Depends on the college, but you could make it work with community college. Not ideal for everyone, but I don;t see anything wrong with it. This is all pending of course that the student still has the luxury of being at home. That's how that worked even at the time of this video.
Okay. I got married in 1979 at 17 years old. My husband was still in engineering school and we lived in campus housing very much like the apartment this couple was in. We also had two babies while he was still in school. Nearly forty years later, we're still married and it worked out fine. Just saying.
lisalu910 wow, that really is what love means: regardless of what life throws your way, easy or difficult, your able to see things through together and prosper because of your mutual commitment to one another, which isn’t a difficult thing to do if said love is real. I hope you and your family see many more happy years ☺️
This old video still has a good message. Everybody does need to make sure they're mature enough and ready for a big commitment like marriage, before going through with it.
Can you imagine people even asking for advice these days? They’d be posting “she said yes” announcements on Facebook and planning their Instagram wedding.
How much was the table cloth Well I got it on sale......... (Never a good start of a sentence) How much was it It was 9.99 ......... .......... TeN BuCkS????!!!! (I just checked and 10 bucks was equivalent to 100 dollars in the fifty’s.... WTF BETTY YOU PAID 100 DOLLARS ON A TABLE CLOTH)
It's not that, it's just that they were young and not used to it and didn't know how to act, and plus they didn't want to inconvenience the parents and keep the baby awake.
@@EphemeralProductions I didn't understand the part where they left so early, Did they try to be polite to their friends by making an excuse as to not disturb their baby? Or did they leave early cause the party seemed to be lame because of the baby?
@@Himerosteam they probably didn't know what to do. The polite thing to do would be to tidy up after themselves in the kitchen while the parents are tending to the baby. Or at least stick around to see if they need someone else to hold the baby, because that can sometimes help settle the baby too.
I have an accounting textbook that we have to use for 3 classes and it costs $600. I found a pdf online but I can’t believe my classmates paid for that
@@ziutasow2244 First of all it was her fucking money! She's allowed to spend it on whatever the fuck she wants.She's supporting this useful piece of trash he should be great full! Has no right to complain about money that isnt even his to began with.
@E.P.I.C. You defending rape says a lot about you as a person. Thinking that you can take anything you want from another person just because you are married is ridiculous.
@E.P.I.C. I agree, and I think I'm the only one who thinks that you aren't supporting rape but just making a statement on the matter, all you did was assume that from their attitude they might support "marital rape" because they have a femanazi attitude and think everything is "rape"
@@gingermarie551 O lovely lady may god bless you and give you the strength and power to overcome your obstacles in your life ( if you find any mistakes regarding to spelling or grammar then i want to tell you i m from india and my English is weak but try to understand what i said you , because nowadays i m struggling too)
@@solofemaletravelerme nah- it’s best not to rush. The odd couple who can make it work after a month exists, but that doesn’t mean everyone should rush into a marriage. Abuse also happens, but again, it doesn’t mean fast marriage is the answer. If the couples who faced abuse had rushed into marriage, the abuse would still happen.
Dated, but this is still solid advice. Marriage doesn't have to change everything about your relationship, but the stressors that come with it--especially money management and babies, if you choose to have any--will definitely change the dynamic between you and your partner. You need to make sure _before_ you get engaged that you two are on the same page about what you want and what you're willing to compromise on, and be as aware as you can be about the sacrifices that may need to be made in support of the new life you're building with your partner. After all, "when the honeymoon is over, the marriage begins," and if you're not ready or mature enough for it yet, there's nothing wrong with waiting until you are.
@@dynodish that's true, but there were still other methods available then, like condoms and spermicide. Both probably frowned upon to use in marriage, but it's not like the picture of the ideal nuclear family was having 5 or 8 kids. People were doing something to prevent pregnancy before the pill was more widely available and acceptable to use. *shrug
He put it very nicely: "It all depends on what you want out of life. If you get married young, you will realize many dreams satisfy some desires right away perhaps. But it often means that you have to sacrifice other satisfactions, that may be even more important to you. You have to figure it out for yourself. Only you can answer: When should I marry?"
My wife and I married at 17 and 20 in the 80's so 30 years after this film was made. It was so easy to be married compared to how crazy our lives were up to that point so it's all relative. If you want to know more, read on: I made $3.65 an hour after my boss gave me a raise as a wedding gift. Rent was $200 month which was about 60 hours of work or 40% of my pay ($585/mo). I had a car that got 10 miles to the gallon. I spent about 15% of my pay on gas. It was cold were we lived and so heat cost about $90 in the winter. That was about 25% of my pay. Car insurance was another 8% of my pay. That left about 12% for everything else including a landline and the occasional long distance calls to relatives (8% to 10% of my pay). That wasn't working so my wife got a part-time after school job at the same place I worked for $3.10/hour (Min. Wage). We eloped so we had no wedding gifts so we had to buy things: towels, silverware, spices, phone, cleaning supplies, bed, couch, lamps, pots and pans, etc. with the leftover money. It was difficult to get credit cards back then since we had no credit so it was all cash. We had no TV for a long while. We just talked (*and stuff*) for hours. It's been 38 years now. It was still fun and I never felt like I missed out on anything. Actually I thought everyone else that were not doing this was missing out. Our marriage outlasted many of my friend's and family's marriages who waited until they were older and were more established. A lot of people thought we wouldn't make it 1 year. Lol. It was a challenge figuring things out, since we didn't know what we were doing and had very little family help. But it was fun. Like figuring out a puzzle. Before that, it was hard like figuring out a puzzle underwater blindfolded while the puzzle pieces disintegrate.
Those male friends he has are so rude lol just bragging about how much money they make an putting on loud music "forgetting" there's a baby sleeping.... good luck when they have kids one day
When you get much older you'll realize it's worse when people look down at you and keep their financial success unspoken. The fact that the men in the video bragged about how much they make is a sign that they still respect and see each other as equal instead of silently looking down at each each other. Yes it might be a prick of pain but that is reality, just like when siblings share success or failure to each other. Trust me, unspoken thing only spare the ego but will hurt more as it is accompanied by silent juging.
I know that no one has ever been perfect and no one ever will be, but sometimes it's hard to believe what some people do nowadays. Especially teens and adults, and older kids who should know better. Eating detergent sounds like something a small child would do out of curiosity. There's nothing wrong with having fun even in slightly childish ways, but acting stupid and immature is another story.
Doing anything in this world is pointless imo because of shit people, shit economy, shit ecosystems, just shit shit shit, sorry to rain on the parade, but, it's all useless now, this happens with literally everyone except a politician's family at this point. Disgusting and sad
I was disturbed by how detached the parents seemed from their child. Never even called the child a name, just “The Baby”. So strange. Also, I think the friends handled the whole crying baby situation so badly. Who would just up and leave because a baby woke up? And no one offered to hold the child or anything after she woke up? So strange. I think they needed better friends.
Consider that in their parents' or grandparents' generation infant mortality was way higher. Childhood illnesses killed many before they reached adolescence. Couldn't get too attached or view them as a person until you were sure they were going to stick around.
@@c.eb.1216 it could also be the then-popular child psychology theory developed in the 1920s that said that if you coddle your babies too much, then they’ll grow up to be entitled brats 😀 which isn’t true for babies at all btw… 😢 but probably true for kids aged 8-14 or so
It’s absolutely fascinating. I really feel like one of the reasons youth isn’t as mature as they seemingly used to be is because in the modern world there is no designated way to BE as a person. No consistent shared model for maturing as a man or a woman.
They aren't mature because they are young. Young people are mature are that way because of a tough childhood. Marriage doesn't make a person mature either.
Maybe the reason young adults aren't as mature is because there are very few ways to be as economically well off as the 1950s couples at their age. Being financially dependent longer without the ability to reach the same financial brackets as your parents could definitely lead to major cultural changes. When a law degree (or any other post-grad degree) is no longer a financially stable choice sure puts things in perspective.
"$10 in 1957 is equivalent in purchasing power to $89.41 in 2019." OxO $90 on a tablecloth... "$3.50 in 1957 is equivalent in purchasing power to $31.29 in 2019" $30 on flowers but no birthday present....
Go over accounts and costs together - no shock purchases, no execptions. Get help from their parents with baby sitting - they act like they are all alone - they are not, at least back then. A $90 table cloth ? You can buy a full living room of used furniture for $60. Estate Sales sell better than store items, usually much cheaper, and you are helping out the family by buying the things they can't store or use any longer - since their loved one passed away. Now a Days - you can buy a full house full of all you need direct from E-Bay. All used, all saving money. Getting married should have a nice wedding, reception, honeymoon, and some starting out funds and gifts from family too. It's good to marry young if you feel it is right, and both people dedicate their love for each other and to the Lord. Whatever their faith or religion, every marriage is a 3 way deal, two people brought together by the Creator... What ever faith they share, they are committing for life, and to grow a new family, be it 1 child or a dozen... A life time of love, family, and caring for each other - everyone needs a family !
@@SeaJay_Oceans I'm with you. I agree with everything except the end bit. :) You don't NEED a reception, wedding or honeymoon/money/gifts. They're nice to have, but you can also save by going to the church or courthouse and getting a stripped down, bare bones ceremony with only the people you NEED/want present. I'm not religious (nor interested in a family of my own), so I don't really know what a religious ceremony needs - but as far as I can tell (based on my friend's wedding) - you really only need the priest, parents (not sure if this is needed), 2 witnesses, and the couple. But I agree with your sentiment - you really don't need the world to get married. You really only need common sense, to live within your means, and a partner - key word : PARTNER. no weird surprise purchases with no discussion . sheesh. $90 on a tablecloth!!! Also also!! I LOVE estate sales!!! :D
@@hv9988 Marraige is a mission, a purpose - it's not just playing house, it's a decision to become closer to each other and closer to the Creator - because you can and will create new people if you are healthy and willing... Planning, and help from family, and a few good breaks - go a long way ! :-) Think of the thousands of generations that came before you to TRANSMIT the gift of Life over Time to You. Don't let all their hopes and dreams die with you. Think. Your Great great grand children's children are depending on you to make the right choices today... or They all die, before they were ever born. YOU can save them, and you will save them, God Willing...
@@susanlagerquist8248 Anymore, a masters feels more and more required. I have a bachelors jn economics, and I'm fighting a few hundred others for $40k a year. I more or less have to get a masters to get beyond that sooner or later.
@@tromboner6061 That, i am afraid, is a silly assumption. If anything, kids now are more overwhelmed with high school studies and college work. The need for education is more and more desperately necessary. Survival is harder as costs keep rising. Depression in young people from the pressure of families and schools, is higher, and there is more and more cheating because the pressure of load and costs are so high. Which means less qualified people taking jobs they are unable to do properly. Do people in my age group deserve more respect, because the times we grew up in were different, and education not so necessary to earning a good living, and the costs of education so much cheaper? My older sister took a year off to work, back in the sixties, so that she could pay for her senior year at university. As a forty some year old, i could not finish college after divorce, because i had two teen agers to feed and house and an ex who punished me, by ignoring his duty to his children. I worked what ever jobs i could find, just to help us survive until they graduated from high school. Now a days people donate from birth onward to college funds, and that isn’t enough for lower income families to educate one child, let alone a second or third child. Student debt can be a life long debt that people pay for with their “estate” which may be a used car, or what ever they have left, and the right wing wants their children burdened with the debt that the last generation could not earn enough to pay, in effect, even death is no escape from the rising costs of living. Respect? Well, i think that something is about to give, frankly. People tend to rebel against the tyranny of the privileged who pay to hire the lawmakers who will pass laws that keep the wealthy empowered. It is well to remember our history. This nation fought a Revolution against the privileged who barred their freedom to vote for their representatives, among other things. It wasn’t the first time the repressed population rebelled, but what we gained was a new nation based on ethics, equality, and human freedom, the same things under attack by the right wing today. Let us hope we can regain those rights with our Constitutional votes. We may not be so lucky in the next revolution, and a whole lot more people exist now, which means a whole lot more will die in such a war. Personally, i would rather vote. At my age i would likely not survive a war, nor would my grandchildren.
Deanna Maldonado Likely she has no washer either so she’s washing in the sink. Apartments didn’t have washers and dryers back then, you went to the laundromat.
There was no dryer in those days. Even in Europe and Middle Eastern rich countries still, don't have a dryer. People hang their clothes to dry on the clothesline. Saves energy. I like that.
@@TheConservativeHippie It's true :D it also helps with preserving colour, especially black clothes, and prevents them from shrinking. The smell is amazing too
When I was 19 I could not afford to marry my wife. We still lived in the same house ( my parents) but in our own separate rooms. We shared as much time together as we could reasonably spare. In a sense we were married in all ways but the one that people think of. That was all fifty years ago now. We remain the closest of friends. In fact we are more alike than even the identical twins that I used to teach. Being together early gave us the chance to grow together and to really become one person in two bodies.
I want to add to my statement that marriage is not a wedding ceremony. Or a public display. It is a state of mind. Many people who have had the wedding have never experienced the absolute joy of a marriage. Which is their loss.
People have the same relationship problems now, they just don't show them on reality TV. People think marriage/living with a partner is easy and happy and doesn't involve sacrifice which is why so many become dissatisfied and break up. Something realistic like this (but a modern version) on TV might actually do people a lot of good by educating them on what a real committed relationship looks like.
I got married when my husband and I were 22. My husband was still in undergrad. We had a baby right off, and he still went to med school, and residency. We were poor, especially during med school, and the first 10 years were spent building his career and our family (I had 5 kids by the end of residency). I am glad we didn't wait till he was done with training. We would just be starting our family now (we are 33) and would have missed out on so much growth and joy.
Young love is so good, and you are more able to relate with younger generation. Stay happy, treat every hurdle with enthusiasm and make life fun and be grateful.❤
I think it would make both of them feel better if one of them would just straighten the horribly crooked picture frame in the left side of the screen at 6:27
Good video. I like that the couples' arguments sounded real and not like they were written by out of touch people. I also appreciate that the problems were portrayed with restraint and not cartoonishly over the top.
It doesn't matter what time people live in. There were 19 and 18 year olds out there that looked younger too and there is nothing wrong with that plus its not their fault either.
My nephews always tell me: aunt, go with us to ___ site, but wear some makeup because with your glasses and braces you look like our age. I only have 7 years ahead and I'll be 29 this year. When I tell people I've been married for 4 years and we dated 8 years people jump and ask me if i met him on school or what haha. They sometimes miss my age for almost a decade, depending on how I'm dressed or my makeup that day but at least 5 years missed always. It's a plus.
Real friends would have offered a hand; he's the reason the baby became fussy after all! If it's true that even friendships in those days were formal, I can understand them leaving, but it still begs the question.. _Who forgets their friend has a freakin' baby??_
I guess the baby needed to be kept in a crib, behind a screen ? Like its impossible to enjoy your cake while someone is sitting there with a baby on their lap at the table, lol. We had a bunch of kids, luckily our friends were ok with eating and drinking around them and we didn't have to cage them or we would have had no social life whatsoever.
Many don't know how to handle disappointment, concern, frustration or irritation without being disrespectful. They react emotionally, they say unkind words, they falsely accuse, and it creates division between the two people, doing damage and breaking trust. If one wants to be respected, they must treat the other with respect, in order for the relationship to survive. It really comes down to that, and it must be the daily norm, not an off and on again "appearance" of respect. One must commit themselves to learning how to express their concerns without injuring the other with their words, and then follow through by maintaining that respect 24/7. Love is respectful. There is no disrespect in love.
Yes, this is how we lived. I watch these and get very nostalgic. Feminism brought the disintegration of these values.. it’s been downhill ever since the 60’s.
Out of high school over 40 + yrs, never married, never had children. But, there is a lot of things that have happened in my life that would explain my situation. I can’t complain either. I am in my 60’s now, moved from Ohio to Hawaii 30 + yrs ago....and am very happy. GOD has taken care of me EVERY STEP OF THE complaints here. Today was absolutely BEAUTIFUL. Thank YOU, GOD. Happy Independence Day, everybody. 7/4/2019.
@@mustardpacket9209 6/27/2021: EXTREMELY...with beautiful sun & trade winds. Hahahahaha, “Mustard Packet”. By the way, have you accepted JESUS? JESUS IS COMING soon....want to see you on THE ARK of SAFETY. JESUS is THE ARK of SAFETY.
That's why it's best to get education first. Work on yourself first before starting a life with someone else. It's not fair for the other person to put everything on hold for you.
Well times have definitely changed. I'm 31, looking back at myself at the age of 19, getting married would have been a terrible decision back then. I got married 10 years later. With all ups and downs, I'm not regretting this. I think it's quite natural we take things slower these days because of the life expectancy growth even in developing countries.
Life expectancy is going down and life expectancy should be up to 30. If you dont reproduce by then, the society doesn't have continuity and everybody suffers.
I had a beautiful apartment 1 year after high school. My brother got married at 18. His kids are now 20, they moved out. He got to know how it felt to have a family, and still young enough to join the rest of his life.And was able to retired at 38.
At 11:25 the dude is helping his wife around the house! The 50's are nothing like I expected. These videos are not that outdated and they have a lot of wisdom to offer.
That's true! I hate this propaganda, it doesn't make any sense if you think about it. Yes, time influences societies values, but at the end of the day it depends on the person how they behave! Just because we live in the 21st century, doesn't mean all men suddenly help around the house. No, it depends on the couple how they structure their life and if you love somebody, you will help them.
being 21 having never had a girlfriend makes watching this very sad, I always figured I'd have someone by now, boy was I wrong. Hopefully I can find someone before I get to old. Edit: it gets better as long as you consistently put in effort
Start by making friends with girls you like. Often friendship grows into love. But if it doesn't you will have a loyal friend who may even introduce you to your future wife. Learn to walk before you run.
@@cardboardcapeii4286 if I could give my 18 year old self any advice I would say start putting yourself in more positions to talk with people, especially women, now obviously taking advice from me is not the best idea given my record but it's helped me the most
I feel the same way bc I'm 22 and have never had a boyfriend! It gets super lonely sometimes because you wonder if there's something wrong with you or start feeling like you're behind everyone else. The thing I try to remind myself is that a) the pandemic messed up our timelines (I, at least, was limiting social interaction for 2 years) and b) everyone moves at their own pace. There's people who get married at 18 and there's also people who only find their person when they're 60. As much as society and social media and hook-up culture likes to pressure us, the reality is much more of a broad spectrum when it comes to love. Best of luck to both of us!
the first guy is the WORST! She has to go to work ANd also clean and cook All the guy does is read a book all day and eat he doenst even do the chores while she works hard all day Then he gets pissed at her for spending her own money
Pretty awful spin on your part regarding their situation. He's studying to be a lawyer so they can have a better future together. That's much more than "reading a book". You make it sound as if he's reading Archie comics. As for the spending, he's worried about the budget. Since she supports him, it's THEIR money, not "her" money. When he starts making big bucks at a law firm, would you have a "it's HIS money, she has zero say so in how it's spent" attitude? I think not.
@Ayanna Mett Sure he did. It was an emotional outburst that was uncalled for. But they calmed down and discussed it. It was uncalled for to say he was "just reading a book". No, he was STUDYING.
ok but it was an almost $100 (in today’s money) table cloth. And when you’re on a tight budget somebody randomly spending $100 isn’t going to go over very well.
Raffaella Vitiello you’re quite right about that, nowadays parents let their kids walk all over them without any respect whatsoever. Don’t get me wrong there’s nothing bad About spoiling your kids and letting them have fun, but there must be a time Where you have to be the boss in the house and discipline your kids and set them straight just not too much though
Very wise words from Dr. Hamilton that stand true today. A lot of people should think long and hard before getting married, whether younger or older, and certain questions, like the ones Doctor Hamilton brought up, should be asked. Being able to answer these questions doesn't guarantee a successful marriage, of course, but at least they'd give people time to think and, maybe, figure out what they actually want instead of rushing into things. Having said this, I am fully aware that some marriages that happened after a very short time of the couple knowing each other can be long and successful. My parents are an excellent example of this. They met 1 June 1969 and married 9 August 1969. They did have a lot of struggles because of differences in their backgrounds, but, in the end, they learned to work together and to not just give up at the first sign of trouble. They were married 52 1/2 years when Mom (RIP) passed at the end of January 2022, and theirs is an example of what standing together and working hard to make a marriage work in spite of their many differences is.
Ohhh how I remember these Text Films from junior high and high school. These were shown in the early to mid 60s. Wish I paid closer attention to some of these films too!
How can that lady think her apartment looks like a dump? I think it looks like a charming starter home. Meanwhile, I'm currently renting a furnished subdivision for a couple of months, and it doesn't even have a kitchen table, oven, or a proper stove. Aside from the lack of a full kitchen, it's a nice space, don't get me wrong, but it would be nice to be able to make lasagna once in a while.....
What I learnt? Love will not be enough, it will be a catalyse for endurance and persistence during certain periods, but it may not be the sole reason to get into a commitment!!! Oh and inviting friends over for your husband is *SWELL*
most comment seem to forget that similar background is key. When all else fails, it's good to have similar principle and moral foundations that both return to. If not, it pulls them apart.
Single or married, life will challenge you. Over the last 32 years, my wife and I have found that life together is a hell of a lot better than lfe alone. Best advice we can offer, don't love yourself more than the other person. Don't love the other person more than you love yourself. Both of you must love the relationship more than than the prior. "Endurance is more important than truth. Without edurance there can't be truth. And truth means going to the end like you mean it..." -Henry Charles Bukowski
Here's the thing, getting married young looks different for different people. For some people it means that they have trouble progressing forward, but that's really not always the case. If you can get a good scholarship, then a person can actually get married and live on the stipend or the job provided by the school. Some other couples make it work in other ways. I think for most couples who married young, they look back at those first years as really hard financially, but wouldn't trade them for years apart but financially stable because they got to spend that time together. There's a joy and a sweetness about growing together and building your lives together instead of apart. Nowadays some couples live together before getting married and still go to school. Marriage should not make much of a difference...and it does help with taxes!
- have you known each other long enough, to know if it’s the right one? - responsibilities of a marriage, earning n saving money, managing a home? - would marrying now, cut off a career before it started? -are we grown up enough to handel all things to happen in marriage, ups downs disappointment, emotional upsets, real life?
In 1957, the average age if a first-time bride was 20; and the average age of a first-time groom was 21. Today, the average ages of a first-time bride and groom are both around 30.
In 1900 the average age at marriage was 26 for the groom. The 1950s was a historical low for marriage age. Hence why videos like this were made: even their parents were concerned that they were too young.
My grandmother looked old and she was 55, yet now I’m older than her and I wear attractive clothing and I style hair well and I don’t look anywhere near 63. I think women back then wore dresses all the time and style their hair to the point where they looked old
I love these videos. I'm 74 and understand what it used to be like in the days when people were more responsible for their own actions and realized that society was a moral compass.
1. She's supporting them both while he goes to law school. 2. He gets his law degree and passes the bar. 3. He leaves her for a younger woman. 4. The End.
@@elliemathews6884 well my boyfriend and I we've been going steady for almost 2 years now we are attending separate colleges but in the same city because we want to focus on our Education First we both determined that we should get our degrees before we even consider marriage
Fortunately, I was married to a good man (he passed away some years back) but in my many years walking this Earth, I saw it happen to other ladies...a lot!
This message couldn’t have come at a right time. Even though I’m in my early 30 s, in terms of where I stand in life is similar to a 20 year old. The main reason I’m still here is being in wrong relationships in the first place. I still try dating just to keep up with others or to please my mother, yet deep down I know I’m not ready. Thanks for the amazing content ❤
Almost 20 years after this film was produced, my high school home economics teacher was still showing it. We were freshmen and couldn't begin to identify with anything or anyone in these films...
Very good advice. I wish RUclips was around in 1994 before I got married!? I could have done with this advice and either delayed marriage, chosen someone else or not get married at all. However, hindsight is a wonderful thing and the past never going to be any different to what it was. The main thing is to make the most of your life in the present 🙏🙏
Gesú Cristo why is that so hard to believe? Watch plenty of older movies and tv shows and they show men cleaning. On Leave it to Beaver Mr. Cleaver is always helping his wife wash the dishes. Things aren’t always so black and white.
Giovanni Bonanno I’ve watched plenty of tv shows and videos where men won’t even open the refrigerator for weeks because their wives always get everything
Alright, that was kinda rude, sorry. Basically, throughout history different people have had different reactions to things like "women belong in the kitchen". That reaction is not always agreement, and tends to be shades of grey. Trust me, even with negative things, humans will NEVER completely agree. :)
I think these things are so cute! I'm also obsessed with their dresses. I cannot wait until I can get enough money and buy myself a bunch of vintage style dresses to wear out and to work teaching (that's the one positive about working as an English teacher and not a dance teacher this year. I can actually wear nice things and not have to change to be able to move).
@@iAmAFighter85 Well, hard to say. Depends partly on where you live. People (usually ladies) who work on their own at home who sew often have very reasonable rates. The folks we hear of word of mouth, not those with storefronts, marketing/advertising and the like. I've just noticed very high prices at the vintage shops where I live. Still, these dresses are wonderful! The patterns are not complicated or terribly involved. I hope, one way or another, you will obtain them and enjoy them! :) PS End of season sales at the vintage shops may bring some better prices...
@@iAmAFighter85 I know you'll have fun with this. I remember my mom and my aunt sewing for us. Perhaps you'll find someone, or a nice vintage shop with nice pricing :)
Yeah, he's an actor, but look at any street scene or crowd shot from the 1940's to the mid-1960's and the vast majority of people were relatively thin, well-groomed and nicely dressed. They look terrific! Contrast that to a street scene/crowd shot of today and you'll wonder: how did we so quickly degenerate into a species of fat, slovenly dressed slobs?
I was 19 or 20 and attended classes at the branch campus of the university. I lived at home still with Mom & Dad and I worked about 35 hours a week. I drove my junky 14 year old car around town and to school. I was in a History class and there was this girl that sat next to me and during lecture when I was bored, I looked around and when I looked at her, she would always instantly smile. She was a nice girl but at that point in my life, I did not know how to include a girl that liked me into my life. I was flattered and regret that I didn't at least try to be more open.
As a couple who married young. (18, we 20 now) Its definitely difficult even with no kids. Even now in days. But i wouldn't trade anything for it. No matter what situation, we always have each other. 😌
These videos are really helping me with making some decisions in my life. My honey bunny and I decided to pray and wait on the Lord to reunite us, after college and school. It was a major leap of faith for us since we were making our plans for marriage, the house, the babies everything. We wanted to do it all together, but being 20 we knew that we would struggle very hard. We didn’t want to sacrifice everything even our own relationship... so when the Lord said to surrender we did. A month ago, he passed his ASVAB for the navy with a very high score. He was able to choose any career and decided to dedicate his time to the Nuke program. I on the other hand, have been studying and praying on getting into a 20 month nursing program. If we were to jump without the Lords guidance we would not have been prepared for the opportunities God had for our future. I would get possibly get pregnant and travel with him all over the world. I would be so busy, that I wouldn’t have the time to study or even enter a nursing program. The Lord has very big plans for the both of us and I pray that he’d draw us closer to each other everyday, even if we are not talking. I pray that we would both have faith in the promise that we both have made to each other. I love this young man with all my heart and through Christ Jesus, I will wait to become his wife.❤️
🥺❤️bless you! What a beautiful approach sis. May Abba bless y’all with a wonderful marriage when its time ✨🤍 well done on involving Him in your process! Would love to know how it turned out for you two🤗
You won't believe what happened, remember that comment with 400 likes? Yea I changed it to say something edgy and make people laugh by reading the replies and RUclips immediately terminated it. I'm pretty mad rn at how censored this platform is.
heres what the guy is really saying: "lets see how bad i can make you feel about yourself so you dont want to be happy anymore and second guess everything you think"
This felt alot like my past relationship i had with my ex... im 26 and lived in what u would call a "modern relationship " but in reality i was in my constant fear of being physically abused if i didn't please my partner.. a literal nightmare
*Who else is binge watching old 50s PSA videos???*
I assume its not just you.
Me! : )))
They where so wise and simple.
Simple as it should be i mean.
I'm trying to learn by watching then.
man i miss the days when a part time summer job could fund a year of college.
Depends on the college, but you could make it work with community college. Not ideal for everyone, but I don;t see anything wrong with it. This is all pending of course that the student still has the luxury of being at home. That's how that worked even at the time of this video.
Community college you can definitely fund that
Silly Rabbit not where I live. You could barely cover a whole semester of community college working part time for a summer.
My community college is $10,000 roughly a year
that’s incredible! 18 and 19, financially responsible, considering marriage. how times have changed
Juuj Blame single moms, for pussifying their boys, and pushing out the father.
steveb, that's what my parents did. It was normal for everyone to do that.
Opps. Sorry. :-) I feel lucky to be born in that time.
IHeartCryptoverse Really?! Are you sure that's not your nostalgia talking?
But lucky for you, *YOU'RE* getting social security for sure.
Juuj The age makes sense if you are a Bible believer, if you stay single longer then you will end up sleeping around.
Okay. I got married in 1979 at 17 years old. My husband was still in engineering school and we lived in campus housing very much like the apartment this couple was in. We also had two babies while he was still in school. Nearly forty years later, we're still married and it worked out fine. Just saying.
Aww this warms my heart honestly congratulations I wish you nothing but the best for the rest of your life together!!💛
@mel-y-luna i hope you and your significant other are happy together for many more years :)
Welp, I guess thats all we need to know. ;)
lisalu910 wow, that really is what love means: regardless of what life throws your way, easy or difficult, your able to see things through together and prosper because of your mutual commitment to one another, which isn’t a difficult thing to do if said love is real. I hope you and your family see many more happy years ☺️
these days it's not like that LOL
This old video still has a good message. Everybody does need to make sure they're mature enough and ready for a big commitment like marriage, before going through with it.
Agree. These days, people marry and then they divorce quickly.
Tia Marie True, that RULE has never changed.
Can you imagine people even asking for advice these days? They’d be posting “she said yes” announcements on Facebook and planning their Instagram wedding.
This video would help a lot of people out. People do not know what they are getting into.
I completely agree! It's sad to see so many people divorced 💔
Summary: Only you can decide when you should marry.
Great advice. Well thought out answer.
Then it's settled then I will get married when I'm at a college I have my degree in education and I got a job
I want to get married and start having kids as soon as I get my CDL, or at least before I'm 25.
Summary don't marry a moron
& prevent forest fires.
How much was the table cloth
Well I got it on sale.........
(Never a good start of a sentence)
How much was it
It was 9.99
TeN BuCkS????!!!!
(I just checked and 10 bucks was equivalent to 100 dollars in the fifty’s.... WTF BETTY YOU PAID 100 DOLLARS ON A TABLE CLOTH)
IT WAS IRISH LINEN!!! And on sale...
And don't forget the 8 napkins!
But when they entertain 6 people do you expect her to use plain old cotton?
An $8 College textbook why don't we have that right now why is America trying to run us all into The Poorhouse
TheOneAndOnlyOmelette When we used to start a sentence with WELLLLLL. My mom would say, A “WELL” is a hole in the ground, Jada.
Everyone was acting so awkward at the birthday party. Those friends never saw a baby cry before?
It's not that, it's just that they were young and not used to it and didn't know how to act, and plus they didn't want to inconvenience the parents and keep the baby awake.
You're right. 1950s America, when everyone had 5 or 6 brothers & sisters, they could've been 10-15 years older than their youngest sibling...
@@EphemeralProductions I didn't understand the part where they left so early,
Did they try to be polite to their friends by making an excuse as to not disturb their baby?
Or did they leave early cause the party seemed to be lame because of the baby?
@@Himerosteam they probably didn't know what to do. The polite thing to do would be to tidy up after themselves in the kitchen while the parents are tending to the baby. Or at least stick around to see if they need someone else to hold the baby, because that can sometimes help settle the baby too.
@@Himerosteam probably both
I wish books were still 8 bucks 😂
I have an accounting textbook that we have to use for 3 classes and it costs $600. I found a pdf online but I can’t believe my classmates paid for that
Do you even know what inflation is?
@@Feliciatanktop Nursing school books cost $800 each--back in 2008.
Josiah Nkele it’s just the thought of 8$ now bro
LOL when $10 seemed like a 100
Ana P saving a quarter at a time for a $8 text book and that harlot bought a tablecloth for $10!
Factoring in inflation it was close to that, $10.00 in 1951 is equal to $97.26 in today's money.
@@ziutasow2244 First of all it was her fucking money! She's allowed to spend it on whatever the fuck she wants.She's supporting this useful piece of trash he should be great full! Has no right to complain about money that isnt even his to began with.
@E.P.I.C. You defending rape says a lot about you as a person. Thinking that you can take anything you want from another person just because you are married is ridiculous.
@E.P.I.C. I agree, and I think I'm the only one who thinks that you aren't supporting rape but just making a statement on the matter, all you did was assume that from their attitude they might support "marital rape" because they have a femanazi attitude and think everything is "rape"
This is actually giving great advice: don’t rush into marriage.
I wish I had seen this video a long time ago.
@@gingermarie551 O lovely lady may god bless you and give you the strength and power to overcome your obstacles in your life ( if you find any mistakes regarding to spelling or grammar then i want to tell you i m from india and my English is weak but try to understand what i said you , because nowadays i m struggling too)
@@sureshsharma3285you’re English was amazing
@@solofemaletravelerme nah- it’s best not to rush. The odd couple who can make it work after a month exists, but that doesn’t mean everyone should rush into a marriage. Abuse also happens, but again, it doesn’t mean fast marriage is the answer. If the couples who faced abuse had rushed into marriage, the abuse would still happen.
Dated, but this is still solid advice. Marriage doesn't have to change everything about your relationship, but the stressors that come with it--especially money management and babies, if you choose to have any--will definitely change the dynamic between you and your partner. You need to make sure _before_ you get engaged that you two are on the same page about what you want and what you're willing to compromise on, and be as aware as you can be about the sacrifices that may need to be made in support of the new life you're building with your partner. After all, "when the honeymoon is over, the marriage begins," and if you're not ready or mature enough for it yet, there's nothing wrong with waiting until you are.
Don’t marry Chris Watts.
@@countessratzass5408 omfg..i came here to get away from him. Thanks, pal.
People didnt exactly choose when to have kids back then. There were very few birth control options. The pill was invented in 1972.
The pill was approved by the FDA in 1960. It was invented in the 1950s.
@@dynodish that's true, but there were still other methods available then, like condoms and spermicide. Both probably frowned upon to use in marriage, but it's not like the picture of the ideal nuclear family was having 5 or 8 kids. People were doing something to prevent pregnancy before the pill was more widely available and acceptable to use. *shrug
He put it very nicely: "It all depends on what you want out of life. If you get married young, you will realize many dreams satisfy some desires right away perhaps. But it often means that you have to sacrifice other satisfactions, that may be even more important to you. You have to figure it out for yourself. Only you can answer: When should I marry?"
My wife and I married at 17 and 20 in the 80's so 30 years after this film was made. It was so easy to be married compared to how crazy our lives were up to that point so it's all relative. If you want to know more, read on:
I made $3.65 an hour after my boss gave me a raise as a wedding gift. Rent was $200 month which was about 60 hours of work or 40% of my pay ($585/mo). I had a car that got 10 miles to the gallon. I spent about 15% of my pay on gas. It was cold were we lived and so heat cost about $90 in the winter. That was about 25% of my pay. Car insurance was another 8% of my pay. That left about 12% for everything else including a landline and the occasional long distance calls to relatives (8% to 10% of my pay). That wasn't working so my wife got a part-time after school job at the same place I worked for $3.10/hour (Min. Wage). We eloped so we had no wedding gifts so we had to buy things: towels, silverware, spices, phone, cleaning supplies, bed, couch, lamps, pots and pans, etc. with the leftover money. It was difficult to get credit cards back then since we had no credit so it was all cash. We had no TV for a long while. We just talked (*and stuff*) for hours. It's been 38 years now. It was still fun and I never felt like I missed out on anything. Actually I thought everyone else that were not doing this was missing out. Our marriage outlasted many of my friend's and family's marriages who waited until they were older and were more established. A lot of people thought we wouldn't make it 1 year. Lol. It was a challenge figuring things out, since we didn't know what we were doing and had very little family help. But it was fun. Like figuring out a puzzle. Before that, it was hard like figuring out a puzzle underwater blindfolded while the puzzle pieces disintegrate.
Wow ❤
Best comment on RUclips! Contentment and gratitude go s long way in marriage!!
Beautiful testimonial to commitment in a marriage. And you ended up with the fruits of your labour 👏
That’s creepy that an adult was interested in a teenager, then married the teenager!
We met when we were both under 18. There is nothing more normal than teen love.@@spybubbble
The actors deserve their name mentioned in credits. Fabulous performances
Love ur display pic 🐦
$10 tablecloth?? Wow imagine if that girl had an amazon prime account, he would probably have a heart attack
Its more like spending 100$ back then
Joe inflation
Love this comment.
Those male friends he has are so rude lol just bragging about how much money they make an putting on loud music "forgetting" there's a baby sleeping.... good luck when they have kids one day
Lol agreed
I know! Then they had the nerve to bail out, rather than helping. They could have at least done the dishes while the parents were feeding the baby.
And they were also in a hurry to leave
As the fifties motto goes “boys will be boys”
When you get much older you'll realize it's worse when people look down at you and keep their financial success unspoken. The fact that the men in the video bragged about how much they make is a sign that they still respect and see each other as equal instead of silently looking down at each each other. Yes it might be a prick of pain but that is reality, just like when siblings share success or failure to each other. Trust me, unspoken thing only spare the ego but will hurt more as it is accompanied by silent juging.
20!? HE'S 20! Meanwhile, we currently have 20 year old guys running around in morph suits eating tide pods.
Alicia Patton lmao morph suits 😂😂😂 men and women have definitely regressed
I know that no one has ever been perfect and no one ever will be, but sometimes it's hard to believe what some people do nowadays. Especially teens and adults, and older kids who should know better. Eating detergent sounds like something a small child would do out of curiosity. There's nothing wrong with having fun even in slightly childish ways, but acting stupid and immature is another story.
Alicia Patton lol yes sooooo sad
Sofia Bravo yes so sad
Tia Marie thats the DIFFERENCE between childish and child like....
They never ate the cake 😢
The cake is a lie
That's the saddest part of the video.
@@CrossingTheStreetArt you beat me to it
I grew up in a culture where getting married (and even having kids) during college was encouraged and glamorized, so this is fascinating!
What culture?
@@WhiteChocolate74 Mormonism
What, WoW!
Doing anything in this world is pointless imo because of shit people, shit economy, shit ecosystems, just shit shit shit, sorry to rain on the parade, but, it's all useless now, this happens with literally everyone except a politician's family at this point. Disgusting and sad
Like the film Mona Lisa's smile
WTF why am i watching. I'm not even getting married soon
It's good to be informed. If you can see the lesson from this.
I'm not even getting dating anytime soon lol
I'm not even dating anyone and I'm watching this! Hahahah
I’m not even in a relationship
I was disturbed by how detached the parents seemed from their child. Never even called the child a name, just “The Baby”. So strange. Also, I think the friends handled the whole crying baby situation so badly. Who would just up and leave because a baby woke up? And no one offered to hold the child or anything after she woke up? So strange. I think they needed better friends.
Consider that in their parents' or grandparents' generation infant mortality was way higher. Childhood illnesses killed many before they reached adolescence. Couldn't get too attached or view them as a person until you were sure they were going to stick around.
It's propaganda not marry young
They definitely needed better friends… the friends were so braggy about having more money or more education than them 🙄
@@c.eb.1216 it could also be the then-popular child psychology theory developed in the 1920s that said that if you coddle your babies too much, then they’ll grow up to be entitled brats 😀 which isn’t true for babies at all btw… 😢 but probably true for kids aged 8-14 or so
Causee they r kids themselves and acting like kids. I wish my parents were older when they married and had kids.
It’s absolutely fascinating. I really feel like one of the reasons youth isn’t as mature as they seemingly used to be is because in the modern world there is no designated way to BE as a person. No consistent shared model for maturing as a man or a woman.
gavin bp oh PREACH sad really
very insightful
Interesting point! Most people don’t have a good role model.
They aren't mature because they are young. Young people are mature are that way because of a tough childhood. Marriage doesn't make a person mature either.
Maybe the reason young adults aren't as mature is because there are very few ways to be as economically well off as the 1950s couples at their age. Being financially dependent longer without the ability to reach the same financial brackets as your parents could definitely lead to major cultural changes. When a law degree (or any other post-grad degree) is no longer a financially stable choice sure puts things in perspective.
What jerks putting on the loud record without asking. Even if I didn't have a baby I would of been pissed off.
"$10 in 1957 is equivalent in purchasing power to $89.41 in 2019." OxO $90 on a tablecloth... "$3.50 in 1957 is equivalent in purchasing power to $31.29 in 2019" $30 on flowers but no birthday present....
HV H 😂😂😂
He thought she was cheating when she has flowers but no present for him
Go over accounts and costs together - no shock purchases, no execptions. Get help from their parents with baby sitting - they act like they are all alone - they are not, at least back then. A $90 table cloth ? You can buy a full living room of used furniture for $60. Estate Sales sell better than store items, usually much cheaper, and you are helping out the family by buying the things they can't store or use any longer - since their loved one passed away.
Now a Days - you can buy a full house full of all you need direct from E-Bay. All used, all saving money. Getting married should have a nice wedding, reception, honeymoon, and some starting out funds and gifts from family too. It's good to marry young if you feel it is right, and both people dedicate their love for each other and to the Lord. Whatever their faith or religion, every marriage is a 3 way deal, two people brought together by the Creator... What ever faith they share, they are committing for life, and to grow a new family, be it 1 child or a dozen...
A life time of love, family, and caring for each other - everyone needs a family !
@@SeaJay_Oceans I'm with you. I agree with everything except the end bit. :) You don't NEED a reception, wedding or honeymoon/money/gifts.
They're nice to have, but you can also save by going to the church or courthouse and getting a stripped down, bare bones ceremony with only the people you NEED/want present.
I'm not religious (nor interested in a family of my own), so I don't really know what a religious ceremony needs - but as far as I can tell (based on my friend's wedding) - you really only need the priest, parents (not sure if this is needed), 2 witnesses, and the couple.
But I agree with your sentiment - you really don't need the world to get married. You really only need common sense, to live within your means, and a partner - key word : PARTNER. no weird surprise purchases with no discussion . sheesh. $90 on a tablecloth!!!
Also also!! I LOVE estate sales!!! :D
@@hv9988 Marraige is a mission, a purpose - it's not just playing house, it's a decision to become closer to each other and closer to the Creator - because you can and will create new people if you are healthy and willing... Planning, and help from family, and a few good breaks - go a long way ! :-)
Think of the thousands of generations that came before you to TRANSMIT the gift of Life over Time to You. Don't let all their hopes and dreams die with you. Think. Your Great great grand children's children are depending on you to make the right choices today... or They all die, before they were ever born. YOU can save them, and you will save them, God Willing...
Ah, the good days when graduating high school was enough to work and even with a pretty good income.
Everyone I knew felt like they had to go to college. High school would not get you anywhere. Money was always tight, but eventually things got better.
@@susanlagerquist8248 Anymore, a masters feels more and more required. I have a bachelors jn economics, and I'm fighting a few hundred others for $40k a year. I more or less have to get a masters to get beyond that sooner or later.
@@cabbageguy6243 $40,000 aint bad
But people also put more effort in studying back then so they were DESERVING
@@tromboner6061 That, i am afraid, is a silly assumption. If anything, kids now are more overwhelmed with high school studies and college work. The need for education is more and more desperately necessary. Survival is harder as costs keep rising. Depression in young people from the pressure of families and schools, is higher, and there is more and more cheating because the pressure of load and costs are so high. Which means less qualified people taking jobs they are unable to do properly. Do people in my age group deserve more respect, because the times we grew up in were different, and education not so necessary to earning a good living, and the costs of education so much cheaper? My older sister took a year off to work, back in the sixties, so that she could pay for her senior year at university. As a forty some year old, i could not finish college after divorce, because i had two teen agers to feed and house and an ex who punished me, by ignoring his duty to his children. I worked what ever jobs i could find, just to help us survive until they graduated from high school. Now a days people donate from birth onward to college funds, and that isn’t enough for lower income families to educate one child, let alone a second or third child. Student debt can be a life long debt that people pay for with their “estate” which may be a used car, or what ever they have left, and the right wing wants their children burdened with the debt that the last generation could not earn enough to pay, in effect, even death is no escape from the rising costs of living. Respect? Well, i think that something is about to give, frankly. People tend to rebel against the tyranny of the privileged who pay to hire the lawmakers who will pass laws that keep the wealthy empowered. It is well to remember our history. This nation fought a Revolution against the privileged who barred their freedom to vote for their representatives, among other things. It wasn’t the first time the repressed population rebelled, but what we gained was a new nation based on ethics, equality, and human freedom, the same things under attack by the right wing today. Let us hope we can regain those rights with our Constitutional votes. We may not be so lucky in the next revolution, and a whole lot more people exist now, which means a whole lot more will die in such a war. Personally, i would rather vote. At my age i would likely not survive a war, nor would my grandchildren.
they've started a family and they're peers had to be home because their mom told them.
Love the bows on the dresses of the girls.
Me too!!!
She's hanging wash inside the house because they can't afford a dryer. He has the nerve to complain when someone else does his laundry.
But she passively aggressively hung a dripping towel over his homework, lol.
Deanna Maldonado
Likely she has no washer either so she’s washing in the sink. Apartments didn’t have washers and dryers back then, you went to the laundromat.
There was no dryer in those days. Even in Europe and Middle Eastern rich countries still, don't have a dryer. People hang their clothes to dry on the clothesline. Saves energy. I like that.
@@TheConservativeHippie It's true :D it also helps with preserving colour, especially black clothes, and prevents them from shrinking. The smell is amazing too
Catherine Crawford its what he deserves
When I was 19 I could not afford to marry my wife. We still lived in the same house ( my parents) but in our own separate rooms. We shared as much time together as we could reasonably spare. In a sense we were married in all ways but the one that people think of. That was all fifty years ago now. We remain the closest of friends. In fact we are more alike than even the identical twins that I used to teach. Being together early gave us the chance to grow together and to really become one person in two bodies.
I want to add to my statement that marriage is not a wedding ceremony. Or a public display. It is a state of mind. Many people who have had the wedding have never experienced the absolute joy of a marriage. Which is their loss.
Love this
This was actually pretty depressing to watch.
But that's life lol
@@vermin5367 yep
Vermin in the 50’s lmao
People have the same relationship problems now, they just don't show them on reality TV. People think marriage/living with a partner is easy and happy and doesn't involve sacrifice which is why so many become dissatisfied and break up. Something realistic like this (but a modern version) on TV might actually do people a lot of good by educating them on what a real committed relationship looks like.
I got married when my husband and I were 22. My husband was still in undergrad. We had a baby right off, and he still went to med school, and residency. We were poor, especially during med school, and the first 10 years were spent building his career and our family (I had 5 kids by the end of residency). I am glad we didn't wait till he was done with training. We would just be starting our family now (we are 33) and would have missed out on so much growth and joy.
Young love is so good, and you are more able to relate with younger generation. Stay happy, treat every hurdle with enthusiasm and make life fun and be grateful.❤
People underestimate the importance of starting a family young and growing together as a couple. Hardships forge marriage. And build character.
@@FoodFreedomUSAHardships are more likely to forge divorce nowadays
Watch out he doesn't pull a Daniel Broderick on you
Where do you live? It’s hard to go to med school while having a family where I’m from unless you have support from both sides of families.
I think it would make both of them feel better if one of them would just straighten the horribly crooked picture frame in the left side of the screen at 6:27
Daisy yes I agree
It might even make the baby smile.
Good video. I like that the couples' arguments sounded real and not like they were written by out of touch people. I also appreciate that the problems were portrayed with restraint and not cartoonishly over the top.
Damn this is better than most modern day lessons 10/10 would recommend showing this to young adolescence
man I can't convince anyone to believe I'm 19 because I look like "a child", these 18-20 year olds look like they're 30 oh how times change
😦 i feel you,and man,they were maturer
It doesn't matter what time people live in. There were 19 and 18 year olds out there that looked younger too and there is nothing wrong with that plus its not their fault either.
My nephews always tell me: aunt, go with us to ___ site, but wear some makeup because with your glasses and braces you look like our age. I only have 7 years ahead and I'll be 29 this year. When I tell people I've been married for 4 years and we dated 8 years people jump and ask me if i met him on school or what haha. They sometimes miss my age for almost a decade, depending on how I'm dressed or my makeup that day but at least 5 years missed always. It's a plus.
It could also be that they’re played by older actors?
I'm 19 and still in highschool..
Real friends would just hang out and be like, Whatever
That's kind of how friendships were back then. I get the vibe that things were a lot more formal.
Real friends would have offered a hand; he's the reason the baby became fussy after all! If it's true that even friendships in those days were formal, I can understand them leaving, but it still begs the question.. _Who forgets their friend has a freakin' baby??_
I guess the baby needed to be kept in a crib, behind a screen ? Like its impossible to enjoy your cake while someone is sitting there with a baby on their lap at the table, lol. We had a bunch of kids, luckily our friends were ok with eating and drinking around them and we didn't have to cage them or we would have had no social life whatsoever.
Earlier it said that they haven’t seen each other since high school, so it’s not too surprising.
They need better friends tbh. You need friends who support your relationship
The real question is why does nobody's suit fit
I thought it was what's wrong with Jim's eyes?
No one's clothes fit then. Women had it the worst. They made clothes for Barbie proportions. They hurt.
Nat That was the fashion then.
@@dynodish Depends on the body type. I assume smaller evenly proportioned women's clothes would've fit fine and not hurt.
Nat They bought it big like that so they can mentally and physically “grooooowwwww” into it.
These videos feature timeless advice that will never be out of style.
why does everyone sound so well mannered in their speech... i love it
Because the country was 90% Western European decent then…look up the demographic break down of this country until 1980 it was the reason why
"What about the baby?"
Hal, the baby doesn't have any money at all.
Not sure how much you could sell a baby for back then.
I love watching them as its an escapism from the mad rush of today...very calming
okay why am I watching these again at 2am
It's now 3am for me. Must stop, must stop, need sleep
Same here
Here I am ..6 months later at 2:13am AKST
You found more boring stuff on TV.
It’s 4:30 and I’ve been watching this shiznit since 1 am
I can’t get enough of these. It’s calming and unsettling at the same time, somehow.
4:58: "look, let's not argue. Go make me dinner." :)))
Many don't know how to handle disappointment, concern, frustration or irritation without being disrespectful. They react emotionally, they say unkind words, they falsely accuse, and it creates division between the two people, doing damage and breaking trust. If one wants to be respected, they must treat the other with respect, in order for the relationship to survive. It really comes down to that, and it must be the daily norm, not an off and on again "appearance" of respect. One must commit themselves to learning how to express their concerns without injuring the other with their words, and then follow through by maintaining that respect 24/7. Love is respectful. There is no disrespect in love.
Maybe I'm just old and easily entertained, but these old videos are fascinating. Thank you for this channel.
I'm 19 and I like them as well!
Rumor has it the baby STILL hasn't calmed down to this day.
Yes he's out doing drugs somewhere!👺
She'd be about 62 now
Yup. She wants to talk to your manager.
Is this how people communicated back then? Omg, they are so perfect and well spoken! I wonder if there are more videos like this one around????
I'm betting they only talked like this on tv
Yes, this is how we lived. I watch these and get very nostalgic. Feminism brought the disintegration of these values.. it’s been downhill ever since the 60’s.
@@MariaElena51185 Weirdo behaviour
bro what. this is a television documentary. the script wasn't written to be incoherent 💀
Out of high school over 40 + yrs, never married, never had children. But, there is a lot of things that have happened in my life that would explain my situation. I can’t complain either. I am in my 60’s now, moved from Ohio to Hawaii 30 + yrs ago....and am very happy. GOD has taken care of me EVERY STEP OF THE complaints here. Today was absolutely BEAUTIFUL. Thank YOU, GOD. Happy Independence Day, everybody. 7/4/2019.
There’s freedom in being single and child-free. I’m glad you’re happy. 🌺
Love the 'Big' Island.
@@poetcomic1 The BIG island of “Hawaii” and called Hawaii.
Hope the weather's good down in Hawaii 😎🤙, Greetings from Wisconsin.
@@mustardpacket9209 6/27/2021: EXTREMELY...with beautiful sun & trade winds. Hahahahaha, “Mustard Packet”. By the way, have you accepted JESUS? JESUS IS COMING soon....want to see you on THE ARK of SAFETY. JESUS is THE ARK of SAFETY.
That's why it's best to get education first. Work on yourself first before starting a life with someone else. It's not fair for the other person to put everything on hold for you.
Well times have definitely changed. I'm 31, looking back at myself at the age of 19, getting married would have been a terrible decision back then.
I got married 10 years later. With all ups and downs, I'm not regretting this. I think it's quite natural we take things slower these days because of the life expectancy growth even in developing countries.
Our Victorian ancestors tended to wait until their late 20s or even 30s to marry. Long engagements were the norm as couples established themselves.
Life expectancy is going down and life expectancy should be up to 30. If you dont reproduce by then, the society doesn't have continuity and everybody suffers.
I don’t ever plan on marrying but I found this interesting so I watched it. The guy staring at the camera every time he speaks got me😂
Some advice is so good it's TIMELESS. Absolutely love these 50's videos.
Bahahaha an 18-year-old and a 19-year-old have saved enough money to pay for a year of college. How times have changed.
I had a beautiful apartment 1 year after high school. My brother got married at 18. His kids are now 20, they moved out. He got to know how it felt to have a family, and still young enough to join the rest of his life.And was able to retired at 38.
“oH tHaTs sWeLl”
GoLLy Gee!
I love it when they say swell.
Both sets of grandparents married in 1951 at 21 and were married for 60 years. They had really lovely lives together
Yep, mine got engaged in 1950, then my grandfather went to Korea and they got married in 1953 when the war was over. 🤣
At 11:25 the dude is helping his wife around the house! The 50's are nothing like I expected. These videos are not that outdated and they have a lot of wisdom to offer.
That's true! I hate this propaganda, it doesn't make any sense if you think about it. Yes, time influences societies values, but at the end of the day it depends on the person how they behave! Just because we live in the 21st century, doesn't mean all men suddenly help around the house. No, it depends on the couple how they structure their life and if you love somebody, you will help them.
being 21 having never had a girlfriend makes watching this very sad, I always figured I'd have someone by now, boy was I wrong. Hopefully I can find someone before I get to old.
Edit: it gets better as long as you consistently put in effort
Start by making friends with girls you like. Often friendship grows into love. But if it doesn't you will have a loyal friend who may even introduce you to your future wife. Learn to walk before you run.
I’m like you but I’m 18
@@cardboardcapeii4286 if I could give my 18 year old self any advice I would say start putting yourself in more positions to talk with people, especially women, now obviously taking advice from me is not the best idea given my record but it's helped me the most
I feel the same way bc I'm 22 and have never had a boyfriend! It gets super lonely sometimes because you wonder if there's something wrong with you or start feeling like you're behind everyone else. The thing I try to remind myself is that a) the pandemic messed up our timelines (I, at least, was limiting social interaction for 2 years) and b) everyone moves at their own pace. There's people who get married at 18 and there's also people who only find their person when they're 60. As much as society and social media and hook-up culture likes to pressure us, the reality is much more of a broad spectrum when it comes to love. Best of luck to both of us!
Don't worry, man, there's always chances to find someone.
the first guy is the WORST!
She has to go to work
ANd also clean and cook
All the guy does is read a book all day and eat he doenst even do the chores while she works hard all day
Then he gets pissed at her for spending her own money
Pretty awful spin on your part regarding their situation. He's studying to be a lawyer so they can have a better future together. That's much more than "reading a book". You make it sound as if he's reading Archie comics. As for the spending, he's worried about the budget. Since she supports him, it's THEIR money, not "her" money. When he starts making big bucks at a law firm, would you have a "it's HIS money, she has zero say so in how it's spent" attitude? I think not.
@@robertromero8692 He will become a lawyer and get rich and walk out on her
@@hatetaxes1 What a cynical comment. I could just as easily say she'll divorce him and take the house and demand a ton of alimony.
@Ayanna Mett Sure he did. It was an emotional outburst that was uncalled for. But they calmed down and discussed it. It was uncalled for to say he was "just reading a book". No, he was STUDYING.
ok but it was an almost $100 (in today’s money) table cloth. And when you’re on a tight budget somebody randomly spending $100 isn’t going to go over very well.
This is a great example of keeping up with the neighbors peer pressure. Yeah stuff changes when you get married. But life doesn't end either!
I think RUclips started understanding how much these videos are important for the viewers. Thanks for recommending these videos.❤
Her birthday cake she made was beautiful
Since when do u put a baby to sleep by just saying good night
Um... I do. It's called sleep training. My 11 month old has been doing it since she's been 9 months. 🤷♀️
That is what we use to do, l did with my 5 children, and beleive me they did, it is call dicipline, something that does not exist today
@@marybarlow765 Waw, I've been having trouble getting my son to go to sleep independently and stay asleep
@@marybarlow765 thanks for the tip, I'm going to look this up on Mumsnet
Raffaella Vitiello you’re quite right about that, nowadays parents let their kids walk all over them without any respect whatsoever. Don’t get me wrong there’s nothing bad About spoiling your kids and letting them have fun, but there must be a time Where you have to be the boss in the house and discipline your kids and set them straight just not too much though
Its so weird how relevant this still is and has personally given me the best advice as my bf who's 20 wants to marry and I've only just turned 19.
I would definitely advise you to wait. Get your education and/or a good career.
Very wise words from Dr. Hamilton that stand true today. A lot of people should think long and hard before getting married, whether younger or older, and certain questions, like the ones Doctor Hamilton brought up, should be asked. Being able to answer these questions doesn't guarantee a successful marriage, of course, but at least they'd give people time to think and, maybe, figure out what they actually want instead of rushing into things.
Having said this, I am fully aware that some marriages that happened after a very short time of the couple knowing each other can be long and successful. My parents are an excellent example of this. They met 1 June 1969 and married 9 August 1969. They did have a lot of struggles because of differences in their backgrounds, but, in the end, they learned to work together and to not just give up at the first sign of trouble. They were married 52 1/2 years when Mom (RIP) passed at the end of January 2022, and theirs is an example of what standing together and working hard to make a marriage work in spite of their many differences is.
People should give divorce more thought than marriage.
Ohhh how I remember these Text Films from junior high and high school. These were shown in the early to mid 60s. Wish I paid closer attention to some of these films too!
How can that lady think her apartment looks like a dump? I think it looks like a charming starter home. Meanwhile, I'm currently renting a furnished subdivision for a couple of months, and it doesn't even have a kitchen table, oven, or a proper stove. Aside from the lack of a full kitchen, it's a nice space, don't get me wrong, but it would be nice to be able to make lasagna once in a while.....
8 dollar text books!!? Dang inflation is crazy! lol
Wealth is relative.
Right?! I spend like $200 for one University book
Would be like $80 today. So probably about right.
What I learnt?
Love will not be enough, it will be a catalyse for endurance and persistence during certain periods, but it may not be the sole reason to get into a commitment!!!
Oh and inviting friends over for your husband is *SWELL*
most comment seem to forget that similar background is key. When all else fails, it's good to have similar principle and moral foundations that both return to. If not, it pulls them apart.
Single or married, life will challenge you. Over the last 32 years, my wife and I have found that life together is a hell of a lot better than lfe alone. Best advice we can offer, don't love yourself more than the other person. Don't love the other person more than you love yourself. Both of you must love the relationship more than than the prior.
"Endurance is more important than truth. Without edurance there can't be truth. And truth means going to the end like you mean it..." -Henry Charles Bukowski
Here's the thing, getting married young looks different for different people. For some people it means that they have trouble progressing forward, but that's really not always the case. If you can get a good scholarship, then a person can actually get married and live on the stipend or the job provided by the school. Some other couples make it work in other ways. I think for most couples who married young, they look back at those first years as really hard financially, but wouldn't trade them for years apart but financially stable because they got to spend that time together. There's a joy and a sweetness about growing together and building your lives together instead of apart. Nowadays some couples live together before getting married and still go to school. Marriage should not make much of a difference...and it does help with taxes!
I hope youtube algorithm will highlight this kind of learnings.. Very beneficial. This is wisdom.
- have you known each other long enough, to know if it’s the right one?
- responsibilities of a marriage, earning n saving money, managing a home?
- would marrying now, cut off a career before it started?
-are we grown up enough to handel all things to happen in marriage, ups downs disappointment, emotional upsets, real life?
In 1957, the average age if a first-time bride was 20; and the average age of a first-time groom was 21.
Today, the average ages of a first-time bride and groom are both around 30.
And these brides and grooms are coming into the marriage having lots of experience 😎
In 1900 the average age at marriage was 26 for the groom. The 1950s was a historical low for marriage age. Hence why videos like this were made: even their parents were concerned that they were too young.
@@Username_647yes, experience with being drunk at parties, one night stands and STDs. Not to mention the commitment issues.
@@gray_marabut for girls it was 21. That's because at 26 the guy was really getting established and working so he could provide for a family.
Also I think if one is planning onto going to college they should finish and wait to get married that way it would be less of a hassle
People looked so much older than they really were back then.
The guy who was 20 looked like he was 50.
Mk3 the suit
Cuz they were grown up men,not the incompetent brats we see nowadays.
And also,many of them today still look good.😊
My grandmother looked old and she was 55, yet now I’m older than her and I wear attractive clothing and I style hair well and I don’t look anywhere near 63. I think women back then wore dresses all the time and style their hair to the point where they looked old
I think its cause mens test levels were higher and people dressed more formal and traditional
WWII caused guys to grow up in a hurry
I love these videos. I'm 74 and understand what it used to be like in the days when people were more responsible for their own actions and realized that society was a moral compass.
I wish this dude was my guidance counselor before I got married, and eventually divorced.
1. She's supporting them both while he goes to law school. 2. He gets his law degree and passes the bar. 3. He leaves her for a younger woman. 4. The End.
Yep you hit the nail on the head. Can't tell you how many women I know who have had that happen to them.
@@elliemathews6884 well my boyfriend and I we've been going steady for almost 2 years now we are attending separate colleges but in the same city because we want to focus on our Education First we both determined that we should get our degrees before we even consider marriage
Julie Huggins Now SAD and MORBID!!!!!
Fortunately, I was married to a good man (he passed away some years back) but in my many years walking this Earth, I saw it happen to other ladies...a lot!
No offence !! Todays era people may surely do so. But in old days people were bond with love not lust.
This message couldn’t have come at a right time. Even though I’m in my early 30 s, in terms of where I stand in life is similar to a 20 year old. The main reason I’m still here is being in wrong relationships in the first place. I still try dating just to keep up with others or to please my mother, yet deep down I know I’m not ready. Thanks for the amazing content ❤
These short movies ask viewers to think through excellent issues. Why weren’t such teachings available to those of us coming to age in the 60’s?
The communist plots were into place.
Almost 20 years after this film was produced, my high school home economics teacher was still showing it. We were freshmen and couldn't begin to identify with anything or anyone in these films...
Very good advice. I wish RUclips was around in 1994 before I got married!? I could have done with this advice and either delayed marriage, chosen someone else or not get married at all. However, hindsight is a wonderful thing and the past never going to be any different to what it was. The main thing is to make the most of your life in the present 🙏🙏
[PAUSE ] 11:24
Wait a second.
Is that a man cleaning the floor in the 50's?
Gesú Cristo why is that so hard to believe? Watch plenty of older movies and tv shows and they show men cleaning. On Leave it to Beaver Mr. Cleaver is always helping his wife wash the dishes. Things aren’t always so black and white.
Yes? Like a decent human being?
They did, my Mum had a disability and Dad did all the heavy work including the washing sheets
Giovanni Bonanno I’ve watched plenty of tv shows and videos where men won’t even open the refrigerator for weeks because their wives always get everything
Alright, that was kinda rude, sorry. Basically, throughout history different people have had different reactions to things like "women belong in the kitchen". That reaction is not always agreement, and tends to be shades of grey. Trust me, even with negative things, humans will NEVER completely agree. :)
Jim has crazy eyes. He has reefer madness. Jim is going to hurt Pat.
Yes, Jim looks insane.
He does have that crazed look in his eyes. "Marry us or I'll kill you."
Lmao 😂
Therapist Gus Jim is just so horny That he hasn’t got enough skin left to close his eyes
Love these old videos
I think these things are so cute! I'm also obsessed with their dresses. I cannot wait until I can get enough money and buy myself a bunch of vintage style dresses to wear out and to work teaching (that's the one positive about working as an English teacher and not a dance teacher this year. I can actually wear nice things and not have to change to be able to move).
You can have them at a much lower cost, faster, and better, by getting a seamstress to make them!
angela bluebird60 I feel like this would be expensive
@@iAmAFighter85 Well, hard to say. Depends partly on where you live. People (usually ladies) who work on their own at home who sew often have very reasonable rates. The folks we hear of word of mouth, not those with storefronts, marketing/advertising and the like. I've just noticed very high prices at the vintage shops where I live. Still, these dresses are wonderful! The patterns are not complicated or terribly involved. I hope, one way or another, you will obtain them and enjoy them! :) PS End of season sales at the vintage shops may bring some better prices...
angela bluebird60 I’m going to look into it. I’d love to have a few. I’ve always loved the dresses from the 50s and 60s.
@@iAmAFighter85 I know you'll have fun with this. I remember my mom and my aunt sewing for us. Perhaps you'll find someone, or a nice vintage shop with nice pricing :)
men were better looking back then lol (most)
Hayley Ward nah they just looked better because they dressed better
They dressed better and only good looking guys (and girls) made it onto camera
These are actors...
less obesity
Yeah, he's an actor, but look at any street scene or crowd shot from the 1940's to the mid-1960's and the vast majority of people were relatively thin, well-groomed and nicely dressed. They look terrific! Contrast that to a street scene/crowd shot of today and you'll wonder: how did we so quickly degenerate into a species of fat, slovenly dressed slobs?
I was 19 or 20 and attended classes at the branch campus of the university. I lived at home still with Mom & Dad and I worked about 35 hours a week. I drove my junky 14 year old car around town and to school. I was in a History class and there was this girl that sat next to me and during lecture when I was bored, I looked around and when I looked at her, she would always instantly smile. She was a nice girl but at that point in my life, I did not know how to include a girl that liked me into my life. I was flattered and regret that I didn't at least try to be more open.
My grandparents were married in '59. My grandpa was 18 and my grandma was 16. They didn't have much but they loved each other an awful lot
I won’t lie as a man who’s about to turn 30. That doesn’t sounds too bad at all.
My cousin was this guys age when he married. She was 18, same age as this girl. They are nearing 50 and still married!
As a couple who married young. (18, we 20 now)
Its definitely difficult even with no kids. Even now in days. But i wouldn't trade anything for it. No matter what situation, we always have each other. 😌
These videos are really helping me with making some decisions in my life. My honey bunny and I decided to pray and wait on the Lord to reunite us, after college and school. It was a major leap of faith for us since we were making our plans for marriage, the house, the babies everything. We wanted to do it all together, but being 20 we knew that we would struggle very hard. We didn’t want to sacrifice everything even our own relationship... so when the Lord said to surrender we did. A month ago, he passed his ASVAB for the navy with a very high score. He was able to choose any career and decided to dedicate his time to the Nuke program. I on the other hand, have been studying and praying on getting into a 20 month nursing program. If we were to jump without the Lords guidance we would not have been prepared for the opportunities God had for our future. I would get possibly get pregnant and travel with him all over the world. I would be so busy, that I wouldn’t have the time to study or even enter a nursing program. The Lord has very big plans for the both of us and I pray that he’d draw us closer to each other everyday, even if we are not talking. I pray that we would both have faith in the promise that we both have made to each other. I love this young man with all my heart and through Christ Jesus, I will wait to become his wife.❤️
thank you for witnessing sister :)
🥺❤️bless you! What a beautiful approach sis. May Abba bless y’all with a wonderful marriage when its time ✨🤍 well done on involving Him in your process! Would love to know how it turned out for you two🤗
@@iampanashejoy hello, we've been married for a year now☺️🙏❤️😘😘
@@SoCalGirl22 praise the Lord!!! 🥺😭❤️
That first husband is a tool
I would be too if someone spent 10 dollars on a table cloth.
You won't believe what happened, remember that comment with 400 likes? Yea I changed it to say something edgy and make people laugh by reading the replies and RUclips immediately terminated it. I'm pretty mad rn at how censored this platform is.
Vermin what was the comment?
@@blackswan4486 I forget, but it made the comments agree to what I said, similar to to the one you commented on ;) 👍
heres what the guy is really saying: "lets see how bad i can make you feel about yourself so you dont want to be happy anymore and second guess everything you think"
malignant narcissist :-P
Who are you ? This is amazing footage. And I really thank you for putting it all up.
..first time tuning in....what a wonderful treat... Thank you for the upload 💯🇺🇲👍
This felt alot like my past relationship i had with my ex... im 26 and lived in what u would call a "modern relationship " but in reality i was in my constant fear of being physically abused if i didn't please my partner.. a literal nightmare
I have been abused too (but not in that way) and here is a hotline I love to call 1-541-754-0110 CARDV It really helps with the healing process.