Calling an extroverted person "alpha" is a misnomer. People who talk the most and the loudest and cant stand not being the center of attention are normally extremely insecure. They are most likely continuously on the verge of breakdown, especially if you dont pay attention to them or dislike them. likewise, calling an introverted person "shy" is also a misnomer. Just because someone is not prone to loquaciousness, doesn't mean they're afraid to speak to you or are insecure, so if you dont like them, its less likely they give a shit!
***** Its def not everything, but it helps. Money usually means success and with success comes confidence. Also when you treat women with a take it or leave it attitude it throws most women off balance. Women are used to being chased, and when you don't chase them it makes them wonder.
You say you don't like that a man will confuse a quiet shy girl for being a "nice" girl. In life the greatest mistake embedded into the thinking of almost all of society, is mistaking beauty for goodness. The latter is the bigger lesson.
Quiet guys are the same way. We often have a strength that can handle things the extroverted male can't and we do warm up, but require a bit of trust. We are the ones that will fight a war or protect a woman without bragging about it all over the internet and support our families regardless of the sacrifices we mist make, But that is often mistaken as weakness with the modern woman.
I've been married to an amazing woman for 19 years now. We have each evolved quite a bit. Understanding who she is in this moment and what's recently changed about her, especially in relation to me, requires lot of work. I'm finding that videos like this one, designed to educate men about women in general, are probably even more useful to me than to your target demographic, as I have a narrow focus. I already have my dream girl, but she's not the same girl I married all those years ago. Information like this helps me learn to successfully "approach" and "close" with each new version of this incredible mix of party buddy, helpmate, lover, and Girl Friday that is... My wife. So this is me thanking you, and wishing you success, love, and happiness.
Most "alpha women" don't know what they want. They want to be a queen badass all day every day...but they want men to dominate them exactly when they want it. And I don't believe this crap about them not caring about a man's material possessions and only wanting to be taken care of emotionally. Yeah...not buying that at all.
Sierra688 Approaching a woman does not need to be a long journey. After some training everybody can be the alpha male in my opinion. Did you ever heard of *vunatia handbook for seduction*? There is a good course that helped me a lot!
I date a lot of alpha women, they all have money so it makes sense that she doesn't care about money. Taking care of them emotionally is traumatizing (I will not lie) but the sex is just too good where it makes it hard to walk out permanently. Alpha chicks want natural talents vs. hard work... Like studying and moving up the ladder doesn't impress them. They want charisma, creative, popular, etc - there's no way of actually seducing them because what their attracted to is all biological traits that people can't just acquire. When alpha chicks want you, they come come get you or they provoke you to do something (like ask them out).
Well.. you never know. Just because they are good looking doesn't mean they can perform well in bed. I'd be sceptical if they got what it takes. Only one way to find out tough ;)
The fact is guys, if a women gives any kind of shit test to you, don't give a shit about what they have to say or do. Just be yourself and be the fun person you are.
See you can be funny. You don't always have to make racist remarks mate! Just relax and watch your dating videos and learn and dont be so hateful towards black people :)
Interesting, and two beautiful ladies! Some older women told me when I was in my 20's that almost every woman was primarily interested in money, and that I had to impress "successful" women.
Why would any dude waste his time with a bitchy woman? Even if it is an act, even if deep down they are very loving etc? This idea that you're selecting the man who can "handle" you really means that you're finding some dude who is either A) going to see it as a game, a challenge because he wants to conquer you, shag you and move on or B) some dude who deep down believes that he ought to be treated like shit. Personally, I don't have time to waste chasing bitchy girls around clubs in order to shag them, if I want an easy shag there are prostitutes. And what else would I want a bitchy girl for? To treat me like rubbish? No sorry, I actually value myself as a human being and I have no time at all for that kind of crap.
britchotte Being confident and not taking shit is just that, confidence and a feeling of self worth. What does that have to do with being a bitch? The bitch is very boring because she is very predictable. Guaranteed to treat others like crap in order to mask her own weakness and insecurity.
Keyser Söze "Being confident and not taking shit is just that, confidence" Then it is just perception. You didn't pass her shit test and you think she's a bitch when she just wasn't into you.
Keyser Söze Well then , move on and find someone you like. Your ego is telling you you deserve her. You don't unless you can handle her. If you are going to chase, then you are subject to her rules. If she chases you, then you make the rules. LOL
Beautiful video, both you Kezia and your sister Hadassa are gorgeous girls, you both made some interesting points. You are really good at this, I am very impressed by you and your videos, it is wonderful to see your confidence and enthusiasm and it oozing into others.
***** There is a difference between being an ass kisser and being spiritual, a spiritual person sees the good inside of people, they focus on the good things about life and people, the positive things, the bright side of life. Encouragement and positivity is a powerful thing. Self haters hate themselves so they then project their self hate onto others and criticize all the time, spread hate and try to put people down, but when you are filled with love you want to spread love and joy and help lift people up to heavenly heights of bliss.
Kezia, you're amazing in the way you analyze things in your videos. You say things ive always believed in/acted upon instinctively when dealing with women, but you're better at putting them in words. Being the "intimidating" type probably makes many guys more accepting so when I want to communicate an idea to someone, i'll just forward a video of yours :P. Im pretty analytical and your videos are FAR more better than others out there whether by women or men. Good job. Greetings from Dubai.
no seriously , no more "up" does babydoll have her own channel or what, cause she's actually approachable, and theres hope, with the petite one there's absolutely no hope.
Great video from the Nobel sisters! Point is: 'Getting to know someone' is called that for a very important reason -- you get to know them! Here the girls are dealing with what everyone must deal with in getting to know someone, facades, which everyone has. I've been with women who were alphas and someone who were shy girls, and bottom line is they're both interesting, loveable people. Alphas may actually hold the values you think their facade contradicts, by the way. And shy ones too!
This is so true. So many misconceptions about introverts. We do have a voice and a personality because everybody does. What extroverts really mean is we are boring but hey, some are so busy being loud that they don't even notice when an introvert is speaking up! Learn to listen!
that is heavily generalized. You described character traits that are reflected in different men in different styles, but in principle find all women attractive.
This Video was extremely helpful in understand the shy introverted girls and the Loud dominant girls. But They're right in saying that most people like an in between. Thanks for Making the video Kezia.
lewis121701 ...Or you could simply do the smart thing and ignore the ladies altogether. Continue to save your hard-earned money, advance your own life & career, and just let the ladies in the meat markets stew in their own broth. Also, *never* date your co-workers... that shit is nothing but drama & serious trouble waiting to happen. I say that if any woman wants a shot at you, then she needs to get off her sorry ass and earn it; make 'em prove their worth. You can tell who the keepers are by the few who actually stick around and/or make a consistent effort to get noticed.
EnigmaticPhilosophy Very TRUE ! Why us, men, need to make all the effort to get them ? Are they so valuable ? Do they have gold in their pussies ? Does the sunrises from their asses or what ? Fuck them !
Krisler12 In my own experience, I find that the process of attraction - contrary to popular belief - should require little effort and no money. It should just be a good personality, a genuine mutual interest and/or instinctive "chemistry" doing all the work; anything else is just gimmicks + men playing right into their hands. Honestly dude, If you find yourself needing to spend *ANY* amount of money on a girl to win her interest/affections, then you've already done fucked up. Sadly, it really is a game (no thanks to backwards modern society + human nature), and the only way to *TRULY* win is to not play the game at all.
Two very Beautiful Women. Thank you for your videos I'm always happy to watch them. You have a lot of things that can majorly help guys out with relating to a Woman's mind. Which naturally helps with the relationship. Much Respect.
As a man I always looked at the quiet women as the mature ones(a real woman), I always felt loud women were nothing more than attention seekers or lack thereof.
umm thought that was interesting, I am comfortable to say that i learned something and will defiantly think about this. i like the shy girls!! also wanted to put this out there u two are beautiful and keep up the videos!!! i really enjoy them
Hi Kezia. I have watched a bunch of your videos and really enjoy your tips. It makes a lot of sense. I also like the way that you change your looks in each video. From a teenager to a mature professional.
I've met shy girls who wouldn't speak to anyone, so I would speak to them until they finally decided to speak Eben if I got no response,but not too annoying,consistent, now they conversate with me more then the others in my class. Just something I wanted to share
I have a female (alpha female) friend I know from a long time and she's pretty much like you describe her. But she's actually a very, nice, warm and comforting person, someone you can actually talk to. I'm more attracted to silent girls (non-alpha females) so I don't feel very seducted by her charms like many of my friends are. But I just wanted to point this out and what an amazing video. It's completely true!
Keiza, There's this song I really love and have listened to it for years as i related well with it. Had the dream and have never been able to find the girl in the dream until I seen your sister. The song is Girl on the moon by Foreigner.Take a listen.
Thank you guys! This information actually help me a lot! It does remind me of some situations I have experienced in the past regarding shy and alpha women girls. Thanks for lighten up my head!
I don't know if I prefer either or neither. The first thing is I should be attracted to he physically then everything else it wont matter if she is shy or outgoing.
I used to think this way too that being quiet is equal to nice but we are not very approachable or sociable compared with alpha people.. Love all your videos as they are very educational! Don't keep asking questions with shy girls... ❤ You two look so beautiful together
Hadassa ( "myrtle, bride; star") is a name of Judaic origin and sou is Kezia ("cassia tree") however, one of the girls wearing a cross. So what is the story behind?
Very good video. I've always found it more difficult fo pick up shy girls, even though, on the surface, they may seem easier. Don't let their shyness fool you.
The misconceptions that "Alpha women" have about men is that some of them have a very clear idea of what they want as well. And, these are not necessarily aligned or have to be in tune with those of "Alpha women". So she knows what she wants, that's great! Many men know what they want, and women react just as oblivious to that fact, as men do when women show security or simply act secure. The "Alpha" factor takes a hard toll on the whole interaction process, and might even work to the disadvantage of whomever adopts it as a defense mechanism - man or woman. Anyhow, very educational video Kezia.
Women in general are relative. Every person has a different upbringing and personality, but this is a very broad way of seeing two very common personality types. Don't take it so profoundly, but just absorb it as an opportunity to see how a girl in general thinks, and apply it to the one you're into. It's like watching a video on how to prepare your favorite dish. If you see twenty different videos, the same general idea is there, but each person has their own quirks and factors that make it their own. People are the exact same way. There's someone out there for everybody, and this should just be a confidence tool for single people, to help bring more 'humanity' to the supermodels we're all scared of talking to. Best of luck people.
I actually think the shyness aspect applies to shy men as well. (Being a shy type myself) We're labeled as a nice guy, or even innocent. Sometimes, I'm called too serious, or even a jerk. Not the case. We're more observers, and careful about what we say, because we know people that talk too much, can get their mouths in trouble. We value ourselves, so we're not going to just open up to anyone. And yes, it's very annoying being asked a bunch of questions. Leave that to neurotypicals. Talk about the surroundings. Shy people like having visuals to talk about. We find it, more fun and relaxing. As far as being nice, you should take us to the bedroom, and see how nice we really are.
Thanks for this interesting video. It helps us reflect on the qualities we are looking for in a woman. The difference between introvert and extrovert isn't so important for me. What matters more is if she has a positive, optimistic and constructive attitude towards life, herself and others. It seems contradictory that a alpha-woman needs a man who leads her. I would think a confident, independant woman is her own rock, that she wants a man equal to her and they take important decisions together.
This video actually helped me to understand better a girl that I hooked up with and had one or two dates with, many years ago. I was head over heals with her at the time. She was really shy so I never knew where I had her except the night that we hooked up when we were both drunk. When you explained the shit test of the shy gir ect, it reminded me of alot of sign she was giving me.Signs that I took as, not being interested, looking away etc ... But anyways, to day I am not really a shy person myself so I tend to go for girls that are not completly in their shell, they may be introverted but still alot on the extroverted side as well... The ideal woman for me is usually when they used to be introverted and then started to be more extroverted later on. These girls are usually the girls that I think that have the most interesting personality, for me.
Arguments are a lot more common between two highly assertive and strong personalities. Also there seems to be a lot more power battles in the relationship if both the man and woman are highly assertive and dominant and I don't have the patience nor interest to be in that kind of relationship. I prefer everything about a traditional feminine, soft, empathetic and kind personality. A Feminine woman can be a high achiever.
Hadasa is far superior to Kezia. She's smarter, more noble and graceful. I 100% prefer Hadasa. Women like Kezia get on my nerves. I've known women like Kezia before. But I am relaxed with Hadasa. Now I know my type of HOTTIE ; )
I agree with what David Wygant said in his comment. No surprise there because he knows his stuff second to none. In my experience with my clients who say I want to attract a hot girlfriend but who is also accomplished, tend to shrink to these women. Doing that won't attract them
Calling an extroverted person "alpha" is a misnomer. People who talk the most and the loudest and cant stand not being the center of attention are normally extremely insecure. They are most likely continuously on the verge of breakdown, especially if you dont pay attention to them or dislike them. likewise, calling an introverted person "shy" is also a misnomer. Just because someone is not prone to loquaciousness, doesn't mean they're afraid to speak to you or are insecure, so if you dont like them, its less likely they give a shit!
my thoughts exactly. catch this upvote.
Huggy Bear Yes, this should have been her MISCONCEPTION #1.
Huggy Bear Thumbed up just for using the wonderful word 'loquaciousness.'
hehe.. thanks, and thanks everyone for the thumbs up... I guess I'm not the only introverted person in the world like I thought...
Huggy Bear Best Answer you can give to this wannabe-psychologist
Best lesson I learned about picking up women is stop chasing women, start chasing money, then watch women chase you...
***** Its def not everything, but it helps. Money usually means success and with success comes confidence. Also when you treat women with a take it or leave it attitude it throws most women off balance. Women are used to being chased, and when you don't chase them it makes them wonder.
wise words
+Chris Valle That's very true. But instead of doing it with money, I just do it with character and intrigue. :D
+Chris Valle I totally agree with you Chris - No money, no honey. Just make sure you don't end up with a gold digger. :)
+Chris Valle brilliant hhahah
looks like 4 bald headed convicts trying to bust out of jail
so true
Wish I was there to let them out!
You sir have a heart of a poet
+Alex Trusk Lol!
Women with bigger breast are most likely to be geniuses according to some shady internet site.
so hard to concentrate on what they are saying for some reason
It's the mono audio. Definitely the audio.
yup i vote for the audio
yeah, what else could it be?
Jpeazify their tits? ;D
calle leinsdorff
I dont think so, nope, no, cant be
Most men don't want anything to do with an alpha women, most prefer kind, gentle and lady-like but with her own style and confidence, not alpha
You say you don't like that a man will confuse a quiet shy girl for being a "nice" girl. In life the greatest mistake embedded into the thinking of almost all of society, is mistaking beauty for goodness. The latter is the bigger lesson.
Was this video supposed to be informational? I was distracted.
Quiet guys are the same way. We often have a strength that can handle things the extroverted male can't and we do warm up, but require a bit of trust. We are the ones that will fight a war or protect a woman without bragging about it all over the internet and support our families regardless of the sacrifices we mist make, But that is often mistaken as weakness with the modern woman.
I've been married to an amazing woman for 19 years now. We have each evolved quite a bit. Understanding who she is in this moment and what's recently changed about her, especially in relation to me, requires lot of work. I'm finding that videos like this one, designed to educate men about women in general, are probably even more useful to me than to your target demographic, as I have a narrow focus. I already have my dream girl, but she's not the same girl I married all those years ago. Information like this helps me learn to successfully "approach" and "close" with each new version of this incredible mix of party buddy, helpmate, lover, and Girl Friday that is... My wife. So this is me thanking you, and wishing you success, love, and happiness.
Most "alpha women" don't know what they want. They want to be a queen badass all day every day...but they want men to dominate them exactly when they want it. And I don't believe this crap about them not caring about a man's material possessions and only wanting to be taken care of emotionally. Yeah...not buying that at all.
Sierra688 Approaching a woman does not need to be a long journey. After some training everybody can be the alpha male in my opinion. Did you ever heard of *vunatia handbook for seduction*? There is a good course that helped me a lot!
I date a lot of alpha women, they all have money so it makes sense that she doesn't care about money. Taking care of them emotionally is traumatizing (I will not lie) but the sex is just too good where it makes it hard to walk out permanently. Alpha chicks want natural talents vs. hard work... Like studying and moving up the ladder doesn't impress them. They want charisma, creative, popular, etc - there's no way of actually seducing them because what their attracted to is all biological traits that people can't just acquire. When alpha chicks want you, they come come get you or they provoke you to do something (like ask them out).
nyGIANTS Not dumb and simple,.they are predictable
Would definitely like to see more videos with Hadassa. She's wise, concise, and GORGEOUS.
What an incredible three-some that would be ;)
Well.. you never know. Just because they are good looking doesn't mean they can perform well in bed. I'd be sceptical if they got what it takes. Only one way to find out tough ;)
damn you beat me to it! I was thinkin EXACTLY the same thing! LOL
she literally has some of the best tips and perspective on pickup.her vids have helped me a lot
The fact is guys, if a women gives any kind of shit test to you, don't give a shit about what they have to say or do. Just be yourself and be the fun person you are.
I absolutely adore aspects of both! Both are quite lovely, and for different reasons.
they dont tell how to get women, they just look good. thats why to watch this videos
I love this, the diverse between both of your energies is great.
For some reason, I could really go for a glass of milk after watching this video.
See you can be funny. You don't always have to make racist remarks mate! Just relax and watch your dating videos and learn and dont be so hateful towards black people :)
You dirty eskimo!!
Wow, this video is so true. I love what this woman speaks, it all makes so much sense once she breaks it down.
This is why guys say girls are complicated. Why can't they just say what they mean. It is not that much to ask for right.
This girl is smart, she knows what she is talking about yet way she dresses plus adds a friend = more views.
Quiet girls are so much sexier in my opinion... the mystery behind the shy look in the eyes is very appealing!
Interesting, and two beautiful ladies! Some older women told me when I was in my 20's that almost every woman was primarily interested in money, and that I had to impress "successful" women.
my eyes become brighter, my ears went deaf!
you two are super blessed and I can definitely see your sisters inner confidence, very gorgeous woman.
Why would any dude waste his time with a bitchy woman? Even if it is an act, even if deep down they are very loving etc? This idea that you're selecting the man who can "handle" you really means that you're finding some dude who is either A) going to see it as a game, a challenge because he wants to conquer you, shag you and move on or B) some dude who deep down believes that he ought to be treated like shit. Personally, I don't have time to waste chasing bitchy girls around clubs in order to shag them, if I want an easy shag there are prostitutes. And what else would I want a bitchy girl for? To treat me like rubbish? No sorry, I actually value myself as a human being and I have no time at all for that kind of crap.
Damn straight!
I want a certain amount of bitch in a woman. I need her to be confident and take no shit. The bitch is interesting and not boring in any situation.
Being confident and not taking shit is just that, confidence and a feeling of self worth. What does that have to do with being a bitch?
The bitch is very boring because she is very predictable. Guaranteed to treat others like crap in order to mask her own weakness and insecurity.
Keyser Söze "Being confident and not taking shit is just that, confidence" Then it is just perception. You didn't pass her shit test and you think she's a bitch when she just wasn't into you.
Keyser Söze Well then , move on and find someone you like. Your ego is telling you you deserve her. You don't unless you can handle her. If you are going to chase, then you are subject to her rules. If she chases you, then you make the rules. LOL
That was so insightful, so deep, and well thought out that I actually forgot I was listening to two very attractive women.
Beautiful video, both you Kezia and your sister Hadassa are gorgeous girls, you both made some interesting points. You are really good at this, I am very impressed by you and your videos, it is wonderful to see your confidence and enthusiasm and it oozing into others.
Paul Michael bells
***** There is a difference between being an ass kisser and being spiritual, a spiritual person sees the good inside of people, they focus on the good things about life and people, the positive things, the bright side of life. Encouragement and positivity is a powerful thing. Self haters hate themselves so they then project their self hate onto others and criticize all the time, spread hate and try to put people down, but when you are filled with love you want to spread love and joy and help lift people up to heavenly heights of bliss.
who are you
There is that saying, ''Be an encourager. The world has plenty of critics already.''
Kezia, you're amazing in the way you analyze things in your videos. You say things ive always believed in/acted upon instinctively when dealing with women, but you're better at putting them in words. Being the "intimidating" type probably makes many guys more accepting so when I want to communicate an idea to someone, i'll just forward a video of yours :P. Im pretty analytical and your videos are FAR more better than others out there whether by women or men. Good job. Greetings from Dubai.
My left ear really enjoyed this video
God that was hilarious at around 9:35 when shy girl keeps calling Kezia a bitch... look at Kezia take those blows lololol
Does the sister have her own channel?
no seriously , no more "up" does babydoll have her own channel or what, cause she's actually approachable, and theres hope, with the petite one there's absolutely no hope.
Glad you found this video helpful
Hadassa and Kezia, REALLY thank you for this analysis!
I’m into an introvert girl and the video helps a lot in understanding her. :-)
My left ear really enjoyed this.
well observed- very true
Who has the patience and time for alpha women? Not me!
+Jimmy Conway Smooth.
actually pretty good advice. I also learned a bit about myself in this which is invaluable ... thank you
my left ear really enjoyed this
Great video from the Nobel sisters!
Point is: 'Getting to know someone' is called that for a very important reason -- you get to know them! Here the girls are dealing with what everyone must deal with in getting to know someone, facades, which everyone has. I've been with women who were alphas and someone who were shy girls, and bottom line is they're both interesting, loveable people. Alphas may actually hold the values you think their facade contradicts, by the way. And shy ones too!
Wow you are sisters !! is your parents a beauty machine ? :O
This is so true. So many misconceptions about introverts. We do have a voice and a personality because everybody does. What extroverts really mean is we are boring but hey, some are so busy being loud that they don't even notice when an introvert is speaking up! Learn to listen!
god bless those genes
Thanks for being honest girls, this was refreshing, educational and really cute!
her sister is actually hotter
could not agree more with this
So basically you're saying that dating is a trite, asinine bullshit game that girls play?
Definitely makes me enjoy being single.
that is heavily generalized. You described character traits that are reflected in different men in different styles, but in principle find all women attractive.
I like fat girls, do you think donut cologne will work...or no??
i thought that said "donut college" and i was like well why the fuck wouldnt it
This Video was extremely helpful in understand the shy introverted girls and the Loud dominant girls. But They're right in saying that most people like an in between. Thanks for Making the video Kezia.
Save your hard earned money and stay out of those meat markets. Buy you a brand new Ford-150 and then maybe you will pick up a date, like a co-worker.
lewis121701 ...Or you could simply do the smart thing and ignore the ladies altogether. Continue to save your hard-earned money, advance your own life & career, and just let the ladies in the meat markets stew in their own broth. Also, *never* date your co-workers... that shit is nothing but drama & serious trouble waiting to happen.
I say that if any woman wants a shot at you, then she needs to get off her sorry ass and earn it; make 'em prove their worth.
You can tell who the keepers are by the few who actually stick around and/or make a consistent effort to get noticed.
EnigmaticPhilosophy Very TRUE ! Why us, men, need to make all the effort to get them ? Are they so valuable ? Do they have gold in their pussies ? Does the sunrises from their asses or what ? Fuck them !
Krisler12 In my own experience, I find that the process of attraction - contrary to popular belief - should require little effort and no money. It should just be a good personality, a genuine mutual interest and/or instinctive "chemistry" doing all the work; anything else is just gimmicks + men playing right into their hands.
Honestly dude, If you find yourself needing to spend *ANY* amount of money on a girl to win her interest/affections, then you've already done fucked up. Sadly, it really is a game (no thanks to backwards modern society + human nature), and the only way to *TRULY* win is to not play the game at all.
+Krisler12 Do you believe in what you said ? I hope so.
***** Of course I do !
I could watch these 2 all day!
"You need to be financially successful to attract alpha women"
So you pretty much admit you're a gold digger. K, gotcha :P
she is summing up MISSconceptions so people thin that way about them but it really isn't true ( overal)
+Advection357 As opposed to hot women wanting a broke guy? Think before typing.
Two very Beautiful Women. Thank you for your videos I'm always happy to watch them. You have a lot of things that can majorly help guys out with relating to a Woman's mind. Which naturally helps with the relationship. Much Respect.
Not apologetic, but I'm Canadian :(
Profile pic checks out...
As a man I always looked at the quiet women as the mature ones(a real woman), I always felt loud women were nothing more than attention seekers or lack thereof.
i miss the times when it used to be easier to marry a virgin.
umm thought that was interesting, I am comfortable to say that i learned something and will defiantly think about this. i like the shy girls!! also wanted to put this out there u two are beautiful and keep up the videos!!! i really enjoy them
I wish both of them would dominate me
its so true shy girls r really harder i've been trying to get a shy girl for over 2 years now
Hadassa is prettier.
thanks so much
hadassa and kezia???
are these women muslims?
noooo muslims dont have such names
sounds more Jewish
galslovveme Yasmina, Ayesha, Suraiya, Latifah, Hadassa
Kind of looks muslim, or at least arabic
i see a cross on kezia.
***** Calm down. I was just asking a question. And what makes you think I'm Punjabi anyway?
they are both experts and they know what attracts men so much! that's why they're showing 'em off.
Hi Kezia. I have watched a bunch of your videos and really enjoy your tips. It makes a lot of sense. I also like the way that you change your looks in each video. From a teenager to a mature professional.
I've met shy girls who wouldn't speak to anyone, so I would speak to them until they finally decided to speak Eben if I got no response,but not too annoying,consistent, now they conversate with me more then the others in my class. Just something I wanted to share
I respect truly their honesty
great to hear that
I have a female (alpha female) friend I know from a long time and she's pretty much like you describe her. But she's actually a very, nice, warm and comforting person, someone you can actually talk to.
I'm more attracted to silent girls (non-alpha females) so I don't feel very seducted by her charms like many of my friends are.
But I just wanted to point this out and what an amazing video. It's completely true!
Keiza, There's this song I really love and have listened to it for years as i related well with it. Had the dream and have never been able to find the girl in the dream until I seen your sister.
The song is Girl on the moon by Foreigner.Take a listen.
You are both absolutely stunning!
Thank you guys! This information actually help me a lot! It does remind me of some situations I have experienced in the past regarding shy and alpha women girls. Thanks for lighten up my head!
I don't know if I prefer either or neither. The first thing is I should be attracted to he physically then everything else it wont matter if she is shy or outgoing.
excellent episode. great anaylsis of those two personality types..
I used to think this way too that being quiet is equal to nice but we are not very approachable or sociable compared with alpha people..
Love all your videos as they are very educational! Don't keep asking questions with shy girls... ❤
You two look so beautiful together
Hadassa ( "myrtle, bride; star") is a name of Judaic origin and sou is Kezia ("cassia tree") however, one of the girls wearing a cross. So what is the story behind?
Very good video. I've always found it more difficult fo pick up shy girls, even though, on the surface, they may seem easier. Don't let their shyness fool you.
your videos are quite helpful. thanks.
again, a genuinely helpful video. thanks!
this video actually helped me. thanks you two!
I agree, it shows the importance of understanding the woman you are trying to get with :-)
Is it possible you could render your videos to a HD format please? At least 720p or 1080p would be best. Need help, message me, thanks Kezia.
Haha Kezia is such a power freak. You guys both look great
The misconceptions that "Alpha women" have about men is that some of them have a very clear idea of what they want as well. And, these are not necessarily aligned or have to be in tune with those of "Alpha women". So she knows what she wants, that's great! Many men know what they want, and women react just as oblivious to that fact, as men do when women show security or simply act secure. The "Alpha" factor takes a hard toll on the whole interaction process, and might even work to the disadvantage of whomever adopts it as a defense mechanism - man or woman. Anyhow, very educational video Kezia.
What is the relationship between the type of mask and the personality behind it ?
Women in general are relative. Every person has a different upbringing and personality, but this is a very broad way of seeing two very common personality types. Don't take it so profoundly, but just absorb it as an opportunity to see how a girl in general thinks, and apply it to the one you're into. It's like watching a video on how to prepare your favorite dish. If you see twenty different videos, the same general idea is there, but each person has their own quirks and factors that make it their own. People are the exact same way. There's someone out there for everybody, and this should just be a confidence tool for single people, to help bring more 'humanity' to the supermodels we're all scared of talking to. Best of luck people.
I actually think the shyness aspect applies to shy men as well. (Being a shy type myself) We're labeled as a nice guy, or even innocent. Sometimes, I'm called too serious, or even a jerk. Not the case. We're more observers, and careful about what we say, because we know people that talk too much, can get their mouths in trouble. We value ourselves, so we're not going to just open up to anyone. And yes, it's very annoying being asked a bunch of questions. Leave that to neurotypicals. Talk about the surroundings. Shy people like having visuals to talk about. We find it, more fun and relaxing. As far as being nice, you should take us to the bedroom, and see how nice we really are.
Great topic! Very entertaining and informative.
Thanks for this interesting video. It helps us reflect on the qualities we are looking for in a woman. The difference between introvert and extrovert isn't so important for me. What matters more is if she has a positive, optimistic and constructive attitude towards life, herself and others. It seems contradictory that a alpha-woman needs a man who leads her. I would think a confident, independant woman is her own rock, that she wants a man equal to her and they take important decisions together.
This video actually helped me to understand better a girl that I hooked up with and had one or two dates with, many years ago. I was head over heals with her at the time. She was really shy so I never knew where I had her except the night that we hooked up when we were both drunk. When you explained the shit test of the shy gir ect, it reminded me of alot of sign she was giving me.Signs that I took as, not being interested, looking away etc ... But anyways, to day I am not really a shy person myself so I tend to go for girls that are not completly in their shell, they may be introverted but still alot on the extroverted side as well... The ideal woman for me is usually when they used to be introverted and then started to be more extroverted later on. These girls are usually the girls that I think that have the most interesting personality, for me.
Your sister is my kinda lady..
simply stunning!
Arguments are a lot more common between two highly assertive and strong personalities. Also there seems to be a lot more power battles in the relationship if both the man and woman are highly assertive and dominant and I don't have the patience nor interest to be in that kind of relationship. I prefer everything about a traditional feminine, soft, empathetic and kind personality.
A Feminine woman can be a high achiever.
First time trial, it worked. I did not try, untill thought it was working.
Hadasa is far superior to Kezia. She's smarter, more noble and graceful.
I 100% prefer Hadasa. Women like Kezia get on my nerves. I've known
women like Kezia before. But I am relaxed with Hadasa. Now I know my type of HOTTIE ; )
Smart guy, you are right life is hard.
really appreciate the help, thx a lot man, I guess I should try that
This is some mind blowing stuff that I would have never thought of
I agree with what David Wygant said in his comment. No surprise there because he knows his stuff second to none. In my experience with my clients who say I want to attract a hot girlfriend but who is also accomplished, tend to shrink to these women. Doing that won't attract them