Accurately Tracking Cooking Sprays


Комментарии • 65

  • @ampunk666
    @ampunk666 11 лет назад +11

    i always though 0 calores plus 0 calories equaled zero

  • @SirMayyson
    @SirMayyson 11 лет назад

    such a great tip! defs handy tip I will forever remember in the future. cheers for sharing nunez!

  • @AntonioTiritiTran
    @AntonioTiritiTran 11 лет назад +2

    damn dude. you're on the next level! im dependent on reading the labels or myfitnesspal

  • @faulkn22
    @faulkn22 11 лет назад

    So simple, yet so smart.

  • @willthompson8000
    @willthompson8000 11 лет назад +1

    Cooking sprays consist of approximately 90% by weight oil less all the additives. So an accurate picture would be to take 90% of the weight. Plus you need to take in to account losses left on the pan, unless you sit there and lick the pan. That is why for most people, it is best left untracked, unless you are using a large amount. Be consistent and light on the spray, and there is no need to track it

  • @LeroiWilliams
    @LeroiWilliams 11 лет назад +1

    570x2 deadlift, awesome!

  • @wanguin
    @wanguin 11 лет назад

    Liking the shirt man... big Russian River fan in Santa Rosa here!

  • @Team3DMJ
    @Team3DMJ  11 лет назад +2

    Read the label...Its 0 calories for a spray that last a fraction of a second. Virtually no practical use a spray that last 1/3 of second.

  • @6reps
    @6reps 11 лет назад

    How do you accurately calculate your TDEE? Some days I have work, some days I don't, sometimes I do cardio walking 10 minutes to gym, some it doesn't, and don't even get me started on going grocery shopping. Is there anyway to easily accurately get a number, without calculating it every single day?

  • @Cryptix001
    @Cryptix001 11 лет назад +1

    what about the weight of the compressed gas in the aerosol can berto?
    surely some of the grams of weight lost from the can are due to the compressed propellant in there.

  • @iverson1131
    @iverson1131 11 лет назад

    when i make omelettes, i just lightly spray the pan for 3 squirts, that probably a gram of fat, but then i wipe the pan with a paper towel to get a lot of the excess fat off... it still lubricates but i doubt there is much fat so I don't track it.
    you think this would work?

  • @IsakReal
    @IsakReal 11 лет назад

    How do you account for the fat left in the pan? Do you just estimate?

  • @robhallinan5940
    @robhallinan5940 11 лет назад

    How do you accurately track meat products after they have been cooked?

  • @randmc1986
    @randmc1986 11 лет назад +1

    Yeah, with everything else you have to know the composition in order to know how much of each nutrient you get. With uncooked rice its around 7p, 78cho, 0,6fat, which I know by heart already :)

  • @LionRiver
    @LionRiver 11 лет назад +1

    All sprays are LABELED as 0 calories but you have to look at the serving size.
    You are basically spraying pure oil, which is just fat. So if you can measure how much you are spraying, then you can measure how much fat you're using.

  • @23blackychan
    @23blackychan 11 лет назад

    What if the serving is in mL?

  • @TimeDefeater
    @TimeDefeater 11 лет назад

    some scalles haveproblems with objects that are bigger then the scale it self. just being able to read the weight will give trouble.

  • @AntonioTiritiTran
    @AntonioTiritiTran 11 лет назад

    thanks man. that's pretty convenient. i was confused because for everything else, the weight or volume doesn't really dictate how much nutrients there are.
    for example, 1 gram of rice doesn't mean 1 gram of carbs.

  • @leinad95
    @leinad95 11 лет назад

    Hey I just got some of the spray yesterday!

  • @siasina
    @siasina 11 лет назад

    What kind of scale is that, and wat do you recommend?

  • @Mrcooks17
    @Mrcooks17 11 лет назад

    What scale is that? :)

  • @trapproot
    @trapproot 11 лет назад

    those alexia sweet potato fries are fucking amazing

  • @mitchsandridge
    @mitchsandridge 11 лет назад

    does a lot of the fat get lost in the cooking process?

  • @peterjon2758
    @peterjon2758 11 лет назад

    I've noticed the macros on the back of that brand of meats...they are WAY lean top sirloin cut of meat has like 22g of fat per serving lolol. What do you use for macros for lean, trimmed, top sirloin beef with little to no visible marbling ?? It's certainly NOT 22g of fat shown on the label.

  • @perfectdiversion
    @perfectdiversion 11 лет назад

    coconut oil spray! good choice Berto

  • @a2thej2008
    @a2thej2008 11 лет назад

    never tracked it before but now i know my overall calories could have been significantly higher from the sprays alone.. guess should count condiments too :/

  • @diceroller3
    @diceroller3 11 лет назад

    Intermediate fasting? Is that the level you unlock after you beat it on easy?

  • @Mr_SamuelAdam
    @Mr_SamuelAdam 11 лет назад

    Thought you had to use alot more to have any calories

  • @peterjon2758
    @peterjon2758 11 лет назад

    I do...and I never track it and it's never impeded on my fat loss

  • @Cryptix001
    @Cryptix001 11 лет назад

    lol what exactly do you think is in pam that comes out like oil, greases a pan like oil would, tastes like oil would, but doesn't have the fat content of oil?
    you should read the label more closely...

  • @antonionarcisi7026
    @antonionarcisi7026 11 лет назад

    not sure if srs... so 1/3 of a second's worth is probably 4.5 calories, say. that's .5 grams of fat, even though it says 0 on the label. so 1 full second = 1.5 grams and 2 seconds = 3 grams = 27 calories.

  • @Cryptix001
    @Cryptix001 11 лет назад

    it's the same reason why you wouldn't use the calorie burn number on a cardio machine to accurately measure how many calories you burned, unless you have lab grade equipment to hook up to yourself, the number won't be accurate.
    tracking your weight loss/gain on a scale as a running average (say, weekly) and being precise with your nutrition is inclusive of your caloric expenditure.

  • @dannijt69
    @dannijt69 11 лет назад

    i did laugh at the scale

  • @mitchsandridge
    @mitchsandridge 11 лет назад

    @Team3DMJ, any response?

  • @Cryptix001
    @Cryptix001 11 лет назад

    only tracking some things defeats the whole point of tracking. the point is to be accurate, if you don't care to be accurate, you shouldn't track. and by the way in the video example it was 9 grams of fat = 81 calories. that's significant.

  • @bboy2sik
    @bboy2sik 11 лет назад

    he doesnt count his TDEE daily, just keep tracking your macros and adjust as you see fit weekly or bi weekly

  • @hdpunk2000
    @hdpunk2000 11 лет назад

    Sometime I wonder if there is any point in being that precise with macros. If you going to do that why done you also measure every activity you do throughout that day to determine your daily energy spenditure as well if it really matters that much. If you have to make a trip to go grocery shopping and walk around the store for an hour add the calories used to your daily goal. You can always be right on, I think it would be very very hard.

  • @mitchsandridge
    @mitchsandridge 11 лет назад

    damn i have just been ignoring recording the spray.

  • @wadfahd448
    @wadfahd448 11 лет назад

    They laughed when I told them I was going to build muscle with "Max Muscle Extend", but then I showed them the results. Do a search on Google for Max Muscle Extend to see their reaction. (You should see their faces!)

  • @Cryptix001
    @Cryptix001 11 лет назад

    you don't lose fat when cooking, you lose water. weigh everything out raw and calculate your macros, the weight lost from cooking will be water i.e. no change in nutrition

  • @Mitsimad000
    @Mitsimad000 11 лет назад

    This does not factor in weight of the propellant and the amount that is left on the pan when the food is served. Def hard to track perfectly!

  • @BRANDSdotcom
    @BRANDSdotcom 11 лет назад

    but it's not like you wipe every drop off the tray so wouldn't you have to take that into account.... it sounds like over doing it but if your gonna be that strict in the first place

  • @brostert
    @brostert 11 лет назад

    Pliny the younger!

  • @Adamnajdi1994
    @Adamnajdi1994 11 лет назад

    i just pour out 2 grams of oil on my skillet n use a brush to get it all oily

  • @Cryptix001
    @Cryptix001 11 лет назад

    'calorie free' gum is about 2 grams of carbs a piece. if you eat a whole pack (say, 10 pieces) thats 20 grams of carbs = 80 calories that you didn't account for.
    you may want to think about things before you just say them.

  • @gatorboots01
    @gatorboots01 11 лет назад

    Was gonna say its not worth tracking but if you use that much everything it would be l

  • @Owndchilata
    @Owndchilata 11 лет назад

    i hope you pepper your angus berto!

  • @Chalmers89
    @Chalmers89 11 лет назад

    fuck why didn't i think of this

  • @Jacumbrella
    @Jacumbrella 11 лет назад

    the spray would not be pure fat, contains propellants n shiz

  • @leeran8
    @leeran8 11 лет назад

    My scale will not tell me how many grams of fat

  • @patroclus32
    @patroclus32 11 лет назад

    My point was not you that you couldn't live a balanced life while tracking literally everything you consume, but rather at a certain point the benefits of tracking something as minute as cooking spray are so marginal it's not worth doing. Although you mentioned people ask this for contest prep, what percentage of people watching this video do you think compete? I would bet its pretty small.

  • @AntonioTiritiTran
    @AntonioTiritiTran 11 лет назад

    whoa whoa whoa. 9 grams of oil (weight) or 9 grams of actual fat (nutrient)?

  • @pique7719
    @pique7719 11 лет назад

    Hold up...Firstly who is my target audience? Wait until the 30 second mark and you will see. I would bet the six beers I have in my fridge for later today that I micro-manage everything less yourself, and that the majority of my athletes that I coach do the same. We strive to promote effectiveness, and balance....and yes you can be a hyperfocused athlete and yet maintain balance. I firmly believe so...

  • @patroclus32
    @patroclus32 11 лет назад

    No, my point is some of these videos are superfluous and probably do more harm than good to people into lifting.

  • @randmc1986
    @randmc1986 11 лет назад

    It's one and the same thing man, you call it oil when it's fluid and fat when it's solid, but nutritionwise, it's all fat, and if it weighs 9 gram, yeah that is 9 gram of fat.

  • @Cryptix001
    @Cryptix001 11 лет назад

    what planet do you live on where oil is different from fat?

  • @fitbikeco3421
    @fitbikeco3421 11 лет назад

    or you could just put the tray on the scales. just sayin

  • @trashcompactable
    @trashcompactable 11 лет назад

    No, fat wont evaporate like water does in the cooking process.

  • @patroclus32
    @patroclus32 11 лет назад

    I like a lot of your videos, but you guys seriously micro manage everything to the extreme. Next 3DMJ video- tracking macros for calorie free gum, every 50th piece you eat is .001g's of fat.

  • @leeran8
    @leeran8 11 лет назад

    This video did not teach at all how to track the sprays u didn't explain it

  • @TruLeYxSKiiLLeD
    @TruLeYxSKiiLLeD 11 лет назад

    gum isn't calorie free, its 1-2g carbs per piece, so your logic is wrong

  • @mitchsandridge
    @mitchsandridge 11 лет назад

    does a lot of the fat get lost in the cooking process?