There's one bit in the script, which didn't make it to the big screen, which I really do wish had stayed in. When he's first meeting her parents, the mom remarks (as one of those awkward white people comments) that the two of them would have "beautiful babies." Then later on, when the two of them are having that talk by the lake, she tells him that she's a week late on her period. This adds to them talking about his feelings about his mother's death, and him promising to never abandon her. That would've been good to keep in, as part of the emotional links with her that he doesn't want to give up until the last possible second.
Daniel's American dialect was pretty good. The only thing that made me suspect he might be a Brit was the way he said the word "gallery" in his first scene with Stephen Root. It's a great performance, though, and deserving of the Oscar nomination.
daniel's previous movie before this was sicario which he also did an american accent for. its interesting because emily blunt did the accent all day and night whereas daniel only did it during set.
There's one bit in the script, which didn't make it to the big screen, which I really do wish had stayed in.
When he's first meeting her parents, the mom remarks (as one of those awkward white people comments) that the two of them would have "beautiful babies." Then later on, when the two of them are having that talk by the lake, she tells him that she's a week late on her period. This adds to them talking about his feelings about his mother's death, and him promising to never abandon her.
That would've been good to keep in, as part of the emotional links with her that he doesn't want to give up until the last possible second.
They’re so fantastic. Everyone’s performance in the film was exceptional
Daniel's American dialect was pretty good. The only thing that made me suspect he might be a Brit was the way he said the word "gallery" in his first scene with Stephen Root. It's a great performance, though, and deserving of the Oscar nomination.
Best movie of this year
An interview with intelligent, informed questions! Thanks for all of the insight this provided. So thought provoking.
Awesome conversation!
daniel's previous movie before this was sicario which he also did an american accent for. its interesting because emily blunt did the accent all day and night whereas daniel only did it during set.
That was dope
What is a sag card?
Screen Actor's Guild.
She’s funny😂
Ahhh why did she have the use the word “hang” and “hung” though nooo😩😳