I always enjoy watching your walk-thru videos and have discovered several new parks thanks to you. Seabreeze looks especially charming. What I especially like about this video is that you take the time to stop and show the attractions. It really captures the atmosphere, especially for someone who hasn't been to the park yet. Thank you very much for your wonderful videos. Greetings from Germany 👋😊
I worked at the park in the summer of 86 at fascination which was located where the park offices are now. The Norris Family which owns the park are great people. The Waffles by the Bumper cars are tasty.
That windstar ride looks so fun! I would definitely go on that.
I always enjoy watching your walk-thru videos and have discovered several new parks thanks to you. Seabreeze looks especially charming.
What I especially like about this video is that you take the time to stop and show the attractions. It really captures the atmosphere, especially for someone who hasn't been to the park yet.
Thank you very much for your wonderful videos.
Greetings from Germany 👋😊
You're welcome! I'm glad you enjoy the videos.
Thanks for the updated walking tour. Fun fact: I actually work down in the picnic groves. I've been working there for three seasons as of now.
I worked at the park in the summer of 86 at fascination which was located where the park offices are now. The Norris Family which owns the park are great people. The Waffles by the Bumper cars are tasty.
The carousal museum is probably the best part.