Spacedock, you forgot to mention it’s sister station “creep space nine”, it could go warp speed, had an extra prong, and the occupants spied on young earth women undressing
Quark: I want you to try something for me. Take a sip of this. Garak: What is it? Quark: A human drink. It's called root beer. Garak: I don't know. Quark: Come on. Aren't you just a little bit curious? Quark: What do you think? Garak: It's vile. Quark: I know. It's so bubbly and cloying and happy. Garak: Just like the Federation. Quark: But you know what's really frightening? If you drink enough of it, you begin to like it. Garak: It's insidious. Quark: Just like the Federation.
You started the video wrong. Major Kira would rip you an new one. It wasn't seized by the UFP, it was seized by the Bajorian Milita. Then under the provisional government, the UFP was asked to administer.
Don't forget after the first encounter with the Dominion DS9 became the home port for Starfleet's first dedicated warship the U.S.S. Defiant NX-74205 under the command of Commander then Captain Benjamin Sisko.
Yeah about that...thoron fields are made by thorium which has a half-life of less than a minute. Such a field would be unsustainable for any useful length of time and would render the area uninhabitable for years.
Oh and Dilithium is a gas, not a crystal, has nothing at all to do with how an anti-matter reactor would work, and anti-matter reactors can never produce the energy required to form a warp field.
The station was not seized by the Federation after Cardassia abandoned it. The Bajoran provisional government invited the Federation to administer the facility.
DS9 was a damn good show. A wide variety of characters, everyone one of them interesting and never dull. Alien costumes were really good and natural looking. The character arcs were dynamic and engaging. I can say it was the best.
Spoken during the Klingon Task Force vs DS9 battle. Often untranslated on screen. Martok: They fight like Klingons! Gowron: Then they can die like Klingons!
It was amazing watching DS9 go from a rickety junkpile that could barely hold its own against one battle ship to a heavily armed and armored base that could stand up to a fleet.
Nearly 90 phaser arrays and 48 Torpedo Launchers. Other than lacking Quantum Warherads (as far as we ever saw), DS9 had more firepower than 5 Sovereign classes or 7 Galaxy Classes. I knew DS9 was tough, but not that tough!!
Well DS9 did start off without much in the way of defenses. They sort of had a phaser and some incomplete shielding in the first few episodes. Cue the Dominion and a massive upgrade in response to the perception that the first real fight against the Dominion would be at the wormhole. Even with those upgrades it would of been a speed bump albeit a very painful one.
The nice touch when they first revealed those defenses was that it was a nod to a scene way back in the pilot episode when Major Kira bluffed at having such weapons, and was able to stare down a Cardassian Gul on sheer nerve. Unfortunately, I believe the edit that broke the pilot episode down into two parts lost the scene, so it wasn't well known for some time.
Let me tell you something about Hew-mons, Nephew. They're a wonderful, friendly people, as long as their bellies are full and their holosuites are working. But take away their creature comforts, deprive them of food, sleep, sonic showers, put their lives in jeopardy over an extended period of time and those same friendly, intelligent, wonderful people... will become as nasty and as violent as the most bloodthirsty Klingon. You don't believe me? Look at those faces. Look in their eyes. - Quark
The best Star Trek series to date. In fact, you can remove Star Trek from the prefix title and Deep Space Nine would still stand as a testimony to a groundbreaking series.
The Star Trek Wikia Memory Alpha backs this claim up- Sisko flew it into the wormhole when it was first discovered in "Emissary", and he used it to fly down to Bajor for the big showdown with Dukat in "What We Leave Behind". The Defiant may be a tough little ship, but so is the Rio Grande.
And there's no mention of the defiant.... sad I think the oringal defiant was one of the best starfleet ships ever invented I know it's against Gene Roddenberry's design for startrek but, in real life there are people who don't speak anything but violence... And don't get me started on that space cruise liner they call the Galaxy class, that ship was a Titanic waiting to hit an icy comet of an iceberg.
The station was UPGRADED to be able to defend itself. When originally taken over by starfleet, the station had no purpose built energy weapons functional, less than a dozen torpedoes, and no working shields (Chief O'Brian had to jerry rig the gravity systems to fake a shield initially). While the minimal armaments originally mounted on the station were later repaired, it was not until after contact with the Dominion that the station was updated with its impressive arsenal (first used against the Klingon empire).
I think its design was unique, but come on - 98 decks! I can't see that many decks as most of the lower centered bowl was for the machinery and ore processing. The outer habitat ring confused me for years....where is it exactly? As for docking, if a ship docked on the upper pylon, took a turbolift downward, they would end up in a horizontal position.
Such a good series. The early seasons are a little too episodic, before they really nail the longer story arcs, but it has my favourite pilot episode of any of the Trek shows. It pretty much lays out every theme of the series, and the way that the Prophets' non-linear view of time is explored through the lens of Sisko's own experiences, and his unresolved grief and anger over the death of his wife, is a truly inspired piece of science-fictional storytelling.
This design is so much more efficient than Spacedock. Specifically, I'm talking about the docking pilons instead of docking bays. It's a concept that the Federation could make good use of. Attach docking pilons to a more stereotypical federation saucer and voila, a smaller, more efficient space station.
I always felt that the scale of the station was a little bit too small, but I suppose they didn't really have the galaxy class docking in mind when they designed it!
treguard1982 - it was designed by a society other than the Federation. I would imagine their engineers were probably more concerned about designing ease of docking for vessels from their own fleet vs others.
Bill Campbell That's the most logical explanation to be honest. I can never recall if the Cardassians were as xenophobic as the romulans. That would certainly out them in a different mindset again when designing their stations.
The Cardassians were more exploitative and supremacist than xenophobic per se. They would just exploit their subject planets for their natural resources and use the people as slave labour because they were the superior species anyway, because they successfully invaded so of course theyre superior. If they can exploit other species in different capacities (like as traders) theyll do that too. But unlike the Romulans they dont stay in isolation and secrecy as much and keep relatively open borders and diplomatic relations, though I still wouldnt want to be on any list of the Obsidian Order either way. Also 3 Galors vs a Galaxy is the fairest fight one can hope for, since even against one Galor a Galaxy can sit there with shields down and take several hits to the warp engines and take basically no damage (What? Damage to the nacelles and no core breach?)
Thank you for your work in gathering in interesting facts about the wonderful and powerful home of Commander/Captain Sisko, one of the Federation's greatest captains.
I’m with you! I have no idea why and in fact hated it for the longest time but now every time I see a space station in a movie I compare it against ds9 because ds9 is my bench mark for a hero station lol Weirdest thing i know but the only other station I like more is the lunar ring station around the moon in starship troopers (just looks so believable) but another ring style like ds9 lol
I much prefered DS9 to other Trek shows, it seemed more real, they dealt with problems that we can relate to and weren't these do-gooders who always find a way out without getting their hands dirty (TNG anyone?). It had its problems (wormhole prophets and pah-wraiths storylines sucked) but overall it was superior. In the pale moonlight stands up there as one of, if not *the* best trek episode.
Agreed. TNG is great, don't get me wrong, but it shows the world of Star Trek at its best and most optimistic. Everyone works together, everyone respects each other, and most problems can be solved by episode's end. DS9 is different. It shows the world of Star Trek at its most realistic, and sometimes at its worst. (It is no exaggeration to draw a parallel between the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor and the Holocaust of the Jews, for example). Not every problem is solved by episode's end. Often, our heroes fail, and sometimes, our heroes don't quite get along.
"In the Cards" totally demolished Roddenberry's cockamamy 24th century economic ideas. "Hippocratic Oath" and "Siege of AR -558" took on war, ethics and humanity. "Let me tell you something about Hew-mons, Nephew. They're a wonderful, friendly people, as long as their bellies are full and their holosuites are working. But take away their creature comforts, deprive them of food, sleep, sonic showers, put their lives in jeopardy over an extended period of time and those same friendly, intelligent, wonderful people... will become as nasty and as violent as the most bloodthirsty Klingon. You don't believe me? Look at those faces. Look in their eyes."
DS9 really broke that mold the Gene build and I'm glad they did. The utopia we grew up with had it's darker sides that relates to our problems, everything couldn't be so perfect or we'd all end up being like the Borg.
Höthö Ploink I don't think it's fair to say the TNG crew did it without ever getting their hands dirty, but they always had a moral justification for it whereas in DS9 they clearly engaged in some very immoral acts, and often the main crew doing it in the same vein as the Section 31 villains they and Bashir abhorred
Just a small nit, but Starfleet didn’t assign DS9 three runabouts to aid in exploring the Gamma Quadrant. The original runabouts (Rio Grande, Ganges and Yangtze Kiang) were delivered by the Enterprise-D before the wormhole was discovered. They would have got four runabouts, but Picard blew one up on the way...
Straczynski first pitched the concept to Paramount. So there seems little doubt that Berman and Piller stole it. Paramount settled out of court. Unfortunately, due to B5's low budget quality, I was never able to get into it.
Great summary- between the rousing music and your obvious love for the show, this video is a perfect reason why I follow you. Literally. I'm about sux meters behind you right now. Please take your finger out if your nose. Ug.
I think crossover between Deep Space Nine and Babylon 5 I think would be great... Either Defiant accidentally transferred to Babylon 5 Universe via bajoran wormhole or Babylon 5 ship using their wormhole but coming out from Bajoran wormhole 😏
Deep Space Nine's diametre changed quite a LOT over the course of the show. It was scaled as 3,600 feet / 1,097 metres at first. Then in later seasons it was bumped up to 1 mile / 5280 feet. Scaling it down to a smaller Defiant (say 120 metres) it would be somewhere near 1.2 kilometres wide I guess.
A Star Trek related question. Not sure if you already covered this but I had a question regarding teleportation that doesn't involve the answer "sci-fi pixie dust". How come teleportation isn't limited from one platform to another? You'd think you'd need one platform to break down and transmit the atoms or whatever to another platform that receives and reassembles them. Yet in Star Trek we regularly see teleportation occur off the platforms.
They can do it remotly via a teleporter beam, they don‘t need the pad for that and I belive there are cases were they teleported to another place with neither having a tp pad.
The pad is mostly a place where nothing is standing in the way of materialization. Site to site transport is probably more complicated and time consuming to configure. So that's why you almost always see the transporter room being used for large evacuations.
Don't think too deeply about transporters or it will box your head with ethical and scientific questions. Just know it was invented because it was too expensive to create the effects of landing the USS Enterprise on a planet every episode.
As someone nearing the end of S5 of DS9, was really hoping you'd one day make a video, only problem is I have to wait till I've finished the series to watch it ;)
Quark: The Jem Hadar don't eat, don't drink, and they don't have sex. And if that wasn't bad enough, the Founders don't eat and don't drink, and they don't have sex either. Which, between you and me, makes my financial future less than promising. Ziyal: It might not be so bad. For all we know, the Vorta could be gluttonous, alcoholic sex maniacs. Quark: I never thought of that, I wonder what their favorite food is?
Have you ever considered covering some of the important ships from the Traveller RPG--one of, if not the first, sci-fi RPGs? Some of the ships are pretty cool and you could get some mileage from not only the ships, but also from the races and alien weapons like The Star Trigger. The Tigress-class Imperial Dreadnought could be a fun one to start with and compare to other mythoi's capital ships.
I've noticed this in a few videos - you keep saying the DS9 runabouts were specifically named after rivers. My understanding was that all Danube class are, following the example of the lead ship. Similar to how the NX class were being named after US Space Shuttles (which is hilarious and clever, since the shuttle was named after the Constitution class ship). Kind of like the common contemporary habit of naming ships in a class with the same letter - e.g. the Astute, Ambush, Artful...
Seized by the bajouran militia under the bajouran flag not ufp. Ufp was only a administrator for it. Bajouran government could require the ufp to leave any time they want
deep space nine gave me garak, one of the best characters ever, its my second favorite startrek series for that... also bashir sisco and dukat are also great characters.
Hey space dock I was wondering do u think the lucrehulk would be able to hold its own against an isd or would be too out dated I know the rebel alliance used one at some point but what do u think ? Would love to hear ur opinion.
What do people think of the positioning of the docking arm tips? Just looking at my Eaglemoss model and it seems like ships could get in each other's way?
DS9 (nee T.N.) was also designed as an administrative center and thus should have had a lot of office and work space which we never saw or heard about on screen. It's seriously the only reason I can think of that there were so many businesses listed in the directory and yet the Prominad was only yea big. Darn headcannon.
Deep Space Nine was so good. If only they made the show a little less religious, or atleast distanced Sisko from openly accepting himself as a religious icon.
Can’t say I agree nor disagree actually lol. The nerd and ship geek in me prefers the domino seasons most because of all the ship battles so that’s where I agree on would be nice less religious stuff. I do like how ds9 did have a little more meat on the bone story wise so that we got two stories in one show instead of lots of random episodes without a bigger picture like with tng. So that’s where i kind of disagree but still your point is a good one /valid
A very interesting vid on a subject i love - and loving the North West UK narrative. A bit quick if you ask me but nice to hear a home Accent read so well. Regards from Liverpool UK
Starfleet did not seize the station. The Bajorian militia siezed it after it was abandoned when the Cardassian Union withdrew from the system. Starfleet offered technical, personnel, and resource help to Bajor in exchange for use of the station for logistics (ship repair and resupply) and for access to the Cardassian technology left behind. Starfleet administered the station operations as part of the agreement and to also start the long process of evaluating Bajor for membership into the Federation since they had expressed interest in applying. Bajor also asked the Federation to make them a protectorate to ensure that the Cardassian Union would not return. The military aid was withdrawn when the Dominion and CU took the station in the early stages of the Dominion War to keep Bajor from being attack. Instead, Bajor surrendered to the Dominion to protect their populace. Starfleet made a promise to retake the station and fully protect Bajor from further attacks when they could push the Dominion out of that sector. This promise was kept and then the station was used by an alliance of Alpha and Beta quadrant forces. The Bajoran government held ownership of the station until they completed the process of joining the Federation. DS9 ended before this happened, though.
Imagine if they use DS9 as a prototype for a Dreadnaught and use 4 of them in the battle to retake DS9. 84 phaser emitters with 48 photon launchers with multiple overlapping shields powered by multiple reactors in each pylon to aid the main reactor.
How the hell are you going to mention the runabouts, and not going to mention the U.S.S. Defiant being added as an asset at the disposal of DS9? Seems like a huge thing to leave out to me.
Please watch and share!видео.html&
Spacedock please do the SDF1 from Robotech
Spacedock 6k torpedo.
Spacedock, you forgot to mention it’s sister station “creep space nine”, it could go warp speed, had an extra prong, and the occupants spied on young earth women undressing
Quark: I want you to try something for me. Take a sip of this.
Garak: What is it?
Quark: A human drink. It's called root beer.
Garak: I don't know.
Quark: Come on. Aren't you just a little bit curious?
Quark: What do you think?
Garak: It's vile.
Quark: I know. It's so bubbly and cloying and happy.
Garak: Just like the Federation.
Quark: But you know what's really frightening?
If you drink enough of it, you begin to like it.
Garak: It's insidious.
Quark: Just like the Federation.
Haha, I'll drink to this comment.
Garak: Do you think they'll be able to save us?
Quark: I hope so...
I still see dr nefarious every time I hear quarks voice XD
"Shields up. Red alert!"
"I thought the Karemma never sold substandard merchandise"
"Perhaps I should offer them a refund"
Good thing Earth has so many rivers.
Scythe Seven Indeed, Major.
That’s a good name
I approve
So many Danube runabouts to name, so many to blow up
She may be ugly, she may have been built by the enemy and one time it actively tried to kill everyone, but home sweet home.
Nice tan chief
You started the video wrong. Major Kira would rip you an new one. It wasn't seized by the UFP, it was seized by the Bajorian Milita. Then under the provisional government, the UFP was asked to administer.
Technically, he didn't lie: The UFP did seize it.... during season 6, after being occupied by the dominion.
Alexander Mcpherson Still, dont tell Kira that :P She might drive your nose into your brain.
"...built by Bajoran slave labo[u]r." - Benjamin Sisko.
Major Kira can do whatever she would like to me.
@@mitchbarredo3990 Just pay a visit to the Mirror Universe version.
"I always hope for the best. Experience, unfortunately, has taught me to expect the worst."
- Garak
“I’m just a simple tailor.”
*_lie detector explodes_*
"Everything I said is true."
"Even the lies."
"Especially the lies."
*lie detector doesn't react as Garak knows how to trick them*
You know, Azula and Elim Garak would get along quite well- even as everyone around them eyes them warily.
Uh elim? Y u do dis?
Don't forget after the first encounter with the Dominion DS9 became the home port for Starfleet's first dedicated warship the U.S.S. Defiant NX-74205 under the command of Commander then Captain Benjamin Sisko.
"Right now this station has 5000 photon torpedoes ready to launch." - Captain Benjamin Sisko
"You're like a toothless old Grishna cat,trying to Frighten us with your roar" - Gowron
"I can assure you, this old cat may not be as toothless as you think" - Captain Benjamin Sisko
It is a trick! An illusion created by thoron fields and deranium shadows.
Yeah about that...thoron fields are made by thorium which has a half-life of less than a minute. Such a field would be unsustainable for any useful length of time and would render the area uninhabitable for years.
Oh and Dilithium is a gas, not a crystal, has nothing at all to do with how an anti-matter reactor would work, and anti-matter reactors can never produce the energy required to form a warp field.
The station was not seized by the Federation after Cardassia abandoned it. The Bajoran provisional government invited the Federation to administer the facility.
Deep Space Nine is my favorite Star Trek series by far.
Truly outstanding series
Seriously, it was so good.
its so good
DS9 was a damn good show. A wide variety of characters, everyone one of them interesting and never dull. Alien costumes were really good and natural looking. The character arcs were dynamic and engaging. I can say it was the best.
Spoken during the Klingon Task Force vs DS9 battle. Often untranslated on screen.
Martok: They fight like Klingons!
Gowron: Then they can die like Klingons!
is this what they say right before the neg var destroys the shield generators?
That ending was epic and fitting for such an awesome sci-fi location.
It was amazing watching DS9 go from a rickety junkpile that could barely hold its own against one battle ship to a heavily armed and armored base that could stand up to a fleet.
I will not rest until I stand with you again , in this place where I belong.
Nearly 90 phaser arrays and 48 Torpedo Launchers. Other than lacking Quantum Warherads (as far as we ever saw), DS9 had more firepower than 5 Sovereign classes or 7 Galaxy Classes.
I knew DS9 was tough, but not that tough!!
The federation may always try to be the peaceful and optimistic diplomats, but they don't fuck around when they know war is inevitable.
Well DS9 did start off without much in the way of defenses. They sort of had a phaser and some incomplete shielding in the first few episodes. Cue the Dominion and a massive upgrade in response to the perception that the first real fight against the Dominion would be at the wormhole. Even with those upgrades it would of been a speed bump albeit a very painful one.
The nice touch when they first revealed those defenses was that it was a nod to a scene way back in the pilot episode when Major Kira bluffed at having such weapons, and was able to stare down a Cardassian Gul on sheer nerve. Unfortunately, I believe the edit that broke the pilot episode down into two parts lost the scene, so it wasn't well known for some time.
If they had put quantum's instead of photon's in........👹
Although Defiant had em'!😁😁😁😁😁
Let me tell you something about Hew-mons, Nephew. They're a wonderful, friendly people, as long as their bellies are full and their holosuites are working. But take away their creature comforts, deprive them of food, sleep, sonic showers, put their lives in jeopardy over an extended period of time and those same friendly, intelligent, wonderful people... will become as nasty and as violent as the most bloodthirsty Klingon. You don't believe me? Look at those faces. Look in their eyes.
- Quark
The best Star Trek series to date.
In fact, you can remove Star Trek from the prefix title and Deep Space Nine would still stand as a testimony to a groundbreaking series.
Then that would just be Babylon 5
Makes me want to go back and watch the full series again. Thanks.
Love the new animations and tech sounds
IIRC, the Rio Grande is the only Runabout we never see get destroyed, so as far as we know, it's still there come "What We Leave Behind."
The Star Trek Wikia Memory Alpha backs this claim up- Sisko flew it into the wormhole when it was first discovered in "Emissary", and he used it to fly down to Bajor for the big showdown with Dukat in "What We Leave Behind".
The Defiant may be a tough little ship, but so is the Rio Grande.
And there's no mention of the defiant.... sad I think the oringal defiant was one of the best starfleet ships ever invented I know it's against Gene Roddenberry's design for startrek but, in real life there are people who don't speak anything but violence... And don't get me started on that space cruise liner they call the Galaxy class, that ship was a Titanic waiting to hit an icy comet of an iceberg.
What if they gave it the same treatment as to USS Sao Paulo ---> USS Defiant (2nd)?
The station was UPGRADED to be able to defend itself. When originally taken over by starfleet, the station had no purpose built energy weapons functional, less than a dozen torpedoes, and no working shields (Chief O'Brian had to jerry rig the gravity systems to fake a shield initially). While the minimal armaments originally mounted on the station were later repaired, it was not until after contact with the Dominion that the station was updated with its impressive arsenal (first used against the Klingon empire).
i always loved the station design. to me, it was beautiful
I think its design was unique, but come on - 98 decks! I can't see that many decks as most of the lower centered bowl was for the machinery and ore processing. The outer habitat ring confused me for years....where is it exactly? As for docking, if a ship docked on the upper pylon, took a turbolift downward, they would end up in a horizontal position.
Man, there is some truly lovely artwork in this vid. Kudos to the artists who did them.
Fun fact the Rio Grande was the only runabout that started at the beginning of the series that made it all the way to the end.
Earth spacedock next please. If a small station like DS9 has that much fire power I can only imagine what kind of fire power Earth spacedock has.
IF STO is considered, it seemed like None as far as offensive ability.
Apparently not much if the Breen were able to wreck StarFleet Command during the war
Such a good series. The early seasons are a little too episodic, before they really nail the longer story arcs, but it has my favourite pilot episode of any of the Trek shows. It pretty much lays out every theme of the series, and the way that the Prophets' non-linear view of time is explored through the lens of Sisko's own experiences, and his unresolved grief and anger over the death of his wife, is a truly inspired piece of science-fictional storytelling.
This design is so much more efficient than Spacedock. Specifically, I'm talking about the docking pilons instead of docking bays. It's a concept that the Federation could make good use of. Attach docking pilons to a more stereotypical federation saucer and voila, a smaller, more efficient space station.
I always felt that the scale of the station was a little bit too small, but I suppose they didn't really have the galaxy class docking in mind when they designed it!
treguard1982 - it was designed by a society other than the Federation. I would imagine their engineers were probably more concerned about designing ease of docking for vessels from their own fleet vs others.
Indeed. Galors are pretty small compared to a Galaxy (and also would usually be used in groups of 3 to offset their inferior firepower)
Bill Campbell That's the most logical explanation to be honest. I can never recall if the Cardassians were as xenophobic as the romulans. That would certainly out them in a different mindset again when designing their stations.
builder396 three galors vs a galaxy. Fair fight? :D
The Cardassians were more exploitative and supremacist than xenophobic per se. They would just exploit their subject planets for their natural resources and use the people as slave labour because they were the superior species anyway, because they successfully invaded so of course theyre superior. If they can exploit other species in different capacities (like as traders) theyll do that too. But unlike the Romulans they dont stay in isolation and secrecy as much and keep relatively open borders and diplomatic relations, though I still wouldnt want to be on any list of the Obsidian Order either way.
Also 3 Galors vs a Galaxy is the fairest fight one can hope for, since even against one Galor a Galaxy can sit there with shields down and take several hits to the warp engines and take basically no damage (What? Damage to the nacelles and no core breach?)
Thank you for your work in gathering in interesting facts about the wonderful and powerful home of Commander/Captain Sisko, one of the Federation's greatest captains.
That little station has some pretty big teeth
Worf: "Little?"
"When did I start thinking of this Cardassian monstrosity as home?"
One of my favorite designs, something about it just speaks to me.
I’m with you! I have no idea why and in fact hated it for the longest time but now every time I see a space station in a movie I compare it against ds9 because ds9 is my bench mark for a hero station lol
Weirdest thing i know but the only other station I like more is the lunar ring station around the moon in starship troopers (just looks so believable) but another ring style like ds9 lol
You what I just realized? The BRM is from Star Trek: Encounters! One of my all time favorite games. Onslaught was the best mode.
I much prefered DS9 to other Trek shows, it seemed more real, they dealt with problems that we can relate to and weren't these do-gooders who always find a way out without getting their hands dirty (TNG anyone?). It had its problems (wormhole prophets and pah-wraiths storylines sucked) but overall it was superior. In the pale moonlight stands up there as one of, if not *the* best trek episode.
In the pale moonlight and Duet are probably the best Star Trek episodes.
Agreed. TNG is great, don't get me wrong, but it shows the world of Star Trek at its best and most optimistic. Everyone works together, everyone respects each other, and most problems can be solved by episode's end.
DS9 is different. It shows the world of Star Trek at its most realistic, and sometimes at its worst. (It is no exaggeration to draw a parallel between the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor and the Holocaust of the Jews, for example). Not every problem is solved by episode's end. Often, our heroes fail, and sometimes, our heroes don't quite get along.
"In the Cards" totally demolished Roddenberry's cockamamy 24th century economic ideas. "Hippocratic Oath" and "Siege of AR -558" took on war, ethics and humanity.
"Let me tell you something about Hew-mons, Nephew. They're a wonderful, friendly people, as long as their bellies are full and their holosuites are working. But take away their creature comforts, deprive them of food, sleep, sonic showers, put their lives in jeopardy over an extended period of time and those same friendly, intelligent, wonderful people... will become as nasty and as violent as the most bloodthirsty Klingon. You don't believe me? Look at those faces. Look in their eyes."
DS9 really broke that mold the Gene build and I'm glad they did. The utopia we grew up with had it's darker sides that relates to our problems, everything couldn't be so perfect or we'd all end up being like the Borg.
Höthö Ploink I don't think it's fair to say the TNG crew did it without ever getting their hands dirty, but they always had a moral justification for it whereas in DS9 they clearly engaged in some very immoral acts, and often the main crew doing it in the same vein as the Section 31 villains they and Bashir abhorred
You forgot DS9's biggest asset.
It's commanded by
Just a small nit, but Starfleet didn’t assign DS9 three runabouts to aid in exploring the Gamma Quadrant. The original runabouts (Rio Grande, Ganges and Yangtze Kiang) were delivered by the Enterprise-D before the wormhole was discovered. They would have got four runabouts, but Picard blew one up on the way...
-"But it's just demeaning. We're not just some .. deep space franchise. This station is about something!" (c) Cdr Ivanova
Einheriar Sure. And unwatchable dribble like Grey 17 Is Missing is far superior to DS9’s The Visitor or In The Pale Moonlight. Uh huh.
Well - nice atmosphere in early episodes, even when not always well written. Plus, it's not illegal to like BOTH space station shows, right?
I like both. Two of my favorite shows.
Straczynski first pitched the concept to Paramount. So there seems little doubt that Berman and Piller stole it. Paramount settled out of court.
Unfortunately, due to B5's low budget quality, I was never able to get into it.
actually, I love DS9, and B5. they're both pretty awesome.
Ahhh the Rio Grande... The little runabout that could
Great summary- between the rousing music and your obvious love for the show, this video is a perfect reason why I follow you. Literally. I'm about sux meters behind you right now. Please take your finger out if your nose. Ug.
The Star Trek Legacy theme? Have not heared that in a long time.
Always like the design of the station. It was a great series.
Diggin the use of the Star Trek: Legacy music
Josh Downs Insanely underrated soundtrack
DS9 is the pinnacle of Trek.
One of my fav lines. Ahh.. Garak. "There's hope for you yet Doctor...." I miss this show.
Wasn't it technically seized by the Bajorans after the Cardassians left? The Bajorans just asked the Federation to administer it?
Yes. I already made a similar comment earlier. There are a couple episodes emphasizing exactly that. :)
I think crossover between Deep Space Nine and Babylon 5 I think would be great...
Either Defiant accidentally transferred to Babylon 5 Universe via bajoran wormhole or Babylon 5 ship using their wormhole but coming out from Bajoran wormhole 😏
DS9 has, by far, the best theme in Trek.
I like your new HUD/information display thing, although I do wish you'd kept the franchise/physics/gravity section.
Deep Space Nine's diametre changed quite a LOT over the course of the show. It was scaled as 3,600 feet / 1,097 metres at first. Then in later seasons it was bumped up to 1 mile / 5280 feet. Scaling it down to a smaller Defiant (say 120 metres) it would be somewhere near 1.2 kilometres wide I guess.
Beautiful as always! I absolutely love these videos.
What's your favourite space fighter?
A Star Trek related question.
Not sure if you already covered this but I had a question regarding teleportation that doesn't involve the answer "sci-fi pixie dust". How come teleportation isn't limited from one platform to another? You'd think you'd need one platform to break down and transmit the atoms or whatever to another platform that receives and reassembles them. Yet in Star Trek we regularly see teleportation occur off the platforms.
The obvious follow-up question: if they can transport people between completely arbitrary locations, why have a transporter pad at all?
The pad is to strengthen the signal.
They can do it remotly via a teleporter beam, they don‘t need the pad for that and I belive there are cases were they teleported to another place with neither having a tp pad.
The pad is mostly a place where nothing is standing in the way of materialization. Site to site transport is probably more complicated and time consuming to configure. So that's why you almost always see the transporter room being used for large evacuations.
Don't think too deeply about transporters or it will box your head with ethical and scientific questions. Just know it was invented because it was too expensive to create the effects of landing the USS Enterprise on a planet every episode.
As someone nearing the end of S5 of DS9, was really hoping you'd one day make a video, only problem is I have to wait till I've finished the series to watch it ;)
Awesome. Great vid on one of the most iconic stations in scifi.
The Jem Hadar don't eat, don't drink, and they don't have sex. And if that wasn't bad enough, the Founders don't eat and don't drink, and they don't have sex either. Which, between you and me, makes my financial future less than promising.
It might not be so bad. For all we know, the Vorta could be gluttonous, alcoholic sex maniacs.
I never thought of that, I wonder what their favorite food is?
Have you ever considered covering some of the important ships from the Traveller RPG--one of, if not the first, sci-fi RPGs? Some of the ships are pretty cool and you could get some mileage from not only the ships, but also from the races and alien weapons like The Star Trigger.
The Tigress-class Imperial Dreadnought could be a fun one to start with and compare to other mythoi's capital ships.
I've noticed this in a few videos - you keep saying the DS9 runabouts were specifically named after rivers. My understanding was that all Danube class are, following the example of the lead ship.
Similar to how the NX class were being named after US Space Shuttles (which is hilarious and clever, since the shuttle was named after the Constitution class ship).
Kind of like the common contemporary habit of naming ships in a class with the same letter - e.g. the Astute, Ambush, Artful...
Seized by the bajouran militia under the bajouran flag not ufp. Ufp was only a administrator for it. Bajouran government could require the ufp to leave any time they want
Please do more and more of these
I am so inspired right now
Great video! Ds9 was my fave star trek of the next gen ara...
After Sisko's upgrades DS9 could beat any lone starship in the quadrant.
I was hoping for a breakdown or deck plan of the station.
OMg! This just makes me realize how I loved DS9.
Would really love seeing your take on "space: above and beyond".
deep space nine gave me garak, one of the best characters ever, its my second favorite startrek series for that... also bashir sisco and dukat are also great characters.
Oo the legacy music, haven't heard that for a long time :)
This sounds like the music from Star Trek Legacy
It definitely is
Yep, pretty sure it's the main menu theme.
I seem to recall reading something about DS9 being destroyed and eventually replaced with a visually similar Federation-build station.
I M Ofage In some novels, it was destroyed. I'm reading one such novel.
The books generally aren't canon though.
+Depth Charge
Ah, thanks. I wasn't sure.
Rad new intro
Awesome design.
How about some Robotech/Macross stuff? The Valkyrie fighter, SDF-1, and the ARMD space cruiser.
Hey space dock I was wondering do u think the lucrehulk would be able to hold its own against an isd or would be too out dated I know the rebel alliance used one at some point but what do u think ? Would love to hear ur opinion.
Hi Spacedock can you do a video about the JMC vehicles? Like the blue-migets, Star-Bugs, and of course the famous Red Dwarf mining vessels?
The best Trek series
Well done!
What do people think of the positioning of the docking arm tips? Just looking at my Eaglemoss model and it seems like ships could get in each other's way?
The Federation didn't seize the station. They came in and managed it under Bajoran law.
I would like to see videos on Regula One space station (Star Trek-2). And, the space station that was in Star Trek 3 ?
And you can contiplate your failure as you labor along the other slaves in the ore processing center.
It’s nice to have something to look forward to
Do the Orville next!!!
Can you do the break-down of the Ori mothership plz
DS9 (nee T.N.) was also designed as an administrative center and thus should have had a lot of office and work space which we never saw or heard about on screen. It's seriously the only reason I can think of that there were so many businesses listed in the directory and yet the Prominad was only yea big.
Darn headcannon.
Deep Space Nine was so good. If only they made the show a little less religious, or atleast distanced Sisko from openly accepting himself as a religious icon.
Can’t say I agree nor disagree actually lol. The nerd and ship geek in me prefers the domino seasons most because of all the ship battles so that’s where I agree on would be nice less religious stuff.
I do like how ds9 did have a little more meat on the bone story wise so that we got two stories in one show instead of lots of random episodes without a bigger picture like with tng. So that’s where i kind of disagree but still your point is a good one /valid
Nice weapons, thought there be more
A very interesting vid on a subject i love - and loving the North West UK narrative. A bit quick if you ask me but nice to hear a home Accent read so well.
Regards from Liverpool UK
Seems to me they needed a tactical run-about taking elements from the defiant class for example.
Marcus W
You mean like an Attack Fighter? =D
Starfleet did not seize the station. The Bajorian militia siezed it after it was abandoned when the Cardassian Union withdrew from the system. Starfleet offered technical, personnel, and resource help to Bajor in exchange for use of the station for logistics (ship repair and resupply) and for access to the Cardassian technology left behind. Starfleet administered the station operations as part of the agreement and to also start the long process of evaluating Bajor for membership into the Federation since they had expressed interest in applying. Bajor also asked the Federation to make them a protectorate to ensure that the Cardassian Union would not return. The military aid was withdrawn when the Dominion and CU took the station in the early stages of the Dominion War to keep Bajor from being attack. Instead, Bajor surrendered to the Dominion to protect their populace. Starfleet made a promise to retake the station and fully protect Bajor from further attacks when they could push the Dominion out of that sector. This promise was kept and then the station was used by an alliance of Alpha and Beta quadrant forces. The Bajoran government held ownership of the station until they completed the process of joining the Federation. DS9 ended before this happened, though.
Imagine if they use DS9 as a prototype for a Dreadnaught and use 4 of them in the battle to retake DS9. 84 phaser emitters with 48 photon launchers with multiple overlapping shields powered by multiple reactors in each pylon to aid the main reactor.
"Funny, I thought it was built by Bajoran slave labor."
A few books back the original station was there is a new Starfleet base in its place.
The best Star Trek series.
how ironic, i am currently in the process of rewatching DS9 right now lol XD
Could you please do an episode on the light star from Babylon 5 and or its variations of the ship
Please do "X Bomber" from "Star Fleet" - the 80's puppet show
DS9 did not start out with that kind of armament, it was upgraded for the Dominion war.
How the hell are you going to mention the runabouts, and not going to mention the U.S.S. Defiant being added as an asset at the disposal of DS9? Seems like a huge thing to leave out to me.
Can you make video about Midway station or Ori destroyer from stargate.
Please do the RX-78-2 Gundam
Can you please do a video on the UCAV E.D.I. From stealth