Who Changed the Sabbath? C.D. Brooks.

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 109

  • @wondermwale4119
    @wondermwale4119 2 года назад +9

    Iam really impressed with this preaching for he has strengthen my belief in God and glory be to the almighty God.

  • @pilgrimhere652
    @pilgrimhere652 2 года назад +12

    The jews told the same thing to Jesus" Why your disciples do not obey the tradition of the elders? The end times will be the same. The mark (sunday keeping)of the Roman church will be imposed by the civil power. It is all about who you worship, God the Creator or human tradition.

    • @georgeenns238
      @georgeenns238 2 года назад

      The va666inE iS exactlY thaT.

    • @richardclarke7819
      @richardclarke7819 2 года назад +2

      Please watch the video "From Babylon to America" by Attila Kakarott , to see where Sunday worship all began ! Richard

    • @tasiaflynn3549
      @tasiaflynn3549 Год назад

      ​@@richardclarke7819Jesus the Lord of the Sabbath, 2:28 Therefore the Son of Man is Lord also of the Sabbath. 2:16 Let no one Therefore judge you in meat,or in drink, or in respect of an holy days or of the new moon or of the Sabbath days. 17 which are a shadow of things to come, but the body is of Christ.

  • @ianjohnson7577
    @ianjohnson7577 2 года назад +1

    AMEN AND AMEN! The truth shall set us free. God's laws doesn't change.

  • @mrfelix2510
    @mrfelix2510 2 года назад +4

    C.D Brooks was always one of my favorites and I love the way this clip ends on 4 powerful words, "the answer is Scripture."

    • @kerriedavidson5598
      @kerriedavidson5598 2 года назад

      What a lot of rubbish. We do not need tradition, we need the bible and the bible alone which is God's inspired word.

    • @mrfelix2510
      @mrfelix2510 2 года назад +1

      @@kerriedavidson5598 that was his point, we need the Bible alone, not tradition. That's why he ended by saying " the answer is scripture." He was actually pointing out that the Catholic church was the one that made the statement that we need tradition alone and not the Bible. That way they could keep their man made traditions. And in the time of the reformation, the reformers were trying to get them back to the scriptures.

  • @folarinalege9463
    @folarinalege9463 2 года назад +1

    Why do we worry so much about days of worship? Whether Saturday or Sunday does it matter? When we are supposed to worship God daily? Why worry about a 2 hours service on a Saturday or Sunday when you are expecting to spend over 2 hours daily with God on your own in addition, if possible. We meet majorly in a day together for these two important reasons: To fellowship with fellow believers (Not forsaking the assembly of one another according to Hebrews 10:25) and to be equipped for the work of Ministry- our ministry here is mostly what we do daily (according to Ephesians 4:12).

    • @brutalkeyzz8937
      @brutalkeyzz8937 2 года назад +6

      It does God himself created these commandments to follow and man changed it.

    • @truthnottradition7
      @truthnottradition7 2 года назад +3

      The Sabbath is 5 things and I won't dismiss what he instituted in a time of perfection (before man causation)
      1. It's the 7th day (Saturday)
      2. He ceased work on the 7th day
      3. The other 6 days are to be worked
      4. The 7th day is Sanctified (Holy and none other are)
      5. The 7th day is blessed (none other are)

    • @Melanie777.
      @Melanie777. 2 года назад

      Saturday (the Sabbath) is the ONLY day that is blessed and sanctified. It was here before Sin and will be kept in Heaven (Isaiah 66:23). The Sabbath was kept by God himself and Jesus and the Apostles and kept long after Jesus died. Jesus kept it in His Death ‼️Jesus also said if you love me keep my Commandments. The 4th Commandment is the ONLY Commandment prefaced by the word REMEMBER because God knew people would forget and say similar things to yourself 😢

    • @Dee.G123
      @Dee.G123 Год назад

      YHVH commanded it.

    • @NoSundayLawComing
      @NoSundayLawComing Год назад

      FOLARIN ALEGE Excellent points. 👍
      May I just add that right now Christians throughout the world meet together for fellowship at various times during the week. Many regularly meet on Wednesday nights, or whenever they can in the course of the week. They worship God corporately together as the early church did, seen in Acts 2:46 where "Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts," yet the Seventh Day Adventists insist that if they happen to meet together for corporate fellowship on the first day of the week, this awful transgression will eventually earn them the Mark of the Beast (Again a doctrine found nowhere in the Bible). But rather we see that the early church met together on this day long before any mandate from Constantine. Acts 20:7 *"On the first day of the week* , when we were gathered together to break bread..." 1 Cor 16:2 *"On the first day of every week* each one of you is to put aside and save, as he may prosper, so that no collections be made when I come." (Here, people were coming together on Sundays to gather a collection for the saints. This doesn't mean that the Sabbath was changed to Sundays, rather people were already meeting on this day of the week without God finding fault with them).
      So if believers, for whatever reason, cannot meet on Saturdays for corporate fellowship and worship, does this mean that they are not true Christians? (Consider the persecuted church in the Middle East). Or if they meet everyday of the week, as the passages above from the bible say that they did, how can they possibly be engaging in something that will damn them forever?

  • @muwongedaniel6158
    @muwongedaniel6158 2 года назад +3

    Ipray that may the truth set us free

  • @jasonnoel3813
    @jasonnoel3813 2 года назад +2

    Wonderful work keep it up, Christ bless!

  • @stymemcquarn893
    @stymemcquarn893 2 года назад

    I felt that at the end. "The answer is scripture".

  • @evopeno1628
    @evopeno1628 2 года назад +2


  • @lindalee4437
    @lindalee4437 2 года назад


  • @truthnottradition7
    @truthnottradition7 4 месяца назад

    At 0:30 he referenced VIII. Speech of Archbishop of Reggio, January 18, 1562
    The Reformers had appealed to the inspired Scriptures as the sole rule of faith and practice. Trent answered the claim by asserting the presence of continual inspiration residing in the Catholic Church, and making tradition the outgrowth of this continual, churchly inspiration. It appealed to the long-established change of the Sabbath into Sunday as standing proof of the inspired authority of the church, declaring that the change had not been made by the command of Christ but on the authority of the Catholic Church, which change Protestants accept. Ever since Trent the change of Sabbath into Sunday has been pointed to by Roman Catholics as the mark, or sign, of the church’s power to be able to change even the fourth commandment of the Decalogue

  • @aveolelalavasii3608
    @aveolelalavasii3608 2 года назад +1


  • @vanessaford7406
    @vanessaford7406 2 года назад

    Thank you for this message. Amen..8/2/2022.

  • @juliettegeorge1901
    @juliettegeorge1901 2 года назад +9

    ROME change the Sabbath

    • @yosoygranprincemichael
      @yosoygranprincemichael 2 года назад +1

      Rome is the momma

    • @suped1981
      @suped1981 2 года назад

      Yes! Constantine 321 A.D. “Converted” to Christianity as a political move and brought over paganism. It literally is history.

    • @42j
      @42j 2 года назад +2

      Rome tried to change the Sabbath. They couldn't because God's word stands as it is. It's just like today we have men claiming they are women and women claiming to be men but God gave them something they can't change...DNA and Chromosomes and they identify who you are in many ways so since a man or woman can't change themselves neither can the Sabbath be changed because God created both

    • @lufhopespeacefully2037
      @lufhopespeacefully2037 2 года назад

      why doesn`t trinity appears in bible,,,,,,,........;

    • @suped1981
      @suped1981 2 года назад

      @@lufhopespeacefully2037 I’m sorry. That’s a self answering question. Trinity is not in the Holy Scriptures.

  • @patrickblue3813
    @patrickblue3813 2 года назад +1

    Vatican / Catholic Church changed the Sabbath from Saturday (Friday Dusk to Saturday Dusk) to Sunday
    Their own Catechisms proves that
    Genesis 1:1-5
    "1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
    2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
    3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
    4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
    5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day."
    First day is how Sunday got its name, the very first day of light hence SUN Day aka Sunday (which is why sun worshipers worship on Sunday / Sun Day
    The evening and morning were the first day is how we know that Days start at Dusk and end at Dusk which is why the Sabbath starts at Dusk on Friday and ends on Saturday Dusk

  • @taitoviliame1093
    @taitoviliame1093 2 года назад +1

    Sir thank you for your kind words. I have a question for you. Have you been saved? Have you been repented of your sins? Have you been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ n been filled with the Holy Ghost n living a holy life awaiting His judgment? These are necessary steps to be saved. Have a blessed day!

    • @42j
      @42j 2 года назад +1

      Amen Brother. Without repenting for sins and being baptized in the name of Jesus for your sins and receiving the holyghost trying to keep the Sabbath is impossible because in this covenant God promised to write his commandments in our hearts by the holyghost so that being said you also have power to obey and keep Gods Sabbath as well as the other 9 commandments he spoke on Mt Sinai. Some simply are ignorant to Gods word but nobody has to be. Jesus gave his life and rose again so we don't have to remain ignorant.

    • @lufhopespeacefully2037
      @lufhopespeacefully2037 2 года назад

      why doesn`t trinity appears in bible,,,,,,,........;

  • @hamanassek
    @hamanassek 2 года назад +1

    This is Spiritual, find it the Bible, everything is there and scripture never contradict each other, Isaiah 34:16

  • @carlnaitram6522
    @carlnaitram6522 Год назад


  • @bhishopmiller16
    @bhishopmiller16 2 года назад +3

    My friend you are wrong know man on earth can change any day please preach christ the Sabbath can't save one it's the blood of Jesus save the Sabbath can't save let I asked one question why the Adventist have hospital open on Saturday are that not work my dear friend Jesus step beyond the Vail of the Sabbath on broke it all the day belong to the almighty God so what you are speaking about leading thousand people down the path way to hell sir stop preach day preach repentance what did John Baptist peace sure ne never preach Sabbath he said repent for the kingdom of God his at hands sir those are bible truth

    • @bhishopmiller16
      @bhishopmiller16 2 года назад +1

      For many years the Adventist church preaching this big lies God speak to me has servants to respond to your teaching Basie on lies in mark chap 16 down form the 10 vers on the frist day of the week that was Sunday Jesus speak unto the disciple to go preach the gospel in all the world's what you did not know Saturday is not the lord form Gen it mean rest for 300 year the children of Israel could not keep the Sabbath on the question was ask what is the greatest commandment for sure it wasn't the day on for your understanding in all the new testament Jesus Christ at know time preach sabbath you my bro you are wrong preach Jesus the Adventist is like dry Bones visted one what I saw in that church make sick you people fine time to attract God children go on preach at about adultery 90 per cen of the Adventist church don't keep that commandment

    • @42j
      @42j 2 года назад

      I can't speak for the Seventh day Adventist because I don't believe the same as they do however the keeping of the Sabbath is right and if indeed you have repented and recieved the gift of the holyghost then you have no problem keeping the Sabbath day as God hath said. It's when you haven't been born again that you will claim that any day is Sabbath yet God only made 1 day the Sabbath and that has never changed

    • @neilw.ferris1423
      @neilw.ferris1423 2 года назад

      Dear Sir, Lucifer was KICKEDOUT of Heaven for BREAKING the LAW of GOD. He Broke the LAW of Coveting[10] JESUS Position, of being a LIAR[9] , and the COMMANDMENT "thou shalt NOT Kill"[6]. AND IF you THINK you will be ALLOWED into the KINGDOM of GOD, BREAKING ANY OF THE COMMANDMENTS, you are Sadly MISTAKEN. AND the 7TH DAY SABBATH will be KEPT in the NEW earth, Isaiah 66:22-24. Get on your knees and ASK GOD if you should Keep the 10 COMMANDMENTS or Break THEM!!! It is WHOM you OBEY, the Roman Catholic Church, or the CREATOR of ALL THINGS !!!!!! John 14:21-24. OR 1 John 2:3+4 And Hereby we do Know that we Know HIM, IF we Keep HIS COMMANDMENTS. He that saith "I Know HIM and Keepeth NOT HIS COMMANDMENTS, is a LIAR, and the TRUTH is NOT in him. 3:22 And Whatsoever we ask, we Receive of HIM, BECAUSE we KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS, and do those Things that are Pleasing in HIS Sight. 5:2+3 By this we Know that we Love the Children of GOD, when we LOVE GOD and KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS. FOR THIS IS the LOVE of GOD, that we KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS: and HIS COMMANDMENTS are NOT Grievous. IF this DOES NOT Change your mind, try this; Daniel 7:25 speaks of a "LITTLE HORN WHO THINKS to CHANGE TIMES and LAWS" and we were WARNED THEN, to WATCH for the Roman Catholic Church "THINKING TO CHANGE TIMES AND LAWS". THEY CLAIM THE CHANGE FROM THE 7TH DAY SABBATH TO the 1st day, SUNday as their "MARK of AUTHORITY" while the BIBLE calls IT the "MARK of The BEAST" in Revelation 14:9-11; Verse 12 tells you how NOT to take the "MARK" BY KEEPING the COMMANDMENTS of GOD!!!!!! And have the FAITH OF JESUS!!!!!! NOT IN JESUS BUT OF JESUS. Revelation 22:14 Praise JESUS AMEN and AMEN

    • @flexx7611
      @flexx7611 2 года назад

      @@42j Are you aware that "strangers" Gentiles referred in the bible were not included to partake of a Sabbath and the Bible reference what they should do to be at one with God?

    • @42j
      @42j 2 года назад

      @@flexx7611 did you realize that there is only 1 true and living God who created Everything? Also the Sabbath was made in creation before any jew or gentile existed.
      That being said everyone today in their right mind can read a calendar and knows what day of the week it is so if you claim the Gentiles were ignorant to the Sabbath then why do those today go to church on the Sabbath or even the ones who claim to believe God and don't go to church on the Sabbath or the 1st day? All the Gentiles weren't ignorant to what God required, the jews to do. If fact some knew through being circumcised which was required to become a jew or even those males of age that were born or were servants

  • @fuafaatiga6593
    @fuafaatiga6593 2 года назад +1

    Hebrew.11.1.7...proverbs.3, 5.6..//2.corinthians.4.18...... The last call for you ,,, revelation. 18. 4.

  • @flexx7611
    @flexx7611 2 года назад +4

    Many might see this as confirmation of truth. But what this preacher is doing is simple preaching what the SDA has taught him. I am a biblical historian and also a historian of different faith. I was also a Junior Pastor in good standing with the SDA church and extremely familiar with their doctrines, especially on the Sabbath both from a biblical standpoint and post biblical. Below is some small excerpt from Historical writings that has secretly been held back from preying eyes. I do this in Love as I still do have friends in the faith who have been deceived. All of what's mentioned below I was already aware of. By 1888 SDA leaders knew that Christ Christians abandoned Sabbath-keeping in the second century, hundreds of years before there was a Roman Catholic Church, thereby proving that Ellen White lied when she said that God showed her that the pope changed Saturday to Sunday. The custom of Sunday worship was recognized long before the Papal. By 1912 SDA leaders had acknowledged in print that Sunday observance had been adopted by Christians 200 years before there was a Roman Catholic Church, yet they continued their propaganda campaign to teach the Church and the world a theory of Sabbath abandonment they knew was impossible. The first leaders of the Adventist movement struggled for 40 years to explain Colossians 2:14-17, but never could do it. This takes us back to the very birthplace of Sabbatarian Adventism and even before the Advent believers organized into the SDA Church in 1863. Interestingly the narrative was changed to come up with a credible apostasy theory to replace the impossible Sun Worship/Roman Catholic Church idea taught by Ellen White. In its place, a new theory was introduced that Christians abandoned the Sabbath between 100 AD and 140 AD to escape persecution by the Romans, who were persecuting the Jews at this time for several rebellion against the Empire. There are many more interesting facts about both the SDA and their former sister church, Church of God who basically started up right after the Great disappointment in1844 but split due to not agree to the SDA Shut Door doctrine. Do not be deceived by false teachings.

    • @globalchristianupdat
      @globalchristianupdat 2 года назад

      Please can you forward this to me. globalchristianupdate@gmail.com. thanks for this revelation

    • @globalchristianupdat
      @globalchristianupdat 2 года назад


    • @flexx1018
      @flexx1018 2 года назад

      @@globalchristianupdat You are welcome.

    • @josephmarrow6587
      @josephmarrow6587 2 года назад +4

      Boy-you are so confused-you should know that you can't support any of this with scripture. You didn't leave the Church, you left God. I don't need Ellen White or SDA pioneers to show how wrong you are-I have God's Word. I will pray for you because God loves all of us.

    • @flexx7611
      @flexx7611 2 года назад +2

      @@josephmarrow6587 Apparently you ignore where I said I was a pastor. A key trait in misunderstanding the Bible is also to ignore key scriptures. Obviously I have been trained in Adventist theology and doctrines for years. Not to toot my own horns but I have more authority to speak on the topic than you do. It doesn't surprise me of your response as this is the usual response from many similar sects that claim special revelation. I haven't left the church or God but rather understand where CHRIST stands in my relationship to the father, supported by proper interpretation of scriptures instead of being influenced by an organization with an agenda. I am not saying you should switch your beliefs based on what I wrote I truly don't expect anyone to do that based on a random person on the internet. What I have stated is a mere 1 % of both recorded history and also biblical references along with over 10 years of detailed study and research from a non bias standpoint. Everyone has their own conscience and their spiritual journey. Where it takes them after decernment and due diligence is up to them and the father. What Timothy said about biblical teaching is inclusive to all. Peace be with you.

  • @flexx7611
    @flexx7611 2 года назад +5

    Does this pastor realize that God was referring to a specific group of people for a purpose. This is embarrassing and cringe worthy. Folks this is why Bible study is important from a non bias source. The Bible should always be understood in context. First and foremost Sunday is NEVER regarded as a Sabbath. Sabbath and Sunday are based off separate principles. A Sabbath was a law to obey God according to his instructions. Sunday represents the liberty of Law which is the spiritual aspects of love motivated by the heart. Christ death and resurrection made a change from the physical way of doing things to the spiritual way of doing things. You now gather because you want to and not because it was written down to follow. A person observing a Sabbath is only doing so because of the law. A person observing any day of the week do so because of genuine love. The pastor will never understand that mindset. Surprisenly it is written all over the new testament.

    • @josephmarrow6587
      @josephmarrow6587 2 года назад +8

      Sunday keeping is a manmade-it’s tradition-it came out of paganism. Jesus kept the Sabbath and the apostles kept the Sabbath. All Christians should be keeping the Sabbath holy. God loves you and if you love Him, please keep all of His commandments. It was Jesus who said “if you love me keep my commandments. I challenge you to show me with the Bible that Sunday represents the the liberty of the law. Actually God’s law of liberty is the 10 commandments (James James 1:25). In fact he calls it a perfect law- read the whole book.

    • @flexx7611
      @flexx7611 2 года назад +3

      @@josephmarrow6587 If you understood what the word liberty meant then you wouldn't be asking stupid questions. Spiritual Liberty has nothing to do with what day you choose to worship God. You can choose to worship on Saturday but you are not doing it due to a law but because you are free from the law. (Your own initiative and desire). It's no longer a mandatory requirement ESPECIALLY if you call yourself a Christian. I am not into the Saturday vs Sunday crap. I am more knowledgeable than that. Sunday is not a Sabbath and those who use it as such UNDER THE LAW are no better than Saturday Sabbath keepers. We are set free from the curse of the law. YES A CURSE, through Jesus Christ. Symbolically speaking your true Sabbath rest is Christ because only in him you will find TRUE REST. Take time out and read the Bible with clarity my friend. It's obvious you only read where your pastor sends you. Peace be with you my Brother.

    • @42j
      @42j 2 года назад +2

      You are absolutely wrong . Sunday is a Roman named day and furthermore Jesus didn't rise on so called Sunday and no scripture says he rose on Sunday nor did he rise on the first day. When you read and reason with the scripture you will see that Jesus wasn't even there when Mary and Mary Madeleine arrived at the grave. Why? Because He said he is the Lord of the Sabbath and the Sabbath is the 7th day of the week not the 1st day

    • @flexx7611
      @flexx7611 2 года назад

      @@josephmarrow6587 And please don't tell anyone that the law of liberty is the ten commandments. THAT'S EMBARRASSING. It truly amazes me that the majority of Sabbath observers don't understand scriptures and their proper interpretation but I guess if they are easily lead then that may explain it.

    • @flexx7611
      @flexx7611 2 года назад

      @@42j NEWS FLASH. EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK IS NAMED AFTER A PAGAN. I guess they hide that from you.

  • @gregorydotson6776
    @gregorydotson6776 2 года назад +2

    The Sabbath was made for man , and not man for the Sabbath. Jesus Christ is The LORD of The Sabbath and He is The Sabbath. And The Sabbath is not just one day , but it is Everyday. You don't Worship The LORD on one single day ? You supposed to Worship Him every single day 365 days in the year. Because if it was just one day ? What if you don't make it that day ? And then what ? Because you are not in control of whether or not you will make it the next day ? So Therefore Christ Jesus is The LORD of The Sabbath Day which is Every single day. Because One Day To The LORD is Like One Thousand Year's , and A Thousand Year's to The LORD is like One Day.

    • @42j
      @42j 2 года назад

      Perhaps you should start at Acts 2:38-39. That's where life begins in Christ and your understanding can be opened to know that not any day is the Sabbath. God made the Sabbath on the 7th day in creation and He rested on that day and in the 10 commandments he spoke of it as a remembrance and something for anyone who believes God to do and he never mentioned any other day and not 1 scripture says the Sabbath can be any day you want it to be. God is God and we ought to seek his word to know what he said is true and not what we think

    • @herbtuck1481
      @herbtuck1481 2 года назад

      @@42j 2 Corinthians 3:3-9 ministration of death

    • @42j
      @42j 2 года назад

      @@herbtuck1481 I read what you posted and there is not 1 mention of the Sabbath being everyday as you stated. Furthermore God created the salvation in creation and that is the day he rested as an example for us. Now what you are talking about and failing to understand is that there were sabbaths which were holy days under the law which was the ceremonial laws given to them to perform. These laws were not the 10 commandments but were derived from them and Furthermore these laws were put in to place to give the jews instruction and obedience to God and that in turn would lead them to knowing who the messiah "Jesus" was when he came on the scene but instead many were disobedient and when Jesus arrived they rejected who he was and ultimately assisted in his crucifixion.
      Also before Jesus's crucifixion he taught in the synagogue on the Sabbath day. Again no scripture in any Bible says the First day the Sabbath day. Why? Because God numbered the days so if the day would have been changed God would have said so

  • @elbethelprayerhall375
    @elbethelprayerhall375 2 года назад +1

    Jesus did not observe Sabbath...

    • @emanuelacerneva4389
      @emanuelacerneva4389 2 года назад +4

      He did

    • @nkashamalemuntu5818
      @nkashamalemuntu5818 2 года назад +2

      Luke 4:16 Then Jesus came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. As was his custom, He entered the synagogue on the sabbath day,and He stood up to read.

    • @neilw.ferris1423
      @neilw.ferris1423 2 года назад

      Have you read Revelation 21:8??? OR Revelation 22:15??? "ALL LIARS will have their Part IN the LAKE of FIRE and BRIMSTONE". And what you just WROTE is a LIE, making you a LIAR!!!!!! JESUS DID KEEP the SABBATH DAY!!!!!! IF HE did NOT KEEP IT, then HE is NOT the LAMB of GOD, BUT HE said "I have KEPT MY FATHER'S COMMANDMENTS" Which means HE also Kept the 7TH DAY SABBATH. Almost ALL of HIS Miracles were DONE on the SABBATH DAY; HE was showing the Pharisee's how the SABBATH Should be Kept, Doing GOOD, Healing, Giving Sight to the Blind!!!!! They had made the SABBATH a BURDEN, instead of a DELIGHT, Isaiah 58:13+14. There is a LAW coming SOON, to ENFORCE SUNday Observance, and when this comes to Pass, you will KNOW what I have said is TRUE!!!!!! Praise JESUS AMEN and AMEN

    • @marlonbarrow9379
      @marlonbarrow9379 2 года назад

      @@nkashamalemuntu5818 you'll Sabbath keepers totally misunderstood this Scripture and preaches this as proof that Jesus The Messiah observed the Sabbath!!! He did it yes,for the first 30 years of his normal human life as was any Jew WAS...EXPECTED TO DO UNDER THAT COVENANT arrangement between them and their God Of Isreal !!! But when he BECAME THE MESSIAH(from 30 years going foward)for the next 3.5 years he was fullfilling what The Law said about him in his role as the Messiah(as included the Sabbath) which he brought to an end with his death as was prophesied by Jeremiah 31:31-34(the Old Law would be REPLACED by the New Law)so my friend when Luke says what he says here in 4:16 he was just commenting on Jesus(not as The Messiah) past track record as was"his custom"of going to the synagogue as I said earlier which was expected of any Jew like himself.....!!! So my friend that Scripture is NOT TO CONFUSED.....with Jesus not as yet being the Messiah with WHEN... he became the Messiah,he being THE... fullfiller of the Sabbath Law by his performing many miracles on the Sabbath Day(for which he was being constantly accused of BREAKING in the eyes 👀of the faithless Pharisees & Sadducess and eventually the whole of Judaism ect ect...)so a contrast was being highlighted here my friend....in Luke's writings

    • @42j
      @42j 2 года назад +1

      Actually Jesus is God and he did observe the Sabbath. No scripture says he didn't do so and the word say he is Lord of the Sabbath.