And can Graswald display instances only in a 0'1% of total or less in order to avoid the slowdown in fps in the viewports when we are creating a huge meadow?
What do you mean with 0'1% of total? For optimization, you can either decrease the visibility of the assets displayed in the particle system or/and decrease the geometry details (decimation)...
Congratulations !! It's totally Amazing !!
You Can take my money :)
Can't wait the release date
And can Graswald display instances only in a 0'1% of total or less in order to avoid the slowdown in fps in the viewports when we are creating a huge meadow?
What do you mean with 0'1% of total? For optimization, you can either decrease the visibility of the assets displayed in the particle system or/and decrease the geometry details (decimation)...
Yes. in order to create huge meadows. Ok
bought a copy today and looking forward to using it, All I need to know is are there plans to update the plugin for blender 2.8? cheers
There will be , once there's a beta version.
Hi, I am from a non-profit organization. After I purchasing Graswald, may I share it with my co-worker in my group?
IF this is true, I will have to learn how to use Bkender. Can it be used with the Blender's particle system?
It actually IS using blenders particle systems ;)
When is this going to be released?
There is no release date yet, as documentation is still in the works, but it will be announced soon!
Graswald will be released on the 16th of June 2018!
Fantastic job, I'll keep an eye out!
Thanks for your effort. Worked like a charm when I tried it. Result;
Looking great! Btw. you can add Graswald to the software tab on artstation.
Graswald Done!