I was having a tough time getting the right fit with the leather strap on my Formex Field watch. This velcro strap is wonderful. Got mine from Long Island Watch.
I don't have any long term experience with the strap. I am sure that it will wear out eventually. It looks like velcro can handle 20,000 cycles. So it should be good for 10,000 days of use.
I was having a tough time getting the right fit with the leather strap on my Formex Field watch. This velcro strap is wonderful. Got mine from Long Island Watch.
These velcro straps are a game changer as far as I am concerned. They are very comfortable. They don't look terrible either.
I like the leather option best
Thanks, I like it it the most as well. The Nylon velcro strap is a little more comfortable though.
Nice watch look better on leather 👌
Yes, I agree
how does the velcro hold up over time?
I don't have any long term experience with the strap. I am sure that it will wear out eventually. It looks like velcro can handle 20,000 cycles. So it should be good for 10,000 days of use.
But with leather. Cheaper than buying after. Then buy Velcro, and switch them out as you wish.
That is a great point. The velcro is super comfortable, but the leather looks so good.