Fancy coming up with the "sister" opening for the TCEC. Lest we forget that no good deed goes unpunished. Really enjoying this line. Looking forward to playing it at the earliest opportunity.
Thanks Allan! Yes I was really surprised at how active Black's position was in this line - but also a little surprised how essential it was for Black to play like this after 5.Qd2!? Shows how oddly powerful it is! Best Wishes, Matthew
In the last post, we looked at the most natural human responses to Dragon’s stunning 1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 g6 4.f4 Bg7 5.Qd2!? In this post we look at the way the engines counter this idea… and it’s equally stunning! This post is accompanied by some pgns from the usual location ( and a post on my blog
This pawn sacrifice and sometimes more is another case engines of seeking counterplay at any cost. Black really needs to seek counterplay as soon as possible or else white can get a dangerous attack going similar to an Unzicker attack with e5 and h5 as demonstrated in the previous video.
Fancy coming up with the "sister" opening for the TCEC. Lest we forget that no good deed goes unpunished. Really enjoying this line. Looking forward to playing it at the earliest opportunity.
Thanks Blair! ☺
Really interesting and enjoyable. Shocking, really, how much activity can be found in Black’s position. Thank you as always.
Thanks Allan! Yes I was really surprised at how active Black's position was in this line - but also a little surprised how essential it was for Black to play like this after 5.Qd2!? Shows how oddly powerful it is! Best Wishes, Matthew
In the last post, we looked at the most natural human responses to Dragon’s stunning 1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 g6 4.f4 Bg7 5.Qd2!? In this post we look at the way the engines counter this idea… and it’s equally stunning! This post is accompanied by some pgns from the usual location ( and a post on my blog
Are you going to come up with a repertoire book based on your opening analyses?
I’m sort of toying with it! But it’s a lot of work so just trying it out with videos and articles first!
amazing stuff, thank you for posting!
Thanks so much! ☺
This pawn sacrifice and sometimes more is another case engines of seeking counterplay at any cost. Black really needs to seek counterplay as soon as possible or else white can get a dangerous attack going similar to an Unzicker attack with e5 and h5 as demonstrated in the previous video.
Yes indeed the engines see preety accurately that danger is looming if they play too passively. Shows the surprising power of 5.Qd2!:? I guess!
Nice Video Matthew. And yes !! The draw after 10.Qd3 is much better than the (Arnold Schöenberg) Knight dance draw of Nepo - Dubov.
Chess is wild 👏👏🙏🙏