Why Pantheon is a LFG Nightmare | Destiny 2

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
  • I have no remorse :(

Комментарии • 106

  • @9riser
    @9riser  4 месяца назад +10

    For people to avoid confusion if you somehow didn’t catch disclaimers
    1. This is for KWTD lfg posts that I either join or create
    2. I hate hand holding to the point where it makes me play worse on a KWTD post
    3. Guardian rank does not mean anything (most r rank 5)
    4. I am sick, so yes my voice is terrible I apologize for the quality
    5. I said sub 45 because it’s the most realistic most clears can be done in 24
    6. Gatekeeping is not wanting more damage in most cases you’re going to have to optimize for the time
    7. The friends that I play with have different time zones so it’s hard to get all 6
    8. If you’re hating on me for wanting a reasonable time in a KWTD (KNOW WHAT TO DO) run then please reconsider the term KWTD

    • @agamerjourney9146
      @agamerjourney9146 4 месяца назад

      Don’t consider it lying it’s just player base skill is very low. People going off guardian rank and completions. Not understanding same player could be use doing raids for 6 hours over daily. This happenes because huge amount players use to low skill ceiling. Where never done quick efficient runs.

    • @agamerjourney9146
      @agamerjourney9146 4 месяца назад

      Seems this something just learning about destiny community. As Destiny veteran learn years ago player base skill level in pve is low. Even with so many players left to break. Skill level for most pve players is crazy low.

    • @anthonyPHOENIXstout
      @anthonyPHOENIXstout 4 месяца назад +2

      Been playing Destiny 1 and Destiny 2 for years, and I have years of play time logged and 1850 plus toons in the game, and personally Pantheon is a culmination of "end game" content that is unaccessible by a HUGE portion of the gamers in the player base. Half the player base cant complete normal raids and mechanics, now Bungie expects those players to learn and know mechanics from multiple raids i one "mega boss raid"? I love Destiny and its universe and the gameplay but the learning curve for end game content is absolutely atrocious. Not to mention, as mentioned in previous contents Raid leaders often make decisions on who to bring in raids based on clears or player level which means absolutely nothing often times. It has always felt broken that players have to watch youtube videos of streamers, or other gamers to learn the ends and outs of end game content, not to mention many of the popjlar streamers see and help test out much endgame content before its released to the rest of the Destiny player base. The current state of end game content caters to a very select portion of the Destiny player base which is ultimately a bad practice. Agreed with you as well, that 17 hour pantheons is absolutely ridiculous...but think about this. ...if that is commonly happening with the alteady established player base maybe it is time Bungie starts to care more about the time its players spend in activities like this. Things could be scaled or instructions for mechanics could be workwd into the game. Bungie could easily add tutorials into the game or raid mechanics training for end game content, but instead, we get a bunch of raid bosses we have already seen recycled and thrown into a gauntlet scenario. Half the community could not handle those raid bosses in their original raids...now the community is expected to magically learn mechanics from multiple raids to completed recycled content. Time invested for the majority of the player base is not worth the reward. You seem frustrated and rightfully so...i mean Bungie is leaning on you hard if you know mechanics to willingly or unwillingly sherpa the sheep through this content with no compensation except a few cool guns here and there or a neato shader etc etc..while Bungie sits back making skins and ornaments to sell in Eververse....LFG has had the same problems this entire time, it just seems worse now because how Bungie recycled and designed pantheon forces the problem of players that dont know mechanics of raids to the forefront because the whole run is based on "knowing what to do" or your team cant advance...I love Destiny and continue to enjoy the parts of the game that are not dictated by the knowledge or skill of other players, but the endgame content enjoyablity for both Destinys has suffered for years, the fact that there are "pay for" services all over the place to sherpa players trying to complete endgame content because they dont have 5 extra hours to watch youtube videos or to waste getting kicked out of Raids because they didnt understand the "role" the guild leader placed them in is proof enough of this. Destiny overall is a great game and universe to game in but endgame content has been borderline toxic for years...

  • @MasamiMuriVT
    @MasamiMuriVT 4 месяца назад +55

    bro needs a drink desperately

  • @shockwave54623
    @shockwave54623 4 месяца назад +10

    before the update dropped me and my friend entered an 11 hour run and it's like wtf how is it possible to be on atraks for over 3 hours

  • @colinhsieh8229
    @colinhsieh8229 4 месяца назад +11

    As a higher level player, I could not agree more. I don’t mind teaching one or two but I basically refuse to lfg pantheon if it’s not with a mostly premade group. Pantheon is not the place to be learning encounters, do the normal version of the raid first and then come back to pantheon when you’ve done it

  • @spencer8281
    @spencer8281 4 месяца назад +4

    Got told in an LFG that a the dude cant do gaze because he is using well. Made me giggle

  • @ckruberducky
    @ckruberducky 4 месяца назад +9

    i'll be LFG'ing every week. Im well aware what im in for hahah i like the torture

  • @Anonymous-od7kx
    @Anonymous-od7kx 4 месяца назад +6

    me and my duo have been doing 'teaching' runs of pantheon, longest run took us 6 hours, 40 minutes.

  • @KWCHope
    @KWCHope 4 месяца назад +5

    Its a horrible issue with the majority of the casual audience finally stepping into high end raiding without the practice and experience required to preform well in that environment, I have master clears with challenge of all of both vow and vog, I already know how hard 20 under in a raid can be in some places, so when my friend who has 7 total account wide raid clears under his belt asks for help to do this, I cant help but feel bad for him finding something he would really like but lacking in almost every department to be able to preform well in it, he tried to LFG and failed after 4 hours, then tried again and failed again, I am going to try to carry him with my team of day 1 raiders but its a shame that the skill barrier between the people who want their godslayer title and what they need to be it is so great

    • @agamerjourney9146
      @agamerjourney9146 4 месяца назад +1

      Skill level not that high when base on clears. Main reason people struggle is destiny player base skill level is very low. So high clear count still be trash at pve.

  • @leviweyna1124
    @leviweyna1124 4 месяца назад +2

    This dude understands my pain lmfao. I try to teach new players as much as possible so we can get new people into later stages of the game because I know for me personally at least I had a hard time getting into endgame. Where it gets me is when people leave after a few wipes because they think its too hard or they keep dying. I feel if I am at least trying to help someone they should use it and not just leave, wasting both their time and my time. However, people are running in fireteams with tags like "experience requested" or "fast" or "meta loadouts" and I inspect them and they don't even have an exotic on, non MW gear + weapons and shitty stats it gets annoying quickly. Sorry for the rant XD.

  • @slaawm1
    @slaawm1 4 месяца назад +7

    The destiny community in a nutshell post in LFG "kwtd, rank 11, must have emblem, Ill be checking your builds!!!" While during the activity talking about non activity bs the whole time and than complain after wiping several times and than saying "come on guys this isnt that hard." You need to understand that its simply new event/activity = new players.And all though ppl might kwtd they might be using a build that doesnt work well or not much dps. You want sub 45 min runs, than educate not menstruate. Icant give enough thanks to the person i played with that literally used the in game text to chat to guide an entire fireteam for our first full competition of last wish.

    • @Razer5542
      @Razer5542 4 месяца назад

      Every... Single.... Time.... Lmao..
      When something is out, discord is already flooded with "KWTD, must have x amount of clears, must have meta builds"...

    • @smokedout7129
      @smokedout7129 4 месяца назад

      For me what's stopping me from joining a lot of groups is not having a mic, like that means anything.
      If you're good or bad you're just good or bad, not having or having a mic won't change that.
      Most of my runs end up in failure because of people with mics not knowing what to do or sucking hard at their job even though they've claimed to do it before or talk about how easy it is.

    • @Rudaciel
      @Rudaciel 3 месяца назад

      ​@@smokedout7129Dawg, unless you're talking about anything else, you NEED a damn mic if you're doing a raid. People need callouts and communication, how tf do you expect to do a raid without coms??? Most people aint got the time to carry or just cripple themselves to do something that requires communication between 6 people just because someone doesnt have soemthing they SHOULD ALREADY HAVE if you're playing destiny with the DLCs. Been playing this game for 10 years and have been helping people out in Pantheon since I got the Godslayer title, and even streamers would prefer to help people with a mic with not so great of skills than someone who is "good" with no mic. Unless you're still on PS4 which still isn't an excuse, you should have a mic. Honestly this comment was dumb asf.

    • @AXWforever
      @AXWforever Месяц назад

      ​@@RudacielRight. If they could buy DLC's then they could afford a mic too.

  • @thegymteachersgrandma
    @thegymteachersgrandma 4 месяца назад +6

    Imo, not kwtd isn't even that much of a problem if the player is good. I've never done glazer blazer or stunner or caretaker. Give me a one minute guide and I'll be ale to handle it. It's not rocket science. However LFGs often just put 0 effort in while sometimes not having any raid experience at all. Sometimes they fail on freaking ad clear at -5. For those players it's a lost cause, for your own sanity, kick em or leave. But good players will most likely manage whatever role you give them.

    • @ckruberducky
      @ckruberducky 4 месяца назад

      a challenge mode is not the place to learn

    • @agamerjourney9146
      @agamerjourney9146 4 месяца назад +1

      Agree in end it’s players skill. Anybody that’s good can learn mechanics quickly. It’s fact so many players that suck at pve. Reality people now just learning this lol.

    • @agamerjourney9146
      @agamerjourney9146 4 месяца назад +2

      @@ckruberduckyIf good at game you learn and do anything. Fact is most people struggle because they suck at game. Skill level players in destiny is so low because how play. Yes some actually complete 6 hour over raids daily with there clan/friends. Lol

    • @ckruberducky
      @ckruberducky 4 месяца назад

      @@agamerjourney9146 wtf does that have to do with anything? its ok to suck.. we're not gatekeeping, but holy shit if you're doing the "challenge" version of anything maybe go learn the basics first

    • @agamerjourney9146
      @agamerjourney9146 4 месяца назад

      @@ckruberducky basically even challenge mode is easy. Only problem is players skill.

  • @smokedout7129
    @smokedout7129 4 месяца назад +3

    My gripe is with mics vs non mics drama
    Just because someone has a mic doesn't mean stuff will be smooth sailing. Most of my attempts failed because of people with mics dying too much, not knowing what to do on a KWTD post, or forgetting how to do what they just did because we had to wipe.
    I know how all the encounters work, do a good job in multiple roles and even have completed the full thing before. But that still isn't enough for these must have mic people and is why it takes me longer to find groups or why i hesitate joining groups.
    But then again i unfortunately understand why they act like this.
    There's certain people that think they can do raids without even communicating, full groups sometimes too.
    No, you don't load into a raid start the encounter and think that's acceptable. You ask what everyone is doing and make sure they know how to do it first. If you can't be bothered to even do that, then why are you trying to raid???
    Also if you're having trouble or don't know something say something. Don't just keep messing up and think that's cool either because eventually you'll get it.
    That's disrespectful of everyone else's time and frankly you should be ashamed of yourself.

    • @theblackhole5276
      @theblackhole5276 4 месяца назад

      One of the reasons that I, for example, have for asking people with a microphone is for the ease of communication, I always ask to be in voice chat for the simple reason that if something is needed quickly It's done quickly, even if you don't have a microphone, enter the voice chat, Many times the simple fact of not having a microphone prevents you from participating in active roles. And it's something that I don't like personally, but it's understandable when you're looking for a mechanic to make an important call out for you. And this is even more important considering that if you are a console player it is practically impossible for you to type in the middle of the bustle of the raid without getting yourself killed.
      Let's take planets as an example, how I'm supposed to make the dynamics of the encounter happen to someone who can't tell me which planet I have to change with. I know you can tell me by text but that only makes things more impractical considering that most of the time you will be distracted and possibly miss it.

  • @krytonite312
    @krytonite312 4 месяца назад +6

    I was trying to think how to get around this and I feel like the only way to find a decent team is right after reset or looking for a fireteam where their guardian rank is 10 or 11

    • @retome1510
      @retome1510 4 месяца назад +3

      nah cause some of us play pvp but are still good at pve so were still on low ranks, so what your better off doing is running it and friending the people who are actually good, repeat the process util you have a good list of friends who are good

    • @SlongestKongest
      @SlongestKongest 4 месяца назад +2

      ​@@retome1510 I mean even if you're good at pvp and a pvp player to get rank 10 all u gotta do is a gm and that's what most ppl do anyways lol

    • @blossomkeeper
      @blossomkeeper 4 месяца назад +1

      @@SlongestKongestconsider this. i cannot be bothered to do gms. PERSONALLY, i dont find them all that fun and i dont always need to do it. i can, and sometimes i do, but i typically dont. i will hover around 7/8 rank and thats about it. which is the point and even what the video creator mentioned (in the comments). “guardian rank doesnt mean anything”. or at least, id say it does not tell the whole story. some of us know how the game works but only give the true time of day to the parts we love in particular. like i can raid and i do on occasion with no issues. but i dont have many challenges done in raids because i dont care that much. and ik people at high ranks who still dont know all that much bc they only engaged with those specific activities and thats it. rare but it does happen. if you want quality teammates you have to do quality searching, theres no real way around it. hope this makes sense boss and good luck out there

    • @SlongestKongest
      @SlongestKongest 4 месяца назад

      @@blossomkeeper I agree the rank doesn't tell the whole story but in a lfg perspective a rank 11 for pantheon will most likely do alot better then a rank 7
      As for a rank 11 you gotta solo dungeon so atleast they are good

    • @blossomkeeper
      @blossomkeeper 4 месяца назад +1

      @@SlongestKongest yea fair enough, i get what ur saying. just smth to consider

  • @N3RDZ4LIF3
    @N3RDZ4LIF3 4 месяца назад +1

    Had a run with clan mates take 3 hours because we were teaching 3 new players the encounters, they surprisingly picked up on the mechanics pretty fast but they didn't have the skill to stay alive or any viable options for damage. I had no fun doing it. But they enjoyed it so much that they want to keep doing it and are some of the first people who sign up to participate and i don't know how to tell them that them participating is ruining the activity for the rest of the clan. I luckily haven't had to do lfgs for a team but i imagine its far worse.

  • @Primalinstincts101
    @Primalinstincts101 3 месяца назад

    Problem with raiding nowadays is you either have people too incompetent to follow directions OR you have people too pro that anything that strays away from how they do things they get toxic

  • @Tsungeru
    @Tsungeru 4 месяца назад +1

    Had a run last week stop around 2-3 hours because 2 of the people didn't have damage/survivability doing somewhere between 500K - MAYBE 1.5 mill to both caretaker and golga. Like come on one dude said ad clear for Explicator and couldn't even do that. 2 days after had a different team of 6 and we stomped through it in 35-45 min.

  • @EatsUsedTP
    @EatsUsedTP 4 месяца назад +1

    Me and my 3 friends grabbed 2 big strong, handsome ad watchers (They do not really be clearing them) and we cleared week 2 in 55 minutes.

  • @leantractor2775
    @leantractor2775 4 месяца назад +1

    I LFG the first week. Took 6 attempts to get a good team of people with meta loadouts for Dps. Week 2 and 3 were alright since I looked for people with a week clear

  • @SuperFunduck
    @SuperFunduck 4 месяца назад +1

    I joined and helped finish a 6hour and 30 minute run. I feel bad for the people who were there for that long oof. I was there for like 30 minutes or so I think.

  • @bari9988
    @bari9988 3 месяца назад +1

    bro doesn't know how to check raid report

  • @BAWSplayasonly
    @BAWSplayasonly 4 месяца назад +2

    Absolutely agree ~ BluePolar

  • @ChoZen369
    @ChoZen369 4 месяца назад +1

    When u say LFG do u mean on the app or discord or FTF? This is when i get confused if ppl still say LFG for FTF. I mean im sure this happens on LFG, FTF, discord, the app, etc. Took me 2 hours just hoping around fireteams in FTF to finally find a decent group that didnt do this - when u ask whos got gaze, or runners or w/e and literally noone answers like "gaze, whats gaze?" Then they say "I can do ad clear." U cant do pantheon If ur not willing to help, this is a team challenege. And if ur like me that doesnt typically raid cuz i dont have a clan or know anyone who plays but u want the awesome loot being handed out then at least watch a video and try and learn at least 1 aspect of an encounter. Its not that hard...but i share the sentiment cuz i almost missed out last week cuz all my time got wasted on jumping in KWTD groups only for maybe 1 other person who actually KWTD.

  • @kleentissues9232
    @kleentissues9232 3 месяца назад

    solo LFG'd to the godslayer title in 2 days recently and it seems a lot of players are joining KWTD posts expecting to get carried ect. Having to carry people in LFG -20 power activities is a worse fate than hell

  • @pothly
    @pothly 3 месяца назад

    only time i had issues was nezarec and that’s it

  • @KhetarAL
    @KhetarAL 4 месяца назад +1

    what is your stasis titan build? seems really fun!!

  • @4Double8
    @4Double8 4 месяца назад +1

    I never knew about the amount of lying going on in recruiting posts. Im usually going into teaching groups/teach some of the encounters in pantheon and dont have much trouble with them since people there are willing to learn and do mechanics. It takes some time (especially if youre going for platinum) yeah but I never have headaches caused by any groups. That or I just go into know what to do groups expecting to teach someone so I'm never disappointed.

  • @newtdotimori
    @newtdotimori 4 месяца назад +1

    3:40 YES PLEASE
    i know i shouldn't speak about pantheon here i have yet to delve into the stinky dungeons of lfg for this, but [i will anyways about my past lfg runs,] any LFG runs in any activity has this problem and im getting sick of it
    its honestly made me more scared to even lfg at this point, the constant lying is getting to me
    fireteam finder left a sour taste for me after trying to do a RoN run for red borders--was helping a friend get those guns, and we got a whole bunch of people who clearly didn't know what to do and didn't even read the "experienced" tag on the post
    i've tried to do my fair share of shit for mechanics in runs but it just doesn't seem enough, i've tried to be nice but fuck dude it's gotten to me at times
    i even remember this 1 garden run had people who were at BARE minimum for light and shrugged it off because it was a KWTD run--never cleared because we couldn't do enough dps to the harpy boss after the baseball shit
    just getting sick of lfg, some people don't speak up (including me, my brain makes up situations where ill think they'll just yell and kick me, only sometimes i'll be a big boy and ask), but at most just won't say anything or own up to their own faults or even ask how to do better
    hope you feel better bro and gl on those pantheon runs when you get to them

    • @agamerjourney9146
      @agamerjourney9146 4 месяца назад

      It’s not that people don’t know what do from my experience. It’s fact most community is not ready for end game content. To many have completed end game content. Yet still suck at playing the end game content.

    • @agamerjourney9146
      @agamerjourney9146 4 месяца назад

      Destiny veteran seen it all in lfg raids to group kids. Reality skill level most players is very low. Some raid teams actually do 6 hour or runs just complet. It’s cycle realizing that some people just not that good.

  • @Razer5542
    @Razer5542 4 месяца назад +1

    This is why i avoid KWTD posts and look for the more "Chill" runs.. I barely raid, so i'm not up to the KWTD stuff.. Me joining those groups would pretty much ruin it..

  • @iamthestormthatisapproaching69
    @iamthestormthatisapproaching69 4 месяца назад +2

    I'll be real, Pantheon is THE big test against the witness for all the players that stuck with this game. Just because I'm a veteran doesn't mean that I have experience in every raid. I've played since d1, but even then the only raid I haven't tried was King's fall. Seeing as how things evolved, I might give it a try today. But just because I'm willing to give my time into that raid, doesn't mean I have the motivation for the other raids I haven't done yet. Because I don't usually touch those types of content. But there's always gonna be chill lfgs that'll be light on the fireteam, so there's that. But they may prefer you to know how to do the raids than teach every mechanic, idk 🤷

  • @mimo-bine
    @mimo-bine 4 месяца назад

    Weirdly enough, pantheon motivated me to start raiding. If I didn't know the encounters, maybe I should start doing raids? So I did VoG and DSC instead because I thought they were cool.
    Now I want to do Vow, and get my 3rd clear. Before I was so anxious, not anymore.

  • @natcoo8153
    @natcoo8153 4 месяца назад +2

    Half the community are kids, and those kids aren't in reality. BTW it's a GAME. Find a clan who r mature. That's what they are

    • @agamerjourney9146
      @agamerjourney9146 4 месяца назад

      Reality most community is older adults with no thumbs. Community has high amount players that suck at pve. Seems most people just learning this but knew this for years. lol 😆

  • @eshaan570
    @eshaan570 4 месяца назад +6

    ill never understand why jims lie in lfg when theres literally plenty of streamers doing carries and shit all day

    • @SlongestKongest
      @SlongestKongest 4 месяца назад +1

      They should ask for a teacher in a normal raid there are loads of ppl teaching.

    • @eshaan570
      @eshaan570 4 месяца назад

      @@SlongestKongest “lFg iS tOo ToXiC”

  • @alowelyflower
    @alowelyflower 3 месяца назад

    no way a guy with 40 raid clears is trying to say pantheon clears should be sub 40 LOL

  • @inspiradorupees3029
    @inspiradorupees3029 3 месяца назад

    I LFG’d with Goldfinger…it was not good 😅

  • @chrono2959
    @chrono2959 4 месяца назад +1

    I do think a lot of people get on there and lie or pretend like they know something they don't just cuz they're so desperate to get into a group and do the event I wish Bungie would just make a auto join thing and that way the people that wanted to do that can those people can Auto join each other even though they all know they're all s*** they can figure it out together and they're not burning the other people

  • @fatyak7172
    @fatyak7172 3 месяца назад

    They are lying because no one will play with them bro.

  • @a.cardist
    @a.cardist 4 месяца назад +2

    u kind of have to be a dick to people in lfg so you dont get lied to by them, its a shit tradeoff but i dont see what else to do, i dont want to be teaching/reminding ppl of mechanics, i just want a semi quick completion (especially when pantheon is not intended for beginners or ppl learning the encounters)

  • @timeoutteddy2992
    @timeoutteddy2992 4 месяца назад

    My biggest thing is “KWTD” is WAAAAAY different that “be experienced”
    You can watch a video and know what to do, but thats far different being experienced in a raid. lFGing pantheon is a nightmare not because of kWTD post( even tho i find them annoyong) because bungie put a quest tired to 100% drop/ choice of raid exotic,
    Now we got all the people who thing well 6 hour pantheon runs to get the one raid gun i want isnt so bad
    Bungie should have made quest for week one only or only to do specfic quest in each raid to get them not do pantheon

  • @BlakeTDavis64
    @BlakeTDavis64 3 месяца назад

    subbed for keepin it real!

  • @riffmcnasty8713
    @riffmcnasty8713 4 месяца назад +3

    Its an LFG nightmare because you have people who no life the game, then complain there is nothing to do, and then you have people who are just never going to commit to learning mechanics so they post an LFG demanding 1200+ clears, but dont have a single clear themselves

    • @agamerjourney9146
      @agamerjourney9146 4 месяца назад

      You all 1200 clears and still be trash at pve in destiny 2. From experience being veteran player never go by clears. Go how fast takes learn actually stay alive.

    • @riffmcnasty8713
      @riffmcnasty8713 4 месяца назад

      @@agamerjourney9146 Another toxic player claiming he's a vet

    • @riffmcnasty8713
      @riffmcnasty8713 4 месяца назад

      @@agamerjourney9146 The speedrun aspect is just a difficulty modifier to add to the game, a flavor for example. The game rewards you for being fast but it's not at all a deciding factor on if someone is a veteran. You either played the D1 beta or you didn't

    • @agamerjourney9146
      @agamerjourney9146 4 месяца назад

      @@riffmcnasty8713 another newbie that’s toxic to the community lol.

  • @Travelers_chosen_damaged
    @Travelers_chosen_damaged 4 месяца назад +1


  • @gokulsankar6866
    @gokulsankar6866 4 месяца назад

    Absolutely agree

  • @juliusrobson6988
    @juliusrobson6988 3 месяца назад

    Feel like uninstalling the game cause of it

  • @paragonflash8937
    @paragonflash8937 4 месяца назад

    Its okie let it all out.

  • @ThorStone214
    @ThorStone214 4 месяца назад +1

    I have very played a raid because more friends don’t play the game and I get kicked from every game because I don’t do something correctly or because I want to play the game and no one else wants to play the raid that they lfg for

    • @SlongestKongest
      @SlongestKongest 4 месяца назад +2

      Learn how to do the raid man
      Go to fireteam finder and ask for a teacher in every raid you haven't done.

  • @Ax-xN
    @Ax-xN 4 месяца назад +1

    Majority of the people are getting platinum so chill out

  • @tomrausch8809
    @tomrausch8809 4 месяца назад


  • @bartoniuskrunk2366
    @bartoniuskrunk2366 4 месяца назад +2

    Because they know nobody will teach them so they have to lie to learn. Not everyone has hours on hours to learn some of the complicated encounters

    • @weeaboojones7713
      @weeaboojones7713 4 месяца назад +4

      You do not need hours to learn any encounter in this game

    • @JA-kr1lz
      @JA-kr1lz 4 месяца назад +1

      Yeah you’re right, far better to lie, spent hours and hours wasting your own time and other people’s time!

    • @ChoZen369
      @ChoZen369 4 месяца назад +1

      "Complicated encounters" lmao, literally took me 2 wipes to get the planets down, prob the most "complicated" encounter in pantheon atm. That or if ur a runner for caretaker. The group I was in took maybe an hr and a half but it was all randos that have a good enough understanding of the game tho or watched enough vids to figure it out in a cpl tries and thats all it takes. Really not that hard. The hardest part was sussing out a decent group cuz ppl be putting KWTD when they don't KWTD...sometimes I wonder if ppl see that but don't know what it means and think "maybe this'll get me a team faster cuz I see it all the time"

  • @Devil-ev3zm
    @Devil-ev3zm 3 месяца назад

    Bro made a 6 min video bitching and crying about people lying about their skill level in a video game lmao. Just kick them and move on.

  • @Nate-gi7no
    @Nate-gi7no 4 месяца назад


  • @ninjawatchdutchmen7171
    @ninjawatchdutchmen7171 4 месяца назад +1

    Why are you still yapping about this? Grow up

  • @Tucaroo_
    @Tucaroo_ 4 месяца назад

    holy bitrate, and holy mouth noises. First, sort your recording settings out, you need to increase your recording bitrate, and you need to add some kind of noise gate so that your wet mouth noises don't come through so much.
    Anyways, your whole rant has been a thing in gaming forever, you are publicly asking people to join, no matter what rules you write, people won't care. You must also be part of the problem otherwise you would have a team of 6 people pre-made. The fact that you have to lfg it, and seem to have tried many times, it seems like you may be the problem, or you are not helping enough. Even if everyone does know what to do, nobody is going to be at the same level as understanding. You are ranting about the very nature of lfg's in ALL of gaming. The fact that you refer to yourself as a good player but 5 people don't want to regularly play with you? That sounds iffy to me.
    TLDR: it's a toy. you are getting angry about a toy. Either put it down, or find other people to play toys with? little bro is mad because the strangers at the park are bad at going down a slide

    • @9riser
      @9riser  4 месяца назад +1

      Read the disclaimer, thank you

    • @Tucaroo_
      @Tucaroo_ 4 месяца назад

      @@9riser irrelevant, when i am poking a hole IN THAT disclaimer. plus the fact that you care so little for quality bleeds into your attitude with other people. Be nice, make friends, have a better life

    • @zachcunningham9054
      @zachcunningham9054 4 месяца назад

      @@Tucaroo_speak for yourself

    • @theblackhole5276
      @theblackhole5276 4 месяца назад

      The only thing I see in your comment is the need to attack, you should start thinking that even if you are the best player that exists, your predefined team will not always be available And consequently you will have to look for a LFG, now I'm going to give an example of a friend, this friend is very good and in Destiny 1, practically most people recognize him and know of his achievements, but you know what? He don't have a defined group and why? Because no matter how good you are, you will never find six people with the same availability of schedules as you, possibly you will get two or three together. But getting the entire team together is basically impossible. The point I'm getting at is that no matter how well you do things, you won't necessarily have five people at your disposal to do the high-level activities.

    • @Tucaroo_
      @Tucaroo_ 3 месяца назад

      @@theblackhole5276 as my previous comment said, there may be a reason why your friend can't get 6 people, because they are insufferable. I haven't used lfg once for raiding since season of the lost, and i've done 400+ raids since then. There are reasons people don't like to raid with people :)

  • @iamthestormthatisapproaching69
    @iamthestormthatisapproaching69 4 месяца назад +1

    All i can say is, ofc it is

  • @adamc827
    @adamc827 4 месяца назад +1

    Sounds like you need to deal with it. Bungie needs to get rid of the word raid and name these encounters something else, then make all encounters single player. I shouldn’t have to team with other players to complete any encounter in the game, and mechanics should go. I love how people are ruining the experience in LFG. GET RID OG GROUP PlAY!!!

    • @zachcunningham9054
      @zachcunningham9054 4 месяца назад

      Literally the dumbest comment I’ve read all week. You can’t be serious

    • @makaveliba4243
      @makaveliba4243 3 месяца назад

      Brain dead comment