3 Takeaways from the 2023 Great Wargaming Survey

  • Опубликовано: 16 окт 2024
  • Today on Little Wars TV, we're joined by Jasper Oorthuys of "Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy" magazine! Jasper started the Great Wargaming Survey over a decade ago, collecting annual responses to track trends within the miniature wargaming hobby. We're unpacking the results of this year's 2023 survey, focusing on three key takeaways.
    But WSS makes all of the survey results public on their website, sharing insightful blog posts on relevant questions. You can explore the results of previous surveys and start reading more about the 2023 survey on their Great Wargaming Survey blog below:
    What do you think of the topics discussed in today's video? Do you have a 3D printer or are you thinking about getting one? Will you try virtual tabletop gaming in 2024? And what about the dreaded "graying of the hobby?" What are you seeing in your own club and region?
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Комментарии • 173

  • @ashleybishop9937
    @ashleybishop9937 10 месяцев назад +10

    Jasper alluded to what I have believed for a long time, wargaming is 25% research, 25% modelling, 25% playing and 25% talking siht with your mates, and sometimes its 50% talking. Its a social activity for like minded people, I hope it lives on.

  • @kaj9245
    @kaj9245 10 месяцев назад +28

    Firstly, Little Wars TV, thank you for being a positive influence on the hobby. As a young wargamer, under the age of 30, I think it is important to say why we struggle with the hobby. The reasons are diverse and many, and I won’t be able to sum them all up here, but I will attempt. Maybe the most important reason is the cost. While many others and I would dispute this, it is a barrier to entry for many. The wargaming hobby being split on if they should include 40k, fantasy or other point-based competitive competitions doesn’t help either. It grows even worse when many sneer or make fun of younger hobbyists and what they are into. An attitude of elitism and mocking isn't helpful and rather discouraging to us. This attitude when it comes to historical wargaming is no better. Playing a fair pointed battle in the ACW, 100YW, or TYW isn't wrong. Another key factor is folks under the age of 30 are still establishing themselves in the world. We are buying our first cars, getting married or dating, trying to find affordable housing, maybe even starting a family, not to mention starting our first jobs as professionals or part-timers. None of these are cheap or leave much time for wargaming. I do hope the wargaming world lives on and I will continue to play and enjoy many games. Once again thank you for all you do.

    • @theandf
      @theandf 10 месяцев назад +4

      Agreed, but it's not only the cost: it's also the time and space commitment. When you are starting a family or have younger kids, the available time for grand wargaming projects is significantly diminished. Once you're older and hopefully have your life sorted out, and your children have grown up and become more independent, maybe that spare time is easier to find. And wargaming is a VERY time and space-hungry hobby!

    • @TorianTammas
      @TorianTammas 10 месяцев назад +4

      Agreed it is a room to play and store the stuff, time to built and paint, time to learn the rules, money to finance this all. So offering help from more experienced and even room to play or store miniature or to lent armies would help to get others into the hobby

  • @stoatmuldoonfanclub7885
    @stoatmuldoonfanclub7885 10 месяцев назад +20

    As a younger person who wants to get into historical war games is (as mentioned) the difficulty of finding groups or clubs. The other is just that there is so many different systems for just about any setting, the nice thing out getting into a fantasy or sifi system is that it’s a lot easier sell it like a board game (plus expansions) rather than requiring someone to do the research to find minis with right kind of hats and uniforms along with learning the rules for the particular system that group plays.

    • @Vlad65WFPReviews
      @Vlad65WFPReviews 10 месяцев назад

      As someone who has been in the hobby for many years and value the friendships it has given me, I really hope you can find a local club or convention where you can get started and make some contacts. My other advice is start with skirmish-level games which require fewer figures and have straightforward rules. As for hats/uniforms research, migawd at least that is much easier now using "xxxx army uniform images" searches on googles. Good luck, I'm retired now and the hobby is a key activity and social provider for me.

    • @percyblok6014
      @percyblok6014 10 месяцев назад +4

      Get your buddies involved and start your own. You may have to start buy doing both sides yourself, BUT skirmish gaming makes that easier. Start small, young and keep it going wherever life may take you.

    • @GreenBlueWalkthrough
      @GreenBlueWalkthrough 9 месяцев назад +2

      @@percyblok6014 Also use a universal system that is not limited to a single battle.

    • @spqrd13
      @spqrd13 7 месяцев назад +1

      Also 40k is just awesome. At least from a lore and book perspective.

  • @gruntysskim4145
    @gruntysskim4145 10 месяцев назад +14

    In regards to the graying of the hobby, Ill say that I think with how niche of a hobby Tabletop wargaming is, and with the retention rate being 98%, it will always be true that the population will trend older. When I was a kid playing with legos and the little green plastic army men, I wanted so badly for there to be rules and structure so that what was happening in my imagination could be expressed to others in a way that made sense for everyone involved, and tabletop wargaming very much scratches that itch.
    There's always going to be kids like that, the key is that historical and generally more traditional wargaming has to have a sizable internet presence for this newest generation (including even people my age entering adulthood) to be able to find the hobby in the first place, a job that Little Wars TV does exceptionally well.

  • @j.b.macadam6516
    @j.b.macadam6516 10 месяцев назад +19

    Thanks for the info. I recently opened a game shop in our small town. One of my objectives is to get People out of their computers and cell phones, and into tabletop gaming. Thus far, our club membership seems to follow your data, with about half of the members over 50. We really have to work at getting kids and teens into the hobby. I have found that an impressive miniature game layout seems to work best. Let's admit it....we're just big kids with cooler toys!

  • @frankdonatelli343
    @frankdonatelli343 10 месяцев назад +25

    To comment on the virtual games topic, if I'm going to play a miniature wargame I want friends around a table and a ton of little dudes on the table. A computer simply can't replace that. There's loads of amazing computer wargames and strategy games but I play them for different reasons. The feeling of moving armies around in physical space and seeing them laid out is magical. For some context here I'm a 30 year old guy from Philadelphia.

    • @j.b.macadam6516
      @j.b.macadam6516 10 месяцев назад +4

      Agreed! It's a blast to stand around a game table with Friends, roll dice, draw cards and talk smack, but always shake hands and laugh after a good tabletop brawl!

    • @NScaleCPRail
      @NScaleCPRail 10 месяцев назад +1

      Virtual tabletop gaming holds no appeal for me personally at all. I'm the same way, I love being around the table with buddies talking trash and laughing. If I want a virtual experiance I'll play a video game.

    • @hangarflying
      @hangarflying 10 месяцев назад +4

      I’m so happy that you have the luxury of having all of your friends immediately available to stand around the table instead of being scattered all over the country/world.

    • @Lewismarty1
      @Lewismarty1 10 месяцев назад +3

      Virtual gaming has its place. Leveraging the right tools such as TTS works great once you’re past the challenge of understanding the software.
      For those of us looking to play obscure games, save a game to continue later, or try a game without any sunk cost, it’s a brilliant option.

  • @TraitorsGambit
    @TraitorsGambit 10 месяцев назад +15

    I would say despite a relative greying of the hobby I dont think its a massive cause for concern. The economics of the last 20 years have been prohibitive and I think coupled with GW's predatory commercialisation of game balance, those war gamers who love the hobby will shift to the massively more affordable historicals even if by way of something like Bolt Action as the 'arcade' historical. Personally I havent touched my 40k collections in what I realise writing this comment has been years and yet being able to build and play 3mm modern for less than a 'value' 40k set (rules and all) AND be able to play it on a tiny kitchen table in a tiny apartment....the future is very bright for wargaming.

    • @alphanerdgames9417
      @alphanerdgames9417 10 месяцев назад +1

      Have you looked at one page rules?

    • @gruntysskim4145
      @gruntysskim4145 10 месяцев назад +3

      I agree with this wholeheartedly, GW is what brought me into the wargaming hobby, and their awful pricing model and game balancing decisions made me jump ship to bolt action and Team Yankee. I think that as the situation in that sphere worsens, we'll see an uptick in people looking to play other games. The key is to not let snobbery make them feel unwelcome IMO.

    • @blecao
      @blecao 10 месяцев назад +1

      While i in part agree with the shift from GW i had see most of the shift being towards 3d printing but mostly toward 3° party miniatures, units that are far cheaper but people still playing GW rules

  • @BillsHistoricSites-ip3su
    @BillsHistoricSites-ip3su 10 месяцев назад +6

    It is interesting on how views are so different about the hobby many younger gamers complained that fall in did not have enough sci-fi or fantasy while several other gamers older one is quite a famous GM that there was too much fantasy and sci-fi , these surveys are so interesting.

  • @gvdeutekom
    @gvdeutekom 10 месяцев назад +4

    To attract younger people to the historical hobby, it's important to make it more easy and affordable to start. Starter boxes with all you need to play helps, like the ones from Battlefront or Warlord. I fully agree with Jasper that pre painted armies would also help to make wargaming more accessible. When you like playing games, the effort to build and paint the armies before you can start can be a dissatisfier. Esspecially for a generation who grow up with the easy access of digital gaming.

  • @richardsmith988
    @richardsmith988 9 месяцев назад

    I stumbled onto this RUclips "site" so I am on the outside of this survey of sorts. I got into historical miniatures back in my college years (1972-1977) at SIU (Southern Illinois University) where I ran into Tim Kask, the editor of the Dragon Magazine and who introduced me to D&D (First addition). Yes, I am at this time closing on 71 years old this April, so I am one of those "Graying". I painted a regiment of Austrian Light Infantry with a howitzer battery for support that was bought off of me before I left college. In those days we used Tri-color rules as I remember it. This should give me some value in looking at your issue of the "Graying of the hobby" as you put it. With this in mind, my focus back then was in doing seminars on rules for whatever we would be doing the following week/month as a way to bring new people into the fold. It goes a long way if you teach the younger people "the ropes" to any game. This is harder because of the shorter attention span the younger people exhibit these days, so you need someone that is skilled at presentation that makes it interesting. Seminars should be broken down into Basic/beginner, Intermediate/Tell me more, and Advanced/Fine print.
    Over the decades this is what I found works best. Information needs to be broken down into three key areas: 1) Overview of materials and basic tactics (Not Sun Tzu's "Art of War", that is a bit deep for a beginner). It is far better to give them a unit to work with and have them come up with ideas as to how they can support the battle. 2) Engage them with what the army is planning on doing and *WHY* (Strategy! What a novel idea.). Then advance them into greater positions of leadership (Regiment, Division, and Corp). 3) Advertise in a local paper what is being planned be it seminar, event, or just an "open house or just show up to see what is happening. ". 4 (Bonus) Have someone always available to engage and bring people into the group/club/fold. There is nothing more off-putting than people ignoring someone looking on from the door.
    As for the 1813 Fall Campaign, I would not have attacked Austria, but instead blocked the mountain passes to Austria (VI, VII, and IX corp as blocks with IV corp in reserve), The French have an opportunity to strike and savage Hamburg (since it is close and can be attacked easily), taking the city if possible (otherwise sieging it) and then turn to fall on the rest of the northern army to clear the north while giving ground on the Eastern front. The limited cavalry would have been best deployed on the eastern front to know the dispositions they face with a reserve for the north. Napoleon focused on maneuver, and attacking Austria would bog down his armies that would have been better used in braking up the northern and eastern front alliances. Destruction of the enemy armies in detail while avoiding battle with the others was Napoleon's forte. With garrisons in the east, there was a better chance of opening up the eastern front, and then force marching back to Hamburg. It also matches WWI more closely in the opening years of that war.
    For the allies, draw the French out so it is more difficult to send reinforcements to other battles. The French have interior lines of communication so it is harder to gain the initiative by the allies. Just my opinion.

  • @markdesmarais2006
    @markdesmarais2006 10 месяцев назад +12

    Seems to me that it’s worth exploring whether those with 3D printers use them very much. I have a FDM printer but I don’t use it nearly as much as I thought I would and it’s become another “pile of shame” element in my collection of hobby items. The ratio of power users to weekend hackers with printers represent the real potential swing in the economics of the hobby

    • @ArchangelMiniatureGaming
      @ArchangelMiniatureGaming 10 месяцев назад

      Im on the opposite end of that spectrum... I burn through a couple of bottles of resin a month, and a spool or so of filament... my pile of shame, perhaps, has no equal 😢

    • @Toqtamish129
      @Toqtamish129 10 месяцев назад

      My two printers run 24/7

  • @vincentgregory1470
    @vincentgregory1470 10 месяцев назад +1

    I love listening to the results of the GWS. Thank you all!

    • @LittleWarsTV
      @LittleWarsTV  10 месяцев назад +2

      We had fun chatting to Jasper about it!

  • @Burzuj89
    @Burzuj89 10 месяцев назад +3

    I'm a younger gamer (34), and I've been playing historical games for 20+ years. think what was said about attracting younger players was valid. They're less likely to want to spend money, and have plenty of other options for gaming. They also are likely to have less storage and hobby space than older hobbyists. I do think that the "traditional" form of historical gaming, with hundreds of ranked up 28mm or 15mm minis just isn't going to appeal to younger gamers. I think the way forward is to focus on providing a fun gaming experience that doesn't require a lot of miniatures, gaming and storage space or painting time, with rules that are accessible, and easy to understand. GW did great at getting people into sci fi and fantasy gaming through boxed sets, community support and mainstream appeal. I think if we had more of that in historical gaming, it would be a lot easier to draw in new players.

  • @warbearin
    @warbearin 10 месяцев назад +9

    Regarding the graying of the hobby. I think there are multiple factors at play here. E.g. as a marketer i see that a lot of older folks tend to read the physical magazines etc. I believe the survey might be a bit overweighted by that alone. If u did the survey at a convention or through social media I think you could find the numbers to possibly be a bit more balanced though there might be a bit of a lean twoards older folks enjoying tabletop games more.

    • @WellBattle6
      @WellBattle6 9 месяцев назад

      As a millennial whose first phone was an iPhone, I agree. If a publication isn’t industry related and doesn’t have a web format available it’s going to die by 2050.

    • @WellBattle6
      @WellBattle6 9 месяцев назад

      Also I never heard of this magazine before this video, largely because I just read blogs like Bell of Lost Souls.

  • @joshuataylor7213
    @joshuataylor7213 10 месяцев назад +2

    38yo gamer here who broke into table top with Star Wars Legion a few years ago. Love the hobby, have been eyeing historical games in the ACW era and looking at Bolt Action, but the time, energy, and monetary elements are probably going to keep me in a single system for a while.
    From what ive seen in the Legionspace, things like TTS are being used almost exclusively by the competitive gaming community, which anecdotaly appears to be mid30 to mid 40s men.
    Is there much of a historical competitive scene? Or, does it tend to be a more casual beer and pretzels style groups?

  • @redmist1122
    @redmist1122 10 месяцев назад +1

    Another exceptional video gents! I remember during Covid start up, I signed up for the virtual con called, PATCOM from Paint all the Minis. Thats was okay, but I was lost as I didn't know nothing of Discord and missed out on gaming...but got a lot of cool swag and coupons. I never played on the "Tabletop Simulator", as it looked very complicated just to move pieces on the screen...didn't catch me at all. We still gamed in person during Covid with safety measures in place and worked fine...I even had my 10th Annual BIG BDay Pirate game in November 2020...even had a nurse there which ensure I had provided a safe envirnoment to game. Again, good stuff guys...take care.

  • @Hedgehobbit
    @Hedgehobbit 10 месяцев назад +6

    I would be interested in the age question if you asked each respondent their actual age. Then you could see a graph of the ages to look for any significant "bumps" in the age range.

    • @anathardayaldar
      @anathardayaldar 10 месяцев назад

      Sorry, I missed that part of the video. Did the respondents not report their actual age? What did they report instead then?

    • @Hedgehobbit
      @Hedgehobbit 10 месяцев назад +2

      @@anathardayaldar Just age range: under 30, 30-50, 50+

  • @454IsaacR
    @454IsaacR 10 месяцев назад +1

    I'll give my experience as a young man trying to get into historicals. My first barrier was rules. The thing about Scifi wargames is that 40k rules the roost, so which rules you go with are a no brainer. You probably already have a gaming buddy who can lend a rulebook and a codex to you. With Historical wargaming, there are seemingly hundreds if not thousands of rule sets across numerous eras of history, and there is very little media which even explains why you would want to play Rules A over Rules B. There's almost no RUclips videos, and outside of this channel the few videos one can find are usually completely unedited, poorly shot affairs with a 'stream-of-consciousness' script filled with 'um' and 'uhh'. Then you try searching for opinions online, and those are also hard to find, tucked away in rogue reddit threads, old forums, and /hwg/ threads from 4 years ago. So then the only way to actually, really figure out which rules are for you is to read them, but that requires buying them and when you're 20-something with little disposable income, it's hard to justify buying 3-5 different sets of rules just to figure out if you'll even like any of them. That's assuming you have time to read them all when you're either in school, starting a career, or starting a family. It's one of many 'research quests' that filter people out of the hobby.
    Then someone mentions game scale; and you find out that ruleset you liked can't actually let you command grand armies while simulating Band of Brothers. You don't even know what "operational level" means. Another research quest.
    If you haven't gotten filtered out yet, and you actually find rules you like, then you have to figure out model scale. These rules say that they work with ANY scale. But this guy online says "15mm is the best all round," and this other guy says, "6mm is the best for that historical battlefield look" and this other guy says "10mm is the best of both worlds", and some crazy man says, "2mm not joking." There's no resource that can explain what is informing these guys' decision making. Another research quest. And once you decide model scale, you learn that for some historical eras, the base size is more important than the model size. Yet another research quest.
    So say you haphazardly decide you'll go with 10mm. Now you get to find models, and this is a task unto itself. Finding companies that product models for the setting you want in the scale you want is yet another research quest for which there are no good resources.
    Now, after engaging in probably real world weeks if not months of research, you are ready to begin getting into historical wargaming. You must now perform the most difficult task for any young man interested in historicals - finding opponents. Not every city has a 'club', and most shops never attract anything other than 40k players. This is the Great Filter out of the many filters that prevents young people getting into the hobby. For me it took about 7 years from when I first became interested in historical wargaming in my early twenties until I actually became a historical wargamer.

  • @joeokabayashi8669
    @joeokabayashi8669 10 месяцев назад +1

    Great discussion; thank you!

  • @peteenglish8773
    @peteenglish8773 10 месяцев назад +1

    Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy is the best wargame magazine in print, in my opinion.
    It covers multiple time periods with different rules sets, great reviews of products.
    Highly recommended, have had subscription for several years.
    Other magazines are good to great, WS&S is the best.

  • @cadjebushey6524
    @cadjebushey6524 10 месяцев назад +3

    Im hugely into this hobby and Im only in my mid 20s.

  • @giorgiannicartamancini3917
    @giorgiannicartamancini3917 9 месяцев назад +1

    As someone who's quite interested in this hobby and slightly under 30 I can say the main reason I haven't taken the plunge is because none of my friends want to, most of them struggle economically as stable jobs that let you pick up expensive hobbies are increasingly rare. But since board wargames (e.g. hex and counters stuff) suffer the same fate even though they require a fraction of the cost and space commitment I think there's another thing that's important to discuss: discoverabilty.
    This hobby is virtually impossible to discover unless you specifically go looking for it, games can't be found in retail stores, if you're lucky you may track down a couple of models, the distribution is left on a bunch of ugly websites, dusty forums and Facebook groups, none of the spaces younger people use. That's why the work you do on YT is vital, you're the only channel I've found that puts some effort into presentation and goes beyond a middle aged guy rambling for far too long over some ugly slides or badly lit footage using hard to understand terms, no disrespect towards these people, but I can assure you that you're either already very committed to learning more about the hobby or you'll just bounce off and never return

  • @johnchristie823
    @johnchristie823 10 месяцев назад +1

    I have been gaming since 1973, and I intend to keep gaming, I have always had a love of History, and the reenactment of it on the table, in many time periods.

  • @Wake-Less
    @Wake-Less 10 месяцев назад

    Thank you for the shout out Greg! To the future of print on demand minis gaming! :)

  • @Rob-qe3cg
    @Rob-qe3cg 10 месяцев назад +1

    May make sense to adjust the age question to a birth year range question, or present the data both as "30 and under" and "born 1980 or after" (that being 30 years before you started the survey). Makes it easier to directly compare how many are aging and moving through the demographics, and how many have stayed throughout.

  • @todd636
    @todd636 10 месяцев назад +131

    Regarding the graying of the hobby. I don’t think it helps when people complain about sci-fi games being run at a historical convention. Historical games should have priority but not be exclusive. Young people are more drawn to the sci-fi games. Get them in the door and introduce them to historical gaming. Telling them their not welcome is not growing the hobby

    • @milesreidy7864
      @milesreidy7864 10 месяцев назад +9

      I agree completely

    • @granthuxham2491
      @granthuxham2491 10 месяцев назад +11

      If you see the “gamers” at any Games Workshop store, you can see a big potential historical market in a younger generation. GW has built an empire around sci-fi; and their tournaments are massive. Bring sci-fi “in” and the younger players will see the historical miniature games - and want to play them too.

    • @michaeldecarlo6945
      @michaeldecarlo6945 10 месяцев назад +6

      And what is “historical.” The British model for wargaming has been influenced by Games Workshop so that oppsing forces are now “point balanced” instead of truly historical, based on research and game balance through play-testing scenarios. You think I am oversimplifying? I attended a Huzza last year where, in the “Bolt Action Room” (a rule set I despise - along with Chain of Command) two players were conducting a contest between Polish Lancers and the 101st Airborne, just to see what would happen. I think I threw up in my mouth a little. If you are going to just bring random point-balanced armies to the table and then attempt to call it “historical” wargaming, you should just give it up and play Warhammer & 40K. Just MO.

    • @todd636
      @todd636 10 месяцев назад +7

      So what you’re saying is, 2 people were playing a balanced point based game, not historically based at all, and having fun?? Definitely not historical gamers.

    • @jeffh3274
      @jeffh3274 10 месяцев назад +24

      The attitude that there is a "right" or "wrong" way to participate in the historical portion of the hobby is one of the barriers to its growth. If you are looking down your nose at how somebody else enjoys their historical miniatures gaming, then you are the problem.

  • @Myke...
    @Myke... 10 месяцев назад +1

    Id like to see the survey expand more into whole of hobbyist interest. Include boardgames. Industry can learn a lot more to help improve interest from the survey. I suggested also a category of those who hardly play due to time, money lack of storage space or social base, but they still maintain interest in youtube or other media to see what things are happening or trigger spark of getting back to. RUclips/internet has shown many great ideas and techniques to try out modeling or ways to find research and discover history, rules, files, that I never had when as a teenager, other than occassional magazine or library book. Where I live I just discovered my city has no hobby stores other than GW, gone are the modeling/railway andsupplies, have to order online. Wonder if this could also be added to survey. Hobby shops also show trends.

  • @e-4airman124
    @e-4airman124 10 месяцев назад

    thank you from one gray old man to others hitting 75 this year

  • @chrisrobinson196
    @chrisrobinson196 10 месяцев назад +1

    I was one of those saying I was spending less this year, and that's partly a reflection of plateauing with my projects and partly me reining myself in because shipping costs are triumphing over nice-to-have buying.

    • @Vlad65WFPReviews
      @Vlad65WFPReviews 10 месяцев назад +1

      you are totally right about shipping costs hurting - everything from new products to old stuff on ebay

  • @DominicMazzara
    @DominicMazzara 10 месяцев назад +1

    I started in the hobby in 1972 with Hinchliffe figures. As far as the “graying “, the US population as a whole is graying.

    • @LittleWarsTV
      @LittleWarsTV  10 месяцев назад +1

      Excellent point-and Europe is aging even faster than the US, so that larger demographic trend is working against us

  • @alans3023
    @alans3023 10 месяцев назад

    Nice summary. Thanks guys.

  • @timothyjackson4069
    @timothyjackson4069 10 месяцев назад +1

    Just sold off all my sci-fi models from a certain company, picked up a Roman starter army from Warlord, never been happier.

  • @currybr
    @currybr 10 месяцев назад +1

    To put things in perspective, a majority of survey respondents were not born when I first heard laments about the graying of the hobby.

  • @CrazedAndroid
    @CrazedAndroid 2 месяца назад +1

    The resin 3D printer ownership numbers make sense, and frankly I would not be surprised if that number continues to climb over the next few years. While FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling, AKA the 3D printers that extrude a small line of melted plastic to produce prints) 3D printers have been around for longer than resin 3D printers, the FDM process isn't well suited for printing tiny miniatures with even tinier details on the surface of them. It can be done with FDM, but it generally requires a higher end - and therefore much more costly - printer to achieve decent results. Resin 3D printers are able to reproduce fine details with ease, so if you primarily want to print miniatures at typical gaming scales you will generally be better off with a resin printer. FDM printers are still helpful for larger scenery pieces where fine details aren't as important and for prints requiring more mechanical strength - functional pieces like boxes, tokens, etc.
    Resin printers have also pretty much reached price parity with FDM printers over the last ~5 years, so cost wise it's easier than ever to get a resin printer/have a combination of Resin and FDM printer types.

  • @shamasmacshamas7135
    @shamasmacshamas7135 10 месяцев назад

    I think an interesting question for next year's survey would b3 to include "What year did you get into tabletop wargaming?", and another question asking, "Do you play miniatures wargames, hex-and-counter wargames, or both?".
    I got into computer wargaming last year (I am presently 22) and we have almost exclusively been using hex-and-counter type wargames when we aren't playing something like Combat Mission (the one exception to this is Fistful of Tows). Part of this is that on a computer screen 3d models are less impressive than if you painted them yourself, but part of it is we play more operational or strategic level games where having the movement and combat stats written on the counter (as well as the unit they belong to) is a massive help. We are scattered across and outside of the US, so an in-person game between us is deeply unlikely, but if we were to do such a thing I am certain a hex-and-counter game would be chosen or created for ease of transport and simple cost.
    Regarding 3D printers, 2 of my non-wargamer friends own them and would certainly let me print minis.

  • @johnsimmons9224
    @johnsimmons9224 10 месяцев назад +1

    Suggestion, a visit to Adepticon for follow up. Who is at Adepticon, why? How is this CON run different from the Big East cons, can we identify ten points to consider? Cold Wars was losing vendors to Adepticon, a series of interviews of these Vendors as to what their experiences have been and who are their adepticon convention customers? An indepth look into the changing face of the Miniature gaming world with insights for success to grow in the future. Thank you,

  • @sumerandaccad
    @sumerandaccad 10 месяцев назад

    I would like to see a graph of how many completed the survey each year. Is it up or down? Which areas have the best responses.

  • @adamvillari2638
    @adamvillari2638 10 месяцев назад +1

    Well considering I run a gaming group of 20-30 year olds that total to 42 people… and we never heard of this survey. Hard to argue the numbers.

    • @LittleWarsTV
      @LittleWarsTV  10 месяцев назад +1

      Wow! That’s a big club and very young as historical gamers go. You’re right to point out that this survey doesn’t necessarily reach everyone. 10,000 players is a very good sample size, but it’s only a sample

  • @glenmurie
    @glenmurie 10 месяцев назад +1

    One thing about the greying of the hobby. There's a greying of the population in general. People stopped having as many kids in 2008, and never started up again. Universities are soon facing a massive decline in enrollment.

  • @Dan-uu6wg
    @Dan-uu6wg 10 месяцев назад +15

    Unpainted miniatures (or yet-to-be-printed STLs) is neither a pile of shame nor a pile of opportunity. Instead, it's best to think of them as bottles of wine (or whiskey) in a wine cellar -- waiting to be consumed at the right time.

    • @chrisg9445
      @chrisg9445 10 месяцев назад +1

      Schrödinger's lead pile?

  • @justintime8422
    @justintime8422 10 месяцев назад +1

    Regarding the question of virtual wargaming, is there really a place for it when video games and simulation games are widely available? Look at combat modern operation, rule of the waves or the combat mission series of games. I would argue that it makes for a much more immersive yet wargaming experience. Whereas wargaming simply copied to computer or digital is not really appealing when it is not in person.

  • @AndrewSchultz-wy8bt
    @AndrewSchultz-wy8bt 10 месяцев назад +1

    Is there data about when people enter the hobby? Maybe there is an ever-green graying, where players start in their later years.

  • @GreenBlueWalkthrough
    @GreenBlueWalkthrough 9 месяцев назад

    5:03 I'm half and half and you see vitual TT gameing alot on youtube as it's an easy way for youtubers to colab... So I have to ask... Was their an option saying do you vitural game?

  • @FranzCalamari
    @FranzCalamari 10 месяцев назад +1

    As a gamer well within the 25-30 bracket, here’s why I’m in a minority: money. What is the old phrase? “It’s the economy, stupid.” My generation is saddled with heinous interest rates from student loans to credit cards. Rent is skyrocketing. We only dream of owning property. There is an ever-shrinking volume of disposable money for people like me, especially as inflation ramps up.
    Greg hit the nail: shrinking disposable income. It’s not about “selling” an idea. Quite the opposite: it’s about lowering the barrier to entry. In other words, meet the potential gamer where they are, and where they are is a vastly reduced buying power than what they need to start in terms of cost for paint, primer, bases, flocking, brushes, glue, army transports, rulebooks, and miniatures. Unfortunately, the trend is that prices for the hobby are *increasing* across the board. Small wonder, then, that my Gen Z comrades choose to pursue Steam Deals for video game titles that cost the same as a Starbucks Coffee during a weekend/summer/fall/winter/spring sale.
    Consider the most trending video game among my cohort as of this comment: Lethal Company. It’s $9.99 on steam and we’re loving it. Cheap entertainment. Quick satisfaction. It’s cheaper than breakfast, now. How much does a Napoleonic army cost between supplies, minis, and rules? Hundreds. I speak from experience.
    Mini producers who are ahead of the affordability curve on this issue absolutely include Turner and Diratia.
    Further, I think there are two missed opportunities for data collection and clarity in the survey.
    First: break the 20-30 age cohort into 18-22 and 23-30. The 18-22 bracket contains broke college students. The 23-30 bracket contains graduates with jobs. That fracture will allow for the inference that people in the younger cohort are likely not so ubiquitous due to a lack of income because of being full-time students, while the 23-30 cohort will be in their first post-undergrad career positions.
    Second: include wargame board games. I and several friends have begun buying self-contained board-wargames from manufacturers like Columbia Games for three reasons: (1) they tend to be below $100 each; (2) they can be played in 3 or less hours; (3) the box contains the full play experience, no need to keep buying and painting minis. It’s all there. War-boardgames like The US Civil War (GMT), Bobby Lee (Columbia), Commands and Colors (GMT), as well as Axis & Allies (dunno who published it) are shortcuts into the genre of wargaming, just sans-minis.
    I think breaking the 20-30 cohort apart as explained above and creating a metric for war-board games will be extraordinarily revealing. I suspect you’d see that young people *are* interested in wargaming, but we probably tend to go with the most affordable, complete, and convenient option (all of which miniature wargaming, frankly, is not). And, that we only really start having “ownership” of the hobby once we’re out of school and into the workforce.

  • @Hedgehobbit
    @Hedgehobbit 10 месяцев назад +4

    The problem with virtual miniature gaming is that there are so many good historical, multi-player video games that are easier and funner to play rather than try to struggle with virtual miniatures.

    • @LittleWarsTV
      @LittleWarsTV  10 месяцев назад +1

      No question that's an issue. Virtual gaming brings you into more competition with Total War or Ultimate General, etc.

    • @blecao
      @blecao 10 месяцев назад

      Totally agree one big questions is why triying to convert a system to a virtual one when you have things that are purely designed for the virtual one

  • @tempusavatar
    @tempusavatar 10 месяцев назад

    Thanks for the video.
    The hard part for historical games is the fact that the manufacturers can't really claim 'ownership' the way a company that owns a brand can. Warhammer, Star Wars, Marvel, Warcraft, D&D; the companies that own those properties have full control over marketing and engagement. It's their goal to craft a product/experience for their consumer base, and almost impossible to compete with that level of marketing/advertising resources.

    • @LittleWarsTV
      @LittleWarsTV  10 месяцев назад

      Agreed-because there’s no IP protection for historicals, it’s hard for companies to invest a ton into the marketing and development. Battlefront has done a commendable job over the years with Flames of War

  • @SunburntHands
    @SunburntHands 10 месяцев назад

    10 years ago there were fewer older people active on social media or the internet more generally. I suspect the ageing of the survey's sample has more to do with them gradually making themselves known online over the past decade rather than an actual greying of the hobby.

  • @ericfarrington366
    @ericfarrington366 10 месяцев назад +2

    The biggest problem I had to overcome to get into historical wargaming was other historical wargamers. 😇

  • @JamesBruce-d4b
    @JamesBruce-d4b 10 месяцев назад

    Regarding the comments towards spending patterns, this may be a reaction to post covid spending assessment. I for one spent more on the hobby than I probably should have and have now budgeted a more controlled spending pattern for the coming years.

  • @Gothmetalhead13
    @Gothmetalhead13 10 месяцев назад +1

    One thing to remember about spending is that we are currently going through a global recession that is particularly hitting those of us under 35 the hardest.

  • @michaeldecarlo6945
    @michaeldecarlo6945 10 месяцев назад +1

    Thanks for this feature video. As they say, an unexamined life isn’t worth living. And aren’t we about learning from the past to guide the future. For that you need this knowledge. And some very nice whiskey, like that bottle of Whistle Pig Farmstock Rye. But would the Whistle Pig Old World Rye have been more appropriate? Until next time.

  • @MrGeneralPB
    @MrGeneralPB 10 месяцев назад +1

    two reasons i can think of with regards to the graying of the hobby is that the real wages have been dropping rapidly since the 70's and this hobby is kinda expensive, the other is that pc games have become much better and more immersive than back in the "good old days"

  • @2smallbroswarroom140
    @2smallbroswarroom140 8 месяцев назад

    As a low teen wargamer I think we really need school clubs and games at libraries to even have a hope to get the next generation in.

  • @nathannowatzke6015
    @nathannowatzke6015 10 месяцев назад

    Having turned 30 this year I straddle the cut-off for the slighty grey portion of the population. I wasn't aware of the survey!

  • @babylonsburning1
    @babylonsburning1 10 месяцев назад +1

    An excellent vid. I thought this was going to be boring but how wrong I was.

    • @milesreidy7864
      @milesreidy7864 10 месяцев назад +1

      it was because Gus, The "wonder dog" kept popping in!

  • @joelwilliams6477
    @joelwilliams6477 10 месяцев назад +2

    Interesting but skewed by sample bias. There are a lot of people under 30 playing tabletop wargames, just different types. I'm sure we all know what they are. Over time a fair few will take on historical gaming too. Those gamers have huge disposable income (no house or kids). Similarly online systems are big. Marvel Crisis Protocol runs 4 global competitions a year, in addition to tabletop. Nearly all my terrain is printed on my FDM printer from bought or publicly available STL files. The quality is excellent and its cheap. I'm likely to buy a resin printer when more good quality ancient and medieval figures become available.

  • @PMMagro
    @PMMagro 10 месяцев назад +5

    I did not respond this year. My experience is that asscoiations, wargaming clubs etc for sure are not young people. That is not just in wargaming but many kinds of asscociations over here.
    Playing loads of boardgames and some roleplaying games I know there are more players and female players than ever. I will today bring a map based "dudes on a map area control" boardgame and know some first time player will try it. Just like last week. And last month etc... have you seen how many kids that play Games Workshop etc tabletop games?

  • @bigbake132
    @bigbake132 10 месяцев назад +1

    Are you guys planning on doing a video on the new Napoleon movie?

    • @LittleWarsTV
      @LittleWarsTV  10 месяцев назад +1

      Oh I’m sure we will!

    • @bigbake132
      @bigbake132 10 месяцев назад

      @@LittleWarsTV Sounds good, can't wait!

  • @BillsWargameWorld
    @BillsWargameWorld 10 месяцев назад

    Very nice

  • @oldschoolfrp2326
    @oldschoolfrp2326 10 месяцев назад

    We want the better view of the table and the tactile in-person aspects of miniature games. In contrast role playing games work pretty well online (zoom, discord, etc, and even better with VTTs like Roll20). RPGs already had a head start online, then during Covid many more roleplayers switched to online play, and a big percentage stayed there. Now a lot of new RPG players start online instead of around a table.

    • @TorianTammas
      @TorianTammas 10 месяцев назад

      RPG always was bigger then wargaming as the entry is a table, a few people, pen and paper. You can add all tbe stuff you need in wargaming but it is not necessary.

  • @lukefarrell6769
    @lukefarrell6769 10 месяцев назад +3

    Great to see that people will continue in the hobby, could the growing influence of 3D printing affect the spending habits? It's obviously cheaper in the long run to print your own than it is to buy from an established company?

    • @BobBob-ie6oi
      @BobBob-ie6oi 10 месяцев назад

      I know that 3D printing can be most economical, but most people I know, who have them have not saved money. I think some aspects will be affected more than others. I am watching GWs new game and they seem to be bleeding a lot to 3D printing

  • @ajlynch123
    @ajlynch123 10 месяцев назад +3

    Another good question might be: If you don’t own a 3D printer, do you own any 3D printed terrain or miniatures?

    • @LittleWarsTV
      @LittleWarsTV  10 месяцев назад +3

      That WOULD be a great question to ask. Because I suspect the answer would be "yes" for a huge majority of gamers.

    • @ajlynch123
      @ajlynch123 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@LittleWarsTV I would LOVE to own a resin printer but don’t have the skill set to really learn it - but I own tons of resin printed stuff from online or from friends who own one.

    • @Toqtamish129
      @Toqtamish129 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@ajlynch123resin is stupid easy. Way easier than my FDM.

    • @alphanerdgames9417
      @alphanerdgames9417 10 месяцев назад +1

      Resin is easy, it’s just more safety concerns.

    • @ajlynch123
      @ajlynch123 10 месяцев назад

      @@alphanerdgames9417 I need a resin printer with self-leveling

  • @haroldmorgan7381
    @haroldmorgan7381 10 месяцев назад +1

    There is a Famous POPULIST that studies countries by AGE GROUPS and our hobby seems to be the SAME - that is by AGE GROUPS !! From a Historical Wargamer of OVER 60 years !!!

  • @39stepstbhlol
    @39stepstbhlol 10 месяцев назад

    What was the male/female split this time? You guys produced some very interesting content on this Q a few years ago.

    • @milesreidy7864
      @milesreidy7864 10 месяцев назад +1

      The survey respondents reported as 98% male, which is consistent with past surveys

  • @SuperKingslaw
    @SuperKingslaw 10 месяцев назад

    Is it a graying of TTG, or the graying of Magazine Subscribers?

    • @LittleWarsTV
      @LittleWarsTV  10 месяцев назад +1

      Viable question to consider! Though we should note responding to the survey is done online and does not require a gamer to be a magazine subscriber either.

  • @tonyruse6782
    @tonyruse6782 10 месяцев назад

    Hi from the UK.. Did you ask how many solo gamers their are?

  • @a.t.822
    @a.t.822 10 месяцев назад

    When are we be able to watch Napoleon campaign

  • @BillsWargameWorld
    @BillsWargameWorld 10 месяцев назад

    The chuckle heads war game group with their award winning game of pony wars was featured and Jim’s P great Khartoum game

  • @adrianwintle5284
    @adrianwintle5284 10 месяцев назад +4

    Resin 3D printers are cheap and are more plug-and-play than FDM printers. They are also better for printing figures as you can get a better resolution. There are available STL files for all sorts of periods and scales.

  • @sovtech7192
    @sovtech7192 10 месяцев назад +5

    I'm in the early 30s cohort, and this hits the nail right on the head. 3D-printed, pre-painted miniatures would make things so much easier.
    I understand that preferences vary amongst different people, and I respect the desires of others, but I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in doing my own painting, and painting services are prohibitively expensive. If I can have well-sculpted, customizable, correctly painted miniatures that I can print at home, I'll be golden. I would be more than happy to spend money on new sculpts and expansions.

  • @maxxon99
    @maxxon99 10 месяцев назад +1

    I think the retention rate is high because these days historicals is a hobby you start as an adult.
    I don't have hard numbers, but I have a lot of anecdotes and even testimony from ex-GW employees -- everyone knows guys who used to play Warhammer when they were younger, but then they discovered beer and girls and put away childish things... some return to the hobby later, but the vast majority don't.
    If you managed to get teens into historicals, you would most likely see similar attrition rates.

  • @MasterstrokeGames
    @MasterstrokeGames 8 месяцев назад

    One thing I definitely see about younger players is they tend to prefer much faster games with lower model counts that play on smaller tables. Most young people don't have much space for their hobby to take up. A 6/4 table, terrain, and 100 miniatures a side is a big ask for someone living in an apartment.

    • @MasterstrokeGames
      @MasterstrokeGames 8 месяцев назад

      2) Historical games also tend to assume players know about the setting and are into it, so don't spend much time explaining it and getting players enthused. If we want younger players we need to get better about that, generally it's not till older that people come to history as an interest by themselves.

    • @MasterstrokeGames
      @MasterstrokeGames 8 месяцев назад

      3) Younger players I see are generally attracted to more competitive games with lots of variety in units and crunchy mechanics. Older players, I generally see start to favor larger more smooth-playing games. Historicals have a bad reputation among the younger players of two of basically the same army bumping together and rolling with lots of randomness in mechanics.

  • @bigsarge2085
    @bigsarge2085 10 месяцев назад +3

    Should be a way to include ethnic participation in future questionnaires to begin tracking that data as well.

    • @Redwhiteblue-gr5em
      @Redwhiteblue-gr5em 10 месяцев назад

      I’ll track it for you, when I go to Fall In and Historicon for the weekend I usually see one or two black guys.

  • @andrewward441
    @andrewward441 8 месяцев назад

    33yo here, I wargame with paper models with my 7 and 6yo and my 30something friends historically wargame too with their kids. We're here, we just don't subscribe to magazines or go to conventions. :)

  • @MrElliptific
    @MrElliptific 10 месяцев назад +1

    First. Very interesting!

  • @davidwasilewski
    @davidwasilewski 10 месяцев назад +4

    The whole of the west is graying. It’s not necessarily just a gamer thing. I suspect it’s a whole society thing.

  • @colincampbell817
    @colincampbell817 10 месяцев назад

    As well as the grasying of the hobby you have to remember which age groups have the largest disposable income. Because our hobby is not a cheap hobby.

  • @totalburnout5424
    @totalburnout5424 10 месяцев назад

    Can confirm the age distribution based on my channel. Most viewers are over 50, probably because of the Napoleonic focus.
    On the other hand, it is clear that the existing players are getting older. 😙

  • @jpavlvs
    @jpavlvs 10 месяцев назад

    Greying of the Hobby. For my two cents it's not until retirement and empty nesters do you have the money and time and a convertible bedroom to put the effort into the hobby.

    • @LittleWarsTV
      @LittleWarsTV  10 месяцев назад

      Having time, money, and space definitely helps in this hobby! No doubt about it. Probably a prime reason why little 2x2’ or 3x3’ skirmish games are popular, like Kill Team, etc. Not many figures, not much space, brief game times

    @WARdROBEPlaysWWII 10 месяцев назад

    Just like a boat, the best 3D printer is your friends 3D printer

  • @scottpankonin1068
    @scottpankonin1068 10 месяцев назад +2

    As far as the "greying of the hobby" -- it IS an issue that dates back to the 70's and WE DID have the data then too. Jim Dunnigan and SPI collected data (on wargaming, which is admittaly a related and not entirely overlapping population, but similar enough to be relevant) through S&T magazine, back then. The data was crunched on primitive, but then-cutting edge punch cards, and showed the same thing. Maybe wargaming is something you get into as you get older when your interests and hobbies change, and that explains the persistant 'prolem'

    • @TorianTammas
      @TorianTammas 10 месяцев назад +1

      i started wargaming as i was 14 years old and all my friends were in the same age range. We played together. So the point is price, room, rules, ability and time. We had plenty of time and played weekly or more often.

  • @infinite_array
    @infinite_array 10 месяцев назад +6

    I can see why virtual gaming didn't take off. It takes away the appeal of minaitures games (painting, moving models, in-person gatherings), but doesn't add the conveniences of digital games.

  • @blecao
    @blecao 10 месяцев назад +1

    I have a 3d printer and honestly its just great spend 15 bucks print for one or two days and you have 50 infantry men
    It is really way to get random projects moving
    the thing is that resin printers while smaller per cost they print way faster becouse they print a layer at a time so literally they are insane to print a lot of smaller things but in comparison awfull to print larger things like terrain pieces
    I see it mostly as a way to bulk collections cheaper, you arent going to get a stl for a character that you will print once, but you will get it for a line infantry that is going to be needed in mass
    I honestly had been interested at least in scifi since i was 9 got in by myself at 12 and well im 20 and hope to continue for a lot more

    • @SpringfieldFatts
      @SpringfieldFatts 10 месяцев назад

      Honestly it's this. There's tons of eras and scales I never would of shelled out for in plastic or metal but with a printer it's easy to go "yeah screw it, I'll print 100 Persians."

  • @The1JHorton
    @The1JHorton 10 месяцев назад +1

    I disagree with the virtual gaming results as there is a growing group of young people only doing virtual gaming that I suspect aren't captured in your survey at all.

  • @heckinmemes6430
    @heckinmemes6430 10 месяцев назад +1

    3d Printer go brrrrrrr

  • @hangarflying
    @hangarflying 10 месяцев назад

    Virtual gaming wasn’t ever nor is ever supposed to be a replacement for physical miniature wargaming. It’s a stop-gap measure for when you can’t play in person (COVID restrictions, friends scattered all over the country, wanting to play a game now while you are painting the physical miniatures, etc.). It’s pretty unfortunate so many people are dismissive about it, specifically about how virtual gaming doesn’t give the same feel as in-person, as if they were expecting it to be a 1-to-1 exchange.

  • @Ultimatelylate
    @Ultimatelylate 10 месяцев назад +1

    With virtual gaming does that include video games? Because I know that theirs a small community that play war games on a game called tabletop simulator

    • @ElGreco15
      @ElGreco15 10 месяцев назад

      They literally showed TTS

  • @chesterstevenson
    @chesterstevenson 10 месяцев назад +1

    I absolutely hate, HATE painting miniatures. It's what's preventing me from getting more into wargaming. I wish I could just buy them already painted - paying someone else to paint mine is too much $$$$.

  • @morefiction3264
    @morefiction3264 10 месяцев назад

    Virtual gaming works better for cardboard counter hex based games like ASL.

  • @McBurnside6380
    @McBurnside6380 10 месяцев назад +2

    2:20 I have a friend who has both types of 3D printers. He has printed a lot of terrain and models for my hobby. Also, a lot of people in the community have begun to order 3D prints from licensed printers. Why pay $54 (USD) for a Resin tank when you can buy an STL for $7-$12 or have the model printed for $15 plus shipping? Model companies (Warlord) really need to get on the bandwagon or risk being left behind.

    • @SpringfieldFatts
      @SpringfieldFatts 10 месяцев назад

      Some are, Wargames Atlantic is starting to offer their catalog also as files on MyMiniFactory.

  • @dougearnest7590
    @dougearnest7590 10 месяцев назад +2

    No worries about the "graying of" the hobby. I have decided to self identify as a 21 year old. (I would have chosen something younger, but I want to keep the option of consuming alcohol, even though I can't afford it.)
    Also, more good news. I also identify as one who has painted all my miniatures.

  • @GreenBlueWalkthrough
    @GreenBlueWalkthrough 9 месяцев назад

    8:26 I think it's more you have a small aundce who is aging with you... I havge that same problem on my youtube channel which could mean well anything but mostly that is just your aunccddcne not TTwargames as a whole.

  • @CZ350tuner
    @CZ350tuner 10 месяцев назад

    A future technology to look forward to is an affordable home 3D scanner coupled to a 3D printer, via a computer. This will enable scratch builders to mass replicate their models & figures.
    Also, programmable (by voice command) lucky dice would be nice to have.

  • @collin4592
    @collin4592 10 месяцев назад

    Im 29 and growing my first grey hairs, the greying is real! Haha just kidding. In an ever increasing digitalised age, may it be more important to have an outreaching online presence?

    • @LittleWarsTV
      @LittleWarsTV  10 месяцев назад +1

      Like...a RUclips channel!

  • @3tacoman
    @3tacoman 10 месяцев назад

    Greg always getting blazed and glazed 😂

  • @joericher10
    @joericher10 10 месяцев назад

    Fall-In seemed to be one of the youngest looking cons I've seen in some times - totally subjective observation of course.

  • @hamsteronthepaintingtable6465
    @hamsteronthepaintingtable6465 10 месяцев назад

    Interesting results, defo covid caused a build of the pile of shame, so naturally rein back on spending now :?

    • @LittleWarsTV
      @LittleWarsTV  10 месяцев назад +1

      That’s a viable theory for sure. Could also be wider economic trends right now too.

    • @hamsteronthepaintingtable6465
      @hamsteronthepaintingtable6465 10 месяцев назад

      @@LittleWarsTV true plus the price increase in traditional manufacturers and the rise of 3D printing too

  • @nicholaswalsh4462
    @nicholaswalsh4462 10 месяцев назад +2

    I prefer the gaming side of it. I'm not a big fan of painting figures.

  • @WysteriaGuitar
    @WysteriaGuitar 7 месяцев назад

    Let's face it, historical wargaming is dying, partly because most young people today are taught cursory overviews of history at best from elementary school through high school, not to mention that war movies are also a dying genre in Hollywood, for various reasons - lack of Patriotism being one of them. Youngsters today know very little about history, much less American history. That's a shame, and has negative implications for American culture. It's all about the innocuous and imagined Marvel Universe today, something that is also easier for writers to write scripts for (much less research). On the flip side, I still think computer wargaming may be doing better, though I would also not be surprised if the revenues from historical computer wargames dwarf those of other genres.

  • @MichaelLBGG
    @MichaelLBGG 10 месяцев назад

    In regard to technology catching up to the hobby, I think it's good that it hasn't. This is a hobby that is best played around a table with friends. It loses something when played over a virtual tabletop. Technology with regard to miniature wargames should be limited.