Sam Shamoun and GodLogic Debate Muslims LIVE!

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024
  • Muslims and Non Trinitarians Invited!!
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Комментарии • 770

  • @BurgerSleuth-yx1ke
    @BurgerSleuth-yx1ke 4 месяца назад +296

    Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for our sins. He was buried and He rose again the third day. Jesus saves. Hell is real. Put your faith in Him alone to save you.

    • @SaintRamona
      @SaintRamona 4 месяца назад

      Muslims believe the sinner Muhammad would intercede for them lol

    • @Klyvar.x
      @Klyvar.x 4 месяца назад +15

      Amen ❤

    • @anuupeace8801
      @anuupeace8801 4 месяца назад +18

      Hell is something people agree with but dont know the extent of, especially when following false prophets like Mohammed the pdf file.

    • @rfan-b4
      @rfan-b4 4 месяца назад +4

      He did not die for anyone's sin. Get out of this delusion man.

    • @AveChristusRex789
      @AveChristusRex789 4 месяца назад +14

      @@rfan-b4 why does Allah teach Muslims will have their sins forgiven by punishing the Jews and Christians in their stead?
      Abu Musa' reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: When it will be the Day of Resurrection Allah would deliver to every Muslim a Jew or a Christian and say: That is your RESCUE from Hell-Fire. (Sahih Muslim, Book 037, Number 6665)
      Abu Burda reported on the authority of his father that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) said: No Muslim would die but Allah would admit IN HIS STEAD a Jew or a Christian in Hell-Fire. 'Umar b. Abd al-'Aziz took an oath: By One besides Whom there is no god but He, thrice that his father had narrated that to him from Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him). (Sahih Muslim, Book 037, Number 6666)
      Abu Burda reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: There would come people amongst the Muslims on the Day of Resurrection with AS HEAVY SINS AS A MOUNTAIN, and Allah would FORGIVE THEM and He would PLACE IN THEIR STEAD the Jews and the Christians. (As far as I think), Abu Raub said: I do not know as to who is in doubt. Abu Burda said: I narrated it to 'Umar b. 'Abd al-'Aziz, whereupon he said: Was it your father who narrated it to you from Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him)? I said: Yes. (Sahih Muslim, Book 037, Number 6668)

  • @chikezieugochukwu4092
    @chikezieugochukwu4092 4 месяца назад +191

    This Sam is a computer.. He got everything in his head.. Love you brother ❤

    • @caucas989
      @caucas989 4 месяца назад +8

      Glory to Jesus Almighty💪☦️

    • @FunnyRacingCar-qc7on
      @FunnyRacingCar-qc7on 4 месяца назад +7

      Holy Spirit ❤

    • @englishtofrenchchristianap8314
      @englishtofrenchchristianap8314 4 месяца назад +12

      Beware of bold men, they're usually smart and quick thinkers. (Kidding )Lol.... Sam is so blessed and he's such a blessing for the church and the apologetics field.

    • @user-xg5xo1tb5c
      @user-xg5xo1tb5c 4 месяца назад

      but no sense, and act like a monkey

    • @binamdani5901
      @binamdani5901 4 месяца назад +6


  • @jackieann5494
    @jackieann5494 4 месяца назад +19

    As these two witness to Muslims , they're instructing and ministering to this Christian.
    I'm so grateful to Our Lord for the strong , courageous men that He is raising up as Light in these dark times .

    • @psvids2228
      @psvids2228 3 месяца назад +3

      Amen every stream is a lesson to me. Glory to God In Jesus name.

  • @afolayanonesimus3409
    @afolayanonesimus3409 4 месяца назад +29

    God bless you Sam and Avery. May God reward and meet your needs

  • @rushinjay
    @rushinjay 4 месяца назад +165

    Shayk Uthman somewhere shivering in his boots

    • @user-ml2ec4qt4v
      @user-ml2ec4qt4v 4 месяца назад

      And indeed, Jesus will be knowledge of the Hour, so be not in doubt of it, and follow Me. This is a straight path.” (Qur’an 43:61).
      So, suddenly Jesus is the one who will come in the Judgment Day.
      Jesus Christ is the one who completes the mission of God, the God of every Muslim. Suddenly Jesus is the one who will come before the Day of Judgment, not Mohammed. This is an indication that Jesus is the judge.
      4:55 :657 says, "...surely (Jesus) , the son of Mary will soon descend amongst you and will judge mankind..."
      Every knee will bow before the lion and the lamb
      Every knee will bow before Him
      🙇‍♀️ Every knee will bow and only God can be Judge
      Revelation 6:17
      “For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?”
      “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. We observed his glory, the glory as the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14).
      And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
      And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
      (Matthew 24:30)

    • @user-ml2ec4qt4v
      @user-ml2ec4qt4v 4 месяца назад

      And indeed, Jesus will be knowledge of the Hour, so be not in doubt of it, and follow Me. This is a straight path.” (Qur’an 43:61).
      So, suddenly Jesus is the one who will come in the Judgment Day.
      Jesus Christ is the one who completes the mission of God, the God of every Muslim. Suddenly Jesus is the one who will come before the Day of Judgment, not Mohammed. This is an indication that Jesus is the judge.
      4:55 :657 says, "...surely (Jesus) , the son of Mary will soon descend amongst you and will judge mankind..."
      Every knee will bow before the lion and the lamb
      Every knee will bow before Him
      🙇‍♀️ Every knee will bow and only God can be Judge
      Revelation 6:17
      “For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?”
      “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. We observed his glory, the glory as the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14).
      And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
      And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
      (Matthew 24:30)
      ... 😊

    • @michaela.kelley7823
      @michaela.kelley7823 4 месяца назад +29

      Why do we see Jesus comin to muslims in there dreams ( just like the Bible said He would) but we NEVER EVER hear of muhamed coming to Christians in there dreams. I would imagine that would quickly turn into a nightmare if it ever did happen

    • @1Corinthians13.4_7
      @1Corinthians13.4_7 4 месяца назад +32

      Utham busy shaking his ketchup bottle

    • @tibouzankor1997
      @tibouzankor1997 4 месяца назад +3

      😂😂Oh man!

  • @tinamariejohnson7520
    @tinamariejohnson7520 4 месяца назад +49

    Isaack, makes this live so worth it. Praying for this man, as well as others.🙏🏾

  • @omovspaceman4097
    @omovspaceman4097 4 месяца назад +32

    Sam, I have been a born again Christian since 1989, and have learned a lot through Bible studies, great teachers of the word and through inspirational books, but each time I listen to you, I learned new things like never before. Please Sam, dedicate a special time to teach us the children of the kingdom. Your dept of knowledge is not ordinary, it is Holy Spirit inspired. I salute you from Nigeria.

  • @rabbithole8592
    @rabbithole8592 4 месяца назад +22

    According to Islamic history, Prophet Muhammad was said to practice meditation in a cave for fifteen years. Then in A.D. 610 he claimed "truth descended' on him while meditating in cave Hira. As one day Muhammad was in the cave, a spirit visited him, pressed his chest three times and asked him to read:
    When it was the night on which God honoured him with his mission and showered mercy on His servants thereby, Gabriel brought him the command of God. "He came to me," said the apostle of God (i.e. Muhammad), while I was asleep, with a coverlet of brocade whereon was some writing, and said,
    'Read' I said, what shall I read? He pressed me with it so tightly that I thought it was death; then he let me go and said,
    'Read!' I said what I shall read?' he pressed me with it so that I thought it was death; then he let me go and said,
    'Read!' I said what I shall read?' he pressed me with it for the third time so that I thought it was death and said,
    Read' l Said, what then shall l read and this l said only to deliver myself from him, lest he should do, the same to me again. He said; read in the name of lord who create, who created man of blood coagulated. Read 'thy lord is the most beneficent, who taught by the pen, taught that which they knew not unto men'. So l read it, and he departed from me. And awoke from my sleep, and it was as though these words were written on my heart,"
    (Ibn Ishaq. The Life of Muhammad. (translated by A. Guillame) New York, OUP, 1980. p.81)
    In other words, as Muhammad was one day meditating in the cave, a spirit visited him, pressed his chest tightly such that, he thought he was going to die. But on each occasion, Muhammad told the spirit he was illiterate and couldn't read.
    After this encounter with the spirit in the cave, Muhammad thought he had been visited by a demon and ran to his wife in fear. He said to Khadija, his wife, 'cover me' she covered him until his fear was over. Muhammad related what had transpired in the cave to his wife and said, 'O Khadija, what is wrong with me? What has happened to me? I am afraid for myself! However, Khadija and on the advice of lbn Neafal her cousin managed to convince Muhammad that the spirit was Gabriel. But the spirit did not introduce itself as the angel Gabriel.
    It is of great importance to identify the spirit who squeezed Muhammad at the cave of Hira near Mecca. Was the spirit really angel Gabriel? The answer is absolutely No!
    A. Had the spirit been Gabriel, he would have calmed Muhammad and relieved his fear. But the spirit left him in extreme distress. The angel Gabriel appeared to many people before his alleged visit to Muhammad and each time the first thing he did was to allay that person's fear.
    i. When Gabriel appeared to Daniel, he was afraid but Gabriel touched him. Gabriel did not squeeze him or cause him pain, Gabriel only touched him (Daniel 8:16-18).
    ii. The angel Gabriel also appeared to Zachariah father of John the Baptist who is called Yahya in the Qur'an he identified himself and said to Zachariah : Do not be afraid, Zacharia ...... I am angel Gabriel that stand in the presence of God (Luke 1:13-19)
    iii. Gabriel appeared to Mary, mother of our Lord Jesus. Mary was scared but Gabriel said to her: Do not be afraid, Mary (Luke 1:30)
    B. Had the spirit been Gabriel, he would not have contradicted his former revelations. Six hundred (600) years before the birth of Muhammad, the real angel Gabriel said to Mary that she would bear a child who will be the Son of God: The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God (Luke 1:35).
    But the spirit which appeared to Muhammad told him Jesus was not the son of God:... The Christians call Christ the son of Allah .... Allah's curse be on them (Sura 9:30). If the spirit that appeared to Muhammad were angel Gabriel, it would not have said Jesus was not the son of God.
    C. Had the spirit been Gabriel, he would not have given a false scientific revelation to Muhammad. The spirit said to Muhammad: "Read: in the name of thy Lord who createth - createth man from a clot! (Sura 96:11-5) These words are scientifically wrong- Prof- Haanein Muhammad Makhloof, on page 508 of his Dictionary of the meanings of words of the Quran says that the Arabic word alaq translated into English as "clot" means frozen blood. The Bible declares that man was created from clay not from frozen blood. Even the Qur'an admits that man was made from clay: I am about to created man from clay. When I have fashioned him and breathed into him of my spirit .... (Sura 38:71-72).
    Dr. William Campbell in his book The Quran and the Bible, says on page 185:
    "As every reader who has studied human reproduction will realize, there is no state as a 'clot' during formation of a foetus, so this is a very major scientific problem." Would angel Gabriel make such a scientific error?
    D. Had the spirit been Gabriel. He would have taught Muhammad to read and write. The Qur'an declares that Allah taught Jesus how to write: "'And Allah will teach him the book and wisdom, the Torah and the gospel" (Sura 3:48).
    The famous Qur'an Commentator ibn Kathir in his exposition of the Qur'an (vol.1 p.344) says:
    'The book mentioned here means write. We would expect that Mohammed, who calls himself the seal of the prophets, would be taught to read and write.
    The spirit said in his revelation to Muhammad Read: and thy lord the most Bounteous, who teaches by the pen, teacheth man that which he know not (Sura 96:3-4). The question is if God teaches man that which he know not by the pen, why did he not teach Muhammad (the 'senior prophet) how to read and write instead of leaving him illiterate all his life?
    E. We learn from Islamic tradition that on several occasions when Muhammad saw the spirit, he would be so frightened he would run home to his wife and ask her to cover him with clothes: "I was called again and raised my head, and there on the Throne in the open atmosphere he, i.e. Gabriel (peace be upon him) was sitting. I began to tremble on account of fear. I came to Khadija and said: Wrap me up. They wrapped me up and threw water on me..." (Sahih Muslim book 1 ch.74 no.307 p.100. Narrated by Jabir) At other times, Muhammad experienced some strange physical symptoms. From Hadith Mishkat, we learn that, sometimes he would shrive and swoon, roar like a camel and white foamy saliva would come from his mouth (Hadith Mishkat iv p.359). Sometimes when he receive revelation(s) there was the sound like the buzzing of bees near his face (source: Umar Ibnu'l Khattab), while at other times, he felt a tremendous headache.
    Muhammad once said: "At times it comes to me like the ringing of a bell and that is most severe for me... and at time an Angel in the form of a human being comes to me... (Sahih Muslim vol.4 book 28 no.5765-5767 p.1248)
    However, it is unclear why Mohammed later said, "...The bell is the musical instrument of Satan." Sahih Muslim vol.3 book 22 no.5279, also Abu Dawud vol.2 no.2548 -2550
    According Ahmad b. Hanbal, "He became distressed, foaming at the mouth and closing his eyes. At times he snorted like a young camel (Ahmad b. Hanbal I, 34, 464, vi.163). This gave rise to the allegation in certain quarters Muhammad was epileptic.
    Holy Prophet Muhammad according to 'Amr Ibn Sharhabil, mentioned to his wife, Khadija, that he feared he was possessed by demons and wondered whether others consider him possessed [i.e. evil spirits] (source: pfanoter 1910:345). These statements about the physical symptoms exhibited by Muhammad when he saw the spirit were not made by strangers, non Muslims or people who did not know him. These statements were made by Aisha, Muhammad's favourite wife, relatives and his close followers who strongly believed that he was the seal of the prophets. All these people happened to be very committed Muslims who knew the alleged prophet well!
    Yet when the same angel Gabriel visited Daniel, Zachariah and even Mary, none of them had convulsions with foam coming from their mouths. Neither did they hear the sounds of bells ringing nor the buzzing of bees near their faces. They did not roar like a camel or swoon, etc.
    Over time Muhammad started having some doubts about the revelations he received from the spirit. Allah (God) directed Muhammad to check the truth from the Bible: If thou wert in doubt as to what we have revealed unto thee, then ask those who have been reading the book from before thee (Sura Yunus 10:94).
    The 'book' mentioned in this verse is the Holy Bible. If Muhammad were a learned man, he would have known what the Bible says concerning Satan: And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. (2 Corinthians 11:14). Mohammed was not only deceived then, but the hadiths record that later he was under and evil spell too. (Bukhari vol.4 book 53 chapter 34 and vol.4 no.400 p.267)
    While truth can be painful, we do not mean to offend; our hope is that you will find the truth and live with God in heaven forever.

    • @chuachumillz7463
      @chuachumillz7463 2 месяца назад

      Isaiah 29:12-18 describes the whole story. It says that the last prophet will be unlettered and the first revelation will be Read and he will reply, I cannot read.
      Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was illiterate.
      “Read(Iqraa): In the name of your Lord who created, Created man from a clot. Read(Iqraa): And your Lord is the Most Bounteous, Who teaches by the pen, Teaches man that which he knew not.” (The noble Qur’an, Al-Alak(96):1-5)
      Prophet Muhammad used to meditate in the cave of Hira. After many years of this, and having reached the age of forty (610AD), the angel Gabriel suddenly appeared before him and ordered him to “Iqra!” (read, recite, repeat, proclaim). Muhammad (peace be upon him), in his terror thought he was being asked to read, so he stammered: “I am unlettered.” The angel Gabriel again ordered him to “Iqra!” Muhammad (peace be upon him) again replied: “I am unlettered.” The angel Gabriel now took a firm hold of him and commanded him “Iqraa in the name of Allah who created!”. Now Muhammad (peace be upon him) began to understand that he was not being asked to read, but to recite, to repeat. He began to repeat after him, and Gabriel revealed to him the first verses of the Qur’an, those at the beginning of the chapter of Al-Alak(96).

    • @rabbithole8592
      @rabbithole8592 2 месяца назад +2

      @@chuachumillz7463 Isaiah Prophesied Jesus

    • @rabbithole8592
      @rabbithole8592 2 месяца назад +1

      @@chuachumillz7463 The Quran gets Conception and Embryology Wrong.

    • @rabbithole8592
      @rabbithole8592 2 месяца назад +2

      @@chuachumillz7463 Gabriel isn't in the Quran. Ruh is never Identified as Gabriel. Gabriel is never Identified as Ruh.
      Issa is the Word and Spirit of Allah according to the Quran 4:171. Issa is the Good News and Word Quran 3:45. Injeel comes from a Greek Word Euangelion which means Good News. Injeel/Gospel are the same. Quran 21:91 Saheeh International - "WE blew into her OUR Spirit through OUR Angel (Gabriel)" "OUR SPIRIT" ! Issa is the Word and Spirit of Allah. The Good News! Which means Allah's Word became Flesh and Dwelt among us just like John 1-1:14 says! "In the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God. The Word was God! The Word became Flesh and Dwelt among us!". Allah raised Issa up to Himself. Where is Allah!? Above the Heavens outside creation! So Allah, the Word, and the Spirit, are all up above the Heavens outside creation together! Tawhid means UNIFICATION! Allah, the Word, and the Spirit are UNIFIED as ONE! Islam has a Trinity! Lol

    • @rabbithole8592
      @rabbithole8592 2 месяца назад +1

      @@chuachumillz7463 THERES NO FREE WILL IN ISLAM!
      Islam is a pointless religion. Everything has already been written. It's Fate/Destiny. Preordained by Allah!
      Sahih al-Bukhari 6614
      Narrated Abu Huraira:
      The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Adam and Moses argued with each other. Moses said to Adam. 'O Adam! You are our father who disappointed us and turned us out of Paradise.' Then Adam said to him, 'O Moses! Allah favored you with His talk (talked to you directly) and He wrote (the Torah) for you with His Own Hand. Do you blame me for action which Allah had written in my fate forty years before my creation?' So Adam confuted Moses, Adam confuted Moses," the Prophet (ﷺ) added, repeating the Statement three times.
      Sahih Muslim 2643 a
      Abdullah (b. Mas'ud) reported that Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) who is the most truthful (of the human beings) and his being truthful (is a fact) said:
      Verily your creation is on this wise. The constituents of one of you are collected for forty days in his mother's womb in the form of blood, after which it becomes a clot of blood in another period of forty days. Then it becomes a lump of flesh and forty days later Allah sends His angel to it with instructions concerning four things, so the angel writes down his livelihood, his death, his deeds, his fortune and misfortune. By Him, besides Whom there is no god, that one amongst you acts like the people deserving Paradise until between him and Paradise there remains but the distance of a cubit, when suddenly the writing of destiny overcomes him and he begins to act like the denizens of Hell and thus enters Hell, and another one acts in the way of the denizens of Hell, until there remains between him and Hell a distance of a cubit that the writing of destiny overcomes him and then he begins to act like the people of Paradise and enters Paradise.
      Sahih Muslim 2749
      Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) having said:
      By Him in Whose Hand is my life, if you were not to commit sin, Allah would sweep you out of existence and He would replace (you by) those people who would commit sin and seek forgiveness from Allah, and He would have pardoned them.
      the development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power.
      "fate decided his course for him"
      Sahih Muslim 2662 c
      'A'isha, the mother of the believers, said that Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) was called to lead the funeral prayer of a child of the Ansar. I said:
      Allah's Messenger, there is happiness for this child who is a bird from the birds of Paradise for it committed no sin nor has he reached the age when one can commit sin. He said: 'A'isha, per adventure, it may be otherwise, because God created for Paradise those who are fit for it while they were yet in their father's loins and created for Hell those who are to go to Hell. He created them for Hell while they were yet in their father's loins.
      The Earth is loosely divided into 24 regions (time zones) separated by longitude. Not counting local variations, each line of longitude is divided by fifteen degrees; as a general rule and depending upon which way one travels, time moves forward or backward one hour for every fifteen degrees of longitude.
      Allah didn't know it's alwayz night somewhere on Earth 24/7!? He supposedly created the Earth but didn't know about time zones!? (Rhetorical Questions btw) There's 24 Different Time Zones!
      Seems Allah thought it was Night everywhere on Earth at the same time simultaneously. Proof the Quran was written by primitive desert dwellers with limited knowledge.
      Sahih Muslim 758 a
      Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying:
      Our Lord, the Blessed and the Exalted, descends every night to the lowest heaven when one-third of the latter part of the night is left, and says: Who supplicates Me so that I may answer him? Who asks Me so that I may give to him? Who asks Me forgiveness so that I may forgive him?
      Sahih Muslim 758 b
      Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying:
      Allah descends every night to the lowest heaven when one-third of the first part of the night is over and says: I am the Lord; I am the Lord: who is there to supplicate Me so that I answer him? Who is there to beg of Me so that I grant him? Who is there to beg forgiveness from Me so that I forgive him? He continues like this till the day breaks.
      1) Allah has to come closer to hear!? Lol
      2) Allah entered his Creation. Heaven is Creation.
      3) Why beg forgiveness for something Allah made you do!?
      4) Whoever wrote this verse didn't know about time zones.
      They thought it was Night everywhere on Earth at the same time.
      There's actually 37 or 38 different Arabic Qurans btw
      100s of thousands of textual variants that change the Narrative.

  • @ricardooconnor2362
    @ricardooconnor2362 4 месяца назад +27

    Listening to Sam breaking down the words of the Bible shows how much we gloss over the words. Great teaching man.

    • @c.w_
      @c.w_ 3 месяца назад +2

      That is what is often missing. Meaty teaching. Love it!

      @XxUNKNOWNxERROR 3 месяца назад +1

      If you read it daily you will have the same ability to see how different verses correlate. It’s not that you need a photographic memory either but you will be able to recall scripture allowing you to quote it much quicker if you know where to look.

    • @ricardooconnor2362
      @ricardooconnor2362 3 месяца назад

      @@XxUNKNOWNxERROR I agree.

  • @PierreBouassi7633
    @PierreBouassi7633 4 месяца назад +29

    Always a pleasure to see you two warriors of Christ ❤️ together🙏✝️💪

  • @elisemartin6082
    @elisemartin6082 3 месяца назад +12

    Sam acts the way he does because he’s speaking to the spirit beyond the person and he knows that he has to rebuke that spirit… I get it Sam, I get it 😊

    • @Noviraptor
      @Noviraptor 20 дней назад

      @@elisemartin6082 Acts 13:9-11
      Then Saul, (who also is called Paul,) filled with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes on him.
      And said, O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord?
      And now, behold, the hand of the Lord is upon thee, and thou shalt be blind, not seeing the sun for a season. And immediately there fell on him a mist and a darkness; and he went about seeking some to lead him by the hand."

    • @Ehinoa
      @Ehinoa 11 дней назад

      humans dont decide how the holy spirit works or uses, im so annoyed by emotional christians who DO think sam is bad

  • @timtauber5557
    @timtauber5557 2 месяца назад +3

    Sam, I applaud your aggressive and no-nonsense approach when combating Muslims about their false religion.
    Your definitive answers defending Christianity are spot on. My only complaint is that sometimes all I get to hear is you and your guest attempting to talk over each other, and it’s not always the Muslim guest doing it.
    It is a minor complaint. I also listen to Jay Smith, and I respect both of you. We need more like you both to turn Muslims to the true faith in Jesus Christ.
    I thank you for your efforts and praise Jesus for the skill, knowledge and will power he has provided you.
    Keep up the great work.
    Jesus is Lord.

  • @indianchristian3207
    @indianchristian3207 4 месяца назад +23

    Nobody hams MoHam like Sam ! Go On Bro. May the Lord continue to bless you both Avery and Sam - in Jesus name, Amen.

  • @uniquevideosUk
    @uniquevideosUk 4 месяца назад +20

    I love you both for all you do, i love christainity. ❤️ Amen to you amazing ppl. 🙏

  • @shameranyousif5997
    @shameranyousif5997 2 месяца назад +2

    May God bless you both! I just discovered this channel yesterday and am totally hooked. You are both warriors for Christ! I admire the beautiful work you do. May the Lord give you both the strength to being ALL to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. I am sharing these videos with all my friends of all faiths. God bless you! 🙏

  • @theresabhowan2693
    @theresabhowan2693 4 месяца назад +8

    Can we just take a second to appreciate Sam's eloquence in explaining John 14👏👏👏wow! I can't wait to use this!

  • @BonzTrinitarian
    @BonzTrinitarian 4 месяца назад +96

    I like when Avery and Sam play good cop handsome cop.

    • @EleneLC
      @EleneLC 4 месяца назад +12

      😂 it’s so cool . Also like when they play uncle and nephew it’s just do funny 😂

    • @ReadDaGospel
      @ReadDaGospel 4 месяца назад +7

      Who is handsome cop

    • @claudetteriley5963
      @claudetteriley5963 3 месяца назад

      @@goodnews584 Nobody is good but the Father God

  • @websiteanimex
    @websiteanimex 4 месяца назад +14

    Today inside my dream I said to my friend. "Jesus is your Lord, your God." I pray my friend will turn to the Living God. Amen.

  • @stavrosgreen4143
    @stavrosgreen4143 4 месяца назад +35

    Χριστός ανέστη brothers and sisters

  • @user-pb9ky3gf2s
    @user-pb9ky3gf2s 4 месяца назад +17

    I wish we have 100 people like Sam around the world ! Things would a lot different, God bless both of you ✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️

  • @Thanos-kp5jr
    @Thanos-kp5jr 4 месяца назад +15

    It is unfortunate to hear that Avery is no longer on Tik Tok, that he has been banned on Tik Tok, most likely because the religion of peace can't bear a different of opinion or the religion being critique from a Non-Muslim..
    Sima simply did not get that the questions she asked worked against her own faith.
    What is up with April.

    • @Crocalu
      @Crocalu 4 месяца назад

      Tiktok is under Xi's control anyway

  • @petergranlund7082
    @petergranlund7082 4 месяца назад +14

    Sam is gold. He has the knowledge and the right attitude for apology

  • @JaredHancock-yq8xq
    @JaredHancock-yq8xq 4 месяца назад +24

    Hey God Logic I’m a huge fan of your channel and everything you are educating me about the Bible more. I wanted to ask you if it’s possible I could talk to you sometime because I have some questions about the Bible that I would like an answer to to help me understand Gods word better. If you could help me that would be great.

    • @ehhe4381
      @ehhe4381 4 месяца назад +6

      Monday Wednesday Friday 5PM Eastern but only Christians once a month.
      Sam does lives almost every day...

  • @danyto
    @danyto 4 месяца назад +6

    If the Muslim couple is reading this, know that Jesus the Messiah loves you! There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

  • @C-Note_Staxs
    @C-Note_Staxs 4 месяца назад +16

    Avery is a true warrior of our god Jesus Christ Amen 🙏🏾 to that

  • @tinamariejohnson7520
    @tinamariejohnson7520 4 месяца назад +29

    April said you guys only debate people who don’t know…so she admits Uthman, Ali Dawah, Sneako and others aren’t qualified. 🤷🏽‍♀️🤣

    • @michaela.kelley7823
      @michaela.kelley7823 4 месяца назад

      Its so funny when they bring up that complaint. They do it to CP also. Its not their fault that islam has NO ONE qualified to call in and expose them. There are no muslim scholars that can defend the hard topics Christians are bringing up

    • @enockt6218
      @enockt6218 4 месяца назад +3

      LoL ofc the one who qualify is zakir naik 😂

    • @scrunchy7528
      @scrunchy7528 4 месяца назад

      April should learn that all expert muslim debaters and scholars are more afraid to discuss and defend their faith than layman muslims who doesnt have the authority to make fatwas and laws to protect islam and muslims from critique while their favorite thing in the world is to bash Christians and Jews etc, thats why their daees have dawahbooths filled with islamic propaganda materials insulting and misinforming the public... Its a business

    • @ZenSponge
      @ZenSponge 4 месяца назад

      Sneako is an idiot, and truly ignorant.

    • @Pearlsrat
      @Pearlsrat 4 месяца назад +1

      When did he debate uthman? If anything he ran.
      Lying is a sin.

  • @NikosNikos-dr7wv
    @NikosNikos-dr7wv 4 месяца назад +19

    Χριστός Ανέστη!!!

  • @EricRussell97
    @EricRussell97 4 месяца назад +7

    God bless Sam and Avery, warriors for Christ. May the Lord protect, guide and bless them. Glory to the Triune God.

  • @malayenedean2794
    @malayenedean2794 4 месяца назад +3

    Watching from New York city
    Thank you brothers in Christ for all your messages you share to millions 🙏
    Holy spirit cover you and all around you with the precious blood of Jesus Christ Amen 🙏 🙌 ❤️

  • @johnnybartplange6495
    @johnnybartplange6495 3 месяца назад +2

    Sam u have explained the bible so so well. Thank u

  • @mbm94619
    @mbm94619 4 месяца назад +7

    Haha Sam’s being a lil more patient lately . God bless us all 🙏🏽

  • @Ifeydon.555
    @Ifeydon.555 4 месяца назад +10

    God bless you for the good works you put to his kingdom

  • @mathewmathibe3520
    @mathewmathibe3520 4 месяца назад +8

    This Issa is from South Africa n most black South African muslims have no clue what Islam is

  • @jmeezee978
    @jmeezee978 4 месяца назад +17

    I had to re subscribe. The last 2 lives I saw wit u n Sam had me dying. I could still do without the personal jabs, but I’m diggin the comedy n chemistry ya bringing to apologetics. My Elder told me the other day that we can’t be mad at a soldier cuz he/she has a rough character, they suppose to.

  • @dh31409
    @dh31409 4 месяца назад +20

    Legend has it that April is still on one.

    • @bluebible1199
      @bluebible1199 4 месяца назад


    • @christianpatriot7196
      @christianpatriot7196 4 месяца назад +3

      Lol that was so hilarious and you are probably right. She still probably in the background cackling thinking she’s being hurt.

  • @LeahHopes
    @LeahHopes 4 месяца назад +2

    THIS IS MY FAV VIDEO SO FAR! I love that you both can directly refute their issues with the Trinity. You both are so knowledgeable and I’m learning a lot. I love that you focused on the Bible this time, instead of the Quran. Both are good to discuss and debate, but I really am enjoying this video. God bless you both.
    Sam, I’m sorry for being judgmental about the last video. I wasn’t trying to be mean about it, and I can definitely understand that you have a lot of experience debating Muslims, so you’re discernment will be much stronger than those who don’t do this regularly. I can definitely admit when I’m wrong. I guess I’m just too soft lol God bless guys, keep up your calling 🙌🏻♥️

  • @mysotiras21
    @mysotiras21 4 месяца назад +2

    Always good and informative to see you two working together. Thanks.

  • @JuanGarcia-sh1yp
    @JuanGarcia-sh1yp 3 месяца назад +2

    Love you both. I started watching Shamoun on and off about 6 months ago, but never really gave him a chance. Like he said his spirit is a little more rough and tough as I'm used to, but I've seen the reason why. Sam, you're good you. And Sheihk, if I have the name correct, sorry if I still haven't fully learned your name. But, the dark skinned brother, no offense, I just started watching him about 2 videos ago and man you're good. Sam is more up there, but you are not far behind. But I see both of you together are a power house. Sorry, I hope in what I've said I don't offend one or the other. God bestow greater Godly wisdom and knowledge from the holy spirit than you've ever had thus far. Man, I thank you both for guiding us. You both have given me much knowledge to start a study guide. I'm about to start in a few days. I've just been observing you and have become convinced that it is TIME. I must make a change and put work last and God first. As long as I'm making just enough to get by, I will be dedicating the rest of our time in earth to be as studious as yourselves and get out there where I'm needed. The American dream is way at the back of my mind and the things of God have gone forward even farther upfront now than before. And I agree with brother Sam,I too feel we have 3-4 years remaining which is why I'm making this move. When the time to flee comes I want to be very knowledgeable in what and how to guide one another because millions of Christians will be confused. We will be here till the very end and then comes the rapture. No pretrib or mid trib rapture. God bless you both. Much love.

  • @thenun1846
    @thenun1846 4 месяца назад +28

    Im an ex Muslim agnostic. Honestly, i think Sam is a treasure of information. But his attitude os extremely childish and confrontational that anyone that it makes it easy to disregard anything he says because he doesn't carry himself well
    Sam could easily be debating the top scholars and apologists of Islam but i can understand why they would decline. They feel that he would immediately start insulting them and their religion so there's no chance to establish common ground.
    It really is a shame because i think he is brilliant and a powerhouse of information, but his attitude competely ruins it

    • @1Corinthians13.4_7
      @1Corinthians13.4_7 4 месяца назад +27

      Your opinion is pretty ignorant
      Also fallacious as well
      Many atheist are sarcastic and commonly throw pejoratives, but it doesn't mean we as Christians should invalidate their argument because of their poor behavior
      And sam has had many debates with many different people of many different religions
      Some formal and some informal
      And there are plenty of times when's he doesn't insult
      These "scholars" don't debate him because they dont want to lose their job

    • @TesseRact7228
      @TesseRact7228 4 месяца назад +2

      The Muslim, however, already *enters* the conversation or debate with disrespect. Surely you, as an Ex-Muslim, know that the minute a Muslim knows that you are not a Muslim, he/she *IMMEDIATELY & AUTOMATICALLY* regards you as *low-life filth* .

    • @thenun1846
      @thenun1846 4 месяца назад +9

      @@1Corinthians13.4_7 it's just my observation dude, we can hash it out without being on the offensive
      I'm sure many Islamic "scholars" are genuinely afraid of Sam. But they have a very easy excuse to cop out, which is that Sam is insulting and offensive and unsuitable to debate in an academic setting.
      I think he absolutely is suitable, I just wish he could pull back his aggression a little to invite more conversations with Muslims. Otherwise they just dismiss him as an angry Christian and won't pay him the respect he probably deserves

    • @1Corinthians13.4_7
      @1Corinthians13.4_7 4 месяца назад +9

      And I'm depositing my opinion as well
      You give muslim "scholars" too much credit
      I'm 100 percent sure if sam was as ignorant as any other westerner, then they would be more inclined to accept his debate request
      Aggression isn't entirely anti-biblical
      Love and respect is important in a discussion, but aggression is vitally important when speaking to people who love to distort and lie
      Jesus wasn't a love guru and neither should any Christian be spouting this false "love" gospel
      In summary, we christians shouldn't treat all people the same
      Some have ears and some don't
      Jesus treated them accordingly as well
      Doesn't matter what day in age we are in, people will always have a problem with the Christians practicing apologetics on the front lines
      Saving souls is more important than hurting someone's feelings
      While feelings are subjective based, truth is not
      I don't know where you lay when it comes to your theological position, but as a christian, I can understand where avery and Sam derive their teachings and mannerisms from

    • @1Corinthians13.4_7
      @1Corinthians13.4_7 4 месяца назад

      Just a curious question
      How do you feel about the insults within the bible?

  • @dudedave897
    @dudedave897 4 месяца назад +3

    Amen to the prayer in the beginning. these are the dudes and I learn alot from Avery and Sam. May God Bless you my brothers

  • @icedem1
    @icedem1 3 месяца назад +2

    Brother Sam.
    He is definitely coming within our Generation!!
    We just have to stay awake!!
    Fight the good fight.
    And finish the race strong.
    We are Warriors and are at War like never before!!
    What is it that these type of so called Christians who just want to be liked?
    War is for Warriors.
    If you are not under some spiritual attack!
    Then you are not in the fight!!!!
    We fight for the Lion of the Tribe of Yudah….
    He is coming back as a Warrior, with his whole army!!!
    Including the Bride of Yeshua Mashiach.
    No one who is evil will be spared!!
    Understand this is the last moments of Sinful man who rejects the Saviour!
    The Fathers Son.

  • @Gabriel-qh5yv
    @Gabriel-qh5yv 4 месяца назад +2

    Im always glad to see you guys Sam and GodLogic together

  • @user-dc5qn7hl8z
    @user-dc5qn7hl8z 4 месяца назад +3

    God logic ive seen you first time in the convo with ali dawah and you were very patience and recepctful, and you are still but bring people who are not at all nice.. keep up the good vines its important

  • @ryanmccarthy2033
    @ryanmccarthy2033 4 месяца назад +5

    I was born not very religious just a belief in God, more geared toward protestantism. I recently developed a hunger for the word so i stepped back and started to research and logically find the path i believe the bible points to. So Iv been in the process of becoming catholic. Im finally getting comfortable in church. It was extremely daunting at first. Anyway i love Sam and avery and i love the Lord. ❤

  • @deirdremynes5920
    @deirdremynes5920 2 месяца назад +4

    Keep going Sam. Jesus Christ is supporting you. I am sick of this idea that Christianity is to be nice and accept everything. We need to know the Bible and be strong

  • @rogerbsibaya6239
    @rogerbsibaya6239 4 месяца назад +3

    Jesus while in Flesh, Satan could tempt him, nof his Spirit but the Human flesh... The same applies when Jesus says let your will be done but not my will.. He is essence saying let the will of the True Spirit, not of the Flesh be done.... Remember the flesh also influence us as human to fulfil its desires while it causes us to go astray... But the Spirit reveals to us the true essence of who God is no matter how unpalatable it might be for the flesh...

  • @TheRohio
    @TheRohio 4 месяца назад +5

    My favorites Sam and Logic

  • @70vintage58
    @70vintage58 Месяц назад +1


  • @_EA4Exlbullies
    @_EA4Exlbullies 4 месяца назад +3

    I’ve learned so much from your channel. Thx brotha 💯

  • @ronaldpfister338
    @ronaldpfister338 Месяц назад

    I am glad I found you guy's because you guys give me a better understanding of the difference between Christianity and Islam. Thank you.

  • @johnpaul3019
    @johnpaul3019 4 месяца назад +6

    God loves a humble soul and he shared in our fall otherwise how would we know him or who would give us his name and his FACE!

  • @DrMutaManPh.D.Th.D.Ed.D.M.D.
    @DrMutaManPh.D.Th.D.Ed.D.M.D. 4 месяца назад +4

    Sam Diesel and Avery Mamba in the building! Best 1-2 combo of all time, let's get this 3-peat!

  • @ikdecorators2940
    @ikdecorators2940 2 месяца назад +2

    I love you and Sam’s content and I pray the most high God Jesus Christ preserve a place for you in the highest heaven.

  • @user-mq6wb1pf2d
    @user-mq6wb1pf2d 4 месяца назад +3

    You guys are doing great work as Lord’s good disciples. God bless you both abundantly. Hey Sam God bless your daughters.

  • @dodong8507
    @dodong8507 Месяц назад +1

    Praise GOD for HIS Armies HE raised to carry forward the banner of HIS WORD, The TRUTH. It seems that More of You Brothers helping together always came out very effective in proclaiming The TRUTH. To GOD Be The Glory. Amen

  • @claudetteriley5963
    @claudetteriley5963 3 месяца назад +2

    That's why her name is April out of all the month's she was called. April Fool. Represents her name very well😅😅😅🤣

  • @tonyayser7951
    @tonyayser7951 4 месяца назад +6

    This duo is spectacular ❤

  • @SASM3030
    @SASM3030 2 месяца назад +1

    Lord Jesus Christ bless you both brothers forever and your familys too. Love you godlogic and sam. Well done

  • @mikenice.238
    @mikenice.238 4 месяца назад +4

    Shalom Avery and Sam, I love you guys I have learned a lot from you, but I don't agree that the Bible teaches to exult others.The Bible may contain insults but Jesus teaches us to be kind, loving, humble....... there is a conviction for those who call someone idiot Matthew 5:22

  • @littlechristie423
    @littlechristie423 3 месяца назад +2

    Fight a good fight of faith,be in season and out of season let the Truth be spreaded out till MARANATHA. Amen

  • @Oval55vwbeetleGodissoawesome
    @Oval55vwbeetleGodissoawesome Месяц назад +1

    God is so awesome🙏🏽Praise the Lord for he’s alive🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽Amen

  • @IdolKiller
    @IdolKiller 4 месяца назад +2

    How am I just now discovering your channel? Shout out to JP for his recent stream featuring you, then I saw my friend Sam... subscribed

  • @blacklion1126
    @blacklion1126 3 месяца назад +1

    Like Sam said God logic, there are different ways of doing it, but you are very knowledgeable. May you continue doing the Lord's work as well. God bless you both

  • @Gutslinger
    @Gutslinger 3 месяца назад +1

    3:12:16 - "If you're feeling abandoned, that means you haven't been abandoned."
    That's profound to think about.. Especially when you hear him explain further.

  • @hcajero1
    @hcajero1 3 месяца назад +1

    Hi Sam... I love Jesus, and I love you too because you expressed so much love to Jesus.
    I am learning from you... thank you.

  • @user-pb9ky3gf2s
    @user-pb9ky3gf2s 4 месяца назад +2

    Only modern Christianity school like Sam could answer all those Q. God bless ✝️✝️✝️.

  • @e.vickery7471
    @e.vickery7471 3 месяца назад +1

    Love you guys
    Keep up the good work

  • @user-mq6wb1pf2d
    @user-mq6wb1pf2d 4 месяца назад +1

    This man is humble and willing to learn, may Holy Spirit guide him to the truth.

  • @margaretkorkis7597
    @margaretkorkis7597 4 месяца назад +2

    God bless you, brother Sam 🙏 🙌 ❤️ . You are amazing and have been blessed 🙌 😇🙏

  • @scwkmajor
    @scwkmajor 4 месяца назад +3

    @ isaaak- genuinely seeking Jesus/Truth- May your eyes be open to the Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

  • @eltyGG
    @eltyGG 4 месяца назад +2

    This stream was fire love 🔥🔥💝💝

  • @tonyayser7951
    @tonyayser7951 4 месяца назад +5

    This duo is savage

  • @Raven-nt8ev
    @Raven-nt8ev 4 месяца назад +6

    Glory to Jesus 🔥✝️🔥

  • @123gate7
    @123gate7 4 месяца назад +8

    Xristos Anesti
    Happy Easter

  • @sugami82
    @sugami82 4 месяца назад +3

    Isaack, my brother. The problem of evil is something that I (and I'm sure many other Christians) have wrestled with. I won't get into the details but I suffered many personal losses in a short period of time. The problem of evil isn't considered a viable argument against the existence of God in the academic world. There are several counters to it e.g. soul building, finite suffering is outweighed by infinite bliss, equal or greater good will come from any allowed evil, etc. However saying that for someone who is grieving, the answers don't really help with the grief. I pray that you find your way back to Jesus 🙏
    Also the Isa guy was like Level 1 Dawah script. Sounds like a sweet kid though so I pray he finds his way to Christ 🙏

  • @scwkmajor
    @scwkmajor 4 месяца назад +1

    😂🙏🏽GL & Sam-- stay up! Praying over you guys- in the name of the Father , Son, Holy Spirit.

  • @savedbyJesus2019
    @savedbyJesus2019 4 месяца назад +1

    God bless these two soldiers of the KINGDOM 🙏♥️
    I left Islam in 2019. Jesus Christ is Lord. Every knee will bow and very tongue will confess this TRUTH 🙏

  • @ladygomez5491
    @ladygomez5491 4 месяца назад +4

    Even the devil can appear as an angel of light.

  • @jugg_a_l0w286
    @jugg_a_l0w286 4 месяца назад +2

    What a great Q&A session!!! Wow

  • @Itsdone777
    @Itsdone777 4 месяца назад +7

    These guys need a TV series seriously I'm putting that in my prayers now Father God I pray that our brothers get a TV series nationwide to spread your Word but it gets to be rated r for sam these not only debunked islam but also debunked all those richecheme pastors that need jets to fly around the world to spread Gods word these guys do it n it's reaching the world cuz it's the truth

    • @ehhe4381
      @ehhe4381 4 месяца назад +4

      Who needs a TV series when you have youtube.
      TV is old media.
      RUclips is new media.
      Enjoy the RUclips series.

    • @Itsdone777
      @Itsdone777 4 месяца назад +1

      @@ehhe4381 good point I wanna sign one or both lol

  • @anuupeace8801
    @anuupeace8801 4 месяца назад +2

    The bald guy is always droppin gems. +1 points for bald guy.

  • @JaisenJames
    @JaisenJames Месяц назад

    Man this is 🔥 so many great references and conversations

  • @kalinegash3908
    @kalinegash3908 13 дней назад +1

    I can’t stop laughing from the first kid till the end of the video 😂😂 love u guys

  • @lilnallie05
    @lilnallie05 4 месяца назад +5

    Sam being gibril “read it, read it” 😂😂

  • @betocarrigan6705
    @betocarrigan6705 4 месяца назад +3

    Jesus Christ is king!!!!

  • @andrewhernandez929
    @andrewhernandez929 3 месяца назад +1

    Really like when you have Sam with you tho Sam is discussing but I can tell your patient and soaking in knowledge

  • @nacimiyu
    @nacimiyu 4 месяца назад +3

    If only Sam would let them finish asking their questions!!
    And Avery please figure out how to hide the comments from Sam so we don't have the annoying and embarrassing cursing in between 🤦‍♂️

  • @Joeyisundead
    @Joeyisundead 3 месяца назад +1

    Whaattt two of my favorite Muslim debaters in the same place!!

  • @pfevrier01
    @pfevrier01 4 месяца назад +1

    Thy Kingdom come! So, expecting Jesus coming yesterday, today or tomorrow.

  • @bobbypitts1162
    @bobbypitts1162 4 месяца назад +5

    WOW Sima just came on to lie.

  • @ej7465
    @ej7465 4 месяца назад +1

    I’m an ex-Christian for about a year now… after watching most of the videos on myth visions I started having questions and doubts but I can’t leave Christian, I have become faithless.
    This could mean that Allah appeared to Muhammad as a boy in his dream…
    But why as a young boy in an old man’s dream?
    'I am going to narrate to you what kept me from you this morning: I got up during the night, I performed Wudu and prayed as much as I was able to, and I dozed off during my Salat, and fell deep asleep. Then I saw my Lord, Blessed and Most High, in the best of appearances. He said: 'O Muhammad!' I said: 'My Lord here I am my Lord!' He said: 'What is it that the most exalted group busy themselves with?' I said: 'I do not know Lord.' And He said it three times.
    I thinks Sam and Godlogic didn’t understand him? He asked a question how can you believe that… I think you should have answered his question but if he didn’t want the answer but wanted to fight then you cut him out.

  • @BisonBriggs-nj6xf
    @BisonBriggs-nj6xf Месяц назад +1

    When Avery screams out the verses like rhe hebrew israelites has me in tears 😂 thats right!

  • @MsKimmy1234
    @MsKimmy1234 2 месяца назад

    You both are amazing sons of god. I am your sister and I love you both and and thank you for what you are doing. I believe in god, I love god.

  • @jackieramsbottom7458
    @jackieramsbottom7458 4 месяца назад +1

    I love watching your video's you have amazing knowledge you can see you have the holy spirit in you I love when you have crazy Sam on I have a big soft spot for him God bless you both

  • @vladimirackermann6182
    @vladimirackermann6182 4 месяца назад +4

    Whenever muslims say Jesus was Muslim show them Sure 39 Vers 12.

  • @Katarinaaa14
    @Katarinaaa14 4 месяца назад +4

    Take it easy girlfriend.
    April is a special kind of muslim😂

  • @rankobarensic
    @rankobarensic Месяц назад

    Amen to you brothers❤✝️🙏🏻‼️🙌🏻

  • @neilgibson6056
    @neilgibson6056 11 дней назад

    I love your stile Sam. Myself im rough around the edges and my mother has often compared me to Peter. She always said that Peter was a brawler and didnt take any crap from anyone.

  • @fedorafoxPRIME
    @fedorafoxPRIME 17 дней назад

    Great video brothers...
    But man, April be smashing it still.... She might still be there now 😂

  • @jimdaily5808
    @jimdaily5808 2 месяца назад +1

    This is one of the funniest videos. The Muslims can't seem to figure out how to use a computer hahaha