball got plenty of attention from the enemy team, it's that the other's didn't need much attention to just start falling over.
I had a winston tank game today where the literal worst player said to report me 2 min into the game for "throwing", luckily I was in a good mood and didn't say anything the whole game. I also watched replay and it was crazy that this person was not happy with not taking any damage the entire game because he gets to sit on cart while I put in all the work with my widow and mercy. At some point he became real quiet and the enemies just rage quit. It was fun for me and I could tell that the guy was embarrassed, but players that are toxic for no reason just make me stop playing. OW is just a mental game, good mental gives better performance imo.
"Its been a pretty good ball game".
Its been an AMAZING reaper game.
Lore accurate Reaper doing a little 1v4 action.
10:23 reaper building 4 ults in one round only farming squishies is impressive.
the t bag at 8:03 is crazy too
Hahaha the Reaper spectate at the end exposed them all...
“so I did not” lmao
This is like therapy for wrecking ball mains. I have played wrecking ball from bronze up until masters, and no matter how much value you are getting, at all those ranks you will get teams who have no mental and have such a strong wrecking ball bias it borders on bigotry. They can't fathom that them losing a 4v1 could possibly be the issue, and that the people getting rolled should swap and not the only person getting value. "There is zero percentage chance this is your fault" - Emongg's best good will hunting impression
Finally, my boi Hammond, the most fun hero in the game, who becomes not fun when you are distracting 4 enemy heroes while 4 of your teammates die to 1 enemy hero and then blame you, ah, ball experience. No one can play properly with him, everyone needs a tank in front of their face to take damage for them.
P.S Oh wait, that's literally what's happening in the video, I guess my point is proven, In ma case it just happens in high Diamond-Low Masters, so don't think anything will change with the rank going up
@@mattbviiin this comment you could of said the team comps that work with ball
*group up*
*group up*
*group up*
Unable to send more messages...
i wish i had a ball like this honestly. it is rare that i see a ball this good. when i do we smash the team. this ball is carrying their team!
This man has watched a lot of Yeatle gameplay. Good stuff.
I agree with the health pack awareness with wrecking ball and sombra you definitely need to know them with her
I haven't finished the video yet but that first engagement is beautiful go ball.
I wish the games that had ballz in my team were like this guy. Many of those matches were an instant loss
Ball is too funny. My first game with him, it took over half the game to figure out what ground pound was 😂😂
Someone got a Brazilian, this Ball was smooooooth!
the most important thing to understand when playing ball is just...ignore your team chat/voice(non com's) until you hit diamond. ball is NOTORIOUS for being considered "bad" even if you play him properly, one mistake and people will blame you. he's a EXTREMELY hard hero to play, highest skill floor out of all heros imho. so people will assume if your not winning its because "someone is playing a difficult hero to play"
This is every game of WB ever. You spend 2 minutes stalling cart, and your team dies 3 times because they can't group up and overcome 1 or 2 players. Getting out of Gold / Plat is the hardest thing on WB.
His grapple mechanics are also really good
I guess that's because he one tricks ball
The ball was so humble as well!
This is what happens to me when I play ball in Master, stupidity is a universal trait
Team: Where's our Ball?? He needs to switch!!!!
Me: Where's the Ball's team?! WTAF!!!
This is the essence of stats don’t matter impact matters
Meanwhile the enemy team is saying CAN'T ANYBODY PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS BALL??