*V. I. Lenin wrote about the "Internationale":* "This song has been translated into all European, and not only European languages ... Whatever country a class-conscious worker finds himself in, wherever fate throws him, no matter how alien he feels, without language, without acquaintances, far from his homeland, he can find comrades and friends for himself in the familiar tune of the "Internationale". *В. И. Ленин писал об «Интернационале»:* «Эта песня переведена на все европейские, и не только европейские языки… В какую бы страну ни попал сознательный рабочий, куда бы ни забросила его судьба, каким бы чужаком ни чувствовал он себя, без языка, без знакомых, вдали от родины, он может найти себе товарищей и друзей по знакомому напеву „Интернационала“».
This isn't a song about USSR jokes or any shit, it isn't a meme, or the theme of one. This is the theme of all of humanity united together, to strive further than before.
@@haruflol2295 I've heard this strawman repeated ad nauseum but y'all never bother provide proof of this statement. In what ways is China no longer Socialist?
One day I was riding my bike and encountered a friend while playing the Internationale. The friend asked me why I was playing that. I replied “ I just really like the rhythm, and the lyrics, and the beliefs, and the ideology.”
V. I. Lenin wrote about the "Internationale": "This song has been translated into all European, and not only European languages ... In whatever country a class-conscious worker finds himself, wherever fate throws him, no matter how alien he feels, without language, without acquaintances, far from his homeland, he can find comrades and friends for himself in the familiar tune of the "Internationale" "
Вставай, проклятьем заклеймённый, Весь мир голодных и рабов! Кипит наш разум возмущённый И в смертный бой вести готов. Весь мир насилья мы разрушим До основанья, а затем Мы наш, мы новый мир построим, Кто был ничем - тот станет всем. Это есть наш последний И решительный бой; С Интернационалом Воспрянет род людской! Это есть наш последний И решительный бой; С Интернационалом Воспрянет род людской! Никто не даст нам избавленья: Ни бог, ни царь и ни герой - Добьёмся мы освобожденья Своею собственной рукой. Чтоб свергнуть гнёт рукой умелой, Отвоевать своё добро, - Вздувайте горн и куйте смело, Пока железо горячо! Это есть наш последний И решительный бой; С Интернационалом Воспрянет род людской! Это есть наш последний И решительный бой; С Интернационалом Воспрянет род людской! Лишь мы, работники всемирной Великой армии труда, Владеть землёй имеем право, Но паразиты - никогда! И если гром великий грянет Над сворой псов и палачей, Для нас всё так же солнце станет Сиять огнём своих лучей. Это есть наш последний И решительный бой; С Интернационалом Воспрянет род людской! Это есть наш последний И решительный бой; С Интернационалом Воспрянет род людской! Wacht auf, Verdammte dieser Erde, Die stets man noch zum Hungern zwingt! Das Recht wie Glut im Kraterherde Nun mit Macht zum Durchbruch dringt. Reinen Tisch macht mit dem Bedränger! Heer der Sklaven, wache auf! Ein Nichts zu sein, tragt es nicht länger Alles zu werden, strömt zuhauf! Völker, hört die Signale Auf zum letzten Gefecht! Die Internationale Erkämpft das Menschenrecht. Völker, hört die Signale Auf zum letzten Gefecht! Die Internationale Erkämpft das Menschenrecht. Es rettet uns kein höh'res Wesen, Kein Gott, kein Kaiser noch Tribun Uns aus dem Elend zu erlösen Können wir nur selber tun! Leeres Wort: des Armen Rechte, Leeres Wort: des Reichen Pflicht! Unmündig nennt man uns und Knechte, Duldet die Schmach nun länger nicht! Völker, hört die Signale Auf zum letzten Gefecht! Die Internationale Erkämpft das Menschenrecht. Völker, hört die Signale Auf zum letzten Gefecht! Die Internationale Erkämpft das Menschenrecht. In Stadt und Land, ihr Arbeitsleute, Wir sind die stärkste der Partei'n Die Müßiggänger schiebt beiseite! Diese Welt muss unser sein; Unser Blut sei nicht mehr der Raben, Nicht der nächt'gen Geier Fraß! Erst wenn wir sie vertrieben haben Dann scheint die Sonn' ohn' Unterlass! Völker, hört die Signale Auf zum letzten Gefecht! Die Internationale Erkämpft das Menschenrecht. Völker, hört die Signale Auf zum letzten Gefecht! Die Internationale Erkämpft das Menschenrecht.
Wake up, damn this earth, Which always forces you to starve! The right like embers in the crater herd Now with power to breakthrough penetrates. Make a clean table with the oppressor! Army of slaves, wake up! Being a nothing does not carry it any longer Getting everything flows in abundance! Folks, hear the signals On to the last fight! The international Fight the human right. Folks, hear the signals On to the last fight! The international Fight the human right. It saves us no higher being, No god, no emperor nor tribune To save us from misery Can we only do it ourselves! Empty word: the poor's right, Empty word: the rich duty! Minor are called us and servants, Do not tolerate the shame longer! Folks, hear the signals On to the last fight! The international Fight the human right. Folks, hear the signals On to the last fight! The international Fight the human right. In town and country, you working people, We are the strongest party The idlers push aside! This world must be ours; Our blood is no longer the raven, Not the nighttime vulture eating! Only when we have expelled them Then the sun 'ohn' omission seems! Folks, hear the signals On to the last fight! The international Fight the human right. Folks, hear the signals On to the last fight! The international Fight the human right. Google Translate said this was the english version
Wyklęty powstań ludu ziemi. Powstańcie których dręczy głód. Myśl nowa blaskiem promiennymi, Dziś wiedzie nas na bój, na trud, Przeszłości ślad dłoń nasza zmiata Przed ciosem niechaj tyran drży. Ruszymy z posad bryłę świata Dziś niczym- jutro wszystkim my. Ref2x: Bój to jest nasz ostatni Krwawy skończy się trud. Gdy związek nasz bratni, Ogarnie ludzki ród. Nie nam wyglądać zmiłowania Z wyroków bożych, pańskich spraw. Z własnego prawa bierz nadania I z własnej woli sam się zbaw. Niech w kuźni Naszej ogień bucha Zanim ostygnie, przekuj w stal. By łańcuch spadł z wolnego ducha, A dom niewoli zniszcz i spal. Refx2:Bój to jest.... Rządzący światem samowładnie, Królowie kopalń fabryk hut. Tym mocni są, że każdy kradnie, Bogactwa, które stworzył lud. W tej bandy kasie Ogniotrwałej Stopiony w złoto krwawy pot Na własność do nas przejdzie cały, Jak należności słusznej zwrot. Ref: Bój to jest nasz ostatni....
@@PhoenixT70 Anarchosyndicalist Catalonia. Fought off the nazis and a capitalist american-funded counterrevolution for nearly a year with no outside aid (the soviets didn't like the anarchists badmouthing stalin), and at the same time increased industrial output by 20% without conscripting people to military service against their will or using capital for internal affairs. If you believe George Orwell's account of events, the streets were filled with cheers and festivities. There were flaws in the system they had created, and when faced with 2 different wars at once at the time of its inception it didn't last forever, but I call that freedom. Enjoy your imagined solidarity with the ruling class.
English lyrics: Lets all peacefully achieve a socialist world in which everyone is equal. Pretty much all other versions: Lets prepare for the final war to crush capitalism once and for all!
Some of my favorite communist music comes from back in the American labor movement, songs like Commonwealth of Toil that are so cheerily talking about how wonderful things will be when the dust settles and the revolution is won. Many of them were devised as tactics to use during strikes - bands would be hired to drown out the noise of striking workers, so the unions would make union-friendly versions of those songs to sing with the bands - a good example being Hold the Fort.
Wait, what? I thought the English lyrics were literally "when we fight, provoked by their aggression let us be inspired by life and love, though they offer us concessions change will not come from above"?
@@Mrjmaxted0291 So? The german version goes "Wake up, damned [people] of the earth, who are still forced to hunger! Justice, like embers in the hearth, is now coming with all force! Make a clear table with the oppressor! Lord of slaves, wake up! To be nothing will no longer do it To become everything flows too much!" (I know the translation is awkward but i couldnt find one so i mostly translated it myself) And thats just the first stanza.
1888: The International is put to music. "Workers of the world Unite" 1914: Workers of the world: "On second thought, let's try this…" And they were back before Christmas! The End
English lyrics: Stand up all victims of oppression For the tyrants fear your might Don't cling so hard to your possessions For you have nothing if you have no rights Let racist ignorance be ended For respect makes the empires fall Freedom is merely privilege extended Unless enjoyed by one and all So come brothers and sisters For the struggle carries on The internationale Unites the world in song So comrades come rally For this is the time and place The international ideal Unites the human race Let no one build walls to divide us Walls of hatred nor walls of stone Come greet the dawn and stand beside us We'll live together or we'll die alone In our world poisoned by exploitation Those who have taken now they must give And end the vanity of nations We've but one earth on which to live And so begins the final drama In the streets and in the fields We stand unbowed before their armor We defy their guns and shields When we fight provoked by their aggression Let us be inspired by like and love For though they offer us concessions Change will not come from above
@@anonym1168 Well lets be honest. In this day and age everyone either some edgy 12 year old or full grown adults support communism. (Not everyone just a decent percentage) Now, people don't research facts or even take the time to think about the information they receive about communism. So, hailing communism as a hero of godlike proportions is not really obliged by myself.
PROLETARIOS DE TODOS LOS PAISES AGRUPAMONOS (la traduzione compagneto per ti in spagnolo per che tuti entendan tuo parole spero che no fatto erore) , e che canto o bella ciao bella ciao bella ciao ciao ciao una matina , naninanana , ho trovato l'invasore
Here's the lyric for thos who want. It's in french 'cause it's a french song, not a russian one (suprise !) Debout, les damnés de la terre Debout, les forçats de la faim La raison tonne en son cratère, C'est l'éruption de la faim. Du passé faisons table rase, Foule esclave, debout, debout Le monde va changer de base, Nous ne sommes rien, soyons tout. Refrain (répété deux fois) C'est la lutte finale ; Groupons nous et demain L'Internationale Sera le genre humain. Il n'est pas de sauveurs suprêmes Ni Dieu, ni César, ni Tribun, Producteurs, sauvons-nous nous-mêmes Décrétons le salut commun. Pour que le voleur rende gorge, Pour tirer l'esprit du cachot, Soufflons nous-mêmes notre forge, Battons le fer tant qu'il est chaud. L'État comprime et la Loi triche, L'impôt saigne le malheureux ; Nul devoir ne s'impose au riche ; Le droit du pauvre est un mot creux C'est assez languir en tutelle, L'Égalité veut d'autres lois ; "Pas de droits sans devoirs, dit-elle Égaux pas de devoirs sans droits."
@@faux3113 Eugène Pottier, and it was originally arranged to the tune of La Marseillaise (the French national anthem). There are three more verses after the ones Gilles posted, though the fifth is typically omitted in authoritarian states that purport to seek socialism because it refers to the right of people to use force against their own governments.
Pottier wrote only the lyric, but it was actually Pierre De Geyter who composed the melody; somehow, people tend to don't know this. If not because of De Geyter, L'Internationale would be sung in the tune of La Marseillaise.
@@bonno55 there's a worldwide one organized by Global Ecosocialist Network in November of 2021 for climate reform. Check out the details and spread the word, comrade
Actually thanks for this. I can not only use this for listening to music, i can actually play it since I'm around late beginner and btw ive learned your soviet anthem tutorial but on the 3rd repeat, i tweaked the left and right hand since my hands arent big enough to play 4 notes at a time
@@brinkipinki he said that because most spies only know the soviet anthem so that they would disguise themselves as "communists". It's a disgrace to the motherland
I listen to all Red army songs,Soviet anthem like 10 times a day, the Internationale 5 times a day, Cuba's,China's,North Korean,Vietnamese and Lao anthem 1x a day Is that enough?
It started as a meme. It started as jokes. It was like that for a long time until one day you decided to actually search it. Until you decided to learn what it is. Only then you realised that you actually agree with it. Only then you embraced it.
What started out as shitposting has now become a daily fight against oppression in all of our lives. This is proof that memes are beneficial to humanity.
I think I was in the first year at primary school in Poland that didn't have to sing Internationale. I remember it was still in our music text book, but we didn't have to learn it. However, I'm sure that the years directly before me did sing it. The teachers at our primary school were real pianists, who used to play the piano while we sang. These days music teachers play YT videos for their students to sing along to.
Fires extinguish without a constant source of fuel (exp Gas) You need a spark for the ignition indeed, but in order to keep it burning and eventually overthrow Capitalism you need a Communist Party to lead the masses to a revolution.
Sadly, no. The American people want reform, not an overthrow, though if they keep fucking up the people might get sick. But for now, it seems that the imperialists will give people what they want and it will blow over. Worry not, comrade, the time will come. Capitalism is unsustainable.
@@gebdemedici "Capitalism is unsustainable?" If that's true, then why are the only communist nations in the world either third world deadzones or consigned to the ash heap of history while the US does the Coffin Dance on their graves? We're only having economic troubles because the government has gotten involved in the economy (more than they should be, at any rate). Capitalism works fine, provided that the government has just enough oversight to ensure that the natural rights of workers (those being Life, Liberty, and Property) are not infringed upon, but not too much as to impose its will upon the economy. The West became as strong as we did through the power of individual enterprise and free will, not through a quote-unquote "dictatorship of the people" like the Soviets had. As for that concept, it is, well, laughable. A dictator is a dictator, even if people chose to have one. The popular choice not always the right choice. Your time may come, but remember this: as long as there are men and women that yearn to breathe free, your ideology will never prevail.
@@PhoenixT70 communism is freedom. Read actual communist writers instead of relying on cold war propaganda (you don't even have to agree with them, Lord knows I disagree with Lenin and Trotsky on plenty of things, but Kōtoku and Kropotkin have plenty of writings) and come to your own conclusions.
@@marxistgaming6251 because they want to believe that they have solidarity with the ruling class, and so they're more than willing to believe that daddy caesar is gonna save them and that enemies of daddy caesar are their enemies as well. We cannot be their enemies, they're our comrades even if they don't realize the errors they're perpetrating. If there was a hell, you could bet there would be plenty of people praising the devil.
@@cooldude6651 they are our comrade , i know they want to create a better future just like we communists do ,but they got control and educate by the Capitalists or the capitalists's victim like him , time will tell what will happen , best wish
I know there are very few Spanish comments in here, but anyways, here'r the lyrics in Spanish. Arriba los pobres del mundo En pie los esclavos sin pan, alcémonos todos al grito: ¡Viva la Internacional! Removamos todas las trabas que oprimen al proletario, cambiemos el mundo de base, hundiendo al imperio burgués. Agrupémonos todos, en la lucha final, y se alcen los pueblos con valor por la Internacional. (Bis) El día que el triunfo alcancemos ni esclavos ni dueños habrá, los odios que al mundo envenenan al punto se extinguirán. El hombre del hombre es hermano, derechos iguales tendrán la Tierra será el paraíso, patria de la Humanidad Agrupémonos todos en la lucha final. Y se alzan los pueblos por la Internacional. Agrupémonos todos en la lucha final Y se alzan los pueblos ¡con valor! Por la Internacional.
FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO LEARN A VERSION.... HERE IS THE GREEK ONE. 1. Empròs tis gis i kolasmèni tis pìnas sklàvi empròs empròs to dìkio ap'ton kratìra vgènei san vrodì san keravnòs. Ftànun pià tis sklabiàs ta chrònia òli emìs i tapinì tis gis pu zùsame stin katafrònia tha gìnume to pan emìs. 2. (Ston agòna enomèni , as mi lìpsi kanìs Oh na ti , mas prosmèni ston kòsmo i diethnìs)x2 3. Theì , archònti , vasiliàdes, me plàna lògia mas gelùn Tis gis i dùli ki ragiàdes monachì tus tha sothùn Gia na spàsume ta desmà mas , gia na pàpsi pia i sklavià na niòsun , prèpi, ti grothià mas ke tis psichìs mas tin fotià 2 again 4 . Empròs monàchi mas elpìda in i sfigmèni mas grothià òhi polèmi stin patrìda zìto zìto i ergatià!!!!! ki an thelìsune na dokimàsoyn tis psichìs mas tus keravnùs tha dùne tòte , tha tromàxun , pos in i sfères mas gia aftùs 2again
why do my tears always run, when hearing beautiful soviet and other socialist music? its so bright, it warms your heart, you feel useful and bigger, humanity stands together as one force and we all are happy...😭😭😭
Become Mr Worldwide with the sheets: gum.co/MjsqM
Yes comrade
I see
"1 day ago" lmao
but this video is 1yr more
Thank you comrade
Для гожлл
L'internationale, c'est le mieux
*V. I. Lenin wrote about the "Internationale":* "This song has been translated into all European, and not only European languages ... Whatever country a class-conscious worker finds himself in, wherever fate throws him, no matter how alien he feels, without language, without acquaintances, far from his homeland, he can find comrades and friends for himself in the familiar tune of the "Internationale".
*В. И. Ленин писал об «Интернационале»:* «Эта песня переведена на все европейские, и не только европейские языки… В какую бы страну ни попал сознательный рабочий, куда бы ни забросила его судьба, каким бы чужаком ни чувствовал он себя, без языка, без знакомых, вдали от родины, он может найти себе товарищей и друзей по знакомому напеву „Интернационала“».
One of the best French song
@@guillaumelvl9088 the best human song. mais aussi vive le republique
This is beautiful. Thank you.
Greetings from Vietnam. I had my dad listen to this, he's a retired party member and he liked this rendition very much.
Your dad is cool I hope he is doing well
Hope you’re doing well, hi from Tennessee!
Greetings comrade, hope your dad is doing very well :)
greetings comrade! best wishes to your dad from China
Greetings comrade hope hope your dad is doing well
This isn't a song about USSR jokes or any shit, it isn't a meme, or the theme of one.
This is the theme of all of humanity united together, to strive further than before.
Theme of the dumbest system which caused millions to die. hUmAnItY uNiTeD tOgEtHeR
@@Account13111 China isn't even socialist anymore. Just on the paper
@@haruflol2295 how is it not
@@haruflol2295 cope
@@haruflol2295 I've heard this strawman repeated ad nauseum but y'all never bother provide proof of this statement. In what ways is China no longer Socialist?
Pianists all over the world, unite!
You have nothing to lose but your stage fright!
Nice 🤣🤣🤣
Пролетариат всех стран соединяйтесь.
"Some say this video is the beginning"
"The beginning, of what?"
*"The World Revolution Comrade"*
Imagine all people making a revolution in past-conquered countries by the USSR and this music in the background
Genosse RedCat [Proletariat.ch] Nazbol gang
@@DialecticalMaterialismRocks trotsky is my daddy
@@bruhmomentium9 May be the future creator of a communist utopia in Latvia. And then. Well,the sScialist World Republic.
Played this when Biking.
Had to stop since it broke my chains.
Lmao good one
I wheezed
Good one comrade !
like MLK said, "now you have nothing to lose"
One day I was riding my bike and encountered a friend while playing the Internationale.
The friend asked me why I was playing that.
I replied “ I just really like the rhythm, and the lyrics, and the beliefs, and the ideology.”
Go ahead, comrade! :)
I want to be your friend in that case.
"ideology." yeah, lets forget how people were gruesomely killed in gulags, had to work and had almost no food. Also, 1932. Holodomor
Fucking communist
V. I. Lenin wrote about the "Internationale": "This song has been translated into all European, and not only European languages ... In whatever country a class-conscious worker finds himself, wherever fate throws him, no matter how alien he feels, without language, without acquaintances, far from his homeland, he can find comrades and friends for himself in the familiar tune of the "Internationale" "
I would say stolen, But this is *_Our Comment Section_*
@@老脑瘫 "write about"
Eugène Pottier, a french communist wrote it
@@老脑瘫 Why are you making it sound like it would be an insult to this anthem/ take away from the glorious-ness thereof, if He had written it 🤨?
Великая песня. Гимн трудового народа!
Вставай, проклятьем заклеймённый,
Весь мир голодных и рабов!
Кипит наш разум возмущённый
И в смертный бой вести готов.
Весь мир насилья мы разрушим
До основанья, а затем
Мы наш, мы новый мир построим,
Кто был ничем - тот станет всем.
Это есть наш последний
И решительный бой;
С Интернационалом
Воспрянет род людской!
Это есть наш последний
И решительный бой;
С Интернационалом
Воспрянет род людской!
Никто не даст нам избавленья:
Ни бог, ни царь и ни герой -
Добьёмся мы освобожденья
Своею собственной рукой.
Чтоб свергнуть гнёт рукой умелой,
Отвоевать своё добро, -
Вздувайте горн и куйте смело,
Пока железо горячо!
Это есть наш последний
И решительный бой;
С Интернационалом
Воспрянет род людской!
Это есть наш последний
И решительный бой;
С Интернационалом
Воспрянет род людской!
Лишь мы, работники всемирной
Великой армии труда,
Владеть землёй имеем право,
Но паразиты - никогда!
И если гром великий грянет
Над сворой псов и палачей,
Для нас всё так же солнце станет
Сиять огнём своих лучей.
Это есть наш последний
И решительный бой;
С Интернационалом
Воспрянет род людской!
Это есть наш последний
И решительный бой;
С Интернационалом
Воспрянет род людской!
Wacht auf, Verdammte dieser Erde,
Die stets man noch zum Hungern zwingt!
Das Recht wie Glut im Kraterherde
Nun mit Macht zum Durchbruch dringt.
Reinen Tisch macht mit dem Bedränger!
Heer der Sklaven, wache auf!
Ein Nichts zu sein, tragt es nicht länger
Alles zu werden, strömt zuhauf!
Völker, hört die Signale
Auf zum letzten Gefecht!
Die Internationale
Erkämpft das Menschenrecht.
Völker, hört die Signale
Auf zum letzten Gefecht!
Die Internationale
Erkämpft das Menschenrecht.
Es rettet uns kein höh'res Wesen,
Kein Gott, kein Kaiser noch Tribun
Uns aus dem Elend zu erlösen
Können wir nur selber tun!
Leeres Wort: des Armen Rechte,
Leeres Wort: des Reichen Pflicht!
Unmündig nennt man uns und Knechte,
Duldet die Schmach nun länger nicht!
Völker, hört die Signale
Auf zum letzten Gefecht!
Die Internationale
Erkämpft das Menschenrecht.
Völker, hört die Signale
Auf zum letzten Gefecht!
Die Internationale
Erkämpft das Menschenrecht.
In Stadt und Land, ihr Arbeitsleute,
Wir sind die stärkste der Partei'n
Die Müßiggänger schiebt beiseite!
Diese Welt muss unser sein;
Unser Blut sei nicht mehr der Raben,
Nicht der nächt'gen Geier Fraß!
Erst wenn wir sie vertrieben haben
Dann scheint die Sonn' ohn' Unterlass!
Völker, hört die Signale
Auf zum letzten Gefecht!
Die Internationale
Erkämpft das Menschenrecht.
Völker, hört die Signale
Auf zum letzten Gefecht!
Die Internationale
Erkämpft das Menschenrecht.
Wake up, damn this earth,
Which always forces you to starve!
The right like embers in the crater herd
Now with power to breakthrough penetrates.
Make a clean table with the oppressor!
Army of slaves, wake up!
Being a nothing does not carry it any longer
Getting everything flows in abundance!
Folks, hear the signals
On to the last fight!
The international
Fight the human right.
Folks, hear the signals
On to the last fight!
The international
Fight the human right.
It saves us no higher being,
No god, no emperor nor tribune
To save us from misery
Can we only do it ourselves!
Empty word: the poor's right,
Empty word: the rich duty!
Minor are called us and servants,
Do not tolerate the shame longer!
Folks, hear the signals
On to the last fight!
The international
Fight the human right.
Folks, hear the signals
On to the last fight!
The international
Fight the human right.
In town and country, you working people,
We are the strongest party
The idlers push aside!
This world must be ours;
Our blood is no longer the raven,
Not the nighttime vulture eating!
Only when we have expelled them
Then the sun 'ohn' omission seems!
Folks, hear the signals
On to the last fight!
The international
Fight the human right.
Folks, hear the signals
On to the last fight!
The international
Fight the human right.
Google Translate said this was the english version
English version is in the description of this video.
oh well makes sense
Translation was completely wrong XD
Дас ист фантастиш!
A song for the people, by the people.
Congratulations you commented before Justin Y did
Kidsbop is communist
I'm youre hater. Nice to meet you.
You have nothing to lose, but your chains.
*we have nothing to lose but our chains
You mean collar, for the dog in your profile picture
Preach it comrade
Now make it international.
Mr. ML&G now can you make ragtime?
Oooooooooh lol
Brawlhalla boi, what are you doing here?
Smooth jazz
Where the fuck is my Cory in the house theme song
Fun fact: The Internationale was the first anthem of the Soviet Union
Wasn't the first anthem the Workers' Marseillaise?
@@宋教仁-b4i Unofficially sorta
@@宋教仁-b4i I thought that the Worker's Mersellaise was the Russian Republic's anthem
No. "Рабочая Марсельеза". Find it on wiki
Yeah, untill 1944.
My Grandfather: turn that thing of now girl
Me: why?
My Grandfather: because we have louder speakers here
You have a cool grandfather lol
My grandfather kinda looks like Stalin funnily enough
@khosrow parviz Kim Jong Uns sister: *Am I a joke to you*?
A tam chcesz dorny w polu całować?Edzio będzie trzymał za kręgi a ja lał szpadlem ile wlezie.
Correction: *OUR* comrade grandfather
you uploaded it right on my birthday
*thank you comrade*
This is late but happy birthday
Nibrasakhi we don’t have birthdays. We all share the birthday of our glorious leader, Lenin
Im sorry for you... feels bad man.
How funny today is my birthday
Its our Jesus
Аж сердце сжалось! Спасибо за любимую песню! Thanks for my favorite song!
This beautiful song always manages to make me cry.
1812 overture
CANNONS are not safe, it will be demonetized
id13 RUclips 2018.
id13 dammit
Why can't we show the piece as it was intended?
LDBlokland because RUclips is capitalist. And is hypersensitive about things.
Pixel Surge guess we'll send woijciki or however you spell her name to the gulag then...
Now it's Ourtube.
Hi Justin! Hope you have a nice day!
Some funny meme about Justin Y. and how he is everywhere
Oh kill me..
Justin Y. Can you tell me your story?
Justin Y. Holy shit, dude. You are like Morgan freeman, you are everywhere...
Wyklęty powstań ludu ziemi.
Powstańcie których dręczy głód.
Myśl nowa blaskiem promiennymi,
Dziś wiedzie nas na bój, na trud,
Przeszłości ślad dłoń nasza zmiata
Przed ciosem niechaj tyran drży.
Ruszymy z posad bryłę świata
Dziś niczym- jutro wszystkim my.
Ref2x: Bój to jest nasz ostatni
Krwawy skończy się trud.
Gdy związek nasz bratni,
Ogarnie ludzki ród.
Nie nam wyglądać zmiłowania
Z wyroków bożych, pańskich spraw.
Z własnego prawa bierz nadania
I z własnej woli sam się zbaw.
Niech w kuźni
Naszej ogień bucha
Zanim ostygnie, przekuj w stal.
By łańcuch spadł z wolnego ducha,
A dom niewoli zniszcz i spal.
Refx2:Bój to jest....
Rządzący światem samowładnie,
Królowie kopalń fabryk hut.
Tym mocni są, że każdy kradnie,
Bogactwa, które stworzył lud.
W tej bandy kasie Ogniotrwałej
Stopiony w złoto krwawy pot
Na własność do nas przejdzie cały,
Jak należności słusznej zwrot.
Ref: Bój to jest nasz ostatni....
Perfect thing to wake up from a nap to
Natalie Alfera no napping get back to work or it's gulag for you!
May this 1st of May be a glimpse of hope for a better future; may our health and freedom defeat the disease.
Workers of the world, unite! ✊
If you're worried about freedom, then why are you using communist slogans?
@@PhoenixT70 Cause communism is freedom, but you are not ready for that conversation
@@andrestorp That is a slogan. Give me actual evidence, then we'll talk. Until then, enjoy your freedom of speech and free enterprise.
@@PhoenixT70 Anarchosyndicalist Catalonia. Fought off the nazis and a capitalist american-funded counterrevolution for nearly a year with no outside aid (the soviets didn't like the anarchists badmouthing stalin), and at the same time increased industrial output by 20% without conscripting people to military service against their will or using capital for internal affairs. If you believe George Orwell's account of events, the streets were filled with cheers and festivities. There were flaws in the system they had created, and when faced with 2 different wars at once at the time of its inception it didn't last forever, but I call that freedom. Enjoy your imagined solidarity with the ruling class.
@@cooldude6651 thats my boy!!!
English lyrics: Lets all peacefully achieve a socialist world in which everyone is equal.
Pretty much all other versions: Lets prepare for the final war to crush capitalism once and for all!
Some of my favorite communist music comes from back in the American labor movement, songs like Commonwealth of Toil that are so cheerily talking about how wonderful things will be when the dust settles and the revolution is won. Many of them were devised as tactics to use during strikes - bands would be hired to drown out the noise of striking workers, so the unions would make union-friendly versions of those songs to sing with the bands - a good example being Hold the Fort.
@@cooldude6651 also the IWW used folks music to get workers familiar with the IWW and socialism
@@cooldude6651 Should I Ever be a Soldier by Joe Hill is also great
Wait, what? I thought the English lyrics were literally "when we fight, provoked by their aggression let us be inspired by life and love, though they offer us concessions change will not come from above"?
@@Mrjmaxted0291 So? The german version goes "Wake up, damned [people] of the earth, who are still forced to hunger!
Justice, like embers in the hearth, is now coming with all force!
Make a clear table with the oppressor!
Lord of slaves, wake up!
To be nothing will no longer do it
To become everything flows too much!"
(I know the translation is awkward but i couldnt find one so i mostly translated it myself)
And thats just the first stanza.
Workers of the world *UNITE*
UNITE under the RED banner of liberty!
1888: The International is put to music. "Workers of the world Unite"
1914: Workers of the world: "On second thought, let's try this…"
And they were back before Christmas!
The End
Uh i like potato
Countries of the world *UNITE*
English lyrics:
Stand up all victims of oppression
For the tyrants fear your might
Don't cling so hard to your possessions
For you have nothing if you have no rights
Let racist ignorance be ended
For respect makes the empires fall
Freedom is merely privilege extended
Unless enjoyed by one and all
So come brothers and sisters
For the struggle carries on
The internationale
Unites the world in song
So comrades come rally
For this is the time and place
The international ideal
Unites the human race
Let no one build walls to divide us
Walls of hatred nor walls of stone
Come greet the dawn and stand beside us
We'll live together or we'll die alone
In our world poisoned by exploitation
Those who have taken now they must give
And end the vanity of nations
We've but one earth on which to live
And so begins the final drama
In the streets and in the fields
We stand unbowed before their armor
We defy their guns and shields
When we fight provoked by their aggression
Let us be inspired by like and love
For though they offer us concessions
Change will not come from above
Even my non-communist friends agree that we have the best music.
As a non communist, I second this
EDIT: This, "Einheitsfrontlied," and "Quand Fera-t-Il Jour, Camarade" are all epic
@TheRuble No, I speak a little of it from school
Even though I believe in better dead then red. This a good tune.
@@Central_Intelligence_Agency_ Why do you believe in that?
@@anonym1168 Well lets be honest. In this day and age everyone either some edgy 12 year old or full grown adults support communism. (Not everyone just a decent percentage) Now, people don't research facts or even take the time to think about the information they receive about communism. So, hailing communism as a hero of godlike proportions is not really obliged by myself.
Proletari di tutti i paesi, unitevi!🇮🇹✊
PROLETARIOS DE TODOS LOS PAISES AGRUPAMONOS (la traduzione compagneto per ti in spagnolo per che tuti entendan tuo parole spero che no fatto erore) , e che canto o bella ciao bella ciao bella ciao ciao ciao una matina , naninanana , ho trovato l'invasore
@@skywishr1313 cosa no
Si! ✊🏻
Now can you make it *R A G T I M E* ?
That actually unironically sounds like a great idea.
Now can we make it earrape.
Or nightcore weeb shit.
I have an 8 bit of the song but like oh my God I'm down for any and all version of the song
1st of May! 🚩🚩🚩🌹🟥🟥🟥
Here's the lyric for thos who want. It's in french 'cause it's a french song, not a russian one (suprise !)
Debout, les damnés de la terre
Debout, les forçats de la faim
La raison tonne en son cratère,
C'est l'éruption de la faim.
Du passé faisons table rase,
Foule esclave, debout, debout
Le monde va changer de base,
Nous ne sommes rien, soyons tout.
Refrain (répété deux fois)
C'est la lutte finale ;
Groupons nous et demain
Sera le genre humain.
Il n'est pas de sauveurs suprêmes
Ni Dieu, ni César, ni Tribun,
Producteurs, sauvons-nous nous-mêmes
Décrétons le salut commun.
Pour que le voleur rende gorge,
Pour tirer l'esprit du cachot,
Soufflons nous-mêmes notre forge,
Battons le fer tant qu'il est chaud.
L'État comprime et la Loi triche,
L'impôt saigne le malheureux ;
Nul devoir ne s'impose au riche ;
Le droit du pauvre est un mot creux
C'est assez languir en tutelle,
L'Égalité veut d'autres lois ;
"Pas de droits sans devoirs, dit-elle
Égaux pas de devoirs sans droits."
It has lyrics in every language...
Podemos URSS but it was written in French
It was written by a French Ancom but I forgot his name
@@faux3113 Eugène Pottier, and it was originally arranged to the tune of La Marseillaise (the French national anthem). There are three more verses after the ones Gilles posted, though the fifth is typically omitted in authoritarian states that purport to seek socialism because it refers to the right of people to use force against their own governments.
One of the most beautiful songs ever written
The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains, and a world to gain. Workers of the world unite!!
Stand up all victims of oppression
you have nothing if you have no rights.
The coordination here is beautiful
let racist ignorance be ended.
For respect makes the empires fall
Debout! les damnés de la terre!
Debout! les forçats de la faim!
E. Pottier was a genius, it's not an easy job creating this legend...
Pottier wrote only the lyric, but it was actually Pierre De Geyter who composed the melody; somehow, people tend to don't know this. If not because of De Geyter, L'Internationale would be sung in the tune of La Marseillaise.
The International is a french anthem for the people. Wrote in 1871 during the repression of Paris by the third emperor.
Well yes, but actually no (it was the newly proclaimed French Third Republic)
The first note of every countries national anthem made into a song
that's a pretty good idea.
make that the anthem of the UN
i'm interested
Russia, China, DPRK are one of these. The first 2 notes.
@@flyingspacebrainedidiot UN are too imperialist in their actions to do that.
@@lorenzopulmano4894 also
@@lorenzopulmano4894 usus
@@henrik4630 What does Usus mean?
@@lukeskywalker1557 wait... I am a Blin...
Hat-it warms my head
Boots-it warms my feet
Coat-it warms my body
Internationale piano-It warms my heart
I love this music comrades
The soviet union solidarity forever!
Americans really need this.
@@походлиВеликий xswl
Absolutely, syndicalist revolution is the first step to recovering from the crisis we're in and from the plight of workers all throughout history.
@@cooldude6651 nation wide general strike
@@bonno55 there's a worldwide one organized by Global Ecosocialist Network in November of 2021 for climate reform. Check out the details and spread the word, comrade
Now: Ernst Busch - Einheitsfrontlied
I learned it, its really a beutyfull Song.
Ahuagaga Edschi YES PLEASE
yeah man
Drum links 2 3
Drum links 2 3
Drum links 2 3
That'd be epic
Vive la Commune de Paris ! Vive l'Internationale ! Vive la France !
hahahaha french people baguette omelette du fromage maginot line
Darsam vous m'avez appelé 😁😂
Maintenant crie au Russian Can can
J'aime me beurrer la biscotte...
Content de pas être le seul français
Long live the revolution!
Long live marxism!
Long Live the Worker’s!
Long live the people!
Long live for communism and my dick
long live the republic
down with the radical scum!
Actually thanks for this. I can not only use this for listening to music, i can actually play it since I'm around late beginner and btw ive learned your soviet anthem tutorial but on the 3rd repeat, i tweaked the left and right hand since my hands arent big enough to play 4 notes at a time
You make the motherland proud
Phineapoo WE
You(we) are right. You(we) make the motherland proud
@@rodinkettlepot9276 What do you mean contrary to popular belief ? It's called L'internationale x)
"motherland" is a nationalistic notion that has no place in the internationalism that this song conveys.
What does the fake communist listen:Soviet March
What does the imperialist listen:Soviet anthem
What does the real communist listen:International
What a true communist listens to: everything that is all about the victories of communism, no matter what the language is
I answer to your comment, because I want to know what you'll answer:
Why would you consider the soviet union to be imperialist?
@@brinkipinki he said that because most spies only know the soviet anthem so that they would disguise themselves as "communists". It's a disgrace to the motherland
Paul robeson wouldnt agree
I listen to all Red army songs,Soviet anthem like 10 times a day, the Internationale 5 times a day, Cuba's,China's,North Korean,Vietnamese and Lao anthem 1x a day
Is that enough?
East German anthem 'Auferstanden aus Ruinen' plz
You're amazing, comrades
"proletariat has nothing to lose but their chains, they have a world to win. Workers of the world, UNITE!"
25 views and 59 comments.
It's just that good.
Товарищ, выражаю вам благодарность от всего пролетариата 👍🙂
A song we all can enjoy
I imagine the people who sang this song with ardeur.
I played this in the White House
Now it’s the Kremlin
The Red house
*we played this in the white house
Joesph Vissarionovich Stalin бать
it became the red house
Good comrade!!!!
Go a way Stalin. You ruined everything. >:(
Bobby Siecker Not really
@@mysteriousmuffin6017 OK true, he didn't ruin capitalist rule.
Bobby Siecker Okay now I’m just confused lmao
@@VRSVLVS begone trot!
Beautiful. I am crying .
I actually cried^(
No comrade, *we are crying*
funny how we all as zoomers had that ironic communist meme phase, and then later down the line we're just like, "yeah... ironic... phase... he he."
It started as a meme. It started as jokes. It was like that for a long time until one day you decided to actually search it. Until you decided to learn what it is. Only then you realised that you actually agree with it. Only then you embraced it.
I love this comment and the two replies above mine, so relatable
@@eLeft6 yep, to think I wouldn’t be a communist if someone didn’t make a Soviet Union no food earrape video
What started out as shitposting has now become a daily fight against oppression in all of our lives. This is proof that memes are beneficial to humanity.
Happy May 1 day of struggle. Greetings to all comrades who could not take to the streets due to the pandemic.
Don’t listen to this while riding a bike, it will break your chains.
I dont understand, is this a reference to something?
It refers to the communist manifesto where it says “the workers have nothing to lose but their chains”
OUR chains
Happy International Workers' Day, comrades!!!
С интернационалом ВОСПРЯНЕТ РОД ЛЮДСКОЙ!
0:10 you thought it was soviet anthem
0:14 you heard it
0:15 but you're wrong
Edit: So much salty fucker. Yeah, thank you.
Raped Ya it was soviet anthem
Until 1944 it was Ussr anthem u stupid potato.
International soviet anthem was 1922-1944
it was a better tune
Гагик Мкртчян and in the RSFSR from 1918
Sheet music boss has truly realized the way of the people
*Ad plays before a red anthem*
Marx in his grave: "Wait, that's illegal"
They will sell us the rope...
@@CABOOSEBOB To hang marxist intellectuals.
@@CABOOSEBOB And )**s :)
@@fallout1953 It's never too late to realise. You would have regretted the day an international revolution really does take place
@@JayN_101 I would regret a victory of a j*wish oligarchy, yes.
I'm very appacionated by the music of The Internationale I'm almost addicted to it! Musicians all around the world, unite!
A nation made by workers for the workers! 🛠️ 🚩 ✊🏻✊🏾✊🏼✊🏿
Thank you fellow Comrad! You make our motherland proud!
It's French
I think I was in the first year at primary school in Poland that didn't have to sing Internationale. I remember it was still in our music text book, but we didn't have to learn it. However, I'm sure that the years directly before me did sing it. The teachers at our primary school were real pianists, who used to play the piano while we sang. These days music teachers play YT videos for their students to sing along to.
Walked into the US capitol building playing this in my headphones
Bro, this sounds so weird now when people actually 'walked in' inside the US capitol, I doubt they were playing Internationale though.
This comment has not aged well. I am Nostradamus himself.
@@careyb2985 I see it, I feel it.
@@careyb2985 I was about to say, this aged like milk.
Totally disagree with your sentiment btw, but this is really funny with hindsight.
By the people, for the people
Workers of the world Unite.
A spark will ignite a flame Lenin's quote
Minneapolis lit a spark.
Fires extinguish without a constant source of fuel (exp Gas)
You need a spark for the ignition indeed, but in order to keep it burning and eventually overthrow Capitalism you need a Communist Party to lead the masses to a revolution.
Sadly, no. The American people want reform, not an overthrow, though if they keep fucking up the people might get sick.
But for now, it seems that the imperialists will give people what they want and it will blow over. Worry not, comrade, the time will come. Capitalism is unsustainable.
@@gebdemedici Capitalism will eventually destroy itself; once automation fully kicks in guarantee it. Till then we comrades must strive
@@gebdemedici "Capitalism is unsustainable?" If that's true, then why are the only communist nations in the world either third world deadzones or consigned to the ash heap of history while the US does the Coffin Dance on their graves? We're only having economic troubles because the government has gotten involved in the economy (more than they should be, at any rate). Capitalism works fine, provided that the government has just enough oversight to ensure that the natural rights of workers (those being Life, Liberty, and Property) are not infringed upon, but not too much as to impose its will upon the economy. The West became as strong as we did through the power of individual enterprise and free will, not through a quote-unquote "dictatorship of the people" like the Soviets had. As for that concept, it is, well, laughable. A dictator is a dictator, even if people chose to have one. The popular choice not always the right choice. Your time may come, but remember this: as long as there are men and women that yearn to breathe free, your ideology will never prevail.
@@PhoenixT70 communism is freedom. Read actual communist writers instead of relying on cold war propaganda (you don't even have to agree with them, Lord knows I disagree with Lenin and Trotsky on plenty of things, but Kōtoku and Kropotkin have plenty of writings) and come to your own conclusions.
*OUR* Anthem
Yes, it truly is all of our's anthem. The workers of the world will all sing it in choir as we overthrow capitalism together, comrade!
"There are no supreme saviours
Neither God, nor Caesar, nor tribune.
Producers, let us save ourselves,
Decree the common salvation."
direct blatant lie
@@seronymus it's not a lie because it's not a promise. it's a call
@@marxistgaming6251 because they want to believe that they have solidarity with the ruling class, and so they're more than willing to believe that daddy caesar is gonna save them and that enemies of daddy caesar are their enemies as well. We cannot be their enemies, they're our comrades even if they don't realize the errors they're perpetrating. If there was a hell, you could bet there would be plenty of people praising the devil.
@@cooldude6651 they are our comrade , i know they want to create a better future just like we communists do ,but they got control and educate by the Capitalists or the capitalists's victim like him , time will tell what will happen , best wish
one day we will play this at the white house
ngl that would be so epic
Hopefully not
@Trash Series Commie stooge, you're a red, um, another insult
@@jordanvereen1398 I assume you dont get the sarcasm, capitalist spy
@@ashiruwa4132 If I didn't get the sarcasm I wouldn't have ended the comment like that.
L'Internationale, Sera le genre humain!
And now... Bella Ciao!
OMG wee need this
Bella Ciao is not socialist, it's anti fascist. All the normal people (also Christians, liberals, moderates and some conservatives) are anti fascist
Sick Bale
Do we have Kalinka yet?
Edit: Oh wait, we do, okie, Bella ciao then. I love that song and the movie Bridge
@@andreaceres552 It's italian
I know there are very few Spanish comments in here, but anyways, here'r the lyrics in Spanish.
Arriba los pobres del mundo
En pie los esclavos sin pan, alcémonos todos al grito: ¡Viva la Internacional!
Removamos todas las trabas que oprimen al proletario, cambiemos el mundo de base, hundiendo al imperio burgués.
Agrupémonos todos, en la lucha final, y se alcen los pueblos con valor por la Internacional. (Bis)
El día que el triunfo alcancemos ni esclavos ni dueños habrá, los odios que al mundo envenenan al punto se extinguirán.
El hombre del hombre es hermano, derechos iguales tendrán
la Tierra será el paraíso, patria de la Humanidad
Agrupémonos todos en la lucha final. Y se alzan los pueblos por la Internacional.
Agrupémonos todos en la lucha final
Y se alzan los pueblos ¡con valor!
Por la Internacional.
gracias para acer esto compadre, trabajadores del mundo unidos!
1. Empròs tis gis i kolasmèni
tis pìnas sklàvi empròs empròs
to dìkio ap'ton kratìra vgènei san vrodì san keravnòs.
Ftànun pià tis sklabiàs ta chrònia òli emìs i tapinì tis gis
pu zùsame stin katafrònia tha gìnume to pan emìs.
2. (Ston agòna enomèni , as mi lìpsi kanìs
Oh na ti , mas prosmèni ston kòsmo i diethnìs)x2
3. Theì , archònti , vasiliàdes,
me plàna lògia mas gelùn
Tis gis i dùli ki ragiàdes
monachì tus tha sothùn
Gia na spàsume ta desmà mas , gia na pàpsi pia i sklavià
na niòsun , prèpi, ti grothià mas ke tis psichìs mas tin fotià
2 again
4 . Empròs monàchi mas elpìda
in i sfigmèni mas grothià
òhi polèmi stin patrìda
zìto zìto i ergatià!!!!!
ki an thelìsune na dokimàsoyn tis psichìs mas tus keravnùs
tha dùne tòte , tha tromàxun , pos in i sfères mas gia aftùs
KKE!!! Support from Spain comrades!
all the people need to do the internationale in all day, people love internationale,that are the Best music in the world.
fuck communism
Company: doesn't give employees a raise
Also company: why do I hear boss music?
We have nothing to lose, but our chains.
You should do back in the USSR by the Beatles next!
So comrades!!!! Come rally
For the internationale!!!
You have nothing to lose but your chains!
Anonymous Caveman honestly a banger
and our food
@@ethanmcfarland8240 Love him or hate him, he's spitting facts.
One of the world's miracle
Funfact : This isn't even a Russian song
But who care ? This is *OUR* song
Yes, it’s originally french. But this is on of the songs that isn’t meant to be limited to one language. So yes, this is Our song
@@Yes-ct1md if I may use the European motto “United in Diversity”.
Never mind from where it’s from, it has the same goal.
No its not our becuase i only listen to Western tunes
it has been translated to every language. Truly beautiful. Someday, we'll all be comrades.
why do my tears always run, when hearing beautiful soviet and other socialist music?
its so bright, it warms your heart, you feel useful and bigger, humanity stands together as one force and we all are happy...😭😭😭
Workers of the world, unite!!
We have nothing but to loose our chains
We should sing this song together , for we are exploited still.
Equality forever!
Thank you from Russia♥️🌿♥️🌿♥️🌿♥️🌿♥️🌿♥️🇷🇺🌿❤️🌿❤️🌿❤️🌿❤️🌿❤️🌿🐰🌿🐰🌿🐰🌿🐰🌿🐰🎼🌿🎼🌿🎼🌿🎼🌿🎼🌿🎵🌿🎵🌿🎵🌿🎵🌿🎵🌿♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️💜💙🎶
The Godfather Theme Please
Happy May 1st
Perfect version of THE INTERNATIONALE
Do rush G for all the emo’s
Rush Z
Der Orakelfisch there is no Z note
*iS tHiS dIsCrImInAtIoN aGaInSt CoLoReD kEyS*
could you make bella ciao?
Beautiful. Thank you !