The Samaritan Woman at the Well: Story Summary and Meaning

  • Опубликовано: 27 фев 2023
  • In the Gospel of John, Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at Jacob's well in the middle of the day.
    The Jews hated Samaritans. The Samaritans were descended from the people of the northern tribes of Israel that were not deported by the Assyrian Empire. They did not worship God in Jerusalem and seen as foreigners.
    Therefore, people would have been shocked to see Jesus meet a Samaritan woman alone in the middle of the day.
    1. The woman arrived at the well and Jesus asked her for a drink.
    2. The woman is shocked, but not as shocked to hear Jesus say that he had living water to offer her. He explains that no one will thirst after drinking of the living water he will give. He also tells her thing about her life that he could not have known. Most shocking of all, however, Jesus reveals his true identity to her. He tells her that he is Christ the Messiah.
    3. The disciples return and are shocked to see Jesus with the woman. The woman hurried away, not in fear but in excited to share the good news that the Messiah was here.
    4. Many of the Samaritans who heard the woman's testimony came to believe in Jesus Christ. They went out to find him and invite him into their homes.
    5. Jesus stayed in the city for two days and the Samaritans came to believe in him not because of what the woman said but because they heard Jesus preaching and teaching for themselves.
    Lessons from the Woman at the Well
    1. Jesus came to save us all.
    Jesus revealed himself not to a special class of holy people, but to the sinners and outcasts of society. There is no one on earth that Jesus doesn't want to reach.
    2. Jesus reaches new people through our testimony.
    The people came to believe in Jesus first through the woman's testimony, but then by hearing him for themselves. Our testimony is so important for people to come to meet the Lord for themselves.
    3. Inviting Jesus into our lives leads to faith.
    The first step of faith is inviting Jesus in. This might mean opening the Bible or just going to church. It might mean praying for the first time. Extend the invitation, but Jesus will do the rest.
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Комментарии • 29

  • @blueknight5754
    @blueknight5754 Год назад +2

    Thank you for making this.

  • @Christopher_Mang
    @Christopher_Mang Год назад +2

    Amen! God Bless you

  • @neetapatel8934
    @neetapatel8934 Год назад +2

    Very nice reflection🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @shaabanjillo9316
    @shaabanjillo9316 11 месяцев назад +1


  • @narawinston22
    @narawinston22 7 месяцев назад


  • @johnyb9884
    @johnyb9884 5 месяцев назад

    I hope you answer my comment.
    I am a Christian and when I study this passage I don’t see where she converts and Believes in Jesus. Many of the people in the town believed in Him but it doesn’t say she does. It only says He told me my history followed by the question “could this be the Christ?”
    Your thoughts?

  • @jameswrrong9320
    @jameswrrong9320 5 месяцев назад

    Anotjer thing, it was not in the middle of the day it was at 6 pm

  • @mmarioescareno
    @mmarioescareno 4 месяца назад

    I thought it meant something else.

  • @Tara-zq3il
    @Tara-zq3il Месяц назад

    I thought Jesus didn't go to the village

  • @Bazakilouis
    @Bazakilouis Год назад

    Very nice thanks, but He offers us forgiveness, He only can forgive when we meet and do His requirements. As in you you Must repent and turn away from your sin. You must get baptized and you must receive the Holy Spirit, you also must live a Holy life and make disciples. You also must denie your old live. We must become born again. So in other words we Must be and stay obedient.

    • @agikertesz268
      @agikertesz268 Год назад

      Oh Louise, Jesus welcomes you with open arms with a deeply loving and accepting heart… there is no condition… he came for the sick and the sinner - so if you feel or are placed by others in either of those categories - He welcomes you and loves you. Change might come as a result of being accepted and loved… but he came to love and we love because He loved us first…

    • @Bazakilouis
      @Bazakilouis Год назад

      @@agikertesz268 do not mislead yourself. There are requirements. Read my first post.
      Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
      1 Corinthians 6:9‭-‬10 KJV
      Have you ever lied?
      All liars will go the pool of 🔥 fire
      Read John 3.3 make sure you are born again otherwise Jesus will be your judge and not your saviour 🙏

    • @altaedna8429
      @altaedna8429 Год назад

      It is not through your work but His that you are forgiven ,and it’s through knowing that because of Him you are saved ,is when you’re saved ,Amen

    • @mikebushnell4598
      @mikebushnell4598 Год назад

      How do you know when you have been obedient enough to have salvation?

    • @Bazakilouis
      @Bazakilouis Год назад

      @@mikebushnell4598 by reading His loveletter every day. And check what you discover, what you are not doing. We have look more like Jesus and do the same as Him. We must be a disciple of Him. That means become more and more like Him.

  • @oh2honest
    @oh2honest 5 месяцев назад

    That's not what happened. The Samaritans had no dealings with the Jews. He told her if she knew who he was she would be asking for his living water and that he was the true Messiah. This was blasphemous during that time. Despite him telling her about her 5 husband's, she went to the city to snitch on the Messiah. They weren't looking for Jesus to save them, they didn't even believe in him. But when Jesus told the men about themselves, they began to believe. Jesus never gave salvation to any of them. He performed a miracle by healing the son of a capurneum man who had faith.

  • @agikertesz268
    @agikertesz268 Год назад

    Where does Jesus say that she was a sinner?

    • @SoloMonYamashita-Hermit
      @SoloMonYamashita-Hermit Год назад

      He didn't specifically say that she was a sinner but he was implying that she was. Refer to John 4:18.

    • @agikertesz268
      @agikertesz268 Год назад

      @@SoloMonYamashita-Hermit maybe it’s you implying it based on your views and imagination? Check who could make decisions on marriage and divorce those times and whether there was a chance for a woman to live alone… interesting ‘judgenent’ when Jesus doesn’t judge…

    • @SoloMonYamashita-Hermit
      @SoloMonYamashita-Hermit Год назад

      @@agikertesz268 May I ask if you're a Christian?

    • @agikertesz268
      @agikertesz268 Год назад

      @@SoloMonYamashita-Hermit may I ask if you are?

    • @SoloMonYamashita-Hermit
      @SoloMonYamashita-Hermit Год назад

      @@agikertesz268 I am but not perfect. Are you a Christian?

  • @jameswrrong9320
    @jameswrrong9320 5 месяцев назад

    Why is Jesus in a dress

  • @timothypaye5895
    @timothypaye5895 6 месяцев назад

    Milk teaching