This song is for UNITY the INTERNATIONALE WORKING CLASS PEOPLE, and also it's the most dangerous nightmare to the global capitalist corporations and neocons liberals. When working people unite and walk out together! With the Internationale, humanity will rise up!
Just go search for any language this song has been translated into; that even applies to Latin. But what truly unites the world is the instrumental version.
@Jamie Lipper/10K Subscribers with no videos? Trump doesn't even know this exists.He thinks it sounds like boring music, the most boring of musics. trump music is best.
+Orenus Sinistra But humans need cultural borders. Internationalism cant be made by just destroying the homes of billions of people but of founding revolutionary movements in their countries which will form a bourgeoise country into a socialist bastion. At the end there will be a world-ruling world republic with the states as client states.
+Manfredini Asylum Before the world unites we have to do it step by step or it will end in chaos and destroy everything. 1. National revolution 2. International alliances against capitalism/fascism 3. Uniting in a new Soviet Union
+derstaemezocker I see, I'd like countries to maintain their sovereignty though, In order to preserve their own culture. You see, in my vision of a socialist world, all the nations in the world would be comunist of course, and they would unite under a socialist UN.
I do not not know who you are. I do not not know where you are. But if you are reading this, you are my comrade. To our comrades fighting in Rojava... To our comrades who have fought in Spain... To all our civil rights activists who have stood up for the marginalised throughout history... My highest respect to you. Our numbers are few, But we are and always have been on the right side of history. Do not give up. Do not lose hope. Our time will come. For every person. For humanity.
I understand you deeply I am Living in democracy yes but the Leaders are corrupt and the royal family steals our money to use for themselves instead of working for it it Makes me feel awful one day I'm going to make my country a better place the way a country is intended to be and to save nature the industry and the Economy including helping charities to Free those who are opressed by their Greedy leaders a New Earth shall be made to free This terror to finally accept our troubles and work together Once and for all
Most inspirational song for those who wants to live for others and who wants to bring liberty and equality for the poor working class in our society. Red Salute.
Wyklęty, powstań ludu ziemi, Powstańcie, których dręczy głód, Myśl nowa blaski promiennymi Powiedzie nas na bój, na trud. Przeszłości ślad dłoń nasza zmiata, Przed ciosem niechaj tyran drży! Ruszymy z posad bryłę świata, Dziś niczym, jutro wszystkim my! REFREN: Bój to będzie ostatni, Krwawy skończy się trud, Gdy związek nasz bratni Ogarnie ludzki ród. Nie nam wyglądać zmiłowania Z wyroków bożych, z pańskich spraw. Z własnego prawa bierz nadania I z własnej woli sam się zbaw! Niech w kuźni naszej ogień bucha, Zanim ostygnie - przekuj w stal, By łańcuch spadł z wolnego ducha, A dom niewoli zniszcz i spal! Bój to będzie ostatni... Rządzący światem samowładnie Królowie kopalń, fabryk, hut Tym mocni są, że każdy kradnie Bogactwa, które stwarza lud. W tej bandy kasie ogniotrwałej Stopiony w złoto krwawy pot. Na własność do nas przejdzie cały, Jak należności słusznej zwrot. Bój to będzie ostatni... Dziś lud roboczy wsi i miasta W jedności swojej stwarza moc, Co się po ziemi wszerz rozrasta, Jak świt łamiący wieków noc... Precz darmozjadów rodzie sępi! Czyż nie dość żerów z naszych ciał? Gdy lud wam krwawe szpony stępi, Dzień szczęścia będzie wiecznie trwał. Bój to będzie ostatni...
Hope is not lost comrade, we never know what the future lies for us as how the working people of past revolutions never knew, but they still pushed forward and fought for a better world. So we must not give up! The internationale will be the anthem of the world!
Εμπρός της γης οι κολασμένοι Της πείνας σκλάβοι εμπρός-εμπρός Το δίκιο απ' τον κρατήρα βγαίνει Σα βροντή σαν κεραυνός Φτάνουν πια της σκλαβιάς τα χρόνια Όλοι εμείς οι ταπεινοί της γης Που ζούσαμε στην καταφρόνια Θα γίνουμε το παν εμείς. Στον Αγώνα Ενωμένοι Κι ας μη λείψει κανείς Ω! Να 'τη, μας προσμένει Στον κόσμο η Διεθνής. Θεοί, αρχόντοι, βασιλιάδες Με πλάνα λόγια μας γελούν Της γης οι δούλοι κι οι ραγιάδες Μοναχοί τους, θα σωθούν Για να σπάσουμε τα δεσμά μας Για να πάψει πια η σκλαβιά Να νιώσουν πρέπει τη γροθιά μας Και της ψυχής μας τη φωτιά Στον Αγώνα Ενωμένοι Κι ας μη λείψει κανείς Ω! Να 'τη, μας προσμένει Στον κόσμο η Διεθνής.
It's not ussr music. It's the music of all the people on this wretched earth who fight for a better tomorrow. (Yes I know that the ussr used this as their anthem under lenin)
This is the anthem of communism, played by NK people's army marching band. It was originally authored by Frenchman Eugene Pottier (feel free to Google him up for history).
@@dagda9773 Not really. The only difference is that in Nazi Germany there was a pseudo-free market, but in """""real""""" communism(whatever that is), any semblance of a capitalist system is wiped out. Beyond that, they're the exact same.
Wonderful! I have a small Bronze version of it from the old days. It's my favorite work of Soviet art. I'm saving to visit Moscow in 2017 for the 100th anniversary of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. Maybe with luck, the Russian government will allow a Parade on Red Square.
"Cellatların döktükleri kan onları boğacak, bu kan denizinin ufkundan kızıl bir güneş doğacak!" Greetings to all comrades around the world from turkey!
As a guy from China ,I gotta say there is no more socialism in China right now,but a system of bureaucrat capitalism with the red coat.You can hardly hear this song unless there are events of authorities.
@@Metfoil actually communism just doesn't work the USSR's economy was broken and they had no money that's why communism failed and always will it sucks Death to atheism
there is actually 3 versions that are sung in English, The British Verison, The Billy Bragg Revision, and The American Verison. So when he says "American Version", he means the version that American socialists sing now, and the version American workers would have sung at the height of the labor/union movement in the 1930s
The American version uses international soviet rather then internationale. That may be what your thinking of. However theese days its ussually sung the international worker as the soviet union is no more :(
Вставай проклятьем заклейменный , Весь мир голодных и рабов ! Кипит наш разум возмущённый И в смертный бой вести готов. Весь мир насилья мы разрушим До основанья , а затем Мы наш мы новый мир построим, Кто был никем тот станет всем! Припев: Это есть наш последний И решительный бой . С Интернационалом Воспрянет род людской II Никто не даст нам избавленья: Ни бог , ни царь и не герой Добьёмся мы освобожденья Своею собственной рукой. Чтоб свергнуть гнёт рукой умелой, Отвоевать своё добро ,- Вздувайте горн и куйте смело , Пока железо горячо! Припев. III Довольно кровь сосать вампиры, Тюрьмой , налогом нищетой! У вас - вся власть , все блага мира, А наше право - звук пустой ! Мы жизнь построим по иному- И вот наш лозунг боевой: ВСЯ ВЛАСТЬ НАРОДУ ТРУДОВОМУ! А дармоедов всех долой! Припев. IV Презренны вы в своём богатстве, Угля и стали короли! Вы ваши троны тунеядцы , На наших спинах возвели. Заводы , фабрики, палаты - Всё нашим создано трудом. Пора! Мы требуем возврата Того что взято грабежём. Припев. V Довольно , королям в угоду, Дурманить нас в чаду войны! Война тиранам ! Мир Народу! Бастуйте армии сыны! Когда ж тираны нас заставят В бою геройски пасть за них - Убийцы в вас тогда направим Мы жерла пушек боевых! Припев. VI Лишь мы, работники всемирной Великой армии труда! Владеть землёй имеем право, Но паразиты - никогда! И если гром великий грянет Над сворой псов и палачей, Для нас всё также солнце станет Сиять огнём своих лучей. Припев: Это есть наш последний И решительный бой . С Интернационалом Воспрянет род людской!
Bangunlah kaum yang terhina, bangunlah kaum yang lapar! Dendam darah menyala-nyala, kita berjuang 'tuk keadilan. Hancurkan dunia lama, sampai ke dasar-dasarnya! Dunia baru kita ciptakan, milik s'luruh kaum pekerja! Reff (2x): Perjuangan, penghabisan, bersatulah berlawan! Internasionale pastilah berjaya!!!
Kinda Cringe below but i dont delete my cringe posts Stand up, all victims of oppression For the tyrants fear your might Don't cling so hard to your possessions For you have nothing, if you have no rights Let racist ignorance be ended For respect makes the empires fall Freedom is merely privilege extended Unless enjoyed by one and all Chorus: So come brothers and sisters For the struggle carries on The Internationale Unites the world in song So comrades come rally For this is the time and place The international ideal Unites the human race Let no one build walls to divide us Walls of hatred nor walls of stone Come greet the dawn and stand beside us We'll live together or we'll die alone In our world poisoned by exploitation Those who have taken, now they must give And end the vanity of nations We've but one Earth on which to live And so begins the final drama In the streets and in the fields We stand unbowed before their armour We defy their guns and shields When we fight, provoked by their aggression Let us be inspired by like and love For though they offer us concessions Change will not come from above
@@07aniketdeysarkar26 yeah, Himmler was a tyrant. Stalin? I don't think so. If Trotsky became the supreme leader, the whole Europe would be in bloodbath, and you will know how to definite "tyrant". Stalin just completed his job.
There are several English language versions of The Internationale. The version adopted by the Socialist Labour Party in the UK is known as the 'British version', while the version adopted by the Industrial Workers of the World in the US is known as the 'American version'. The themes are identical to the original French, but the lyrics differ substantially. Modernised English lyrics, such as those by Billy Bragg, also exist.
Instrumental yang membangkitkan gairah dalam perjuangan tiada henti. Bersatulah demi Kemanusiaan, Hidup Internationale... Hidup Humanisme... dari Kepulauan Nusantara atau Republik Indonesia oleh Bung Besar Revolusi Bung Karno... MERDEKA...
Spanish: Arriba los pobres del mundo De pie los esclavos sin pan Y gritemos todos unidos: ¡Viva la internacional! Removamos todas las trabas Que nos impiden nuestro bien Cambiemos el mundo de fase Hundiendo al imperio burgues Agrupemonos todos En la lucha final Que se alcen los pueblos Por la internacion Agrupemonos todos En la lucha final Y se alcen los pueblos con valor Por la internacional El dia que el triunfo alcanzemos Ni esclavos ni hambrientos abrá La tierra sera el paraiso De toda la humanidad Que la tierra de todos sus frutos Y la dicha a nuestra hogar El trabajo es el sosten que a todos De la abundancia hara gozar Agrupemonos todos En la lucha final Que se alcen los pueblos Por la internacion Agrupemonos todos En la lucha final Y se alcen los pueblos con valor Por la internacional
Arise ye pris’ners of starvation Arise ye wretched of the earth For justice thunders condemnation A better world’s in birth! No more tradition’s chains shall bind us Arise, ye slaves, no more in thrall; The earth shall rise on new foundations We have been naught we shall be all. Refrain: ’Tis the final conflict Let each stand in his place The International Union Shall be the human race. We want no condescending saviors To rule us from their judgement hall We workers ask not for their favors Let us consult for all. To make the theif disgorge his booty To free the spirit from its cell We must ourselves decide our duty We must decide and do it well. The law oppresses us and tricks us, The wage slave system drains our blood; The rich are free from obligation, The laws the poor delude. Too long we’ve languished in subjection, Equality has other laws; "No rights", says she "without their duties, No claims on equals without cause." Behold them seated in their glory The kings of mine and rail and soil! What have you read in all their story, But how they plundered toil? Fruits of the workers’ toil are buried In strongholds of the idle few In working for their restitution The men will only claim their due. We toilers from all fields united Join hand in hand with all who work; The earth belongs to us, the workers, No room here for the shirk. How many on our flesh have fattened! But if the norsome birds of prey Shall vanish from the sky some morning The blessed sunlight then will stay.
Interesting fact: When the Soviet foreign minister Molotov visited Berlin in 1940 he was greeted with a band of German soldiers playing The Internationale. Ohh the irony.
I'm not crying, we're crying.
That's OUR crying
@@milion123 how's Koprolity today?
@@smokwawelski6010 ready to be everywhereвидео.html
a hammer and sickle marx the spot
Zachary Legaspi ayy
That dude on your profile picture is anger at commies
I hate you but take my like
Happy international workers' day comerades!
This song is for UNITY the INTERNATIONALE WORKING CLASS PEOPLE, and also it's the most dangerous nightmare to the global capitalist corporations and neocons liberals. When working people unite and walk out together!
With the Internationale, humanity will rise up!
@@sebastiantetsuya6879couldn't be said any better
More like "The instrumentale"
No bloody way! I thought the same!
Gr8 b8 m8 r8 8/8
Michele Ribechini that was a good one I’ll give you that lol
Dad jokes are best jokes.
*British Detected*
This should be the anthem of an united world, or UN itself...
It just sounds so international
You are sooooo right.
Just go search for any language this song has been translated into; that even applies to Latin. But what truly unites the world is the instrumental version.
@Jamie Lipper/10K Subscribers with no videos? Trump doesn't even know this exists.He thinks it sounds like boring music, the most boring of musics. trump music is best.
You're here?
So I played this in Jakarta
Now im in prison because people calls me PKI
Njir kamerad
Kerja bagus kamerad
May the force be with us, kamerad
*Presses F to pay respect to you comrade*
More or less the true international version
+FarCritical cause it's in every language, it's really INTERNATIONAL, cause music doesn't know borders :)
+Orenus Sinistra But humans need cultural borders. Internationalism cant be made by just destroying the homes of billions of people but of founding revolutionary movements in their countries which will form a bourgeoise country into a socialist bastion. At the end there will be a world-ruling world republic with the states as client states.
+derstaemezocker Please explain your idea, comrade.
+Manfredini Asylum Before the world unites we have to do it step by step or it will end in chaos and destroy everything. 1. National revolution 2. International alliances against capitalism/fascism 3. Uniting in a new Soviet Union
+derstaemezocker I see, I'd like countries to maintain their sovereignty though, In order to preserve their own culture. You see, in my vision of a socialist world, all the nations in the world would be comunist of course, and they would unite under a socialist UN.
This song brings tears in my eyes.
Happy May 1 day of struggle. Greetings to all comrades who could not take to the streets due to the pandemic.
Happy June 1st
Happy May Day Comrades!
Happy May Day! Speaking to you from May 1 2019 :)
So comrades come rally! And the last fight let us face!
The Internationale, unites the Human Race!
Crap, i thought it was the Jamaican version. Well?
Here before the flame war
Hey Comrades
Nice to meet you,lets fight for the extinction of class system and nations.
@@zhengduquanLong live Revolution☭🚩✊
Seriously, an advertisement?
+Samuel Hills No, in a Moskwitsh!
Socialists gotta make money somehow
Kieran Grandbois sad how so called socialist are not actually socalist
it's called propaganda
Enlightened Dystopian lmao
I think it's beautiful to think that you can sing the lyrics in every language with this melody, and meaning the same: Freedom!
Yes Oui Da URAH!
@@SirHussonНeт! (Nyet)
I'm going to start a revolution after listening to this song
Lemme join you in that lmao
In all seriousness though, solidarity from the UK, one leftist to another.
I’m joining
Room for another?
Where can I sign up?
_Revolution of proletarians_
I do not not know who you are.
I do not not know where you are.
But if you are reading this, you are my comrade.
To our comrades fighting in Rojava...
To our comrades who have fought in Spain...
To all our civil rights activists who have stood up for the marginalised throughout history...
My highest respect to you.
Our numbers are few,
But we are and always have been on the right side of history.
Do not give up.
Do not lose hope.
Our time will come.
For every person.
For humanity.
Salute from China, comrade!
Salute from Brazil, comrade
Solidarity from America, comrade!
Salut from France, comrade!
Salute from Serbia comrade. FOR HUMANITY!
this song makes me cry.... but I know its Internationale ! The revolution.
I have been listening to this music when i was 7 years old with my grandparents, guitar version only. Now, my alarm clock, i never late
I understand you deeply I am Living in democracy yes but the Leaders are corrupt and the royal family steals our money to use for themselves instead of working for it it Makes me feel awful one day I'm going to make my country a better place the way a country is intended to be and to save nature the industry and the Economy including helping charities to Free those who are opressed by their Greedy leaders a New Earth shall be made to free This terror to finally accept our troubles and work together Once and for all
2:15 “the union, forever!”- Irkutsk TNO
@@SCPKing1835 ummm no
@@SCPKing1835 *Y A G O D A*
@@pashauzan Bessonov is better
@@pashauzan Bessonov is better
Hard to beat this melody.
Most inspirational song for those who wants to live for others and who wants to bring liberty and equality for the poor working class in our society. Red Salute.
For the happiness of all mankind.
@Siad 747 this is a non-sectarian socialist hymn. Not Anarcho
This song gives me a sense of hope in the future of society
Communist 🕊🕊🤯🤯
@@Witchilzy cry about it
@@Witchilzy cope
Moi aussi.
Feel free to download this track
Those are so far my favorite lyrics.
Issac Arellano
that’s the joke you noob
he prefers the instrumentals to vocal arranges
I think*
@Issac Arellano r/wooosh
@Issac Arellano Welp, tough. you earned yourself a wooosh.
Are you the Sokami that I know from Minecraft...?
Будущее принадлежит коммунизму. Может я не доживу до этих светлых времен, но они обязательно настанут
***** Yes they will.
***** you are a national-communist? a red-brown?
***** you hate Zionism?
***** Since when is communism Jewish? Most of the leaders of the communist movement, including Marx and Lenin, have been atheists.
***** Why are you anti-Semetic? I can understand your anti-Zionism, but what have you got against people who are Jewish?
Congrats on getting 1 mil views!
¡¡ Workers of the world , unite !! Greetings from Spain
Rivoluzione fino alla vittoria! Dia dhuit as Éireann!
I got this song stuck in my head.
Now it's our head.
i feel good, sad and happy at the same time while listening to this
Why is this the best music I’ve heard in years
Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains
Wyklęty, powstań ludu ziemi,
Powstańcie, których dręczy głód,
Myśl nowa blaski promiennymi
Powiedzie nas na bój, na trud.
Przeszłości ślad dłoń nasza zmiata,
Przed ciosem niechaj tyran drży!
Ruszymy z posad bryłę świata,
Dziś niczym, jutro wszystkim my!
Bój to będzie ostatni,
Krwawy skończy się trud,
Gdy związek nasz bratni
Ogarnie ludzki ród.
Nie nam wyglądać zmiłowania
Z wyroków bożych, z pańskich spraw.
Z własnego prawa bierz nadania
I z własnej woli sam się zbaw!
Niech w kuźni naszej ogień bucha,
Zanim ostygnie - przekuj w stal,
By łańcuch spadł z wolnego ducha,
A dom niewoli zniszcz i spal!
Bój to będzie ostatni...
Rządzący światem samowładnie
Królowie kopalń, fabryk, hut
Tym mocni są, że każdy kradnie
Bogactwa, które stwarza lud.
W tej bandy kasie ogniotrwałej
Stopiony w złoto krwawy pot.
Na własność do nas przejdzie cały,
Jak należności słusznej zwrot.
Bój to będzie ostatni...
Dziś lud roboczy wsi i miasta
W jedności swojej stwarza moc,
Co się po ziemi wszerz rozrasta,
Jak świt łamiący wieków noc...
Precz darmozjadów rodzie sępi!
Czyż nie dość żerów z naszych ciał?
Gdy lud wam krwawe szpony stępi,
Dzień szczęścia będzie wiecznie trwał.
Bój to będzie ostatni...
The most undeniably powerful melody ever.
@Felcie Nesramsk: Sorry . . . but this a rare case of Stalin being correct: this 1944 Soviet anthem is better than the Internationale.
@@QED_ The 1930s Soviet Anthem was The Internationale. The new anthem was introduced in 1944.
@@QED_ The new anthem was introduced in 1944, my comrade
@@magnadolosfs2707 Got it.
Regardless, the '44 anthem can't top the anthem of the German Democratic Republic.
Happy birthday, comrade Bakunin! С днём рождения тебя, Михаил Александрович!
This song gives me hopes about future which we lost.
The day will come and red banners will rise all over my country again.
Hope is not lost comrade, we never know what the future lies for us as how the working people of past revolutions never knew, but they still pushed forward and fought for a better world. So we must not give up! The internationale will be the anthem of the world!
@@antiskeii2616 Your words are golden...
And you are right. Especially in now situation it is quite possible.
My favorite internationale instrumental! Kudos👍👍👍👍!
Εμπρός της γης οι κολασμένοι
Της πείνας σκλάβοι εμπρός-εμπρός
Το δίκιο απ' τον κρατήρα βγαίνει
Σα βροντή σαν κεραυνός
Φτάνουν πια της σκλαβιάς τα χρόνια
Όλοι εμείς οι ταπεινοί της γης
Που ζούσαμε στην καταφρόνια
Θα γίνουμε το παν εμείς.
Στον Αγώνα Ενωμένοι
Κι ας μη λείψει κανείς
Ω! Να 'τη, μας προσμένει
Στον κόσμο η Διεθνής.
Θεοί, αρχόντοι, βασιλιάδες
Με πλάνα λόγια μας γελούν
Της γης οι δούλοι κι οι ραγιάδες
Μοναχοί τους, θα σωθούν
Για να σπάσουμε τα δεσμά μας
Για να πάψει πια η σκλαβιά
Να νιώσουν πρέπει τη γροθιά μας
Και της ψυχής μας τη φωτιά
Στον Αγώνα Ενωμένοι
Κι ας μη λείψει κανείς
Ω! Να 'τη, μας προσμένει
Στον κόσμο η Διεθνής.
I love everything about this song/tune ... what saddens me is this ... most of the worlds proletariat have No Idea of it or its meaning!.
I hope that one day the whole world will sing this song together, and that will be our freedom.
A means can be justified only by its end. But the end in its turn needs to be justified.
-Leon Trostky
Order above all
The Union forever
0:13 best part
My national anthem
*international anthem
Our national anthem, comrade!
No *OUR* national anthem 😀
THIS IS AMAZING! A ussr-related music without politic-related comments!
It's not ussr music. It's the music of all the people on this wretched earth who fight for a better tomorrow. (Yes I know that the ussr used this as their anthem under lenin)
☭ ☭ ☭ ☭ ☭ ☭
How you do that?
@@siopao8137 *☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭☭*
☭ ★ ☭
☭ ☭ ☭
☭ ☭
Текст сам в голове додумывается. Насколько же это всё-таки мощная песня
I got a Liberal Paty of Canada ad, followed by a Conservative party ad. WTF
"I play both sides so I always come out on top"
-Nikita Khrushchev
Miguel Rodríguez fuck liberals lmao - Lenin
This song really works
October, November, February, March; it doesn't matter the month or the country, as long as we celebrate the Anniversary of the Revolution.
This is the anthem of communism, played by NK people's army marching band. It was originally authored by Frenchman Eugene Pottier (feel free to Google him up for history).
When i watched this RUclips became to OurTube.
The Fuck
Iosif Stalin You are not the real Stalin fake fake
If only
Chester Hung lol me 2
After watching a video about world's wealth inequality, hearing this make me cry even though i'm not Marxist of any kind.
Why not become one? It feels good, it's a moral position and makes you very critical of anything that happens in the world
@@a.v.d.s.2216It's exactly the same as becoming a nazi but without the social stigma.
Danald Sourdough 2 completely different ideologies
@@dagda9773 Not really. The only difference is that in Nazi Germany there was a pseudo-free market, but in """""real""""" communism(whatever that is), any semblance of a capitalist system is wiped out. Beyond that, they're the exact same.
Danald Sourdough bruv they invented privatisation and were heavily inspired by the US’ segregation laws and treatment of indigenous peoples
Happy May Day 2015!
Communist's or no, i think its good melody
Classically speaking, it very wonderful.
Chamska podróba Koprolitego
@@zawlekator a co jeżeli podoba mi się czarna kreska na bialym tle? xd
@@milion123 Nieee ważne c:
"Ruszamy z posad bryłę świata,
Dziś niczym jutro wszystkim my!"
Do boju Towarzysze, przywrócimy Wolną Polskę Ludową!
Za rewolucję socjalistyczną!
“The proletariat is a intentional class”- Friedrich Engels
All rise for the future national anthem of Earth.
Wonderful! I have a small Bronze version of it from the old days. It's my favorite work of Soviet art. I'm saving to visit Moscow in 2017 for the 100th anniversary of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. Maybe with luck, the Russian government will allow a Parade on Red Square.
Did you ever go?
@@amsterdam78 Wonderful!
"Cellatların döktükleri kan onları boğacak,
bu kan denizinin ufkundan kızıl bir güneş doğacak!"
Greetings to all comrades around the world from turkey!
Enternasyonalla kurtuldu insanlık!
As a guy from China ,I gotta say there is no more socialism in China right now,but a system of bureaucrat capitalism with the red coat.You can hardly hear this song unless there are events of authorities.
Yes. But many people don't understand this.
Mao was way better than those revisionists.
@@rakijaenjoyer5488 No. Marx and Trotsky were the best
@@arthurs4093 Marx was good, however Trotsky was a liar and traitor.
@@rakijaenjoyer5488 Stalin betrayed Marx
Comrade, it's the human anthem and the hymn to all!
Greetings from China
I played this while im making a homework about how will i make my country better, but i ended writing about communism.
where do you live? Long live the revolution comrade, you are on the right side of history.
based comrade.
very good, comrade!
@@k_meleon No he is on the left side !!
@@srajanverma9064 true
This exact melody is my high school song! This song was played at every football game back home in Texas! How ironic!
they definitely taught you "better dead than red!"
Communist American School
Are you serious? That's amazing
Oilzilla Well I guess your principal is a relative of Lenin...?
Communism did not fail people, people failed Communism.
I don't associate with Communism, but still a true statement nonetheless.
Of course we will be ready for communism - 2000 years from now or even never.
Its greed which kills communism but communism is future .when people are enlightened it will be back.
@@Metfoil actually communism just doesn't work the USSR's economy was broken and they had no money that's why communism failed and always will it sucks Death to atheism
Communism works on paper, but not in real life.
Rahul Piplani true comrade, btw from which state
Интернационал (без слов). Действительно нет слов.
there is actually 3 versions that are sung in English, The British Verison, The Billy Bragg Revision, and The American Verison. So when he says "American Version", he means the version that American socialists sing now, and the version American workers would have sung at the height of the labor/union movement in the 1930s
"Arise, who don't want to be slave
Arise, who are under the bottom of porverty!"
Love the replay button
Fuck it, this song got me so inspired, that I'm gonna make a communist nation in Stelllaris rn
I could have sworn that, when I heard this song a few decades ago, there were words about a Soviet world government or some such.
The American version uses international soviet rather then internationale. That may be what your thinking of. However theese days its ussually sung the international worker as the soviet union is no more :(
When your boss keeps you while your working time is over
1:55 cant stop replay.....
Вставай проклятьем заклейменный ,
Весь мир голодных и рабов !
Кипит наш разум возмущённый
И в смертный бой вести готов.
Весь мир насилья мы разрушим
До основанья , а затем
Мы наш мы новый мир построим,
Кто был никем тот станет всем!
Это есть наш последний
И решительный бой .
С Интернационалом
Воспрянет род людской
Никто не даст нам избавленья:
Ни бог , ни царь и не герой
Добьёмся мы освобожденья
Своею собственной рукой.
Чтоб свергнуть гнёт рукой умелой,
Отвоевать своё добро ,-
Вздувайте горн и куйте смело ,
Пока железо горячо!
Довольно кровь сосать вампиры,
Тюрьмой , налогом нищетой!
У вас - вся власть , все блага мира,
А наше право - звук пустой !
Мы жизнь построим по иному-
И вот наш лозунг боевой:
А дармоедов всех долой!
Презренны вы в своём богатстве,
Угля и стали короли!
Вы ваши троны тунеядцы ,
На наших спинах возвели.
Заводы , фабрики, палаты -
Всё нашим создано трудом.
Пора! Мы требуем возврата
Того что взято грабежём.
Довольно , королям в угоду,
Дурманить нас в чаду войны!
Война тиранам ! Мир Народу!
Бастуйте армии сыны!
Когда ж тираны нас заставят
В бою геройски пасть за них -
Убийцы в вас тогда направим
Мы жерла пушек боевых!
Лишь мы, работники всемирной
Великой армии труда!
Владеть землёй имеем право,
Но паразиты - никогда!
И если гром великий грянет
Над сворой псов и палачей,
Для нас всё также солнце станет
Сиять огнём своих лучей.
Это есть наш последний
И решительный бой .
С Интернационалом
Воспрянет род людской!
Слава Союзу Советских Социалистических Республик!
Bangunlah kaum yang terhina,
bangunlah kaum yang lapar!
Dendam darah menyala-nyala,
kita berjuang 'tuk keadilan.
Hancurkan dunia lama,
sampai ke dasar-dasarnya!
Dunia baru kita ciptakan,
milik s'luruh kaum pekerja!
Reff (2x):
Perjuangan, penghabisan,
bersatulah berlawan!
Internasionale pastilah berjaya!!!
Kinda Cringe below but i dont delete my cringe posts
Stand up, all victims of oppression
For the tyrants fear your might
Don't cling so hard to your possessions
For you have nothing, if you have no rights
Let racist ignorance be ended
For respect makes the empires fall
Freedom is merely privilege extended
Unless enjoyed by one and all
So come brothers and sisters
For the struggle carries on
The Internationale
Unites the world in song
So comrades come rally
For this is the time and place
The international ideal
Unites the human race
Let no one build walls to divide us
Walls of hatred nor walls of stone
Come greet the dawn and stand beside us
We'll live together or we'll die alone
In our world poisoned by exploitation
Those who have taken, now they must give
And end the vanity of nations
We've but one Earth on which to live
And so begins the final drama
In the streets and in the fields
We stand unbowed before their armour
We defy their guns and shields
When we fight, provoked by their aggression
Let us be inspired by like and love
For though they offer us concessions
Change will not come from above
Well sir, you yourself were a tyrant... Weren't you ? 🤔
@@07aniketdeysarkar26 yeah, Himmler was a tyrant. Stalin? I don't think so. If Trotsky became the supreme leader, the whole Europe would be in bloodbath, and you will know how to definite "tyrant". Stalin just completed his job.
@@koriksflamekell okay bro.
@@mrmakhno3030 stalin was ten times the tyrant anyone else was
Is this a modern picture? I know they were re-building the monument, but I don't know if they finished? Red Flag Flying!
There are several English language versions of The Internationale. The version adopted by the Socialist Labour Party in the UK is known as the 'British version', while the version adopted by the Industrial Workers of the World in the US is known as the 'American version'. The themes are identical to the original French, but the lyrics differ substantially. Modernised English lyrics, such as those by Billy Bragg, also exist.
every time i listen to this song and i felt like my blood is burning. Study for the rise of Chinese!
this is the anthem of the universe
Instrumental yang membangkitkan gairah dalam perjuangan tiada henti. Bersatulah demi Kemanusiaan, Hidup Internationale... Hidup Humanisme... dari Kepulauan Nusantara atau Republik Indonesia oleh Bung Besar Revolusi Bung Karno... MERDEKA...
any body know who composed or orchestrated this piece? love from India
fantastic, i play this in the car, cheers mate!
Hail to the motherland
Arriba los pobres del mundo
De pie los esclavos sin pan
Y gritemos todos unidos:
¡Viva la internacional!
Removamos todas las trabas
Que nos impiden nuestro bien
Cambiemos el mundo de fase
Hundiendo al imperio burgues
Agrupemonos todos
En la lucha final
Que se alcen los pueblos
Por la internacion
Agrupemonos todos
En la lucha final
Y se alcen los pueblos con valor
Por la internacional
El dia que el triunfo alcanzemos
Ni esclavos ni hambrientos abrá
La tierra sera el paraiso
De toda la humanidad
Que la tierra de todos sus frutos
Y la dicha a nuestra hogar
El trabajo es el sosten que a todos
De la abundancia hara gozar
Agrupemonos todos
En la lucha final
Que se alcen los pueblos
Por la internacion
Agrupemonos todos
En la lucha final
Y se alcen los pueblos con valor
Por la internacional
Yagoda moment
STFU NKVD-tard, Wholesome 100 Sablin forever!
@@SCPKing1835 nah man Sablin's ideology sucks
@@albertss4439 Shut or i call Batov
@@SCPKing1835 nah zhukov better
Vsi srečni in veseli zdravi ponosni enakopravni
pred zakonom!!!
Arise ye pris’ners of starvation
Arise ye wretched of the earth
For justice thunders condemnation
A better world’s in birth!
No more tradition’s chains shall bind us
Arise, ye slaves, no more in thrall;
The earth shall rise on new foundations
We have been naught we shall be all.
’Tis the final conflict
Let each stand in his place
The International Union
Shall be the human race.
We want no condescending saviors
To rule us from their judgement hall
We workers ask not for their favors
Let us consult for all.
To make the theif disgorge his booty
To free the spirit from its cell
We must ourselves decide our duty
We must decide and do it well.
The law oppresses us and tricks us,
The wage slave system drains our blood;
The rich are free from obligation,
The laws the poor delude.
Too long we’ve languished in subjection,
Equality has other laws;
"No rights", says she "without their duties,
No claims on equals without cause."
Behold them seated in their glory
The kings of mine and rail and soil!
What have you read in all their story,
But how they plundered toil?
Fruits of the workers’ toil are buried
In strongholds of the idle few
In working for their restitution
The men will only claim their due.
We toilers from all fields united
Join hand in hand with all who work;
The earth belongs to us, the workers,
No room here for the shirk.
How many on our flesh have fattened!
But if the norsome birds of prey
Shall vanish from the sky some morning
The blessed sunlight then will stay.
Interesting fact: When the Soviet foreign minister Molotov visited Berlin in 1940 he was greeted with a band of German soldiers playing The Internationale. Ohh the irony.
National Socialist just become Socialist
It's not I, it's we.
It's not you, it's us.
It's not yours, it's ours.
This instrumental is so........👍👍👍
Happy May Day workers
I laughed because there are ads in the video
0:10 real instrumental start
I was going to make a Deseret Lyrics for this song, but it was removed.
I did all that work for nothing? This song now holds true to me.
Niech żyje internacjonalizm! Nasza międzynarodówka zjednoczy lud pracujący całego świata, a płomień rewolucji ogarnie każdy kraj!🚩🚩🚩
Agreed, comrade.