Secrets To A Successful Marriage

  • Опубликовано: 24 июл 2024
  • The hosts of the Daily Wire are joined by Jordan Peterson and Dennis Prager to give their best marriage advice during the Daily Wire's Backstage Live event.
    Watch the full Backstage Live here: • Daily Wire Backstage L...
    #DailyWire #News #Culture #Marriage #Advice #MarriageAdvice #Family #HealthyMarriage #HappyMarriage #HealthyAndHappy #Kindness #Gratitude #AndrewKlavan #Klavan #Care #MattWalsh #Competition #HealthyCompetition #BoardGames #Balance #Masculine #Feminine #Masculinity #Femininity #DennisPrager #PragerU #Earn #Happiness #WhatIsAMan #WhatIsAWoman #JordanPeterson #JordanBPeterson #DrJordanPeterson #Suffering #DrJordanBPeterson #Honesty #Truth #Love #Noble #Nobility #Happy #MichaelKnowles #Catholic #Catholicism #Freedom #Selfless #Selflessness #BenShapiro #Respect #Man #Woman #Men #Women #Candace #CandaceOwens

Комментарии • 6 тыс.

  • @lesterparker1594
    @lesterparker1594 2 года назад +11644

    What saved my marriage? We quit drinking. And I stopped watching sports 15 hours every weekend. Never been happier. Instead of sitting in front of a tv drinking a beer, we spend time together. My wife took up shooting with me. We go to the range on the weekends and I go to hobby lobby with her. Life is great
    Edit: since this comment got a ton of attention I thought I would give an update. We just had our first son a week ago. Love the little guy already and I can’t wait to raise him. I’m even happier with my life than I was when I made this comment. Thanks for all your kind words.

    • @3434rocky
      @3434rocky 2 года назад +103

      Wow good for you!!

    • @kathietreachler5662
      @kathietreachler5662 2 года назад +194

      Love this!!! Thnx for sharing!! Prioritizing God and the marriage is key!!

    • @laurathomas6416
      @laurathomas6416 2 года назад +54

      Great advice. Love, wisdom and knowledge are the only things we take with us when we die. Why spend time and money on other things?

    • @kiwik2951
      @kiwik2951 2 года назад +42

      Awwww so sweet!!! I quit drinking by myself, my husband is still drinking his beers, but it’s none of my business unless it directly affects me.

    • @kiwik2951
      @kiwik2951 2 года назад +74

      @@evanbrown5254 no. Lol. Watching tv in the same room is not quality time.

  • @alicepyne-jahneke8042
    @alicepyne-jahneke8042 2 года назад +4688

    A marriage is not 50/50, it's 100/100. Each person has to give 100%

    • @whitestoneandy797
      @whitestoneandy797 2 года назад +33


    • @Wired4Life2
      @Wired4Life2 2 года назад +50

      @@whitestoneandy797 And the same with every child-multiplication, not division.

    • @swisscheeseplease97
      @swisscheeseplease97 2 года назад +5

      You nailed it

    • @alicepyne-jahneke8042
      @alicepyne-jahneke8042 2 года назад +15

      @memphis diplore there are a lot of very ungrateful people, including many that are married. If you haven't met any, then consider yourself lucky

    • @wickedlee664
      @wickedlee664 2 года назад +8

      Ah…someone watched the video. :)

  • @tylermayes5340
    @tylermayes5340 Год назад +1612

    The absolute silence when Jordan speaks is actually something inspiring. He doesnt demand it, its just how much everyone else respects him

    • @AnEnquiringMind
      @AnEnquiringMind Год назад +69

      He speaks softly, but with meaning and purpose. He doesn't waste his words.

    • @mv9787
      @mv9787 Год назад +14

      Yes they want to listen. I’ve learned a lot by listening to other people

    • @angelemeana2754
      @angelemeana2754 Год назад +1

      @@AnEnquiringMind Please don’t make sexual jokes or advances or swear God wouldn’t like that and there are children here May God bless you and your family and help you Give your life to Jesus Christ and repent. I pray that God will lead on the path to Jesus Christ and send the Holy Spirit to be your helper. I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray Amen! Jesus Christ loves you. Give your life to Jesus Christ and ask for forgiveness for ALL OF YOUR SINS. Even the ones committed in the past and repent. He’s coming soon. Please pray and repent. GOD IS ALPHA AND OMEGA!!! THE BEGINNING AND THE END!!! GOD SENT HIS SON DOWN TO DIE ON THE CROSS FOR OUR SINS. PLEASE GIVE YOUR LIFE TO HIM!!! PRAY AND REPENT AND GOD IS COMING!!!!!! THERE IS NO TIME. FELLOW CHRISTIANS GOD WILL BE COMING DON’T LOSE FAITH!!! PLEASE!! PRAY FOR STRENGTH AND DON’T DOUBT HIM!!!
      Romans 10:9 “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”
      Romans 10:10 “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
      2 Peter 3:1-18 “1 This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance:
      2 That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:
      3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,
      4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.
      5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:
      6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:
      7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
      8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
      9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
      10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
      11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,
      12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?
      13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth
      14 Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.
      15 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;
      16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
      17 Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness.
      18 But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.”
      concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
      10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
      11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,
      12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?
      13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth
      14 Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.
      15 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;
      16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
      17 Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness. GOD JESUS CHRIST AND THE HY SPIRIT IS ALPHA AND OMEGA!!
      18 But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.” GOD, JESUS CHRIST, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT IS ALPHA AND OMEGA.

    • @angelemeana2754
      @angelemeana2754 Год назад +1

      @@mv9787 Please don’t make sexual jokes or advances or swear God wouldn’t like that and there are children here May God bless you and your family and help you Give your life to Jesus Christ and repent. I pray that God will lead on the path to Jesus Christ and send the Holy Spirit to be your helper. I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray Amen! Jesus Christ loves you. Give your life to Jesus Christ and ask for forgiveness for ALL OF YOUR SINS. Even the ones committed in the past and repent. He’s coming soon. Please pray and repent. GOD IS ALPHA AND OMEGA!!! THE BEGINNING AND THE END!!! GOD SENT HIS SON DOWN TO DIE ON THE CROSS FOR OUR SINS. PLEASE GIVE YOUR LIFE TO HIM!!! PRAY AND REPENT AND GOD IS COMING!!!!!! THERE IS NO TIME. FELLOW CHRISTIANS GOD WILL BE COMING DON’T LOSE FAITH!!! PLEASE!! PRAY FOR STRENGTH AND DON’T DOUBT HIM!!!
      Romans 10:9 “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”
      Romans 10:10 “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
      2 Peter 3:1-18 “1 This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance:
      2 That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:
      3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,
      4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.
      5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:
      6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:
      7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
      8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
      9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
      10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
      11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,
      12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?
      13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth
      14 Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.
      15 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;
      16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
      17 Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness.
      18 But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.”
      concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
      10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
      11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,
      12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?
      13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth
      14 Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.
      15 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;
      16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
      17 Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness. GOD JESUS CHRIST AND THE HY SPIRIT IS ALPHA AND OMEGA!!
      18 But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.” GOD, JESUS CHRIST, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT IS ALPHA AND OMEGA.

    • @kenthalpin1657
      @kenthalpin1657 Год назад +2

      People want to hear what he has to say

  • @prolifegenzgal
    @prolifegenzgal Год назад +208

    One of the best pieces of advice I ever heard about marriage was "Find the one you wish to travel through hardship and disaster with."

    • @crystalparker2542
      @crystalparker2542 11 месяцев назад +6

      So true! Hardship can't be avoided in life. It's not an "if" but a "when". So when considering someone to marry, you must choose the one you can go through these things with. This is of the utmost importance.

    • @jennifergersch9126
      @jennifergersch9126 10 месяцев назад +4

      I completely agree. If you can find someone whom you genuinely like, who's genuinely a good person, you're miles ahead already.

    • @roses6564
      @roses6564 8 месяцев назад

      @@jennifergersch9126 If!

    • @drea5973
      @drea5973 8 месяцев назад +1

      Love this ❤

    • @crystaldavis9442
      @crystaldavis9442 2 месяца назад +1

      This is true. I married the boy who stepped up and got me through my two grandmother's deaths. Within the year of our marriage, we had our first son, and he stepped up and supported me again through my father dying a week later. This is when the boy became a man. He supported me through my ppd, and when it was his grandmother, I supported him. These are the moments, along with our children's births, of course, that defined US. Good AND bad.

  • @Ark-Angel44
    @Ark-Angel44 Год назад +2736

    My marriage advice:
    Nothing is worth arguing about.
    Everything is worth talking about. ❤

    • @moeezawan2329
      @moeezawan2329 Год назад

      You are so obviously not married or you're living in a utopia I can't comprehend 😂

    • @Ark-Angel44
      @Ark-Angel44 Год назад +20

      @Steph sounds abusive. Time to evaluate your options. You deserve better.

    • @coralr1273
      @coralr1273 Год назад +4

      @Steph Greater Impact Ministries can help you with communicating how you want and need to be treated. I validate how you must feel, as I've gone thru the same. I've seen progress in him, but I'm so tired of it. I have told the pastor as well, and they have met to talk, which has helped him in the process.

    • @scarletletter6836
      @scarletletter6836 Год назад +3

      Underrated comment indeed

    • @funiox_8002
      @funiox_8002 Год назад +5

      Everything in marriage is worth fighting for, man tend to scream over everything when they don’t feel appreciate it on some type of way (not saying is your case) but maybe try to find what’s bothering him

  • @poppylove3673
    @poppylove3673 Год назад +1117

    Before we got married, my husband said, he didn't ever want divorce to be a part of our vocabulary or ever be an option. We also learned over our 39 year marriage, that when we are upset about something, and donj't know how to resolve the problem, we will stop and pray together. Going to our Heavenly Father for help, we pray and sometimes read the Bible, and pray. Doing this, puts our focus on God, and humbles us, calms us, centers us, when we focus on what God says, we are able to have the peace of God that surpasses all understanding to guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus our Lord. The closer we get to God, the closer we get with each other. ❤

    • @Unworthy4him
      @Unworthy4him Год назад +3

      Same ❤

    • @extremkaijuu9314
      @extremkaijuu9314 Год назад +6

      That’s a wonderful way of life ❤

    • @Foxie770
      @Foxie770 11 месяцев назад +11

      Humility. It’s crucial in a marriage.

    • @grisben
      @grisben 11 месяцев назад +6

      Never going to bed angry :) “Be angry, and do not sin, do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil.”
      ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭4‬:‭26‬-‭27‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

    • @bumscorchos1070
      @bumscorchos1070 9 месяцев назад +1

      Me and my wife turned to worshipping Satan and we haven't been happier.

  • @AbleAnderson
    @AbleAnderson Год назад +386

    It’s seriously disgusting the way the left has demonized Jordan Peterson. He’s so freaking brilliant, I get teary eyed when he speaks. He’s so wise, he’s got such amazing life experience and clinical knowledge. I genuinely view him as a treasure to humanity and yet ppl on the left wanna hate him bc he doesn’t swallow their gender ideology

    • @mightymouse1005
      @mightymouse1005 Год назад +12

      I agree 100 percent

    • @sarcodonblue2876
      @sarcodonblue2876 11 месяцев назад

      They are allowed to disagree with him. The people on daily wire demonize others all the time. Peterson demonizes people who choose not to marry and have kids. He makes just as many claims mad sweeping statements about others with no nuance.

    • @oneroyalbird
      @oneroyalbird 10 месяцев назад +8

      I agree. He's so amazingly brilliant.

    • @I.Kat.
      @I.Kat. 9 месяцев назад +6

      Those people hate everyone who doesn't belong to an asylum...

    • @misskingsresale2666
      @misskingsresale2666 9 месяцев назад +4

      I'm left and I absolutely love him

  • @charliemvrphy
    @charliemvrphy Год назад +467

    Candace Owens gave me literal chills after saying”it’s amazing to see how right the Bible is about absolutely everything”

    • @sarcodonblue2876
      @sarcodonblue2876 11 месяцев назад

      Including all the psychopathic bits where Yeweh kills all the first born sons and men give away their young daughters to dirty old men. Sound great!

    • @forresthenry9535
      @forresthenry9535 10 месяцев назад +33

      It’s almost as if timeless realities remain timeless realities regardless of what social trends might say.

    • @ultimobile
      @ultimobile 5 месяцев назад

      you wanna believe that s#it ? - sounds about white ... sounds to me like that black lady said 'how White the Bible is about absolutely everything" :видео.html - most of the Bible was written a hundred years after Jesus died - but a bunch of old men mainly concerned about consolidating their power.

    • @Bittagrit
      @Bittagrit 5 месяцев назад

      Why is she there? She hasn’t been married lng.

    • @chinonsomichaelude4605
      @chinonsomichaelude4605 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@forresthenry9535I would say certainly

  • @stevieb89
    @stevieb89 2 года назад +790

    11:15 Ben Shapiro's point about "Do you want my advice, or do you want me to just listen?" is extremely valuable in relationships. I say it all the time

    • @YasminMahnaz
      @YasminMahnaz 2 года назад

      No it isn't.. the dumb est thing I keep hearing is that women want to talk about their issues.. why he'll do I want downs hours talking about it. Must be talking about low I Q q ppl

    • @BrassBashers
      @BrassBashers 2 года назад +10

      My ex didn't wanna hear solutions, she wanted me to tell her she was right. To tell her if she keeps the same path that things would work out. That was correct maybe 10% of the time and she grew spiteful because I told her the truth cause she didn't wanna hear it. Refused to see that anything was her fault.
      She's an ex for a reason.

    • @Rose-xm4og
      @Rose-xm4og Год назад

      This is my hubby 😂😂😂

    • @heistruth2865
      @heistruth2865 Год назад


    • @duracell5
      @duracell5 Год назад +3

      Family members would come to me and I’d quickly ask ‘you want solace, or a solution?’ Usually ends in a quick conversation and life is OK again. 😊

  • @sistafila
    @sistafila 2 года назад +1020

    Can we have a whole show on this with the same panel? Marriage is so important to fixing society, we would be grateful to hear more about it.

    • @ratimiras
      @ratimiras 2 года назад +9

      I would like that, too

    • @carolinaa8525
      @carolinaa8525 2 года назад +4


    • @sarahp.3772
      @sarahp.3772 2 года назад +15

      Yes! Marriages are failing left and right these days. I would love to hear more as well as a married woman.

    • @EmilynWood
      @EmilynWood 2 года назад +3

      Seconding this as well.

    • @JoyJoyJ0yJoyJ0y
      @JoyJoyJ0yJoyJ0y 2 года назад +1

      Would be amazing

  • @Hearth123
    @Hearth123 Год назад +139

    As a happily married stay at home wife and homeschooling mom, number one piece of advice, don't take marital arguments outside of the marriage, you get unearned affirmation as to your innocence and you slander your partner, it is not wise. Look inward and solve problems, don't look outward and "vent."

    • @BeingBetter
      @BeingBetter Год назад +8

      That's usually best, yes. The exception would be if a woman is being abused or a man for that matter, and needs outside perspective.

    • @Hearth123
      @Hearth123 Год назад +2

      @@ZFern9390 social media has killed many relationships that way 😢 sorry you're going through that

    • @lala5061
      @lala5061 2 месяца назад

      Except for if there is violence. Someone needs to know so they can at least be checked up on in case something really bad happens! Abusive men love when u never speak to anyone close because u might actually get some sense and because they can do what they do in private for as long as they want!

    • @DuncanAndrewHaywood
      @DuncanAndrewHaywood 2 дня назад

      Good advice. Thank you

  • @destineeneville
    @destineeneville 11 месяцев назад +72

    I appreciate Peterson making the distinction that both partners need to prioritize getting "in the mood" rather than... the wife needing to give in when she's not aroused. Sex can be physically painful and emotionally damaging when arousal is not present. Many men will manipulate, guilt-trip, and shame wives for not "giving them sex" rather than *actually* arouse their wives through romance. Women also have a responsibility to make sure they are communicating and being proactive about what they need for intimacy to happen. Points for Peterson on this 👏

    • @BreMue
      @BreMue 4 месяца назад +7


    • @virtual_warbirds
      @virtual_warbirds 2 месяца назад

      And women also need sex so husbands share care for their wives in that way too.

    • @Quadster19
      @Quadster19 Месяц назад +2

      You owe your husband sex, like he owes you wealth. Is he's providing wealth and comfort you owe him or just let him go.

    • @karenroberts7531
      @karenroberts7531 27 дней назад

      You don’t deserve a response, never mind sex!

    • @mfngeez
      @mfngeez 20 дней назад

      Women love controlling sex and shit in a marriage smh

  • @kiwik2951
    @kiwik2951 2 года назад +3237

    Best choice I ever made was marrying a conservative man. He is sweet, positive, believes in family and fidelity. He doesn’t do drugs, is a hard worker, super funny, loves animals, and gives me beautiful children. He also lets me be a stay at home mom 🥰. He rides longboards with our eldest daughter and coaches her softball team. I adore him!!!!!

    • @wildandcrazyevents4513
      @wildandcrazyevents4513 2 года назад

      I mean lets be real, liberal value self worth, when all your bring to the table is ovaries... you arent improtant to a liberal... conservative men have that weird kink where they want a woman who is useless and can wipe his ass like his mother did...

    • @thenewdavinci1852
      @thenewdavinci1852 2 года назад +35

      Soso nice never keep secrets from him.yu are 1 in a million.

    • @kiwik2951
      @kiwik2951 2 года назад +52

      @@thenewdavinci1852 our family motto is “no secrets” ☺️!!

    • @levernis5753
      @levernis5753 2 года назад +29

      What a sweet family!

    • @humbleisme2381
      @humbleisme2381 2 года назад +29

      Beautiful! This is how I hope to raise my son! Congratulations on your beautiful family! Good bless!

  • @utkarsh1366
    @utkarsh1366 2 года назад +1900

    Being an 19 year old man and someone who is surrounded by post-modernist, quasi Marxist types everyday, this is what I needed to hear.

    • @rasdasa
      @rasdasa 2 года назад +155

      Me too. We aren't alone dude, we just aren't as loud - yet.

    • @wajimoforesq8710
      @wajimoforesq8710 2 года назад +26

      @@rasdasa facts

    • @reamogale3030
      @reamogale3030 2 года назад +111

      As a young man myself surrounded by feminist commies, the prospect of marriage can seem hopeless with the toxic wasteland that is the modern dating landscape.
      But every now and then, there's a ray of light that gives me hope.

    • @armychicken4743
      @armychicken4743 2 года назад +18

      Me toooo brooo

    • @Molarhorizon
      @Molarhorizon 2 года назад +35

      Us watching this helps better our future, and the world. Good luck lads we can be the best men of our generation!

  • @NathanShan0403
    @NathanShan0403 Год назад +160

    I respect these people. We need more respectful men and women like them to build better society .

    • @yeahaboutthatthough3656
      @yeahaboutthatthough3656 Год назад

      None of these practice respect as a virtue or a value. In fact, respect is not important to any of them unless it's with those who share their values. What are you even talking about.

    • @EjayT06
      @EjayT06 11 месяцев назад +2

      @@yeahaboutthatthough3656 ????

    • @jarkachalmovianska7812
      @jarkachalmovianska7812 2 месяца назад

      ​@@yeahaboutthatthough3656 exactly. They will constantly put down left wing or anybody who does not agree.

  • @LdyCalvrt22
    @LdyCalvrt22 2 года назад +747

    “You are obligated to wash away your bad mood just as you are obligated to wash away your bad breath [so as not to inflict it on your spouse]” - Dennis Prager 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

    • @David-we3sb
      @David-we3sb 2 года назад +9

      yea good luck telling your angry wife this

    • @rickardotorres
      @rickardotorres 2 года назад


    • @ninacuk
      @ninacuk Год назад +2

      @@CoachBergen i wish my husband understood english.

    • @user-er1bh5oq9y
      @user-er1bh5oq9y Месяц назад

      That idiot has been married 3 times lol

    • @missescookie
      @missescookie 16 дней назад

      I wish my husband understood this… that, and emotional maturity. After 20 years we divorced because for ten of those years he emotionally and verbally abused me. And also turned into an alcoholic. I never thought that he would become so angry, and no matter what I did/didn’t do, he would berate me for HOURS, following me room to room… It was unreal. I tried talking to him about this when he was lucid. I cried, walked on eggshells, begged him to stop and get help. I couldn’t get away from his tirades until one day I walked out.

  • @marivicromano5321
    @marivicromano5321 2 года назад +553

    Four years ago I donated my left kidney to my husband,and everyday I thank God for the father he is to our boys, by God’s grace I was able to do this act in
    order to be a family. Sacrifice,gratitude and love for me is the key to have a happy marriage.

    • @alantinoalantonio
      @alantinoalantonio 2 года назад +21

      I commend you for your outlook on marriage. Its almost gone in women nowadays.

    • @FishOnIsMyHandle
      @FishOnIsMyHandle 2 года назад +2

      "very bold act" ?

    • @Rezolution01
      @Rezolution01 2 года назад +5

      You win :)

    • @aaronvaunts41
      @aaronvaunts41 2 года назад +3

      That’s beautiful 😊

    • @Lucinda_Jackson
      @Lucinda_Jackson 2 года назад

      No, it’s not. Don’t let yourself be sold that bill of goods by the media. It’s just another lie.

  • @victoriabeco591
    @victoriabeco591 Год назад +117

    It’s so nice to see them feel so comfortable in a space when the world is constantly so aggressive. Thank you all

  • @marilynmccormick3731
    @marilynmccormick3731 Год назад +150

    My husband & I have lost two of our three children. Their death's were years apart, but each death devestated us beyond our strength. We each allowed the other one to grieve in their own way. If anything can weaken a marriage, it's the grief of child loss. Men & women grieve differently and this difference must be allowed. Even though you each lost the same person, you each lost a completely different & unique relationship. Always be you, and let your spouse do the same in grief.

    • @OlgaSmirnova1
      @OlgaSmirnova1 Год назад +11

      Oh my Lord! I am so sorry!!! I can’t begin to imagine a pain of that magnitude! May God grant you peace and comfort!

    • @olivialewis5925
      @olivialewis5925 Год назад +1

      So sorry for your loss. Prayers and comfort to you and your husband

    • @dottiepassarelli1787
      @dottiepassarelli1787 Год назад +3

      Your wisdom came at such a high price, and I am sorry for that. But what you describe is a mature, loving situation that highlights the resillience of loyalty and the human spirit.

    • @eyemallears2647
      @eyemallears2647 Год назад

    • @hafeezurrahman1000
      @hafeezurrahman1000 Год назад

      Sorry to hear that ...

  • @mskman83
    @mskman83 2 года назад +2357

    I really needed this discussion today. Trying my best to save my own marriage.

    • @codyzimmer2876
      @codyzimmer2876 2 года назад +95

      Good luck friendo

    • @ETibbs11
      @ETibbs11 2 года назад +44

      Good luck. Hopefully it turns out for the better.

    • @greedylippard
      @greedylippard 2 года назад +51

      Marriage is isn't easy, but such a blessing

    • @1cont
      @1cont 2 года назад +92

      Just ask if you can hold hands while you discuss one single topic. Then don't let any other topic creep in. Just one at a time while you hold hands. Get some eye contact back.

    • @jkaville938
      @jkaville938 2 года назад +8


  • @jejejejdnjdjdnd8754
    @jejejejdnjdjdnd8754 2 года назад +2246

    Being a conservative is the best way to keep your marriage lasting the longest. People love to say that gender roles are evil however they’re the best ticket to having a marriage last the longest.

    • @aldaoroman
      @aldaoroman 2 года назад +25

      Not wise if Government is not SEPARATED from Marriage.

    • @jesseg5902
      @jesseg5902 2 года назад +2

      @@aldaoroman sssssßs see sass DD on my list and then see da sometime with swaddle what are

    • @jesseg5902
      @jesseg5902 2 года назад


    • @Dayz3O6
      @Dayz3O6 2 года назад +1

      nowdays you have your cons women with high body count while pretending to still be cons and christian.

    • @jeremesmith9266
      @jeremesmith9266 2 года назад +38

      Recently divorced, can confirm 100%

  • @lilianwhite7722
    @lilianwhite7722 Год назад +379

    Here’s what changed my marriage: my husband started being productive at home and took initiative to serve me every day. Making me tea and noticing when I needed help with something. It felt like I had a partner instead of a man child that are so common nowadays.
    He only played video games after he helped clean the house and made sure I had equal free time. It felt nice to have my efforts reciprocated and I regained my respect for him.

  • @franksimonds04
    @franksimonds04 Год назад +43

    Got married at 39. Waited until I was mature enough to deserve a good woman. She saved me from myself and I love her more every day. God gifted me.

  • @nicj5354
    @nicj5354 Год назад +1094

    I fought so hard for my marriage. I changed as much as I could, but ultimately he didn't change. He continued to cheat on me, and ultimately the physical abuse got to where I could no longer stay. I stayed through more than I ever thought I would in the hope that he would eventually realize that marriage is sacred. Now I'm divorced, and I haven't been screamed at, hit, choked, or cheated on in months. I'm 40, and the healing has begun.

    • @twinlove8583
      @twinlove8583 Год назад +156

      You are valuable. Marriage is sacred and that is why all of these reasons are correct for not remaining in the marriage.

    • @christelleroussel4117
      @christelleroussel4117 Год назад +48

      Wow I’m so sorry to hear this, but you made the right decision!! You never had to change in the first place, he did but unfortunately was too troubled and sick to do so. I wish you all the best in this new beginning

    • @carmentudosa3911
      @carmentudosa3911 Год назад +1

      Sounds like he was a narcissist; they never change, no matter how much you bend over backwards.

    • @janedias1501
      @janedias1501 Год назад +26

      I too am in the same husband of 23 years still cheats with adultery of eyeing younger women...ours is a sexless marriage but he does not agree of his adultery in fact he has blamed me to his family ...even after telling him how sacred the marriage is he just brushes these tired

    • @Womanlikeme127
      @Womanlikeme127 Год назад +43

      It never works if it is one-sided. It takes 2 to tangle.
      If you did your best, be happy you did.

  • @elizabethunger9190
    @elizabethunger9190 2 года назад +668

    Can we please have these daily wire host conversations all the time!? This is literally amazing!

  • @walkinguphill5178
    @walkinguphill5178 Год назад +54

    Been married for 6+ years, relatively new to most others on here, and admittedly there has hardly been a week go by I’ve not contemplated leaving. I’m a changed man because I chose to stay, and changed 100% for the better. Quit smoking, quit a motorcycle group I was a part of (drinking+riding) worked hard at work and now make what’s considered “upper class” income, own a great home, nearly out 100% of debt, am able to be generous as I’ve always dreamt about, father to a beautiful daughter, can afford to play and love golf. . . the list seems infinite. The point is, nearly 0% of this experience has been comfortable for me. In fact, I’d say it’s brought me near some very dark thoughts I’m not proud of. But becoming responsible, becoming a good man and husband, is worth some misery. Even if it requires patience and bearing a burden I’d rather not bear, I’ve become someone I would actually respect. Not the case 6 years ago. The truth these people speak in this video. . . I love every one of them for their candid honesty and wisdom. If I had to guess, non of it was cheaply bought. Thanks k you for sharing, going to meditate on this throughout the week.

    • @michelleandthomas8722
      @michelleandthomas8722 Год назад +8

      Just wanted to thank you for your honest comment and reflection. I respect your growth and hard-won self awareness so much. You’re the archetype of the man your daughter will marry some day. Good work.

    • @hjd9157
      @hjd9157 Год назад +1

      Thank you for your openness and honesty! I’m standing before marriage, and I feel encouraged by your story - and I’m sure others will as well. Wish you continual growth and gratitude.

  • @reisslindhardt9441
    @reisslindhardt9441 Год назад +56

    Coming back to this after a few months. I think I’ll make it a habit to refer back to this every once in a while. So much great information and wisdom in this. Thank you Daily Wire 🙏🏼

    • @jeskah8zy0u
      @jeskah8zy0u 9 месяцев назад

      In a society where younger generation have written off marriage , it’s nice
      To see a younger guy reflecting on this content !

  • @eileensheehan9757
    @eileensheehan9757 2 года назад +1389

    I love listening to each of you at every opportunity! I'm 89 and live in full care retirement facility. My husband died of LBD just before our 65th anniversary, a daughter died of colon cancer 29 days later, the following next year our son w/Downs died @ 55 during COVID when no travel was allowed. Our firstborn were surprise twins ( no ultrasound in 1954) born after he was sent to Korea. We raised four daughters and three sons. As Jordan says, there are really rough patches at times and knowing you will get through it together is what marriage is all about. Keep up the good work and God bless..

    • @afanasymarinov2236
      @afanasymarinov2236 2 года назад +53

      Thanks for sharing your rich experience, Eileen, greatly appreciated.

    • @Michellee970
      @Michellee970 2 года назад +48

      I'm so terribly sorry for the losses you've experienced. Thank you for sharing this.

    • @eileensheehan9757
      @eileensheehan9757 2 года назад +91

      Thank you. Unfortunately it sounds like I was looking for sympathy when my intention was to show strength in face of uncertainty/adversity. We had faith in God and each other. I don't know where else you'd find strength when you need it.

    • @cindyye6764
      @cindyye6764 2 года назад +7

      I am sorry to hear this and all the best to you.

    • @josephbyrne7864
      @josephbyrne7864 2 года назад +18

      Eileen, God bless you. God wanted me to read your message today. I'm 10 years married this year and I love my wife more today than when we married however, it's a different love in some ways, not without trials and frustrations. Our lives are so busy and we struggle for time with each other. My resentment of this has been brought in to the light by you and shown to be what it is, selfish! Thank you and God Bless you

  • @maylynbayani
    @maylynbayani 2 года назад +537

    I agree with Michael Knowles. People call it quits too easily these days. My husband and I were raised in the Philippines where divorce is illegal so we got married knowing there's no going out. We knew going in that we have the same vision on what we want but we are different beings so it's an endless compromise.

    • @Jinxyoutoheaven
      @Jinxyoutoheaven 2 года назад +11

      Whoa it’s illegal there? They mean until death do you part over there.

    • @alantasman8273
      @alantasman8273 2 года назад +18

      We need no divorce in the USA. It would mean entering into marriage seriously...and not treating it like a change of clothes.

    • @IggyMobileLegends
      @IggyMobileLegends 2 года назад +28

      @@alantasman8273 America and divorce is a blessing for those who need it after being manipulated into a marriage under false pretense and abusive relationships. The issue about human beings is once a path has been opened no matter what it is, its abused by everyone who don't fall in the category to why such a thing was created/allowed. Everything is treated like this.

    • @alantasman8273
      @alantasman8273 2 года назад +15

      @@IggyMobileLegends I understand what you are saying but...we have jumped the shark in making divorce as common as changing ones clothes. If we had a "no divorce law," men and women would have to take the sanctity and permanency of marriage more seriously and would often make wiser decisions. Most of our nations social problems stem from fatherless households as a result of divorce.

    • @draori2348
      @draori2348 2 года назад +1

      @@alantasman8273 I agree 100%

  • @Silver-cl2bd
    @Silver-cl2bd Год назад +40

    Great advice! I've been married for 18 yrs and I'm 41 years young. One snippet of advice I would add is commitment. If you both aren't committed to making a marriage last, it won't.

  • @lifewithabria5054
    @lifewithabria5054 Год назад +208

    I literally love all these folks together ❤️

  • @user-tm1ec2on6w
    @user-tm1ec2on6w 2 года назад +260

    Klaven is spot on with his comment with “gratitude” being the key to a blessed marriage. Actually, It’s foundational to all healthy relationships starting with God, then working our way down. It’s the key to perpetual happiness as well.

    • @ChayaFellerman
      @ChayaFellerman 2 года назад

      Well said! The gratitude starts with God and enters every sphere of life 🙌🙌🙌

    • @brittneythompson7218
      @brittneythompson7218 2 года назад +1

      I wouldn’t necessarily say this is factual. I’ve known people who do not follow God who had/have healthy and thriving marriages. I think the moral principles can be there, which are obviously God given, but many people don’t “follow” God or even believe in Him and still have good marriages.

    • @adararelgnel2695
      @adararelgnel2695 2 года назад

      I think he is close but not quite there. I think it's humility on both sides that makes a healthy happy long lasting marriage

    • @wildandcrazyevents4513
      @wildandcrazyevents4513 2 года назад

      What is a god? Sorry i dont know what your fairy tale has to do with us that dont know believe fairy tales exist or are real...

    • @Marcus-ec1kx
      @Marcus-ec1kx 2 года назад +3

      Definitely gratitude. I have realised this more the longer I have been married. Be thankful for your wife and be a husband your wife can be thankful for.

  • @jz3712
    @jz3712 Год назад +573

    I love having a very traditional marriage, my husband works his tail off to take care of me and the kids, i homeschool my daughters and raise a garden animals etc. it is overwhelmingly satisfying to be a wife and mother. 10 yrs later I love him more every day, amazing father, excellent provider, tolerates my addiction to gardening 😄 When times are hard I can lean on him and when he’s hungry I feed him very well :) and yes I have no problem taking care of the house garden meals and schooling the children. Productivity is satisfying.

    • @Sigmaasphere
      @Sigmaasphere Год назад +5

      What he do for a living?

    • @jz3712
      @jz3712 Год назад +27

      He works as a corrections officer at a juvenile jail. They’re so short staffed he can work as much as he wants. Nobody wants to work anymore

    • @yeshalloween
      @yeshalloween Год назад +43

      I’m married 11 years in a traditional marriage as well. Husband is the provider. I nurture and serve as a homemaker. I homeschool 4 kids. I love it all. I’m happy to clean, cook, organize, bake, decorate, care for. So happy. I adore my husband, quirks and all. This traditional life is amazing.

    • @ReneesNest91
      @ReneesNest91 Год назад +15

      I'm in the same boat and loving life too

    • @wonderingsoul8021
      @wonderingsoul8021 Год назад +10

      You are the type of person that inspires me. I would like to homeschool my two youngest and another goal I have is to start gardening. I don't know much but have been trying to educate myself about those two things. I'm not even married yet but I mine as well be bc we've been living together going on seven years. I am a happy mother and home maker. Just trying to do my best and always looking for ways to self improve. Good job taking care of your husband and children. You seem like a wonderful person

  • @juanderuano8969
    @juanderuano8969 Год назад +204

    Great video, I was in a beautiful marriage before my now ex wife left me, i still love her and most times i cant stop thinking about her, i am doing my very best to get rid of the thought of her, but i just cant, i love her so much, i dont know why i am bring this here for, i cant stop thinking about her

    • @juanderuano8969
      @juanderuano8969 Год назад

      @jay pritchett wow, how did you get a spiritual adviser, and how do i reach her?

    • @juanderuano8969
      @juanderuano8969 Год назад

      @jay pritchett Thank you for this valuable information, i just looked her up now online. impressive.

    • @BreMue
      @BreMue 4 месяца назад +3

      Lmao how did i KNOW this was one of those spam comment threads

  • @lilianwhite7722
    @lilianwhite7722 Год назад +32

    There’s three things I’d add:
    1- If you’re in excellent terms with your wife, she’ll be happy to get sexy with you and it will be easy for her to get in the mood.
    If there’s resistance, revisit the advice they gave in the beginning of the video about dating, being reliable, productive and generous.
    2 - I have a special advice for those who have young kids:
    It’s okay to follow the gender roles dynamic. It’s not okay to do your own thing while your spouse is still on call. Share the load because taking care of kids is a hard job. Kids do become easier with age, so you can adjust what’s fair accordingly.
    3 - You must have guessed by now that sex is not important to women. It’s nice when we want it, but devastating when we don’t. For us is something extremely intimate. We feel super vulnerable and if not done right, we’re gonna feel used and sometimes even abused.
    So don’t ever coerce your wife into doing it when she absolutely doesn't want to. It will do your marriage more harm than good.

    • @oleandra3759
      @oleandra3759 Год назад +3

      I have a libido very similar to my husband and after 20 years of marriage is still 2-4 times per week. I, of course, don’t speak for all women, but then again, neither do you.

    • @llkg9
      @llkg9 11 месяцев назад +5

      I agree with most of #3, except that sex is VERY important to many wives. But sex WITH intimacy. Not to be used by husbands like booty calls.

    • @ammaheinon
      @ammaheinon 6 месяцев назад

      Sex is more of a deeper issue for women than men. If your husband's eyes just roam, they don't take time to be with you, listen to you, then it definitely kills any want to be intimate.

  • @chrissydecker6793
    @chrissydecker6793 2 года назад +471

    This was exactly what I needed to hear right now. My Husband is in rehab detoxing from alcohol and having medical complications. But I will continue to be supportive, pray, and get through this with him for our family.

    • @alantasman8273
      @alantasman8273 2 года назад +19

      Chrissy, I have just said a prayer for you and your husband and family..he needs to substitute the Lord for his addictions...just like we all do.

    • @tracypolselli1464
      @tracypolselli1464 2 года назад +14

      I wish you well. My mom was an alcoholic, there were times I wished my Dad had kicked her to the curb and gotten her out of our lives. Thankfully she got sober and stayed that way her last twenty five years of her life. I’m thankful now for my dads compassion and strength. Because it does take strength to be the one that keeps your family together. I would just add to take care of yourself and your children. Al anon was a great help to me.

    • @unholylemonpledge9730
      @unholylemonpledge9730 2 года назад

      Wow what pillar of christian conservatism!!!!

    • @72586jejones
      @72586jejones 2 года назад +4

      Sending out a prayer for you and you spouse now. Hope you see some miracles soon.

    • @ashleypadgett4280
      @ashleypadgett4280 2 года назад +3

      Prayers for you, your husband & family. I pray the Lord strengthens you both & brings healing & peace.

  • @insanegamer112
    @insanegamer112 10 месяцев назад +177

    I thought my husband should know what to say or do all the time. Since, he loved me. I had expectations BUT never shared it with him. Result? Fights and misunderstandings
    I have now started playing games like Lovify. In that game, we need to guess what we expect from each other. So I don't have to sound needy and share my expectaions at the same time 💗

    • @ultimobile
      @ultimobile 5 месяцев назад +2

      'thought my husband should know what to say or do all the time'
      reminds me of a passive-aggressive ex-GF - I was supposed to know what she was thinking despite my repeated asking and her deliberately not telling - now I'm old and retired, AFAIK she's still alone, and I've been happily coupled for over 30 years.

  • @JennJenification
    @JennJenification 2 года назад +355

    Klavan's words were so moving and on point, but one thing that came to mind, knowing how clever and funny he can be, is the importance of good humor in a marriage or long partnership. As life marches us along, year after year, sharing laughter and joy are so important.

    • @humberto4344
      @humberto4344 2 года назад +6

      This is gold! That's so true!

    • @tugboat2
      @tugboat2 2 года назад +5

      Matt Walsh is an example of this too.😄

    • @my_innerweeb7527
      @my_innerweeb7527 2 года назад +1

      Yeah, laughter and joy is great

  • @salvationbordercountry3800
    @salvationbordercountry3800 Год назад +41

    I may be getting married soon. This is a wonderful program. It validates all the conclusions that I've come to after coming out of a very dysfunctional family as a child. It's only taken me 71 years to figure it out, lol.

    • @MextizaCalifa
      @MextizaCalifa 4 месяца назад

      Get counseling b4 u do. Marriage is going through hell fires b4 u ever get to heaven. If u even get there.

  • @Undefined01463
    @Undefined01463 Год назад +7

    Everyone is talking about what they're saying but.. I think the best part about this whole thing is seeing the friendship between these people.. they're just friends having fun and I think that's beautiful

  • @therapyrf
    @therapyrf 2 года назад +976

    Jordan Peterson is brilliant. Being a marriage therapist for 23 years I concur with everything he said!

    • @slevinchannel7589
      @slevinchannel7589 2 года назад

      You literally get marriage-advice from someone onsidered hateprecher
      by Millions over Millions of People.

    • @mathewprusak2052
      @mathewprusak2052 Год назад +20

      I love him. He is so wise, and has such great advice for life. His lectures have helped my life a lot.

    • @heistruth2865
      @heistruth2865 Год назад +27

      Yes... chasing "happiness" is what is destroying marriages.

    • @TheMetalfreak19
      @TheMetalfreak19 Год назад

      who wanted to divorce in all those years?

    • @robmarshall956
      @robmarshall956 Год назад

      What is a marriage therapist?

  • @Meemer33
    @Meemer33 2 года назад +216

    I attribute success in my marriage to the fact that we have never let a day go by where we haven’t prayed together. It’s sort of hard to stay mad at someone when you know you will be praying together before the end of the day.

    • @JacksonCampbell
      @JacksonCampbell 2 года назад +6

      Statistics show that that is a key.

    • @KD400_
      @KD400_ 2 года назад +5

      Hey I think Mike Tyson said something like this 'the families that pray together stay together'

    • @Meemer33
      @Meemer33 2 года назад +11

      I can attest to the fact it does. Couples who have a micro preemie have a higher chance of divorce. Couples who have triplets or more have a higher chance of divorce. We had both happen, but we are still strong together and it is all because we also have God in our relationship

    • @jlo1372
      @jlo1372 2 года назад +3


    • @addiskassa5165
      @addiskassa5165 2 года назад +1

      You are right Melissa!👍...If the man of the house Godly man, you won the jackpot! All his attention to make God happy and his family, when the man has a lack of spirituality he become the slave of his ego.

  • @teresacai7718
    @teresacai7718 Год назад +20

    Wow! How wonderful this conversation is! Intellectual, hilarious, heart-touching and REAL conversation which everyone can take something with them. Great job! I hope there would be more videos like this on RUclips ❤

  • @samindian4987
    @samindian4987 Год назад +11

    I have completed 13 yrs. of marriage with my wife. One of the things is that we criticize each other, constructive criticism. Also I am 7 yrs older than my wife so she takes my advises. I drink, my wife doesn't, but I never persuaded her to drink. My wife loves reality shows, I love documentries, But she never persuaded me to watch reality shows. Likewise, a lot of totally different things, yet we accept each other. And yeah adjust also. Marriages demands adjustments believe it or not gentlemen, sometimes you have to crush your ego for your spouse BUT believe you me, even if you become broke or faced with a medical emergency or mid life crises, there will always be one person standing behind you as a life support system. That's the beauty of marriage. The modern Feminist will never understand this.

  • @JettyBootChamp
    @JettyBootChamp Год назад +581

    I am SO relieved to hear Ben say what he did about trying to come up with solutions his wife doesn't need. I've been married 5 years and I am just now learning this concept. My wife has been under a lot of stress as a full-time college student, full-time teacher, and mother. She vent to me about work, school, life..... her in-laws.... and I immediately begin thinking up every conceivable solution I can in order to "solve the problem". I have noticed lately that this problem-solving mentality only makes things worse and makes us more disconnected from one another. It bothered me because I could not figure out why that was. I came to the now obvious conclusion that she cared more about my desire to listen to her get it all out rather than to half-listen while I thought of ways to "fix" it. I still don't understand, as a man, why she would come to me with things that make her upset but doesn't want me to fix them; however, I'm learning that I do not have to understand. I do have to be there for her and she needs to feel like I am there for her.

    • @melmel7011
      @melmel7011 Год назад +37

      I see she got a man that truly loves her. I hope to find a man like that

    • @marymiracle5413
      @marymiracle5413 Год назад +12

      Good for you. You already realized it. This is my struggle with my husband that I talked about things that made me sad, angry and alone. I just wanted him to listen to me. I already told him that and he answered yes he was listening and trying to comfort me but it's just didn't feel authentic to me. I don't know but I appreciate when he said that.

    • @jaybo8043
      @jaybo8043 Год назад +8

      You are not alone. It's crazy how common this most likely is. I don't think men will ever fully understand women and vise versa, all we can do is make a good effort and learn along the way.

    • @dominozonda
      @dominozonda Год назад

      @@marymiracle5413 faced the same problem with my girlfriend, I always listened to her attentively, now I try to remember not to offer solutions and show support
      But still I sense that she doesn't feel right
      It's easy for me to listen and let her vent but I think she expects more
      It's hard to understand and it annoys me sometimes but I guess as the op said maybe I just have to accept that I won't understand somethings along the way

    • @mmor7380
      @mmor7380 Год назад +4

      Women need to vent, we are not like that ,if we talk is to find a solution.

  • @michellekomadina9878
    @michellekomadina9878 2 года назад +277

    I can absolutely testify to that last comment. When I stopped criticising my husband and trying to change him, but instead changed myself, he started becoming a better man. You cannot take the speck out of another person’s eye before taking the log out of your own eye.

    • @Mushroom321-
      @Mushroom321- 2 года назад +6

      Right!!, AMEN & this could only work in a respectful marriage..😊🥰😼

    • @maggievitality9627
      @maggievitality9627 2 года назад +1

      😊 so good Michelle- thanks for sharing

    • @jayde.moonstone.6458
      @jayde.moonstone.6458 Год назад

      Love it. Thank you!!

    • @Simeon.Powell
      @Simeon.Powell Год назад

      Well said

    • @timdouglas-theinspiredway4085
      @timdouglas-theinspiredway4085 Год назад +2

      Yes, the last few comments were GOLD! We are called to love and respect...period; not only if we receive love and respect in return. Imagine if our heavenly Father or Jesus would only love us if... That's not His love. We are created in the perfect image of God. His love in us and following through us to our spouse is what we're called to do. His love covers all. His love is unconditional and it is abundant in all of us.

  • @cindymorales5570
    @cindymorales5570 Год назад +36

    Good communication and picking your battles. Also, put everything on the table before you marry. If you're not compatible don't force it, move on because you are just going to lose your time.

  • @nula654
    @nula654 Год назад +5

    Compromise. Sometimes I get what I want, but he always gets me what I need. Twenty eight years and I am so thankful for him. So glad we made the commitment to eachother. Sometimes love isn't enough and at times like those you remind yourself why you got married in the first place, and were you REALLY happy alone? And my answer is always tomorrow it'll be better, and it usually is.

  • @JustCause951
    @JustCause951 2 года назад +647

    I was so arrogant going into marriage and I never wanted advice from anyone. Nowadays, I seek out advice wherever I can find it. I love all the different perspectives they give and I'm excited to tell my wife what I learned because anything that helps further and strengthen my marriage is such a blessing.

    • @RyanTreks
      @RyanTreks 2 года назад +21

      You have obviously become wise. Each man should work on becoming wiser in all aspects of life. Hopefully your wife will continue to open her mind and listen to what you have learned (and you the same to her). Best of luck my friend.

    • @fredstriker2042
      @fredstriker2042 Год назад +1

      And let me give you a different perspective. Marriage is a literal statistical sucker's bet for any man in the West. This is the only issue that the daily wire does not stand by their position of facts before feelings.
      I could cite you numbers that would blow your mind. On a simple cost benefit analysis it is the dumbest thing any man could ever do

    • @reddoor2492
      @reddoor2492 Год назад +13

      Perspective is what everyone should seek through conversation.

    • @YuyiLeal
      @YuyiLeal Год назад +7

      Well said!

    • @htf5555
      @htf5555 Год назад +10

      right. a little less pride goes a long way

  • @junkorbust9498
    @junkorbust9498 Год назад +549

    We’ve been married 35 years. We have persevered through many challenges. We were in a nearly sexless marriage for almost 20 years as we suffered through mental illness and a failing family business in which we were equal partners. We came through the fire together and are now on the other side with our dignity in tact. We love each other deeply and did so through it all. My wife is my hero. She has supported me through dark days and I am grateful to her and her patience and quiet wisdom. We understand and accept each others weaknesses even without ever speaking about them. We have survived and are now both thriving in this wonderful thing called marriage.

    • @mscocopiyal3112
      @mscocopiyal3112 Год назад +20

      sexless marriage for almost twenty years 😫😫😫😫

    • @junkorbust9498
      @junkorbust9498 Год назад +34

      @@mscocopiyal3112 yes, it was a difficult time as I mentioned. My wife was put through a very tough time largely due to my illness for over 10 years. She withdrew herself from the intimate aspect of her relationship with me as a way of protecting herself and her/our young family from my often erratic behaviour. It was a means of self preservation for her and never out of spite. She was told many times by family members and friends that she should end the relationship but she felt and knew something no one else did. Out of respect for her I then gave her all the time she needed to work it all out and to regain the trust she had lost while I was il. It has been very rewarding for us both as our family is intact and thriving and we’re now closer than ever with a deep respect for each other and a true understanding of our individual needs. Living within a sexless marriage is pure hell, especially when your love is so strong and pure, it often tested my resolve but I respected what she had done for me and our family so I gave her all the time she needed to heal.

    • @catherine-wyestael-9427
      @catherine-wyestael-9427 Год назад +21

      @@junkorbust9498 I would appreciate hearing how your wife overcame her withdrawal if you and your wife don't mind sharing. My marriage has been sexless for 10 years, but we are both still committed to each other and are in love with each other. I have started realizing how much it has affected me and how I relate to others, not just my husband.

    • @junkorbust9498
      @junkorbust9498 Год назад +20

      @@catherine-wyestael-9427 Hi Catherine, I don’t know how to answer your question but it sounds like you’re ready for a change. I can only describe our experience. My wife and I were lucky maybe because due to circumstances we’ve been forced to live apart from each other for about half the year over the past 7 years. We are usually home together over winter and for 4-6 weeks in summer. My wife usually comes to visit me for a week in September which has become the time when we can enjoy each other one on one in a cottage atmosphere. The time apart has helped us heal by giving us both some space and time to think and come to conclusions without the usual day to day pressure we may feel from each other. I have had the good fortune to have had an opportunity that has helped her regain the respect she had for me that was lost due to my long illness. She believes in me again even with all my faults.
      If you are both in love, all is not lost, in fact nothing is lost. Obviously people in love find each other desirable. My wife always knew all too well that I was hot for her, I gave her the time she needed but it was always clear to her that I had never lost my intimate desire for her. I was real concerned that she would no longer want intimate relations after all that time as it is generally easier for women to live without and harder for them to work up the nerve to dive back in that pool.
      I don’t know where you are, you and your husband Catherine. If he’s a normal man he thinks about sex at least 10 times per day and that’s not taking the night into account. For me it was very very difficult to keep my composure and fortitude. My wife did not understand the pure torture a man endures in a sexless marriage. Through it all I tried hard not to pressure her and I don’t have any animosity toward her for not understanding how difficult a sexless marriage can be for a man.
      Who’s withholding sex? What are the underlying reasons? If you restart relations take it real real slow. A touch perhaps, gauge the reaction. Do something special and unexpected for him. It starts real small. It’s not like when we were kids, it’s better with age but expectations of the past may best be left outside the bedroom door.
      I hope you find each other again.

    • @JE-ed6te
      @JE-ed6te Год назад

      Sexless only for you ibetcha, no modern woman (since 1973) would go that long… men will never truly understand the availability of casual intimacy that women enjoy… and their ability to conceal it… anyone who says differently is lying to themselves.

  • @richardlock4120
    @richardlock4120 Год назад +6

    The common thread here is being grateful, and that comes from being unselfish and humble. There is so much value in that. Society teaches us all the time to want more, because we deserve more, but does little to teach us that we should nurture and appreciate what we have. That is the route to real contentment and a happy marriage. I thank god every day for my wife, and my family. I wasn’t fortunate to be able to have children as I am a cancer survivor but I’m grateful for what I do have. This disease of narcissism that so many young people have succumbed to does nothing but lead you to discontent, and misery. I can’t help thinking that things like social media and Tinder etc. are a source of misery in that respect. Im so glad that this message is being put out there I wish more people would listen.

  • @abd4175
    @abd4175 9 месяцев назад +22

    This is a many high quality minds in one place to adivise us on marriage. 👍

  • @ingridmcfarlane8348
    @ingridmcfarlane8348 Год назад +573

    Today I questioned if I really had the capacity to continue giving, in my 16 year marriage. My conclusion was, "this is just too much work, I have too many cares carrying in my own, and carrying the burden of caring for a husband was just asking too much of myself." This discussion has literally breathed life, courage and strategy back into my sails...I can continue. And I will thrive

    • @eliaspadilla876
      @eliaspadilla876 Год назад +37

      Ingrid , may god grant you strength , wisdom and love to keep your marriage and each other’s love 🙏🏼🙏🏼

    • @cashflowboss295
      @cashflowboss295 Год назад +21

      Yes you will. Unselfish love that gives not because it wants to get, has a powerful way of changing people, including our spouses. I pray your marriage experiences a newness.

    • @jessb4035
      @jessb4035 Год назад +12

      Amen 🙏 much love, strength and wisdom to you! And that goes the same to me 😂

    • @krystalbaker9434
      @krystalbaker9434 Год назад +13

      May I humbly say this. My pastor gave me advice to just focus on peace in the exact moment. If you focus on that, you do what you can do. Those peaceful acts do what you can’t do. They resolve issues by never giving space for them to arise. Let go of the past because you can never redo it. Just focus on the right now and making it peaceful. The question I ask myself is this. Whatever it is I fight for in this marriage, is it worth us losing peace in this moment? No matter how hurt or emotional I am…the answer is always no. Peace solves the problems. Peace from God is the only peace. My second thing was owning up that I needed help (better communication skills, problem solving, listening, etc). If I want my husband to change but I won’t then I’m part of the problem. I pray for your victory. Jesus in everything is the key.

    • @philipelias457
      @philipelias457 Год назад +2

      Yes! Continue to fight for your marriage!

  • @gabrielleglenn4307
    @gabrielleglenn4307 2 года назад +267

    Love how Jordan nails it with happiness being a low goal. Happiness being the ultimate thing someone is after just creates more dissatisfaction in life than anything else. He’s right, we suffer but how do we suffer? Or rather how WELL do we suffer? If we can grow and learn and become better through our suffering that’s the beauty of life. Joy of the Lord is our strength, why strength? Why is Joy a strength? Because we need it for the suffering. Suffering is difficult and life is hard and it doesn’t give you a lot to be happy about but knowing Christ and having the joy that comes from that it’s what sustains you in suffering. Happiness isn’t the goal of the life for the Christian, it’s righteousness.

    • @maam-yj8ph
      @maam-yj8ph 2 года назад +3

      I agree that suffering is a part of life. I take issue with Jefferson's "pursuit of happiness" though, because some people only seem to find "happiness" in multiplying the suffering of others. I wish I knew how to suffer more gracefully, but I will suffer as silently and unobtrusively as I know how.

    • @karaa7595
      @karaa7595 2 года назад +17

      Exactly. Marriage is designed to make us holy not happy. Serving someone else the rest of our lives is a refining process with the goal of becoming more Christlike everyday.

    • @Aliyahdiamond
      @Aliyahdiamond 2 года назад +5

      Amen! You just taught me something.

    • @pathfinder1293
      @pathfinder1293 2 года назад +7

      Amen. In fact the scripture makes it clear that we should actually rejoice in suffering as it is making us more like Christ! To be reconciled and regenerated into Christs image is the goal. Let us share in His righteousness and holiness. Suffering build character. Blessings brother

    • @vaquera9368
      @vaquera9368 2 года назад +3

      You stated this so beautifully. I completely agree.

  • @BornAmazing
    @BornAmazing Год назад +4

    Man so much truth in these discussions. I’ve been in a serious, committed relationship with my SO for almost 2 years now and he is my first real love and relationship.
    One thing I’ve learned, or rather observed, recently is this: The way an individual responds to others in the face of stress, conflict, or general disconnect, is the way THEY need to be responded to for the most effective outcomes.
    For example, when he notices my weaknesses, I always felt that he took too much of a tough love approach and responded a bit too directly instead of sugar coating it and reacting so delicately the way I did for others including him. When I changed MY responses toward him to match HIS, I found that he took it more seriously and put in much more effort to improve. He’s done the same for me, but the fact that I started adopting those responses has led me to “toughen up” and not need so much sugar coating anymore anyway.
    Same with the idea that we tend to try forcing men to open up past what they are willing to share. My SO is very private, and we have successfully created the environment for him to share more, but I cannot be oblivious to the fact that sometimes he just needs to process and deal with things through straight up anger and physical means. Me trying to stop him from releasing his emotions in those physical ways (obviously never toward me) is just teaching him to repress even more. Get him a punching bag. Let him scream in the garage. He will be just fine.
    In essence, it’s absolutely true that men and women are wildly different, have very different needs and priorities, and we each need to learn and ADAPT to the fact that men rarely respond to what women tend to want, and vice versa. It’s the adaptability that makes a marriage last.

  • @lisandrapagan5494
    @lisandrapagan5494 9 месяцев назад +7

    Trust is earned, how quick we forget this in all human relationships, and then Respect is freely given and Loyalty is demonstrated!!!! Love is sacrificial and full of compromises. Marriage is work, but it is so worth it when you're both on the same page. As the years go by, you see what you've built, and the bonds do grow stronger. We need to support the institution of family in our country.

  • @clairebordeaux
    @clairebordeaux Год назад +287

    I’ve been married for over 20 years now and all the advice they gave is valuable. If people went into marriage understanding it is a lifelong covenant, the world would be a better place. Modern spouses give up too easily, getting divorced within the five years. That’s a HUGE mistake… those marriages haven’t even had a chance to deepen yet, and they are looking for something “better”. Chances are, they already had it, and should’ve stuck it out & they would’ve realized it.

    • @Bladegirlvix
      @Bladegirlvix Год назад +9

      except in the case of domestic abuse

    • @clairebordeaux
      @clairebordeaux Год назад +18

      True. But that’s not why most divorces happen.

    • @JohnDoe-fm6jd
      @JohnDoe-fm6jd Год назад

      @@Bladegirlvix according to democrats abuse is totally ok. Just look at how they encourage kids to hate themselves and abuse themselves. Woo-hoo for "progressives" 🙄🤷‍♂️🤮

    • @TeaCup1940
      @TeaCup1940 Год назад +4

      @MeS. Cheating and abuse are two valid reasons for divorce. In the first case it is also possible to forgive and the cheating spouse can change. In the second case there needs to be distance for safety reasons, and the abusive spouse could change and the other forgive, but it is very rare that an abuser sees their wrongs and chances attitude and behavior.

    • @hayleymcweeney7775
      @hayleymcweeney7775 Год назад

      I went in to my first marriage with committing, but after being emotionally abused and controlled for seven years, I wasn’t willing to put up with a lifetime of that. The man is 66 and is still a jerk. I dodged a bullet!

  • @Lonesome__Dove
    @Lonesome__Dove 2 года назад +294

    Daily wire really has made some exceptional decisions. This lineup is literally all the great thinkers of our generation.

    • @tetravx-553
      @tetravx-553 2 года назад +3

      Honestly. Well said.

    • @EphemeralOnlooker
      @EphemeralOnlooker 2 года назад +7

      Thinkers? lol, they're just normal Politicians. Except Peterson of course. He is a great thinker.

    • @Haivuoto
      @Haivuoto 2 года назад +2

      Did you just call Ben Shapiro ’a great thinker’? 😂 That’s the equivalent of calling a drug-addict man who’s never at home ’a great husband’. Oh, wait…
      Seriously, you need higher standards.

    • @masonshirley4051
      @masonshirley4051 2 года назад +2

      @@Haivuoto Let's hear your list.

    • @Haivuoto
      @Haivuoto 2 года назад +1

      @@masonshirley4051 How about some people who have actually contributed something instead of writing books like ”How to debate leftists and destroy them”? (Seriously, is that guy in kindergarden?)
      Let’s see… From behavioral sciences: how about something like Daniel Kahneman to get a good start?
      From history: how about William McNeill or Oleg Khlevniuk?
      From sociology: George Orwell (there are many others, but I think I’ll exclude because I have a feeling you’d just dismiss them as ’leftist’)
      From field of psychology: there are many, but Maslow, Jung - or more contemporary like F. Martela or Scott Kaufman?
      Or actually intelligent conservative thinkers like Thomas Sowell?
      This is just a few that were for me top-of-mind. But it’s not like there’s a shortage of intelligent people with constructive thinking. Ben Shapiro is definitely NOT one of them. Jordan Peterson arguably is, but only on his own field of specialty in psychology. Outside of that… naaaaah.

  • @robenow
    @robenow Год назад +5

    Love all of these committed hearts and minds in this discussion. What a beautiful balance of wisdom, and truth. ♥️

  • @TheCommentBandit
    @TheCommentBandit Год назад +6

    A very wise Uber driver once told me:
    1. Happy wife, happy life
    2. Learn how to apologize
    3. Don’t keep count - good or bad, everyday you do your best for each other

  • @carnivorewitch
    @carnivorewitch Год назад +278

    Marrying the right person to begin with after getting to know yourself has a whole lot to do with a good marriage - particularly someone who shares your values, someone who can listen to you and vice versa, and someone who is willing to sit down and work things out with you.

    • @jeniosk1097
      @jeniosk1097 Год назад +21

      That's true. Having similar values is a must. But I'd also add it's not only important to find the right person, it's also as important and if not more important to be the right person.

    • @Xaviallin1
      @Xaviallin1 Год назад

      @@jeniosk1097 This ^^^^^

    • @jennyguzman4955
      @jennyguzman4955 Год назад

      100 percent agree!!

    • @johnboehmer6683
      @johnboehmer6683 Год назад +6

      Those things help, but superficial differences can always be overcome. Throughout all time, every corner of the world, there have been arranged marriages that succeeded. All people want respect and care, that's it. If both can provide these things for the other, it works regardless.

    • @TeaCup1940
      @TeaCup1940 Год назад +2

      Yes, but nowadays it is difficult to find someone to share the same values and that really is selfless and wanting to sacrifice. Marriage is not easy. It is very difficult. Most people do not want to put in the effort and to suffer. It is very difficult to love someone unconditionally. It is impossible. Only with God it is possible. No marriage can work out if God is not the most important one in it.

  • @purposedrivensoul2104
    @purposedrivensoul2104 2 года назад +383

    Watching this panel is like watching real Life Avengers. People who can actually save lives in the real world. Love it! ♥️

    • @54blueroses
      @54blueroses 2 года назад +10

      Lol thought the same thing! They are the dream team 👏🙌✊️

    • @93Wande
      @93Wande Год назад


    • @Gtb42
      @Gtb42 Год назад +1

      Facts 🙌🏾

    • @macypalps7717
      @macypalps7717 Год назад

      The best panel ❤

    • @Memoiana
      @Memoiana Год назад +1

      Haha had the exact same thought

  • @annettehope2023
    @annettehope2023 Год назад +9

    I highly value this discussion and everyone who took part. Thank you for speaking the truth, I’m truly grateful for you all

  • @kevinhurst3709
    @kevinhurst3709 Год назад +8

    Married 47 years this month. Took me 47 years lol but the key to a good marriage is don't be lazy around the house. Keep your wife happy and be flexible.

  • @chilidog73
    @chilidog73 Год назад +207

    I loved Dennis' practical advice. If we never stop "dating" we will always be giving our best. And Jordons words, basically to seek commitment over happiness is a fundamental truth.

    • @mariac2472
      @mariac2472 9 месяцев назад

      Yes! Best advice ever. I even told this to my boyfriend before we knew each other well.

  • @itlupe
    @itlupe 2 года назад +85

    My wife and I have been married 58 years.
    A successful marriage requires a 100%/100% effort (100% from both parties). Also, to realize that one is not perfect and must be forgiving of many, many things.

    • @vaquera9368
      @vaquera9368 2 года назад +1

      Bless you! Forgiveness and grace.

    • @itlupe
      @itlupe 2 года назад +2

      @@vaquera9368 Please don't misunderstand. It took me years to understand that. While we were in love with each other, we still had the squabbles and spats that people getting accustomed to each other have. We, however, did not hold grudges so we were able to overcome. We taught each other one-day-at-a-time.🙂

  • @jcgarcia1931
    @jcgarcia1931 Год назад +5

    Communication is the key. That includes delivering your own message clearly, and listening for the other's message earnestly. Not always an easy task, but with the right dynamic, it allows for progress. In the end, we can't get what we want if we don't ask for it. And we can't provide for the other, without actually hearing what that is...

  • @tracywatts1459
    @tracywatts1459 Год назад +16

    I say honesty and communication is key. Sometimes you have to work out the unspoken issues.

  • @SueProv
    @SueProv 2 года назад +117

    Really happy to see this. Jordan will be supported just by having camaraderie. This is wonderful for him and the Daily Wire.

  • @limaide
    @limaide 2 года назад +206

    I love Dennis Prager and Jordan Peterson in the same room, they both of such different but wonderful perspectives

    • @arcturus4762
      @arcturus4762 2 года назад +5

      I mean, it's two Jews, two Evangelical Christians, and two Catholics if I'm not mistaken. Correct me if I'm wrong though.

    • @scottymackay1801
      @scottymackay1801 2 года назад +2

      @@arcturus4762 I don't think any are evangelical.

    • @loganpeck5084
      @loganpeck5084 2 года назад +6

      @@arcturus4762 Correct. 2 Catholics. 2 Jews. 2 Evangelicals. 1 Anglican. And Jordan Peterson.

    • @greekgirl9897
      @greekgirl9897 2 года назад +2

      @@loganpeck5084 I'm sure I read somewhere that Jordan Peterson had recently begun studying the Bible with the belief that it may, if fact, be the Word of God.

  • @greent26tube
    @greent26tube 8 месяцев назад +1

    This is one of the healthiest discussions I’ve ever heard in my life. Thank you all so much for sharing.

  • @Iamajn316
    @Iamajn316 Год назад +3

    This was an amazing video. Each and everyone of you of their are so articulate and wise. I want you to all know. I appreciate what you have brought to this world. It has definitely helped me.

  • @rebeccasimpkins8231
    @rebeccasimpkins8231 Год назад +503

    It's easy to have a good marriage when things are going well. But learning to work TOGETHER through the hard stuff without blaming each other is what we've found is key. We've also learned to express what we are looking for. Before I start talking I'll say, "I need you to just listen for a moment" or "I can't figure this out can you help me." and in turn he'll look at me and say "I need time without you speaking. I love you, but I need time without the commentary." (He disappears to his forge and I leave him alone). It's work, but a labor of love that we enjoy (most days). 23 years and neither of us are getting out of this marriage alive.

    • @melmel7011
      @melmel7011 Год назад +2

      The last part is scary, I get you that you mean until death do you apart but in a plot twist, one of u can want out... Sounds like the other would have to kill that partner, and commit suicide

    • @rebeccasimpkins8231
      @rebeccasimpkins8231 Год назад +4

      @@melmel7011 That does happen in some marriages and I can see where that would sound scary. Part of loving someone outside of yourself is recognizing that if you aren't capable of giving them what they need you let them go. There are exceptions to every rule.

    • @PeterMartyrVermigli_is_cool
      @PeterMartyrVermigli_is_cool Год назад +8

      For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. -John 3:16

    • @puppykibble
      @puppykibble Год назад

      There is a time honored tradition that has served us well. So when did we stop caring? Would you not like that love for you neighbor? Is money getting in the way your work? To whom do you serve?

    • @itskeagan3004
      @itskeagan3004 Год назад +1

      You sound like a well-rounded woman, he’s lucky to have such a loving wife and I wish you two the best!

  • @vaquera9368
    @vaquera9368 2 года назад +40

    Marriages fail when couples focus on “happiness.” I totally agree with Dr. Peterson. He could have said more on it but he refrained.

  • @leevan2332
    @leevan2332 Год назад +1

    So love this entertaining and very REAL ....Been through the gamit ....Brought up in a single parent family....Have been married twice the first an mentally absent husband....My life partner of 23 years and strong was my childhood sweet heart at 14 ....We live in a partnership through good and bad....I love my soul mate.....The advice given here in this talk is GOLD!!!!!

  • @nataliakantovich8999
    @nataliakantovich8999 11 месяцев назад +8

    Amazing conversation. Thank you for showing people how the universal principles of healthy and happy relationships (marriages) work.

  • @ramieyaharris
    @ramieyaharris Год назад +208

    This is breathtaking ❤️ I'm getting married very soon and I'm so grateful to have such wealth of knowledge to begin a healthy, Godly marriage, and with the help of God, we will continue until the end ❤️👏🏾

    • @marijanababic6516
      @marijanababic6516 Год назад +10

      May our gentle and wise God always be present in your marriage and guide your family❤️

    • @tracylynnfarley6748
      @tracylynnfarley6748 Год назад +4

      My personal opinion: I believe in building up my partner daily. Everyday encourage him and tell him one thing daily that you appreciate about him. Build him up. You can't go wrong Showing adoration to him. Also, Keep God at the center of your marriage. Pray together, alone at least once a day. You can't go wrong. Congratations on your up coming marriage!

    • @brookecooper5739
      @brookecooper5739 Год назад +2

      Read the book The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller. The best marriage book ever. - 26 years happily married. 😊

    • @jamescollins3970
      @jamescollins3970 Год назад +2

      I know I'm 5 months late but congratulations

  • @salyna.nguyen
    @salyna.nguyen 2 года назад +446

    I nearly choked on my food, but Ben's "men are simple. we just want respect, food, and sex" is probably the best 10 seconds of the clip, bravo! 😂😂😂

    • @rkmari6872
      @rkmari6872 Год назад +21

      As someone in a 10 year healthy marriage,I can confirm this 🤣

    • @Rose-xm4og
      @Rose-xm4og Год назад +7

      Lol, this is my hubby 😂😂

    • @heistruth2865
      @heistruth2865 Год назад +16

      Hahaha...yes respect which is something as women, definitely including myself, struggle with giving

    • @ladychatelaine697
      @ladychatelaine697 Год назад +4

      Just proves how vacuous men are! 🙄😖🇬🇧

    • @wulfosaurus1835
      @wulfosaurus1835 Год назад +6

      Reduce a complex human being to a trope will always end well!
      Well it actually will if they're vapid, nothing to worry about.

  • @Paddythelaad
    @Paddythelaad Год назад +7

    I always loved the idea of a young girl and boy devoting their lives to each other with total commitment, trust and loyalty, motivated to be perfect for the other and having all the rewards that come with that.
    I didn't find her till I was 23, I devoted my life to her before I met her in person, we feel like soulmates.
    I never got the underappreciation of young people, especially of males or why so many women seek an older guy.
    To me a soulmate is of a similar age, if you want commitment, trust and loyalty lead by example and devote your life to them, they are perfect potential and would develop ideally with a perfect partner, its all in or nothing for me personally.
    I just wish I had met her sooner, it felt natural to save myself for her but not to miss out on all the fun that could have been had through my teens and early 20s.

  • @aglayapiano
    @aglayapiano Год назад +7

    I love Dr.Peterson. Such a blessing to be in his presence!

  • @ladyprepper4
    @ladyprepper4 2 года назад +83

    What an absolutely amazing panel of intelligent people. Happily married for 22 years, the key is mutual appreciation and trust.

  • @brik_waffles5545
    @brik_waffles5545 2 года назад +169

    Great conversation, especially Jordan Peterson’s input. I’ve been married to my husband a little more than a year and we’ve experienced a second trimester loss of our child. And through our profound sadness we’ve come together and have felt each other’s pain and have leaned on one another for love and comfort more than we have during our happy times. I would say having God at the center of a marriage is the key to a fulfilling and blessed marriage. God bless you DW 🙏🏻

    • @claudeanthony468
      @claudeanthony468 Год назад

    • @johnboehmer6683
      @johnboehmer6683 Год назад +1

      So sorry for your loss, excellent attitude and words, tremendous testimony for God. I've always said that it's the trials of life that create a bond and love in marriage much more than the good times, if each can process it properly. And that's a team effort.

  • @erniecuzon835
    @erniecuzon835 10 месяцев назад

    This dialogue is gold.
    How these great thinkers band together is as precious and rare as any gem you can get...

  • @ClintTheSeeker
    @ClintTheSeeker Год назад +4

    Secure attachment is the key for both sides. Are you there for me? Can I feel safe enough to be vulnerable with you? Will you be there when I need you? Do I matter to you?

  • @ynkybomber
    @ynkybomber 2 года назад +57

    My wife is sick upstairs with Covid while I have watched the kids and the house downstairs so she can rest. That is what marriage is all about. It's a partnership

    • @appleengisch6767
      @appleengisch6767 Год назад

      It will all come back to you. 💕I’m glad you described it well, partnership. So nice you helped her rest.

  • @sarahamazinggrace
    @sarahamazinggrace 2 года назад +84

    So much wisdom here! We will be celebrating 20 years of marriage this year and Lord willing we have 40 more to go. So worth the effort, tweaks, the forgiveness, the humility, the changes, the knitting together. What comes out of the commitment is priceless

    • @benanders4412
      @benanders4412 Год назад

      I see no wisdom. Any man who says marriage is a good idea is either stupid, ignorant, dishonest or probably all these things.

  • @hakunamatata8662
    @hakunamatata8662 Год назад

    How have I never come across this video!!! How refreshing hearing people speak openly and with great humour. I bet no one got “offended”.

  • @femckay
    @femckay 3 месяца назад +1

    I told my husband just before we got married that I knew he wasn’t perfect but he was perfect for me! That never changed! He’s been gone for 5 years now and I miss him desperately but I cherish all the years and memories we shared.

  • @jbb8261
    @jbb8261 2 года назад +69

    I’m happy in my marriage and I love hearing what other marriage positive people have to say. This conversation needs to be had more often.

  • @Tungchano
    @Tungchano 2 года назад +262

    The sheer pleasure of watching a panel of intellectuals discussing what works and what does not in marriage is a privilege that the younger generation won't fully comprehend. Thank you for this, I'm obligated to use this video to help couples reconnect in my life coaching practice.

    • @lanecrescent4161
      @lanecrescent4161 2 года назад +2

      You're calling Candice Owens a intellectual? 😂😂

    • @Tungchano
      @Tungchano 2 года назад +1

      @@lanecrescent4161 So what would you call her?

    • @aanetechiarello7032
      @aanetechiarello7032 2 года назад +2

      Jesus is head of marriage not 2 in marriage but 3

    • @mariapopovici4467
      @mariapopovici4467 2 года назад +2

      I would say Shapiro, Peterson, Walsh, Jeremy and to some extent the others - Michael and Claven are intellectuals, but not Candace. Candace is coming into her own, but she still has work to do. She's not as profound as she thinks she is, although her points about maternal and paternal traits was on point, as was her observation that the Bible is the guidebook for good marriages. But still, she tries too hard and it shows.

    • @Shark-hn4mv
      @Shark-hn4mv 2 года назад +8

      @@mariapopovici4467, effort is all that matters. Even Peterson wasn't originally the way he is today. You're comparing her to guys who's been doing these discussions for decades.

  • @raivanframpton5408
    @raivanframpton5408 8 месяцев назад +2

    Been married 20 years last October. To me it's honesty and communication. The relationship will get hard, really hard at times. But if both people cannot honestly express feelings/ concerns and both listen to one another then things will go of track. Respect is second! Without respect for one another then it will not last.

  • @CDGMR1
    @CDGMR1 Год назад

    I fast forward to listen to Dr. Peterson answer. When he said he thought that wasn’t a good question, everyone laugh, but he wasn’t. He was serious. Luv him!

  • @thefacelessquestion3333
    @thefacelessquestion3333 2 года назад +230

    As a young man hearing this and learning from these great minds about matrimony, if we learn all this I hope we find women who appreciate this and are also seeking self improvement.

    • @jacobrussell5806
      @jacobrussell5806 2 года назад +3

      Facts. Stay strong man 💪

    • @youtubehatesfreespeech2555
      @youtubehatesfreespeech2555 2 года назад +1

      Those are great minds? If you get the historical perspective of why marriages fail, you would realise the reality is far less romantic than mutual understanding and gratitude! Those vague terms don't mean anything besides most people who are married would say they are happy because it's socially approved to do so!
      Get some anonymous surveys and the picture is very different!

    • @danaiiglesias3953
      @danaiiglesias3953 Год назад +11

      Trust me there is woman out there who cherish men. I was one I always wanted a good man but always got hurt or used. My respect for men slowly diminished and I can understand how certain woman turn against and become hateful towards men. Only both genders are extremely toxic and my selflessness/naive/lack of parenting at such a young age made me venture out on my own with no real knowledge of how the real world was. But I never grew hate towards men if anything I would simply start pushing away and made myself strong but I still respected men as a whole because a man to a woman is just extraordinary and vice versa of course. I found my man who gave me two babies and a step daughter and I couldn’t be more great full for never putting my vulnerability away to seek my man.

    • @healingypsy
      @healingypsy Год назад +1

      Yes we do😊

    • @benanders4412
      @benanders4412 Год назад

      Don't do it! Never sign a contract with someone who's rewarded for breaking it! All these "great minds" want you to sacrifice yourself for women and society. And there is no reward in it for you at all. All this relationship stuff has nothing to do with marriage. Modern marriage has nothing to do with tradition, the bible, or love. It's simply a financial contract that only benefits the woman and the state when it's broken for any or no reason at all. It offers no benefit to the man. It only comes with great risks. Don't do it!

  • @rachel2473
    @rachel2473 Год назад +95

    My divorce is what opened my eyes to the true blessing and sanctity of marriage. I had no idea what marriage truly meant or how to be a good wife. The grass isnt greener on the other side. The next relationship will have the same number of problems, probably bigger and more intolerable. We fail to realize that it is the SELF that needs to be fixed.

    • @michaelanderson9914
      @michaelanderson9914 Год назад +5

      The grass is greener on the other side...because thats where all the bull shit is.

    • @SandraLuz3
      @SandraLuz3 Год назад

      ​@@michaelanderson9914 😒

    • @EyepanEkal
      @EyepanEkal Год назад

      Most young ladies don't know responsibility is until all is lost.

    • @dianebarron8362
      @dianebarron8362 7 месяцев назад

      Rachel , Did a narcissist convince you of that?

  • @mtkk22
    @mtkk22 11 месяцев назад

    Thank you Andrea for the great question. So much wisdom on this subject from this panel of intelligent, wise, & respectful commentators.

  • @margaretchitsiku8807
    @margaretchitsiku8807 Год назад +4

    Loved this conversation. So real, so funny and full of fantastic teaching

  • @Rezolution01
    @Rezolution01 2 года назад +140

    An entire cast full of "the smartest people in the room" and some of the best content I've ever seen on RUclips. Great job everyone!

  • @lulu-lime5618
    @lulu-lime5618 2 года назад +92

    Kudos to Candace, she’s really holding her own being the only woman in the convo. Love Dennis and Jordan…they always bring sooooo much wisdom and insight

    • @CrochetNewsNetwork
      @CrochetNewsNetwork Год назад +2

      Oh Candace can hold her own with any individual or being subpoenaed by Congress / House committee. She is amazing and verbally slapped around liberal politicians like a house fly.

  • @KyrieEleison7
    @KyrieEleison7 Год назад +14

    I am absolutely in love with this lecture(s) , so grateful for you DW+.. if it weren’t for you we all would be mindless puppets , unfortunately more than we are now.
    As a parent and a spouse, this hits very deeply and immediately. This is EXACTLY what the people need and want !!!! Keep the round table talking up! It’s killer and highly beneficial.

    • @KyrieEleison7
      @KyrieEleison7 Год назад

      PS This sold me on buying DW+. A must!!

  • @desertdweller9255
    @desertdweller9255 Месяц назад

    Marriage advice that helped me: "Connect before you correct". Its easy to feel like youre on different teams when times get tough but connecting first helps you focus on fighting the problem and not your partner.