Learned that the hard way during a raider attack and one hopped in my armor lol Started taking the power cores out and putting a turret next to my armor stations after that.
Does that save any actual time though? You are only locked out for 10s, and you lose the chance at your last guess, by leaving it early. If you average out the lost chances at getting right, versus doing the minigame over and over, I'm not sure that method does save any actual time.
Or just hack the right way and look for the completed brackets hiding in the lines? It takes like 20 seconds and youre guaranteed to get the right code lmao
1 ignore Preston Garvey 2 put Mama Murphy's chair in the river. 3 plant a melon next to the chair and assign Preston to farm it so he isn't anywhere near you to assign you any thankless jobs. 4 never turn on radio freedom. 5 Just wander around and do whatever you want.
You can in fact leave Preston in the museum all together. He even has a line for that case which he throws at your back when you leave. If you plan on joining a faction that might kill the minuteman in the end, this is the most humane option.
My wife does not like video games at all but the show and a video on RUclips from best to worst vaults in the fallout franchise got her playing Fallout 4. We did it boys!!! GGs
As someone with over 3000+ hours in Fallout 4 i can easily say Fusion Cores are Everywhere in the starting region and if you want more just get the ammo finder perk and look in ammo boxes they can spawn in groups of four.
@@ANDR0iDno but when they get almost out of juice like 1 or 2 get out of your power armor and physically remove it and install a new one. You can sell the mostly used core for the same price as any other core. It's a great exploit
Why do people keep saying this? Fallout 4 hasn't dipped below 20,000 players a month since 2019, and that was still 17,000-19,000 players. It has averaged 25,000+ players each month since 2017. When this "resurgence" is over, those players will still be there playing.
You can't quick save on survival. It amazes me the noobs who don't play this game on survival which is how it's meant to be played. It's a TOTALLY better experience overall.
The Fusion Core advice is mostly sound, but if you plan on doing a high intelligence + Power Armor build from the start, you can unlock the Nuclear Physicist perk as early as you want to, which dramatically increases how long your Cores will last, and it's not that hard to find more along the way. This is a fun build, give it a try!
Why is that people hate the radial minutemen quests, but not the radial quests from other factions? Neither has to be done immediately, with the exception of settler kidnappings. But even those are only time gated, after you talked to the settlement.
@@Tijuanabill because Preston is insufferable.... maybe he should take the Minutemen and do it himself instead of barking at you all the time... you gave him an entire town as a base and a castle... and yet he still bothers you... they needed to let you resign after the castle and let the minutemen be lead by that old lady at the castle... she has more balls than Preston...
@@MoNoToNeGaMeRz I don't disagree with any of that, but you missed the entire point. The point is people joking about helping another settlement (radial quest) but nobody complains about the same quests that exist for the Railroad, BoS, and Institute. Those quests never end either, and keep getting assigned if you keep going back to the quest givers, just like Preston.
An important thing left out of this video is that many companions also give you quests personal to them and they will give you a perk when you have reached 100 affinity with them. It's totally worth collecting the companions.
One thing they didn't tell you: Don't leave your power armor suits at a full settlement. Settlers will use em. My last playthrough 2 of my suits were missing and only found 1 settler with it on. The other armor was customized😢.
@@SabbathSaint You don't have to be in a Settlement for your powered up but unoccupied Power Armor to go missing. And don't think you will get it back when they run out of power. NPCs don't run out of power just like settlers only need 1 bullet to shoot forever.
Well done tutorial, if you drop items on ground Dog meat will pick up on command even if it is past encumbrance weight, human companions do same, just place items in corpse or container and they will continue picking up with no speed penalty :)
Played every Fallout to death, Fallout 4 is imo by far the best. While New Vegas clearly have more skillschecks and deeper roleplay mechanics, Fallout 4 is (at least for me) the best Fallout, at least since the added fantastic survival mode.1200+ Hours and counting!
Fun fact. If your sneak skill is high enough you can steel fusion cores from BOS power armor while they are in it. It’s satisfying seeing then exit the power armor after
When your fusion core gets low exit the power armor and transfer the drained core out and insert a new fusion core. Then you can sell the used collection to the vendors for a decent price :)
If you have power armor out in the open at your settlement never leave fusion cores in them. If enemies show up settlers or raiders with jump in if the fusion core is left in. & if they die inside you cannot retrieve the frame.
Who woulda thought, that almost 10 years after its release, a TV series would skyrocket the popularity of fallout all over again. A testament to the creators that they’ve renewed peoples interest. Maybe this will be the push Bethesda needs to start working on fallout 5 ahead of schedule. Clearly there is interest and demand…
As a fallout veteran 100% almost all the games just enjoy it fr the first time listen to everything do everything get into the world and only watch vids if you have to try and do it urslef you will feel so much more rewarded enjoy ur adventure in the waist.
I agree with all of all these! Good video, I especially don't get why so many 'Tubers start their characters with a 10 in one ability. I'd never do that. There's wearables and consumables to raise ability scores over 10! Keep up the good work.
Another thing to note is when hacking you can cycle through the letters and numbers until you find a bracketed group when you click on them they can eliminate Duds and even give you a try reset
Excellent Video, The 3rd thing, Saving. Ive had 5000 hrs in Fo4, and Using a Mission location image as the save screen, really helps, with timeline restoration. If it goes south.
don't bother with companions, they are almost useless, even worse, they often block your only escape way and get you killed. Get the Lone Wanderer perk and explore without burdens.
You forgot the most useful tip to carry extra junk. Ask your companion to pick up things for you with the interact command, that way you will have infinite carry weight with them, just don't trade directly with your companions.
depends what difficulty you're playing, higher modes reduce ammo as well as fusion cores. normal difficulty gives you a balance, atleast that's the idea, but Fallout 4 is alot more forgiving than Fallout 3 was, and even New Vegas. so i found hard mode to be the right sweetspot, now of course you could always turn on survival mode, that does eliminate the amount of resources you find.
@Jeymez I typically play fallout games on the very hard difficulty, and just casually exploring i have well over 50 fc's. Survival is a little too Raphael for my tastes. It's bananas how quickly you're hungry, thirsty, and tired. Very tedious and bothersome to me.
@@BrobaFettEE3 yeah that's the only problem with it, if Bethesda made it a little more realistic i think survival mode would be alot more appealing. but instead they made it to where, you freeze every 5 seconds and get hungry every 10. And unfortunately most survival mods aren't too different. it's true all humans need food to survive, but a person can go a day without eating. I've done it many times, hell half the time im lucky if i eat once a day. when you work nights, food is the last thing you think about when you get home lol. now i get Fallout is supposed to be apocolyptic, but Skyrim isn't. so what they should've did with Falllout is, instead of getting hungry every 5 seconds, they should've implementated a hunger meter. so as it fills, your character will eventually start showing signs. but you don't want the meter to reach the top, otherwise you die. so what this meter will show, is how long you've gone without eating. so for example, a quarter of the way up, would be like the equivalent of a day. you might be a little hungry, but it's not at that life saving range. now the half way up point would represent two days have gone by, now that's where it start to effect you. because that's two whole days, and in the world of Fallout that can turn into 3 days or 4. but by having a meter, you can keep better track of when your character starts going hungry. in Skyrim food is not contaminated, so really the only part they should've corrected, is the freeze part. so just like in Fallout, but this time you have a frost meter. but to make it somewhat realistic, a person can't with stand extreme temperatures for too long. so instead this meter will represent how it takes, because your character starts to feel cold. so the lower point would be like the normal kind of cold, it's not freezing, but it's still a little nippy without something warm on. now the half way point, would be level 1 freezing. now is the time to try to find shelter, and the last point which is the top, that is level 2 freeze. that is life threatening, so you don't want it getting up there. And for hunger, you can just use that as part of the freeze meter. when the body gets cold, it does eventually cause the body to get hungry. but since you can fish in Skyrim, theirs ways to keep you fed. anyway that's how i would've went about it. so every hour of gameplay goes by, you'll see the meter slowly begin to fill. sweat is not easy to pull off in games, but people come up with sweat mods all the time. but sweat is possible even in cold weather, it's because the body is trying to keep itself warm. well the colder it is, the body begins to boil, that's what causes people to get sick. so i would use that Skyrim, and for Fallout 4, it would be more like your character starts to do certain animations that would apply to hunger or getting thirsty.
Also, when leaving your power armor somewhere, make sure you remove the core after exiting the suit. If you don't, any NPC can potentially climb in and use the suit, so you could come back to find a drained and damaged suit, or not find it at all if the NPC left it somewhere else.
1. Don't "flirt" with companions if you don't follow through, Preston won't shut up. 2. Don't assign the last perks for Locksmith, Hacker, or Medic. No need. 3. Don't build other settlements without 2 Cap Collector and 2 Local Leader. 4. Next bring a crystal to a settlement, make a beacon, assign a provisioner first. 5. Heavy Laser Turrets are better than the crazy collateral damage of Missile Turrets. 6. Wandering the map early on can permanently set nearby power armor to your level. 7. Best legendries are Explosive Shotgun/Minigun and Two Shot Gauss/50. Cal Rifle 8. There are many rifles, the highest damage sniper is a 50. Cal (aka Hunter's Rifle) 9. Fallout the Show loses all logic after episode 5; Capitalism vs. Communism.
Movies and TV programs always have producers/writers that want to change it to tell their own version. They very, very seldom match the book or the game. They are generally bad, and each remake gets worse.
@@TasukuMuncha ALL of the travelling vendors are Institute informers, which is weird, because most of them stop at Bunker Hill and are oblivious to what goes on there.
@@srellison561not all of them, in nuka world that girl is a raider spy basically, she teols raiders where to attack next, buy the unique crap items she sells and kill her on the spot
2:19 this girl choose the second deadliest pond of the game to show her argument. Just take waterboy and take out those radioactive barrels and you will be fine
Ignore everyone saying to not help settlements they refresh loot in an area and can be a great way to farm resources from certain locations yes it respawns loot thats not in containers not only that they give you loads of exp
If fusion cores are the main thing to worry about your playin the game wrong. Up your Luck stat to 3-4 before leaving the vault and get the ammo perk. Find fusion cores in ammo containers
The story and the next gen update fallout 4 is all I’ve been playing since the update lol, never beat it or got that far so the playthrough is almost new I’m having a lot of fun.
Don't scrap your tools or sell them to vendors. Sell them to the maintainable guys in vault 88. Always remove cores when you leave power armor so your suit doesn't get stolen. Companions can use power armor with no core so take advantage of that perk.
Good tip. I pick up every tool I find, and I buy every tool that vendors have. You buy them for 2 to 5 caps, (depending on bargain level), and sell them to maintenance guy in the vault, for 15 caps each. That is a 200% to 600% profit, plus, I feel like I'm being helpful to the vault. If you could do that in real life, you would become a millionaire in no time.
Dont get to invested in mods. Play the base game. Get some basic qol and graphics mods. Then stick with it. If you spend all your time in the mod list your gonna miss out on the game.
2:13, Well actually, it's a good idea to avoid the water from the start until you get a perk, (I think aqua lad is the name,) that negates or reduces any radiation damage incurred by swimming in/ingesting of the radioactive water.
What? Cores can be found in factories. They are free. Junk as adhesive & nuclear matherial are useful. Other you can buy in a form of "shipment of... Don't leave your power armour anywhere. There aren't no rare ammo. Just suitable level ammo. You can go to settings and make to quicksave every time you exit pipboy
Wont going offline and seeing updates to manual initialization fix that until the mods (least those still maintained and updated regularly) get patched?
There's lots of locations where you can find fusion cores early in the game. The molerat den located right in the backyard of the red rocket truck stop. Concord civic access underneath Concord where you encounter the mirelurk its on the ground just past the doorway. Robotics Disposal ground located northeast of sanctuary. These are just a few locations where you can find free fusion cores in the game
Dont seek out power armors until you are a higher level. They scale by level. That special armor you want from a guide will be better when you are level 25 instead of trying to find it at level 5.
Don’t go for power armor before Lv 28 because power armor at every location will not respawn and some of them are levelled frames. Otherwise, you need to wait for random sale of X01 from atom cats shop if you don’t have dlc.
#1 does not apply if you are in survival mode. There are only two possible builds in survival mode: stealth and power armor. That's it. Regular armor is useless, especially if it doesn't have a legendary effect.
For the 12 year olds among us, you can do that with all Companions, Settlers and dead Raiders. So, roll your tongue back into your mouth and play the game, while the perverts check for dirty skivvies.
The one thing that nobody will probably ever tell you is do not move the preset bodies of the dog or the raider on the other side of the bridge from sanctuary. If those two bodies disappear your game will corrupt !
1. Ammo Finder will help you loot FCs 4 or more at a time at a high rate. Ammo containers may contain 8. 2. Grind more. 3. Play survival, sleep plenty. 4. Stash them around high spawn areas. 5. Negligible. 6. Stash them, come back or pick up when you eventually double back. Or carry a loot corpse. 7. No comment. 8. Lone Wanderer and dog meat is best. Dog meat can be with you and another companion either way. 9. Good.
Do NOT leave your power armor with Fusion Core in it while in your settlement because if it's suddenly under attack, you settler will don it on and never return it to you. On the other end, did you know you can order your companion to put on the power armor even if there's no fusion core in it and they don't get any penalty.
I play mostly in Survival mode and some tips doesnt really apply : -Fusion cors : except with lonely perk and invest in endurance, I always travel with PA. -Attributes : never to 10, but at least 9, in survival it is better to focus in a branch -Saving : yes, but in survival, you can only do it on bed, very important to invest in colonies :) -Ammo : yes, I never use automatic weapon and weight is too heavy. -Travel alone : in survival, companions are out of combat quickly, I only keep dogmeat for walking bag and grab ennemies for VATS
Number 10: Take that precious Fusioncore out of the darn Armor! Unless you want a Settler jump in and take it when they get attacked or some random Brute jumping in and taking off with it...
as someone with 1000+ hours in fallout 4. do what ever you want and save often
Love FO4, fave Beth style game because of the addition of settlements.
Sleep Often* survival players lol
Quicksave is always handy
yea, pretty lame telling people there are things they "should not do" in a roleplaying game
2800+ FO4 hours here. Agreed.
Who else is revisiting Fallout because of the show?
Yes sir
Yup, reinstalled fallout 4, installed a story wealth Mod pack 👌
Never left
April 24 is almost here 🔥
One thing to note if you leave power armor at a settlement make sure you take out the power core if not settlers will hop in them
Gotta take the keys out of the car lmao
This. Definitely this.
Learned that the hard way during a raider attack and one hopped in my armor lol Started taking the power cores out and putting a turret next to my armor stations after that.
Sorry, im new to this game. Thanks for the tips. Ill be screen saving these tips!!
Passing merchants like Trashcan Carla can still steal them if they have a fusion core in their inventory.
When hacking, instead of running out of tries, get to your last one and back out. Your tries will reset so you can keep trying.
Does that save any actual time though? You are only locked out for 10s, and you lose the chance at your last guess, by leaving it early. If you average out the lost chances at getting right, versus doing the minigame over and over, I'm not sure that method does save any actual time.
@@Tijuanabill Yes it does save time. Wait 10s and maybe fail or retry right now and maybe fail, but with 3 more tries.
Plus, would you rather stand around doing nothing if you fail or engage with the game you are playing?
Or just hack the right way and look for the completed brackets hiding in the lines? It takes like 20 seconds and youre guaranteed to get the right code lmao
@@ce2341 No crap. So your "tip" is "just play the the game". Thats a big brain tip.
Another settlement needs your help.
Another settlement needs your help.
Another settlement needs your help.
Let me mark it on your map
At least it isn’t raining ☔️
I'm getting PTSD flashbacks of Minutemen.
use the minuteman squads mod. yo hire a squad of minutemen, and they take care of that radiant quest for you.
damnit garvey
1 ignore Preston Garvey 2 put Mama Murphy's chair in the river. 3 plant a melon next to the chair and assign Preston to farm it so he isn't anywhere near you to assign you any thankless jobs. 4 never turn on radio freedom. 5 Just wander around and do whatever you want.
Wth 😂
Bro..your comment was more useful then the video. Tnx.
This is my first time playing. Thansk for the tips. Super excited!
You can in fact leave Preston in the museum all together. He even has a line for that case which he throws at your back when you leave. If you plan on joining a faction that might kill the minuteman in the end, this is the most humane option.
My wife does not like video games at all but the show and a video on RUclips from best to worst vaults in the fallout franchise got her playing Fallout 4. We did it boys!!! GGs
As someone with over 3000+ hours in Fallout 4 i can easily say Fusion Cores are Everywhere in the starting region and if you want more just get the ammo finder perk and look in ammo boxes they can spawn in groups of four.
Weird flex
They can also be recharded right?
@@ANDR0iD in fo76
@@ANDR0iDno but when they get almost out of juice like 1 or 2 get out of your power armor and physically remove it and install a new one. You can sell the mostly used core for the same price as any other core. It's a great exploit
@@midnight347thanks bro
The resurgence of new FO4 videos because of the Amazon show and upcoming game update is nice to see.
Why do people keep saying this? Fallout 4 hasn't dipped below 20,000 players a month since 2019, and that was still 17,000-19,000 players. It has averaged 25,000+ players each month since 2017. When this "resurgence" is over, those players will still be there playing.
Quick save is OP. Use it everytime.
Every time and twice before a red speech check
That’s nothing compared to a Stalker veteran
Not unless you are in the modded game, it could become your nightmare
u guys even know what OP means? lol
You can't quick save on survival. It amazes me the noobs who don't play this game on survival which is how it's meant to be played. It's a TOTALLY better experience overall.
The Fusion Core advice is mostly sound, but if you plan on doing a high intelligence + Power Armor build from the start, you can unlock the Nuclear Physicist perk as early as you want to, which dramatically increases how long your Cores will last, and it's not that hard to find more along the way. This is a fun build, give it a try!
Nyeh, if you want to do Power Armor early on, just sprint minimally and don't use VATS.
There's also the Scrounger perk which soon piles on the Cores.
Also fusion cores count as ammo so the ammo finder works with it once found 5 fusion cores in an ammo box
It's funny that the Fallout hype train is back up and running, but Starfield is practically dead, I'm not complaining.
Starfield is wayyyy to empty. It can be zen for a bit but that's about it
Sad but true
Honestly, It wouldn't be dead if they just added proper quests and new instances . XD They didn't learn from 76
Back up? It never stopped.
practically? it was buried long ago, it failed, hard
The first thing you should NOT do in Fallout 4: Help another settlement
use the minuteman squads mod. yo hire a squad of minutemen, and they take care of that radiant quest for you.
Why is that people hate the radial minutemen quests, but not the radial quests from other factions? Neither has to be done immediately, with the exception of settler kidnappings. But even those are only time gated, after you talked to the settlement.
@@Tijuanabill because Preston is insufferable.... maybe he should take the Minutemen and do it himself instead of barking at you all the time... you gave him an entire town as a base and a castle... and yet he still bothers you... they needed to let you resign after the castle and let the minutemen be lead by that old lady at the castle... she has more balls than Preston...
@@MoNoToNeGaMeRz I don't disagree with any of that, but you missed the entire point. The point is people joking about helping another settlement (radial quest) but nobody complains about the same quests that exist for the Railroad, BoS, and Institute. Those quests never end either, and keep getting assigned if you keep going back to the quest givers, just like Preston.
number 10: not every settlement needs help
use the minuteman squads mod. yo hire a squad of minutemen, and they take care of that radiant quest for you.
number 11: don't play like a lore accurate war criminal
Especially if it isn't yours.
But the happiness rating!!!!!
An important thing left out of this video is that many companions also give you quests personal to them and they will give you a perk when you have reached 100 affinity with them. It's totally worth collecting the companions.
uhh "don't travel alone" yeah about that, get used to you companion blocking your line of sight, its extra fun when using any kid of grenade
Also forget about stealth builds 🤦♂️
lol, who uses grenades
One of the most frustrating mechanics in the game. I feel like devs did it on purpose
Those settlements are not going to save themselves, time to put on the vault suit, get dogmeat and into the wasteland once more, even after 9 years.
The world needs you again
just skip concord... Preston is insufferable... no need to relive that
I'm surprised you didn't mention to never leave your power core in unattended power armor when you're going to be away for a bit.
Remove it EVERY time you get out of your Power Armor.
"Save every hour or so"
More like every 2 minutes if you wish to avoid freezes in boston.
every few steps.
One thing they didn't tell you: Don't leave your power armor suits at a full settlement. Settlers will use em. My last playthrough 2 of my suits were missing and only found 1 settler with it on. The other armor was customized😢.
Gotta remove the power core when leaving them at your settlements , only way to prevent them from acquiring them
That’s actually pretty cool
Did one of your settlers steal it? Lol
Settlers can't get on the roof of Red Rocket. Just leave em up there. But also always remove fusion cores lol.
@@SabbathSaint You don't have to be in a Settlement for your powered up but unoccupied Power Armor to go missing. And don't think you will get it back when they run out of power. NPCs don't run out of power just like settlers only need 1 bullet to shoot forever.
Damn ign you missed your video release schedule by 9 years
They were working on a schedule of one tip per year
next gen upgrade for the game is next week. It's smart of them to redo this now.
@@AceDRenegade That and there are many new players because of the Fallout series on Amazon Prime.
I’ve never met a general who get ordered around as much as a vault dweller
LMAO!… but also yes, no military member escapes taking orders. No matter the rank. C’est la vie!
Well done tutorial, if you drop items on ground Dog meat will pick up on command even if it is past encumbrance weight, human companions do same, just place items in corpse or container and they will continue picking up with no speed penalty :)
Genius. Thanks! (except now I feel dumb for spending perks on Strongback…sigh)
100% better than Starfield.
16 times the quality
Played every Fallout to death, Fallout 4 is imo by far the best. While New Vegas clearly have more skillschecks and deeper roleplay mechanics, Fallout 4 is (at least for me) the best Fallout, at least since the added fantastic survival mode.1200+ Hours and counting!
Weird flex
@@Ch0senJuan Go back to your fetish-game
Fun fact. If your sneak skill is high enough you can steel fusion cores from BOS power armor while they are in it. It’s satisfying seeing then exit the power armor after
When your fusion core gets low exit the power armor and transfer the drained core out and insert a new fusion core. Then you can sell the used collection to the vendors for a decent price :)
If you have power armor out in the open at your settlement never leave fusion cores in them. If enemies show up settlers or raiders with jump in if the fusion core is left in. & if they die inside you cannot retrieve the frame.
get the cannibal perk as soon as possible so you're ready to eat your son when you find him
Damn that's dark. Funny as Hades, but still dark.
I’d rather eat the rich
Omg you would be besties with my cousin Ridz.. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 always going a bit darker!
Power Armor...
NEVER leave the "keys" in your "car".
number one rule: don't talk to preston. Kill raiders for loot and xp but leave him in this museum forever without interaction
The Preston hate is astounding. You do know he’s a made up character and part of experiencing a game is dealing with the made up characters?
Who woulda thought, that almost 10 years after its release, a TV series would skyrocket the popularity of fallout all over again. A testament to the creators that they’ve renewed peoples interest. Maybe this will be the push Bethesda needs to start working on fallout 5 ahead of schedule. Clearly there is interest and demand…
As a fallout veteran 100% almost all the games just enjoy it fr the first time listen to everything do everything get into the world and only watch vids if you have to try and do it urslef you will feel so much more rewarded enjoy ur adventure in the waist.
I agree with all of all these! Good video, I especially don't get why so many 'Tubers start their characters with a 10 in one ability. I'd never do that. There's wearables and consumables to raise ability scores over 10! Keep up the good work.
Another thing to note is when hacking you can cycle through the letters and numbers until you find a bracketed group when you click on them they can eliminate Duds and even give you a try reset
What year is this?
Many years have passed. They stole your son and he became a bastard. Use the Cryolator on him.
Excellent Video, The 3rd thing, Saving. Ive had 5000 hrs in Fo4, and Using a Mission location image as the save screen, really helps, with timeline restoration. If it goes south.
Start off with 10 CHA and INT. Can easily build up other stats as you level and save the bobbleheads and SPECIAL book.
don't bother with companions, they are almost useless, even worse, they often block your only escape way and get you killed. Get the Lone Wanderer perk and explore without burdens.
You forgot the most useful tip to carry extra junk. Ask your companion to pick up things for you with the interact command, that way you will have infinite carry weight with them, just don't trade directly with your companions.
The fusion core tip is hilarious, they're literally everywhere. Just about every location has at least one. 🤣
And you can buy them!
She said in the beginning of the game it's hard to find
depends what difficulty you're playing, higher modes reduce ammo as well as fusion cores.
normal difficulty gives you a balance, atleast that's the idea, but Fallout 4 is alot more forgiving than Fallout 3 was, and even New Vegas.
so i found hard mode to be the right sweetspot,
now of course you could always turn on survival mode, that does eliminate the amount of resources you find.
@Jeymez I typically play fallout games on the very hard difficulty, and just casually exploring i have well over 50 fc's. Survival is a little too Raphael for my tastes. It's bananas how quickly you're hungry, thirsty, and tired. Very tedious and bothersome to me.
@@BrobaFettEE3 yeah that's the only problem with it, if Bethesda made it a little more realistic i think survival mode would be alot more appealing.
but instead they made it to where, you freeze every 5 seconds and get hungry every 10. And unfortunately most survival mods aren't too different.
it's true all humans need food to survive,
but a person can go a day without eating.
I've done it many times,
hell half the time im lucky if i eat once a day. when you work nights, food is the last thing you think about when you get home lol. now i get Fallout is supposed to be apocolyptic, but Skyrim isn't.
so what they should've did with Falllout is,
instead of getting hungry every 5 seconds,
they should've implementated a hunger meter. so as it fills, your character will
eventually start showing signs.
but you don't want the meter to reach the top, otherwise you die.
so what this meter will show, is how long you've gone without eating.
so for example, a quarter of the way up,
would be like the equivalent of a day.
you might be a little hungry, but it's not
at that life saving range.
now the half way up point would represent two days have gone by,
now that's where it start to effect you.
because that's two whole days,
and in the world of Fallout that can turn
into 3 days or 4.
but by having a meter, you can keep better
track of when your character starts going hungry.
in Skyrim food is not contaminated,
so really the only part they should've corrected, is the freeze part.
so just like in Fallout, but this time you have a frost meter.
but to make it somewhat realistic, a person
can't with stand extreme temperatures for too long. so instead this meter will represent how it takes, because your character starts to feel cold.
so the lower point would be like the normal kind of cold, it's not freezing, but it's still
a little nippy without something warm on.
now the half way point, would be level 1
freezing. now is the time to try to find
shelter, and the last point which is the top,
that is level 2 freeze. that is life threatening,
so you don't want it getting up there.
And for hunger, you can just use that as part of the freeze meter.
when the body gets cold, it does eventually cause the body to get hungry.
but since you can fish in Skyrim,
theirs ways to keep you fed.
anyway that's how i would've went about it.
so every hour of gameplay goes by, you'll see the meter slowly begin to fill.
sweat is not easy to pull off in games,
but people come up with sweat mods all
the time. but sweat is possible even in cold
weather, it's because the body is trying to keep itself warm.
well the colder it is, the body begins to boil,
that's what causes people to get sick.
so i would use that Skyrim,
and for Fallout 4, it would be more like
your character starts to do certain animations that would apply to hunger
or getting thirsty.
yes travel alone, lone wanderer is better then dealing with them getting in the way and breaking stealth
Most people here are probably playing for the first time due to the show while I’m here after nearly 30 runs 😂
Weird flex
@@Ch0senJuanwhat’s weird is this guy thinks he’s the only one who played Fallout before the show. He must have made a very low I.Q character.
Also, when leaving your power armor somewhere, make sure you remove the core after exiting the suit. If you don't, any NPC can potentially climb in and use the suit, so you could come back to find a drained and damaged suit, or not find it at all if the NPC left it somewhere else.
It should not be drained as NPCs don't use up the power. They just need the suit powered up and can use it forever.
9 things you shouldn't do in general, 1 of which is taking ign reviews seriously
Its Fallout 4. Do whatever you want. Unlike other Fallout games it doesn't actually matter.
It’s an FPS RPG Minecraft. The mix is kinda fun actually
1. Don't "flirt" with companions if you don't follow through, Preston won't shut up.
2. Don't assign the last perks for Locksmith, Hacker, or Medic. No need.
3. Don't build other settlements without 2 Cap Collector and 2 Local Leader.
4. Next bring a crystal to a settlement, make a beacon, assign a provisioner first.
5. Heavy Laser Turrets are better than the crazy collateral damage of Missile Turrets.
6. Wandering the map early on can permanently set nearby power armor to your level.
7. Best legendries are Explosive Shotgun/Minigun and Two Shot Gauss/50. Cal Rifle
8. There are many rifles, the highest damage sniper is a 50. Cal (aka Hunter's Rifle)
9. Fallout the Show loses all logic after episode 5; Capitalism vs. Communism.
Movies and TV programs always have producers/writers that want to change it to tell their own version. They very, very seldom match the book or the game. They are generally bad, and each remake gets worse.
I would also include Furious to your list., of #7.
Furious to any high speed automatic makes it OP.
I’ve been playing FO4/Div2/skyrim/Witcher3 in rotation since each one hit the market.
Don't rob Trashcan Carla.
She's a synth
@@marlonquintana3466 She's not a synth but an institute informer, her role is basically direct you to diamond city
@@TasukuMuncha ALL of the travelling vendors are Institute informers, which is weird, because most of them stop at Bunker Hill and are oblivious to what goes on there.
@@srellison561not all of them, in nuka world that girl is a raider spy basically, she teols raiders where to attack next, buy the unique crap items she sells and kill her on the spot
2:19 this girl choose the second deadliest pond of the game to show her argument. Just take waterboy and take out those radioactive barrels and you will be fine
At least it's s not raining
Oh no not you
Save every hour more like every 5 min
After every fight🤙
Every step.
It feels surreal to see this game get this much attention all of the sudden once again
IGN: "Don't hoard"
Also IGN: "Don't leave anything behind"
It’s your play through! Do what you want!
Don’t run with the power suit unless necessary, it drains the fusion core exponentially fast
Fallout 4 was brutally received years ago! This game is amazing and underrated!
Nah it's pretty mid and a downgrade in many aspects compared to 3 and new vegas.
@@TylerMBuller12Not really.
I've done many runs with Fo4.
@@TylerMBuller12 feral ghoul!
@@TylerMBuller12 Fallout 4 is almost infinitely replayable. Can you say the same about 3 and New Vegas?
1:07 max out charisma. Only.
People be making jokes, but not realizing the Fallout 4 update comes out in a week lol
And, as usual, it is incomplete and Bethesda needs players to point out the problem areas, in mass, before they decide to look at it.
Ignore everyone saying to not help settlements they refresh loot in an area and can be a great way to farm resources from certain locations yes it respawns loot thats not in containers not only that they give you loads of exp
#10 Avoid Preston Garvey as much as you can
If fusion cores are the main thing to worry about your playin the game wrong. Up your Luck stat to 3-4 before leaving the vault and get the ammo perk. Find fusion cores in ammo containers
four at a time.
Oh, IGN has never played the game. You can get 4+ power cores in the first area around sanctuary. Use your power armor like a boss.
Also, for that last tip, TAKE OUT YOUR FUSION CORE! Otherwise, settlers will use it and potentially lose armor if damaged
don't leave the fusion cores in power armour near any friendly NPC 😂
It's always your friends that steal your stuff 🤣
EVERY time you get out of the Power Armor !!!
The story and the next gen update fallout 4 is all I’ve been playing since the update lol, never beat it or got that far so the playthrough is almost new I’m having a lot of fun.
Do the scrap+build=xp when you get to sanctuary.
Don't scrap your tools or sell them to vendors. Sell them to the maintainable guys in vault 88. Always remove cores when you leave power armor so your suit doesn't get stolen. Companions can use power armor with no core so take advantage of that perk.
Good tip.
I pick up every tool I find, and I buy every tool that vendors have.
You buy them for 2 to 5 caps, (depending on bargain level), and sell them to maintenance guy in the vault, for 15 caps each.
That is a 200% to 600% profit, plus, I feel like I'm being helpful to the vault.
If you could do that in real life, you would become a millionaire in no time.
Anyone else getting ready for another play thru on 4/25? LFG!!!!
Don't let fusion cores go to zero. Even a core down to 1% still sells at a vendor the same price as a full one.
Dont get to invested in mods. Play the base game. Get some basic qol and graphics mods. Then stick with it. If you spend all your time in the mod list your gonna miss out on the game.
F4SE, see through scopes are a must
The Elementary school level do's and don'ts.. You forgot to put don't sleep through Halloween .
After all these years, after investing 1000s of hours and beating the game like 10 times, now you tell me!! Thanks IGN 😒
2:13, Well actually, it's a good idea to avoid the water from the start until you get a perk, (I think aqua lad is the name,) that negates or reduces any radiation damage incurred by swimming in/ingesting of the radioactive water.
TIPS FOR FALLOUT - Save every 5 mins. Your welcome.
This is the truth.
Nice vid. Only been playing 2 yesterday, but have never bought a fusion core.
IGN is more desperate to milk the fallout hype than Vault Tec was to cash the end of the world.
You have no idea what’s going on.
Cores can be found in factories. They are free.
Junk as adhesive & nuclear matherial are useful. Other you can buy in a form of "shipment of...
Don't leave your power armour anywhere.
There aren't no rare ammo. Just suitable level ammo.
You can go to settings and make to quicksave every time you exit pipboy
Can’t wait for the upgrade next week
What's the upgrade?
yes , and break every mod known to man kind
Wont going offline and seeing updates to manual initialization fix that until the mods (least those still maintained and updated regularly) get patched?
There's lots of locations where you can find fusion cores early in the game. The molerat den located right in the backyard of the red rocket truck stop. Concord civic access underneath Concord where you encounter the mirelurk its on the ground just past the doorway. Robotics Disposal ground located northeast of sanctuary. These are just a few locations where you can find free fusion cores in the game
Great vid for newcomers... Fallout veterans already know all this.
Dont seek out power armors until you are a higher level. They scale by level. That special armor you want from a guide will be better when you are level 25 instead of trying to find it at level 5.
Easier done if you know where a suit of Power Armer is so you know to give it wide berth. Not all will scale up to XO-1.
As someone with 10.000 hours in fallout just left click your mouse to shoot
@DorisDay-lw4xs On Steam there is. I'm at 2,475 hours.
Don’t go for power armor before Lv 28 because power armor at every location will not respawn and some of them are levelled frames. Otherwise, you need to wait for random sale of X01 from atom cats shop if you don’t have dlc.
IGN really riding the hype train for the show by reheating content from 9 years ago...
And it worked. Here we are engaging.
#1 does not apply if you are in survival mode. There are only two possible builds in survival mode: stealth and power armor. That's it. Regular armor is useless, especially if it doesn't have a legendary effect.
Important: You can take Cait’s clothes off by unequipping her clothes.
For the 12 year olds among us, you can do that with all Companions, Settlers and dead Raiders. So, roll your tongue back into your mouth and play the game, while the perverts check for dirty skivvies.
The one thing that nobody will probably ever tell you is do not move the preset bodies of the dog or the raider on the other side of the bridge from sanctuary. If those two bodies disappear your game will corrupt !
that is a lie, you can taie what tye corpse has, drip them on the river or open console and write disable so you dont see them ever again
Dont step on mines, don’t get shot, any other obvious tips ?
1. Ammo Finder will help you loot FCs 4 or more at a time at a high rate. Ammo containers may contain 8.
2. Grind more.
3. Play survival, sleep plenty.
4. Stash them around high spawn areas.
5. Negligible.
6. Stash them, come back or pick up when you eventually double back. Or carry a loot corpse.
7. No comment.
8. Lone Wanderer and dog meat is best. Dog meat can be with you and another companion either way.
9. Good.
Give us Fallout 5 Todd, let starfield alone..
Do NOT leave your power armor with Fusion Core in it while in your settlement because if it's suddenly under attack, you settler will don it on and never return it to you. On the other end, did you know you can order your companion to put on the power armor even if there's no fusion core in it and they don't get any penalty.
Could've just made one complete list instead of splitting this and the video from 6hrs ago.
I play mostly in Survival mode and some tips doesnt really apply :
-Fusion cors : except with lonely perk and invest in endurance, I always travel with PA.
-Attributes : never to 10, but at least 9, in survival it is better to focus in a branch
-Saving : yes, but in survival, you can only do it on bed, very important to invest in colonies :)
-Ammo : yes, I never use automatic weapon and weight is too heavy.
-Travel alone : in survival, companions are out of combat quickly, I only keep dogmeat for walking bag and grab ennemies for VATS
My game my choice
Switch out the cores when the charge is under 25, charge levels do not affect their resale value.
Crazy how fallout 4 look way better then 76
16x the detail
Fallout will always be my favorite game and I'm glad its getting the flowers it deserves ❤️🔥
wow another early access by ign, so cool...
Number 10: Take that precious Fusioncore out of the darn Armor!
Unless you want a Settler jump in and take it when they get attacked or some random Brute jumping in and taking off with it...