coming along nicely! What are you thoughts on the RST in a mostly street application with around 600 to the wheels in a Terminator application? At this point I'm not sure what mods will be done with which Terminator I get but if I do add more power ( Id like to have 600 on the dyno ) I know the clutch will be crucial so what are your thoughts on the RST VS the RSX in this situation? I don't plan on dragging the car much at all once I have one.
Quick question what was this engine run to block? What kinda crankshaft does it have? Is if ok. I have a boss 302 crankshaft in my mmr engine and it’s an2v set up no failures yetb
Nice work
coming along nicely! What are you thoughts on the RST in a mostly street application with around 600 to the wheels in a Terminator application? At this point I'm not sure what mods will be done with which Terminator I get but if I do add more power ( Id like to have 600 on the dyno ) I know the clutch will be crucial so what are your thoughts on the RST VS the RSX in this situation? I don't plan on dragging the car much at all once I have one.
I'd say if you drive it hard most of the time get a RXT if you drive it easy and RST is fine. If it were me I'd go RX over RS any day.
JaegerWrenching thanks Chad!
Quick question what was this engine run to block? What kinda crankshaft does it have? Is if ok. I have a boss 302 crankshaft in my mmr engine and it’s an2v set up no failures yetb
So they broke the coil plug connectors, to put in those garbage granatelli coils? LøL
Talk about a lose lose scenario