`Another TL?! You just found one in a ruin! LOL `Well, at least you found how you could connect the mines with the village! `14:25 That old brazier and gravestones means there is loot under there! `17:50 You talk to the Treasure Hunter Trader (it's a conversation not on other vanilla Traders) about a ruin. They ask for a TIN BRONZE PICKAXE. When you have the tin bronze pickaxe in hand, you will usually find the map to the Resonance Archive in their "to sell" part of the trade menu. Ultimately, you can end up buying multiple "treasure maps" after you buy the Archive one. The extra maps are to treasures/ruins in the area that you may or may not have already found. So even after you get the Archive map, the Treasure Hunter is still good for finding more treasure beyond their usual trade menu contents.
`Another TL?! You just found one in a ruin! LOL
`Well, at least you found how you could connect the mines with the village!
`14:25 That old brazier and gravestones means there is loot under there!
`17:50 You talk to the Treasure Hunter Trader (it's a conversation not on other vanilla Traders) about a ruin. They ask for a TIN BRONZE PICKAXE. When you have the tin bronze pickaxe in hand, you will usually find the map to the Resonance Archive in their "to sell" part of the trade menu. Ultimately, you can end up buying multiple "treasure maps" after you buy the Archive one. The extra maps are to treasures/ruins in the area that you may or may not have already found. So even after you get the Archive map, the Treasure Hunter is still good for finding more treasure beyond their usual trade menu contents.