The Dangers of Dispensationalism | 10-21-23 | Steve Gregg

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
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Комментарии • 129

  • @dougbell9543
    @dougbell9543 2 месяца назад +10

    This whole series of lectures on dispensationalism are like a wonderful breath of fresh air and are greatly appreciated. ✔️

  • @user-gu1ld3nb3y
    @user-gu1ld3nb3y 24 дня назад +1

    Amen! What a beautiful lecture, people of America, listen to what Brother Steve is saying, and be blessed.

  • @chipparker3950
    @chipparker3950 2 месяца назад +6

    Very helpful and persuasive. Dispesationalism is a great deception that has led to multiple wars, many deaths and so much suffering. Steve is too kind to those promoting this teaching. The kindest thing you can say is " Forgive them because they don't understand what they are doing. "

    • @HarpazoReady2022
      @HarpazoReady2022 5 дней назад

      @@chipparker3950 You do realize the word dispensation is derived *from* scripture? Paul literally uses it in 1 Corinthians 9:17 and Ephesians 3:2. That’s where we get the word. And Paul explains what it means. Yet you can’t find in scripture the words covenant or grace in Genesis 3 that Covenabt Theologians love to cite for their doctrine of a “Covenant of Grace.”
      Who’s being deceived here? Just a thought. Go look at those two verses I cited and read those whole chapters and see why Paul uses the word dispensation and read what it means in the context of *what* he’s explaining.

  • @S.Norman
    @S.Norman 4 месяца назад +6

    Thanks for your study Steve! So thankful for you!

  • @NormBaker.
    @NormBaker. Месяц назад +3

    ♠♠♠ Well said about the past exiled Jews and their return in their era thousands of years ago. Dispensationlist are so blind to the obvious.

  • @christiangrl45
    @christiangrl45 4 месяца назад +5

    These are such great points. I like how you prove everything with the scripture.I wonder if believing that modern Israel is good is the great deception. I agree, Jesus judged those pharisees... because they murdered Jesus..your house is left desolate,Jesus said, then 70 a.d. the temple was destroyed. God certainly fulfilled this prophecy. I agree the new covenant is believing the gospel; we are Abraham's seed and heirs according to his promise. All this time, everyone that gets saved individually by faith; so it's not possible to get saved any other way.

    • @ricoyochanan
      @ricoyochanan 2 месяца назад

      Look in the mirror. Maybe the WOKE churches are the great deception. As for Israel, God didn't bring them back to the land because they are good. Quite the opposite, but rather for His great name. Eze 36:22 Therefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord GOD; I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name's sake, which ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went. So the Replacement Theologians are arguing against themselves.

    • @christiangrl45
      @christiangrl45 2 месяца назад

      @ricoyochanan Will the true Israel please stand up? Jesus is the true Israel, and he made a New Covenant, which is not for the Jews only, but whosoever believeth in Jesus will never perish. So the old covenant is dead when Jesus gloriously rose from the grave. I am going to go with what Jesus said and not some other story that Jesus had no part of.

    • @ricoyochanan
      @ricoyochanan 2 месяца назад

      @@christiangrl45 Jesus is not Israel. Israel is a nation. Israel is mentioned over 70 times in the New Testament, and EVERY time Israel refers either to the nation Israel, or the Jews.

    • @christiangrl45
      @christiangrl45 2 месяца назад

      @@ricoyochanan Jesus said to the pharisees, Matt. 21:43 “Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to another nation bearing the fruits of it. He was talking about a spiritual kingdom that Jesus would , of course, be head of. Israel of God in Gal. 6:16 is Jesus as the head of the church....according to this rule, peace be on them and the mercy, and upon the Israel of God.(church) So I think you already know about this evidence for one church, because Steve is very thorough, of course , at explaining this, and it is a much better explanation of what happened according to the scriptures.

    • @ricoyochanan
      @ricoyochanan 2 месяца назад

      @@christiangrl45 True,Jesus said the Kingdom of God would be taken away from Israel, but he also said it would be restored to them. Mat 13:35, Act 1:6 When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? You need to read Gal 6:16 more carefully. Two peoples are in view. The blessing is pronounced on both peoples: Gal 6:16 And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, AND upon the Israel of God. The conjunction distinguishes two peoples, namely, the Gentiles, AND the Israel of God, which is the Jews. To pit one verse against the other 70+ verses that state that Israel is a nation is poor hermeneutics and eisegesis of the verse.

  • @marthabautze6650
    @marthabautze6650 3 месяца назад +2

    "Israel" means "God rules".The definition of Israel is those who are in a covenant relationship with God, who agree with God, those whom God calls His people and they call Him their God, b/c they are in agreement with God. The terms of the covenant can change, do and did when Christ became heir of the promises. All things become new. God changed Jacob's name to Israel when he prevailed with "the face of God".

  • @rhondaweber5638
    @rhondaweber5638 3 месяца назад +2

    I'd be interested in knowing what you think about Isreal now.

    • @rhondaweber5638
      @rhondaweber5638 3 месяца назад +1

      Isreal is the synagogue of satan.

    • @rhondaweber5638
      @rhondaweber5638 2 месяца назад

      I see someone made a comment but I cannot see it.

    • @Italian097
      @Italian097 2 месяца назад

      He thinks Israel 🇮🇱 is the church.

    • @benjames1497
      @benjames1497 2 месяца назад +6

      @@Italian097 he thinks Biblical Israel is the Church. He DOES NOT think 🇮🇱 is the Church. As an aside, he’s stated elsewhere that 🇮🇱 is acting quite unjustly towards 🇵🇸

    • @ronelaalexe4857
      @ronelaalexe4857 2 месяца назад

      @@Italian097 Which of course it is FALSE!.... The BIBLE is telling otherwise!

  • @rdaleyj1
    @rdaleyj1 6 месяцев назад +2

    Yeah the Jews were not called back on Pentecost 😂
    How can people allow themselves to believe this???
    When the day is Pentecost was fully come is when the NT church were being gathered, not the Jews.

    • @RisenShine-zy7dn
      @RisenShine-zy7dn 5 месяцев назад +3

      Yes! Details matter.
      It's the church of God by faith and Steve Gregg believes and teaches this.
      The church the ecclesia was established through the Hebrews & Jews bloodline & faith & promises.
      Through the original ancient nation of Israel. But promised since the foundation of the world.
      BY FAITH
      Hebrews 11 is all 'By Faith' and not all by bloodline.
      Who is worthy to open the seals?
      'The lamb slain from the foundation of the world.'
      The church [ pure bride by faith in Christ] is established and crowned and bought and paid for bride by the precious blood of Christ through faith in Him.
      Who so ever repents & believes the gospel. John 3:16
      1st covenant = old and ready to vanish away. Hebrews 8:13
      2nd = new covenant. Hebrews 10:16
      Jeremiah 31:31-34
      Hebrews 8
      In Christ alone
      By faith and repentance of sins in Christ alone.
      Because the wages of sin is death.

    • @guojing88
      @guojing88 3 месяца назад

      Do you follow what that church did in Acts 2:44-45 today. as Jesus commanded them to do in Luke 12:32-33?
      Why not?

    • @HarpazoReady2022
      @HarpazoReady2022 5 дней назад

      @@rdaleyj1 You do realize during Jesus’ three ministry, He spoke to *only Jews.* And He only spoke in synagogues- Gentiles didn’t go to synagogues. So after He arose at Pentecost, the first Church was made up primarily of Jews because it was shared with them *first.* That’s why Paul was *later* commissioned as the “apostle to the Gentiles.” That’s why Paul explains HIS dispensation of the gospel that’s may be hard for JEWS to understand. The word dispensation is literally used in 1 Corinthians 9:17 and Ephesians 3:2 by Paul.

  • @rodbowles3104
    @rodbowles3104 3 месяца назад +2

    God said the world would never be destroyed again by water. Thats unconditonal sealed with a rainbow. God has many promises that are unconditional. God isnt dependent on man. God promised the physical land to israel forever based on Abrahams faithfulness. God has many promises to Israel,and when i say Israel i mean the faithful Israel which is saved jews and gentiles,which every Christian is part of, that are unconditional and will not be revoked no matter what man does

    • @mariew3470
      @mariew3470  3 месяца назад +2

      God was going to destroy Nineveh and He didn't. Have you ever read God repented in the Bible? It says that, and it means God changed His mind about what He was going to do.
      There are conditional verses like this all over the Bible.
      **But if thine heart turn away**, so that thou wilt not hear, but shalt be drawn away, and worship other gods, and serve them; I denounce unto you this day, **that ye shall surely perish, and that ye shall not prolong your days upon the land**, whither thou passest over Jordan to go to possess it.
      Deuteronomy 30:16-18
      God already fulfilled the land promise. Zionists have completely ignored this.
      And the Lord gave unto Israel all the land which he sware to give unto their fathers; and they possessed it, and dwelt therein. And the Lord gave them rest round about, according to all that he sware unto their fathers: and there stood not a man of all their enemies before them; the Lord delivered all their enemies into their hand.
      There failed not ought of any good thing which the Lord had spoken unto the house of Israel; all came to pass
      Joshua 21:43-45
      Now the New Covenant is for the Jew and the Gentile and there is no way to the Father without Jesus and there is no special physical land. The old temple was destroyed and Jesus is the temple, and we are if He dwells within us.
      This is all in the Bible. Nothing about Zionism can be proved with scripture.

    • @marthabautze6650
      @marthabautze6650 3 месяца назад +1

      How do you explain the natural branches (Israel) that were cut off the good olive tree b/c of unbelief, if God's promises are unconditional? Rom 11:19 - 21. The promises of God to Abraham were confirmed, realized and fulfilled IN CHRIST, the HEIR of the promises (not before!). Gal 3:16, 29. Heb 1:2, Rom 9:8.

    • @rodbowles3104
      @rodbowles3104 3 месяца назад +1

      I agree with that 100 percent. But there are also unconditional promises. As wicked as man continues to get just as in the days of Noah God will not change his mind and flood the whole world again. There are things that God will keep no matter what. And I do believe one of those things is always keeping a remnant of Israel and giving the land that God promised to them as long as this present earth stands though they are not there right now. That's what I believe the 1000 year reign is for

    • @marthabautze6650
      @marthabautze6650 3 месяца назад

      @@rodbowles3104 The promises of God were always "by faith", which is conditional. Israel is a nation of those God calls "my people" and they call Him, "my God". those who prevail WITH GOD. Those who did not prevail to adopt the New Covenant in Christ are not in a covenant relationship with God anymore, b/c the Old Covenant is obsolete. Heb 8:13.

    • @marthabautze6650
      @marthabautze6650 3 месяца назад +1

      The words 'conditional' and 'unconditiona'l are not in the Bible. They are man's terms. You might want to do a Bible study on the word "IF". The only promise I see in the Bible that God made irrevocably was the Abrahamic Covenant fulfilled IN CHRIST, the heir, and His fellow heirs, b/c He made the oath with Himself. Heb 6:13-18.

  • @indo3052
    @indo3052 6 месяцев назад

    Hold on help me understand. Judaism and God's commandments are two different things. Judaism is man-made traditions added by men.
    I commonly see these two things intermingled .
    For instance in galations 2, Paul rebukes Peter for doing Judaism and calls it works of the law.. peter wasn't doing God's law he was doing Judaism

  • @marktwain5232
    @marktwain5232 3 месяца назад

    This Preacher and everyone posting on this thread don't seem to understand that you are posting on here today with each other at the speed of light because Bill Fernandez introduced Steve Jobs to Steve Wozniak through a Mystical Experience in a walk around the Neighborhood in Cupertino, CA in 1969. Read the 1984 Classic Book "Fire in the Valley" and start to connect the dots for yourself before the coming 2040's. Let the knower, KNOW.

  • @davidstamburski9487
    @davidstamburski9487 6 месяцев назад +2

    Greg you mean to tell me that people are added to the church as you said in your video well my question is this with over 40,00 denominations plus sects out there which church is the church?
    Many people don't know where to go

    • @RisenShine-zy7dn
      @RisenShine-zy7dn 5 месяцев назад +1

      Go to His word.
      Read the bible and not a paraphrase rendition.
      You will soon get to know the God of creation.

    • @SouthernFriedPap1st
      @SouthernFriedPap1st 4 месяца назад

      @@RisenShine-zy7dn Oh, I see. The thousands of other sects that conflict with your fallible interpretation aren't reading their Bible correctly. I always found it odd that the people who take this approach all belong to sects that are derivations of sects that were invented in the 16th century. In other words, the people who tell me this always avoid telling me which denomination that they belong to and they can't find one Christian in each century since 33 AD who believes what they believe. Using this litmus test, you have two logical choices: Catholicism or Eastern Orthodoxy.

    • @nathanbaker1868
      @nathanbaker1868 4 месяца назад +2

      @@SouthernFriedPap1st​​⁠ He’s telling you to read the Bible because your question betrays your lack of understanding on the issue. No denomination is the church. The church is the body of believers and followers of Christ. If you want to know what that entails, you don’t turn to Father Bergoglio; you turn to Father God. John says Jesus is the word of God who was in the beginning and through whom all was made. Start with the word. As a side note, neither Catholicism nor Eastern Orthodoxy existed in 33 AD and I’m confused why one denomination is more correct as long as the fallible man who made it up did so before another fallible who made up a different denomination.

    • @SouthernFriedPap1st
      @SouthernFriedPap1st 4 месяца назад

      @@nathanbaker1868 If you were to actually look at Church history, you'd see a Church that embraced the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, regenerative baptism, confession, the primacy of the Bishop of Rome, etc. It sounds really Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Coptic to me. However, I know that you Baptists aren't big fans of reason.

    • @nathanbaker1868
      @nathanbaker1868 4 месяца назад +1

      @@SouthernFriedPap1st Church history began with the resurrection of Jesus; not a few hundred years later. Your argument seems to be: “Ignore what the divinely inspired word of God says and instead listen to a some guys who came up with traditions that contradict the Bible. But, you know, they contradict the Bible earlier than stuff written 1600 years later does, so obviously they’re right and everyone who disagrees is wrong.” The Catholic and Eastern Orthodox “churches” are no more the church than the Baptist “church” is. All denominations are man-made. The Bible is the word of god. Read it and follow its teachings and then the next time some denomination’s leader exhumes his predecessor and puts his corpse on trial, you won’t have to have a crisis of faith.

  • @janesjourney9564
    @janesjourney9564 10 месяцев назад +4

    Maybe it's just me, but the 1st 30 seconds are troubling to me. I believe God's promises and prophecies to be true - and it is not dependent on mankind's response. (That would put God in a box of "conditional" love. And throws grace of the Gospels out the window.)
    Again, maybe I'm missing something - but it seems he puts little to no observation that so much prophecy was fulfilled in AD 70. Or, just a lack of emphasis?
    It is GOOD he discusses that "faith" should NOT be grounded in - our perception of prophecy...which essentially ignores the Gospel message.
    It seems important to consider if doctrines like disp. builds into it, too much anticipation or expectation of events. IMO, it's okay to consider a switch and bait, or fakery -the dark side may put on a show that has the appearance of "fulfillment". You know, powerful enough to deceive the very elect?
    I do not mean to be too hard on him...just things to ponder...

    • @mariew3470
      @mariew3470  10 месяцев назад +1

      Do you mean like a condition for Israel to return and a condition to be saved rather than once saved always saved?

    • @mariew3470
      @mariew3470  10 месяцев назад +4

      He mentions that God did keep His promises. But God also said it was conditional. Deuteronomy 4:22-26, Deuteronomy 30:16-18, Jeremiah 25:5, Joshua 21:43-45
      I do not believe there will be people of the flesh to ever return to a land of Israel because the people will be in the land forever, a heavenly Jerusalem. The earth will not be here forever.

    • @janesjourney9564
      @janesjourney9564 10 месяцев назад

      @@mariew3470 The leadership had hearts of stone, and rejected Jesus. But that does not negate the 1000s and 1000s that became believers during His ministry.
      It kind of circles back to "expectations". (Even then, Jesus would be crowned King on the spot? Not quite yet. And it took a big turn with His death, first. A lesson!)
      Steve kinda makes it sound like the "conditions" were not met by the leadership. True. But God saved Israel by saving His people - Unconditionally met by God.
      ...Yes, Steve spoke of a remnant at some point. IMO, it took him too long, and had not thought it through?
      I really don't mean to be too hard on him...Prophecy is MOST difficult.

    • @janesjourney9564
      @janesjourney9564 10 месяцев назад +2

      @@mariew3470 I agree - I can not think of any prophecy in Scripture that necessitates the reforming of Is. for Jesus' return. European elites carved out the Ottoman empire not so long ago...
      That's what I'm getting at - was that a grand scale set-up? To fake fulfillment of Bible prophecy?

    • @janesjourney9564
      @janesjourney9564 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@mariew3470 I'll have to read those references. Context is everything. : - )

  • @donhaddix3770
    @donhaddix3770 4 месяца назад +5

    read the bible prophesies about Israel. solid dispensational.
    are there issues, yes.
    has nothing to do with dispensation.
    he is distorting the bible. trying to support preterism.
    the mk is in Israel and future.

    • @mariew3470
      @mariew3470  4 месяца назад +4

      He is not a preterist. He is a partial preterist, meaning some prophecies have been fulfilled but not all, and you are too if you believe Jesus came as the messiah.

    • @donhaddix3770
      @donhaddix3770 4 месяца назад +1

      @mariew3470 partial or full, preterist cannot prove their claims. 63 years of study of facts.

    • @mariew3470
      @mariew3470  4 месяца назад +7

      @@donhaddix3770 I was a dispensationalist and I disagree. It never made sense. It is a bunch of verses thrown together to make a story that doesn't fit scripture. The story was only put together in the 1800s. The views existed here and there in history, but they never made a story/doctrine out of it. You are welcome to your opinion. I just listened to a debate where someone believes the 1,000-year reign is future, but they also believe some more “partial preterist” views about what happened in 70AD. I don't think you are quite understanding, with all due respect.

    • @donhaddix3770
      @donhaddix3770 4 месяца назад +2

      @mariew3470 it makes perfect sense. you do not have an alternative you can prove.

    • @mariew3470
      @mariew3470  4 месяца назад +3

      @@donhaddix3770 There does not need to be an alternative to prove something is wrong and does not add up. Although I do believe much is provable but not everything. I would avoid anyone saying they can prove everything.

  • @granthodges3012
    @granthodges3012 Месяц назад

    You can't say God has rejected Israel as you read the start of Romans 11, and then say Israel will not be saved when you get to the end. It's basic exegesis. The salvation of Israel is rejected on traditional and systematic basis instead of facts from Scripture. On a side note. podcasts over an hour get skipped. JMHO but I think a guy who makes his point in 5 minutes will be heard more often.

    • @mariew3470
      @mariew3470  Месяц назад +3

      @@granthodges3012 they would have learned nothing in 5 minutes.
      From as early as the Exodus, Israel was a word that already had many meanings:
      a man’s name
      the descendants of that man
      the covenant nation (the descendants formed the ethnic majority)
      the faithful remnant who truly kept God’s covenant
      the defined territory controlled by the nation.
      The potentially-confusing ambiguity of the term should cause us caution in our interpretation of passages about “Israel.”

    • @granthodges3012
      @granthodges3012 Месяц назад

      @@mariew3470 And here we see you displaying the weakness of allowing systematic and traditional approaches to Scripture to overrule what the Bible simply says. Truly, the Bible does use words in more than one way, and glad to see you know it. But the exegete's response to that knowledge is not to declare the Bible cannot be understood. We are to use the rules of grammatico-historical interpretation, the most important of which is . . . context, and determine which of the meanings of the word Israel is in view in Romans 11. Since Paul identifies the usage as plainly as possible, that is of the nation of Israel, and a tracing of the nouns and pronouns through Chapter 11 to verse 26 shows that Paul is still talking about the nation of Israel and that he has not changed his antecedent, we know that the nation of Israel will be saved. You should try it. Substitute "the Church" for every noun and pronoun in chapter 11 that refers back to the antecedent Israel in the first 3 verses and see how illogical/impossible it sounds (I would like to hear how that study works out for you). All Israel will be saved. One may wish to argue about the circumstances of that salvation, but rest assured this: All Israel CERTAINLY will be saved, and by our study of the context we know it is the nation of Israel.

    • @mariew3470
      @mariew3470  Месяц назад +1

      @@granthodges3012 in what way will all Israel be saved? It says how they will be saved in the chapter. So how?

    • @granthodges3012
      @granthodges3012 Месяц назад

      @@mariew3470 There is only one way to be saved, that is, by faith in Jesus Christ. They will look upon Him whom they pierced and they will believe. Romans 11:23 "23 And they also, if they do not continue in their unbelief, will be grafted in; for God is able to graft them in again. " Now I note that you are willing to believe that Paul refers to national Israel in vs 23. It is poor exegesis to fail to see that in vs. 26 the antecedent, national Israel, has not been changed. If an interpreter attempts to substitute the Church for Israel in this passage, he makes Paul say that the Church was broken off, and that blindness has come upon the Church, etc. It's bad interpretation . . . let me rephrase . . . it's an anti-Semitic traditional belief inherited from your spiritual fathers. Repent of it. Believe the Word of God. All Israel will be saved. A final note: you may be able to ask questions about how this will come about, and one can pretend that the asking of various questions about time, circumstance, extent, means, should militate against the coming salvation of Israel. But that is pettifogging. Israel WILL be saved. It is not the position of the interpreter to explain it away by burying the truth in questions. The interpreter must ask, "What does the coming salvation of Israel mean to us today?" It means God can absolutely be trusted. Absolutely. For all of my life and in the day of my death and the death of my family.

    • @mariew3470
      @mariew3470  Месяц назад +2

      @@granthodges3012 John tells us about that.
      But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water.
      And he that saw it bare record, and his record is true: and he knoweth that he saith true, that ye might believe.
      For these things were done, that the scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of him shall not be broken.
      And again another scripture saith, ***They shall look on him whom they pierced.*** John 19:34-37

  • @Jhon31617
    @Jhon31617 2 месяца назад +1

    I like your content on most things but you seem angry at dispensationalism. I don’t know what they did but you should love and respect your enemies. Love them to know their best arguments without resorting to sarcasm. Respect them by fearing making bad arguments based on what is no scholarship by people who are not dispensationalists. Good luck convincing anyone with this video.

    • @leawilliams8476
      @leawilliams8476 2 месяца назад +1

      Gregg is very respectful in his presentation and made sound doctrinal analysis. There is no evidence of anger in his disposition. Perhaps you are angry and offended at his sound teaching but have no way to refute him.

    • @Jhon31617
      @Jhon31617 2 месяца назад

      @@leawilliams8476I didn’t say he was wrong just saying he did not do a good job representing his opponent. He should define his opponent and structure his argument around a narrow definition.

    • @leawilliams8476
      @leawilliams8476 2 месяца назад

      @@Jhon31617 he is opposing the heresy of Dispensationalism and everything he touched in are all Dispensational Zionist interpretations.

    • @HarpazoReady2022
      @HarpazoReady2022 13 дней назад

      It’s that spirit in them that comes out against truth. Dispensation is in the New Testament many times. It’s not some made up term. It’s Biblical.
      But Unfortunately, this is the dominant view in our churches now. They think the rapture was invented in the 1800s, completely ignoring hundreds of early church writings about it. They don’t want to talk about all the books written about them.
      But channels like these have created apostasy, which the Bible said would happen in the last days.
      Paul talked about it in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3 and 2 Timothy 3. That’s what Jude is all about- warning the Church about false teachers preaching a different gospel.
      They’re against Gods chosen people. Does Israel deserve it? Probably not lol. But does the Church? No, we don’t. Look at us. If God broke those land promises with Israel back in Genesis 17 & Romans 11. If God changed His mind, He needs to change it with the Church because look what we’re doing! We have sodomites taking over our Methodist Churches across the country. Trans preaching in the pulpits. I think that’s utter abomination right there.
      But no, and thank goodness the LORD is patient and long suffering so that no one will be left without the choice. Gods not done with His people. We pray for the salvation of Israel because God said it’s going to happen! Romans 11:26 🇮🇱💙
      God Bless!

  • @morningdewreynolds5476
    @morningdewreynolds5476 3 месяца назад +1

    You don't have a clue about WHO "Yisra'el" truly is!
    It has nothing to do with "Jews" and the man made state of "Israel".
    And it has nothing to do with "the church" and "spiritual Israel".
    You are touting the purest form of "replacement theology" in a bid to replace the Elohim [and His people] of your Bible with the god of this world and his followers.
    And the terribly sad thing is...
    you don't even seem to know it.

    • @goldenarm2118
      @goldenarm2118 3 месяца назад +4

      Your comment is useless without supporting your assertions.
      And the terribly sad thing is...
      you don't even seem to know that.

    • @HarpazoReady2022
      @HarpazoReady2022 13 дней назад

      Amen! Replacement Theology has mangled eschatology. It’s an entire false doctrine that’s not even in the Bible, like their Covenant of Grace they quote from Genesis 3:15. Neither the words covenant or grace are even in that chapter.
      God has a plan to bring Israel to salvation in the last days according to Romans 11. It’s crystal clear and the Only Way to not see it is to allegorize it to death, which removes the meaning of the text. Covenant Theology reads INTO scripture what it doesn’t say. That’s eisegesis. And violates 2 Peter 1:20-21. “No prophecy of scripture is of Any private interpretation.” They violate Revelation 22:18 by adding to.
      They act like dispensation isn’t even in the Bible:
      1 Corinthians 9:17
      Ephesians 1:10
      Ephesians 3:2
      Colossians 1:25
      Replacement Theology is against Israel.
      Genesis 12:1-3 🇮🇱 💙
      I pray for the salvation of Israel when she will be grafted back into the Tree. Romans 11:26
      What’s sad about Replacement Theology is they aren’t watching for Jesus because they ignore 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. They aren’t excited about ruling & reigning with Christ during His Millennial Kingdom. They spiritualize all those verses about it throughout the Old Testament.
      And that’s just what Satan wants. Nobody’s looking and they will miss out on the crown of Righteousness for those that love his appearing- 2 Timothy 4:8.
      God Bless!

    • @MarkCurtis-eh3ue
      @MarkCurtis-eh3ue 6 дней назад

      ​@@HarpazoReady2022how about if one was to say, we all got it wrong in one form or another, how about we agree that those who calls upon his name, and are led by the holy spirit, being sanctified as we have been justified by his blood, we now are hidden in him and seated in heavenly places being raised from the dead, we await our Savior to restore all things back to what it was before the fall!!!! Rev 10:7 is my blessed hope in this life. To be glorified , and reign with Christ in the new Jerusalem! Instead of bashing each other, let's love one another because we are all wrong! It's why we need a Savior in the first place

    • @HarpazoReady2022
      @HarpazoReady2022 6 дней назад

      That sounds nice, but false teaching gives people a comfortable ride to Hell. God put prophecy in His Word for a reason & those not watching for Him will miss a crown (2 Timothy 4:8). And by following Reformed Theology, they don’t believe in the rapture of the church. So people don’t think Jesus is returning for them, so they aren’t watching as we’re told be doing.
      2 Timothy 3:16
      “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, *for reproof, for correction,* for instruction in righteousness.” Instruction. By allowing people to follow false teaching, they’re not following Gods *instruction.*
      Reproof means to correct. That’s Biblical. Paul told us in Galatians 1:8 “if anyone preaches *another gospel* than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.”
      Accursed- Sounds like a pretty stiff penalty for something you think isn’t that important.
      And that’s what Covenant Theology is- false doctrine. They invented their doctrine of Covenant of Grace & works & they’re against Israel. That’s not what the Bible teaches. We are to stand up for truth. Reproof 📖

    • @MarkCurtis-eh3ue
      @MarkCurtis-eh3ue 5 дней назад

      @@HarpazoReady2022 well to correct you, who's against Israel? I'm not! Israel has been fulfilled in Christ..meaning, the old Covenant is over. The new covenant is this..We now are in justified by faith in him because he fulfilled the requirements of the law. It is finished. Grace given to all and a free gift for whoever calls upon his name.... ABRAHAMS seed now!Whoever is in Christ is True spiritual Israel and we have been raised from the dead and seated with him etc. (Eph 2:6) There is the nation of Israel of course, but if they aren't saved, they go to hell as the rest who aren't in Christ right? Where's the false doctrine your speaking of? What's the other gospel your talking of? If your life is hidden in Christ, you are saved because you believe in the atoning sacrifice of the lamb of God. It's all about his perfect blood that washes away our sin! Another gospel says we can get to heaven another way without Christ with that said ( 2 Cor 2:20)