No intro for 10 minutes explaining what you're gonna talk about in the remaining 2 minutes. Elune bless you, Hiru. You're the RUclipsr we need, but not the one we deserve.
Stop with this stupid ass expression not the one we need one we deserve or any other variation. You fkn parrot people just pick up random stuff on the webs and repeat them without thinking and not noticing that you write nonesens! Go to hell kid
Holy shit I got Vietnam flashbacks from Oondasta. I remember the endless battles with the other faction for tag of the boss, while the boss also casually oneshots people.
Honestly it was fun, the last real time a world boss felt really engaging and competitive. I didnt like MoP that much, but it was better than Wod, legion and BFA imo
I'll never forget oondasta. I started in wrath so to see 4-5 FULL raid groups trying to kill the thing was a spectical to behold. I remeber he had like 858million and galleon in contrast was like 3 mil.
I hate so much that people complain about hard world bosses. A hard world boss is quite possibly the most fun content wow has ever had. The best memories I have of MoP are Oondasta at launch. What pvp/pve madness. So much fun. Then people complain and ruin it.
one thing not mentioned is that it was common place for there to be 2-3 full raid groups to fight oondasta which is part of the reason blizz nerfed him because people overcame difficulty with zerg tactics.
Honestly MoP had the best version of World Bosses in my opinon. Not too easy, but not too hard either. (I Mean, Sha of Anger could wipe a too eager raidgroup) They should bring back that system, instead of the one we have know, as it honestly makes World bosses a joke.
I actually never got the legendary cloak in MoP despite playing the entire expansion. The way I fought Ordos was shooting myself to him with the meteor toy that dropped from one of the rares there.
@@yoman8027 At first it did, but after a while, it didnt, I never managed to complete the cloak since I didnt had friends to run raids, and my luck was abysmal.
Top-notch video like always! The only thing I'd like to add is, that at the beginning of MoP, worldbosses, specifically Galleon worked almost like Vanilla worldbosses. Except the shared tag, he spawned roughly once a week and in the first weeks ours and other guilds had scouts up almost 24/7 to check when he would spawn. I'll never forget my first Galleon kill on our server at around 4 am with collaboration from 2 other guilds and receiving 2 (!!!) items from him, one regular and one with bonus roll! xD Later they changed all MoP worldbosses, including Galleon, to have a 15 minute respawn timer and started the era of free-loot-chance-per-week bosses.
Just gonna say I love there is no 2 minute intro, and then just 8 minuted of filler. There is no filler here, everything is worth saying, and there is no intro to pad the runtime. You are a good honest guys Hiru.
I always found mounts and cool transmoggable weapons the best and most worthwhile rewards for farming a boss. The mount especially because you get to meet people and chat while you wait. You start to feel less like an online rpg and more like a massively multiplayer online rpg. :)
You forgot to mention the whale shark. Added in Cataclysm, it was a world boss in the underwater zone that carried no loot, but gave an achievement for beating.
Omg I remember when Oondasta first spawned on my server, it was a sunday afternoom and literally THE WHOLE SERVER was there, no joke. I still havent seem that many people together since that day... It was so much fun, life long memory
Good old Oondasta. I was there when he spawned for the first time on our server. Both the Alliance and Horde had a full 40 man raid group with them. We both wiped about 3 times each trying to figure out the fight. Eventually the Alliance got the server first kill on their 4th try. Would be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little bit jealous, but it was still one of the best times I had in MoP.
This is why I will play classic wow over the bad game that is BFA. Failing over and over again, to succeed in the end, is very rewarding. Are you going to play Classic this summer?
@@kelseyparrott3166 I think they've confirmed that your WoW subscription will include retail wow and classic wow, but I'm not 100% sure. That would be the best way to do it in my opinion. Personally i find retail WoW to be boring and bad, but for those who don't, it is a great opportunity to switch between them (y)
9:22 you can still get to this mountain by flying outside of the boundaries of the island, using a flying mount to fly towards the island, dismounting and cast Slow Fall on yourself, and then just hover into the mountain, dispelling Slow Fall whenever you needed to. I used this to do everything available on the island without having to do all the other stuff.
In Guild Wars 2 there are also World Bosses that spawn in certain areas at given times that are not player restricted so anyone who hits it gets the loot in the end, but they also act as Dungeon and Raid Bosses, but with not that many mechanics but instead having a high health pool and heavy damage against anyone who stands in their AoE areas. Also great video 👍
I just had an idea for the most trolliest world boss ever. 1. One whose stats increase by 100% for each player that attacks it. Considering each world boss will have at least 40 players attacking it, making it impossible to kill and can kill you in one hit. 2. This boss can kill npcs, and when it does, it takes a week for them to respawn. This includes Quest Givers, Faction Leaders, Guards etc. 3. It roams all across Azeroth, making it hard to track down (and no indication on where it is). 4. When it kills you, it not only breaks all of your armor, but also takes 50% of your gold and inflicts a debuff that reduces all of your attributes such as health and mana to 1. And it last for 3 hours, and cannot be cleansed. And finally, IF you finally kill it, it only drops 1 copper.
The two initial world boss in WoD didn't swap for weeks on end. During Legion when I decided to go back to get the Pepe whistle, which requires killing both bosses with the bird on your head, it went on for months with just Drov.
You got one thing wrong tho. Pandaria world bosses were raid tags at the start of the expansion. I clearly remember fighting over a galleon raid tag for 30 minutes at the start of the expac. They got changed during MoP at some point tho.
@@Acq49 only Heavenly onyx mount didnt drop. It wasnt buffed slightly, it was finally just added in. People realized when they checked the armory and asked Blizzard to link a profile with it.
I wish Blizzard would add difficult world bosses that drop heroic level gear while still keeping the easy ones for the casuals. Easy world bosses just feel so wrong.
Dank Memes 420 I wish blizzard would just re-introduce difficulty elements from earlier WoW. Difficult world bosses, difficult quest chains requiring the completion of multiple dungeons and raids, etc. High-end keystones and mythic raids are good, but they give nothing but gear that gets irrelevant the moment next major patch drops.
So I remember with Ordos, if the Crane Statue was up for the event in which you launch up into the air and fly to platforms to unlock boxes, you could use it and fly over to where Ordos was.
Tuesday afternoons were some of the best and worst days in my WoW experience. "Strategically" doing my weekly herb farming near world bosses and scouting stuff out in our guild's alliance chat. Finally finding one and rallying the troops, often finding 2 or 3 other guilds staging up, shooting the shit. And then killing the boss only to find my Nightmare Blade didn't drop for the 50th time... Still, some of the most superb experiences in the game to date imo.
This un-ironically sums up wow then vs now perfectly. "Very hard and competitive" "Something you just do once a week" Not talking about raid bosses. Talking about THE ENTIRE GAME.
the concept of "we don't want you to farm a boss after we release some new raids" is why I stopped taking WoW seriously. I still play it because I really enjoy it, but there is no reason for me to get really into it. After all, my character becomes obsolete when a new patch hits, so why bother? All that matters is iLvl, and that fluctuates from expansion to expansion as well. REALLY glad Classic WoW is a thing, and I can finally invest time into my characters again!
Man this is really interesting. I started Lineage 2 in 2004 and played WoW a few days, but stuck with L2 for years instead and didn't come back to WoW until Wrath. It's fascinating though because L2 had a LOT of the hardcore vanilla WoW mechanics like fighting over world bosses only in L2 it was NEVER IMPROVED. When I left in 2009 to play WoW, world bosses in l2 were exactly like classic WoW's STILL.
Cool video I suggests a Top 10 for the next video like top 10 annoying macanics or top 10 Dungeons or top 10 glyphs or whatever. It's up you after all quil
I still feel bad for Azurgos in vanilla. Glad he got dealt a much better hand later on. Especially in Legion where you team up with him to get Aluneth lmao
My first raid boss was chi-ji. It was my first time on the timeless isle and I just saw people fighting her. I was never into raiding so I was proud when I got an achievement for killing all the cellestialls.
It's a good vid.. But there are some bosses missing from Cata, that was bearly found or seen however, there was the Gigant thing from Twilight Highlands, the Titan from Uldum, and there also was a "real" Whale Shark" world boss in Vasj'hier (fogot the names of them however, been ages ago I've seen and tracked them down last.) But hey if people can tehre is still good gold in some of them items from them. :D :) With that said awesome vid.
They were the rare 5 man bosses mentioned in the video. They were not actual world bosses, and were just rares that required 5 players to kill And the whale shark dropepd no loot
You forgot to mention that Ivus in Darkshore is the first world boss whose loot table was upgraded. He used to drop 385 ilevel gear, but, with the opening of Battle for Dazar'alor his loot table was upgraded to 400 ilevel.
@@RazanaArcclaw Well, considering they appear every different year, you could say that those are different incarnations of the same character in lore. WotLK Naxxramas bosses are technicaly different boss encounters despite being, for the most part, the same characters in lore. BTW, are you the same FelPlague from the mmo-champion forums?
I can’t tell you how many times azuergos almost got killed before our faction was wiped out and we’d return the favor lol... I still remember sprinting from graveyards to keep the thing tagged 😂
On warlords of dreanor cut content, the spore infection/plant invasion never went anywhere despite it still existing behind stormwinds mage tower, an the old god minion's the pale orcs that did show up brefly during the raid highmaul can be found whispering madness to a rock giant boss in the old ones language but then nothing after that.
We had full on wars over raid bosses in vanilla. Sometimes you would have 4-5-6 guilds from horde there and same amount from alliance side. It got out of hand regularly.
another fun fact about oondasta: the path that leads right to where oondasta is from the beach wasnt there at first, we had to run through half the isle to get to him after dying
You can use levitate or another slow fall to get to a lower ledge from the bridge for ordos. Nowadays the cloak isn't necessary. Unless he had an insta kill without it but I can't remember. I was running around killing all the mobs around him without the cloak for a few weeks before I got it.
Adding another factoid to Oondasta world boss. It was the first world boss i witnessed where it took three full raid groups (two horde, one alliance) to succesfully down Oondasta pre-nerf on my old realm.
Dude, Ordos requiring the Legendary Cloak was a straight attunement. Sure, was easy enough to get the cloak, especially if you started at the beginning of MoP. But coming back to WoW at 5.4, it did take ~12 weeks to complete the entire chain. Most of the parts of the quest were hard gated behind Raid resets to get the materials for it.
Ordos can be killed without having the legendary cloak. There are gulls flying around the Timeless Isle, and some of them fly over the NPC are near the Celestial fight, on the road between the arena and the beach. If you hit one of those gulls with an ability, they swoop down and pick you up, then continue on their normal path over the island. Hang on to that gull for a while and it will fly directly over Ordos' temple. Once you're above a pond, or you are certain you will survive the fall damage, just kill the bird.
I got a titanforged unstable arcanocrystal early in Legion and only replaced it well into the final months of the xpac. Was funny, I was always looking for an upgrade because it lowered my gearscore since people only cared about that.
How about a video, about something involving WOW's arena history, like how there used to be teams, but not anymore, or how ratged BGs came about, or how pvp gear was from Vanilla, to how it works now
The Mists world bosses did require you to be in a group originally... it wasn’t until later on that they were kill on tag without being in the raid group that initially tagged them. There was a trick that could be done where someone was invited to the tagging group and then joining a separate group where multiple groups could get credit, though.
Good old times where you'd join a pug to defeat world boss only to be the one who pulled so you are the first player to get aggro then before boss died you'd leave the raid to keep all items cuz you are the loot holder.
I remember playing Cataclysm and suddenly seeing Garr on Hyjal. I totally thought of him like a world boss and was super hyped. Got a raidgroup together and then… Blue Plate Belt on level with heroic dungeons. Such a letdown. I still have the Blue version on the Bank though, although it got changed a patch later. Making it Kinda rare, but since its not a cool transmog or something still super lame 😅
Omen was in classic. I know it did because I remember finding a mob in azurmyst isle at BC launch that looked just like him and I immediately tamed it on my hunter.
I think the mechanics of how world bosses work is synonymous with the changes in game itself. Used to be a huge challenge and a big effort, now something you dont even have to try at.
Man Oondasta was a tank diesel . I was part of a single raid that got the 1st kill of him on my small server but before we ever got him down we were throwing 2 and 3 raids at him it was a nightmare
The WoD world bosses weren't exactly "added later on". They were in the game from launch, but only spawned once Highmaul had released. Which makes sense, as otherwise people would be getting raid level gear despire there being no raid.
I do remember some stunts in Vanilla with world bosses other than Kazzak being unleashed into Stormwind. Waiting for a raid to set up and try to tag the thing before they hit it and then run for cover, hoping that the raid would have committed enough that they'd be stuck fighting it and making the attempt due to higher aggro. A straight up asshole move, but one for free, good loot and the annoyance of the raiding group...especially if they're from the other faction
Yeah when gathering footage I noticed it was him, went over and when I saw that I KNEW I had to make that reference. Specially since he is surrounded by crashed ships! Double reference!
I guess it was fun to have the guild go and fight the bosses. But nowadays is hard to have a good guild as a casual player or to learn crazy mechanics. Therefore I agree with this kind of approach
World of Warcraft is a game that changed through the years because blizzard listened to its community. From the first complains in Vanilla, to this day, the community brought the game easier and easier, then wanted it harder and then they complained, then it was too easy, and complained again, sometimes there is too much again like legion legendaries, pandaria rep farm or in this case ondoasta, cata bosses, TBC trash mobs, WoD raid mechanics, classic world pvp. Those are just an example of every "bad" thing people complained about that NOW they take back, because only NOW they realize it was good. The azerite and the loot system is the representation of bad complaining and untold compliments.
They forgot to add the mount to the loot list from Sha of Anger not because it was too low drop chance but when they fixed that it was too late his drop was no longer relevant
the world bosses from legion reintroduced from vanilla could also drop gear appropriate to level that was leagues above anything else, the staves were vastly overpowered doubling the stats of a sunwell plateua staff at 70, even with the spellpower enchant and fully gemmed.
Omen was in the game in vanilla. The lunar festival was on, literally, a few weeks after I first started playing. The first time I ever killed Omen, I was still only level 16ish, running around, mind blown at all these level 60s attacking this beast, whilst I repeatedly got my butt handed to me every time I attacked him... He absolutely was not added in BC...
Correction: Azuregos (and Kazzak) had the best loot in the game at the time. Azuregos drops a helm that is BiS till naxx. Kazzzak drops nothing too good. All his drops are strange gimmicks like boomkin gear, which was best in slot by 2 spell power at the time and later outclassed when AQ came out.
No intro for 10 minutes explaining what you're gonna talk about in the remaining 2 minutes. Elune bless you, Hiru. You're the RUclipsr we need, but not the one we deserve.
James Bridgman is an ass kisser
Stop with this stupid ass expression not the one we need one we deserve or any other variation. You fkn parrot people just pick up random stuff on the webs and repeat them without thinking and not noticing that you write nonesens! Go to hell kid
@@rednex1989 Jesus Christ, chill the fuck out bud.
@@rednex1989 who hurt you
@@rednex1989 who pissed in your chips my guy?
You didn't mention the main purpose of Lord Kazzak in vanilla WoW: kiting him to Stormwind...
Bruh imagine that happening again
It's been mentioned plenty.
@@heroharchiver7469 no it has not
Or doing the bubble burst and killing many players as a paladin.видео.html
Just wanted to say your videos got me playing wow again after not playing since wrath. All hail Gunther Arcanus!
Glad you are enjoying the videos, and enjoying the game!
Yeah this video was great
lol same :P
Buddy Prairie and wow right now is sooooo bad.
@@galenbjorn443 yeah its alot diffrent then I remeber but Im having alot of fun soloing old raids
You forgot the first world boss, Hogger on level 1 characters.
And Gamon for Horde.
Holy shit I got Vietnam flashbacks from Oondasta. I remember the endless battles with the other faction for tag of the boss, while the boss also casually oneshots people.
Honestly it was fun, the last real time a world boss felt really engaging and competitive. I didnt like MoP that much, but it was better than Wod, legion and BFA imo
I'll never forget oondasta. I started in wrath so to see 4-5 FULL raid groups trying to kill the thing was a spectical to behold. I remeber he had like 858million and galleon in contrast was like 3 mil.
That was fun to listen to. It was enjoyable. A bit of history and what is current. Till your next one. Have a great day.
This is my favorite video of you now. Very interesting as a player who hasn’t played since wod
Your vids are tip top quality. Great voice and great solid info. Big fan of your vids!
I hate so much that people complain about hard world bosses. A hard world boss is quite possibly the most fun content wow has ever had. The best memories I have of MoP are Oondasta at launch. What pvp/pve madness. So much fun. Then people complain and ruin it.
Drinking game: Take a shot every time he says "World Boss" and you will have a world boss drinking game. I think its reaaaly hard.
one thing not mentioned is that it was common place for there to be 2-3 full raid groups to fight oondasta which is part of the reason blizz nerfed him because people overcame difficulty with zerg tactics.
Oh man, seeing that sea of skeletons by oondasta... had to pause the video as the flashbacks came flooding in XD
Honestly MoP had the best version of World Bosses in my opinon.
Not too easy, but not too hard either. (I Mean, Sha of Anger could wipe a too eager raidgroup)
They should bring back that system, instead of the one we have know, as it honestly makes World bosses a joke.
Oondasta would wipe people left and right.
@@Jester-15 That is what people need xD
Mop is the best if not a close second best xpac other than wrath
mattthew raugust MoP was great, amazing class design, fun raids, nice areas.
@@erichall090909 yeah but people shit on it cuz panda and oriental theme
Oh, I remember Highlord Kruul alright. I could do with never hearing "ARROGANT FOOOOOOOOOLS!" ever again in this lifetime.
I actually never got the legendary cloak in MoP despite playing the entire expansion. The way I fought Ordos was shooting myself to him with the meteor toy that dropped from one of the rares there.
Sadly the game kicks you out of the zone if you don't have the cloack...
At first it did, but after a while, it didnt, I never managed to complete the cloak since I didnt had friends to run raids, and my luck was abysmal.
@@XochiCh To this day it kicks you. I've tried to fight him and still got kicked.
I was almost finished with my legendary cloak before they removed the line
History of raid/dungeon lockouts and timers would be a fun one, although overall as a system it hasn’t changed too much since Vanilla.
Top-notch video like always!
The only thing I'd like to add is, that at the beginning of MoP, worldbosses, specifically Galleon worked almost like Vanilla worldbosses. Except the shared tag, he spawned roughly once a week and in the first weeks ours and other guilds had scouts up almost 24/7 to check when he would spawn. I'll never forget my first Galleon kill on our server at around 4 am with collaboration from 2 other guilds and receiving 2 (!!!) items from him, one regular and one with bonus roll! xD
Later they changed all MoP worldbosses, including Galleon, to have a 15 minute respawn timer and started the era of free-loot-chance-per-week bosses.
i watched ur channel since 2017. Its still the best channel out there
Just gonna say I love there is no 2 minute intro, and then just 8 minuted of filler. There is no filler here, everything is worth saying, and there is no intro to pad the runtime. You are a good honest guys Hiru.
I always found mounts and cool transmoggable weapons the best and most worthwhile rewards for farming a boss. The mount especially because you get to meet people and chat while you wait.
You start to feel less like an online rpg and more like a massively multiplayer online rpg. :)
I still have PTSD from kruul’s magetower,thanks for reminding me hiru,hate you too
Same here, but I kinda miss the mage tower tho.
same here, and i had to do it on 3 characters, of which 2 had terrible gear, god i hated doing it on the dk
I knew a guy who killed him on all of the tanks.
@@numnaut1314 i did all 36 magetowers....
Oondasta was so much fun. I would love to see something like that again.
Great video, btw!
You forgot to mention the whale shark. Added in Cataclysm, it was a world boss in the underwater zone that carried no loot, but gave an achievement for beating.
Omg I remember when Oondasta first spawned on my server, it was a sunday afternoom and literally THE WHOLE SERVER was there, no joke. I still havent seem that many people together since that day... It was so much fun, life long memory
Good old Oondasta. I was there when he spawned for the first time on our server. Both the Alliance and Horde had a full 40 man raid group with them. We both wiped about 3 times each trying to figure out the fight. Eventually the Alliance got the server first kill on their 4th try. Would be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little bit jealous, but it was still one of the best times I had in MoP.
This is why I will play classic wow over the bad game that is BFA. Failing over and over again, to succeed in the end, is very rewarding. Are you going to play Classic this summer?
@@Boya92 I'll most likely be giving it a good crack. Unless l have to pay for a separate subscription, then it will be down to which l enjoy more.
@@kelseyparrott3166 I think they've confirmed that your WoW subscription will include retail wow and classic wow, but I'm not 100% sure. That would be the best way to do it in my opinion. Personally i find retail WoW to be boring and bad, but for those who don't, it is a great opportunity to switch between them (y)
9:22 you can still get to this mountain by flying outside of the boundaries of the island, using a flying mount to fly towards the island, dismounting and cast Slow Fall on yourself, and then just hover into the mountain, dispelling Slow Fall whenever you needed to. I used this to do everything available on the island without having to do all the other stuff.
most important lore charcters in low level dungeons like the final boss of blackfathom deeps that the old gods themself ealk about him
I will never feel the same way about crafting since TBC. Getting my lion heart executioner was such a cool moment.
In Guild Wars 2 there are also World Bosses that spawn in certain areas at given times that are not player restricted so anyone who hits it gets the loot in the end, but they also act as Dungeon and Raid Bosses, but with not that many mechanics but instead having a high health pool and heavy damage against anyone who stands in their AoE areas.
Also great video 👍
10 major lore characters that are just random dungeon bosses
Extremely Buff Peasant and loken
I still remember my jaw dropping when anub'arak turned out to be a 5 man boss. The trial didn't heal those wounds.
I like this dude’s videos, no intro he just like “world bosses were cool af”
First line haha
Really like MoP and you mentioning Oondasta gave me some memories ^^
I just had an idea for the most trolliest world boss ever.
1. One whose stats increase by 100% for each player that attacks it. Considering each world boss will have at least 40 players attacking it, making it impossible to kill and can kill you in one hit.
2. This boss can kill npcs, and when it does, it takes a week for them to respawn. This includes Quest Givers, Faction Leaders, Guards etc.
3. It roams all across Azeroth, making it hard to track down (and no indication on where it is).
4. When it kills you, it not only breaks all of your armor, but also takes 50% of your gold and inflicts a debuff that reduces all of your attributes such as health and mana to 1. And it last for 3 hours, and cannot be cleansed.
And finally, IF you finally kill it, it only drops 1 copper.
uh what's trollish about a completely broken NPC with no chance of defeating it?
@@mathews1451 Because Blizzard will hype it up to be the ultimate enemy to beat, only for you to get the worst reward from it.
The two initial world boss in WoD didn't swap for weeks on end. During Legion when I decided to go back to get the Pepe whistle, which requires killing both bosses with the bird on your head, it went on for months with just Drov.
That Arcano Crystal made me think, you could make a top overpowered items.
Thanks, nice video.
I thought of the exact same thing when he mentioned it.
You got one thing wrong tho. Pandaria world bosses were raid tags at the start of the expansion. I clearly remember fighting over a galleon raid tag for 30 minutes at the start of the expac. They got changed during MoP at some point tho.
Yeah, I remember tag sharing. One guy from the tagging raid had to leave that raid, join another raid, then that new raid would also get the tag.
and the point on the sha/galleon mount, the mounts were bugged and weren't actually in the loot tables until like 5.1/5.2
@@Acq49 only Heavenly onyx mount didnt drop. It wasnt buffed slightly, it was finally just added in. People realized when they checked the armory and asked Blizzard to link a profile with it.
I wish Blizzard would add difficult world bosses that drop heroic level gear while still keeping the easy ones for the casuals. Easy world bosses just feel so wrong.
Dank Memes 420 I wish blizzard would just re-introduce difficulty elements from earlier WoW. Difficult world bosses, difficult quest chains requiring the completion of multiple dungeons and raids, etc. High-end keystones and mythic raids are good, but they give nothing but gear that gets irrelevant the moment next major patch drops.
MrAntonny195 Trans-mogs boi. No gear is Irrelevant
So I remember with Ordos, if the Crane Statue was up for the event in which you launch up into the air and fly to platforms to unlock boxes, you could use it and fly over to where Ordos was.
Tuesday afternoons were some of the best and worst days in my WoW experience. "Strategically" doing my weekly herb farming near world bosses and scouting stuff out in our guild's alliance chat. Finally finding one and rallying the troops, often finding 2 or 3 other guilds staging up, shooting the shit. And then killing the boss only to find my Nightmare Blade didn't drop for the 50th time... Still, some of the most superb experiences in the game to date imo.
The background music from 11 minutes onward is giving me elevated blood pressure
great videos man, keep it up
Supreme Lord Kazzak and his Mighty Butter-Knife of Doom.
This vid was the embodiment of the phrase "They just don't make 'em like they use to..."
Was hoping you would tell us the lore history of world bosses but this was still interesting :)
This un-ironically sums up wow then vs now perfectly.
"Very hard and competitive"
"Something you just do once a week"
Not talking about raid bosses. Talking about THE ENTIRE GAME.
You never raided huh?
i can honestly say i've waited for the dragons of nightmares to spawn for 10 years
When you click on a random wow video, that pops in your feed and you suddenly feel the urge to play yugioh
the concept of "we don't want you to farm a boss after we release some new raids" is why I stopped taking WoW seriously.
I still play it because I really enjoy it, but there is no reason for me to get really into it.
After all, my character becomes obsolete when a new patch hits, so why bother? All that matters is iLvl, and that fluctuates from expansion to expansion as well.
REALLY glad Classic WoW is a thing, and I can finally invest time into my characters again!
Man this is really interesting. I started Lineage 2 in 2004 and played WoW a few days, but stuck with L2 for years instead and didn't come back to WoW until Wrath. It's fascinating though because L2 had a LOT of the hardcore vanilla WoW mechanics like fighting over world bosses only in L2 it was NEVER IMPROVED. When I left in 2009 to play WoW, world bosses in l2 were exactly like classic WoW's STILL.
Cool video
I suggests a Top 10 for the next video like top 10 annoying macanics or top 10 Dungeons or top 10 glyphs or whatever. It's up you after all quil
Top 10 dungeons has been done
Odin Gameplay it's just a suggestion quil
I still feel bad for Azurgos in vanilla. Glad he got dealt a much better hand later on. Especially in Legion where you team up with him to get Aluneth lmao
My first raid boss was chi-ji. It was my first time on the timeless isle and I just saw people fighting her.
I was never into raiding so I was proud when I got an achievement for killing all the cellestialls.
Mop had the best world bosses imo
Take it a bit further. Mop was the best expansion.
@@Jester-15 yep
@@Jester-15 nahhh Cata was
... The words "not so fast" echoed in my mind...
MMO players in a nutshell
Equipment that provides a gameplay benefit: "I Sleep"
Cosmetic items that don't really do anything: "Real sh*t"
i love your videos, and i love you too! wook work!
It's a good vid.. But there are some bosses missing from Cata, that was bearly found or seen however, there was the Gigant thing from Twilight Highlands, the Titan from Uldum, and there also was a "real" Whale Shark" world boss in Vasj'hier (fogot the names of them however, been ages ago I've seen and tracked them down last.) But hey if people can tehre is still good gold in some of them items from them. :D :)
With that said awesome vid.
They were the rare 5 man bosses mentioned in the video. They were not actual world bosses, and were just rares that required 5 players to kill
And the whale shark dropepd no loot
You forgot to mention that Ivus in Darkshore is the first world boss whose loot table was upgraded. He used to drop 385 ilevel gear, but, with the opening of Battle for Dazar'alor his loot table was upgraded to 400 ilevel.
You know your right, that would have been something worth mentioning in the video.
Actually not entirely true, as the aniversary world bosses, (kazzak, azure, and the dragons) got their ilvl upgraded in legion, and every year after
@@RazanaArcclaw Well, considering they appear every different year, you could say that those are different incarnations of the same character in lore. WotLK Naxxramas bosses are technicaly different boss encounters despite being, for the most part, the same characters in lore.
BTW, are you the same FelPlague from the mmo-champion forums?
BTW, did you finally started playing Alliance too? :P
@@yoman8027 I guess that makes sense, it would also be black temple and udlar too.
And yes lol i am.
I can’t tell you how many times azuergos almost got killed before our faction was wiped out and we’d return the favor lol... I still remember sprinting from graveyards to keep the thing tagged 😂
I can’t for wait for some great PvP action between allic and horde for these world bosses when classics out
As a hardcore pvper I looooved world bosses. So fun and community involving! Raids and counter raids etc. So fun.
On warlords of dreanor cut content, the spore infection/plant invasion never went anywhere despite it still existing behind stormwinds mage tower, an the old god minion's the pale orcs that did show up brefly during the raid highmaul can be found whispering madness to a rock giant boss in the old ones language but then nothing after that.
We had full on wars over raid bosses in vanilla. Sometimes you would have 4-5-6 guilds from horde there and same amount from alliance side. It got out of hand regularly.
And there we are in shadowlands where world bosses do not even give loot anymore.
another fun fact about oondasta: the path that leads right to where oondasta is from the beach wasnt there at first, we had to run through half the isle to get to him after dying
You can use levitate or another slow fall to get to a lower ledge from the bridge for ordos. Nowadays the cloak isn't necessary. Unless he had an insta kill without it but I can't remember. I was running around killing all the mobs around him without the cloak for a few weeks before I got it.
Teremus the Devourer gets no love for being a "skull" level outdoor boss for 10-15 players.
Adding another factoid to Oondasta world boss. It was the first world boss i witnessed where it took three full raid groups (two horde, one alliance) to succesfully down Oondasta pre-nerf on my old realm.
Dude, Ordos requiring the Legendary Cloak was a straight attunement.
Sure, was easy enough to get the cloak, especially if you started at the beginning of MoP. But coming back to WoW at 5.4, it did take ~12 weeks to complete the entire chain. Most of the parts of the quest were hard gated behind Raid resets to get the materials for it.
that echidna hydra in wod drops a pet. when that zone was current content, those hydras were also my favorite hunter pet. they hit mobs like a truck.
Nicely done
Ordos can be killed without having the legendary cloak. There are gulls flying around the Timeless Isle, and some of them fly over the NPC are near the Celestial fight, on the road between the arena and the beach. If you hit one of those gulls with an ability, they swoop down and pick you up, then continue on their normal path over the island. Hang on to that gull for a while and it will fly directly over Ordos' temple. Once you're above a pond, or you are certain you will survive the fall damage, just kill the bird.
I got a titanforged unstable arcanocrystal early in Legion and only replaced it well into the final months of the xpac. Was funny, I was always looking for an upgrade because it lowered my gearscore since people only cared about that.
How about a video, about something involving WOW's arena history, like how there used to be teams, but not anymore, or how ratged BGs came about, or how pvp gear was from Vanilla, to how it works now
May be abit too much mechanical... A lot of ui and system changes, which may just come off boring.
The Mists world bosses did require you to be in a group originally... it wasn’t until later on that they were kill on tag without being in the raid group that initially tagged them. There was a trick that could be done where someone was invited to the tagging group and then joining a separate group where multiple groups could get credit, though.
Good old times where you'd join a pug to defeat world boss only to be the one who pulled so you are the first player to get aggro then before boss died you'd leave the raid to keep all items cuz you are the loot holder.
I remember playing Cataclysm and suddenly seeing Garr on Hyjal.
I totally thought of him like a world boss and was super hyped.
Got a raidgroup together and then…
Blue Plate Belt on level with heroic dungeons.
Such a letdown.
I still have the Blue version on the Bank though, although it got changed a patch later.
Making it Kinda rare, but since its not a cool transmog or something still super lame 😅
Mounts are a great incentive, I am still trying to get an Onyxian Drake mount.
the bc bosses dropped much better gear than karazhan level, even better than gruul / magth more on par with t5
It was on the level of zulaman which was like tier 4.5
O boy, o boy!
Can't wait to fight Azuregos and Kazzak on classic this Autumn!
Omen was in classic.
I know it did because I remember finding a mob in azurmyst isle at BC launch that looked just like him and I immediately tamed it on my hunter.
He was added in 2.0.7
I think the mechanics of how world bosses work is synonymous with the changes in game itself.
Used to be a huge challenge and a big effort, now something you dont even have to try at.
Man Oondasta was a tank diesel . I was part of a single raid that got the 1st kill of him on my small server but before we ever got him down we were throwing 2 and 3 raids at him it was a nightmare
The WoD world bosses weren't exactly "added later on". They were in the game from launch, but only spawned once Highmaul had released. Which makes sense, as otherwise people would be getting raid level gear despire there being no raid.
I do remember some stunts in Vanilla with world bosses other than Kazzak being unleashed into Stormwind.
Waiting for a raid to set up and try to tag the thing before they hit it and then run for cover, hoping that the raid would have committed enough that they'd be stuck fighting it and making the attempt due to higher aggro. A straight up asshole move, but one for free, good loot and the annoyance of the raiding group...especially if they're from the other faction
Never heard someone pronounce Azuregos that way before.
"Paint me like one of your Azerothian Giants" was super funny
Yeah when gathering footage I noticed it was him, went over and when I saw that I KNEW I had to make that reference. Specially since he is surrounded by crashed ships! Double reference!
You no longer need the cloak to get to the world boss, just a warlock to summon its game across the bridge :)
I guess it was fun to have the guild go and fight the bosses. But nowadays is hard to have a good guild as a casual player or to learn crazy mechanics. Therefore I agree with this kind of approach
World of Warcraft is a game that changed through the years because blizzard listened to its community. From the first complains in Vanilla, to this day, the community brought the game easier and easier, then wanted it harder and then they complained, then it was too easy, and complained again, sometimes there is too much again like legion legendaries, pandaria rep farm or in this case ondoasta, cata bosses, TBC trash mobs, WoD raid mechanics, classic world pvp. Those are just an example of every "bad" thing people complained about that NOW they take back, because only NOW they realize it was good. The azerite and the loot system is the representation of bad complaining and untold compliments.
Truth right there ^
The list is missing Thuunderan from classic. Needed an item to summon and required 40 people to get thunderfury.
its not a world boss, just a very big summoned quest boss
They forgot to add the mount to the loot list from Sha of Anger not because it was too low drop chance but when they fixed that it was too late his drop was no longer relevant
the world bosses from legion reintroduced from vanilla could also drop gear appropriate to level that was leagues above anything else, the staves were vastly overpowered doubling the stats of a sunwell plateua staff at 70, even with the spellpower enchant and fully gemmed.
Omen was in the game in vanilla. The lunar festival was on, literally, a few weeks after I first started playing. The first time I ever killed Omen, I was still only level 16ish, running around, mind blown at all these level 60s attacking this beast, whilst I repeatedly got my butt handed to me every time I attacked him... He absolutely was not added in BC...
Omen was added in TBC 2.0.7. Sometimes memeory can trick us, but yeah it was added in patch 2.0.7
Correction: Azuregos (and Kazzak) had the best loot in the game at the time. Azuregos drops a helm that is BiS till naxx. Kazzzak drops nothing too good. All his drops are strange gimmicks like boomkin gear, which was best in slot by 2 spell power at the time and later outclassed when AQ came out.
I wasn't lazy in MoP, I just didn't enjoy questing and ran dungeons exclusively back then.
the run back to oondasta.....took forever to get back to him....never forget....changed it later....
Lol this video is a PowerPoint presentation.
you didnt need the cloak to get up to ordos, i remember doing him without it, you could get up there by other means :)
Pretty sure If you dont have the cloak you get kicked from the santuary back in Mop i think